United States Patent: Jung Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.450,483 B2

Jung et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 20, 2016
(54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR (56) References Cited

(71) Applicant: LSIS CO.,LTD., Anyang-si, 4,772.996 A * 9, 1988 Hanei ............... HO2M 7,53873
Gyeonggi-do (KR) 5,739,664 A 4/1998 Deng et al.
7,199,538 B2* 4/2007 Kameya ................. B62D 5,046
(72) Inventors: Yuseuk Jung, Seoul (KR); Jae Moon 180/443
Lee, Suwon-si (KR) 7483.279 B2* 1/2009 Lee ..................... HO2P 23.0036
(73) Assignee: LSIS CO.,LTD., Anyang-si (KR) 7,948,205 B2* 5/2011 Gunji .................... HO2P 29,021
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,990,093 B2 * 8/2011 KeZobo ................ B62D 5,0484
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2005.0029.982 A1 2/2005 Stancu et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/550,793 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) Filed: Nov. 21, 2014 EP 2469692 6, 2012
JP 08-181722 T 1996
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2015/O155773 A1 Jun. 4, 2015
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Korean Intellectual Property Office Application Serial No. 10-2013
Nov. 29, 2013 (KR) ........................ 10-2013-O 147051 0.147051, Office Action dated Apr. 13, 2015, 5 pages.
(51) Int. Cl.
H02M I/32 (2007.01)
H02M 7/44 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Emily P Pham
H02P 27/08 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Lee, Hong, Degerman,
H02P 2L/08 (2016.01) Kang & Waimey; Jonathan Kang; Richard Salfelder
H02P 2L/4 (2016.01)
H02M 7/5387 (2007.01)
HO2P3I/OO (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. Cl. An apparatus and a method for controlling an inverter are
CPC ................. H02M 1/32 (2013.01); H02M 7/44 disclosed. The apparatus determines a 3-phase current by
(2013.01); H02M 7/53871 (2013.01); H02M receiving a 2-phase current from a leg-shunt resistor
7/53873 (2013.01); H02P 21/08 (2013.01); arranged at an emitter terminal of a lower Switching element
H02P 21/141 (2013.01); H02P27/08 in an inverter unit of an inverter, and determines whether
(2013.01); H02P 31/00 (2013.01); H02P there is an abnormality generated in the 3-phase current, to
2207/01 (2013.01) correct the abnormality in the current.
(58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ....................................................... HO2M 1/32
See application file for complete search history. 14 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

50 60 70 80

US 9,450.483 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited JP 2007-1898.25 7/2007

JP 411.5696 T 2008
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS JP 2012-236531 12/2012
JP 2013-111467 6, 2013
2007/0165431 A1 7/2007 Gunji KR 10-2010-0033862 3, 2010
2007/0296375 Al 12/2007 Sakaguchi et al. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS European Patent Office Application Serial No. 14194637.6, Search
Report dated Aug. 11, 2015. 7 pages.
E. 38885 58. Japan Patent Office Application Serial No. 2014-241127, Office
JP 2006-197769 T 2006 Action dated Jan. 5, 2016, 7 pageS.
JP 2006-230766 9, 2006
JP 2007-0O8294 1, 2007 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

F.G. 1

FIG. 2
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

FG. 3


V7(1,1,1) V (1,0,0)
V4 (0,1,1) { draxis




V5(0,0,1) V6(1,0,1)
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

FIG. 4

On Sequence Off Secuence

F.G. 5
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

F.G. 6


FIG. 7
| | | | | | |
U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet S of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

FG. 8
50 60 70 80


F.G. 9 70

7t 72 73


U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

F.G. 10

S 25


e-LPF(e) x &
d d S35








U.S. Patent Sep. 20, 2016 Sheet 7 Of 7 US 9.450,483 B2

s al s:


