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Integrated Motion on the

EtherNet/IP Network
ControlLogix, CompactLogix, Kinetix 350, Kinetix 5500,
Kinetix 5700, Kinetix 6500, PowerFlex 527, PowerFlex 755

Reference Manual Original Instructions

Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network

Important User Information

Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and
operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to
familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws,
and standards.
Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are
required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment
may be impaired.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting
from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many
variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume
responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or
software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation,
Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to
personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.

ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.

IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.

Labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.

SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.

BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous

ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash
will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and
for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

2 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Summary of changes
This manual contains new and updated information.
Use these reference tables to locate new or changed information.
Grammatical and editorial style changes are not included in this

Global changes
This table identifies changes that apply to all information about a subject
in the manual and the reason for the change. For example, the addition
of new supported hardware, a software design change, or additional
reference material would result in changes to all of the topics that deal
with that subject.
Subject Reason
Updated branding Throughout

New or enhanced features

This table contains a list of topics changed in this version, the reason for
the change, and a link to the topic that contains the changed
Topic Name Reason
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498 In the Motion Status Bits table, changed the 21 and 23
bitmap values to reserved. In the Motion Axis Status Bit
table, removed bits 21 and 23 and added a description for
bit 25.
Required vs. Optional Axis Attributes on page 94 Updated the Conditional Implementation section and
updated attribute 1327 Conditional Implementation.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 3

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
Kinetix 350 Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 118 Added attribute 2313 and 2318. Updated the Conditional
Implementation column for attributes 590, 608, and 609.
Added attributes 836, 844, 876, 987, 985, 984, 2359, 617,
850, 2353, 2356, 618, 381, 281, 1351, 1348, 694, 1355, 2315,
1357, 590, 843, 591, and 609.
Added columns X and G for the entire table and applied
letter codes.
In Axis Features attribute, updated Conditional
Implementation column.
Added 87 Home Sequence, Motor Test Travel Limit, Motor
Test Speed, and Motor Test Torque.
Added PM Motor Flux Saturation, Track Mover Center of
Mass Offset, Feedback Calibration Offset, and Feedback 2
Calibration Offset.
Added 2586-777 attributes.
Added 784, 495, 829-830, 896-899, and 512 attributes.
Added 513, 863, 845-847-849, 791-800 attributes.
Added 635-636.
Updated Conditional Implementation column for 758.
Updated 765 Conditional Implementation column.
Updated 759, 766, 767 Conditional Implementation
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498 Updated the Semantics of Values. Deleted Move Pending
Status table and Jog Pending Status table.
Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473 In Axis Features, added 22 and 23 in Semantics of Values
and 24-31 Reserved. In Axis Configuration Attributes
Values table, added rows 9-127, 128-255, 128 to the table.
Updated Control Method Field Enumeration Definition
Motion Planner Configuration Attributes on page 527 Added Move Repeat Mode, Move Repeat Dwell, and Track
Mover Length tables.
Motion Scaling Attributes on page 535 Updated Motion Polarity section in the Signal Attributes
table. In Motion Polarity attribute, update the Signal
Attributes Affected by Motion Polarity table. Added Cyclic
Unwind Control attribute. Added Cyclic Unwind Position
Motion Homing Configuration Attributes on page 516 In Home Mode Attributes in Semantics of Values, updated
1 = Active C. In Home Sequence Attributes, in Semantics of
Values, added 6 = Immediate Absolute and added 7-255
Reserved. In Description of Attribute, added filtering of
optional enumerations. In Home Offset attribute, updated
last sentence in the description to say not applicable
instead of not valid.
General Motor Attributes on page 550 Updated description for the Motor Device Code attribute.
In Motor Type, updated Semantics of Values.
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556 In PM Motor Resistance attribute, updated Usage column.
In PM Motor Inductance and PM Motor Flux Saturation,
updated Usage columns. Updated usage column in PM
Motor Resistance, PM Motor Inductance, and PM Motor Flux
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559 Updated descriptions in Rotary Fan Cooling Speed and
Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating attributes.

4 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548 Added Track Mover Center of Mass Offset Attribute.
Updated Access Rule, Data Types columns, and
descriptions. Added Track Mover Center of Mass Offset
Load Transmission and Actuator Attributes on page 568 Added Track Mover Center of Mass Offset attribute.
Feedback Interface Types on page 453 Updated Feedback Type Abbreviation table.
General Feedback Info Attributes on page 470 Added new paragraph to Feedback N Serial Number
attribute. Added the Position Feedback n attribute.
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456 Updated all attributes.
Command Generator Signal Attributes on page 253 Added new attributes.
Velocity Loop Configuration Attributes on page 318 Added Velocity Feedback Delay Compensation attribute. In
Slat Min Speed/Torque Mode, updated description.
Acceleration Control Configuration Attributes on page 247 Updated the Acceleration Limit and Deceleration Limit
Torque/Force Control Signal Attributes on page 317 Changed the total inertia estimate parameter to torque
estimate. Changed access to Get/GSV and changed the
Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes on page 291 Updated with new attributes.
Current Control Signal Attributes on page 270 Updated Operative Current Limit attribute and Current
Limit Source attribute. Added Track Section Coil N Current
Feedback attribute. In the Commutation Alignment
attribute, updated the Comm Alignment Selections table.
Frequency Control Configuration Attributes on page 280 Updated the description of the attributes and semantics.
Updated descriptions in Break Voltage, Break Frequency,
Start Boost, and Run Boost. Added Current Limit
Regulation KP. Added Current Limit Regulator Kp, Current
Limit Regulator Ki, Current Limit Regulator Kd, Low
Frequency Id Current Limit Regulator Kp, Low Frequency
Iq Current Limit Regulator Kp, Sensorless Vector Economy
Accel Decel Kp, Sensorless Vector Economy Accel Decel Ki,
Sensorless Vector Economy At Speed Ki, and Sensorless
Vector Boost Filter Bandwidth.
Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594 Updated Stopping Action attribute, Connection Loss
Stopping Action, Stopping Time Limit and Coasting Time
Limit, Stopping Action Enumeration and Definition table,
Resistive Break Contact Delay, and Mechanical Brake
Release Delay. Added tip in Mechanical Brake Engage
DC Bus Condition Attributes on page 617 Added Bus Regulator Voltage Level, Bus Regulator KD, Bus
Regulator Ki, Bus Limit Regulator KP, Bus Limit Active
Current Regulator Ki, Bus Limit Active, External Bus Cap,
Current Regulator KP, Extern Bus Cap, Pre-Charge Hold
Control, and Pre-Charge Hold Delay.
Power and Thermal Management Status Attributes on Updated Need in Impl. column for Motor Overload Pivot
page 371 Method, Inverter Overload Protection Method, Bus
Regulator Overload Protection Method, Bus Regulator
Capacity Motor Overload Action, and Inverter Overload
Action. Updated description and semantics for Inverter
Overload Action, Added Track Section N Coil. Updated
Stopping Action Enumeration Definitions.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 5

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339 Updated status conditions and description for Bit 2.
Updated status condition for Power structure enabled.
Updated tracking command status condition and
description. Updated status command for current limit,
thermal limit, shutdown, and DC Bus Overload. Updated
description for DC Bus Unload. Updated Regenerative
Converter AC Line Monitoring Attributes table and
Converter AC Line Configuration Attributes table.
Module/Node Fault and Alarm Attributes on page 438 Updated the Module Alarm Bits table.
Fault Log Attributes on page 443 Added Fault Log Attributes topic.
Standard Axis Exceptions on page 662 Updated the section name to Standard Axis Exceptions
(formerly Standard Exceptions). Updated Standard
Exception Table.
Standard CIP Axis Fault and Alarm Names on page 667 Updated bits 48, 59, and 78 to 86.
Rockwell Automation Specific Axis Exceptions on page 671 Changed topic name to Rockwell Automation Specific Axis
Exceptions. Updated the Rockwell Automation Specific
Exception Table.
Exception User Limit Configuration Attributes on page 423 Updated the Need in Impl. column for the attributes.
Axis Exception Action Configuration Attributes on page Updated Default Value column.
Axis Exception Action on page 411 Updated Need in Impl. column.
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page Update Rockwell Automation specific Initialization Fault
436 table bits 19 to 31. Added the Specific Initialization Fault
Name Mapping table.
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616 Added bits 12 and 13 and updated bits14-15 reserved to
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits table.
APR Fault Attributes on page 405 Added bit 8, 9-15 reserved. Updated Rockwell Automation
Specific APR Faults table.
Axis Statistical Attributes on page 338 Added Cumulative Control Power-up Time. Updated Need
in Impl. column.
Drive General Purpose I/O Attributes on page 361 Updated Need in Impl. column.
Guard Safety Status Attributes on page 588 Updated Guard Status attribute.
Axis Safety Status Attributes on page 573 Updated Need Impl. column for Axis Safety State, Axis
Safety Status, Axis Safety Status - Rockwell Automation,
Axis Safety Faults.
Added the Axis Safety Status - MFG, Axis Safety Status
Faults - MFG, and Axis Safety Alarms - MFG attributes.
For Safety Fault Action attribute, updated the Need in
Impl., Default Value, and Semantics of Values columns.
For Safe Torque Off Action attribute, updated Need Impl.,
Default Value, and Semantics of Values columns.
For Safe Torque Off Action Source, Safe Stopping Action,
Safe Stopping ACtion Source, and Axis Safety Data A and
Axis Safety Data B, updated Need Impl. column.
Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401 Updated Semantics of Values.
Motor Test Configuration Attributes on page 404 Added new topic.
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391 Added Hookup Test Speed attribute.
Motion Database Storage Attributes on page 508 Updated Need in Impl. column for Drive Rated Peak.
Active Control Axis Behavior Model on page 55 Updated introductory paragraph.
Feedback Only Axis Behavior Model on page 57 Updated Shutdown Reset Conditions.
State Behavior on page 63 Updated Running State Description.
Module Class Attributes on page 678 Added Max Events per Update.

6 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
Module Axis Attributes on page 680 In Bus Configuration, updated Need in Impl. and
Description of Attribute columns.
In Bus Voltage Select, updated Semantics of Values
In Bus Regulator Action, updated Need in Impl.,
Description of Attribute, Semantics of Values columns.
In Regenerative Power Limit, updated Need Impl. column.
Added Duty Select attribute.
Added Mover Axis Assignment Sequence attribute.
Added Bus Voltage Set Point n.
Module Support Parameters on page 698 Updated topic name by replacing Attributes with
Parameters. In Inverter Support, updated description.
Added Bus Sharing Group, Secondary Bus Sharing Group,
Cyclic Read Limits, Cyclic Writer Limits, and Track ID.
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Added X - Track Mover to Device Function Classification.
Codes on page 97
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570 Updated Access Rule and Description of Attribute for
attributes 1339, 1340, and 1341.
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563 Updated attributes.
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561 Updated attributes.
General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471 Added Feedback n Velocity, Feedback n Acceleration,
Feedback n Error Code, Feedback nU Position, Feedback
nU Velocity, Feedback nU Acceleration, Feedback nS
Position, Feedback nS Velocity, and Feedback nS
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456 Updated Feedback Mode, Feedback Master Select,
Feedback Unit Ratio, Feedback n Resolution Unit,
Feedback n Unit, Feedback n Port Select, Feedback n
Type, Feedback n Polarity, Feedback n Startup Method,
Feedback n Cycle Resolution, Feedback n Cycle
Interpolation, Feedback n Turns, Feedback n Length,
Feedback n Data Length, Feedback n Data Code, Feedback
n Resolver Transformer Ratio, Feedback n Resolver
Excitation Voltage, Feedback n Resolver Excitation
Frequency, Feedback n Resolver Cable Balance, Feedback
n LDT Type, Feedback n LDT Recirculations, Feedback n
Loss Action, Feedback n Scaling Ratio, Feedback n
Velocity Filter Taps, Feedback n Accel Filter Taps,
Feedback n Velocity Filter Bandwidth, Feedback n Accel
Filter Bandwidth, Feedback n Battery Absolute, Feedback
n Calibration Offset.
Event Capture Attributes on page 356 Updated Event Checking Control, Event Checking Status,
Registration 1 Positive Edge Position, Registration 1
Negative Edge Position, Registration 2 Positive Edge
Position, Registration 2 Negative Edge Position,
Registration 1 Positive Edge Time, Registration 1 Negative
Edge Time, Registration 2 Positive Edge Time,
Registration 2 Negative Edge Time, Home Event Position,
Home Event Time, Watch 1 Event Time, Watch 2 Event
Time, Home Torque Threshold, Home Torque Time.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 7

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
Command Generator Configuration Attributes on page 249 Added Skip Speed 1, Skip Speed 2, Skip Speed 3, Skip
Speed Band, Ramp Velocity - Positive, Ramp Velocity -
Negative, Ramp Acceleration, Ramp Deceleration, Ramp
Jerk Control, Flying Start Enable, Flying Start Method,
Flying Start CEMF Reconnect Delay, Flying Start CEMF
Current Reg Kp, Flying Start CEMF Current Reg Ki, Flying
Start CEMF Velocity Reg Kp, Flying Start CEMF Velocity Reg
Ki, Flying Start CEMF Excitation Reg Kp, Flying Start CEMF
Excitation Reg Ki, Flying, Start CEMF Brake Level, Flying
Start CEMF Brake Time, Flying Start CEMF Zero Speed
Threshold , Flying Start Sweep Reconnect Delay , Flying
Start Sweep Initial Voltage Reg Kp , Flying Start Sweep
Initial Voltage Reg Ki , Flying Start Sweep Time, Flying
Start Sweep V/Hz DC Boost Adjust, Flying Start Sweep
V/Hz Ratio, Flying Start Sweep Speed Detect Level, Flying
Start Sweep Speed Detect Time, Flying Start Sweep
Recovery Current Reg Ki, Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg
Kp, Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg Ki, Flying Start Sweep
Brake Level, Flying Start Sweep Brake Time, Flying Start
Sweep Zero Speed Threshold, Command Notch Filter
Frequency, Command Notch Filter Width, Command Notch
Filter Depth, Command Notch Filter Gain, Command Notch
Filter 2 Frequency, Command Notch Filter 2 Width,
Command Notch Filter 2 Depth, Command Notch Filter 2
Position Loop Signal Attributes on page 285 Added Position Integral Feedback and Position Error.
Position Loop Configuration Attributes on page 287 Added Kvff, Kpp, and Kpi attributes.
Velocity Loop Signal Attributes on page 325 Updated all attributes.
Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes on page 291 Updated Adaptive Tuning Configuration.

Current Control Configuration Attributes on page 265 Updated Current Vector Limit, Kqp, Kqi, Kdp, Kdi, Flux Up
Control, Flux Up Time, Commutation Offset, Commutation
Self-Sensing Current, Commutation Polarity, Commutation
Alignment, Commutation Offset Compensation.
Frequency Control Signal Attribute on page 284 Updated Access Rule column.
Drive Output Attributes on page 368 Updated Output Frequency, Output Current, Output
Voltage, Output Power, and PWM Frequency.
Stopping Sequences on page 606 Updated Category 0 Sequence steps and diagram.
Converter AC Line Configuration Attributes on page 634 Added Demonstration Mode Select attribute.
Kinetix 6500 Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 187 Updated the Conditional Implementation column for
attributes 590, 608, and 609. Added attributes 836, 844,
876, 987, 985, 984, 2359, 617, 850, 2353, 2356, 618, 381, 281,
1351, 1348, 694, 1355, 2315, 1357, 590, 843, 591, and 609.
Replaced Y values with N values.
Converter Current Reference Configuration Attributes on Added Kc attribute. Updated Active Current Command,
page 649 Reactive Current Command, Active Current Trim, Active
Current Low Pass Filter Bandwidth, Active Current Notch
Filter Frequency, Active Current Rate Limit, and Reactive
Current Rate Limit.

8 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Summary of changes
Topic Name Reason
Converter Current Control Signal Attributes on page 654 Updated Access Rule column to Get for Converter
Operative Current Limit, Active, Power Limit, Reactive
Power Limit, Converter Current Limit Source, Active
Decoupling Voltage, Reactive Decoupling Voltage, Active
Voltage Output, Reactive Voltage Output, AC Line 1 Voltage
Output, AC Line 2 Voltage Output, AC Line 3 Voltage Output,
AC Line 1 Current Feedback, AC Line 2 Current Feedback,
AC Line 3 Current Feedback, Active Current Feedback,
Reactive Current Feedback, AC Line 1 Voltage Feedback,
AC Line 2 Voltage Feedback, AC Line 3 Voltage Feedback,
Active Voltage Feedback, Reactive Voltage Feedback, and
AC Line Electrical Angle.
Updated Description of Attribute column for Active
Current Reference - Limited, Reactive Current Reference -
Limited, Active Current Error, and Reactive Current Error.
Converter Reactive Power Control Attributes on page 660 Updated Access Rule column for all attributes.
Converter Output Attributes on page 661 For Converter Output Current, changed Access Rule to Get.
For Converter Output Power changed Access Rule to Get
and Semantics of Values to Kilowatts.
Power and Thermal Management Configuration Attributes Updated Motor Overload Action, Inverter Overload Action,
on page 370 and Duty Select.
Axis Exception, Fault, and Alarm Attributes on page 429 Changed topic name to Axis Exception, Fault and Alarm
Attributes. Added Axis Exceptions, Axis Exceptions 2, Axis
Exceptions - Mfg, Axis Exceptions 2 - Mfg,Axis Faults - Mfg,
Axis Faults 2 - Mfg, and Axis Alarms 2 - Mfg.
Updated Axis Faults, Axis Alarms, and Axis Alarms 2.
Frequency Analysis Attributes on page 332 Added a new topic.
Data Logging Attributes on page 335 Added a new topic.
Axis Info Attributes on page 330 Updated Need in Implementation column for Inverter
Rated Output Voltage, Inverter, Rated Output Current, and
Inverter Rated Output Power.
Updated Access Rule for Converter Rated Output Current,
Converter Rated Output Power, Converter Rated Output
Voltage, Converter Rated Input Current, Converter Rated
Input Power, Converter Rated Input Voltage, and Drive
Power Structure Axis ID.
Command Data Sources on page 34 Added last paragraph to Command Data Sources.
Command Ramp Generator on page 38 Updated the overview.
Command Notch Filter on page 40 Updated the overview.
Open Loop Frequency Control on page 86 Updated Sensorless Vector Operation. Added Sensorless
Vector Economy Operation section and added Current
Limit Regulators section.
Friction Compensation on page 77 Updated description for Strict Friction Compensation and
for Viscous Friction Compensation.
Torque Filters on page 79 Updated Low Pass Filter and Notch Filter sections.
Torque to Current Scaling on page 81 Added Torque Estimate section.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 9

Table of Contents

Summary of changes Additional Resources ................................................................. 17

Legal Notices ............................................................................. 18
Chapter 1
Integrated Motion on the Integrated Motion Axis Control Modes and Methods ................. 21
Motion Control Modes ........................................................... 22
EtherNet/IP Network Position Control Mode ..................................................... 23
Velocity Control Mode...................................................... 24
Torque Control Mode ....................................................... 25
No Control Mode.............................................................. 26
Motion Control Methods ........................................................ 27
Motion Instruction Compatibility ............................................ 28

Chapter 2
Behavior models used in CIP Acceleration Control Behavior.................................................... 31
Acceleration Limiter............................................................... 32
Motion Load Observer ...................................................................... 32
Command Generation Behavior ................................................. 34
Command Data Sources ....................................................... 34
Command Fine Interpolation ................................................. 35
Command Ramp Generator .................................................. 38
Feedforward Signal Selection ............................................... 39
Command Notch Filter .......................................................... 40
Current Control Behavior ............................................................ 40
Current Vector Limiter ........................................................... 41
Voltage Output ...................................................................... 42
Current Feedback ................................................................. 42
Motor Commutation............................................................... 42
Event Capture Behavior ............................................................. 43
Event Input Sources .............................................................. 44
Event Latches ....................................................................... 44
Event Time Stamps ............................................................... 44
Fault and Alarm Behavior ........................................................... 45
Exceptions ............................................................................ 45
Absolute Position Recovery .................................................. 47
Absolute Position Loss without APR Faults ..................... 48
APR Fault Conditions ...................................................... 48
APR Fault Generation...................................................... 49
APR Fault Examples........................................................ 50
APR Recovery Scenarios ................................................ 51
Reset an APR Fault ......................................................... 54
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model .......................................... 54
Active Control Axis Behavior Model ...................................... 55
Feedback Only Axis Behavior Model .................................... 57
CIP Motion Non-regenerative Converter Axis Behavior Model
.............................................................................................. 58
Motor Attributes Model .......................................................... 60
Position Control Behavior...................................................... 60
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 11
Table of Contents
Position Feedback Selection ........................................... 61
Position PI Gains ............................................................. 62
Velocity Feedforward ....................................................... 62
Position Loop Output Filters ............................................ 63
State Behavior ...................................................................... 63
Torque Control Behavior ....................................................... 73
Torque Input Sources ...................................................... 74
Inertia Compensation....................................................... 75
Friction Compensation ..................................................... 77
Torque filters .................................................................... 79
Torque Limiter ................................................................. 81
Torque to Current Scaling................................................ 81
Velocity Control Behavior ...................................................... 82
Closed Loop Velocity Control .......................................... 83
Open Loop Frequency Control ........................................ 86

Chapter 3
Interpret the Attribute Tables Attribute Units ............................................................................ 92
CIP Data Types.......................................................................... 93
Device Function Codes .............................................................. 93
Required vs. Optional Axis Attributes ......................................... 94
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Codes
................................................................................................... 97
Attribute Conversion from SERCOS to Integrated Motion on the
Ethernet/IP Network ................................................................. 114
Drive Supported Optional Attributes ......................................... 117
Kinetix 350 Drive Module Optional Attributes ...................... 118
Kinetix 5500 Hardwired STO Drive Module Optional Attributes
............................................................................................ 125
Kinetix 5500 Integrated STO Drive Module Optional Attributes
............................................................................................ 133
Kinetix 5700 Safety Drive Module Optional Attributes ......... 140
Kinetix 5700 Advanced Safety Drive Module Optional
Attributes ............................................................................. 148
Kinetix 5700 CIP Safety (EtherNet/IP) Module Optional
Attributes ............................................................................. 156
Kinetix 5700 CIP Advanced Safety (EtherNet/IP) Module
Optional Attributes .............................................................. 166
Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply Module Optional
Attributes ............................................................................. 177
Kinetix 6500 Drive Module Optional Attributes .................... 187
PowerFlex 527 Axis Instance Optional Attributes ............... 195
PowerFlex 755 Standard Drive Module Optional Attributes 200
PowerFlex 755 High Power, Standard Drive Module Optional
Attributes ............................................................................. 206
PowerFlex 755 Low Power, Non-Network Safety Drive Module
Optional Attributes .............................................................. 212
PowerFlex 755 High Power, Non-Network Safety Drive
Module Optional Attributes .................................................. 218

12 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Table of Contents
PowerFlex 755 Low and High Power, STO Only Network
Safety Drive Module Optional Attributes ............................. 224
PowerFlex 755 Low and High Power, Advanced Safety
Network Safety Drive Module Optional Attributes ............... 231
MSG Instruction Access Only Attributes ................................... 238

Chapter 4
CIP Axis Attributes Control Mode Attributes ........................................................... 246
Acceleration Control Attributes............................................ 246
Acceleration Control Configuration Attributes ..................... 247
Command Reference Generation Attributes ....................... 249
Command Generator Configuration Attributes ............... 249
Command Generator Signal Attributes .......................... 253
Current Control Configuration Attributes ............................. 265
Current Control Signal Attributes ........................................ 270
Frequency Control Configuration Attributes ........................ 280
Frequency Control Signal Attribute ..................................... 284
Position Loop Signal Attributes ........................................... 285
Position Loop Configuration Attributes ................................ 287
Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes.................... 291
Motor Adaptation Attributes................................................. 312
Torque/Force Control Signal Attributes ............................... 317
Velocity Loop Configuration Attributes ................................ 318
Velocity Loop Signal Attributes ........................................... 325
Data Attributes.......................................................................... 330
Axis Info Attributes .............................................................. 330
Frequency Analysis Attributes............................................. 332
Data Logging Attributes....................................................... 335
Axis Statistical Attributes ..................................................... 338
CIP Axis Status Attributes ................................................... 339
Event Capture Attributes ..................................................... 356
Drive Attributes ......................................................................... 361
Drive General Purpose I/O Attributes .................................. 361
Drive Output Attributes ........................................................ 368
Power and Thermal Management Configuration Attributes. 370
Power and Thermal Management Status Attributes............ 371
Drive Commissioning and Tuning Attributes............................. 383
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes ..................................... 383
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes ................................. 391
Hookup Test Result Attributes ............................................ 392
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes .................................... 395
Inertia Test Result Attributes ............................................... 398
Motor Test Result Attributes................................................ 401
Motor Test Configuration Attributes..................................... 404
Faults and Alarms Attributes .................................................... 405
APR Fault Attributes............................................................ 405
Axis Exception Action Configuration Attributes ................... 407
Axis Exception Action .................................................... 411
Configuration Fault Attributes.............................................. 415

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 13

Table of Contents
CIP Error Codes ............................................................ 415
Exception Factory Limit Info Attributes ................................ 422
Exception User Limit Configuration Attributes ..................... 423
Exception, Fault and Alarm Attributes ................................. 429
Initialization Faults Attributes .............................................. 434
Standard Initialization Faults.......................................... 435
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults ......... 436
Module/Node Fault and Alarm Attributes ............................ 438
Fault Log Attributes ............................................................. 443
Feedback Attributes ................................................................. 453
Feedback Interface Types................................................... 453
Feedback Configuration Attributes ...................................... 456
General Feedback Info Attributes ....................................... 470
General Feedback Signal Attributes ................................... 471
Motion Control Attributes .......................................................... 473
Motion Control Configuration Attributes .............................. 473
Motion Control Interface Attributes ...................................... 480
Motion Control Signal Attributes.......................................... 487
Motion Control Status Attributes ......................................... 498
Motion Database Storage Attributes ................................... 508
Motion Dynamic Configuration Attributes ............................ 512
Motion Homing Configuration Attributes.............................. 516
Motion Planner Configuration Attributes.............................. 527
Motion Planner Output Attributes ........................................ 533
Motion Scaling Attributes .................................................... 535
Motion Resolution Value Examples ............................... 546
Motor Attributes ........................................................................ 548
General Linear Motor Attributes .......................................... 548
General Motor Attributes ..................................................... 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes...................... 556
General Rotary Motor Attributes ......................................... 559
Induction Motor Attributes ................................................... 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes ................................................. 563
Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes ....................... 565
Load Transmission and Actuator Attributes ........................ 568
Rotary PM Motor Attributes ................................................. 570
Safety Attributes ....................................................................... 573
Axis Safety Status Attributes ............................................... 573
Guard Safety Attributes ....................................................... 587
Guard Safety Status Attributes............................................ 588
Stopping and Braking Attributes ............................................... 594
Stopping Sequences ........................................................... 606
Proving Operational Sequences ......................................... 610
Start Inhibits Attributes ........................................................ 614
Standard Start Inhibits ................................................... 615
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits ................... 616
DC Bus Condition Attributes ..................................................... 617
Converter AC Line Input Attributes ........................................... 628
Converter AC Line Monitoring Attributes ............................. 628
Converter AC Line Configuration Attributes ........................ 634

14 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Table of Contents
Converter AC Line Source Configuration Attributes ............ 636
AC Line Condition Attributes ............................................... 637
Converter Control Attributes ..................................................... 640
Converter Types ................................................................. 640
Converter Control Mode Attributes...................................... 641
Converter Bus Voltage Control Configuration Attributes ..... 644
Converter Bus Voltage Control Signal Attributes ................ 646
Converter Current Reference Configuration Attributes ....... 649
Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes ................... 651
Converter Current Control Configuration Attributes ............ 652
Converter Current Control Signal Attributes ........................ 654
Converter Reactive Power Control Attributes...................... 660
Converter Output Attributes ................................................ 661
Exceptions ................................................................................ 662
Standard Exceptions ........................................................... 662
Standard CIP Axis Fault and Alarm Names ........................ 667
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions........................... 671
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Fault Names ......... 674
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Alarm Names ........ 675

Chapter 5
Module Configuration Attributes Module Configuration Block Attributes ..................................... 677
Module Class Attributes ........................................................... 678
Module Axis Attributes .............................................................. 680
Module Feedback Port Attributes ............................................. 695
Module Timing Attributes .......................................................... 696
Module Support Attributes ........................................................ 698

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 15

Use this manual to review descriptions of the AXIS_CIP_DRIVE
attributes and the Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application Control
Modes and Methods.
It is intended for use as a reference when programming motion

Additional Resources Use the following resources to get additional information concerning
related products and technologies:
Publication Title Description
CompactLogix™ 5370 Controllers User Manual, Describes the necessary tasks to install, configure,
publication 1769-UM021 program, and operate a CompactLogix 5370
ControlLogix® System User Manual, publication 1756- Describes the necessary tasks to install, configure,
UM001 program, and operate a ControlLogix system.
EtherNet/IP Network Configuration User Manual, Describes Ethernet network considerations,
publication ENET-UM001 networks, and setting IP addresses.
Integrated Architecture® and CIP Sync Configuration Provides detailed configuration information on CIP
Application Technique, publication IA-AT003 Sync Technology and time synchronization.
Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network Describes how to configure an integrated motion
Configuration and Startup User Manual, publication application and to start up your motion solution by
MOTION-UM003 using the ControlLogix system.
Kinetix® 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Modular Mutli-axis Provides information on how to install, configure, and
Servo Drives User Manual, publication 2094-UM002 troubleshoot applications for your Kinetix 6200 and
Kinetix 6500 servo drive systems.
Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Safe Speed Monitoring Provides information on wiring, configuring, and
Safety Reference Manual, publication 2094-RM001 troubleshooting the safe-speed features of your
Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 drives.

Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Safe Torque Off Safety Provides information on wiring, configuring, and
Reference Manual, publication 2094-RM002 troubleshooting the safe torque-off features of your
Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 drives.
Kinetix 5500 Servo Drives User Manual, publication Provides information on install, configure, and
2198-UM001 troubleshoot applications for your Kinetix 5500 drive.
Kinetix 5700 Servo Drives User Manual, publication Provides information on install, configure, and
2198-UM002 troubleshoot applications for your Kinetix 5700 drive.
Kinetix 350 Single-axis EtherNet/IP Servo Drives User Provides information on install, configure, and
Manual, publication 2097-UM002 troubleshoot applications for your Kinetix 350 Single-
axis EtherNet/IP Servo drive.
Kinetix Safe-off Feature Safety Reference Manual, Provides information on wiring and troubleshooting
publication GMC-RM002 your Kinetix 6000 and Kinetix 7000 servo drives with
the safe torque-off feature.
Logix5000™ Motion Controllers Motion Instructions Provides a programmer with details about motion
Manual, publication MOTION-RM002 instructions for motion control.
Logix5000 Controllers Common Procedures, Provides detailed and comprehensive information
publication 1756-PM001 about how to program a Logix5000 controller.
Logix5000 Controllers General Instructions Reference Provides a programmer with details about general
Manual, publication 1756-RM003 instructions for a Logix-based controller.
Logix5000 Controllers Advanced Process Control and Provides a programmer with details about process
Drives Instructions Reference Manual, publication and drives instructions for a Logix-based controller.
Motion Coordinate System User Manual, publication Provides details on how to create and configure a
MOTION-UM002 coordinate motion system.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 17

Publication Title Description
PowerFlex® 527 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive User Provides information that is needed to install, start-
Manual, publication 520-UM002 up, and troubleshoot PowerFlex 527-Series Adjustable
Frequency AC drives.
PowerFlex 750-Series AC Drives Programming Manual, Provides information that is needed to install, start-
publication 750-PM001 up, and troubleshoot PowerFlex 750-Series Adjustable
Frequency AC drives.
PowerFlex 755 Drive Embedded EtherNet/IP Adapter Provides information on how to install, configure, and
User Manual, publication 750COM-UM001 troubleshoot applications for the PowerFlex 755 Drive
Embedded EtherNet/IP adapter.
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell
Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 Automation® industrial system.
Rockwell Automation® Product Certifications Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and
other certification details.
ODVA™ specifications ODVA, is the organization that supports network
technologies that are built on the Common Industrial
Protocol (CIP) — DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, CompoNet,
and ControlNet.

You can view or download publications at To order paper copies of
technical documentation, contact your local Rockwell Automation
distributor or sales representative.

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license agreements, trademark disclosures, and other terms and
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is licensed under one or more open source licenses. Copies of those
licenses are included with the software. Corresponding Source code for
open source packages included in this product are located at their
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Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 19

Chapter 1

Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network

Use this manual to review reference descriptions of the

AXIS_CIP_DRIVE attributes and the Studio 5000 Logix Designer®
application Control Modes and Methods.
Review Motion Control Modes on page 22 for a reference for the Motion
Control Modes and Motion Control Methods that explains when you can
use an axis attribute in an individual control mode.
To learn about how the different control modes function with attributes
review the diagrams provided in Behavior models used in CIP Motion
on page 31.
The Control Modes table lists the Motion Axis Attributes specific to the
CIP Drive data type. The table identifies the attribute implementation
rule as either Required, Optional, or Conditional. Drive replicated
attributes are identified also.
Review the Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89 section for an
explanation of how the data for the attributes are organized.
CIP Axis Attributes cover a wide range of drive types. The CIP Axis
Attributes on page 243 topics contain:
• Detailed attribute definitions
• Configurations
• Status
• Faults
Each attribute is in a table that includes information about:
• Usage
• Access
• Data type
• Default, minimum, and maximum values
• Semantics of values
Attributes associated with components that are common to all axis
instances of a multi-axis CIP Motion device or module are detailed in
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677.

Integrated Motion Axis The Motion Control Axis Object covers the behavior of various motion
control system devices that includes feedback devices, drive devices,
Control Modes and Methods standalone regenerative and non-regenerative converters, and motion
I/O devices. For drive devices, the Motion Control Axis Object covers a
wide range of drive types from simple variable frequency (V/Hz) drives,
to sophisticated position control servo drives, with or without integral
converters. Many commercial drive products have axes that can be
configured with instructions to operate in any one of these different
motion control modes depending on the specific application

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 21

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
Based on the variations in Motion Control Mode and Motion Control
Method, a set of basic Device Function Codes have been defined that
help organize the many attributes of the Motion Control Axis. Each
attribute has a unique identifier (ID).

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22
Motion Control Methods on page 27
Motion Instruction Compatibility on page 28
Device Function Codes on page 93
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Codes
on page 97

Motion Control Modes Motion control modes are organized around the general philosophy that
position control is the highest form of dynamic control. That is, position
control implies velocity control, and velocity control implies acceleration
Acceleration is related to torque or force by the inertia or mass of the
load; respectively, acceleration control implies torque control. Because
motor torque or force is generally related to motor current by a torque or
force constant, respectively, torque control implies current control. The
torque or force constant can be a function of the motor magnets as in a
Permanent Magnet motor, or the induced flux of an Induction motor.
Because acceleration, torque/force, and current are generally related by
a constant, these terms are sometimes used interchangeably in the
industry. For example, a torque control loop rather than a current control
loop. Motion Control Axis Attributes let you differentiate between these
control properties. This is useful when the relationship between them is
not static, such as when inertia/mass changes with position or time, or
when the torque/force constant changes due to temperature change or
motor flux variation.
The Control Modes are:
• B - Bus Power Converters (No Control Mode, No Control
• E - Encoder, Feedback Only (No Control Mode, No Control
• P - Position Control Mode
• V - Velocity Control Mode
• T - Torque Control Mode
• F - Velocity Control Mode

Motion Control Nomenclature

Linear and rotary control applications can affect the control
nomenclature. While rotary applications speak of torque and inertia,
linear applications speak of force and mass. When we refer to rotary

22 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
nomenclature, the defined behavior can generally be applied to linear
applications by substituting the terms, force for torque and mass for
inertia. With that understanding, we use torque rather than force in the
control mode diagrams without loss of generality.

See also
Position Control Mode on page 23
Velocity Control Mode on page 24
Torque Control Mode on page 25
No Control Mode on page 26

Position Control Mode In Position Control application mode either the application control
program (command execution function) or the motion planner (move
trajectory control function) provide a setpoint value to the CIP Motion
device using the cyclic data connection. The Position Control method
can be either open loop or closed loop.

Open Loop Position Control Method

A device configured for open loop position control applies to a class of
drive devices called stepper drives. This type of drive is illustrated

A feedback device for this configuration is optional. In the absence of a

feedback device, actual position can be estimated by the drive and
returned to the controller.

Closed Loop Position Control Method

A motor control device configured for closed loop position control is
traditionally referred to as position loop drive or position servo drive. A
position servo drive implies an inner velocity and torque control loop as
shown in following diagram. The presence of the torque/current control

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 23

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
loop sometimes results in this kind of drive being referred to as a vector

A feedback device for this configuration is generally required to achieve

good positioning accuracy. The feedback device can also be used to
return Actual Velocity and Actual Acceleration data to the controller
using the cyclic data connection.
In addition to Command Position, the controller can pass Command
Velocity and Command Acceleration for the purposes of forward control.

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22

Velocity Control Mode In Velocity Control application mode the application control program
and motion planner provide a setpoint value to the CIP Motion device
using the cyclic data connection. The velocity control method can be
either open loop or closed loop.

Open Loop Velocity Control Method

A motor control device configured for open loop velocity control is
traditionally referred to as Variable Frequency, or V/Hz, or VFD, drive.
This type of drive is illustrated below.
A feedback device for this configuration is optional. In the absence of a
feedback device, actual velocity can be estimated by the drive and
returned to the controller.

Closed Loop Velocity Control Method

A motor control device configured for closed loop velocity control is
traditionally referred to as velocity loop drive or velocity servo drive. A

24 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
closed loop velocity control drive implies an inner torque/current control
loop and therefore is sometimes referred to as a vector drive.

A feedback device for the velocity loop drive configuration is optional.

You can achieve tighter speed regulation when using a feedback
device, particularly at low speed. When the feedback device is included
it may be used to return actual position, velocity, and acceleration data
to the controller using the cyclic data connection. When the feedback
device is not included, only estimated velocity can typically be returned
to the controller.
In addition to Command Velocity, the controller can also pass
Command Acceleration for the purposes of forward control.

Acceleration Control Method

While not a mainstream control mode in the industry nor mentioned in
the IEC standard, the acceleration control mode is included here to
complete the dynamic progression from velocity control to torque control
and because the Motion Control Axis Object can support an
Acceleration Command, potentially derived from the controller's motion
planner. In the acceleration control mode, the application control
program and motion planner provide acceleration set-point values to the
CIP Motion device using the cyclic data connection. The drive converts
the acceleration set-point into a torque command using the estimated
system inertia. Acceleration control works in concert with the inner
torque/current control loop as shown below.

A feedback device for the acceleration control configuration is

mandatory and may be used to return actual position, velocity, and
acceleration data to the controller using the cyclic data connection.

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22

Torque Control Mode In Torque Control application mode, the application control program or
the motion planner provide torque setpoint values to the device using
the cyclic data connection. Because motor current and motor torque are

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 25

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
generally related by a torque constant, Kt, torque control is often
synonymous with current control.

A position feedback device for this control mode is optional. If a

feedback device is present it can be used to return actual position,
velocity, and acceleration data to the controller using the cyclic data

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22

No Control Mode The Motion Control Axis Object supports a No Control application mode
where there is no dynamic motor control function. This mode is often
used to support Feedback Only or Master Feedback functionality where
a feedback channel in a CIP Motion Drive device is serving as a master
feedback source to the rest of the control system. This mode could also
be applied to integrated CIP Motion Encoder device types where the
CIP Motion interface is applied directly to an Encoder.
In this No Control mode of operation, no command value is supplied to
the CIP Motion device using the cyclic data connection, but actual
position, velocity, and acceleration can be produced by the device to
the controller using the cyclic data channel, if applicable. The No
Control mode for Feedback Only functionality is illustrated in the
following diagram:

No Control (Feedback Only)

No Control mode also applies to other CIP Motion device types, such as
standalone Bus Power Converters and dedicated Motion I/O device
types. Since there is no feedback channel that is associated with these
device types, no actual position is returned to the controller.

26 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22

Motion Control Methods Within this basic motion control paradigm, there is latitude for different
control methods, both closed loop and open loop. By closed loop, it is
implied that there is a feedback signal that is used to drive the actual
dynamics of the motor to match the commanded dynamics by servo
In most cases, there is a literal feedback device to provide this signal,
and in some cases the signal is derived from the motor excitation, for
example, sensorless/encoderless operation.
By open loop, it is implied that there is no application of feedback to
force the actual dynamics to match the commanded dynamics. While
precision and performance are the hallmarks of closed loop control,
simplicity and economy are the hallmarks of open loop control.
The Control Method attribute is an 8-bit enumerated code that
determines the basic control algorithm. The device applies the algorithm
to control the dynamic behavior of the motor that is associated with an
axis. The Control Methods related to the Control Modes are listed in the
following table.

Control Method Filed Enumeration Definitions

Enumeration Usage Name Description

0 R/N No Control No Control is associated with a Control Mode of No

Control where there is no explicit motor control
that is provided by the device for this axis
1 R/F Frequency Control Frequency Control is an "open loop" control
method that applies voltage to the motor,
generally in proportion to the commanded
frequency or speed. This control method is
associated with Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)
or so called Volts/Hertz drives.
2 R/C PI Vector Control PI Vector Control is a "closed loop" control method
that uses actual or estimated feedback for closed
loop cascaded PI control of motor dynamics, that
is, position, velocity, acceleration, and torque, and
always includes independent closed loop PI control
of Iq and Id components of the motor current
3...127 - Reserved -
128...255 - Vendor Specific -

Axis configuration
The Control Mode and Control Method are derived by the Axis
Configuration according to the following table.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 27

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
Axis Configuration Valid Control Modes
Non-Regenerative AC/DC Converter No Control
Regenerative AC/DC Converter No Control
Low Harmonic AC/DC Converter No Control
DC/DC Converter No Control
Feedback Only No Control
Frequency Control Velocity Control
Position Loop Position Control
Velocity Control
Torque Control
Velocity Loop Velocity Control
Torque Control
Torque Loop Torque Control

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22

Motion Instruction The following table correlates the motion instructions with the
compatible control modes. The compatibility with integrated motion is
Compatibility based on the Axis Configuration and feedback type settings. The
motion instructions tables are divided by type.
Use the following key to interpret the column entries:
Symbol Meaning
x Control mode is compatible.
MSO and MDS execution initiate mutually exclusive modes of operation and execution is
conditional on mode.
* Axis may be used as a master axis reference only for this instruction.
Axis may conditionally use Motion Planner instructions if enabled with MSO instruction,
otherwise, it errors.
Shaded areas denote that Multi-Axis Coordination Motion is designed and tested for position
mode operation but not specifically restricted to that axis configuration.

Category Motion Instruction Name Abbr. Feedback Freq.Cntrl Pos. Vel. Loop Vel. Loop Torque
Only No Feedback Loop Feedback No Feedback Loop
State Control Motion Direct Drive On MDO
Motion Direct Drive Off MDF
Motion Servo On MSO # x # # #
Motion Servo Off MSF x x x x x
Motion Axis Fault Reset MAFR x x x x x x
Motion Axis Shutdown MASD x x x x x x
Motion Axis Shutdown Reset MASR x x x x x x
Motion Drive Start MDS # # # #
Event Control Motion Arm Watch Position MAW x x x x
Motion Disarm Watch Position MDW x x x x
Motion Arm Registration MAR x x x x

28 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 1 Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP Network
Category Motion Instruction Name Abbr. Feedback Freq.Cntrl Pos. Vel. Loop Vel. Loop Torque
Only No Feedback Loop Feedback No Feedback Loop
Motion Disarm Registration MDR x x x x
Motion Arm Output Cam MAOC x x x x
Motion Disarm Output Cam MDOC x x x x
Move Control Motion Redefine Position MRP x c x c c c
Motion Axis Home MAH x x c c
Motion Axis Jog MAJ c x c c
Motion Axis Move MAM c x c c
Motion Change Dynamics MCD c x c c
Motion Axis Stop MAS x x x x x x
Motion Axis Gear MAG * c x c c *
Motion Master Driven Axis Control MDAC * c x c c *
Motion Axis Position Cam MAPC * c x c c *
Motion Axis Time Cam MATC c x c c
Multi-Axis Coordinate Motion Coordinated Linear Move MCLM c x c c
Motion Coordinated Circular Move MCCM c x c c
Motion Coordinated Stop MCS x x x x x x
Motion Coordinated Shutdown MCSD x x x x x x
Motion Coordinated Shutdown Reset MCSR x x x x x x
Motion Coordinated Change Dynamics MCCD c x c c
Motion Coordinated Transform MCT c x c c
Motion Calculate Target Position MCTP x c x c c x
Motion Master Driven Coordinated MDCC * c x c c *
Motion Configuration Motion Run Axis Tuning MRAT x x x
Motion Apply Axis Tuning MAAT
Motion Run Hookup Diagnostic MRHD x x x x x x
Motion Apply Hookup Diagnostic MAHD
Group Control Motion Group Strobe Position MGSP x x x x x x
Motion Group Shutdown MGSD x x x x x x
Motion Group Shutdown Reset MGSR x x x x x x
Motion Group Stop MGS x x x x x x

See also
Control Modes on page 22
Control Methods on page 27

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 29

Chapter 2

Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Control systems and algorithms are used to discuss the CIP motion
attributes. Conceptual diagrams and feature descriptions are provided
to help orient you to the various components of CIP motion.
Behavior models
Acceleration Control Behavior on page 31 Motor Attributes Model on page 60
Command Generation Behavior on page 34 Position Control Behavior on page 60
Current Control Behavior on page 40 State Behavior on page 63
Event Capture Behavior on page 43 Torque Control Behavior on page 73
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45 Velocity Control Behavior on page 82
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54

See also
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89

Acceleration Control While dynamic motor control through an acceleration command is not
common in the industry, Acceleration Control completes the dynamic
Behavior progression from Velocity Control to Torque Control. The output of the
velocity loop, Velocity Loop Output, also has units of acceleration. The
sum the contributions of the Acceleration Command, Acceleration Trim,
and Velocity Loop Output to form the Acceleration Reference signal that
serves as one of the primary inputs to Torque Control behavior.
Acceleration Control can optionally include a Load Observer to
compensate for mechanical backlash, mechanical compliance, and
various load disturbances.
The following diagram provides an overview of the Acceleration Control
behavior model, including the Load Observer.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 31

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Acceleration Limiter on page 32
Load Observer on page 32

Acceleration Limiter The output of the acceleration command summing junction signal
passes through a limiter to produce the Acceleration Reference signal.
The Accel Limiter applies a directional acceleration limit, either the
Acceleration Limit or the Deceleration Limit, to the input command
signal based on the sign of the signal.
The following diagram illustrates this process.

See also
Load Observer on page 32
Acceleration Control Behavior on page 31

Load Observer Acceleration Control can optionally include a Load Observer. Feeding
the Acceleration Reference into a Load Observer, along with the
velocity feedback signal, has been found to be effective in
compensating for mechanical backlash, mechanical compliance, and
various load disturbances.
The Load Observer's effectiveness in this regard can be thought of as a
result of the observer adding virtual inertia to the motor. When the
observer is enabled, it functions as an inner feedback loop, like the
current loop, but unlike the current loop in that the observer's control
loop includes the motor mechanics.
Due to the work of the Load Observer, variations in load inertia, mass,
and even the motor's torque/force constant can be nearly eliminated as
seen by the velocity loop. In fact, because the Load Observer includes
the Acceleration Reference signal as an input, it can provide a velocity
estimate signal that has less delay than the velocity feedback estimate
generated by the actual feedback device. Thus, applying the Load
Observer's velocity estimate to the velocity loop can be used to improve
the performance of the velocity loop.

32 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Acceleration Feedback Selection

Feedback to the Load Observer can be derived from either Feedback 1
or Feedback 2. Which feedback source is used by the loop is governed
by the Feedback Mode. In general, the Load Observer works best when
by using a high resolution feedback device.

Acceleration and Torque Estimates

The output of the Load Observer is the Acceleration Estimate signal that
is subsequently applied to the acceleration reference summing junction.
When configured for Load Observer operation, the Acceleration
Estimate signal represents the error between the actual acceleration.
The signal is seen by the feedback device and the acceleration is
estimated by the Load Observer. This is based on an ideal model of the
motor and load.
By subtracting the Acceleration Estimate signal from the output of the
Acceleration Limiter, the Load Observer is forcing the actual motor and
load to behave like the ideal model, as seen by the velocity loop. The
Acceleration Estimate signal can be seen as a dynamic measure of how
much the actual motor and load are deviating from the ideal model.
Such deviations from the ideal motor model can be modeled as torque
disturbances. Scaling the Load Observer Acceleration Estimate signal
by the System Inertia results in the Load Observer Torque Estimate
signal. This signal represents an estimate of the motor torque
When configured for Acceleration Feedback operation, the Load
Observer Acceleration Estimate represents an acceleration feedback
signal. Applying this signal to the acceleration reference summing
junction forms a closed acceleration loop. Scaling the Load Observer
Acceleration Estimate signal by the System Inertia results in the Load
Observer Torque Estimate signal. This signal represents an estimate of
motor torque.

Load Observer Configuration

The Load Observer can be configured in a variety of ways using the
Load Observer Configuration attribute. Standard Load Observer
function is enabled by selecting the Load Observer Only.
In addition, the Load Observer's estimated velocity signal can be
applied as feedback to the velocity loop by selecting Load Observer
with Velocity Estimate or Velocity Estimate Only. Selecting Acceleration
Feedback degenerates the Load Observer to an acceleration feedback
loop by disconnecting the Acceleration Reference input from the
observer. The observer's velocity estimate is not available in this mode
of operation.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 33

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Acceleration Control Behavior on page 31
Torque Control Behavior on page 73
Velocity Control Behavior on page 82

Command Generation Command Generation includes these behaviors:

Command Data Sources
• Command Fine Interpolation
• Command Ramp Generator
• Feedforward Signal Selection
• Command Notch Filter
The following diagram illustrates the interaction command generation

See also
Command Data Sources on page 34
Command Fine Interpolation on page 35
Command Ramp Generator on page 38
Feedforward Signal Selection on page 39
Command Notch Filter on page 40

Command Data Sources Command data that impacts axis motion can come from a variety of
sources. The most common command data source is from a controller-
based Motion Planner using the CIP Motion C-to-D Connection. In this
context, command data can take the form of Controller Position,
Velocity, Acceleration, and Torque Commands generated by the Motion
Planner. The command data elements provided are specified by the

34 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Command Data Set attribute, which is based on the selected Control
Mode. The primary command data element can be augmented by
higher order command elements for the purposes of generating high
quality feedforward signals. Alternatively, these higher order command
elements can be derived by the device from the primary command data.
In either case, a Fine Command Interpolator is generally applied to the
Command Data to generate command reference signals to the device's
control structure at the device's update rate.
Another source of command data is a local Motion Planner resident
within the device. The Motion Device Axis Object defines a rich set of
features associated with a device based Motion Planner. These
features include support for electronic gearing, camming, moves, and
jogs. Through use of the CIP Motion peer-to-peer connection, the
gearing and camming functions can be directly linked to a master axis
command reference from a producing peer device for high performance
line-shafting applications. Alternatively, the master axis command
reference can be derived from a local motion axis instance. To facilitate
these features, the Motion Planner also supports the ability to establish
an absolute position reference to the machine through homing and
redefine position operations as well as perform rotary unwind
functionality. The device's Motion Planner is controlled by CIP service
Command Data, such as the Controller Velocity Command, can be set
directly by the user. In this context, the device must apply its own Ramp
Generator function to smoothly accelerate or decelerate the motor to
the commanded velocity.
Both the Fine Command Interpolator and the Ramp Generator are
functions of the Command Generator blocks shown in the functional
block diagram below.

See also
Command Generation Behavior on page 34

Command Fine Interpolation For synchronized, high-performance applications using CIP Motion,
command data is received from the CIP Motion C-to-D Connection or
the device's local Motion Planner, and based on the connection's
Command Target Update element being set to 'Interpolate', processed
by the Fine Interpolator functionality of the Command Generator.
The job of the Fine Interpolator is to compute coefficients to a trajectory
polynomial that is designed to reach the command data at its
associated Command Target Time. Depending on the specific
command data element, the trajectory can follow a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd order
polynomial trajectory with initial conditions based on current axis
Because the polynomial is a function of time, a new fine command
value can be calculated any time the CIP Motion device needs to
perform a control calculation. As a result, it is not necessary that the
device's control calculation period be integrally divisible into the
Controller Update Period.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 35

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
To improve device interchangeability, a minimum order for the fine
interpolators is recommended. Because contemporary Motion Planners
typically generate their trajectories based on 3rd order polynomials in
position, it is important that the fine interpolators reproduce these
trajectories with high fidelity. Therefore, the position fine interpolator is
defined as 3rd order, the velocity interpolator is 2nd order, and the
acceleration and torque interpolators are both 1st order. Higher order
fine interpolators are possible and are left to the device vendor's
The following table provide a reference to the polynomial equations:
Interpolator name Equation
Position Fine Interpolation Polynomial P(t) = a0 + a1 * (t-t0) + a2 * (t- t0)2 + a3 * (t-t0)3
Velocity Fine Interpolation Polynomial V(t) = b0 + b1 * (t-t0) + b2 * (t- t0)2
Acceleration Fine Interpolation A(t) = c0 + c1 * (t-t0)
Torque Fine Interpolation Polynomial T(t) = d0 + d1 * (t-t0)

In these equations, time (t0), represents the Command Target Time for
the previous Motion Planner update such that when t = t0, the position
(P), velocity (V), acceleration (A), and torque (T) command values are
equal to the values sent in the previous Motion Planner update, for
example, P–1, V–1, A–1, and T–1. This establishes the 0th order
coefficients of the polynomials.
• P(t0) = P–1 = a0
• V(t0) = V–1 = b0
• A(t0) = A–1 = c0
• T(t0) = T–1 = d0
The higher order polynomial coefficients are calculated such that by the
next Motion Planner update, corresponding to Command Target Time,
t1, the position, velocity, acceleration, and torque command values are
the values sent in the latest Motion Planner update, for example, P0, V0,
A0, and T0.
• P(t1) = P0
• V(t1) = V0
• A(t1) = A0
• T(t1) = T0
Using the above polynomial interpolation equations, the CIP Motion
device can compute position, velocity, acceleration, and torque
command values at any time by plugging in the current System Time
value of the device into the variable, t. This allows the device's control
calculation to be performed according to a schedule that is independent
of the controller's update schedule.
One thing that must be done, however, is to adjust the Command
Target Time, t0, if there is a shift in the System Time Offset for the
device; t0 and t are always based on the same System Time reference
system. For example, assume the device's System Time Offset when
the control command timestamp, t0, was received as Offset0. If the
command interpolation equation is to be applied at t= t1 and the current
System Time Offset is defined as Offset1, then t0 is adjusted as follows
before executing the polynomial:

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
• Adjusted t0 = t0 + (Offset1 – Offset0)
Alternatively, the values for t, t0, and t1 can be based on local time
rather than system time by using the current System Time Offset to
convert between System Time to local time. This may be more
convenient for the interpolator implementation and is left to the device
vendor's discretion.
The polynomial coefficients are computed based on standard formulas
that are a function of the history of command values over the last few
updates. The number of historical command values used in the formula
depends on the order of the polynomial. For example, the 3rd order
command position polynomial uses the three previous command
position values. For convenience, the interpolator polynomial coefficient
formulas are provided in the following table:
Coefficient name Equations
Position Fine Interpolation Polynomial a0 = P-1
Coefficients a1 = 1/T * (∆P0 - 1/2*∆V0 - 1/6*∆A0)
a2 = 1/T2 * (1/2*∆V0)
a3 = 1/T3 * (1/6*∆A0)
Velocity Fine Interpolation Polynomial b0 = V-1
Coefficients b1 = 1/T * (V- 1/2*∆A0)
b2 = 1/T2 * (1/2*∆A0)
Acceleration Fine Interpolation c0 = A-1
Polynomial Coefficients (Torque is c1 = 1/T * ∆A0
same form as Accel)
These equations are based on the following nomenclature:
T = Controller Update Period
∆P0 = (P0 - P-1)
∆V0 = (V0 - V-1) = (P0 - 2P-1 + P-2)
∆A0 = (A0 - A-1) = (V0 - 2V-1 + V-2) = (P0 - 3P-1 + 3P-2 - P-3)

The preceding polynomial coefficients should be applied to the fine

interpolator as soon possible after t is equal to or greater than t0.
Applying the new coefficients too early, for example, with significantly
less than t0, can create unnecessary error in the command trajectory
when connecting the last fine interpolator segment to the new fine
interpolator segment at t0.
When t > t1, the fine interpolation polynomial becomes an extrapolation
polynomial. In the absence of a fresh update from the Motion Planner,
the extrapolation polynomial can be used to provide estimated
command data to the device control structure until fresh Motion Planner
command data is available. Once fresh command data is made
available, new polynomial coefficients are computed and applied
without delay. In this way, the motion control can 'ride-through'
occasionally late or with lost connection data packets resulting in a
robust distributed motion control network solution. To be clear, late
connection data is always applied and never thrown away; late data still
represents the freshest data available from the controller and the
extrapolation polynomial ensures that the command data is applied in
such a way as to maintain a smooth motion trajectory despite variations
in command data delivery.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
When the update period of the Motion Planner is short enough relative
to the dynamics of the command trajectory, or is comparable to the
device control calculation period, fine interpolation may not be
necessary. The Motion Planner can make this determination by
comparing the planner update period to that of the device control
calculation period. When fine interpolation is used, the planner adds
additional planner update periods to the planner time stamp, so it is
advantageous to eliminate this planner update period delay if
interpolation is not necessary.
Even though fine interpolation may not be necessary in some cases, it
does not mean that the command data is to be applied directly to the
device's control structure. It still may be necessary to calculate the
above polynomials so the device can extrapolate the command value
when the device's control update occurs. That is because, in general,
the device's control update time stamp does not need to match the time
stamp of the command data.
Finally, there are applications and CIP Motion device types that do not
require the dynamic accuracy that time-stamped interpolation and
extrapolation provide. Various velocity and Torque Control applications,
for example, may fall in this category. In general, command data can
also be applied to the control structures of Variable Frequency drives
without interpolation or extrapolation.

See also
Command Generation Behavior on page 34

Command Ramp Generator When operating in Closed Loop Velocity mode, the Ramp Generator
feature of the Velocity Fine Command Generator block is applied to the
Controller Velocity Command value sent by the controller when the
Command Target Update element of the connection is set to
‘Immediate’ mode. In Immediate mode, Command Data is applied
immediately to the devices’ control structure without fine interpolation or
extrapolation. Since there is generally no motion planner generating the
Command Data in this mode, the Command Data value from the
controller can change drastically from one update to the next. To
address this condition, a Ramp Generator function is needed to ramp
the motor to the new Controller Velocity Command Data value within
the dynamic limitations of system. For example, if the Controller Velocity
Command value suddenly changed from 0 to 30 revolutions per second
in Immediate Mode, the Ramp Generator would produce a Fine Velocity
Command signal that accelerates the motor to the Controller Velocity
Command value based on the configured Ramp Acceleration and Jerk
Control attribute values. The Ramp Jerk Control attribute determines
what percentage of the acceleration or deceleration ramps is S-Curve
with the remaining portion of the ramp governed by the fixed Ramp
Acceleration or Deceleration attribute values.
When operating in Closed Loop Velocity mode, the Ramp Generator
feature of the Velocity Fine Command Generator block allows the motor
to ramp to zero speed, as part of a Ramped Decel stopping action,
regardless of the value of the Command Target Update element.
Likewise, when operating in Closed Loop Position mode, the Ramp

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Generator feature of the Position Fine Command Generator block
allows the motor to ramp to zero speed, as part of a Ramped Decel
stopping action, again regardless of the value of the Command Target
Update element. The deceleration ramp profile is determined by the
configured Ramp Deceleration and Jerk Control attribute values. The
Ramp Jerk Control attribute determines what percentage of the
deceleration ramp is S-Curve with the remaining portion of the ramp
governed by the fixed Ramp Deceleration attribute value.
While a Ramp Generator function could be included in each of the Fine
Command Generator blocks for position, velocity, and acceleration
commands, this version of the Motion Device Axis Object specification
only supports a Ramp Generator in the Velocity Fine Command
Generator block, and in the Position Fine Command Generator block for
the purposes of applying a Ramped Decel stopping action in Position
Control Mode.
The Ramp Generator enforces directional velocity limits on the
Command Data, ensuring that the Velocity Command never exceeds
the configured Maximum Velocity Pos/Neg values.
In Velocity Control Mode, the Ramp Generator also supports Flying
Start functionality. When enabling the drive while the motor is still
moving, the Ramp Generator output is initialized to the current speed of
the motor. From there, the Ramp Generator smoothly accelerates or
decelerates the motor to the current Controller Velocity Command.
If the Command Target Update element of the connection is not set to
‘Immediate’, the Ramp Generator in the Velocity Fine Command
Generator block shall have no impact on the Fine Velocity Command
When operating in Frequency Control mode, the Ramp Generator
function is integrated into the Frequency Control block diagram.

See also
Command Generation Behavior on page 34

Feedforward Signal The Fine Command Generators can generate higher derivatives of the
command data input to serve as feedforward signals. The units for the
Selection velocity and acceleration feedforward signals are generally different
than the derivative units, hence the derivative signals are scaled
appropriately. Superior signal quality, however, can be provided by the
Motion Planner trajectory generators. The feedforward selection blocks
pick the best feedforward signal to apply based on the bits set in the
Command Data Set attribute. The best signal is defined as the signal
derived by using the fewest differencing operations.
The Fine command position is applied directly to the Position Control
loop without any of the typical de-referencing and offsets. It is assumed
that these operations are performed by the controller or device based
Motion Planner.
Feedforward signals are only applicable for Closed Loop Position and
Closed Loop Velocity Control Modes.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Command Generation Behavior on page 34

Command Notch Filter Position command and feedforward signals pass through one or more
command notch filters. These filters reduces anti-resonance behavior of
a compliant motor load by filtering out any commanded motion around
the anti-resonance frequencies.

See also
Command Generation Behavior on page 34

Current Control Behavior In general, motor torque is controlled by controlling the orientation and
magnitude of the motor stator current vector with respect to the rotor
magnetic flux vector. The Current control loop is responsible for
providing this control and is actually composed of two PI loops, one that
controls the torque producing current, Iq, and one that controls the flux
producing current, Id. It is the quadrature component of current, Iq, that
is used for dynamic Torque Control.
In the case of an induction motor, the flux producing current, Id, is solely
responsible for generating rotor flux. In the case of permanent magnet
motors, rotor flux is generated by the rotor magnets and Id is used only
in some cases to extend the speed range of the motor by changing the
angle of the stator field relative to the rotor field. In this case, the angle
of Iq relative to the rotor field remains the same, for example, at
quadrature. However, because the vector combination of Iq and Id
determines the stator flux angle relative to the rotor, increasing amounts
of Id can shift the stator flux away from quadrature to extend the speed
range of the motor at the expense of torque.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
The following diagrams show an overview of this behavior model.

