Valve Body Identification Guide: Toyota/Lexus U660E, U660F Zip Kit

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F

zip kit ®
PaRT NUMBER u660e-zip Identification Guide

Valve Body Identification Guide

U760E U660E, U660F

Upper Valve Body Casting Upper Valve Body Casting

Extended Exhaust
Small Exhaust Groove Groove

No Transmission U660 Casting Number


Solenoid Casting Solenoid Casting

Larger Solenoid
Smaller Solenoid Casting Boss
Casting Boss

U660 Casting Number

No Casting Number

No Pressure
Switch Plate Pressure
Switch Plate
Casting Flat
Cutouts Casting

©2014 Sonnax Industries, Inc. U660E-ZIP-Identify 01-28-14

800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 •
Toyota/lexus u660E, U660F
zip Kit ®
PaRT NUMBER u660e-zip Quick Guide
Parts are labeled here in order of installation. See other side of sheet for details on Zip Kit contents.

installation Diagram
Middle Valve Body

Solenoid modulator
balance port.

11 Solenoid modulator
balance orifice. Drill
with .062" bit. Insert .062"
aluminum plug into orifice
and peen shut.

9 10 4

Upper Valve Body

3 8

In addition to general rebuilding tips and technical information, the technical booklet included in this kit contains vacuum
testing and additional repair options for higher mileage units or for repairing specific complaints which are beyond the
scope of this kit.

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Toyota/Lexus u660E, U660F Zip Kit® Quick Guide

Zip Kit Contents & Installation Steps

Step 1 Replace OE B1 Apply Step 7 R

 eplace OE (Short)
Boost Assembly C1 Accumulator Piston
B1 Apply Boost Valve Kit C1 Accumulator Piston Kit
Packaging Pocket 1 Packaging Pocket 7
• Sleeve • Valve • Accumulator Piston • O-Rings (2) 1 extra

Step 2 Replace OE Reverse Step 8 Replace OE (Long) B1, B2,

Boost Assembly B3 & C2 Accumulator Pistons
Reverse Boost Valve Kit B1, B2, B3, C2 Accumulator Piston Kit
Packaging Pocket 2 Packaging Pocket 8
• Sleeve • Valve • Accumulator Pistons (4) • O-Rings (6) 2 extra

Step 3 Replace OE Small End Plugs Step 9 Replace OE Checkballs

Caution!: O-Rings go on Inboard spool! Inboard retaining port Note: See pages 6 & 7 in installation and testing booklet for locations.
edge on casting should be chamfered prior to installation to
CAUTION prevent O-Ring shear. See page 8 of installation and testing Packaging Pocket 9
booklet for details. • Checkballs (3)
Packaging Pocket 3
• End Plugs, Small (6) • O-Rings, Small (9) 3 extra
Step 10 R
 eplace OE O-Rings on
Case Connector & Fluid
Step 4 Replace OE Solenoid Temperature Sensor
Modulator Valve LineUp Note: See page 8 in installation and testing booklet for locations.
Caution! Note location of OE retainer on tri-lobed OE end Packaging Pocket 10
plug. See page 8 of installation and testing booklet for
CAUTION assembly details. • Fluid Temperature Sensor O-Ring, Small
• Case Connector O-Ring, Large
Packaging Pocket 4
• Valve • Sleeve • Spring • End Plug • Shims (2)
Step 11 D
 rill & Plug Separator
Plate Balance Orifice at
Step 5 Replace OE Lockup
Solenoid Modulator Valve
Control Boost Assembly
To prevent solenoid modulator leakage, drill indicated orifice to .062".
Lockup Control Boost Valve Kit Plug with aluminum plug and peen in place.
Packaging Pocket 5 Packaging Pocket 11

• Sleeve • Valve • Orifice Plugs, .062" dia. (2) 1 extra

• Drill Bit, .062" dia.
Step 6 Replace OE Large End Plug
Caution!: O-Ring for this large end plug goes on
outboard spool!

Packaging Pocket 6
• End Plug, Large • O-Rings, Large (2) 1 extra

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F
zip Kit ®
PaRT NUMBER u660e-zip Installation & TESTING BOOKLET

TCM Initialized/Memory Reset

The U660E TCM learns the performance of the vehicle and adapts the transmission accordingly. When significant transmission or engine
repairs are made, the TCM needs to be initialized and/or have the memory reset in accordance with the chart in Figure 2. These procedures
require use of Toyota’s Techstream scan tool or their PC-based version of the scan tool, Techstream lite.

