SRM Valliammai Engineering College: Department of Information Technology

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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



CS8592-Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2020-2021 (Even Semester)

Prepared by
Mr.K.Elaiyaraja, Assistant Professor (Sr.G)/IT
Ms.R.Shanthi, Assistant Professor (Sr.G)/IT
(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.


SUBJECT : CS8592-Object Oriented Analysis & Design
SEM / YEAR : VI Sem / III Year
Introduction to OOAD with OO Basics - Unified Process – UML diagrams – Use Case –Case study – the
Next Gen POS system, Inception -Use case Modelling – Relating Use cases –include, extend and
generalization – When to use Use-cases
Q.No. Question Level Competence
1 What is Object Oriented analysis & Design? BTL1 Remembering
2 List the 4 phases in UP. BTL1 Remembering
3 Compose your views on Inception step. BTL6 Creating
4 Define UML. What are the primary goals in the design of UML? BTL1 Remembering
5 Classify the 3 ways and perspective to apply UML. BTL1 Analysing
6 Define Use Case. BTL4 Remembering
7 Point out the relationship used in Use Case. BTL3 Applying
8 Examine the steps for finding Use Case . BTL3 Applying
9 Classify the 3 kinds of actors. BTL4 Analysing
10 What tests can help find useful Use Case? BTL1 Remembering
11 Conclude on the need for modeling. BTL5 Evaluating
12 List the different formats of Use Cases. BTL1 Remembering
13 What is the main advantage of object- oriented development? BTL2 Understanding
14 Formulate your view about inception. BTL6 Creating
15 Analyze the need of Generalization relationship. BTL4 Analysing
16 Compare and Contrast Include and Extend Use Case relationship. BTL2 Understanding
17 Distinguish between method and message in object. BTL2 Understanding
18 What is a POS system? Give the components of POS system. BTL2 Understanding
Evaluate and name the UML diagrams used for the following
a. Modeling requirements
19 b. Modeling workflow BTL5 Evaluating
c. Modeling behavior of an object
d. Interaction between groups of objects.
20 Illustrate the meaning of an object and give example. BTL3 Applying


Q.No. Question Level Competence

1 Discuss about UML.(13) BTL2 Understanding
Briefly explain about the different phases of Unified Process with a neat
2 BTL4 Analysing
Explain with an example, how Use Case Modeling is used to describe the
3 functional requirements. Identify the actors, scenario and Use Case for the BTL4 Analysing
(i)Describe the basic activities in OOA and explain how Use BTL1
Case Modeling is useful in analysis. (8)
(ii)Explain the guidelines for writing and finding Use Cases.(5) BTL4
Write a problem statement for Library Management System. Perform the Object
Oriented System Development and give the Use Case model for the same(use
5 BTL6 Creating
include,extend and generalization) and design the UML Use Case diagram for
the same.(13)
Prepare a suitable example showing the various relationship used in Use Case
6 BTL6 Creating
and explain them.(13)
7 List the various UML diagram and explain about the UML diagrams in detail
BTL1 Remembering
with neat diagrams.(13)
Describe the following
(i)UP disciplines(5)
8 BTL1 Remembering
(ii)OOA and OOD (4)
(iii)Abstract Use Case and Base Use Case(4)
9 What is a POS system? Summarize about Inception Phase.(13) BTL2 Understanding
(i) Illustrate the steps and explain how to find Use cases with an example.(8)
10 (ii)Rank the 3 kinds of actors and explain the 3 common Use Case BTL3 Applying
(i)Examine the various sections in the Use Case template with example.(8) BTL1 Remembering
(ii) List the guidelines to be followed when writing Use Case (5) BTL4 Analyzing
Explain the benefits and concepts of Use Case and Use Case model and evaluate
12 BTL5 Evaluating
the ATM system by relating Use Cases.(13)
13 Discuss about the Use Case modelling with example.(13) BTL1 Understanding
14 Apply Use Case modeling for Payroll system in UML.(13) BTL3 Applying


