Educ 6 Module Week 1-6

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Assessment in Learning 2

A Course Module in EDUC 6

Rey A. Añonuevo

Republic of the Philippines
Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

Course Overview

Course Name : Assessment in Learning 2

Course Code : Educ 6
Course Units : 3 units
Course Description : This is a course that focuses on the principles, development and
utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning. It emphasizes on how to
assess process-and product oriented learning outcomes as well as affective learning. Students will
experience how to develop rubrics and others assessment tools for performance-based and product-based

Topics Activities
Week 1  Brainstorming
 Open-ended questions
Class Orientation, Course
Outline VMGO, Classroom
Rules and Policy

Week 2-3 Online Session:

Unit I. Assessment as an Monitored independent learning
Integral Part of Teaching  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation
A. Assessment in the  Brainstorming
context of teaching-learning  Use the internet for the other references
B. Traditional  Note-making using shared google docs
assessment and Authentic
Offline Session:
 Quiz (15 items)
C. Norm and Criterion-  Activity regarding Assessment as an Integral Part of
referenced assessment Teaching
D. Current trends in
Week 4 Online Session:
Unit II. Outcome-Based Monitored independent learning
Education (OBE) and  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation
Assessment  Use the web in researching various learning resources regarding
A. The Meaning of OBE to the topic.
B. OBE, Spady’s  Brainstorming
C. Principles of OBE Offline Session:
D. Understanding by
Design  Quiz (15 items)
E. The instructional  Activity in Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and
Cycle Assessment
Week 5 Online Session:
Unit 3. Learning Monitored independent learning

Topics Activities
Outcomes: Sources and  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation
Characteristics  Use the web in researching various learning resources regarding
to the topic.
A. Meaning of  Brainstorming
Learning Outcomes
Offline Session:
B. Sources of
Learning Outcomes  Quiz (15 items)
C. Program Outcomes Activity in Learning Outcomes: Sources and Characteristics
for Teacher
Education Based on
D. The Philippine
Standards for
E. Characteristics of
Good Learning
Week 6 ASSESSMENT 1 Assessment 1. Summative Test of previous covered topics from
Week 1 to Week 5.
Week 7-8 Online Session:
Unit III. Authentic Monitored independent learning
Assessment: Meaning,  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/Video or
Methods and Tools Documentary presentation via You Tube platform.
A. Meaning  Using internet in researching various learning references
B. Non-Test Assessment regarding to the topic.
of Learning  Summary of the Topic
C. Authentic
Assessment Complements Offline Session:
Traditional assessment
D. Non-Test Indicators  Quiz (15 items)
E. Features of  Activity about Authentic Assessment: Meaning, Methods
Authentic/Performance and Tools
F. Characteristics of
21st Century Assessment
G. Authentic
Assessment: Process-oriented
or Product Oriented
I. Guidelines for
Performance Assessment
Week 9-11 Online Session:
Unit IV. Developing the Monitored independent learning
Scoring Rubrics  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/Documentary
A. Meaning Scoring and Tribute videos via You Tube Platform
Rubrics  Brainstorming
B. Parts of Scoring  Using internet in conducting research for learning references

Topics Activities
Rubrics about the topic.
C. Analytic Versus  Summary of the lesson.
Holistic Rubrics
D. Process of
Developing Scoring Rubrics Offline Session:
E. Another type of
Rubrics  Quiz (15 items)
F. The importance of  Activity about Developing the Scoring Rubrics
G. Checklists and Rating
Week 12 ASSESSMENT 2 Assessment 2 –Development of Scoring Rubrics and Rating Scale.
Students task is to develop two (2) authentic and two(2) analytic
rubrics and two (2) rating scale align to their major specialization.
Week 13 -14 Online Session:
Monitored independent learning
Unit V. Portfolio  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/ Documentary
Assessment and Trivia videos via You Tube platform.
 Using Internet Web/browsers in researching various learning
A. Meaning of Portfolio references about the topic.
Assessment  Brainstorming
B. What a Portfolio  Summary of the Topic
C. Types of Portfolio Offline Session:
D. Essential Element of
Portfolio  Quiz (15 items)
E. Stages in  Activity about Portfolio Assessment
Implementing Portfolio
Assessment Effectively
Week 15 Online Session:
Unit VI. e-Portfolio as an Monitored independent learning
Assessment Tool and as a  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/Documentary
Communication Medium videos via You Tube platform
A. Meaning of e-  Using Internet Web/browsers in researching various learning
Portfolio references about the topic.
 Summary of the topic
B. The Learning
 Crash Course discussion
Theory behind e-
Portfolios Offline Session:
C. Best Practices in
the Use of e-  Quiz (15 items)
Portfolio  Activity about -Portfolio as an Assessment Tool and as a
D. e-Portfolio Communication Medium
Assessment Rubrics
Week 16 Online Session:
Unit VII. Assessment in the Monitored independent learning
Affective Domain  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/Documentary
A. Soft Skills in videos via You Tube platform
Affective Assessment  Using Internet Web/browsers in researching various learning