See also
Current Vector Limiter on page 41
Voltage Output on page 42
Current Feedback on page 42
Motor Commutation on page 42

Current Vector Limiter The Iq Current Command passes through a Current Vector Limiter
before becoming the Iq Current Reference signal. This limiter computes
the combined vector magnitude of the Iq Current Reference and the Id
Current Reference signals. The resultant current vector magnitude is
compared to the Operative Current Limit that represents the minimum
current limit from among a set of potential current limits of the drive
device and motor.
If the vector magnitude exceeds the Operative Current Limit, the Iq
Current Reference is reduced so the vector magnitude equals the
Operative Current Limit. Potential current limit sources can be the Peak
Current Limit ratings as well as the Thermal Limits for the Motor and
Drive Inverter. Another possible limit source is the user-configurable
Current Vector Limit attribute.
Some of these limits are conditional and dynamic, such as the Motor
and Inverter Thermal Current Limits derived from the thermal models for
these devices. These limits are active only when the corresponding

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Motor and Inverter Overload Action attributes are set to provide current
fold-back. The thermal current limits in this case would decrease as the
simulated temperature of the modeled devices increases. The Bus
Regulator Limit is applied only when the motor is regenerating power
onto the DC Bus and is based on the Regenerative Power Limit.
With all these potential current limit sources that could be operative, a
Current Limit Source attribute identifies the source of the active current

See also
Current Control Behavior on page 40

Voltage Output The output of each current loop is scaled by the motor inductance to
generate a voltage command to the vector transformation block. It is
the job of the vector transformation block to transform the torque
producing, Vq, and flux producing, Vd, command signals from the
rotating synchronous reference frame to the stationary stator reference
frame. The resultant U, V, and W Output Voltage values are then
applied to the motor by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The PWM
Frequency is also a configurable attribute.
The magnitude of the Vq, Vd vector is calculated in real time as the total
Output Voltage signal. The maximum Output Voltage signal that can be
applied to the motor is ultimately limited by the DC Bus Voltage and
enforced by the Voltage Vector Limiter. Any attempt to exceed this
value results in an Inverter Voltage Limit condition.

See also
Current Control Behavior on page 40

Current Feedback Current feedback signals to the current loop are provided by two or
three current sensors. The signals from these sensors are conditioned
and corrected for device specific offsets to become the U, V, and W
Current Feedback signals associated with the stationary motor stator
frame. These three signals are transformed back to the synchronous
reference frame to generate the Iq and Id Current Feedback signals.
The magnitude of the Iq, Id current vector is calculated in real-time and
used as an input to the thermal models for the inverter and motor.

See also
Current Control Behavior on page 40

Motor Commutation Motor commutation is critical to closed loop motor control. The
orientation of the motor rotor can be determined from a feedback
source mounted to the motor. The actual commutation source is the
motor feedback device assigned to Feedback 1 or, possibly, the
redundant feedback channel assigned to Feedback 1. Once the
feedback device is calibrated to the absolute orientation of the rotor by
using the Commutation Offset attribute, the commutation block can then

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
generate the true Electrical Angle of the rotor. This signal is used to
perform the vector transforms between the rotary and stationary motor
frames and can also be used for any other algorithms that require
knowledge of rotor position.

See also
Current Control Behavior on page 40

Event Capture Behavior Event capture behavior captures both the feedback position and time
stamp associated with specific state transitions of selected event input
The following diagram provides an overview of the event capture
behavior model.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Event Input Sources on page 44
Event Latches on page 44
Event Time Stamps on page 44

Event Input Sources The Motion Device Axis Object defines a mechanism to capture both
the feedback position and time stamp associated with specific state
transitions of selected event input sources. Event input sources
currently supported by the object are:
• Registration 1
• Registration 2
• Marker
• Home Switch.
These event input sources apply to each supported feedback channel.

See also
Event Capture Behavior on page 43

Event Latches To facilitate accurate capture of both feedback position and time,
hardware event latches are typically implemented.
Two independent latches are defined for each registration input, one
latch to capture positive edge transition events and one to capture
negative edge transition events. This design enables capture of both
registration events in applications with narrow registration pulses where
the rising and falling edges occur nearly simultaneously.
In addition to the registration latches, a separate latch is also defined for
the home event capture. The home input event that triggers the Home
Event Latch can be any of a number of different combinations of home
switch and marker input events, for example, marker transitions, switch
transitions, or switch transitions followed by a marker transition.
With hardware-based event latches, event capture accuracy is, in
general, only limited by the latency of the associated event input.
Registration and Marker event inputs are lightly filtered so event capture
accuracy is on the order of 1 microsecond (µsec). In terms of position
capture accuracy, that would be calculated as the product of the event
capture accuracy and the speed of the axis. Home switch inputs are
heavily filtered, in general, and therefore limited to an event capture
accuracy of 1 to 10 millisecond (msec). Thus, to get an accurate
position capture based on a home switch input transition, a homing
sequence with a slow homing speed is required.

See also
Event Capture Behavior on page 43

Event Time Stamps Because the registration time stamp is passed to the controller as part
of the Event Notification data, the controller can apply the event time

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
stamp to the position history of other axes in the system to interpolate
their positions. This is particularly useful in applications where it is
necessary to determine the location of several axes at the time of a
single registration event. The more accurate the time stamp, the more
accurately the controller can determine these positions.

See also
Event Capture Behavior on page 43

Fault and Alarm Behavior The fault and alarm handling functionality addresses both the need for
a large and ever-expanding number of specific faults and alarms, the
need for programmable actions, and the need for timely reporting of
those faults and alarms to the controller. Additionally, no compromises
are made to restrict the resolution of the reported faults and alarms, so
that the controller always has access to the unique axis condition and a
meaningful diagnosis. Numerous Fault and Alarm related attributes can
be included in the fixed portion of the cyclic Device-to-Controller
Connection so the controller can monitor the condition of the axis in
real-time, without cumbersome polling.
The CIP Axis Status attribute contains bits to indicate whether an alarm
condition is present. The CIP Axis State enumeration indicates when
the axis has a major fault, which could be a regular runtime CIP Axis
Fault, Safety Fault, or an Initialization Fault. The Axis Fault Code and
related attributes are used to report the specific fault condition, time
stamp, and fault action to the controller for the purposes of building a
fault log.

See also
State Behavior on page 63
Exceptions on page 45
Absolute Position Recovery on page 47
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339
Exception, Fault and Alarm Attributes on page 429

Exceptions Exceptions are runtime conditions that the device continually checks
that might indicate improper behavior of the axis or operation outside of
an allowable range. An exception can result in an alarm, a minor fault,
or a major fault, depending on how the associated Axis Exception
Action has been configured – an exception can even be configured to
be ignored. Exceptions are automatically cleared by the device when
the underlying exception condition is no longer present.

Exception Actions
For each exception, the motion axis can be programmed for a variety of
actions using the Exception Action attribute. Exception Actions range
from generating a major fault that results in the stopping of the axis all
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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
the way to taking no action at all. The CIP Axis Faults attribute allows
the controller to have immediate access to any exceptions that have
been configured to generate a major or minor fault. The CIP Axis
Alarms attribute allows the controller to have immediate access to any
exceptions that have been configured to be reported as alarms.

Alarms are runtime exception conditions for which the device is to take
no action other than to report as an alarm. Alarms and warnings,
therefore, are basically synonymous. On a given device product, some
exception conditions may not be able to simply be reported as an alarm
without any associated action; for example an IPM fault in which the
power module automatically shuts off without software intervention.
Alarm conditions are automatically cleared when the underlying
exception condition is no longer present.

Faults can be initialization faults, configuration faults, safety faults,
module faults, group faults, motion faults, or runtime exception
conditions that the axis has been configured to regard as a fault. Fault
conditions can occur in either the controller or motion device. If a
runtime fault occurs during an operational state, for example, Running
or Testing, it will result in the device stopping (or aborting) all axis
motion, either automatically or programmatically. Fault conditions
ultimately transition the axis state to the Faulted state. A Fault that
results from an exception condition is latched, and does not clear when
the exception condition clears. A fault can only be cleared with a Fault
Reset. If the fault condition is classified as an 'unrecoverable fault', only
a power cycle or a device reset can clear the fault condition.

Start Inhibit Behavior

A Start Inhibit is a condition that inhibits the axis from starting, i.e.
transitioning to the Starting state for enabled axis operation. This
condition does not generate an exception if a start attempt is made. If
the circumstances that led to the Start Inhibit are no longer present, the
start inhibit condition is automatically cleared by the device, returning
the axis to the Stopped State.
If the axis is in the Start Inhibit state it indicates that one or more
conditions are present that prevent the axis from transitioning to
enabled operation. The Start Inhibits attribute reports the specific
condition that is inhibiting the axis.

See also
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
State Behavior on page 63
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45

Absolute Position Recovery Absolute Position Recovery (APR) provides support for establishing
and maintaining absolute position referenced to a specific machine,
commonly called the machine referenced absolute position or just
absolute position.
Absolute position is established by a homing procedure initiated by
successful execution of an MAH instruction. Once the homing
procedure has successfully established a machine reference, the Axis
Homed bit is set in the Motion Status attribute, indicating that actual
position and command position now have meaning with respect to the
associated machine.
It is good application programming practice to qualify dynamic machine
operation with the Axis Homed bit being set. Otherwise, absolute moves
to a specific position may not have any relationship to the position of the
axis on the actual machine.
Since the homing procedure usually requires the machine to be taken
offline and placed in a manual operating mode, for example, not making
product, anything that would require you to rehome one or more axes
on the machine is undesirable. This is downtime and costs money. The
APR feature maintains the machine reference or absolute position
through power cycles, program downloads, and even firmware updates.

Absolute Feedback Device

The absolute feedback device lets absolute position to be retained
through a power cycle. These devices take various forms, but they all
are capable of maintaining absolute feedback position while power to
the drive and to the feedback device is off.
When power is turned back on, the drive reads the feedback referenced
absolute position from the feedback device and, by applying a saved
absolute offset to this absolute feedback position, the motion control
system can recover the machine referenced absolute position.
Most drive products provide this capability. But what happens if the
drive is swapped out, or the drive firmware is updated? Absolute
Position is generally lost.
CIP Motion lets you recover the absolute position not only through
power cycles, but also program downloads, and even firmware updates.


For a SERCOS axis with absolute feedback, the drive scaling function
and absolute position is maintained in the drive and therefore may be
easily restored in the control after a power cycle or download of a new
project by simply reading the position from the drive.
By contrast, a CIP Motion axis supports controller based scaling where
absolute position is maintained in the controller’s firmware. Without the

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
work of the APR feature, absolute position would be lost after a power
cycle or project download.

See also
APR Fault Conditions on page 48
APR Fault Examples on page 50
APR Fault Generation on page 49
APR Fault Attributes on page 405

Absolute Position Loss The Absolute Position Recovery is not retained after the following:
• A project is exported, saved as a .L5K or .L5X, and imported
without APR Faults (downloaded).
• A major non-recoverable fault (MNRF).
• A power loss.
• On a Control Logix 5570 controller without an ESM
Tip: The APR can potentially be restored from a Secure Digital Card on a
ControlLogix 5570 Controller (if a 1756-ESM is not present).
• A download of an axis that does not have its home bit set.
• Power cycling of an incremental encoder.

See also
Absolute Position Recovery on page 47
APR Recovery Scenarios on page 51
APR Fault Examples on page 50

APR Fault Conditions Absolute Position Recovery (APR) faults are generated during these
events and when one of the conditions defined below occurs.
In order for an APR Fault to occur, the axis must be in the homed state.
The Axis Homed Status Bit must be set.

Attribute Changes
A Motion Resolution or an Axis Feedback Polarity attribute has been
changed and downloaded to the controller. This can also happen during
the execution of an SSV.

Axis Feedback Changes

The feedback device has been replaced. This creates an Axis
Feedback Serial Number mismatch.
Axis Feedback Mode has changed, for example, axis with feedback
changed to axis without feedback or vice versa and downloaded to the

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
• A user program is downloaded.
• A user program and tags are restored from CompactFlash card.
• Manual Restore
• Power up restore, when configured
• Firmware is updated using ControlFLASH.
• An SSV to change:
• Feedback Polarity or
• One of the attributes which results in a change to the Motion
Resolution attribute.

See also
APR Fault Generation on page 49
APR Fault Attributes on page 405

APR Fault Generation APR Faults can be generated:

• During initial axis configuration.
• During operation
• When the system fails to recover the absolute position after a
power cycle, reset, or a reconnection.
APR faults are detected during these online scenarios.
• Initial configuration (download)
• Reconnection of the drive axis
• Change in any of the axis attributes which impacts the absolute
machine position.
When an APR fault occurs, the actual position of the axis is set to the
feedback reference position of the axis. The values are read from the
absolute encoder. This clears the axis homed status bit.
A download, restore from a CompactFlash card, a restore from a
Secure Digital Card, or a ControlFLASH firmware update after one of
these events causes the APR fault.
• Axis Configuration
• Attribute Changes
• Offline edits of the axis attributes or configuration does not
cause an APR fault until after download occurs.
• Online edits of certain attributes will result in an immediate
APR fault. Changing the axis feedback device or feedback
polarity without downloading the project will also generate an
immediate APR fault.
• Axis hardware change or malfunction
• Enabling certain axis features (for example, extended position
feedback) via drive firmware update.
• Axis hardware resource insufficiency
• Hardware resource insufficiencies are only detected during
download or ControlFLASH firmware update and will result in
an APR fault.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
During axis configuration, the following checks are made:
1. Existing Axis?
2. Scaling Signature matches saved Scaling Signature?
3. Feedback Signature matches saved Feedback Signature?
If these three checks pass, generally absolute position is restored.
During operation, the system monitors the following conditions:
1. Feedback Integrity Status bit cleared?
2. Scaling Signature dependent attribute values changed by SSV?
Changes to the following attributes do not impact the Scaling Signature
or result in the loss of the absolute machine reference and therefore do
not generate an APR Fault.
• Conversion Constant
• Position Unwind
• Travel Mode
Care must be taken when changing these values that the new values
are rightly related to the Position Unit of the product and the mechanics
of the system. This is typically done as part of a product recipe change.
If the Axis Homed status bit is clear, indicating that position has not
been absolutely referenced to the machine, the APR function is
bypassed and there is no attempt to restore absolute position.

See also
APR Fault Attributes on page 405
APR Fault Examples on page 50

APR Fault Examples

Changing the Scaling parameters can potentially generate an APR fault
because internal constants computed from these two parameters may

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
generate a motion resolution change. If this happens, an APR fault is

Online Scaling
Any change or SSV message that results in a motion resolution change
will generate an APR fault.

See also
Resetting APR Faults on page 54
Absolute Position Loss without APR Faults on page 48
APR Recovery Scenarios on page 51

APR Recovery Scenarios The following tables provide detailed information on when the APR
feature recovers absolute position. The following assumptions need to
be taken into consideration. In each of these cases, the APR feature
restores absolute position and preserves the state of the Axis Homed
bit, indicating that the axis has a machine referenced absolute position.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 51

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
• All relevant axes are CIP axes.
• Yes, machine reference is recovered (for Axes that have been
• No, machine reference is not recovered (for Axes that have been
Scenario Event Machine
Controller Battery(1) Yes
Controller Power Cycle with Battery Yes
Controller Removal/Insertion Under Power (RIUP) with Battery Yes
Controller Firmware Update Yes
Controller CompactFlash Update Yes
Controller Swap (Same CF Card) Yes
Change Controller No
Change Controller without a CompactFlash Card No
Controller Power Cycle without Battery No
Controller Removal/Insertion Under Power (RIUP) without Battery No
Take the controllers out of two systems with a battery or energy No
storage module and swap controller. There are no CompactFlash
or Secure Digital cards on either controller
1. Controller remains powered. No
2. Power cycle drives.
3. Change feedback device but not motor
Controller Power Cycle or Removal and Insertion Under Power No
without a battery or energy storage module.

Controller and drives remained powered. No

Hardware feedback failure on an axis.

1. Battery Backed Controller No

2. User program running with an axis that is not homed.
Disconnect and reconnect the Ethernet cable. Yes
Disconnect and reconnect the same feedback or motor cable on Yes
an axis.
Inhibit or Uninhibit an axis or drive. Yes
Battery Backed Save to a Secure Digital card with a homed axis and you initiate Yes

Controller the restore.

RIUP controller. Yes
Cycle power on controller. Yes
Cycle power on controller that is configured to restore user Yes
program from a Secure Digital card on power up.
RAM memory becomes corrupt and the user program is restored Yes
from the Secure Digital card.
If you reset the machine reference using MAH or MRP after
storing the user program to a Secure Digital card, the MAH and
MRP changes will be lost. The APR will be restored to the
reference stored on the card.

52 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Scenario Event Machine
User program running with a homed axis and you manually Yes
restore the user program from a Secure Digital card.
If you change the machine reference using MAH or MRP after
storing the user program to a Secure Digital card, the MAH and
MRP changes will be lost. The APR will be restored to the
reference stored on the card.
Battery Backed Controller: Restore by taking the Secure Digital Sometimes
card to another controller.
If the other controller has the exact same axes configuration and
scaling constants as the Secure Digital card and has homed axes.
Transfer the Secure Digital card from the first controller to the Yes
second with the following preconditions:
• Empty the second controller. There is no user program in the
second controller.
• The user program has been saved on a Secure Digital card with
CIP Motion axes homed.
Transfer the Secure Digital Card from the first controller to the Yes
second with the following preconditions:
• The second controller has the same user program with the
controller being swapped.
• The second Controller has axes homed.
Reload the same user program from a Secure Digital card. This Yes
scenario assumes that the axis is homed in RAM prior to reload.
Update controller firmware from Secure Digital card. Yes
Change drive with same or different catalog number. Yes
Change motor but not feedback device Yes
Download same Change the name of an axis. Yes
program with no Download the same Logix Designer application program to the Yes
hardware controller.
changes. Save As with a different file name. Yes
Partial Export and then import an axis. Yes
Added application logic. Yes
Download the Logix Designer application project of Existing Axis. Yes
Add an axis. No for the new axis
Copy or cut and paste or drag and drop axis into the same project No for the new or
or a another project pasted axis
Export and then import into the same or another project. No
The term Battery in this table assumes a ControlLogix 5570 Controller and a 1756-ESMxxx Energy Storage
ControlLogix 5570 Controller

See also
APR Fault Examples on page 50
Absolute Position Loss without APR Faults on page 48
APR Fault Conditions on page 48

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Reset an APR Fault There are three ways to reset an APR Fault.
• Instruction Execution
Executing an MAFR
Executing an MGSR
Executing an MASR
Executing a MCSR
• From the Controller Organizer:
Clear the group fault, the Logix Designer application executes an
Clear the axis fault, the application executes an MASR
• Downloading the same project a second time

See also
APR Fault Examples on page 50
APR Fault Conditions on page 48
APR Fault Generation on page 49

Motion Control Axis The Motion Control Axis Behavior Model is based on elements of the
S88 and Pack/ML standard state models. The current state of the
Behavior Model Motion Control Axis is indicated by the CIP Axis State attribute. State
transitions can be initiated either directly using the Axis Control request
mechanism or by conditions that occur in either the controller or motion
device during operation.
Review the diagram for the behavior model to see how the axis state
maps to identity object states.
• Active Control Axis Behavior Model on page 55
• Feedback Only Axis Behavior Model on page 57
• CIP Motion Converter Axis Behavior Model on page 58
• Motor Attributes Model on page 60

Fault Reset State Transition Precedence

When an axis is in the Major Faulted state, the axis may transition to
one of several different states in response to a Fault Reset event.
Which state the axis transitions to is dependent upon other state/status
conditions of the axis.
It is possible for more than one state condition to be present at the
same time, for example. Shutdown, Start Inhibited, and so forth. Since
the axis state model can only represent one state at any given time, the
state of the axis is determined according to the following precedence:
1. Major Faulted
2. Shutdown
3. Pre-Charge
4. Start Inhibited
5. Stopped

54 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
State Behavior on page 63
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45
Exceptions on page 45

Active Control Axis The Motion Control Axis Object State Model is based on elements of
the S88 and Pack/ML standard state models. The current state of the
Behavior Model Motion Control Axis Object instance is indicated by the CIP Axis State
attribute (Attribute ID = 650). State transitions can be initiated either
directly using the Axis Control request mechanism or by conditions that
occur in either the controller or motion device during operation.
The diagram shows the basic operating states of the Motion Control
Axis Object when actively controlling axis motion (Control Mode != No
Control) or, in the case of a regenerative converter (G), when actively
controlling power, or in the case of a track section (X), when actively
controlling current for resident movers. Shaded regions show mapping
of Axis States to corresponding Identity Object states. State transitions
terminating on shaded boxes can transition to any axis state within the

Tip: * Specific Standby State after a Fault Reset is determined by applying the
Fault Reset State Transition Precedence Rules.
** When an axis is in the Stopped or Major Faulted states with Holding
torque (as a result of a Category 2 Stop), a Start Inhibit condition, Disable
Request, or Shutdown Request is used to execute the configured Stopping

Valid transitions for the Axis State Model are defined in the following

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Current State Event Conditions Next State
Off Power Up Self Test
Self Test Self Test Complete Initializing
Initializing Initialization Fault Major Faulted
Initializing Initialization Complete Pre-Charge
Shutdown Major Fault Major Faulted
Pre-Charge Shutdown Shutdown
Pre-Charge Major Fault Major Faulted
Pre-Charge Bus Up Stopped
Start Inhibited Shutdown Shutdown
Start Inhibited Major Fault Major Faulted
Start Inhibited Inhibits Cleared Stopped
Major Faulted Shutdown* Power Structure Enabled = Aborting
Major Faulted Disable* Power Structure Enabled = Aborting
Major Faulted Start Inhibit* Power Structure Enabled = Aborting
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 1 Shutdown
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Pre-Charge
DC Bus Up = 0
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Start Inhibited
DC Bus Up = 1
Start Inhibit > 0
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Stopped
DC Bus Up = 1
Start Inhibit =0
Major Faulted Reconnection Initializing
Stopped Shutdown* Power Structure Enabled = Stopping
Stopped Disable* Power Structure Enabled = Stopping
Stopped Start Inhibit* Power Structure Enabled = Stopping
Stopped Start Inhibit Power Structure Enabled = Start Inhibit
Stopped Not Bus Up Pre-Charge
Stopped Shutdown Shutdown
Stopped Major Fault Major Faulted
Stopped Enable Starting
Stopped Test (Active) Starting
Starting Shutdown Shutdown
Starting Major Fault Aborting
Starting Disable Stopping
Starting Start Complete In Process = 0 Running
Starting Start Complete In Process = 1 Testing
Stopping Stop Complete Shutdown = 0 Stopped
Stopping Stop Complete Shutdown = 1 Shutdown
Stopping Major Fault Aborting

56 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Current State Event Conditions Next State
Stopping Enable Flying Start Enable = 1 Starting
Aborting Stop Complete Major Faulted
Aborting Fault Reset Stopping
Testing Shutdown Stopping
Testing Major Fault Aborting
Testing Disable Stopping
Testing Test Complete Stopping
Running Shutdown Stopping
Running Major Fault Aborting
Running Disable Stopping
Any State Connection Close Initializing
Any State Connection Loss Major Faulted
* Event disables the axis power structure after a Category 2 Stop leaves the axis in active hold condition.

See also
State Behavior on page 63
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45
Exceptions on page 45
Stopping Sequences on page 606
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339

Feedback Only Axis When the Motion Control Axis is not actively controlling axis motion
(Control Mode = No Control), the state diagram reduces to the following
Behavior Model for a Feedback Only axis or CIP Motion Encoder device type. Shaded
regions show mapping of Axis States to corresponding Identity Object
states. State transitions terminating on shaded boxes can transition to
any axis state within the box.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Tip: *Specific Standby state after a fault reset is determined by applying Fault Reset
State Transition Precedence rules.

Valid transitions for the Axis State Model of a Feedback Only axis or
CIP Motion Encoder are defined in the following table:
Current State Event Conditions Next State

Off Power Up Self Test

SelfTest SelfTest Complete Initializing
Initializing Initialization Fault Major Faulted
Initializing Initialization Complete Start Inhibited
Shutdown Major Fault Major Faulted

Shutdown Shutdown Reset Start Inhibited>0 Start Inhibited

Shutdown Shutdown Reset Start Inhibited>0 Running
Start Inhibited Shutdown Shutdown
Start Inhibited Major Fault Major Faulted
Start Inhibited Inhibits Cleared Running
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 1 Shutdown
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Start Inhibited
Start Inhibited > 0
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Running
Start Inhibited = 0
Major Faulted Reconnection Initializing
Running Shutdown Shutdown
Running Major Fault Major Faulted
Any State Connection Close Initializing
Any State Connection Loss Major Faulted

See also
State Behavior on page 63
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45
Exceptions on page 45
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339

CIP Motion Non- When the Motion Device Axis Object is associated with a CIP Motion
Non-regenerative Converter, the Active Control state diagram reduces
regenerative Converter to the following diagram. Shaded regions show mapping of Axis States

Axis Behavior Model

58 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
to corresponding Identity Object states. State transitions terminating on
shaded boxes can transition to any axis state within the box.

Tip: *Specific Standby state after a fault reset is determined by applying Fault Reset
State Transition Precedence rules.

Valid transitions for the Axis State Model of a CIP Motion Non-
regenerative Converter axis are explicitly defined in the following table:
Current State Event Conditions Next State

Off Power Up Self Test

Self Test Self Test Complete Initializing
Initializing Initialization Fault Major Faulted
Initializing Initialization Complete Pre-Charge
Shutdown Major Fault Major Faulted
Shutdown Shutdown Reset Pre-Charge
Start Inhibited Shutdown Shutdown
Start Inhibited Major Fault Major Faulted
Start Inhibited Inhibits Cleared Pre-Charge
Pre-Charge Start Inhibit Start Inhibited
Pre-Charge Shutdown Shutdown
Pre-Charge Major Fault Major Faulted
Pre-Charge Bus Up Running
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 1 Shutdown
Major Faulted Fault Reset Shutdown = 0 Pre-Charge
Major Faulted Reconnection Initializing
Running Not Bus Up Pre-Charge
Running Shutdown Shutdown
Running Major Fault Major Faulted
Any State Connection Close Initializing
Any State Connection Loss Major Faulted

See also
State Behavior on page 63
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45
Exceptions on page 45

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Motor Attributes Model The Motor Attributes define the minimal set of required attributes to
support CIP Motion device interchangeability. This guarantees that
there is sufficient parametric data provided by the controller for any CIP
Motion compliant device, for example, a drive, to effectively control a
given motor.
The Usage category for an attribute is based on the Motor Type. Where
needed, Required versus Optional is further differentiated by
abbreviations for PM (Permanent Magnet) and IM (Induction Motors). It
is implied that these motor attributes are applicable to all drive modes,
F, P, V, and T, but not applicable for the No Control axis configurations
where there is no active motor control function.
For induction motors, the Motion Control Axis leverages the IEEE
recommended phase-neutral equivalent circuit motor model based on
"Wye" configuration. Reactance values, X, are related to their
corresponding Inductance values, L, by X = ωL, where ω is the rated
frequency of the motor. The prime notation, for example, X2', R2',
indicates that the actual rotor component values X2, and R2 are
referenced to the stator side of the stator-to-rotor winding ratio.

IEEE per Phase Motor Model:

For permanent magnet motors, the Motion Control Axis assumes all
motor parameters are defined in the context of a phase-to-phase motor

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563
Load Transmission and Actuator Attributes on page 568
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570

Position Control Behavior In Position Control mode, the only operative Control Method supported
is Closed Loop servo control. When performing closed loop Position
Control, the device applies the Position Command signal output of the
60 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020
Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Command Generator to the position loop summing junction. In addition
to the Position Command, a Position Trim input is provided that can be
used to provide an offset to the position loop. The classic PI control loop
generates a Position Loop Output signal to an inner velocity loop.
The following diagram provides an overview of the closed loop position
control behavior model.

See also
Position Feedback Selection on page 61
Position PI Gains on page 62
Velocity Feedforward on page 62
Position Loop Output Filters on page 63

Position Feedback Selection Feedback to the PI regulator can be derived from two different
feedback channels. This flexibility allows the position loop to operate
with either a motor based feedback device that is typically attached to
the Feedback 1 channel or a load-side feedback device that is
connected to the Feedback 2 channel. Which feedback source is used
by the loop is governed by the Feedback Mode attribute.
When the Feedback Mode calls for Dual Feedback operation, the
position loop utilizes the Feedback 2 channel and the velocity loop uses
the Feedback 1 channel. Since the two feedback channels may not
have the same feedback resolution, it is necessary to convert position
loop output from Feedback 1 units to Feedback 2 units prior to applying

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
the output to the velocity loop summing junction. This is done by scaling
the position loop output using the Feedback Unit Ratio.

See also
Position Control Behavior on page 60

Position PI Gains The Proportional Gain of the classic proportional-integral (PI) controller
sets the unity gain bandwidth of the position loop in radians/second,
while the Integral Gain is used to devise the Position Error signal to
zero to compensate for the effect of any static and quasi-static torque or
forces applied to the load.

See also
Position Control Behavior on page 60

Velocity Feedforward The inner velocity loop requires a non-zero command input to generate
steady-state axis motor velocity. To provide the non-zero output from
the device to the motor, a non-zero position loop output is required,
which translates to a non-zero position error.
This dynamic error between command position and actual position while
moving is often called "following error". Most closed loop motion control
applications require zero following error all of the time. This could be
achieved to some extent through use of the position integral gain
control, but typically the response time of the integrator action is too
slow to be effective in high-performance motion control applications. An
alternative approach that has superior dynamic response is to use
Velocity Feedforward.
The Velocity Feedforward feature is used in Position Control mode to
provide the bulk of the Velocity Reference input necessary to generate
the desired motor velocity. It does this by scaling the Fine Velocity
Command signal output of the Command Generator by the Velocity
Feedforward Gain and adding the resultant Velocity Feedforward
Command signal to the Position Loop Output generated by the position
loop to form the Velocity Reference signal. With this feature, the
position loop does not need to generate much effort to produce the
required velocity command level, hence the Position Error value is
significantly reduced. The Velocity Feedforward Command signal allows
the following error of the position control loop to be reduced to nearly
zero when running at a constant velocity. This is important in
applications such as electronic gearing and synchronization applications
where it is necessary that the actual axis position not significantly lag
behind the commanded position at any time.
Theoretically, the optimal value for Velocity Feedforward Gain is 100%.
In reality, however, the value may need to be adjusted to accommodate
velocity loops with finite loop gain. One thing that may force a smaller
Velocity Feedforward value is that increasing amounts of feedforward
tend to exacerbate axis overshoot. For this reason feedforward is not
recommended for point-to-point positioning applications.

62 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Position Control Behavior on page 60
Position Loop Output Filters on page 63

Position Loop Output Filters A lead-lag filter is provided at the output of the position loop forward
path. This filter can be used in the lead configuration to boost position
loop bandwidth and increase the stiffness, for example, the ability to
resist dynamic load disturbances.

In this equation, Kn represents the Lead-Lag Filter Gain, or high

frequency gain of the filter (the low frequency gain is always 1), and wn
represents the Lead-Lag Filter Bandwidth associated with the pole of
the filter:
• If Kn > 1, the filter provides lead compensation.
• If Kn < 1, the filter provides lag compensation.
• If Kn = 0 the lead-lag filter becomes a pure low pass filter.
• If Kn = 1, the filter is disabled.
Finally, a notch filter is included that has been shown to be effective in
solving certain types mechanical compliance problems. The equation
for this filter is as follows:

In this equation, Q represents the sharpness of the notch, and A

represents the attenuation depth of the notch. In most implementations,
the sharpness, Q, and the attenuation depth, A, are hard-coded in the
device. In PowerFlex drives the value of Q is 0.62 and the depth is set
to 30.

See also
Position Control Behavior on page 60

State Behavior The Motion Control Axis state model includes the following the states
and state transitions.

Off State
This is the state of the Motion Control Axis with power off.

Self Test State

When power is applied to the controller, the controller typically goes
through a series of self-test diagnostics. These tests include checking

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
whether the CIP Motion axis is associated with an actual CIP Motion
device and that the axis is also properly included in a collection of axes
called a Motion Group. All axes in the Motion Group are processed
synchronously by the controller's Motion Task.
If an associated CIP Motion device or Motion Group is not found for the
axis, the axis state in the controller reflects this condition as No Device,
and Not Grouped, respectively. The axis will remain in this state until
the problem is corrected. Similarly, when power is applied to the device,
or the device is reset, the device also goes through a series of self-test
diagnostics and internal device parameters are set to their power-up
default values. If unsuccessful, the impacted axis instances transition
immediately to the Faulted state by declaring an Initialization Fault that
is classified as Un-recoverable according to the terminology defined by
the Identify Object. Clearing this fault can only be accomplished through
a power cycle and is most likely the result of a device hardware
Once these self tests have been completed successfully by the CIP
Motion controller and the associated CIP Motion device, the axis state
transitions to the Initializing state where CIP Motion connections are
created and the devices are configured by the controller. From this point
on, the Axis State value in the controller is influenced by the Axis State
value in the device using the CIP Motion connection.
If the CIP Motion device supports stand-alone operation under local
control with local configuration data, the device is free to transition from
the Self-test state to the Pre-Charge state and on to the Stopped state.
Should the device receive a subsequent Forward Open service to open
a CIP Motion connection, the device will disable all axes and transition
back to the Initializing state, following the state sequence outlined
If the device does not support stand-alone operation and depends on
remote configuration data to be supplied over a CIP Motion connection,
the device will transition to the Initializing state and wait (Standby) for
the Forward Open service from the controller to open the CIP Motion

Initializing State
From the controller's perspective the Initializing state shown in the state
models consists of 4 different axis sub-states, Unconnected,
Configuring, Synchronizing, and Waiting for Group. While transitioning
through these Initializing sub-states, the controller has no access to
current Axis State value in the drive. Only after the controller's CIP Axis
State completes the Initialization process, does the CIP Axis State value
reflect the current Axis State attribute value in the CIP Motion device.
During the Initializing state, the device waits for the CIP Motion
connections to the device to be established by the controller using a
Forward Open service. Once the Forward Open service is successfully
processed, the device initializes all attributes to their factory default
values, resets all active faults, resets applicable axis status conditions

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
including the shutdown bit, in preparation for device attribute
Once connections are established, the controller sends Set services to
the device to set the Motion Device Axis Object configuration attributes
to values stored in the controller. Any configuration error encountered
during this process, such as "value out of range" or "value not
applicable", are handled by the device by erring the Set service
response. When the CIP Motion device is connected to one or more
intelligent motor and feedback components that contain non-volatile
configuration data associated with the component, this data will be read
by the device prior to responding to related Set services from the
controller. This allows the device the opportunity to validate the
controller's motor and feedback related configuration data against the
configuration data stored in the motor or feedback component. Any
validation error encountered during this process will be handled by
erring the Set service response with an "Invalid Attribute Value" code
(09). Finally, reading the intelligent component data prior to completing
the configuration process also allows the serial number of the
component to be read by the controller to determine if the component
has been replaced. The controller does not complete the configuration
process (Configuration Complete) until all configuration attributes have
been successfully acknowledged.
If the device supports synchronous operation, the controller then
synchronizes with the device using the Group_Sync service. If the
device has already been successfully configured, the CIP Axis State
transitions to "Synchronizing" until it receives a successful Group_Sync
service response.
After the device is fully configured and synchronized with the controller,
the controller checks all other axes in the Motion Group to determine if
they are also configured and synchronized. During this time, the CIP
Axis State is "Waiting for Group". As soon as the controller determines
that all axes in the Motion Group are configured and synchronized,
Initialization is complete and the CIP Axis State value is thereafter
derived directly from the Axis State value of the device in accordance to
the state model defined in the Motion Device Axis Object.
If a problem is found during this initialization process, for example, a
process that is beyond the scope of a Set service error, the device
generates an Initialization Fault. An Initialization Fault is viewed as an
unrecoverable fault, only a power cycle or a device reset can clear the
fault condition.
If the CIP Motion connection is intentionally closed for any reason
during operation using a Forward Close service, the device clears all
active faults and returns to the Initializing State. If the CIP Motion
connection is lost for any other reason during operation, the device
generates a Node Fault and transitions to the Major Faulted state. In
either case the device will wait for the CIP Motion connections to the
device to be re-established by the controller using a Forward Open
service. Once re-established the controller's CIP Axis State will
transition through the various Initialization sub-states.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
The Initializing State is classified as an Identity Object Standby state
and, therefore, requires that the associated power structure, if
applicable, is disabled.

Pre-Charge State
During the Pre-Charge state, when applicable, the device is waiting for
the DC Bus to fully charge (DC Bus Up status bit is clear). Once the DC
Bus reaches an operational voltage level (DC Bus Up status bit is set),
the axis either transitions to the Stopped state (drive axis or
regenerative converter axis) or to the Running state (non-regenerative
converter axis). The device's power structure is always disabled in this
state (Power Structure Enabled status bit clear). Any attempt for the
controller to enable the axis using the Axis Control mechanism while it
is in the Pre-Charge state is reported back to the controller as an error
in the Response Status and the axis remains in the Pre-Charge state.
The Pre-Charge State is classified as an Identity Object Standby state
and, therefore, requires that the associated power structure, if
applicable, is disabled.

Stopped State
In the Stopped state the device's power structure will either be disabled
(Power Structure Enabled status bit clear) or, in the case of a drive axis,
held in a static condition using an active control loop (Power Structure
Enabled status bit set). No motion can be initiated by a drive axis in the
Stopped State nor can a drive axis respond to a planner generated
command reference (Tracking Command status bit clear). In general,
the motor associated with the drive axis will be at rest, but if an external
force or torque is applied to the load, a brake may be needed to
maintain the rest condition. Similarly, no AC Line modulation can be
applied by a regenerative converter axis in the Stopped state, nor can
any regenerative energy be transferred to the AC Line. In the Stopped
state, main power is applied to the device and the DC Bus is at an
operational voltage level. If there are any Start Inhibit conditions
detected while in this state, the axis transitions to the Start Inhibited
state. If an Enable request or one of the Run Test service requests is
applied to an axis in the Stopped state, the axis transitions to the
Starting state.

Starting State
When an Enable request is given to an axis in the Stopped, or Stopping
state when performing a drive Flying Start, the axis immediately
transitions to the Starting state. In this state, the device checks various
conditions before transitioning to the Running state. These conditions
for a drive axis can include Brake Release delay time and Induction
Motor flux level. The device control and power structures are activated
during the Starting state (Power Structure Enabled status bit set) but the
command reference is set to a local static value and will not track the

66 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
command reference derived from the controller (Tracking Command
status bit clear). If all the starting conditions are met, the axis state
transitions to either the Running state or the Testing state.

Running State
The Running state is where the work gets done. In this state, the
device’s power structure is active (Power Structure Enabled status bit
set). In the case of a drive axis, the selected Control Mode is enabled
and the device is actively tracking command data from the controller
based motion planner output to affect axis motion (Tracking Command
status bit set).
In the case of a regenerative converter axis, the Converter Control
Mode is enabled and the device is actively tracking the Voltage or
Current set point value from the controller (Tracking Command status
bit set). In the case of a track section axis, the section axis is actively
tracking the current references for resident movers (Tracking Command
status bit set). The axis remains in the Running state until either a fault
occurs or it is explicitly commanded to stop via an Axis Control request.
In the case of an axis with no active control function (Control Mode = No
Control), the Running state simply indicates that the device is fully
operational. Since there is no active control function, however, the
Power Structure Enabled status bit and the Tracking Command status
bit are both clear. The axis remains in the Running state until either a
fault occurs or it is explicitly commanded to Shutdown via an Axis
Control request.

Testing State
When any one of the Run Test request services is sent to the axis while
in the Stopped state, for example, services that require an active power
structure to execute, the axis immediately transitions to the Starting
State (Power Structure Enabled status bit set), and then once the
Starting conditions are met, the axis transitions to the Testing state.
This Testing state is like the Running state in that the device's power
structure is active, but in the Testing state one of the device's built-in
test algorithms is controlling the motor (drive) or line energy flow
(regenerative converter), not command or set point data from the
controller (Tracking Command status bit clear). In the Testing state a
drive excites the motor in various ways while performing measurements
to determine characteristics of the motor and load. Similarly a
regenerative converter device applies current in various way to
determine characteristics of the AC line and DC bus. The drive or
converter axis remains in this state for the duration of the requested test
procedure and then stops and returns to the Stopped state. The axis
can also exit the Testing state by either a fault or an explicit Axis Control
request. In all these exit cases, a drive executes a Category 0 Stopping

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Start Inhibited State

The Start Inhibited state is the same as the Stopped state with the
exception that the axis has one or more 'start inhibit' conditions that
prevent it from successfully transitioning to the Starting state. These
conditions can be found in the Start Inhibits attributes. Once corrected,
the axis state automatically transitions back to the Stopped state.
For an axis with no active control function (Control Mode = No Control),
an axis in the Start Inhibited state is prevented from transitioning to the
Running state by one or more specific conditions, such as when the
associated feedback device is not fully configured for operation. Again,
once corrected, the axis state automatically transitions to the Running
The Start Inhibited State is classified as an Identity Object Standby
state and, therefore, requires that the associated power structure, if
applicable, is disabled.

Stopping State
When a Disable request is issued to the Motion Device Axis Object in
the Starting, Running or the Testing states, the axis immediately
transitions to the Stopping state. In this state, the axis is in the process
of stopping and is no longer tracking command or set point data from
the controller (Tracking Command status bit clear). For a drive axis, a
Disable Request executes the configured Stopping Actions while a
Shutdown Request executes the configured Shutdown Action.
There are many different Stopping Actions supported by the Motion
Device Axis Object for a drive axis. Each of these Stopping Actions
executes one of three possible IEC60204-1 Category Stops or Stopping
Sequences (Category Stop 0, 1, and 2). Most of these Stopping Actions
actively decelerate the axis to a stop (Category Stop 1 and 2). The
power structure may remain active (Power Structure Enabled status bit
set) as long as the Stopping Action procedure takes to complete. Once
the selected Stopping Action procedure has completed, the axis
transitions to the Stopped state. When the Stopping Action of "Disable
and Coast" is initiated by a Disable Request or a Shutdown Action, the
power structure is immediately disabled (Power Structure Enabled
status bit clear) and the axis coasts to a stop while in the Stopping state
(Category 0 Stop). For all Stopping Sequences, the device will wait until
the axis has reached zero speed, or a timeout occurs (as defined by the
Stopping Time Limit and Coasting Time Limit attributes), before
transitioning to the Stopped state. In some cases, such as when the
axis is stationary, this transition can be immediate. The criteria for zero
speed is based on Velocity Feedback being less than 1% of motor rated
speed or by criteria set by optional Zero Speed and Zero Speed Time
attribute values. In the case of a Frequency Control drive device, the
criteria are based on Velocity Reference rather than Velocity Feedback.
When an Enable Request is given to a drive axis in the Stopping state
with Flying Start Enabled, the axis will immediately transition to the
Starting state.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Aborting State
When a Major Fault occurs in the motion device while the axis is in
either the Starting, Running, Testing, or Stopping states, the axis
immediately transitions to the Aborting state. In this state, the axis is in
the process of stopping and is no longer tracking command or set point
data from the controller (Tracking Command status bit clear).
For a drive axis, a Major Fault executes the appropriate stopping action
as specified by the device vendor. When actively stopping the drive axis
in the Aborting state, the power structure remains active (Power
Structure Enabled status bit set) as long as the stopping action takes to
complete. In some cases, the power structure must be immediately
disabled so the axis may coast to a stop while in the Aborting state. In
any case, the drive axis will wait until the axis has reached zero speed
before transitioning to the Major Faulted state. Once the stopping
procedure is complete and the axis has reached zero speed, the axis
transitions to the Faulted state. The criteria for zero speed is based on
Velocity Feedback being less than 1% of motor rated speed or by
criteria set by optional Zero Speed and Zero Speed Time attribute
values. In the case of a Frequency Control drive axis, Velocity
Reference is used rather than Velocity Feedback. In some cases, such
as when the axis is stationary, this transition can be immediate.
When faults conditions are detected in the controller that are not visible
to the motion device, or when the motion device reports a Minor Fault
condition, the controller is responsible for bringing the axis to a stop,
either directly using an Axis Control state change request or, in the case
of a drive axis, directly by a motion planner stop, or indirectly using a
fault handler in the user program. If the Axis State reported by the
motion device is Stopping, then the controller sets the CIP Axis State to
Aborting based on the presence of the fault condition.
When an Abort Request is issued to the Motion Device Axis Object a
Controller Initiated Exception is generated. If the associated Axis
Exception Action is set to generate a Major Fault the drive axis stops
the axis according to the configured Stopping Action before transitioning
to the Faulted state.

Faulted State
The Motion Device Axis Object defines a Major Faulted state that is
identical to the Stopped state (or, if a Shutdown fault action was
initiated, the Shutdown state) with the exception that there are one or
more Faults active. In other words, a Major Faulted axis is a Stopped
(or Shutdown) axis with a Major Fault condition present. The Motion
Device Axis Object also defines a Minor Fault as a fault that allows
device operation to continue and does not impact the Axis State in the
motion device.
There is no such distinction between Major Fault and Minor Fault in the
controller; both Major Faults and Minor Faults reported by the drive
result in the axis transitioning to the Faulted state in the controller. Thus,
in the controller it is not generally true that a Faulted axis is a Stopped
(or Shutdown) axis with a Fault condition present. When the motion

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
device reports a Minor Fault condition, or when fault conditions are
detected in the controller that are not visible to the motion device, the
controller is responsible for bringing the axis to a stop, either directly
using an Axis Control state change request or motion planner stop, or
indirectly using a fault handler in the user program. Until this is done,
the Axis State in the motion device may be something other than the
Major Faulted state, perhaps even in the Running state. This is
reasonable given that the motion device is only one component in a
much bigger motion control system. The CIP Motion controller is
responsible for rolling up all the conditions of the system into the Axis
State that is presented to you.
Since faults are latched conditions, a Fault Reset is required to clear the
faults and, assuming the original fault condition has been removed, the
axis transitions to the Axis State of motion device. There are many
different sources of Faults: CIP Initialization Faults, CIP Axis Faults,
Motion Faults, Module Faults, Group Faults, Safety Faults, and
Configuration Faults. The following table describes the sources of these
Fault Source
CIP Initialization Faults These faults can only occur during the Initializing state. You cannot generate
an Initialization fault in any other state of the drive, for example, faults
occurring during operation of the drive after transitioning out of the
Initializing state. Initialization Faults can apply to a specific axis or to the
entire drive, in which case all device axis instances would indicate the
Initialization Fault. The device power structure, if applicable, is disabled when
there is a CIP Initialization Fault present.
CIP Axis Faults As the name implies, CIP Axis Faults apply to a specific device axis instances.
CIP Axis Faults are the direct result of Axis Exceptions that are configured to
generate a Fault response. These exception conditions may apply to individual
axis instances or to all axis instances. In any case, applications may require
the device be configured to handle these exceptions differently for different
axes. Run time conditions related to Motor, Inverter, Converter, Bus Regulator,
and Feedback components, in general, shall be handled as Axis Exceptions.
The power structure if applicable, may or may not be disabled when there is a
CIP Axis Fault present depending on the specific stopping action applied by
the device in response to the fault condition.
Axis Safety Faults Axis Safety Faults also apply to specific axis instances. Axis Safety Faults are
the direct results of safety faults reported by the embedded Safety Core of the
device when Safety Fault Action is configured to generate a Fault response.
The Safety Core of the device is responsible for monitoring the condition of
various critical safety functions associated with the axis. This embedded
Safety Core has a CIP Safety connection to an external Safety Controller. When
an Axis Safety Fault occurs, the safety system is responsible for forcing the
axis into a Safe State.
Guard Faults These faults also apply to a specific axis instance. Guard Faults are generated
by a fault condition detected in the drive's "Hardwired" safety monitor
functionality (SMSC). This component of the drive is designed to monitor
various critical safety functions of the drive and put the axis in a safe state if
any monitored condition fails to operate nominally.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Fault Source
Motion Faults These faults are generally associated with fault conditions generated by the
motion planner function. These faults can include conditions related to the
input (for example, actual position) and output (command position) signals to
the motion planner. The device power structure, if applicable, may or may not
be disabled when there is a Motion Fault present depending on the specific
stopping action applied by the system in response to the fault condition.
Module Faults These faults apply to the entire motion device and affect all axes associated
with that device. These faults can occur at any time during device operation.
Module Faults include all Node Faults reported by the device, which are
primarily communication faults, but can include general hardware faults
where these fault conditions are checked during run-time. A CPU watchdog
fault would be an example of a hardware CIP Node Fault. Module Faults also
include communication fault conditions detected on the controller side of the
motion connection. An example of a controller side Module Fault would be the
Control Sync Fault. The device power structure, if applicable, is disabled when
there is a Module Fault present with the controller initiating the equivalent of a
shutdown fault action.
Group Faults These faults are related to the motion group object function and affect all axes
associated with the motion group. These faults can occur at any time during
device operation. Group Fault conditions are detected by controller and are
generally associated with the time synchronization function that is common to
all axes in the motion group. The device power structure, if applicable, of every
axis associated with the motion group is disabled when there is a Group Fault
present with the controller initiating shutdown fault actions.
Configuration Faults A configuration fault is generated anytime there is an error in sending
configuration data to the motion device. Specifically, if the motion device
responds to a Set Attribute service with an error, the error condition is
reflected as a Configuration Fault along with the Attribute Error Code and
Attribute ID. The device power structure, if applicable, is disabled when there
is a Configuration Fault present.

Shutdown State
When a Shutdown request is issued to the device or a Shutdown fault
action is executed by the device, the targeted axis transitions to the
Shutdown state. In the case of a Shutdown request, the axis
immediately transitions from whatever state it is currently in to the
Shutdown state. The Shutdown state has the same basic characteristics
of the Stopped state except that it can be configured using the
Shutdown Action attribute to drop the DC Bus power to the device's
power structure. This is generally done by opening an AC Contactor
Enable output provided by the drive that controls power to the
converter. Regardless of whether or not DC Bus power is disconnected,
this state requires an explicit Shutdown Reset request from the
controller to transition to the Pre-Charge state. If the device is
configured to keep the DC Bus power active while in the Shutdown
state then the axis transitions through the Pre-Charge state to the
Stopped state. The Shutdown state offers an extra level of safety
against unexpected motion.
In the case where a Shutdown fault action is initiated by the drive in
response to an exception condition that is configured to be a Major
Fault, the device executes the Shutdown action, but the axis goes to the

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Faulted state, not the Shutdown state. Similarly, when the axis is in the
Shutdown state and a major fault condition occurs, the axis transitions
to the Faulted state. In other words, the major fault condition has
precedence over the shutdown condition and the shutdown condition
can be considered a sub-state. In either of these cases a Fault Reset
request from the controller clears the fault and, assuming the original
fault condition has been removed, the axis then transitions to the
Shutdown state. A Shutdown Reset request from the controller,
however, both clears the fault and performs a shutdown reset so,
assuming the original fault condition has been removed, the axis
transitions to the Pre-Charge state as described above.
In addition to the Shutdown action functionality, the Shutdown state can
also be used by the controller to disable any slave gearing or camming
motion planner functions that reference this device axis as a master
axis. For this reason, the Shutdown state is supported in the case of a
Feedback Only Control Mode where the axis instance is simply
associated with a feedback device.
The Shutdown State is classified as an Identity Object Standby state
and, therefore, requires that the associated power structure, if
applicable, is disabled.

No Device State
If the CIP Motion axis instance in the controller is created, but not
currently associated with a CIP Motion device, the axis state indicates
the No Device state. A CIP Motion axis will be associated with a
physical CIP Motion device to function. This condition is checked during
the controller Self Test state as qualification for transition to the
Initializing state. For this reason the No Device state is considered a
controller only sub-state of the Self Test state.

Not Grouped State

If a CIP Motion axis instance is created and not associated with a
Motion Group, the axis state is set to the Not Grouped state. A CIP
Motion axis will be assigned to a Motion Group in order for the axis
instance to be updated by the periodic Motion Task and carry out its
function. This condition is checked during the controller Self Test state
as qualification for transition to the Initializing state. For this reason, the
Not Grouped state is considered a controller only sub-state of the Self
Test state.

Axis Inhibited State

If you Inhibit the axis instance for any reason, the associated instance in
the CIP Motion connection is eliminated and the axis state transitions to
the Axis Inhibited state. If this is the only instance supported by the CIP
Motion connection, the connection itself will be closed. The Axis
Inhibited state is a controller only sub state of the Self Test state. The

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Axis Inhibited condition is checked during the controller Self Test state
as qualification for transition to the Initializing state. If currently Axis
Inhibited, an Un-Inhibit operation will be performed by you to transition
to the Initializing state and restore axis function.

Configuring State
Once a CIP Motion I/O connection has been made to the device, the
controller begins to send configuration data using the connection's
service channel. At this time the axis state transitions from Unconnected
to Configuring. The axis state will remain in the Configuring state until
the values of all applicable configuration attributes in the device have
been set for this axis instance, or until a configuration fault occurs, in
which case the axis state transitions to the Faulted state.

Synchronizing State
If the device has not been synchronized to the controller by the time the
controller has completed the axis configuration process, the axis state
transitions to the Synchronizing state. The axis state will remain in the
Synchronizing state until the device has been successfully synchronized
as indicated by a successful Group_Sync service response from the
device, or a time limit (~60 seconds) is reached, in which case the
controller closes the connection and starts the Initialization process over

Waiting for Group State

After configuring the axis and synchronizing the device to the controller,
the controller checks the status of all other axes in the Motion Group. If
there are any other axes in the Motion Group that are still being
configured or synchronized, the Axis State will transition to Waiting for
Group. Cyclic data exchange over the CIP Motion connection does not
occur until all axes in the Motion Group are configured and
synchronized. Once all axes in the Motion Group are configured and
synchronized, the CIP Axis State transitions to the current Axis State
attribute value in the device, typically Pre-Charge or Stopped.

See also
Fault and Alarm Behavior on page 45
Exceptions on page 45
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54
Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594

Torque Control Behavior Torque is generally proportional to acceleration and to the torque
producing motor current, Iq. The purpose of the Torque Control
structure is to combine input signals to create a Torque Reference. The

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Torque Reference, from a variety of sources, is based on the Control
Mode. It applies various filters and compensation algorithms to the
Torque Reference to create a Filtered Torque Reference.
The Filtered Torque Reference signal is scaled by the reciprocal of the
torque constant, Kt, of the motor to become the Iq Current Command
input to the current loop. Because the motor current is also per unitized
to the '% Rated' current of the motor, the torque constant, Kt, is
nominally 1. In other words, in general it is assumed that 100% rated
current produces 100% rated torque.
The following diagram provides an overview of the torque control
behavior model:

See also
Torque Input Sources on page 74
Inertia Compensation on page 75
Friction Compensation on page 77
Torque Filters on page 79
Torque Limiter on page 81

Torque Input Sources The Torque Control model can take input from a variety of sources
depending on the Control Mode. Input to the Torque Reference path
can come through the cyclic Torque Command or Torque Trim signal in
Torque Control mode. In Position or Velocity Control mode, torque input
is derived from the outer velocity loop or acceleration loop by bringing in
the resulting acceleration signals and scaling these signals into
equivalent torque.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Acceleration to Torque Scaling

Because the acceleration input signals into the Torque Control section
are expressed in units of acceleration, a scaling factor, Kj, is needed to
convert acceleration units to torque % Rated Torque units. This scaling
factor, when properly configured, represents the total System Inertia or
mass of the system that includes the motor and the load and has the
effect of canceling the effects the system inertia/mass has on control
loop response and loop gain settings.
Because the torque units are expressed as % of Rated Torque of the
motor, the units for the System Inertia attribute are % Rated per Motor
The acceleration units can be expressed in Feedback 1 or Feedback 2
Units based on the Feedback Mode setting. Therefore, in the case
where Feedback 2 applies, the acceleration signal needs to be scaled
by the Feedback Unit Ratio as shown by the Unit Ratio.

See also
Torque Control Behavior on page 73
Inertia Compensation on page 75

Inertia Compensation Inertia compensation features are included in the Torque Control
behavior model.

Backlash Compensation
Backlash Compensation is used to stabilize the device control loop
behavior in applications with high load inertia ratios and mechanical
The Backlash Compensation Window attribute is used to control the
Backlash Compensation feature. Mechanical backlash is a common
problem in applications that use mechanical gearboxes. The problem
stems from the fact that until the input gear is turned to the point where
its proximal tooth contacts an adjacent tooth of the output gear, the
reflected inertia of the output is not felt at the motor. In other words,

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
when the gear teeth are not engaged, the system inertia is reduced to
the motor inertia.

If the Velocity Control loop is tuned for peak performance with the load
applied, the axis will be, at best, under-damped and, at worst, unstable
in the condition where the gear teeth are not engaged. In the worst case
scenario, the motor axis and the input gear oscillates wildly between the
limits imposed by the output gear teeth. The net effect is a loud buzzing
sound when the axis is at rest, commonly referred to as 'gearbox
chatter'. If this situation persists, the gearbox will wear out prematurely.
To prevent this condition, the conventional approach is to de-tune the
velocity loop so that the axis is stable without the gearbox load applied.
Unfortunately, system performance suffers.
With a Backlash Stabilization Window value commensurate with the
amount of backlash in the mechanical system, the backlash stabilization
algorithm is very effective in eliminating backlash-induced instability
while still maintaining full system bandwidth. The key to this algorithm is
a tapered Kj profile that is a function of the position error of the position
loop, illustrated in the following diagram.

The reason for the tapered profile, as opposed to a step profile, is that
when the position error exceeds the backlash distance a step profile
would create a very large discontinuity in the torque output. This
repulsing torque tends to slam the axis back against the opposite gear
tooth and perpetuate the buzzing effect. The tapered profile can be
qualified to run only when the acceleration command or the velocity
76 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020
Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
command to the control loop structure is zero, for example, when not
commanding motion that would engage the teeth of the gearbox.
Properly configured with a suitable value for the Backlash
Compensation Window, this algorithm entirely eliminates the gearbox
buzz without sacrificing any servo performance. The Backlash
Compensation Window parameter determines the width of the window
over which backlash stabilization is applied. In general, this value is set
equal to or greater than the measured backlash distance. A Backlash
Stabilization Window value of zero effectively disables the feature.

Inertia Observer
The Inertia Observer, when enabled, monitors the acceleration of the
axis in relationship to the torque producing current command, Iq Current
Reference, and estimates the total motor inertia.
The Total Inertia Estimate for the Inertia Observer is fed back to the Kj
gain to provide automatic gain control (AGC) with respect to load inertia.
This feature can be used to compensate for inertia variation without
compromising system performance. The Inertia Observer works on the
premise that the motor and load are not subject to externally applied
torques or forces that could impact the acceleration of the load. By
contrast, the Load Observer in the Acceleration Control behavior model
works on the premise that changes in acceleration are due to externally
applied torques/forces on the motor and load. Thus, the operation of
these two observers are mutually exclusive; they should not be enabled
at the same time.

See also
Friction Compensation on page 77
Torque Control Behavior on page 73

Friction Compensation Friction Compensation applies a compensating directional torque or

force to the motor to overcome the effects of friction in the mechanical
system, thus minimizing the amount of control effort required. Individual
attributes have been defined to support compensation for static friction,
sliding (Coulomb) friction, and viscous friction. A compensation window
attribute is also provided to mitigate motor dithering associated with
conventional friction compensation methods.

Static Friction Compensation

It is not unusual for an axis to have enough static friction, commonly
called “sticktion”, in position control applications that even with a
significant position error, the mechanical system refuses to budge. Of
course, position integral gain can be used to generate enough output to
the drive to correct the error, but this approach may not be responsive
enough for the application. An alternative is to use Static Friction

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
Compensation to break the sticktion in the presence of a non-zero
position error.
One method of doing this is by adding a fixed torque level, as
determined by the Static Friction Compensation attribute, to the Torque
Reference signal value based on its current sign. With this Torque
Reference based method, static friction compensation is only be applied
when the axis is static, that is, when there is no change in the position
command. Using this method, the Static Friction Compensation value is
generally set just under the value that would overcome the sticktion. A
larger value results in axis “dither”, a phenomena describing the rapid
back and forth motion of the axis, centered on the commanded position,
as the friction compensation function overcompensates for the sticktion.
To address this issue of dither when applying Static Friction
Compensation, an optional Friction Compensation Window can be
applied around the current command position when the axis is at rest. If
the actual position is within the Friction Compensation Window the
Static Friction Compensation value is applied to the motor as torque but
scaled by the ratio of the Position Error signal to the Friction
Compensation Window. Within the window, the position loop and
velocity loop integrators are disabled to avoid the hunting effect that
occurs when the integrators wind up. Thus, once the position error
reaches or exceeds the value of the Friction Compensation Window
attribute, the full Static Friction Compensation value is applied. A Non-
zero Friction Compensation Window has the effect of softening the
application of Static Friction Compensation torque to the motor, thereby
allowing higher values of Static Friction Compensation to be applied for
improved point-to-point positioning without dither. Of course, should the
Friction Compensation Window be set to zero, this dither mitigation
feature is effectively disabled.
Another method for static friction compensation is to add the Static
Friction Compensation torque level to the Torque Reference signal
based on the sign and magnitude of the Velocity Reference signal. This
method is useful for high performance speed control and tracking
applications. With this Velocity Reference based method, static friction
compensation is applied when the Velocity Reference signal exceeds
the configured Friction Compensation Start Speed value. Once applied,
the Static Friction Compensation torque level is maintained for a period
of time set by the Friction Compensation Breakaway Time attribute to
provide the torque impulse needed to break sticktion. The Static Friction
Compensation torque level is then ramped down to the Sliding Friction
Compensation value at a vendor specific rate.
A third Friction Compensation method is defined that is based on the
Velocity Feedback signal rather than the Velocity Reference signal. This
method does not apply Static Friction Compensation but otherwise
applies Sliding Friction Compensation and Viscous Friction
Compensation in exactly the same way as the Velocity Reference
method. This method is useful for torque control applications.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Sliding Friction Compensation

Sliding friction or Coulomb friction, by definition, is the component of
friction that is independent of speed as long as the mechanical system
is moving. Sliding friction is always less than static friction for a given
mechanical system. The method of compensating for sliding friction is
basically the same as that for static friction, but the torque level added
to the Torque Reference is less than that applied to overcome static
friction and is determined by the Sliding Friction Compensation attribute.
Sliding Friction Compensation is applied only when the axis is being
commanded to move.

Viscous Friction Compensation

Viscous friction, by definition, is the component of friction that increases
linearly with the speed of the mechanical system. The method of
compensating for viscous friction is to multiply the configured Viscous
Friction Compensation value by the speed of the motor and apply the
result to the Torque Reference signal. Viscous Friction Compensation is
applied only when the axis is being commanded to move.
When using the Velocity Reference (or Velocity Feedback) method for
Friction Compensation, Viscous Friction Compensation is applied to the
Torque Reference when the Velocity Reference (or Velocity Feedback)
signal exceeds the configured Friction Compensation Start Speed value
and will continue to be applied until the Velocity Reference (or Velocity
Feedback) signal drops below the Friction Compensation Start Speed
minus the Friction Compensation Hysteresis value.

See also
Torque Filters on page 79
Torque Control Behavior on page 73

Torque filters The following filters can be applied to provide additional compensation
and control to the torque value.

Lead-Lag Filter
A lead-lag filter is provided in the torque reference path.
Use the lead-lag filter in the:
• Lead configuration to boost velocity or acceleration loop
• Lag configuration for the high frequency gain boost that
associates with compliant load mechanics.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
In this equation, Kn represents the Lead-Lag Filter Gain, or high
frequency gain of the filter (the low frequency gain is always 1), and wn
represents the Lead-Lag Filter Bandwidth associated with the pole of
the filter:
• If Kn > 1, the filter provides lead compensation.
• If Kn < 1, the filter provides lag compensation.
• If Kn = 0 the lead-lag filter becomes a pure low pass filter.
• If Kn = 1, the filter is disabled.
When used as a lag filter (Kn < 1), this filter can be effective in
compensating for the gain boosting effect of natural mechanical
resonance frequencies that are within the acceleration/velocity loop

Low Pass Filter

The torque reference signal typically passes through a Torque Low
Pass Filter to attenuate the high frequency content of the signal. The
Low Pass Filter is effective in resonance control when the natural
resonance frequency is much higher (>5x) than the control loop
bandwidth. This filter works by reducing the amount of high-frequency
energy in the device output that excite the natural resonances. The Low
Pass Filter design can be single pole or multiple poles. Care shall be
taken, however, to limit the amount of phase lag introduced by this filter
to the control loop to avoid potential instability.

