Tachyon Energy Eng All
Tachyon Energy Eng All
Tachyon Energy Eng All
Tachyon energy, most of us have heard the name, primarily from shows such as
Star-Trek or other like shows. Some, with a background in the hard sciences,
may have heard the term a few other times, but very few people know exactly
what tachyon energy is, and even fewer know about the incredible results that
can be attained through the its use in the area of alternative health-care or, as it
is also known, holistic healing. Inside these pages, it is my goal to introduce you
to tachyon energy and its benefits. There is a great deal of information provided
in these pages, I have tried to break it up into segments so it is not so
overwhelming, but to fully understand the concept, it is necessary to read all of
the information provided, so, if you are ready to learn about this remarkable
energy, sit back relax, grab yourself something nice to drink, and open yourself
up to this new way of seeing things. Tachyon Energy is a blessing, and through
the incorporation of this energy into our lives, we can begin to bring about some
very dramatic changes, not only in our health, but also in our whole way of being.
Everything contained in these pages has been reprinted with express permission
of Advanced Tachyon technologies, and is protected under national and
international copyright laws. No part of the information contained within can be
copied or duplicated in any way without express permission of Advanced
Tachyon Technologies.
The discovery of Free Energy and its astonishing potential began with the
revolutionary inventions of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). In 1931, Tesla’s "energy
converter" powered a Pierce Arrow (a very heavy and luxurious motor car) up to
speeds of 80 miles per hour for extended periods of time. Tesla had invented an
alternative to AC generators. The problems resulting fro the use of fossil fuels
might have been solved as early as the 1930's had the political and business
climates been receptive. Was he actually tapping Tachyon Energy? We may
never know.
Another pioneer in Free Energy research was Dr. T. Henry Moray, who
succeeded in developing a converter that weighed only 28 kilograms and had a
power capacity of 50 kilowatts. Upon presenting his invention to the U.S. Patent
Office, it was confirmed that the converter functioned perfectly and generated 50
kilowatts of power with no visible energy source. However, wince the energy
source was invisible and untraceable, the application for patent was denied.
Although this story sounds incredibly close-minded, it actually happened. Like
Tesla before him, Moray was stopped by powerful, and short-sighted, political
and economic forces.
Tachyon Energy Pt. II
Through the search for Free Energy, science postulated, at first, and then
indirectly proved Tachyon Energy’s existence. Today, we all envision its
potential. Despite all opposition, the Tachyon era has begun. In 1977, Gerald
Feinberg defined Tachyon Energy as a "faster-than-light, subatomic particle" in
order to unify the scientific world’s view and nomenclature of faster-than-light
energy. We give thanks and acknowledge the various scientists, past and
present, who have provided the foundation for this new era and have thus paved
the way for the Tachyon revolution.
David Wagner had a different vision of the benefits of Tachyon Energy. His vision
was the clear realization that the conversion of Tachyon Energy into usable
electrical energy would, in fact, not solve this planet’s growing crisis, because it is
not a crisis of energy. It is a crisis of consciousness.
Wagner recognized that everything evolves out of the Tachyon field and his
breakthroughs in applied physics are directly responsible for the
TachyonizationTM process. Tachyonization restructures certain natural materials
at the submolecular level, creating a permanent Tachyon antennae. His ability to
harness Tachyon Energy, and the scientific world’s ability to prove the outcome,
are directly responsible for the Tachyon revolution that is taking place in over 55
countries. The Tachyonization breakthrough harnesses the infinite potential of
Tachyon Energy in ways that benefit life on Earth and aid in elevating
There is a limit to what can be discussed about the technology because the
process is proprietary. Not everyone’s desire for full understanding of the
Tachyonization process will be satisfied. Although we can’t disclose how the
Tachyonization process functions, how it does not function can be shared.
In quantum physics, the energy that fills the cosmos is called "Zero-Point
Energy." Formless, faster than the speed of light, and omnipresent, Zero-Point
Energy is infinitely intelligent and contains everything needed to create perfect
form. It has no spin, frequency or oscillation. It has no gravitational pull.