Q.No. Question Level Competence

Design and evaluate the Use Case model for activities involved in ordering food
1 in an restaurant from the point when the customer enters a restaurant to the point BTL5 Evaluating
when he leaves the restaurant.(15)
A Library lends books and magazines to member, who is registered in the
system. It also maintains the purchase of new books and magazines for the
Library. A member can reserve a book or magazine that is not currently available
in the library, so that when it is returned or purchased by the library, that person
is notified. The library can easily create, replace and delete information about the
2 BTL6 Creating
books, members, and reservation in the system. The books transactions are
stored in the database. The fine list while the member returns the book after the
due date must be generated. Design the use case diagram and discover the users
and actors of this system, and the interactions between them must be
3 Explain about Use Case Model for a case study of your choice.(15) BTL5 Evaluating
(i) What is the Unified process? Is the UP iterative and incremental,explain.(7) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii)Design the use case diagram for the following specification:
A coffee Vending machine dispenses coffee to customer’s .Customers orders BTL6 Creating
coffee by selecting a recipe from a set of recipe.Customer pay for the coffee
4 using coin. Change is given back.The 'Service staff ' loads ingredients (coffee
powder,milk,sugar,water,chocolate)into the coffee machine.The service staff can
also add a recipe by indicating the name of the coffee,the units of coffee
powdermilk,sugar,water,and chocolate to be added as well as the cost of the
coffee. (8)


Class diagram- Elaboration - Domain Model - Finding conceptual classes and description classes –
Associations – Attributes – Domain model refinement – Finding conceptual class Hierarchies - Aggregation
and Composition- Relationship between sequence diagrams and use cases -When to use Class Diagram

Q.No. Question Level Competence

1 Define Class diagram. BTL1 Remembering
2 List the relationships used in class diagram. BTL1 Remembering
3 What is an attribute? Mention its types. BTL1 Remembering
4 What do you mean by sequence number in UML? Where and for what it is used? BTL4 Analysing
5 Express the meaning of Elaboration. BTL2 Understanding
6 Point Out the tasks performed in Elaboration. BTL4 Analysing
7 Define Domain Model. BTL1 Remembering
8 Demonstrate how to create a Domain model. BTL3 Applying
9 Express why we call a domain model a “Visual Dictionary". BTL2 Understanding
10 Define Conceptual class. BTL1 Remembering
11 Rank the 3 strategies to find conceptual class. BTL5 Evaluating
12 Illustrate the usage of Description class. BTL3 Applying
13 Generalize the purpose of association relationship. BTL6 Creating
14 Show with an example how to name an association in UML with its guidelines. BTL3 Applying
15 When to define new data type classes? BTL1 Remembering
16 Interpret the meaning of Generalization. BTL2 Understanding
17 Give the relationship of a conceptual super class to a sub class. BTL2 Understanding
18 Formulate the guideline to partition a class into subclass. BTL6 Creating
19 Compare qualified association and reflexive association. BTL5 Evaluating
20 Differentiate aggregation and composition. BTL4 Analysing

Q.No. Question Level Competence

What is System Sequence Diagram? Illustrate the relationship between sequence
1 BTL4 Analysing
diagram and Use Case with example.(13)
Design the class diagram for E-Ticketing system. Find and draw the conceptual
2 BTL6 Creating
classes for the same.(13)
Summarize the Elaboration phase. Discuss the difference between elaboration
3 BTL2 Understanding
and inception with example.(13)
(i)Describe the strategies used to identify the conceptual classes.(10)
(ii)Mention the steps to create a domain model used for representing the BTL2 Understanding
conceptual classes.(3)
5 (i)Illustrate the concepts of Domain model with example.(8)
BTL3 Applying
(ii)Show when to model with Description classes with example.(5)
For the Next Gen POS systems design, summarize the following Conceptual
class hierarchies.
(i) Conceptual super class (3)
6 BTL5 Evaluating
(ii)Conceptual subclass (3)
(iii) Authorization Transaction classes.(3)
(iv) Abstract Conceptual classes. (4)
Describe the UML notation for Class diagram with an example. Explain the
7 BTL1 Remembering
concept of link, association and inheritance.(13)
8 Discuss about attributes with example.(13) BTL2 Understanding
9 Explain in detail about domain Model refinement.(13) BTL4 Analysing
Analyze the guidelines to define a conceptual subclass and conceptual super
10 BTL4 Analysing
class with suitable example.(13)
What are the guidelines used to partition the classes in the domain model to be
11 BTL1 Remembering
organized into packages? Explain with suitable examples.(13)
Discuss on
(i)Active Class (4)
12 (ii)User Defined compartments(3) BTL1 Remembering
(iii)Singleton class(3)
13 Describe briefly about association classes and association role.(13) BTL1 Remembering
14 (i)Illustrate about aggregation and composition with example.(10)
BTL3 Applying
(ii)Mention the guidelines to be followed.(3)