Topics Activities
B. Categories of Soft references about the topic.
Skills  Summary of the topic
C. The Taxonomy of  Crash Course discussion
Education Objectives
D. Methods of Assessing Offline Session:
Learning in the Affective
Domain  Quiz (15 items)
E. Teacher Observation  Activity about Hyperbolic And Non-Euclidean Geometry
F. Students Self-Report
G. Peer Rating
H. Affective Assessment
Week 17 Online Session:
Unit VIII. Formative Monitored independent learning
Assessment and Grading  Advanced readings using PDF/slides presentation/Documentary
and Reporting videos via You Tube platform
 Using Internet Web/browsers in researching various learning
A. Techniques for references about the topic.
Formative Assessment  Summary of the topic
B. Games for Formative  Crash Course discussion
C. Self-Assessment in Offline Session:
Formative Assessment
D. Function of Grading  Quiz (15 items)
and Reporting  Activity about Assessment in the Affective Domain
E. Components of
Grading System
F. Communication
Assessment Result
Week 18 ASSESSMENT 3  Final Exam

B. Course Calendar

Week Begin Date Topic Assessment

1 August 16 I. Introduction Discussion Board
- Open- ended
VMGO questions
Quality Policy
Course Outline, Grading
System and Classroom and Policies
2-3 August 23 Unit I. Assessment as an Online quiz
Integral Part of Teaching Discussion of Insights,

A. Assessment in the reflections through the
context of teaching- Discussion board
B. Traditional assessment
and Authentic assessment
C. Norm and Criterion-
referenced assessment
D. Current trends in
4 September Unit II. Outcome-Based Online quiz
6 Education (OBE) and Assessment Using the Discussion Board.
A. The Meaning of OBE A critical situation will be discussed and
B. OBE, Spady’s Version analysed, and decisions are made about
C. Principles of OBE how to resolve the situation using
D. Understanding by Design knowledge
E. The instructional Cycle derived from library or online research
5 September Unit III. Learning Outcomes: Online quiz
13 Sources and Characteristics Using the Discussion Board.

A. Meaning of Learning A critical situation will be discussed and

Outcomes analysed, and decisions are made about
B. Sources of Learning how to resolve the situation using
C. Program Outcomes for knowledge
Teacher Education Based derived from library or online research
on COMs
D. The Philippine
Professional Standards
for Teacher
E. Characteristics of Good
Learning Outcomes
6 September Assessment 1 Summative Test of previous covered
20 topics from Week 1 to Week 5.
7–8 September Unit IV. Authentic Assessment: Online quiz using
27 Meaning, Methods and Tools Discussion Board.
A. Meaning
B. Non-Test Assessment of A critical situation is discussed and
Learning analysed, and decisions are made about
C. Authentic Assessment how to resolve the situation
Complements Traditional

D. Non-Test Indicators
E. Features of
Authentic/Performance Assessment
F. Characteristics of 21st
Century Assessment
G. Authentic Assessment:
Process-oriented or Product
I. Guidelines for Performance
9-11 October 11 Unit V. Developing the Scoring Online quiz using
Rubrics Discussion Board.
A. Meaning Scoring Rubrics
B. Parts of Scoring Rubrics A critical situation is discussed and
C. Analytic Versus Holistic analysed, and decisions are made about
Rubrics how to resolve the situation
D. Process of Developing
Scoring Rubrics
E. Another type of Rubrics
F. The importance of Rubrics
G. Checklists and Rating Scale
12 November 2 Assessment 2 Development of Scoring Rubrics and
Rating Scale. Students task is to develop
two (2) authentic and two(2) analytic
rubrics and two (2) rating scale align to
their major specialization.
13-14 November 8 U nit VI. Portfolio Assessment Online quiz using
Discussion Board.
A. Meaning of Portfolio
Assessment A critical situation is discussed and
B. What a Portfolio Includes analysed, and decisions are made about
C. Types of Portfolio how to resolve the situation

D. Essential Element of
E. Stages in Implementing
Portfolio Assessment Effectively
15 November Unit VII. e-Portfolio as an Online quiz using
22 Assessment Tool and as a Discussion Board.
Communication Medium
A. Meaning of e-Portfolio A critical situation is discussed and
B. The Learning Theory analysed, and decisions are made about
behind e-Portfolios how to resolve the situation
C. Best Practices in the Use of
D. e-Portfolio Assessment
16 November Unit VIII. Assessment in the Online quiz using
23 Affective Domain Discussion Board.
A. Soft Skills in Affective
Assessment A critical situation is discussed and
B. Categories of Soft Skills analysed, and decisions are made about
C. The Taxonomy of how to resolve the situation
Education Objectives
D. Methods of Assessing
Learning in the Affective Domain
E. Teacher Observation
F. Students Self-Report
G. Peer Rating
H. Affective Assessment Tools
17 December 6 Unit VIII. Formative Assessment Online quiz using
and Grading and Reporting Discussion Board.