US 9,450,483 B2
1. 2
APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PWM cycle, the switching vectors are applied in reverse
CONTROLLING INVERTER BY order (it is referred to as ‘symmetric SVPWM).
MEASURING EACH PHASE CURRENT In the structure as illustrated in FIG. 2, current detection
of each phase by the leg-shunt-type inverter is practicable
Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. S 119(a), this application claims the when lower IGBTs of each phase are turned-on for the
benefit of earlier filing date and right of priority to Korean current to flow to the shunt resistors (23). In addition, current
Patent Application No. 10-2013-0147051, filed on Nov. 29, detection of the inverter 3 phases is practicable in the section
where at least two of the lower IGBTs are turned-on in
2013, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by condition that 3 phases of the inverter are in parallel, as
reference herein in its entirety. illustrated in FIG. 4.
When two IGBTs are turned-on so that current detection
BACKGROUND of 2 phases becomes practicable, the rest of one phase
current may be detected indirectly through calculating the
1. Field of the Disclosure relation formula of ius+ivs+iws=0. The result may differ by
The present disclosure related to an apparatus and a sectors categorized in FIG. 3, as described in the following
method for controlling an inverter. More specifically, the 15 TABLE 1.
present disclosure relates to an apparatus and a method for
controlling an inverter to measure each phase current using TABLE 1.
a leg-shunt resistor. Sector Iu Iw Iw
2. Discussion of the Related Art
In general, an inverter is a device converting direct current 1 Iu = (Ivs + Iws) Iw = -Iws Iw = -Iws
(DC) into alternating current (AC) electrically. The inverter 2 Iu = -Ius Iv = (Ius + Iws) Iw = -Iws
controls speed of a motor by receiving electricity from a 3
Iu = -Ius
Iu = -Ius
Iv = (Ius + Iws)
Iw = -Iws
Iw = -Iws
Iw = (Ius + Ivs)
commercial power Supply, and by altering Voltage and 5 Iu = -Ius Iw = -Iws Iw = (Ius + Ivs)
frequency in the inverter to Supply to the motor. 6 Iu = (Ivs + Iws) Iw = -Iws Iw = -Iws
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a general inverter system. 25
As illustrated in the figure, the inverter (1) drives the For the purpose of controlling the vectors to escape from
motor (2) whereby the rectification unit (10) converts a
3-phase electricity inputted to DC electricity, and the DC the current detection restricted area in Such the leg-shunt
link capacitor (20) accumulates the DC electricity, and then type inverter, there is a method for controlling a Voltage
the inverter unit (30) converts the accumulated DC electric 30 reference vector to escape from the current detection
ity to AC electricity again and alters Voltage and frequency. restricted area by altering magnitude and angle of the
Therefore, the inverter is also referred to as a variable voltage reference vector when the voltage reference vector
voltage variable frequency (VVVF) system. enters the current detection restricted area. The method is
Recently, a current detection method using shunt resistors according to the following EQUATION 1.
is commonly used in Small inverters for the purpose of 35
acquiring cost competitiveness. The current detection camp mintaithst2's EQUATION 1
method using shunt resistor may be categorized into a where tdt is an inverter dead-time; trs is a current detec
DC-link shunt resistor current detection method, an output tion circuit delay time; tSn is an AD converter sampling time;
phase shunt resistor current detection method, and a leg and tsamp min is a minimum detection time of the leg-shunt
shunt resistor current detection method, according to posi 40
resistor current detection.
tions of the shunt resistor. However, the conventional technology described in the
FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a leg-shunt resistor above is not considering a method to cope with a situation
current detection method. where the current detection is not performed precisely
As illustrated in the figure, the leg-shunt resistor current outside of the expected current detection unavailable area.
detection method is a method where a shunt resistor is Meanwhile, in the inverter which is vector-controlled
arranged at an emitter terminal of the lower insulated gate 45
without sensor, a rotor flux is estimated as illustrated in FIG.
bipolar transistor (IGBT) (22) in the inverter unit (30) to 5, and the rotating velocity of a rotor is estimated based on
detect currents, which has advantages of realizing a circuit the rotor flux without a separate velocity detector such as an
at a low cost and detecting an instantaneous current as well. encoder. FIG. 5 is an exemplary view illustrating trotor flux
However, the method using the leg-shunt resistor also has estimation unit.