Q.No. Question Level Competence

With a suitable example, evaluate and explain how to design a class. Give all
1 possible representation in a class (such as: name, attribute, visibility, methods, BTL5 Evaluating
and responsibilities).(15)
A University conducts examinations and the results are announced. Prepare a
report for the following.
• Print the marks in the register number order semester
wise for each department
2 BTL6 Creating
• Print the Arrear list semester wise.
• Prepare a Rank list for each department.
• Prepare the final aggregate mark list for final year students.
Identify the problem statement and Design and Explain the classes for each
sequence. Design the Use case, Class, and Sequence diagrams for designing this
system. (15)
Construct design for Library Information System which comprises the following
3 notations and explain them. BTL6 Creating
(i)Aggregation (ii) Composition (iii) Association. (5+5+5)
Apply the concept of Conceptual class Hierarchies and Association class to
4 BTL5 Evaluating
NextGen POS system and explain them with suitable diagrams.(15)


Dynamic Diagrams – UML interaction diagrams - System sequence diagram – Collaboration diagram – When to use
Communication Diagrams - State machine diagram and Modelling –When to use State Diagrams - Activity diagram –
When to use activity diagrams Implementation Diagrams - UML package diagram - When to use package diagrams -
Component and Deployment Diagrams – When to use Component and Deployment diagrams
Q.No. Question Level Competence
1 Express the use of Sequence Diagram. BTL2 Understanding
2 Distinguish sequence diagram and collaboration diagram. BTL2 Understanding
What is meant by System Behavior? How to name System events and
3 BTL3 Applying
4 Define Event, State and Transition. BTL1 Remembering
5 Define Package. Draw UML notation for Package. BTL1 Remembering
6 Analyze the use of UML Package Diagram BTL4 Analysing
7 List the common notations used in interaction diagram BTL1 Remembering
8 Create a state machine diagram for Process Sale. BTL6 Creating
9 Define Component. BTL1 Remembering
10 Differentiate State independent and State dependent objects. BTL2 Understanding
11 Compare and Contrast Component and Deployment diagram BTL5 Evaluating
12 Mention the purpose of Activity diagram and specify its elements. BTL1 Remembering
13 Name the basic elements of a Deployment diagram. BTL1 Remembering
14 Show the relationship between Interaction and Class diagram with example. BTL3 Applying
15 What is the need for State Diagram? BTL2 Understanding
16 Differentiate Class diagram and Interaction diagram. BTL4 Analysing
17 Illustrate the term Classifier. BTL3 Applying
18 Create SSD for Borrow book scenario. BTL6 Creating
19 Justify the use of rake symbol with an example. BTL5 Evaluating
20 Compare and Contrast asynchronous and synchronous message. BTL4 Analysing


Q.No. Question Level Competence

What is System Sequence Diagram? Illustrate the relationship between sequence

1 BTL3 Applying
diagram and Use Case with example.(13)

2 Describe briefly about UML package diagram.(13) BTL1 Remembering

3 Describe the basic Communication diagram notations.(13) BTL1 Remembering
Briefly explain about UML Deployment and Component diagram with an
4 BTL2 Understanding
5 Discuss about UML state machine diagram and Modeling.(13) BTL2 Understanding

(i)What is UML activity diagram? Using an example point out the features BTL4 Analysing
6 of basic UML activity diagram notation.(8)
(ii)What are the notations used in an activity diagram? (5) BTL1 Remembering,
Summarize with an example, how Interaction Diagrams are used to model the
7 BTL2 Understanding
dynamic aspects of a system.(13)

(i)What is the purpose of State Chart diagram.(4)

8 BTL2 Remembering,
(ii)Explain how to draw state chart diagram with an example.(9)
9 Examine with an example about Interaction diagram.(13) BTL3 Applying
Compare sequence diagram and communication diagram with suitable example.
10 BTL5 Evaluating
11 Briefly explain about UML sequence diagram notations with example.(13) BTL4 Analysing

(i)Design and explain the activity diagram for an Online Purchase System. (7) BTL6 Creating
12 (ii)Represent the activity diagram for the following Scenario, Booking a ticket
on Indian railways e-ticket system (IRCTC). (6) BTL5 Evaluating
For Airline Ticket reservation system create the following UML diagrams
(i)Sequence diagram(5)
13 BTL6 Creating
(ii Activity diagram (5)
(iii) State chart diagram(3)
With an example explain notations used in sequence diagram for the following:
(i) Object destruction (2)
(ii) Frames (2)
BTL4 Analysing
(iii)Conditional message(3)
(iv)Mutually exclusive conditional message(3)
(v) Iterations over a collection (3).