Tachyon Energy is omnipresent, limitless and has all the potential information to
create perfect form in the universe. Just like Zero-Point Energy, Tachyon Energy
has no spin, oscillation or frequency and is not affected by gravity. The real
difference between Tachyon Energy and zero-Point Energy is that Tachyon
Energy has form. A simple analogy can be seen if one thinks of the ocean in all
its vastness. The ocean contains an infinite number of droplets within it; yet like
Zero-Point energy, it is formless. If you were to remove on drop from the ocean,
that drop would still contain everything within the ocean, but now it has form.
Likewise, Tachyon Energy contains everything that exists within Zero-Point
Energy, but now it has form.
For this explanation we will explore the interaction of Tachyon energy with the
"Lepton Family of Particles."
The first elementary particle in the Lepton Family is a pion. The pion exists below
the speed of light and has a consistent, mathematically computable orbit. We call
this orbit a "Subtle Organizing Energy Field" or SOEF for short. SOEFs exist just
below the speed of light and are directly responsible for converting Tachyon
Energy into the frequencies required to evolve, organize and create perfect form.
All forms are comprised of different frequencies. The SOEFs convert Tachyon
Energy into the particular frequencies needed by a particular form. In this case,
the SOEF we’re discussing holds the pion in its orbit. The pion’s SOEF, existing
just below the speed of light, interacts with faster-than-light Tachyon. As the
Tachyon Energy is converted into the pion’s frequency by the SOEF, the pion
evolves in an instant into a muon. The new muon has an orbit, which is 10 times
larger than that of a pion. The muon’s SOEF still exists just below the speed of
light. As the SOEF of the muon interacts with Tachyon, the orbit once again
expands, and the muon evolves in an instant into an electron. This new electron
has an orbit that is 207 times larger than the muon’s. This continual process of
SOEFs converting Tachyon into the needed frequencies does not stop here, of
This process continues all the way down through the Energetic Continuum.
Ultimately, the process continues until the perfect form is reached; whether it be
a human being or any other form known to exist. Tachyon Energy is the binding
energy of the univer se. It is responsible for the creation of all forms on the planet.
Most importantly, Tachyon Energy is the key element in the flow of energy from
the infinitely formless all the way down to the perfect form. This is the Energetic
As with all forms in our slower-than-light universe, SOEFs cannot exceed the
speed of light. This is a very important point. Our world is a world or of form;
therefore, the only way for a world of form to interface with formless Zero-Point
Energy is through Tachyon.
Tachyon Energy, in itself, has stored all the information needed to create a
perfect Energetic Continuum in every individual form of life. Everything that
transpires in the human body, for example, already exists within Tachyon in
perfect form. An excellent example of this is seen in the animal kingdom. It has
been observed that animals which are not influenced in any way by human
beings live completely healthy lives. Mammals, for example, have a life span that
is up to seen times their growth period. For a human being. That would mean
140 years of a perfectly healthy life. Of the 40,000 chronic and degenerative
diseases known in human medicine, only a few are known to exist in wild
animals! This is because wild animals do not have the ability to block the
Energetic Continuum, thus creating deficiencies and diseases.
The Energetic Continuum is the continual flow of energy from unlimited Zero-
point Energy contracting into its faster-than-light Tachyon form. Tachyon Energy
then interacts with the SOEFs. Becoming energized, the SOEFs convert into
whatever frequencies are needed to bring balance to the being. This action
ultimately creates the energetic matrix from which all physical forms are
structured. The Energetic Continuum ranges from infinite, formless expansion to
finite contraction of form.
From the holistic healing point of view, complete healing is an integration of the
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Living beings evolve in a
continuous upward spiral of order to chaos (and/or disease). The energy spiral
continues through the chaos to higher levels of order. Chaos is a stepping stone
from one level of order to the next higher level. Every living being experiences
this process of energy flow whether or not they are aware of it.
Tachyon Energy is the key to moving through chaos and stress in our daily lives;
creating new levels of order and quality of life. Tachyonized tools significantly
contribute to achieving near-perfect energetic balance at all levels. The use of
Tachyon not only presents a fully holistic model of healing, but a process by
which all living beings can move towards radiant health and communion with All
That Is.
