Religion Finals: Sacrament

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 The sacraments are efficient sign of the grace.

 SIGN- A sacrament is a “visible sign of an invisible reality”
Baptism, the visible sign is the water, the invisible reality is the coming of the Holy Spirit.
 SACRAMENT- the Latin translation of the Greek word “Mystery”.
 EFFICIENT- the seven sacraments are efficient sign, because they make effective the invisible reality they represent.
The sacraments are always valid, even if the minister is in the state of mortal sin, because it is Christ himself who administers
-the priest are just alter christus, every time celebrate mass or institute sacraments they are not representing their names or
selves as a priest but rather representing as Christ.
 Each sacrament has three essential elements: minister, matter and form.
MINISTER- the one who administers the sacrament. (E.g. priest, deacon, bishop, Pope) All of them are still priest they only differ
from titles or positions.
MATTER- visible object which is used in the sacrament.
FORM- is the wording used by the minister to administer the sacraments.

 The Sacraments are, thus, divided into three (3) groups: initiation, healing, and service.


 Sacrament of Baptism gives our souls new life of sanctifying grace by which we become children of God and heirs of heaven.
 Jesus instituted the sacrament of Baptism when he said to his apostles:
“Go therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
(Mt. 28:19)

 Jesus Christ himself instituted this seven sacraments. (We cannot add nor deduct because this is only the sacraments made by Him.
 We must be baptized in order to be saved.
Jesus said: I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born through water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (Jn. 3:5).
However there are three kinds of Baptism.

SACRAMENTAL BAPTISM- which is acquired by those who receive the sacrament of Baptism (natural baptism during infancy
and adult stage)
BAPTISM OF BLOOD- which is received by the martyrs who died for Jesus Christ before being baptized.
BAPTISM OF DESIRE- which is received by those who followed the will of God, but did not have the opportunity to know the
Church and to be baptized.


 Original Sin is forgiven  Water (emergency
 We become children of God Bishop, Priest, and the Deacon cases) I baptized you (name) in the
 Become members of the name of the Father and of the
Church N.B: extraordinary minister (all), in  Holy Water (natural) Son and of the Holy Spirit.
 We receive the character of emergency cases, is any person who
being Christian intends to baptize according to the
intention of the Church, and
baptizes with water in the name of
the Father of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit

Example: delivery room the

newborn died.

THINGS NEEDED: (emergency cases)

 WATER (it is not necessary
holy water)
 Pour the water on the
forehead of the child and
say the form.

1. How can we say that sacrament of baptism is seen in the bible?
- Go the gospel of Mt. 28:19, we can see the biblical bases of sacrament of baptism.

2. Who can receive the Sacrament of Baptism?

- Any person who believes in Christ, knows the Apostolic Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments and the Our Father,
can be baptized.

- Adult people, before receiving Baptism, must undertake the catechumenate.

 Those who received Baptism when they were children, must undertake a post-baptismal catechumenate. The
catechumenate is a period of preparation for the faith, the commandment, the sacraments, the liturgy, and the
community life of the Church. It is divided into several steps, and sanctified by sacred rites.

 N. B: We can receive Baptism only once. The Protestant, in order to enter into the Catholic Church, must be baptized
again “under condition”, or undertake the “Rite of Incorporation to the Catholic Church”

 There are different Christian religions which accepted by the Catholic their baptism meaning to say no need to baptize
again such as 7th Day Adventist and Mormons.

3. How about the children who cannot recite the apostolic creed, ten commandments…, why they are applicable to baptized?

 The children, who cannot know all these things are baptized in the faith of the Church and of their parents and Godparents.
Godparents- primary duty is to guide the child in terms of Christian faith when the presence of the parents are not available. (Reason why it is
required to have them)
PRE JORDAN SEMINAR- a way to remind new parents, who wish to bring their children into the faith, of what Baptism truly means. ... Through
this class, parents will learn about the various symbols used during the sacrament of Baptism and they discuss who they have chosen as
godparents and why.
4. Does it alright to wear any type of cloth or color during baptism?

 No, it should be in WHITE CLOTH put on the head of newborn because it represents as PURITY.

 Sacrament through which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way and enables us to profess our faith as strong and perfect
Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
 Jesus instituted the sacrament of confirmation when he breathed on his disciples and said to them: As the Father sent me, so I am
sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit (Jn 20:21-22)
 The confirmation in the Spirit took place for the first time on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit, like tongues of fire, came over the Apostles
and Mary gathered in prayer in the Cenacle (Acts 2:1-4).
 Thereafter, the Confirmation in the Spirit took place any time the Apostles laid their hands over the disciples.
As Scripture says: they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the moment Paul had laid hands on them the Holy Spirit
came down on them (Acts 19:6).