Figure 1 Automatic Transaxle Parts Replacement Chart Figure 2

Replaced Parts Compensation Road Test
(Learned Values)
Automatic Transaxle
Input Reset
Valve Body Assembly Initialize Necessary Reset
Shift Solenoid Valve
SL1 and/or SL2
Shift Solenoid Valve
Initialize Necessary Reset
SL3 and/or SL4
QR Code Label
with Transaxle TCM* - Possible
(into the new TCM)
TCM/ECU Compensation
Code TCM* - Impossible Necessary
* Note: If possible, read the transaxle compensation code from the previous TCM.

Input Transaxle Compensation Code 5. Enter the menu items in the following order:
The transaxle compensation code is a unique, 60-digit alphanu- Powertrain / ECT / Utility / A/T Code Reset
meric value found on the QR label at the top of the transmission 6. Press “Next” again to proceed.
(Figure 1). Inputting an incorrect code into the TCM may cause 7. Press “Exit.”
shift shock.
1. Shift the shift lever to Neutral or Park.
Road Test
1. Warm up the engine.
2. Connect Techstream to the DLC3 (diagnostic link connector).
2. From a standstill, achieve highest possible speed with the
3. Turn ignition switch on (do not start the engine).
accelerator pedal opened no more than 15%. Keep the
4. Turn tester on. accelerator pedal angle steady while driving the vehicle.
5. Enter the menu items in the following order: 3. Repeat the previous step until shift shock no longer occurs.
Powertrain / ECT / Utility / A/T Code Registration.
4. From a standstill, achieve highest possible speed with the
6. Select “Set Compensation Code.” accelerator pedal opened 25% or more. Keep the accelerator
7. Register the compensation code: pedal angle steady while driving the vehicle.
a. Press “Input” 5. Repeat the previous step until shift shock no longer occurs.
b. Type in code. Press “OK.”
8. Verify the displayed value is the same as that on the QR label. Memory Reset
9. Press “Next” to set the code to the TCM. This procedure resets the TCM memory so it can memorize new
performance information.
Initialize Transaxle Compensation Code 1. Turn the ignition switch off.
This procedure resets the code and, combined with a road test, 2. Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.
allows the TCM to relearn.
3. Turn the ignition switch on.
1. Shift the shift lever to Neutral or Park. 4. Turn Techstream main switch on.
2. Turn the ignition switch off. 5. Enter the menu items in the following order:
3. Connect Techstrean to the DLC3. Powertrain / ECT / Utility / Reset Memory.
4. Turn ignition switch on and push Techstream main switch on. 6. Press “Next” to confirm reset.

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

Figure 3
Solenoid Energized
Clutch & Brake Application When selector position in manually operated.

Selector Position C1 C2 B1 B2 B3 F1 SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 SLU SLT SL

P-Park X X
R-Reverse X X X X
N-Neutral X X
D, S6-1st X X X X
D, S6-2nd X X X X X
D, S6-3rd X X X X X
D, S6-4th X X X X X
D, S6-5th X X X X X
D, S6-6th X X X X X
S1-1st/Manual X X X

Removal Bolts
Zip Kit Instructions Bolt Color Bolt
Code Length
1. Valve Body Removal
A Red 25mm
a. With the valve body still in the transmission, remove the 11 bolts (Figure 4).
B Green 30mm
b. Remove the case connector and internal wire harness assembly from the trans-
mission as part of the valve body. C Blue 35mm
D Yellow 45mm
2. Valve Body Disassembly E Pink 55mm
a. Disconnect and remove counter gear/turbine speed sensor and valve body
bolts (Figure 5). Torque all to 8 ft-lbs

b. Disconnect case connector from all seven solenoids. Remove case connector
assembly retaining bolt, bracket and connector/harness assembly (Figure 6). Case connector and internal Figure 4
c. Remove four indicated bolts (Figure 7) and pressure switch and TFT sensor wire harness assembly.
d. Remove eight indicated bolts (Figure 8), solenoid brackets, solenoids, small
and large cover plate.
e. Remove remaining eight bolts (Figure 9) and line pressure relief spring and ball.
D 
3. Installation
Install Zip Kit parts as shown on diagram of separate quick guide sheet included in
this Zip Kit.
Note: Special rebuilding tips for steps 3, 4 and 10 are on page 8 of this booklet.  B B B B
Sonnax recommends vacuum testing critical wear areas not covered by this kit to B
determine whether additional Sonnax parts are required (see pages 4–5).

