HTML CSS Project

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HTML/CSS Project

Task: You have been given $50,000 to start a new business. Since you know how to create
webpages coding in HTML and stylizing those webpages with CSS, you will create your new
business’ website homepage.

Create: HTML & CSS sheet in Dabblet (create an account) -


1. CSS -----Format & Design CSS Required Elements Properties

your Page with CSS Styles background-color, height, width, position,
on your CSS file: Write margin,
your CSS sheet in the background-color, height, width, position,
CSS & Result tab (click margin,
on the All tab to see all .left font-family, color, margins
.right font-family, color, margins
p font-family, color
H1, H2 font-family, color
img font-family, color
a:hover font-weight, color
div border-radius,
li list-style-type
border, cell padding, height, width, padding,
2. CSS -----Additional CSS Styles Required somewhere in your CSS sheet:
a. Place an image behind a line of text (header would be great for this!) using
z-index property (for help, go here!)
b. Use float propery to align text in header or footer (for help, go here!)
c. Use clear property (for help, go here!)
d. Use position property (for help, go here!)
e. Use at least two hexadecimal color codes (for codes, go here)
3. HTML ---- Enter headings, paragraphs, content, links (need both contextual and image), list,
table, widget (embedding code) and pictures (three regular images and one hot spot picture)
to your webpage: Write your HTML code in the HTML& Result tab. (click on the All tab
to see all tabs).
a. Remember to include:
ii. <html>
iii. <head>
iv. <title>
v. <body>
vi. <p>
vii. <H1>
viii. <H2>
ix. <img
x. <a href
xi. <ol> or <ul>
xii. <li>
xiii. <div>
xiv. <table> - minimum 3x3 size
xv. <span>
xvi. style to assign at least one style

4. Stylize: Assign your CSS class and CSS Id (on the CSS file) to HTML elements (on the .html file).

A. Assign your CSS classes (.left and .right) to HTML element

B. Assign your CSS IDs (#header and #footer) to HTML element

5. Attribution: Give credit where credit is due for all pictures that are not your pictures
on your webpage. Make sure they have the Creative Commons license to use it on
your webpage.

Attribution for all pictures at bottom of webpage –

Example: coffee mug image BY DeaPeaJay found at
Great HTML & CSS Resources:

 Codeacademy
 W3schools
 PageResource HTML Tutorials

Content Helpers for Hobby/Pasttime:

What is it? | How do you do it? | Where do you do it? | What do you need? | Why is it your favorite hobby?|
When did you begin? | What is the monetary investment | Who does it with you?| What is your experience? |
Have you won awards for your hobby? | What are some good websites about your hobby? | What are some good
images about your hobby? |

For public domain pictures and clipart:

 Flickr advanced search – remember to scroll down and check Only search within Creative Commons-
licensed content; remember to add attribution for picture(s) at the bottom of your webpage!

Example: coffee mug image BY DeaPeaJay found at

 OpenClipArt – clipart here is public domain; remember to add attribution for picture(s) at the
bottom of your webpage!

Applause for HTML/CSS/JS online playgrounds!

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