a problem that the current detection area is restricted by 50 As illustrated in FIG. 5, when the rotating velocity of the
pulse width modulation (PWM) switching status of the rotor is estimated by detecting the rotor flux, when the
IGBT measured current is considerably different even instanta
FIG. 3 is an exemplary view illustrating a current detec neously from the actual physical current, there occurs a
tion restricted area of a leg-shunt-type inverter. FIG. 4 is an possibility where a number of sensorless vector control
exemplary view illustrating a phase current detection section 55 modules including the rotor flux estimation unit are operat
in a leg-shunt-type inverter. ing unstably.
The space vector PWM (SVPWM) is formed of six
non-zero vectors and two Zero vectors. The PWM control
unit transforms the 3-phase output current of the inverter 1 is EQUATION 2
into a low-voltage reference vector V* on a two-dimensional 60
wi =
T is
plane between d-axis and q-axis. The V* is formed of a
combination of two adjacent non-Zero vector and a Zero
As illustrated in FIG. 4, in Sector 1 (referring to FIG. 3), T = L / R.
during the first half of the PWM cycle, switching vectors are
in sequential order of a zero vector V0 (0, 0, 0), a non-zero 65
vector 1 V1 (1, 0, 0), a non-zero vector 2 V2 (1, 1, 0), and The method for indirect-vector-controlling an induction
a Zero vector V7 (1, 1, 1), then during the last half of the motor without sensor is to calculate a synchronous angle 0e
US 9,450,483 B2
3 4
to use in calculation of a reference Voltage vector as In addition, referring to FIG. 6, it may be observed that the
described in EQUATION 2. To this end, the rotor velocity d-axis element of stator current on the synchronous refer
values of wr and wsl are required to be precisely evaluated. ence frame is repeatedly showing step variations in spite of
The rotor velocity wr is estimated by the estimated rotor constant reference. This phenomenon may generate errors in
flux, and the slip Velocity wsl is proportional to the propor calculation of slip Velocity as described in the first equation
tion of q-axis current to d-axis current, as described in of EQUATION 2, and may incur adverse effects such as
EQUATION 1. estimation Velocity error to sensorless control performance
In a leg-shunt-type inverter, it is experimentally ascer of indirect vector control type of the induction motor which
tained that there is a very high probability to read current 10
is seriously affecting efficiency of synchronous angle cal
information incompletely around the (0 1 1), (101), (1 1 0) culation.
vector boundaries where the sectors are intersecting on the
output voltage vector diagram illustrated in FIG. 3, even SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE
outside of the current detection unavailable area defined in
The technical challenge which the present disclosure
FIG. 6 is an experimental waveform illustrating observa intends to achieve is, to provide an apparatus and a method
tion of an instability phenomenon of inverter sensorless for controlling an inverter, by correcting stator and rotor flux
control when limit performance of a leg-shunt resistor of an induction motor, by determining whether the current
current detection circuit is not complemented. FIG. 7 is an detected by leg-shunt resistor method is in a current detec
experimental waveform illustrating a low-pass filtered cur tion unavailable area.
rent which is detected by a leg-shunt-type inverter. In one general aspect of the present disclosure, there may
Referring to FIG. 6, because a predetermined load is on be provided apparatus for controlling an inverter, the appa
operation, a pulsation should not occur at i. In addition, ratus comprising: a first determination unit configured to
referring to FIG. 7, the waveform on the left is a result of determine a 3-phase current by receiving a 2-phase current
coordinate transformation of 3-phase current into 2-phase 25 from a leg-shunt resistor arranged at an emitter terminal of
current, where the yellow waveform is d-axis stator current; a lower switching element in an inverter unit of the inverter;
the red waveform is q-axis stator current; and the green a detection unit configured to determine whether there is an
waveform is U-phase current measured by an oscilloscope abnormality in the 3-phase current; and a correction unit
for comparison. The waveform on the right is a result of configured to correct the abnormality in the 3-phase current
phase plotting of stator current vectors on the left. 30 when the detection unit determines that there is generated
That is, it is experimentally ascertained that there is a the abnormality.
probability to read current information incompletely, not In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo
only inside of the triangles posed around the vector vertices, Sure, the apparatus may further comprise a conversion unit
