Differential Calculus 2021 Lesson Plan

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Course Name : Differential Calculus Semester : I Workload : Code Course : MAT1.62.1013

Programme : Mathematics Lecturer:
Study 1. Dewi Murni, M.Si
2. Khairani, M.Pd
Faculty : Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO 3 : Create simple realistic mathematical problem/solution under supervision
PLO 5 : Develop critical, creative, structured and thinking skill systematically
PLO 9 : Analyze information and data to make decision

Course Learning Outcomes (CO)

CO 1 : Interpreting inequality, function, limit, derivative and integral concepts
CO 2 : Applying inequality, function, limit, derivative and integral concepts in solving mathematical problems
CO 3 : Analyzing problems related to the concept of functions, limits, derivatives and integrals
Reference :
1. Purcell, Edwin J, Dale Verberg, and Steven E. Rigdon. 2003. Calculus 1, 9th edition.
2. Koko Martono. 1990. Kalkulus, ITB, Bandung.
3. Leithold, Louis. 1986. The Calculus With Analytic Geometry 1, 5th edition.

Learning Matriks
Form of Learning, Method,
Sub CO Assessment Sc
Week (achievement ability after Reference Pe
Criteria and
learning phase) Form Lecture Online nt
1 Generalize the fundamental Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
concept of real system 1. Real Systems Ability to Lecture Online
(Sub CO 1) 2. Prerequisite understand, Method:
material apply the Method: Synchronise
Apply the concept of system concept and Expository or
real to solve mathematics Reference : analyze the and Asynchronies
problems [1], [2], and [3] problems to Group of Expository
(Sub CO 2) solve it Discussion and
mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Quantitative: e-learning)
Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.
2 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form: 2
fundamental concept of Inequality Ability to Lecture Online
inequality (linier, quadratic understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) and fraction) apply the Method: Synchronise
concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of Reference : analyze the and Asynchronies
inequality to solve [1], [2], and [3] problems to Group of Expository
mathematics problems solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Quantitative: e-learning)
Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.
3 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of Absolute Value Ability to Lecture Online
absolute value (Equality and understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) Inequality) apply the Method: Synchronise
concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of Reference : analyze the and Asynchronies
absolute value to solve [1], [2], and [3] problems to Group of Expository
mathematics problems solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Quantitative: e-learning)
Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.
4 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of 1. Function Ability to Lecture Online
function (definition, understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) domain, apply the Method: Synchronise
range) concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of 2. Kind of analyze the and Asynchronies
function to solve function (odd, problems to Group of Expository
mathematics problems even, absolute solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) value, greatest mathematically Group
integer) and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept Reference : Google Meet,
of function [1], [2], and [3] Quantitative: e-learning)
(Sub CO 3) Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.
5 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of 1. Operation on Ability to Lecture Online
operation on function and its functions understand, Method:
graphic 2. Graphic of apply the Method: Synchronise
(Sub CO 1) function concept and Expository or
analyze the and Asynchronies
Apply the concept of Reference : problems to Group of Expository
operation on function and its [1], [2], and [3] solve it Discussion and
graphic to solve mathematically Group 2
mathematics problems and Assignments: Discussion
(Sub CO 2) systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Able to analyse the problems Quantitative: e-learning)
that connect to the concept Score of the true Assignment:
of operation on function and answer in Exercise
its graphic written test.
(Sub CO 3)
6 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form: 2
fundamental concept of limit 1. Introduction Ability to Lecture Online
function of limit understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) 2. Right and left apply the Method: Synchronise
hand limit concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of limit 3. Limit analyze the and Asynchronies
function to solve theorems problems to Group of Expository
mathematics problems 4. Limit solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) involving mathematically Group
trigonometric and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems function systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept Google Meet,
of limit function Quantitative: e-learning)
(Sub CO 3) Reference : Score of the true Assignment:
[1], [2], and [3] answer in Exercise
written test.
7 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of 1. Limit at Ability to Lecture Online
infinite limit and continuity infinity understand, Method:
of function 2. Infinite limit apply the Method: Synchronise
(Sub CO 1) 3. Continuity of concept and Expository or
function analyze the and Asynchronies
Apply the concept of infinite problems to Group of Expository
limit and continuity of solve it Discussion and
function to solve Reference : mathematically Group 2
mathematics problems [1], [2], and [3] and Assignments: Discussion
(Sub CO 2) systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Able to analyse the problems Quantitative: e-learning)
that connect to the concept Score of the true Assignment:
of infinite limit and answer in Exercise
continuity of function written test.
(Sub CO 3)
9 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of two The derivative Ability to Lecture Online
problems with one themes (Two problems understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) with one apply the Method: Synchronise
themes) concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of two analyze the and Asynchronies
problems with one themes to Reference : problems to Group of Expository
solve mathematics problems [1], [2], and [3] solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept Google Meet,
of two problems with one Quantitative: e-learning)
themes Score of the true Assignment:
(Sub CO 3) answer in Exercise
written test.
10 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form: 2
fundamental concept of 1. Derivatives Ability to Lecture Online
derivatives rules and high rules understand, Method:
order derivatives 2. Derivatives of apply the Method: Synchronise
(Sub CO 1) trigonometric concept and Expository or
function analyze the and Asynchronies
Apply the concept of 3. High order problems to Group of Expository
derivatives rules and high derivatives solve it Discussion and
order derivatives to solve mathematically Group
mathematics problems Reference : and Assignments: Discussion
(Sub CO 2) [1], [2], and [3] systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Able to analyse the problems Quantitative: e-learning)
that connect to the concept Score of the true Assignment:
of derivatives rules and high answer in Exercise
order derivatives written test.
(Sub CO 3)
11 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of Derivatives of Ability to Lecture Online
derivatives of transcendent transcendent understand, Method:
function function apply the Method: Synchronise
(Sub CO 1) 1. Natural concept and Expository or
logarithm analyze the and Asynchronies
Apply the concept of function problems to Group of Expository
derivatives of transcendent 2. Natural solve it Discussion and
function to solve exponent mathematically Group
mathematics problems function and Assignments: Discussion
(Sub CO 2) 3. Invers systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
trigonometric Google Meet,
Able to analyse the problems function Quantitative: e-learning)
that connect to the concept Score of the true Assignment:
of derivatives of Reference : answer in Exercise
transcendent function [1], [2], and [3] written test.
(Sub CO 3)

