Experiment No. 5 Triaxial Test and Direct Shear Test

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363 P. Casal St., Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineering Department

Experiment No. 5


1811136 ASONZA, STEPHANIE ANNE L. _______________

1911410 BRAVO, SHERLYN A. ______________
1620299 CHUA, CARLO C. _______________
1811257 RAMIREZ, YAOSHA R. _______________
1810471 SABATER, SAMUEL SYDNEY S. _______________

Submitted to:
Engr. Rommel V. Roxas

March 9, 2021
Experiment No. 5
The activity aims to introduce to the student the method of conducting an experiment to find the shear of
the soil.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
• Determine the shear of the soil by Undrained Triaxial Test; and
• Determine the shear strength parameters of the given soil sample by Direct Shear Test.


Triaxial test is more reliable because we can measure both drained and untrained shear strength.

Generally, 1.4” diameter (3” tall) or 2.8” diameter (6” tall) specimen is used. Specimen is encased
by a thin rubber membrane and set into a plastic cylindrical chamber. Cell pressure is applied in
the chamber (which represents σ3’) by pressurizing the cell fluid (generally water).

Vertical stress is increased by loading the specimen (by raising the platen in strain controlled test
and by adding loads directly in stress controlled test, but strain controlled test is more common)
until shear failure occurs. Total vertical stress, which is σ1’ is equal to the sum of σ3’ and deviator
stress (σd). Measurement of σd, axial deformation, pore pressure, and sample volume change
are recorded.
Depending on the nature of loading and drainage condition, triaxial tests are conducted in three
different ways.

i. UU Triaxial test
ii. CU Triaxial test
iii. CD Triaxial test

UU triaxial test gives shear strength of soil at different confining stresses. Shear strength is
important in all types of geotechnical designs and analyses.


Shear strength of a soil is the maximum resistance to shearing stress at failure on the failure plane.

Shear strength is composed of:

i. Internal friction which is the resistance due to friction between individual

particles at their contact points and interlocking of particles. This interlocking strength
is indicated through parameter φ.
ii. Cohesion which resistance due to inter-particle force which tend hold the particles
together in a soil mass. The indicative parameter is called Cohesion intercept (c).

Coulomb has represented the shear strength of soil by the equation:

𝜏𝑓 = 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 = 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒
𝑐 = 𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑠
𝜎𝑛 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒
𝜑 = 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

The graphical representation of the above equation gives a straight line called Failure envelope.
The parameters c and are not constant for a given type of soil but depends in its degree of
saturation, drainage conditions and the condition of laboratory testing.

In direct shear test, the sample is sheared along the horizontal plane. This indicates that the failure
plane is horizontal. The normal stress, on this plane is the external vertical load divided by the
corrected area of the soil sample. The shear stress at failure is the external lateral load divided
by the corrected of soil sample.


The purpose of direct shear test is to get the ultimate shear resistance, peak shear resistance,
cohesion, angle of shearing resistance and stress-strain characteristics of the soils.

Shear parameters are used in the design of earthen dams and embankments. These are used in
calculating the bearing capacity of soil-foundation systems. These parameters help in
estimating the earth pressures behind the retaining walls. The values of these parameters are
also used in checking the stability to natural slopes, cuts and fills.


a) Special:
i. A constant rate of strain compression machine of which the following is a brief
description of one is in common use.

A loading frame in which the load is applied by yoke acting through an

elastic dynamometer, more commonly called a proving ring which used
to measure the load. The frame is operated at a constant rate by a geared
screw jack. It is preferable for the machine to be motor driven, by a small
electric motor.
A hydraulic pressure apparatus including an air compressor and
water reservoir in which air under pressure acting on the water raises it
to the required pressure, together with the necessary control valves and
pressure dials.
ii. A triaxial cell to take 3.8 cm dia and 7.6 cm long samples, in which the sample
can be subjected to an all-round hydrostatic pressure, together with a vertical
compression load acting through a piston. The vertical load from the piston acts
on a pressure cap. The cell is usually designed with a non-ferrous metal top and
base connected by tension rods and with walls formed of Perspex.
b) Special:

i. 3.8 cm (1.5 inch) internal diameter 12.5 cm (5 inches) long sample tubes.
ii. Rubber ring.
iii. An open ended cylindrical section former, 3.8 cm inside dia, fitted with a small
rubber tube in its side.
iv. Stop clock.

v. Moisture content test apparatus.

vi. A balance of 250 gm capacity and accurate to 0.01 gm.


