32 Bfe 512 FC 8450942 C
32 Bfe 512 FC 8450942 C
32 Bfe 512 FC 8450942 C
Organic Electronics
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Charge carrier diffusion and recombination in an absorber blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Received 24 April 2008 (P3HT) and [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) with indium tin oxide (ITO)
Received in revised form 4 June 2008 and aluminium contacts have been analyzed in the dark by means of impedance spectros-
Accepted 8 June 2008
copy. Reverse bias capacitance exhibits Mott–Schottky-like behavior indicating the forma-
Available online 17 June 2008
tion of a Schottky junction (band bending) at the P3H:PCBM-Al contact. Impedance
measurements show that minority carrier (electrons) diffuse out of the P3HT:PCBM-Al
depletion zone and their accumulation contributes to the capacitive response at forward
bias. A diffusion–recombination impedance model accounting for the mobility and lifetime
73.40.Lq parameters is outlined. Electron mobility results to be 2 103 cm2 V1 s1 and lifetime
73.61.Wp lies within the milliseconds timescale.
84.60.Jt Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P3HT:PCBM heterojunctions
Organic solar cells
Impedance spectroscopy
1566-1199/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
848 G. Garcia-Belmonte et al. / Organic Electronics 9 (2008) 847–851
Models which regard polymer semiconductors as undoped quent ultrasonic baths of acetone, methanol and isopropa-
materials should be then revised to include the effect of nol. They were later introduced in oxygen plasma for
band bending (depletion zones) and minority carrier injec- 5 min. Baytron P CH8000 from HC Starck was spin-coated
tion and storage in the diode bulk. on top of the ITO substrate giving a film thickness of
The central magnitude that informs about carrier accu- 50 nm. The resulting film was annealed at 120 °C for
mulation is the capacitance, which can be readily deter- 5 min in order to remove any possible water residual on
mined by impedance spectroscopy. This is because in all the film. The P3HT:PCBM film was then spin-cast from
solar cells the generation of positive and negative carriers the previously prepared solution at 800 rpm. The active
creates a splitting of Fermi levels that is ultimately respon- layer thickness was measured to be L 200 nm. The film
sible for the photovoltage [9]. In silicon solar cells, for in- was pre-annealed at 85 °C for 5 min to remove any solvent
stance, the capacitance shows two main components as a remaining on the film after deposition. Samples were then
function of the bias [10,11]: a Mott–Schottky characteris- taken to a vacuum chamber to thermally evaporate the
tic, due to the modulation of the Schottky barrier, at re- aluminium contacts through a shadow mask. The evapora-
verse and moderate forward bias, and a chemical tion was done at 3 106 atm at rates between 2 and
capacitance [9], that increases exponentially for intense 10 Å/s. The active area of the diode, given by the overlap
forward bias. The first characteristic indicates the presence between ITO and aluminium, is 9 mm2. The finalized de-
of doping whereby the solar cell device is able to accumu- vices were immediately encapsulated with an epoxy resin
late substantial minorities. Such carrier storage is manifest
in the second characteristic, the chemical capacitance,
which directly reflects the carrier statistics [9]. In standard
dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) based on nanostructured
TiO2, the shape of the voltage dependence of the capaci-
tance is somewhat different, since the ‘‘hole conductor” is
a liquid electrolyte with high ionic concentration, so that
the Schottky barrier in the active semiconductor layer is
not found. However, the chemical capacitance is very
clearly observed and shows the density of states of elec-
trons accumulated in the electron-transporting material
(TiO2) [12,13]. The identification of the voltage-dependent
capacitance has become then a major tool for assessing the
energetics in a DSC [14] and for interpreting the recombi-
nation lifetime [15]. The strong accumulation associated
with the unconstrained rise of the Fermi level with bias ap-
pears in high performance solar cells [13], while in many
other cases, the charge storage is inhibited by additional
mechanisms and the solar cell capacitance may become
negative at strong forward bias [10].
