Grade 10 First Period Physics Notes

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Mount Barclay Christian Academy

Peter’s Town, Nimba United Community

Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia

Grade 10
1st Period Physics Notes [2021/2022]

The study of Physics is also an adventure. You will find it challenging, sometimes frustrating,
occasionally painful, and often richly rewarding.” - Hugh D. Young

Prepared By: Mr. Alphonso Tulay

Cell #: 0770143316/0880717013
Email: [email protected]
Table Of Contents

1. Development of physics ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

i. Branches of physics
ii. Basic mathematical concepts

2. Fundamental and Derived Quantities ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

3. Dimensional analysis and its use in physics ………………………………………….……………………….…………………………………………………….. 8

4. Measuring instruments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

i. Meter Rule
ii. Venire Caliper
iii. Micro- Meter Screw Gauge
iv. Beam Balance
v. Spring Balance
vi. Stop Watches
vii. Electronic Balance
viii. Thermometer

5. Scalar and vector quantities …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

i. Addition and resolution of vectors

6. Density and Relative Density ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………… 13

7. Scientific Notation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… 15

8. Units’ conversion ………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………….…………………………………… 17

Development of Physics To be successful farmers, these ancient people had to know
when to plant the seeds and when to harvest the crop. If
they planted the seeds too early, a frost could destroy the
The word Physics comes from Ancient Greek, “Physis” which crop, causing starvation for their families. If they planted
means nature. Physics can be defined as a part of natural the seeds too late, there might not be sufficient growing
philosophy and a natural science that involves the study of time or adequate rain. In those very dark nights, people could
matter and its motion through space and time, along with not help but notice the sky. It must have been a beautiful
related concepts such as energy and force. sight without the background street lights that are
everywhere today. People began to study that sky and
Physics has its birth in mankind’s quest for knowledge and observed a regularity in the movements of the sun, moon, and
truth. In ancient times, people were hunters following the stars. In ancient Egypt, for example, the Nile river would
wild herds for their food supply. Since they had to move with overflow when Sirius, the Dog Star, rose above the horizon
the herds for their survival, they could not be tied down to just before dawn. People then developed a calendar based on
one site with permanent houses for themselves and their the position of the stars. By their observation of the sky,
families. Instead these early people lived in whatever caves they found that when certain known stars were in a
they could find during their nomadic trips. Eventually these particular position in the sky it was time to plant a new crop.
cavemen found that it was possible to domesticate such With an abundant harvest it was now possible to store
animals as sheep and cattle. They no longer needed to follow enough grain to feed the people for the entire year.
the wild herds.
For the first time in the history of humanity, obtaining food
Once they stayed long enough in one place to take care of for survival was not an all time-consuming job. These ancient
their herds, they found that seeds collected from various people became affluent enough to afford the time to think
edible plants in one year could be planted the following year and question. What is the cause of the regularity in the
for a new crop. Thus, many of these ancient people became motion of the heavenly bodies? What makes the sun rise,
farmers, growing their own food supply. They, of course, move across the sky, and then set? What makes the stars
found that they could grow a better crop in a warm climate and moon move in the night sky? What is the earth made of?
near a readily available source of water. The earliest known What is man? And through this questioning of the world
civilizations sprang up on the banks of the great rivers: the about them, philosophy was born.
Nile river in Egypt and the Tigris and Euphrates in
Mesopotamia. Once permanently located on their farms, Philos in Greek means “love of” and sophos means “wisdom”.
these early people were able to build houses for themselves. Philosophy, therefore, originated when these early people
Trades eventually developed and what would later be called began to seek a rational explanation of the world about them,
civilization began. an explanation of the nature of the world without recourse
to magic, myths, or revelation. Ancient philosophers studied
ethics, morality, and the essence of beings as determined by
the mind, but they also studied the natural world itself. This
latter activity was called natural philosophy (the study of the
phenomena of nature). Among early Greek natural
philosophers were:

For many centuries afterward, the study of nature continued
1. Thales of Miletus (ca. 624 - 547 B.C.) to be called natural philosophy. In fact, one of the greatest
scientific works ever written was by Sir Isaac Newton. When
it was published in 1687, he entitled it Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica (The Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy). Natural philosophy, therefore, studied
all of nature. The Greek word for “natural” is physikos.
Therefore, the name physics came to mean the study of all
of nature. Physics became a separate entity from philosophy
because it employed a different method to search for truth.
Physics developed and employed an approach called the
scientific method in its quest for knowledge.