a) Special:

i. Shear test frame housing the motor, loading yoke, etc.

ii. Shear box of internal dimension 60 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm.

iii. Water jacket for shear box.

iv. Metallic Grid plates.

v. Base plate

vi. Porous stones

vii. Loading pad.

viii. Proving ring of capacity 200 Kgf.

ix. Slotted weights to impart appropriate normal stress on soil sample.

b) General:

i. Balance of capacity 1 Kg and sensitivity 0.1 gms.

ii. Scale.

iii. Dial Gauge of sensitivity 0.01 mm

i. The sample is placed in the compression machine and a pressure plate is placed on the
top. Care must be taken to prevent any part of the machine or cell from jogging the sample
while it is being setup, for example, by knocking against this bottom of the loading piston.
The probable strength of the sample is estimated and a suitable proving ring selected and
fitted to the machine.
ii. The cell must be properly set up and uniformly clamped down to prevent leakage of
pressure during the test, making sure first that the sample is properly sealed with its end
caps and rings (rubber) in position and that the sealing rings for the cell are also correctly

iii. When the sample is setup water is admitted and the cell is fitted under water escapes
from the beed valve, at the top, which is closed. If the sample is to be tested at zero lateral
pressure water is not required.
iv. The air pressure in the reservoir is then increased to raise the hydrostatic pressure in the
required amount. The pressure gauge must be watched during the test and any necessary
adjustments must be made to keep the pressure constant.
v. The handle wheel of the screw jack is rotated until the underside of the hemispherical
seating of the proving ring, through which the loading is applied, just touches the cell
vi. The piston is then removed down by handle until it is just in touch with the pressure plate
on the top of the sample, and the proving ring seating is again brought into contact for the
begging of the test.


i. Prepare a soil specimen of size 60 mm * 60mm* 25 mm either from undisturbed soil

sample or from compacted or remoulded sample. Soil specimen may also be directly
prepared in the box by compaction.
ii. Fix the upper part of the box to the lower box by fixing screws. Attach the base plate
to the lower part.
iii. Place the porous stone in the box.
iv. Transfer the soil specimen prepared into the box.
v. Place the upper grid, porous stone, and loading pad in the order on soil specimen.
vi. Place the box inside the container and mount it on loading frame.
vii. Bring the upper half of the box in contact with the proving ring assembly. Contact is
observed by the slight movement of proving ring dial gauge needle.
viii. Mount the loading yoke on the ball placed on the loading pad.
ix. Put the weight on the loading yoke to apply a given value of normal stress intensity.
Add the weight of the yoke also in the estimation of normal stress intensity.
x. Remove the fixing screws from the box and raise slightly the upper box with the help
of the spacing screws. Remove the spacing screws also.
xi. Adjust the entire dial gauge to read zero.
xii. Shear load is applied at constant rate of strain.
xiii. Record the readings of proving ring and dial readings at a fixed interval.
xiv. Continue the observations till the specimen fails.
xv. Repeat the test on the identical specimen under increasing normal stress and record
the corresponding reading.


i. Before starting the test, the upper half of the box should be brought in proper
contact with the proving ring.
ii. Before subjecting the specimen to shear, the fixing screws should take out.
iii. Spacing screws should also be removed before shearing the specimen.
iv. No vibrations should be transmitted to the specimen during the test.
v. Do not forget to add the self weight of the loading yoke in the vertical loads.
Course: CE 304 Experiment No.: 5
Group No.: 3 Section: CE32S1
Group Leader: Date Performed:
Group Members: Date Submitted: MARCH 9, 2021
Data and Results:
Observation and Calculation Table: (TRIAXIAL TEST)

The machine is set in motion (or if hand operated the hand wheel is turned at a constant rate) to
give a rate of strain 2% per minute. The strain dial gauge reading is then taken and the
corresponding proving ring reading is taken the corresponding proving ring chart. The load applied
is known. The experiment is stopped at the strain dial gauge reading for 15% length of the sample
or 15% strain.

i. Size of specimen :
ii. Length :
iii. Proving ring constant :
iv. Diameter : 3.81 cm
v. Initial area L:
vi. Initial Volume :
vii. Strain dial least count (const) :

Sample Wet bulk Cell Compressive Strain Moisture Shear Angle of

No. density pressure stress at at content strength shearing
gm/cc kg/cm2 failure failure (kg/cm2) resistance
1 1.7 98 43.300 43.210 20 58.073 34.72
2 1.8 98 46.296 40.123 21.43 63.881 35.36
3 1.9 98 49.383 43.210 23.4 63.881 41.65
Cell pressure Strain dial Proving ring Load on Corrected Deviator stress
kg/cm 2 reading sample kg area cm2
0 0 0.00 4.91 0