A. Techniques for Formative

Assessment A critical situation is discussed and
B. Games for Formative
Assessment analysed, and decisions are made about
C. Self-Assessment in how to resolve the situation
Formative Assessment

D. Function of Grading and
E. Components of Grading
F. Communication
Assessment Result
18 December Examination

C. Teaching Instructor

COS-Instructor Rey is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in
Mathematics. He graduated as Cum Laude at Central Bicol State
University of Agriculture last 2019. He took his licensure exam last
September 2019 and got an average rating of 88%. He is currently
teaching at CBSUA-Sip as COS-Instructor.

D. Course Assessment

Assessment Type Percentage Course Learning Due Date

Outcomes Being
Week 1-6 Online Quiz 2.5% CO1 Weekly
Online Quiz 2.5% CO2 Weekly
Online Quiz 5% CO3 Weekly
Online quiz 5% Weekly
Lesson Plane 15% September 20
Week 7-12 Online quiz 2.5% CO3 Weekly
Online quiz 2.5% CO4 Weekly
Online quiz 5% CO5 Weekly
Online quiz 5% Weekly
Making a 15% November 8
Week 13-18 Online quiz 2.5% CO5 Weekly
Online quiz 2.5% CO6 Weekly

Online quiz 5% CO7 Weekly
Online quiz 5% CO8 Weekly
Examination 25% December 16

Week 2-3 Assessment as an Integral Part of Teaching

As a student, you have been through a lot of assessment, most of which if not all, you did not
welcome. If you have a choice you would not subject yourself to the assessment process. This
chapter dwells on assessment as an integral part of teaching-learning. Hopefully it will change your
view and attitude of assessment.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
A. distinguish among the types of assessment
B. Cite ways to do traditional and authentic assessment
C. Discuss marks of quality assessment and the current trends in assessment

Before reading and studying the discussion part of this module, read the questions below and
think about the possible answers.

1. As a student, do you believe that assessment as an integral part of teaching? Defend

your answer.

This part contains the instructional materials that are used to convey the elaboration of the content of
the subject matter for Week 2-3: “Assessment as an Integral Part of Teaching.”

Learning Resource 1.1

Reference: Corpuz.B.2021, Assessment in Learning 2.LoriMar Philippines

Learning Resource 1.2:

YouTube video:


This part contains the specific instructions on what are you going to do with the learning resources.
This part contains as well the learning activities and tasks anchored on the learning resources that you
have read, studied, watched, or visited.

Learning Resource 1.1: Reading Material

The reading material is attached in pages 12-20. Read on your own pace but make sure that you
are not to compromise comprehension and understanding of the material. After studying the reading
material, accomplish the task/quiz on the post-competency page.

Learning Resource 1.2: YouTube Video

This learning resource will cater the online learners. Go to the YoutTube app and search for the
link provided in learning resource section on page 21. Make sure to take some notes that will help you
understand further the Topic.

Accomplish the things embedded on this part because this will serve as your recitation/participation.
For the online learners: Check our Facebook messenger group chat and wait for the meeting code
and password of our google meeting. Prepare yourselves for the sharing of thoughts with regards to
the etymology of literature. Also, in our google meeting, the topic will be discussed briefly to
enlighten your queries and questions.

For the offline learners. You may share your thoughts in a form of a short paragraph on our chat
group on facebook messenger. Should you have no data/internet connection, you may send your
thoughts via text messaging and send it to my mobile number that I provided.


TASKS. Upon learning the concepts of “Assessment as an Integral Part of Teaching”, please
answer the following questions.

1. Can a diagnostic assessment and a formative assessment affect the result of summative
assessment? How?
2. Can the teachers do away with traditional assessment? Explain your answer.
3. When a teacher explains how you will be scored in a written or performance test, will this
most likely help you come up with better output or performance? Why?