Q.No. Question Level Competence

For an ATM system, every user has to be validated with a PIN number to make a
transaction. A customer is allowed 3times to validate card giving the correct PIN
1 number. Show the Use Case representation for the same and summarize the BTL5 Evaluating
"Validate User" Use Case using sequence diagram. Assess and represent the
activity diagram for the same.(5+5+5)
Consider the Hospital Management System application with the following
(i) System should handle the in- patient and out-patient information through
2 receptionist. BTL6 Creating
(ii) Doctors are allowed to view the patient history and give their prescription.
(iii) There should be an Information system to provide the required information.
Give the state chart, Component and Deployment diagram.(5+5+5)
Consider an elevator that has the basic functions such as moving up and down
3 and open and close doors and pick up passengers. The elevator is supposed to be BTL5 Evaluating
used in a building having floors numbered from 1 to n. There are call buttons in
the elevator corresponding to each floor. For every floor except floors 1 and n,
there are two floor call buttons for the passengers to call elevator for going up
and down. There is only one down call button at floor n and 1 up call button in
floor 1. Then the car stops at a floor, the doors are opened and the elevator light
indicating the current direction the elevator is going is illuminated so that the
passengers can get to know the current moving direction of the elevator. When
the elevator is moving music is audio is played inside the elevator. Draw class
diagram, Activity diagram and component diagram for designing this system.
Write the problem statement for Library Management System and design the
4 UML Sequence diagram, Activity diagram and State Chart diagram for the BTL6 Creating


GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities – Creator – Information expert – Low Coupling – High
Cohesion – Controller - Design Patterns – creational - factory method - structural – Bridge – Adapter -
behavioral – Strategy – observer- Applying GoF design patterns- Mapping design to code
Q.No. Question Level Competence
1 What is GRASP? BTL1 Remembering
2 Define responsibility. What are the various types of responsibilities? BTL1 Remembering
3 Define pattern & modular design. BTL1 Remembering
4 When to use pattern? BTL1 Remembering
5 When a pattern is said to be a good pattern? BTL1 Remembering
6 Define creator. BTL1 Remembering
7 Interpret the need of Information Expert. BTL2 Understanding
8 Differentiate coupling and cohesion. BTL2 Understanding
9 Express the benefits of low coupling. BTL2 Understanding
10 Analyze the meaning of coupling. BTL4 Analysing
11 “A system must be loosely coupled and highly cohesive”-Justify. BTL5 Evaluating
12 Compose your views on High Cohesion. BTL6 Creating
13 Examine the benefits of controller. BTL3 Applying
14 Give a note on bloated controller. BTL2 Understanding
15 Conclude on the usage of Design pattern and also define it. BTL5 Evaluating
16 Analyze the situation to use Factory method pattern. BTL4 Analysing
17 Demonstrate when to use the adapter pattern. BTL3 Applying
18 Illustrate the benefits of bridge pattern. BTL3 Applying
19 Generalize your view on Publish-Subscribe interaction. BTL6 Creating
20 Point out the benefits of strategy pattern. BTL4 Analysing


Q.No. Question Level Competence

1 Explain GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities.(13) BTL4 Analysing
2 What is GRASP? Describe the design patterns and principles used in it.(13) BTL1 Remembering
Examine the following GRASP patterns:
3 Creator, Information Expert, Low coupling, High cohesion, Controller. BTL1 Remembering
4 Explain about Creator and information Expert with example.(13) BTL4 Analysing

5 (i)Compare cohesion and coupling with suitable example. (8)

BTL5 Evaluating
(ii)Summarize and state the role and patterns while developing system design.(5)

Generalize your idea on Controller pattern with example and also write short
6 BTL6 Creating
note on bloated controller.(13)
7 Discuss in detail about GOF Design pattern.(13) BTL2 Understanding
8 Give an account on Factory method.(13) BTL2 Understanding

9 (i)Differentiate Adapter and Bridge pattern .(7)

BTL4 Analysing
(ii)Analyze the concept of Singleton pattern.(6)
10 Describe about Observer pattern.(13) BTL2 Understanding
11 Describe about Strategy pattern.(13) BTL1 Remembering

12 Examine in detail about Behavioral pattern.(13) BTL1 Remembering

Demonstrate about the implementation model (Mapping design to code) and

13 BTL3 Applying
give the NextGen POS program solution.(13)

14 Illustrate your views about Structural patterns.(13) BTL3 Applying


Q.No. Question Level Competence

Generalize the design principles in object modelling. Explain in detail the
1 GRASP methods for designing objects and evaluate the POS system as an BTL5 Evaluating
2 Apply and analyse GRASP Pattern for the Monopoly game and discuss about the
BTL4 Analysing
problem and solution for it. (15)