Notch Filters
One or more Torque Notch Filters can also be applied to the torque
reference signal. Notch filters are effective in resonance control when
the natural resonance frequency is higher than the control loop
bandwidth. Like the low pass filter, the notch filters work by significantly
reducing the amount of energy in the device output that can excite the
natural resonances. Notch filters can be used even when the natural
resonance frequencies are relatively close to the control loop
bandwidth. That is because the phase lag introduced by the notch filters
are localized around the notch frequencies. For the notch filters to be
effective, the Notch Filter Frequency has to be set very close to the
natural resonance frequency of the load.
The following is an equation for the notch filter:

In this equation, Q represents the sharpness of the notch. In most

implementations, the sharpness, Q, is typically hard-coded in the
device. The attenuation depth of the notch filter is typically infinite.
For details on the Rockwell Automation specific implementation of
Torque Notch Filters, refer to the Torque Notch Filter Attributes.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

See also
Torque Limiters on page 81
Torque Control Behavior on page 73

Torque Limiter After undergoing friction compensation and filtering the Torque
Reference signal passes through a limiter to produce the Limited
Torque Reference signal. The Torque Limiter applies a torque limit to
the signal that is based on the sign of the torque reference signal input
and the state of the axis.
During normal operation it is the Torque Limit – Positive and Torque
Limit – Negative attributes, set by the user, that are applied to the
torque reference signal. When the axis is commanded to stop as part of
a disable request or major fault condition, the device applies the
Stopping Torque Limit.
Also included with the torque limiter is a built-in Torque Rate of Change
Limit. This feature limits the rate of change of the torque reference

See also
Torque to Current Scaling on page 81
Torque Control Behavior on page 73

Torque to Current Scaling The final result of all this torque signal filtering, compensation, and
limiting functionality is the Filtered Torque Reference signal. When the
signal is scaled by the reciprocal of the Torque Constant of the motor,
1/Kt, it becomes the torque producing Iq Current Command signal to the
current loop.
Ideally, the relationship between motor torque and motor current is
independent of position, time, current, and environmental conditions,
the 1/Kt scaling has a nominal value of 1, so that 100% rated torque
translates to 100% rated current. In practice, this may not be the case.
Compensation can be applied to the 1/Kt value to address these issues
at the drive vendors' discretion.

Cogging Compensation
For PM motors, one of the more troublesome Kt variations to contend
with is a position dependent variation to Kt known as motor cogging.
The Kt scaling factor can be used to compensate for motor cogging by
performing a test on the motor that generates a Kt versus Electrical
Angle Cogging Compensation table. This table can then be used to
compensate for the cogging impact in real- time based on the electrical
angle of the motor resulting in smoother motor operation.

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Torque Estimate
CIP Motion supports a generalized Torque Estimator block used to the
Torque Estimate signal that represents the torque, or force, applied by
the motor. This estimate is based on vendor specific algorithms that
determine motor torque, or force, from various motor related input and
output signals. An optional Torque Estimate Crossover Speed
configuration attribute allows different algorithms to be applied to
estimate torque for low speed and high speed operation.
The Torque Estimator output signal is passed through two 2nd order
notch filters. These filters can be configured to provide low pass, high
pass, notch, or band pass filtering to the Torque Estimate signal.

See also
Torque Control Behavior on page 73
Velocity Control Behavior on page 82

Velocity Control Behavior In Velocity Control mode, there are two operative control methods
supported, Closed Loop Velocity Control and Open Loop Frequency

Closed Loop Velocity Control model

Targeted for applications that require tight speed regulation. The
following diagram provides an overview of this method.

82 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion

Open Loop Frequency Control model

Associated with drives that do not have a current control loop and
typically drive an induction motor, also known as Volts/Hertz or Variable
Frequency Drives (VFDs). The following diagram provides an overview
of this method.

See also
Closed Loop Velocity Control on page 83
Open Loop Frequency Control on page 86

Closed Loop Velocity The Closed Loop Velocity Control method is targeted for applications
that require tight speed regulation. The command input to the velocity
Control loop can be derived directly from the Velocity Command of the
Command Generator when configured for Velocity Control Mode or
from the Position Loop Output when configured for Position Control
When serving as an outer velocity loop in Velocity Control Mode, the
device applies the Velocity Command input to the velocity command
summing junction to generate the Velocity Reference signal into a PI
regulator. Contributing to the velocity command summing junction also
is the Velocity Trim input, which can be used in conjunction with an
outer control loop to make minor adjustments to the velocity of the

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
When serving as an inner velocity loop in Position Control Mode, the
device applies the Position Loop Output signal to the input of the
velocity command summing junction. Input signals that are not
applicable to the configured control mode are generally set to zero.

Velocity Limiter
The output of the velocity command summing junction signal passes
through a limiter to produce the Velocity Reference signal into the
velocity loop. The Velocity Limiter applies a directional velocity limit,
either Velocity Limit - Pos or Velocity Limit - Neg, to the velocity
command signal input that is based on the sign.

Velocity Feedback Selection

Feedback to the PI regulator can be derived from either of the two
available feedback transducers, Feedback 1 or Feedback 2. Which
feedback source is used by the loop is governed by the Feedback Mode
enumeration. If Feedback Mode is No Feedback, indicating sensorless
operation, the Velocity Feedback signal is estimated by the Sensorless
Velocity signal generated by the sensorless control algorithm. If an
optional Load Observer is configured for Velocity Estimate operation,
the Velocity Feedback signal is the Load Observer Velocity Estimate.

Velocity Error Filter

A low pass filter can be optionally applied to the velocity error signal
generated by the velocity loop summing junction. The output of this filter
becomes the Velocity Error signal that is subsequently operated on by
the velocity loop PI control algorithm. When used, the filter is typically
set between 5 to 10 times the velocity loop bandwidth. It is
recommended that this filter be a two pole IIR filter to maximum its
effectiveness at quantization noise filtering.

Velocity Gains
The velocity loop generates a Velocity Loop Output signal to the next
inner loop through a PI control loop structure. The Proportional Gain of
the controller sets the unity gain bandwidth of the velocity loop in
radians/second, while the Integral Gain is used to drive the Velocity
Error signal to zero to compensate for any static and quasi-static torque
or forces applied to the load. The integrator path includes a Proportional
Gain so that units of the Integral Gain represent the bandwidth of the
integrator in radians/second.
The integral section of the velocity regulator includes an anti-windup
feature. The anti-windup feature automatically holds the regulator's
integral term when a limit condition is reached in the forward path. The
anti-windup feature is conditioned by the arithmetic sign of the

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
integrator's input. The integrator is held when the input's sign is such
that the integrator output moves further into the active limit. In other
words, the integrator is allowed to operate (not held) when the input
would tend to bring the integrator output value off the active limit.
The integrator may also be configured for integrator hold operation.
When the Integrator Hold attribute is set true, the regulator holds the
integrator from accumulating while the axis is being commanded to
move. This behavior is helpful in point-to-point positioning applications.
An automatic preset feature of the velocity regulator's integral term
occurs when a transition is made from a Torque Control mode to speed
control, by using the Control Mode selection parameter. Upon transition
to speed mode, the speed regulator's integral term is preset to the
motor torque reference parameter. If the speed error is small, this
provides a 'bumpless' transition from the last torque reference value
present just prior to entering speed mode.

Negative Feedforward
Aside from the normal PI control elements, a negative feedforward gain
(Knff ) is provided to adjust the time response of the velocity regulator.
Knff has a range of 0…100%, where 0 disables the function. A value of
30% results in little noticeable overshoot in the speed response to a
step input. This can be easily observed when the motor speed is
ramped to zero. The effect of negative feedforward is to eliminate
backup of the motor shaft. The Knff gain setting has no effect on the
stability of the speed regulator. A disadvantage of by using negative
feedforward is that it results in a time lag in feedback response to a
reference ramp input.

Velocity Droop
Another feature of the velocity regulator is the velocity droop function.
The velocity error input to the integral term is reduced by a fraction of
the velocity regulator's output, as controlled by the droop gain setting,
Kdr. As torque loading on the motor increases, actual motor speed is
reduced in proportion to the droop gain. This is helpful when some level
of compliance is required due to rigid mechanical coupling between two

Acceleration Feedforward
The velocity loop requires a non-zero velocity loop output to generate
steady- state axis motor acceleration. To provide the non-zero output
from the drive to the motor, a non-zero velocity error is generally
required. In Position Control applications, this non-zero velocity error
translates to a non-zero position loop error.
Because many closed loop motion control applications require near
zero control loop error, this behavior is not desirable. Again, the position
and velocity loop error could be reduced by applying the velocity

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
integral gain control as described above, but the integrator action is still
too slow to be very effective. The preferred approach with superior
dynamic response is to use Acceleration Feedforward.
The Acceleration Feedforward feature is used to generate the bulk of
the Acceleration Reference necessary to generate the commanded
acceleration. It does this by scaling the Fine Acceleration Feedforward
generated by the Command Generator by the Acceleration Feedforward
Gain and adding the resultant Acceleration Feedforward Command
signal as an offset to the output of the velocity loop. With this feature,
the velocity loop does not need to generate much control effort, thus
reducing the amount of control loop error.
Theoretically, the optimal value for Acceleration Feedforward is 100%.
In reality, however, the value may need to be adjusted to accommodate
variations in load inertia and the torque constant of the motor. Like
Velocity Feedforward, Acceleration Feedforward can result in overshoot
behavior and should not be used in point-to-point positioning
When used in conjunction with Velocity Feedforward, Acceleration
Feedforward allows the following error of the position or Velocity Control
loop to be reduced to nearly zero during the acceleration and
deceleration phases of motion. This is important in tracking applications
that use electronic gearing and camming operations to precisely
synchronize a slave axis to the movements of a master axis.

See also
Position Control Behavior on page 60
Velocity Feedforward on page 62

Open Loop Frequency Another Velocity Control method is the open loop Frequency Control
method associated with so called Volts/Hertz or Variable Frequency
Control Drives (VFDs) that do not have a current control loop and typically drive
an induction motor.
Velocity control with this method is achieved by controlling the voltage
and frequency output of the drive device in some manner where voltage
is generally proportional to frequency. For an induction motor, the
velocity of the motor is determined by the Output Frequency of the drive
device divided by the Motor Pole count. This control method is
applicable to Velocity Control applications that do not require tight
speed regulation and therefore do not require a feedback device.

Basic Volts/Hertz Operation

There are a number of attributes that are used to specify the
relationship the drive device uses between output frequency (speed)
and output voltage for a given (induction) motor.
The Break Frequency and Break Voltage attributes define the point on
the Volts/Hertz curve below which the Start Boost feature is applied. As

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
the name indicates, Start Boost is used to provide a non-zero output
voltage to the motor at stand-still to assist startup.
The contribution of Start Boost to the output voltage of the drive device
tapers off to zero when the motor reaches the Break Frequency. Above
the break point, output voltage and output frequency follow a linear
slope to the point defined by the Motor Rated Frequency and Motor
Rated Voltage. From this point on, the Volts/Hertz curve follows another
linear slope to the point defined by the Max Frequency and Max Voltage
attributes. This segment of the Volts/Hertz curve allows for operation
above the rated frequency and voltage of the motor in applications
where that is required.

Sensorless Vector Operation

Sensorless Vector is an alternative Frequency Control Method that does
not require configuration of a Volts/Hertz curve. Instead, by knowing the
Stator Resistance and Leakage Inductance of the motor, the drive
device can calculate the appropriate Output Voltage required for a given
Output Frequency. This method provides better low speed velocity
control behavior than using the Basic Volts/Hertz method.

Sensorless Vector Economy Operation

Sensorless Vector Economy is an alternative Frequency Control
Method that provides additional energy savings during Sensorless
Vector operation when running at steady state speed. When a steady
state speed condition is reached, the Sensorless Vector Economy
algorithm applies a ramp function to slowly reduce the Output Voltage
while monitoring the motor flux current, Id, until the flux current is
reduced to an internal limit (e.g. 50% Rated), thereby saving energy.
The ramp rate is set by the Sensorless Vector Economy At Speed Ki
attribute. The drive will continue to operate in this reduced power state
as long as the drive is not commanded to accelerate or decelerate the
motor, and the torque producing current level, Iq, doesn’t exceed an
internal limit (e.g. 75% Rated). In the event of an acceleration or
deceleration command, or a sudden increase in torque producing
current, the Sensorless Vector Economy feature activates a regulator
that quickly adjusts the drive’s Output Voltage to increase motor flux
current back to the normal Sensorless Vector operational level. The
responsiveness of this regulator is determined by the Sensorless Vector
Economy Accel Decel Kp and Ki attributes.

Slip Compensation
When driving an induction motor at a specific frequency, the actual
motor velocity is generally less than the command speed, given by the
output frequency divided by the motor pole count, by an amount that is
proportional to the load torque applied to the motor. This difference in
speed is called 'Slip' and is a configuration attribute associated with the
motor. The Motion Device Axis Object supports a Slip Compensation

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Chapter 2 Behavior models used in CIP Motion
feature that is common to Variable Frequency Drives. The amount of
Slip Compensation applied to the Velocity Reference is the product of
the measured torque producing current, Iq, and the configured Induction
Motor Rated Slip Speed.

Velocity Droop
Another feature defined for the Frequency Control method is the droop
function. The droop function reduces the velocity reference by a scaled
fraction of the torque producing current, Iq, as controlled by the droop
gain setting, Kdr. As torque loading on the motor is increased, actual
motor speed is reduced in proportion to the droop gain. This is helpful
when some level of compliance is required when performing torque
sharing between two motors on a common load.

Current Limit Regulators

Left unmitigated, a sudden increase in commanded speed or load
torque results in a sharp increase in induction motor slip, causing a
spike in motor current. This condition can cause the drive to generate a
nuisance overcurrent fault that would adversely affect machine
operation. To avoid such a fault, a set of current limit regulators are
often included when running in Frequency Control mode to maintain
operation within the rated current limitations of the motor and drive. One
of these current limit regulators adjusts the Output Frequency Alarm to
limit the increase in motor slip, regardless of whether the increase in slip
is due to an increase in commanded speed or an increase in load
torque. When operating at lower speeds, however, this current limit
regulator is not very effective at limiting motor current. So another pair
of low speed current limit regulators are responsible for adjusting Output
Voltage, rather than Output Frequency, to limit spikes in motor current.
One of these low speed current limit regulators manages flux producing
current, Id, while the other regulator manages torque producing current
(Iq). Together, these two low speed current limit regulators keep the
output current under the overcurrent fault threshold.

See also
Velocity Control Behavior on page 82
Torque Control Behavior on page 73

88 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3

Interpret the Attribute Tables

Each attribute table begins with the attribute name as a heading. The
tag, GSV/SSV, and MSG names for each of these attributes are the
same as the attribute name listed, but with the spaces removed. For
example, Inhibit Axis would be InhibitAxis.
This table provides an explanation of the information, nomenclature,
and abbreviations used in the attribute tables.

Attribute Table Column Heading Descriptions

Column Heading Description
The following identifiers are used for usage:
• Required
This is a required attribute. It is supported for the listed control modes
for each attribute.
• Optional
This is an optional attribute. It is supported for the listed control modes
for each attribute. Optional attributes are based on the specific drive that
has been associated.
• Replicated
For a listing of the attributes that are replicated in the drive see Identify
Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Codes on page 97.
In the Usage column, you will also see combinations of Usage and Mode,
such as the following:
C PVT Closed Loop Vector Control Method
D FC Drive (Any Frequency Controlled or Vector Controlled drive
In addition to these combinations there are many attributes that are
applicable or not applicable to sensorless drive operation, for example,
velocity controlled drives operating without a feedback device. To
accommodate these situations, the following Device Function Codes are
• E Encoder present.
• !E Encoderless/sensorless control, feedback device is not present.

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Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Column Heading Description
The following identifiers are used for Device Function Codes:
• Required - All = All Control Modes
• Optional - All = All Control Modes
If applicable only to specific implementations, the following codes will be
used to denote when they apply:
• Individual codes:
B = Bus Power Converters (No Control Mode, No Control Method)
G = Regenerative (Active) AC/DC Converters (No Control Mode, No Control
N = Non-Regenerative (Passive) AC/DC and DC/DC Converters (No Control
Mode, No Control Method)
E = Encoder present, Feedback Only (No Control Mode, No Control Method)
F= Frequency Control (Velocity Control Mode, Frequency Control Method)
P = Position Loop (Position Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector Control
V = Velocity Control Loop (Velocity Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector
Device Control Codes (mode) Control Method)
T = Torque Control Loop (Torque Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector
Control Method)
C\D = Identifies the attributes that have a matching, or replicated
attributes in the associated device/drive.
• Combination codes:
BE = All device functions using No Control Method (N)
O = All device functions using Open Loop Control Methods -Frequency
Control (F)
GN = All Bus Power Converters or Bus Power Supplies, Regenerative and
C = All device functions using Closed Loop Control Methods (P, V, T)
D = All device functions using Control Methods (FC)
• Encoderless/sensorless drive codes:
E Encoder present. (N, P ,V ,T with Feedback device present.)
!E Encoderless/sensorless control, feedback device is not
present.(Closed Loop Sensorless Vector and Frequency Controlled)

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Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Column Heading Description
The following identifiers are used for Access Rules:
• Get = Get Attribute List service
GSV = Can be read using the GSV Get System Variable instruction.
Get/SSV = Indicates the attribute can only be set programmatically and
cannot be set by configuration software.
• Set = Set Attribute List service
SSV = Can be written using the Set System Variable instruction
Set/SSV* = Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power
structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit in CIP Axis Status is
Set/SSV# = Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking
command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status is true).
Set/GSV = Indicates the attribute can only be set when the axis is created
on download and cannot be changed either online or programmatically.
Access Rules Set/SSV = Indicates the attribute can only be set by configuration
software on initial configuration download and cannot be set
Message is only used to access drive attributes for which there is no
GSV/SSV access.
In order to use a MSG instruction to access information from a drive, you
will need the Attribute and Class IDs.
Important: You can only access attributes with a message command if
they are marked as MSG accessible in tables or text. If you attempt to
access an attribute that is not marked as MSG accessible, expect
inaccurate data to be returned to the controller.
• Logix Designer
This attribute is only available in the Logix Designer application through
the Axis Properties Dialog boxes.
T Can be accessed as an Axis Tag

Data Type For example, DINT, UINT, SINT, REAL, BOOL

DB = Motion Database
Indicates that the default value comes from the database.
FD = Factory Default computed value
∞ = max float = 3.402.... x 1038
0+ = min float = 1.2.... x 10-38
maxpos = 231/Conversion Constant
maxspd = 1000 * maxpos
Default, Minimum, Maximum minspd = minfloat
Range Limits maxacc = 1000 * maxspd
minacc = minfloat
maxint = 215 - 1
maxdint = 231 - 1
- (dash) = Not Applicable
N/A = Not Applicable
Defaults = Unless otherwise specified, all optional attributes default to 0. All
reserved and otherwise unused bits and enumerations are set to 0.

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Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Column Heading Description
Semantics of Values The meaning of the attribute values.
For example: Position Units / Sec.
Tag access is supported by value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of the
Motion Group Object is enabled.
There may be additional information in the description that directly follows
the attribute listing.
CST Coordinated System Time

See also
Device Function Codes on page 93
CIP Data Types on page 93
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Codes
on page 97
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Attribute Units Attribute Units define the unit nomenclature found in the Semantics of
Values column for many of the Motion Control Axis Attributes. In
general, attribute values are specified in units that are relevant to
motion control engineers.

Attribute Unit Cross-referencing

Attribute Unit Applicable Units Semantics of Values
User-defined unit of measure of motion displacement,
Position Unit User String for example, meters, feet, inches, millimeters,
revolutions, or degrees.
Velocity Units Position Units/Sec For example, Revs/Sec, Inches/Sec
Accel Units Position Units/Sec2 For example, Revs/Sec2 , Inches/Sec2
Jerk Units Position Units/Sec3 For example, Revs/Sec3 , Inches/Sec3
Defined as the percentage of the continuous rating of
the device with 100% implying operation at the
continuous rated specification for the device.
This unit can be applied to attributes related to speed,
torque, force, current, voltage, and power.
Applicable devices can be a motor, inverter, converter,
% Device Rated %
or a bus regulator.
This unit can be used independent of whether the
attribute value represents an instantaneous level or a
time-averaged level; the appropriate unit for the
device rating is implied. As with all attributes that are
in units of %, an attribute value of 100 means 100%.
Power Units Kw Kilowatts
Inertia Units Kg-m2 Kilogram-Meter2
Mass Units Kg Kilogram
Loop Bandwidth Units Hz Hertz
Filter Frequency Units Hz Hertz
Fundamental control unit for distance.
For example, feedback counts or planner counts.

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Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables

See also
CIP Data Types on page 93
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

CIP Data Types This table provides descriptions of the CIP Data Types related to the
CIP Motion Control Axis.
Data Type Data Type Description Range
Name Code
BOOL* C1 Boolean 0 = FALSE; 1 = TRUE
SINT C2 Short Integer -128 SINT 127
INT C3 Integer -32768 INT 32767
DINT C4 Double Integer -231 DINT (231 – 1)
LINT C5 Long Integer -263 LINT (263 – 1)
USINT C6 Unsigned Short Integer 0 USINT 255
UINT C7 Unsigned Integer 0 UINT 65536
UDINT C8 Unsigned Double Integer 0 UDINT (232 – 1)
ULINT C9 Unsigned Long Integer 0 ULINT (264 – 1)
REAL CA Single Precision Float See IEEE 754
LREAL CB Double Precision Float See IEEE 754
BYTE D1 bit string – 8-bits N/A
WORD D2 bit string – 16-bits N/A
DWORD D3 bit string – 32-bits N/A
LWORD D4 bit string – 64-bits N/A
SHORT STRING DA {length, 1-byte characters[n]} N/A
* BOOL data type is defined by CIP standard to be an 8-bit unsigned integer with enumeration of 0 for
False and 1 for True.

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Device Function Codes The variations in Control Mode and Control Method result in a set of
basic Device Function Codes that help organize the many attributes of
the Motion Control Axis. Device Function Codes are designated by
using a letter identifier or a combination that you can use to determine
what attributes are required for implementation of a given CIP Motion
device. The list of Device Function Codes is as follows:
Device Function Code Control Mode Control Method
G Regenerative (Active) AC/DC No Control Mode No Control Method
N Non-Regenerative (Passive) No Control Mode No Control Method
AC/DC and DC/DC Converters
E Encoder, Feedback Only No Control Mode No Control Method
P Position Loop Position Control Mode Closed Loop Vector Control Method
V Velocity Loop Velocity Control Mode Closed Loop Vector Control Method
T Torque Loop Torque Control Mode Closed Loop Vector Control Method
F Frequency Control Velocity Control Mode Frequency Control Method (V/Hz or

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 93

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables

Device Function Code Combinations

Using combinations of these letters, a specific class of CIP Motion
devices can be designated for the purposes of identifying applicable
attributes. For example, 'FV' would refer to the class of all velocity
controlled drives, either vector controlled or frequency controlled. Here
are some combinations that appear frequently:
Device Function Code Represents Description
B GN All Bus Power Converters or Bus Power Supplies,
Regenerative and Non-Regenerative

C PVT All Device Functions using Closed Loop Control

Methods (PI Vector Control Method)
D FC All device functions using Control Methods
(Control Method !=No Control)

Conditional Implementations
There are many conditions that impact implementation of attributes.
Some examples are, encoderless or sensorless drive operation, velocity
controlled drives operating without a feedback device, and attributes
that are replicated between the controller and the device. Conditional
implementation rules for attributes in these situations are represented
by the following Device Functions Codes:
Device Function Code Description
E Encoder-based device operation
!E Encoderless or Sensorless device operation

See also
Attribute Units on page 92
CIP Data Types on page 93

Required vs. Optional Axis In the attribute tables, attributes and services are defined as Required
(R) or Optional (O). Required attributes and services must be supported
Attributes in the implementation of the object. Optional attributes and services
may or may not be supported in the implementation and are left to the
discretion of the device manufacturer.
For Instance Attributes, the determination of whether a given attribute or
service is Required or Optional often depends on the associated Device
Function Code.

Required Implementation
If an attribute is marked as Required for a given Device Function Code
then the controller implementation, including configuration and

94 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
programming the software, support that attribute if the end device is
intended to operate in that mode. For example, an attribute marked as
Required for Device Function Code 'V' is supported by any controller
that intends to interface to a CIP Motion device that supports Velocity
Loop operation.
In some cases an attribute or service may not even be applicable to a
given Device Function Code. This situation is implied when the attribute
is defined as neither Required nor Optional for that code. The Required
and Optional classification of a given attribute can therefore be used in
configuration software design to determine if the attribute is applicable
and requires user entry.

Conditional Implementation
For some attributes, there are conditional implementation rules that
extend beyond the Device Function Code. These rules are specified in
the Conditional Implementation column of the table below. In the
following example, the attribute PM Motor Resistance is Required “R” in
the implementation if the device supports Frequency Control, Position
Control, Velocity Control, or Torque Control and the device supports
Permanent Magnet motors, that is, “PM Motor only”. The attribute is Not
Applicable “-” for a Bus Power Converter or a Feedback Only device or
a drive that does not support a PM motor.
Attribute ID Access Attribute X G N E F P V T Conditional
Rule Implementation
1327 Set PM Motor R - - - R R R R SPM, IPM, LTS Motors
Resistance Only

To get details about how to specify the attribute, refer to the attributes
list for the functional category. For this example, PM Motor Resistance
is a member of the General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes
category. The following table provides an example of the details
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/SSV* REAL 0 0 - Ohms
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable
bit in CIP Axis Status is true).

When you are reviewing the tables for an attribute remember that
Vendor Specific attributes, attribute enumerations, and bits, are
Optional by definition. Attributes that have Optional enumerations or bit
maps are designated so in the Condition Implementation column.
Details about Optional and Required support for the individual
enumerations or bits for these attributes can be found in the detailed
attribute behavior tables.
The software queries the specific drive profile, Add-on Profile (AOP), to
determine if the Optional attributes listed in the table are supported.
Attributes that are marked with an AOP in the Conditional
Implementation column have semantics with additional, drive specific,
optional behavior that is queried.

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Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
If the conditional implementation column reads "Derived", it means that
the value for an attribute is determined (derived) by the controller based
on the value of another attribute. In this case, the current attribute
follows the conditional implementation rules of the attribute from which it
is derived. Derived attributes do not need to be downloaded to the
controller but do need to be supported by setting the appropriate bits in
the Drive Set Attribute Update Bits attribute, if applicable.

Conditional Implementation Key

The following table identifies the key abbreviations used in the
conditional column of the attributes tables and provides a description of
the condition it represents.
Key Description
AOP Add-on Profile. Logix Designer component that can be separately installed and
used for configuring one or more modules.
Co Controller only attribute (controller attribute that resides only in controller)
CScale Motion Scaling Configuration set to Controller Scaling
Derived Implementation rules follow another attribute
Drive Scaling Drive device supports drive scaling functionality
Dr Drive replicated attribute (controller attribute that is replicated in drive)
DScale Motion Scaling Configuration set to Drive Scaling
DSL Hiperface DSL (feedback type)
E Encoder-based control, a feedback device is present
!E Encoderless or sensorless control, a feedback device in not present
ED EnDat 2.1 and EnDat 2.2 (feedback type)
HI Hiperface (feedback type)
IM Rotary or Linear Induction Motor (motor type)
IPM Rotary or Linear Interior Permanent Magnet motor (motor type)
Linear Absolute Feedback Unit - meter; Feedback n Startup Method- absolute
Linear Motor Linear PM motor or Linear Induction motor (motor type)
LDT LDT or Linear Displacement Transducer (feedback type)
LT Linear Track Mover or Section (motor types)
LTM Linear Track Mover (motor type)
LTS Linear Track Mover or Section (motor types)
NK Nikon (feedback type)
NV Motor NV or Drive NV (motor data source)
O-Bits Optional bits associated with bitmapped attribute
O-Enum Optional enumerations associated with attribute
PM Rotary or Linear Permanent Magnet (SPM, IPM, LTS, LTM) motor (motor type)

Rotary Absolute Feedback Unit - rev; Feedback n Startup Method- absolute

Rotary Motor Rotary PM motor or Rotary Induction motor (motor type)
RS Resolver (feedback type)
Safety only Applicable to CIP Motion Safety Devices only
SC Sine/Cosine (feedback type)
SL Stahl SSI (feedback type)
SPM Rotary or Linear Surface Permanent Magnet motor (motor type)
SS SSI (feedback type)

96 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Key Description
TG Tamagawa (feedback type)
TM Track Mover (feedback type)
TP Digital Parallel (feedback type)
TS Track Section (feedback type)
TT Digital AqB (feedback type)

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Control Codes
on page 97
Interpreting the Attribute Tables on page 89

Identify Motion Axis This table provides an alphabetical list of all Motion Axis Attributes
specific to the CIP Drive data type. The table identifies whether the
Attributes Based on Device attribute is Required (R), Optional (O), or Conditional (C), in
implementation based on the Device Function Code. Attributes that are
Function Codes not applicable for a device function code are denoted by a dash (-).
The Device Function Codes are:
• G – Regenerative (Active) AC/DC Converters (No Control Mode,
No Control Method)
• N - Non-Regenerative (Passive) AC/DC Converters (No Control
Mode, No Control Method
• E – Encoder, Feedback Only (No Control Mode, No Control
• P – Position Loop (Position Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector
Control Method)
• V – Velocity Loop (Velocity Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector
Control Method)
• T – Torque Loop (Torque Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector
Control Method)
• F – Frequency Control (Velocity Control Mode, Frequency
Control Method)
• X – Track Section (No Control Mode, No Control Method)
The C/D column states whether the attribute is replicated in the drive.
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
2011 Get T AC Line Current R - - - - - - Yes V32
2034 Set AC Line Current Unbalance Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2225 Get T AC Line Electrical Angle O - - - - - - Yes V32
2010 Get T AC Line Frequency R - - - - - - Yes V32
2245 Set AC Line Frequency Change Action O - - - - - - Yes V32
2246 Set AC Line Frequency Change Threshold O - - - - - - Yes V32
2247 Set AC Line Frequency Change Time O - - - - - - Yes V32
2284 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2286 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit - Alternate O - - - - - - Yes V32
2285 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 97

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
2287 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit - Alternate O - - - - - - Yes V32
2280 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2282 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit - O - - - - - - Yes V32
2041 Set AC Line Source Impedance O - - - - - - Yes V32
2043 Set AC Line Source Impedance - Alternate O - - - - - - Yes V32

2042 Set AC Line Source Power O - - - - - - Yes V32

2044 Set AC Line Source Power - Alternate O - - - - - - Yes V32
2040 Set AC Line Source Select O - - - - - - Yes V32
2035 Set AC Line Sync Error Tolerance O - - - - - - Yes V32
2248 Set AC Line Sync Loss Action O - - - - - - Yes V32
2249 Set AC Line Sync Loss Time O - - - - - - Yes V32
2281 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2283 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit - O - - - - - - Yes V32
2012 Get T AC Line Voltage R - - - - - - Yes V32
2242 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Action O - - - - - - Yes V32
2241 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold O - - - - - - Yes V32
2241 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Time O - - - - - - Yes V32
2014 Set AC Line Voltage Time Constant O - - - - - - Yes V32
2033 Set AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
483/138 Get T Acceleration Feedback - - R - R R R Yes
452 Get T Acceleration Feedforward Command - - - - R R - Yes
460/216 Set T Acceleration Feedforward Gain - - - - R R - Yes
367 Get T Acceleration Fine Command - - - - O O O Yes
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - - O O O O Yes
482 Get T Acceleration Reference - - - - O O O Yes
481 Set T Acceleration Trim - - - - O O O Yes
2091 Set Active Current Command O - - - - - - Yes V32
2106 Get T Active Current Error O - - - - - - Yes V32
2118 Get T Active Current Feedback O - - - - - - Yes V32
2094 Set Active Current Low Pass Filter O - - - - - - Yes V32
2095 Set Active Current Notch Filter Frequency O - - - - - - Yes V32
2096 Set Active Current Rate Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2080 Get T Active Current Reference R - - - - - - Yes V32
2082 Get T Active Current Reference - R - - - - - - Yes V32
2081 Get T Active Current Reference - Filtered R - - - - - - Yes V32
2104 Get T Active Current Reference - Limited R - - - - - - Yes V32
2093 Set T Active Current Trim O - - - - - - Yes V32
53 Get T Actual Acceleration - - R R R R R
48 Get T Actual Position - - R R R R R
52 Get T Actual Velocity - - R R R R R

98 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
1374 Set Actuator Lead - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
1373 Set Actuator Type - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - - O O O Yes V26
844 Get T Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - - O O O Yes V26
732/267 Get T Analog Input 1 O O - O O O O Yes
733/268 Get T Analog Input 2 O O - O O O O Yes
734 Set T Analog Output 1 O O - O O O O Yes
735 Set T Analog Output 2 O O - O O O O Yes
201 Set Application Type - - - - R R -
164 Get T Attribute Error Code R R R R R R R
165 Get T Attribute Error ID R R R R R R R
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - - O O O O Yes E, V26

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 99

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
51 Get T Average Velocity - - R R R R R
81 Set Average Velocity Timebase - - R R R R R
1 Get Axis Address R R R R R R R
30 Set Axis Configuration R R R R R R R Optional Enumeration
12 Get Axis Configuration State R R R R R R R
11 Get Axis Data Type R R R R R R R
35 Get T Axis Event Bits R R R R R R R
34 Get T Axis Fault Bits R R R R R R R
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R R Optional bit maps
106 Set Axis ID R R R R R R R
2 Get Axis Instance R R R R R R R
753 Get T Axis Safety Alarms - - O O O O O Yes V32
754 Get T Axis Safety Alarms - Mfg - - O O O O O Yes V32
988 Get T Axis Safety Alarms - RA - - O O O O O Yes V32
986 Get T Axis Safety Data A - - - O O O O Yes V31
987 Get T Axis Safety Data B - - - O O O O Yes V31
763 Get T Axis Safety Faults - - O O O O O Yes V24
985 Get T Axis Safety Faults - RA - - O O O O O Yes V31
760 Get T Axis Safety State - - O O O O O Yes V24
761 Get T Axis Safety Status - - O O O O O Yes V24
984 Get T Axis Safety Status - RA - - O O O O O Yes V31
13 Get Axis State R R R R R R R
33 Get T Axis Status Bits R R R R R R R
124 Set Axis Update Schedule R R R R R R R
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - - O - - Yes
423 Set Backlash Reversal Offset - - - - R - - E
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - - O O O O Yes E, V26
576 Set Break Frequency - - - R - - - Yes Basic V/Hz only
575 Set Break Voltage - - - R - - - Yes Basic V/Hz only
816 Set Bus Observer Bandwidth O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
815 Set Bus Observer Configuration O - - - - - - Yes Optional Enumeration
Voltage Control only, V32
812 Get T Bus Observer Current Estimate O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
817 Set Bus Observer Integrator Bandwidth O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
811 Get T Bus Observer Voltage Rate Estimate O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
255 Set Bus Overvoltage Operational Limit - - - - R R R V29
638/262 Get T Bus Regulator Capacity O O - O O O O Yes
2054 Get T Bus Voltage Error R - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
2065 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance O O - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only - G,
2066 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance Time O O - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only - G,
2053 Get T Bus Voltage Feedback R - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
2063 Set Bus Voltage Integrator Bandwidth R - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32

100 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
2062 Set Bus Voltage Loop Bandwidth R - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
2064 Set Bus Voltage Rate Limit O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
2050 Get T Bus Voltage Reference R O - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only - G,
2061 Set Bus Voltage Reference Source O - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
2060 Set T Bus Voltage Set Point R O - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only - G,
8 Set C2C Connection Instance R R R R R R R
7 Set C2C Map Instance R R R R R R R
756 Get CIP APR Faults - - C - C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
Scaling; V27; E
905 Get T CIP APR Faults - RA - - C - C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
Scaling; V27; E
26 Get CIP Axis Alarm Log R R R R R R R
127 Get CIP Axis Alarm Log Count R R R R R R R
28 Set CIP Axis Alarm Log Reset R R R R R R R
659 Get T CIP Axis Alarms O O O O O O O Yes
904 Get T CIP Axis Alarms - RA O O O O O O O Yes
746 Get T CIP Axis Alarms 2 O O O O O O O Yes V32
927 Get T CIP Axis Alarms 2 - RA O O O O O O O Yes V32
672 Set CIP Axis Exception Action R R R R R R R Yes Optional Enumeration
748 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 R O O O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
908 Set CIP Axis Exception Action - RA R R R R R R R Yes Optional Enumeration
909 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA R O O O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
25 Get CIP Axis Fault Log R R R R R R R
126 Get CIP Axis Fault Log Count R R R R R R R
27 Set CIP Axis Fault Log Reset R R R R R R R
657 Get T CIP Axis Faults R R R R R R R Yes
744 Get T CIP Axis Faults 2 R O O O O O O Yes V32
903 Get T CIP Axis Faults - RA R R R R R R R Yes
926 Get T CIP Axis Faults 2 - RA R O O O O O O Yes V32
653 Get T CIP Axis I/O Status R R R R R R R Yes
901 Get T CIP Axis I/O Status - RA R R R R R R R Yes
650 Get T CIP Axis State R R R R R R R Yes
651 Get T CIP Axis Status R R R R R R R Yes

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 101

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
740 Get T CIP Axis Status 2 R O O O O O O Yes V32
900 Get T CIP Axis Status - RA R R R R R R R Yes
924 Get T CIP Axis Status 2 - RA R O O O O O O Yes V32
168 Set CIP Controller Get Attr Update Bits R R R R R R R

167 Set CIP Controller Set Attr Update Bits R R R R R R R

241 Set CIP Drive Get Attr Update Bits R R R R R R R
240 Set CIP Drive Set Attr Update Bits R R R R R R R
674 Get T CIP Initialization Faults R R R R R R R Yes
910 Get T CIP Initialization Faults- RA R R R R R R R Yes
676 Get T CIP Start Inhibits R R R R R R R Yes
912 Get T CIP Start Inhibits - RA R R R R R R R Yes
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - - O O O O Yes V26
100 Get T Command Acceleration - - - R R R -
96 Get T Command Position - - - R R R -
95 Set* T Command Torque - - - - - R R
360 Set Command Update Delay Offset - - - - R R - E
99 Get T Command Velocity - - - R R R -
561 Set Commutation Offset - - - - R R R Yes E; PM Motor only
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - - - O O O Yes E; IPM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - - O O O Yes E; PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - - O O O Yes E; PM Motor only, AOP
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - - O O O O Yes V31
41 Get Control Method R R R R R R R Yes Derived – Axis Config
40 Set* Control Mode R R R R R R R Yes Derived – Axis Config
82 Set Conversion Constant - - R R R R R
2030 Set Converter AC Input Frequency O - - - - - - Yes V32
2031 Set Converter AC Input Phasing O - - - - - - Yes V32
2032 Set Converter AC Input Voltage O - - - - - - Yes V32
637 Get T Converter Capacity O O - O O O O Yes
1280 Set Converter Configuration R - - - - - - V32; Optional Enumeration

2001 Set* Converter Control Mode R - - - - - - Yes V32; Derived - Converter

2231 Set Converter Current Integrator Bandwidth O - - - - - - Yes V32
2103 Get T Converter Current Limit Source O - - - - - - Yes V32
2230 Set Converter Current Loop Bandwidth O - - - - - - Yes V32
1065 Set Converter Current Loop Bandwidth Base R - - - - - - V32

2322 Set Converter Current Loop Damping O - - - - - - Yes V32

2321 Set Converter Current Loop Tuning Method O - - - - - - Yes V32

2232 Set Converter Current Vector Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
1069 Set Converter DC Bus Capacitance R - - - - - - V32

709 Set Converter Ground Current User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32

2288 Set Converter Heatsink Overtemp User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32

102 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
2243 Set Converter Input Phase Loss Action O - - - - - - Yes V32

2244 Set Converter Input Phase Loss Time O - - - - - - Yes V32

2289 Set Converter Line Overload User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
1049 Set Converter Model Time Constant R - - - - - - V32
1064 Set Converter Model Time Constant Base R - - - - - - V32
596 Set Converter Motoring Power Limit O O - - - - - Yes V32
2100 Get T Converter Operative Current Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
605 Get T Converter Output Current O O - O O O O Yes V26
606 Get T Converter Output Power O O - O O O O Yes V26
2268 Set Converter Overload Action O - - - - - - Yes Optional Enumeration
700 Set Converter Overtemperature User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
921 Set Converter Pre-Charge Overload User O - - - - - - Yes V32
1066 Set Converter Rated Current R - - - - - - V32
1067 Set Converter Rated Peak Current R - - - - - - V32
1068 Set Converter Rated Voltage R - - - - - - V32
626 Set Converter Regenerative Power Limit O O - - - - - Yes V32
2003 Set Converter Startup Method O - - - - - - Yes V32
701 Set Converter Thermal Overload User Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32

520 Get T Current Command - - - - R R R Yes

840 Set T Current Disturbance - - - - O O O Yes
527 Get T Current Error - - - - O O O Yes
529 Get T Current Feedback - - - - O O O Yes
522 Get T Current Limit Source - - - O O O O Yes F Support in V29
524 Get T Current Reference - - - - O O O Yes
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - - O O O O Yes
46 Set Cyclic Read Update List R R R R R R R
47 Set Cyclic Write Update List R R R R R R R
196 Set Damping Factor R - - - R R R
620/266 Get T DC Bus Voltage R R - R R R R Yes
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - - O O O O Yes
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - - O O O O Yes

486 Set Deceleration Limit - - - O O O O Yes

730 Get T Digital Inputs O O - O O O O Yes
731 Set T Digital Outputs O O - O O O O Yes
105 Set* T Direct Command Velocity - R - R -
200 Set Drive Model Time Constant - - - - R R R
253 Set Drive Model Time Constant Base - - - - R R R
254 Set Drive Rated Peak Current - - - - R R R
120 Set Dynamics Configuration Bits - - - R R R -
1057 Set External DC Bus Capacitance R - - - - - - V32
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - - O - O O O Yes E
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - - O - O O O Yes E

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 103

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - - O - O O O Yes E; TG,NK
2406 Set Feedback n Calibration Offset O O O E;TM, V33
1417 Set Feedback 1 Cycle Interpolation - - R - R R R Yes E; Not Linear Displacement
Transducer (feedback
type), AOP
1416 Set Feedback 1 Cycle Resolution - - R - R R R Yes E; Not Linear Displacement
Transducer (feedback
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - - O - O O O Yes E; Digital Parallel (feedback
type),SSI (feedback type)
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - - O - O O O Yes E; Digital Parallel (feedback
type),SSI (feedback type)
1419 Set Feedback 1 Length - - R - R R R Yes E; Linear Absolute Only
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - - O - O O O Yes E
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - - O - O O O Yes E
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - - O - O O O Yes E
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - - R - R R R Yes E; Optional Enumeration
1418 Set Feedback 1 Turns - - R - R R R Yes E; Rotary Absolute Only
1413 Set Feedback 1 Type - - R - R R R Yes E; Optional Enumeration
1411 Set Feedback 1 Unit - - R - R R R Yes E
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - - O - O O O Yes E
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - - O - O O O Yes E
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - - O - O O O Yes E
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - - O - O O O Yes E
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - - O - O O O Yes E; TG, NK
2456 Set Feedback 2 Calibration Offset O O O E; TM,V33
1467 Set Feedback 2 Cycle Interpolation - - R - R R R Yes E; Not Linear Displacement
Transducer (feedback
type), AOP
1466 Set Feedback 2 Cycle Resolution - - R - R R R Yes E; Not Linear Displacement
Transducer (feedback
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - - O - O O O Yes E; Digital Parallel (feedback
type),SSI (feedback type)
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - - O - O O O Yes E; Digital Parallel (feedback
type),SSI (feedback type)
1469 Set Feedback 2 Length - - R - R R R Yes E; Linear Absolute Only
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - - O - O O O Yes E
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - - O - O O O Yes E
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)

104 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - - O - O O O Yes E; Resolver (feedback type)
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - - - - O O O Yes E
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - - R - R R R Yes E; Optional Enumeration
1468 Set Feedback 2 Turns - - R - R R R Yes E; Rotary Absolute Only
1463 Set Feedback 2 Type - - R - R R R Yes E; Optional Enumeration
1461 Set Feedback 2 Unit - - R - R R R Yes E
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - - O - O O O Yes E
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - - O - O O O Yes E
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - - O O O Yes E; PM Motor only,
Optional Enumeration
31 Set Feedback Configuration R R R R R R R Optional Enumeration
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - - O O O O O Yes E
42 Set* Feedback Mode - - R R R R R Yes Derived - Fdbk Config
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - - O O O O O Yes E
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - - O O O O O Yes E
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - - O O - Yes E
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
528 Get T Flux Current Error - - - - O O O Yes
530 Get T Flux Current Feedback - - - - O O O Yes
525 Get T Flux Current Reference - - - - O O O Yes
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - - O O O Yes
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
558 Set Flux Up Control - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only,
Optional Enumeration
559 Set Flux Up Time - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - - O - O - Yes
381 Set Flying Start Method - - - O - O - Yes V29
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - - R - - - Yes Optional Enumeration
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - - O O O Yes
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - - O O O Yes
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - - O O O Yes
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - O - - Yes
189 Set Gain Tuning Configuration Bits - - - - R R R
3 Get Group Instance R R R R R R R
981/243 Get T Guard Faults - - O O O O Yes
980/242 Get T Guard Status - - - O O O O Yes
88 Set Home Configuration Bits - - R - R R R E
86 Set Home Direction - - - - R R - E
18 Get Home Event Task - - R R R R R E
85 Set Home Mode - - R - R R R E
90 Set Home Offset - - R - R R R E
89 Set Home Position - - R - R R R E
113 Set Home Return Speed - - - - R R - E
87 Set Home Sequence - - R - R R R Optional Enumeration; E
112 Set Home Speed - - - - R R - E
245 Get Hookup Test Commutation Offset - - R - R R R PM Motor only; E

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 105

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
246 Get Hookup Test Commutation Polarity - - R - R R R PM Motor only; E
109 Set Hookup Test Distance - - R - R R R E
247 Get Hookup Test Feedback 1 Direction - - R - R R R E
248 Get Hookup Test Feedback 2 Direction - - R - R R R E
111 Set Hookup Test Feedback Channel - - R - R R R E
244 Get Hookup Test Status - - R R R R R
110 Set Hookup Test Time - - - R - R - !E
1346 Set Induction Motor Flux Current - - - R R R R Yes Ind Motor only
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
1345 Set Induction Motor Rated Frequency - - - R R R R Yes Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - - O O O O Yes Ind Motor only
1347 Set Induction Motor Stator Resistance - - - R R R R Yes Ind Motor only
20 Set Inhibit Axis R R R R R R R
60 Get T Interpolated Actual Position - - R - R R R E
101 Get T Interpolated Command Position - - - - R R - E
108 Set Interpolated Position Configuration - - R - R R R E
59 Set T Interpolation Time - - R - R R R E
636 Get T Inverter Capacity - - - R R R R Yes
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - - O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - - O O O O Yes
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - - O O O O Yes Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - - O O O O Yes Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - - - O O O Yes Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - - O O O O Yes Linear Motor only
1334 Set Linear Motor Pole Pitch - - - R R R R Yes Linear Motor only
1335 Set Linear Motor Rated Speed - - - R R R R Yes Linear Motor only
203 Set Load Coupling - - - - R R R
352 Set Load Inertia Ratio - - - - R R R
801 Get T Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - - O O O Yes
806 Set T Load Observer Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - - O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - - O O O Yes
807 Set T Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
802 Get T Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - - O O O Yes
205 Set Load Ratio - - - - R R R

106 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
1370 Set Load Type - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only attribute
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
750 Set Local Control O O O O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
202 Set Loop Response R - - - R R -
4 Set Map Instance R R R R R R R
21 Set Master Input Configuration Bits - - R - R R - E
102 Get T Master Offset - - - R R R -
22 Set Master Position Filter Bandwidth - - R - R R - E
115 Set Maximum Acceleration - - - R R R -
118 Set Maximum Acceleration Jerk - - - R R R -
116 Set Maximum Deceleration - - - R R R -
119 Set Maximum Deceleration Jerk - - - R R R -
573 Set Maximum Frequency - - - R - - - Yes
114 Set Maximum Speed - - - R R R -
572 Set Maximum Voltage - - - R - - - Yes
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - - O O O O Yes
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - - O O O O Yes
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - - O O O O Yes
10 Get Memory Usage R R R R R R R
9 Get Memory Use R R R R R R R
159 Get T Module Alarm Bits R R R R R R R
5 Set Module Channel R R R R R R R
6 Set Module Class Code R R R R R R R
163 Get T Module Fault Bits R R R R R R R
23 Get T Motion Alarm Bits - - R R R R R
29 Set Motion Exception Action - - R R R R R
24 Get T Motion Fault Bits - - R R R R R
79 Set Motion Polarity - - R R R R R Yes Controller only attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
Drive replicated attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
78 Set Motion Resolution - - R R R R R Yes Controller only attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
Drive replicated attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 107

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - - R R R R R Yes Drive Scaling only;
Optional Enumeration
32 Get T Motion Status Bits - - R R R R R
77 Set Motion Unit - - R R R R R Yes Controller only attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling; Drive
replicated attribute, Motion
Scaling Configuration set
to Drive Scaling
635/259 Get T Motor Capacity - - - R R R R Yes
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - - C C C C Yes (R) Controller only attribute
!NV; (O) Drive replicated
attribute, NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - - R R R R Yes Optional Enumeration
1314 Set Motor Device Code - - - R R R R Yes
523/263 Get T Motor Electrical Angle - - - - R R R Yes PM Motor only
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - - O O O O Yes

1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - - O O O O Yes

646 Set Motor Overload Action - - - O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - - O O O O Yes
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - - O O O O Yes
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - - O O O O Yes V26
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - - O O O O Yes
1319 Set Motor Rated Continuous Current - - - R R R R Yes
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - - C C C C Yes O-PM; R-IM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - - C C C C Yes R-PM; O-IM
1318 Set Motor Rated Voltage - - - R R R R Yes
1000 Get Motor Test Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
1001 Get Motor Test Commutation Offset Comp - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
174 Get Motor Test Counter EMF - - - R R R R PM Motor only
172 Get Motor Test Flux Current - - - R R R R Ind Motor only
171 Get Motor Test Inductance - - - R R R R
999 Get Motor Test Ld Flux Saturation - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
997 Get Motor Test Ld Inductance - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
998 Get Motor Test Lq Flux Saturation - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
996 Get Motor Test Lq Inductance - - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
170 Get Motor Test Resistance - - - R R R R
173 Get Motor Test Slip Speed - - - R R R R Ind Motor only
175 Get Motor Test Status - - - R R R R
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - - O O O O Yes
1315 Set Motor Type - - - R R R R Yes Optional Enumeration
1316 Set Motor Unit - - - R R R R Yes
1325 Set Motor Winding To Ambient Capacitance - - - O O O O Yes
1326 Set Motor Winding To Ambient Resistance - - - O O O O Yes
521 Get T Operative Current Limit - - - O O O O Yes F Support in V29

108 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
14 Get Output Cam Execution Targets - - R R R R R E
38 Get T Output Cam Lock Status - - R - R R R E
37 Get T Output Cam Pending Status - - R - R R R E
36 Get T Output Cam Status - - R - R R R E
39 Get T Output Cam Transition Status - - R - R R R E
601 Get T Output Current - - - R R R R Yes
600 Get T Output Frequency - - - R O O O Yes
603 Get T Output Power - - - R R R R Yes
602 Get T Output Voltage - - - R R R R Yes
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - - O O O O Yes
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - - O O O O Yes
1082 Get Planner Actual Position - - R R R R R V30
1081 Get Planner Command Position - Fractional - - - R R R - V30
1080 Get Planner Command Position - Integer - - - R R R - V30
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - - O O O Yes PM Motor only; V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - - O O O O Yes SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - - O O O O Yes Linear PM Motor only
1328 Set PM Motor Inductance - - - R R R R Yes SPM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - - O O O O Yes IPM Motor only, V29
1354 Set PM Motor Ld Inductance - - - R R R R Yes IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - - O O O Yes Linear PM Motor only; V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - - O O O Yes Linear PM Motor only; V29
1344 Set PM Motor Linear Voltage Constant - - - R R R R Yes Linear PM Motor only
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - - O O O O Yes IPM Motor only, V29
1353 Set PM Motor Lq Inductance - - - R R R R Yes IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - - O O O O Yes Linear PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - - O O O O Yes Rotary PM Motor only
1327 Set PM Motor Resistance - - - R R R R Yes SPM,IPM, LTS Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - - O O O Yes Rotary PM Motor only; V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - - O O O Yes Rotary PM Motor only; V29
1341 Set PM Motor Rotary Voltage Constant - - - R R R R Yes Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - - O O O O Yes Rotary PM Motor only
436/131 Get T Position Error - - - - R - - Yes
444/227 Set Position Error Tolerance - - - - R - - Yes
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - - O - - Yes
1402 Get T Position Feedback 1 - - R - R R R Yes E
1452 Get T Position Feedback 2 - - R - R R R Yes E
365 Get T Position Fine Command - - - - O - - Yes
442 Set T Position Integrator Bandwidth - - - - R - - Yes
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - - R - - Yes Optional bit maps
437 Get T Position Integrator Output - - - - R - - Yes
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - - O - - Yes
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - - O - - Yes
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - O - - Yes
443/228 Set Position Lock Tolerance - - - - R - - Yes
441 Set T Position Loop Bandwidth - - - - R - - Yes

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 109

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
438 Get T Position Loop Output - - - - R - - Yes
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - - O - - Yes

432 Get T Position Reference - - - - R - - Yes

73 Set Position Scaling Denominator - - R R R R R
72 Set Position Scaling Numerator - - R R R R R
197 Set Position Servo Bandwidth - - - - R - -
431 Set T Position Trim - - - - R - - Yes
80 Set Position Units - - R R R R R
84 Set Position Unwind - - R - R R R Yes Controller only attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling; Drive
replicated attribute, Motion
Scaling Configuration set
to Drive Scaling; E
75 Set Position Unwind Denominator - - R - R R R E
74 Set Position Unwind Numerator - - R - R R R E
627 Set Power Loss Action O O - O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
628 Set Power Loss Threshold O O - O O O O Yes
630 Set Power Loss Time O O - O O O O Yes
117 Set Programmed Stop Mode R R R R R R R
590 Set Proving Configuration - - - O O O O Yes V26
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - - O - O - Yes
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - - O - O - Yes
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - - O - O - Yes
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - - O - O - Yes
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - - O - O - Yes
2092 Set Reactive Current Command O - - - - - - Yes V32
2107 Get T Reactive Current Error O - - - - - - Yes V32
2119 Get T Reactive Current Feedback O - - - - - - Yes V32
2097 Set Reactive Current Rate Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2083 Get T Reactive Current Reference R - - - - - - Yes V32
2084 Get T Reactive Current Reference - R - - - - - - Yes V32
2105 Get T Reactive Current Reference - Limited R - - - - - - Yes V32
2002 Set Reactive Power Control O - - - - - - Yes V32
2073 Set Reactive Power Rate Limit O - - - - - - Yes V32
2070 Set Reactive Power Set Point O - - - - - - Yes V32
16 Get Registration 1 Event Task - - R R R R R E
63 Get* T Registration 1 Negative Edge Position - - R - R R R Yes E
67 Get* T Registration 1 Negative Edge Time - - R - R R R Yes E
55 Get T Registration 1 Position - - R - R R R E
62 Get* T Registration 1 Positive Edge Position - - R - R R R Yes E
66 Get* T Registration 1 Positive Edge Time - - R - R R R Yes E
57 Get T Registration 1 Time - - R - R R R E
17 Get Registration 2 Event Task - - R R R R R E

110 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
65 Get* T Registration 2 Negative Edge Position - - R - R R R Yes E
69 Get* T Registration 2 Negative Edge Time - - R - R R R Yes E
56 Get T Registration 2 Position - - R - R R R E
64 Get* T Registration 2 Positive Edge Position - - R - R R R Yes E
68 Get* T Registration 2 Positive Edge Time - - R - R R R Yes E
58 Get T Registration 2 Time - - R - R R R E
356 Set Registration Inputs - - R - R R R AOP; E
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - - O O O O Yes PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - - O O O O Yes Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - - O O O O Yes Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - - O O O O Yes Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - - - O O O Yes Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - - O O O O Yes Rotary Motor only
1329 Set Rotary Motor Poles - - - R R R R Yes Rotary Motor only
1331 Set Rotary Motor Rated Speed - - - R R R R Yes Rotary Motor only
578 Set Run Boost - - - R - - - Yes Basic V/Hz and
Fan/Pump V/Hz only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - - O O O O Yes V31
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - - O O O O Yes V31
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - - O O O O Yes V26; Optional Enumeration
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - - O O O O Yes V31
758 Set Safety Fault Action - - O O O O O Yes V32
70 Set Scaling Source - - R R R R R
629 Set Shutdown Action O O - O O O O Yes Optional Enumeration
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - - O - - - Yes
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - - O - - - Yes
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - - O - - - Yes
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - - O - - - Yes
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - - O - Yes
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - - O - Yes
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - - O - Yes
565 Get T Slip Compensation - - - R - - - Yes
94 Set Soft Travel Limit - Negative - - R - R R R E
93 Set Soft Travel Limit - Positive - - R - R R R E
92 Set Soft Travel Limit Checking - - R - R R R E
50 Get T Start Actual Position - - R R R R R
577 Set Start Boost - - - R - - - Yes Basic V/Hz only
98 Get T Start Command Position - - - R R R -
104 Get T Start Master Offset - - - R R R -
610 Set Stopping Action - - - R R R R Yes Optional Enumeration
612/338 Set Stopping Time Limit - - - O O O O Yes
611/337 Set Stopping Torque - - - - R R R Yes
49 Get T Strobe Actual Position - - R R R R R
97 Get T Strobe Command Position - - - R R R -
103 Get T Strobe Master Offset - - - R R R -
252 Set System Acceleration Base - - - - R R R

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 111

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
169 Set System Bandwidth - - - - R R R Derived – Servo BW
2090 Set System Capacitance R - - - - - - Yes Voltage Control only, V32
204 Set System Damping - - - - R R R Derived – Damp. Fact.
496 Set T System Inertia - - - - R R O Yes
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - - O O O Yes
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - O O O Yes
505/333 Set T Torque Limit - Negative - - - - R R R Yes
504/332 Set T Torque Limit - Positive - - - - R R R Yes
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
502 Set T Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes
843 Get T Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - - O O O Yes V26
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - O O O Yes
841 Get T Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - - O O O Yes V26
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - - O O O Yes V26
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit - - - - O O O Yes V26
842 Get T Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - - O O O Yes V26
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - - O O O Yes V26
232 Set Torque Offset - - - - R R R
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - - O O O O Yes V26
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - - O O O Yes
492 Get T Torque Reference - - - - R R R Yes
493 Get T Torque Reference Filtered - - - - R R R Yes
494 Get T Torque Reference Limited - - - - R R R Yes
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - - O O O Yes
491 Set T Torque Trim - - - - R R R Yes
1056 Set Total DC Bus Capacitance R - - - - - - V32
206 Set Total Inertia - - - - R R R Rotary Motor only
207 Set Total Mass - - - - R R R Linear Motor only
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - - C C C C C Yes (R) Controller only attribute
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling;
(O) Drive replicated
attribute, Motion Scaling
Configuration set to Drive

112 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
71 Set Travel Mode - - R R R R R Yes Controller only attribute,
Motion Scaling
Configuration set to
Controller Scaling; Drive
replicated attribute, Motion
Scaling Configuration set
to Drive Scaling
76 Set Travel Range - - R - R R R E
181 Get Tune Acceleration - - - - R R R
179 Get Tune Acceleration Time - - - - R R R
182 Get Tune Deceleration - - - - R R R
180 Get Tune Deceleration Time - - - - R R R
187 Set Tune Friction - - - - R R R
186 Set Tune Inertia Mass - - - - R R R
188 Set Tune Load Offset - - - - R R R
178 Get Tune Status - - - - R R R
191 Set Tuning Direction - - - - R R R
190 Set Tuning Select - - - - R R R
194 Set Tuning Speed - - - - R R R
195 Set Tuning Torque - - - - R R R
193 Set Tuning Travel Limit - - - - R R R
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - - O O O O Yes
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - - O O O O Yes
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - - O O O - Yes
455/135 Get T Velocity Error - - - - R R - Yes
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - - O O - Yes
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - - O O - Yes
454/134 Get T Velocity Feedback - - R R R R R Yes
433 Get T Velocity Feedforward Command - - - - R - - Yes
440/215 Set T Velocity Feedforward Gain - - - - R - - Yes
366 Get T Velocity Fine Command - - - - O O - Yes
462 Set T Velocity Integrator Bandwidth - - - - R R - Yes
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - - R R - Yes Optional bit maps
456 Get T Velocity Integrator Output - - - - R R - Yes
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - - O O - Yes
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - - O O O - Yes
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - - O O O - Yes
458 Get T Velocity Limit Source - - - - O O - Yes V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - - O O O - Yes
461 Set T Velocity Loop Bandwidth - - - - R R - Yes
457 Get T Velocity Loop Output - - - - R R - Yes
469 Set T Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - - O O - Yes
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - - O O - Yes
231 Set Velocity Offset - - - - R R -
453 Get T Velocity Reference - - - R R R - Yes
198 Set Velocity Servo Bandwidth - - - - R R -
472/329 Set Velocity Standstill Window - - R R R R R Yes

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 113

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Attr. ID Access Tag Attribute Name G N E F P V T C/D Conditional
Rule Implementation
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - - O O O O O Yes
451 Set T Velocity Trim - - - R R R - Yes
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - - O O O - Yes V31
15 Get Watch Event Task - - R R R R R E
54 Get T Watch Position - - R - R R R E
608 Set Zero Speed - - - O O O O Yes V26
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - - O O O O Yes V26

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243
Motion Instruction Compatibility on page 28

Attribute Conversion from The following table illustrates the methods used to convert a L5K file
from a Logix Designer project that uses an existing Allen-Bradley®
SERCOS to Integrated SERCOS drive to a comparable CIP Motion compliant drive.