4. Valve Body Reassembly

a. Reinstall the eight bolts (Figure 9) and line pressure relief spring and ball.
e. Connect and reinstall counter gear/turbine speed
b. Reinstall the solenoid brackets, solenoids, small and large cover plate and
sensor and valve body bolts (Figure 5).
eight bolts (Figure 8).
f. When reinstalling the valve body, first temporar-
c. Reinstall pressure switch and TFT sensor assembly and four bolts (Figure 7).
ily tighten the two bolts marked () in Figure 4
d. Reinstall case connector assembly retaining bracket, bolt and connector/harness as they are positioning bolts.
assembly (Figure 6). Attach wire harness from bracket and connect to all seven

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

Disassembly &
Counter Gear/Turbine Figure 5 Figure 6
Speed Sensor Assembly Reassembly Bolts
Bolt Color Bolt
Code Length
A Red 15.5mm

H B Green 16mm
D C Lt Blue 25mm
D Yellow 50mm
D E Pink 55mm
F Dk Blue 60mm
G Orange 70mm
Disconnect Turbine Speed Sensor
H Teal 75mm
I Brown 80mm

SL3 Solenoid SL1 Solenoid SL2 Solenoid SLU Solenoid Figure 7 J Purple 85mm
(PCSC) (PCSA) (PCSB) TCC & B2 Brake
B1 Brake C1 Clutch C2 Clutch 5.0–5.6 ohm Torque all to 8 ft-lbs
5.0–5.6 ohm 5.0–5.6 ohm 5.0–5.6 ohm (White &
Black Wires) SLT Solenoid
(Blue & (Pink & (Orange &
SL4 Solenoid Black Wires) Black Wires) Line Pressure
Black Wires)
(PCSD) 5.0–5.6 ohm
B3 Brake (Grey &
Black Wires)
5.0–5.6 ohm
(Green &
Black Wires)
SL Solenoid
• Lockup Relay Valve
• B2 Brake Clutch
Apply Control Valve
J J • Reverse Sequence
11–15 ohm
(1 Blue Wire)

Pressure Switch &

TFT Sensor Assembly

CAUTION!: Do not interchange solenoids. If SLU and

SLT are interchanged, this will cause both line and TCC
All solenoid resistance values at 20oC/68oF. CAUTION apply issues. SLT has five slots, SLU has four slots.

Figure 8 Figure 9




Line pressure relief spring and ball.

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

Critical Wear Areas & Vacuum Test Locations

Note: OE valves are shown in rest position and should be tested in rest position unless otherwise indicated. Test locations are pointed to with an arrow.
Springs are not shown for visual clarity. Low vacuum reading indicates wear and Sonnax parts noted for replacement.

Upper Valve Body

B2 Accumulator Piston
• Harsh reverse engagement
B1 Accumulator Piston • Burnt B2 brake
• Harsh 1-2 or 5-6 shift C1 Accumulator Piston
Replace with Sonnax Part No.
• Burned B1 Brake 47740-11K* • Harsh/Delayed forward
Replace with Sonnax Part No.
47740-11K* • Burned C1 clutch
Replace with Sonnax Part No.

B3 Accumulator Piston
• Harsh reverse engagement
• Harsh 2-3 or 4-5 shift
C2 Accumulator Piston
• Burned B3 brake • Harsh 3-4 shift
• Burned C2 clutch
Replace with Sonnax Part No.

47740-11K* Replace with Sonnax Part No.


Secondary Pressure Test: Test this port

Regulator Valve with valve blocked
• Overheated transmission inboard .125" with
OE retainer.
• Bushing/Bearing failures
• Lube-related failures

Reverse Sequence Test: Test this port

Valve with valve blocked
outboard .125"
• Delayed reverse engagement with OE retainer

• Low reverse pressure and sealing port on

• Burned B2 or B3 brake back with thumb.

Lockup Relay Valve

Test: Test each port

• Converter apply/release complaints

with valve blocked
• Converter codes outboard .125"
• Overheated transmission with OE retainer.

Lockup Control Boost

• Converter apply/release complaints End Plugs
• Converter codes; P2757 • Loss of critical line & SLT pressures
• Overheated transmission Lockup Control Valve • Shift complaints
Replace with Sonnax Part No. • Converter apply/release complaints • Burnt clutches & brakes
47740-06K* • Converter codes; P2757 Replace with Sonnax Part No.
• Overheated transmission 47740-21K*  NOTE: Several Locations = 

*Items with an asterisk (*) are included in this Zip Kit.

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

20 10
25 5
30 0
TEST For specific vacuum test information, refer to individual part instructions included in kits and available at

B1 Apply Boost Assembly

Middle Valve Body • Lower Side • 1-2 & 5-6 shift complaints
• Burned B1 brake
B1 Apply Control Valve Replace with Sonnax Part No.
• 1-2 & 5-6 shift complaints 47740-19K*
• Burned B1 Brake
Note: Seal port on Test: Block this port and
back when testing. port on back when testing.

Primary Pressure
Regulator Valve Test: Test this port
• High/Low line pressure Note: Seal with valve blocked
port on back inboard .218" dia.
• Harsh/Soft shifts when testing. checkball.

 
• Burnt clutches/brakes

C2 Clutch Apply
Sequence Valve Control Valve
• Slipping 4th, 5th, 6th gear
• Shift complaints
• Burned C2 clutch
• Burnt clutches/brakes

Note: Seal port on

back when testing.