2. Democritus (ca. 460 - 370 B.C.)

3. Aristarchus (ca. 320 - 250 B.C.) The scientific method is the application of a logical process
of reasoning to arrive at a model of nature that is consistent
with experimental results. The scientific method consists of
five steps:

1. Observation
Is the collection of data from a simple or from
numerous experiments
2. Hypothesis
Is assumption made from the observation regarding
the behavior of nature
3. Experiment
4. Archimedes (ca. 287 - 212 B.C.), perhaps the
Is the testing of the hypothesis. It is a controlled
greatest scientist and mathematician of ancient
procedure conducted to find, test or prove
4. Theory or law
Is a statement made when the experiment is in an
agreement with the hypothesis.

5. Prediction
Is a new statement made from performing a new
experiment. A continuous process of repeating or
doing new experiment lead to the law of physics.

2. Modern Physics:

i. Relativity
ii. Quantum Mechanics
iii. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
iv. Condensed Matter Physics
v. Elementary Particle and High-Energy

Branches of physics
A professional in the scientific field of physics is called a
Physics is usually divided into the following categories:
Physicist. Physicists are able to explain the bulk properties
1. Classical Physics: of matter as well as other natural phenomena observed such
as the rainbow, lighting and thunder, the tides you see at
i. Mechanics – is the study of motion of beach and etc.
bodies under the influence of force.
ii. Waves – is the study of disturbances which
travel through a medium or vacuum.
iii. Thermodynamics – is the study of the
transformation of heat from one form to
iv. Electricity – is the study of the movement
of electric charge from one point to another
through a conductor.
v. Magnetism – is the study of magnets and
magnetic fields, and their extensive
vi. Optics – is the study of light as it travels
from one medium to another.

Relation of Physics to other Subjects

Physics enables us to study basic components of matter and

their mutual interactions. Therefore, it serves as the base of
natural science. Biology and chemistry borrow from physics in
explaining processes occurring in the natural world. Physics
also provides techniques which are applied almost in every
area of pure science and applied science. Examples:
Meteorology, Astronomy and etc

Career Opportunities In Physics 2. Galileo Galilee (1564 - 1642) – was an Italian

scientist. His work consisted of experiments using
1. Engineering :
pendulums and freely falling bodies. He invented the
i. Civil Engineering
telescope which he used to studied the heavenly
ii. Chemical Engineering
iii. Mechanical Engineering
iv. Agricultural Engineering
v. Water and Environmental Engineering
vi. Electrical Engineering

2. Computer Science
3. Meteorology
4. Surveying
5. Astronomy
6. Geo - Physics

Physics is the true foundation for all other science based

careers such as Doctors, nurses, technologists, engineers,
pharmacists and etc.

3. Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) – was an English

scientist. He studied heat and electricity. He is
honored for inventing the electric generator.

Some Contributors to Physics

The famous contributors to Physics that we shall always

remember are:

1. Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) – was an English

scientist who is considered as the father of classical
Physics. He formulated the laws of motion and
universal gravitation. He wrote one of the greatest
scientific works ever written entitled in English “The
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” He is
one of the inventors of Calculus.

4. James Prescott Joule (1818 - 1889) – was an English
Physicist. He studied heat and work. The unit of
work (Joule) is named in his honor.
7. Georg Simon Ohm (1787 - 1884) - was a German
Physicist. He experimentally determined the basic
law relating voltage and current for a resistor. The
unit of resistance, ohm, is named after him.

5. Thomas Young (1773 - 1829) – studied and further

advanced the study of light and its behavior.

6. Alessandro Antonio Volta (1745 - 1827) - was an

Italian scientist. He invented the electric battery in
1796. The unit of voltage is named in his honor.