Motion on the Ethernet/IP

SERCOS Attribute Name L5K Example CIP Axis Attribute Name Conversion Method
MotionGroup "MyGroup" MotionGroup Direct
MotionModule "SercosDrive:Ch13" MotionModule Direct
RotationalPosResolution 200000 MotionResolution Direct
ConversionConstant 200000 ConversionConstant Direct
OutputCamExecutionTargets 0 OutputCamExecutionTargets Direct
PositionUnits "Position Units" PositionUnits Direct
AverageVelocityTimebase 0.25 AverageVelocityTimebase Direct
RotaryAxis Linear RotaryAxis Direct
PositionUnwind 200000 PositionUnwind Direct
HomeMode Active HomeMode Direct
HomeDirection Bi-directional Forward HomeDirection Direct
HomeSequence Immediate HomeSequence Direct
HomeConfigurationBits 16#0000_0000 HomeConfigurationBits Direct
HomePosition 0 HomePosition Direct
HomeOffset 0 HomeOffset Direct
HomeSpeed 0 HomeSpeed Direct
HomeReturnSpeed 0 HomeReturnSpeed Direct
MaximumSpeed 70.833336 MaximumSpeed Direct
MaximumAcceleration 14025.113 MaximumAcceleration Direct
MaximumDeceleration 14025.113 MaximumDeceleration Direct
ProgrammedStopMode Fast Stop ProgrammedStopMode Direct
MasterInputConfigurationBits 1 MasterInputConfigurationBits Direct
MasterPositionFilterBandwidth 0.1 MasterPositionFilterBandwidth Direct
AxisType Servo FeedbackConfiguration Enum Mapping

114 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
SERCOS Attribute Name L5K Example CIP Axis Attribute Name Conversion Method
ServoLoopConfiguration Position Servo FeedbackConfiguration Enum Mapping
FaultConfigurationBits 32 ExceptionAction Enum Mapping
AxisInfoSelect1 <none> CyclicReadUpdateList Enum to Attr ID Element 0
AxisInfoSelect2 <none> CyclicReadUpdateList Enum to Attr ID Element 1
VelocityFeedforwardGain 0 VelocityFeedforwardGain Direct
AccelerationFeedforwardGain 0 AccelerationFeedforwardGain Direct
PositionProportionalGain 528.1571 PositionLoopBandwidth 1/2p
PositionIntegralGain 0 PositionIntegratorBandwidth 1/2p * 1000/Kpp
VelocityProportionalGain 1352.0822 VelocityLoopBandwidth 1/2p
VelocityIntegralGain 0 PositionIntegratorBandwidth 1/2p * 1000/Kpv
TorqueScaling 0.01749257 SystemInertia Conversion Const/Drive Res
OutputLPFilterBandwidth 0 TorqueLPFilterBandwidth Direct
PositionIntegratorControl Bit 0 Mapping
IntegratorHoldEnable Enabled VelocityIntegratorControl Bit 0 Mapping
MaximumPositiveTravel 0 MaximumPositiveTravel Direct
MaximumNegativeTravel 0 MaximumNegativeTravel Direct
PositionErrorTolerance 0.3155627 PositionErrorTolerance Direct
PositionLockTolerance 0.01 PositionLockTolerance Direct
VelocityOffset 0 VelocityOffset Direct
TorqueOffset 0 TorqueOffset Direct
FrictionCompensation 0 FrictionCompensation Direct
FrictionCompensationWindow 0 FrictionCompensationWindow Direct
BacklashStabilizationWindow 0 BacklashStabilizationWindow Direct
BacklashReversalOffset 0 BacklashReversalOffset Direct
HardOvertravelFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
SoftOvertravelFaultAction Disable Drive MotionExceptionAction Enum Mapping
PositionErrorFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
FeedbackFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
FeedbackNoiseFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
TestIncrement 0 TestIncrement Direct
TuningTravelLimit 0 TuningTravelLimit Direct
TuningSpeed 0 TuningSpeed Direct
TuningTorque 100 TuningTorque Direct
DampingFactor 0.8 DampingFactor Direct
DriveModelTimeConstant 2.89E-04 DriveModelTimeConstant Direct
PositionServoBandwidth 84.058815 N/A
VelocityServoBandwidth 215.19055 N/A
TuningConfigurationBits 16#0000_0000 TuningConfigurationBits Direct
TorqueLimitSource Not Limited TorqueLimitSource Direct
DriveUnit Motor Rev MotionUnit Direct
PositionDataScaling 10 N/A
PositionDataScalingFactor 1 N/A
PositionDataScalingExp 0 N/A
VelocityDataScaling 2 N/A
VelocityDataScalingFactor 1 N/A
VelocityDataScalingExp 0 N/A
AccelerationDataScaling 2 N/A
AccelerationDataScalingFactor 1 N/A

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 115

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
SERCOS Attribute Name L5K Example CIP Axis Attribute Name Conversion Method
AccelerationDataScalingExp 0 N/A
TorqueDataScaling 0 N/A
TorqueDataScalingFactor 1 N/A
TorqueDataScalingExp 0 N/A
DrivePolarity Positive MotionPolarity Enum Mapping
MotorFeedbackType "SRM" Feedback1Type Enum Mapping
MotorFeedbackResolution 1024 Feedback1CycleResolution Direct
AuxFeedbackType "<NA>" Feedback2Type Enum Mapping
AuxFeedbackResolution 4000 Feedback2CycleResolution Direct
MotorFeedbackUnit Rev Feedback1Unit Enum Mapping
AuxFeedbackUnit Rev Feedback2Unit Enum Mapping
OutputNotchFilterFrequency 0 TorqueNotchFilterFrequecy Freq Unit Scaling
VelocityDroop 0 VelocityDroop Direct
VelocityLimitBipolar 83.333336 N/A
AccelerationLimitBipolar 33000.266 N/A
TorqueLimitBipolar 288.62973 N/A
VelocityLimitPositive 83.333336 VelocityLimitPositive Direct
VelocityLimitNegative -83.333336 VelocityLimitNegative Direct
VelocityThreshold 0 VelocityThreshold Direct
VelocityWindow 1 VelocityWindow Direct
VelocityStandstillWindow 1 VelocityStandstillWindow Direct
AccelerationLimitPositive 33000.266 AccelerationLimit Direct
AccelerationLimitNegative -33000.266 DecelerationLimit Direct
TorqueLimitPositive 288.62973 TorqueLimitPositive Direct
TorqueLimitNegative -288.62973 TorqueLimitNegative Direct
TorqueThreshold 0 TorqueThreshold Direct
DriveThermalFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
MotorThermalFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
DriveEnableInputFaultAction Disable Drive CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
StoppingTorque 288.62973 StoppingTorque Direct
StoppingTimeLimit 10 StoppingTimeLimit Direct
BrakeEngageDelayTime 0 BrakeEngageDelayTime Direct
BrakeReleaseDelayTime 0 BrakeReleaseDelayTime Direct
PowerSupplyID "2094-AC05-M01" (Module Configuration)
BusRegulatorID "<none>" (Module Configuration)
PWMFrequencySelect High Frequency N/A
LoadInertiaRatio 0 LoadInertiaRatio Direct
AmplifierCatalogNumber "2094-AC05-M01" (Module Configuration)
MotorCatalogNumber "MPL-A310P-M" MotorCatalogNumber Direct
AuxFeedbackRatio 1 FeedbackUnitRatio 1/x
ContinuousTorqueLimit 100 MotorOverloadLimit Direct
ResistiveBrakeContactDelay 0 ResistiveBrakeContactDelay Direct
MaximumAccelerationJerk 2776994.8 MaximumAccelerationJerk Direct
MaximumDecelerationJerk 2776994.8 MaximumDecelerationJerk Direct
DynamicsConfigurationBits 7 DynamicsConfigurationBits Direct
PhaseLossFaultAction Shutdown CIPAxisExceptionAction Enum Mapping
HomeTorqueLevel 0 HomeTorqueLevel Direct
InputPowerPhase Three-Phase (Module Configuration)

116 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables

Drive Supported Optional The following tables describe the optional attributes that are supported
for the Kinetix 350, Kinetix 5500, Kinetix 5700, Kinetix 6500, PowerFlex
Attributes 755 Standard, and the PowerFlex 755 Safety drives.
• Kinetix 350 Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 118
• Kinetix 5500 Hardwired STO Drive Module Optional Attributes on
page 125
• Kinetix 5500 Integrated STO Drive Module Optional Attributes on
page 133
• Kinetix 5700 Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 140
• Kinetix 5700 Advanced Safety Drive Module Optional Attributes
on page 148
• Kinetix 5700 CIP Safety (EtherNet/IP) Module Optional Attributes
on page 156
• Kinetix 5700 CIP Advanced Safety (EtherNet/IP) Module Optional
Attributes on page 166
• Kinetix 6500 Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 187
• Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply Module Optional
Attributes on page 177
• PowerFlex 527 Axis Instance Optional Attributes on page 195
• PowerFlex 755 Standard Drive Module Optional Attributes on
page 200
• PowerFlex 755 High Power, Standard Drive Module Optional
Attributes on page 206
• PowerFlex 755 Low Power, Non-Network Safety Drive Module
Optional Attributes on page 212
• PowerFlex 755 High Power, Non-Network Safety Drive Module
Optional Attributes on page 218
• PowerFlex 755 Low and High Power, STO Only Network Safety
Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 224
• PowerFlex 755 Low and High Power, Advanced Safety Network
Safety Drive Module Optional Attributes on page 231
The tables use the following abbreviations:
Key Description
Y The attribute/enum/bit is supported.
Y# The attribute was not supported until the major revision of the drive.
(indicated by the # value)
N The attribute/enum/bit is NOT supported.
R The attribute is required.
O The attribute is optional.
G Regenerative (Active) AC/DC Converters (No Control Mode, No Control Method)
N Non-regenerative (Passive) AC/DC and DC/DC Converters (No Control Mode, No Control
E Encoder, Feedback Only (No Control Mode, No Control Method)
P Position Loop (Position Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector Control Method)
V Velocity Loop (Velocity Control Mode, Close Loop Vector Control Method)
T Torque Loop (Torque Control Mode, Closed Loop Vector Control Method)
F Frequency Control (Velocity Control Mode, Frequency Control Method)
C/D Controller/Device Replicated Attribute
AOP Special device specific semantics needed from AOP

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 117

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
Key Description
Co Controller only attribute (controller attribute that resides only in controller)
C/D Yes = The attribute is replicated in the drive
CScale Motion Scaling Configuration set to Controller Scaling
Derived Implementation rules follow another attribute
Dr Drive replicated attribute (controller attribute that is replicated in drive)
Drive Scaling Drive device supports drive scaling functionality
DScale Motion Scaling Configuration set to Drive Scaling
ED EnDat 2.1 and EnDAT 2.2 (feedback type)
E Encoder-based control, a feedback device is present
!E Encoderless or sensorless control, a feedback device in not present
HI Hiperface (feedback type)
IM Rotary or Linear Induction Motor (motor type)
Linear Absolute Feedback Unit - meter; Feedback n Startup Method- absolute
Linear Motor Linear PM motor or Linear Induction motor (motor type)
LT LDT or Linear Displacement Transducer (feedback type)
NV Motor NV or Drive NV (motor data source)
O-Bits Optional bits associated with bit mapped attribute
O-Enum Optional enumerations associated with attribute
PM Rotary or Linear Permanent Magnet motor (motor type)
Rotary Absolute Feedback Unit - rev; Feedback n Startup Method - absolute
Rotary Motor Rotary PM motor or Rotary Induction motor (motor type)

SC Sine/Cosine (feedback type)

SL Stahl SII (feedback type)
SS SSI (feedback type)
TM Tamagawa (feedback type)
TP Digital Parallel (feedback type)
TT Digital AqB (feedback type)

See also
Device Function Codes on page 93
Attribute Conversion from SERCOS to Integrated Motion on the
Ethernet/IP Network on page 114
MSG Instruction Access Only Attributes on page 238

Kinetix 350 Drive Module A Kinetix 350 drive module supports the following optional attributes
and corresponding control mode functionalities:
Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - N N N
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N

118 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type N N N N N DScale
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 Y - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 Y - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 Y - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 Y - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27

874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N V26/V27

875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27

876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N V26/V27

30 Set Axis Configuration R R R R R O-Enum

0 = Feedback Only (N)
1 = Frequency Control (N)
2 = Position Loop (Y)
3 = Velocity Loop (Y)
4 = Torque Loop (Y)

19 Set Axis Features R R R R R O-Bits

0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (N)
7 = Motor Test (N)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (N)
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - N N N N V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - N N N N V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults O O O O Y
985 Get Axis Safety Fault - RA - N N N N N V31
760 Get Axis Safety State O O O O Y
761 Get Axis Safety Status O O O O Y
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - N N N N N V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - N N N N V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - N N N N V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 119

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N N N N N
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N N N N N
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - N N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - N N N PM Motor only O-Value = #
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)

637 Get Converter Capacity - N Y Y Y

2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - N N N N
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - N N N N Ind Motor only
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - N N N N Ind Motor only
486 Set Deceleration Limit - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth O - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - - Y Y Y TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS

120 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity N - N N N
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Frequency N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number N - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps N - N N N
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute N - N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity O - N N N
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number O - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - N N N O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (PVT/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/N)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - N N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - N N N
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - N N N

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 121

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - N N N N Ind Motor only O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (N)
2 = Automatic Delay (N)
559 Set Flux Up Time - N N N N Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - N - N -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (N)
129 = Sensorless Vector (N)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - N N N N
980/242 Get Guard Status - N Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization Reactance - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - N N N N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage Reactance - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - N Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y) 128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - N N N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - N N N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - N N N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (N)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - N N N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - N N N
1370 Set Load Type N N N N N DScale

122 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
750 Set Local Control N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - N Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - N Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - N Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3= Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - N Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - N Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - N Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - N N N N
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - N N N N Check on this
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - N Y Y Y O-IM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - N Y Y Y O-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - N N N N
1315 Set Motor Type - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Rotary Permanent Magnet (Y)
2 = Rotary Induction (N)
3 = Linear Permanent Magnet (N)
4 = Linear Induction (N)
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - N Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - N Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - Y Y Y
600 Get Output Frequency - R N N N
508 Set Overtorque Limit - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - N Y Y Y
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29/V29
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29/V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - Y - -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 123

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
365 Get Position Fine Command - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - N - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - N - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold - N N N N
630 Set Power Loss Time - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - N - N - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - N - N - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - N - N -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - N - N - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - N - N - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
629 Set Shutdown Action - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - N - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - N - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - N - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - N -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - N -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - N -
610 Set Stopping Action - R R R R O-Enum
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FPV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (PV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (IM/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (IM/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - Y Y Y
496 Set System Inertia - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27

124 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - N N N -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - N Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - N Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - N Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - N N -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N Y Y -
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - N N N - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - N N N N V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - N N N N V26/V27

Kinetix 5500 Hardwired STO The hardwired Kinetix 5500 drive modules include the following catalog
Drive Module Optional • 2198-H003-ERS, Kinetix 5500, 1A, 195-528 Volt, Safe Torque
Attributes Off Drive
• 2198-H008-ERS, Kinetix 5500, 2.5A, 195-528 Volt, Safe Torque
Off Drive
• 2198-H015-ERS, Kinetix 5500, 5 A, 195 – 528 Volt, Safe Torque
Off Drive
• 2198-H025-ERS, Kinetix 5500, 8A, 195- 528 Volt, Safe Torque
Off Drive
• 2198-H040-ERS, Kinetix 5500, 13 A, 192-528 Volt, Safe Torque
Off Drive
• 2198-H070-ERS Kinetix 5500, 23 A,195–528 Volt, Safe Torque
Off Drive
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in the following table:

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 125

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - Y Y N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N V26/V27
30 Set Axis Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum0 = Feedback Only (Y) 1 = Frequency Control (Y)
2 = Position Loop (Y) 3 = Velocity Loop (Y) 4 = Torque
Loop (Y)
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (N)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14 = Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15 = Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16 = Pass Bus Status (N) V26/V27
17 = Pass Bus Unload (N) V26/V27
18 = Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19 = Ext. Speed for IPM (N) V29
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N N N N N V24
760 Get Axis Safety State - N N N N N V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N N N N N V24
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - Y - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx

126 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - Y Y Y Y
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only
637 Get Converter Capacity N - Y Y Y Y
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
524 Get Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y Y Y Y
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 127

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N) 2 = Switch to
Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - N - N N N
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N) 2 = Switch to
Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - N - N N N
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y) 3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N)(V/N)(T/N) 4 = Dual Feedback
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - N N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - N N N N Ind Motor only

128 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - N - N -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - 0-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y) 129 = Sensorless Vector
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - Y Y Y4
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - Y Y4 Y4
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - Y Y Y4
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y N N N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y) 128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N) 129
= PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y Y
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (Y) 3 = Velocity
Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y Y
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 129

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y Y
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N) 2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y) 2 = Drive NV (N) 3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - Y5 Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - Y5 Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y5 Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y O-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - Y5 Y Y Y O-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1001 Get Motor Test Comm Offset Comp - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
999 Get Motor Test Ld Flux Saturation - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
997 Get Motor Test Ld Inductance - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
998 Gett Motor Test Lq Flux Saturation - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
996 Get Motor Test Lq Inductance - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
1000 Get Motor Test Max Speed - - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
1315 Set Motor Type - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Rotary Permanent Magnet (Y) 2 = Rotary Induction (Y)
3 = Linear Permanent Magnet (N) 4 = Linear Induction
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - Y5 Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - Y5 Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only

130 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bit
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - N N N N
630 Set Power Loss Time N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - N - N - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - N - N - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - N - N -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - N - N - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - N - N - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N 0-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N) 128 = DC Injection
Brake (FPVT/N) 129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27 2 = Ramped
Decel Disable (FV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y) 4 = Ramped Decel Hold
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N) 129 = AC Injection
Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 131

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y Y Y
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - Y Y Y
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y4 Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - N N -
475 Set Velocity Limit - Bus Overvoltage - - - N N - V29
477 Set Velocity Limit - Bus Overvoltage - - - N N - V29
476 Set Velocity Limit - Motor Max - - - N N - V29
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y7 Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y7 Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - Y Y - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - N Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - Y N Y Y Y
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27

132 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables

Kinetix 5500 Integrated STO The integrated Kinetix 5500 drive modules include the following catalog
Drive Module Optional • 2198-H003-ERS2, Kinetix 5500, 1A, 195-528 Volt, CIP Safe
Attributes Torque Off Drive
• 2198-H008-ERS2, Kinetix 5500, 2.5A, 195-528 Volt, CIP Safe
Torque Off Drive
• 2198-H015-ERS2, Kinetix 5500, 5 A, 195 – 528 Volt, CIP Safe
Torque Off Drive
• 2198-H025-ERS2, Kinetix 5500, 8A, 195- 528 Volt, CIP Safe
Torque Off Drive
• 2198-H040-ERS2, Kinetix 5500, 13 A, 192-528 Volt, CIP Safe
Torque Off Drive
• 2198-H070-ERS2 Kinetix 5500, 23 A,195–528 Volt, CIP Torque
Off Drive
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in the following table:
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - Y Y N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Time Limit - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - N N N N V26/V27
30 Set Axis Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
0 = Feedback Only (Y)
1 = Frequency Control (Y)
2 = Position Loop (Y)
3 = Velocity Loop (Y)
4 = Torque Loop (Y)

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 133

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (N)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14 = Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15 = Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16 = Pass Bus Status (N) V26/V27
17 = Pass Bus Unload (N) V26/V27
18 = Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19 = Ext. Speed for IPM (N) V29
763 Get Axis Safety Faults Y4 Y Y Y Y V24
760 Get Axis Safety State Y4 Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status Y4 Y Y Y Y V24
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - Y - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - Y Y Y Y
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - N N N PM Motor only
637 Get Converter Capacity N - Y Y Y Y
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx

134 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
524 Get Current Reference - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - Y Y Y Y
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity N - N N N
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 135

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity N - N N N
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N)(V/N)T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/N)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - N N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - N - N -
381 Set Flying Start Method - N - N - 0-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - Y Y Y4

136 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - Y Y4 Y4
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - Y Y Y4
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - N N N N
980/242 Get Guard Status - N N N N
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - Y N N N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - Y Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - Y Y Y
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - Y Y Y
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - Y Y Y
1370 Set Load Type N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 137

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - Y5 Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - Y5 Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - Y5 Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - Y Y Y Y O-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - Y5 Y Y Y O-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - Y Y Y Y
1001 Get Motor Test Comm Offset Comp - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
999 Get Motor Test Ld Flux Saturation - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
997 Get Motor Test Ld Inductance - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
998 Gett Motor Test Lq Flux Saturation - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
996 Get Motor Test Lq Inductance - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
1000 Get Motor Test Max Speed - R R R R IPM Motor Only, V29
1315 Set Motor Type - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Rotary Permanent Magnet (Y)
2 = Rotary Induction (Y)
3 = Linear Permanent Magnet (N)
4 = Linear Induction (N)
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - Y5 Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - Y5 Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - N Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - R - - O-Bit
1: Auto-Preset (N)

138 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - N N N N
630 Set Power Loss Time N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - N - N - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - N - N - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - N - N -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - N - N - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - N - N - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - N Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - N N N N 0-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
496 Set System Inertia - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - Y Y Y
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 139

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - Y Y Y V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - Y Y Y V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - Y Y Y
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - Y4 Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - Y7 Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - Y7 Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - Y Y - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - N Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold Y N Y Y Y
608 Set Zero Speed - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - Y5 Y Y Y V26/V27

Kinetix 5700 Safety Drive The Kinetix 5700 single-axis and dual-axis model drives include the
following catalog numbers:
Module Optional Attributes • 2198-S086-ERS3, 43A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-S130-ERS3, 65A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-S160-ERS3, 85A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-D006-ERS3, 2.5A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO

140 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
• 2198-D0012-ERS3, 5A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-D020-ERS3, 8A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-D032-ERS3, 13A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
• 2198-D057-ERS3, 23A, 458-747 Volt DC, Network Safety STO
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in the following table:
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - Y Y Y Y
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - Y Y Y
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N V26/V27
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0: Fine Interpolation (Y)
1: Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2: Alarm Log (Y)
5: Hookup Test (Y)
6: Commutation Test (Y)
7: Motor Test (Y)
8: Inertia Test (Y)
9: Sensorless Control (N)
10: Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11: Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12: Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13: Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14: Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15: Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16: Pass Bus Status (Y) V26/V27
17: Pass Bus Unload (Y) V26/V27
18: Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19: Ext. Speed for IPM (Y) V29
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - Y Y Y Y V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - Y Y Y Y V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - Y Y Y Y Y V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - Y Y Y Y Y V24

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 141

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - Y Y Y Y Y V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - Y - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - Y Y Y PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing - - - N N N PM Motor only
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx

2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx

840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - Y7 Y Y Y (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y Y Y Y
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx

142 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - Y Y Y Y
730 Get Digital Inputs N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver - N - N N N RS
Transformer Ratio

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 143

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - Y - Y Y Y
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/Y)(V/Y)(T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y Y -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - N - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - Y - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - Y Y Y
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - Y Y Y
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - Y Y Y
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only

144 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User - - Y Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration - - - Y Y Y
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer With Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y Y
807 Set Load Observer Integrator - - - Y Y Y
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y Y
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - Y Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - Y Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 145

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - Y Y Y Y Y-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - Y Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - Y Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - Y7 Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed - - - Y Y Y V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - Y Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - Y Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29/V29
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29/V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - Y Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - Y Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - Y Y Y V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended - - - Y Y Y V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - Y Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (Y)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only

146 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/Y)
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - Y7 Y Y Y (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R Y
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter - - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y Y Y
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Bandwidth Estimate
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 147

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - Y Y Y
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y4 Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (Y)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - Y Y - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - Y Y Y Y Y
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - Y Y Y - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

Kinetix 5700 Advanced The Kinetix 5700 advanced safety drive modules include the following
catalog numbers:
Safety Drive Module • 2198-S086-ERS4, 43A, Inverter, Advanced Safety Drive
Optional Attributes • 2198-S130-ERS4, 65A, Inverter, Advanced Safety Drive
• 2198-S160-ERS4, 85A, Inverter, Advanced Safety Drive
• 2198-D006-ERS4, 2x2 5A, Dual-Axis Inverter, Advanced Safety
• 2198-D0012-ERS4, 2x5A, Dual-Axis Inverter, Advanced Safety
• 2198-D020-ERS4, 2x8A, Dual-Axis Inverter, Advanced Safety
• 2198-D032-ERS4, 2x13A, Dual-Axis Inverter, Advanced Safety
• 2198-D057-ERS4, 2x23A, Dual-Axis Inverter, Advanced Safety
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in the following table:

148 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - Y Y N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N V26/V27
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0: Fine Interpolation (Y)
1: Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2: Alarm Log (Y)
5: Hookup Test (Y)
6: Commutation Test (Y)
7: Motor Test (Y)
8: Inertia Test (Y)
9: Sensorless Control (N)
10: Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11: Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12: Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13: Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14: Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15: Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16: Pass Bus Status (Y) V26/V27
17: Pass Bus Unload (Y) V26/V27
18: Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19: Ext. Speed for IPM (Y) V29
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - Y Y Y Y V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - Y Y Y Y V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - Y Y Y Y Y V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - Y Y Y Y Y V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - Y Y Y Y Y V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - Y - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 149

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - Y Y Y PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing - - - N N N PM Motor only
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx

2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx

840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - Y Y Y Y (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y Y Y Y
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter - Y - Y Y Y

150 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver - N - N N N RS
Transformer Ratio
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - Y - Y Y Y
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter - Y - Y Y Y
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 151

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/Y)(V/Y)(T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - Y Y Y Y Y
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y Y -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - N - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - Y - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - Y Y Y
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - Y Y Y
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - Y Y Y
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User - - Y Y Y Y

152 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer With Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator - - - Y Y N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - Y Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - Y Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - Y Y Y Y Y-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - Y Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - Y Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - Y Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - N Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 153

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed - - - Y Y Y V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29/V29
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29/V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - Y Y Y V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended - - - Y Y Y V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only

1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping - - N N N N Rotary Motor only

2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/Y)
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)

154 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - Y Y Y Y (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R Y
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter - - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y Y Y
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Bandwidth Estimate
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - Y Y Y
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 155

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - Y Y - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - Y Y Y Y Y
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - Y Y Y - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

Kinetix 5700 CIP Safety The Kinetix 5700 CIP Safety (EtherNet/IP) modules include these
catalog numbers:
(EtherNet/IP) Module • 2198-S263-ERS3 Kinetix 5700, 150A, 458-747 Volt DC, CIP
Optional Attributes Safety (EtherNet/IP)
• 2198-S312-ERS3 Kinetix 5700, 192A, 458-747 Volt DC, CIP
Safety (EtherNet/IP)
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in this table.
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
955 Set AC Line Contactor Input Checking N N - N N N N V32
2034 Set AC Line Current Unbalance Limit N - - - - - - V32
2225 Get AC Line Electrical Angle N - - - - - - V32
2245 Set AC Line Frequency Change Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2246 Set AC Line Frequency Change N - - - - - - V32
2247 Set AC Line Frequency Change Time N - - - - - - V32
2284 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2286 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2285 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2287 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2289 Set AC Line Overload User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2280 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2282 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2041 Set AC Line Source Impedance N - - - - - - V32

156 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2043 Set AC Line Source Impedance - N - - - - - - V32
2042 Set AC Line Source Power N - - - - - - V32
2044 Set AC Line Source Power - Alternate N - - - - - - V32
2040 Set AC Line Source Select N - - - - - - V32
2035 Set AC Line Sync Error Tolerance N - - - - - - V32
2248 Set AC Line Sync Loss Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2249 Set AC Line Sync Loss Time N - - - - - - V32
2281 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2283 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
- Alternate
2240 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2241 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold N - - - - - - V32
2242 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Time N - - - - - - V32
2014 Set AC Line Voltage Time Constant N - - - - - - V32
2033 Set AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit N - - - - - - V32
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - - Y Y N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - - N N N
2091 Set Active Current Command N - - - - - - V32
2106 Get Active Current Error N - - - - - - V32
2118 Get Active Current Feedback N - - - - - - V32
2094 Set Active Current Low Pass Filter N - - - - - - V32
2095 Set Active Current Notch Filter N - - - - - - V32
2096 Set Active Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32
2093 Set Active Current Trim N - - - - - - V32
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - - N N N N V26/V27

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 157

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R R O-Bits
0: Fine Interpolation (Y)
1: Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2: Alarm Log (Y)
5: Hookup Test (Y)
6: Commutation Test (Y)
7: Motor Test (Y)
8: Inertia Test (Y)
9: Sensorless Control (N)
10: Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11: Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12: Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13: Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14: Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15: Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16: Pass Bus Status (Y) V26/V27
17: Pass Bus Unload (Y) V26/V27
18: Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19: Ext. Speed for IPM (Y) V29
20: Ext. Pos. Feedback (N) Vxx
22: Ext. Sub Code Format (N) V32
753 Get Axis Safety Alarms - - N N N N N V32
988 Get Axis Safety Alarms - RA - - N N N N N V32
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - - Y Y Y Y V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - - Y Y Y Y V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - - Y Y Y Y Y V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - - Y Y Y Y Y V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - - Y - -

593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - - N N N N V26/V27

594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
816 Set Bus Observer Bandwidth N - - - - - - V32
815 Set Bus Observer Configuration N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Bus Observer Only (N)
2 = Bus Observer with Voltage Estimate (N)
3 = Voltage Estimate Only (N)
812 Get Bus Observer Current Estimate N - - - - - - V32

817 Set Bus Observer Integrator N - - - - - - V32

811 Get Bus Observer Voltage Rate N - - - - - - V32
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2

158 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N N - N N N N
2065 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance N N - - - - - V32
2066 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance N N - - - - - V32
2334 Get Bus Voltage Output 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get Bus Voltage Output 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2064 Set Bus Voltage Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32
2050 Get Bus Voltage Reference R N - - - - - V32
2336 Get Bus Voltage Reference 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get Bus Voltage Reference 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2061 Set Bus Voltage Reference Source N - - - - - - V32
2060 Set Bus Voltage Set Point R N - - - - - V32
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N N Y Y Y Y Y
746 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 N N N N N N N V32
927 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 - RA N N N N N N N V32
748 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 R N N N N N N V32
909 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
744 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 R N N N N N N V32
903 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
740 Get CIP Axis Status 2 R N N N N N N V32
924 Get CIP Axis Status 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset - - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - - Y Y Y PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing - - - - N N N PM Motor only
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
2030 Set Converter AC Input Frequency N - - - - - - V32
2031 Set Converter AC Input Phasing N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Single (N)
2032 Set Converter AC Input Voltage N - - - - - - V32
637 Get Converter Capacity N N - N N N N
1280 Set* Converter Configuration R - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Active Current Control (N)
2001 Set Converter Control Mode R - - - - - - Derived, V32
2231 Set Converter Current Integrator N - - - - - - V32
2103 Get Converter Current Limit Source N - - - - - - V32

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 159

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2230 Set Converter Current Loop N - - - - - - V32
2322 Set Converter Current Loop Damping N - - - - - - V32
2321 Set Converter Current Loop Tuning N - - - - - - V32
2232 Set Converter Current Vector Limit N - - - - - - V32
709 Set Converter Ground Current User N - - - - - - V32
2288 Set Converter Heatsink Overtemp N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
2243 Set Converter Input Phase Loss N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
Action 0 = Continue (N)
2244 Set Converter Input Phase Loss Time N - - - - - - V32
596 Set Converter Motoring Power Limit N N - - - - - V32
2100 Get Converter Operative Current N - - - - - - V32
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx

2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx

2268 Set Converter Overload Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Current Foldback (N)
700 Set Converter Overtemperature User N - - - - - - V32
921 Set Converter Pre-Charge Overload N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
626 Set Converter Regenerative Power N N - - - - - V32
2003 Set Converter Startup Method N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Enable Input (N)
2 = Automatic (N)
701 Set Converter Thermal Overload User N - - - - - - V32
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y Y (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - - N N N N

160 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs N N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N N - N N N N
885 Set External Bus Capacitance N - - - - - - Derived, V32
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - - Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver - - N - N N N RS
Transformer Ratio
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - - Y - Y Y Y
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter - - Y - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 161

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/Y)(V/Y)(T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - - Y Y -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - - N - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - - N - Y - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - - Y Y Y
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - - Y Y Y
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - - Y Y Y
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27

162 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User - - - Y Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - - - Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration - - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer With Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator - - - - Y Y N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - - Y Y N
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - - Y Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - - Y Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM

1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - - Y Y Y Y Y-IM

697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User - - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 163

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - Y Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - Y Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - Y Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed - - - - Y Y Y V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended - - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - - Y Y Y V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended - - - - Y Y Y V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter - - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action N N - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (FPVT/N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - - Y - Y - Derived
2092 Set Reactive Current Command N - - - - - - V32

2107 Get Reactive Current Error N - - - - - - V32

2119 Get Reactive Current Feedback N - - - - - - V32

2097 Set Reactive Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

164 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2002 Set Reactive Power Control N - - - - - - V32

2073 Set Reactive Power Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

2070 Set Reactive Power Set Point N - - - - - - V32

613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - - N N N N PM Motor only

1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - - - Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/Y)
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
758 Set Safety Fault Action - - N N N N N O-Enum V32
0 = Ignore (N)
1 = Alarm (N)
2 = Fault Status Only (N)
3 = Stop Planner (N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N N - N N N N O-Enum
0 = Disable (G/N)
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - - Y Y Y Y (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 165

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter - - - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - Y Y Y

554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - - Y Y Y

502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Bandwidth Estimate
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - - Y Y Y
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - - Y Y - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward - - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - - Y Y Y Y Y
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - - Y Y Y - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

Kinetix 5700 CIP Advanced The Kinetix 5700 CIP Advanced Safety (EtherNet/IP) modules include
these catalog numbers:
Safety (EtherNet/IP) Module • 2198-S263-ERS4 Kinetix 5700, 150A, 458-747 Volt DC, CIP
Optional Attributes Advanced Safety (EtherNet/IP)

166 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
• 2198-S312-ERS4 Kinetix 5700, 192A, 458-747 Volt DC, CIP
Advanced Safety (EtherNet/IP)
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in this table.
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
955 Set AC Line Contactor Input Checking N N - N N N N V32
2034 Set AC Line Current Unbalance Limit N - - - - - - V32
2225 Get AC Line Electrical Angle N - - - - - - V32
2245 Set AC Line Frequency Change Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2246 Set AC Line Frequency Change N - - - - - - V32
2247 Set AC Line Frequency Change Time N - - - - - - V32
2284 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2286 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2285 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2287 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2289 Set AC Line Overload User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2280 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2282 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2041 Set AC Line Source Impedance N - - - - - - V32
2043 Set AC Line Source Impedance - N - - - - - - V32
2042 Set AC Line Source Power N - - - - - - V32
2044 Set AC Line Source Power - Alternate N - - - - - - V32
2040 Set AC Line Source Select N - - - - - - V32
2035 Set AC Line Sync Error Tolerance N - - - - - - V32
2248 Set AC Line Sync Loss Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2249 Set AC Line Sync Loss Time N - - - - - - V32
2281 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2283 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
- Alternate
2240 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2241 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold N - - - - - - V32
2242 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Time N - - - - - - V32
2014 Set AC Line Voltage Time Constant N - - - - - - V32
2033 Set AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit N - - - - - - V32
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - - Y Y N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - - N N N
2091 Set Active Current Command N - - - - - - V32
2106 Get Active Current Error N - - - - - - V32
2118 Get Active Current Feedback N - - - - - - V32
2094 Set Active Current Low Pass Filter N - - - - - - V32

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 167

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2095 Set Active Current Notch Filter N - - - - - - V32
2096 Set Active Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32
2093 Set Active Current Trim N - - - - - - V32
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - - N N N N V26/V27
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R R O-Bits
0: Fine Interpolation (Y)
1: Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2: Alarm Log (Y)
5: Hookup Test (Y)
6: Commutation Test (Y)
7: Motor Test (Y)
8: Inertia Test (Y)
9: Sensorless Control (N)
10: Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11: Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12: Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13: Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14: Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15: Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16: Pass Bus Status (Y) V26/V27
17: Pass Bus Unload (Y) V26/V27
18: Ext. Speed for SPM (N) V29
19: Ext. Speed for IPM (Y) V29
20: Ext. Pos. Feedback (N) Vxx
22: Ext. Sub Code Format (N) V32
753 Get Axis Safety Alarms - - N N N N N V32
988 Get Axis Safety Alarms - RA - - N N N N N V32
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - - Y Y Y Y V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - - Y Y Y Y V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - - Y Y Y Y Y V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - - Y Y Y Y Y V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - - Y Y Y Y Y V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - - Y - -

593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - - N N N N V26/V27

594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

168 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
816 Set Bus Observer Bandwidth N - - - - - - V32
815 Set Bus Observer Configuration N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Bus Observer Only (N)
2 = Bus Observer with Voltage Estimate (N)
3 = Voltage Estimate Only (N)
812 Get Bus Observer Current Estimate N - - - - - - V32

817 Set Bus Observer Integrator N - - - - - - V32

811 Get Bus Observer Voltage Rate N - - - - - - V32
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N N - N N N N
2065 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance N N - - - - - V32
2066 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance N N - - - - - V32
2334 Get Bus Voltage Output 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get Bus Voltage Output 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2064 Set Bus Voltage Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32
2050 Get Bus Voltage Reference R N - - - - - V32
2336 Get Bus Voltage Reference 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get Bus Voltage Reference 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2061 Set Bus Voltage Reference Source N - - - - - - V32
2060 Set Bus Voltage Set Point R N - - - - - V32
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N N Y Y Y Y Y
746 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 N N N N N N N V32
927 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 - RA N N N N N N N V32
748 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 R N N N N N N V32
909 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
744 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 R N N N N N N V32
903 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
740 Get CIP Axis Status 2 R N N N N N N V32
924 Get CIP Axis Status 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset - - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - - Y Y Y PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing - - - - N N N PM Motor only

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 169

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
2030 Set Converter AC Input Frequency N - - - - - - V32
2031 Set Converter AC Input Phasing N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Single (N)
2032 Set Converter AC Input Voltage N - - - - - - V32
637 Get Converter Capacity N N - N N N N
1280 Set* Converter Configuration R - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Active Current Control (N)
2001 Set Converter Control Mode R - - - - - - Derived, V32
2231 Set Converter Current Integrator N - - - - - - V32
2103 Get Converter Current Limit Source N - - - - - - V32

2230 Set Converter Current Loop N - - - - - - V32

2322 Set Converter Current Loop Damping N - - - - - - V32
2321 Set Converter Current Loop Tuning N - - - - - - V32
2232 Set Converter Current Vector Limit N - - - - - - V32
709 Set Converter Ground Current User N - - - - - - V32
2288 Set Converter Heatsink Overtemp N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
2243 Set Converter Input Phase Loss N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
Action 0 = Continue (N)
2244 Set Converter Input Phase Loss Time N - - - - - - V32
596 Set Converter Motoring Power Limit N N - - - - - V32
2100 Get Converter Operative Current N - - - - - - V32
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx

2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx

2268 Set Converter Overload Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Current Foldback (N)
700 Set Converter Overtemperature User N - - - - - - V32

170 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
921 Set Converter Pre-Charge Overload N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
626 Set Converter Regenerative Power N N - - - - - V32
2003 Set Converter Startup Method N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Enable Input (N)
2 = Automatic (N)
701 Set Converter Thermal Overload User N - - - - - - V32
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y Y (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs N N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N N - N N N N
885 Set External Bus Capacitance N - - - - - - Derived, V32
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - - Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 171

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver - - N - N N N RS
Transformer Ratio
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - - Y - Y Y Y
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter - - Y - Y Y Y
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - - Y - Y Y Y
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/Y)(V/Y)(T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - - Y Y Y Y Y
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - - Y Y -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - - N - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - - N - Y - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)

172 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - - Y Y Y
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - - Y Y Y
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - - Y Y Y
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User - - - Y Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - - - Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration - - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer With Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator - - - - Y Y N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - - Y Y N
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - - N Y Y Y Dr NV

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 173

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - - Y Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - - Y Y Y Y
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM

1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - - Y Y Y Y Y-IM

697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User - - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - Y Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - Y Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - Y Y Y Y F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed - - - - Y Y Y V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended - - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - - N Y Y Y IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - - Y Y Y V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended - - - - Y Y Y V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter - - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - - N - -

174 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
627 Set Power Loss Action N N - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (FPVT/N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - - Y - Y - Derived
2092 Set Reactive Current Command N - - - - - - V32

2107 Get Reactive Current Error N - - - - - - V32

2119 Get Reactive Current Feedback N - - - - - - V32

2097 Set Reactive Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

2002 Set Reactive Power Control N - - - - - - V32

2073 Set Reactive Power Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

2070 Set Reactive Power Set Point N - - - - - - V32

613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - - N N N N PM Motor only

1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - - - Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - - Y Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/Y)
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (Y)
758 Set Safety Fault Action - - N N N N N O-Enum V32
0 = Ignore (EFPVT/N)
1 = Alarm (EFPVT/N)
2 = Fault Status Only (FPVT/N)
3 = Stop Planner (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N N - N N N N O-Enum
0 = Disable (G/N)
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - - Y - - -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 175

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/Y)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - - Y Y Y Y (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter - - - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - Y Y Y

554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - - Y Y Y

502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Bandwidth Estimate
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
Frequency Limit
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning - - - - Y Y Y V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - - Y Y Y
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - - Y Y - V29

176 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter - - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward - - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - - Y Y Y Y Y
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - - Y Y Y - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

Kinetix 5700 Regenerative The Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply modules include these
catalog numbers:
Bus Supply Module Optional • 2198-RP088 Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply, 24kW, 35A /
Attributes 88A
• 2198-RP200 Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply, 67kW, 100A
/ 200A
• 2198-RP263 Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply, 119kW,
176A / 263A
• 2198-RP312 Kinetix 5700 Regenerative Bus Supply, 140kW,
207A / 312A
These drive modules support the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality as indicated in this table.
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
955 Set AC Line Contactor Input Checking N N - N N N N V32
2034 Set AC Line Current Unbalance Limit Y - - - - - - V32
2225 Get AC Line Electrical Angle Y - - - - - - V32
2245 Set AC Line Frequency Change Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2246 Set AC Line Frequency Change Y - - - - - - V32
2247 Set AC Line Frequency Change Time Y - - - - - - V32
2284 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2286 Set AC Line High Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2285 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2287 Set AC Line Low Freq User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
2289 Set AC Line Overload User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2280 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2282 Set AC Line Overvoltage User Limit - N - - - - - - V32
923 Set AC Line Resonance User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2041 Set AC Line Source Impedance N - - - - - - V32
2043 Set AC Line Source Impedance - N - - - - - - V32
2042 Set AC Line Source Power Y - - - - - - V32
2044 Set AC Line Source Power - Alternate N - - - - - - V32
2040 Set AC Line Source Select N - - - - - - V32

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 177

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2035 Set AC Line Sync Error Tolerance Y - - - - - - V32
2248 Set AC Line Sync Loss Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2249 Set AC Line Sync Loss Time Y - - - - - - V32
2281 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
2283 Set AC Line Undervoltage User Limit N - - - - - - V32
- Alternate
2240 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
0 = Continue (N)
2241 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold Y - - - - - - V32
2242 Set AC Line Voltage Sag Time Y - - - - - - V32
2014 Set AC Line Voltage Time Constant Y - - - - - - V32
2033 Set AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit Y - - - - - - V32
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
2091 Set Active Current Command N - - - - - - V32
2106 Get Active Current Error Y - - - - - - V32
2118 Get Active Current Feedback Y - - - - - - V32
2094 Set Active Current Low Pass Filter N - - - - - - V32
2095 Set Active Current Notch Filter N - - - - - - V32
2096 Set Active Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32
2093 Set Active Current Trim N - - - - - - V32
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N N - N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N N - N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N N - N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - - N N N N V26/V27

178 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R R O-Bits
0: Fine Interpolation (Y)
1: Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2: Alarm Log (Y)
5: Hookup Test (Y)
6: Commutation Test (Y)
7: Motor Test (Y)
8: Inertia Test (Y)
9: Sensorless Control (N)
10: Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11: Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12: Integer Cmd. Pos. (N) Vxx
13: Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14: Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15: Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16: Pass Bus Status (Y) V26/V27
17: Pass Bus Unload (Y) V26/V27
18: Ext. Speed for SPM (N) Vxx
19: Ext. Speed for IPM (Y) V29
20: Ext. Pos. Feedback (N) Vxx
22: Ext. Sub Code Format (Y) V32
753 Get Axis Safety Alarms - - N N N N N V32
988 Get Axis Safety Alarms - RA - - N N N N N V32
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - - N N N N V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - - N N N N V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - - N N N N N V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - - N N N N N V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - - N N N N N V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - - N N N N N V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - - N N N N N V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - - N - -

593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - - N N N N V26/V27

594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - - N N N N V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - - N N N N V26/V27
816 Set Bus Observer Bandwidth N - - - - - - V32
815 Set Bus Observer Configuration Y - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Bus Observer Only (Y)
2 = Bus Observer with Voltage Estimate (Y)
3 = Voltage Estimate Only (Y)
812 Get Bus Observer Current Estimate N - - - - - - V32

817 Set Bus Observer Integrator N - - - - - - V32

811 Get Bus Observer Voltage Rate Y - - - - - - V32
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 179

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N N - N N N N
2065 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance Y N - - - - - V32
2066 Set Bus Voltage Error Tolerance Y N - - - - - V32
2334 Get Bus Voltage Output 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get Bus Voltage Output 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2064 Set Bus Voltage Rate Limit Y - - - - - - V32
2050 Get Bus Voltage Reference R N - - - - - V32
2336 Get Bus Voltage Reference 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get Bus Voltage Reference 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2061 Set Bus Voltage Reference Source Y - - - - - - V32
2060 Set Bus Voltage Set Point R N - - - - - V32
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms Y N N N N N N
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA Y N N N N N N
746 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 Y N N N N N N V32
927 Get CIP Axis Alarms 2 - RA Y N N N N N N V32
748 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 R N N N N N N V32
909 Set CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
744 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 R N N N N N N V32
903 Get CIP Axis Faults 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
740 Get CIP Axis Status 2 R N N N N N N V32
924 Get CIP Axis Status 2 - RA R N N N N N N V32
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset - - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing - - - - N N N PM Motor only
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
2030 Set Converter AC Input Frequency N - - - - - - V32
2031 Set Converter AC Input Phasing N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Single (N)
2032 Set Converter AC Input Voltage N - - - - - - V32
637 Get Converter Capacity Y N - N N N N
1280 Set* Converter Configuration R - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Active Current Control (N)
2001 Set Converter Control Mode R - - - - - - Derived, V32
2231 Set Converter Current Integrator Y - - - - - - V32
2103 Get Converter Current Limit Source Y - - - - - - V32

180 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2230 Set Converter Current Loop Y - - - - - - V32
2322 Set Converter Current Loop Damping N - - - - - - V32
2321 Set Converter Current Loop Tuning N - - - - - - V32
2232 Set Converter Current Vector Limit Y - - - - - - V32
709 Set Converter Ground Current User Y - - - - - - V32
2288 Set Converter Heatsink Overtemp N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
2243 Set Converter Input Phase Loss N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
Action 0 = Continue (N)
2244 Set Converter Input Phase Loss Time Y - - - - - - V32
596 Set Converter Motoring Power Limit Y N - - - - - V32
2100 Get Converter Operative Current Y - - - - - - V32
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current Y N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power Y N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N N - N N N N Vxx

2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N N - N N N N Vxx

2268 Set Converter Overload Action N - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Current Foldback (N)
700 Set Converter Overtemperature User N - - - - - - V32
921 Set Converter Pre-Charge Overload N - - - - - - V32
User Limit
626 Set Converter Regenerative Power Y N - - - - - V32
2003 Set Converter Startup Method Y - - - - - - O-Enum V32
1 = Enable Input (N)
2 = Automatic (Y)
701 Set Converter Thermal Overload User Y - - - - - - V32
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - - N N N
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - O O O O (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - - N N N N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - - N N N N

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 181

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N N - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs N N - N N N N
885 Set External Bus Capacitance N - - - - - - Derived, V32
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter - - N - N N N
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - - N - N N N
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer - - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter - - N - N N N
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - - N - N N N
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter - - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - - N - N N N
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable - - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver - - N - N N N RS
Transformer Ratio
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter - - N - N N N

182 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - - N N N O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (N)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N)(V/N)(T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/N)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - - N N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - N N N
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1 = Manual Delay (N)
2 = Automatic Delay (N)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - - N - N -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - - N - N - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (N)
129 = Sensorless Vector (N)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - - N N N N
980/242 Get Guard Status - - - N N N N
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 183

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User - - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - - - N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration - - - - N N N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - - N N N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - - N N N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (N)
2 = Load Observer With Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - - N N N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator - - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - - N N N
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - - N N N N
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - - N N N N
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - - N N N N
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (N)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - - N N N N
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - - N N N N
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - - N N N N
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - - N N N N O-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - - N N N N O-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User - - - N N N N
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - N N N N

184 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - N N N N F Support in V29
600 Get Output Frequency - - - R N N N
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - - N N N N
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - - N N N N
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed - - - - N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - - N N N N SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended - - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended - - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - - N - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - - N - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter - - - - N - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - N - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - - N - -
627 Set Power Loss Action N N - N N N N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (FPVT/N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold Y N - N N N N
630 Set Power Loss Time Y N - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - - N N N N V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - - N - N - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - - N - N - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - - N - N -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - - N - N - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - - N - N - Derived
2092 Set Reactive Current Command N - - - - - - V32

2107 Get Reactive Current Error Y - - - - - - V32

2119 Get Reactive Current Feedback Y - - - - - - V32

2097 Set Reactive Current Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

2002 Set Reactive Power Control N - - - - - - V32

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 185

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2073 Set Reactive Power Rate Limit N - - - - - - V32

2070 Set Reactive Power Set Point N - - - - - - V32

613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - - N N N N PM Motor only

1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - - - N N N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/N)
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (N)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (N)
758 Set Safety Fault Action - - N N N N N O-Enum V32
0 = Ignore (EFPVT/N)
1 = Alarm (EFPVT/N)
2 = Fault Status Only (FPVT/N)
3 = Stop Planner (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action Y N - N N N N O-Enum
0 = Disable (G/Y)
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - - N - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - - N - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - - N - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - - N -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - - N -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - - N -
610 Set Stopping Action - - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - - N N N N (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter - - - - N N N

186 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Rule Attribute Name G N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - N N N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter - - - - N N N V26/V27
Bandwidth Estimate
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - N N N
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High - - - - N N N V26/V27
Frequency Limit
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low - - - - N N N V26/V27
Frequency Limit
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning - - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - - N N N
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - - N N N N
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - - N N N N
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - - N N N -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - - N N -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - - N N -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - - N N N -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - - N N N -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - - N N - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - - N N N -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter - - - - N N -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward - - - - N N -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - - N N N N N
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - - N N N - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - - N N N N V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - - N N N N V26/V27

Kinetix 6500 Drive Module The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a Kinetix 6500 drive module.
Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - Y Y Y
485 Set Acceleration Limit - N Y Y N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - Y Y N

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 187

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 B B N N N N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 B B N N N N
734 Set Analog Output 1 B B N N N N
735 Set Analog Output 2 B B N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N V26/V27
30 Set Axis Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
0 = Feedback Only (Y)
1 = Frequency Control (N)
2 = Position Loop (Y)
3 = Velocity Loop (Y)
4 = Torque Loop (Y)
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (N)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (N)
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - N N N N V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - N N N N V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults O O O O Y
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - N N N N N V31
760 Get Axis Safety State O O O O Y
761 Get Axis Safety Status O O O O Y
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - N N N N N V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - Y - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - N N N N V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - N N N N V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 1
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory N - N N N N Vxx
Limit 2

188 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity - N Y Y Y
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms Y N Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA Y N Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - Y Y Y PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - Y Y Y PM Motor only O-Value = 100
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/Y)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
637 Get Converter Capacity - N Y Y Y
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - Y Y Y
529 Get Current Feedback - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - Y Y Y
553 Set Current Vector Limit - N N N N
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - N N N N Ind Motor only
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - N N N N Ind Motor only
486 Set Deceleration Limit - N Y Y N
730 Get Digital Inputs - N N N N
731 Set Digital Outputs - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 189

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number Y - Y Y Y
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number Y - Y Y Y
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth Y - Y Y Y
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps Y - Y Y Y
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (Y)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)
3 = Load Feedback (PVT/Y)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit Y N Y Y Y
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit Y N Y Y Y
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - Y Y -

190 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - Y Y Y
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - Y Y Y
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - N N N N Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (N)
2 = Automatic Delay (N)
559 Set Flux Up Time - N N N N Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - N - N -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (N)
129 = Sensorless Vector (N)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (N)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - Y Y N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - Y N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - Y Y N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - Y - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - N Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - N Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - N N N N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - N N N N Ind Motor only

1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - N N N N Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - N Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (N)
129 = PWM Foldback (N)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - N Y Y Y
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - N Y Y Y Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - Y Y Y
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 191

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (Y)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (Y)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - Y Y Y
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - Y Y Y
1370 Set Load Type N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - N Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - N Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - N Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - N Y Y Y Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (Y)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - N Y Y Y
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - N Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - N Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - N N N N
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - N Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - N Y Y Y N-IM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - N Y Y Y N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - N Y Y Y
1315 Set Motor Type - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Rotary Permanent Magnet (Y)
2 = Rotary Induction (N)
3 = Linear Permanent Magnet (Y)
4 = Linear Induction (N)
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient - N Y Y Y
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - N Y Y Y
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - Y Y Y
600 Get Output Frequency - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - N Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - N N N V29
Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - N Y Y Y PM Motor only

192 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29/V29
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29/V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N Y Y Y Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Coast Thru (N)
2 = Decel Regen (N)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold - N N N N
630 Set Power Loss Time - N N N N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - N N N N Comparable attribute 1100, FW2.013
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - N - N - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - N - N - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - N - N -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - N - N - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - N - N - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - N Y Y Y PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - N Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - N Y Y Y Rotary Motor only
629 Set Shutdown Action - N Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (Y)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - N - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - N - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - N - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - N - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - N -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - N -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - N -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 193

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute Name N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
610 Set Stopping Action - R R R R O-Enum
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FPV/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/Y)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (PV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (IM/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (IM/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - Y Y Y
496 Set System Inertia - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - Y Y Y
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y Y
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - Y Y Y
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - Y Y Y
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - N Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - N Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - N Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - N N -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - N Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - N Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - N Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold Y N Y Y Y
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - N N N - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - N N N N Comparable attributes 3012 and 3014, FW2.023
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - N N N N Comparable attributes 3013 and 3015, FW2.023

194 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables

PowerFlex 527 Axis The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 527 drive module.
Instance Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - Y Y N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N Vxx
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N Vxx
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y N
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y N
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y N
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - N N N N
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - N N N N Vxx
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - N N N N Vxx
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N Vxx
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - N N N N Vxx
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N)
11 = Ext. Event Block (N)
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos. (N)
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N)
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N Y Y Y N V24
760 Get Axis Safety State - N Y Y Y N V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N Y Y Y N V24
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - N N N N Vxx
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - N N N N Vxx
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - N N N N Vxx
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N N Y Y Y N
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N N Y Y Y N
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only O-Value = #

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 195

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y N
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - N N N
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y Y Y N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - N N N N
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - N N N N
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y N
731 Set Digital Outputs N - Y Y Y N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1= Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y N
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (N)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - Y Y N
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - N - Y Y N
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - N - N N N TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - N - N N N TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N) 2 = Switch
to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - N - N N N
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (N)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N

196 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - N N N O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N)
31 Set Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/N)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (PVT/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/N)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/N)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - N N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - N N N N Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y N
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - N N N N Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - N N N N Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - N - N -
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y N
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y N
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only, V24
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only, V24
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 197

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - N N N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - N N N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - N N N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (N)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (N)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - N N N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - N N N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - N N N N
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - N N N N
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - N N N N
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (N)
2 = Drive NV (N)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y N
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y N
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - N N N N V24
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y N
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y N O-IM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N O-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y N
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - Y Y N
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y N
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y N
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y N
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N PM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -

198 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y N O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y N
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y N
590 Set Proving Configuration - - N N N N Vxx
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - N -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - N -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - N -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FP/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - - N N N
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y Y N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N Vxx
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y N
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N Vxx

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 199

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit - - - N N N Vxx
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit - - - N N N Vxx
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N Vxx
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N Vxx
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N Vxx
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y N
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y N
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y N Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - Y Y -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - Y Y -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - N Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - N N -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N N Y Y N
608 Set Zero Speed - - N N N N V24
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - N N N N V24

PowerFlex 755 Standard The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM
Drive Module Optional drive module.

ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y

200 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/27
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) Vxx
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N N N N N V24/V25
760 Get Axis Safety State - N N N N N V24/V25
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N N N N N V24/V25
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only
O-Value = #
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - Y Y Y Y
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 201

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1= Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y

202 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - Vxx/Vxx
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - N N N N
980/242 Get Guard Status - - N N N N
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 203

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - N N N N
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N PM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived

204 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 205

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N Y Y Y N
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

PowerFlex 755 High Power, The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-
Standard Drive Module EENET-CM drive module.
Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/27

206 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) Vxx
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N N N N N V24/V25
760 Get Axis Safety State - N N N N N V24/V25
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N N N N N V24/V25
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only
O-Value = #
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - Y Y Y Y
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1= Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 207

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N

208 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - Vxx/Vxx
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - N N N N
980/242 Get Guard Status - - N N N N
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 209

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - N N N N
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N PM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only

210 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 211

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N Y Y Y N
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

PowerFlex 755 Low Power, The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-S
Non-Network Safety Drive and PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-S1 drive module.
Module Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/27

212 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) Vxx
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N N N N N V24/V25
760 Get Axis Safety State - N N N N N V24/V25
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N N N N N V24/V25
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only
O-Value = #
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - Y Y Y Y
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1= Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 213

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N

214 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - Vxx/Vxx
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 215

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - N N N N
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N PM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only

216 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 217

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N Y Y Y N
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

PowerFlex 755 High Power, The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-
Non-Network Safety Drive EENET-CM-S and PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-CM-S1 drive module.
Module Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
1376 Set Actuator Diameter - N N N N N DScale
1377 Set Actuator Diameter Unit - N N N N N DScale
1374 Set Actuator Lead - N N N N N DScale
1375 Set Actuator Lead Unit - N N N N N DScale
1373 Set Actuator Type - N N N N N DScale
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/27

218 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) Vxx
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - N N N N N V24/V25
760 Get Axis Safety State - N N N N N V24/V25
761 Get Axis Safety Status - N N N N N V24/V25
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity N - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms N Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA N Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - - N N N PM Motor only
O-Value = #
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
606 Get Converter Output Power N - N N N N V26/V27
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - Y Y Y
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - Y Y Y Y
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1= Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 219

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N

220 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - Vxx/Vxx
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y)
129 = Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - N - -
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1 = Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate (N)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - - Y Y N
1370 Set Load Type - N N N N N DScale
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 221

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - N N N N
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N PM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only

222 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27
591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
1371 Set Transmission Ratio Input - N N N N N DScale
1372 Set Transmission Ratio Output - N N N N N DScale
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 223

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1 = Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold - N Y Y Y N
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

PowerFlex 755 Low and The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-
High Power, STO Only S3 and PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-CM-S3 drive module.

