Staff Training Needs Assessment
Staff Training Needs Assessment
Staff Training Needs Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to determine the training needs for Bloomington Public Health staff and
leadership. The assessment is composed of two key collection parts, a staff core competency assessment
and a competency prioritization process conducted by agency leadership. It is the combination of these
two assessments which determines the overall training needs of Bloomington Public Health employees.
In 2014, BPH chose the Council on Linkages Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals, as
those most needed for the division’s success as a public health agency. These competencies represent
BPH’s expectations of competent performance in public health and will be used to guide professional
development and training in its workforce.
Arranged in three tiers to reflect progressive levels of responsibility (entry level; supervisors and
managers; senior managers and CEO’s), the Core Competencies are categorized by eight areas of
Analytical/assessment skills
Policy development/program planning skills
Communication skills
Cultural competency skills
Community dimensions of practice skills
Public health sciences skills
Financial planning and management skills
The Council on Linkages Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals are described in detail here:
In 2014, in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Office of Performance
Improvement (OPI), all staff were asked to complete the Council on Linkages Core Competencies for
Public Health Professionals assessments. These assessments varied by tier, with front-line staff
completing the tier 1 assessment, grant coordinators and program supervisors completing tier 2 and
program managers and Administrators completing tier 3. While this structure differs somewhat from other
agency’s administration of the assessments, the tier distribution was determined adequate for BPH due to
the agency’s smaller size comparative to the Core Competencies intended design. Core Competencies are
assessed on a 4 point scale of self-reported competency in the area, 4 being the highest level. Aggregate
results of this assessment by tier and overall are attached (Appendix A).
At the same time that the Core Competency Assessment was conducted, and also through collaboration
with MDH – OPI, program managers completed a prioritization of the 8 domains included in the Core
Competency framework: (Appendix B). The results of the staff competency assessments and domain
prioritizations were combined to determine the training needs of the agency as a whole . Assessment and
prioritization analysis were conducted according to guidance from the Council on Linkages to form a
Core Competency High Yield Analysis (Appendix C).
Detailed information on methods of analysis are provided by the Public Health Foundation and Council
on Linkages attached (Appendix D).
Staff Training Needs Assessment
Bloomington Public Health
The analysis of the competency assessment and prioritization process differed by Tier and so will be
assessed here by each tier. Competency assessment results are also displayed on figures in Appendix A.
Tier 1:
Tier 1 results represent frontline staff. This tier had a response rate of 79.4%. From highest competency to
lowest competency, the results are as follows:
Tier 2:
Tier 2 results represent coordinators and supervisors. This tier had a response rate of 87.5%. From highest
competency to lowest competency, the results are as follows:
Staff Training Needs Assessment
Bloomington Public Health
Tier 3:
Tier 3 results represent program managers and administrators. This tier had a response rate of 100%.
From highest competency to lowest competency, the results are as follows:
Tiers Average:
The following results represent the average competency rating of all three tiers. From highest competency
to lowest competency, the results are as follows:
The following domain prioritizations were determined through a systematic process by program managers
and administrators. From highest priority to lowest priority, the results are as follows:
Staff Training Needs Assessment
Bloomington Public Health
High Yield Analysis Results:
The combination of the core competency analysis and domain prioritizations results in a four sector grid
of training needs distribution. The first section of the grid contains higher priority areas where
competency is relatively low. The second sector contains higher priority areas where competency is
relatively high. The third sector contains lower priority areas where competency is relatively high. The
fourth sector contains lower priority areas where competency is relatively low. Table 1 contains the
combined high yield analysis for each tier as well as the aggregated results for all tiers.
Table 1:
Staff Training Needs Assessment
Bloomington Public Health
Staff training plans will be developed based on the final result of the Core Competency High Yield
analysis. As such, priorities for training will focus on those resources that will best develop higher
priority areas where competency is relatively low and leverage higher priority areas where competency is
relatively high. For staff at all tiers these areas include trainings focused on the following areas:
Leveraging of Cultural Competency, Leadership and Systems Thinking and Communication Skills.
Other areas determined by the high-yield analysis to be either maintained or de-emphasized include those
trainings focused on the following areas:
Community Dimensions of Thinking, Public Health Sciences, Policy Development/Program Planning and
Analytical Assessment skills.
