Champions Alien Enemies

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The document provides instructions for assembling cardboard standup characters from a roleplaying supplement.

The instructions explain how to cut out, fold, assemble, weight and identify the cardboard characters.

Some of the other roleplaying products mentioned include Mind Games, Classic Enemies, Challenges for Champions, Mystic Masters, The Zodiac Conspiracy, and Invasions: Target Earth.


Author/Designer: Scott Heine
Editor/Developer: Rob Bell
Cover Illustration: Adam Hughes
Interior Illustration: Scott Heine DEDICATION
Layouts: Scott Heine. Jennifer Kleine, Kevin Williams
Project Specific Contributions: Series Editor: Rob Bell; My appreciation goes out to Aaron ('the Great and
Page Design: Jennifer Kleine; Layout: B.T. Thompson; Powerful'J Allston for the use of METE, Rob ("The
Cover Graphics: Jennifer Kleine; Editorial Contributions: Butcher") Bell for The Champ, and Steven ("Can I
Chad Brinkley, George MacDonald; Proofreading: David martial throw the 50-mile wide alien?") Holmes for
The Masq, The Puppeteers, and The T'Yak-E'Crotian
ICE MANAGEMENT - Art Director/Production Manager: Terry K. War. Thanks also to Margo ("You want me to read
Amthor; Sales Manager: Deane Begiebing; Editing & Develop-
ment Manager: Coleman Charlton; President: Peter Fenlon;
through another one?!'J Heine, the dedicated inmates
CEO: Bruce Neidlinger; Controller: Kurt Rasmussen. of the Rogues' Gallery and the enthusiastic callers of
ICE STAFF - Marketing Consultant: John Morgan; Print Buyer: Bill the Red October BBS for their feedback.
Downs; Production Sup81Visor: Jennifer Kleine; Editing & Develop-
ment Staff: Kevin Barrett, Rob Bell, Monte Cook, Pete Fenlon,
Jessica Ney, John Ruemmler, Terry Amthor; Graphics & Production
Staff: Eric Bruns, Andrew Christensen, Edward Dinwiddie, William
Hyde, B.T. Thompson, Jonathan Hart Eddy; Sales & Customer
Service Staff: John Brunkhart, Jo Lori Drake; Finance Staff: Chad
McCully; Shipping Staff: John Breckenridge, Kurt Fischer, David
Johnson, David Mercier.

Alien Enemies™ Is Hero Games' trademark for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero system.
Champions® and Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game™ are Hero Games trademarks for its superhero roleplaying game using the Hero System.
Hero System1"' is Hero Games' trademark for its roleplaying system. Alien Enemies™ Copyright© 1990 Hero Games. All rights reserved. Champions
Copyright© 1981, 1984, 1989 by Hero Games. All rights reserved. Hero System Copyright © 1984, 1989 by Hero Games. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form OI' by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying (except Character
Sheets for personal use only), recording, or computerization, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Publisher: Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc.• P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902.
Printed in U.S.A., First Printing 1990 STOCK#: 413
Produced & DistribU1ed by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc., the exclusive manufacturer of Hero Games. ISBN 1-55806-112-6

INTRODUCTION . ...................................................... 3 THE PANTHEON . ................................................... 31

What's Inside ............................................................... 3 Jupiter ............................................................... 32
Using this Book ........................................................... 4 Neptune ............................................................ 33
Aliens in Champions .......................... ..................... 4 Mars .................................................................. 34
Aliens in Other Genres ............................................ 4 Luna .................................................................. 35
Creating Alien Enemies .......................................... 4 Mercury ............................................................. 36
The Aquarians .................................................... 5 Bacchus ............................................................ 37
Aquarian Sea Beasts .......................................... 5 Puppeteers .................. ..................................... 38
The Cerebraeum ................................................ 7 Spores from Space ........................................... 39
The Champ ......................................................... 8
THE T'YAK AND E'CROTIAN WAR . ............... .40
THE EXTERMINATORS. ........................................ 9 TheT'yaks .......................... .. ............................. 41
Specs ................................................................ 10 The E'crotians ...................................................42
Gizmo ............................................................... 11
Slick .................................................................. 12 THE TYRIXX INVADERS...................................... 44
Bruiser .............................................................. 13 Tyrixx Warrior ...... .. ..... ...................................... 45
Trekkie .............................................................. 14 Tyrixx Worker ................................................... 46
The Infinite Man ................................................ 15 Tyrixx Thinker ................................................... 46
The Ever-Eating Karrg ...................................... 17 Tyrixx Queenspawn ...... .................................... 46
The Tyrixx Warship ...........................................47
THE GALACTIC MARAUDERS. ......................... 18 Tyrixx Battlepod ................................................ 47
Star Galleon ...................................................... ·10 Background ............. .. .. ... .... .............................. ......... 48
Captain Richaal ................................................ 20
Synthre ............................................................. 21 METE ........................................................................... 48
Chaikayan ......................................................... 21 Background .......................................... ................... .. 48
Phinress ..... ... ................ .. ........................ .......... 23 Functions ................................................................... 49
Doctor Zeinert ................................................... 23 Campaign Use ..... .. ..... ... ..... ............. ... .......... ............ 49
Tarchoss ........................................................... 24 The Staff .................................................................... 49
The Masq .......................................................... 25 Orrad ................................................................ 50
The Facilities ............................................................. 52
THE MIDNIGHT SOCIETY . .................................. 26 Scenarios .............................................. .................... 57
Orb: Automaton Shell ....................................... 27 The Hatching ......................................................... 57
Orb: Al "Computer" Brain ................................. 27 Case 39 ............................................................ 58
The Arcane ....................................................... 27 'Til Death Do Us Part ......... ................................... 58
Leatherwings .................................................... 28 The Delarr........................... .......................... .... 59
Gremlins ........................................................... 29
Orion the Hunter ............................................... 30
Alien Enemies

The twentieth century will be remembered for many things:

amazing inventions in transportation that allow us to speed across Though the twentieth century may be remembered as the time
the country by road or sky, the first outbreaks of war on a global when mankind went to the stars, your players may come to
scale, the dawn of world-wide video communications. t11e creation remember it best as the lime when the stars came to them I Enjoy
of the computer, and countless more. But perhaps it will be gaming with this collection of nasty extraterrestrials, and always
remembered best as the century man reached the stars, both in his remember: Be a Hero!
imagination and in reality.
For the past several decades, the world has been fascinated with
"the final frontier. "Trillions of dollars have been spent sending men
to the moon and launching satellite probes to reach through our (-~~W_H_A_T_'S_IN_S_ID_E~~)
solar system and beyond. Likewise, a tremendous amount of
human creativity has been invested in bringing alien worlds into our Alien Enemies begins with introductory notes explaining how
entertainment. From the early Flash Gordon serials to the block- aliens might be used in a variety of campaigns. This discussion
buster sci-ti movies of the 1980s, from action-packed comics to includes suggestions for using aliens in superhero games as well
countless science fiction paperbacks - never have we been so as other genres, and suggestions for designing your own alien
fascinated with extraterrestrials. threats.
It is not surprising that beings from outer space have eventually The heart of the book, however. is the collection of alien enemies.
worked their way into role-playing games. Not only are entire Every effort has been made to provide a wide variety of extraterres-
gaming systems centered around science liction. but we're begin· trial villains, from humorous nuisances to horrifying conquerors. In
ning to see alien contact introduced to fantasy games also. 0 1 these pages you'll find the Aquarians. a race of seafaring folk with
course. Champions remains true to the Jnspiring, alien-filled comic a hunger for vengeance, and the Tyrixx, terrifying swarms of
books by conlinuing to present the best in "little g reen menaces" invaders determined to add Earth to their empire. We've included
from other worlds. the Cerebraeum, a group of super-scientists dE1termined to turn
Numerous Champions supplements have included a menagerie Earth into utopia whether we like it or not, and their experiment-
of alien threats for eager superheroes. Who could forget George gone-wrong, the Spores From Space, which threaten to turn every
MacDonald's "Firewing" from Classic Enemies, Andy Robinson's man, woman, child, and animal into botanical zombies. There are
"Ancient Ones" from Wrath of the Seven Horsemen, or Aaron also individual aliens such as the Infinite Man, whose powers live
Allston's family of "Blood" from Organizations Book Ill? This up to his name. the Champ, who's sure to make your heroes feel
volumecontinues the tradition of great alien villains for Champions. guilty for neglecting their charitable responsibilities. and Orion the
In these pages, you will find representatives of most of the major Hunter, a shapeshlfting assassin with a nasty record for success.
types of science fiction and comic book extraterrestrials. There are You'll also find several groups of villains, including the Extermina-
monstrous invaders ready to devour mankind. There are cosmic tors, a zealous band of alien hunters with dangerous weaponry, the
entities wandering the galaxy, more from curiosity than a desire to Pantheon, a collection of individuals hosting aliens patterning
conquer. And there are secret alien cultures, already walking themselves after the Greek gods, the Galactic Mauraders, a
among us, disguised to look like the neighbor next door. Some of ruthless band of intergalactic pirates and slave traders. and the
the creatures tn this volume are amusing and light-hearted; others Midnight Society. who hope to magically open a gateway to another
are deadly. These aliens have been inspired by classic science world and let Earth be overrun by sorcerous, tentacled
fiction literature, comic book stereotypes, tales of magical horrors The final section of this book concerns the Metropolitan Extrater-
from beyond the stars, decades of sci-fi movies, ancient mythology restrial Enclave, or "METE," an organization of pro-alien research-
- just about everywhere extraterrestrials have reared their little ers and lobbyists. created by Aaron Allston. Included are two
green heads. sample adventures which bring the heroes into the affairs of METE.
Every GM should find a weatrli of useful ideas. suggestions, and
characters to use in his game. As always, the GM should feel free
to adapt the material in this volume to fit his own campaign.
4 Alien Enemies

( USING THIS BOOK ) dark tower. How about some exotic opponents for the crew of the
Starship Callisto in your science fiction campaign? Try pitting them
against a pirate ship full of Galactic Marauders. With a little
creativity, most of these extraterrestrials can be adapted and used
ALIENS IN CHAMPIONS in dozens of other genres.
Simply put, aliens make terrific villains for superheroes to fig ht.
There are countless reasons why aliens would threaten Earth: to
strip its resources. to enslave its people, to set up an intergalactic CREATING ALIEN ENEMIES
station, or the classic reason - to conquer. Since the invading In designing alien threats for your players, several factors should
forces are often all from the same race. lhe GM need gnly design be considered. First, the GM should consider the environment the
one set of characteristics to represent every alien in the.adventure. aliens are coming from. What is their homeworld like? Are they from
Furthermore, the GM doesn't need to come up with clever origins an aggressive. warlike society. always Involved in conflict with other
to explain why the ahens have their powers; he just says that planets? Then !he aliens will be ferocious invaders. used to
everyone on their homeworld has these powers. violence and battle. Or perhaps they are a cunning, politically
However, the GM should be careful not to introduce too many devious race, pitting their enemies against each other and then
aliens to his campaign. The fewer taking control when the defenses
alien races he creates, the more are down. Then again, the aliens
detailed and interesting each will may be peaceful. nomadic crea-
be. A few well-developed alien tures who are easily frightened
invaders are much more interest- into defensive combat by the un-
ing than streams of nameless known. Determin ing the
beasties-of-the-week. In a homeworld environment of the
Champions campaign, the GM aliens will help the GM roleplay
should consider using aliens to the threat with much more char-
provide a unique change of pace acter and detail.
from the standard villain-bashing. The GM shou ld also think
Perhaps the world will come un- about the technological back-
der the threat of an all-out alien ground of the aliens. Most aliens
invasion. with every superhero in a Champions campaign will
(and possibly many supervillains have developed means of space
as well) scrambling together to travel and may be toting sophis·
fig ht off the alien threat. Or per- ticated energy weapons, force
haps the aliens will be introduced field generators, communica-
subtly. with the heroes being tors, etc. Others may travel by
shocked to discoverthattheir sec- magical means, or even with
retary is actually a shapeshifted their own physical powers. If the
assassin. In any case, adventures aliens have advanced technol-
involving aliens should be given a ogy, the GM should consider the
unique, bizarre atmosphere; the effect of introducing this technol-
players should know they are up ogy to Earth. Will the aliens keep
against something out of the ordi- their powers and equipment hid-
nary. This volume provides a lot of den? Will the government try to
aliens to choose from, and the GM suppress knowledge of the
should setectthose which will add aliens' presence while studying
the most variety to his campaign. leftover wreckage?
Next, the GM must decide on
the aliens' physical make up.
ALIENS IN What do they look like? What
OTHER GENRES abilities do they have? If the
You may notice that many of aliens are from a planet with a
the aliens found in this book range greater gravitational pull than
Earth, then they may be super-
in power level from the merely
talented and annoying to the cos- strong on our planet, able to lift
mically potent and dangerous. Many of these characters will work great weights, leap tremendous
well in other genres besides Champions with just a little modifica- distances, and withstand most physical damage. Perhaps the
tion. Looking for a new monster to ravage the nearby village in your aliens are insectoid, with multi-faceted eyes that provide 360°
Fantasy Hero setting? Consider dropping in the Spores from vision, large, veined wings and poisonous stingers. It is possible
that the aliens are humanoid in appearance, differing only in their
Space, making them the malevolent creation of that wizard in the
unique abilities. Some aliens may actually be weaker than humans,
relying on otherworldly technology for success.
Alien Enemies 5
Finally, the GM should consider the go§llS and motivations of the
aliens. Why are they coming to Earth? Was it an accident, or are
they intentionally coming to get something from our planet or Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
conquer our people? Why will the heroes come in conflict with the
aliens, and what are the possible results? From these questions, 25 STR 15 10 2x BODY from fire
the GM will be able to construct an adventure using his villainous 23 DEX 39 20 Obeys Aquarian master (total)
alien creations, explaining who the aliens are, what they've come 25 CON 30 15 No tine manipulation with limbs
for, and what the heroes need to do about it. 18 BOD 16 25 Susceptible: 3d6/phase
Indeed, being alien can explain just about any set of powers and 6 INT -4 out of water
abilities. And it's possible that the alien's intentions are so foreign 10 EGO 0 25 Distinctive Features
that the heroes may never know what's really going on. However, 15 PRE 5 (alien body), not concealable,
with a little creative thought, the GM can invent alien threats which 4 COM -3 major reaction
are just odd enough that they terrify the world and challenge the 25 PD 20
heroes, without making them so strange that the players will feel left 20 ED 15
out of the adventure. So bring on the aliens, and give your players 5 SPD 17
a challenge they'll never forget! 10 REC 0
50 END 0
44 STUN 0
Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
23 +40 STR, only with Grab(-%) +4
35 STR 25 5 1 Y:!x BODY from tire 54 3d6 RKA, +1 to STUN multiple, no range,
20 DEX 30 12 Enraged when another no effect if victim has proper Immunity or
25 CON 30 Aquarian is hurt 14-, 11- Life Support(-%) 4
12 BOD 4 25 Wants revenge (total) 15 Damage Resistance (15PD/15ED)
10 INT 0 20 Stubborn (strong) 5 Mental Defense (12 points total)
10 EGO 0 5 Dependence: 3d6/hour out of 35 +35" Swimming (37" total)
10 COM 0 water 1O Tracking "Scent"
15 PRE 5 20 Distinctive Features (actually follows movement through water)
23 PD 16 (alien body), not concealable, 15 Active Sonar
20 ED 15 major reaction 5 6 Extra Limbs
5 SPD 20 20 Hunted by U.S. Navy, 14- 11 Life Support: May breathe underwater,
12 REC 0 127 Villain Bonus Immune to Intense Cold and Pressure
50 END 0
43 STUN 0 OCV: 8; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

Cost Powers END Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

10 +5d6 HA, only in water(-%)* +2
150 + 173 = 323 "' 95 + 228
14 +25 STR, only out of water(-%)* +2
18 Clinging (59 STR)
15 Active Sonar
5 IR Vision
11 Life Support: May breathe underwater,
Immunity to intense pressure and cold
40 +25" Swimming (27" total; 108" noncombat),
Y:!END 2
5 Mind Link with bonded Sea Beast
6 +3 PER rolls, only in water(-%)
3 Animal Handler 11 -
3 Stealth 13-
11 Tracking 15-
Talents & Perks
1 Immunity to Sea Beast's Poison
47 Follower: bonded Sea Beast
• Note that the limitation for these powers are less than the
examples in the Champions hardcover because of the
increased contact these characters have with water.
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

145 + 189 c; 334 "" 234 + 100
6 Alien Enemies
Background: The colony of Aquarians were travelling to their new Powers/Tactics: The Aquarian hunters, about 50 in number, have
home on the watery world of Tlemma when their star drives began learned to work together silently and efficiently. They divide into
to malfunction and overload. Making a hasty scan of nearby, small guerrilla squads of 10 to 20 and raid coastal cities, particularly
inhabitable worlds, the Aquarians chose Earth as the site for their near naval shipyards, killing any human they come across. They
emergency landing. Their craft splashed down in the middle of the hope to take control of one of the surface dwellers' nuclear
Pacific and sunk to the ocean floor far below. The Aquarians and submarines and use it to cause global destruction.
their livestock barely escaped the craft before the engines ex- The Aquarians are powerful swimmers, capable of tremendous
ploded, leaving them stranded on this strange new planet. speeds undeiwater. On land, they are much slower, though the
The Aquarians salvaged what they could from the rubble and reduced pressure gives them tremendous strength which they can
constructed a new dwelling in a coral forest in the Pacific. For years use to cling to vertical surfaces or deliver powerful blows. Each
they lived peacefully on Earth. The Aquarians were a society, Aquarian has keen senses, especially in the murky depths of the
with distinct family units and responsibilities. The females were ocean.
responsible for construction, food preparation, and rearing the The Aquarians have raised a herd of tentacled Sea Beasts to
community's children. The males were scouts and hunters, caring assist them in their hunting. These Beasts are bonded to individual
for the livestock and providing raw fish from the schools that swam hunters; the two share a telepathic link and work together in a hunt.
through the coral forest. The Aquarians' lives were simple and Each beast possesses six barbed tentacles which it uses to lash out
happy. and draw in prey. The Beasts are also capable of stinging large prey
However, one dark day while a hunting party was far away with a small poisonous barb located at the tip of each tentacle. The
pursuing several enormous sharks, the village found itself near the Aquarians will use the Beasts aggressively in their war against
site of a deep-sea nuclear weapons test. Though the women and mankind.
children swam quickly from their village, they could not escape the Appearance: The Aquarian hunters have a shiny, pale green hide
deadly power of the weapons' charges. Two days later, when the which offers them protection from the pressures and temperatures
hunting party returned, they found their entirevillagedestroyed and of the sea. They have webbed hands and feet for swimming, and
their families dead. large yellow eyes. They occasionally adorn themselves with shells
The hunters responded with fury, seeking vengeance upon the as part of an ornamental "war dress."
surface dwellers. With no living females to produce offspring nor a The Sea Beasts are large, black creatures that resemble giant
vessel to take them from this world, the hunters began a suicide squids. Their eyes are a deep yellow, and their tentacles are lined
mission to kill the air breathers above in return for wiping out their with ochre barbs on the underside with a brownish, poisoned spike
homes and loved ones. at the end.
Motivation/Personality: The Aquarians are, understandably, hurt Quote: "All air-breathers must die for what they did to us!"
and angry over the loss of all they hold dear. They also realize that Campaign Use: The Aquarians are vengeful invaders, embittered
they are the last of their race on this world, with little hope of by the loss of their families and home, and stubbornly determined
propagating new generations. Thus. with hatred in their glossy, to destroy all of mankind as retribution. They will continue their raids
yellow eyes, they hope to kill as many humans as possible in the upon harbors, fishing vessels, Coast Guard patrols, and any other
years they have left. humans who venture into the water. Perhaps the heroes will be
called in by local authorities to search for a lost tuna fleet, or to
investigate the systematic sinking of several retired naval vessels.
The Aquarians have also been known to send their powerful Sea
Beasts to local beaches to kill and devour swimmers and surfers.
A hero's day off at the beach could suddenly become a nightmarish
panic as black, barbed tentacles begin reaching up through the
foam and dragging summer vacationers to their deaths. The
presence of the Aquarians in an adventure should cause panic and
confusion; they attack with guerilla tactics, there is no indication of
how many Aquarians there are, and their abilities inwatergivethem
something of a "home field" advantage.
Should characters ever consult the government, they may dis-
cover that the United States military became aware of the destruc-
tion of the Aquarian village following an inspection of the test site.
However, the Aquarians are an embarrassment to the government;
government officials will publicly deny knowledge of the Aquarians'
activities. Attacks on beaches will be passed off as shark attacks.
Sunken ships will be blamed on Central American drug lords or
national enemies. In short, the government will do practically
anything to disassociate them selves with the deaths of hundreds of
peaceful aliens in the Pacific.
If the heroes ever learn the reason behind the Aquarians'
attacks, they may find themselves in an ethical dilemma. Surely the
Aquarians are justified in their anger, yet the heroes cannot allow
them to continue killing humans. However, the Aquarians will be
difficult to reason with ; they would rather die than give up their
mission. Because of the potential frustration for the heroes, the GM
must be careful to make the U.S. government out to be the real
villains in this incident. The heroes will likely find themselves in the
role of mediators between two stubborn enemies. One plot twist for
GMs to consider is that the government actually captured a group
of Aquarians (males and females) before the accident took place
and they're using them for testing.
Alien Enemies 7


Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages

13 STA 3 10 1 Y2x STUN & BQDY from cold
20 DEX 30 attacks
23 CON 32 15 Superiority complex (strong)
10 BOD 0 20 No emotions (total)
30 INT 30 15 Determined to convert Earth
18 EGO 16 to utopia
13 PRE 3 5 No sense of smell
10 COM 0 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
5+ PD 2 10 Susceptible: 1d6/turn from
5+ ED 0 extreme cold
5 SPD 19 20 Distinctive Features
8 REC 0 (alien body), concealable,
46 END 0 extreme reaction
29 STUN 0 20 Hunted by the Supreme
Soviets, 11-
15 Hunted by PRIMUS, 11-
47 Alien Bonus
Cost Powers END
50 Multipower, 16 charges (no bonus) 0
5u 1Od6 Energy Blast. STUN only ("blaster")
5u 4d6 Entangle ("stasis projector"), entangle and
character both take damage
5u 5d6 Flash ("laser light projector")
18 Armor (15PD/15ED), ablative, activation 14-
5,5 Flash Defense, 5 points, IA Vision
1O +5" Running (11" total)
6 +3 Enhanced Vision
3 Ultrasonic Hearing
Skills and Talents Stranded on Earth with no means to contact their brethren on
3,3 Bureaucratics 12-; Computer Programming 15- Gael, the Cerebraeum have turned their attentfoA to solving all of
3,3 Electronics 11-; Inventor 15- Earth's problems, whether Earth desires it or not.
3,3 Mechanics 11-; Weaponsmith 11- Motivation/Personality: The Cerebraeum are driven by their
3 ,3 Scientist, Absolute Time Sense intense curiosity and quest tor social and technological advance-
20 Sciences: Astronomy, Bacteriology, Biology,
ment. Yet they are incapable of demonstrating emotion, making
Geology, Mathematics, Medicine ,Metallurgy,
them appear cold and calculating. The Cerebraeum are deter-
Physics, Robotics, Sociology: all 15-
mined to "help the Earthlings along" by recreating the utopia of their
2 Transport Fam.: space vehicles homeworld, despite the protests of the native governments. Since
4 English, Spanish, French, German; all basic their minds are tar superior to most humans, they believe them-
conversation selves to be the logical choices as world rulers .
OCV: 7 ; DCV: 7; ECV: 6; Phases: 3,5,8,1 0 ,1 2 PowersfTactlcs: The Cerebraeum are brilliant; they learn and
Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base process information at incredible speeds. Yet because of their
purely objective standpoint, they are incapable of understanding
135 + 162 = 297 197 + 100 more subjective disciplines, such as philosophy, art. or religion.
Additionally. the Cerebraeum have developed and implanted
Background: The planet Gael is a thriving, ween world, and th~ themselves with advanced cyborg components which not only
home planet of a highly developed humanoid race. Early in their provide them with adequate defenses in a hostile world.' but allo:-V
world's history, the Gaeleans set apart a group of their finest them to utilize a number of non-lethal weapons to assist them 1n
scholars to lead the planet's quest tor knowledge and technology. their "noble" goal of conquering the world tor its own good.
Within a matter of decades, this elite group (known as "the The Cerebraeum will avoid a physical conflict whenever pos-
Cerebraeum") had solved almost every problem that might have sible, preferring to persuade their opponents using logic rather than
threatened their society, creating a world without violence. disease. the brute force of their cybernetics. Under no circumstances wm the
or hunger. It was utopia. Of course, their efforts also greatly Cerebraeum knowingly hurt a human.
extended the life expectancy of the people. As the population grew. Appearance: The Cerebraeum are approximately 6' 6" tall and
the Cerebraeum turned their attention to locating a suitable planet have pale bluish-violet skin . Their thin bodies have no hair, but are
for colonization. A starship was built, a supply of a unique regen-
supplemented by silvery plates and wires connecting their cyborg
erating food was loaded, and five members of the Cerebraeum set implants. Their eyes are large, yellow. and bulbous.
forth on a journey across the stars.
The Cerebraeum eventually came across Earth - a world Quote: "Your resistance is illogical. We otter you paradise, yet you
choose mediocrity.·
similar in climate to Gael. However, upon entry into Earth's atmo-
sphere, something went wrong with the Cerebraeum's craft. The Campaign Use: The Cerebraeum are not designed as super-
five members of the Cerebraeum ejected from the doomed ship, powered threats tor heroes; rather, they are a political nuisance.
allowing it to crash in an uninhabited region of the Louisiana Beginning with "third world" leaders, the Cerebraeum try to per-
swamps. The ship's materials and star charts were lost forever. suade leaders to submit to their authority. Though some men are
interested in the Cerebraeum's ofter, most are either afraid to let
down military defenses or are "selfishly" clutching political power.
The heroes are sure to get caught in this political tension.
8 Alien Enemies
Motivation/Personality: The Champ judges every action he takes
as to how it will have an impact on the downtrodden. If he sees
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages someone with money, he'll ask for some (or all) of it to give to the
poor. If he sees someone spending money, he'll ask that person to
50 STA 40 10 Enraged when seeing money forego that chocolate bar since the same fifty cents "could buy the
23 DEX 39 flagrantly wasted 14-, 14· Vitamin A that could prevent blindness for a child in Kenya." The
23 CON 26 25 Does all for the poor (total) Champ has no inkling of how economics works; his goal is simply
15 BOD 10 20 1 Honorable in word/deed (total) to make everyone "upper middle class.· He is a cheerful Individual,
13 INT 3 Reputation (Crusader for the happily sacrificing all his own possessions and dedicating his life to
10 EGO 0 poor) 11 -, extreme helping the needy.
45 PAE 35 201 DNPC: whatever vagran t he has The Champ is nol actually a villain; he is a hero of the impover-
8 COM -1 picked up this week, ished. However, he is also an alien, and has no understanding that
20+ PD 10 incompetent, 11 · his d ream of a world-wide socialistic approach would have dev-
20+ ED 15 15 Hunted by the lmperium, 8- astating effects on global economics.
5 Hunted by the Black Reaver, 8-
10 Public Identity
Powersrractlcs: The Champ has powers given to him by the
arena's creators. He has tremendous defenses; this is especially
46 END 0 10 Destitute
annoying to villains desperate to knock him out (and shut him up).
45 STUN 0 132 Pain-in-the-Neck Bonus
His missile deflection is invisible; it seems as ~ lhe Champ is just
Cost Powers ENO soaking up the damage.
Appearance: The Champ wears a royal blue bodysuit with blue
10 Damage Resistance (10PD/10ED)
boots, white leggings and white gloves. His gold belt matches his
24 Armor (+10PD/+10ED) , only when below
billowing cape, and a bright gold "C" is splashed across his chest.
10 STUN (·V.)
40 Full Missile Deflection, totally invisible power effects Quote: "Have you given money to [charity of the week]?" (If the
20 Knockback Resistance, · 1O" character says. "yes," The Champ moves on to another charity.)
5 Lack of Weakness, -5 Campaign Use: The Champ Is an NPC who will always, always tell
15 +15" Superleap (25" total) the players they aren't doing enough. It doesn't matter how much
22 + 11" Running (17" total) they've given; they still have enough to put gas in their car (go on
Skills a date, buy a hamburger, etc.), don't they? Conversely, the Champ
3,3 Breakfall 14-; Streetwise 18· may adopt one of the heroes as one of his poor brethren, and will
7,4 KS: Poverty 15·; English, fluent, native accent offer him financial assistance, sage advice, and pep-talks. Nothing
15 +3 Levels with hand-to-hand combat will dissuade the Champ that the hero is anything less than poverty
stricken. If the hero says "I am not poor !" the Champ will look at him
OCV: 8; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12 with pity and say, "It is no shame to be poor. Look, here is$5.00; go
buy yourself a decent meal. Rice goes farthest, although oatmeal
Costs: Char. Power Total Olsadv. Base
is also very healthy." Soon a visit from the Champ will be as
194 + 168 ;: 362 Q
262 + 100 welcome as a battle with Dr. Destroyer.