MKS meter kilogram Second

Measurement Each system of measurement has its system of units. The

most widely known system of units is the international
Measurement is a very important aspect of physics and other system of units. It is an extension of the MKS system.
fields of science. No fact in science is accepted, no law is
established unless it can be exactly measured and quantified.
As physics is based on exact measurement, every
measurement requires two things:
Physical Quantities
1. A number or quantity
2. A unit Physical quantities are the measurable aspects of the
universe. Quantities are things that can be measured either

Measurement is the process by which quantities are by an instrument or by calculation. Examples: height, mass,

determined by comparison with a known standard. weight, volume, distance, velocity etc

The three most important basic quantities in physics are:


1. Length – can be defined as the extent of apace or

Units are words or group of words written against numbers
distance extended.
to indicate what those numbers stand for. Units that are
2. Mass – is commonly defined as the quantity of
internationally accepted are called standard units. Examples:
matter or material substance.
10 m, 20 s, 5 m/s, 30 cm3 and etc
3. Time – is defined as the occurrence between two
events. The only internationally accepted unit is the international
system of units or in French: systeme international d’units.
The short form is SI units.
Three systems of measurement have been known so far:

System Length Mass Time

FPS Foot Pound second
CGS Centimete Gram Second

Fundamental and Derived Quantities

Fundamental Quantities

The basics or fundamental quantities are the seven (7) basics

SI system of measurement in which all other quantities or
units depend for their definitions. They cannot be expressed
in any other quantities. These quantities are:

Quantity Symbol SI Unit Symbol

Length l meter m
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t second s
Electric Current i ampere a
Temperature θ kelvin k
Amount of Substance μ mole mol
Magnetic flux ⏀ weber wb
Luminous Intensity J candela cd

Derived Quantities

A derived quantity is a combination of two or more basic

quantities. Units of derived quantities are called derived
units while those of fundamental quantities are called
fundamental units. Examples:

Derived Quantity Derived Unit Symbol

Force Newton N
Work Joule J
Acceleration Meter per squared second m/s2
Area Squared meter M2
Pressure Newton per squared meter N/m2
Velocity Meter per second m/s
Volume Cubed meter m3
Power Joule per second J/s
Where, v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, t = time, a =
acceleration, m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity and s

Dimensional analysis and its use in physics = distance

Dimensional analysis shows how a quantity is related to other

quantities. The dimension of a quantity is written with the
quantity in square brackets. Example: [ Density], [Time],
[Mass], [Length]

Dimension of Basic Quantities

The dimension of basic quantities are written as follows:

[Distance] = L
[Length] = L
[Height] = L
[Radius] = L
[Amount of Substance] = μ
[Temperature] = θ
[Time] = T
[Mass] = M
[Current] = I

Rules for Dimensional Analysis

1. Assign the dimensional symbol to each quantity in

the equation according to the physical quantity it
describes and rewrite the equation.

2. Multiply and divide using the rules of algebra.

3. Check the validity of the equation.

Sample Problems:

1. Find the dimensional equation for each quantity:

a). speed b). area c). force
d). density e). acceleration
f). pressure

2. Check the dimensional consistency or validity of each

of the following equations:

i. V = u + at
ii. F = mg + v
iii. V2 = u2 + 2as
iv. a = tm + vt2
1 2
v. S = ut + at

4. Micrometer screw gauge
The micrometer screw gauge is an instrument used
Measuring instruments to measure the diameter of a thin piece of wire. It
has a higher reading accuracy than the Vernier
1. Meter Rule
calipers. It consists of a main scale graduated in
The meter rule is a standard solid instrument either
millimeter and a circular Vernier scale that has 50
made of wood, steel or plastic. It is graduated in
divisions on it.
centimeters and millimeters and used to measure
lengths of not less than 50 mm.

2. Tape Rule
The tape rule is a reliable rule used to measure
short or much longer lengths which cannot be
conveniently measured by use of a meter rule.

5. Beam Balance
The function of the beam balance is based on the
principle of moment. This principle enables one to
determine the unknown mass of an object by
comparing it with known standard masses.

3. Vernier Calipers
The Vernier calipers are used to read lengths more
accurately than the meter rule. It consists of a main
scale with fixed jaws at one end, and a Vernier scale
with jaws which slides over the main scale. 6. Spring Balance
The spring balance is used to measure the weight of
an object. It consists of an internal spring that
stretches in length when an object is suspended
from its lower hook.