Appendix Appendix A
Bloomington Tier 1
Core Competency Assessment Domain Average
Analytical Assessment Skills
2.37 Policy Development/Program Planning
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills 3.00
Financial Planning and Management
2.07 0.00 2.48 Communication Skills
Public Health Sciences Skills Cultural Competency Skills
Appendix A1
Appendix Appendix A
11. Use information technology to collect, store, and retrieve data 2.26
10. Collect quantitative and qualitative community data (e.g. risks and
benefits to the community, health, and resource needs)
9. Describe the public health applications of quantitative and qualitative
8. Adhere to ethical principles in the collection, maintenance, use, and
dissemination of data and information
Appendix A2
Appendix Appendix A
7. Incorporate policies and procedures into program plans and structures 2.33
5. Describe the public health laws and regulations governing public health
4. Gather information that will inform policy decisions (e.g. health, fiscal,
administrative, legal, ethical, social, political)
2. Describe how policy options can influence public health programs 2.19
Appendix A3
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A4
Appendix Appendix A
3. Respond to diverse needs that are the result of cultural differences 2.96
Appendix A5
Appendix Appendix A
10. Inform the public about policies, programs, and resources 2.70
Appendix A6
Appendix Appendix A
8. Describe the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures for the ethical
conduct of research (e.g. patient confidentiality, human subject processes)
6. Retrieve scientific evidence from a variety of text and electronic sources 2.37
3. Relate public health science skills to the Core Public Health Functions
and Ten Essential Services of Public Health
2. Identify prominent events in the history of the public health profession 2.19
Appendix A7
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A8
Appendix Appendix A
4. Identify internal and external problems that may affect the delivery of
Essential Public Health Services
Appendix A9
Appendix Appendix A
Bloomington Tier 2
Core Competency Assessment Domain Average
Analytical Assessment Skills
3.00 Policy Development/Program Planning
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
2.82 2.50
Financial Planning and Management
2.20 0.00 2.64 Communication Skills
Public Health Sciences Skills Cultural Competency Skills
Appendix A10
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A11
Appendix Appendix A
10. Incorporate public health informatics practices (e.g. use of data and
information technology standards across the agency where applicable,…
9. Develop mechanisms to monitor and evaluate programs for their
effectiveness and quality
6. Manage public health programs consistent with public health laws and
5. Use decision analysis for policy development and program planning 2.14
Appendix A12
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A13
Appendix Appendix A
3. Respond to diverse needs that are the result of cultural differences 3.14
Appendix A14
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A15
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A16
Appendix Appendix A
13. Negotiate contracts and other agreements for the provision of services 1.71
12. Apply public health informatics skills to improve program and… 2.00
11. Apply basic human relations skills to the management of… 2.86
3. Develop partnerships with agencies within the federal, state, and local… 2.29
Appendix A17
Appendix Appendix A
4. Analyze internal and external problems that may affect the delivery of
Essential Public Health Services
Appendix A18
Appendix Appendix A
Bloomington Tier 3
Core Competency Assessment Domain Average
Analytical Assessment Skills
3.00 Policy Development/Program Planning
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
2.50 2.90
Financial Planning and Management
0.00 Communication Skills
Skills 2.91
Public Health Sciences Skills Cultural Competency Skills
Appendix A19
Appendix Appendix A
11. Use information technology to collect, store, and retrieve data 3.14
10. Determine community-specific trends from quantitative and
qualitative data (e.g. risks and benefits to the community, health and…
9. Integrate the findings from quantitative and qualitative data in
organizational operations
8. Ensure the application of ethical principles in the collection,
maintenance, use, and dissemination of data and information
Appendix A20
Appendix Appendix A
7. Ensure public health programs are consistent with public health laws and
6. Critique decision analyses that result in policy development and program
5. Determine policy for the public health organization with guidance from
the organization’s governing body
4. Critique selected policy options using data and information (e.g. health,
fiscal, administrative, legal, ethical, social, political)
3. Critique the feasibility and expected outcomes of various policy options
(e.g. health, fiscal, administrative, legal, ethical, social, political)
Appendix A21
Appendix Appendix A
7. Communicate the role of public health within the overall health system
(e.g., federal, state, county, local government)
3. Ensure that the public health organization seeks input from other
organizations and individuals
Appendix A22
Appendix Appendix A
6. Assess the public health organization for its cultural competence 3.00
3. Respond to diverse needs that are the result of cultural differences 2.86
1. Ensure that there are strategies for interacting with persons from diverse
backgrounds (e.g. cultural, socioeconomic, educational, racial, gender, age, 3.00
ethnic, sexual orientation, professional, religious affiliation, mental and…
2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20
Appendix A23
Appendix Appendix A
Appendix A24
Appendix Appendix A
8. Advise on the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures for the ethical
conduct of research (e.g. patient confidentiality, human subject processes)
4. Apply the basic public health sciences (including, but not limited to,
biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health sciences, health…
3. Incorporate the Core Public Health Functions and Ten Essential Services