Background: Arneth Yasin was one of the greatest gladiators the

arena had ever known. After forty consecutive victories. he had
become a hero of the poor. oppressed citizens who suffered under
the lmperium's tyranny. The lmperium had created the arena as a
place to demonstrate their Invincible might. but Arneth's continued
success was giving the people hope that they, too, might rise up and
overthrow the lmperium.
Fearful of Arneth, the lmperium decided to release the Black
Reaver-a soulless, unaging, killing machine. They hoped that the
Reaver would tear Arneth to pieces before the crowd, obliterating
all thoughts of revolution. But Arneth did the Impossible - he beat
the Black Reaver. The crowd went wild, and a band of revolu·
tionaries led a charge on the expensive seats. The lmperium 's
marines soon charged in, and the riot quickly spread throughoutthe
city and eventually across the planet.
As the conflict raged on, the authorities were laced with a
dflemma: what to do with Arneth. They couldn't allow him to
continue lighting, but they didn't dare kill him lest he become a
martyr. Finally they decided to exile Arneth secretly to a far-away
colony where he would no longer be a source of trouble.
As fate would have it, the computer-driven ship. with Arneth in
cryogenic freeze, rniswarped and crashed on Earth. Arneth awoke
on a strange planet, with no memory of how he arrived. He soon
discovered, however, that like the lrnperium. Earth was populated
by those too poor to enjoy life to its fullest. Resuming his role. Arneth
took up the cause of the downtrodden. Today, those who know him
have begun to call him "The Champion of the Poor."
Alien Enemies 9

The summer sun gleams off the strange blue and red craft as Plasma Generators: The Exterminators' Plasma Generators are
the two farmers scratch their heads in disbelief. "I dunno Jed rifle-like weapons connected to a small power mechanism hooked
it just swooped outta the sky and skidded across my soybeans'. ?n the back of their belts. The "."eapons are essentially miniatur-
Must be from Mars or somethin'." ized, gas-discharged tubes which generate plasma and force it
"Well, what/a ya gonna do, Jonathan?" through a narrow orifice by the combined action of magnetohydro-
·1 already had Martha call the authorities. They said they'd dynam1c and t.hermal forces. The result is a brilliantly luminous jet
send someone right out. • of extremely high temperature and energy. This beam effect, unlike
Suddenly, the peaceful August afternoon is shattered by the most Energy Blasts. cannot be spread or bounced, and must
~creaming sounds of a siren and the green and gold flashing of
always be used at full power.
lights. A large van labeled "The Exterminators" puffs up and a Be~use of the miniaturization process involved, the weapons
team of men and women with heavy jumpsuits and humming are highly unstable. On an 11- roll. the weapon will not activate at
backpacksjump out. Stand aside, men. We 'II take care ofthis."
0 all, making merely a sputtering and humming sound. And even
Glowing streams ofplasma spray across the craft, melting it into when the weapon does activate properly, there is a slight chance
a smoking heap of slag. that it will burnout with an explosive backfire. (Reporters have
"Gee. Jonathan, I wonder if'n they should've found out what learned to keep their distance when covering the Exterminators'
was in it first... " activities.)

The Exterminators are a band of anti-alien agents formed by Dr. Plasma Generators
Maxwell "Specs" Sanders In response to the increasing accounts 18d6 Energy Blast, -3 OCV, Activate 11-, Burnout 14·, Side
of contact with beings from beyond Earth. By superheroic stan- Effect: 4d6 Explosion when Burnout rolled, 16 charges,
dards they are slow and most are lousy shots. However, they are OAF, Beam Attack (·Y•)
armed to the teeth with ridiculously powerful and unstable weap- 2d6 Flash attack vs all sight, linked to Energx Blast, Burnout
onry, making them dangerous to have around. 14-, Beam Attack, OAF
Each of the Exterminators has been assigned particular equip-
ment to carry along on missions. and this is reflected in their Total Cost: 35 points
statistics. However, the GM should remember that all of these foci
are universal - they can be employed by other individuals in a Campaign Use: The Exterminators are narrow-minded, consider-
scenario. Thus, on rare occasions, equipment may be tossed back ing all ali~ns to be a threat~ which must be dealt with severely. To
and to:th among the Exterminators as their weapons begin to fail. them, ahens have less rights than common animals. and the
And pity the poor hero who comes across an evil alien who has elimination of "little space invaders" is an amoral task. The Exter-
taken one of their plasma generators and is figuring out how it minators are stubborn in their cause, ;1nd they operate with all the
works... logic a~d finesse of a bunch of drunk hunters. Alternatively, the
E~ulpment/Tactics: Dr.Sa.n de.rsspends most of his time lobbying
Extern:iinators can be a source of comic relief in a campaign,
bumbling their way after U.F.O. sightings and leaving a trail of congressmen and calling in old favors In hopes oJ stripping
ahen beings of any legal rights. However. when the Exterminators plasma-melted wreckage in their wakes. They may Interfere with
suit up, their tactics are not so subtle. They are best known for the_ heroes' efforts to legitimately deal with alien threats, endan-
gering not only nearby Innocents but the heroes as well with their
ch~rglng into battle, plasma generators blazing. The instability of
their weaponry and their poor marksmanship skills tend to cause a misfiring plasma generators. However. if one of the heroes is an
alien, the Exterminators may pose a more serious threat. In addition
lot of structural damage whenever they engage in combat.
In addition to their dangerous weapons, tM Exterminators carry to their armored jumpsuits, the team's plasma generators can
cause serious injury on those rare occasions when they hit their
several other pieces of equipment which aid them in their work.
These include a scanning device able to locate and identify alien targets.
beings in a nearby radius, a pistol which fires small bolos to ~r .. sander~ has. recently invested .a great deal of energy into
swmging public opmton toward his side. He has hired a public
entangle their opponents, and radio communicators to link the team
relations firm to promote the Exterminators as "real heroes -
~ogethe.r. Ad~itionally, the Exterminators wear heavy, protective
making the world safe for mankind." Though some special interest
1umpsu1ts which keep them safe from alien bacteria and guard them
groups (i.e. , METE) have opposed the Exterminators' efforts, large
against incoming attacks. However, the more damage done to the
segments of the public are being convinced that the Exterminators
suits, the less protection they offer.
are their only hope against galactic tyranny. Whenever the Exter-
~nlfor~s: The Ex!erminators' ~niforms consist of heavy, white minators go into action, large crowds begin to gather, chanting,
1umpsu1ts topped with clear, plastic bubbles over their heads. Their "Zap the Space Invaders! Zap the Space Invaders!" Of course.
nicknames are stitched on the front of the uniforms in gold. these crowds have no idea of the danger they are placing them-
Equipment belts and plasma generator packs are strapped over the selves in by being in such close proximity with the Exterminators'
protective suits. unstable weapons, and heroes may find themselves spending
more time breaking up the gathered mob and getting people to
safety than stopping the Exterminators themselves.
10 Alien Enemies

SPECS Skllls
3 Bureaucratics 11 -
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages 3 Deduction 15-
10 0 15 Paranoid about alien contact 3 Scientist
DEX 9 with Earth (total} 2 SC: Biology 15·
10 Claustrophobia (strong) 2 SC: Chemistry 15-
11 CON 2
10 BOD 0 5 Nearsighted 5 SC; Disease Analysis 18-
1 KS: alien encounters 8-
28 INT 21 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
1 Latin, basic
18 EGO 16 5 Age:40+
11 PRE 1 5 Reputation, 8- 2 German, fluent
10 COM 0 20 Hunted by METE, 14-,'mild Perks
PD 0 interference 3 Favors: U.S. Government
ED 15 Hunted by VIPER, 8- 10 Wealthy
2+ 0
3 SPD 7 OCV: 4; DCV: 4; ECV: 6; Phases: 4,8,12
8 REC 8
22 END 0 Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
21 STUN 0 64 + 131 = 195 = 95 + 100
Cost Powers END
35 1 Plasma Generator
36 Armor (+30PDl+30ED), ablative, OIF: protective
11 Life Support: self-contained breathing, immune to
dis1:tase & radiation; OIF: protective jumpsuit
2 Radio Listen/Transmit. OAF: radio
12 Detect alien life forms, discriminatory, 360°, range,
OAF: scanner

Alien Enemies 11
Background: Dr. Maxwell Sanders worked hard to become the Motivation/Personality: Maxwell, as founder of the Extermina·
famous biologist that he is. When his mother nearly died of an tors, sincerely believes that he is doing what is best for the Earth.
undiagnosed illness, Maxwell decided to dedicate his life to un· For him, the task of eliminating alien contact is serious business.
derstanding diseases and developing cu res for the "incurable.· All Since the Iowa incident, Maxwell hasn't slept well; he saw all those
of his hard work has paid off, and Maxwell is credited with insightful people die and fears that It might happen again. His position is well
advances toward preventing and curing several varieties of cancer, thought out and intelligently arguable - a fact which he has
as well as significant contributions to the fight against AIDS. demonstrated on several television talk shows. Maxwell is CQld,
Two years ago, Maxwell was called In as a consultant tor a serious, and brilliant, and wilt often speak using long, technical
widespread plague that was developing in a farming community in terms that only other scientists could hope to understand.
Iowa. Maxwell had never seen a disease like this before. The Appearance: Maxwell is 4 7 years old, has thinning salt and pepper
victims were rapidly aging and deteriorating. Clearly some sort of hair and dark brown eyes, which seem absolutely enormous
disease was involved; it was being passed on through close contact through his "Coke-bottle" glasses.
to people in the region. However. no apparent cause could be Quote: "Get out of the way I These alien monsters will be the death
determined. of us all (if these guns don't kill us first)!"
Then a team of researchers. wearing heavy, protective suits,
discovered the wreckage of a small spaceship buried deep in a
cornfield within the quarantined region. The pilot of the craft, a short, GIZMO
pale green Individual with a disproportionately large head, was
badly injured but still alive. It didn't take long for Maxwell to Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
determine that the alien was the carrier of the deadly disease, and 10 STA 0 5 Enraged when experiments tail
Maxwell argued that the alien should be locked away or destroyed 11 DEX 3 8-, 11-
before the illness spread further. 14 CON 8 15 Compulsive urge to tinker with
However, various social action groups set their lawyers to the 10 BOD 0 technology (strong)
task of protecting the in lured alien. After all, it was a sentient being 15 INT 5 15 Fear of pain (moderate)
- it would be inhumane to simply destroy it. The media exploited 12 EGO 4 5 Farsighted
the controversy, and soon the entire nation was buzzing with 14 PRE 4 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
arguments about what should be done. Maxwell was astonished 10 COM 0 10 DNPC: sister, normal, 8-
that people would even debate the issue. From his perspective. the 2+ PD 0 10 Hunted by Starguard Interna-
alien was carrying an unknown virus !hat couldn't be treated 3+ ED 0 tional, 14-, questioning and
through conventional means. The only clear choice was to get rid 3 SPD 9 debriefing
of the creature. 5 REC 0 20 Hunted by METE, 14-, mild
And so, while examining the alien in hopes of developing a cure. 28 END 0 interference
Maxwell injected a massive dose of a sedative that quickly sent the 24 STUN 2 5 Hunted by VIPER, 8-
alien into a coma. At least the alien would be locked away in 15 3d6 Unluck
intensive care until something could be done about the problem.
However, Maxwell couldn't let the world know what he had done lest Cost Powers END
he become the focus of a major controversy. Additionally, he teared 36 Gadget Pool, 30 points, always OAF,
becoming irlvolved ln a legal case that would set precedence only changed in a lab (-Y2)
regarding alien rights. 35 Plasma Generator
During the following months, Maxwell used tissue samples from 36 Armor (+30PD/+30ED), ablative, OIF: protective
the alien to develop a cure for the mysterious disease. Maxwell had
come close to losing most of that Iowan town to the alien virus, and
11 Life Support: self-contained breathing, immune to
he swore something like that would never happen again. Maxwell disease & radiation; OIF: protective jumpsuit
soon began to explore other cases involving alien contact with the
2 Radio Listenffransmit, OAft.": radio
Earth. He was appalled at the t11ought of so many U.F.O. sightings Skills
and so many potential plagues from alien viruses while no agency 3 Computer Programming 12-
was doing anything to prevent the inevitable. In fact, many groups 9 Gadgeteering 15-
wished to protect aliens and even offer some citizenship. Maxwell 11 Electronics 15-
arrived at a different conclusion, one he would describe as "the only 15 Inventor 18·
scientific. objective alternative: He saw aliens as a tower species 9 Mechanics 14-
- certainly not something to be equated to humanity. Even
3 Security Systems 12·
animals. which were natives of earth, should take priority. And so 12 Weaponsmith: slugthrowers, heavy weapons, and
Maxwell secretly began to form an organization that would seek out energy weapons; 14-
and get rid of all alien life that came into contact with the Earth. Talents
He invested his fortune into the proiect, sought out others who 3 Lightning Calculator
would share his concerns (or at least contribute toward his goats),
and the Exterminators were born. Maxwell assumed leadership of OCV: 4; OCV: 4; ECV: 6; Phases: 4,8,12
the group and began to be called "Specs" by his teammates - a
reference to his incredibly t11ick glasses. Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
Since their beginnings, the Exterminators have been the subject 35 + 185 == 220 = 120 + 100
of controversy. Many agree with their efforts to wipe out ''little green
men from other planets who will only bring harm to our world."
Others simply label them as racist vigilantes who should be thrown
into prison and locked away for good.
12 Alien Enemies
Background: Dwight Brinkley has loved to tinker with mechanical
things for as long as he can remember. It seemed only natural that
he would pursue degrees in mechanical engineering and physics. Val Char Cost 100+ Disadv antages
And when Starguard International offered him a position in their
weapons design department, Dwight jumped at the opportunity. 15 I STR 5 20 Obnoxious (total)
The workshop and freedom which Starguard provided him was 13 DEX 9 15 Dishonest (strong)
more than he could have dreamed of, and Dwight was happy just 19 CON 18 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
tinkering away day and night. 12 BOD 4 20 DNPC: girlfriend of the week,
When Dwight d iscovered a means of generating iMtense plasma 11 INT 1 normal, 14-
energy and building it into a portable weapon, he was ecstatic. 11 EGO 2 20 Hunted by METE, 14-, mild
However, Starguard leaders recognized Dwighrs concept as un- 15 PRE 5 interference
stable and dangerous, both to clients and agents. Dwight was 16 COM 3 5 Hunted by local loan shark, 8-
assigned to other projects that took him away from his plasma 3+ PD 0
generators, and D't'ight became childishly angry. After all, this 4+ ED 0
could be the technological break1t'lrough that would set Starguard 3 SPD 7
apart from competitive agencies such as Protectors Inc.. VIPER, 7 REC 0
and Raven. 46 END 4
Dr. Maxwell Sanders learned of Dwight's plasma generator as 30 STUN 0
well as his frustration with Starguard. and contacted him to discuss Cost Powers END
his plan to form an anti-alien organization. Sanders and Dwight
convinced each other of their goals; Dwight agreed that the alien 35 Plasma Generator
threat would best be dean with by direct force and Sanders believed 13 3d6 Entangle. takes no damage, OAF: bolo gun,
that Dwight kne'<I what he was doing in producing his portable 6 charges. activation 12-
plasma generators. And so Dwight joined the Exterminators as their 36 Armor (+30P0/+30ED), ablative, OIF: protective
resident inventor and weaponsmith, Gizmo. jumpsuit
Motivation/Personality: Dwight is a somewhat timid individual, 11 Life Support: self-contained breathing, immune to
preferring nol to speak to people he does not already know. He is disease & radiation; OIF: protective jumpsuit
very aware of his lack of athletic abilities (something which his 2 Radio Listen/Transmit. OAF: radio
classmates drew to his attention constantly while growing up), and Skills
avoids taking many physical risks. 3,3 Bribery 12-; Bugging 11-
However, when Involved with his area of expertise. Dwi.ght 3,3 Combat Driving 12-; Concealment 11-
simply cannot be stopped. He loves to explain to the unwary, 3,3 Forgery 11-; Gambling 11-
Inquisitive Individual exactly how his inventions work in the most 3,3 Persuasion 12-; Conversation 12-
technologically incomprehensible terms. Likewise, he is thrilled 3,3 Seduction 12-; Stealth 12-
when the Exterminators encounter something to use his equipment 3 Lockpicking 12-
on. Dwight has become convinced that the alien threat which Earth OCV: 5; DCV: 5; ECV: 3; Phases: 4,8, 12
is dealing with is something best dealt with by using more powerful
weaponry, and delights in fiddl ing with and enhancing his designs Costs : Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
for the team. 58 =
+ 142 200 100 + 100
Appearance: Dwight is 35 years old and has mousy brewn hair and
a thin moustache. He wears round. wire-framed glasses, and Background: Stan Sneiderwind cheated and bribed his way
speaks in a squeaky, excit~ voice. through high school, college, and graduate school. It wasn't a lack
Quote: "Hmm. Considering the relative size of the beast In com- of intelligence that made him cheat; he simply didn't want to apply
parison with the per-square-inch output from the generator's himself. He would rather spend his time chasing sorority girls lhan
nozzle. not to mention the crucial factor of gravitational resistance, studying,and so Stan regularly broke into school offices to steal test
I would say that our chance for success is less than satisfactory." answers, paid teachers under the table to give him good grades,
tricked other students into writing his papers, etc. The strategy
worked well enough to earn Stan a PhD in sociology and land him
a job as fraternity/sorority coordinator for a local university.
During Stan's school years, he shared a dorm room with Maxwell
Sanders. It was an unusual combination - Maxwell was the
epitome of dedication and organization while Stan was partying in
the background. Howe'fer, the two became friends and remained
in contact with one another over the years.
When Stan found out that Dr. Sanders was forming the Exter-
minators, he decided to convince his old roommate that the team
needed his "expertise." Though Stan could contribute nothing to the
organization in terms of scholastic accomplishment, Maxwell saw
the usefulness of Stan's many years of sneaking around in the dark,
breaking into offices, manipulating people into doing things for him,
etc. Stan convinced Maxwell to ljtt him join the Exterminators,
secretly hoping that it would be a fun adventure and a great place
"to meet babes."
Needless to say, Stan signed up immediately. He has been given
the nickname "Slick," and adds a light-hearted, irresponsible-yet-
dedicated mood to the team.
Alien Enemies 13
Motivation/Personality: Stan is... well, a jerk. He treats women
like mere objects to be conquered, has no concept of personal Background: Jud Hogan was one of the few veterans from the
responsibility, and is an absolute slob. Nevertheless, Stan is a Vietnam war who was glad he went. For some reason, Jud had a
lovable jerk in a peculiar, "happy-go-lucky" way. He has a great tremendous amount of violent hostility within him that found its
sense of humor and can add levity to the gravest situations. He release in stalking the dark jungles and blowing soldiers away. The
enjoys pulling practical jokes on enemies of the Exterminators, Marines had trained him well, and Jud was disappointed to be
which has endeared him to the rest of the team. shipped back home to the States.
Stan has never really thought through why he is hunting down When he arrived back in his hometown in western Kansas, Jud
alien menaces. Maxwell's logical arguments make sense to him, took a job driving a truck for a big moving company. The work was
and he has never bothered to hear any other side of the story. simple, and Jud got along well with the other truckers on the road.
Besides, being a member of the Exterminators has made him a Within a few months, Jud had met and fell in love with a perky young
celebrity and introduced him to all sorts of beautiful women who are waitress at a truck stop on his route. The twe began dating
in need of his protection. When not actively involved in a case, Stan whenever Jud could get away from his job, and they had a great
can be found either reading girlie magazines and sipping time with each other. The waitress saw Jud as a cute little boy in a
margaritas or hunting down sorority women. man's body-someone to have fun with whenever he was in town.
Appearance: Stan sees himself as suave and handsome, and is Jud, however, thought this was true love and intended to marry the
happy to prove it to any woman who seems interested. He has girl.
straight, black t;iair, tan skin, an(! green eyes. When not in uniform, One fateful evening, Jud drove into the truck stop with an
Stan is almost always wearing mirrored sunglasses. even indoors. engagement ring in his pocket and the first tie he had ever worn
Quote: "Yo, babe, watch me toast the martian!" around his neck. But when he got inside, he found out that the
waitress had left her job the week before. As it turns out. she had
run away to Vegas to marry another trucker, though no one dared
BRUISER to tell Jud. Instead. they said that she just disappeared. Jud was
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages crushed and wanted an explanation for why his girl WQIJld leave him
so suddenly.
19 STA 9 15 Enraged at the sight of aliens He found his answer when he glanced at a grocery store tabloid
20 DEX 30 8· , 8· on the counter. The headline read, 'Woman Seduced by Alien
17 CON 14 15 Hatred of all aliens (total) Invader. " And Jud, not being too bright, was convinced that if it could
13 BOD 6 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima happen to the girl in the paper, it must have happened to his own
8 INT -2 5 Distinctive Features (chews beloved. Jud contacted the police and pleaded with them to join his
8 EGO -4 tobacco), easily concealable search for his girlfriend. He checked with every local newspaper for
15 PRE 5 20 Hunted by METE, 14·, mild any recent accounts of U.F.O. sightings in the area. He even called
10 COM 0 interference up his old Marine commander to ask the military to become
4+ PD 0 5 Rivalry with all brawny men to involved. But no one believed his story.
4+ ED 0 prove "manliness" Jud eventually sold the engagement ring and used the money to
4 SPD 10 1O 2d6 Unluck purchase classified ads in papers around the country asking if
8 REC 0 33 Experience spent anyone had seen the flying saucer which kidnapped his girlfriend.
34 END 0 The ads caught the attention of Dr. Maxwell Sanders, who was then
32 STUN 0 putting together the Exterminators. And when Dr. Sanders met Jud
Cost Powers END in person. he knew he had his newest member: "Bruiser" (a
nickname given to Jud during his tour of duty with the Marines).
35 Plasma Generator Sure. Jud wasn't much on brains, but he had a passionate hatred
24 Martial Arts (Commando Training) 4 for aliens and some incredible combat skills and experience.
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage Jud agreed to join the Exterminators as their combat expert and
Boxing Cross 0 +2 6d6 has become the only member of the team that can fire their plasma
Aikido Throw +O +1 4d6 + v/5 generators with any accuracy.
Karate Chop -2 0 1 Y.2d6 KA Motivation/Personality: Jud is convinced beyond reason that
Choke -2 0 2d6 NND "them dang spacemen" stole his girlfriend. He's not aciually sure
Judo Disarm -1 + 1 Disarm,+ 10 STA which alien race is responsible, so he's decided to help wipe them
Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block all out. Jud has something of a one-track mind. coupled with an
36 Armor (+30PD/+30ED), ablative, incredible stubbornness. He is also fond of violent answers to
OIF: protective jumpsuit almost any problem.
6 +3" Running (9" total) Appearance: Jud stands 6'4" high and packs 260 pounds of pure
11 Life Support: self-contained breathing, immune to muscle. He has curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and a neck almost as
disease & radiation; OIF: protective jumpsuit thick as his waist.
2 Radio Listen/Transmit, OAF: radio Quote: "Ya Green-skinned space-freak! Think you can just come
Skills here and take our women? Take this!"
3,3 Breakfall 13-; Climbing 13·
3,3 Demolitions 11 -; Stealth 13·
3, 3,3 Streetwise 12-; Survival 11· , Tracking 13· -
6, 6 +2 Levels w/ rifles, +3 Levels w/ Plasma
5 Defensive Maneuver
3 Fast Draw
OCV: 7+; DCV: 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,6,9, 12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