 Receive the Holy Spirit Bishop  The Laying of Hands
 Become soldiers of Christ Be sealed with the gift of the
N.B.: The priest can administer the  Sacred Chrism (Oil) Holy Spirit
Confirmation only in danger of
death, or in special cases
1. Who can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?
-Only the Christian Catholic can receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
 Before receiving Confirmation, we must prove that we know the Apostolic Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Seven
Sacrament, and the Our Father. We can receive the Confirmation once only, because it communicates the character.
-Confirmation should be given only to person who have the use of reason.
 In danger of death, it can be given also to children. Everyone who receives Confirmation must be accompanied by two
godparents. They should be the same of BAPTISM. Before receiving Confirmation we must receive the sacrament of

Minimum of Two godparents- required by the church.


 It is a sacrament and a sacrifice in which Our Savior Jesus Christ, body and blood, soul and divinity, is contained, offered, and received
under the appearance of bread and wine.

 Jesus instituted the sacrament of Eucharist during the last supper.

Where did they took this sacrament? Who instituted?
 As Jesus was eating with his Apostles, he took some bread, and when he had said the blessing he broke it and gave it to
them. He said: Take it, this is my body. Then he took a cup, and when he had returned thanks he gave it to them, and drank
from it, and he said to them: This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out for many. (Mark 14:22-

 The Eucharist is also called the Lord’s Supper, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Memorial of Jesus’ Resurrection.
 The bread and wine, at the moment of the consecration, become the real body and blood of Christ
 CONSECRATION- general term (like ga luhod, while gna consecrate ang bread and wine until mag tindog ta)
 TRANSUBSTANTATION-specific term for changing of body and blood of Jesus Christ (when he lays his hand). This is philosophical. A
metaphysical explanation in this matter.


 We receive the body and
blood of Christ BISHOP BREAD AND WINE This is my body… This is my
PRIEST blood…
TAKE NOTE: POPE What kind of bread and wine?
We are oblige to go first to Bread of Wheat (plain) What will happen if you give
sacrament of confirmation before because it is not intended to mass to remote community
attending mass because we cannot N.B: they celebrate the mass “In satisfy physically but rather and left the small host?
receive the body of Christ if we are Persona Christi”, which means in spiritually
not in the state of grace. the person of Christ. The Bishops BIG HOST will break into small
and the priest celebrate the Mass Pure Grape pieces to provide because it is
When we receive the body of Christ for free. However, the faithful have not necessarily for the priest
with mortal sin another sin is the duty to give their offering in but also for us.
formulated called sacrilege. order to support their daily
necessities. What if it is not enough ang
It is already sin against the Holy big host?
Spirit. Why? Because you are TAKE NOTE:
already aware within yourself that The answer is ECLLESIA
it is sin but still you continuously DEACONS are not yet priest their SUPPLET or THE CHURCH
do it. main duty is to serve to the priest WILL PROVIDE.
and bishop. (reason why they are
You cannot just confess it but first not applicable to administer
internalize, ask forgiveness, be Eucharist)
aware with that sin and promise
not to do it again. Ngaman may mga bayad kung
bunyag, blessing, lubong, kag
 We repair for the sins of the We are not paying for the
living and the dead. The sacrament instead it serves as
Eucharist has the power to limos to church.
forgive the venial sins.
Although the sacrament is free, the
TAKE NOTE: services is what we are paying for.

Venial sin will vanish within the The priest is not the owner of the
sacrament of Eucharist through ACT church, ALL of us are the owner.

 We are in communion with

the Church, and we receive
eternal life

What is the meaning of breaking

the big host into small pieces during
the sacrifice of the mass?

-this is the symbol or

representation that the priest and
we is in communion with the
Pope/Church that make us


1. Who can receive Holy Communion?

- Every Christian Catholic can receive Holy Communion if he is the state of grace.
 We commit a sacrilege if we receive Holy Communion with a mortal sin in our soul. Scripture says: Anyone who eats the
bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be behaving unworthily towards the body and blood of the Lord (1
Corinthians 11:27). Before receiving Holy Communion we must confess all our mortal sins.