of Public Health into the practice of the public health sciences
Appendix A25
Appendix Appendix A
14. Approve contracts and other agreements for the provision of services 3.14
13. Integrate public health informatics skills into program and business… 2.29
12. Apply basic human relations skills to the management of organizations,… 3.43
6. Ensure that programs are managed within current and forecasted budget… 3.43
4. Manage the implementation of the judicial and operational procedures of… 2.14
3. Manage partnerships with agencies within the federal, state, and local… 2.86
1. Leverage the interrelationships of local, state, and federal public health… 2.57
Appendix A26
Appendix Appendix A
4. Resolve internal and external problems that may affect the delivery of
Essential Public Health Services (e.g. through the identification of root causes 3.00
and other QI processes)
Appendix A27
Appendix Appendix A
Leadership and Systems Thinking 3.00 Policy Development/Program
Skills Planning Skills
2.81 2.50
Financial Planning and Management
0.00 Communication Skills
2.39 2.90
Appendix A28
Appendix Appendix B
Analytical Assessment 1.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 5.0 1.0 0.2 8.6 7
Policy Development
Program Planning
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.2 0.2 9.4 6
Cultural Competency 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.2 1.0 14.2 3
Community Practice
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.2 1.0 10.2 5
Appendix Appendix C
Tier 3
Financial Planning and Management Skills Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
Communication Skills Hi
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills
Public Health Sciences Skills Analytical Assessment Skills
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills Lo
Lo Hi
Current Competency
Based on competency assessment using Council on Linkages Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals
Appendix C1
Appendix Appendix D
high-yield domains 1
The Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and related tools are available at:
1 D1
Appendix Appendix D
Option 1 Option 2
Aggregate Individual Estimate Organization-wide
Competency Data Competencies
Steps Gather individual-level data on current compe- Convene a group of 8-10 individuals who are
tencies in the workforce in all 8 Core Competen- collectively familiar with the skills and perfor-
cies domains. This may be done using a compe- mance of a broad cross-section of the workforce.
tency assessment tool (self-assessment).2 Differ- Agree on a rating scale (e.g., 0 to 4) and reach
ent versions of the tool are available for pro- consensus on the current competency of the
gressive career stages. workforce in each of the 8 Core Competencies
Calculate an average score for each domain for domains.
each individual; then calculate an average score Capture the rationale for the consensus rating
across all individuals in each domain. on each domain.
Plot average domain scores3 on a radar chart Plot scores for each domain on a radar chart
(example shown below). (example shown below).
Pros Individual-level is ideal for capturing specifics and Ideal for making a global assessment of overall work-
variations across the workforce. The data can be force needs as a snapshot in time. Can be completed
grouped by tenure, role, or other factors to assist in by a small group of individuals during a two-hour
pinpointing areas of relative strength and opportuni- meeting.
ties for development.
Cons Can be time-consuming to gather and analyze the Because group members have exposure to a limited
data. No norms exist for the assessment tool. sample of the workforce, the data may suffer from
sampling bias.
Label one
axis for each
domain Plot scores on each
axis, with lower
scores plotted closer
to the center of the
The tools were designed as self-assessments to be completed by individual public health workers; they can also be used by managers to assess competencies of their team members.
Competency assessment tools provided by the Council on Linkages are available at:
Optional step: Calculate and plot the range and/or standard deviation for the workforce on each domain to examine the variation in competencies across the workforce.
2 D2
Appendix Appendix D
3 D3
Appendix Appendix D
4 D4
Appendix Appendix D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Score Rank
1. Analytical/Assessment Skills
3. Communication Skills
Rating Scale:
0—no relationship 1—equally important
This rating scale is only a sample. 5—significantly more important 10—exceedingly more important
Scales with finer gradation can 1/5—significantly less important 1/10—exceedingly less important
also be used (e.g., 1/3, 1/4, 1/5,
1/6); however, scales with fewer
gradations (such as the one to
the right) emphasize differences
between options and make
ranking domains much easier.
5 D5
Appendix Appendix D
Steps: Using the data from Exercise I, rank the 8 domains on current competency.
4. Financial Planning and Management Skills 8. Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
Using the data from Exercise II, rank the 8 domains on current priority for future success.
Based on the rankings, place each domain in one quadrant of the Matrix Diagram below.
Priority I II
for Future
Success Public Health Sciences Skills Analytical/Assessment Skills
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills Cultural Competency Skills
I DEVELOP: Higher priority areas where competency is relatively low
II LEVERAGE: Higher priority areas where competency is relatively high
III MAINTAIN: Lower priority areas where competency is relatively high
IV DE-EMPHASIZE: Lower priority areas where competency is relatively low
6 D6
Appendix Appendix D
Using the data from Exercise II, rank the 8 domains on current priority for future success.
Based on the rankings, place each domain in one quadrant of the Matrix Diagram below.
Priority I II
for Future
I DEVELOP: Higher priority areas where competency is relatively low
II LEVERAGE: Higher priority areas where competency is relatively high
III MAINTAIN: Lower priority areas where competency is relatively high
IV DE-EMPHASIZE: Lower priority areas where competency is relatively low
7 D7