68 + 155 = 223 123 + 100
14 Alien Enemies
TREKKIE Just six months ago. Sylvia invited her parents to come with her
to examine an unusunl geographical formation on a small island in
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages the Caribbean. She thought it would be a great vacation for the
three of them, and her parents agreed. The site itself consisted of
10 STA 0 15 Aggressive in combat (strong) an unexplainable series ot dark tracks forming a geometric design
13 DEX 9 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
on this lit11e island. Sylvia theorized that it was some sort of marking
11 CON 2 15 Hunted by METE, 11-, mild
or message from outer space.
10 BOD 0 interference
Unfortunately, she was correct. On their third day on the island,
14 INT 4 1 Experience Spent Sylvia's parents went out to examine tile site. Upon stepping into
11 EGO 2 the design, there was a flash of ligllt and the couple was gone.
10 PAE 0 Sylvia caught a glimpse of a silvery sphere speeding eastward over
12 COM 1 the horizon and concluded that her parents had been abducted by
2+ PD 0
alien vlsitors.
2+ ED 0 No longer were spacecraft and alien encounters something
3 SPD 7 delightful and intriguing. Sylvia looked on all alien life as evil and
4 REC 0 dangerous. She believed that all aliens were working together in
22 END 0 some sort of conspiracy, and she hated them with an intensity that
she had never known before.
Sylvia heard of Dr. Maxwell's desire to form an anti-alien orga-
nization and offered her skills and expertise. Jud Hogan has tr.ained
35 Plasma Generator her in the use of the team's equipment, and now Sylvia fights
13 3d6 Entangle, takes no damage, OAF: bolo gun, against the alien threat as "Trekkie," a member of t11e Extermina-
6 charges, activation 12- tors.
36 Armor {+30PD/+30ED), ablative, OIF: protective Motivation/Personality: Sylvia is a li!llA pAculiar in personality.
She finds it difficult to separate the real world from the fantasy of her
11 Life Support: self-contained breathing, immune to sci-Ii hobby. She tends to make remarks which embarrass her
disease & radiation; OIF: protective jumpsuit teammates and demonstrate little of the virtues or femi ninity. For
3 Life Support: immune to alcohol instance, Sylvia refuses to shave her legs {"If God intended women
2 Radio Listen/Transmit, OAF: radio to have bare legs, he wouldn't have given us 11air follicles there I"),
and has been known to belch loudly after a big meal of beer and
3 Conversation 11- pizza.
3 KS: science fiction 12- However, she is a true expert on U.F.O. encounters and can
3 KS: U.F.O. encounters 12-
quote exact references on any known sighting. Unfortunately, all
3 PS: author 12-
this knowledge must now be put to use in figuring out how all the
4 +2 Levels with Plasma Generators
sightings fit in to what she sees as a galaxy-wide conspiracy against
Talents tile people of the Earth.
1O Eidetic Memory At first, Sylvia was timid about using the portable plasma gen-
OCV: 5; DCV: 5; ECV: 3; Phases: 4,8,12 erators provided by the Exterminators . However, with ~ little
training and experience, she has become almost as aggressive as
Costs: Char. Power Total Oisadv. Base Jud Hogan.
25 + 126 151 51 + 100 Appearance: Sylvia's thin and wiry body is topped by carrot-red
hair, usually tied back in a ponytail. She has an abundance of
freckles and a cheery smile.
Background: Sylvia Briggs is one of the few fortu~ate individu~ls
who managed to turn her hobby into Iler profession. As a child, Quote: "Oool This alien looks just like the Bug-Eyed Monster from
Sylvia became fascinated with astronomy and science fiction. She Space Trek episode 35. Oh well, nothing a little plasma can't deal
dreamed of meeting beings from the stars and developed a with," {SLAM!)
reputation as an expert on science fiction, U.F.O. sightings, and
other weird phenomena. When she was eighteen, she wrote her
first book about "close encounters," and it turned out to be a
surprising success. Now In her mid-twenties, Sylvia is invited to
participate on talk shows, sci-ti conventions, and just about ai;iy
other place where people are willing to hear about beings from other
worlds. She also edits "Starbase One," a popular fanzine devoted
to the cult classic Space Trek T. V. series
Alien Enemies 15
Val Char Cost 150+ Disadvantages
90 STA 80 30 2x STUN, 1 '/2x BODY from
38 DEX 84 magical attacks
40 CON 60 10 Accidental Change to the "Dark
50 BOD 80 One" when BODY Damage is
35 INT 25 taken, 11 -
35 EGO 50 15 Incapable of love (strong)
30 PRE 20 20 Childish (strong)
20 COM 5 10 No memories (moderate)
35 PD 17 20 Can't choose between good and
35 ED 27 evil (strong)
9 SPD 42 20 Code against killing (total)
26 REC 0 15 Distinctive Features
150 END 35 {electric tingle when near; not
125 STUN 10 concealable, recognizable)
8 Watched by METE, 14-
10 Hunted by the Exterminators, 11 -
5 Hunted by Galactic Freedom
Fighters, 8·
1016 Cosmic Entity Bonus
Cost Powers END
550 Power Pool: 250 points, can change powers as a
0 Phase action. no skill roll required, cannot be used
for characteristics or skills (·Y.) varies
30 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction
30 50% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction
15 Mental Defense (22 points total)
30 Life Support, total
90 Clairsentience, all sight and sound, 3200" maximum
range, no range penalty
3 Absolute Time Sense
3 Combat Sense 16· He began to travel across the dark void in search of others who
10 Danger Sense 11- could tell him who he was. His journey, which lasted nearly seven
1O Eidetic Memory thousand years, ended when he came across a shining green world
3 Lightning Calculator known as Earth.
20 Universal Translator The being assumed the physical form of the native inhabitants
and began to walk among them. He was amazed at what he saw.
OCV: 13; DCV: 13; ECV: 12; Phases: 2,3,4,6,7,8, 10, 11 , 12
Here was a people very unlike himself: they were mortal, fragile,
Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base and intensely competitive. They were separated into various races
using different languages, and spread across their little globe. Yet
535 + 794 = 1329 = 1179 + 150
they possessed one ability the being had never seen before; for
thousands of years, he had learned to work miracles with his
Background: Eons ago, far across the universe, planets trembled powers, but he never knew of relationships or the ability for two
in fear under the cold shadow of an immortal tyrant. The being, beings to interact. These Earthlings knew how to share, fight,
known only as "the Dark One," had existed for as long as anyone compete. communicate. and, best of all, love.
remembered . He travelled throughout the galaxies demanding The being also became aware of indlviduals with exotic powers
submission and allegiance from all sentient beings. On those and abilities who waged a war of good and evil throughout the
worlds which bowed to his immense, hateful power, the Dark One world. They were known as superheroes and supervillains, and the
established governors chosen from among the most wicked beings being eventually chose to involve himself in their fight, taking up the
to rule on his behalf. The planets which refused his rule were identity of "the Infinite Man."
annihilated. The Infinite Man has had a great deal of difficulty choosing which
Legends of the Dark One's foul dominion travelled across the side he should fight on. The concepts of good and evil meant little
stars until it reached the world known as Shastorral. This was an to him while he was alone in space, and he is not sure which side
ancient world, filled with wise and benevolent beings who decided he best identifies with. Thus, he has fluctuated between the two,
to prepare for the Dark One's coming. The entire population joined occasionally helping out the heroes, and sometimes ensuring that
its collective will in a n effort to stop the g rowing malevolence. And the villains are successful.
when the Dark One arrived on Shastorral, eight million people gave The Infinite Man has learned that his power is far greater than
their lives in an effort to rob him of his immortality. most other paranormal beings on this planet. Whereas they are
When the battle was over, a solitary figure floated amidst the limited to a set number of abilities, he can do almost anything with
planetary debris and scattering asteroids. The people had failed to just a thought. and this ability sets him apart from his peers. He has
destroy the Dark One but had instead erased all memory of his also learned that his incredible powers keep him from being hurt by
identity and greatly reduced his power. When the figure awoke, he just about anything. To date, the Infinite Man hasonlyoncefeltpain,
was lost and confu sed. and keenly aware of a terrible loneliness
there in the cold of space.
16 Alien Enemies
and it was a unique, intriguing sensation for him. The blow came Campaign Use: Care must be used in introducing the Infinite Man
from being caught in a cross-fire between the magical blasts of the into a campaign. The sheer power available to the character could
hero known as Solitaire and the technological weaponry of the easily throw the game out of balance unless handled cautiously.
villain called Or. Destroyer. The pain brought about the distinct Remember that the Infinite Man will be somewhat reluctant to use
feeling that, buried deep in his mind, the Infinite Man had memories his abilities in combat for fear of destroying a human. Besides, he
and experiences which were locked away in time. would rather observe than participate.
The Infinite Man has been most intrigued with the human The Infinite Man can serve as a perfect vehicle for clarifying
emotion known as love. It seems to be the one feeling he Is ethics and character convictions of heroes. He will always ask why
incapable of sharing. and thus it is the one thing he wants most in the heroes choose to fight for good instead of evil, and why they see
this world. Time and time again he has come across. a beautiful human life as valuable. After all, the human life span is so short that
woman who could care for him, but he has driven her away by his it seems a waste to spend ti all looking after weaker people. Should
awkwardness and total inability for romantic passion. the heroes ever convince the Infinite Man to join them in their task ,
Motiva tion/Personality: The Infinite Man looks upon the world they will have to keep a close eye on him to prevent him from
with childish wonder. He '1oesn 't aclualty view people as equals but radically changing things by simply mind controlling nations, toying
rather as priceless toys with which to entertain himself. Thus, he is with time and history. etc.
very detached from real human concerns such as poverty, crime, On the other hand. villains in the campaign will also try to
etc. However. though he sees people merely as advanced animals. persuade the Infinite Man to join them and grant their every wish.
he treasures them and has vowed to keep himself from killing any A mastermind criminal such as Or. Destroyer (see Classic En·
of them. emies) or a manipulating fiend such as Fiacho might attempt to
The only real thing which the Infinite Man desires is to experience befriend the Infinite Man and turn him into a minion of evil. Or
the emotion of love. To this end, he has immersed himself in an Imagine the horror of our heroes when theydiscovera madman like
intense study of the subject. He has read books. spoken with Foxbat has hired the Infinite Man to be his personal bodyguard and
humans, and even become invisible to observe the phenomena wish-granter! The heroes will have to somehow convince the
close up. Though he has learned how to manipulate a human into Infinite Man that he is o.aking a mistake and should turn against the
loving him, he has nav~r bt:ltin able to reciprocate the feeling. villains that seek to control htm.
Conversing with the Infinite Man is usually disturbing. He fre- One way for the Infinite Man to resolve his confusion between
quently stares at the speaker with w ide eyes, analyzing every word good and evil is to set up a debate between the heroes and the
without responding . When he does speak back, his thoughts will be villains to decide which side he should join. Choosing an exotic,
disjointed and difficult to follow. For instance. if a hero attempts to neutral location like the moon or the bottom of the ocean, the Infinite
convince him to assist In stopping a villain from taking over the Man would l:>uild a grand 8'lurtroom and place himself as judge. He
world, the Infinite Man may begin discussing the psychology o f would then gather the heroes and their most hated enemies, and
dictators or the potential results of such a take-over, or even listen to arguments from both sides as to the supremacy of good or
whether people could still experience love under a different form of evil. Of course. the Infinite Man would never allow for fighting to
government. His questions and answers will not only be naive, they break out; the heroes will have to win this one by their wits.
will rarely make any sense. Alternatively, if the GM wants a bit more combat in the game, the
Powers/Tactics: Though greatly weakeAed by the martyrdom of Infinite Man could set up a contest between the forces of goQd and
the Shastorralites. the Infinite Man still possesses incredible power. evil. Whichever side w ins will gain the loyalty of the Infinite Man
This is reflected not only In his high Characteristics, but in his
cosmic Power Pool as well. With just a thought. he can create The GM may also use the Infinite Man to explore issues of
morality and develop the players' characters. One way to do this is
objects from thin air (Transformatior.}. travel across the globe
to have the Infinite Man choose to "love" one of the female
(Teleportation), locate and read any human's thoughts (Mind Scan
characters or prominent NPCs in the campaign. He will shower her
and Telepathy). manipulate weather patterns (Change Environ-
with gifts, never leave her alone, and literally grant every wish she
ment), and Just about any other ability he desires. He also has the
ability to clairvoyantly see and hear other places within a 4-mile makes. At first. he may charm the lovely lady, winning her affection
radius, and can survive in any possible environment. with his innocent, romantic gestures. However, the Infinite Man will
eventually get on her nerves, and she will have to find a way to move
The Infinite Man, though capable of changing the world with a
his attention to other pursuits. Of CQurse, if the lady is a villain, she
mere thoug ht. generally chooses to observe rather than get In-
may revel In the attention she gets from such a powerful ally, and
volved. On the rare occasions when he has engaged a human in
may try and persuade the Infinite Man to serve her and her wicked
combat. he has usually immobilized them through paralysis (Mind
Control, one command) or simply removed them to another place desires.
During the course of the campaign, the GM may decide to have
(Teleport, usable against others).
Should the Infinite Man choose to shower his affections upon a the lnfirrite Man awaken from his memory loss and recover the
tyrannical, evil persona of the Dark One. This can occur whenever
woman (say, a PC heroine or an NPC villainess), and shoulel
the Infinite Man takes BODY damage (roll his Accidental Change).
someone actually try to hurt his "beloved," the Infinite Man will
and can be representee by exchanging his "Code vs. Killing"
quickly transform the offender to a l ead or other lowly animal. The
disadvantage for "Must conquer all lite encountered.· Once the
GM should warn heroes of this possibility by having the Infi nite Man
Infinite Man regains his "Dark One" identity, he will still avoid simply
demonstrate his overprotective instinc.ts frequently before such a
conflict occurs. killing men in hopes of ruling them first. After all, a dead subject
cannot worship and bow down before you. The heroes will probably
Though the Infinite Man is capable of using his power to assume have to combine forces with other NPC heroes and villains to
any form or size he desires, he usually appears as a very pale protect the Earth from t he Dark One·s power. This should be a
human, approximately six feet tall. with brightwl1ite hair and silvery dramatic, multi-session adventure. with an exciting clima¥ as
eyes. Those !;Janding in his presence will feel a slight electrical heroes and villalns pull together to drive the Dark One back to the
tingle througt1out their body. It is difficult to determine his age, stars (or eliminate him altogether).
though most would guess somewhere between twenty and forty.
His muscular body is usually cloaked in shimmering black with faint
traces of stars and ott1er celestial bodies slowly spiraling within. His
chest bears a large silvery infinity symbol.
Quote: "You humans are simply fascinating! What a grand time I
am having on your planetl"
Alien Enemies 17
THE EVER-EATING KARRG Powers/Tactics: In addition to insatiable appetites, the Kaarg
have long legs which allow them to run at quick speeds and leap
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages great distances. Their webbed feet make them great swimmers,
and their slippery skin protects them from most physical attacks
15 STR 5 10 2x BODY from heat (though energy attacks, especially heat and electricity. hurt them
18 DEX 24 10 2x BODY from electricity severely). Each Kaarg is also capable of releasing a smelly cloud
17 CON 14 25 Insatiable appetite (total) of gas that obscures the vision of predators and allow them to jump
10 BOD 0 20 Fear of violence (total) away to safety. The simplicity of the Kaarg's minds provides them
5 INT -5 5 Color-blind with effective defenses from most mental attacks.
8 EGO -4 25 Distinctive Features (not
Appearance: The Kaargs resemble large. humanoid frogs with
12 PRE 2 concealable, extreme reaction)
slick, pinkish skin. Their hands and feet are webbed, and their
8 COM -1 1 Alien Bonus
yellowish eyes have a translucent shield for seeing underwater.
28 PD 25
Their lower jaws are able to disconnect from the rest of the skull,
5 ED 2
allowing them to fit enormous objects (a bush, a large dog. etc.) Into
4 SPD 12
their mouths at one time.
6 REC 0
34 END 0
27 STUN 0
Cost Powers END
32 3" Darkness, impervious to all sight,
6 continuing charges lasting 1 Turn each (-V.) 0
10 Mental Defense (1 O points)
22 + 11" Running (17" total) 3
20 +20" Superleap (23" forward, 22" up) 514
18 +9" Swimming (11" total) 2
9 +3 Enhanced Perception
8 Life Support vs. all ingested material,
may breathe underwater
3 Breakfall 13-
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,6,9,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

74 + 122 :: 196 "" 96 + 100

Background: The Kaarg don't mean to hurt anyone. and they

certainly don't intend to wipe out all sentient life in a star system.
Yet, wherever they go, they leave a trail of dead, lifeless worlds in
their wake. You see. the Kaarg not only have a driving instinct for
racial survival and expansion, but they also have incredible ap·
petites. They will eat almost anything. And once a world's food
supply is depleted, the natives are doomed to starvation.
The Kaarg reproduce rapidly, and the process of devouring all
edible material on a world is a quick one. The gestation period for
a Kaarg is only three days, and each female Kaarg (called a "cow")
produces up to ten eggs each week. Thus, when the Kaarg come
upon a new planet, they quickly outnumber the native population
and eat everything in sight.
Of course. the Kaarg have adapted a method which will prevent
them from self-extinction. When a world's food supply is nearly Quote: (chomp, chomp... squeal... chomp, chomp ... burp!)
depleted. the Kaarg can selectively breed a number of unique cows Campaign Use: Initially. the presence of the Kaarg will be hu·
who can fly and survive the cold of space for a brief period. These morous. The giant, pink toads will hop through the city, dropping
special cows are then impregnated and sent into space to spew their jaws loose and filling their mouths with anything they can find.
forth their eggs across the galaxy before dying. The eggs remain The heroes may learn of their presence as the Kaarg take over a
dormant until they enter the warmth of a planet's atmosphere. Upon nearby "Quickie Burger· or begin to devour the Mayor's prize rose
landing, the Kaarg hatch and soon begin reproducing, and the garden. They don't really mean any harm, and will never take food
entire cycle begins anew. away from another being without being ottered it first. but they will
Unknown to the inhabitants of Earth, several Kaarg eggs are cause quite a commotion (and anger restaurant owners across the
quickly moving toward the unsuspecting planet. Soon, all of hu- state). Perhaps cats all around the neighborhood are disappearing
manity will come face to face with the terror of the Kaarg. (the Kaarg find felines to be a delicacy), and the heroes will have to
Motivation/Personality: The Kaarg are simple beings of very low convince the Kaarg that pets are not food.
intelligence. Although they use a native language consisting of Before long, though. the Kaarg will present a difficult problem for
throaty croaks, their intelligence parallels that of a small child. To most heroes. Clearly they are friendly, intelligent life forms. But if
them, life consists of eating, breeding, and being friendly to other something lsn'tdoneabout them quickly. theywilleat the world into
sentient beings. Thus. when a human encounters a Kaarg, the extinction. Simply slaughtering the Kaarg will bring the wrath of
Kaarg will be naive but polite, attempting to communicate non- special-interest groups. Local veterinarians may suggest rounding
hostility. Of course. all the while the Kaarg will continue eating away up the Kaarg and neutering them (though gathering the ravenous
at the human's food supply. Because of their strong instincts and space frogs and convincing them to be sterilized will be tough).
low Intelligence, ii is impossible to convince the Kaarg that they are Whatever the solution, the adventures with the Kaarg should be
doing anything dangerous. light-hearted and fun, not seriously threatening.
The Star Galleon's engines screamed as the vessel sped STAR GALLEON
away from the military destroyer. Captain Richaal grinned.
Char. Value Cost
Even though his band of space pirates were in danger of
capture, Richaal enjoyed the thrill of a good chase. "Bring her Size 32x16 75
·round the dark side of the moon and slow to impulse, • he DCV -10
ordered. "We ·11 let them get close enough to taste us before we Mass 3.2 kton
hit the hyperdrive. • STA 85
The Ga/Jeon swung quickly into the shadow of the sma/J DEF 20+ 54
satellite and the crew prepared for sudden acceleration. Just as BODY 25
the destroyer's nose appeared over the horizon, Richaal DEX 18 24
shouted, "Hit it!" The Galleon streaked off into the stars, SPD 4 12
weaving in hyperspace and making it impossible for the Movefly 150x6 315
milita1y's long-range scanners to get a fix on them. Richaal Max 3600
laughed loudly. "Ha! I wish I'd seen the look on the
Commander's face. That'll teach 'im to mess with the Ma- Cost Equipment
rauders!" 80 4d6 AKA. Armor Piercing. Autofire, 250 charges(+ 1),
Later that day, the Gal/eon's crew gathered together to target must be at feast 3 hex area in size (·%), 180°
discuss their next move. It was decided thar they should avoid firing range (in front of ship, · Y2)
the Alliance's systems for a while until things cooled off. The 109 85 STA Telekinesis· "tractor beam", 0 END, target
Emperor would be furious when he discovered his treasure must be at least 3 hex area in size(-%)
chambers emptied and his daughter missing. Perhaps ~he 30 Hardened Defenses (bought twice)
Marauders could strike out to the frontier and look for some new
prospects for a while. 40
I Force Field (+20PD/+20ED), O END, activation 14·
FTL Travel (2000 Light Years/year)
And so the Galleon raced through the galaxy, searching for
inhabited planets with new horizons to plunder. Eventually the 30
I Life Support, total
Spatial Awareness, 360°, 31 25x range (+ 1 v.), no
scanners picked up signs of life on the third planet of a distant range penalty, bulky OIF
star on the edge of the galactic frontier. Slowing to impulse. the 18 High Range Radio, 3125x range (+1 Y.), no range
Galleon ·s sensors lea med that this planet, called "Earth" by its penalty, bulky OIF
natives. was ripe with valuable minerals. Furthermore, they had 37 Clairvoyance, 3125x range(+ 1 Y•), no range penalty,
no unified government or deep space na vy. And best of all, fhR bulky OIF
dominant life form were bipedal humanoids with manipulatory 63 Al Computer
arms and opposing digits - valuable stock for the galactic INT: 10 EGO: 10
slave market. DEX: 18 SPD: 4
"Bring her into a high orbit," Richaal ordered, "and ready the Skills: Combat Pilot, Mechanics, Navigation,
crew. I think it's time for some action!" Systems Operation, Tracking. Transport Familiarity
Talents: Defense Maneuver
Campaign Use: The Galactic Marauders are a band of ruthless Programs: Pilot ship from point A to 8, Control
pirates from a distant star system. They have come to Earth in Environment (doors, temperature, etc.), Diagnose
search of valuable minerals, artifacts, and slaves. They will set their Malfunction, Scan Space
Star Galleon in orbit and teleport to the planet's surface for specific
raids. They may seek to remove the gold from Fort Knox or large Costs: Char. Equip. Total
quantities of oil from a holding in the middle east. They may also raid 488 + 531 c 1011
important museums, stealing various a1t pieces which they hope
w ill have value to inter-galactic collectors. The Marauders might The Marauders' Star Galleon is a magnificent ship resembling
attempt to kidnap the population of a small town for sale on the slave Earth's own early pirate galleons. It's hull is a resilient. silver alloy
market, or take a number of newborn infants from a hospital to raise that gleams in the starlight. Large solar sails. made of sparking
and develop a breeding stock. yellow energy, tower above the Galleon, catching stellar winds to
The Marauders will look at the people of Earth as victims to be aid the impulse drives. The inside of the ship is clean and well
plundered. It they are challenged by powerful heroes, they may organized. The computer responds to voice commands. providing
develop a healthy respect for their opponents but will not be necessary information. opening doors. turning on lights, and assist-
deterred from pillaging and robbing Earth's resources. ing with navigation.
Language will be a problem when the heroes seek to interact with The Galleon has been fitted with high-tech plasma weaponry,
the Marauders. Each of the Marauders speaks Thalospeak, the tractor beams, and light-speed hyperdrive engines. It is manned by
common tongue of their native star system. If the GM wishes to its permanent crew, hirelings from recent ports (use statistics for
avoid this issue, he may allow the Marauders to carry a translating Skilled Normals). There are also number of service robots (like
device, bought as the talent "Universal Translator" with a Focus Normals. Mind Linked to Computer. that cannot be stunned); they
Limitation. are under the guidance of the central computer system.
Alien Enemies 19

Warp Engine

Secret Cargo Hold
Transport Tube

LEVEL FOUR (bottom}

Cargo Hold Cargo Hold Cargo Hold

Cargo Hold Secret Hatch

Cargo Hold
Cargo Hold


Weapons Room

Weapons Room Mess

LEVEL TWO Officer's Quarters


Transport Tube


Docking Port

The Star Galleon

Alien Enemies
Background: Richaal was born on the planet Bandoq IV, a remote
world populated primarily by ou tlaws and adventurers. Bandoq IV
was a hostile environment to raise a child, and Richaal grew up
quickly. He learned the finer arts of stealing, gambling, and carous-
ing before he was twelve, and quickly became known as a rebel with
potential. Eventually, Richaal became interested in expanding his
horizons and stowed away on a military scout ship. This took him
to Thalok Prime - the hub of his planetary system. There Richaal
began a career as a smuggler, helping pirate ships move their
plunder through customs and bringing canisters of Q mist (an illegal
hallucinogenic drug) to the streets.
Richaal became quite good at smuggling. His services became
known in the black markets throughout the entire star system. One
day, when Richaal was moving a case of 0 mist past the cargo
inspectors. a military agent opened fire on hls crew. Apparently the
navy had learned of the vessel's pirate endeavors, and they were
attempting to seize bolh the ship and its crew. Richaal wasted no
time in running to the helm and activating the retro engines. The
ship sputtered back away from the docks, barely making it out of the
hangar doors before they slammed shut. The taw members of the
crew that had remained on the ship were impressed with Richaal's
quick tt1inking and pledged their loyalty. That day, the Galactic
Marauders were formed.
The years have treated Richaal and his crew well. They have
acquired a beautiful vessel, the Star Galleon, and have success-
fully plundered various planets. However, as the military's pursuit
of the Galleon crew has become heated, Richaal has moved their
activity out of the known star systems and into the frontier.
Motivation/Personality: Richaal Is a thrill-seeking swashbuckler
CAPTAIN RICHAAL in search of riches and adventure. He finds the danger of his career
exciting, and takes almost everything in stride. Richaal has a crude
Val Char Co st 100+ Disad vantages sense of humor and is loyal to his own crew. He cares little for those
l 5
Overconfident (moderate)
Enjoys taking risks {moderate)
he plunders and sells into slavery; he sees them as a source of
wealth tor himself. Thus. though there is an enigmatic charm to the
Star Galleon's captain, his motives are wicked and selfish, and the
21 CON 22 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima GM shouldn't make him seem too admirable.
12 BOD 4 15 Distinctive Features
Powers/Tactics: Richaal is a tactical genius. His experience in the
17 INT 7 (concealable, major reaction)
4 smuggling business has served him well in developing surprise
12 EGO 5 Reputation: ruthless
swashbuckler, 8- maneuvers and daring tactics. Thus, though the Galleon has come
15 PRE 5
close to being caught on several occasions. Richaal has always
14 COM 2 25 Hunted by the Imperial Navy, 14-
PO 15 Hunted by the Galactic Patrol, mf!n;;iged to pull her through by the skin of his teeth.
3+ 0
0 11- Richaal is also an excellent thief. He can move silently and
4+ ED
quickly, avoiding most security devices and scanners. To aid him
4 SPD 12 15 Hunted by the Exterm inators, 11 ·
7 REC 0 10 Villain Bonus in his thievery, R ict1aal has stolen a rare prototype of a personal
42 0 cloaking device - a bell-worn machine which warps light waves
30 I STUN 0
and makes its wearer appear invisible.
Appearance : Richaal, like all native Bandoqians, is l1umanoid and
Cost Powers END has warm, ochre skin. His yel.low eyes sparkle with a malicious
gleam. and his toothy gri n is sinister. Richaal has dark brown hair
22 2d6 HKA (3d6 with STA), penetrating,
which drapes down to his shoulders, an excellent build, and prefers
OAF: Energy Saber 3(4)
Armor (20P0/20EO), activation 14·, wearing black and gold clothing.
OIF: protective suit Quote: "Of course I don't know what will happen! That would take
22 Invisibility vs. all sight, 0 END, OIF: cloaking away all the excitement!
3,3 Break fall 13-. Climbing 13·
3,3 Combat Pilot 13-, Concealment 12-
3,11 Gambling 11-, Lockpicking 17-
3,7 Navigation 11-, Stealth 15-
3,3 Streetwise 12-, Survival 11-
3 ,9 Security Systems 12-, Tactics 15-
Transport Familiarity: all space craft
Talen ts
2: 1 4d6 Luck
OCV: 6; DCV : 6; ECV: 4 ; Phases: 3 ,6,9,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. B ase

85 + 150 <= 235 "' 135 + 100
Alien Enemies 21
Powers/Tactics: As all Thalokites in the royal family, Synthre has
powerful psionic abilities. She can lacate minds, read them, twist
Val Char Cost 100+ C>isad vantages their perceptions, and even create a psionic backlash that stuns her
target. In combat. Synthre prefers to remain hidden away from her
11 STA 1 30 1 V2x STUN and BODY from opponents. She will locate their minds using her mind 9Can and
17 DEX 21 Physical Killing Attacks send her psionic backlash (Ego Attack) to disable them quietly. Her
17 CON 14 10 Vain (moderate) telepathic powers have also been helpful in learning court secrets
10 BOD 0 1S In love with Richaal (strong) and manipulating squires, barons, and military commanders into
13 /NT 3 1S Honorable (strong) getting what she wants.
18 EGO 16 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima Appearance: Synthre is a beautifu l Thalokite with pale yellow skin,
13 PRE 3 1S Distinctive Features deep green eyes, and soft silvery hair. Though she looks best in
20 COM S (concealable, major reaction) elaborate gowns and royal outfits, she prefers wearing the more
2+ PD 0 1S Hunted by the Emperor's Secret ruddy clothes of a space pirate. Only a small Royal Brooch in the
3+ ED 0 Police, 11 • emblem of a starburst, which she wears on her collar, eludes to her
4 SPD 13 royal background.
s REC 0
Quote: "Mmm ... what big muscles you humans have! Too bad we
so END 8
2S STUN 0 I have to kill you before we get to know each other better."


so Multipower (Mental Powers) Val Char Co st 100+ Disad vantages
Su, Su Sd6 Ego Attack, 1Od6 Mental Illusions s.s
Su 8d6 Mind Control, no communication s 2s· I STA s 10 Berserk when drunk 8-, 11 •
Su 8d6 Mind Scan, +S to roll 5 23 DEX 39 13 Enraged when attacked 8-, 8-
30 Armor (20PD/20ED), activation 14·, OIF: 28 CON 36 20 Short temper (strong)
protective suit 20 BOD 20 20 Loyal to Richaal (total)
10 Mental Defense (14 total) 10 INT 0 20 Distinctive Features, not
3 Mental Awareness 10 EGO 0 concealable, extreme reaction
Skills 13 PRE 3 2S Hunted by the Imperial Navy, 14·
3,3 Bureaucratics 12·, High Society 12· 8 COM -1 1S Hunted by the Exterminators, 11·
3,3 Oratory 12·, Seduction 12· 1s+· PD 8 10 2d6 Unluck
3,3 Systems Operation 12·, Tactics 12· 1s+· ED 7 2 Villain Bonus
Per ks s SPD 17
s Fringe Benefits: nobility 11 REC 0
S6 END 0
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 6; Phases: 3,6,9, 12 47 STUN 0
Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base • Additions for Density Increase already figured in
70 + 1SO = 220 = 120 + 100
Cost J Powers END
18 Martial Arts, with tongue only (·Y•)
Background: Synthre resented growing up in the Emperor's Maneuver ocv DCV Damage
palace on Thalok Prime. Every day nursemaids would pamper her
Whip -2 +1 11d6
and dress her and feed her and train her to be everything the public
expected from their only princess. But Synthre didn't want to be the Strangle -2 0 3d6 NND
perfect little girl. Instead, she dreamed of taking one of her father's Tongue Lash -2 0 2d6 KA(with STA)
cruisers and speeding off to a world where no one knew of her royal +2 DC (Already Figured In)
heritage. 1S 25% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction
When Synthre even1ually met Richaal {while he was in the 15 2S% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction
process of breaking into her father's private elixir reserves), 13 Density Increase (2 levels), 0 END.persistent,
Synthre was enchanted. Here was a handsome Bandoqian risking always on 0
his very life in the royal palace just to get a few bottles of Jntessian 9 2" Stretching, 0 END, no noncombat,
wine. This was the kind of man she wanted to be with, not those tongue only (·Y2) 0
prissy fools her father always paraded in front of her. Synthre s Extra Limb (tongue)
offered to help Richaal with his theft, disarming the palace scanners Skills
until he was safe autside. In exchange, Synthre wanted Rlchaal to 3, 11 Combat Pilot 14· , Concealment 1S·
take her along with him on the Star Galleon . Richaal. enchanted by 3,3 Electronics 11 ·, Mechanics 11 •
Synthre's beauty and spunk, agreed, and soon they found them- 2 Transport Familiarity: all space craft
selves hand in hand. racing away from the Emperor's royal navy.
OCV: 8; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,S,8,10,12
Motivation/Perso nality : Synthre is the Star Galleon's newest
crew member. She finds everything about the pirates' lifestyle Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
fascinating - much like an Earth child's wonder on Christmas
morning. Synthre has a keen sense of humor and a flirtatious
138 + 97 = 235 = 135 + 100
manner. though her true romantic interest is Captain Richaal.
Synthre has been trained in tactical warfare, and has personally
witnessed the execution of dozens of convicted criminals on her
homeworld. Thus, she has developed a callousness to the sight of
blood, and a "spoiled brat" attitude toward her own desires.
22 Alien Enemies
Background: Chaikayan, a native of Bandoq II, spent most of his Chaikayan is also a bright engineer and takes pride in his
life in and out of military prisons. He had an aggressive, hot temper creative work. His current project is developing a tesseract storage
and a habit for picking fights with naval officers. When he wasn't device which would allow a small cargo bay to hold enormous
cooling off in a security cell or doing time on the prison world, numbers of slaves or other plunder.
Chalkayan was busy tinkering with starships that came into Bandoq Powers/Tactics: The natives of Bandoq II are humanoids whose
ll's ports. Unknown to the military or the public, however . bodies retain incredible amounts of fat. Their skin also has a
Chalkayan's specialty was in designing hidden holding cells for leathery resiliency which protects them from mosl physical attacks.
smuggled goods. and he olten served as a carrier for stolen They have exceptionally long tongues.
products. Chaikayan also has a surprising talent which has brought him
Chaikayan was eventually ottered a position as a ship engineer victory in many bar fights - he has learned to use his tongue as a
for a small pirate vessel. On his very first mission- a smuggling trip weapon. When engaged in combat. Chaikayan will use his massive
transporting several cases of Q mist to Thalok - a military officer body to deliver conventional blows. Once he feels his opponent is
got wind of their mission and opened fire.on the vessel. The planet's weakening, he will shoot lorth his six foot-long tongue, wrap it
receiver, a rebel named Richaal, boarded the vessel and moved it around his victim's throat. and begin constricti ng until his victim is
quickly away from Thalok's port. Chaikayan. along with several either unconscious or dead. This unique talent has also proved
other members of the crew, agreed to join this young thie1 as a useful in restraining restless slaves. fetching small objects off
member ot his new crew. When Richaal eventually gained posses- shelves . etc. Some of the crew find his ability repulsive. bul
sion of the Star Galleon, Chaikayan joined as the ship's chief Chaikayan is proud of his hidden weapon.
Appearance: Chaikayan weighs over 400 kg and has a ruddy
Motivation/Personality: Chaikayan is a gruff. hot-tempered na· complexion. His eyes are pale yellow. and his tongue is a slimy sea-
tive cl Bandoq II. He takes everything seriously and becomes green. Chaikayan usually only wears black trunks, wristbands,
extremely angry when things don't go according to plan. sandals, and collar.
Quote: "#•@%! You told us there'd be no interference! Friggin'
Alien Enemies 23
Motivation/Personality: Phinress is an impatient lntessian with a
very short attention span. He is always keeping himself busy,
Val Char Cost 100+ Ojsadvantages fidgeting with some toy or working off steam in the ship's gymna-
sium . He is loyal to tt1e crew for saving his life, taking him away from
35 STA 25 20 1 V2x STUN and BODY from his homeworld, and helping him to control his new abilities. He has
25 DEX 45 radiation or biological attacks abandEJned the logical rituals of his people in exchange for the
23 CON 26 20 Short attention span (strong) chance to risk his life with the pirates.
12 BOD 4 20 Loyal to Richaal (total) Powers/Tactics: The accident gave Phinress some remarkable
10 INT 0 15 Distinctive Features, conceal- abilities. He can absorb almost every form of energy and enhance
10 EGO 0 able, major reaction his own strength. He is also able to drain the strength of other beings
15 PRE 5 25 Hunted by the Imperial Navy, 14- he encounters. He is everything an lntessian is not supposed to be
10 COM 0 1O Hunted by the lntessians, 8- - strong, aggressive, outgoing, and ready for a good slug-fest.
15+ PD 8 15 Hunted by the Exterminators, 11- In combat, Phinress will first attempt to drain strength from
15+ ED 10 30 Villain Bonus "bricks" and then use his enhanced power to grab and squeeze his
5 SPD 15 weakened opponent. Phinress will laugh loudly at any energy
12 REC 0 blaster who attacks him, absorbing their power and depending on
46 END 0 his own defenses to protect him.
42 STUN 0
Appearance: Phinress is incredibly muscular for an lntessian. He
Cost Powers END stands just over 6 feet high and has deep blue skin and pale grey
eyes. Hi,s light blue hair has grown quite long, and Phinress now
30 Elemental Control - bioenergy drain sports a shaggy beard as well.
a-30 4d6 STA T ransfer to STR (+24 maximum) 6 Quote: "Oh my! This could be dangerous. How exciting!"
b-20 6d6 Absorbtion to STA (+36 maximum) vs.
all energy attacks; linked with 25% Resistant
Physical and Energy Damage Reduction
15 Armor (5PD/5ED) Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages

Power Defense (10 points)
Computer Programming 11-
Greedy (strong)
Overconfident (strong)
3 Deduction 11 - 18 CON 16 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
3 Forgery 11- 10 BOD 0 25 Susceptible: 2d6/segment from
3 Systems Operation 11- 13 INT 3 radiation
13 EGO 3 15 Distinctive Features, conceal-
OCV: 8; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12 13 PRE 3 able, major reaction
16 COM 3 25 Hunted by the Imperial Navy, 14-
Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base 3+ PD 0 10 Hunted by the Emperor's Secret
138 + 117 = 255 = 155 + 100 4+ ED 0 Police, 8-
4 SPD 10
Background: Phinress is a native lntessian. His race has pro- 7 REC 0
duced some of the finest, most logical, scientific people in all 50 END 7
creation. Unfortunately, though, the lntessians keep to themselves. 30 STUN 4
When called upon to solve some wGrld problem or design some Cost Powers END
useful device, the lntessians politely refuse. noting that too much
interaction with other races can corrupt their own culture. 60 Multipower
Phinress, however, was bored following the·simple rituals and 6u 12d6 Healing Aid (as per optional rule: dice total
routines of daily lnte ssian existence and plotted a way to escape his aids STUN, each BODY rolled aids BODY) 6
planet. One day. when a trade ship came to buy lntessian wine (the 3u 4d6 Energy Blast, AVLD: Power Defense,
planet's only export), Phinress decided to stow away in one of the no range 6
cargo holds. Phinress didn't know that the ship he had chosen was 30 Armor (20PD/20ED), activation 14-, OIF:
a pirate vessel from Thalok Prime. He also didn't realize that his protective suit
hold contained a dangerous jirototype fission weapon which was 22 +11" Running ( 17" total) 3
slowly leaking and fill ing the chamber with radiation. His genetic Skills
structure reacted violently to the radioactive particles, sending 3 Forensic Medicine 11-
Phinress into fre nzied convulsions. Crew members heard his 3 Paramedic 12-
screaming, found him in the cargo hold, and quickly brought him to 3 PS: Doctor 12-
their physician. Phinress' condition was stabilized, and they soon 15 +3 Levels with hand-to-hand combat
learned that the radiation had mutated Phinress, giving him remark- OCV: 7 ; DCV: 7; ECV: 4; Phases: 3,6,9,12
able bio-energy abilities.
Phinress was delighted . He had only expected to leave the Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
boredom of his homeworld, not gain new powers. The pirate crew
was delighted also. Not only had they managed to steal three times
85 + 145 = 230 = 130 + 100
as much lntessian wine as they were buying, but they had gained
a new crew member as well. Phinress continued under the direction
of Captain Richaal, using his bio-energy powers effectively.
24 Alien Enemies
Background: Zeinert spent many long years studying medicine in
the universities of Thalok. As a child, Zeinert demonstrated the rare
power to heal the wounds and illnesses of others around him, and Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
the government chose him to become a physician. As a govern·
ment physician, though, Zeinert never stood a chance of gaining 60· r STA 15 10 2x STUN from fire/heat
any personal wealth. And Zeinert wanted badly to become rich. 22 DEX 36 15 Enraged when crew members
On the day of his graduation, Zeinert took a leave of absence 24 CON 28 are hurt 14·, 8·
from which he would never return. He stole a governmenl sltutlle 13 BOD 6 20 Childish (total)
pod, a variety of medicines and equipment, and set off for one of 10 INT 0 20 Loyal to Richaal (total)
Thalok's moons in search of a healthy, capitalistic environment. 10 EGO 0 20 Distinctive Features, not
However, his journey was intercepted by the Star Galleon. a ship 16 PRE 6 concealable, major reaction
filled with pirates who wanted his medical supplies. Zeinert showed 10 COM 0 25 Hunted by the Imperial Navy, 14-
no fear as they brought him aboard. and this gained the favorable 12+· PD 0 15 Hunted by the Exterminators, 11 ·
attention of the Galleon's captain, Aichaal. Aichaal summoned 12+' ED 0 15 3d6 Unluck
Zeinert to his quarters and questioned him as to where the Thalokite 6 SPD 28 62 Villain Bonus
government pod containing government supplies was going. 10 REC 0
Zeinert told Richaal about his greedy desires, and Richaal offered 48 END 0
him a position with the crew. After all, Richaal argued. Zeinert was 40 STUN 0
sure to make more money with the Galleon than he would on one • Additions for Density Increase already figured in
of Thalok's moons. Zeinert agreed, and has been a faithful member
of the Galleon's crew ever since. Cost Power s END
Motivation/Personality: Zeinert is a gutsy, greedy individual. He 54 Armor (18PD/18ED)
hopes to serve with the Galleon just long enough to collect a small 10 Flash Defense {10 points)
fortune for himself and then retire in luxury. Zeinert could care less 10 Power Defense (10 points)
Jww many µi:Jople are injured or killed in his quest for riches. He is 5 Lack of Weakness (-15 to roll)
a quiet individual, always looking out for himself first, and never 26 +13" Running (19" total)
intimidated by any other individual. He has kept a level head in the 5 Discriminatory Smell
worst of situations. and Aichaal has come to depend upon him as 10 Tracking Scent
a source of stability in the crew. 52 Density Increase (7 levels), O END,
Powers/Tactics: Once every several generations, a Thalokite is persistent, always on 0
born with an abil~to serve as a living catalyst in the natural healing Talents
process of others. Zeinert, born with such a gift. is able to touch 11 I Combat Sense (smell), 15-
another's wounds and heal them almost instantly. Tnis ability has
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV : 3; Phases : 2.4,6,8,10,12
saved the lives of several of the Marauders.
Zeinert has also 180rned to reverse the process of healing in Costs: Char . Power Total Disadv. Base
individuals. causing wounds to open up and become infected as
119 + 183 = 302 = 202 + 100
quickly as he can heat them. He must touch his target tor the
wounding to occur, and has learned several techniques for closing
in during hand-to-hand combat and striking with his wounding Background: Tarchoss was born on the high-gravity world of
touch. Only Power Defense offers resistanee against Zeinert. Ssynstra just three years before it was destroyed in the Great War.
Just before the battle began, Tarchoss' parents hicl him on a
Appearance: Zeinerl's skin is a rich yellow color and his eyes are
freighter lhal was travelling from Ssynstra to Bandoq II. On its
a deep blue-green . His white hair is cut short, and he prefers to wear
journey. the fre ighter was captured by Captain Richaa! and his
white jumpsuits.
pirate crew. Upon discovering the Ssynstran child. Richaal decided
Quote: "Just thinl<, I could be enjoying a comfortable retirement on to keep and raise the boy as his own.
Trillium 7 right now. But no, Aichaal couldn't be satisfied with just Little did Richaal realize that Ssynstrans not only mature quickly.
a few billion c;redits worth of contraband and a beautiful princess. but their own density gives them tremendous strength. Additionally,
He has to get us mixed up wilh these idiots from Earth!" Tarchoss was a hyperactive child. always looking to run off energy
by playing with the crew around the ship. It was all Richaal could do
to keep Tarchoss entertained so he wouldn't aecidentally break
something (or someone) important.
In time, Tarchoss grew old enough to begin training as a part of
the crew. Though he is stfll col'ltinuously restless, Tarchoss has
gained control of his hyperactivity and is serving Aichaal loyally.
Motivation/Personality: Tarchoss is little more than a big child
with too much power for his own good. Taking after his father,
Tarchoss is quite a bully. Tarchoss is also one of a handful of
survivors from the Ssynssran disaster, making him a unique indi·
vidual in the galaxy. The only parents he remembers are the crew
of the Star <?¥illeon, and he loves Aichaal dearly.
Powers/Tactics: TarchQss' increased density gives him incredible
strength and resiliency against damage. In combat, his strength
makes him a fearsome opponent, but he has had to learn to be
delicate with things around the ship lest he crush them with his
power. Richaal has made something of a game of crushing skulls
for the hyperactive youth, and Tarchoss' favorite activity is
sneaking up on an opponent and squashing the victim's head.
Appearance: Tarchoss is an enormous reptilian with jade green
scales covering his hairless body. His eyes are small and pink.
Tarchoss only wears a leathery loincloth and harness.
Alien Enemies 25
Quote: "But Richaal, I want my own human to play with. Everyone
else gets to beat up a human; can'.t I smush one, too?"

Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
50 STA 40 40 2x STUN and BODY from
20 DEX 30 electrical attacks
20 CON 20 15 Accidental Change to natural
10 BOD O form when contacting electricity,
10 INT 0 14-
11 EGO 2 15 Contempt for humans
19 PRE 9 (strong)
6 COM -2 15 Power hungry (strong)
20 PD 1O 1O Reputation: always operate in
15 ED 11 groups of two, 11-
5 SPD 20 15 Hunted by Secret Service, 11-
13 REC 0 20 Hunted by the Exterminators 11 -
40 END 0
45 STUN 0
Cost Powers END
15 Damage Resistance (15PD/15ED)
6 +3" Running (9" total) 2
5 Discriminatory Smell
20 Shapeshift - limited group: humanoids, 0 ENO,
persistent, 1 Phase extra time, 0 DCV
concentration during change 0
9,9 Acting 16-, Mimicry 16-
3,7 Oratory 13-, Disguise 13-
3 Linguist
3 1 human language (as appropriate)
3 KS: 1 Earth culture (as appropriate) 11 -
7 PS: 1 profession (as appropriate) 13- the Masq leader, "we'll simply have to make the best of it and take
control of this planet. Who knows, perhaps these silly humanoids
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 4; Phases: 3,5,8,1 0,12 will develop their own means of space travel and allow us to
continue our mission of conquest in the galaxy."
Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base Motivation/Personality: From birth to death, the Masq want
140 + 90 = 230 130 + 100 control of all they encounter. The Masq have learned that while
brute strength is sometimes required, it is hardly as effective as the
Background: Captain Brelden couldn't help but congratulate him- power granted by a large company or government. Therefore, it is
self. He had discovered a world inhabited by a peaceful. friendly the control of these organizations that the Masq crave. And with
humanoid race, known as the Masq. They seemed interested in their ability to mimic anyone they encounter, they have little
trade and cultural exchanges with the Empire. As his ship lifted off difficulty in achieving their goal.
the pleasant world, he dreamed of the awards he would receive for Powersrractlcs: The Masq will first get into an innocuous position
this discovery. He did not realize, however, that the Masq were where they can observe and learn their victims' personalities. Then
shapeshifters, or that over hall his crew lay dead on the planet they will ambush and slay the victims. taking their places. Preferred
below. Many of his men had been replaced by shapeshifted aliens, victims are high government officials, captains of industry, and
and Brelden was carrying them out into the stars to wreak havoc. military leaders. Note that a Masq can identify another Masq
From this humble start, the Masq infiltrated .dozens of worlds. through smell, and this is how they avoid attacking each other.
Though technologically inferior to most races, their uncanny mim- If fo rced into combat, Masq use brute force to pulverize oppo-
icking abilities allowed them to utilize the tools and starships of the nents. They will always try to strike by surprise and then flee,
races they encountered. For tactical as well as biological reasons, changing appearance to avoid capture.
Masq operatives operated in pairs, usually working their way Appearance: In their natural form, Masq appear as humanoids
through an organization's ranks until they occupied two positions of with three fingers and opposable thumbs. Their skin is translucent
power. From there it was always easy to bring in more. and thick, with strange mottled organs beneath the surface.
During the height of their success. the Masq took control of many Quote: "Hello Defender, so glad you could make it. Why don't we
local governments and dozens of Imperial Starships. While on a step into my office.. ."
routine mission to apprehend a group of pirates know as the Campaign Use: The Masq are deceptive, shapeshifted conquer-
Galactic Marauders, an Imperial ship filled with shapeshifted Masq ors. They can be introduced into almost any area of the campaign.
followed the Marauders' Star Galleon into orbit around the planet For example, a new hero with great strength may ask to join the
Earth. The captain of the pirate ship quickly evaded them, but the team. Is it really MegaMan, or a diabolical alien duplicate? And why
Masq were no longer interested. Loading shuttle pods with Masq is the new division head of Primus acting so strangely? Perhaps the
operatives, over fifty of the aliens were sent down to the blue-green
Masq will replace one of the heroes' DNPCs!
world. Yet before their pod could land, the Marauders swung 'round Adventures involving the Masq should be mysterious and slowly
and attacked the mother ship by surprise. With deactivated shields,
introduced. The GM should let the heroes know that something is
the Imperial starship vanisl1ed in a ball of white fire leaving the wrong, but keep the exact nature of the problem a secret, drawing
remaining Masq trapped on the remote planet. "Ah. well," thought
out the suspense toward an exciting, revealing climax.
26 Alien Enemies

The air hung heavy with sulfurous smoke as twelve black The Members of the Midnight Society: Each member of the
Midnight Society has been chosen by the Orb because of his
candles sputtered with eerie, evil light. Shadows danced on the
natural aptitude for magic as well as his somewhat eccentric
walls in time with the Midnight Society's chants. In the center
position in society. Should one of the members be captured or
of the circle, a pulsing white Orb hummed and sparked with
killed, the Orb will choose a suitable replacement. The roll call of the
ancient power.
Midnight Society currently includes individuals from atl walks of life:
For months, the Orb had carefully gathered its minions from
a student, a musician, an athlete, a vagrant, a store owner, a model,
the unsuspecting people of this planet, training them for the
events of this dark night. As the clock chimed twelve, the portal etc. The GM should be c reative in putting this group together, and
should consider using one of the hero's ONPCs as a member; this
was prepared. Deep within its misty window, a black, tentacled
would provide a natural way to draw the heroes into the evil goals
creature flashed its yellow teeth in a wicked grin. Soon the
of the Society.
Arcane would come. and the power of this little sphere called
In addition to appropriate Skills assigned by the GM, each
Earth would be theirs...
member of the Midnight Society has these Powers and Disad-
Background: Far across the galaxy, in a dim corner of space, a
malign race of alien sorcerers have been plotting to exploit the Cost Power
unsuspecting Earth. The race, known as "the Arcane," spent
thousands of years learning to manipulate the magical forces of 16 Summon one Arcane, Leatherwing, and Gremlin,
their world. Centuries have passed by, each ruled by different, only when all the Midnight Society is present (-2).
warring Wizard Lords. The entire populace learned to draw forth only during a full moon (-2), only at midnight (-2),
mystic energy to perform all of their tasks, preferring magic to Activation 11 - {-1), Gestures (- 1-4). Incantation (-V.)
manual labor. However. as time passed, the mystical forces be- 15 12d6 Energy Blast, Each member may only use 2d6
came depleted, and the Arcane grew weaker. Faced with the which may be combined with other members of the
possibility of losing their powers and returning to a life of hard work Midnight Society when they are in physical contact
and no magic, the Arcane dedicated their efforts to locating a new {-3)
source of sorcerous energy. 29 10PD/10ED Force Wall, reduced size to 5" {-Y..),
It wasn't long before the Arcane discovered Earth. The planet Activate 14- (-Y2)
resounded with hidden enchantments. Furthermore, only a handful Skills
of the planet's inhabitants had learned to manipulate the magical 3 KS: Arcane Magic 12-
forces, and they would be easily dealt with. However, the Arcane's
own power had grown far too dim to transport them across the
O+ Disadvantages
galaxy to Earth. They needed a focus, here on Earth, to draw them 13 Monitored by the Orb, 14-
across the stars. It was decided that the Arcane would invest the 20 Hunted by the Circle, 11-
last of their homeworld'smysticalpowers to send an enchanted Orb 20 Loyal to the Arcane (total)
across space which would form a focus to summon the Arcane 9 Villain Bonus
The Orb, a shimmering silver globe of crackling magic power, Each member of the Midnight Society is capable of releasing a
settled in a large city and began to work its power. It located twelve small blast of magical energy. However, when several of the
suitable humans. mesmerized them, and began teaching them the members combine their attacks by linking hands, the energy blast
art of summoning the Arcane, twelve at a time. The group became becomes much more damaging. Additionally, each member is
known as the Midnight Society. passing themselves off as a very capable of setting up a wall of magicalforce. though the size of this
exclusive social club that gathered periodically to discuss magic. In wall is reduced because of the Society's inexperience. Their real
reality, the Midnight Society, directed by the Orb. have begun power, however, comes one night each month. During a full moon.
preparations for the charms which will draw the Arcane to this world. precisely at the stroke of midnight. the Society can perform the ritual
Each month, when the moon is full, the Midnight Society gathers which creates a gateway between the world of the Arcane and the
around the Orb, joins hands. and begins to work the spell which may Earth. All twelve members must participate, and the spell still has
draw forth the Arcane. In order for the magic to work. all twelve only a limited chance of success. To this day. the Society has been
members must be present. concentrating their energies together unable to fully open the gate (though they're getting better with each
on a single spell. So far, their efforts have been unsuccessful. But month's practice... ).
the Orb has convinced them that soon they shall behold their true
masters: the Arcane.
Alien Enemies 27
Val Char Cost 150+ Disadvantages Cost Powers END
1 STA -9 20 Loyal to the Arcane (total) 55 7d6 Mind Scan, +10 to roll, 0 ENO,O DCV
10 DEX 0 20 Single task: open trans-world concentrate 0
10 CON 0 gateway (total) 58 7d6 Telepathy, 0 ENO, invisible to all senses,
40 BOD 60 20 Distinctive Features, not 0 DCV concentrate 0
10+ INT 0 concealable, major reaction 58 7d6 Mind Control, 0 END, invisible to all senses,
10+ EGO 0 25 Hunted by the Circle, 14· O DCV concentrate 0
20 PRE 10 20 Hunted by METE, 14- 30 Mind Link with Arcane High Council (12 minds),
2 COM -4 15 Hunted by the Exterminators, any distance
15 PD 15 11 - 20 +20 INT
15 ED 13 152 Villain Bonus 40 +20 EGO
2+ SPD 0 27 +4 SPD, usable with Mental Powers only (-Y2)
2 REC 0 Talents
2 END 0 20 Universal Translator
46 STUN 0
OCV: 3; DCV: 3; ECV: 10; Phases: 2, 12(2,4,6,8,10, 12)
Cost Powers END
Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base
13 5" Flight, O END persistent, always on 0 85 337 422 272
30 + = "' + 150
Life Support, total
-12 -6" Running
-2 -2" Swimming The Orb itself is designed as an automaton housing a mystical
"computer." As such, it cannot be stunned or knocked out. The
intelligence within the Orb is self-motivating. capable of making
The Orb: The Orb is a silvery sphere, approximately live feet in independent decisions and taking actions for self-preservation.
diameter, which continually hovers at eye level. It occasionally
sparks and crackles with mystic energy. The Orb was designed by
the Arcane as an instrument for training twelve humans in the art of THE ARCANE
opening a gateway between the worlds. Th us, it is capable of Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
locating human minds, probing them for magical aptitude, and
manipulating them into the service of the Arcane. Th e Orb's powers
are completely invisible and inaudible.
18 I
I 5
15 2x STUN. 1 Y2x BODY from cold
21 CON 22 20 Fear of manual labor (total)
12 BOD 4 15 Overconfident (moderate)
11 INT 1 25 Susceptible: 2d6/Segment from
23 EGO 26 extreme cold
15 PRE 5 25 Distinctive Features, not con-
8 COM -1 cealable, extreme reaction
23 PD 20 15 Hunted by METE, 14-
20 ED 16 15 Hunted by the Exterminators, 11-
I 22
Hunted by the Circle, 11-
2d6 Uhluck
115 Villain Bonus

Cost Powers END

Power Pool: 601active points. activation 15-
25% Resistant physical Damage Reduction

1~ , 25% Resistant Einergy Damage Reduction

Flash Defense (5 points)
10 Mental Defense (15 points total)

I Clairvoyance. only at Gremlin's location (-1)
UV Vision
180° Vision
7 Detect sources of magic 13-, sense, range
5 Life Support: doesn't eat or sleep
Skills & Perks
3 KS: Magic 13-

4~ 1
Familiarity with Earth culture
Followers: 1 Gremlin, 1 Leatherwing, and 6 Under-
I lings
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 8; Phases: 3,5,8, 10, 12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

160 + 210 = 370 = 270 + 100
28 Alien Enemies

Cost Power END Examples o f Arcane Power Pool Uses

a-40 40 STA Telekinesis (spectral hand), Gestures, The Arcane : The Arcane are a mysterious race of sorcerous aliens
Incantation 6 who selfishly seek to milk Earth of all its magical potential. When the
Arcana's power grew dim, they sent the enchanted Orb across
b-27 Darkness vs. normal sight, 4" radius (fog), space to manipulate one dozen humans into serving as a focus for
no range (-Y2) 4 opening a gateway from their world. They care little for human lives,
b-10 Images. affects normal sight and sound except when they serve the Arcanes' own purposes.
{haunting shadows). Y2 DCV Concentrate 1 The Arcane are masters in the mystic arts. They have learned to
b-17 Flash Defense ( 1O points), linked to Darkness, tap into the natural magical energy w hich flows throughout a world
usable by others in a ff' radius 0 and manipulate that mana for their own purposes. This is reflected
in their magical Power Pool, which can simulate almost any
c-40 8d6 Energy Blast (wind), Explosion (+Y2), conceivable effect, though they generally prefer powers linked to
Gestures, Incantation 6 the natural elements or a planet (i.e. fire, water, earth . and air).
c-12 6" Flight (wind riding) 1 The Arcane stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and have brownish-

d-30 3d6 AKA (fireball), Gestures, Incantation 4

d-30 Force Field (15PD/15ED; fire shield) 3 LEATHERWINGS
Val Char Cost 50+ Disadvantages
e-40 6d6 Entangle (quicksand), Gestures, Incantation 6
e-20 4" Tunneling through 4 DEF (earthwalking) 1 23 STA 13 20 Trained to obey commands
20 DEX 30 (total)
f-40 6d6 Energy Blast (water spray), double 20 CON 20 15 No fine manipulation
knockback, 112 END cost, Gestures, Incantation 3 14 BOD 8 10 Hunted by the Underlings, 11 ·
f-8 +4" Swimming (6" total) 1 6 INT -4 57 Animal Bonus
f-5 Life Support: may breathe underwater 0 5 EGO -10
20 PRE 10
g-40 4d6 Character Points of BODY Drain 6 COM ·2
(touch of death), recover 5 points/minute, 10+ PD 5
Incantation 5 8 ED 4
4 SPD 10
9 REC 0
40 END 0
36 I STUN 0

Cost Powers END

24 2d6 HKA (talons: 2x 1d6 HKA
[2x 2d6 HKA with STA)) , reduced penetration 3(6)
20 20" Flight. OAF: wing s 4
1 Armor (1 PD)
5 UV Vision
9 Telescoµic Visio n (+6 vs. range mod.)
9 +3 Levels with talons, Flight, and Move By
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 4 ; Phases: 3,5,8,10, 12

Costs : Char . Power Total Disad v. Base

84 + 68 :; 152 = 102 + 50

pink skin dabbled wi th mauve splotches. Several slimy tendrils

hang from their jaws, and their large orange eyes are clearly
Leatherwlngs: The Arcane ride on large, winged beasts that
resemble pterodactyls. Each beast, called a "Leatherwing," has a
dark gray, scaly hide. three yellow eyes, and large nostrils that are
always belching 1,eavy red smoke. These leatherwings are excel-
lent flyers. able to make tight maneuvers at high speeds. Addi·
tionally. the Arcane have trained the leatherwings to use their
talons to scoop up and crush prey.
Alien Enemies 29

Val Char Cost 25+ Disadvantages
10 STA 0 25 Loyal to Arcane (total)
13 DEX 9 10 Vicious and aggressive
13 CON 6 (moderate)
10 BOD 0 40 Dependence: 3d6/ Segment
6 INT -4 w hen more than one mile from
10 EGO 0 Arcane master
13 PRE 3 25 Distinctive Features, not
8 COM -1 concealable, extreme reaction
10 PD 8
10 ED 7
3 SPD 7
5 REC 0
26 END I 0
27 STUN 0
Cost Powers END

33 1 4d6 Character Points of BODY Drain

("poisonous saliva"), recover 5 points/day,
must have done bite damage (-V2) 4
10 1 1d6 HKA (2d6 with STA; "bite") 1(3)
10" Flight, OAF: small bat wings 3
27 Shrinking (2 levels), 0 END persistent,
always on 0
5 UV Vision
OCV: 5 ; DCV: 9; ECV: 3; Phases: 4,8,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