Holistic health, harmony and healing of the body, the emotions, the mental and
spiritual levels are all based on an energy source that is integral to our existence.
Therefore, healing at any level is extremely dependent on tapping the primordial
energy that is the source of existence. From maintenance and rejuvenation to the
deepest levels of holistic healing, all are made possible by our ability to tap into
the energy source that energizes and creates the form of all material existence
as we know it.
Properly applied, the use of energies with specific frequencies can lead to
excellent results if, in fact, one knows what frequency they are dealing with and
how long to apply the frequency. Yet, all such methods have three significant
drawbacks that are unavoidable:
2. All subtle therapeutic methods other than Tachyon are only isolated
frequencies of the whole. Accessing the complete spectrum of frequency
and information to clear the entire system and restore total functionality of
our Energetic Continuum is very rare and difficult using a single frequency
approach, because people may have multiple blocks at different
3. Energies of a specific frequency can also have harmful effects. There are
two basic reasons for this
A. An excess of any frequency can potentially be just as harmful as an
energy deficiency;
Tachyon Energy is totally different from both of these examples. Tachyon is not a
frequency, nor is it a frequency approach. Frequency, oscillation or spin do not
exist at the level at which Tachyon operates. Its effects are regulated by the
internal wisdom of the SOEFs. When Tachyon is applied to an area, SOEFs
convert what they need to restore themselves to perfect balance and order.
Tachyon does not heal, Rather, it provides the energy for the body to heal itself.
These simple examples are meant to provide insight into the difficulties inherent
in frequency-oriented medicines, as well as the mixed results obtained form
using them.
Tachyon Energy is the link between form and formless and offers us the
possibility of opening an exogate ( a doorway between form and the formless)
into All That Is.
Another wonderful aspect of using only source energy to bring balance to our
beings is that we do not have to deal with unwanted side effects. Even if we
apply so much energy that parts of our organism experience a very strong, very
quick healing effect, and other parts don’t quite catch up, it is not a problem.
Tachyon Energy sometimes causes detoxification and healing reactions. For a
very short time, one may feel overwhelmed, but there will never be a negative
outcome. Tachyon Energy is also free of another limitation. It doesn’t require a lot
of knowledge and experience to apply it correctly because the body is in charge
of the healing process. We do not forcefully apply it for a certain specific effect.
We let the body produce its own healing results. Tachyon Energy is simply the
natural catalyst for this self-healing process.
Once upon a time, science and spirituality split; each following its own path
towards the source of existence. Tachyon is a synergistic energy, merging the
scientific and spiritual paths back into "oneness." unfolding our spiritual potential,
attaining harmony in all areas of life, and establishing radiant health are natural
goals, Achievement of these goals is directly dependent upon how well our
Subtle Organizing Energy Fields convert Tachyon Energy into all the various
frequencies flowing through all the subtle levels of our being and then finally into
our physical body. We do not have to turn ourselves into something we really are
not. Instead, we can become "super conductors." sin science, a super conductor
is a material that has no resistance to the flow of energy. What we must try to do
in terms of achieving optimal health is create a spiritual, mental, emotional and
physical body that is a super conductor. This means having no resistance to the
flow of cosmic energy coming into our life through the Energetic Continuum.
From the spiritual side, we have to realize that we are co-creators in our state of
health. If we do not create any blockages in the flow of energy going through our
system, our spiritual potential can unfold. We are able to establish radiant health
in our lives and consequently, higher levels of joy. As super conductors, we
reach for a state of optimal health and the highest level of order in the process of
"order-chaos-order-chaos-order." This process is what happens when we clear
blockages using Tachyon.. Each block we clear adds to the joy of the cosmic
energy flowing through us. We can literally feel this happen. As we repeatedly
experience it (and experience the Divine Energy consistently filling us with joy,
peace and contentment), we begin to understand that we are part of the Divine
Tachyon Energy Pt. VI
In the chaos/order theory, there is a term called the bifurcation point. This is the
point of overwhelm; the point or moment of truth in which the body either breaks
down, i.e. manifests disease, or there is a movement towards better health;
elevating the body to a higher level of order. In the past, how the body was going
to react to this bifurcation point was always a mystery. Would it move towards
order and health or spend an inordinate amount of time in chaos or disease?