7. Stop Watch
The stop watch is an instrument used to determine
the time used for an experiment in the laboratory.
It calculates both in seconds and minutes.

9. Thermometer
The thermometer is used to measure the
temperature of objects.

8. Electronic Balance
The electronic balance is used to measure the mass
of substances to a level of accuracy impossible for
traditional balances to achieve.

the quantity is directed or acting with an arrow. A capital
letter with an arrow pointing to the right on top of it is used
to denote a vector.

Addition of vectors
Scalar and Vector Quantities
Case 1:

Scalars This is when two vectors are parallel or run opposite to each
These are quantities that have magnitude (value or amount)
but no direction. i. Parallel vectors
FR = F 1 + F 2
Examples: speed, distance, temperature, mass and FR = resultant of the two vectors or the sum
of the two vectors F1 = vector 1 and
F2 = vector 2

These are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Note: The resultant is in the direction of the
greater vector
Examples: force, velocity, acceleration, weight, displacement,
retardation and electric current. ii. Opposite vectors
FR = F 1 - F 2

Representation of Vectors

Vectors are represented in a diagram by drawing a line to Sample problem:

scale indicating the vector’s magnitude and direction in which

1. If A = 5 N and B = 3 N, what is the resultant of ii. What is the angle the resultant makes with
vector A and vector B? the horizontal?
2. If C = 9 N and D = -4 N, what is the resultant
of vector C and vector D?

Case 2: 2. A man walks 40 m east and then 30 m north.

i. Compute the distance total distance the
This is when the two vectors are perpendicular or at right man walked.
angle to each other. ii. What is his displacement if he would have
taken a straight path?
The resultant is found using the triangle method or the
iii. What is the angular displacement?
Pythagorean theorem.

FR = √ x 2+ y 2
The angle the resultant makes with the horizontal is given as:

θ = tan-1
( xy )

Sample problems:

1. Two vectors of (A = 3 N and B = 4N) are at right

angle to each other. Vector A is acting north and
vector B is acting east, compute their resultant.
i. Compute their resultant.

1. A block of glass of mass 18 kg is 5.0 m long, 2.0 m
thick and 7.5 m high. Calculate the density of the

2. The density of concentrated sulphuric acid is 1.8

g/cm3. Calculate the volume of 3.1 kg of the acid.

3. The mass of an empty density bottle is 20 g. Its

mass when filled with water is 40.0 g and 50.0 g
when filled with liquid X. Calculate the density of
liquid X if the density of water is 1,000 kgm-3.
4. The density of a 2400 g mass is 0.643 kg/m 3. What
is the volume of the object? Calculate the area of
its thickness is 0.25m.
5. A piece of wood 12 ft height, 14 ft wide, and 6 ft
thick weight 9832 Lb. What is the density of the
6. What is the density of 1000 m3 of a substance that
has a mass of 1.65 X 103 kg?
7. If the density of the wood is 85 g/L, what is the
mass of the wood when the volume is 45 L?

Density and Relative Density The following is a list of densities of some common

Density Substance Density (g/m3) Density (kg/m3)

Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance. It is Platinum 21.4 21, 400
symbolized by rho (ρ) and its SI units are kg/m .
Gold 19.3 19, 300
mass of substance
Density = Lead 11.3 11, 300
volume of substance
Silver 10.5 10, 500

Copper 8.93 8, 930

Iron 7.86 7, 860

Aluminium 2.7 2, 700

Glass 2.5 2, 500

Ice 0.92 920

Mercury 13.6 13, 600

Sea water 1.03 1, 030

Water 1.0 1, 000

Kerosine 0.80 800

Alcohol 0.79 790

Sample Problems:
Carbon (iv) oxide 0.00197 1.97 2. Relative density (Dr) =
mass of substance
Air 0.00131 1.31
mass of equal volume of water
Hydrogen 0.000089 0.089
3. Relative density (Dr) =
weight of substance∈air
weight of equal volume of water

Sample Problems:

1. An object has a density of 25 kg/m3. What is its

relative density?
Relative Density
2. What is the relative density of gold?
Relative density is the density of a substance compared to 3. A brick weighting 25N in air when displaced in water
the density of equal volume of water. It is symbolized by weight 15N. Calculate the relative density of the
(Dr) and has no units since it’s a ratio. It can also be defined brick.
as the number of times that the density of the substance is 4. The relative density of some type of wood is 0.8.
greater than or lesser than that of water. Relative density is Find the density of the wood in kg/m3.
a scalar quantity and has no unit. 5. The weight of an iron in air is 30N. Determine the
weight of the iron in water if its relative density is
6. The relative density of a piece of wood is 1.8.
Determine the weight of the wood in air if its weight
in water is 2.2N.