35 + 90 = 125 = 100 + 25

Gremlins: Each of the Arcane possesses a pet gremlin to assist

him in his efforts. The gremlins are small, g reen . lizard-like beasties one night each month, though the NPC will tell them it's only a hobby
with miniature bat wings and sharp yellow teeth. The gremlin's - he's merely meeting with other people who are interested in
Arcane master is able to see lhrough the gremlin's eyes (via parapsychology. The heroes may eventually discover the NPC's
Clairvoyance); a gremlin thus makes a great spy. magical talen ts - particularly the Mystic Blast - should the NPC
The gremlins all have nasty bites laced with a destructive poison. ever run across a mugger or get caught up in a skirmish between
Should a gremlin's teeth puncture a victim's defenses and do superheroes and villains.
damage, the poison will be Injected, causing extreme pain for Sooner or later, the heroes will want to investigate their friend's
several days and possibly death. social club, and will arrive just in time to see the Midnight Society
Each gremlin is magically linked to its master. It must always open the gateway to the Arcana's world. A dozen Arcane will fly in,
remain w ithin a mile of its personal Arcane; otherwise it ignites w ith riding their dark, beastly Leatherwings and carrying their personal
crimson flame and quickly vanishes in sulfurous smoke. familiars. The Arcane will battle the heroes, allowing the Midnight
Underlings: While the Arcane are waiting for the Midnight Society Society to grab the Orb and flee into hiding. Each month, the
to summon them to Earth. they have enslaved a race of short pale Midnight Society will continue to summon in more Arcane, and the
humanoids to do t heir bidding. These slaves, called ''Underlings," heroes w ill have to hunt down these mysterious alien invaders and
live in the cavernous bowels of the Arcane's homeworld. They are the Midnight Society (including the NPC friend), and put a stop to
physically strong yet emotionally gentle. making them excellent the enchantments.
slaves. The Arcane terrify the Underlings, and each slave has One interesting use of the Arcane is to have the heroes chase
learned the pain of its master's whip. The Underlings are afraid to one of the Arcane back through the gateway into the Arcana's
rebel against the Arcane, and would rather die than suffer the homeworld. The heroes will find themselves on a dark, distant
painful torture procedures of their masters. Use the statistics for world, with shadowy Leatherwings circling high overhead and
normal humans to represent the Underlings. frightened Underlings scattering everywhere in fear of the coming
battle. Such an adventure would emphasize combat, as the heroes
CAMPAIGN USE OF THE ARCANE battle through waves of Arcane, Gremlins, Leatherwings, and even
legions of Underlings who fearfully follow the orders of their
The Arcane are ancient, mystical horrors from beyond the stars .
masters. Eventually, the heroes may come in contact with a few
They are evil and lazy-ready to rape the Earth of its latent mystical
bold Underlings who will tell them of the Orb's power to link the
resources and plunder our world for their own amusement. The
Arcane's world with Earth. The heroes will then have to force the
Midnight Society is their link to our world, and the GM should slowly
Arcane's high council into instructing the Orb to arrange for the
introduce the mystery of the Society to the campaign. Someone
heroes' transportation home.
close to the heroes will be subdued by the magical Orb and forced
However the Arcane are introduced to the campaign, the GM
to join t he Midnight Society. T he heroes may become curious as to should strive to create an eerie, alien atmosphere. The Arcane are
why one of tt1eir friends meets with an odd asso11ment of individuals horrible, cruel creatures, capable of limitless surprises as they use
their Power Pools to dominate the world. Their goals and abilities
;are shrouded in mystery, and the GM should play up the horrific,
alien nature of their threat.
30 Alien Enemies
ORION THE HUNTER visitor. Orion was surprised to discover that his quarry, the Prince
(who had taken on the identity of "Obsidian"; see Champions) , was
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages a member of this "welcoming party." To Obsidian's surprise. the
Champions were greeted with a barrage of pulsar blasts from the
30 STR 20 1O 1 Yzx STUN from energy Killing cruiser's weapon systems. During the ensuing battle, Quantum
29 DEX 57 Attacks delivered a powerful blow directly into the cruiser's main engines,
26 CON 32 10 Accidental Change to natural causing the ship to explode in a brilliant flash of light and energy.
14 BOD 8 form when BODY Damage is Orion's quick reflexes allowed him to eject from the ship, but not
14 INT 4 taken, 11- before he received a nasty blow to the head. When he awoke. Orion
13 EGO 6 20 Enraged when mission is found that his recent memories were gone; he knew who he was,
15 PRE 5 interfered with 11-, 8- but not what planet he was on. Likewise, he knew nothing of his
10 COM 0 10 Memory Loss (moderate)· assassination assignment. Trapped on Earth without a starcruiser,
25 PD 21 15 Little regard for life (moderate) Orion has tried to figure out how and why he came here. He has also
25 ED 20 15 Distinctive Features assumed the identity of Larry "Deadshot" Blaze. In this human
6 SPD 21 (natural form), easily guise, Orion has begun doing what he does best: hiring himself out
16 REC 10 concealable, extreme reaction as the perfect, discrete killing machine.
52 END 0 10 Reputation: assassin, 11-
Motivation/Personality: Orion is a cold individual, who prefers to
42 STUN 0 15 Hunted by the Imperial Secret
remain quiet and observant. Even as "Deadshot" Blaze, Orion
Police, 14-
rarely says a word (though he has been slowly learning the English
10 Hunted by the Champions, 8-
language). Orion takes everything seriously and literally; he has no
15 Secret ID: "Deadshot" Blaze
sense of humor or imagination.
217 Villain Bonus
Powersrractlcs: Orion is a crafty killer with natural hunting abilities
Cost Powers END and the power to change his outer form to imitate any being he has
coma into contact with. When Orion takes on a job, he prefers to
14 Martial Arts (Imperial Assassin Training) 3 work alone and not disclose his methods. He gets close to his
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage victim, disguised as a close friend or neighbor. After he has
Snap Kick 0 +2 8d6 observed the prey for quite some time, determining any weak-
Dodge - +5 nesses. Orion will get the victim alone and in an isolated spot. There
Nerve Pinch -1 +1 2d6 NND he changes into his natural form, kilting the victim quickly. Orion
then returns to his identity as "Deadshot" Blaze, leaving no murder
Escape 0 0 + 15 STA vs. Grabs
weapon and a baffled homicide department.
24 2d6 HKA (4d6 with STA; talons), not when
shapeshifted (-V.) 3(6) Appearance: Orion can appear as any creature of roughly human
27 Shapeshift into any humanoid, O END size. However, he can only mimic people or creatures which he has
persistent, only beings Orion has met (-Y2) 0 actually seen; his lack of imagination prevents him from inventing
15 Damage Resistance (15PD/15ED) his own personas to assume.
5 Flash Defense (5 points) Quote: "Ah, the sweet smell of terror... "
5 Power Defense (5 points) Campaign Use: Orion is an assassin with a surprising alien twist.
5 Lack of Weakness (-5 to roll) The GM may first introduce Orion to the campaign in the guise of
38 + 19" Running (25" total) 5 "Deadshot" Blaze, a local hood suspected to be a mercenary hit
9 +3 Enhanced Vision man. Thus, as the heroes close in on what they think to be an
5 IR Vision ordinary assassin, lhey will discover that they are dealing with a
5 Discriminatory Smell horrible killer from beyond the stars.
10 Tracking Scent
3,3 Acrobatics 15-, Breakfall 15-
11,3 Disguise 15-, Lockpicking 15-
3,3 Security Systems 12-, Stealth 15-
3,3 Streetwise 12-, Tracking 12-
4 +2 OCV w/HKA
3 Combat Sense 12-
40 Find Weakness with all attacks, 13-
OCV: 1O; DCV: 1O; ECV: 5; Phases: 2,4,6,8, 10, 12

Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base

204 + 243 = 447 = 347 + 100

Background: When the Prince was sent to Earth on a twenty-year

training trip, the kingdom's enemies (who hoped to kill the Prince
and install their own Imperial ruler) sent for the most feared
assassin in the galaxy: a shapechanging being known only as
"Orion the Hunter." Orion accepted the task of killing the Prince in
exchange for immunity and protection under the new Empire.
When Orion arrived in his starcruiser, a team of superheroes
known as "the Champions" was dispatched to intercept the alien
Alien Enemies 31

The pale moon danced 'round the little blue globe as it had done
each month for thousands of years. Its light glimmered In the cold
of space, attracting the attention of the alien, drawing it closer and
filling it with an eagerness it had not experienced In a hundred
lifetimes. The alien glided through the silent vacuum, recalling the
joys and passions it had once experienced on that humble blue
sphere so very long ago. It remembered the simplicity of the people
who lived by the great sea and the way they worshipped it while It
resided in one of their own bodies. Soon It would embrace another
unsuspecting life, using a fleshy body to fulfill its own desires.
Elsewhere in the galaxy, another mighty alien grew bored with Its
lnsectoid host. It had not found an entertaining world in centuries,
and chose to throw its host off a cliff and end their symbiotic
relationship. If only there was a people who could delight It and bring
It such pleasure as those humans on that llttle, wet planet did so
long ago. But of course! Why not simply return to that world and take
on a new host, as It did so many years ago?
Throughout space, similar events were occurring as simple
beings of pure energy chose to return to Earth and take up
residence within human hosts once again. And as that planet spun
'round in the shadow of Its moon, the earthlings never suspected
how their lives would be forever changed ...
Background: Around 100 8.C., six alien entities sped across
space, destined for Earth. They were beings of pure energy,
travelling together through the stars on a curious whim. Their
survival depended upon symbiotic relationships with beings of
matter, and they found such hosts among the people of the Rome.
In exchange for using the physical bodies of their victims, the
energy beings provided their hosts with incredible powers. One
gained the powers of the sun itself, another learned the secrets of
lunar energy, another controlled the weather, etc. Each symbiotic
relationship which was established introduced new super-human
powers to Roman society.
In addition to providing their hosts with new abilities, the energy Each of these symbiotic beings possesses the ability to recog-
beings twisted the personalities of their human hosts. A peac~ful nize another of their kind whenever they are In close proximity. This
sailor became an angry, fire-wielding menace. An aggressive power of recognition will allow the various members to draw
soldier developed a bottomless hatred and a thirst for violence. A together as "The Pantheon" in their exploitation of Earth.
young. virtuous maiden became a fount of lust and unquenchable Campaign Use: The members of the Pantheon all have distinct
• passion. And though the hosts struggled for control of thetr per- motivations and personalities. Each member Is struggling with the
sonalities, the energy beings' influence caused them to become conflicting desires within, and II is likely that the alien presence In
unstable, childish, and chaotic. possession will eventually win out.
To make their transition easier, the alien entities patterned The members of the Pantheon may be Introduced individually
themselves after some of the existing myths and legends of the day. into a campaign. Perhaps Mercury will hire several villains and form
The most powerful called himself Jupiter, who was considered the his own team for thievery. Neptune may attempt to destroy ships
greatest of the gods. Another called himself Neptune, and took to which come too near his lighthouse home. Mars may attempt to
the waves. It is possible that some of the legends of the time are a start World War Ill. The members of the Pantheon should even-
result of the alien's activities. tually encounter one another, recognizing their kindred alien ori-
The time came when the energy beings grew bored with hu- gins, and band together in an unstable allegiance. Though they
manity and they allowed their human hosts to die. Now, three may quarrel among themselves, they will be loyal In defending one
thousand years later, the six beings have returned to Earth. They another in whatever projects they decide upon.
have chosen new hosts and endowed them with their remarkable The GM may also wish to use the Pantheon as guides in building
powers. In choosing their human hosts, the energy beings looked more characters from Roman legends. Saturn, Venus, Pluto, etc.,
for Individuals who were lonely, hurting, or angry. They preferred to could all make interesting NPCs In a Champions campaign.
reside in emotional, tragic people who would use their new powers Finally, if he is using the actual Greek gods in his campaign (as
to change the world. presented in The Olympians), then the GM should decide how the
two groups Interact. It is entirely possible that Zeus and his brethren
will be angered by the alien mimics. Perhaps the PCs will have to
avert a divine war!
32 Alien Enemies
Motivation/Personality: John has fully embraced the powers and
JUPITER personality of Jupiter, and prefers remaining in his Jupiter identity
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages rather than his natural form. He is driven primarily by his lust for
power and dominance over other people. For too many years he
60* STR 40 10 Accidental Change to Jupiter played servant to bullies around him; now it's his turn to manipulate
23• DEX 31 identity when angry, 11 · others. The alien residing in John plays upon this bitterness, driving
2r CON 27 8 Enraged when insulted 8-, 8- John to use his powers for conquest and domination. As Jupiter,
15* BOD 8 20 Wlll not strike a woman (total) John finds his powers invigorating and takes great pleasure in
Easily seduced (strong)
Distinctive Features (blue energy
summoning the fierce elements to do his bidding. Should the
Pantheon assemble, Jupiter would become the natural leader.
20· ! PRE 8 eyes as Jupiter), easily Jupiter's main weakness is his uncontrollable interest in women.
14* COM 2 concealable. major reaction He is easily manipulated by beauty and will never stril(e a woman,
30* PD 13 10 Reputation: mobster, 11 · even if his life depends on it.
30* ED 19 20 Hunted by the Champions, 11 · Power s/Tactics: In addition to his incredible strength, Jupiter is
6* SPD 22 20 Hunted by the F.B.1., 14· able to call upon the power or the storm. Even on a sunny day,
20* REC 5 10 2d6 Unluck Jupiter can summon raging winds to carry him In the air: he can also
80* END 10 15 Secret ID call forth concussive blasts of thunder, and hurl deadly lightning
69 I STUN 10 89 Villain Bonus with Incredible accuracy. In combat, Jupiter is aggressive and
•Only in Villain ID (-Y..), already figured in overconfident. He knows that he cannot be harmed by most normal
weaponry and laughs at gunfire. Thus. he tends to charge straight
Cost Powers END in. using his most powerful attacks and mocking his opponents'
I 50Multipower, activation 14-
STR Telekinesis (wind) I 7
Appearance: John Condos is a thin, pale man in his late thirties
4u 1Od6 Energy Blast, explosion (wind) 7 with w iry black hair and a short beard. As Jupiter, he is bulging with
4u 4d6 RKA, !-7 END (lightning) 3 powerful muscles. His curly, jet black hair and beard are long and
4u 13" Flight, usable at range by 8 others thick, and his skin is a beautiful bronze. Jupiter's eyes crackle with
(Jupiter cannot use this power while others blue energy and a feeling of s tatic electricity surrounds him .
are using it)( -~ 1 %) 4 Quote: «Cretin! You battle not against a mare mortal. I am a god!
21 * Damage Resistance (26 PD/26 ED) I How dare you oppose me!"
34• 21 " Flight I 4
5 Instant Change I
3 Gambling 11-
Shadowing 11-
Stealth (not in Villain ID, -Y2) 11-
3 Streetwise 13-
t: .....i:;~-\.·-
OCV: 8; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,1 2 ~

Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base ~,~ ""'~~~wr

197 + 130 ::; 327 = 227 + 100

Background: John Condos spent many years as the lackey for the
New York crime boss. Maxwell Di bone. Each day he risked his life
running errands, avoiding the police, and roughing up "insurance"
customers; meanwhile Dibona received all the glory. John Condos
grew to resent his employer, but was terrified of standing up to him
or breaking free from the organization.
Then, one rainy day as John was making arrangements for a
shipment of weapons, he was struck by a flash of blue light that
plummeted lrom space. John's muscles swelled and his beard
grew long and curly. He felt a tingle of power course through his
body and found himself rising into the sky, Instinctively, John could
control the thunder and lightning ot the coming storm. He directed
the winds to carry him across the city to the home ot Dibone and
summoned lighlning to destroy his Jormer employer.
With Dibona gone, John, who now called himself "Jupiter," used
his power to take control ofDibone's organization. At last he had the
power he always craved. and John was determined to make the
most of the situation. Today, Jupiter and his mob are quickly
becoming one of the most feared underworld organizations on the
Eastern seaboard.
Alien Enemies 33

Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
13* STA 2 20 2x STUN from heat attacks
21 • DEX 26 1O Accidental Change to Neptune
18* CON 13 identity when hurt, 11-
1O BOD O 10 Enraged when ocean is abused
10 INT 0 14-, 11-
1O EGO O 20 Bitter against everyone (total)
15• PRE 4 15 Protective of oceans (total)
1O COM O 1O Crippled in secret ID
3+ PD O 20 Hunted by the Champions, 11-
4+ ED o 15 Hunted by the Coast Guard, 14-
5 SPD 15 15 Secret ID
7 REC o 56 Villain Bonus
50* END 11
35• STUN 7
•Only in Villain ID (-Y•), already figured in
Cost Powers END
59* 55 STA Telekinesis (fluid hand), Yi END,
must have water present to animate (-Yi) 4
60* 35 STA Telekinesis (earthquake), on selective
area effect 640" radius, Yi END, only against
targets in contact with the ground (-1 ), only to
shake (no grab/squeeze, -1) 9
70* 8" Force Wall (17PD/17ED)(wall of water),
O END, must have water present to animate (-Y2) 0
15* + 19" Swimming (21" total) 4
4• Life Support: may breathe underwater
5 Instant Change
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base Since that day, Welles has learned that he not only controls the
78 + 213 "' 291 = 191 + 100 power of the sea, but can manipulate any source of water he is near.
He has also learned that he can summon great earthquakes.
Welles has dedicated himself to protecting his oceans from all who
Background: Clyde Welles was a WWII hero who was hit by a Nazi would bring violence to them. He has taken on the guise of
bullet while boarding a captured German vessel. The bullet grazed "Neptune" (a name which came to Welles in a dream), and has been
his upper spine, causing minor brain damage and paralysis from a terror to military vessels around the world.
the waist down. Welles returned to the United States and took Motivation/Personality: Welles is driven by bitterness. He is
residence in an abandoned light house owned by his parents. For angry at the world tor the loss of his legs and the lonely years i:e
a while, friends and neighbors would visit him, trying to cheer him spent in his wheelchair. As Neptune, he is angry that the world rs
up and make him comfortable. But in time, the visits stopped. And trying to take away the one thing he truly loves by disrupting the
when Welles' parents died, he was all alone. harmony of the ocean with war and pollution. He is a stubborn
Welles spent most of his time on the porch overlooking the individual and will not "waste time" listening to arguments.
ocean. He felt trapped in his wheelchair and angry about his The alien within Welles has always had a fondness for the quiet,
accident. He blamed himself for risking his own life, and became murky depths of the ocean. Like Welles, the alien is infuriated with
bitter against the young seaman he had saved. Whenever a ship the pollution of the oceans. Tilus, the alien is tanning the flames of
passed near his lighthouse, Welles cursed it and all who travel on Welles' anger and hurt, pushing him to use his powers to make the
the sea. oceans the clean, tranquil place they once were.
On one occasion, as Welles watched from his front porch, a Powers/Tactics: As Neptune, Welles has gained mastery over the
pulsing green light shined on him from the evening sky. Welles was
forces of land and sea. He can make water come alive and do his
terrified. but soon experienced feeling in his legs. Afraid yet excited, bidding. Welles rarely ventures forth on land anymore, preferring
Welles stood from his wheelchair. Unaccustomed to walking, he the cool, quiet depths. When he encounters a war vessel, Welles
tripped forward. tumbling over the railing and plunging into the s~a will attack viciously, capsizing the boat and drawing its crew to the
below. To Welles' surprise, he could breathe underwater. In fact, in ocean floor. He sees all intrusions of violence, including large-scale
a strange way, Welles felt truly at home there beneath the foamy
fishing operations and oil-polluting drilling, as crimes deserving of
waves of the sea. capital punishment.
Welles set out to explore the ocean depths near his lighthouse
home. He was enchanted by the pulsing beauty of the tides and the Appearance: Welles was a frail man with wrinkled tan skin and
frenzied schools of fish that swarmed around him. Yet, when he thinning blonde hair. As Neptune, Welles is finally strong and
came upon a Coast Guard vessel patrolling the shore, Welles' healthy. Solt white hair flows over his shoulders and down his chest,
bitterness swelled inside him. lnstinctually, Welles caused the sea and his sea-green eyes gleam with excitement. His skin is now a
to capsize the boat. He held it in the watery depths until every sailor rich, gold color, and he prefers to dress in turquoise and pearl. He
had drowned. In a strange, twisted way, Welles was deeply carries a long trident for show.
satisfied, believing that he had defended his ocean. Quote: "You've destroyed the land and polluted the sea; you've
brought violence to the tranquil oceans... you all deserve to die!"
34 Alien Enemies
MARS In the months that have passed, MacMillan has become accus-
tomed to his abilities, and the alien presence within him has begun
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages to take control of his mind . He now calls himself "Mars," and he
takes great pleasure in seeking out violence. Mars has taken a
60* STA 40 20 I 2x BODY from magical attacks particular interest in the gang wars of Los Angeles, and hopes to set
24* DEX 34 10 Accidental Change to Mars himself up as a kingpin, using his powers to fuel the killing.
23* CON 21 identity when seeing combat, 11-
15* BOD Motivation/ Personalit y : MacMillan was a tough, militant indi-
8 15 Enraged when annoyed 14-, 8-
vidual; now he is a raging, furious individual, seeking hatred and
10 INT 0 20 Hateful and violent (strong)
destruction in everyone he encounters. As Mars, he will lose his
12 EGO 4 15 Distinctive Features (crimson
20· temper at the slightest annoyance, usually killing whoever brought
PRE 8 skin and fiery eyes as Mars),
him the bad news. The alien within him is a creature of hatred and
10 COM 0 easily concealable, extr~me
23* PD reaction impatience, and it is driving MacMillan to create an environment of
23* tension and anger.
ED 14 20 Hunted by the Champions, 11-
SPD 21 Hunted by U.S. military, 14- Though MacMiiian enjoys the emotional release, he Is becoming
6 15
17 frightened as he loses control to the alien. MacMillan has carefully
REC 0 5 Rivalry with alien persona
guarded his thoughts about the U.S. military capabilities from the
46 END 0 15 Secret ID
alien, directing his fury against teenage street gangs. However,
57 I STUN 0 96 Villain Bonus
MacMillan fears the day when the alien learns of the destructive
•Only in Villain ID (·Y.), already figured in power of atomic weapons and seeks to initiate World War Ill.
Cost Powers Powersrractlcs: In addition to his incredible strength, Mars can
cause unquenchable hatred in those around him. Everywhere he
40* 1Od6 Energy Blast (searing vision) 5 goes. violence follows. He takes great delight in bloodshed, and will
67* 9d6 Mind Control, area effect 4" radius, O END do almost anything to start a fight.
persistent, telepathic command, only to make In personal combat. Mars is a brilliant tactician, keeping himself
angry, always on 0 well covered while hitting opponents from behind with his deadly
12* Damage Resistance (15PD/15ED) eye blasts. His favorite maneuver. though, is to grab an opponent
4* Flash Defense (5 points) and hurl him at yet another enemy with his incredible strength.
4• Power Defense (5 points) A ppearance: General MacMillan is a tough man in his late forties
4* Lack of Weakness (·5 to roll) with a square jaw, short grey hair, and a long scar across his neck
18* + 11 " Running (17" total) from a wound in the Korean War. As Mars, his skin becomes a deep
5 Instant Change crimson, his body swells with poweriul muscles, and his eyes
Sk ills become a fiery yellow.
3 Breakfall 14· Quote: "Death and destruction! I hunger for annihilation!"
9 Tactics 14·
6 +2 Levels with punch, kick, and energy blast
OCV: 8+; DCV: 8; ECV: 3; Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base

159 + 172 = 331 = 231 + 100

Background: General Ryan MacMillan was humiliated by the

over-zealous reporters who swarmed around him on his way into
the courthouse. He had been accused of selling military secrets to
the Soviet Union. It didn't really matter if he was guilty or not; his
military career was over, and his fam ily was put to shame.
As MacMillan climbed the steps toward the courthouse, a pulsing
orange light streaked down from the sky and struck him in the back.
He reeled forward against the crowd, and felt his shirt tearing.
Suddenly an intense hatred welled up within him; he directed it
toward the reporters who were making his life miserable. Flashes
of red and orange light burst from his eyes, burning through the mob
of newsmen around him. Those who were not killed became
violent , using the cameras and other equipment to attack each
other. Approaching policemen also felt an uncontrollable anger;
they drew their guns to fire into the crowd.
It was then that MacMillan caught a glimpse of himself in one of
the news monitors. No longer was he a mere human - he had
become something far more powerful and terrifying. MacMillan
began to flee the scene and d iscovered that his legs had grown
tremendously powerful and were carrying him at incredible speeds.
Everywhere he went, violence broke out in his wake, and he
eventually fled to his home thirty miles away.
Upon arriving, his wife screamed in terror and ran into the
kitchen. As he followed her, she grabbed a nearby rolling pin and
began to beat their children. MacMillan tried to stop her, but he
didn't realize his own strength. Within moments, his entire family lay
dead. In anguish, MacMillan literally tore the house down to its
foundation and ran off into the woods.
Alien Enemies 35
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
10 STR 0 20 Vain (total)
18* DEX 19 15 Fear of violence (strong)
13* CON 5 15 Greedy (strong)
10 BOO 0 5 Distinctive Features (shimmering
10 INT 0 eyes), easily concealable
13 EGO 6 20 Hunted by the Champions 11-
15 PRE 5 15 Hunted by the French Police, 14-
40* COM 27 15 3d6 Unluck
5• PD 2 15 Secret ID
5• ED 2 77 Villain Bonus
4 SPD 10
0 I
•Only in Villain ID(-\/•). already figured in
Cost Powers END

69* I 6d6 Flash vs. sight, area effect 6" radius,

activation 14- 12
48* Desolidification (affected by light; i.e., lasers,
Flash. etc.). O END 0
20 STR affects physical world (+2 Advantage) 1
42* 26" Flight 5
10 Instant Change into any outfit
6* +14 COM (40 total)
3 High Society 12-
3 Seduction 12-
3 Stealth 13-
3 PS: Model (PAE based) 12-
3 Fluent English with French accent
I (native: French) I Motivation/Personality: Marie is unbelievably greedy and vain.
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 5; Phases: 3,6,9, 12 Her home is filled with full-length mirrors, and Marie will often spend
hours staring at her own reflection. The alien persona living within
Costs: Char. Power Total Disad v. Base her is attracted to beautiful, shiny thin~s. and is the driving force in
Luna's thievery. Marie likes the alien presence within her and the
87 + 210 = 297 => 197 + 100
daring adventures it leads her into. And, of course. she is delighted
to be surrounded by such beautiful things, even if they are stolen.
Background: Marie Dubois was the hottest thing on the French Powers/Tactics: Luna can become living moonlight whenever the
fashion scene In twenty years. Designers around the world would moon is present in the sky. This allows her to become intangible and
pay enormous sums just to have her model their creations. She had gives her the ability to project beams· of bright light to blind her
her own line of perfume, a beautiful home outside of Paris, and opponents. She uses her abilities to commit exotic robberies of
more suitors than she had time for. priceless jewels and expensive gowns, returning her stolen goods
However, though Marie was beautiful on the outside, her beauty to a secret vault in her house in Paris. To this day. Luna has never
was tainted by cold. selfish ambitions. Marie was never satisfied engaged in physical combat. preferring to blind her enemies and
with the wealth and fame that was offered her. and would spend vanish through the nearest wall. Luna is terrified that one day
evenings on her balcony. staring at the moon, wishing she owned someone will actually strike her. ruining her "perfect face."
the world. Then, one night as she dreamed of untold fortunes, a pale Appearance: Marie Dubois is recognized around the globe as one
grey light descended on her from the sky. Suddenly, she fou nd of the most beautiful women to ever live. Several magazines have
herself floating into the night sky. She hovered above the city of dubbed her "a modern-day Helen of Troy." However, Marie's
Paris; it seemed a sparkling jewel just waiting to be grasped. As she beauty pales in comparison with that of her Luna persona. As the
g lided down toward the city. she reallzed that she now had the Roman goddess, her hair is silky white and her eyes have a cold,
power to take whatever she wanted. She made her way for a jewelry white glow. Her skin becomes white like snow, and she prefers to
shop downtown and proceeded to glide through the wall into the dress in flowing white gowns and adorn herself with stolen dia-
store. Her hand also became transparent, reaching into the cases monds.
and taking out diamonds and pearls. She flew out of the store and Quote: "You'll never catch me, you know. Ta ta!"
returned to her home.
Since that evening, Marie has taken on the name "Luna,"
patterning herself after the beautiful, sparkling Roman goddess of
the moon. She has stolen priceless jewels from all around the
globe, leaving the authorities baffled. However, the more she has,
the more she wants; her greed knows no end. She continues to
model for several designers, though her vanity and arrogance have
cost her much of her public appeal.
36 Alien Enemies
Bennie decided to use his new abilities for profit. Now he could
MERCURY pick pockets so fast that no human eye could follow. By agitating his
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages molecules. Bennie could even run on air. And, if anyone ever got
cfose to catching him, Bennie could pour on the speed and be in
15+ STR 5 10 1 Y2x STUN from cold attacks another city in minutes.
35* DEX 60 15 Likes to taunt heroes (total)
Motivat ion/Personality: Bennie is a crook with little ambition . As
18* CON 13 15 Likes to take risks (strong)
Mercury, he still uses his powers for petty crimes. The delight is not
10 BOD 0 15 DNPC: girlfriend of the week,
in how much he can steal, but in how clever he is in getting away
10 INT 0 normal, 11-
with it. The alien persona also delights in trickery, and pushes
10 EGO 0 15 Hunted by local police, 14-
Bennie into taunting the authorities on occasion. He has even left
15* PRE 4 15 Hunted by local mafia, ·11-
notes for the police to tell when and where his next crime will take
10 COM 0 15 Secret ID
place . daring them to try and stop him . Bennie enjoys his rela-
15+· PD 10 59 Villain Bonus
tionship with his alien resident. He senses that the alien alone
15* ED 9
shares his sense of humor and his knack for deception.
r SPD 20
Powers/Tactics: As . Mercury, Bennie can move at incredible
7 REC 0
70* END 14 speeds. He can run across water. up vertical surfaces, or even on
27 STUN 0 I air. Bennie has learned to use this speed to perform powerful Move
By maneuvers (up to 11d6). Additionally, Bennie uses his new
*Only in Villain ID (-V4), already figured in speed to enhance his skills of pickpocketing, lockpicking, and
Cost Powers END
Appearance: Bennie Ladro is in his early thirties, has curly red hair,
+25 STR, usable only for Move By (-1)
11· 1
4* +10 PD, usable only for Move By (-1) I4 and flashes an enchanting. mischievous smile. As Mercury. he
wears a maroon body suit. long gold gloves and winged boots, and
46* +29" Running (35" total) 7 a shiny, winged helmet. He has been known to carry a brass
2 1• 15" Flight (10" normal flight, 15" when in contact caduceus he lifted from a medical convention, though Bennie does
with a surface, -Y2) 3 not understand the alien's fascination with the rod.
5 Instant Change Quote: "I'd love to see the look on their faces when they discover
Skills I've stolen the keys to their base! Bwah-ha-ha-ha ... "
3 Breakfall 16-
3 Forgery 11 -
3 Lockpicking 16-
3 Sleight of Hand 16-
3 Stealth 16-
4 +2 Levels with Move By
18 +6 Levels with movement
OCV: 12+; DCV : 12; ECV: 3; Phases: 2,4,6,7,9,11,12