In 1990, David Wagner developed specialized tools and techniques that can
cause a bifurcation of an energetic system during a treatment administered by a
trained Tachyon Practitioner. With the advanced application of Tachyonized tools
and reconnection of the being’s system to the Energetic Continuum, the trained
Practitioner is able to help the "body-mind-spirit" complex move towards a higher
level of order and health. However, you don’t have to be a trained Practitioner to
experience the life-enhancing benefits of Tachyon Energy. Anyone can begin
benefitting from Tachyonized tools by simply applying Tachyon Energy to a
localized area. Whatever frequency is needed is converted into biological energy
by the SOEFs, so that the body may heal itself. Following is an actual example.
is what needs to be cleared. The block is defined, in essence, as a disorder or
chaos in the Energetic Continuum causing an energy deficiency. The blockage
could be physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual. These blockages are
directly responsible for the energy deficiency that create chaos, disorder and
disease in the physical body. Tachyon Energy, being the source of energy that
organizes and energizes SOEFs provides the potential to clear blockages
restoring energetic balance. Tachyon energy creates an anti-entropy effect. It
organizes that which is disorganized. Tachyon realigns and restores SOEFs to
their natural state of order and balance, thus creating good health.
Research has proven the Tachyonization process. The possibilities for balancing
our world are truly endless. As a company, we are devoted to providing you with
the best tools possible. We also offer you the opportunity of having your personal
articles and tools custom Tachyonized.
The world has now begun to embrace its future. Many companies from around
the world, including the United States, Japan, Germany and England, are using
our joint venture "Heal the Planet" program. This program allows the
TachyonizationTM of other companies’ products, or the use of Tachyonized
specialty products in the manufacturing of new products that will help heal the
planet. A good example is Vita-Pur TM, a live enzyme drink derived from
kombucha mushrooms specially grown in a custom-developed Tachyonized field.
This European drink also contains Tachyonized TM Water. Another example is the
Phone~CellTM, which was specifically developed in a joint venture with Japan and
Germany to eliminate the negative effects of cellular phones. Through joint
ventures, new products can be developed for correctly aligned companies. If you
have an idea that would benefit the world, please contact us.
On a cosmic level, when we start looking at the whole energetic structure of the
body, mind, spirit and emotional complex, attunement with Tachyon Energy
enhances our connection with the Energetic Continuum at the highest level.
Ultimately, attunement enhances our communion with the Divine. When we are
attuned or aligned with Tachyon Energy in a particular way that makes the higher
cosmic energies more accessible to us, we are more likely to make choices for
healing when we reach the bifurcation point. Tachyon Energy has the potential to
balance not only the micro levels of being, but also help restore the body, mind,
and spirit alignment within the macro systems.
Shifting Consciousness
Tachyon Summary
Tachyonized materials are permanent antennae, that are able to focus Tachyon
Energy. With Tachyon energy, the entire complex of subtle and physical levels of
the Energetic Continuum can receive access to all information needed for self-
healing. For every energy obstruction, disharmony, energy deficiency, or lack of
order in our body-mind-spirit complex, we can find the suitable solution through
Tachyon Energy. Since the body-mind-spirit complex itself decides which effects
it permits, the results of applying Tachyon Energy are always positive. It is
possible to apply so much Tachyon to your energetic system that it begins a
detoxification process. Remember, Tachyon energy creates order out of disorder,
thus harmful results are not possible.
The evidence is clear that Tachyon is the technology of the future. It offers the
potential to evolve through chaos into new levels of order. It will elevate our
consciousness and give us back the balance ne3ded to experience the insights
necessary for creating peace. The truth is Tachyon cannot change the world, but
we as individuals can. It’s not too late. If each of us could find the place of love,
peace and balance that Tachyon brings into our lives, we would change the
Example of creation:
Hold the material in your hand or have it on the table. As an example you can
use a little glass stone. Say the following mentally:
You can make antennas with different strengths. An example: "This glass
Try this test: First say this sentence once: "This glass stone will now become a
Tacyon antenna" and then feel the stone. Try saying the sentence again and
feel the stone. Most likely you will feel that it's getting stronger for each time
you repeat the sentence.