1. What is meant by contextualized assessment? How does it differ from decontextualized
2. When can we say that assessment is of high quality? Explain each quality.
3. What are current trends in assessment? Explain each.
Note: Your Output for this activity must be hand written. Submit only the photo of your

Week 4 Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Assessment

This chapter introduces the students to be abreast on how technology helps measure student learning.
This module also uncovers types of assessments and tools.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
A. Explain the essence of OBE and OBTL
B. Compare UbD, OBE and OBTL
C. Illustrate Constructive alignment with an example

Before reading and studying the discussion part of this module, read the questions below and
think about the possible answers.

1. Explain the essence of OBE and OBTL.

This part contains the instructional materials that are used to convey the elaboration of the content of
the subject matter for Week 4: “Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Assessment.”

Learning Resource 1.1

Reference: Corpuz.B.2021, Assessment in Learning 2.LoriMar Philippines

Learning Resource 1.2:

YouTube video: :


This part contains the specific instructions on what are you going to do with the learning resources.
This part contains as well the learning activities and tasks anchored on the learning resources that you
have read, studied, watched, or visited.

Learning Resource 1.1: Reading Material

The reading material is attached in pages 24-31. Read on your own pace but make sure that you
are not to compromise comprehension and understanding of the material. After studying the reading
material, accomplish the task/quiz on the post-competency page.

Learning Resource 1.2: YouTube Video

This learning resource will cater the online learners. Go to the YoutTube app and search for the
link provided in learning resource section page 31. Make sure to take some notes that will help you
understand further the Topic.


Accomplish the things embedded on this part because this will serve as your recitation/participation.

For the online learners: Check our Facebook messenger group chat and wait for the meeting code
and password of our google meeting. Prepare yourselves for the sharing of thoughts with regards to

the etymology of literature. Also, in our google meeting, the topic will be discussed briefly to
enlighten your queries and questions.

For the offline learners. You may share your thoughts in a form of a short paragraph on our chat
group on facebook messenger. Should you have no data/internet connection, you may send your
thoughts via text messaging and send it to my mobile number that I provided.


TASK 1.1 Upon learning the concepts of “Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Assessment”,
please answer the following question.

1. Explain the essence of OBE and OBTL.

2. Compare Understanding by Design and OBE/OBTL. What are their similarities and
differences? Use Venn diagram in this part.
3. Explain the meaning of constructive alignment in the context of the instructional cycle.

Note: Your Output for this activity must be hand written. Submit only the photo of your answer.

Week 5 Learning Outcomes: Sources and Characteristics

This chapter introduces the students to be abreast on learning outcomes. This module also uncovers its
sources and characteristics..

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
A. Explain the meaning and sources of learning outcomes
B. Cite the characteristics of good learning outcomes
C. Determine whether a given learning outcome is good or not
Before reading and studying the discussion part of this module, read the questions below and
think about the possible answers.

1. Explain the meaning and sources of learning outcomes


This part contains the instructional materials that are used to convey the elaboration of the content of
the subject matter for Week 5: “Learning Outcomes: Sources and Characteristics.”

Learning Resource 1.1

Reference: Corpuz.B.2021, Assessment in Learning 2.LoriMar Philippines

Learning Resource 1.2:

YouTube video: :


This part contains the specific instructions on what are you going to do with the learning resources.
This part contains as well the learning activities and tasks anchored on the learning resources that you
have read, studied, watched, or visited.

Learning Resource 1.1: Reading Material

The reading material is attached in pages 34-45. Read on your own pace but make sure that you
are not to compromise comprehension and understanding of the material. After studying the reading
material, accomplish the task/quiz on the post-competency page.

Learning Resource 1.2: YouTube Video

This learning resource will cater the online learners. Go to the YoutTube app and search for the
link provided in learning resource section page 46. Make sure to take some notes that will help you
understand further the Topic.


Accomplish the things embedded on this part because this will serve as your recitation/participation.

For the online learners: Check our Facebook messenger group chat and wait for the meeting code
and password of our google meeting. Prepare yourselves for the sharing of thoughts with regards to
the etymology of literature. Also, in our google meeting, the topic will be discussed briefly to
enlighten your queries and questions.

For the offline learners. You may share your thoughts in a form of a short paragraph on our chat
group on facebook messenger. Should you have no data/internet connection, you may send your
thoughts via text messaging and send it to my mobile number that I provided.


TASK 1.1 Upon learning the concepts of “Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Assessment”,
please answer the following question.

1. What are learning outcomes?

2. State the sources of learning outcomes.

3. Why must the needs of industry be considered in the formulation of learning outcomes?
4. What are the characteristics of good learning outcomes? Explain each.
5. How do you determine if the given learning outcome is good or not?

Note: Your Output for this activity must be hand written. Submit only the photo of your answer

Week 6. Assessment 1

Summative Test of previous covered topics from Week 1 to Week 5.




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