50 1.2 1.08 4.91 36.842

100 1.4 0 4.91 42.641

150 1.6 7.2 4.92 48.408

0.5 200 1.7 15 4.93 51.088

250 1.8 22.2 4.95 53.728

300 1.8 31.8 4.97 53.363

350 2 39.6 4.99 54.469

400 2.1 84 5.01 57.018

450 2.2 120.6 5.04 58.073

0 0 0 4.91 0

50 1.3 7.2 4.91 39.912

100 1.4 15 4.91 42.641

150 1.5 22.2 4.92 45.383

200 1.6 31.8 4.93 48.083

250 1.8 39.6 4.95 53.728

300 1.9 84 4.97 56.327

350 2 120.6 4.99 58.886

400 2.1 153.6 5.01 61.404

450 2.2 176.4 5.04 63.881

0 0 0 4.91 0

50 0.6 7.2 4.91 18.421

0.5 100 1.1 15 4.91 33.503

150 1.4 22.2 4.92 42.357

200 1.7 31.8 4.93 51.088

250 1.8 39.6 4.95 53.728

300 1.9 84 4.97 53.327

350 2 120.6 4.99 58.885

400 2.1 153.6 5.01 61.404

450 2.2 176.4 50.4 63.881

Observation and Calculation Table: (DIRECT SHEAR TEST)
1. Size of Soil Sample = Internal Dimensions of the Box
2. Weight of yoke, w1=0.775kg
3. Weight of Loading pad, w2=0.620kg
4. Lever Ratio = 1:5
5. Proving ring Number =
6. Proving ring Constant (K): 1 Division = 25 kg
7. Rate of strain for Horizontal Shear = 1.25 mm/min

1.395 1.395 1.395 1.395 1.395

Load on yoke (w) (kg)
15 20 30 60 120
Normal load on soil sample (N)
540 720 1080 2160 4320
Normal stress
Proving ring division at failure 0.48 0.72 0.92 1.88 3.72
Shear force at failure 12 18 23 47 93
Shear resistance at failure 432 648 828 1692 3348

Conclusion: (PER MEMBER)

Based on our concluded experiment, we have observed that the test specimens shall be take out, failure patterns
may be noted and moisture content of the sample should be determined. Test should be performed on at least two
other identical samples at different chamber pressure to conduct and determine the shear strength parameters.
Triaxial Testing is used to measure soils' properties and be used on more solid materials like rock. Typically, Triaxial
Testing is used to solve stability problems by determining the shear strength and stiffness of soil when retaining
reservoirs of water.

However, for the direct shear test is an effective method for the measurement of the plane strain and direct
shear angles of friction for sand and the angle of dilation, at the density and stress level tested.

The difference between the two tests are the failure plane and the principal stress. In direct shear test, the
drainage conditions cannot be controlled and cannot measure pore water pressure. The failure plane is always
horizontal and the failure of soils is from the edges to center of specimen. While in triaxial test, the failure plane is
not forced and is uniform, which results for the test to be effective, accurate, and helps predicting real problem.
Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members always
Manipulative occasionally
demonstrate demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate
needed skills. skills.
needed skills
Members are able
Members are Members are able to set-
Experimental to set-up the
unable to set-up up the material with
Set-up materials with
the materials. minimum supervision.
Members do not
occasionally Members always
Process Skills demonstrate demonstrate targeted
targeted process
targeted process process skills.
Members do not Members follow
Safety Members follow safety
follow safety safety precautions
Precautions precautions at all times.
precautions. most of the time.
II. Work Habits
Members do not Members finish on Members finish ahead of
Management /
finish on time with time with time with complete data
Conduct of
incomplete data. incomplete data. and time to revise data.
Members do not Members have
know their tasks defined Members are on tasks
and have no responsibilities and have defined
Cooperative and defined most of the time. responsibilities at all
Teamwork responsibilities. Group conflicts are times. Group conflicts
Group conflicts cooperatively are cooperatively
have to be settled managed most of managed at all times.
by the teacher. the time.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace workplace with
Neatness and workplace at all times
during and after occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
the experiment. during and after
the experiment.
Members require
Members require Members do not need to
Ability to do occasional
supervision by the be supervised by the
independent work supervision by the
teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. “Wireless Research lab.”, Civil Engineering, Soil Mechanics,

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