Difference between density and relative density

Density Relative density

1. It has a unit 1. It has no unit
2. It is a measured 2. It is a comparison between
quantity two measured quantities
3. There may be errors in 3. There is a high degree of
volume measurement accuracy in all
4. It is the mass per unit measurements
volume of a substance 4. It is the ration of the mass
of any volume of a
substance to the mass of
equal volume of water


density of substance
1. Relative density (Dr) =
density of water

Densities of mixtures
We use the following formula to calculate densities of 3. All zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the
mixtures left of a non- zero digit are not significant.
i. 0002 = 1 S.F
mass of mixture ii. 0.000215 = 3 S.F
Density of the mixture = iii. 0.000008 = 1 S.F
volume of mixture

4. All zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the

right of a non- zero digit are significant.
Sample Problems: i. 0. 02020 = 4 S.F
ii. 0.00100 = 3 S.F
1. 100 cm3 of fresh water of density 1,000 kgm-3 is
mixed with 100 cm3 of sea water of density 1030 5. All zeros to the right of a non- zero digit and to the
kgm-3. Calculate the density of the mixture. left of an understood decimal point are not
significant unless indicated by a bar.
i. 20.000 = 4 S.F
ii. 45.00000 = 5 S.F
iii. 50.0000 = 3 S.F

Sample Problems:

1. State the number of significant digits in each


i. 2804
ii. 0.003068
iii. 1.20 X 10-4
iv. e. 4.6 X 105
v. 0.0029
vi. 4.06 X 105
vii. 0.007060

Scientific Notation

Scientific Notation
Significant Figures

Scientific Notation is a way for us to write and use very

Significant figures are reliable known figures in a proven set
large or very small numbers easily. Engineers and scientists
of measurement or the minimum number of digits needed to
write a given value in scientific notation without loss of usually encounter very large and small numbers when doing
accuracy. calculations. In order to work with these numbers
conveniently, a method known as scientific notation was

Rules of Significant Figures developed. Scientific Notation enables us to work effectively

all through while avoiding careless mistakes with decimals.
1. All non- zero digits are always significant.
i. 55,243 = 5 S.F. Scientific notation is expressed in the form: m x 10n
ii. 841 = 3 S.F.
where m is a number between 0 and 10 and n is the exponent
2. Zeros between non- zero digits are significant.
or power which is an integer.
i. 8006 = 4 S. F
ii. 66, 905 = 5 S. F.

Rules about writing in Scientific Notation Deci d 10-1
Centi c 10-2
There are two basic rules in writing scientific notation (SN). Milli m 10-3
Micro μ 10-6
1. When writing in SN, if the decimal point is moved
Nano n 10-9
from the right to the left, n is positive. Pico p 10-12
Femto f 10-15
2. If the decimal point is moved from left to right, n is

Sample problems:
Sample Problems:
1. Write the following numbers in terms of the metric
1. Express each number in SN.
prefixes given in the table:
i. 45,360
i. 4000 m
ii. 0.000000075
ii. 0.007 g
iii. 9,000,000
iii. 2, 550, 000 A
iv. 89, 000, 000, 000
iv. 0.0000000000075 s

2. Write the following numbers in terms of the metric

prefixes given in the table:
i. 3 x 10-7 m
ii. 71 x 1010 kg
iii. 255 x 104 s
iv. 2 x 10-18 s

Adding and subtracting in SN

When adding or subtracting in SN, the quantities to be

Metric Prefixes
added or subtracted must have equal exponents. If they have
The metric prefixes are symbols used to indicate decimal equal exponents, you simply add or subtract the values of m,
and retain the values of n. If they don’t have the same
multiples and submultiples which make it very simple in
exponents, make the exponents the same by moving the
representing very large and very small figures. Below is a
decimal point for one number either to the right or left.
table showing the prefixes and their corresponding
Adding and Subtracting with like exponents