Costs : Char. Power Total Disadv. Base

135 + 124 = 259 = 159 + 100

Background: Bennie Ladro was a small-time crook in Vancouver,

British Columbia. He didn't have any ambitions in life other than
staying alive and out of jail while stealing whatever he needed to
survive. He lived in a small apartment, paid for and furnished with
stolen money, and spent most of his time on the streets picking
pockets or working up some scam to rob tourists Aside from his
illegal endeavors, Bennie was a llkeable guy, with a twinkle in his
eye and a knack for eluding the authorities. Most of the street folk
knew him well, and Bennie had few enemies other than the
Vancouver police.
Bennie was all alone when the sparkling yellow light struck him.
It was a frightening experience. His feet and hands began to tingle.
and he feU the urge to burn off energy. Suddenly he heard the
sounds of sirens. He figured that the police must have seen the light
stream down from the sky and were tracing it to where it landed.
Bennie began to run to one of his favorite hiding spots, but was
amazed when he found himself across town in a matter o f seconds.
Apparently the light had given him the ability to move at blinding
Alien Enemies

Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
18* STR 6 10 Accidental Change to Bacchus
18* DEX 19 identity when drunk, 11 - (~ 0
18· CON 13 15 Obsessed with celebrating p
10 BOD 0 (strong)
10 INT 0 20 Alcoholic
20· EGO 16 15 Distinctive Features
15· PRE 4 (always draws a crowd), easily
10 COM 0 concealable
15· PD 9 10 Hunted by police tor disturbing
15• ED 9 the peace, 11-
4 SPD 10
9 REC 2
50· END 10
30 STUN 1
•only in Villain ID (-Y.), already figured in
Cost Powers END
40• 40 STA Telekinesis (animate plants), must be
in the presence of plant life (-Y.) 6
11 Martial Arts, only with Telekinesis (-Y2)
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage
Vine Lash O +2 1Od6
Vine Strangle +5 2d6 NND
Vine Disarm -1 +1 50 STA
Vine Grab 0 0 50 STA
8• 1O" Swinging (using spun vines)
5 Instant Change
Skills Harry continues to enjoy his romps as Bacchus, and is building
3 Streetwise 12- a reputation tor himself among the party crowds of New York and
2 KS: Wines 11- New Jersey. However, every morning when the alcohol wears off,
2 PS: Partying 11- Harry returns to his former self and resumes his lonely life of
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 7; Phases: 3,6,9, 12 wandering the streets in search of a ·handout.
Motivation/Personality: The Bacchus persona which inhabits
Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base Harry is quite mad. It thrives on the excitement of celebration, and
99 + 71 = 170 = 70 + 100 it will prompt Harry to do anything to make people laugh. It is also
extremely jealous, and will turn its pranks against anyone who
doesn't seem friendly to Harry. So far, no one has offended Harry
Background: Harry Tremaine was a New Jersey drunk tor enough tor the persona to become violent. However, if someone
fifteen years. One night, as Harry combed through a dumpster in interrupts Harry's fun or tries to arrest him for his boisterous
search of food and liquor, he was bathed in a violet light. Harry felt behavior, the alien is capable of using vines to strangle the offender.
an unusual sensation in his stomach and a tingling in his fingers. Both the alien and Harry love strong drink, and can usually be found
Thinking that he was going through another hallucination, Harry with a bottle in one hand. Harry is unaware of the alien's use of his
ignored the feeling. However, the next time Harry got drunk, his body; he can no longer distinguish reality from a drunken fantasy.
body began to change. No longer was he the thin panhandler Powers/Tactics: Bacchus is capable of controlling nature around
everyone had known. Now Harry was a well-rounded, jolly man with him with a simple thought. He can animate any plant life within sight,
a deep laugh and an unquenchable thirst tor wine. When another and will usually do so for entertainment purposes. Harry is a
drunk asked who Harry was supposed to be, Harry blurted out harmless individual who merely wants to have fun and be drunk.
"Bacchus," though he has no idea where the name came from. However, as Bacchus, he abandons all common sense and may
Over the past several months, Harry has learned that whenever even attempt something dangerous. His antics tend to draw a
he becomes drunk, he changes into the fat, elfin god. Whenever the crowd, make a lot of noise, and anger the local police.
drunken stupor wears off, he returns to his tired, old body. As
Appearance: Harry is thin and dirty, with wisps of greying brown
Bacchus, Harry enjoys lively music, wine, laughter, wine, women,
hair and blue eyes. He often mutters to himself. As Bacchus, he has
and wine. He instinctively seeks out parties and crowded bars.
a large belly, a bright smile, and a keen sense of humor. He will
It was at one such party where Harry discovered a side effect of
always weave a wreath of vines to wear around his head and will
the Bacchus persona. As the Roman god, he has a limited control
often do the same tor others around him.
over nature and plants. At first, this manifested itself as a sudden
outburst of ivy growth that surrounded him when he tripped and fell Quote: "Don't be so upset. We're only having a good time!"
against a planter. Since then, Harry has learned that he can make Note: Should Bacchus encounter any of the other members of the
plants grow and move. He has never used this ability to hurt Pantheon, his happy outlook on life will change. Rather than simply
anyone, preferring merely to entertain his friends with dancing enjoying amusements with other mortals, he will begin to demand
vines and swaying trees their worship. Those who do not abandon all responsibilities and
celebrate with him will be injured or killed by creeping vines, falling
trees, etc. When drunk, Bacchus can also be manipulated by
Jupiter into almost any task, as long as he is rewarded with good
wine and an occasional beautiful woman.
38 Alien Enemies

PUPPETEERS Motivation/Personality: The Puppeteers have always considered

other sentient beings to be playthings for their amusement. To a
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages Puppeteer, controlling someone and ruining his life is hilarious.
Plunging an entire race into war is a joke that lives for centuries in
5 STA -5 15 Believes other forms of life are the Puppeteers' legend. However, Puppeteers fear their own
18 DEX 24 toys deaths, and grudgingly sacrifice a good laugh to save themselves.
18 CON 16 15 Malicious sense of humor On Earth, the Puppeteers will try to get into positions where they
5 BOD -10 25 No manipulatory limbs (all the can do the most damage. Thus, the Puppeteers will seek out
15 INT 5 time, ful ly impairing) celebrities, superheroes (and villains!), and government officials,
14 EGO 8 10 Mute (frequently, slightly) and use them to spread their chaos further.
15 PRE 5 2 -1" Running (5" total slither)
2 COM -4 20 Susceptible: 2d6/Phase from
Powers/Tactics: The Puppeteers have a natural chameleon-like
PD 4 contact with salt ability that allows them to be virtually invisible when they are
motionless. This camouflage allows them to strike while their victim
4 ED O 20 Distinctive Features, conceal-
sleeps, which is their preferred tactic. Once a Puppeteer has made
4 SPD 12 able, extreme reaction
REC 0 15 Hunted by PRIMUS, 8- contact with its victim, it will then attach itself in a hidden location on
the victim (usually on the back, under the clothing) and determine
26 END -5 1O Hunted by the Exterminators,
how best to utilize its new toy. Without a host, the Puppeteer will
20 STUN 3 11 -
generally find a damp, cool place to hide during the day, hunting
Cost Powers END only at night. If captured, a Puppeteer will make deals and promise
anything - whatever it takes to be free to wreak havoc again. It will
67 18d6 Mind Control, O END, no range, based never, however, reveal the location of another Puppeteer. That
on CON (vs. physical defenses) 0 would spoil all the fun!
36 12d6 Telepathy, O END, linked with Mind
Control, no range, based on CON
Appearance: The Puppeteers are purple slugs, stretching about
(vs. physical defenses) O two feet in length. Their heads end in sixteen fine feelers or
tentacles which they use to project their mind-controlling energies.
15 Invisibility vs. normal sight ("chameleon skin"),
They have two slitted eyes set behind their tentacles, and ear flaps
O END, 1 Phase extra time, O DCV concentrate
and breathing slits on the sides of their bodies.
during change 0
27 Shrinking (2 levels}, 0 END persistent O Quote: "A new toy! What shall I do with this one?"
5 Life Support: doesn't eat/sleep Campaign Use: The Puppeteers have been on Earth for some time
5 IA Vision and have tired of small-time humor. You can only have so many
18 Clinging (29 STA total) people push innocent tourists off cliffs before it stops being funny.
Skills The time has come to raise the stakes.
3 Concealment 12· In the campaign, the Puppeteers should be anything but funny.
3 Stealth 13- They provide the heroes with an awkward challenge: How to you
stop someone who is out of control without hurting the innocent
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 5; Phases: 3,6,9, 12 host? Puppeteers are as appropriate for a heroic campaign as they
are for a superheroic one.
Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base
53 + 179 = 232 = 132 + 100

Background: When the Puppeteers were first discovered on their

homeworld by a passing scientific expedition, it was believed that
they were parasites who lived on the planet's other inhabitants.
What the scientists did not realize was that these slug-like worms
not only lived off their victim's life essences, they also controlled the
creatures by altering the electrical signals in their victims' bodies.
A short while later, a plague swept through the scientists. The last
supply ship to leave the planet left with warnings of a strange
sickness that drove men insane. The sickness, of course, was the
Eventually, an evil galactic dictator learned of this "plague," and
decided to use this biological infestation to blackmail half the
kingdoms in the galaxy. Thousands of the hideous cfeatures were ~-.......~.111
released during routine trading; others were dropped by probe onto
more restricted worlds. However once the Puppeteers were free,
chaos ensued; the Puppeteers all but destroyed the galactic
economy, started a major war, and even bombed the dictator's
homeworld (one of the best Puppeteer jokes ever!) . Additionally,
the Puppeteers launched hundreds of their people in probes to the
far corners of the galaxy. The Puppeteers on one of these probes
were quite pleased when they began their descent to a temperate
blue-green world called Earth.
The Puppeteers' probe crashed in Yosemite National Park, and
they began searching for creatures to control. Soon the Puppeteers
came across the Wilsons, a family backpacking in the woods. It
didn't take long for the Puppeteers to take control of them, and when
the Wilsons left the woods, their backpacks were fu ll of squirming
Puppeteer slugs. From this humble beginning the Puppeteers have
progressed far, but it is only a matter of time before they are
Alien Enemies


Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
15 STA 5 20 2x STUN & BODY from fire
13 DEX 9 20 Berserk when BO'DY damage is
19 CON 18 taken 11 ·, 8-
15 BOD 10 25 Insatiable hunger for flesh (total)
3 INT I -7 25 Blind (all the time, fully impairing)
8 EGO -4 25 Deaf/Mute
15 PRE 5 (all the time, fully impairing)
2 COM -4 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
11 PD 11 25 Distinctive Features, not
11 ED 10 concealable, extreme reaction
4 SPD 17 15 Hunted by the Cerebraeum, 11-
15 REC 26 1O Hunted by the Exterminators, 11-
38 END 0 65 Villain Bonus
35 STUN 2
Cost Powers END
2d6 HKA (2 1/2d6 with STR), Damage Shield,
0 END 0
2d6 RKA, Area Effect 4" cone 6
2d6 cumulative Transformation: dead material
into another Spore creature; reversed to corpse
state by destroying the plant 3
30 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction
30 50% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction
30 Regeneration, 3 BODY/Turn
8 Mental Defense (11 points total)
25 1 Spatial Awareness
Skllls & Talents
9 1 +3 Levels with Multipower
3 Simulate Death Powers/Tactics: Before the mutation, the vegetation had incred-
ible regenerative powers. Now It can also digest and replace other
OCV: 5 ; DCV: 5 ; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,6,9, 12 organic matter with more of itself. When coming into physical
contact with a victim, caustic oils from the plant begin to spread, and
Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base soon the victim's flesh ls replaced with creeping vines, moss, and
98 + 252 = 350 = 250 + 100 leaves. However, the Spores must first kill their victim with their
caustic oils before the transformation takes place; thus no known
process will restore the victim to life again.
Background: When the Cerebraeum ejected from their collapsing
The plant has also developed a limited ability to spray a small
spacecraft. little did they know that their regenerating vegetative
area with oil-covered seeds. These s1;1eds have a similar. though
food source was undergoing its own catastrophic changes.
diluted, effect as actual physical contact with the plant. However,
Somehow. the dramatic environmental changes of entering Earth's
the same oils which makes the plant so deadly also make it
sky. in combination with the peculiar properties of that atmosphere, vulnerable to flame. To date, this has been the only known means
caused the vegetation source to mutate. When the plant life
of destroying this other-worldly threat.
plunged into the murky gloom of the Louisiana swamps the mu-
tation wascomplete. What was once a harmless supply of food had Appearance: The plant creatures take on the form of whatever
become the stuff of nightmares. animal they destroy. Thus, they may appear in the shapes of dogs,
The new vegetation was first encountered by three teenagers birds. alligators, or men - anything with a large enough skeleton
cruising the bayou. Their boat skimmed across a sickeningly gray- for them to wrap their sticky tendrils around. They are slimy grey-
green mass of algae and became stuck on a submerged log. Within green. gurgling and oozing with caustic oils. and the pale bones of
moments. the algae came to life. slipped into the boat and engulfed the dead victim can sometimes be seen beneath their mossy
the youths. Their flesh began to burn as the vegetation ate away at strands. They also reek of rotting flesh, which is decomposing
them. Soon they were dead. within their leafy forms. (Be vivid in your descriptions and disgust
Well, almost dead. your players. It's fun!)
The vegetation mimicked the muscle and nervous structures of Quote: (Shamble .. . Shamble ... Shamble ...)
its victims. wrapping itself around their remaining skeletons, and Campaign Use: The Spores from Space serve as a terrifying alien
lumbered off into the shadows of the swamp. Whatever animal threat with elements of the best horror stories. Their presence is a
forms it came in contact with, it quickly consumed, producing still secret, and their very nature is repulsive and dangerous. They
more mossy zombies. The plant creatures have now begun to lumber through the shadows in ever-increasing numbers. They will
disperse themselves and slowly travel throughout the land. always appear in groups (a ratio of 2 Spores to each superheroes
Motivation/Personality: The plant creatures. nicknamed "Spores is usually sufficient). Should the creatures ever come across a
from Space" by one nosy tabloid reporter. are not fully sentient. graveyard (with enormous amounts of dead material to transform).
They merely demonstrate some of the same instincts as their or should a crafty villain find a way to capture and use the Spores
former victims. Thus. they can recognize fire as a threat and will as a weapon, the players will have a really nasty situation on their
back away in fear. In general, they want lo survive and expand- hands! If they don't discover it themselves, the heroes may learn of
by multiplying and transforming everything they encounter into the Spores· weakness from the Cerebraeum (who will be embar-
horrific, undead vegetation. rassed by the entire affair).
Alien Enemies

Th 'sook bit his lip and held his breath as he crouched low in
the bushes. He knew wandering in this area of the woods was
a mistake. Now he 'd been seen by one of those revolting little
T'Yak. and if he wasn't careful, he'd soon be dead.
SI<y'akki was just as terrified as the horrid E'Crotian fie 'djust
encountered. Now his red-skinned enemy had eluded him in
the woods. The E'Crotian could be anywhere! ff he wasn't
careful, Sky'akki would soon be dead.
Meanwhile, a group of human campers made their way
rhrough the brush roward f/1e top of the hi((. T/1ey had been
enjoying a weekend away from the hustle of urban fife. and had
no idea that they were walking into .:J crossfire. One of the
campers stepped on a twig. Snap! Bolh the E'Crotian and the
T'Yak jumped in fear. tightening their trigger fingers in reflex
and cutting across the campers · path with ribbons of deadly
energy. The campers didn ·r know to be careful. And now tl1ey'd
never return from their weekend retreat...

Background: The T'yaks and the E'Crotians are engaged in a

bitter struggle from supremacy, fueled by centuries of hatred,
slavery. and arrogance. Through an unexpected series of events.
the races have now brought their war to Earth's soil. The T'yaks -
the underdogs in thestruggle-areconvinced that everyone on the
planet, including both humans and the E'Crotian soldiers, are their
enemies. The E'Crotians. on the other hand. are far less alien and
threatening to humans, and will attempt to convince humans to help
them wipe out the T'yaks.
The heroes should be instrumental in capturing the T'yaks. Alter
all. the alien-looking T'yaks will be usin9 guerilla tactics to kill
humans and destroy industries, and the human-looking E'Crotians
will offer to assist the heroes' efforts. Once the T'yaks are captured,
the heroes will have to decide how to respond to the E'Crotian
demands. Remember that the T'yaks' thought processes are very
alien and would be difficult to decipher with telepathy, whereas the
E'Crotians would be comfortable allies. However. the heroes may
sense the incredible fear and trembling of the T'yaks at the T'yak and E'crotian Equipment:
suggestion of being handed over to the E'Crotians, and may wish
to investigate further. Eventually. it should become clear that the The T'yaks and the E'Crotians use identical E'Crotian technology
T'yaks are not the animals that the E'Crotians claim them to be, and and weaponry. Each of the aliens will be carrying an assortment of
the E'Crotians will turn on the heroes and try to take the T'yaks by equipment, drawn from the following list. The Laser Rifles and
force. Blaster Cannons are the most popular weapons; they're efficient
Further opportunities for adventure are on the E'Crolian ships, or and deadly. Several of the E'Crotians are likely to use Capture-
even on the E'Crotian and T'yak homeworlds. Perhaps one side or Field Guns instead, hoping to take the T'yaks alive. Additional
equipment that the alien soldiers may carry includes a small. hand-
the other will convince the heroes to return and help in their cause.
The E'Crotians would tell the heroes that the T'yaks may strike held communicator, reflective Flash Shield visors. and an occa·
again unless they are all rounded up, while the T'yaks will try to sional Medical Kit.
convince the heroes of the E'Crotian atrocities. Alternatively, de-
pending on which side the heroes chose in the initial encounter,
Earth itself could become the victim of a small- scale invasion. If the
heroes offer to help the E'Crotians, then the Tyaks will attemp1 to
muster together forces for a retributive strike against Earth. Or.
should the heroes shelter the T'yaks. the E'Crotlans are sure to
send a fleet of ships in hopes of recovering the T'yaks and teaching
the "inferior humans" a lesson. Either way, t11e Earth will be caught
up in a struggle that is not its own. and the heroes are sure to be in
the thick of it.
Alien Enemies 41

Cost Equipment Background: 480 solar years ago, the T'yaks were a simple,
peaceful people. Although technologically undeveloped, they ~ad
29 L aser Rifle: 2d6 energy AKA, Autofire, No Range a rich culture of art and music. The highest honor in T'yak society
Penalties, +1 OCV, OAF, no knockback (·Y4) was to be an artist, and the gifted T'yaks were expected to do
20 Capture-Field Guns: 3d6 Entangle, linked with 3d6 nothing else. The T'yaks used simple tools, needing little else to
NNO (defense is being insulated against electricity), 4 survive on their beautiful forested world. Being vegetarians, the
Charges, OAF, Activate 15-, Side Effect: 3d6 STUN T'yaks were just beginning to develop simple agr!culture when a
Drain when failing to activate strange light appeared in the sky. As the strange obiect grew larger.
24 Blaster Cannon: 12d6 Energy Blast, 8 Charges, OAF T'yak musicians wrote songs postulating its origin. And when the
5 Communicator: High Range Radio, OAF sleek 100-meter vessel finally set down in the middle of a field, the
3 Flash Shield: 5 points Flash Defense, OIF T'yak' celebrated. Many had postulated that there was a higher
8 Medical Kit: 6d6 Aid to BODY. not above starting reason they had been created, and that the visiting ship would
value (-Y2), OAF, 10 Charges reveal the T'yaks' destiny.
5 T'yak Space Suit: Life Support vs. vacuum and high Three days after landing on the planet, a portal opened in the side
pressure, self-contained breathing, OIF, 1 five-hour of the space craft. When the humanoid E'Crotians first stepped
charge (-Y4) from their ships, the T'yaks thought that they were gods.
The E'Crotians thought that the T'yaks were delicious.
Using their advanced weaponry, it did not take long for the
THE T'VAKS E'Crotians to overwhelm and subjugate the T'yaks. The E'Crotians
also discovered something else as they conquered the T'yaks, that
Val Ch ar Cost 100+ Disad vantag es
these hideous creatures could understand and perform rudimen-
35* 15 30 2x STUN, 1 Y2x BODY from heat tary tasks. It is a tribute to E'Crotian arrogance that they never
17 DEX 21 attacks figured out just how in elligent these fuzzy, bear-like creatures
18 CON 16 15 Fear of humanoids (strong) were.
16* BOD 8 15 Cannot speak human languages
10 INT 0 (frequently, greatly impairing)
8 EGO -4 25 Distinctive Features, not
20 PRE 10 concealable, extreme reaction
2 COM -4 15 Hunted by the E'Crotians, 11-
2+ PO -5
4+ ED 0
4 SPO 13
11 REC 0
34 ENO -1
46* STUN 10
• Additions for Growth already figured in
Cost Powers END

1~ 1
1d6 HKA (2d6 with STA; bite)
Armor (+5POl+3EO; tough hide)

8 Mental Defense ( 11 points total)

6 +3" Running (9" total) 2
10 360° Vision
10 Active Sonar, OIF: antennae
13 Growth (1 Opoints), 0 ENO persistent, always on 0
5 2 Extra Limbs (4 arms total)
Sk ills & Equipment
3 Climbing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Survival (forest) 11 -
3 Tracking 12-
30 30 points of assorted equipment (see list)
OCV: 6; DCV: 6; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,6,9,12