Network Safety Drive

Module Optional Attributes
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

224 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14 = Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15 = Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16 = Pass Bus Status (N) V26/V27
17 = Pass Bus Unload (N) V26/V27
18 = Ext. Speed for SPM (N)) V29
19 = Ext. Speed for IPM (N) V29
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - N N N N V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - N N N N V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - N N N N N V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - Y Y Y Y Y V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - N N N N N V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - N N N PM Motor only O-Value = #
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (F/V/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 225

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - N N N (F/V29)
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Frequency - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS

226 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Frequency - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y) 129 =
Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - - N
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 227

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization Reactance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage Reactance - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage Reactance - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1= Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - Y Y N
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/v27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y

228 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - N N N (F/V29)
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/O)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/O)

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 229

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (O)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/O)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (O)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27

839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27

591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -

230 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - N N - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold N Y Y Y N
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - N N N - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

PowerFlex 755 Low and The following table identifies the optional attributes and corresponding
control mode functionality supported by a PowerFlex 755-EENET-CM-
High Power, Advanced S4 and PowerFlex 755-HiPwr-EENET-CM-S4 drive module.
Safety Network Safety
Drive Module Optional
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
367 Get Acceleration Fine Command - - - N N N
485 Set Acceleration Limit - - N N N N
482 Get Acceleration Reference - - - N N N
481 Set Acceleration Trim - - - N N N
836 Set Adaptive Tuning Configuration - - - N N N V26/V27
844 Get Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor - - - N N N V26/V27
732/267 Get Analog Input 1 N - Y Y Y Y
733/268 Get Analog Input 2 N - Y Y Y Y
734 Set Analog Output 1 N - Y Y Y Y
735 Set Analog Output 2 N - Y Y Y Y
873 Set Auto Sag Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
874 Set Auto Sag Slip Increment - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
875 Set Auto Sag Slip Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
876 Set Auto Sag Start - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 231

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
19 Set Axis Features R R R R R R O-Bits
0 = Fine Interpolation (Y)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (Y)
2 = Alarm Log (Y)
5 = Hookup Test (Y)
6 = Commutation Test (Y)
7 = Motor Test (Y)
8 = Inertia Test (Y)
9 = Sensorless Control (Y)
10 = Drive Scaling (N) Vxx
11 = Ext. Event Block (N) Vxx
12 = Integer Cmd. Pos (N) Vxx
13 = Ext. Motor Test (N) V29
14 = Control Mode Change (N) V26/V27
15 = Feedback Mode Change (N) Vxx
16 = Pass Bus Status (N) V26/V27
17 = Pass Bus Unload (N) V26/V27
18 = Ext. Speed for SPM (N)) V29
19 = Ext. Speed for IPM (N) V29
986 Get Axis Safety Data A - - N N N N V31
987 Get Axis Safety Data B - - N N N N V31
763 Get Axis Safety Faults - Y Y Y Y Y V24
985 Get Axis Safety Faults - RA - N N N N N V31
760 Get Axis Safety State - Y Y Y Y Y V24
761 Get Axis Safety Status - Y Y Y Y Y V24
984 Get Axis Safety Status - RA - N N N N N V31
825 Set Backlash Compensation Window - - N - -
593 Set Brake Prove Ramp Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
594 Set Brake Slip Tolerance - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
592 Set Brake Test Torque - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
2338 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2358 Get Bus Output Overvoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2339 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2359 Get Bus Output Undervoltage Factory Limit 2 N - N N N N Vxx
638/262 Get Bus Regulator Capacity - N N N N
659 Get CIP Axis Alarms Y Y Y Y Y
904 Get CIP Axis Alarms - RA Y Y Y Y Y
617 Set Coasting Time Limit - - N N N N V26/V27
850 Set Commutation Offset Compensation - - - N N N PM Motor only, V29
563 Set Commutation Polarity - - - N N N PM Motor only
562 Set Commutation Self-Sensing Current - - N N N PM Motor only O-Value = #
618 Set Connection Loss Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (F/V/N)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
637 Get Converter Capacity N - N N N N
2337 Get Converter Output Capacity 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2357 Get Converter Output Capacity 2 N - N N N N Vxx

232 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
605 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2330 Get Converter Output Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2350 Get Converter Output Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
606 Get Converter Output Current N - N N N N V26/V27
2331 Get Converter Output Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2351 Get Converter Output Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2332 Get Converter Output Rated Current 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2352 Get Converter Output Rated Current 2 N - N N N N Vxx
2333 Get Converter Output Rated Power 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2353 Get Converter Output Rated Power 2 N - N N N N Vxx
840 Set Current Disturbance - - - N N N
527 Get Current Error - - - N N N
529 Get Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
522 Get Current Limit Source - - - N N N F/V29
524 Get Current Reference - - - N N N
553 Set Current Vector Limit - - Y N N N
2334 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2354 Get DC Bus Output Voltage 2 N - N N N N Vxx
742 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference N - N N N N Vxx
2336 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 1 N - N N N N Vxx
2356 Get DC Bus Output Voltage Reference 2 N - N N N N Vxx
870 Set DC Injection Brake Current - - Y Y Y Y
872 Set DC Injection Brake Time - - Y Y Y Y
486 Set Deceleration Limit - - N N N N
730 Get Digital Inputs N - Y Y Y Y
731 Set Digital Outputs N - N N N N
1435 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2404 Set Feedback 1 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2405 Set Feedback 1 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1421 Set Feedback 1 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1420 Set Feedback 1 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
2400 Set Feedback 1 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1414 Set Feedback 1 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1425 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1424 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Frequency - N - N N N RS
1423 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1422 Set Feedback 1 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1401 Get Feedback 1 Serial Number - N - N N N
1415 Set Feedback 1 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1= Absolute (Y)
1434 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - Y - Y Y Y
2403 Set Feedback 1 Velocity Filter Taps - Y - Y Y Y
1485 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2454 Set Feedback 2 Accel Filter Taps - N - N N N
2455 Set Feedback 2 Battery Absolute - N - N N N TM
1471 Set Feedback 2 Data Code - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS
1470 Set Feedback 2 Data Length - Y - Y Y Y TP,SS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 233

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
2450 Set Feedback 2 Loss Action - N - N N N O-Enum
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (N)
2 = Switch to Redundant Fdbk (N)
1464 Set Feedback 2 Polarity - Y - Y Y Y
1475 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Cable Balance - N - N N N RS
1474 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Frequency - N - N N N RS
1473 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Excitation Voltage - N - N N N RS
1472 Set Feedback 2 Resolver Transformer Ratio - N - N N N RS
1451 Get Feedback 2 Serial Number - N - N N N
1465 Set Feedback 2 Startup Method - R - R R R O-Enum
1 = Absolute (Y)
1484 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Bandwidth - N - N N N
2453 Set Feedback 2 Velocity Filter Taps - N - N N N
250 Set Feedback Commutation Aligned - - Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Motor Offset (N)
3 = Self-Sense (Y)
4 = Database Offset (N) Vxx
31 Set* Feedback Configuration R R R R R R O-Enum
0 = No Feedback (V/Y)(T/N)
3 = Load Feedback (P/N) (V/N) (T/N)
4 = Dual Feedback (P/Y)
8 = Dual Integrator Feedback (P/Y)
708 Set Feedback Data Loss User Limit - N N N N N
706 Set Feedback Noise User Limit - N N N N N
707 Set Feedback Signal Loss User Limit - N N N N N
44 Set Feedback Unit Ratio - - - Y N -
871 Set Flux Braking Enable - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
528 Get Flux Current Error - - - N N N
530 Get Flux Current Feedback - - - Y Y Y
525 Get Flux Current Reference - - - N N N
557 Set Flux Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
556 Set Flux Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
558 Set Flux Up Control - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only O-Enum
1 = Manual Delay (Y)
2 = Automatic Delay (Y)
559 Set Flux Up Time - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only
380 Set Flying Start Enable - - Y - Y -
381 Set Flying Start Method - - N - N - O-Enum: V29
1 = Counter EMF (N)
2 = Sweep Frequency (N)
570 Set Frequency Control Method - - R - - - O-Enum
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz (Y) 129 =
Sensorless Vector (Y)
130 = Sensorless Vector Economy (Y)
498 Set Friction Compensation Sliding - - - N N N
499 Set Friction Compensation Static - - - N N N
500 Set Friction Compensation Viscous - - - N N N
826/421 Set Friction Compensation Window - - - - - N
981/243 Get Guard Faults - - Y Y Y Y

234 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
980/242 Get Guard Status - - Y Y Y Y
280 Set Home Torque Threshold - - - N N - Vxx
281 Set Home Torque Time - - - N N - Vxx
1349 Set Induction Motor Magnetization Reactance - - N N N N Ind Motor only
1352 Set Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed - - Y Y Y N Ind Motor only
1351 Set Induction Motor Rotor Leakage Reactance - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
1350 Set Induction Motor Rotor Resistance - N N N N Ind Motor only
1348 Set Induction Motor Stator Leakage Reactance - - Y Y Y Y Ind Motor only, V26/V27
647 Set Inverter Overload Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (Y)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate (Y)
129 = PWM Foldback (Y)
699 Set Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit - - N N N N
1338 Set Linear Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Linear Motor only
2313 Set Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1336 Set Linear Motor Mass - - N N N N Linear Motor only
1337 Set Linear Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Linear Motor only
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate - - - Y Y N
806 Set Load Observer Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
805 Set Load Observer Configuration - - - Y Y N O-Enum
1= Load Observer Only (Y)
2 = Load Observer with Velocity Estimate
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (N)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (Y)
809 Set Load Observer Feedback Gain - - Y Y N
807 Set Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth - - N N N
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate - - Y Y N
750 Set Local Control N N N N N N O-Enum
1 = Conditionally Allowed (N)
2 = Allowed (N)
614 Set Mechanical Brake Control - - Y Y Y Y
616 Set Mechanical Brake Engage Delay - - Y Y Y Y
615 Set Mechanical Brake Release Delay - - Y Y Y Y
45 Set Motion Scaling Configuration - R R R R R O-Enum
1 = Drive Scaling (N)
1310/251 Set Motor Catalog Number - - N N N N Dr NV
1313 Set Motor Data Source - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Database (Y)
2 = Drive NV (Y)
3 = Motor NV (N)
1323 Set Motor Integral Thermal Switch - - N N N N
1324 Set Motor Max Winding Temperature - - N N N N
646 Set Motor Overload Action - - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Current Foldback (N)
1322 Set Motor Overload Limit - - Y Y Y Y
695 Set Motor Overspeed User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
694 Set Motor Phase Loss Limit - - Y Y Y Y V26/v27
1317 Set Motor Polarity - - Y Y Y Y

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 235

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
1321 Set Motor Rated Output Power - - Y Y Y Y Y-PM
1320 Set Motor Rated Peak Current - - N N N N N-IM
697 Set Motor Thermal Overload User Limit - - Y Y Y Y
1325 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance - - N N N N
1326 Set Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance - - N N N N
521 Get Operative Current Limit - - - N N N (F/V29)
600 Get Output Frequency - - R Y Y Y
508 Set Overtorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
509 Set Overtorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
1355 Set PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive - - - N N N V29
2310 Set PM Motor Flux Saturation - - N N N N SPM Motor only
1343 Set PM Motor Force Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
2315 Set PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1358 Set PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1359 Set PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
2314 Set PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation - - N N N N IPM Motor only, V29
1342 Set PM Motor Rated Force - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1339 Set PM Motor Rated Torque - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
1356 Set PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed - - - N N N V29
1357 Set PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed - - - N N N V29
1340 Set PM Motor Torque Constant - - N N N N Rotary PM Motor only
445 Set Position Error Tolerance Time - - - Y - -
365 Get Position Fine Command - - - Y - -
446 Set Position Integrator Control - - - R - - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
447 Set Position Integrator Preload - - - N - -
781 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - Y - -
782 Set Position Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - Y - -
783 Set Position Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y - -
627 Set Power Loss Action - - Y Y Y Y O-Enum
2 = Decel Regen (Y)
628 Set Power Loss Threshold N - Y Y Y Y
630 Set Power Loss Time N - Y Y Y Y
590 Set Proving Configuration - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
376 Set* Ramp Acceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
377 Set* Ramp Deceleration - - Y - Y - Derived
378 Set Ramp Jerk Control - - Y - Y -
375 Set* Ramp Velocity - Negative - - Y - Y - Derived
374 Set* Ramp Velocity - Positive - - Y - Y - Derived
613/354 Set Resistive Brake Contact Delay - - N N N N PM Motor only
1333 Set Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2312 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
2311 Set Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
1330 Set Rotary Motor Inertia - - N Y Y N Rotary Motor only
1332 Set Rotary Motor Max Speed - - N N N N Rotary Motor only
766 Set Safe Stopping Action - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Current Decel (F/O)
2 = Ramped Decel (FV/O)

236 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
767 Set Safe Stopping Action Source - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (O)
765 Set Safe Torque Off Action - - N N N N O-Enum V26/V27
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N)
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/N)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/O)
759 Set Safe Torque Off Action Source - - N N N N O-Enum V31
1 = Running Controller (O)
629 Set Shutdown Action N - N N N N O-Enum
1 = Drop DC Bus (FPVT/N)
370 Set Skip Speed 1 - - Y - - -
371 Set Skip Speed 2 - - Y - - -
372 Set Skip Speed 3 - - Y - - -
373 Set Skip Speed Band - - Y - - -
833 Set SLAT Configuration - - - - Y -
834 Set SLAT Set Point - - - - Y -
835 Set SLAT Time Delay - - - - Y -
610 Set Stopping Action - - R R R R O-Enum
1 = Current Decel Disable (F/N) V26/V27
2 = Ramped Decel Disable (FV/Y)
3 = Current Decel Hold (PV/N)
4 = Ramped Decel Hold (V/N)
128 = DC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
129 = AC Injection Brake (FPVT/Y)
612 Set Stopping Time Limit - - N N N N (F/V26/V27)
496 Set System Inertia - - - R R N
555 Set Torque Integral Time Constant - - - N N N
827 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth - - - N N N
828 Set Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain - - - N N N
554 Set Torque Loop Bandwidth - - - N N N
502 Set Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y N
843 Get Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
503 Set Torque Notch Filter Frequency - - - Y Y Y
841 Get Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27
837 Set Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
838 Set Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit - - - N N N V26/V27
842 Get Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate - - - N N N V26/V27

839 Set Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold - - - N N N V26/V27

591 Set Torque Prove Current - - N N N N V26/V27
506 Set Torque Rate Limit - - - N N N
507/334 Set Torque Threshold - - - N N N
510 Set Undertorque Limit - - Y Y Y Y
511 Set Undertorque Limit Time - - Y Y Y Y
464/321 Set Velocity Droop - - Y Y Y -
465 Set Velocity Error Tolerance - - - N N -
466 Set Velocity Error Tolerance Time - - - N N -
366 Get Velocity Fine Command - - - Y Y -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 237

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
ID Access Attribute N E F P V T Conditional Implementation
467 Set Velocity Integrator Control - - - R R - O-Bits
1: Auto-Preset (N)
468 Set Velocity Integrator Preload - - - Y Y -
474/326 Set Velocity Limit - Negative - - Y Y Y -
473/325 Set Velocity Limit - Positive - - Y Y Y -
458 Get Velocity Limit Source - - - N N - V29
471 Set Velocity Lock Tolerance - - Y Y Y -
469 Set Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth - - - Y Y -
790 Set Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain - - - Y Y -
470/327 Set Velocity Threshold N Y Y Y N
589 Set Vertical Load Control - - N N N - V31
608 Set Zero Speed - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27
609 Set Zero Speed Time - - Y Y Y Y V26/V27

MSG Instruction Access Only The following table lists the attributes that are available to a specific
drive via messaging. The P### references in the Conditional
Attributes Implementation column refer to the related PowerFlex drive parameter.

ID Attribute K350 K5500 K6500 PF755 E F P V T C/D Conditional Implementation

480 Acceleration Command X X O O O MSG Access Only
1404 Acceleration Feedback (General X X X R R R R E, MSG Access Only
+(n- Feedback Signal)
1454 Acceleration Feedback 2 X R R R R E, MSG Access Only
639 Ambient Temperature O O O O MSG Access Only
688 Bus Overvoltage Factory Limit X O O O O MSG Access Only
686 Bus Regulator Overtemperature O O O O MSG Access Only
Factory Limit
687 Bus Regulator Thermal Overload X O O O O MSG Access Only
Factory Limit
880 Bus Regulator Reference X O O O O MSG Access Only, P375
689 Bus Undervoltage Factory Limit O O O O MSG Access Only
756 CIP APR Faults C C C C Yes R-Co CScale; O-Dr DScale; E, MSG
Access Only
757 CIP APR Faults - Mfg C C C C Yes Vxx; R-Co CScale; O-Dr DScale; E, MSG
Access Only
905 CIP APR Faults - RA C C C C Yes R-Co CScale; O-Dr DScale; E, MSG
Access Only
660 CIP Axis Alarms - Mfg X X O O O O O Vxx; MSG Access Only
673 CIP Axis Exception Action - Mfg X X X R R R R R MSG Access Only
655 CIP Axis Exceptions X X X R R R R R MSG Access Only
656 CIP Axis Exceptions - Mfg X X X R R R R R Vxx; MSG Access Only
902 CIP Axis Exceptions - RA R R R R R Yes MSG Access Only
658 CIP Axis Faults - Mfg X X X R R R R R Vxx; MSG Access Only
654 CIP Axis I/O Status - Mfg X X X R R R R R Vxx; MSG Access Only
652 CIP Axis Status - Mfg X X X R R R R R Vxx; MSG Access Only
675 CIP Initialization Faults - Mfg X X X R R R R R Yes Vxx; MSG Access Only
677 CIP Start Inhibits - Mfg X X X R R R R Vxx; MSG Access Only

238 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
832 Cogging Compensation Table O O O MSG Access Only
768 Command Notch Filter Frequency X O O MSG Access Only
564 Commutation Alignment X X O O O E; PM Motor only, O- Enum, MSG
Access Only
900 Control Module Overtemperature O O O O O MSG Access Only
Factory Limit
710 Control Power-up Time O O O O MSG Access Only
693 Converter Ground Current Factory O O O O MSG Access Only
684 Converter Overtemperature Factory O O O O MSG Access Only
901 Converter Precharge Overload O O O O MSG Access Only
Factory Limit
723 Converter Rated Output Current X X - O O O O Yes MSG Access Only
724 Converter Rated Output Power X - O O O O Yes MSG Access Only
685 Converter Thermal Overload Factory O O O O MSG Access Only
715 Cumulative Control Power Cycles O O O O MSG Access Only
712 Cumulative Energy Usage O O O O MSG Access Only
714 Cumulative Main Power Cycles O O O O MSG Access Only
713 Cumulative Motor Revs O O O O MSG Access Only
711 Cumulative Run Time O O O O MSG Access Only
621 DC Bus Voltage - Nominal X X X X R R R R MSG Access Only, P12
736 Drive Enable Input Checking X O O O O MSG Access Only
725 Drive Power Structure Axis ID O O O O MSG Access Only
1400 Feedback 1 Catalog Number O O O O E, MSG Access Only
1427 Feedback 1 LDT Recirculations R R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
1426 Feedback 1 LDT Type R R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
1410 Feedback 1 Resolution Unit O O O O E, MSG Access Only
643 Feedback 1 Temperature X X O O O O O E, MSG Access Only
1450 Feedback 2 Catalog Number O O O E, MSG Access Only
1477 Feedback 2 LDT Recirculations R R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
1476 Feedback 2 LDT Type R R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
1460 Feedback 2 Resolution Unit O O O O E, MSG Access Only
644 Feedback 2 Temperature X O O O O O E, MSG Access Only
2432 Feedback 2U Acceleration O O O O E, MSG Access Only
2430 Feedback 2U Position O O O O E, MSG Access Only
2431 Feedback 2U Velocity O O O O E, MSG Access Only
692 Feedback Data Loss Factory Limit O O O O O E, MSG Access Only
43 Feedback Master Select O Vxx, MSG Access Only
1427 Feedback n LDT Recirculations R - R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
1426 Feedback n LDT Type R - R R R E, LT, MSG Access Only
2402 Feedback n Scaling Ratio O - O O O E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 239

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
1401 + Feedback n Serial Number X X X O - O O O E, MSG Access Only
690 Feedback Noise Factory Limit O O O O O MSG Access Only
2385 Feedback nS Acceleration O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
2383 Feedback nS Position O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
2384 Feedback nS Velocity O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
2382 Feedback nU Acceleration O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
2380 Feedback nU Position O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
2381 Feedback nU Velocity O - O O O Yes E, MSG Access Only
+ (n-
691 Feedback Signal Loss Factory Limit O O O O O E, MSG Access Only
532 Flux Decoupling O O O MSG Access Only
534 Flux Voltage Output X X O O O MSG Access Only
737 Hardware Overtravel Input Checking X O O O O MSG Access Only
829 Inertia Observer Configuration X O O O MSG Access Only
831 Inertia Observer Filter Bandwidth X O O O MSG Access Only
640 Inverter Heatsink Temperature O O O O MSG Access Only
645 Inverter Overload Factory Limit O O O O MSG Access Only
682 Inverter Overtemperature Factory X O O O O MSG Access Only
698 Inverter Overtemperature User Limit O O O O MSG Access Only
721 Inverter Rated Output Current X X X X - R R R R Yes MSG Access Only, P21
722 Inverter Rated Output Power X X X X - R R R R Yes MSG Access Only, P22
720 Inverter Rated Output Voltage X X X X - R R R R Yes MSG Access Only, P20
641 Inverter Temperature X X O O O O MSG Access Only, P942
683 Inverter Thermal Overload Factory O O O O MSG Access Only
679 Linear Motor Overspeed Factory Limit - O O O O Yes MSG Access Only
1312 Motor Date Code X X O O O O MSG Access Only
680 Motor Overtemperature Factory Limit O O O O MSG Access Only
696 Motor Overtemperature User Limit O O O O MSG Access Only
1311 Motor Serial Number X X - O O O O Yes MSG Access Only
642 Motor Temperature X O O O O MSG Access Only
681 Motor Thermal Overload Factory X O O O O MSG Access Only
1354 PM Motor Ld Inductance X MSG Access Only
1353 PM Motor Lq Inductance X MSG Access Only
430 Position Command X X X X R MSG Access Only, P759

240 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 3 Interpret the Attribute Tables
434 Position Feedback (Position Loop X X X X R - R R R Yes E, MSG Access Only, P847
780 Position Integral Feedback X X O MSG Access Only, P837
604 PWM Frequency X O O O O MSG Access Only
678 Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory - O O O O Yes MSG Access Only
490 Torque Command X X X X - - R R R Yes MSG Access Only, P761
531 Torque Decoupling O O O MSG Access Only
533 Torque Voltage Output X X O O O MSG Access Only
821 Total Inertia Estimate X X X O O O MSG Access Only, P708
538 U Current Feedback X X O O O MSG Access Only
541 U Current Offsets X O O O MSG Access Only
535 U Voltage Output X X O O O MSG Access Only
539 V Current Feedback X X O O O MSG Access Only
542 V Current Offsets X O O O MSG Access Only
536 V Voltage Output X X O O O MSG Access Only
450 Velocity Command X X X X R R R MSG Access Only, P760
1403 Velocity Feedback 1 X X X X R R R R E, MSG Access Only, P131
1453 Velocity Feedback 2 X X R R R R E, MSG Access Only, P131
1403 Velocity Feedback n X X X X R - R R R Yes E, MSG Access Only, P131
+(n- (General Feedback Signal Attributes)
540 W Current Feedback X X O O O MSG Access Only
543 W Current Offsets X O O O MSG Access Only
537 W Voltage Output X X O O O MSG Access Only

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 241

Chapter 4

CIP Axis Attributes

The CIP Axis Attributes let you configure motion-control system devices
that include feedback devices and drive devices. For drive devices, the
CIP Axis Attributes cover a wide range of drive types from simple
variable frequency (V/Hz) drives, to sophisticated position-control servo
drives. Many commercial drive products have axes that can be
configured to operate in any one of these different motion-control
modes, depending on the specific application requirements.
The CIP Axis Attributes are organized to address the broad range of
functionality. Because of the large number of attributes, they are
organized by functional category.

Motion Control Attributes

Acceleration Control Attributes on page 246 Frequency Control Configuration Attributes on
page 280
Acceleration Control Configuration Attributes on page Position Loop Attributes on page 285
Command Generator Configuration Attributes on page Position Loop Configuration Attributes on page
249 287
Command Generator Signal Attributes on page 253 Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes
on page 291
Command Reference Generation Attributes on page 249 Torque/Force Control Signal Attributes on page
Current Control Attributes on page 270 Velocity Loop Configuration Attributes on page
Current Control Configuration Attributes on page 270 Velocity Loop Signal Attributes on page 325
Frequency Control Signal Attribute on page 284

Data Attributes
Axis Info Attributes on page 330 CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339
Axis Statistical Attributes on page 338 Event Capture Attributes on page 356

Drive Attributes
Drive General Purpose I/O Attributes on page 361 Power and Thermal Management Configuration
Attributes on page 370
Drive Output Attributes on page 368 Power and Thermal Management Status
Attributes on page 371

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 243

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Device Commissioning and Tuning Attributes

Autotune Configuration Attributes on page 383 Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391 Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392 Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401

Faults and Alarms Attributes

APR Fault Attribute on page 405 Exception User Limit Configuration Attributes
on page 423
Axis Exception Action Configuration Attributes on page Exception, Fault, and Alarm Attributes on page
407 429
Configuration Fault Attributes on page 415 Initialization Faults Attributes on page 434
Exception Factory Limit Info Attributes on page 422 Module/Node Fault and Alarm Attributes on
page 438

Feedback Attributes
Feedback Attributes on page 453 General Feedback Info Attributes on page 470
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456 General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471

Motion Control Attributes

Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473 Motion Dynamic Configuration Attributes on
page 512
Motion Control Interface Attributes on page 480 Motion Homing Configuration Attributes on page
Motion Control Signal Attributes on page 487 Motion Planner Configuration Attributes on page
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498 Motion Planner Output Attributes on page 533
Motion Database Storage Attributes on page 508 Motion Scaling Attributes on page 535

Motor Attributes
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548 Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on
page 565
General Motor Attributes on page 550 Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556 Load Transmission and Actuator Attributes on
page 568
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559 Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561

Safety Attributes
Axis Safety Status Attributes on page 573 Guard Safety Status Attributes on page 588

Guard Safety Attributes on page 587

244 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Stopping and Braking Attributes

Start Inhibit Attributes on page 614 Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594

DC Bus Condition Attributes

DC Bus Condition Attributes on page 617

Converter AC Line Input Attributes

Converter AC Line Monitoring Attributes on page 628 Converter AC Line Configuration Attributes on
page 634
Converter AC Line Source Configuration Attributes on AC Line Condition Attributes on page 637
page 636

Converter Control Attributes

Converter Types on page 640 Converter Control Mode Attributes on page 641

Converter Bus Voltage Control Configuration Attributes Converter Bus Voltage Control Signal Attributes
on page 644 on page 646
Converter Current Reference Configuration Attributes on Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes
page 649 on page 651
Converter Current Control Configuration Attributes on Converter Current Control Signal Attributes on
page 652 page 654
Converter Reactive Power Control Attributes on page 660 Converter Output Attributes on page 661

General attribute characteristics

Keep the following items in mind while reviewing the attribute tables:
Item Description
SSV access rule If an attribute is marked with an SSV access rule, it is implied that the
attribute also supports GSV access.
Vendor specific bits Vendor specific bits, and enumerations provide space for drive vendors to
provide additional product features.
For Logix Designer software version 18, all defined vendor specific bits are
Rockwell Automation specific.
Optional attributes Unless otherwise specified, all optional attributes default to 0.
Attribute name The tag and GSV/SSV names for each of these attributes should be the
same as the attribute name but with spaces removed.
For example, Inhibit Axis would be InhibitAxis.

See also
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 245

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Control Mode Attributes The following attribute tables contain control mode related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis Object instance.

Acceleration Control These are the acceleration related attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis.
Acceleration Trim
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/ T REAL 0 -max max Accel Units
SSV accel accel

Additional acceleration command added to the acceleration loop

summing junction.

Acceleration Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/ T REAL - - - Accel Units

Command acceleration reference into acceleration loop summing


Acceleration Feedback
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T REAL - - - Accel Units

Actual acceleration of the axis based on the selected feedback device.

Load Observer Acceleration Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/ T REAL - - - Accel Units

Output of the Load Observer that, when the Load Observer block is
enabled, is applied to the acceleration reference summing junction. In
the Load Observer configuration, this signal compensates for
disturbances to the load relative to an ideal load model. When the Load
Observer is configured to operate in Acceleration Feedback Only mode,
this signal is the estimated acceleration feedback signal used to close
the acceleration loop. When the Load Observer is disabled, this signal
is 0.

246 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Load Observer Torque Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/ T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Product of the Load Observer Acceleration Estimate signal and the

current System Inertia value, Kj. In the Load Observer configuration,
this signal represents the estimated torque disturbances to the load
relative to an ideal load model. When the Load Observer is configured
to operate in Acceleration Feedback Only mode, this signal is an
estimate of the applied motor torque. When the Load Observer is
disabled, this signal is 0.

See also
Acceleration Control Configuration Attributes on page 247
Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473
Velocity Control Mode on page 24

Acceleration Control These are the acceleration control configuration attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes
Load Observer Configuration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Disabled (R)
1 = Load Observer Only (O)
2 = Load Observer with
Velocity Estimate (O)
3 = Velocity Estimate Only (O)
4 = Acceleration Feedback (O)
5-255 = Reserved

The Load Observer Configuration attribute configures the operation of

the Load Observer. The Load Observer dynamically measures the
active load torque applied to the motor load for the purpose of load
disturbance compensation. Selecting the Velocity Estimate configures
the observer to dynamically estimate velocity based on an internal
model of the motor and load. When Velocity Estimate is selected, this
signal is applied to the velocity loop to provide superior control loop
performance. The Velocity Estimate may be used in combination with
the Load Observer by selecting Load Observer with Velocity Estimate.
The Acceleration Feedback configuration applies acceleration feedback
to the control loop structure to improve stability and performance. In
effect, Acceleration Feedback is like adding virtual inertia to the motor
thus reducing the Load Ratio.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 247

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set T REAL FD 0 Radians/Sec

The Load Observer Bandwidth attribute determines the proportional

gain, Kop, of the load observer. This value represents the unity gain
bandwidth of the load observer.

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set T REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth attribute determines the load

observer integral gain, Koi, that together with the Kop, multiplies the
integrated error signal within the observer. This value represents the
bandwidth of the integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set REAL 0.5 0

The Load Observer Feedback Gain attribute is a value that, when

configured for Acceleration Feedback, multiplies the Load Observer's
acceleration output signal before applying it as feedback to the
acceleration reference summing junction. The output of this gain term is
the Load Observer Acceleration Estimate signal. If not configured for
Acceleration Feedback operation, this attribute has no effect.

Acceleration Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 0 0 Accel Control Units/Sec2
2*Eq 3

The Acceleration Limit attribute defines the maximum acceleration value

(increasing speed) into the acceleration summing junction. If this
acceleration limit value is exceeded, the device responds by clamping
the acceleration reference to this limit and setting the Acceleration Limit
status bit.

248 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Deceleration Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 0 0 Accel Control Units/Sec2
2*Eq 3

The Deceleration Limit attribute defines the maximum deceleration

value (decreasing speed) into the acceleration summing junction. If this
deceleration limit value is exceeded, the device responds by clamping
the acceleration reference to this limit and setting the Deceleration Limit
status bit.

See also
Acceleration Control Attributes on page 246
Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473

Command Reference These are the command reference generation functionality of the
device that converts command position, velocity, acceleration, and
Generation Attributes torque data output from a controller-based or device-based motion
planner into corresponding command references signals to the device's
motor control structures. The command reference generator
functionality includes fine interpolators, signal selector switches,
dynamic limiters, command notch filters.

See also
Command Generator Signal Attributes on page 253
Command Generator Configuration Attributes on page 249

Command Generator The following are the command generator configuration attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis:
Configuration Attributes
Skip Speed 1
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 0 - Velocity Units

The Skip Speed 1 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed 2
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 0 - Velocity Units

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 249

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Skip Speed 2 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed 3
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 0 - Velocity Units

The Skip Speed 3 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed Band

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

When operating in Closed Loop Velocity mode, the Fine Velocity

Command block also supports Skip Bands that are most frequently
used in applications where certain speeds excite mechanical resonance
frequencies of the motor and load.
The Skip Speed Band attribute determines the speed window around a
skip speed that cannot be commanded. Any command set-point within
this window is adjusted by the Skip Speed block to fall at either the
upper or lower Skip Speed Band boundary value. The device can
smoothly accelerate or decelerate through the skip speed band based
on the ramp generator block but may not operate at a set speed within
the band. The Skip Speed Band is distributed ½ above and ½ below the
skip speed. This Skip Speed Band attribute applies to all skip speeds
supported in the device. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this

Ramp Velocity - Positive

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Get/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units
Derived from
Max Speed

The Ramp Velocity - Positive attribute is a positive value that defines

the maximum positive velocity command output of the Ramp Generator.

250 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Ramp Velocity - Negative

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Get/SSV REAL 0 - 0 Velocity Units
Derived from
Max Speed

The Ramp Velocity - Negative attribute is a negative value that defines

the maximum negative velocity command output of the Ramp

Ramp Acceleration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Get/SSV REAL 0 0 Accel Units
Derived from
Max Accel

The Ramp Acceleration attribute is a positive value that defines the

maximum acceleration (increasing speed) of the velocity command
output by the Ramp Generator.

Ramp Deceleration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Get/SSV REAL 0 0 Accel Units
Derived from
Max Decel

The Ramp Deceleration attribute is a positive value that defines the

maximum deceleration (decreasing speed) of the velocity command
output by the Ramp Generator.

Ramp Jerk Control

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Get/SSV REAL 0 0 100 %

The Ramp Jerk Control attribute sets the percentage of accel or decel
time that is applied to the speed ramp as jerk limited S Curve based on
a step change in velocity. The S Curve time is added ½ at the beginning
and ½ at the end of the ramp. A value of 0 results in no S-Curve, for
example, a linear acceleration or deceleration ramp.
A value of 100% results in a triangular acceleration profile with the peak
being the configured ramp acceleration or deceleration.
As the Jerk Control value increases the derived accelerating jerk value
decreases based on:

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 251

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
0.5 * 0.01 * Jerk Control * Ramp Vel Positive / Ramp Accel
and the decelerating Jerk limit value also decreases according to:
0.5 * 0.01 * Jerk Control * Ramp Vel Negative / Ramp Decel.

Flying Start Enable

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Set/SSV USINT 0 0 1 0 = Flying Start Disabled
1 = Flying Start Enabled

The Flying Start Enable attribute is used to enable or disable the Flying
Start feature of the device. When Flying Start Enable is true and the
motion axis is enabled, the device determines the current velocity of the
motor, using either the configured Flying Start Method or, if not
supported, a method that is left to the drive vendor's discretion. This
operation is done as part of the Starting State initialization activities.
Just prior to transitioning to the Running state, the device presets the
output of the Ramp Generator to the current velocity. In this way, the
motor seamlessly ramps from its current velocity to the commanded
velocity from the controller. When Flying Start Enable is false, the motor
velocity is irrelevant and a preset of 0 is applied to the Ramp Generator
Some drive vendors do not allow the Flying Start feature to be disabled
when connected to a feedback device. To support this behavior, these
drives do not support the Flying Start Enable attribute, but do support
the Flying Start Method attribute.

Flying Start Method

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumerations:

0 = Encoder Only (R)
1 = Counter EMF (O)
2 = Sweep Frequency (O)

The Flying Start Method attribute is an enumerated value which

establishes the method used to "catch" a moving motor when the drive
is enabled. The configured Flying Start Method is applied if Flying Start
Enable is true or if the Flying Start Enable attribute is not supported.
When Encoder Only is selected, the drive uses encoder feedback to
determine the current speed of the motor to initialize the Ramp
Generator output. This method is not applicable without a connected
feedback device. If Encoder Only is selected without a connected
feedback device, the Flying Start function is effectively disabled.
When Counter EMF is selected, the drive determines the speed of the
motor by measuring the motor's Counter EMF and applying the
estimated speed to the Ramp Generator output.

252 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
When Sweep Frequency is selected the drive applies an algorithm that
excites the motor at a predetermined frequency and, while "sweeping"
the frequency to zero, checks for the motor current to change sign when
the frequency matches the speed of the motor. The drive then applies
this speed to the to the Ramp Generator output.

See also
Command Generator Signal Attributes on page 253

Command Generator Signal These are the command generator signal attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Position Fine Command
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - P Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units

The Position Fine Command attribute is the output value from the
Command Position fine interpolator.

Velocity Fine Command

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Get/GSV T REAL - - - Velocity Units

The Velocity Fine Command attribute is the output value from the
Command Velocity fine interpolator. When no Command Velocity signal
is present when performing position control, this signal can be derived
by scaling the Differential Position output value of the Command
Position fine interpolator.

Acceleration Fine Command

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - Accel Units

The Acceleration Fine Command attribute is the output value from the
Command Acceleration fine interpolator. When no Command
Acceleration signal is present when performing position or velocity
control, this signal can be derived by scaling the Differential Velocity
output value of the Command Velocity fine interpolator. If no Command
Velocity signal is present, the Interpolated Command Acceleration
signal can be derived by scaling the 2nd Differential Position output
value of the Command Position fine interpolator.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 253

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Skip Speed 1
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Set REAL 0 - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Skip Speed 1 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed 2
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Set REAL 0 - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Skip Speed 2 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed 3
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Set REAL 0 - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Skip Speed 3 attribute sets the central speed of a skip speed band
within which the device does not operate. The skip speed value is

Skip Speed Band

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FV Set REAL 0 0 Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Skip Speed Band attribute determines the speed window around a
skip speed that cannot be commanded. Skip Speed block adjusts any
command set-point within this window to fall at either the upper or lower
Skip Speed Band boundary value. The device can smoothly accelerate
or decelerate through the skip speed band based on the ramp
generator block but may not operate at a set speed within the band.
The Skip Speed Band is distributed ½ above and ½ below the skip
speed. This Skip Speed Band attribute applies to all skip speeds
supported in the device. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this

Ramp Velocity - Positive

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FPV Set REAL 0 0 Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Ramp Velocity - Positive attribute is a positive value that defines

the maximum positive velocity command output of the Ramp Generator.

254 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Ramp Velocity - Negative

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FPV Set REAL 0 - 0 Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Ramp Velocity - Negative attribute is a negative value defines the

maximum negative velocity command output of the Ramp Generator.

Ramp Acceleration
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FPV Set REAL 0 0 Velocity Control Units/Sec2

The Ramp Acceleration attribute is a positive value that defines the

maximum acceleration (increasing speed) of the velocity command
output by the Ramp Generator.

Ramp Deceleration
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Set REAL 0 0 Velocity Control Units/Sec2

Optional -

The Ramp Deceleration attribute is a positive value that defines the

maximum deceleration (decreasing speed) of the velocity command
output by the Ramp Generator.

Ramp Jerk Control

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FPV Set REAL 0 0 100 %

The Ramp Jerk Control attribute sets the percentage of acceleration or

deceleration time applied to the speed ramp as jerk limited S Curve
based on a step change in velocity. The S Curve time is added ½ at the
beginning and ½ at the end of the ramp. A value of 0 results in no S-
Curve, that is, a linear acceleration or deceleration ramp. A value of
100% results in a triangular acceleration profile with the peak being the
configured ramp acceleration or deceleration. As the Jerk Control value
increases the derived accelerating jerk value decreases based on 0.5 *
0.01 * Jerk Control * Ramp Vel Positive / Ramp Accel, and the
decelerating Jerk limit value also decreases according to 0.5 * 0.01 *
Jerk Control * Ramp Vel Negative / Ramp Decel.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 255

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flying Start Enable

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set BOOL 0 0 1 Enumeration:

0 = Flying Start Disabled
1 = Flying Start Enabled

The Flying Start Enable attribute enables or disables the Flying Start
feature of the device. When Flying Start Enable is true and the motion
axis is enabled, the device determines the current velocity of the motor,
using either the configured Flying Start Method or, if not supported, a
method that is left to the drive vendor’s discretion. This operation is
done as part of the Starting State initialization activities. Just prior to
transitioning to the Running state, the device presets the output of the
Ramp Generator to the current velocity. The motor seamlessly ramps
from its current velocity to the commanded velocity from the controller.
When Flying Start Enable is false, the motor velocity is irrelevant and a
preset of 0 is applied to the Ramp Generator output.
Some drive vendors do not allow the Flying Start feature to be disabled
when connected to a feedback device. These drives do not support the
Flying Start Enable attribute, but do support the Flying Start Method

Flying Start Method

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set USINT 0 - - Enumerations:

0 = Encoder Only
1 = Counter EMF
2 = Sweep Frequency

The Flying Start Method attribute is an enumerated value that

establishes the method used to “catch” a moving motor when the drive
is enabled. The configured Flying Start Method is applied if Flying Start
Enable is true or if the Flying Start Enable attribute is not supported.
When Encoder Only is selected, the drive uses encoder feedback to
determine the current speed of the motor to initialize the Ramp
Generator output. This method is not applicable without a connected
feedback device. If Encoder Only is selected without a connected
feedback device, the Flying Start function is effectively disabled.
When Counter EMF is selected, the drive determines the speed of the
motor by measuring the motor’s Counter EMF and applying the
estimated speed to the Ramp Generator output.
When Sweep Frequency is selected the drive applies an algorithm that
excites the motor at a predetermined frequency and, while “sweeping”
the frequency to zero, checks for the motor current to change sign when
the frequency matches the speed of the motor. The drive then applies
this speed to the Ramp Generator output.

256 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flying Start CEMF Reconnect Delay

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 0.002 0 100 Sec

The Flying Start CEMF Reconnect Delay attribute defines the delay
between the start command and the start of the reconnect function.

Flying Start CEMF Current Reg Kp

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 10000 Volts/Amp

The Flying Start CEMF Current Reg Kp attribute sets the proportional
gain for the current regulator that controls the reconnect function.

Flying Start CEMF Current Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 50 0 1000 (Volts/Amp)/Sec

The Flying Start CEMF Current Reg Ki attribute sets the integral gain for
the current regulator that controls the reconnect function.

Flying Start CEMF Velocity Reg Kp

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 75 0 10000 Internal Units


The Flying Start CEMF Velocity Reg Kp attribute sets the proportional
gain for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect function.

Flying Start CEMF Velocity Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 10000 Internal Units

The Flying Start CEMF Velocity Reg Ki attribute sets the integral gain
for the velocity regulator that controls the reconnect function.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 257

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flying Start CEMF Excitation Reg Kp

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 50 0 10000 Volts/Amp

The Flying Start CEMF Excitation Reg Kp attribute sets the proportional
gain for the current regulator that controls the excitation function when
the reconnect function determines the need.

Flying Start CEMF Excitation Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 10000 (Volts/Amp)/Sec

The Flying Start CEMF Excitation Reg Ki attribute sets the integral
gain for the current regulator that controls the excitation function when
the reconnect function determines the need.

Flying Start CEMF Brake Level

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 70 0 100 % Motor Rated

The Flying Start CEMF Brake Level attribute defines the amount of DC
braking current that the drive uses for the Flying Start function. The
Flying Start function applies DC brake current to the motor when it
determines the motor is spinning near zero speed, which brings the
motor to a complete stop before attempting to restart it.

Flying Start CEMF Brake Time

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 0 0 1800 Sec

The Flying Start CEMF Brake Time attribute defines the amount of time
the drive applies the DC braking current for the Flying Start function.

Flying Start CEMF Zero Speed Threshold

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 2000 % Motor Rated

258 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Flying Start CEMF Zero Speed Threshold attribute defines the
current level that the Flying Start function uses for zero speed detection
when applying DC braking.

Flying Start Sweep Reconnect Delay

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 2 0 100 Sec

The Flying Start Sweep Reconnect Delay attribute sets the delay time
between the start command and the start of the reconnect function. This
is mainly for power loss situations so the restart does not occur too
quickly causing unwanted faults.

Flying Start Sweep Initial Voltage Reg Kp

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 10 0 10000

The Flying Start Sweep Initial Voltage Reg Kp attribute sets the
proportional gain used by the reconnect function to control the initial
output voltage.

Flying Start Sweep Initial Voltage Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 10 0 10000

The Flying Start Sweep Initial Voltage Reg Ki attribute sets the integral
gain used by the reconnect function to control the initial output voltage.

Flying Start Sweep Time

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 1 0.1 100 Sec

The Flying Start Sweep Time attribute sets the time to sweep frequency
in one direction for use with the reconnect function.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 259

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flying Start Sweep V/Hz DC Boost Adjust

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 150 10 1000 % Motor Rated

The Flying Start Sweep V/Hz DC Boost Adjust attribute sets the voltage
of the 0 Hz point on the V/Hz curve used in the primary sweep method.
The attribute value represents the percentage of the rated stator
resistance voltage drop defined by the product of the Induction Motor
Stator Resistance attribute and the Motor Rated Continuous Current

Flying Start Sweep V/Hz Ratio

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 0 0 15 % Motor Rated

The Flying Start Sweep V/Hz Ratio attribute sets the scale value for a
fixed volts per hertz curve to be used during the sweep.
The attribute value represents the percentage of the rated V/Hz ratio
defined by the Motor Rated Voltage attribute divided by the Induction
Motor Rated Frequency attribute.

Flying Start Sweep Speed Detect Level

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 37.5 1 100 % Operating Power

The Flying Start Sweep Speed Detect Level attribute sets the level used
by the reconnect function for frequency detection, where the detection
signal remains at this level throughout the time specified in the Flying
Start Sweep Speed Detect Time attribute.
The percentage of Operating Power is defined by the Vq Voltage
Output attribute times the Iq Current Command attribute.

Flying Start Sweep Speed Detect Time

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 0.06 0 0.5 Sec

The Flying Start Sweep Speed Detect Time attribute sets the time the
reconnect function uses for frequency detection.

260 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flying Start Sweep Recovery Current Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 60 0 1000

The Flying Start Sweep Recovery Current Reg Ki attribute sets the
integral gain used by the reconnect function in the voltage recovery to
the normal V/Hz level.

Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg Kp

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 75 0 10000


The Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg Kp attribute sets the proportional
gain for the output voltage regulator that controls the reconnect function

Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg Ki

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 10000

The Flying Start Sweep Voltage Reg Ki attribute sets the integral gain
for the output voltage regulator that controls the reconnect function.

Flying Start Sweep Brake Level

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 70 0 100 % Motor Rated

The Flying Start Sweep Brake Level attribute defines the level of DC
braking current that the drive uses for the Flying Start function. The
Flying Start function applies DC brake current to the motor when it
determines the motor is spinning near zero speed, in order to bring the
motor to a complete stop before attempting to restart it.

Flying Start Sweep Brake Time

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 0 0 1800 Sec

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 261

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Flying Start Sweep Brake Time attribute defines the amount of time
the drive can apply the DC braking current for the Flying Start function.

Flying Start Sweep Zero Speed Threshold

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - FV Set REAL 100 0 200 % Motor Rated

The Flying Start Sweep Zero Speed Threshold attribute defines the
current level that the Flying Start function uses for zero speed detection
when applying DC braking.

Command Notch Filter Frequency

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/sec

The Command Notch Filter Frequency attribute controls the center

frequency of the notch filter applied to the position, velocity, and
acceleration command signals. This filter is useful in reducing the
effects of anti-resonance when driving a compliant load. This object
revision of the CIP Motion specification supports up to two command
notch filter instances connected in series. A value of 0 for this attribute
disables this feature.

Command Notch Filter Width

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 0.707 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd, in
the denominator of the command notch filter equation that determines
the width of the notch for the 1st command notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB is
calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

262 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Command Notch Filter Depth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 0 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn,
in the numerator of the command notch filter equation that determines
the depth of the notch for the first command notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Command Notch Filter Gain

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 1 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain
of first command notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the
value for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a
lead-lag filter function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter
function. A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

Command Notch Filter 2 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/sec

The Command Notch Filter 2 Frequency attribute controls the center

frequency of the notch filter applied to the fine position, velocity, and
acceleration command signals. This filter is useful in reducing the
effects of anti-resonance when driving a compliant load. This object
revision of the CIP Motion specification supports up to two command
notch filter instances connected in series. A value of 0 for this attribute
disables this feature.

Command Notch Filter 2 Width

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 263

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Optional - PV Set REAL 0.707 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter 2 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd,
in the denominator of the command notch filter equation that determines
the width of the notch for the 2nd command notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Command Notch Filter 2 Depth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 0 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter 2 Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn,
in the numerator of the command notch filter equation that determines
the depth of the notch for the second command notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency is calculated as follows:
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Command Notch Filter 2 Gain

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - PV Set REAL 1 0 4 See Semantics

The Command Notch Filter 2 Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain
of second command notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the
value for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a
lead-lag filter function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter
function. A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

See also
Command Generator Configuration Attributes on page 249

264 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Current Control These are the current control configuration attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes
Current Vector Limit
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set REAL 100 0 103 % Motor Rated

Current Vector Limit value applied to current vector limiter to provide a

configurable limit to the magnitude of the current vector.

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Kqp attribute determines the Iq Proportional Gain value that

multiplies the Iq Current Error signal. This value directly determines the
bandwidth of the torque producing current loop. Iq Proportional Gain
value that multiplies the Iq Current Error signal before applying it to the
Iq decoupling summing junction as part of the torque producing current
loop. In cases where the torque producing current loop is controlled by
something other than the traditional PI regulator, the Torque Loop
Bandwidth is used by the drive to provide single parametric control of
the current loop bandwidth. If the Flux Loop Bandwidth is not supported,
the drive will use the Torque Loop Bandwidth for tuning both the torque
producing and flux producing current loops.

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Kqi attribute determines Iq Integral Gain value that, together with
Kdp, multiplies the Iq Current Error signal before applying it to the Iq
Integrator Error accumulator. The reciprocal of this value, 1/Kdi,
represents the integrator time constant for the flux current loop. A value
of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Kdp attribute determines the Id Proportional Gain value that
multiplies the Id Current Error signal. This value directly determines the
bandwidth of the flux producing current loop.

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Kdi attribute determines the Id Integral Gain value that, together
with Kdp, multiplies the Id Current Error signal before applying it to the
Id Integrator Error accumulator. The reciprocal of this value, 1/Kdi,
represents the integrator time constant for the flux current loop. A value
of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Flux Integral Time Constant

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Seconds

The Flux Integral Time Constant value determines the response time of
the flux producing current loop integrator. When used for Pole-Zero
cancelation, this value is set to the electrical time constant of the motor.
A value of 0 for the Flux Integral Time Constant disables the integrator.

Flux Up Control
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- D Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
(Induction Motor) 0 = No Delay (R)
1 = Manual Delay (O)
2 = Automatic Delay (O)
3-255 = Reserved

When the motion axis is enabled, DC current is applied to an induction

motor to build stator flux before transitioning to the Running state. This
attribute controls how an induction motor is to be fluxed in the Starting
state prior to transitioning to the Running state. If No Delay is selected
the axis transitions immediately to the Running state while the motor
flux is building. With Manual Delay, the axis remains in the Starting
state for the Flux Up Time to allow time for the motor to be fully fluxed.
With Automatic Delay, the drive device determines the amount of time
to delay to fully flux the motor based on motor configuration attribute
data or measurements.
If this attribute is not supported in the implementation, it is
recommended that the drive establish induction motor flux using
alternative means prior to transitioning to the Running state.

266 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Flux Up Time
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set REAL 0 0 103 Seconds
(Induction Motor)

The Flux Up Time attribute sets the amount of time the drive device
allows to build full motor flux before transitioning to the Running state.

Feedback Commutation Aligned

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
(PM) DB 0 = Not Aligned (R)
1 = Controller Offset (R)
2 = Motor Offset (O)
3 = Self-Sense (O)
4 = Database Offset (O)
5-255 = Reserved

This enumerated parameter is set to Controller Offset (1) when the

motor mounted absolute feedback device is to be aligned with the stator
windings of the PM motor according to the Commutation Offset value. In
some cases the Commutation Offset can be preset to a value
established by factory alignment of the motor feedback device relative
to the motor stator windings.
A setting of Not Aligned (0) indicates that the motor is not aligned, and
that the Commutation Offset value is not valid. If the Commutation
Offset is not valid, it cannot be used by the drive to determine the
commutation angle. Any attempt to enable the drive with an invalid
commutation angle will result in a Start Inhibit condition.
Alignment can be achieved using a Commutation Test that measures
and sets the Commutation Offset for the motor or by direct user entry. If
this attribute is set to Motor Offset (2) the drive derives the commutation
offset directly from the motor. If set to Self-Sense (3) the drive
automatically measures the commutation offset when it transitions to
the Starting state for the first time after a power cycle. This generally
applies to a PM motor equipped with a simple incremental feedback

Commutation Offset
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - CE Set REAL 0 0 Electrical Degrees
(PM Motor) !LTM DB

The Commutation Offset attribute specifies the commutation offset of

the PM motor mounted feedback device in units of electrical degrees.
This attribute specifies the offset from a commutation reference position
defined by applying DC current into the A terminal and out of the
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 267
Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
shorted B and C terminals of the motor and allowing the rotor to move
to its magnetic null position relative to the stator. On an absolute
encoder or resolver, the offset is the difference from the device’s zero
absolute position and the commutation reference position. On an
incremental encoder or Hall sensor with UVW signals, the offset is the
difference between the position corresponding to a transition of the
commutation device’s W (S3) channel with the U (S1) channel high and
the V (S2) channel low, and the commutation reference position. The
commutation offset is only applicable to the motor mounted Feedback 1
When the optional Commutation Alignment attribute is supported and
set to Controller Offset, the drive shall apply the Commutation Offset
value from the controller to determine the electrical angle of the motor.
In this case, a valid Commutation Offset value must established by the
controller. In the unusual case where the commutation offset is also
stored in the motor, and differs significantly from Commutation Offset
value from the controller, the drive shall transition to the Start Inhibited
If the Commutation Alignment attribute is not set to Controller Offset,
the Commutation Offset value from the controller is ignored by the drive
and the drive must determine its internal commutation offset value by
other means. Without a valid commutation offset, the drive shall be Start

Commutation Self-Sensing Current

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE Set REAL 100 0 200 % Motor Rated
(PM Motor)

When a PM motor feedback drive device is an incremental encoder

without UVW tracks for commutation, a Self-Sensing algorithm is run
during the Starting state that determines the Commutation Offset to
apply to the position feedback. This algorithm applies a current to the
motor stator to orient the rotor to establish the motor commutation

Commutation Polarity
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE USINT 0 - - Enumeration
(PM Motor) 0 = Normal Polarity
1 = Inverted Polarity
2-255 = Reserved

When a PM motor is using UVW signals for commutation start up, it is

critical that the UVW phases of the commutation device follow the
phasing of the motor. Normal polarity implies UVW phasing according to
factory specification when the commutation device is moving in the
factory defined positive direction. Inverted polarity effectively switches

268 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the UVW phasing to UWV thus reversing the directional sense of the
commutation device. If it is determined through a Commutation Test
that the phasing of the motor and the phasing of the commutation
device have opposite polarity, this attribute can be used to compensate
for the mismatch.

Commutation Offset Compensation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE Set REAL 0 0 Electrical Degrees
(IPM Only)

This value specifies the change in the Commutation Offset value in

units of electrical degrees as a linear function of current. When the Iq
current is +100% of rated continuous current, the Commutation Offset
value is decreased by the value of this attribute. When the Iq current is -
100% the Commutation Offset is increased by the value of the attribute.
This attribute is used by the drive to compensate for changes in the
optimal Commutation Offset angle that can occur as a function of motor

Commutation Alignment
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE Set USINT 0 0 Enumeration:
(PM Motor) !LTM 0 = Not Aligned (R)
1 = Controller Offset (R)
2 = Motor Offset (O)
3 = Self-Sense (O)

4-255 = Reserved

This enumerated parameter is set to Controller Offset (1) when the

motor mounted absolute feedback device is to be aligned with the stator
windings of the PM motor according to the Commutation Offset value. In
some cases the Commutation Offset can be preset to a value
established by factory alignment of the motor feedback device relative
to the motor stator windings. A setting of Not Aligned (0) indicates that
the motor is not aligned, and that the Commutation Offset value is not
valid. If the Commutation Offset is not valid, it cannot be used by the
drive to determine the commutation angle. Any attempt to enable the
drive with an invalid commutation angle shall result in a Start Inhibit
condition. Alignment can be achieved via a Commutation Test that
measures and sets the Commutation Offset for the motor or by direct
user entry. If this attribute is set to Motor Offset (2) the drive derives the
commutation offset directly from the motor. If set to Self-Sense (3) the
drive automatically measures the commutation offset when it transitions
to the Starting state for the first time after a power cycle. This generally
applies to a PM motor equipped with a simple incremental feedback

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 269

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Default Commutation Alignment value used for the Feedback
Commutation Aligned and Commutation Alignment attributes depends
on the associated Feedback Type and whether or not the motor
commutation device is Factory Aligned. When the Motor Data Source is
from Datasheet, it is assumed that the motor is not Factory Aligned.
When the Motor Data Source is from Database, motor data in the
database indicates if the motor is Factory Aligned.
The following table correlates the default commutation alignment with
the valid commutation alignment selections.
Default Commutation Alignment Valid Commutation Alignment Selections
Feedback Type Factory Aligned - Factory Aligned -
True False
Digital AqB - Self-Sense* Not Aligned | Self-Sense
Digital AqB with UVW Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Self-Sense
Digital Parallel Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset
Sine/Cosine - Self-Sense* Not Aligned | Self-Sense
Sine/Cosine with UVW Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Self-Sense
Hiperface Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset | Self-Sense
EnDat Sine/Cosine Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset | Self-Sense
EnDat Digital Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset
Resolver Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset
SSI Digital Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset
Hiperface DSL Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset
BiSS Digital Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset
SSI Sine/Cosine Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Self-Sense
SSI AqB Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Self-Sense
BiSS Sine/Cosine Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Self-Sense
Tamagawa Serial Motor Offset* Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset
Nikon Serial Motor Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset | Motor Offset
Stahl SSI Database Offset Not Aligned Not Aligned | Database Offset | Controller Offset
Track Section N/A N/A N/A
Track Mover N/A N/A N/A
* If optional Commutation Alignment enumerations Self-Sense and Motor Offset are not supported by the drive, the create time default Commutation Alignment
of Not Aligned is retained.

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Current Control Signal These are the current control signal related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Current Command
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

270 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Current Command attribute represents the instantaneous value of
the commanded torque producing current signal, Iq, prior to passing
through the vector current limiter. It is tied directly to the output of torque
reference path after the 1/Kt scaling that represents the torque effort to
be applied to the drive's torque producing Iq current loop. The nominal
value for 1/Kt is 1 based on 100% rated torque being produced by
100% rated current.

Operative Current Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XD Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Operative Current Limit attribute represents the operative current

limit based on multiple limit sources.

Current Limit Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Get/GSV T DINT - - - Enumeration
0 = Not Limited
1 = Inverter Peak
Current Limit
2 = Motor Peak Current
3 = Inverter Thermal
Current Limit
4 = Motor Thermal
Current Limit
5 = Shunt Regulator
6 = Current Vector Limit
7 = Brake Test Limit
8-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor

The Current Limit Source attribute represents the operative source of a

current limit when a current limit condition occurs.

Motor Electrical Angle

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - Degrees
PM Motor

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 271

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Motor Electrical Angle attribute is the calculated electrical angle of
the motor based on motor pole count, commutation offset, and selected
feedback device.

Current Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Current Reference attribute is the current reference signal, Iq, into
the torque current loop summing junction.

Flux Current Reference

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Flux Current Reference attribute is the current reference signal, Id,
into the flux producing current loop summing junction.

Current Disturbance
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Injected torque producing current command used to excite motor as

part of Frequency Analysis service.

Current Error
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of
Type Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Error between commanded and actual current that is the output of the
torque producing, q-axis, current loop summing junction.

Flux Current Error

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Error between commanded and actual current that is the output of the
flux producing, d-axis, current loop summing junction.

272 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Current Feedback
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Actual torque current applied to the axis based on current sensor


Flux Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Actual flux current applied to the axis based on current sensor


Track Section Coil n Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - X Get/GSV T REAL - - - Amps

Instantaneous current measured on coil n of the track section, where n

can range from one to 12.

Vq Id Decoupling Gain
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 100 0 200 %

Gain value that determines the amount of Iq impedance related voltage

to apply to the Vd reference signal to decouple q-axis and d-axis current
control. A Vd Iq Decoupling Gain of 100% applies the full Iq impedance
voltage to the Vq reference summing junction as reflected by the Vq
Decoupling signal.

Vd Iq Decoupling Gain
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D (PM) Set/SSV REAL 100 0 200 %

Gain value that determines the amount of Iq impedance related voltage

to apply to the Vd reference signal to decouple q-axis and d-axis current
control. A Vd Iq Decoupling Gain of 100% applies the full Iq impedance

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 273

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
voltage to the Vq reference summing junction as reflected by the Vq
Decoupling signal.

Lq Iq Feedback Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D (PM) Set/SSV REAL 10 1 103 Filter Frequency Units

Value to set the bandwidth for the Iq feedback filter used to compensate
for changes in Lq due to magnetic saturation effects of PM motor types.

Flux Vector Frequency Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - C, !E
(IM) Set/SSV REAL 524 0 Hz/Amp

Value to set the proportional gain used by the flux vector frequency
regulator for closed loop flux vector operation without a feedback device
(encoderless or sensorless operation). This regulator allows the drive to
maintain proper field orientation and torque producing current, Iq, by
adjusting the output frequency of the drive.

Flux Vector Frequency Regulator Ki

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C, !E
(IM) Set/SSV REAL 9080 0 (Hz/Amp)/Sec

Value to set the integral gain used by the flux vector frequency regulator
for closed loop flux vector operation without a feedback device
(encoderless or sensorless operation). This regulator allows the drive to
maintain proper field orientation and torque producing current, Iq, by
adjusting the output frequency of the drive.

Motor Stability Control Enable

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D !E 0 = Disabled
Set/SSV USINT 0 - -
1 = Enabled

274 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enumerated value used to enable or disable the Motor Stability Control
function, which works to stabilize certain motors that are otherwise
unstable when operating without a feedback device (encoderless or
sensorless operation).

Motor Stability Control Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D !E Set/SSV REAL 30 0 103 Filter Frequency Units

Value to set the filter bandwidth for the Iq current signal used to adjust
voltage and frequency to stabilize the motor.

Motor Stability Control Voltage Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D !E
Set/SSV REAL 5162 0 Volts/Amp

Value to set the gain of the voltage stability control function based on
the filtered Iq current signal.

Motor Stability Control Frequency Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D !E
Set/SSV REAL 790 0 Hz/Amp

Value to set the gain of the electrical angle stability control function
based on the filtered Iq current signal.

Power Device Compensation Enable

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D 0 = Disabled
Set/SSV USINT 1 - -
1 = Enabled

Enumerated value used to enable or disable the Power Device

Compensation function, which works to compensate for power structure
switching dead time, switching delay, voltage drop, and reflected wave
dynamics. Dead time compensation can be adjusted by the Power
Device Dead Time Compensation attribute. In rare cases, these
compensation functions can result in DC offsets that increase torque

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 275

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
ripple. In such cases, disabling Power Device Compensation can
reduce the DC offset level.

Power Device Dead Time Compensation

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D % of Delay
Set/SSV REAL 100 0 200

Value that determines what percentage of the known power device

switching delay to compensate for. Switching delay, if left
uncompensated, can result in low speed motor current distortion and
excessive torque ripple. This problem particularly prevalent when
controlling motors without a feedback device (encoderless or sensorless
operation). Power Device Compensation must be enabled for this
attribute to have any effect.

Feedback Commutation Aligned

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
0 = Not Aligned (R)
1 = Controller Offset (R)
Optional - CE 2 = Motor Offset (O)
(PM) 3 = Self-Sense (O)
Set/GSV USINT 0 DB - -
(!LTM) 4 = Database Offset

5-255 = Reserved

This enumerated parameter is set to Controller Offset (1) or Database

Offset (4) when the motor mounted absolute feedback device is to be
aligned with the stator windings of the PM motor according to the
Commutation Offset value. In some cases the Commutation Offset can
be preset to a value established by factory alignment of the motor
feedback device relative to the motor stator windings. A setting of Not
Aligned (0) indicates that the motor is not aligned, and that the
Commutation Offset value is not valid. If the Commutation Offset is not
valid, it cannot be used by the drive to determine the commutation
angle. Any attempt to enable the drive with an invalid commutation
angle shall result in a Start Inhibit condition. Alignment can be achieved
via a Commutation Test that measures and sets the Commutation
Offset for the motor or by direct user entry. If this attribute is set to
Motor Offset (2) the drive derives the commutation offset directly from
the motor. If set to Self-Sense (3) the drive automatically measures the
commutation offset when it transitions to the Starting state for the first
time after a power cycle. This generally applies to a PM motor equipped
with a simple incremental feedback device.

276 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
This is a proprietary version of new standard attribute, Commutation
Alignment. Both Default and Valid Commutation Alignment values
depend on the selected Feedback 1 Type as defined in the following
Semantics section.

Commutation Startup Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
0 = From Feedback
Type (R)
Optional - CE
1 = UVW (O)
(PM) Set/GSV USINT 0 DB - -
2 = Digital (O)
3 = Self-Sense (O)
4-255 = Reserved

Specifies the method used by the drive to establish absolute rotor (or
linear motor magnet track) alignment relative to stator windings (or
linear motor moving coil) for the purposes of PM motor commutation
when starting up the drive. If this attribute is not supported, the
commutation startup method is determined implicitly by the Feedback 1
Type selection. Likewise, if this attribute is supported and set to From
Feedback Type, the commutation startup method is also determined
implicitly by the Feedback 1 Type selection.
The UVW startup method uses UVW signals from motor mounted
encoder tracks or Hall sensors together with the Commutation Offset to
properly align the rotor with stator windings or, in the case of a linear
motor, the moving coil with magnet track. Once aligned, commutation is
maintained via position signals from the motor mounted feedback
device, that is, Feedback 1.
The Digital startup method uses Digital signals from a motor mounted
absolute feedback device together with the Commutation Offset to align
the rotor with stator windings or, in the case of a linear motor, the
moving coil with the magnet track.
The Self-Sensing start-up method applies current to the motor stator (or
moving coil) during the initial Starting state to force the rotor (or moving
coil) to the Null position and thereby achieve proper commutation
alignment. Once aligned, commutation is maintained via position signals
from the motor mounted feedback device, Feedback 1. This method is
used when there is no absolute feedback available to align the motor,
for example. a motor equipped with an incremental encoder.

Commutation Offset
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 277

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Required – CE
(PM) Electrical Degrees

A value that specifies the commutation offset of the PM motor mounted

feedback device in units of electrical degrees. This attribute specifies
the offset from a commutation reference position defined by applying
DC current into the A terminal and out of the shorted B and C terminals
of the motor and allowing the rotor to move to its magnetic null position
relative to the stator. On an absolute encoder or resolver, the offset is
the difference from the device’s zero absolute position and the
commutation reference position. On an incremental encoder or Hall
sensor with UVW signals, the offset is the difference between the
position corresponding to a transition of the commutation device’s W
(S3) channel (with the U (S1) channel high and the V (S2) channel low)
and the commutation reference position. The commutation offset is only
applicable to the motor mounted Feedback 1 device.
When the optional Commutation Alignment attribute is supported and
set to Controller Offset or Database Offset, the drive applies the
Commutation Offset value from the controller to determine the electrical
angle of the motor. In this case, a valid Commutation Offset value must
be entered by the user, read from the Motor Database, or determined
by the Commutation Test. In the unusual case where the commutation
offset is also stored in the motor, and differs significantly from
Commutation Offset value from the controller, the drive shall transition
to the Start Inhibited state.
If the Commutation Alignment attribute is not set to Controller Offset or
Database Offset, the Commutation Offset value from the controller is
ignored by the drive and the drive must determine its internal
commutation offset value by other means. Without a valid commutation
offset, the drive shall be Start Inhibited.

Commutation Self-Sensing Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - CE
% Motor Rated
(PM) Set/GSV REAL 100 0 200

When a PM motor feedback drive device is an incremental encoder

without UVW tracks for commutation, a Self-Sensing algorithm is run
during the Starting state that determines the Commutation Offset to
apply to the position feedback. This algorithm applies a current to the
motor stator to orient the rotor to establish the motor commutation

278 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Commutation Polarity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE 0 = Normal
(PM) Set/SSV* USINT 0 - - 1 = Inverted
2-255 = (reserved)

When a PM motor is using UVW signals for commutation start up, it is

critical that the UVW phases of the commutation device follow the
phasing of the motor. Normal polarity implies UVW phasing according to
factory specification when the commutation device is moving in the
factory defined positive direction. Inverted polarity effectively switches
the UVW phasing to UWV thus reversing the directional sense of the
commutation device. If it is determined via a Commutation Test that
the phasing of the motor and the phasing of the commutation device
have opposite polarity, this attribute can be used to compensate for the

Commutation Alignment
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
0 = Not Aligned (R)
1 = Controller Offset (R)
Optional - CE 2 = Motor Offset (O)
(PM) 3 = Self-Sense (O)
Set/GSV USINT 0 DB - -
(!LTM) 4 = Database Offset

5-255 = Reserved

This enumerated parameter is set to Controller Offset (1) or Database

Offset (4) when the motor mounted absolute feedback device is to be
aligned with the stator windings of the PM motor according to the
Commutation Offset value. In some cases the Commutation Offset can
be preset to a value established by factory alignment of the motor
feedback device relative to the motor stator windings. A setting of Not
Aligned (0) indicates that the motor is not aligned, and that the
Commutation Offset value is not valid. If the Commutation Offset is not
valid, it cannot be used by the drive to determine the commutation
angle. Any attempt to enable the drive with an invalid commutation
angle shall result in a Start Inhibit condition. Alignment can be achieved
via a Commutation Test that measures and sets the Commutation
Offset for the motor or by direct user entry. If this attribute is set to
Motor Offset (2) the drive derives the commutation offset directly from
the motor. If set to Self-Sense (3) the drive automatically measures the
commutation offset when it transitions to the Starting state for the first
time after a power cycle. This generally applies to a PM motor equipped
with a simple incremental feedback device.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 279

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Both Default and Valid Commutation Alignment values depend on the
selected Feedback 1 Type as defined in the Semantics section.

Commutation Offset Compensation

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional – CE
Electrical Degrees
(IPM Only) SSV#/GSV REAL 0 0

This value specifies the change in the Commutation Offset value in

units of electrical degrees as a linear function of current. When the Iq
current is +100% of rated continuous current, the Commutation Offset
value is decreased by the value of this attribute. When the Iq current is -
100% the Commutation Offset is increased by the value of the attribute.
This attribute is used by the drive to compensate for changes in the
optimal Commutation Offset angle that can occur as a function of motor

See also
Current Control Configuration Attributes on page 265
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Frequency Control These are the Frequency Control Configuration attributes associated
with the Frequency Control method of operation of a Motion Control
Configuration Attributes Axis.