but also in areas around the boundary lines of relevant configured to convert the phase current from the first deter
vectors where Zero vector time seems to be secured suffi 35 mination unit to a stator current at stationary reference
ciently. frame.
Such a problem may be determined as not considerably In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo
affecting magnitude of the estimated flux, not because the Sure, the detection unit may include a reference generation
current considerably different from the actual current unit configured to set a reference to detect whether there is
detected by the leg-shunt is continuously detected, but 40 generated the abnormality based on a first difference
because values multiplied by sampling time during a short between a stator Voltage and a Voltage drop across a stator
period are integrated in the flux estimation unit integration resistance; a boundary setting unit configured to generate a
when the current is detected in the amount of around one boundary for determination of the abnormality; and a second
sample. determination unit configured to determine the abnormality
However, it is experimentally observed a phenomenon 45 in the current when an absolute value of a second difference
where magnitude and angle of the current vector (i.) between the reference and the first difference is larger than
instantaneously jump at the moment of observing an abnor the boundary.
mality current value as illustrated in FIG. 6, when applying In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo
more than a certain load (around 100% load of rated load) sure, the reference may be a low-pass filtered first difference
to the motor controlled by the inverter and phase plotting on 50 between the stator Voltage and the Voltage drop across the
the d-q axis coordinate plane of stator current vector on the stator resistance.
stationary reference frame. And in the next step, a phenom In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo
enon of returning in retrograde to values of the existing sure, the boundary may be a value in which a third difference
vectors is observed. between a maximum value and a minimum value of the first
Furthermore, in this situation, vs-Rsis, which is a dif 55 difference is multiplied by a predetermined constant.
ference between stator Voltage and Stator Voltage drop across In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo
a stator resistance operating as an integration object in the Sure, the correction unit may correct the abnormality in the
stator flux estimation unit, has an instantaneously high peak stator current using the following equation:
value. Here, in order to perform this calculation, when
variables are set in comparatively wide areas to increase 60
calculative resolution in middle-low price micro-controller
unit (MCU)s and digital signal processor (DSP)s which are is recon
only dealing with integer operations, a variable over-flow
may occur and thus the variable is initialized to cause step
variation of the estimated flux. After then, the flux estima 65 where v is the stator Voltage at Stationary reference frame;
tion is not performed properly. This may cause problems R, the stator resistance; and is , is the stator current with
Such as inverter out-of-step phenomenon, etc. the abnormality at Stationary reference frame.
US 9,450,483 B2
5 6
In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo FIG. 11 is an exemplary view illustrating abnormality
Sure, the apparatus may further comprise an estimation unit current detection according to an exemplary embodiment of
configured to re-estimate a rotor flux of a motor by receiving the present disclosure.
a corrected current from the correction unit.
In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo DETAILED DESCRIPTION
Sure, the apparatus may further comprise a control unit
configured to control the inverter unit by updating a stator Various exemplary embodiments will be described more
d-axis and q-axis current control command on a synchro fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying draw
nous reference frame based on the re-estimated rotor flux. ings, in which some exemplary embodiments are shown.
In another general aspect of the present disclosure, there 10
The present inventive concept may, however, be embodied
may be provided a method for controlling an inverter, the in many different forms and should not be construed as
method comprising: determining a 3-phase current outputted limited to the exemplary embodiments set forth herein.
from the inverter, using a 2-phase current detected from a Rather, the described aspect is intended to embrace all such
leg-shunt resistor, setting a reference to detect whether there alterations, modifications, variations, and equivalents that
is generated the abnormality based on a first difference 15
fall within the scope and novel idea of the present disclosure.