Cos ts: Char. Power To tal Dlsad v. Base

79 + 121 = 200 = 100 + 100
42 Alien Enemies
After over 400 years of serving (and feeding) the E'Crotians, the
T'yaks had learned a great deal about E'Crotian technology.
Additionally, the T'yaks outnumbered the E'Crotians three-to-one Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
on the T'yak homeworld, and there was at least one T'yak for each
E'Crotian back on the E'Crotians' own homeworld. On the day of 30 STR 20 10 1 Y2x STUN from poisons and
E'Crotian "Feast of Plenty" (when the T'yaks were expected to 20 DEX 30 chemicals
serve prime cuts of their brothers to the hateful humanoids), the 18 CON 16 10 Enraged if E'Crotian superiority
revolution began. With total surprise, the T'yaks decimated their 13 BOD 6 is questioned 11-, 11-
oppressors. More importantly, over half of the E'Crotian star ships 15 INT 5 15 Arrogant (moderate)
fell to the T'yaks. The revolution was over as quickly as it had 10 EGO 0 20 Ethnocentric (total)
started. All of the E'Crotians on the T'yaks' homeworld were killed, 15 PRE 5 15 Susceptible: 2d6/Turn from
and three of the eight remaining E'Crotian ships fell into T'yak 12 COM 1 alcohol
hands. This was the beginning of a great war between the two 7+ PD 1 5 Distinctive Features, easily
races, as the T'yaks and the E'Crotians each struggled to dominate 7+ ED 3 concealable
the other. 5 SPD 20 15 Hunted by the T'Yaks, 11 •
For the past eighty years, the T'yaks and the E'Crotians have 10 REC 0 10 2d6 Unluck
been fighting. The T'yaks have been quick to use E'Crotian 38 END 0
weapons and tactics against their enemies, while the E'Crotians 37 I STUN 0 I
have played upon the T'yaks' innocence and gullibility. Recently, a Cost Powers END
T'yak ship was destroyed near the Earth's star system, and a single
escape pod carried a handful of surviving T'yak toward Earth . 16 Armor (+8PD/+8ED). OIF: battlesuit
Unseen by Earth's telescopes, the pod crashed to the ground in the 2 + 1" Running (7" total} 1
hills outside the campaign city. The dazed T'yak soldiers were 5 UV Vision
horrified by what they found: an entire planet of what they mistak- 9 Life Support: breathing is self-contained,
enly took to be E'Crotians. After all, the only difference between can survive in a vacuum; OIF: battlesuit
E'Crotian and humans is a reddish pigmentation in E'Crotian skin. Skills & Equipment
The T'yaks felt they had little choice but to fight valiantly against 5 Tactics 13-
the inhabitants of this world and do as much damage as possible. 10 +2 Levels with ranged attacks
Thus, they have begun a guerilla war fought in the hills and suburbs
of the campaign city, using hit-and-run tactics, destroying industrial
46 46 points of assorted equipment (see list)
OCV: 7; DCV : 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10,12
plants and rail lines, and slaughtering as many humans as possible.
Motivation/Personality: The T'yaks were originally a peaceful; if Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base
somewhat complacent race. Though intelligent, they had not yet 107 + 93 200 100
"' :: + 100
developed very far beyond primitive tool use. This was due to the
T'yaks' dislike of fire. After the terrible cruelty of the E'Crotians, the
character of the T'yak people began to change. Now, there is a Background: The E'Crotian Empire was formed over 10,000 years
strong cynicism among the T'yaks'. Moreover, there is a hatred and ago. They have survived 13 major wars and numerous world-wide
fear of any humanoid. The T'yaks have had little contact with races catastrophes. Their battle cry is "We Cannot Fail." Although they're
other than the E'Crotians and cannot tell the difference between the a race of zealots, the E'Crotians are not entirely dedicated to war
humanoid E'Crotians and humans any more than we can distin· or conquest - in many ways they are admirable. They have
guish between male and female T'yaks. abandoned the use of nuclear weapons, are unified under one
government. and supply higher education for all their people. On
Powers/Tactics: The T'yaks use E'Crotian technology to good
the E'Crotian homeworld, there is no hunger or unemployment, and
effect. Their tactics are simple: Fire from ambush, then close in. most E'Crotians live long, happy lives. Technologically, they are
Because of their justifiable fear of fire, a fire-wielding enemy will be
ahead of Earth, using fusion as their primary power source, and
neutralizedfirst. lnclosecombat, T'yaks will use theirgreat strength
possessing faster-than-light star ships. Unfortunately, their race
to overwhelm their opponents. Only in the most desperate of has a failing: bigotry. The E'Crotians do not recognize non-hu-
situations would a T'yak attempt to bite an enemy. If they get into
manoid races as sentient, and they are not especially concerned
trouble, they will not hesitate to retreat.
about fate of these races.
Appearance: The average T'yak weighs approximately 430 lbs. When the E'Crotians first discovered the home of the "hideous"
and is roughly the size of a human. Their skin is covered with short, T'yaks, their main concern was how to exterminate the creatures so
soft fur - usually maroon or dark blue. They have bear-like heads that they could develop the planet. In their first battle with the
with small, compound eyes. A thick growth of sensitive fur rises up T'yaks, they killed thousands of the "beasts." However, during an
behind each of their ears, and this fur serves as their antennae, examination of T'yak bodies, an E'Crotian medical officer discov-
picking up vibrations from their sonar. Each T'yak has six limbs: two ered that the creatures were edible. It was only a short time later that
for walking and four for grasping. T'yak speech is a chittering or the T'yaks became a delicacy on the E'Crotian homeworld. This
chirping sound, comparable to the noises made by crickets. continued for some time before the E'Crotians made another
Quote: "How do you like it when its your meat that's being cooked?" discovery: the T'yaks seemed to possess a rudimentary intelli·
Alien Enemies 43
Recently, an E'Crotian scout vessel pursued and destroyed a
~leeing T'yak ship near Earth's orbit. The T'yak managed to survive
m an escape pod and travel to Earth, but not before the E'Crotians
picked up the escape pod's trajectory on their sensors. The
E'Crotians have been receiving and studying Earth transmissions
for some time, and are convinced that the people of Earth will help
them round up the T'yak survivors. When the T'yaks have been
captured, the E'Crotians will identify the T'yaks as "escaped food
stock," and will request that the T'yaks be returned to the E'Crotian
ship. Once there, the E'Crotians will torture and kill their hated
Motivation/Personality: The E'Crotians have always viewed
themselves as the most advanced race in the galaxy. Their disre-
gard for non-humanoids, and their arrogance towards other hu-
manoid races, has made them despicable in the eyes of most
galactic organizations. Their attitude toward less-developed hu-
manoid races is generally condescending at best, abusive and
exploitative at worst. However, the E'Crotians would like to in-
crease their influence, and they realize that this is best done
through diplomacy. They are looking for allies in the war against the
T'yaks, and will do what they can to enlist the aid of other races.
Powers/Tactics: At birth, there is little difference between an
E'Cro~ian an~ a human. However, advanced medicine and training
techniques will generally make an adult E'Crotian super-human by
Earth standards. The adult E'Crotians enjoy greater strength and
agility, enhanced vision, and increased constitution. Additionally,
the E'Crotians have a natural ability with ranged weapons. Other
races have postulated that this is due to the unusual way that they
process. visual data - making instinctive, subconscious range
calculations and spatial determinations. For this reason an
E'Crotian will always prefer to remain at range rather than to enter
into hand-to-hand combat.
In combat, the E'Crotians generally prefer their laser rifles or
blaster can_nons to their capture-field guns. If they are relatively
confident of their victory, they will attempt to subdue their opponent
rather than kill him. When engaged with an enemy, standard
gence. The use of T'yaks as slave labor quickly became common procedure is to take cover and attempt to keep the enemy from
among the E'Crotians. The creatures were docile and strong, and closing. E'Crotians will generally back up and lose a strategic
when they became too old or were crippled, they became a tasty position in order to maintain range with an opponent.
When the T'yak revolution began, the E'Crotians were taken Appearance: The E'Crotians appear as tall, healthy, red-haired
entirely by surprise. It was a difficult decision for them not to renew humans, with ruddy complexions and grey-green eyes. The
the use of nuclear weapons, but they had already turned back from variation between them is much less than it is among human
that task. Thus, they began the arduous process of preparing for full beings, and any group of E'Crotians appears related by human
scale war against the animals which had once served them. standards. The soldiers wear tight-fitting silver battle suits which
cover their entire bodies. On the chest of each uniform is the
Eighty solar years after the start of the war, the E'Crotians have
still not defeated the T'yaks. Their current goal is to reclaim or insignia of the E'Crotian Empire-a yellow six-pointed star in a red
field. The E'Crotian warrior will generally carry a weapon, a life
destroy the captured E'Crotian starships. Now only one remains in
T'yak hands. The E'Crotiansaresurethat victory will soon be theirs. support unit, a communicator, and a flash visor.
Quote: "Those things have no rights... They're just animals!"
The Tyrixx have earned the title of "H~tefu l Ones"; no known
The clanking of chitinous armor filled the black ship .as
species in the galaxy is as cruel and merciless as they. They seek
insectoid drones followed their silent commands. Hyperdr1ve
to conquer other worlds primarily due to an instinctive aggres~ive­
controls glided in response to telekin~tic manipulation: and the
ness for territorial expansion. And because they can selectively
warship jolted from warp speed to impulse. The br1ght blue
breed to produce additional members for a given caste, their
world they had picked up on their scanners beck~ned to them territory can never be too big.
like an apple ripe for picking. They hungered for its resources;
The Tyrixx will not tolerate failure among themselves. Thus, the
they hungered for the souls of its people. Soon it would be
Warriors will never retreat. no matter how overwhelmed they may
theirs, like countless worlds before it. .
be. Likewise, when the Queen or one of her Queenspawn de~i?~s
The Warship moved itself into orbit and the Wamors on an action, the swarm will continue pursuing that goal until 1t 1s
boarded their battlepods. The bay doors slid open and the
either completed or they all lie dead. .
pods ejected into the cold of space. The invasion had begun...
The Tyrixx are known for eating their victims, pr~ferably ahve.
They rellglously believe that this is a way of "con.suming t~e power
Background: Far across our galaxy a dark, foreboding planet of the soul," adding their prey's strength and skills to their own.
revolves trudgingly around its star. The planet has become kno~n
as a place of terror among the star-faring races. Legends o! horrid, Powers/Tactics: The Tyrixx have no verbal language or ma-
violent beasts and tales of acid-breathing invaders are whispered nipulatory limbs, but have developedremarkablepsionicabilitiesto
throughout the stars. compensate. They communicate exclusively through Telepathy,
and are capable of understanding almost any language. They have
Unfortunately, the legends are true. . . .
The Tyrixx ("Hateful Ones" in their own ar~ a v1c1ous, also learned to manipulate objects with Telekinesis. The Worke~s
evil race of insectoid creatures with intense terntonal instincts. Over have increased their own Telekinetic ability over time for use in
the course of several centuries, they have developed the tech- large-scale construction, though this is nev~r us~d as an
nology for space travel and have constructed powerful warships to Their unusual physiology provides the Tynxx with several unique
carry them to the stars. The other two planets in their system which abilities. Their multi-faceted eyes allow for 360° vision, and their
supported life quickly became sources of food. spiny legs allow them to crawl at amazing spee?s. E~ch of _the
Six earth-years ago, an Imperial ship from a neighboring st<3:r Tyrixx can also cling to walls and sheer surfaces with an 1ncred1ble
system passed too close to the Tyrixx dominion. Within hours, 11 grip, moving on them as if they were lev~I.
found itself overwhelmed by the aggressive Tyrixx swarm. No The Workers have developed small spinnerets near the base of
prisoners were taken alive. . their tails capable of generating nearly invulnerable strands of
The Imperial ship possessed both and hypersp~~ sticky, silvery web, used in construction, bi~ding prey'. ~_tc.
capabilities - technology new to the ~¥nxx.. The. insecto1ds The Warriors have gained specialized skills and ab1ht1es useful
Thinkers set to work duplicating these ab1hlies in their own war- for combat. Their outer plates are much harder than the ?lher
ships, allowing them to extend their tyranny across the galaxy. One Tyrixx, providing protection from outside attacks as well as reliable
of their early scouting parties discovered Earth - a world not only life support.
populated with delicious human.s, but o~e that would present an In combat, whether in space or within a planet's atmosphere, the
interesting challenge for the Tynxx Warriors. . Warriors wlll attack aggressively, using their venomous stingers
The Tyrixx have recently disp~tched one of th~1r dreaded war- and acidic tendrils to the'1r fullest potential. When prey has either
ships, armed with dozens of Warriors as well as Thinkers,, been cornered or killed, the Warriors will allow the Workers to divide
and a single Queenspawn, to capture this planet for the Tynxx up the prey or encase it in webs for future consumption.
dominion. The Queen and her spawn have the additional abilities of flight
and mind linking with hundreds of Tyrixx across space.
Motivation/Personality: The Tyrixx are organized into very s~­ Tyrixx are particularly sensiti~e to both extreme heat a~d alcohol,
ciflc castes, much like some insect colonies. The Workers comprise
though this is a weakness which the players should discover .on
most of the population. They are responsi?le for all the task? of their own. Additionally, the Tyrixx become somewhat sluggish
labor, including such things as construction, food prep~rat1on ,
during the daylight hours, usually l~ing dormant in dark, dank
breeding, and piloting. The Thinkers rule the Workers. T~e1r ta~ks
places (I.e. sewers, abandoned buildings, deep forests, etc.).
are the mental necessities and sciences for the race, including
engineering, strategy, etc. The Warriors serve as the brawn for the Appearance : Each of the Tyrixx has a long, multi-segmented body
race; they are much larger and stronger, with nat~ral armor to all~w of grayish flesh covered with mottled black and mauve plates. Th.e1r
them to survive in almost every circumstance. Ruling overt he entire eight eyes are set in the middle of their head, betwee~ two horn- hk~
Tyrixx swarm is the Queen, an enormous and highly intelligent projections and a row of razor-sharp teeth. Protruding from t~eir
creature . The Queen also produces what are known as mouths are a number of sticky tentacles capable of producing
Queenspawn - additional females c~arged with the ta~ks of acidic secretions for digesting their prey belore actually swallowing.
breeding with the Workers and governing for the Queen in h~r Six spidery limbs protrude from each side of _their bodi,es:
absence. Each of the Tyrixx will operate strictly according to his The Workers and Thinkers stand approximately 3 high. The
caste. Warriors, however, are approximately 7 feet tall and are armed with
a venomous stinger in their tails. The Queenspawn resemble
Warriors, though they have venous wings in addition to stingers ~nd
are 13 feet high. The Queen herself is approximately 25 feet high,
and also has large insect wings.
Alien Enemies 45
Quote: None (The Tyrixx carry out their plans with ominous silence) Should the heroes become overwhelmed by the Tyrixx, the GM
Campaign Use: The Tyrixx swarm serve as complex, aggressive may consider revealing the Tyrixx' weaknesses {possibly through
invaders of Earth. They will station. their warship just beyond the some NPC science organization) or sending in backups to help with
moon and dispatch Warrior-filled shuttles to deal with Earth's the large numbers of Tyrixx opponents (For example, the Exter-
natives. Since the Warriors are far more powerful than the average minators could join the confrontation).
human, it will be up to the heroes to stop the invasion . Of course, should the first wave ofTyrixx be defeated, the Queen
Generally, in a superheroic campaign, the Tyrixx will be slightly will dispatch more until the task of conquest is complete. This may
less powerful than the heroes. However, they will likely outnumber eventually lead to an exciting adventure with the players traveling
the heroes by as many as two to one, forcing the heroes to utilize across the galaxy to the dark homeworld of the Tyrixx and confront-
a great deal of strategy and teamwork. Eventually the heroes may ing the powerful Queen herself.
wish to travel to the mother ship (either in some of the shuttles or For further discussion and additional suggestions for running an
by their own power) and deal with the Queenspawn and her alien invasion, the GM should consult Invasion: Target Earth, a
minions. Only a small number of Warriors will be left on the mother Sourcebook for Champions by Cyrus G. Harris.
ship, though the Queenspawn herself will prove to be quite a

Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
15 STA 5 30 1 ~x STUN, 2x BODY from heat
10+ DEX 0 attacks
18 CON 16 20 Berserk when Queen is harmed
13 BOD 6 11-, 8-
10 INT 0 15 Loyal to Swarm (total)
10 EGO O 20 Will not give up (total)
15 PRE 5 25 No manipulatory limbs (all the
4 COM -3 time, full impairing)
10+ PD 7 5 No sense of smell (infrequently,
10+ ED 6 slightly impairing)
2+ SPD O 1O Susceptible: 1d6/turn from
7 REC 0 alcohol
54 END 9 25 Distinctive Features, not
31 STUN 1 concealable, extreme reaction
13 Monitored by the Tyrixx Queen,
85 Villain Bonus
Cost Powers END
30 2d6 Character Points of BODY Drain
("digestive tendrils"), recover 5 points/5 minutes 3
30 4d6 Telepathy, 0 END 0
31 14 STA Telekinesis, 0 END O
31 + 15" Running (21 " total)
30 Clinging (75 STA total)
30 2d6 HKA (4d6 with STA, "stinger") 3(6)
25 Armor (+1 5PD/+15ED), ablative
20 Total Life Support, linked to Armor
3 Power Defense (5 points), linked to Armor
5 Mental Defense (8 points total)
1O 360° Vision
12 +7 DEX (17 total), not in bright light (-3/4)
17 +3 SPD (5 total), not in bright light (-3/4)
5 3 Extra Limbs (total: six legs & tail)
3 Tactics 12-
OCV: 3(6); DCV: 3(6); ECV: 3; Phases: 6,12 (3,5,8,10,12}

Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base

52 + 296 = 348 = 248 + 100
46 Alien Enemies
Va l Char Cost 75+ Disadvantages 30,30 + 15" Running (21" total), Clinging (75 STA total)
5 Mental Defense (8 points total)
15 I STA 5 30 1 Y:!x STUN, 2x BODY from heat 10 360° Vision
10 DEX 0 attacks 2 Extra Limbs (total: six legs)
18 CON 16 20 Berserk when Queen is harmed 13 Shrinking (1 level), 0 END persistent, always on 0
13 BOD 6 11 -,11-
6 INT -4 15 Loyal to Swarm (total) 12 Each Thinker will have four of the following Skills,
10 EGO 0 20 Will not give up (total)
depending on their training and task:
15 PRE 5 25 No manipulatory limbs {all the Computer Programming 13-; Concealment 13-;
4 COM -3 time, full impairing)
Cryptography 13-; Deduction 13-; Demolitions 11-;
10 PD 7 5 No sense of smell (infrequently,
Electronics 11-; Forensic Medicine 13-; Inventor
10 ED 6 slightly impairing)
13-; Mechanics 11-; Navigation 11-; Paramedic
2 SPD 0 10 Susceptible: 1d6/turn from
11 -; Security Systems 13-; Systems Operation
7 REC 0 alcohol
13-; Tactics 13-; Weaponsmith 11 -; KS: Earth
74 END 19 25 Distinctive Features, not Culture 13-; Various Sciences on a 13-
22 STUN -9 concealable, extreme reaction
(i.e., Astronomy, Biology, Physics, Mathematics,
13 Monitored by Tyrixx Queen, 14-
Geometry, Sociology, Geology, etc.)
85 Villain Bonus
OCV: 3; DCV: 5; ECV : 8; Phases: 6 ,12
Cost Powers END Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsad v. Base
30 I 2d6 Character Points of BODY Drain
("digestive tendrils"), recover 5 points/5 minutes
80 + 211 = 291 = 216 + 75

4d6 Telepathy, 0 END 0

30 1 14 ST A Telekinesis, 0 END
30 +15" Running (21" total) Val Char Cost 150+ Disadvantages
30 Clinging (75 ST R total)
30 +35 STR Telekinesis (49 STR total) 3 30· STA 5 30 1 Y2x STUN, 2x BODY from heat
40 3d6 Entangle, impervious to all sight
5 Mental Defense (8 points total)
3 28
66 20
Berserk when Queen is harmed
10 360° Vision
5 2 Extra Limbs (total: six legs)
11 15
11-, 8-
Loyal to Swarm (total)
13 Shrinking (1 level), 0 END persistent, always on O 24 EGO 28 20 Will not give up (total)
Skills 25 PRE 15 25 No manipulatory limbs
6 Each Worker will have two of the following Skills, 4 COM -3 (all the time, full impairing)
depending on their assigned task: 10+ PD 5 5 No sense of smell
Mechanics 11-; Combat Pilot 11 -; Navigation 10-; 10+ ED 4 (infrequently, slightly impairing)
KS: Architect 10-; Paramedic 10-; Weaponsmith
11-; Systems Operation 10-; Electronics 11-
I 8
10 Susceptible: 1d6/turn from
92 END 14 25 Distinctive Features, not con-
OCV: 3; DCV: 5; ECV: 3; Phases: 6,1 2 80* STUN 42 cealable, extreme reaction
Costs: Char , Power Total Disadv. Base 13 Monitored by Tyrixx Queen, 14-
• Additions for
404 Villain Bonus
48 + 275 = 323 = 248 + 75 Growth figured in

Co st Pow ers END

30 2d6 Character Points of BODY Drain ("digestive
Val Char Cost 75+ Disadvantages tendrils"), recover 5 points/5 minutes 3
30 4d6 Telepathy, 0 END 0
15 STA 5 20 1 Y2x STUN, 1 Y2x BODY from 31 14 STA Telekinesis, 0 END 0
10 DEX 0 heat attacks 30 + 15" Running (21" total)
18 CON 16 15 Loyal to Swarm (total) 30 Clinging (75 ST A total)
13 BOD 6 15 Will not give up (strong) 30 2d6 HKA (4d6 with STA, "stinger") 3(6)
20 INT 10 25 No manipulatory limbs (all the 30 Armor (+ 18PD/+ 18ED), ablative
24 EGO 28 time, full impairing) 20 Total Life Support, linked to Armor
15 PRE 5 5 No sense of smell (infrequently, 3 Power Defense (5 points), linked to Armor
4 COM -3 slightly impairing)
2~ 1
Mental Defense (8 points total)
10 PD 7 10 Susceptible: 1d6/turn from 24" Flight, OAF: insectoid wings
10 ED 6 alcohol 82 Mind Link, 256 Tyrixx at one time over any
2 SPD 0 25 Distinctive Features, not distance, O END 0
7 REC 0 concealable, extreme reaction 5 3 Extra Limbs (total: six legs & tail)
36 END 0 13 Monitored by Tyrixx Queen, 14- 20 Growth (1 level), 0 END persistent, always on 0
30 STUN 0 88 Villain Bonus Perks
Powers 5 Member of the Tyrixx aristocracy
Co st END
30 2d6 Character Points of BODY Drain ("digestive OCV: 9; DCV: 9 ; ECV: 8 ; Phases: 2,3,5,6,8,9, 11 , 12
tendrils"), recover 5 points/5 minutes 3 Costs: Char. Power Total Dlsadv. Base
30 4d6 Telepathy, 0 END 0
31 14 STR Telekinesis, 0 END 0 327 + 390 = 717 = 567 + 150
Alien Enemies 47
The Tyrixx Warship was the creative genius of a host of Thinkers.
The ship was designed to incorporate several of the designs of
Char Value Cost other spacecraft the Tyrixx encountered in their crusades of con-
quest, including the cloaking and hyperspace abilities of the Im-
Size 35x14.5 75 perial cruiser.
ocv -1 0 The materials used in building the Warship include an integration
Mass 3.2 kton of artificially constructed alloys and the tough, binding material of
STA 85 the Workers' spinerettes. It has been equipped with fu ll Life Support
DEF capabilities, very fast hyperspace engines, and high-powered
(hard.) 20 54 shields, as well as the Imperial cloaking device. All of the equipment
BODY 50 25 has been designed to respond only to telekinetic manipulation.
DEX 10 The Warship's long black body is reminiscent of the Tyrixx
SPO 3 10 themselves; clearly the ship has a seg,mented, insect-like design.
MoveflyJ 100x8 21 0
Max 2400
Cost Equipment
Char. Value .Cost
17 Hardened Defenses
Size 1.2x.7 5
40 Force Field (+20PD/+20ED), 0 END, activation 15-,
not while invisible
ocv 0
Mass 200 kg
36 Invisibility to all sight, all hearing, radar and spacial
STA 15
awareness, O ENO, Persistent, 1 Turn Activation, not
DEF(hard.) 15 39
with force field
36 FTL Travel (1 Light Year/hour)
DEX 10
30 Life Support, total
52 Spatial Awareness, 360°, 125x range (+3/4),
SPD 3 10
Move fly 34x4 73
no range penalty, bulky O IF
Max 408
15 High Range Radio, 125x range (+3/4), no range
penalty, bulky OIF Cost Equipment
Costs: Char. Equip. Total 7 Hardened Defenses
374 + 226 = 600 20 Force Field (+10P0/+10EO), 0 END, activation 15-,
not while invisible
36 Invisibility to all sight, all hearing, radar and spacial
awareness, 0 END, Persistent, 1 Turn Activation, not
with force field
30 Life Support, total
41 Spatial Awareness, 360°, 5x range (+Y.), no range
penalty, bulky O IF
11 High Range Radio, 5x range (+Y.), no range penalty,
19 Computer
INT: 10
DEX: 18
Skills: Battlepod pilot
Programs: Pilot ship from point A to B

Costs: Char. Equip. Total

127 + 128 = 255

The Tyrixx Battlepods are used to transport Warriors from the

Warship to a planet's surface. Since their purpose is solely trans-
portation, they have not been fitted with offensive weaponry.
However, their power sources are capable of generating a scaled-
down version of the Warship's force fields for defensive purposes.
Each of the Battlepods has been equipped with a small on-board
computer capable of maneuvering the pod from the Warship to a
pre-programmed landing location. It can also be set to return to the
Warship or travel to another location. The pods' quick flight abilities
have been designed to move them along a constantly varying path,
making them d ifficult targets for other space vehicles to hit.
The Battlepods are black, egg-shaped vehicles with dim amber
lights glowing on the underside. A translucent window looks out
from each pod, allowing the Tyrixx Warrior within to see his
surroundings. Their instrumentation has been designed like the
Warship; it can only be manipulated using telekinesis. Its large size
and bizarre, bio-technical composition make it an eerie juggernaut
among the stars.
With the advent of super-powered humans, the reality of alien life
in the galaxy has become more prominent. Some of Earth's premier
h~r~es have been aliens; so have some of the planet's best known
villains. Unfortunately, most extraterrestrial visitors have been
forced into one of a few stereotypical roles (eg., alien savant, horror-
from-beyond-the-stars, etc.) by human paranoia and other cir-
cumstances beyond the visitor's control.
Balancing Earth's odd reception of alien visitors is the sentiment
of civilized alien cultures toward th!s planet. Preliminary scans by
extraterrestrial scouts always 1nd1cate that Earth is a world of
fragmented government and early nuclear-level technology. Yet all
invasions and attacks by more advanced cultures have been
forcibly, even savagely, rebuffed by the planet's eccentric elite
guard, the superheroes. So Earth is generally kept under close
observation by alien empires who advise their citizens to trespass
in the Terran solar system only at their own risk.
S~veral years ago, a 9-foot tall, 600-pound scientist from a high-
grav1ty world landed on Earth to initiate peaceful contact between
his world and this one. He was immediately attacked by the Golden
Avenger, a government-sponsored, fairly extremist superhero.
Defeated, the only option given him by the cheerless government
representatives assigned to the case was to surrender himself to
the authorities for protection. Baffled, confused, and trapped (his
ship was impounded by investigators), he turned for help to Orrad,
a recognized superhero and an alien himself. Orrad soon had the
alien released, and the two quickly became friends, working to-
gether to protect the city of Washington, D.C.
The alien's first superhero action occurred later that week, when
a gang of terrorists hijacked a plane heading for the Middle East.
Orrad and the alien attacked, and the terrorists were quickly
defeated. However, the hapless alien scientist, unused to his
comparatively formidable strength, killed six fragile Terrans in the
course of the battle. Remorseful and in over his head, the alien then
committed suicide. METE's history over the following few years was a checkered
Orrad agonized over the tragedy along with Marie Dumont, a one. The organization was backed by industrialists who had
police officer who had tried to keep the alien from killing himself. The dealings with the superhero community or aerospace planning so
its financial status became more stable. Support also came f;om
government. on the other hand, covered up the incident. At the
subsequent Senate subcommittee investigation, Marie Dumont several future-planning societies and science fiction organizations.
~owever, resistance arose in the form of some government offi-
expressed the opinion that treatment of the alien had been botched,
and that creation of an independent organization, a cooperative cials, who. f~ared security leaks and intrusions by alien spies.
effort between civilian scientists and government personnel, might Several religious groups, upset by METE's identification of several
prevent some similar occurrences in the future. The subcommittee alien races as related to Homo sapiens, also caused interference
declined t? pursue that avenue. but Orrad, present for the hearing, and public embarrassment for METE. Certain concessions on
was very interested. METE's part, along with intensive lobbying by Harrison's agency,
have staved off most of the resistance, allowing METE the freedom
. Wit~in the month, the s~pport of several superhero organiza-
tions, including the Champions, the New York-based Guardians, to develop contacts and additional support. Orrad's presence in the
organization has also helped to prevent resistance from anti-alien
and th~ San ~rancisco-b_ased Protectors, began donating a portion
of their charitable earnings to the fledgling organization. Marie groups such as the Exterminators.
Dumont took on the task of project coordinator, working with Orrad
and hiring the organization's first lobbyist: former Virginia senator
Lyle Harrison. Thus, the Metropolitan Extraterrestrial Enclave
(METE) was born.
Alien Enemies 49
Two years ago, Dr. Maxwell Sanders, the leader of the Extermi-
nators, hired a public relations firm to swing public opinion against
alien visitors on Earth. A two-hour television documentary was
shown, complete with pictures of the Iowan Tragedy where an The existence of METE in a Champions campaign can serve
entire town nearly died of an alien infection, footage of the alien several purposes. First, it can solve questions about alien lifeforms
villain "Firewing" (see Classic Enemies), and cbmmentary from
and altered biochemistries for PCs. The staff at METE are experts
dozens of scientists, military generals, and politicians telling the in exotic physiologies, and can often answer such questions as,
American people how dangerous aliens can be. This has caused a "What are the alien plant creatures feeding on?" or "How can we
great deal of trouble for METE. and several of the research group's contain the mutated virus created by King Cobra?" The GM can use
biggest supporters have pulled their money out of the operation. METE as a source for information that will advance the plot of an
Prominent alien heroes, such as Orrad. Obsidian of the Champi- adventure. However, if he desires to withhold answers and have the
ons. Quasar of the Protectors, and Igneous of the Capitol Patrol, players discover the vital information themselves, he can simply
have attempted to cast a favorable light on aliens and the beneficial explain that METE is working on the problem, but it will take some
efforts of METE. However, public opinion has been mixed, and the time for them to come up with an answer.
leaders of METE are being very careful about their public reputa- Additionally, METE can cause problems for the heroes. For
tion. example, Dr. Elam, METE's top researcher, may have discovered
Currently, METE is a privately sponsored research group a microorganism that cures a particular disease in Betelgeuseans
backed by regular contributors and oceasional government con- but is instant death for natives of Earth. If that micro-organism were
tracts. The primary focus of the group's studies is biological to escape containment or, worse yet, fall into the hands of a
research. Orrad, leery of the Terrans' capacity for self-annihilation, supervillain such as Prof. Muerte, the heroes will have a wide-
recommends to each off-world patient that no technological infor- spread emergency on their hands.
mation be given to humanity. Consequently, the group's gov~rn­ If there are aliens among the players' heroes, or if some of the
ment liaison has been unable to accumulate much technological PCs have remarkably unusual anatomies. METE may be their only
information -a problem which irritates both NASA and the military. source for medical attention. However, METE will usually collect on
However, government officials believe that lhe studies done at favors owed them by heroes. Perhaps they will ask lhe heroes to
METE are simply too valuable for retributive actions. help track down a frightened and dangerous alien fleeing the
authorities just outside the campaign city. Imagine the dilemma
when the players find that PRIMUS has already located and
( FUNCTIONS ) captured the confused alien in hopes of conducting their own
research. The heroes may find themselves torn between being
loyal to METE, who may have saved their lives, or the government,
METE serves the world and alien visitors in several ways. First, who can really make their lives miserable if they Interfere.
it provides shelter, medical care, and other humane facilities to Moreover, the nature of the advanced medical and technological
peaceful visitors from other worlds. Secondly, METE utilizes the information obtained by the staff a.t METE makes them ideal targets
medical data it gathers from its extraterrestrial clients to further the for espionage operations from hostile governments or power-
study of medicine on this world. Thus, METE has a great deal of seeking supervillains. After all, if Eurostar can leam the secrets of
interaction with other research facilities in the medical community. the Martian global-scale superweapon, they will have the perfect
METE has also been known to provide medical facilities to tool for world terrorism.
emergency patients from the superhero community, particularly if By its very nature, METE will always be embroiled in controversy
the hero's own biochemistry is altered and in need of special and ?rouble. Of course, the player-characters will tend to get
facil~ies . Of course, METE will not hesitate to call in favors from dragged into these sorts of pr~blems. They may also be Involved
superhero patients they have helped in the past. with METE in their secret identities, either as employees or con-
Finally, METE will occasionally relay knowledge about alien sultants. An interesting twist is to have one of the staff at METE as
civilizations and technology to various societies and appropriate a hero's DNPC, either as a friend, rival, relative, or lover. This
authorities. However, the stafi at METE is cautious .about revealing provides the GM with an easy way to involve the heroes with METE.
schema for alien weaponry, defense systems, or advanced space
vehicles to the public or government; Orrad fears that Earth must
mature before such dangerous information is passed on.
Since METE resists the government's attempts at takeover,
military or government officials seldom, if ever, bring captured
aliens or extraterrestrial envoys to the research group; medical Almost all of the members of METE's staff belong in the "com-
emergencies, however, become exceptions to that bias. On the petent normal" category; that is, they are bu ill on a base of 50 points
other hand, since alien visitors often interact first with the planet's plus disadvantages. Most of these points will be spent on sciences
superheroes, the government sources are often bypassed. or other skills that relate to their function at METE. With the
exception of Orrad and Marie Dumont, the staff at METE are not
prepared for combat or other dangerous emergencies, and will
react to these situations much like other normals.
50 Alien Enemies

Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
20+ STR I 10 10 1 1 Y2x STUN & BODY from
I 30
electrical attacks
15 Berserk when overwhelmed in
20 BOD 20 combat 11-, 11-
20 INT 10 15 Compulsively disciplined (strong)
20 EGO I 20 20 Code against killing (total)
20 PRE 10 15 Distinctive Features: conceal-
20 COM 5 able, causes prejudice
15+ PD 11 10 Reputation as METE's primary
15+ ED 10 hero, 11-
5 SPD 20 15 DNPC: Marie Dumont, 14-
11 REC 4 25 Hunted by the Exterminators, 14-
50 END 2 10 Public ID
44 STUN 2 171 Experience
Cost Powers END
33 10d6 Energy Blast, OIF: battlesuit, draws from
END Reserve
1O Martial Arts (Commando Training)
Maneuver OCV DCV Damage
Boxing Cross 0 +2 6d6
Aikido Throw +O +1 4d6 + v/5
Karate Chop -2 O 1 Y2d6 KA
Choke -2 0 2d6 NND
Judo Disarm -1 + 1 Disarm, + 10 STR
Kung Fu Block +2 +2 Block
27 +40 STR, OIF: battlesuit, Y2 END, draws from
END Reserve [2]
34 Armor(+ 17PD/+ 17ED), OIF: battlesuit
3 Flash Defense (5 points), OIF: battlesuit
13 + 17" Running (23" total), OIF: battlesuit, draw
from END Reserve [5] Orrad eventually helped to free an alien visitor from bureaucratic
20 1O" Flight, OIF: boot rockets, 8 charges lasting investigation, and the two began patrolling the capitol as a team.
5 minutes each 0 When his alien friend committed suicide that fateful afternoon,
3 UV Vision, OIF: helmet Orrad joined with Marie Dumont in forming METE. Since then,
6 END Reserve: 50 END, 5 REC; OIF: batteries, Orrad has served as the initial contact for visiting aliens.
only for battlesuit (-Y4) Motivation/Personality: Orrad is a powerful, highly disciplined
20 Total Life Support, OIF: battlesuit individual. He always keeps his body and equipment in top shape,
Skills and follows a strict schedule. His disciplined nature is also mani-
3,3 Deduction 13-, Stealth 13- fested in his personality. He is formal yet polite, thinks deductively,
3,3 Survival 13-, Tactics 13- and rarely demonstrates a sense of humor.
3 Fluent English with accent Orrad is deeply concerned with the way Earth is treating its early
15 +3 Levels with ranged combat alien contacts. Orrad knows that if Earth does not extend some
Talents degree of hospitality to friendly aliens, then the planet will be passed
20 Find Weakness with Energy Blast. 13- up by intergalactic trading alliances and diplomatic efforts. Worse
still, if Earthlings continue to persecute all the aliens which visit the
OCV: 7+; DCV: 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 3,5,8,10, 12 planet, they are sure to make enemies wi111 several powerful, star-
travelling worlds who could easily out Earlh's populations for its
Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base disrespect toward alien ambassadors.
180 + 226 = 406 = 306 + 100
Powers/Tactics: Orrad wears a powerful military battlesuit from
his homeworld. In addition to servo-motors which enhance Orrad's
Background: This humanoid alien was a distinguished member of strength and speed, the suit is equipped with a pulse blaster, flight
an ellte warrior caste in a race which dominates several stellar rockets. life support, and enhanced sensors. Orrad's training has
systems. Orrad was notable for being representative of the "perfect also equipped him for effective hand-to-hand combat both in and
warrior," adhering best to the ideal capabilities set by his military out of the battlesuit.
trainers. (This is reflected in the extraordinary similarity of his In combat, Orrad prefers to size up his opponents and determine
characteristics.) their weaknesses. When he enters battle, Orrad retains at least
After serving his requisite military time in the most dangerous partial cover behind corners or obstacles and uses his blaster
branch of his world's army, Orrad had the option of retiring at a against his enemies' weaknesses. If hand-to-hand combat be-
comfortable pension or keeping his military equipment and seeking comes necessary, Orrad will use his armor's tremendous strength
his fortune elsewhere. He chose the latter course, gravitating to grab an opponent and throw him as far as possible so that ranged
eventually to Earth, the planet of improbabilities he'd heard so combat might be resumed. Since Orrad is loathe to kill in battle, he
much about. Because of his heroic inclinations, organizational will never use his weaponry at full strength until he has determined
nature, and adaptability, he became established as a capable, the defensive abilities of his opponent.
albeit unpublicized, superhero in Washington, D.C.
Alien Enemies 51