B2 Apply Control Valve

• Delayed reverse engagement
• Burned B2 brake

Middle Valve Body

B2 Control Valve • Upper Side
• Delayed reverse engagement
• Burned B2 brake
Note: Seal when
testing B1 apply
Solenoid Modulator control valve.
• Shift complaints
• Solenoid codes
Note: Seal when Note: Seal when
• TCC clip testing pressure
testing B1 apply
• Loss of control pressures boost assembly. regulator valve.

Reverse Boost Assembly

• Delayed reverse
• Low line pressure in Reverse
• Burnt B2 & B3 brakes Note: Seal when
Replace with Sonnax Part No. testing B2 apply
47740-17K* control valve.

*Items with an asterisk (*) are included in this Zip Kit.

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

OE Exploded View
Upper Valve Body
Note: Depending upon vehicle application, the OE springs shown may not be present.

Upper Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

Lockup Control Valve (inboard) 108
Lockup Control Boost Assembly (outboard)
102 Lockup Relay Valve
103 Reverse Sequence Valve 107
104 Secondary Pressure Regulator Valve
105 B3 Accumulator Piston 106
106 B1 Accumulator Piston
107 B2 Accumulator Piston
108 C1 Accumulator Piston
109 C2 Accumulator Piston
110 Lube Relief Check Valve
111 Converter Relief Check Valve

.218" dia. Checkball


104 109

.393" dia. Checkball

.218" dia. Checkball






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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

Middle Valve Body

.393" dia.


.218" dia.
Checkball 203

.393" dia. Checkballs






Upper Valve Body Descriptions

I.D. No. Description

B1 Apply Control Valve (inboard)
B1 Apply Boost Assembly (outboard)
Primary Pressure Regulator Valve (inboard)
Reverse Boost Assembly (outboard)
203 Sequence Valve
204 Clutch Control Valve
205 C2 Clutch Apply Control Valve
B2 Apply Control Relay Valve (inboard)
B2 Apply Control Valve (outboard)
B2 Control Valve (inboard)
B2 Control Relay Valve (outboard)
208 Manual Valve
209 Solenoid Modulator Valve

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Toyota/Lexus u660e, U660F Zip Kit® Installation & Testing Booklet

Additional Technical Tips for Installation Steps 3, 4 & 10

from the Quick Guide
Step 3 Replace OE Small
Narrow Bore Length Large Outer Chamfer Figure 10
End Plugs
The large outer chamfer on the small end plug bores
makes the outer bore too narrow for an O-ring to seal
properly. The Sonnax O-ringed end plugs require the
O-ring to seal at the bore inboard of the retainer port.
To prevent O-ring shear during assembly, the sharp
edge must be broken. This can be done by inserting
Retainer Port
a narrow file or small screwdriver through the retainer
Sharp Edge port and reworking the edge (Figure 10).
Modified Edge
To install the O-ringed end plug after the edge has been
End Plug Location Modified End Plug Location
modified, place the O-ring in the narrow plug groove.
Lubricate the plug and O-ring with O-Lube and roll
on bench to size. Carefully push the plug into the
Figure 11 bore. As the O-ring contacts the modified edge, gently
compress the exposed portion with a small screwdriver
blade inserted through the retainer port.
Retainer C. 2 Shims B. 1 Shim

Step 4 Replace OE Solenoid

Modulator Valve Lineup
During disassembly of the OE solenoid
modulator lineup, note the location of the
tri-lobed end plug retainer (Figure 11). This
A. No Shims adjusts solenoid modulator pressure.
OE Solenoid Modulator Lineup OE Tri-Lobed End Plug A. I f the OE retainer is installed at the most narrow
location, no Sonnax shims are required.
Sonnax B. I f the OE retainer is installed at the middle spool
Figure 12
Selective Shims location, one Sonnax shim is required.
C. I f the OE retainer is installed at the widest spool
location, two Sonnax shims are required.
Sonnax Solenoid Modulator Valve Kit for U660E Zip Kit Shims should be placed over the valve spring stem,
between the valve spool face and the spring (Figure 12).
Replace with Figure 13 Note: Sonnax end plug can be swapped end for end for
Sonnax Small best fit of sleeve in bore.

Case Connector
& Internal Wire
Harness Assembly Step 10 Replace OE O-Rings on
Case Connector & Fluid
Temperature Sensor
Replace the O-rings in the case connector and internal
Pressure Switch
wire harness assembly, as well as in the pressure switch
& TFT Sensor Replace with and TFT sensor assembly as shown in these locations
Assembly Sonnax Large
O-Ring (Figure 13).

01-28-14 U660E-ZIP-Booklet ©2014 Sonnax Industries, Inc.

Page 8 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 •

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