12 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:

fundamental concept of 1. Chain rules Ability to Lecture Online
chain rules and implicit 2. Implicit understand, Method:
differentiation differentiation apply the Method: Synchronise
(Sub CO 1) concept and Expository or
Reference : analyze the and Asynchronies
Apply the concept of chain [1], [2], and [3] problems to Group of Expository
rules and implicit solve it Discussion and
differentiation to solve mathematically Group
mathematics problems and Assignments: Discussion
(Sub CO 2) systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
Google Meet,
Able to analyse the problems Quantitative: e-learning)
that connect to the concept Score of the true Assignment:
of chain rules and implicit answer in Exercise
differentiation written test.
(Sub CO 3)

13 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:

fundamental concept of Related Rates Ability to Lecture Online
related rates understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) Reference : apply the Method: Synchronise
[1], [2], and [3] concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of related analyze the and Asynchronies
rates to solve mathematics problems to Group of Expository
problems solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept Google Meet,
of related rates Quantitative: e-learning)
(Sub CO 3) Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.
14 - 15 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form: 4
fundamental concept of Application of Ability to Lecture Online
application of derivatives derivatives understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) 1. Maxima and apply the Method: Synchronise
minima concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of 2. Monotonicity analyze the and Asynchronies
application of derivatives to and concavity problems to Group of Expository
solve mathematics problems 3. Graphing solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) function using mathematically Group
calculus and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems 4. Practical systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept problems Google Meet,
of application of derivatives Quantitative: e-learning)
(Sub CO 3) Reference : Score of the true Assignment:
[1], [2], and [3] answer in Exercise
written test.
16 Able to generalize the Topic : Qualitative : Exercise Form: Form:
fundamental concept of Indeterminate Ability to Lecture Online
indeterminate forms Forms understand, Method:
(Sub CO 1) (L’Hopital’s apply the Method: Synchronise
Rule) concept and Expository or
Apply the concept of analyze the and Asynchronies
indeterminate forms to solve Reference : problems to Group of Expository
mathematics problems [1], [2], and [3] solve it Discussion and
(Sub CO 2) mathematically Group
and Assignments: Discussion
Able to analyse the problems systematically. Exercise (via Zoom,
that connect to the concept Google Meet,
of indeterminate forms Quantitative: e-learning)
(Sub CO 3) Score of the true Assignment:
answer in Exercise
written test.

[1] Mid-Term Exam : 35%
[2] Final Exam : 35%
[3] Assignment : 30%

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