Frequency Control Method

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Basic Volts/Hertz (R)
1-127 = Reserved
128 = Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz
129 = Sensorless Vector (O)
130 = Sensorless Vector
Economy (O)

The Frequency Control Method attribute identifies the control method

associated with the axis.
The Basic Volts/Hertz control method applies voltage to the motor
generally in direct proportion to the commanded frequency or speed.
Sensorless Vector enhances the Basic Volts/Hertz algorithm by utilizing
current vectors Iq and Id for superior control at low speeds.

280 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Fan/Pump Volts/Hertz is based on the Basic Volts/Hertz but is
specifically tailored for fan/pump applications.
Sensorless Vector Economy applies the Sensorless vector algorithm
but seeks to reduce energy consumption when the applied load is less
than 50% or rating.

Maximum Voltage
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 460 0 Volts (RMS)

The Maximum Voltage attribute sets the highest phase-to-phase voltage

the drive device can output.

Maximum Frequency
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 130 0 Hertz

The Maximum Frequency attribute sets the highest frequency the drive
device can output.

Break Voltage
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 230 0 Volts (RMS)

The Break Voltage attribute sets the phase-to-phase output voltage of

the drive device at the Break Frequency where boost ends.
Only applicable in Basic V/Hz mode.

Break Frequency
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 30 0 Hertz

The Break Frequency attribute sets the output frequency of the drive
device at the Break Voltage where boost ends.
Only applicable in Basic V/Hz mode.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 281

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Start Boost
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 8.5 0 Volts (RMS)

The Start Boost attribute sets phase-to-phase voltage boost level for
starting and accelerating.
Only applicable in Basic V/Hz mode.

Run Boost
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Set/SSV REAL 8.5 0 Volts (RMS)

The Run Boost attribute sets the phase-to-phase voltage boost level for
steady-state speed or deceleration.
Only applicable in Basic V/Hz mode and Fan/Pump V/Hz modes.

Current Limit Regulator Kp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 290 0 Hz/Amp

The Current Limit Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain that
regulates the output frequency so as to prevent overcurrent conditions.
Effective during fast acceleration or large load step changes.

Current Limit Regulator Ki

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 680 0 (Hz/Amp)/Sec

The Current Limit Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain that
regulates the output frequency so as to prevent overcurrent conditions.
Effective during fast acceleration or large load step changes.

Current Limit Regulator Kd

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 760 0 (Hz/Amp) - Sec

282 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Current Limit Regulator Kd attribute sets the derivative gain that
regulates the output frequency so as to prevent overcurrent conditions.
Effective during fast acceleration or large load step changes.

Low Frequency Id Current Limit Regulator Kp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 50 0 Volts/Amp

The Low Frequency Id Current Limit Regulator Kp attribute sets the

proportional gain that regulates the output voltage so as to prevent
overcurrent conditions in the flux producing current (Id) component. This
is effective during fast acceleration or large load step changes at low

Low Frequency Iq Current Limit Regulator Kp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set/SSV REAL 50 0 Volts/Amp

The Low Frequency Iq Current Limit Regulator Kp sets the proportional

gain that regulates the output voltage so as to prevent overcurrent
conditions in the torque producing current (Iq) component. This is
effective during fast acceleration or large load step changes at low

Sensorless Vector Economy Accel Decel Kp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F (IM) Set/SSV REAL 305 0 Volts/Amp

When the Frequency Control Method attribute is set for Sensorless

Vector Economy operation, this value sets the proportional gain that the
economy output voltage regulator uses to restore motor flux current
back to the normal Sensorless Vector operational level in response to
commanded acceleration or deceleration, or an increase in motor load
This attribute is only applicable when Frequency Control Method is
configured for Sensorless Vector Economy.

Sensorless Vector Economy Accel Decel Ki

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F (IM) Set/SSV REAL 100 0 Volts/Amp

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 283

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
When the Frequency Control Method attribute is set for Sensorless
Vector Economy operation, this value sets the integral gain that the
economy output voltage regulator to restore motor flux current back to
the normal Sensorless Vector operational level in response to
commanded acceleration or deceleration, or an increase in motor load
This attribute is only applicable when Frequency Control Method is
configured for Sensorless Vector Economy.

Sensorless Vector Economy At Speed Ki

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F (IM) Set/SSV REAL 200 0 (Volts/Amp)/Sec

When the Frequency Control Method attribute is set for Sensorless

Vector Economy operation, this value sets the ramp rate of the
economy function that slowly reduces drive output voltage and motor
flux current to save energy while motor is running at constant speed
under light load conditions.
This attribute is only applicable when Frequency Control Method is
configured for Sensorless Vector Economy.

Sensorless Vector Boost Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F (IM) Set/SSV REAL 2 0 103 Filter Frequency Units

The Sensorless Vector Boost Filter Bandwidth attribute sets the

bandwidth of the Iq feedback filter used to calculate the amount of
voltage boost to apply to the motor as a function of load torque. The
voltage boost is the product of the filtered Iq signal and the stator
resistance of the motor.
This attribute is only applicable when Frequency Control Method is
configured for Sensorless Vector or Sensorless Vector Economy.

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Frequency Control Signal This attribute is the signal attribute associated with the Frequency
Control method of operation of a Motion Control Axis.

284 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Slip Compensation
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Get T REAL - - - RPM

Indicates the actual amount of slip compensation currently being


See also
Frequency Control Configuration Attributes on page 280
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Position Loop Signal These are the position loop signal related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Position Command
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Get T DINT 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Control Units

The Position Command attribute is the command position output from

the Find Command Generator (if active) into the position loop when
configured for position loop control.

Position Trim
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set T DINT 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Control Units

The Position Trim attribute is an additional position command added to

the Position Command to generate the Position Reference signal into
the position loop summing junction.

Position Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 285

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Position Reference attribute is the command position reference
signal into the position loop summing junction to be compared with a
position feedback signal.

Velocity Feedforward Command

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Get/GSV T REAL - - - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Velocity Feedforward Command attribute is a command signal that

represents a scaled version of the command velocity profile. This signal
is the Velocity Fine Command signal scaled by Velocity Feedforward
Gain and applied to the output of the position loop.

Position Feedback
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Get T DINT 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Control Units

The Position Feedback attribute is a 32-bit position feedback value that

when configured for Position Control mode, is applied to the position
proportional control summing junction. In most cases the Position
Feedback signal is derived directly from the feedback device specified
by the Feedback Mode selection. If, however, axis Feedback Mode is
configured for Master Feedback Position Feedback represents the
actual position of the feedback device specified by the Feedback Master
Select. If Feedback Master Select is not supported, the Feedback 1
channel is used.

Position Feedback - 64 Bit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Position Control Units

This 64-bit position feedback value, when supported, extends the range
of the 32-bit Position Feedback attribute. When configured for Position
Control mode, the lower 32-bits of this attribute becomes the Position
Feedback signal that is applied to the position proportional control
summing junction. In most cases the Position Feedback – 64 Bit signal
is derived directly from the feedback device specified by the Feedback
Mode selection. If axis Feedback Mode is configured for Master
Feedback Position Feedback – 64 Bit represents the actual position of
the feedback device specified by the Feedback Master Select. If
Feedback Master Select is not supported, the Feedback 1 channel is

286 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Integral Feedback

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - P Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Position Integral Feedback attribute is position feedback value

channeled into the position integral control summing junction.

Position Error
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - P Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Control Units

The Position Error attribute is the error between commanded and actual
position that is the output of the position loop summing junction.

Position Integrator Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Get/GSV T REAL - - - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Position Integrator Output attribute is the output of position

integrator representing the contribution of the position integrator to
Position Loop Output.

Position Loop Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Get/GSV T REAL - - - Velocity Control Units/Sec

The Position Loop Output attribute is the output of the position loop
forward path representing the total control effort of the position loop.

See also
Position Control Mode on page 23
Position Loop Configuration Attributes on page 287
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Position Loop Configuration These are the position loop configuration attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Kpi attribute is the Position Integral Gain value that, together with
the Kpp, multiplies the Position Integrator Error signal to form the
integral control signal that is summed together with the proportional
control signal to generate the output of the position control loop. The
reciprocal of this value, 1/Kpi, represents the integrator time constant for
the position loop. A value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set REAL 0 0 Radians/Sec

The Kpp attribute is the Position Proportional Gain value that multiplies
the Position Error signal to form the proportional control signal that
summed together with the integral control signal to generate the output
of the position control loop. This value directly determines the
bandwidth of the position loop.

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set REAL 0 0 %

The Kvff attribute is the Velocity Feedforward Gain value that multiplies
the Velocity Feedforward Command signal to form the Velocity
Feedforward Command that is applied to the output of the position
control loop. 100% Velocity Feedforward applies the full Velocity Fine
Command signal to the velocity loop.

Position Loop Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set T REAL 100 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Position Loop Bandwidth attribute determines the proportional gain,

Kpp, of the position loop that multiplies the Position Error signal. This
value represents the unity gain bandwidth of the position loop beyond
which the position loop is ineffective.

288 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Integrator Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Position Integrator Bandwidth attribute determines the position loop

integral gain, Kpi, which together with the Kpp, multiplies the integrated
Position Error signal. This value represents the bandwidth of the
position integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of
0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Position Lock Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set REAL 0.01 0 Position Control Units

The Position Lock Tolerance attribute establishes a window around the

current command position. When the actual position is within this
window the Position Lock status bit is set. When actual position falls
outside this window, the Position Lock status bit is cleared.

Position Error Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set REAL 0 0 Position Control Units

The Position Error Tolerance attribute determines the absolute

maximum Position Error value that can be tolerated without causing an
Excessive Position Error exception.

Position Error Tolerance Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set REAL 0 0 103 Sec

The Position Error Tolerance Time attribute determines the maximum

amount of time that the Position Error Tolerance can be exceeded
without generating an exception.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 289

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/sec

The Position Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth attribute sets the pole
frequency for the position regulator Lead-Lag Filter. A value of 0
disables the filter.

Position Lead Lag Filter Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set REAL 0 0

The Position Lead Lag Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain
of the position regulator Lead-Lag Filter. A value greater than 1 results
in a lead function and value less than 1 results in a lag function. A value
of 1 disables the filter.

Position Notch Filter Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/sec

The Position Notch Filter Frequency attribute controls the center

frequency of the notch filter that is applied to the velocity reference
signal of the velocity loop summing junction. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables this feature.

Position Integrator Control

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set BYTE 0 - - Bit Field
0:0 0 = Integrator Hold Enable (R)
1:0 1 = Auto-Preset (O)
2-7 = Reserved

The Position Integrator Control attribute controls the behavior of the

position loop integrator while commanding motion through the
controller. When the integrator hold enable bit is set, the integrator is
held while motion is being commanded with a non-zero velocity. When
clear, the integrator runs without qualification. When the auto-preset bit
is set, the integrator preload value is automatically loaded with the
current velocity command when there is a control mode change
between velocity control and position control. If clear, the integrator is
loaded with the configured position integrator preload value.

290 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Integrator Preload

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set REAL 0 0 Velocity Units/Sec

The Position Integrator Preload attribute is a value assigned to the

position integrator when the position control loop is enabled.

Position Limit - Positive

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL - - - Position Control Units
(Drive Scaling)

The Position Limit - Positive attribute is a value that defines the most
positive position value. Exceeding the value while commanding motion
in the positive direction generate a Position Overtravel Positive

Position Limit - Negative

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL - - - Position Control Units
(Drive Scaling)

This value defines the most negative position feedback value that when
exceeded while commanding motion in the negative direction,
generates a Position Overtravel Negative exception.

See also
Position Loop Signal Attributes on page 285
Position Control Mode on page 23
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Torque/Force Control These are the torque/force control configuration attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes
Torque Offset
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 -100 +100 % Motor Rated

The Torque Offset attribute provides a torque bias when performing

closed loop control. This value is summed together with the Torque
Trim value that can be sent synchronously to the drive every connection

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 291

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
update. Since the Torque Trim value is available as a templated value,
real time torque corrections can be done using the Torque Trim

System Inertia
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 % Motor Rated / (Motor
Optional - T FD Units/Sec2)

Torque or force scaling gain value that converts commanded

acceleration into equivalent rated torque/force. Properly set, this value
represents the total system inertia or mass.

Torque Calibration Factor - Motoring

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 %

The Torque Calibration Factor - Motoring value calibrates the Torque

Reference signal to match the actual torque applied by the motor. This
calibration factor is applied when the drive is applying positive torque
producing current, i.e. motoring operation. This value is defined as a
percent scaling adjustment to the Torque Reference signal. For
example, a value of 5% multiplies the Torque Reference signal by a
factor of 1.05.

Torque Calibration Factor - Regenerating

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 %

The Torque Calibration Factor - Regenerating value calibrates the

Torque Reference signal to match the actual torque applied by the
motor. This calibration factor is applied when the drive is absorbing
negative torque producing current, that is, regenerative operation.
This value is defined as a percent scaling adjustment to the Torque
Reference signal. For example a value of 5% will multiply the Torque
Reference signal by a factor of 1.05.

292 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Backlash Reversal Offset

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Position Units

The Backlash Reversal Offset attribute value is used to compensate for

positional inaccuracy introduced by mechanical backlash. Backlash
manifests itself when an axis is commanded to reverse direction. During
such a reversal there is a small amount of displacement of the motor
that does not translate to displacement of the load due to mechanical
play in the machine, for example, through the gearing or ball-screw. As
a result, there is an error in the control system's indication of the actual
position for the axis versus the true position of the mechanical load, that
error being equal to the lost displacement due to the mechanical
Compensation for this positioning error due to mechanical backlash can
be achieved by adding a directional offset, specified by the Backlash
Reversal Offset attribute, to the motion planner's command position
before sending to the drive.
Whenever the commanded velocity changes sign (a reversal), the Logix
controller will add, or subtract, the offset value from the current
commanded position. This causes the servo to immediately move the
motor to the other side of the backlash window and engage the load. It
is important to note that the application of this directional offset is
completely transparent to the user; the offset does not have any impact
on the value of the Command Position attribute. If a value of zero is
applied to the Backlash Reversal Offset, the feature is effectively
disabled. Once enabled by a non-zero value, and the load is engaged
by a reversal of the commanded motion, changing the Backlash
Reversal Offset can cause the axis to shift as the offset correction is
applied to the command position.

Backlash Compensation Window

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Position Units

Defines a window around the command position. When the actual

position is within this window, the effective System Inertia gain is
reduced by a factor of the ratio of the Position Error and the Backlash
Compensation Window. When the actual position is outside the window,
the configured System Inertia gain is applied.

Friction Compensation Sliding

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 100 % Motor Rated

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 293

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Value added to the current/torque command to offset the effects of
coulomb friction.

Friction Compensation Static

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 100 % Motor Rated

Value added to the current/torque command to offset the effects of

static friction (sometimes referred to "sticktion").

Friction Compensation Viscous

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 100 % Motor Rated / (Motor

Value added to the current/torque command to offset the effects of

viscous friction, for example, friction that is proportional to speed.

Friction Compensation Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Disabled (R)
1 = Torque Reference (O)
2 = Velocity Reference (O/PV)
3 = Velocity Feedback (O)
4-255 = reserved

The Friction Compensation Method attribute selects the specific method

used for friction compensation or disables the feature entirely.
The Torque Reference selection configures the friction compensation
function to use the sign of the Torque Reference signal to apply
additional torque to the motor to compensate for friction.
The Velocity Reference selection configures the friction compensation
function to use the Velocity Reference signal to govern the amount of
additional torque to apply to motor to compensate for friction.
The Velocity Feedback selection configures the friction compensation
function to use the Velocity Feedback signal to govern the amount of
additional torque to apply to motor to compensate for friction.

294 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Friction Compensation Start Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

The Friction Compensation Start Speed attribute establishes the speed

that, once exceeded, enables the friction compensation function to start
applying additional torque to the motor to compensate for friction.
The initial friction compensation torque when the Start Speed condition
is met is given by the Friction Compensation - Static value. Friction
compensation shall remain active until the magnitude of the velocity
signal drops below the Start Speed minus the Friction Compensation
Hysteresis value.
The velocity signal source can be either the Velocity Reference or
Velocity Feedback depending on the Friction Compensation Method
This attribute is not applicable when the Friction Compensation Method
is set to Torque Reference.

Friction Compensation Hysteresis

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

The Friction Compensation Hysteresis attribute is subtracted from the

Friction Compensation Start Speed value to establish the speed that,
once dropped below, disables the friction compensation function from
applying additional torque to the motor to compensate for friction.
The velocity signal source can be either the Velocity Reference or
Velocity Feedback depending on the Friction Compensation Method
This attribute is not applicable when the Friction Compensation Method
is set to Torque Reference.

Friction Compensation Breakaway Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 (0.006) 0 Sec

The Friction Compensation Breakaway Time attribute sets the amount

of time that the friction compensation function applies additional torque
equal to the Friction Compensation - Static value once the Friction
Compensation Start Speed condition is met to break free from the hold
of static friction.
After the Breakaway Time expires, the amount of added torque applied
by the friction compensation method ramps down to the value set by the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 295

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Friction Compensation – Sliding attribute. (The ramp rate is device
specific and not configurable). This constant non-viscous sliding friction
compensation torque is added to the speed dependent viscous friction
compensation torque (based on the Friction Compensation –Viscous
value) to compensate for both these components of friction while the
motor is moving.
This attribute is not applicable when the Friction Compensation Method
is set to Torque Reference.

Friction Compensation Window

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - P Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Position Units

Defines a window around the command position. When the actual

position is within this window, the effective Friction Compensation value
is reduced by a factor of the ratio of the Position Error and the Friction
Compensation Window. When the actual position is outside the window,
or when the axis is being commanded to move, the normal friction
compensation algorithm applies.

Torque Lead Lag Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

Sets the pole frequency for the torque reference Lead-Lag Filter. A
value of 0 disables the filter.

Torque Lead Lag Filter Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0

Sets the high frequency gain of the torque reference Lead-Lag Filter. A
value greater than 1 results in a lead function and value less than 1
results in a lag function. A value of 0 results in a first order low pass
filter function. A value of 1 disables the filter.

Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

296 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Break frequency for the low pass filter applied to torque reference

Torque Notch Filter Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

Center frequency of the notch filter instance applied to the torque

reference signal. This object revision of the CIP Motion specification
supports up to 4 torque notch filter instances connected in series. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables this filter.

Torque Notch Filter 2 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

Center frequency of the notch filter instance applied to the torque

reference signal. This object revision of the CIP Motion specification
supports up to 4 torque notch filter instances connected in series. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables this filter.

Torque Notch Filter 3 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

Center frequency of the notch filter instance applied to the torque

reference signal. This object revision of the CIP Motion specification
supports up to 4 torque notch filter instances connected in series. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables this filter.

Torque Notch Filter 4 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

Center frequency of the notch filter instance applied to the torque

reference signal. This object revision of the CIP Motion specification
supports up to 4 torque notch filter instances connected in series. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables this filter.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 297

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Notch Filter Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.707 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd, in
the denominator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
width of the notch for the first torque notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Notch Filter Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn, in
the numerator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch for the first torque notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Torque Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Notch Filter Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain of
first torque notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the value for
this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a lead-lag filter
function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter function. A
value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

298 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Notch Filter 2 Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.707 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter 2 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd, in
the denominator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
width of the notch for the second torque notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Notch Filter 2 Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn, in
the numerator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch for the second torque notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Torque Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0

Torque Notch Filter 2 Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain of
second torque notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the value
for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a lead-lag
filter function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter function.
A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Notch Filter 3 Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.707 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter 2 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd, in
the denominator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
width of the notch for the third torque notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Notch Filter 3 Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn, in
the numerator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch for the third torque notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Torque Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0

Torque Notch Filter 3 Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain of
third torque notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the value for
this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a lead-lag filter
function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter function. A
value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

300 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Notch Filter 4 Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.707 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter 2 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd, in
the denominator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
width of the notch for the fourth torque notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Notch Filter 4 Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Depth attribute sets the damping ratio, Zn, in
the numerator of the torque notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch for the fourth torque notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z).
z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Torque Notch Depth is set to 0, z = 0

Torque Notch Filter 4 Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Semantics

The Torque Notch Filter Gain attribute sets the high frequency gain of
fourth torque notch filter instance. For notch filter operation, the value
for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1 results in a lead-lag
filter function and a value less than 1 results in a lag-lead filter function.
A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Limit - Positive

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 100 0 103 % Motor Rated

This positive value determines the maximum positive torque that can be
applied to the motor. If the device attempts to exceed this value, the
torque command is clamped to this value.

Torque Limit - Negative

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL -100 -103 0 % Motor Rated

This negative value determines the most negative torque value that can
be applied to the motor. If the device attempts to apply a more negative
torque than this limit, the torque command is clamped to this value.

Torque Rate Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 106 0 % Motor Rated / Sec

Limits the rate of change of the torque reference signal.

Torque Threshold
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 90 0 103 % Motor Rated

Specifies the threshold for the Filtered Torque Reference signal

magnitude that when exceeded, results in the Torque Threshold status
bit being set.

Overtorque Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 200 0 103 % Motor Rated

Maximum limit for the torque producing Iq Current Feedback signal

magnitude. When the Iq Current Feedback signal is greater than this
value for the duration specified by Overtorque Limit Time attribute, the

302 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
result is an Overtorque Limit exception. This feature lets the device
generate an exception if there is a sudden increase in load torque
during operation. This condition could occur if a bearing fails, a hard
stop is reached, or there is some other mechanical failure.

Overtorque Limit Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 Seconds

Specifies the amount of time allowed in an Overtorque Limit condition

before generating an Overtorque Limit exception. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables the Overtorque feature.

Undertorque Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 10 0 103 % Motor Rated

Minimum limit for the torque producing Iq Current Feedback signal

magnitude. When the Iq Current Feedback is less than this value for the
duration specified by Undertorque Limit Time attribute, the result is an
Undertorque Limit exception. This feature lets the device generate an
exception if there is a sudden decrease in load torque during operation.
This condition could occur, for example, if a load coupling breaks or a
tensioned web material breaks.

Undertorque Limit Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 Seconds

Specifies the amount of time allowed in an Undertorque Limit condition

before generating an Undertorque Limit exception. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables the Undertorque feature.

Torque Estimate Crossover Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.2*Eq 1 0 Velocity Units

The Torque Estimate Crossover Speed attribute is the speed at which

the Torque Estimator function transitions between two different
estimation methods used to calculate the Torque Estimate attribute

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Estimate Notch 1 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 100 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

The Torque Estimate Notch 1 Frequency attribute controls the center

frequency of the first notch filter instance applied to the output of the
Torque Estimator resulting in a filtered Torque Estimate signal. This
object revision of the CIP Motion specification supports up to 2 torque
estimate notch filter instances connected in series. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables this filter instance.

Torque Estimate Notch 1 Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Torque Notch Filter

The Torque Estimate Notch 1 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd,
in the denominator of the notch filter equation that determines the width
of the notch of the first torque estimate notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
Where, z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Estimate Notch 1 Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Torque Notch Filter

The Torque Estimate Notch 1 Depth attribute sets the damping ratio,
Zn, in the numerator of the notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch of the first torque estimate notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z). Where, z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

304 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Estimate Notch 1 Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Torque Notch Filter

The Torque Estimate Notch 1 Gain attribute sets the high frequency
gain of the first torque estimate notch filter instance. For notch filter
operation, the value for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1
results in a lead-lag filter function and a value less than 1 results in a
lag-lead filter function. A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

Torque Estimate Notch 2 Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

The Torque Estimate Notch 2 Frequency attribute controls the center

frequency of the second notch filter instance applied to the output of the
Torque Estimator resulting in a filtered Torque Estimate signal. This
object revision of the CIP Motion specification supports up to 2 torque
estimate notch filter instances connected in series. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables this filter instance.

Torque Estimate Notch 2 Width

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.707 0 See Torque Notch Filter

The Torque Estimate Notch 2 Width attribute sets the damping ratio, Zd,
in the denominator of the notch filter equation that determines the width
of the notch of the second torque estimate notch filter instance.
The frequency range over which signal attenuation is more than 3dB
can be calculated as follows:
Width (Hz) = 2 * Notch Filter Frequency * Notch Filter Width * (1 - z2 -
.5z4 - z6).
Where, z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter Width
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Estimate Notch 2 Depth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 See Torque Notch Filter

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Torque Estimate Notch 2 Depth attribute sets the damping ratio,
Zn, in the numerator of the notch filter equation that determines the
depth of the notch of the second torque estimate notch filter instance.
The notch filter depth at the center frequency can be calculated as
Depth (dB) = 20log10 (z). Where, z = Notch Filter Depth / Notch Filter
When Notch Filter Depth is set to 0, z = 0.

Torque Estimate Notch 2 Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0 See Torque Notch Filter

The Torque Estimate Notch 2 Gain attribute sets the high frequency
gain of the second torque estimate notch filter instance. For notch filter
operation, the value for this attribute is set to 1. A value greater than 1
results in a lead-lag filter function and a value less than 1 results in a
lag-lead filter function. A value of 0 results in a low pass filter function.

Cogging Compensation Table

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV Struct { - - - Struct {
UINT, Length,
REAL % Motor Rated [ ]
[1024] }

The Cogging Compensation Table is a list of values that represent the

cogging torque profile of the motor over one electrical cycle. The 0th
element of the array corresponds to an electrical angle of 0 degrees. An
ideal motor with no cogging would have a value of 100% for all
elements in the array. A value above 100% would provide additional
1/Kt gain to the torque reference, while a value below 100% would
reduce the 1/Kt gain.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Adaptive Tuning Configuration

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Disabled
1 = Tracking Notch
2 = Gain Stabilization
3 = Tracking Notch and Gain
4-255 = Reserved

The Adaptive Tuning Configuration value controls operation of the

Adaptive Tuning function. This function periodically collects and
analyzes Torque Reference signal data to identify resonances and
closed loop instabilities in the system.
When enabled, the Adaptive Tuning function can adjust up to four
tracking notch filters to attenuate resonances and also adjust servo loop
gain and filter values to improve and stabilize the control loop.
In this section, attributes associated with the four torque notch filter
instances are identified collectively with an “n” in the attribute name,
where n can be null (blank) for instance 1, or range from 2 to 4, for the
additional notch filter instances. The Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notch
Filters attribute value defines how many Torque Notch Filters the
Adaptive Tuning function can automatically adjust. For example, when
Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notch Filters is set to 3, the Adaptive Tuning
function controls the values of Torque Notch Filter Frequency, Torque
Notch Filter 2 Frequency, and Torque Notch Filter 3 Frequency, but
does not have any impact on Torque Notch Filter 4 Frequency.
During each Adaptive Tuning update (nominal update period is 1
second) the Adaptive Tuning function is allowed to adjust one control
parameter based on detected conditions. Specifically, in any given
update, the function can only adjust the Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling
Factor, or the Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth, or a single Torque
Notch Filter instance. The Adaptive Tuning function determines which
Torque Notch Filters instance is updated based on a FIFO buffer whose
size is constrained by the configured Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notch
Filters attribute value.
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is set to Disabled, the
controller configured servo loop gain and filter attribute values are
applied directly to the control structure of the associated axis without
intervention of the Adaptive Tuning function.
When Adaptive Tuning Configuration is set to Tracking Notch, up to four
torque notch filters are automatically adjusted by the Adaptive Tuning
function to attenuate each resonance frequency detected. Specifically,
the Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency Estimate attribute value,
determined by the Adaptive Tuning function, is applied to the Torque
Notch Filter “n” Frequency value of the associated notch filter, thus
overriding the controller configured Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency
value. In addition, the Adaptive Tuning function applies the Torque
Notch Filter “n” Width Estimate attribute value to the Torque Notch Filter
“n” Width, sets the Torque Notch Filter “n” Depth to zero, and the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 307

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Torque Notch Filter “n” Gain to one. The controller configured Torque
Notch Filter “n” attribute values are not overwritten as a result of this
operation, nor do the controller configured values have any effect on
Torque Notch Filter “n” behavior. All other controller configured servo
loop attributes are applied directly without intervention of the Adaptive
Tuning function.
When configured for Gain Stabilization, servo loop gain values and
filters are automatically adjusted to stabilize the control loops.
Specifically, the Load Observer Bandwidth, Load Observer Integrator
Bandwidth, Velocity Loop Bandwidth, Velocity Loop Integrator
Bandwidth, Position Loop Bandwidth, and Position Loop Integrator
Bandwidth attribute values are scaled by the Adaptive Tuning Gain
Scaling Factor. The Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate is also
applied to the Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth. The configured values
of these attributes are not overwritten as a result of this operation nor do
the configured values have any effect on drive behavior. In this
configuration, the controller configured values for the Torque Notch
Filter attributes are applied directly to the notch filters without
intervention of the Adaptive Tuning function.
When configured for Tracking Notch and Gain Stabilization, up to four
torque notch filters are automatically adjusted by the Adaptive Tuning
function to attenuate each resonance frequency detected, and servo
loop gain values and filters are automatically adjusted to stabilize the
control loops. Specifically, the Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency
Estimate attribute value, determined by the Adaptive Tuning function, is
applied to the Torque Notch Filter “n” Bandwidth. The Torque Notch
Filter “n” Width Estimate attribute value, determined by the Adaptive
Tuning function, is applied to the Torque Notch Filter “n” Width, the
Torque Notch Filter “n” Depth is set to zero, and the Torque Notch Filter
“n” Gain is set to one. The Load Observer Bandwidth, Load Observer
Integrator Bandwidth, Velocity Loop Bandwidth, Velocity Loop Integrator
Bandwidth, Position Loop Bandwidth, and Position Loop Integrator
Bandwidth attributes are scaled by the Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling
Factor. The Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate is applied to
the Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth. The configured values of these
attributes are not overwritten as a result of this operation nor do the
configured values have any effect on drive behavior.
When Adaptive Tuning Configuration is changed to enable the Tracking
Notch Filter function, the Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency Estimate
and Torque Notch Filter “n” Width Estimate values controlled by the
Adaptive Tuning function are initialized to the controller configured
Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency and Torque Notch Filter “n” Width
attribute values, respectively.
When the Adaptive Tuning feature is enabled, the drive shall persist the
feature’s last operational attribute values during a drive power cycle,
network disconnect/reconnect, or controller download. One of the few
exceptions to this rule is when the Motor ID has changed, in which case
the last operational attribute values are re-initialized to the controller
configured values. Another exception is related to test services. When
running test services, the torque reference filters that include the notch
filters and low-pass filters, are typically bypassed while the test is in
process. After such tests have completed the operational attribute

308 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
values for the Adaptive Tuning feature are re-initialized to the controller
configured values.
The Adaptive Tuning function runs periodically to collect and analyzes
Torque Reference signal data while the axis is in the Running state,
even when the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is set to Disabled. The
Adaptive Tuning function sets the Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency
Estimate to the identified resonant frequency with the largest magnitude
that meets the configured notch filter tuning criteria. The magnitude of
the resonance is loaded to the Torque Notch Filter “n” Magnitude
Estimate. The Adaptive Tuning status bits in the CIP Axis Status RA
attribute are updated each time the Adaptive Tuning function is
The configured notch filter tuning criteria are that the magnitude of the
resonant frequency, not associated with the command signal, be above
the configured Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold and that the
frequency of the resonance be between the configured Torque Notch
Filter Low Frequency Limit and Torque Notch Filter High Frequency
When the drive axis is in any other state besides the Running state, the
Adaptive Tuning function clears out its sample history, resets Adaptive
Tuning internal logic, and suspends operation. While suspended, the
Adaptive Tuning function persists the values of it output estimates
(Torque Notch Filter “n” Frequency Estimate, Torque Notch Filter “n”
Magnitude Estimate, Torque Notch Filter “n” Width Estimate, and
Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate, as well as the Adaptive
Tuning Gain Scaling Factor). The values of all the Adaptive Tuning
function’s Axis Status bits are also persistent while operation is
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is changed to disable the Gain
Stabilization function, the Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor is reset
to one. In this case, the control configured Torque Notch Filter “n”
Frequency, Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth, Load Observer
Bandwidth, Load Observer Integrator Bandwidth, Velocity Loop
Bandwidth, Velocity Loop Integrator Bandwidth, Position Loop
Bandwidth, and Position Loop Integrator Bandwidth attribute values are
applied directly to the control loop structure without intervention of the
Adaptive Tuning function.
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is changed to disable the
Tracking Notch Filter function, the controller configured Torque Notch
Filter “n” attribute values are applied to the Torque Notch Filters without
intervention of the Adaptive Tuning function

Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notch Filters

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV USINT 4 1 4

The Adaptive Tuning Tracking Notch Filters attribute defines the

number of Torque Notch Filter instances the Adaptive Tuning feature

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 309

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
automatically configures. All other Torque Notch Filter instances are

Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor Min

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL 0.1 0 1

The Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor Min attribute sets the lower
limit on the Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor when the Adaptive
Tuning function is active.
This value can be set to prevent the Adaptive Tuning algorithm from
decreasing the bandwidth of the control loop to the point where there is
insufficient torque to effectively control the load.

Torque Notch Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Min

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL Eq 18 1 104 Filter Frequency Units

The Torque Notch Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Min attribute sets the
upper limit on the Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate value for the
Adaptive Tuning function. The frequency of an identified natural
resonance must be lower than this limit to be applied to the Torque
Notch Filter Frequency Estimate.

Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL FD 20 2*FD Filter Frequency Units

This value sets the upper limit on the Torque Notch Filter Frequency
Estimate value for the Adaptive Tuning function. The frequency of an
identified natural resonance must be lower than this limit to be applied
to the Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate.

Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV REAL FD 20 2000 Filter Frequency Units

This value sets the lower limit on the Torque Notch Filter Frequency
Estimate value for the Adaptive Tuning function. The frequency of an
identified natural resonance must be higher than this limit to be applied
to the Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate.

310 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV T REAL 5 0 100 % Motor Rated

To be identified as a resonance frequency by the Adaptive Tuning

function, the resonance magnitude must exceed the Torque Notch Filter
Tuning Threshold. The magnitude of an identified natural resonance
frequency must be higher than this threshold value to be applied to the
Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate.

Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get T REAL - - - Radians/sec

This value represents the resonance frequency of the resonance having

the largest magnitude above the Torque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold.
The value is within the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit and the
Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit as identified during an
Adaptive Tuning update.
Enabling the Tracking Notch Filter function triggers the value of the
Notch Filter Frequency Estimate to apply to the first instance of the
Torque Notch Filter.
Initiating a drive power cycle or reset triggers the value of the Torque
Notch Filter Frequency Estimate to initialize to the last known value
stored in non-volatile memory.
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is changed to enable the
Tracking Notch Filter function, this attribute is initialized to the controller
configured Torque Notch Filter Frequency value.

Torque Notch Filter Magnitude Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

This value represents the maximum magnitude for the resonant

associated with the Torque Notch Filter Frequency Estimate as
identified by the Adaptive Tuning update.
After a drive power cycle or reset, the value of this attribute is initialized
to the last known value stored in non-volatile memory.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 311

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get T REAL - - - Radians/sec

This value represents the Bandwidth of the Torque Low Pass Filter
when the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is equal to Gain Stabilization or
Tracking Notch and Gain Stabilization. The value is modified by the
Adaptive Tuning function. The value is initialized to the Torque Low
Pass Filter Bandwidth when the Adaptive Tuning Configuration
transitions from Disabled or Tracking Notch to Gain Stabilization or
Tracking Notch and Gain Stabilization. The Torque Low Pass Filter
Bandwidth Estimate value is initialized to zero when the drive is power
cycled or reset.

Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get T REAL - - - Applied Gain/Configured Gain

When the selected Adaptive Tuning Configuration has enabled the Gain
Stabilization function, this value proportionally scales the servo loop
gain attributes of the associated axis as directed by the Adaptive Tuning
After a drive power cycle or reset, the value of this attribute is initialized
to the last known value stored in non-volatile memory.
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is charged to disable the Gain
Stabilization function, this attribute is initialized to 1.

See also
Torque Force Control Signal Attributes on page 317
Velocity Control Mode on page 24

Motor Adaptation Attributes These are the Motor Adaptation attributes configuration attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis.

Motor Adaption Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - % Motor Rated

The Motor Adaption Speed attribute sets the speed at which the motor
adaption functions become active. These functions include the torque,
slip, and flux adaption functions. Collectively, these functions are
designed to compensate for changes in motor performance due to
temperature, speed, current, and manufacturing variations.

312 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The activation of the regulators associated with the slip and flux
adaption functions initiates a convergence period where the slip and
flux regulator errors are allowed to settle within a configured voltage
level before slip and flux compensation is applied.

Torque Adaption Enable

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - USINT - - - Enumerations:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The Torque Adaptation Enable attribute is the enumerated value used

to enable or disable the torque adaption function. This feature is used to
fine tune the accuracy of the steady state torque produced by the motor
by using the current and voltage feedback signals, along with motor
stator resistance to convert the torque command to an Iq current
command. When disabled, the conversion between torque and current
is a fixed scaling factor based motor parameters, which does not result
in as accurate an applied torque as when the feature is enabled.

Slip Adaption Enable

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - USINT - - - Enumerations:
(Induction Motor) 0 = Disabled
E 1 = Enabled

The Slip Adaptation Enable attribute is the enumerated value used to

enable or disable the torque adaption function. This feature is used to
fine tune the accuracy of the steady state torque produced by the motor
by using the current and voltage feedback signals, along with motor
stator resistance to convert the torque command to an Iq current
command. When disabled, the conversion between torque and current
is a fixed scaling factor based motor parameters, which does not result
in as accurate an applied torque as when the feature is enabled.

Flux Adaption Enable

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - USINT - - - Enumerations:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The Flux Adaptation Enable attribute is the enumerated value used to

enable or disable the flux adaption feature. Internally, a flux regulator
reduces the flux current command in the field weakening region of the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 313

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
motor to prevent current loop instability and overvoltage faults when
operating above the base speed of the motor.

Torque Adaption Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C (PM Set - REAL - - - Internal Units

The Torque Adaption Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain

for the torque regulator associated with the torque adaption function.
Conceptually, this regulator adds a trim signal to the current reference
to improve the accuracy of applied motor torque.

Torque Adaption Regulator Ki

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C (PM Set - REAL - - - Internal Units

The Torque Adaption Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain for the
torque regulator associated with the torque adaption function.
Conceptually, this regulator adds a trim signal to the current reference
to improve the accuracy of applied motor torque.

Torque Adaption Regulator Limit - Positive

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C (PM Set - REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Torque Adaption Regulator Limit - Positive attribute sets the

positive limit of the trim signal applied by the torque regulator
associated with the torque adaption function.

Torque Adaption Regulator Limit - Negative

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C (PM Set - REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Torque Adaption Regulator Limit - Negative attribute sets the

negative limit of the trim signal applied by the torque regulator
associated with the torque adaption function.

314 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Slip and Flux Regulator Slew Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - Sec
(Induction Motor)

The Slip and Flux Regulator Slew Time attribute determines the
maximum amount of time after the motor speed reaches the level
specified by the Motor Adaption Speed attribute that the slip and flux
regulators are allowed to converge before the slip and flux
compensation provided by these regulators are applied. If the regulators
have not completed the convergence process in the time specified by
this attribute, the slip and flux compensation shall be applied without
further qualification.

Slip and Flux Regulator Slew Rate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - (Radians/sec)/(Amps/sec)
(Induction Motor)

The Slip and Flux Regulator Slew Rate attribute determines the rate at
which the slip and flux regulators are allowed to converge.

Slip and Flux Regulator Convergence Level

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - Volts
(Induction Motor)

The Slip and Flux Regulator Convergence Level attribute determines

the level that the slip and flux regulator voltage error must be within to
indicate that the regulators have converged.

Slip and Flux Regulator Convergence Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - Sec
(Induction Motor)

The Slip and Flux Regulator Convergence Time attribute determines

how long the slip and flux regulator convergence condition must be
maintained after the convergence condition is first met before the slip
and flux compensation provided by the slip and flux regulators are
applied. The convergence condition is met when the regulator’s voltage
error has decreased below the level set in the Slip and Flux Regulator
Converge Level attribute.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Slip Adaption Regulator Iq Threshold

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - % Motor Rated
(Induction Motor)

The Slip Adaption Regulator Iq Threshold attribute sets for the torque
threshold above which the slip regulator of the slip adaption function
becomes active.

Slip Adaption Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - Motor Rated Slip/Volt
(Induction Motor)

The Slip Adaption Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain for
the slip regulator associated with the slip adaption function.

Slip Adaption Regulator Ki

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - (Motor Rated Slip/Volt)/Sec
(Induction Motor)

The Slip Adaption Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain for the
slip regulator associated with the slip adaption function.

Flux Adaption Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - Amps/Volt

The Flux Adaption Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain for
the flux regulator associated with flux adaption function.

Flux Adaption Regulator Ki

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set - REAL - - - (Amps/Volt)/Sec

316 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Flux Adaption Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain for the
flux regulator associated with flux adaption function.

See also
Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes on page 291

Torque/Force Control These are the torque/force signal related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Signal Attributes
Torque Command
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - % Motor Rated

Command torque output from fine interpolator (if active) into torque
input summing junction when configured for toque control.

Torque Trim
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV T REAL 0 - % Motor Rated

Additional torque command added to the torque input summing junction.

Torque Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Commanded torque reference input signal before torque filter section

representing the sum of the Torque Command and Torque Trim signal

Torque Reference Filtered

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Commanded torque reference input signal after torque filter section.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Torque Reference Limited

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

Commanded torque reference input signal after torque limiter section.

Torque Estimate
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Get/GSV T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Torque Estimate attribute is the estimated torque or force applied

by the motor. Conceptually, for PM motor types this signal is the product
of the torque constant, Kt, or force constant, Kf, and the Iq Current
Feedback signal. Other motor types might require more sophisticated
torque or force estimation algorithms.

See also
Torque Control Mode on page 25
Torque/Force Control Configuration Attributes on page 291

Velocity Loop Configuration These are the velocity loop configuration attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Velocity Offset
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 -maxspd maxspd Velocity Units

The Velocity Offset attribute can be used to provide a velocity bias

when performing velocity control. This value is summed together with
the Velocity Trim value that can be sent synchronously to the drive
every Coarse Update Period. Since the Velocity Trim value is available
as a templated value, real time velocity corrections can be done using
the Velocity Trim attribute.

Acceleration Feedforward Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 %

318 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Acceleration Feedforward Gain attribute is a value that multiplies
the Acceleration Fine Command signal to form the Acceleration
Feedforward Command that is applied to the acceleration loop summing
junction. 100% Acceleration Feedforward applies the full Acceleration
Fine Command signal to the output of the velocity loop.

Velocity Loop Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV T REAL 260 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Velocity Loop Bandwidth attribute is a value that determines the

proportional gain, Kvp, of the velocity loop that multiplies the Velocity
Error signal. This value represents the unity gain bandwidth of the
velocity loop.

Velocity Integrator Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Velocity Integrator Bandwidth attribute determines the velocity loop

integral gain, Kvi, which together with the Kvp, multiplies the integrated
Velocity Error signal. This value represents the bandwidth of the velocity
integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables the integrator.

Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 %

The Velocity Negative Feedforward Gain attribute is a value that

reduces or eliminates velocity overshoot by subtracting a portion of the
velocity reference signal from the velocity error.

Velocity Droop
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FPV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units / Sec / %

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Velocity Droop value that provides compliance to the velocity integrator
by subtracting a portion of the velocity loop effort from the velocity error
input to the velocity integrator. The presence of the Torque/Force
scaling gain, Kj, in the droop signal path lets Velocity Droop to be
specified in velocity units per % rated torque output. This parameter is
also valid for V/Hz devices and its behavior is nearly identical, but
instead of % rated being related to torque, % rated is related to current.

Velocity Error Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Error Tolerance attribute determines the absolute

maximum Velocity Error value that can be tolerated without causing a
Excessive Velocity Error exception.

Velocity Error Tolerance Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 0.01 0 Seconds

The Velocity Error Tolerance Time attribute determines the maximum

amount of time that the Velocity Error Tolerance can be exceeded
without generating an exception.

Velocity Integrator Control

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV BYTE 0 - - Bitmap
0:0 0 = Integrator Hold
1:0 Enable (R)
1 = Auto-Preset (O)
2-7 = Reserved

The Velocity Integrator Control attribute controls the behavior of the

velocity loop integrator while commanding motion through the controller.
When the integrator hold enable bit is set, the integrator is held while
motion is being commanded with a non-zero velocity. When clear, the
integrator runs without qualification. When the auto-preset bit is set, the
integrator preload value is automatically loaded with the current torque
command when there is a control mode change between torque control
and velocity control. If clear, the integrator is loaded with the configured
velocity integrator preload value.

320 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Velocity Integrator Preload

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Accel Units

The Velocity Integrator Preload attribute is a value assigned to the

velocity integrator when the velocity control loop is enabled.

Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV T REAL 0 0 104 Filter Frequency Units

The Velocity Low Pass Filter Bandwidth attribute controls the bandwidth
of the Low Pass Filter applied to the Velocity Error signal.
Recommended implementation is a two pole IIR filter. A value of 0 for
this attribute disables this feature.

Velocity Threshold
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - ED Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Threshold attribute defines a minimum absolute velocity. If

the magnitude of the Velocity Feedback signal is less than this value,
the Velocity Threshold status bit is set. If the axis is configured for
Frequency Control, the Velocity Feedback signal is derived from the
Velocity Reference signal.

Velocity Lock Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Lock Tolerance attribute establishes a window around the

unlimited velocity reference signal. When the Velocity Feedback signal
is within this window the Velocity Lock status bit is set. When Velocity
Feedback signals falls outside this window, the Velocity Lock status bit
is cleared.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Velocity Standstill Window

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - ED Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Standstill Window attribute establishes a window around

zero speed. When the Velocity Feedback signal is within this window
the Velocity Standstill status bit is set. When Velocity Feedback signal
falls outside this window, the Velocity Standstill status bit is cleared. If
the axis is configured for Frequency Control, the Velocity Feedback
signal is derived from the Velocity Reference signal.

Velocity Limit - Positive

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FPV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Limit - Positive attribute defines the most positive velocity
reference value into the velocity summing junction. If the signal entering
the velocity limiter exceeds this velocity limit value, the device responds
by clamping the velocity reference to this limit and sets the Velocity
Limit status bit.

Velocity Limit - Negative

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FPV Set/SSV REAL 0 - 0 Velocity Units

The Velocity Limit - Negative attribute is a negative value that defines

the most negative velocity reference value allowed into the velocity
summing junction. If the signal entering the velocity limiter exceeds this
velocity limit value, the device responds by clamping the velocity
reference to this limit and sets the Velocity Limit status bit.

Velocity Feedback Delay Compensation

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set/SSV REAL 0 0 0 Seconds

The Velocity Feedback Delay Compensation attribute sets the amount

of velocity feedback delay to apply to feedback delay compensation
function that minimizes position error during acceleration and
322 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020
Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
deceleration when running in Position Control Mode. When needed, the
attribute should be set to the sum of the feedback sampling delay and
the filter delays in the feedback path.

Slat Configuration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - V Set/SSV BYTE 0 - - 0 = SLAT Disabled
1 = SLAT Min
2 = SLAT Max

The Slat Configuration attribute configures the Speed Limited

Adjustable Torque feature. The SLAT Configuration enumeration
determines how the drive controls torque for this axis instance. In order
to support applications that require Speed Limited Adjustable Torque
(SLAT) control, the Min/Max torque control enumerations provide a
feature to automatically switch to and from speed control under certain
conditions. In either SLAT mode the drive will operate in one of two
min/max states - speed control off or on.
Bit Name Description
0 SLAT Disabled SLAT function is disabled. Normal Velocity Loop operation.
1 SLAT Min Speed/Torque Drive will automatically switch from torque control to speed
control if Velocity Error < 0 and switch back to torque control if
Velocity Error > SLAT Setpoint for SLAT Time.
2 SLAT Max Speed/Torque Drive will automatically switch from torque control to speed
control if Velocity Error > 0 and switch back to torque control if
Velocity Error < -SLAT Set Point for SLAT Time

SLAT Set Point

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - V Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Velocity Units

Speed Error level to switch from Speed control to Min/ Max control.

SLAT Time Delay

Time delay after SLAT Set Point is reached to switch from Speed
control to Min/ Max control.
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - V Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Seconds

Time delay after SLAT Set Point is reached to switch from Speed
control to Min/ Max control.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

SLAT Min Speed/Torque Mode

In SLAT Min Speed/Torque mode (SLAT Configuration = 1) the drive
defaults to the state with speed control off (leftmost state) shown in the
figure below. In this state, the torque reference is the minimum, or Min
function, of the Velocity Loop Output or the Torque Command.
Min Mode

When used for SLAT control, an application dependent Velocity

Command is applied to the drive. When the motor's speed is
mechanically limited, this reference is at a level that results in saturation
of the velocity loop output. In this state, the 'Min' select operation
selects the smaller Torque Command value. The Velocity Error is
positive in value equal to the Velocity Command.
If the mechanical speed limitation is removed (example web break), the
motor accelerates and the Velocity Error becomes negative when the
motor speed exceeds the Velocity Command. At this time, an automatic
transition to speed control occurs and the Velocity Loop Output is
selected as the Torque Reference, regardless of the value of the
Torque Command. Coincident with the transition into speed control, a
preset operation will occur within the velocity loop. This preset will force
the velocity loop integrator to match the internal torque reference value,
at the time of the mode transition.
In Min mode the drive remains in speed control until the Velocity Error
exceeds the configured SLAT Set-point attribute value for a period of
time given by the SLAT Time Delay attribute. When these two
conditions are met, speed control is turned off and the 'Min' select
operation becomes active. This condition would occur if the mechanical
constraint was restored.

SLAT Max Speed/Torque Mode

For SLAT Max Speed/Torque mode (SLAT Configuration = 2) the SLAT
control operates similar to SLAT Min Speed/Torque mode, except that
the signs have changed to allow the feature to work in the negative
Max Mode

The active 'Max' select function will select the larger, or Max function, of
the Velocity Loop Output or the Torque Command. The Velocity
Command value is a negative quantity and so when the motor speed is
mechanically limited, the Velocity Error is a negative value, and the
Velocity Loop Output is a saturated (limited) to a negative value. The
324 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020
Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Torque Command is also negative, but smaller in magnitude, so it
becomes selected by the 'Max' operation.
The forced transition to speed control occurs when the Velocity Error
value becomes positive such as when the mechanical limitation is
removed. A preset of the velocity loop's integral term occurs, as before.
When, by restoring the mechanical constraint, the Velocity Error
becomes negative again and less than the negated SLAT Set-point
parameter value for a SLAT Time delay, speed control is turned off and
the 'Max' select operation becomes active.

See also
Position Loop Attributes on page 285
Position Loop Configuration Attributes on page 287
Velocity Loop Attributes on page 325

Velocity Loop Signal These are the velocity control signal related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Velocity Command
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get T REAL - - - Velocity Control

The Velocity Command attribute is the command velocity output from

the Fine Command Generator (if active) into velocity loop when
configured for the Velocity Loop control or frequency controller when
configured for Frequency Control operation.

Velocity Trim
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Set T REAL 0 -maxspd maxspd Velocity Control

Additional velocity command added to the velocity loop summing


Acceleration Feedforward Command

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Get T REAL - - - Velocity Control

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 325

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Acceleration Feedforward Command attribute is an Acceleration
feedforward command signal that represents a scaled version of the
command acceleration profile. This signal is the Acceleration Fine
Command signal scaled by Kaff and applied to the output of the velocity

Velocity Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get T REAL - - - Velocity Control

Command velocity reference into velocity loop summing junction, or in

the case of Frequency Control, the signal that is scaled to become the
Frequency Reference.

Velocity Feedback
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - ED Get T REAL - - - Velocity Control

Actual velocity of the axis that is applied to the velocity summing

junction, if applicable, based on Control Mode selection. In most cases
the Velocity Feedback signal is derived directly from the feedback
device specified by the Feedback Mode selection. If the axis is
configured for Feedback Only mode, Velocity Feedback represents the
actual velocity of the feedback device specified by the Feedback Master
Select. If the axis is configured for Frequency Control, the Velocity
Feedback signal is derived from the Velocity Reference signal. If
configured for Sensorless Velocity Loop operation, i.e. Feedback Mode
set to No Feedback, Velocity Feedback is estimated by the sensorless
control algorithm.

Velocity Error
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Get T REAL - - - Velocity Control

Error between the velocity reference and velocity feedback value that is
the output of the velocity loop summing junction.

326 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Velocity Integrator Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Get T REAL - - - Accel Control Units/Sec2

Output of velocity integrator representing the contribution of the velocity

integrator to Velocity Loop Output.

Velocity Loop Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Get T REAL - - - Accel Control Units/Sec2

Output of velocity forward path representing the total control effort of the
velocity loop.

Velocity Limit Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- PV Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Not Limited
1 = Positive Limit
2 = Negative Limit
3 = Bus Overvoltage
4 = Max Extended Speed
5 - 127 = Reserved
128 – 255 = Vendor

The Velocity Limit Source attribute is an enumerated value that

specifies the source of the operative velocity limit.

Velocity Limiter Extensions

Permanent magnet (PM) motor applications sometimes require drives to
provide extensions to the velocity limiter function to protect the drive
electronics and motor from potentially destructive overspeed conditions
when operating at speeds above the motor's rating. The Velocity Limiter
serves to protect the drive and motor when applied in these high speed

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 327

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

PM Motor Torque-Speed Curve

A generalized Torque-Speed curve for a PM motor is shown in the
following graph. The two curves shown define the continuous (Tc) and
peak torque (Tp) capabilities of the motor. PM motors typically specify a
'rated speed' (Sr) based on rated voltage and continuous torque and
also a 'max speed' (Sm) based on the maximum operating speed. Often
the specified rated speed and max speed for the motor are set to the
same value.

Field Weakening
PM motors can also be operated using a technique called "field
weakening" to extend the top speed capability of the motor. Field
weakening uses active current vector control to reduce the effective
magnetic field strength from the permanent magnets, enabling higher
speeds at the expense of lower torque production. While the use of field
weakening to significantly extend motor speed range is more common
for Interior PM (IPM) motors, the speed range of Surface-mount PM
(SPM) motors can be significantly extended as well. The following graph
illustrates the PM Motor Torque-Speed Curve with Field Weakening.

When the drive applies field weakening to a PM motor to reach higher

than rated speed, the drive's motor current vector control algorithm
effectively decreases the motor Ke. This reduces the resulting Counter
EMF (CEMF) voltage to be less than the DC bus voltage. However, if
this active current vector control is suddenly removed, the Ke value
would revert to the nominal value and the CEMF voltage would increase
rapidly. Active control of motor current is lost whenever the power
structure is disabled. So the concern is when the power structure is

328 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
disabled with the motor still spinning. This can be the case when the
drive executes a Category 0 Stop due to a control initiated Disable
Request, a Major Fault action, or a Safe Torque Off activation.
Three speed values are shown in the preceding figure. As defined in the
first figure, the rated speed (Sr) corresponds to operation at rated
voltage and continuous torque. This is the maximum continuous torque
that can be achieved without field weakening. SOV is the speed at which
the CEMF voltage from the nominal Ke would be equivalent to the
maximum DC Bus Voltage rating of the drive, or the DC Bus
Overvoltage Limit.
If active motor current control is removed while the motor is operating at
speeds above SOV, the CEMF voltage results in a DC Bus overvoltage
condition that can damage the drive and, possibly, other drives sharing
the same DC Bus.
Sm is the absolute maximum operating speed of the motor based on
mechanical constraints. For a rotary motor, Sm would be given by the
Rotary Motor Max Speed attribute.
Major damage to devices connected to the DC Bus can occur when the
PM motor is allowed to run between SOV and Sm and the drive's power
structure is disabled.

Velocity Limiter Behavior Diagram

The following diagram shows the extensions that have been added to
the Velocity Limiter to help manage the inherent risks of high speed PM
motor operation. In addition to the existing Velocity Limit -
Positive/Negative attributes that can be used to limit the Velocity
Reference signal, two new limits have been defined based on SOV and
Sm defined above. Specifically, the PM Motor Rotary - Bus Overvoltage
Speed and PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed attributes
establish an absolute limit on the Velocity Reference signal that
corresponds to SOV. This speed limit can only be exceeded if the PM
Motor Extended Speed Permissive attribute is set to True. The PM
Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed and PM Motor Linear Max Extended
Speed attributes establish an absolute limit on the Velocity Reference
signal that corresponds to Sm. The Velocity Limit function limits the
Velocity Reference signal to the minimum of these attribute values. The
Velocity Limit Source attribute indicates the source of the velocity limit.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 329

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Through these extensions to the Velocity Limiter function, a drive that
supports field weakening can be configured to safely manage extended
speed operation, only allowing operation above SOV by setting the PM
Motor Extended Speed Permissive attribute. Systems that can run
safely above SOV are generally equipped with a DC Bus Regulator or a
Resistive Brake Module.

See also
Position Loop Signal Attributes on page 285
Position Loop Configuration Attributes on page 287
Velocity Loop Configuration Attributes on page 318
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556

Data Attributes These attribute tables contain attributes associated with general data of
Motion Control Axis Object instance.

Axis Info Attributes These are the attributes that provide information about the associated
hardware capabilities of Motion Control Axis.

Inverter Rated Output Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - D Get REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

Optional - X

The Inverter Rated Output Voltage attribute is the drive inverter output
voltage rating. This value is hard coded in the device.

Inverter Rated Output Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get REAL - - - Amps (RMS)
Optional - X

The Inverter Rated Output Current attribute is the drive inverter output
current rating. This value is hard coded in the device.

330 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Inverter Rated Output Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get REAL - - - Kilowatts
Optional - X

The Inverter Rated Output Power attribute is the drive inverter output
power rating. This value is hard coded in the device.

Converter Rated Output Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Amps

The Converter Rated Output Current attribute is the converter output

current rating.

Converter Rated Output Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Kilowatts

The Converter Rated Output Power attribute is the converter output

power rating.

Converter Rated Output Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Volts

The Converter Rated Output Voltage attribute is the converter output

voltage rating.

Converter Rated Input Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The Converter Rated Input Current attribute is the converter input

current rating.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 331

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Rated Input Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Kilowatts

The Converter Rated Input Power attribute is the converter input power

Converter Rated Input Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The Converter Rated Input Voltage attribute is the converter input

voltage rating.

Drive Power Structure Axis ID

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Get UDINT - - - ID#

The Drive Power Structure Axis ID attribute identifies the power

structure with the axis instance.

See also
Drive Output Attributes on page 368
Power and Thermal Management Configuration Attributes on
page 370
Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes on page 651

Frequency Analysis These are the frequency analysis configuration attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.
Frequency Analysis Status
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get USINT Enumeration:
0 = Inactive
1 = Configuring System
2 = Collecting Data
3 = Analyzing Data
4 = Data Ready
5-255 = (reserved)

332 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enumeration showing the status of frequency analysis process.

Waterfall Index
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get USINT Range: 1 to 1000

Specifies the index into the Frequency Table associated with the
singular input frequency applied during the last frequency analysis test.
This attribute is only applicable when the frequency analysis test was
using the Waterfall Excitation Type.

Frequency Samples
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get USINT Range: 1 to 1000

Specifies the number of measured frequencies.

Frequency Table
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Hertz

List of frequencies measured during frequency analysis test. The list

begins at the Start frequency and ends with the Stop frequency.

Output Magnitude
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Decibels

List of output magnitudes measured at frequencies listed in the

Frequency Table. Decibel units are defined as 20*log10 of the ratio of
measured output amplitude over the input excitation amplitude.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 333

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Output Phase
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Degrees

List of output phase shift measured relative to input excitation at

frequencies listed in the Frequency Table array.

Gain Margin
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Decibels

A measure of stability that can be computed when the Analysis Type of

the Run Frequency Analysis service request equals 1 or 2. The value
is the magnitude [dB] when the phase is equal to -180ᵒ. The attribute
value is interpolated based on the Output Magnitude array.

Gain Margin Frequency

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Hertz

The frequency associated with the Gain Margin. The attribute value is
interpolated based on the Frequency Table array.

Phase Margin
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Degrees

A measure of stability that can be computed when the Analysis Type of

the Run Frequency Analysis service request equals 1 or 2. The
measure is the phase [degrees] when the magnitude is equal to 0dB.
The attribute value is interpolated based on the Output Phase array.

Phase Margin Frequency

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - GC Get REAL Hertz

334 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The frequency associated with the Phase Margin. The value is attribute
is interpolated based on the Frequency Table array.

See also
Axis Info Attributes on page 330

Data Logging Attributes These are the data logging attributes associated with a Motion Control

Data Logging Status

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get USINT Enumeration:
0 = Inactive
1 = Buffering
2 = Buffered & Armed
3 = Triggered & Collecting
4 = Collected
5-255 = (reserved)

Enumeration showing the status of data collection process.

Data Trigger Time Stamp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT Nanoseconds

Time Stamp associated with the data logging trigger event.

Data Trigger Index

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get UINT Index: 0 to 999

Index location in data log of the sample associated with trigger event.

Data Log 1
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 335

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 2
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 3
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 4
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant

336 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 5
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 6
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Log 7
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 337

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Data Log 8
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get LINT* Units of associated data
[N] source attribute.

General purpose array type attribute for storing sampled real-time axis
* 64-bit data container can be used to transfer any data type associated
with Attribute ID. Data Types less than 64-bits shall be least significant
word aligned with no sign extension. Size of the array is left to vendors

Data Capture Size

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get UINT Units of associated data
source attribute.

Specifies the number of samples captured in each active Data Log. This
number can be no larger than the size of the Data Log arrays.

See also
Axis Info Attributes on page 330
Frequency Analysis Attributes on page 332

Axis Statistical Attributes These are the attributes that provide useful statistics on motion axis

Control Power-up Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV REAL - - - Seconds

Elapsed time since axis control power was last applied.

Cumulative Run Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV REAL - - - Hours

Accumulated time that the axis has been powering the Running state.

338 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Cumulative Energy Usage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV REAL - - - Kilowatt Hours

Accumulated output energy of the axis.

Cumulative Motor Rev

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - D Get/GSV LINT - - -

Cumulative number of times motor shaft has turned. (Rotary Motors


Cumulative Main Power Cycles

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV DINT - - -

Cumulative number of times AC Mains has been cycled.

Cumulative Control Power Cycles

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV DINT - - -

Cumulative number of times Control Power has been cycled.

Cumulative Control Power-Up Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of value
Optional - XBD Get/GSV REAL - - - Hours

Accumulated time that control power has been applied.

See also
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89

CIP Axis Status Attributes These are the device status attributes associated with a Motion Control
Axis. Any status bits that are not applicable are set to 0.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 339

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis State
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Initializing
1 = Pre-Charge
2 = Stopped
3 = Starting
4 = Running
5 = Testing
6 = Stopping
7 = Aborting
8 = Major Faulted
9 = Start Inhibited
10 = Shutdown
11-255: Reserved

Enumerated value indicating the state of the axis.

Axis Status
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get T DWORD - - - See Semantics

The Axis Status attribute is a collection of standard bits indicating the

internal status of the axis.

Axis Status 2
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - XG Get T DWORD - - - See Semantics

Opt - NED

The Axis Status 2 attribute is a collection of standard bits that indicate

the internal status of the axis. The attribute provides a 32-bit extension
to the CIP Axis Status attribute.

Axis Status 2 - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

0-31: Vendor Specific
(Published in Product Manual)

The Axis Status 2 - Mfg attribute is a collection of vendor specific bits

indicating the internal status of the axis. This attributes provides a 32-bit
extension to the Axis Status Mfg attribute.

340 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Status Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Status Condition Description

0 Required Local Control This bit is set if axis is taking command reference
and services from local interface instead of the
remote (CIP Motion) interface. This bit is based on the
current state of the Remote Mode bit of the Node
Status attribute.