- The Church invites us to receive the Holy Communion any time we attend to the Holy Mass.
(All faithful must attend Holy Mass every Sunday and all feast of obligation)
Ga attend ka mass morning, afternoon and evening how many times mag pangalawat?
ONCE OR FIRST MASS attended is important to receive the holy Eucharist. As long as in the state of grace.
December 25- Christmas Day
September 8- Birthday of Immaculate Conception
December 8- The Feast of the Immaculate Conception
January 1- The Feast of Mary

 All the faithful must attend to the Holy Mass every Sunday and on all feast of obligation, and receive the Holy Communion at
least once a year, on Easter time. Those who attend to the Eucharist every day, will receive countless materials and
spiritual graces from the Lord.

 We are oblige to go first to sacrament of confirmation before attending mass because we cannot receive the body of Christ if we are
not in the state of grace.
 When we receive the body of Christ with mortal sin another sin is formulated called sacrilege.
 It is already sin against the Holy Spirit. Why? Because you are already aware within yourself that it is sin but still you continuously
do it.
 You cannot just confess it but first internalize, ask forgiveness, be aware with that sin and promise not to do it again.


 The sacrament by which sins committed after Baptism are forgiven through the absolution of the priest.

 Jesus instituted the sacrament of Penance when he said to the Apostles: As the Father sent me, so I am sending you. Receive the Holy
Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained. (Jn 20:22-23)

 All of us need the sacrament of Penance, because all of us are sinners.

 Scripture says: if we say that we have no sin in us, we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the truth; but if we
acknowledge our sins, then God who is faithful and just will forgive our sins and purify us from everything that is wrong.

 We cannot say that there is no need to confess our sins to the priest, and that we can confess our sins straight to God.
 Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to Peter, to the Apostles and to their successors, when he said: I will give you the keys
of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth
shall be considered loosed in heaven (Mt. 16:19)

 There are sins reserved to the bishop and pope.

 Not all sins can absolve by the priest.
Example: Abortion is only reserved for the Pope.


 Penance remits all sins, and BISHOP AND THE PRIEST
gives us the sanctifying The Confession of Sin The absolution of sin
grace N.B.: The priest who are
excommunicated, or married, or
 We are Reconcile with the separated from the church, can
Church confess only in danger of death

 The priest must not reveal

the secrets of confession.

NOTE: The indulgence is the N.B.: if he does so, he is

remission of the temporal excommunicated by the church
punishment of sin. The sacrament
of Penance remits the guilt and the
eternal punishment is remitted by
works of penance, by the sufferings
of purgatory, or by the indulgences.
We can apply the indulgences to
ourselves or to the souls of
purgatory. In order to gain an
indulgence. In the prescribed cases,
we must confess our sins, received
the Holy Communion, and pray for
the intentions of the Holy Father.
1. Why need pa pa agyon sa pari not directly to God?

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on
earth will be loosed in heaven." Jesus said to Peter.

2. Who can receive the Sacrament of Penance?

Every Christian Catholic can receive the sacrament of Penance, provided he regrets his sins and promises not to sin again.
Those who are excommunicated like those who commit abortion, can be absolve only by the Pope.
The bishops, and those priest appointed by them. a priest not delegated by the Bishop can absolve from the excommunication only in
danger of death.
We must go to confession any time we commit a mortal sin. Every faithful must go to confession at least once a year. It is good rule to
confess once a month

 “Ordination” comes from the Latin word ordination, which means to incorporate

 Because of his role as a successor to the Apostles, who were themselves successors to Christ, the bishop is the proper minister of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders. The grace of sanctifying others that the bishop receives at his own ordination allows him to ordain others.

 The BISHOP possess the fullness of the priesthood because he has received the 3 degrees: diaconate, presbyterate and episcopate.
How about the Cardinals?

 They are chosen by the Pope from all the churches in the world who has communion with Rome; they are tasked with specific duties
and functions

Who is a Pope?

 He is the head of the world’s 1.2 billion

The Sacrament of Ordination

 Jesus instituted the sacrament of Ordination during the Last Supper

 When we receive the vocation from the Lord, we should have the courage to abandon everything and follow him
 Jesus promised three things
 Deacons means servant,
because their first duty is to POPE AND BISHOP The Confession of Sin The absolution of sin
serve the Church. The
deacons can assist the
Bishop and the priest during
the Holy Mass, to say the
Homily, to give Holy
Communion, to officiate
Marriages, to bless, to
celebrate funerals, to
baptize and to serve the
poor and the needy. There
are two kinds of deacons:
Permanent and in
preparation for priesthood.
The permanent deacons can
be married, and they will be
deacon forever. The others
receive the diaconate as
preparation for the
priesthood, and the must be

 The mission of the priest is

to teach

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