between a stator Voltage and a Voltage drop across a stator Hereinafter, referring to enclosed figures, an exemplary
resistance; setting a boundary for determination of the embodiment of the present disclosure will be described in
abnormality; determining that there is the abnormality in the detail.
current when an absolute value of a second difference
between the reference and the first difference is larger than FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating an inverter control
the boundary; and correcting the abnormality in the current apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the
when it is determined that there is generated the abnormality. present disclosure. The apparatus may be applied to a system
In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo as illustrated in FIG. 1. The apparatus vector-controls
Sure, the method may further comprise re re-estimating a switching of the inverter unit (30), by receiving currents
rotor flux of a motor by receiving a corrected current. 25 detected in the leg-shunt resistor (23) as illustrated in FIG.
In some exemplary embodiments of the present disclo 2.
Sure, the method may further comprise controlling an As illustrated in FIG. 8, the inverter control apparatus
inverter unit of the inverter by updating a stator d-axis and according to an exemplary embodiment of the present
q-axis current control command on a synchronous reference disclosure includes a 3-phase current determination unit
frame based on the re-estimated rotor flux. 30
(50), a coordinate transformation unit (60), an abnormality
According to an exemplary embodiment of the present determination unit (70), and a correction unit (80). The
disclosure, the performance stability for inverter vector output from the correction unit (80) is inputted to the rotor
control may be acquired, by determining abnormality of flux estimation unit (40), and the current control unit (90)
phase currents and correcting the current of the relevant step controls the inverter (1) based on the flux estimated in the
and reflecting it to flux estimation. 35
rotor flux estimation unit (40).
In addition, according to an exemplary embodiment of the The 3-phase current determination unit (50) may deter
present disclosure, the probability of inverter step out may mine a 3-phase current by receiving a 2-phase current
be decreased, by preventing overflow of variables of MCU/ detected in the leg-shunt resistor (23), in order to detect the
DSP by avoiding the phase current abnormality to be applied
to the control command under the heavy load. 40 current only when lower IGBTs of each phase are turned-on.
Here, the relations areas described in TABLE 1 in the above.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The 3-phase current detected in such steps may be stored in
a storage unit which is not illustrated in the figure.
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a general inverter system. The coordinate transformation unit (60) may coordinate
FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a leg-shunt resistor 45 transform the detected phase currents into stator stationary
current detection method. reference frame d and q-axis currents. This may be
FIG. 3 is an exemplary view illustrating a current detec expressed in the following formula.
tion restricted area of a leg-shunt-type inverter.
FIG. 4 is an exemplary view illustrating a phase current -- S-f S sy:
is AD(ids AD as AD ) EQUATION 3
detection section in a leg-shunt-type inverter. 50
FIG. 5 is an exemplary view illustrating a rotor flux FIG. 9 is a detailed block diagram illustrating an abnor
estimation unit. mality determination unit illustrated in FIG. 8.
FIG. 6 is an experimental waveform illustrating observa As illustrated in the figure, the abnormality detection unit
tion of an instability phenomenon of inverter sensorless (70) according to an exemplary embodiment of the present
control when limit performance of a leg-shunt resistor 55 disclosure may include a reference value generation unit
current detection circuit is not complemented. (71), a boundary setting unit (72), and a determination unit
FIG. 7 is an experimental waveform illustrating a low (73).
pass filtered current which is detected by a leg-shunt-type The reference value generation unit (71) may set a refer
inverter. ence value, using a difference between a stator Voltage and
FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating an inverter control 60 a voltage drop across a stator resistance (VS-Rsis). At first,
apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the the reference value generation unit (71) defines a formula as
present disclosure. described in the following in order to determine whether
FIG. 9 is a detailed block diagram illustrating an abnor there is an abnormality in the detected current, using a
mality determination unit illustrated in FIG. 8. difference between a stator Voltage and a voltage drop across