Appearance: Orrad is a tail, muscular alien with pale blue skin, Marie served on the force for eighteen years, earning her
silver hair, and bright green eyes. His battlesuit is shiny gold with detective's badge and several commendations for her work and
silver trim. His blaster is attached to t he top of his wrist, for easy fire, dedication to the force. One dark afternoon, Marie got a call about
and his indigo faceplate slides down to cover his face during battle. a team of terrorists taking hostages at the Smithsonian Institute.
Marie rushed to the scene to see what she could do, and discovered
Quote: "Stand back! Let me try and communicate with the alien!
that a pair of alien superheroes were already battling the terrorists.
You're only frighten ing him!"
One of the aliens was unaware of how his incredible strength would
effect humans, and was accidentally responsible for killing six of the
MARIE DUMONT terrorists. The alien plunged into confusion and despair as police
10 STR 18 DEX 18 CON 10 BOD 201NT
officers and secret service men shouted at him, calling him a killer
15 EGO 10 PRE 18 COM 10 PD 10ED
and a monster. Marie tried to calm the alien down, but despite her
4 SPD 7 REC 36 END 24 STUN efforts, the alien committed suicide.
Skills: Police Training (Martial Strike, Martial Throw, Choke Marie was furious, charging her fellow officers with botching up
Hold, Martial Disarm, Martial Block); Bureaucratics 11-; Combat the contact with an extraterrestrial. She eventually left the force and
Driving 13-; Criminology 13-; Paramedic 13-; Persuasion 11-; joined w ith Orrad to establish METE. Today Marie is using many of
Streetwise 11 ·; Fluent Spanish; KS: Boston 11-; KS: Washing· the principles she learned in her political science classes as the
ton D.C. 13-; KS: METE 16-; +1 Level with all guns. coordinator of the fledgling organization.
75+ Disadvantages: Protective of innocents (strong); Normal Marie is an active, intelligent, and appealing woman in her early
Characteristic Maxima; Reputation 11-; DNPC: Diana Ingraham 40s. Personally, she is characterized by strong friendships, biting
11 -; Monitored by F.B.I. 11-; Experience. sarcasm, a certain tendency toward short-temperedness, and
extraordinary organizational abilities.
Marie's father, a police officer in Boston, was killed in a gunfight Though most of Marie's job is done from behind a desk, she will
with a gang of drug runners when Marie was only seven years old. occasionally join Orrad in initiating contact with a new alien visitor.
She grew very close to her mother, a secretary in the Governor's Marie is still in excellent physical condition, and she carries a
office, following the tragedy. Marie eventually grew up and went licensed .357 Smith & Wesson revolver in her purse for protection.
away to Georgetown University to study political science. However, She has short, black hair, blue eyes, and usually dresses in skirts
upon graduation, Marie was frustrated with the political scene of and business coats.
Washington, D.C. and decided to begin training as a police officer.

52 Alien Enemies

DIANA INGRAHAM Howard is a tall, thin man with light brown hair and blue eyes. He
10 STR 14 DEX 13 CON 10 BOD 11 INT prefers wearing sportscoats and slacks, and will always have his
11 EGO 13 PRE 14 COM 5 PD 5 ED briefcase, cellular phone, and tape recorder close at hand.
4 SPD 5 REC 26 END 22 STUN
Equipment: TaserGun (5d6 NND, 1 recoverable charge, OAF); Skills: Bureaucratics 14-; Conversation 13-; High Society 13-;
Kevlar Suil (Armor: +5PD/+5ED, activate 14-, OIF) ; Radio KS: Politics 12-; KS: METE 13-
(Radio Listen/Transmit, OAF).
Skills: Police Training (Martial Strike, Martial Throw, Choke METE's chief lobbyist in Washington and his four assistants
Hold, Martial Disarm, Martial Block); Combat Driving 13-; Crimi- operate out of offices near the Capitol Building. They are respon-
nology 13-; Deduction 13-; Paramedic 13-; Streetwise 11 -; KS: sible for applying leverage and working miracles among the leg-
Washington D.C. 13-; KS: METE 13-; +1 Level with all guns. islators in hopes of creating a more hospitable environment for
75+ Disadvantages: Protective of METE (strong); Argumenta- METE and Earth's peaceful visitors. Though the Enclave now has
tive (moderate) ; Normal Characteristic Maxima; Monitored by a few supporters in the Senate and House, Harrison's job is
F.B.1. 11-; Experience. extremely difficult.
Harrison is an energetic, charismatic man in his late 30s. He has
Diana went to the police academy in Washington where she met black hair and dark eyes, and always dresses in three-piece suits.
and became good friends with Marie Dumont. However, upon
graduation, Diana decided there was more money to be made in DR. ELLEN ROBINSON
private industry security than on the force, and so she resigned, Skills: Computer Programming 17-; Electronics 13-; KS:
taking up a position in security with a large aerospace development METE 12-
firm. Years later, when her old friend Marie Dumont contacted her
about the METE project, Diana agreed to come aboard as the head Dr. Robinson is the computer sciences chief for METE, in c;harge
of security. of the extensive data processing duties of the Enclave. Robinson
Diana is in charge of eighteen assistants (use the "competent also coordinates a small team of part-time engineers who are
normal" statistics from Champions and arm them with radios, Taser responsible for maintaining and upgrading the organization's
Guns and Kevlar suits from the "Weapons and Armor" section of the analytical equipment.
rules). Six are on duty at the Enclave at any given time. Ellen is a pleasant woman in her early 40s, with curly, auburn hair
Diana is a spunky woman with a dry wit and an aggressive and deep green eyes. She prefers wearing long lab coats that help
manner. She has blonde hair and green eyes, and usually wears a to veil her slightly heavy frame.
forest green jumpsuit with the METE logo stitched on the front
pocket over her Kevlar. OTTO WYNDHAM
Skills: Bribery 11-; Bureaucratics 11-; Criminology 12-; Interro-
DR. BILL ELAM gation 13-,; Oratory 13-; PS: Law 13-; KS: Washington D.C.;
Skills: Computer Programming 13-; Forensic Medicine 15-; Manhattan, Boston, & Chicago all 11-.
Paramedic 15-; SC: Biology 14·; SC: Anatomy 13-; KS: Alien
physiology 11-; PS: Doctor 12-; SC: Biochemistry 16-; Mr. Wyndham, METE's attorney, works from a plush office in
nearby Arlington, Virginia. He and his associates also maintain
Dr. Elam is the research analysis head. Together with computer offices in Manhattan, Boston, and Chicago. Most of his time is
specialist Dr. Robinson, Elam coordinates and files all of METE's currently spent defending METE against various legal actions.
data. Elam also publishes METE's documentation for the American Wyndham is a shrewd lawyer and has been very successful both
Medical Association and various government organizations and in and out of the courtroom. He has slick, black hair, blue eyes, and
special interest groups. He works with a staff of two assistants and a thick moustache. He has a sardonic sense of humor and a smile
can be found in his lab all hours of the night. like a used-car salesman. Wyndham usually wears expensive suits
Elam is a middle-aged gentleman who is obsessed with his work. and gold-nugget jewelry.
Though he has spent years studying biochemistry, he is still easily
frustrated when a solution eludes him. Elam has a reputation
around METE as a grumpy genius. He is thin, balding, and
generally wears a stained lab coat over polyester slacks, dress
shirt, and a conservative tie.
The METE complex should be located in a suburban area
HOWARD ESTERHAUS outside the campaign city. It is a simple, two-story building of
Skills: Bureaucratics 11-; Conversation 14-; Interrogation 12-; concrete and steel. A guardhouse, manned by two of Diana
Persuasion 12-; Security Systems 11-; Stealth 11-; KS: METE lngraham's security officers at all times, checks in visitors with the
16- security office of the main building. A short driveway through the
carefully manicured landscaping leads to the small parking lot and
Howard was hired by the U.S. Government to operate as the
main entrance. Signs clearly mark the emergency medical en-
official liaison between METE and his employers. As such, Howard
trance and the main reception areas. An emergency exit opens
is in an uncomfortable position. Essentially, he is the "spy" in METE,
from the inside on the back of the building. Television cameras
circumventing the thinly-veiled hostility of the staff while trying to
equipped with infrared sensors surround the complex and send
make sure that the politically-impractical scientists don't jeopardize
pictures to a series of monitors in the security office.
national security or unleash something deadly on the world.
The METE facility has no windows other than the glass doors at
Howard has immediate communication available with several
the main entrance. The exterior walls are all 8 DEF, 5 BODY. The
contacts at the Pentagon, and has learned to coax the METE staff
interior walls are 4 DEF, 3 BODY.
into revealing all sorts of important secrets. This subtle interroga-
tion tactic has often angered Marie, and Howard's presence at
METE, while irrevocable, is tolerated with clenched teeth.
Alien Enemies 53
54 --------------======= AlienEnemies
AlienEnemies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
' I

----- \._ \..---
56 Alien Enemies
LEVEL ONE 8. Research Facility: This large room is equipped with two re-
Level one of the METE facility is set up much like a small medical search stations and several monitoring devices. It is used primarily
clinic. Most of the interior is in white and grey with light blue accents. by Or. Elam and his staff for non-emergency research into cellular
The walls are noticeably bare of accessories, and quiet music is and anatomical data. This room also houses METE's highly experi-
usually played over the complex's sound system. mental Translator Device. The device can be represented by the
Universal Translator talent, bought through a bulky O IF (-1), and
1. Reception: A security officer sits behind a large desk in the
activating on an 11 · (-1 ). Cost: 7 points.
corner of the room, welcoming and screening visitors. A gray
industrial carpet covers the floor, and pale blue office furniture, 9. Restroom: Visitors may notice some fai rly peculiar attachments
including several waiting-room chairs, make for a pleasant but in here (GMs should use their imagination). The graffiti is even more
formal environment. peculiar.
2. Security Office: Several monitors rotate images from the vari - 10. Elevator: A simple lift between the two levels.
ous infrared cameras outside the building. At least one security 11. Examination Room: This is a basic examination area for non-
officer will be in this room at all times. Two additional security critical cases; normal medical functions such as blood tests, biopic
officers will be on random patrols throughout the buildings and analyses, routine examinations, etc., are conducted here. This
around the grounds. These officers can relieve those at the guard- area can also serve as an operating room if necessary.
house, reception office, or security office if the need arises. 11 a. A man-driven robotic forklift is kept here for those heavy
3. Marie Dumont's Office: Various files demanding attention are patients. The unit operates on treads (3" movement), utilizing waldo
stacked high on the desk, along with dozens of recent phone attachments, and is capable of carrying three tons (35 STA). It is a
messages. A pale blue bulletin board along one wall has news- bulky OIF (-1 ). Cost: 20 points.
paper clippings and editorials relating to events involving METE. 12. Ward: Here patients are kept who are ill or still in need of
4. Orrad's Office: Orrad's office is the picture of organization. monitoring. The ward can host additional life support chambers (cf.
Everything has its place; there are no loose papers or office 7a) as needed.
supplies. 13. Lounge: Unlike the rest of the first level, this room is warm and
5. Howard Esterhaus' Office: The desk drawers in this room are friendly. The walls are covered with a cheery floral print wallpaper,
all locked, and contain dozens of miniature cassettes of conver- and the furniture is all soft pink. A small kitchenette and refrigerator
sations and conferences held in the METE facility. Various corre- are along one wall, and two large tables for dining are in the center
spondence with government organizations are filed away neatly in of the room. A couch and two recliners are near the entrance, and
desk trays, and a bright red phone with a direct line to the Pentagon have become favorites for METE staff wishing to unwind.
sits alongside the standard communication panel. 14. Computer Science: This room serves as both an office and a
6. Dr. Bill Elam's Office: Dr. Elam rarely uses this office, as is workroom for Or. Ellen Robinson. A sophisticated computer system
evidenced by the lack of papers, files, etc. Several medical degrees is stored here containing all of the collected data from METE's
and licenses adorn the walls. research. The system can be tied into other networks via modem,
7. Emergency Room: This room can be entered directly through but this connection is usually left disabled.
twin sets of swinging doors from the parking lot or through a side 15. Storage: Medical and office supplies are housed neatly on
door from the reception room. It is painted bright white, has clean shelves along the walls of this room, and a large refrigerated unit
tile on the floor, and smells of antiseptic. Critical cases rushed to near the rear holds specialized medicines and other cold storage.
METE are brought first to this area. The room contains various
emergency treatment equipment and diagnostic tools. LEVEL TWO
7a. An X-Ray scanner with microscopic capabilities. Treat as N- Level two is· reserved for METE personnel and patients, and is
Ray vision (not through lead), with x100 magnification, bulky OIF never opened to the public.
(·1). Cost: 13 points. 9 & 10. See the descriptions for Level One.
7b. An advanced spectroscope, used for extreme magnification 16. Orrad's Quarters: The space warrior's apartment here at
and cellular analysis. The device has x10,000 microscopic vision, METE is rather spartan. Decorated in light grey with black lacquer
as well as ultraviolet and infrared lenses; bulky OIF (-1 ). Cost: 1O furniture, the apartment has a cold, formal feel. A sturdy desk and
points. bed lie opposite the bathroom and walk-in closet, and a large-
7c. An ultrasound scanner, defined as N-Ray limited to organic and screen television stands against the far wall.
organic-like materials. The device is also capable of analyzing 17. Armory: Adjacentto Orrad's quarters is a small armory used for
internal systems (skeletal, nervous, muscular, and cardiovascular), maintaining his powerful battlesuit.
and plotting out a rough diagram of the patient's functions. Treat this 18. Guest Quarters: These modular rooms can be adapted for a
analysis capability as a Discriminatory Detect Sense on biological number of alien species with little effort. The furnishings have been
systems with +5 to the Perception roll. Again, it is a bulky OIF (-1). kept deliberately simple, providing a bed, nightstands, table and
Cost: 19 points. chair, chest, large closet, and washroom (with hook-ups for more
7d. This is a large atmospheric pressure tank which acts as 25 unusual fixtures). Recovering patients not in need of immediate
points of Life Support (vs. all but eat/sleep) for anyone within, but medical supervision are often housed here temporarily.
only if METE is aware of the proper atmosphere and pressure to 19. Recreation Room: Though this room is seldom used at the
duplicate. Give the scientists an 8- roll to duplicate the proper facility, it contains comfortable couches, a table and chairs, writing
environment if they have gained a little knowledge of the patient's desks, a stereo system, and even a billiards table. A storage closet
biochemistry. This roll can be increased to 11 ·or 14- as they gather along one wall has shelves with a variety of fictional books, games,
more data. This acts as a total -3/4 Limitation on the Life Support. puzzles, and other entertainments.
The chamber is a bulky OIF (-1 ). Cost: 9 points.
Alien Enemies 57
20. Conference Room: This room is dominated by a large, gray The heroes will also have to deal with an interesting question: Do
table and several pale blue office chairs used for METE staff they kill the creature, or simply attempt to capture it? More blood·
meetings. A counter with refreshments is on one wall, and a large thirsty heroes will just ignore the question. If characters don't bring
screen is 'set up on the opposite side of the room. The closet in the this up, one of the staff at METE definitely would. And if the heroes
corner houses an overhead projector on a earl, as well as a slide continue to try and slaughter the alien beast. Orrad will likely
projector and a television/VCR player which can be used for intervene and try and stop them. All this could lead to some fighting
presentations. Diana Ingraham has discovered that this room is a between heroes. as some attempt to klll the "rampaging monster"
prime target for bugging equipment. while other, more compassionate heroes try to stop them. Mean-
while. the creature will continue obeying its instincts for food.
Several months after the creature hatches, its parents may arrive

( SCENARIOS ) in a globular spacecraft and attempt to retrieve their child. If this

occurs, increase the creature's base statistics by 10 Character
Points apiece to achieve its parents' stats.
Note: Case 39 is an incredibly tough opponent. It is capable of
doing a great deal of damage with its tentacles while practically
THE HATCHING ignoring attacks against it. If the heroes are having a difficult time
Several months ago, a park ranger in Yellowstone National Park subduing the creature, one of the METE staff will remind them of
found a brownish blob of pulsating, skin-like material without visIble Case 39's sensitivity to X-Rays and ultrasound. However, this
external appendages or sensory apparatus. The creature was reminder will not be given it the players are attempting to destroy the
located in a clearing marked by a 30'-dlameter circle of charred alien beast.
Earth. Biologists at the site recommended the thing be brought to
the Enclave. METE scientists were unable to make much of a
bloscan; the blob-like thing responded to X·Aays and ultrasound
scans by thrashing around in what the technicians could only guess
was pain. Quick experimentation revealed that the thing responded
well to a nearly-pure oxygen environment. so Case 39 (as it was
named) was placed in an environment tank. For two weeks, METE
scientists have been monitoring the atmospheric tank's occupant,
performing spectroscopic and cellular analyses. However. the
blob's only action has been an occasional ripple, usually every four
hours. EEGs and a telepathic probe have proved fruitless.
The statt at METE will be shocked when Case 39 suddenly
becomes active. They have assumed that the alien is an adult with
whom they have yet to learn how to communicate. However,
thougl1 the species to which Case 39 belongs is indeed fairly
peaceable and quite intelligent, Case 39 is really only an Infant in
a dormant stage, awaiting the point in its development when it is to
initiate feeding. When the young hatchling awakens, ii will be nearly
mindless, lost, afraid ... and starved. As it peels off its fleshy skin, it
will appear to be pure white and slick of texture, with sixteen limbs
(each 20 meters long) which have a ridge of rending cartilage along
their lengths. The thing's octopoidal head has eight eyes, resulting
in 360° vision, and a fanged mouth on the underside.
The first thing the creature will do upon hatching is burst out of
the life support unit (which it doesn't even really need), due to its
severe claustrophobia. Subsequently. the creature will attempt to
leave the building. After the trauma of confinement is passed, it will
begin to cast about, looking for food. It is a carnivore and will go for
any medium-to-large mammal, such as a dog. cow. or even a
human. It will attempt to consume about 400 kilos of meat before
running off and sinking into a digestive stupor. For all its strength,
it is still vulnerable to certain forms of energy. specifically X-Rays
and sonic bombardment. It can be communicated with telepathi-
cally when not in a feeding frenzy.
The time of day in which the creature breaks out can change the
nature of the scenario considerably. If It hatches during rush hour,
there w ill be a lot of people in the way, and the heroes will have their
work cut out tor them to prevent a bloodbath. If it hatches late at
night, there will be few people around, and it may become difficult
to track the creature (except by the trail of its victims' skeletons).
58 Alien Enemies
As the male drew close to the western shores of America, it was
" suddenly surrounded by swarms of military aircraft and barraged by
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages stinging missiles. The city-sized Delarr r~acted in fear, lashi~g .out
with its tendrils like we would swat away flies. However. them1ss1les
80 STR 70 20 2x STUN & BODY from sonic had done their duty, and the wounded Del arr plunged flightless into
20 DEX 30 attacks the cold ocean waters just ten miles off the coast of Seattle,
50 CON 80 30 Berserk when hungry 14-, 8- Washington. The creature sent a telepathic message to its mate
25 BOD 30 20 Claustrophobia (strong) high overhead as naval vessels quickly surrounded lhe creature.
5 INT -5 15 Repelled by humans (strong) The heroes will team of the arrival of the giant alien shortly after
10 EGO 0 20 Susceptible: 3d6/turn from the military attack. So will the leadership of METE, Dr ..sanders ~f
40 PRE 30 ultrasonic sounds the Exterminators, and the rest of the world. News media will begin
2 COM -4 25 Susceptible: 3d6/Phase from broadcasting special reports with footage of the injured Delarr as
20 PD 4 X-Rays scientists scrape away tissue samples, Coast Guard ships begin to
20 ED 10 25 Distinctive Features, not wrap the creature up in series of nets, and naval helicopters buzz
7 SPD 40 concealable, extreme reaction around the alien. METE will immediately dispatch a team of
26 REC 0 8 Monitored by METE, 14- researchers, led by Orrad and Marie Dumont, to try and keep the
100 END 0 10 Hunted by the Exterminators, military lrom further harming the creature. Simultan~ously. the
90 STUN 0 11 - members of the Exterminators will scramble together m hopes of
15 3d6 Unluck reaching and destroying the alien before anyone gets hurt. A
242 Villain Bonus confusing struggle will break out around the creature, as the Coast
Cost Powers END Guard tries to keep both groups away from the creature. Orrad
attempts to keep the Exterminators from using thei.r plasma ge.nera·
25 1 Y2d6 HKA (3d6 with STR, "bite") 1(2) tors while Marie Dumont and Dr. Sanders lobby with naval off1c1als.
60 75% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction The heroes can become involved at this point, getting caught up
60 75% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction in the conflict between METE and the Extermin ators, and helping
5 Flash Defense (5 points) the Coast Guard keep things from getting out of control. This is an
5 Power Defense (5 points) opportunity for extensive role-playing, w ith the heroes debating
13 Mental Defense ( 15 points total) back and forth between METE, the Exterminators, and the military
10 +5" Running (11" total) 2 with regard to what should be done with the creature. If any of the
1O 360° Vision heroes are Telepaths, they will be invited to make contact with the
5 UV Vision alien and determine if it is hostile. Unfortunately. the male Delarr will
10 Clinging (80 STR) have gone unconscious from its wounds, and any attempted
20 Y2 END cost on STR [4) Telepathy will only pick up happy memories of flying through space
5 12 Extra Limbs for centuries.
67 10" Stretching, 0 END persistent, always on 0 The female Delarr, however, will respond with loving, protective
fury to her mate's call for help. She will descend thr<~ugh the
OCV: 7; DCV: 7; ECV: 3; Phases: 2,4,6,7,9, 11, 12 atmosphere and aggressively make her way to her mate's side. It
Costs: Char. Power Disadv. Base will be quite clear that this second Delarr is hostile and dangerous;
she will use her tendrils to swat aside military jet fighters as well as
285 + 295 = 580 = 430 + 150 any heroes who may attem~t to intercept her. Once she reaches her
mate she will attempttosink or drive away all ships surrounding the
'TIL DEATH DO US PART wou~ded creature and give him time to heal. This will begin a
frenzied confusion, with Orrad and the heroes trying to protect
Few lifeforms in the galaxy are as beautiful as the Delarrs. Each
innocents from the female Delarr's wrath while the Exterminators
Delarr ap~ears much hke an enormous jellyfish, with a translucent, are trying to sneak in shots against either of the creatures. Through-
shimmering bulb billowing over its long, thin tendrils. The Delarrs'
out all this, the Delarr female will be defending herself and her
skin scintillates with every color or the rainbow, and their tendrils lifemate· all she wants is to provide her mate with time to heal so
dance lazily about as the creatures glide through the stars. they may leave this hostile little world and return to the beautiful
The Delarrs are as beautiful in disposition as they are in physical
silence of space.
form. They are peaceful creatures, simply enjoying the qu~et bea~ty Resolution of this adventure will depend largely upon the way the
of space and the Jove of their lifemates. The Delarrs need ltttle to live heroes interpret the Delarrs' intentions. If the Delarrs are seen as
on; U1eir only food is salt, and they only descend to a pla~et once hostile invaders (and there is certainly good cause for such a
every millennlum to feed.Otherwise. the Delarrs spend their nearly
conclusion), then the heroes may join with the Exterminators and
ageless lives gliding through space with their mates, soaking in the attempt to eliminate the alien ''1hreat. • If, however. the heroes
wonder and beauty of the universe. realize that the Delarrs are peaceful creatures, frightened by the
Two months ago, a pair of Delarrs passed near the Earth's solar
military's actions and protective of each other, then the heroes may
system, intrigued by the way the sun's light reflected off the gasses
attempt to enforce METE°s desires to save the aliens and protect
of Venus. Astronomers registered the Delarrs as dark shadows. them from further abuse. Wl1ichever way they choose. the heroes
each almost 50 miles in width, passing slowly between the planets,
will have made a statement about the rights of alien visitors on
moving closer toward Venus. As the creatures neared Earth. the
Earth. The heroes will also have made enemies of either METE or
male was suddenly struck by a stray asteroid which had broken free the Exterminators, and the GM may use this new tension for further
of its gravitational orbit. The asteroid made a small puncture in the
adventures with aliens from this volume.
Delarr's bulbous body, and the creature decided to descend to the
cool salt waters of nearby Earth to recover. The female in the pair
waited in orbit around the tiny planet while her mate entered the
atmosphere and descended to feed and heal.
Alien Enemies 59
Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages
235* STR 0 20 2x STUN from energy Killing
13 DEX 9 Attacks I:!
CON 120 13 Enraged when mate is hurt 14-, '----.\._JC
_ /:r'-~~
BOD 0 8-
20 Insatiably curious (strong)
20 In love with mate (total)
30 PRE 20 15 Innocent and naive (strong)
18 COM 4 10 Mute (infrequently, greatly
15 PD 13 impairing)
15 ED 1 5 Dependency: 2d6/5 hours when
6 SPD 37 separated from mate
16 REC 0 25 Distinctive Features, not
120t END -10 concealable, extreme reaction
175•t STUN 85 10 DNPC: mate (as powerful), 14-
630 Alien Bonus
• Additions for Growth already figured in
t At the beginning of the adventure, these values will be at O
for the unconscious male Deiarr
Cost Powers END
300 Growth (33,000 hexes wide, 16,500 hexes high),
O END persistent, always on O
60 75% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction
30 50% Resistant Energy Damage Reduction
15 Flash Defense (15 points)
10 Power Defense (10 points)
15 Mental Defense (23 points total)
50 25'' Flight 5
18 FTL Travel (1 Light Year/month)
23 +23" Swimming (25" total)
5 IR Vision
5 Mind Link with mate, O END persistent, always on 0
30 Total Life Support
5 Extra Limbs (hundreds of tendrils)
Skills & Talents
17 Navigation 18-
13 Tracking 19-
10 2d6 Luck
CCV: 5; DCV: -; ECV: 8; Phases: 2,4,6,8, 10,12

Costs: Char. Power Total Disadv. Base

312 + 606 = 918 = 768 + 150
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64 Alien Enemies


Cutting: Cut the figures along the dotted yellow lines. Weighting: If you assemble your figures permanently,
DO NOT cut on the solid lines - those are lhe fold you can weight each base with a B-B, fishing sinker, or
lines. similar object glued inside. The Cardboard Heroes are
Folding: The best way to fold the figures is to start by surprisingly stable without weights, but you may want a
scoring along each fold line. Use a letter opener, coin, little "insurance." A ball of clay makes a good temporary
or similar hard object; "mark" along a straightedge to weight.
indent the fold lines on each figure. Then place the fold Identification: Each figure has a unique identification
line over a table edge and bend. This will give you a number on its base. along with a very brief description.
clean and accurate fold line. If you use a table edge However, NO identification has been placed where it will
without scoring first, your fold may not go exactly where show during play. If you wish, you can write names,
you want it. letters or numbers on the front or back of each figure;
Assembly: A finished figure has a front, back, and we've left this to the purchaser's individual preferences.
base. You may assemble it either temporarily or For those who prefer to have the identification visible
permanently. For temporary assembly, cut along the during play. space has been left on the base of each
dotted lines that extend half-way into the base of each figure. You can put your own names or IDs out of sight,
figure. You can then lock the two halves of the base referring to them only when necessary.
together (see illustration) . The figure will stay up during
play, but can be taken apart and stored flat when you
are through with it. For permanent assembly, overlap
the two sides of the base and glue or tape them to-

I··--·· I © I o I··- ±:

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