So you can make antennas from ix your own strength and upwards.
You should only create antennas with maximum 6x your own strength in
Tacyon i & 2.
2. Distribution of Tacyon
If you, as an example, are going to create 2 Tacyon antennas, you have to
create them one at a time. If you create both at the same time, both have to
share the supplied energy. In this case it would mean that they would only
become half as strong as if they were created one at a time. You should also
know, that the smaller the material is, the more concentrated the energy will
become. For example, a sheet will distribute Tacyon out on a large area,
whereas a little stone is very concentrated on a small area. The overall energy
will be the same though.
TACYON CHAKRA GLASS STONE : Make 7 antennas of the stones, one at a time. Place
on each chakra for approx. 15 minutes for meditation/relaxation. Singularly they
can be placed/taped on blocks or place of concern.
Water as Tacyon antenna: Find a little bottle and fill it with water (if you are going
to keep the water for longer periods use distilled water. This will not go stale).
Make a Tacyon antenna out of the water. Use: 7 drops in a glass of water, once
a day. Later you can increase the dose.
CELL PHONE FILTER: Buy some small white sticker dots from a bookshop. Take one
and make it into a Tacyon antenna. Stick one on the cell phone battery. This will
in most cases neutralize the negative effects from EMF.
When you are starting to use Tacyon, your body will detoxify. This could
show as headache, diarrhoea, dizziness, colds, flu-like symptoms etc. This
is quite normal though.
Good luck!
Notes for Tacyon 3 Attunement
You are now ready to make Tacyon antennas with 12 -14X strength.
Remember to set a time limit for maximum 15 minutes per use.
When you are going to create a 12X Tacyon antenna, you can say the
following mentally:
"This glass stone will now become a Tacyon antenna with 12X strength"
TACYON CHAKRA GLASS STONES: Make 7 antennas of the stones, one at a time.
Place on each chakra for maximum 15 minutes for meditation/relaxation/
clearing of blocks. Singular ly they can be placed/taped on blocks or place of
concern. You can place several next to each other, if a larger area is going
to be covered.
WATER AS14X TACYON ANTENNA : Find a little bottle and fill it with water. Make a 14X
Tacyon antenna out of the water. Use: 7 drops in a glass of water, once a day.
Later on you can increase the dose from 12-14X and upwards. Follow your
You can pass on the Tacyon 1-2-3 attunements, like the Kundalini Reiki
Example of the attunement: (to your higher self) "I ask that (name) may be
attuned at (time) on (date) in his/her timezone for Tacyon (level)"
The attunement will then start and stop after around 25 minutes.
Good luck!
You can view the difference of a Laser antenna and a regular antenna here,
on an enlargement of a glass stone; one side is flat, and the other oval:
Regular antenna:
Laser antenna:
You can use laser antennas on specific local places, where extra strength is
required. You can place several next to each other. You can also apply them
on acupuncture points.
'"This glass stone will now become a Tacyon antenna with 12X strength, where the
energy is solely coming out of the bottom"
The strength can be whatever you like. Just remember, that persons who
are not used to Tacyon, should carry 6x as a maximum.
You can pass on the Tacyon 4-5-6 and 7-8-9 attunements, like the Kundalini
Reiki attunements.
Example of the attunement: (to your higher self) "I ask that (name) may be
attuned at (time) on (date) in his/her tim-ezonefor Tacyon (level)"
The attunement will then start and stop after around 25 minutes.
Good luck!
To make your body into a Tacyon antenna requires that you have
worked with Tacyon for some time. This is to avoid the heavy cleansing
symptoms. This theory is therefore placed in Tacyon 9, where you have
created several tools and felt Tacyon on your own body.
You should not focus only on single parts of the body, but on the body
as a whole. So you could as an example say the following:
Start with ix strength and increase after some time. How fast depends
on the individual, so use your intuition.
Even though you have turned your body into a Tacyon antenna, you
can with advantage still use the tools.
Good luck!