Given the general significance of the capacitance for
interpretation of the fundamental transport and recombi-
nation mechanism governing the operation of new classes
of solar cell devices, in this paper we present direct mea-
surements and interpretation of the capacitance under re-
verse and forward voltages of a BHJ structure of the type
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Al. Reverse bias capacitance
exhibits Mott–Schottky-like behavior signaling the
formation of a Schottky junction (band bending) at the
P3HT:PCBM-Al contact. Impedance modeling allows to
extract both the recombination time and mobility of
the minority carriers (electrons) at forward bias in the
Fig. 1. (a) Band structure of the P3HT:PCBM heterojunction in equilib-
dark. rium (V = 0). Band bending appears near the cathode and holes can
occupy HOMO states of the P3HT within the neutral region. (b) Main
dynamic processes occurring in the diode bulk layer for V > Vbi. Holes
2. Experimental (majority carriers) are able to occupy the whole active layer. Electrons
(minority carriers) are injected (1) into the LUMO of the PCBM, diffuse
along the diode bulk (2), and eventually recombine with holes (3). (c)
We have built diodes with structure ITO/PEDOT:PSS/
Equivalent circuit accounting for the diffusion–recombination mecha-
P3HT:PCBM/Al following the next procedure: RR-P3HT nism used for fitting. Modulation of stored excess minority carriers gives
from Rieke Materials and PCBM from Nano-c were dis- rise to distributed chemical capacitances cn. Bimolecular recombination
solved in xylene in a weight ratio of (1:0.75). The solution of conduction band electrons and valence band holes are modeled by
was heat up to 65 °C and continuously stirred for 3 h. In resistive elements rrec. Transport of electrons is represented by means of
rt. An additional series resistance is needed to model contact and wire
parallel, ITO substrates from Diamond Coatings with a effects, Rs. Finally a capacitor Cg ee0A/L represents dielectric contribu-
sheet resistance of 40 X/h were cleaned in 5 min subse- tion of the diode.
G. Garcia-Belmonte et al. / Organic Electronics 9 (2008) 847–851 849
and glass. Even though encapsulation took place right after 2ðV bi VÞ
C 2 ¼ ð1Þ
evaporation, it has to be stressed that devices were briefly A2 eee0 NA
in contact with air. Nevertheless, repetitive measurements
where Vbi is the built-in potential, V is the applied voltage,
of dark J–V characteristics (inset of Fig. 2a) gave identical
A corresponds to the device active surface (9 mm2), e ac-
results over several weeks. The impedance measurements
counts for the elementary charge, e is the relative dielectric
were carried out in the air and room temperature, using
constant, e0 the permittivity of the vacuum, and NA the
an Autolab PGSTAT-30 equipped with a frequency analyzer
concentration of acceptor impurities. Our experimental re-
module in the frequency range between 1 MHz and 1 Hz.
sults follow Eq. (1) (Mott–Schottky curve) which exhibits a
Ac oscillating amplitude was as low as 10 mV (rms) in or-
straight line over a wide bias voltage range (Fig. 2a) yield-
der to maintain the linearity of the response.
ing Vbi = 0.43 V and NA = 3.5 1016 cm3, assuming e = 3
for P3HT:PCBM. In this case the depletion region for a re-
3. Results and discussion
verse bias voltage between 0 and 1 V results to be varying
between 63 and 115 nm, compatible with an active layer
It is well-known that P3HT is a conjugated polymer that
thickness of 200 nm. At V = Vbi (flat-band conditions) the
in exposure to oxygen and/or moisture results p-doped
depletion layer adjacent to the P3HT:PCBM/Al contact dis-
[7,8]. Under such conditions, it has been suggested that
appears and the neutral, doped region extends along the
the P3HT-Aluminum contact shows a Schottky diode
whole diode bulk (Fig. 1b).
behavior. Band bending with a corresponding depletion
As commented in the Introduction, when the Schottky
zone is formed at the contact as indicated in Fig. 1a
barrier vanishes at V > Vbi it is expected that the device
[16,17]. For a Schottky diode [18] the junction capacitance,
capacitance is governed by a chemical capacitance due to
which appears as a consequence of the modulation of the
the excess minority carriers Cl [11,19,20], that is related
depletion layer, exhibits a bias dependence according to
to the change of the occupancy of electrons in the LUMO
the Mott–Schottky relation
of the PCBM, as follows
C l ¼ e2 ð2Þ
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