1 Required Alarm This bit is set if the axis has detected one or more
exception conditions configured to generate an
alarm. This bit is clear if there are no current axis
alarm conditions.
2 Required/ DC Bus Up For a drive axis, this bit is set if the DC Bus has
XBD charged up to an operational voltage level based on
direct measurement and, if applicable, the Converter
Bus Up Status bit associated with external CIP Motion
converter) supplying DC Bus power to this device is
also set. If the Bus Configuration attribute is set to
Shared DC - Non CIP Converter the drive might also
check the status of its associated external Non-CIP
Motion converter. When a drive axis is in the Pre-
Charge state, the transition of the DC Bus Up status
bit from 0 to 1 initiates a state transition to the
Stopped State. Once set, the DC Bus Up bit is cleared
when the DC Bus voltage has dropped below an
operational voltage level, or the Converter Bus Up
Status bit associated with external CIP Motion
converters supplying DC Bus power to this device is
For an AC/DC converter axis, this bit is set if the DC
Bus has charged up to an operational voltage level
based on direct measurement alone. When a
converter axis is in the Pre-Charge state, the
transition of the DC Bus Up status bit from 0 to 1
initiates a state transition to the Running state for a
Passive converter, or to the Stopped state for an
Active converter. Once set, the DC Bus Up bit is
cleared when the DC Bus voltage has dropped below
an operational voltage level, independent of the state
of the Converter Bus Up Status bit.
For a DC/DC converter axis, this bit is set when the
primary DC Bus has charged up to an operational
voltage level based on direct measurement, the
Converter Bus Up Status bit associated with external
CIP Motion converters supplying DC Bus power to this
device has been set, and the DC/DC converter has
established all the secondary DC Bus voltage levels.
While the DC/DC converter axis is in the Pre-Charge
state, the transition of the DC Bus Up status bit from
0 to 1 initiates a state transition to the Running state.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 341

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

3 Required/ Power Structure This bit is set if the axis power structure is energized
XGD Enabled and capable of generating motor flux and torque for
a drive axis, or regenerating power to the AC line for
a converter axis. The value of the Power Structure
Enabled bit is determined by the Axis State, and for
the drive axis, the configured Stopping Action
attribute value.
4 Required/ Motor Flux Up This bit is set if motor flux for an induction motor has
D reached an operational level. Transition of the Motor
Flux Up bit is initiated in the Starting State according
to the configured Flux Up Control attribute value. This
bit is only applicable to Induction Motor types.
5 Required/ Tracking This bit is set if the axis control structure is actively
XGD Command tracking the command reference from the motion
planner associated with a drive axis, or the bus
voltage setpoint of a converter axis, or the current
references of a track section axis applying force to
resident movers. The Tracking Command bit is
directly associated with the Running state of the Axis
State Model
6 Required/ Position Lock This bit is set if the actual position is within the
P Position Lock Tolerance of the command position.
7 Optional/ Velocity Lock This bit is set if the velocity feedback signal is within
PV the Velocity Lock Tolerance of the unlimited velocity
8 Required/ Velocity Standstill This bit is set if the velocity feedback signal is within
ED Velocity Standstill Window of 0. For a Frequency
Control drive this bit is set if the velocity reference
signal is within Velocity Standstill Window of 0.
9 Optional/ Velocity Threshold This bit is set if the absolute velocity feedback signal
ED is below Velocity Threshold. For a Frequency Control
drive this bit is set if the absolute velocity reference
signal is below the Velocity Threshold.
10 Optional/ Velocity Limit This bit is set if the velocity reference signal is
FPV currently being limited by the Velocity Limiter.
11 Optional/ Acceleration Limit This bit is set if the acceleration reference signal is
C currently being limited by the Acceleration Limiter.
12 Optional/ Deceleration Limit This bit is set if the acceleration reference signal is
C currently being limited by the Deceleration Limiter.
13 Optional/ Torque Threshold This bit is set if the absolute filtered torque
C reference is above the Torque Threshold.
14 Required/ Torque Limit This bit is set if the filtered torque reference is
C currently being limited by the Torque Limiter.
15 Optional/ Current Limit This bit is set if the command current, Iq, is currently
XD being limited by the Current Vector Limiter.
16 Optional/ Thermal Limit This bit is set if Current Vector Limit condition of the
XD axis is being limited by any of the axis's Thermal
Models or I2T Thermal Protection functions.

342 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

17 Required/ Feedback This bit, when set, indicates that the feedback device
RE Integrity is accurately reflecting changes to axis position, and
there have been no conditions detected that would
compromise the quality of the feedback position
value. The bit is set at power-up assuming that the
feedback device passes any power-up self-test
required. If during operation a feedback exception
occurs that could impact the fidelity of axis position,
the bit is immediately cleared. The bit remains clear
until either a fault reset is executed by the drive or
the drive is power cycled. Note that the Feedback
Integrity bit behavior applies to both absolute and
incremental feedback device operation..
18 Required/ Shutdown This bit is set when the axis is in the shutdown state
XBD or in the faulted state but would transition to the
shutdown state if the faults were cleared. Therefore,
the Shutdown bit is closely associated with the
Shutdown State of the Axis State Model.
19 Required In Process This bit is set for the duration of an active process.
An example of active process would be an operation
initiated by a Run Motor Test, Run Hookup Test, or
Run Inertia Test to request service. An active process
that requires the enabling of the axis power structure
results in a transition to the Testing State of the Axis
State Model.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 343

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
20 Optional/ DC Bus Unload This bit is set by a CIP Motion converter, or a CIP
XBD Motion drive containing an integral converter, or a
CIP Motion drive connected to an external non-CIP
converter, to indicate that the converter cannot
continue supplying DC Bus power to other drives and
converters on a shared DC Bus. This is usually the
result of a shutdown fault action initiated by the
drive or converter, or a shutdown request from the
controller. When the DC Bus Unload bit is set, the
Shutdown bit (bit 18) in this case is also set. A start
inhibit condition can also set the DC Bus Unload bit.
When there is no AC Contactor Enable output to drop
the DC Bus, a method is needed to unload the
converter from all other drives and converters
sharing the DC Bus. By monitoring the DC Bus Unload
status bit, the control system uses the Converter Bus
Unload bit of Control Status to initiate Bus Power
Sharing exceptions on all enabled drives on the
shared DC Bus that are configured for Shared AC/DC
or Shared DC operation. This Bus Power Sharing
exception invokes the configured Exception Action
that, by default, disables the device’s power
structure, thereby unloading the bus. Upon receiving
a Converter Bus Unload, all disabled drives sharing
the DC Bus shall indicate a Converter Bus Unload
start inhibit.
Unlike other devices, DC/DC converters configured
for Shared DC/DC operation on the shared primary DC
Bus do not assert a Bus Power Sharing exception
when receiving a Converter Bus Unload. Instead,
DC/DC converters cascade the Converter Bus Unload,
sent by the control system to devices on the primary
bus, to devices on the secondary DC Bus by setting
its DC Bus Unload status bit. The DC/DC converter
remains operational in the Running state to allow
Shared DC devices on the secondary DC bus to
execute the configured Bus Power Sharing exception
action. However, if the DC/DC converter itself
experiences a fault condition or a shutdown request,
it sets the Bus Unload bit, but all other devices in the
Primary Shared DC Bus remain operational.
Note that only the originating drive or converter with
the DC Bus Unload condition can cause Bus Power
Sharing Faults on other drives and AC/DC converters
on the associated shared bus. In other words, no
device with a Bus Power Sharing Fault can cause a
Bus Power Sharing exception on other devices on the
shared bus by setting its DC Bus Unload bit. This
qualification prevents DC Bus recovery deadlock. To
recover full DC Bus operation, the originating drive or
converter with the DC Bus Unload condition must first
be reset via a Shutdown Reset Request. Once clear,
the controller then clears the Converter Bus Unload
bit to all the shared drives and converters. The Bus
Power Sharing Faults on the shared drives and AC/DC
converters can then be successfully cleared by either

344 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description
a Fault Reset Request, or a Shutdown Reset Request,
allowing these devices to become operational.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 345

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

21 Optional/ AC Power Loss This bit is set when a CIP Motion converter, or a CIP
XBD Motion drive containing an integral converter, or a
CIP Motion drive connected to an external non-CIP
converter, has detected a loss of AC input power. This
bit is cleared when AC input power is determined to
be sufficient for converter operation.
When an AC Power Loss condition is detected by a
converter supplying power to other devices over a
shared DC Bus, a method is needed to generate a
Converter AC Power Loss exception on any drive
whose power structure is enabled. To accomplish
this, the control system monitors the AC Power Loss
status bits of converters supplying DC Bus power and
propagates AC Power Loss status to all drives on the
shared DC Bus, such as drives that are configured for
Shared AC/DC or Shared DC operation. Upon
notification of AC Power Loss, drives that have
enabled power structures will assert a Converter AC
Power Loss exception and invoke the programmed
Axis Exception Action. Disabled drives will not
generate an exception action on AC Power Loss.
Thus, no drive faults will occur on removal of AC
Power from a converter.
Unlike other devices, DC/DC converters configured
for Shared DC/DC operation on the shared primary DC
bus do not assert an AC Power Loss exception when
receiving a Converter AC Power Loss. Instead, DC/DC
converters cascade the Converter AC Power Loss,
sent by the control system to devices on the primary
bus, to devices on the secondary DC Bus by setting
its AC Power Loss status bit and, thereby, initiating
AC Power Loss exceptions on all enabled Shared DC
devices assigned to the secondary Shared DC Bus.
The DC/DC converter remains operational in the
Running state to allow Shared DC devices on the
secondary DC bus to execute the configured AC
Power Loss exception action.
Note that only the originating drive or converter with
the AC Power Loss condition can cause AC Power
Loss Faults on other drives on the associated shared
bus. In other words, no device with an AC Power Loss
Fault can cause an AC Power Loss exception on other
drives on the shared bus by setting its AC Power Loss
bit. This qualification prevents DC Bus recovery
deadlock. To recover full DC Bus operation, the
originating drive or converter with the AC Power Loss
condition must first be reset, typically via a Shutdown
Reset Request. Once clear, the controller then clears
the Converter AC Power Loss bit to all the shared
drives. The AC Power Loss Faults on the shared
drives can then be successfully cleared by either a
Fault Reset Request, or a Shutdown Reset Request,
allowing these drives to become operational.

346 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

22 Optional/ Position Control When set, this bit indicates that axis position is being
C Mode actively controlled by the Position Loop. Position
Control Mode is only applicable when the axis is
enabled and using the PI Vector Control Method. The
"Position Control Mode" status bit is cleared whenever
the active Control Mode is changed from Position
Control to Velocity Control or Torque Control. This
status bit is clear if the drive axis is disabled.
23 Optional/ Velocity Control When set, this bit indicates that axis velocity is being
C Mode actively controlled by the Velocity Loop. Velocity
Control Mode is only applicable when the drive axis is
enabled and using the PI Vector Control Method. The
"Velocity Control Mode" status bit is cleared whenever
the active Control Mode is changed from Velocity
Control to Position Control or Torque Control. This
status bit is clear if the drive axis is disabled.

24 Optional/ Torque Control When set, this bit indicates that axis velocity is being
C Mode actively controlled by the Torque (Current) Loop.
Torque Control Mode is only applicable when the
drive axis is enabled and using the PI Vector Control
Method. The "Torque Control Mode" status bit is
cleared whenever the active Control Mode is changed
from Torque Control to Position Control or Velocity
Control. This status bit is clear if the drive axis is
25-31 - Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis Status
attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status condition.
This table lists the resulting CIP Axis Status tags associated with the
above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 LocalControlStatus
1 AlarmStatus
2 DCBusUpStatus
3 PowerStructureEnabledStatus
4 MotorFluxUpStatus
5 TrackingCommandStatus
6 PositionLockStatus
7 VelocityLockStatus
8 VelocityStandstillStatus
9 VelocityThresholdStatus
10 VelocityLimitStatus
11 AccelerationLimitStatus
12 DecelerationLimitStatus
13 TorqueThresholdStatus
14 TorqueLimitStatus
15 CurrentLimitStatus
16 ThermalLimitStatus

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 347

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Tag
17 FeedbackIntegrityStatus
18 ShutdownStatus
19 InProcessStatus
20 DCBusUnloadStatus
21 ACPowerLossStatus
22 PositionControlMode
23 VelocityControlMode
24 TorqueControlMode

CIP Axis Status 2

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Enumeration:

Optional - NED 0 = Monitoring
All 1 = Regenerating
2 = Ride Thru
3 = AC Line Sync
4 = Bus Voltage Lock
5 = Reactive Power Only Mode
6 = Voltage Control Mode
7 = Power Loss
8 = AC Line Voltage Sag
9 = AC Line Phase Loss
10 = AC Line Frequency Change
11 = AC Line Sync Loss
12 = Single Phase
13 = Bus Voltage Limit
14 = Bus Voltage Rate Limit
15 = Active Current Rate Limit
16 = Reactive Current Rate Limit
17 = Reactive Power Limit
18 = Reactive Power Rate Limit
19 = Active Current Limit
20 = Reactive Current Limit
21 = Motoring Power Limit
22 = Regenerative Power Limit
23 = Converter Thermal Limit
24-31 = Reserved

The CIP Axis Status 2 attribute is a collection of standard bits indicating

the internal status conditions of the axis. This attribute provides a 32-bit
extension to the CIP Axis Status attribute.

CIP Axis Status 2 Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Status Condition Description

0 Optional/ Motoring This bit is set when regenerative converter is

G consuming power from the AC Line.

348 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

1 Optional/ Regenerating This bit is set when regenerative converter is

G regenerating power to the AC Line.
2 Optional/ Ride Thru This bit is set when the device has initiated a Ride
GD Thru action, temporarily suspending PWM
modulation, as a result of detecting a problem with
the power source.
3 Optional/ AC Line Sync This bit is set when regenerative converter is phase
G locked to the AC Line voltage.
4 Optional/ Bus Voltage Lock This bit is set if the measured DC Bus Voltage is
G within a vendor specific tolerance (that is 1%) of the
Bus Voltage Reference.
5 Optional/ Reactive Power This bit is set when the regenerative converter is
G Only Mode operating in Reactive Power Only Mode, supplying
reactive power to the grid for Power Factor
6 Optional/ Voltage Control When set, this bit indicates that DC bus voltage is
G Mode being actively controlled by the Bus Voltage Loop of
the regenerative converter. The Voltage Control Mode
status bit is cleared whenever the active Converter
Control Mode is changed from Bus Voltage Control to
AC Line Current Control. This status bit is clear if the
converter is disabled.
7 Optional/ Power Loss This bit is set when a Power Loss condition has been
GD detected. For a drive, this may have initiated a Ride
Thru action, where the PWM output to the motor is
temporarily suspended, or has initiated a Decel
Regen action, where drive attempts to hold the DC
Bus voltage up by decelerating the motor. For a
regenerative converter this may have initiated a Ride
Thru action where PWM Modulation is suspended to
the AC Line.
8 Optional/ AC Line Voltage This bit is set when a regenerative converter detects
G Sag a sag in AC line voltage. If configured to do so, this
may have initiated a Ride Thru action, where PWM
modulation to the AC line is temporarily suspended.
9 Optional/ AC Line Phase This bit is set when a regenerative converter detects
G Loss an AC line phase loss. If configured to do so, this may
have initiated a Ride Thru action, where PWM
modulation to the AC line is temporarily suspended.
10 Optional/ AC Line Frequency This bit is set when a regenerative converter detects
G Change a high rate of change of the AC line frequency. If
configured to do so, this may have initiated a Ride
Thru action, where PWM modulation to the AC line is
temporarily suspended.
11 Optional/ AC Line Sync Loss This bit is set when a regenerative converter detects
G it has lost synchronization to the AC line. If
configured to do so, this may have initiated a Ride
Thru action, where PWM modulation to the AC line is
temporarily suspended.
12 Optional/ Single Phase This bit is set when converter is operating on a single
BD phase.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 349

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

13 Optional/ Bus Voltage Limit This bit is set if the bus voltage reference signal into
G the bus voltage control loop is currently being limited
by the Bus Voltage Limiter block.
14 Optional/ Bus Voltage Rate This bit is set if the bus voltage Rate Limiter block is
G Limit currently limiting the rate of change of the bus
voltage set point signal into the bus voltage control
15 Optional/ Active Current This bit is set if the Rate Limiter block is currently
G Rate Limit limiting the rate of change of the Active Current
Command signal.
16 O/G Reactive Current This bit is set if the Rate Limiter block is currently
Rate Limit limiting the rate of change of the Reactive Current
Command signal.
17 Optional/ Reactive Power This bit is set if the Power Limiter block is currently
G Limit limiting the Reactive Power Set Point signal.
18 Optional/ Reactive Power This bit is set if the Rate Limiter block is currently
G Rate Limit limiting the rate of change of the Reactive Power Set
Point signal.
19 Optional/ Active Current This bit is set if the active current reference signal is
G Limit currently being limited by the Current Limiter block.
20 Optional/ Reactive Current This bit is set if the reactive current reference signal
G Limit is currently being limited by the Current Limiter
21 Optional/ Motoring Power This bit is set if the current reference signals are
G Limit currently being limited by the Current Limiter block
due to the Motoring Power Limit.
22 Optional/ Regenerative This bit is set if the current reference signals are
G Power Limit currently being limited by the Current Limiter block
due to the Converter Regenerative Power Limit.
23 Optional/ Converter Thermal This bit is set if the current reference signals are
G Limit currently being limited by the Current Limiter block
due to the Converter Thermal Current Limit.
24-31 - Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis Status 2
attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status 2
condition. This table lists the resulting CIP Axis Status 2 tags associated
with the above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 MotoringStatus
1 RegeneratingStatus
2 RideThruStatus
3 ACLineSyncStatus
4 BusVoltageLockStatus
5 ReactivePowerOnlyModeStatus
6 VoltageControlModeStatus
7 PowerLossStatus
8 ACLineVoltageSagStatus
9 ACLinePhaseLossStatus
10 ACLineFrequencyChangeStatus
11 ACLineSyncLossStatus

350 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Tag
12 SinglePhaseStatus
13 BusVoltageLimit
14 BusVoltageRateLimit
15 ActiveCurrentRageLimit
16 ReactiveCurrentRateLimit
17 ReactivePowerLimit
18 ReactivePowerRateLimit
19 ActiveCurrentLimit
20 ReactiveCurrentLimit
21 MotoringPowerLimit
22 RegenerativePowerLimit
23 ConverterThermalLimit

CIP Axis Status 2 - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

Optional - NED 0-31: Vendor Specific
All (Published in Product Manual)

The CIP Axis Status 2 - Mfg attribute is a collection of vendor specific

bits indicating the internal status of the axis.

CIP Axis Status - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Enumeration

0 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Detected
1 = Torque Notch Filter Tuning Unsuccessful
2 = Torque Notch Filter Multiple Frequencies
3 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Below Limit
4 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Above Limit
5 = Adaptive Tune Gain Stabilization Active
6 - 31 = Reserved

The CIP Axis Status attribute is a 32-bit collection of Rockwell

Automation specific bits indicating various internal status conditions of
the device axis. Any status bits that are not applicable are set to 0.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 351

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Status- RA Status Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Status Condition Description

0 Optional/C Torque Notch Filter This bit is set when the Adaptive Tuning function has detected a
Frequency Detected resonance frequency between the Torque Notch Filter Low
Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency
Limit with magnitude above the Toque Notch Filter Tuning
Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis
state transitions to the Running state.
1 Optional/C Torque Notch Filter Tuning • When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is set to Tracking
Unsuccessful Notch or Tracking Notch and Gain Stabilization, this bit is set
when n+1 successive updates of the tunable Torque Notch
Filters have failed to eliminate all resonances between the
Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch
Filter High Frequency Limit with magnitude above the Toque
Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Here “n” is defined as the
configured Track Notch Filters attribute value. This condition
can occur when there are more resonances in the system than
there are tunable Torque Notch Filters. Otherwise, the bit is
• When this bit is set, and the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is
set to Tracking Notch and Gain Stabilization, the Adaptive
Tuning function decreases the Torque Low Pass Filter
Bandwidth to attenuate the remaining resonances.
• This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the
Axis state transitions to the Running state or, when in the
Running state, the Adaptive Tuning Configuration transitions
from Disabled to one of the Torque Notch Filter Tuning
2 Optional/C Torque Notch Filter This bit is set when, the Adaptive Tuning function, identifies
Multiple Frequencies multiple resonant frequencies that are between the Torque Notch
Filter Low Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch Filter High
Frequency Limit whose magnitudes are above the Toque Notch
Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis
state transitions to the Running state.
3 Optional/C Torque Notch Filter This bit is set when the Adaptive Tuning function identifies a
Frequency Below Limit frequency that is below the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency
Limit but whose magnitude is higher than the configured Toque
Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis
state transitions to the Running state.
4 Optional/C Torque Notch Filter This bit is set when the Adaptive Tuning function identifies a
Frequency Above Limit frequency that is above the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency
Limit but whose magnitude is higher than the configured Toque
Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis
state transitions from disabled to enabled operation.

5 Optional/C Adaptive Tune Gain This bit is set when the Adaptive Tuning Gain Scaling Factor is not
Stabilization Active equal to one. This indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function is
actively adjusting servo loop gain values and the Torque Low
Pass Filter Bandwidth value to improve system stability.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis
state transitions to the Running state.

352 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Status Condition Description

6-31 - Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis Status RA
attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status RA
condition. This table lists the resulting CIP Axis Status RA tags
associated with the above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 TorqueNotchFilterFreqDetectedStatus

1 TorqueNotchFilterTuneUnsuccessfulStatus
2 TorqueNotchFilterMultipleFreqStatus
3 TorqueNotchFilterFreqBelowLimitStatus
4 TorqueNotchFilterFreqAboveLimitStatus
5 AdaptiveTuneGainStabilizationStatus

CIP Axis Status 2 - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Get/GSV T DWORD - - - -

Optional - NED

The CIP Axis Status 2 attribute is a collection of Rockwell Automation

specific bits indicating various internal status conditions of the axis. This
attributes provides a 32-bit extension to the CIP Axis RA attribute. Any
status bits that are not applicable are set to 0.

CIP Axis Status 2 - RA Status Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Status Condition Description

0-31 Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis Status 2
RA attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status 2 RA
condition. This table lists the resulting CIP Axis Status 2 RA tags
associated with the above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 -

Axis I/O Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get T DWORD - - - See Semantics

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 353

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Axis I/O Status attribute is a 32-bit collection of bits indicating the
state of standard digital inputs and outputs associated with the
operation of this axis. A value of zero for a given input bit indicates a
logical 0 value, while a value of 1 indicates a logical 1 value.

Axis I/O Status - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

0-31: Vendor Specific
(Published in Product Manual)

The Axis I/O Status - Mfg attribute is a collection of bits indicating the
state of vendor specific digital inputs associated with the operation of
this axis. A value of zero for a given input bit indicates a logical 0 value,
while a value of 1 indicates a logical 1 value.

CIP Axis I/O Status Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Status Condition Description

0 Optional/ Enable Input This bit represents the logical state of the Enable
XBD Input.
1 Optional/ Home Input This bit represents the logical state of the Home
ED Input.
2 Optional/ Registration 1 Input This bit represents the logical state of the
ED Registration 1 Input.
3 Optional/ Registration 2 Input This bit represents the logical state of the
ED Registration 2 Input.
4 Optional/ Positive Overtravel This bit represents the logical state of the Positive
P OK Input Overtravel OK Input.
5 Optional/ Negative Overtravel This bit represents the logical state of the Negative
P OK Input Overtravel OK Input.
6 Optional/ Feedback 1 This bit represents the logical state of the
ED Thermostat OK Input Thermostat OK input associated with the motor
mounted Feedback 1device.
7 Optional/ Resistive Brake This bit represents the logical state of the Resistive
D Release Output Brake Release Output.
8 Optional/ Mechanical Brake This bit represents the logical state of the
XD Release Output Mechanical Brake Release Output.
9 Optional/ Motor Thermostat OK This bit represents the logical state of the Motor
D Input Thermostat OK Input.
10-31 - Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis I/O Status
attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status condition.
This table lists the resulting CIP Axis I/O Status tags associated with the
above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 EnableInputStatus

354 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Tag
1 HomeInputStatus
2 Registration1InputStatus
3 Registration2InputStatus
4 PositiveOvertravelInputStatus
5 NegativeOvertravelInputStatus
6 Feedback1ThermostatInputStatus
7 ResistiveBrakeOutputStatus
8 MechanicalBrakeOutputStatus
9 MotorThermostatInputStatus

CIP Axis I/O Status - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Enumeration:

0 = Regenerative Power OK
1 = Bus Capacitor Module OK
2 = Shunt Thermal Switch OK
3 = Contactor Enable Output
4 = Pre-Charge OK Input
5 = AC Line Contactor OK Input
6 = Regenerative Power OK
7 = Bus Conditioner Module OK
8 = Converter OK Input
9 = Converter OK Output
10 - 31 = Reserved

Collection of bits indicating the state of Rockwell Automation specific

digital inputs associated with the operation of this axis. A value of zero
for a given input bit indicates a logical 0 value, while a value of 1
indicates a logical 1 value.

CIP Axis I/O Status - RA Bit Descriptions

Bit Usage Name Description

0 Optional/ Regenerative Power This bit represents the logical state of the
D OK Input Regenerative Power Input. This input status bit
indicates the associated external regenerative
converter is in the Running state and capable of
transferring regenerative power.
1 Optional/ Bus Capacitor Module This bit represents the logical state of the Bus
BD OK Input Capacitor Module Input.
2 Optional/ Shunt Thermal This bit represents the logical state of the Shunt
BD Switch OK Input Thermal Switch Input.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 355

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Name Description

3 Optional/ Contactor Enable This bit represents the logical state of the Contactor
BD Output Enable Output.
4 Optional/ Pre-Charge OK Input This bit represents the logical state of the Pre-
BD Charge Input.
5 Optional/ AC Line Contactor OK This bit represents the logical state of the AC Line
BD Input Contactor OK Input
6 Optional/ Regenerative Power This bit represents the logical state of the
G OK Output Regenerative Power Output. This output status bit
indicates this regenerative converter is in the
Running state and capable of transferring
regenerative power.
7 Optional/ Bus Conditioner This bit represents the logical state of the Bus
BD Module OK Input Conditioner Module Input.
8 Optional/ Converter OK Input This bit represents the logical state of the Converter
D OK Input. This input status bit indicates the
associated external converter has determined that
the DC bus has reached operational voltage level
and that the converter is not faulted.
9 Optional/ Converter OK Output This bit represents the logical state of the Converter
B OK Output. This output bit indicates that this
converter has determined that the DC bus has
reached operational voltage level and is not
currently faulted.
10-31 - Reserved -

The naming convention for individual bits within the CIP Axis I/O Status
- RA attributes is to append a 'Status' suffix to the CIP Axis Status - RA
condition. This table lists the resulting CIP Axis I/O Status -RA tags
associated with the above status conditions.
Bit Tag
0 RegenerativePowerInputStatus
1 BusCapacitorModuleInputStatus
2 ShuntThermalSwitchInputStatus
3 ContactorEnableOutputStatus
4 PreChargeInputStatus
5 ACLineContactorInputStatus
6 RegenerativePowerOutputStatus
7 BusConditioneerModuleInputStatus
8 ConverterInputStatus
9 ConverterOutputStatus

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54

Event Capture Attributes These are the event related attributes associated with a Motion Control
Axis. These include registration, marker, and homing events. The Event
Capture attributes are designed to support the possibility of up to 7

356 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
active events per controller update period. The basis for all Time Stamp
attributes is absolute System Time and follows the CIP Sync standard
with 0 corresponding to January 1, 1970. Within the Logix controller, the
System Time for event time stamps are converted to the local CST by
applying the local System Time Offset to the event time stamp. In
general, these event related attributes are only applicable when there is
an associated position feedback device; if the axis is configured for
Encoderless or Sensorless operation, the event functionality is not
The Motion Control Axis supports two independent registration input
channels per device axis instance that can be triggered on either the
rising or falling edges of the signal. If the device hardware
implementation allows, event time and position data can be captured for
all four event conditions simultaneously. The Event Capture attributes
also support Auto-rearm for registration events. This allows for
controller implementation of important features like Windowed
Registration and Registration Pattern Recognition.
The Motion Control Axis also supports Home Switch, Marker and
Switch-Marker events for homing functionality on a per axis basis. The
Marker events are typically generated by the configured position
feedback device for the associated device axis.

Event Checking Control

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set* DWORD - - -

*These attributes are generally updated via the cyclic Command Data
Set of the CIP Motion C-to-D Connection. When included as cyclic
command data, these attributes cannot not be updated via a Set
The Event Checking Control attribute is passed to the device by the
controller as part of the Drive to Controller connection for the purpose of
arming various device inputs, e.g. marker, home switch, and registration
inputs, to generate events to the controller. When these enabled events
occur, the device captures both the time and exact axis position when
the event occurred. This attribute also manages the format and content
of the C2D Event Data Block.

Event Checking Status

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get DWORD - - -

The Event Checking Status attribute is passed by the device to the

controller as part of the Drive to Controller connection to indicate if the
device is currently checking for events based on various device inputs,
e.g. marker, home, and registration inputs. Event checking is initiated
when the corresponding Event Checking Control bit is set in the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 357

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
controller to device connection. This attribute also manages the format
and content of the D2C Event Data Block.

Registration Inputs
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/GSV USINT 0 0 10

The Registration Inputs attribute determines the number of Registration

Inputs supported by this device axis instance. Maximum value is
determined by drive device profile.

Registration 1 Positive Edge Position

Usage Access T Data Default Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Registration 1 Positive Edge Position attribute is the feedback

position latched on the rising edge of the Registration Input 1.

Registration 1 Negative Edge Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Registration 1 Negative Edge Position attribute is the feedback

position latched on the falling edge of the Registration Input 1.

Registration 2 Positive Edge Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
OptionaL - E Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Registration 2 Positive Edge Position attribute feedback position

latched on the rising edge of the Registration Input 2.

Registration 2 Negative Edge Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Registration 2 Negative Edge Position attribute feedback position

latched on the falling edge of the Registration Input 2.

358 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Registration 1 Positive Edge Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - EE Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync

The Registration 1 Positive Edge Time attribute is the system time

stamp on the rising edge of the Registration Input 1.

Registration 1 Negative Edge Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync

The Registration 1 Negative Edge Time attribute is the system time

stamp on the falling edge of the Registration Input 1.

Registration 2 Positive Edge Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync

The Registration 2 Positive Edge Time attribute is the system time

stamp on the rising edge of the Registration Input 2.

Registration 2 Negative Edge Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync

The Registration 2 Negative Edge Time attribute is the system time

stamp on the falling edge of the Registration Input 2.

Home Event Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Position Control Units

The Home Event Position attribute is the Feedback Position latched on

the specified home event.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 359

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Home Event Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync

The Home Event Time attribute is the system time stamp latched on the
specified home event.

Watch 1 Event Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync
(Drive Scaling) absolute)

The Watch 1 Event Time attribute is the system time stamp latched on
the specified watch event.

Watch 2 Event Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T LINT - - - Nanoseconds (CIP Sync
(Drive Scaling) absolute)

The Watch 2 Event Time attribute is the system time stamp latched on
the specified watch event.

Home Torque Threshold

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - % of Torque Limit
PV Only

The Home Torque Threshold attribute sets the minimum torque level
needed to detect the hard stop during a Home to Torque sequence. The
drive’s output torque must exceed the specified Home Torque
Threshold for the specified Home Torque Time. The units for Home
Torque Threshold are expressed as a percentage of the operative
Torque Limit, which during the homing sequence is set to the Home
Torque Limit by the controller.
Valid for non-“immediate” cases of “active” Home Mode.
Valid for “home to torque” homing sequences.

360 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Home Torque Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - Sec
PV Only

The Home Torque Time attribute sets the minimum amount of time
needed for the drive’s output torque to exceed the specified Home
Torque Threshold to detect the hard stop during a Home to Torque
Valid for “home to torque” homing sequences.

See also
Motion Control Signal Attributes on page 487
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498

Drive Attributes These attribute tables contain attributes associated with the drive. Drive
attributes reside both on the controller and on the drive.

Drive General Purpose I/O These are the attributes that provide to general purpose analog and
digital I/O associated with the Motion Control Axis.
Digital Inputs
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XBD Get T DWORD - - - Vendor Specific Bit Map

The Digital Inputs attribute is a 32-bit word with whose bits can be
assigned by the vendor to general purpose digital inputs.

Digital Outputs
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XBD Set T DWORD 0 - - Vendor Specific Bit Map

The Digital Outputs attribute is a 32-bit word with whose bits can be
assigned by the vendor to general purpose digital outputs.

Analog Input 1
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XBD Get T REAL - - - % Full Scale

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 361

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Analog Input 1 attribute is a general purpose analog input 1 level.

Analog Input 2
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get T REAL - - - % Full Scale

The Analog Input 2 attribute is a general purpose analog input 2 level.

Analog Output 1
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set T REAL 0 -100 +100 % Full Scale

The Analog Output 1 attribute is a general purpose analog output 1


Analog Output 2
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set T REAL 0 -100 +100 % Full Scale

The Analog Output 2 attribute is a general purpose analog output 2


Enable Input Checking

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set T BOOL 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The Enable Input Checking attribute is a Boolean value used to control

if the drive or converter checks the state of the Enable Input. When
enabling Enable Input Checking, an inactive Enable Input triggers a
Start Inhibit condition. If the Enable Input deactivates when the drive or
converter power structure is enabled, an Enabled Input Deactivated
exception is generated. If Enable Input Checking is disabled, the device
does not check the state of the Enable Input.

362 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Hardware Overtravel Input Checking

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set T BOOL 0 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The Hardware Overtravel Input Checking attribute is a Boolean value

that controls whether or not the drive shall regularly check the state of
the positive and negative Hardware Overtravel inputs. When Hardware
Overtravel Input Checking is enabled, an inactive Hardware Overtravel
input results in an associated Hardware Overtravel Positive or Negative
exception. If Drive Hardware Overtravel Checking is disabled, the drive
shall not check the state of the Hardware Overtravel inputs.

AC Line Contactor Input Checking

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T USINT 1 0 1 Enumeration
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The AC Line Contactor Input Checking attribute is a value that controls

whether or not the AC/DC converter function checks for the presence
and proper operation of the AC Line Contactor using the AC Line
Contactor OK input. If AC Line Contactor Checking is Enabled, the
presence of AC line voltage at the device when the AC Line Contactor
OK input is Inactive shall cause the converter to generate an AC Line
Contactor exception. If AC Line Contactor Checking is Disabled then
the device shall not check the AC Line Contactor OK input.

Digital Output Configuration

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Set T USINT 1 0 1 Enumeration
[32] 0 = Unassigned
1 = Contactor Enable
2 = Mechanical Brake
3 = Resistive Brake
4 = Regenerative Brake
5 = Converter Power
6-255 = (reserved)

The Digital Output Configuration attribute is an array of enumerated

values that map configurable digital output to specific functions of the
drive axis.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 363

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Digital Input Configuration

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Set T USINT - - - Enumeration
[32] 0 = Unassigned
1 = Enable
2 = Home
3 = Registration 1
4 = Registration 2
5 = Positive Overtravel OK
6 = Negative Overtravel OK
7 = Regenerative Power OK
8 = Bus Capacitor OK
9 = Shunt Thermal Switch OK
10 = Home & Registration 1
11 = Motor Thermostat OK
12 = Pre-Charge OK
13 = AC Line Contactor OK
14 = Bus Conditioner OK
15 = Converter OK
16-255 = (reserved)

The Digital Input Configuration is an array of enumerated values that

map configurable digital inputs to specific functions of the drive axis.

Enable Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as an Enable function.

Home Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - Seconds

364 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as a Home function.

Regeneration 1 Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as a Registration 1 function.

Regeneration 2 Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as a Registration 2 function.

Positive Overtravel OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as a Positive Overtravel function.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 365

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Negative Overtravel OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as an Negative Overtravel function.

Regeneration OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as an Regeneration OK

Bus Capacitor OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as a Bus Capacitor OK function.

366 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Shunt Thermal Switch OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A floating point value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for
a digital input configured as an Shunt Thermal Switch OK function.

Home and Registration 1 Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set T REAL - - - Seconds

A float that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for a digital input
configured as a Home & Registration 1 function.

Motor Thermostat OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

The Motor Thermostat OK Input Pulse Reject Filter is A float that

specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for a digital input configured
as a Motor Thermostat function.

Pre-Charge OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 367

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Pre-Charge OK Pulse Reject Filter attribute is a float that specifies
the width of the pulse reject filter for a digital input configured as a Pre-
Charge function.

AC Line Contactor OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

The AC Line Contactor is a float value that specifies the width of the
pulse reject filter for a digital input configured as a AC Line Contactor
OK function.

Bus Conditioner OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T REAL - - - Seconds

The Bus Conditioner OK Input Pulse Reject Filter attribute is a floating

point value that specifies the
width of the pulse reject filter for a digital input configured as a Bus
Conditioner OK function.

Converter OK Input Pulse Reject Filter

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set T REAL - - - Seconds

The Converter OK Input Pulse Reject Filter attribute is a floating point

value that specifies the width of the pulse reject filter for a digital input
configured as a Converter OK input function.

See also
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339

Drive Output Attributes These are the inverter output related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.

368 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Output Frequency
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - F Get T REAL - - - Hertz
Optional - C

The Output Frequency attribute is the time averaged output frequency

applied to motor. Frequency value is in terms of electrical cycles.

Output Current
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get T REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The Output Current attribute is the output current applied to motor.

Output Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get T REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The Output Voltage attribute is the phase-to-phase output voltage

applied to motor.

Output Power
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get T REAL - - - Kilowatts

The Output Power attribute is the mechanical output power of the

motor. This value represents the product of applied motor torque/force
and motor speed. If the axis is configured for Frequency Control, the
Velocity Feedback signal is derived from the Velocity Reference signal.

PWM Frequency
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set T UINT - - - Hertz

The PWM Frequency attribute sets the carrier frequency for the Pulse
Width Modulation output to the motor. Drive derating is required at
higher PWM frequencies due to switching losses. Current loop update
time is tied directly to the PWM frequency so loop performance
generally increases with increasing PWM rate.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 369

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Drive General Purpose I/O Attributes on page 361
Power and Thermal Management Configuration Attributes on
page 370

Power and Thermal These are the power and thermal configuration related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis.
Management Configuration
Attributes Motor Overload Action
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = None (R)
1 = Current Foldback (O)
2...127 = Reserved
128...255 = Vendor specific

The Motor Overload Action attribute selects the device's response to a

motor overload condition based on an I2T or motor thermal model based
overload protection method. When a motor thermal model is employed,
the motor overload condition occurs when the motor thermal model
indicates that the Motor Capacity has exceeded the Motor Overload
Limit. In the case of the I2T overload protection method, the motor
overload condition occurs when the motor current, in percent of rated
continuous motor current, exceeds the Motor Overload Limit. The Motor
Overload Action provides opportunities to mitigate the overload
condition without stopping operation.
Motor Overload Action functionality is independent of the motor
overload exception action functionality.
No explicit action is taken by the device in the overload condition if
None is the selected overload action. Selecting the Current Foldback
action, however, results in a reduction of the motor current command in
proportion to the percentage difference between Motor Capacity and
the Motor Overload Limit,, or in the case of the I2T overload protection
method, in proportion to the difference between the motor current, in
percent of rated continuous motor current, and the Motor Overload

Inverter Overload Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = None (R)
1 = Current Foldback (O)
2...127 = Reserved
128...255 = Vendor Specific
128 = Reduce PWM Rate
129 = PWM - Foldback

370 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Inverter Overload Action attribute selects the device's response to
an inverter overload condition based on an I2T or inverter thermal model
based overload protection method. When an inverter thermal model is
employed, the inverter overload condition occurs when the inverter
thermal model indicates that the Inverter Capacity has exceeded the
Inverter Overload Limit. In the case of the I2T overload protection
method, the inverter overload condition occurs when the inverter
current, in percent of rated continuous inverter current, exceeds the
Inverter Overload Limit.
The Inverter Overload Action provides opportunities to mitigate the
overload condition without stopping operation.
Inverter Overload Action functionality is independent of the inverter
overload exception action functionality.
An overload alarm condition can also be generated by exceeding the
limits of the device’s power block thermal model that includes switching
losses that have a dependency on the PWM Frequency.
No explicit action is taken by the device in the overload condition if
None is the selected overload action. Selecting the Current Foldback
action, however, results in a reduction of the inverter current in
proportion to the percentage difference between Inverter Capacity and
the Inverter Overload Limit, or in the case of the I2T overload protection
method, in proportion to the difference between the inverter current, in
percent of rated continuous inverter current, and the Inverter Overload
If an inverter overload condition occurs due to the power block thermal
model, two additional overload actions can be applied. Selecting
Reduce PWM Rate can be used to reduce heat generated by switching
losses in the inverter power structure. When PWM –Foldback is
selected the device first reduces the PWM rate and then, if necessary,
reduces the Inverter Thermal Current Limit.

See also
Power and Thermal Management Status Attributes on page 371

Power and Thermal These are the power and thermal status related attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.
Management Status
Attributes Motor Overload Protection Method
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Thermal Model
1 = I2T Overload

The Motor Overload Protection Method attribute is an enumerated value

indicates what motor overload protection method is being used by the
CIP Motion device.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 371

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Thermal Model motor overload protection applies the measured motor
current to an internal motor thermal model to detect a motor overload
I2T Overload motor overload protection applies an I2T calculation when
the motor current exceeds the product of the Motor Overload Limit and
the Motor Rated Continuous Current that indicates a motor overload

Inverter Overload Protection Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- XD Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Thermal Model
1 = I2T Overload

This enumerated value indicates what inverter overload protection

method is used by the CIP Motion device.
Thermal Model inverter overload protection applies the measured motor
current to an internal inverter thermal model to detect an inverter
overload condition.
I2T Overload inverter overload protection applies an I2T calculation once
the inverter current exceeds the product of the Inverter Overload Limit
and the Inverter Rated Continuous Current that indicates an inverter
overload condition.

Converter Overload Protection Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- BD Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Thermal Model
1 = I2T Overload

This enumerated value indicates what converter overload protection

method is being used by the CIP Motion device.
Thermal Model converter overload protection applies the measured
converter current to an internal converter thermal model to detect a
converter overload condition.
I2T Overload converter overload protection applies an I2T calculation
once the converter current exceeds the converter overload current limit
that indicates a converter overload condition.

372 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Bus Regulator Overload Protection Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- XBD Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Thermal Model
1 = I2T Overload

This enumerated value indicates what bus regulator overload protection

method is used by the CIP Motion device.
Thermal Model converter overload protection applies the measured bus
regulator current to an internal bus regulator thermal model to detect a
bus regulator overload condition.
I2T Overload bus regulator overload protection applies an I2T calculation
once the bus regulator current exceeds the factory set bus regulator
overload current limit that indicates a bus regulator overload condition.

Motor Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XD Get T REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Motor Capacity attribute is the real-time estimate of the continuous

rated motor thermal capacity utilized during operation based on the
motor thermal model. A 100% value indicates the motor is used at
100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating
of the motor. If the drive device applies I2T overload protection instead
of thermal model based overload protection, the Motor Capacity value is
zero until the motor current exceeds the product of the Motor Overload
Limit and the Motor Rated Continuous Current. Once in an overload
condition the Motor Capacity increases from 0 according to the I2T
calculation. A value of 100% indicates the drive uses up 100% of the
motor's I2T overload capacity.
The Motor Overload Protection Method attribute indicates the motor
overload protection method applied by the drive device.

Inverter Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required – XD Get T REAL - - - % Inverter Rated

The Inverter Capacity attribute is the real-time estimate of the

continuous rated inverter thermal capacity utilized during operation
based on the inverter thermal model. A value of 100% indicates the
inverter is 100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous
current rating of the inverter. If the drive device applies I2T overload

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 373

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
protection rather than thermal model based overload protection, the
Inverter Capacity value is zero until the inverter current exceeds the
product of the factory set Inverter Overload Limit and the continuous
current rating of the inverter. Once in an overload condition the Inverter
Capacity increases from 0 according to the I2T calculation. A value of
100% indicates the drive uses up 100% of the inverter's I2T overload
The inverter overload protection method applied by the drive device is
indicated by the Inverter Overload Protection Method attribute.

Converter Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get T REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The Converter Capacity attribute is the real-time estimate of the

continuous rated converter thermal capacity utilized during operation
based on the converter thermal model. A value of 100% indicates that
the converter is used at 100% of rated capacity as determined by the
continuous current rating of the converter. If the CIP Motion device
applies I2T overload protection rather than thermal model based
overload protection, the Converter Capacity value is zero until the
converter current exceeds its factory set overload current rating. Once
in an overload condition the Converter Capacity increases from 0
according to the I2T calculation. A value of 100% in this case indicates
that the converter has used up 100% of its I2T overload capacity.
The converter overload protection method applied by the device is
indicated by the Converter Overload Protection Method attribute.

Bus Regulator Capacity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get T REAL - - - % Regulator Rated

The Bus Regulator Capacity attribute is the real-time estimate of the

continuous rated bus regulator thermal capacity utilized during
operation based on the bus regulator thermal model. A value of 100%
indicates the bus regulator is used at 100% of rated capacity as
determined by the continuous current rating of the bus regulator.
If the CIP Motion device applies I2T overload protection, the Bus
Regulator Capacity value is zero until the bus regulator current exceeds
its factory set overload current rating. In an overload condition the Bus
Regulator Capacity increases from 0 according to the I2T calculation. A
value of 100% in this case indicates that the bus regulator has used
100% of its I2T overload capacity.
The Bus Regulator Overload Protection Method attribute indicates the
bus regulator overload protection applied by the device.

374 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Ambient Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Ambient Temperature is the current internal ambient temperature of

the device enclosure.

Inverter Heatsink Temperature

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Inverter Heatsink Temperature is the current temperature of the

device’s inverter heatsink, typically based on an embedded temp

Inverter Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Inverter Temperature is the current temperature of the power block

used in the inverter’s power structure, sometimes referred to as the
semiconductor junction temperature.

Motor Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Motor Temperature is the current temperature of the motor stator,

typically based on an embedded temp sensor.

Feedback 1 Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XE Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Feedback 1 Temperature is the current temperature of the

Feedback 1 device.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 375

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback 2 Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Feedback 2 Temperature is the current temperature of the

Feedback 2 device.

Inverter Overload Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Get T REAL - - - % Inverter Rated

The Inverter Overload Limit is the factory-set limit for Inverter capacity.
Exceeding the Inverter Overload Limit for drives applying to an I2T
inverter overload protection method causes:
• An overload condition
• Activates I2T overload protection.
If the inverter overloads, the Inverter Capacity attribute value increases
to show the level of utilization of the inverters available I2T overload
capacity. The drive optionally triggers as an Inverter Overload Action
when the Inverter Capacity reaches 100% of its rated capacity.
When employing an overload protection method based on an inverter
thermal model:
• The Inverter Capacity attribute value represents how much the
rated thermal capacity of the inverter associated with the the
inverter thermal model is utilized.
The drive optionally triggers a predetermined Inverter Overload Action
when the Inverter Capacity value exceeded the Inverter Overload Limit.
A drive also uses the Inverter Overload Limit to determine the absolute
thermal capacity limit of the inverter. If exceeding the capacity, the
absolute thermal capacity generates an Inverter Thermal Overload FL

Converter Temperature
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - B Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Converter Temperature is the measured temperature of the power

block used in the converter’s power structure, sometimes referred to as
the semiconductor junction temperature.

376 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Temperature Capacity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - B Get T REAL - - - %

The Converter Temperature Capacity is the power block temperature of

the converter as a percentage of maximum operational temperature
range of the power block. The 100% value indicates the converter
power block is 100% of the rated temperature range. Define Converter
Overtemperature Capacity as:
% = (T-Tmin)/(Tmax-Tmin)
T = Power block temperature
Tmin = Minimum rated power block temperature.
Tmax = Maximum rated power block temperature.

Converter Heatsink Temperature

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - B Get T REAL - - - Degrees C

The Converter Heatsink Temperature attribute is the measured

temperature of the converter's power structure heat sink.

Converter Heatsink Temperature Capacity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - B Get T REAL - - - %

The Converter Heatsink Temperature Capacity attribute is the power

structure heatsink temperature of the converter. It is the a percentage of
the maximum operational temperature range of the heatsink of the
converter. A 100% value indicates the heatsink is 100% of the rated
temperature range.
Define the Heatsink Overtemperature Capacity:
% = (T-Tmin)/(Tmax-Tmin)
T = Heatsink temperature
Tmin = Minimum rated heatsink temperature.
Tmax = Maximum rated heatsink temperature.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 377

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line 1 Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The AC Line 1 Capacity attribute is the eal-time estimate of the

continuous rated converter thermal capacity for AC Line 1 (Phase R)
utilized during operation based on the converter thermal model. A value
of 100% would indicate that the converter components on Line 1 are
being used at 100% of rated thermal capacity for this phase.
If the CIP Motion device applies I2T overload protection rather than
thermal model based overload protection, the AC Line 1 Capacity value
is zero until the converter current exceeds its factory set overload
current rating. Once in an overload condition the AC Line 1 Capacity
increases from 0 according to the I2T calculation. A value of 100% in
this case indicates that the converter has used up 100% of its I2T
overload capacity for this phase.
The converter overload protection method applied by the device is
indicated by the Converter Overload Protection Method attribute.

AC Line 2 Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The AC Line 2 Capacity attribute is a real-time estimate of the

continuous rated converter thermal capacity for AC Line 2 (Phase S)
utilized during operation based on the converter thermal model. A value
of 100% would indicate that the converter components on Line 2 are
being used at 100% of rated thermal capacity for this phase.
If the CIP Motion device applies I2T overload protection rather than
thermal model based overload protection, the AC Line 2 Capacity value
is zero until the converter current exceeds its factory set overload
current rating. Once in an overload condition the AC Line 2 Capacity
increases from 0 according to the I2T calculation. A value of 100% in
this case indicates that the converter has used up 100% of its I2T
overload capacity for this phase.
The converter overload protection method applied by the device is
indicated by the Converter Overload Protection Method attribute.

AC Line 3 Capacity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Converter Rated

378 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The AC Line 3 Capacity attribute is a real-time estimate of the
continuous rated converter thermal capacity for AC Line 3 (Phase T)
utilized during operation based on the converter thermal model. A value
of 100% would indicate that the converter components on Line 3 are
being used at 100% of rated thermal capacity for this phase.
If the CIP Motion device applies I2T overload protection rather than
thermal model based overload protection, the AC Line 3 Capacity value
is zero until the converter current exceeds its factory set overload
current rating. Once in an overload condition the AC Line 3 Capacity
increases from 0 according to the I2T calculation. A value of 100% in
this case indicates that the converter has used up 100% of its I2T
overload capacity for this phase.
The converter overload protection method applied by the device is
indicated by the Converter Overload Protection Method attribute.

Converter Overload Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The Converter Overload Limit attribute is a factory set maximum limit for
Converter Capacity that when exceeded triggers the selected Converter
Overload action.
If the drive applies an I2T converter overload protection method, then
exceeding the specified Converter Overload Limit results in an overload
condition and activates I2T overload protection. While the converter is
overloaded, the Converter Capacity attribute value increases to indicate
how much of the converters available I2T overload capacity has been
utilized. When Converter Capacity reaches 100% of its rated capacity,
the drive can optionally trigger a Converter Overload Action.
When employing an overload protection method based on a converter
thermal model, the Converter Capacity attribute value represents how
much of the converter’s rated thermal capacity, associated with the
converter thermal model, has been utilized. Once the Converter
Capacity value exceeds the Converter Overload Limit, the drive can
optionally trigger a predetermined Converter Overload Action.
The Converter Overload Limit can also be used by the drive to
determine the absolute thermal capacity limit of the converter, i.e. the
Converter Thermal Overload Factory Limit, which if exceeded,
generates an Converter Thermal Overload FL exception.
The configured Converter Overload Limit also applies to Converter L1,
L2, and L3 Capacity, any of which are exceeded also results in a
Converter Thermal Overload FL exception.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 379

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Track Section Coil n Capacity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - X Get T REAL - - - % Coil Rated

The Track Section Coil n Capacity attribute is a real-time estimate of the

continuous rated coil thermal capacity for the track section coil thermal
model for coil n where n ranges from 1 to 12. A 100% value indicates
the coil is used at 100% of its rated thermal capacity.

Motor Overload Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = None (R)
1 = Current Foldback (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

The Motor Overload Action attribute selects the device's response to a

motor overload condition based on an I2T or motor thermal model based
overload protection method. When a motor thermal model is employed,
the motor overload condition occurs when the motor thermal model
indicates that the Motor Capacity has exceeded the Motor Overload
Limit. In the case of the I2T overload protection method, the motor
overload condition occurs when the motor current, in percent of rated
continuous motor current, exceeds the Motor Overload Limit.
The Motor Overload Action provides opportunities to mitigate the
overload condition without stopping operation.
Motor Overload Action functionality is independent of the motor
overload exception action functionality.
No explicit action is taken by the device in the overload condition if
None is the selected overload action. Selecting the Current Foldback
action, however, results in a reduction of motor current in proportion to
the percentage difference between Motor Capacity and the Motor
Overload Limit, or in the case of the I2T overload protection method, in
proportion to the difference between the motor current, in percent of
rated continuous motor current, and the Motor Overload Limit.

380 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Inverter Overload Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = None (R)
1 = Current Feedback (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
128 = Reduce PWM Rate
129 = PWM - Foldback

The Inverter Overload Action attribute selects the device's response to

an inverter overload condition based on an I2T or inverter thermal model
based overload protection method. When an inverter thermal model is
employed, the inverter overload condition occurs when the inverter
thermal model indicates that the Inverter Capacity has exceeded the
Inverter Overload Limit. In the case of the I2T overload protection
method, the inverter overload condition occurs when the inverter
current, in percent of rated continuous inverter current, exceeds the
Inverter Overload Limit.
The Inverter Overload Action provides opportunities to mitigate the
overload condition without stopping operation.
Inverter Overload Action functionality is independent of the inverter
overload exception action functionality.
An overload alarm condition can also be generated by exceeding the
limits of the device’s power block thermal model that includes switching
losses that have a dependency on the PWM Frequency.
No explicit action is taken by the device in the overload condition if
None is the selected overload action. Selecting the Current Foldback
action, however, results in a reduction of the inverter current in
proportion to the percentage difference between Inverter Capacity and
the Inverter Overload Limit, or in the case of the I2T overload protection
method, in proportion to the difference between the inverter current, in
percent of rated continuous inverter current, and the Inverter Overload
If an inverter overload condition occurs due to the power block thermal
model, two additional overload actions can be applied. Selecting
Reduce PWM Rate can be used to reduce heat generated by switching
losses in the inverter power structure. When PWM –Foldback is
selected the device first reduces the PWM rate and then, if necessary,
reduces the Inverter Thermal Current Limit.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 381

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Duty Select
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Normal (R)
1 = Heavy (O)
2 = Light (O)
3-255 = (reserved)

The Duty Select attribute indicates the duty level of the drive application
and balances the continuous and intermittent overload capacity of the
drive and motor.
• Use Normal Duty for nominal continuous rating and nominal
overload capacity
• Use Heavy Duty for the highest overload capacity with a lower
continuous rating
• Use Light Duty for the highest continuous rating with a lower
overload capacity
Use Duty Select to determine the level of thermal protection for the
motor and the inverter during drive operation.

Converter Overload Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = None (R)
1 = Current Foldback (O)
2 -127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

The Converter Overload Action attribute selects the device's response

to a converter overload condition based on an I2T or converter thermal
model based overload protection method. When a converter thermal
model is employed, the converter overload condition occurs when the
converter thermal model indicates that the Converter Capacity has
exceeded the Converter Overload Limit. In the case of the I2T overload
protection method, the converter overload condition occurs when the
converter current, in percent of rated continuous converter current,
exceeds the Converter Overload Limit.
The Converter Overload Action provides opportunities to mitigate the
overload condition without stopping operation.
Converter Overload Action functionality is independent of the converter
overload exception action functionality.
An overload alarm condition can also be generated by exceeding the
limits of the device’s power block thermal model that includes switching
losses that have a dependency on the PWM Frequency.
No explicit action is taken by the device in the overload condition if
None is the selected overload action. Selecting the Current Foldback

382 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
action, however, results in a reduction of the converter current in
proportion to the percentage difference between Converter Capacity
and the Converter Overload Limit, or in the case of the I2T overload
protection method, in proportion to the difference between the converter
current, in percent of rated continuous converter current, and the
Converter Overload Limit.
In addition to the configured Converter Overload Action being triggered
by a Converter Overload condition, the configured Converter Overload
Action can also be triggered by Converter L1, L2, or L3 Overload

See also
Power and Thermal Management Configuration Attributes on
page 370

Drive Commissioning and The attribute tables contain attributes associated with auto-tuning and
test services applied to a Motion Control Axis Object instance. These
Tuning Attributes attributes are unique to the controller and do not require replication in
the Motion Control Device Axis Object.

Auto-Tune Configuration These are the attributes that are associated with auto-tune
configuration of a Motion Control Axis.
System Damping
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 1 0.5 2.0
(Derived from
Damping Factor)

A Set or SSV to the System Damping attribute value calculates and

updates the System Bandwidth based on the current Drive Model Time
Constant value (DMTC) and then calculates and updates the applicable
loop gain attribute values. The System Damping attribute is designed to
be used to implement a single 'knob' Manual Tuning procedure.
A larger damping factor increases the ratio between the inner and outer
Loop Bandwidths. In general, the System Damping attribute controls the
dynamic response of the overall control loop.
• Position Loop Operation
If the drive is configured for Position Loop operation, the following
calculation is performed and the resulting value applied to the
System Bandwidth attribute:
System Bandwidth = 1/16 Damping Factor4 * 1/DMTC
• Velocity Loop Operation
If the drive is configured for Velocity Loop operation the following
calculation is applied:
System Bandwidth = 1/4 Damping Factor2 * 1/DMTC
• Load Coupling

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 383

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
If the Load Coupling is a 'Compliant' selection and the Use Load
Ratio bit is set in the Gain Tuning Configuration Bits attribute,
then the resultant System Bandwidth above is divided by the
Load Ratio value.
System Bandwidth /= (Load Ratio + 1)
• System Bandwidth Value
In addition to updating the System Bandwidth value, the
equations associated with setting the System Bandwidth value
are also run.
The value for this attribute can also be updated using the
Damping Factor attribute. When derived from the Damping
Factor attribute, no calculations are performed; the System
Damping attribute value is simply updated. An SSV to the
System Damping attribute also updates the Damping Factor
attribute value.
The value for this attribute can also be updated through a Set service to
the Damping Factor attribute. When derived from the Damping Factor
attribute, no calculations are performed; the System Damping attribute
value is simply updated.
A Set or SSV to the System Damping attribute also updates the
Damping Factor attribute value.

System Bandwidth
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units
(Derived from

A Set or SSV to the System Bandwidth attribute value calculates and

updates the applicable loop gain attribute values based on the current
System Damping (Z). The System Bandwidth attribute is designed to be
used to implement a single 'knob' Manual Tuning procedure. If the drive
is configured for Velocity Loop operation, the System Bandwidth is
equivalent to the bandwidth of the velocity loop. If the drive is configured
for Position Loop operation, the System Bandwidth is equivalent to the
bandwidth of the position loop. In addition to calculating and updating
the Loop Bandwidth attribute values, an update to this attribute also
updates the Integral Bandwidth attributes as well as the Feedforward
attributes according to the Gain Tuning Configuration Bits setting.
The following configurations impact the calculations for this attribute as
• Position Loop Operation
If the drive is configured for Position Loop operation the following
calculations apply:
Position Loop Bandwidth = System Bandwidth
Position Integer Bandwidth = 0.25 Damping Factor2 * System

384 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Velocity Loop Bandwidth = 4 * Damping Factor2 * System
Velocity Integer Bandwidth = System Bandwidth
Velocity Error Tolerance = 2 * max(Max Accel, Max Decel) /
Velocity Loop Bandwidth (rad/s)
• Velocity Loop Operation
If the drive is configured for Velocity Loop operation the following
calculations apply:
Velocity Loop Bandwidth = System Bandwidth
Velocity Integer Bandwidth = 0.25/Damping Factor2 * System
Velocity Error Tolerance = 2 * max(Max Accel, Max Decel) /
Velocity Loop Bandwidth (rad/s)
• Load Observer Configuration
If the Load Observer Configuration setting indicates the observer
function is enabled, the following calculations are performed:
Load Observer Bandwidth = Velocity Loop Bandwidth
• Gain Tuning Configuration
If the Gain Tuning Configuration bit for Tune Torque LP Filter is
set, the following calculation is performed:
Torque LP Filter BW = 5 * Velocity Loop BW.
The System Bandwidth value can also be updated through a Set
service to the Position Servo Bandwidth or Velocity Servo Bandwidth
attributes depending on Axis Configuration. If configured for Position
Loop, System Bandwidth is updated by a set to Position Servo
Bandwidth. If configured for Velocity Loop, System Bandwidth is
updated by a set to Velocity Servo Bandwidth. When derived from either
of these attributes, no calculations are performed; the System
Bandwidth attribute value is simply updated.
A Set or SSV to the System Bandwidth attribute also updates Position
Servo Bandwidth or Velocity Servo Bandwidth attributes depending on
Axis Configuration. If configured for Position Loop, the Position Servo
Bandwidth is updated. If configured for Velocity Loop, Velocity Servo
Bandwidth is updated.

Damping Factor
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/SSV REAL FD 0.5 2.0 -

The Damping Factor attribute value is used in calculating the maximum

Position and Velocity Servo Bandwidth values during execution of the
Motion Run Axis Tune (MRAT) instruction. In general the Damping
Factor attribute controls the dynamic response of the drive axis. When
gains are tuned using a small damping factor (such as 0.7), a step
response test performed on the axis would demonstrate under-damped
behavior with velocity overshoot. A gain set generated using a larger
damping factor (such as 1.0) would produce a system step response
that has no overshoot and works well for most applications.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 385

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
A set to the Damping Factor attribute also updates the System Damping
attribute value to support Manual Tuning.

Position Servo Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - P Set/SSV REAL FD 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The value for the Position Servo Bandwidth represents the unity gain
bandwidth of the position loop that is to be used by software Autotune
function to calculate the position loop gains. The unity gain bandwidth is
the frequency beyond which the position servo is unable to provide any
significant position disturbance correction. In general, within the
constraints of a stable servo system, the higher the Position Servo
Bandwidth the better the dynamic performance of the system. A
maximum value for the Position Servo Bandwidth is generated by the
MRAT instruction. Computing gains based on this maximum value
software Autotune procedure results in a dynamic response in keeping
with the current value of the Damping Factor.
A set to the Position Servo Bandwidth attribute while configured for
Position Loop operation also updates the System Bandwidth attribute
value to support Manual Tuning.

Velocity Servo Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/SSV REAL FD 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The value for the Velocity Servo Bandwidth represents the unity gain
bandwidth of the velocity loop that is to be used by the software
Autotune function to calculate the velocity loop gains. The unity gain
bandwidth is the frequency beyond which the velocity servo is unable to
provide any significant position disturbance correction. In general, within
the constraints of a stable servo system, the higher the Velocity Servo
Bandwidth is the better the dynamic performance of the system. A
maximum value for the Velocity Servo Bandwidth is generated by the
MRAT instruction. Computing gains based on this maximum value using
the software's Autotune procedure results in a dynamic response in
keeping with the current value of the Damping Factor.
A set to the Velocity Servo Bandwidth attribute while configured for
Velocity Loop operation also updates the System Bandwidth attribute
value to support Manual Tuning.

Drive Model Time Constant

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/ REAL 0.0015 10-6 1 Seconds

386 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The value for the Drive Model Time Constant represents a lumped
model time constant for the drive's current loop and is used to calculate
the Velocity and Position Servo Bandwidth values. The Drive Model
Time Constant is the sum of the drive's current loop time constant, the
feedback sample period, calculation delay, and the time constant
associated with the velocity feedback filter. This value is set by software
based on the specific drive amplifier and motor feedback selection.
Since the bandwidth of the velocity feedback filter is determined by the
resolution of the feedback device, the value for the Drive Model Time
Constant is smaller when high resolution feedback devices are

Converter Model Time Constant

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set/ REAL 0.0015 10-6 1 Seconds
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The value for the Converter Model Time Constant represents lumped
model time constant for the converter’s current loop and used to
calculate Bus Voltage loop bandwidth values. The Converter Model
Time Constant is the sum of the converter’s current loop time constant,
and the calculation delay. This value is set by software based on the
specific converter selection.
(A set to the Converter Model Time Constant attribute while configured
for Active Current Control operation also updates the System Bandwidth
attribute value to support Manual Tuning.)