Evaluate in detail about the Factory Pattern and mention the limitations and
3 BTL5 Evaluating
applications of Factory Pattern.(15)

Summarize the Observer pattern for a problem of your choice and discuss about
4 BTL6 Creating
the solution with neat diagram.(15)


Object Oriented Methodologies – Software Quality Assurance – Impact of object orientation on Testing – Develop Test
Cases and Test Plans

Q.No. Question Level Competence
1 List out the Myer’s debugging principles. BTL1 Remembering
2 Describe the term SQA. BTL2 Understanding
3 Give the main tools of Quality Assurance BTL2 Understanding
4 Illustrate the impact object orientation in testing. BTL3 Applying
5 Define the term Object interoperability. BTL1 Remembering
6 Summarize the basic activities are performed in using debugging tool. BTL5 Evaluating
7 Define test plan? What are its components? BTL1 Remembering
8 Why quality assurance is needed? Summarize it. BTL5 Evaluating
9 Give the Booch methodology diagrams. BTL2 Understanding
10 Define black box testing? BTL1 Remembering
Illustrate the different kinds of errors you might encounter when you run your
11 BTL3 Applying
12 List out the Testing strategies. BTL1 Remembering
Analyze as to which object oriented methodology is well suited for
(i) Design
13 (ii) Analysis BTL4 Analysing
(iii)Full life cycle
(iv)Real time systems
14 Analyze the Booch system development process. BTL4 Analysing
15 Illustrate the steps needed to create a test plan. BTL3 Applying
16 Generalize the concepts of implication of Inheritance. BTL6 Creating
17 Give the four phases of object oriented modeling Techniques (OMT). BTL2 Understanding
18 Comparison between patterns and frameworks. BTL4 Analysing
19 Generalize the impact of an object orientation on testing. BTL6 Creating
What are test cases? Lis t the guidelines for developing quality assurance test
20 BTL1 Remembering


Q.No. Question Level Competence

1 Explain Booch’s methodology of object oriented analysis and design.(13) BTL5 Evaluating
2 Describe the significance of object orientation testing.(13) BTL2 Understanding
3 Explain Myer’s debugging principles.(13) BTL4 Analysing
4 Describe the different types of testing strategies.(13) BTL2 Understanding
(i)List the guidelines for developing quality assurance test cases.(7)
5 (ii)What is statement and branch coverage testing in object oriented testing? BTL1 Remembering
Explain. (6)
6 Illustrate the concepts of Continuous testing. (13) BTL3 Applying
(i) Sketch the guidelines for developing quality assurance Test cases
described by Freedman and Thomas adapted for the UA. (7)
7 BTL3 Applying
(ii)What are the steps involved to make the testing successful? Illustrate
8 Define test plan.List out the steps are followed in developing a test plan?(13) BTL1 Remembering
Describe the following:
(i) Guideline for developing a user satisfaction test. (3)
9 (ii) White box testing (4) BTL1 Remembering
(iii) Black box testing (4)
(iv) Debugging (2)
Generalize the different testing strategies. How to develop test plans guided by
10 BTL6 Creating
Thomas? (13)
Why do we follow standards for testing any product particularly Quality
11 BTL1 Remembering
Assurance (QA)? (13)
(i)Why is a Unified approach to software development necessary? Discuss
it. (7)
12 BTL2 Understanding
(ii)Discuss in detail the Unified approach to software development with a
neat diagram. (6)
(i)Compare and Contrast the object oriented methodology of Booch, Rumbaugh
13 and Jacobson. (7) BTL4 Analysing
(ii)Explain about a Unified approach to software development. (6)
(i)Explain the diagrams associated with Booch Methodology. (7)
14 BTL4 Analysing
(ii)Analyze and highlight the features of Jacobson methodologies.(6)


Q.No. Question Level Competence

Explain the analysis and the methodology by Booch, Shaler/Mellor,
1 Coad/Yourdon, Rambaugh compared to booch briefly. In which aspect Booch BTL5 Evaluating
analysis is successful.(15)
2 Analyze the Unit, Integration, and system testing for currency converter
BTL4 Analysing
3 Develop the test cases for the bank ATM System.(15) BTL6 Creating
4 Develop the various testing strategies for Software quality assurance.(15) BTL6 Creating

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