FIG. 10 is a flow chart illustrating an inverter control 65 a stator resistance which is an input of the integrator (A) in
method according to an exemplary embodiment of the the stator flux estimation unit illustrated in FIG. 5. Herein
present disclosure. after, the subscripts “d, q represent the axis of coordinates,
US 9,450,483 B2
7 8
the subscript 's means the stator, and the superscript 'e' TION 4) to generate a reference value (LPF(e)(S20). The
represent the synchronous reference frame. boundary setting unit (72) may set boundary radiuses for
e-(e., e)-(Va.-Ri ap) EQUATION 4
abnormality detection using EQUATION 5 (S25).
The determination unit (73) determines the current in the
The reference value generation unit (71) may low-pass relevant step as an abnormality when an absolute value of a
difference between the reference value and a difference
filter the e defined in the above, to generate as a reference
between a stator Voltage and Voltage drop across a stator
value for abnormality detection. This is defined as LPF(e). resistance is larger than the boundary (S30, S35, S40).
The boundary setting unit (72) may set boundary radiuses 10 The correction unit (80), when the current in the relevant
for abnormality detection in respect to d.c-axis, respectively, step is determined as an abnormality, may correct the
as the following. abnormality stator current using EQUATION 6 (S45). Then,
the rotor flux estimation unit (40) may re-estimate rotor flux
using EQUATION 7 (S50), by receiving the corrected
e-kx{max(e)-min(e)} EQUATION 5
15 abnormality stator current.
The current control unit (90) may update a stator d-axis
where, k is a constant, and may be, for example, 0.2. Here, and q-axis current control command on a synchronous
when determining the maximum (max) and the minimum reference frame based on the re-estimated rotor flux, and
(min) values, the abnormalities (outliers) should be then may transmit the updated Stator d-axis and q-axis
excluded. Update may be performed for the range of recent current control command to the inverter unit (30) in the
3 cycles of LPF(e) in sine-wave form. inverter (1) (S55). Then the inverter unit (30) may perform
The determination unit (73) determines as an abnormality Switching by the relevant current control command.
when an absolute value of a difference between e and
- FIG. 11 is an exemplary view illustrating abnormality
- 25 current detection according to an exemplary embodiment of
LPF(e) is larger than e, or e. the present disclosure.
The correction unit (80) may correct the abnormality Referring to FIG. 11, the pink waveform is an input
stator current using the following formula, when receiving waveform of the integrator (A) in the rotor flux estimation
the abnormality from the abnormality determination unit unit (40), which is a difference between a stator voltage and
(70). 30 a Voltage drop across a stator resistance (VS-Rsis). It
becomes definitely distinctive by the moment when an
abnormality current is inputted. According to an exemplary
EQUATION 6 embodiment of the present disclosure, the abnormality cur
is recon rent is detected based on these particular points.
35 According to an exemplary embodiment of the present
disclosure, the performance stability for inverter vector
The rotor flux estimation unit (40) formed as in FIG. 5, control may be acquired, by determining abnormality of
may re-estimate the rotor flux as in the following, by phase currents and correcting the current of the relevant step
receiving Such the corrected abnormality stator current. and reflecting it to flux estimation.
40 In addition, according to an exemplary embodiment of the
present disclosure, the probability of inverter step out may
EQUATION 7 be decreased, by preventing overflow of variables of MCU/
s's recon ldt DSP by avoiding the phase current abnormality to be applied
to the control command under the heavy load.
is recon 45 The abovementioned exemplary embodiments are
intended to be illustrative, and not to limit the scope of the
claims. Many alternatives, modifications, variations, and
Afterwards, the current control unit (90) may control the equivalents will be apparent to those skilled in the art. The
inverter (1) by updating a stator d-axis and q-axis current features, structures, methods, and other characteristics of the
control command on a synchronous reference frame, based 50 exemplary embodiments described herein may be combined
on the re-estimated rotor flux. in various ways to obtain additional and/or alternative
FIG. 10 is a flow chart illustrating an inverter control exemplary embodiments. Therefore, the technical scope of
method according to an exemplary embodiment of the the rights for the present disclosure shall be decided by the
present disclosure. claims.
As illustrated in the figure, by the inverter control method 55
according to an exemplary embodiment of the present What is claimed is:
disclosure, the 3-phase current determination unit (50) may 1. An apparatus for controlling an inverter, the apparatus
determine a 3-phase current through the relations as in comprising:
TABLE 1, by receiving a 2-phase current detected in the a first determination unit configured to determine a
leg-shunt resistor (S10). Afterwards, the coordinate trans 60 3-phase current by receiving a 2-phase current from a
formation unit (60) may coordinate-transform the detected leg-shunt resistor arranged at an emitter terminal of a
phase currents into stator stationary reference framed and lower switching element in an inverter unit of the
q-axis currents as described in EQUATION 3. inverter;
Using such the transformed current, the reference value a detection unit configured to determine whether there is
generation unit (71) in the abnormality determination unit 65 a deviation in the 3-phase current; and
(70) may low-pass filter the difference between a stator a correction unit configured to correct the determined
Voltage and a voltage drop across a stator resistance (EQUA deviation,
US 9,450,483 B2
wherein the detection unit includes: determining a 3-phase current output from the inverter by
a reference generation unit configured to set a reference to receiving a 2-phase current from a leg-shunt resistor
detect the deviation based on a first difference between arranged at an emitter terminal of a lower switching
a stator Voltage and a voltage drop across a stator element in an inverter unit of the inverter;
resistance; setting a reference to detect whether there is a deviation
a boundary setting unit configured to generate a boundary in the 3-phase current based on a first difference
for determining the deviation; and between a stator Voltage and a voltage drop across a
a second determination unit configured to determine the stator resistance;
deviation when an absolute value of a second difference setting a boundary for determining the deviation;
between the reference and the first difference is larger 10
determining the deviation when an absolute value of a
than the boundary. second difference between the reference and the first
2. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising: difference is larger than the boundary; and
a conversion unit configured to convert the 3-phase cur correcting the determined deviation.
rent from the first determination unit to a stator current
at a stationary reference frame. 15 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising:
3. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the reference re-estimating a rotor flux of a motor by receiving a
corrected current.
includes a low-pass filtered first difference between the 10. The method of claim 9, further comprising:
Stator Voltage and the Voltage drop across the stator resis controlling an inverter unit of the inverter by updating a
4. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the boundary is a stator d-axis and q-axis current control command on a
Value generated by multiplying a predetermined constant by Synchronous reference frame based on the re-estimated
a third difference between a maximum value and a minimum rotor flux.
value of the first difference. 11. The method of claim 8, further comprising:
5. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein: converting the 3-phase current to a stator current at a
the correction unit corrects the deviation in the stator 25 stationary reference frame.
current using the following equation: 12. The methods of claim 11, further comprising correct
ing the deviation in the stator current using the following
is recon -S -S is
-i S W - LPF(v-R, i.p.)
is recon
V is the stator Voltage at the stationary reference frame:
R is the stator resistance; and wherein:
is , is the stator current with the deviation at the 35
V is the stator Voltage at the stationary reference frame:
stationary reference frame.
6. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising: R is the stator resistance; and
an estimation unit configured to re-estimate a rotor flux of is is the stator current with the deviation at the
a motor by receiving a corrected current from the stationary reference frame.
correction unit. 40 13. The method of claim 8, wherein the reference includes
7. The apparatus of claim 6, further comprising: a low-pass filtered first difference between the stator voltage
a control unit configured to control the inverter unit by and the Voltage drop across the stator resistance.
updating a stator d-axis and q-axis current control 14. The method of claim 8, wherein the boundary is a
command on a synchronous reference frame based on Value generated by multiplying a predetermined constant by
the re-estimated rotor flux. 45 a third difference between a maximum value and a minimum
value of the first difference.
8. A method for controlling an inverter, the method

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