Sample Problems:

1. 3.0 x 108 m + 4.5 x 108

Prefix Symbol Factor 2. 5.06 x 10-5 kg – 1.14 x 10-5 kg
Tera T 1012 3. 8.92 x 106 cm + 4.18 x 106 cm
Giga G 109 4. 6.2 x 10-3 g – 2.8 x 10-3 g
Mega M 106
Kilo k 103
Hecto h 102
Deca da 101

Adding and subtracting SN with unlike exponents 1 Kilometer (km) = 1,000meters (m) 1 foot (ft) = 12 inches (in)
1 hectometer (hm) = 100 meters (m) 1 yard = 36 inches (in)
1 dekameter (dm) = 10 meters (m) 1 yard = 3 feet (ft)
Sample Problems: 1 decimeter (dm) = 0.1 meter 1 mile (mi) = 5,280ft
1 millimeter (mm) = 0.001 meter 1 mile = 1,760 yard
1 centimeter (cm) = 0.01 meter 1 cm = 7.54 in
1. (4.0 x 106 m) + (3.5 x 105 m)
2. (5.0 x 10-8 kg) – (3.5 x 10-9 kg)

Mass / weight

Multiplying in Scientific Notation

Metric system English system
Sample Problems: 1 metric ton (T) = 1,000kg 1 pound (lb) = 16ounce (oz)
1 Kilogram (kg) = 1000gram (g) 1 ton (T) = 2,000lb
1. (3.0 x 105 m) (2.0 x 103 m) 1 hectogram(hg) = 100gram
3. (4.0 x 10-3 g) (1.0 x 102 g) (2.0 x 104 g) 1 decigram (dg) = 1/10g
4. (6.2 x 10-7cm) (3.0 x 107cm) 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.001 meter
1 centimeter (cm) = 0.01 meter

Dividing in Scientific Notation
Metric system English system
Sample Problems: 1Kiloliter (kl) = 1,000L 1 cup (Cu) = 8 foz
1 hectoliter (hL) = 100L 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups
6. 8 x 106m 1 dekaliter (dk) = 10L 1 quart (qt) = 2pt
1 deciliter (dL) = 0.1L 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts
2 x 103s
1 centileter (cl) = 1/100L
1 milliliter (ml) = 1/1,000L
7. 16 x 105kg
2 x 10-2m3


Metric system
1minute (min) = 60 seconds (S)
1 hour (hr) = 60 minutes
1 day (d) = 24 hours
1 week (wk)= 7 days
1 year (yr) = 12 months
Units’ Conversion 1 year = 365 days
1 decade = 10 years
1 century = 100 years
Conversion Factor

A conversion factor is a factor by which a quantity can be

multiplied in order to express it in different units. In order
Area Measure
to do this would have to know the relationship between the
different systems of units. 100 square millimeter (mm2) = 1 square centimeter (cm2)
100 square centimeter = 100 square decimeter (dm 2)
100 square decimeter (dm2) = 1 square meter (m2)
Conversion of various units 100 square meter (m2) = 1 acre (a)
100 acres = 1 hectare (ha)
100 hectares = 1 square kilometer (km 2)

Metric system English system

Sample Problems:

1. A man stays in Abidjan for two weeks. How many

seconds was he in Abidjan?
2. The research submersible Alvin is diving at 36.5
fathoms per minute.
i. Express this speed in meters per second.
ii. What is this speed in miles per hour?

3. A space shuttle orbits the earth at an altitude of

300 km. what is this in
i. miles
ii. millimeters

4. Convert the following using the appropriate

conversion unit
i. 10km to meters
ii. 10km to hectometer
iii. 25ft to inches
iv. 30 meter to micrometer
v. 1,000 year to decade
vi. 3hrs to seconds

5. An automobile weights 4,500lbs. How much ton does

it weight?

6. Convert:
i. 4 ton to lb
ii. 7.62cm to inches
iii. 10micrometer to meter
iv. 0.00001 m to cm

The End !!!!!


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