Application Type
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PV Set/GSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Custom
1 = Basic
2 = Tracking
3 = Point-to-Point
4 = Constant Speed
5-255 = Reserved

This attribute specifies the type of motion control application and is used
by configuration and auto-tune software to set the Gain Tuning
Configuration Bits attribute that establishes the appropriate gain set the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 387

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The relationship between Application Type and Gain Tuning
Configuration Bits is described in the following tables.
The first table shows which Integrator Bandwidth values are applicable
based on the Application Type. Separate bits are defined in the Gain
Tuning Configuration Bits attribute to enable tuning of Position
Integrator Bandwidth, Kpi, and Velocity Integrator Bandwidth, Kvi. The
Integrator Hold, iHold, setting applies to any active integrators.
Application Type Kpi Kvi iHold
Custom - - -
Basic no no no
Tracking no yes no
Point-Point yes no yes
Const. Spd. no yes no

The next table shows which Feedforward values are applicable based
on the Application Type. Separate bits are defined in the Gain Tuning
Configuration Bits attribute to enable tuning of Velocity Feedforward,
Kvff, and Acceleration Feedforward, Kaff.
Application Type Kvff Kaff
Custom - -
Basic yes no
Tracking yes yes
Point-Point no no
Const. Spd. yes no

Finally, the Torque Low Pass Filter bit enables tuning of the Torque Low
Pass Filter Bandwidth. This bit is set for all Application Types except
Application Type Torque LP Filter
Custom -
Basic yes
Tracking yes
Point-Point yes
Const. Spd. yes

If Application Type is set to Custom, individual gain calculations can be

controlled directly by the user by changing the bit settings in the Gain
Tuning Configuration Bits attribute. If the Application Type is not
Custom, these bit settings may not be altered, thus maintaining the
fixed relationship to the Application Type as defined in the preceding

388 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Loop Response
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - GPV Set/GSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Low
1 = Medium
2 = High
3-255 = Reserved

The Loop Response attribute is used by configuration and auto-tune

software to determine the responsiveness of the control loops.
Specifically, configuration software uses the Loop Response attribute to
determine the value for the Damping Factor, Z, used in calculating
individual gain values. The Damping Factor value applied is based on
the enumerated Loop Response value according to the following table:
Loop Response Damping Factor
Low 1.5
Medium 1.0
High 0.8

A High setting for Loop Response is best suited for systems that
demand the highest level of control performance. Generally these are
rigid mechanical systems with relatively light load inertia/mass, for
example, Load Ratio < 3.
A Medium Loop Response setting is best suited for general purpose
control applications with modest loading, for example Load Ratio < 10.
This setting can accommodate both rigid and compliant mechanical
A Low setting for Loop Response is best suited for systems that control
heavy load inertia/mass, for example, Load Ratio > 10. The heavy load
inertia/mass of these systems generally required lower position and
velocity loop bandwidths to maintain stability and minimize motor
Overall system performance can be improved for a given Loop
Response setting by compensating for the load inertia/mass by setting
the System Inertia value to the Total Inertia of the mechanical system.

Load Coupling
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Rigid
1 = Compliant
2-255 = Reserved

The Load Coupling attribute is used by configuration and auto-tune

software to determine how the loop gains are derated based on the
current Load Ratio. In high performance applications with relatively low
Load Ratio values or rigid mechanics, typically no derating is applied.
For applications with relatively high Load Ratios and compliant

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 389

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
mechanics, derating the loop gains based on the Load Ratio is
recommended. The derating simply divides the nominal loop bandwidth
values by a factor of the Load Ratio + 1.

Gain Tuning Configuration Bits

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/ WORD 1 - - Bit Field
SSV# Bits 4-7 0 = Run Inertia Test
FD 1 = Use Load Ratio
2 = Reserved
3 = Reserved
4 = Tune Pos Integrator
5 = Tune Vel Integrator
6 = Tune Vel Feedforward
7 = Tune Accel Feedforward
8 = Tune Toque LP Filter
9...15 = Reserved
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

This Gain Tuning Configuration Bits attribute value is a bit field attribute
that controls the loop gain-tuning calculations.
Bits 4-7 may not be updated programmatically by SSV instruction
unless the Application Type is set to Custom.
The following table provides detailed descriptions for the bits of this
Bit Name Description
Run Inertia Test This bit determines whether or not the MRAT tuning instruction will send
a Test Inertia service to the drive to perform an inertia measurement. If
this bit is set the Inertia Test will be performed. If the bit is clear, the
MRAT will immediately complete without an inertia measurement.

Use Load Ratio This bit determines if Load Ratio is used in calculating Total Inertia and
System Bandwidth calculations. If this bit is set, Load Ratio will be used
in these calculations. If this bit is clear, Load Ratio will not have any
impact on Total Inertia or System Bandwidth.
Tune Position Integrator The Tune Position Integrator bit attribute determines whether or not the
auto-tuning algorithm calculates a value for the Position Integrator
Bandwidth. If this bit is clear (false) the value for the Position Integrator
Bandwidth is set to zero, disabling the integrator.
Tune Velocity Integrator The Tune Velocity Integrator bit attribute determines whether or not
tuning algorithms calculate a value for the Velocity Integrator
Bandwidth. If this bit is clear (false) the value for the Velocity Integrator
Bandwidth is set to zero, disabling the integrator.
Tune Velocity Feedforward The Tune Velocity Feedforward bit attribute determines whether or not
tuning algorithms calculate a value for the Velocity Feedforward Gain. If
this bit is clear (false) the value for the Velocity Feedforward Gain is set
to zero.

390 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
Tune Acceleration Feedforward The Tune Acceleration Feedforward bit attribute determines whether or
not tuning algorithms calculate a value for the Acceleration
Feedforward Gain. If this bit is clear (false) the value for the
Acceleration Feedforward Gain is set to zero.
Tune Torque LP Filter The Tune Torque LP Filter bit attribute determines whether or not
tuning algorithms calculate a value for the Torque Low Pass Filter
Bandwidth. If this bit is clear (false) the value for the Torque Low Pass
Filter Bandwidth is not calculated or altered by the gain tuning

See also
Motor Test Status Attributes on page 401
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395

Hookup Test Configuration These are the attributes that are associated with hookup test
configuration applied to a Motion Control Axis.
Hookup Test Distance
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ REAL 1 0 maxpos Position Units
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The Hookup Test Distance attribute is used by the Hookup Test service
to determine the amount of motion that is necessary to satisfy selected
hookup test process.

Hookup Test Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - !E Set/ REAL 10 0 Seconds
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The Test Time attribute is used by the Hookup Test service to

determine the duration of motion that is necessary to satisfy selected
Hookup Test process. This value is typically set to around 10 seconds.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 391

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Hookup Test Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Set/ REAL 0 0 Position Units/Seconds
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The Hookup Test Speed attribute is used by the Run Hookup Test
service to control the velocity of motion during the hookup test.

Hookup Test Feedback Channel

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ USINT 1 1 2 Feedback Channel
SSV* 1 = Feedback 1
2 = Feedback 2
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The Test Feedback Channel attribute is used by the Hookup Test

service when the 'Feedback' test is selected to determine which
feedback channel to test.

See also
Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes on page 383

Hookup Test Result These are the attributes that are associated with hookup result status
applied to a Motion Control Axis

392 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Hookup Test Status

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration
0 = Test Process Successful
1 = Test in Progress
2 = Test Process Aborted
3 = Test Process Timed-out
4 = Test Process Faulted
5 = Test Failed - no feedback 1
6 = Test Failed - no feedback
2 counts
7...255 = Reserved

The Hookup Test Status attribute returns status of the last Run Hookup
Test service on the targeted drive axis. The Hookup Test Status
attribute can be used to determine when the hookup test service has
successfully completed. Conditions may occur, however, that make it
impossible for the drive to properly perform the operation. When this is
the case, the test process is automatically terminated and a test error is
reported that is stored in the Hookup Test Status output parameter.

Hookup Test Commutation Offset

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/GSV REAL - - - Electrical Degrees

The Hookup Test Commutation Offset reports the measured

commutations offset of a PM motor during the Commutation Test. This
represents the value that will be applied to the motor position
accumulator in order to align the Electrical Angle signal with motor
stator windings. This value can be used to configure the Commutation
Offset attribute.

Hookup Test Commutation Polarity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration
PM 0 = Normal
1 = Inverted
2...255 = Reserved

The Hookup Test Commutation Polarity reports if the UVW phasing of

the Encoder or Hall Sensor match the phasing of the Motor. If the motor
and UVW commutation phasing do not match the Commutation Polarity
is Normal. If it is determined that the phasing for the motor and
commutation device do not match, this parameter reports that the
Commutation Polarity is Inverted. This value can be used to configure
the Commutation Polarity attribute.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 393

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Hookup Test Feedback 1 Direction

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration
0 = Positive
1 = Negative
2...255 = Reserved

The Hookup Test Feedback 1 Direction attribute reports the direction of

axis travel during the last hookup test as seen by the drive's feedback 1
device. A value of 0 (positive) indicates that the direction of motion as
observed by the drive's feedback 1 device was positive, for example,
increasing counts. Note that the value for Hookup Test Feedback 1
Direction, as determined by the hookup test, does not depend on the
current feedback, motor, or motion polarity attribute configuration. This
value, combined with the user's definition of forward direction, can be
used to configure the various polarity attributes for the correct
directional sense.

Hookup Test Feedback 2 Direction

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration
0 = Positive
1 = Negative
2...255 = Reserved

The Hookup Test Feedback 2 Direction attribute reports the direction of

axis travel during the last hookup test as seen by the drive's feedback 2
device. A value of 0 (positive) indicates that the direction of motion as
observed by the drive's feedback 2 device was positive, for example,
increasing counts. Note that the value for Hookup Test Feedback 2
Direction, as determined by the hookup test, does not depend on the
current feedback, motor, or motion polarity attribute configuration. This
value, combined with the user's definition of forward direction, can be
used to configure the various polarity attributes for the correct
directional sense.

See also
Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes on page 383

394 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Inertia Test Configuration These are the attributes that are associated with inertia test
configuration applied to a Motion Control Axis.
Tuning Select
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Total Inertia
1 = Motor Inertia
2...255 = Reserved
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

This enumerated attribute is used by the Auto-tuning software to

determine where the measured inertia results of the test are to be
stored. If set to 'motor test', the measured inertia is stored in the Rotary
Motor Inertia attribute or Linear Motor Mass attribute. If set to 'total
inertia', the measured inertia is applied to the Total Inertia attribute or
Total Mass attribute.

Tuning Direction
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Unidirectional Forward
1 = Unidirectional Reverse
2 = Bidirectional Forward
3 = Bidirectional Reverse
4...255 = Reserved
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

This enumerated value determines the direction of the motion profile

initiated by the Inertia Test service associated with the Motion Run Axis
Tuning (MRAT) instruction.

Tuning Travel Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 maxpos Position Units

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Tuning Travel Limit attribute is used by the Inertia Test service,
associated with the MRAT instruction, to limit the excursion of the axis
during the test. If, while performing the Inertia Test motion profile, the
drive determines that the axis will not be able to complete the profile
before exceeding the Tuning Travel Limit, the drive will terminate the
profile and report that the Tuning Travel Limit was exceeded through

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 395

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the Tune Status attribute. This does not mean that the Tuning Travel
Limit was actually exceeded, but that had the tuning process gone to
completion that the limit would have been exceeded.

Tuning Speed
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 Position Units / Sec

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Tuning Speed attribute value determines the maximum speed used
by the Inertia Test service initiated motion profile. This attribute should
be set to the desired maximum operating speed of the motor prior to
running the test. The tuning procedure will measure maximum
acceleration and deceleration rates based on ramps to and from the
Tuning Speed. Thus, the accuracy of the measured acceleration and
deceleration capability is reduced by tuning at a speed other than the
desired operating speed of the system.

Tuning Torque
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL 100 0 % Rated

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Tuning Torque attribute value determines the maximum torque

used by the Inertia Test service initiated motion profile. This attribute will
be set to the desired maximum safe torque level prior to running the
test. The default value is 100%, which yields the most accurate
measure of the acceleration and deceleration capabilities of the system.
In some cases a lower tuning torque limit value may be desirable to limit
the stress on the mechanics during the tuning procedure. In this case
the acceleration and deceleration capabilities of the system are
extrapolated based on the ratio of the tuning torque to the maximum
torque output of the system. Note that the extrapolation error increases
as the Tuning Torque value decreases.

Load Ratio
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 Rotary Motor:
DB Load Ratio = (total inertia /
motor inertia) - 1.
Linear Motor:
Load Ratio = (total mass /
motor mass) - 1.

396 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Load Ratio attribute's value represents the ratio of the load inertia
or mass to the motor inertia or mass.
The value for Load Ratio may be known by the user or may be
measured as part of a software initiated Autotune process.
When Use Load Ratio bit is set in the Gain Tuning Configuration Bits
attribute, configuration software uses the value of Load Ratio to
compute Total Inertia/Mass and System Inertia attributes.
The Load Ratio value may also be used in calculations associated with
System Damping attribute.

Total Inertia
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL FD 0 Inertia Units
(Rotary Motor)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

Total Inertia represents the combined inertia of the rotary motor and
load in engineering units.

Total Mass
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV# REAL FD 0 Mass Units
(Linear Motor)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

Total Mass represents the combined mass of the linear motor and load
in engineering units.

Total DC Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set/SSV# REAL FD 0 F

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

Total DC Bus Capacitance attribute represents the combined

capacitance of the regenerative converter and external DC Bus

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 397

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

External DC Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 F

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

External DC Bus Capacitance represents the combined capacitance of

all the external devices that share the DC Bus output of the
regenerative converter.

See also
Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes on page 383

Inertia Test Result These are the attributes that are associated with inertia result status
applied to a Motion Control Axis.
Tune Status
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV INT - - - Enumeration
0 = Tune Successful
1 = Tune in Progress
2 = Tune Aborted
3 = Tune Time-out Fault
4 = Tune Failed - Servo Fault
5 = Axis Reached Tuning
Travel Limit
6 = Axis Polarity Set
7 = Tune Measurement Error
8 = Tune Configuration Error

The Tune Status attribute returns status of the last run Inertia Test
service that initiates a process on the targeted drive axis. The Tune
Status attribute can, thus, be used to determine when the Inertia Test
initiated operation has successfully completed. Conditions may occur,
however, that make it impossible for the drive to properly perform the
operation. When this is the case, the Inertia Test process is
automatically aborted and a failure reported that is stored in the Tune
Status output parameter.

398 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Tune Acceleration Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV REAL - - - Seconds

The Tune Acceleration Time attribute returns acceleration time in

seconds for the last successful Inertia Test service. This value is used
to calculate the Tune Acceleration attribute.

Tune Deceleration Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV REAL - - - Seconds

The Tune Deceleration Time attribute returns deceleration time in

seconds of the last successful Inertia Test service. This value is used to
calculate the Tune Deceleration attribute.

Tune Acceleration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV REAL - - - Position Units / Sec2

The Tune Acceleration attribute returns the measured peak acceleration

of the last successful Inertia Test service. This value is used to calculate
the Tune Inertia Mass value of the axis, and is also used to determine
the tuned values for the Maximum Acceleration attribute. The Tune
Acceleration value represents the estimated acceleration at the
configured torque limit of the system.

Tune Deceleration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Get/GSV REAL - - - Position Units / Sec2

The Tune Deceleration attribute returns the measured peak

deceleration of the last successful Inertia Test service. This value is
used to calculate the Tune Inertia Mass value of the axis, and is also
used to determine the tuned values for the Maximum Deceleration
attribute. The Tune Acceleration value represents the estimated
deceleration at the configured torque limit of the system.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 399

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Tune Inertia Mass

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 % Motor Rated / (Motor

The Tune Inertia Mass value represents the estimated inertia or mass
for the axis as calculated from the measurements made during the last
Motion Run Axis Tune (MRAT) initiated tuning process. This value may
also be set directly by software tuning tools or programmatically.

Tune Friction
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 % Rated

This floating point value represents the amount of friction measured

during the last successful Inertia Test profile. This value can be used to
configure the Friction Compensation feature of the drive. This value
may also be set directly by software tuning tools or programmatically.

Tune Load Offset

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 - % Rated

This floating point value represents the active load offset measured
during the last successful Inertia Test profile. This value can be used to
set the Torque Offset of the drive to cancel out the active load
torque/force. This value may also be set directly by software tuning
tools or programmatically.

Load Inertia Ratio

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Load Inertia / Motor Inertia

This floating point value represents the load ratio calculated by MRAT
based on the measurements made during the last successful Inertia
Test profile. The Load Inertia Ratio attribute's value represents the ratio
of the load inertia to the motor inertia. Or in the case of a linear motor,
the load mass over the motor mass. This value can be used to set the
Load Ratio attribute value as part of an Autotune process. This value
may also be set directly by software tuning tools or programmatically.

400 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Motor Test Status Attributes on page 401
Hookup Test Status Attributes on page 392
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes on page 383

Motor Test Result Attributes These are the attributes that are associated with result status applied to
a Motion Control Axis.

Motor Test Status

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = test process successful
1 = test in progress
2 = test process aborted
3 = test process timed-out
4 = test process faulted
5 = test reached travel limit
6 = reserved
7 = test measurement error
8 = test configuration error
9-255 = reserved

The Motor Test Status attribute returns status of the last Run Motor Test
service on the targeted drive axis. The Motor Test Status attribute can
be used to determine when the motor test service has successfully
completed. Conditions may occur, however, that make it impossible for
the drive to properly perform the operation. When this is the case, the
test process is automatically terminated and a test error is reported that
is stored in the Motor Test Status output parameter.

Motor Test Resistance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Ohms

This floating point value represents the stator resistance of an induction

or permanent magnet motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Inductance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Henries

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 401

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
This floating point value represents the motor inductance of an induction
or permanent magnet motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Flux Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Amps
IM Only

This floating point value represents the motor flux current of an

induction motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Slip Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - RPM: rotary motor type
IM Only m/s: linear motor type

This floating point value represents the slip speed of an induction motor
as measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Counter EMF

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Volts
PM Only

This floating point value represents the measured Counter EMF (CEMF)
of a PM motor at Rated Speed by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Lq Inductance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Henries
IPM Only

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase q-axis motor

inductance measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Ld Inductance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Henries
IPM Only

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase d-axis motor

inductance measured by the Motor Test procedure.

402 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Motor Test Lq Flux Saturation

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - % Nominal Inductance
IPM Only [8]

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase q-axis stator

inductance of the motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure
expressed as a percentage of the measured Nominal Inductance, Lq, at
25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% and 200% rated
continuous current.

Motor Test Ld Flux Saturation

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - % Nominal Inductance
IPM Only

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase d-axis stator

inductance of the motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure
expressed as a percentage of the measured Nominal Inductance, Ld, at
100% rated continuous current.

Motor Test Bus Overvoltage Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - RPM (rotary motor type)
IPM Only m/s (linear motor type)

This floating point value represents the maximum speed of the motor
without exceeding the operational DC bus overvoltage limit, as
determined by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Commutation Offset Comp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV REAL - - - Electrical Degrees
IPM Only

This floating point value represents the change in motor Commutation

Offset at rated continuous current as measured by the Motor Test

See also
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 403

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395

Motor Test Configuration These are the attributes that are associated with result status applied to
a Motion Control Axis.
Motor Test Travel Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 Motor Units

The Motor Test Travel Limit attribute is used by the Dynamic Motor Test
service to limit the range of the axis travel during the test. For linear
motors, Motor Unit = Meters. For rotary motors, Motor Unit = Revs.

Motor Test Speed

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 Motor Units/Seconds

The Motor Test Speed attribute determines the maximum speed

allowed by the Dynamic Motor Test service during the test. For linear
motors, Motor Unit = Meters. For rotary motors, Motor Unit = Revs.

Motor Test Torque

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV# REAL 100 0 % Motor Rated

The Motor Test Torque attribute determines the maximum applied

torque allowed by the Dynamic Motor Test service during the test.

Motor Test Data Valid

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = False
1 = True
2-255 = reserved

The Motor Test Data Valid attribute is set True by Studio 5000 Logix
Designer configuration software when a Motor Test is executed
successfully and the user Accepts the results of the test. This attribute
is set False by Studio 5000 Logix Designer configuration software

404 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
whenever the Motor Data Source attribute is changed or whenever the
values for Motor Rated Power, or Motor Rated Voltage, or Motor Rated
Current are changed.
The Motor Test Data Valid attribute is used by Studio 5000 Logix
Designer configuration software to determine if factory defaults need to
be calculated for motor model attributes.

See also
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Hookup Test Configuration Attributes on page 391
Inertia Test Configuration Attributes on page 395

Faults and Alarms The following attribute tables contain fault and alarm related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis Object instance.
APR Fault Attributes This attribute table has all APR (Absolute Position Recovery) faults that
relate to attributes associated with a Motion Device Axis. This includes
standard APR faults and Rockwell Automation specific APR faults. APR
Faults are conditions during device initialization when restoring the
absolute position of an axis. Unlike Initialization Faults, APR faults are
recoverable. Clear APR faults with a Fault Reset request.

CIP APR Faults

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get/GSV T WORD - - - Bit map:
0 = Reserved
1 = Memory Write Error
2 = Memory Read Error
3 = Feedback Serial Number
4 = Buffer Allocation Fault
5 = Scaling Configuration
6 = Feedback Mode Changed
7 = Feedback Integrity Loss
8-15 = Reserved

The CIP APR Faults attribute is a bit mapped value that represents the
state of all standard APR faults. An APR fault generates when the
system fails to recover the absolute position of the axis after power
cycle, reset, or reconnection. APR faults are detected during the initial
configuration or initialization of the drive axis.
When an APR fault occurs, the actual position of the axis does not
correlate to the position of the axis prior to the power cycle, reset, or
reconnect. Feedback serial number mismatch and scaling configuration
are examples of standard APR faults. APR faults are recoverable. Clear
APR faults with a Fault Reset request.
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 405
Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP APR Faults - RA

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get/GSV T WORD - - - Bit map:
0 = Reserved
1 = Persistent Media Fault
2 = Firmware Error
3 = Feedback Battery Loss
4-15 = Reserved

The CIP APR Faults - RA attribute is a bit mapped value that represents
the state of all Rockwell Automation specific APR (Absolute Position
Recovery) faults. An APR fault generates when the system does not
recover the absolute position of the axis after power cycle, reset, or
reconnection. APR faults are detected during the initial configuration or
initialization of the drive axis. When an APR fault occurs, the actual
position of the axis does not correlate to the position of the axis before
the power cycle, reset, or reconnect. These faults are specific to
Rockwell Automation APR implementation. APR faults are recoverable.
Clear APR faults with a Fault Reset request.

Standard APR Faults

This table defines a list of standard faults associated with the APR
Faults attribute.

Standard APR Fault Descriptions

Bit Exception Name Description

0 -- Reserved -- This bit is not used. No fault condition is present.

1 Memory Write Error Error occurs when saving absolute position data to nonvolatile memory.
2 Memory Read Error Error occurs when reading absolute position data from nonvolatile
3 Feedback Serial Number Position Feedback Serial Number does not match the Feedback Serial
Mismatch Number.
4 Buffer Allocation Fault Occurs when there is not enough RAM memory left to save the APR data.
5 Scaling Configuration Scaling attribute configuration for this axis changes and does not
Changed match the saved scaling configuration.
6 Feedback Mode Changed Feedback Mode has changed and does not match the saved Feedback
Mode configuration.
7 Feedback Integrity Loss The Feedback Integrity bit of CIP Axis Status attribute has transitioned
from 1 to 0 during device operation.
8 Feedback Position Range Absolute position feedback range has changed due to the extension of
Changed the position feedback data type from the drive from a 32-bit DINT to a
64-bit LINT as a result of a drive firmware update, and the absolute
feedback range of the feedback device being greater than 232 feedback
9-15 -- Reserved --

406 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Rockwell Automation Specific APR Faults

This table defines a list of Rockwell Automation specific faults
associated with the APR Faults-RA attribute.
Bit Exception Name Description

0 -- Reserved -- This bit cannot be used since the Fault Code is defined by the associated
exception bit number and Fault Code of 0 means no fault condition is present.
1 Persistent Media Fault (L6x) means that all 6 sectors reserved for APR in Persistent Memory (for
example, NAND flash) are marked as bad. This fault condition is not
2 Firmware Error Traps firmware errors.

3 Feedback Battery Loss Battery powered Absolute Feedback device has failed to maintain absolute
position through a power cycle due to low battery level or disconnected
battery power.
4 Mover Sequencing A controller detects the Mover Axis Assignment Sequence attribute is
Without Reference configured to sequence movers on the track without a Reference Mover.
5 Mover Assignment A controller detects a change to the Mover Axis Assignment sequence
Sequence Changed attribute.
6-15 -- Reserved --

The APR Fault exception names in the preceding tables have

corresponding Logix Designer APR Fault tag names. The naming
conventions for the tag names remove the spaces from the fault bit
name and then append the APRFault suffix. For example Memory Write
Error becomes MemoryWriteErrorAPRFault.

See also
Absolute Position Recovery Functionality on page 47
APR Recovery Scenarios on page 51

Axis Exception Action These configuration attributes control the action performed by the
device as a result of an exception condition. A unique exception action
Configuration Attributes is defined for each supported exception condition.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 407

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Exception Action

Usage Access Default Min Max Semantics of Values
AllRequired - All Set USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration for Drive Modes
[64] 2 (E) (D)
4 (B) 0 = Ignore (O)
4 (X) 1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = Stop Planner (O)
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Feedback
Only (E)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (R)
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Bus Power
Converters (B)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = N/A
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
6...254 = Reserved
255 = Unsupported (O)

The CIP Axis Exception Action attribute is a 64-element array of

enumerated bytes that specifies the action for the associated standard
axis exception.

408 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Exception Action 2

Usage Access Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XG Set USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration for Drive Modes
Optional - NED [64] 2 (E) (D)
All 4 (B) 0 = Ignore (O)
4 (X) 1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = Stop Planner (O)
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Feedback
Only (E)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (R)
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Bus Power
Converters (B)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = N/A
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
6...254 = Reserved
255 = Unsupported (O)

The CIP Axis Exception Action 2 attribute is a 64-element array of

enumerated bytes that specifies the action for the associated standard
axis exception.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 409

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Exception Action - RA

Usage Access Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration for Drive Modes
[64] 2 (E) (D)
4 (B) 0 = Ignore (O)
4 (X) 1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = Stop Planner (O)
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Feedback
Only (E)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (R)
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Bus Power
Converters (B)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = N/A
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
6...254 = Reserved
255 = Unsupported

The CIP Axis Exception Action attribute is a 64-element array of

enumerated bytes that specifies the action for the associated Rockwell
Automation specific axis exception.

410 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA

Usage Access Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration for Drive Modes
Optional - NED [64] 2 (E) (D)
All 4 (B) 0 = Ignore (O)
4 (X) 1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = Stop Planner (O)
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Feedback
Only (E)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (R)
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration for Bus Power
Converters (B)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = N/A
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
6...254 = Reserved
255 = Unsupported

The CIP Axis Exception Action 2 attribute is a 64-element array of

enumerated bytes that specifies the action for the associated Rockwell
Automation specific axis exception.

See also
Axis Exception Action on page 411

Axis Exception Action The Axis Exception Action attributes are 64-element array of
enumerated bytes that specify the action to take by the device for the
associated standard or manufacturer specific exception, respectively.
For a given exception, certain exception actions may not be supported.
Attempting to do so results in an "Invalid Attribute Value" service error
code (0x09). Each device product must specify the available actions for
each exception that is supported. If a specific exception is not supported
by the device, the only valid exception action enumeration is
'Unsupported'. Attempting to write any other value to the element
associated with an unsupported exception results in an "Invalid Attribute
Value" service error code (0x09) that is generated while the project is
online with the controller. For drives that support Rockwell Automation
specific axis exceptions, the 64-element CIP Axis Exception Action - RA
and CIP Axis Exception Action 2 - RA arrays ares sent to the drive

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 411

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Exception Action Definitions

Enum. Usage Name Description

0 Optional Ignore Ignore instructs the device to completely ignore the

exception condition. For some exceptions that are
fundamental to the operation of the axis, it may not be
possible to Ignore the condition.
1 Optional Alarm Alarm action instructs the device to set the associated bit in
the Axis Alarm word but to otherwise not impact axis
behavior. For some exceptions that are fundamental to the
operation of the device, it may not be possible to select this
action or any other action that leaves device operation
2 Optional (XBD) Fault Status Only Fault Status Only instructs the device to set the associated
Required (E) bit in the Axis Faults word but to otherwise not impact axis
behavior. It is up to the controller to programmatically bring
the axis to a stop in this condition. For some exceptions that
are fundamental to the operation of the device, it may not be
possible to select this action or any other action that leaves
device operation unaffected. Converters (B) executing a
Fault Status Only exception action continue to supply DC Bus
Power and do not set the DC Bus Unload bit in Axis Status
attribute and therefore do not disable drives in the
converter's Bus Sharing Group.

3 Optional (FPV) Stop Planner Stop Planner instructs the drive device (D) to set the
associated bit in the Axis Faults word and instructs the
Motion Planner to perform a controlled stop of all planned
motion at the configured Max Decel rate. For some
exceptions that are fundamental to the operation of the
device, it may not be possible to select this action or any
other action that leaves device enabled.

412 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enum. Usage Name Description

4 Required (XBD) Disable Disable action results in the drive device (D) both setting the
associated bit in the Axis Faults word and bringing the axis
to a stop based on the factory set "best" available stopping
method. This "best" stopping method includes both the
method of decelerating the motor to a stop and the final
state of the power structure given the expected level of
control still available. The level of axis control available
depends on the specific exception condition and on the
configured control mode.
The available deceleration methods are defined by the
Stopping Action attribute. (See the Stopping Action section
following this table for additional information.)
If the application requires exception action that is a more
severe stopping action than the factory set "best" method,
the controller will initiate that action.
If the application requires an exception action that is less
severe than the factory set "best" method, the controller will
configure the device axis instance for a Minor Fault
exception action and handle the fault directly. This may put
device and motor components at risk and is only be allowed
by the device when there is an opportunity for the device to
remain operational. This is important in applications where
the value of the product is higher than the value of the motor
or device.
When the Disable exception action is applied to a converter
device (B), stopping action is not applicable (0 = No Action).
The final states of Disable or Shutdown for the converter are
applicable, however, with Shutdown executing the
configured Shutdown Action. In the Shutdown case, the DC
Bus Unload bit of the converter's Axis Status attribute is set
to generate a Bus Sharing exception on all drives in the
converter's Bus Sharing Group.
When multiple major faults occur with different stopping
actions, the most severe of the associated stopping actions
is applied, that is, the stopping action that requires the
lowest level of control functionality. This rule also applies to
the Stopping Action associated with a Disable Request.

5 Required (All) Shutdown While the final axis state after a Major Fault is the Major
Faulted state, the Shutdown Exception Action forces the
power structure into the Shutdown state, immediately
disabling the drive's power structure. If Shutdown Action is
configured to do so, this action also drops DC Bus power to
the drive's power structure. Therefore, the Shutdown action
overrides the drive's best stopping method. An explicit
Shutdown Reset is required to restore the drive to an
operational state.
6-254 Reserved -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 413

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enum. Usage Name Description

255 Unsupported The Unsupported Exception Action is the value assigned to

Exceptions that are not supported by the device. Trying to
assign an Exception Action other than Unsupported to an
exception that is not supported by the device results in an
"Invalid Attribute Value" service error code (0x09).

Stopping action
Standard stopping actions, listed in decreasing levels of deceleration
control, are as follows:
1. Ramp Decel
2. Current Limit Decel
3. Coast
In general, the "best" stopping action is the most controlled deceleration
method still available given the exception condition.
The final state of the power structure in response to the Major Fault
exception action can be any one of the following states that are listed in
decreasing levels of control functionality:
1. Hold (stopped with Holding Torque)
2. Disable (stopped with Power Structure Disabled)
3. Shutdown (stopped with Shutdown Action)
The "best" final state of the power structure is the state with the most
control functionality still available given the exception condition.
In all these final states a fault reset must be executed before the axis
can be restored to enabled operation and commanded to move.
If a Start Inhibit condition is present at the time of the exception, the
best final state for the exception action can only be Disable or
The specific stopping action and final state associated with a given
Disable exception action is captured in the Axis Fault Action attribute
that is included in the Fault Log record. Axis Fault Action enumerations
are as follows:
Enumeration Description
Stop Action Enumerations 0 = No Action
1 = (reserved)
2 = Ramped Stop
3 = Torque Limited Stop
4 = Coast
State Change Enumerations 0 = No Action
1 = Hold
2 = Disable
3 = Shutdown

414 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Axis Exception Action Configuration Attributes on page 407
Exceptions on page 45
Exception, Fault and Alarm Attributes on page 429
Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594

Configuration Fault These are the configuration fault related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Attribute Error Code
Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T INT - - - Refer to CIP Error Codes

CIP Error code returned by the erred set list service to the module.

Attribute Error ID
Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Ger/GSV T INT - - -

Attribute ID associated with non-zero Attribute Error Code.

See also
CIP Error Codes on page 415
Exception, Fault, and Alarm Attributes on page 429
Identify Motion Axis Attributes Based on Device Function Codes
on page 97

CIP Error Codes These are general CIP error codes that can be returned by the Attribute
Error Code.

CIP Error Codes

Error Code Error Name Description of Error
00 Success Service was successfully performed by the object
01 Connection failure A connection related service failed along the
connection path.
02 Resource unavailable Resources needed for the object to perform the
requested behavior were unavailable. Further object
specific information should be supplied in the object
specific status field of the response.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 415

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
03 Invalid value in object specific A portion of the data supplied as an object specific
data parameter of a service data parameter of a service was invalid. The
request verification of the data is specified in the object
definition of the object reporting the error.
04 IOI segment error The IOI segment identifier or the segment syntax was
not understood by the processing node. The word
offset to the first segment of the IOI that is not
understood should be supplied in the first word of the
object specific status field of the response. The offset
is zero based and calculated from the first word
following the IOI Size in the message IOI processing
stops when an IOI segment error is encountered.
05 IOI destination unknown The IOI is referencing an object class, instance or
structure element that is not known or is not contained
in the processing node. The word offset to the first
segment component that references something that is
unknown or not present in the processing node should
be supplied in the first word of the object specific
status field of the response. The offset is zero based
and calculated from the first word following the IOI
Size in the message. IOI processing stops when an IOI
destination unknown error is encountered.
06 Partial transfer Only part of the expected data was transferred.
07 Connection lost The messaging connectionErrpr was lost.
08 Unimplemented service The service requested was not implemented or defined
for this class or instance object.
09 Invalid attribute value The value of an attribute of the object or class is
invalid. The object specific status should report the
attribute number and the status code of the first
attribute refusing data.
0A Attribute list error An attribute in the Get_Attribute_List or
Set_Attribute_List response has a non–zero status.
0B Already in requested mode/state The object is already in the mode/state being
requested by the service. The object specific status
should report the object's current status.
0C Object cannot perform service in The object cannot perform the requested service in its
its current mode/state current mode/state. The object specific status should
report the object's current status. For example, this
error would be returned if a Transfer Service request
was sent to the NVS Object before a Update Service
request was received since the Update Service is
required before data can be sent using the Transfer
0D Object already exists The requested instance of object to be created already
0E Attribute value not settable The object attribute is not a settable attribute. The
object specific status should report the number of the
attribute refusing data.
0F Access permission does not allow The access permissions do not allow the object to
service perform the service. The access permissions available
to the object should be reported in the extended

416 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
10 Device's mode/state does not The device containing the object does not allow the
allow object to perform service object to perform the service in the device's current
mode/state. The object specific status should report
the device's current status. For example, a controller
may have a key switch which when set to the 'hard run'
state causes Service Requests to several different
objects to fail, for example, program edits. This error
code would then be returned.
11 Reply data too large The data to be transmitted in the response buffer is
larger than the allocated response buffer, therefore, no
data was transferred.
12 Fragmentation of a primitive value The service specified an operation that is going to
fragment a primitive data value, for example, halve a
REAL data type.
13 Not enough data The service did not supply enough data to perform the
specified operation.
14 Undefined attribute The attribute specified is not defined for the class or
15 Too much data The service supplied more data than was expected
(depending on the service and the object, the service
may still be processed).
16 Object does not exist The object specified does not exist in the device.
17 Service fragmentation sequence The fragmentation sequence for this service is not
not currently in progress currently active for this data.
18 No stored attribute data The attribute data of this object was not saved prior to
the requested service.
19 Store operation failure The attribute data of this object was not saved due to
some failure during the attempt.
1A Bridging failure, request packet The service request packet was too large for
too large for network transmission on a network in the path to the
destination. The bridge device was forced to abort the
1B Bridging failure, response packet The service response packet was too large for
too large for network transmission on a network in the path from the
destination. The bridge device was forced to abort the
1C Missing attribute list entry data The service did not supply an attribute in a list of
attributes that was needed by the service to perform
the requested behavior.
1D Invalid attribute value list The service is returning the list of attributes supplied
with status information for those attributes that were
1E Embedded service error An embedded service resulted in an error.
1F Connection Related Failure A service failed because of an error condition related
to the processing of a connection related service. This
can occur during connected and unconnected
messaging. The same extended status codes used for
General Status Error Code 01 are returned for this
error's extended status.
20 Invalid Parameter Obsolete.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 417

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
21 Write–once value or medium An attempt was made to write to a write-once medium
already written (for example, WORM drive, PROM) that has already been
written, or to modify a value that cannot be changed
once established.
22 Invalid Reply Received An invalid reply is received, for example, reply service
code does not match the request service code, or reply
message is shorter than the minimum expected reply
size. This error code can serve for other causes of
invalid replies.
23 CST not coordinated The Coordinated System Time (CST) value is not yet
within the tolerance where it can accept an update. Try
24 Connection Scheduling Error Obsolete.
25 Key Failure in IOI The Key Segment which was included as the first
segment in the IOI does not match the destination
module. The object specific status will indicate which
part of the key check failed.
26 IOI Size Invalid The Size of the IOI which was sent with the Service
Request is either not large enough to allow the Request
to be routed to an object or too much routing data was
27 Unexpected attribute in list An attempt was made to set an attribute that cannot
be set at this time.
28 DNet Invalid Member ID See DeviceNet specification for details:
29 DNet Member not settable See DeviceNet specification for details:
32D No Matching Ingress Rule This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to failure to match an ingress rule.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
32E Ingress Rule Deny This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to matching an ingress rule with action
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
32F Ingress Rule Deny Non_Secure This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to matching an ingress rule with action
ALLOW_INGRESS_SECURE, but the request was through
a non CIP Security port.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.

418 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
330 No Matching Egress Rule This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to failure to match an egress rule.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
331 Egress Rule Deny This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to matching an egress rule with action
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
332 Egress Rule Cipher Not Allowed This extended status code is returned when a request
is rejected due to matching an egress rule with action
ALLOW, but the CIPHER_LIST does not include an
allowed cipher suite.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
900 (D)TLS ALERT 0: Close Notify 1 One side of the (D)TLS connection has requested that
the connection be closed.
Check that the model matches the actual
communications flow.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
901 (D)TLS ALERT 10: Unexpected Check that the model matches the actual
Message communications flow.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
902 (D)TLS ALERT 20: Bad Record MAC Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
903 (D)TLS ALERT 22: Record Overflow Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
904 (D)TLS ALERT 30: Decompression Please contact technical support.
Failure Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 419

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
905 (D)TLS ALERT 40: Handshake Check the configuration.
Failure Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
906 (D)TLS ALERT 42: Bad Certification Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
907 (D)TLS ALERT 43: Unsupported Please contact technical support.
Certificate Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
908 (D)TLS ALERT 44: Certificate Please contact technical support.
Revoked Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
909 (D)TLS ALERT 45: Certificate Please contact technical support.
Expired Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
90A (D)TLS ALERT 46: Certificate Check the model to see if it matches actual comms
Unknown flow. If so, contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
90B (D)TLS ALERT 47: Illegal Parameter Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
90C (D)TLS ALERT 48: Unknown CA Check that the model matches the actual
communication flow.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
90D (D)TLS ALERT 49: Access Denied Check that the module matches actual communication
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
90E (D)TLS ALERT 50: Decode Error Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.

420 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Error Code Error Name Description of Error
90F (D)TLS ALERT 51: Decrypt Error Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
910 (D)TLS ALERT 70: Protocol Version Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
911 (D)TLS ALERT 71: Insufficient For the cipher suites configured in the module, check
Security that every target for an originator has a matching
cipher suite allowed.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
912 (D)TLS ALERT 80: Internal Error Please contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
913 (D)TLS ALERT 86: Inappropriate Please contact technical support.
Fallback Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
914 (D)TLS ALERT 110: Unsupported Please contact technical support.
Extension Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
915 (D)TLS ALERT: Unknown PSK Check that the module matches actual communication
Identity flow. If so, contact technical support.
Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
916-9FF CIP Security session error Verify that the correct device is addressed and that the
project configuration includes devices supported by
the CIP Security Policy. If this error persists, contact
the security administrator or technical support.
2A - CF Reserved for future system use This range of error codes has been reserved for future
system use.
D0 - FF Reserved for future system use This range of error codes has been reserved for use by
object and class specific services, or for development
before registration.

See also
Configuration Fault Attributes on page 415

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 421

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Exception Factory Limit These are the exception limit related attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis. Exception Limit attributes define the conditions under
Info Attributes which a corresponding exception is generated during motion axis
operation that has the potential of generating either a fault or alarm.
They are typically associated with temperature, current, and voltage
conditions of the device that are continuous in nature. Factory Limits
(FL) for exceptions are usually hard coded in the device and typically
result in a major fault condition. User Limits (UL) for exceptions are
configurable and typically used to generate a minor fault, or alarm
condition. For this reason, the User Limits are generally set inside the
corresponding Factory Limits. Note that the triggering of a User Limit
exception does not preclude triggering of the corresponding Factory
Limit exception; the two exception trigger conditions are totally
independent of one another.

Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory Limit

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D Get/GSV REAL - - - RPM

Returns the Factory Limit for the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit
exception based on a factory set value determined by the Rotary Motor
Rated Speed or Rotary Motor Max Speed attribute values, or by
operational speed limits enforced by the drive vendor. The drive may
take the minimum of any of these values as the Factory Limit.
When PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed and PM Motor Rotary
Max Extended Speed attributes are supported and non-zero, the drive
uses these values to determine the Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory
Limit. The PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive value determines
which limit to apply. If the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is
False, the Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory Limit will be based on the
PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed. If the PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive is True, the Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory Limit
will be based on the PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed value.
For Rockwell Automation drives, when PM Motor Extended Speed
Permissive is False, the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit = 1.25 * Bus
Overvoltage Speed, or the speed limit corresponding to the Bus
Overvoltage Factory Limit, whichever is less. When PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive is True, the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit = 1.25 *
Max Extended Speed value.
The Operational Speed Limit on all Rockwell Automation drive products
is 600 Hz. The following formula is used to calculate the operational
speed limit:
Operational Speed Limit (RPM) = 590 (Hz) * 120 / Rotary Motor Poles

422 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Linear Motor Overspeed Factory Limit

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D Get/GSV REAL - - - m/s

Returns the Factory Limit for the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit
exception based on a factory set value determined by the Linear Motor
Rated Speed or Linear Motor Max Speed attribute values, or by
operational speed limits enforced by the drive vendor. The drive may
take the minimum of any of these values as the Factory Limit.
When PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed and PM Motor Linear
Max Extended Speed attributes are supported and non-zero, the drive
uses these values to determine the Linear Motor Overspeed Factory
Limit. The PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive value determines
which limit to apply. If the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is
False, the Linear Motor Overspeed Factory Limit will be based on the
PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed. If the PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive is True, the Linear Motor Overspeed Factory Limit
will be based on the PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed value.
For Rockwell Automation drives, when PM Motor Extended Speed
Permissive is False, the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit = 1.25 * Bus
Overvoltage Speed, or the speed limit corresponding to the Bus
Overvoltage Factory Limit, whichever is less. When PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive is True, the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit = 1.25 *
Max Extended Speed value

See also
Exceptions on page 45
Exception User Limit Configuration Attributes on page 423

Exception User Limit These are the exception user limit configuration related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes
Motor Phase Loss Limit
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set REAL 5 0 100 % Motor Rated

Sets the minimum motor phase current for the Motor Phase Loss
exception. The current in each motor phase must exceed this value
during the motor phase loss test or a Motor Phase Loss exception
occurs. Decreasing this attribute's value lowers sensitivity to phase loss
conditions. A value of 0 will effectively disable the motor phase loss test.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 423

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Motor Overspeed User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set REAL FD 0 % Motor Rated

Sets the Overspeed User Limit relative to the Rotary Motor Rated
Speed or Linear Motor Rated Speed that is allowable before throwing a
Motor Overspeed UL exception.

Motor Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set REAL FD 0 C

Sets User Limit for the Motor Overtemperature UL exception.

Motor Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set REAL 110 0 % Motor Rated

Sets User Limit for the Motor Thermal Overload UL exception.

Inverter Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set REAL C

Sets User Limit for the Inverter Overtemperature UL exception.

Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set REAL 110 0 % Inverter Rated

Sets User Limit for the Inverter Thermal Overload UL exception.

Converter Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 C

Sets User Limit for the Converter Overtemperature UL exception.

424 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL 100 0 % Converter Rated

Sets User Limit for the Converter Thermal Overload UL exception.

Converter Ground Current User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL 100 0 % Factory Limit

Sets User Limit for the Converter Ground Current UL exception.

Bus Regulator Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL C

Sets User Limit for the Bus Regulator Overtemperature UL exception.

Bus Regulator Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL % Regulator Rated

Sets User Limit for the Bus Regulator Thermal UL exception.

Bus Overvoltage User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL % Nominal Bus Voltage

Sets User Limit for the Bus Overvoltage UL exception. Unlike the
corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the User Limit
is based on percent of Nominal Bus Voltage during operation.

Bus Undervoltage User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL % Nominal Bus Voltage

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 425

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Sets User Limit for the Bus Undervoltage UL exception. Unlike the
corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the User Limit
is based on percent of Nominal Bus Voltage during operation.

Converter Pre-Charge Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 100 0 % Converter Rated

Sets User Limit for the Converter Pre-Charge Overload UL exception.

Feedback Noise User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set UDINT 1 1 231 Noise Counts

Sets User Limit for the Feedback Noise Overload UL exception.

Example of Noise Counts would be simultaneous transitions of the A
and B channel of a quadrature encoder feedback device.

Feedback Signal Loss User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 100 0 % FL Voltage Drop

Sets User Limit for the Feedback Signal Loss UL exception. Feedback
interface hardware typically monitor average voltage levels on incoming
signals. Feedback Signal Loss conditions occur when the average
voltage levels drop below a percentage of voltage drop allowed by the
Feedback Signal Loss Factory Limit.

Feedback Data Loss User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set UDINT 4 1 231 Consecutive Lost Data

Sets User Limit for the Feedback Data Loss UL exception. For digital
feedback devices, feedback interface hardware monitors the integrity of
data transferred over the serial connection to the feedback device.
Feedback Data Loss conditions occur when two or more consecutive
data packets are lost or corrupted.

426 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Control Module Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Set REAL C

Sets User Limit for the Control Module Overtemperature UL exception.

Converter Pre-Charge Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL % Rated

Sets User Limit for the Converter Pre-Charge Overload UL exception.

AC Line Overvoltage User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 110 0 % Rated

Sets the high voltage limit as a percent of Converter Rated Input

Voltage for the AC line source.

AC Line Undervoltage User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 0 100 % Rated

Sets the low voltage limit as a percent of Converter Rated Input Voltage
for the AC line source.

AC Line Overvoltage User Limit - Alternate

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 110 0 % Rated

Sets the high voltage limit as a percent of Converter Rated Input

Voltage for the alternate AC line source.

AC Line Undervoltage User Limit - Alternate

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 0 100 % Rated

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 427

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Sets the low voltage limit as a percent of Converter Rated Input Voltage
for the alternate AC line source.

AC Line High Freq User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0.4 0 Hertz

Sets the high frequency limit as the difference from the nominal AC line

AC Line Low Freq User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0.7 - 0 Hertz

Sets the low frequency limit as the difference from the nominal AC line

AC Line High Freq User Limit - Alternate

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0.4 0 Hertz

Sets the high frequency limit as the difference from the nominal
alternate AC line source frequency.

AC Line Low Freq User Limit - Alternate

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0.7 - 0 Hertz

Sets the low frequency limit as the difference from the nominal alternate
AC line source frequency.

Converter Heatsink Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 125 0 C

Sets a User Limit for the regenerative converter power structure

heatsink temperature. Exceeding this value generates a Converter
Overtemperature UL exception.

428 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Overload User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 110 0 % Converter Rated

Sets a User Limit for thermal overload of Line 1, 2, and 3 components

as a percent of their rated thermal capacity. Exceeding this value
generates a Converter Thermal Overload UL exception.

AC Line Resonance User Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 12 0 100 % Converter Rated

Sets the User Limit for the AC Line Resonance UL exception based on
a percentage of the Converter Output Rated Current. The AC Line
Resonance UL exception occurs when the current flowing through the
AC line filter in the resonant frequency band, exceeds the user limit for
a vendor specified period.

See also
Exceptions on page 45
Exception, Fault, and Alarm Attributes on page 429
Standard Exceptions on page 662

Exception, Fault and Alarm These are the exception, fault, and alarm related attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis. Exceptions are conditions that can occur
Attributes during axis operation that have the potential of generating faults or
alarms based on the Exception Action configuration.

Axis Exceptions
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics

The Axis Exceptions attribute is a bit map that represents the current
state of all standard exception conditions. See the Std. Exception Table
bit map definition later in this section for detail on the bit locations. Each
exception has a corresponding Axis Exception Action. Exceptions that
are configured to be Ignored are only be visible in this attribute

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 429

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Exceptions 2
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XG Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics
Optional - NED

The Axis Exceptions 2 attribute provides a 64-bit extension to the Axis

Exceptions attribute bit map representing the current state of all
standard exception conditions. See the Std. Exception Table bit map
definition later in this section for detail on the bit locations. Each
exception has a corresponding Axis Exception Action. Exceptions that
are configured to be Ignored are only be visible in this attribute.

Axis Exceptions - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table
(Published in Product Manual)

The Axis Exceptions - Mfg attribute is a bit map that represents the
current state of all manufacturer specific exception conditions. See the
Mfg. Exception Table published in drive product manual. Each
exception has a corresponding Axis Exception Action. Exceptions that
are configured to be Ignored are only be visible in this attribute.

Axis Exceptions 2- Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XG Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table
Optional - NED (Published in Product Manual)

The Axis Exceptions - Mfg attribute provides a 64-bit extension to the

Axis Exceptions Mfg attribute bit map representing the current state of
all manufacturer specific exception conditions. See the Mfg. Exception
Table published in drive product manual. Each exception has a
corresponding Axis Exception Action. Exceptions that are configured to
be Ignored are only be visible in this attribute.

Axis Faults
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics

A bit map that represents the state of all standard runtime faults. The bit
map is identical to that of the Axis Exceptions attribute. Fault bits when
set are latched until a fault reset occurs. A fault reset clears the

430 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
runtime fault bits, but the bits set again immediately if the underlying
exception condition is still present. Any exceptions whose Axis
Exception Action is configured to ignore or report as alarms do not
appear in this attribute

Axis Faults 2
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XG Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics
Optional - NED

This attributes provides a 64-bit extension to the CIP Axis Faults

attribute bit map representing the state of all standard runtime faults.
This bit map is identical to that of the CIP Axis Exceptions 2 attribute.
Fault bits when set are latched until a fault reset occurs. A fault reset
clears the runtime fault bits, but the bits set again immediately if the
underlying exception condition is still present.
Any exceptions whose CIP Axis Exception Action is configured to ignore
or report as alarms do not appear in this attribute.

Axis Faults - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table
(Published in Product Manual)

A bit map that represents the state of all manufacturer specific runtime
faults. The bit map is identical to that of the Axis Exceptions Mfg
attribute. Fault bits when set are latched until a fault reset occurs. A
fault reset clears the runtime fault bits, but the bits set again
immediately if the underlying exception condition is still present. Any
exceptions whose Axis Exception Action is configured to ignore or
report as alarms do not appear in this attribute.

Axis Faults 2 - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XG Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table
Optional - NED (Published in Product Manual)

The Axis Faults 2 - Mfg attribute provides a 64-bit extension to the Axis
Faults Mfg attribute bit map representing the state of all manufacturer
specific runtime faults. The bit map is identical to that of the Axis
Exceptions Mfg attribute. Fault bits when set are latched until a fault
reset occurs. A fault reset clears the runtime fault bits, but the bits set
again immediately if the underlying exception condition is still present.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 431

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Any exceptions whose Axis Exception Action is configured to ignore or
report as alarms do not appear in this attribute.

CIP Axis Faults - RA

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T LWORD - - - Refer to Rockwell Automation
Specific Exceptions

A bit map that represents the state of all Rockwell Automation specific
runtime faults. Fault bits when set are latched until a fault reset occurs.
A fault reset clears the runtime fault bits, but the bits set again
immediately if the underlying exception condition is still present. Any
exceptions whose CIP Axis Exception Action is configured to ignore or
report as alarms do not appear in this attribute.

CIP Axis Faults 2 - RA

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T LWORD - - - Refer to Rockwell Automation
Optional - NED Specific Exceptions

This attributes provides a 64-bit extension to the CIP Axis Faults 2

attribute bit map that represents the state of all Rockwell Automation
specific runtime faults. Fault bits when set are latched until a fault reset
occurs. A fault reset clears the runtime fault bits, but the bits set again
immediately if the underlying exception condition is still present. Any
exceptions whose CIP Axis Exception Action is configured to ignore or
report as alarms do not appear in this attribute.

Axis Alarms
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics

A bit map that represents the current state of all standard alarm
conditions. The bit map is identical to that of the Std. Axis Exceptions
attribute. Only exception conditions whose Axis Exception Action is
configured to report as an alarm appear in this attribute, and will not be
reported in the Axis Faults attribute. Alarm bits when set are not latched
and will clear as soon as the underlying exception condition, or multiple
underlying exception sub-conditions with different Sub Codes, is

432 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Alarms 2
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get T LWORD - - - See Semantics

This attributes provides a 64-bit extension to the Axis Alarms attribute

bit map representing the current state of all standard alarm conditions.
The bit map is identical to that of the Axis Exceptions attribute. Only
exception conditions whose Axis Exception Action is configured to
report as an alarm appear in this attribute, and will not be reported in
the Axis Faults attribute. Alarm bits when set are not latched and will
clear as soon as the underlying exception condition, or multiple
underlying exception sub-conditions with different Sub Codes, is

Axis Alarms - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table.
(Published in Product Manual)

A bit map that represents the current state of all manufacturer specific
alarm conditions. The bit map is identical to that of the Mfg. Axis
Exceptions attribute. Only exception conditions whose Axis Exception
Action is configured to report as an alarm appear in this attribute, and
will not be reported in the Axis Faults attribute. Alarm bits when set are
not latched and will clear as soon as the underlying exception condition,
or multiple exception sub-conditions with different Sub Codes, is

Axis Alarms 2 - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get T LWORD - - - See Mfg. Exception Table.
(Published in Product Manual)

This attributes provides a 64-bit extension to the Axis Alarm Mfg

attribute bit map representing the current state of all manufacturer
specific alarm conditions. The bit map is identical to that of the Axis
Exceptions Mfg attribute. Only exception conditions whose Axis
Exception Action is configured to report as an alarm appear in this
attribute, and will not be reported in the Axis Faults attribute. Alarm bits
when set are not latched and will clear as soon as the underlying
exception condition, or multiple underlying exception sub-conditions
with different Sub Codes, is corrected.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 433

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Alarms - RA

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- All Get/GSV T LWORD - - - Refer to Rockwell Automation
Specific Exceptions

A bit map that represents the current state of all Rockwell Automation
specific alarm conditions. Only exception conditions whose Axis
Exception Action is configured to report as an alarm appear in this
attribute, and will not be reported in the CIP Axis Faults attribute. Alarm
bits when set are not latched and will clear as soon as the underlying
exception condition is corrected.

CIP Axis Alarms 2 - RA

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional- All Get/GSV T LWORD - - - Refer to Rockwell Automation
Specific Exceptions

This attributes provides a 64-bit extension to the CIP Axis Alarms 2 RA

attribute bit map that represents the current state of all Rockwell
Automation specific alarm conditions. Only exception conditions whose
CIP Axis Exception Action is configured to report as an alarm appear in
this attribute, and will not be reported in the CIP Axis Faults attribute.
Alarm bits when set are not latched and will clear as soon as the
underlying exception condition is corrected.

See also
Exceptions on page 45
Module Node Fault and Alarm Attributes on page 438
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671

Initialization Faults These are the initialization fault related attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis. Initialization Faults are conditions that can occur
Attributes during the device initialization process that prevent normal operation of
the device.

CIP Initialization Faults

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Refer to Standard

Initialization Faults

A bit map that represents the state of all standard initialization faults.
These faults prevent any motion, and do not have configurable fault
actions. Examples of initialization faults are corrupted memory data,

434 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
calibration errors, firmware startup problems, or an invalid configuration
attribute value. Initialization faults cannot be cleared with a Fault Reset
service, although a power-cycle provides a new attempt at initialization.

CIP Initialization Faults - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Refer to Rockwell Automation

Specific Initialization Faults

A bit map that represents the state of all Rockwell Automation specific
initialization faults. These faults prevent any motion, and do not have
configurable fault actions. Examples of initialization faults are corrupted
memory data, calibration errors, firmware startup problems, or an invalid
configuration attribute value. Initialization faults cannot be cleared with a
Fault Reset service, although a power-cycle provides a new attempt at

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page 436
Standard Initialization Faults on page 435

Standard Initialization This table defines a list of standard faults associated with the
Initialization Faults attribute.
Standard Initialization Fault Descriptions
Bit Exception Description

0 Reserved This bit cannot be used since the Fault Code is defined by the
associated exception bit number and Fault Code of 0 means no fault
condition is present.
1 Boot Block Checksum Fault Checksum or CRC error for Boot Block of CIP Motion device detected
as part of Self-Test.
2 Main Block Checksum Fault Checksum or CRC error for Main Block of CIP Motion device detected
as part of Self-Test.
3 Nonvolatile Memory Checksum or CRC error for NV Memory of CIP Motion device detected
Checksum Fault as part of Self-Test.
4...31 Reserved

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page 436
Initialization Faults Attributes on page 434
Standard Start Inhibits on page 615

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 435

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Rockwell Automation This table defines a list of Rockwell Automation specific faults
associated with the Initialization Faults-RA attribute.
Specific Initialization Faults
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults Bit Descriptions
Bit Exception Description

0 Reserved This bit cannot be used since the Fault Code is

defined by the associated exception bit number and
Fault Code of 0 means no fault condition is present.
1 Feedback Data Corruption Smart Encoder Data Corruption detected.

2 Feedback Data Range Data within a motor data blob is out of range.

3 Feedback Communication Startup Communications with a smart encoder could not be

4 Feedback Absolute Overspeed Excessive speed was detected in the battery-
backed encoder while power was off.
5 Feedback Absolute Power Off Travel The power-off travel range of the battery-backed
encoder has been exceeded.
6 Feedback Absolute Startup Speed The absolute encoder was not able to accurately
determine the position after power-up due to speed
greater than 100 RPM.
7 Commutation Offset Uninitialized The commutation offset stored in a third-party
motor has not been initialized.
8 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
12 Invalid FPGA Image The FPGA image is incompatible with hardware
13 Invalid Board Support Package The board support package is incompatible with
hardware operation.
14 Invalid Safety Firmware The safety firmware is not compatible with the drive
firmware, or the main safety firmware is missing.
15 Power Board Power Board checksum error.

16 Illegal Option Card The Main Control Board has detected an illegal
option installed in the port.
17 Option Storage Checksum Option data storage checksum failed.

18 Reserved -
19 Module Voltage Mismatch Voltage rating mismatch detected on the inter-
device communications backplane.
20 Unknown Module Unknown device detected on the inter-device
communications backplane.
21 Factory Configuration Error Factory Configuration Data is missing or invalid.
22 Illegal Address Invalid Ethernet IP Address configuration or device
Node Address is out of range (>254).
23 Series Mismatch Incompatible device is detected on the inter-device
communications backplane, for example, SERCOS
AMs have been detected by the CIP IAM.

436 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Exception Description

Rockwell Open Slot Open slot detected on the inter-device

Automati communications backplane.
25 Mover Axis Assignment Track section has detected a mover to axis
assignment error.
26 Track Backplane Communication Track section has detected a problem initializing
the section addresses required to support
backplane communication around the track.
27 Unassociated Section Axis Track section has detected that section axis
instance data is missing from the connection and
the section axis has not been configured. This
condition occurs when the section axis instance has
not been associated with an axis instance of the
controller, or if the section axis has been inhibited.
All mover axes associated with this section module
shall assert this fault.
28 Track Configuration Track system has encountered a configuration error
with one of track sections that prevented the track
from performing the mover axis assignment
function. The section number of the erred track
section is passed in the Sub Code.
29-31 Reserved -

Rockwell Automation CIP Initialization Fault Name Mapping

Bit Object CIP Initialization Fault Name

0 -

1 Feedback Data Corruption Fault

2 Feedback Data Range Fault

3 Feedback Communication Startup Fault

4 Feedback Absolute Overspeed Fault

5 Feedback Absolute Power Off Travel Fault

6 Feedback Absolute Startup Speed Fault Fault

7 Commutation Offset Uninitialized

8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 Invalid FPGA Image Fault

13 Invalid Board Support Package Fault

14 Invalid Safety Firmware Fault

15 Power Board Fault

16 Illegal Option Card Fault

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 437

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Object CIP Initialization Fault Name

17 Option Storage Checksum Fault

18 -
19 Module Voltage Mismatch
20 Unknown Module Fault
21 Factory Configuration Error Fault
22 Illegal Address Fault
23 Series Mismatch Fault
24 Open Slot Fault
25 Mover Axis Assignment Fault
26 Track Backplane Communication Fault
27 Unassociated Section Axis Fault
28 Track Configuration Fault

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Alarm Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Fault Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616

Module/Node Fault and These are the module/node fault and alarm related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis.
Alarm Attributes

438 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Module Fault Bits

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap
0 = Control Sync Fault
1 = Module Sync Fault
2 = Timer Event Fault
3 = Module Hard Fault
4 = Reserved
5 = Reserved
6 = Reserved
7 = Conn. Format Fault
8 = Local Mode Fault
9 = CPU Fault
10 = Clock Jitter Fault
11 = Cyclic Read Fault
12 = Cyclic Write Fault
13 = Clock Skew Fault
14 = Control Conn. Fault
15 = Reserved
16 = Module Clock Sync Fault
17 = Logic Fault
18 = Duplicate Address
19...31 = Reserved

This bit field is a roll-up of module scoped fault conditions that can
include synchronization faults detected on either side of the CIP Motion
connection. All defined Node Fault Codes are mapped into bits in this
attribute. The controller generally applies a shutdown fault action when
a Module Fault occurs and recovery generally requires module
reconnection or reconfiguration.
The following table defines a list of conditions associated with the
Module Fault Bits attributes. While the Module Fault Bits attribute is
marked as Required in the CIP Motion device implementation, support
for each of the individual fault conditions therein is left Optional. In this
table the terms motion module and motion device are used
Bit Module Fault Device Node Fault Description
Name Name
0 Control Sync Fault - The Control Sync Fault bit attribute is set when the
Logix controller detects that several consecutive
connection updates from the motion module have
been missed. This condition results in the automatic
shutdown of the associated motion module. The
Logix controller is designed to "ride-through" a
maximum of four missed position updates without
issuing a fault or adversely impacting motion in
progress. Missing more than four position updates
in a row constitutes a problematic condition that
warrants shutdown of the motion module. This bit is
cleared when the connection is reestablished.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 439

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Module Fault Device Node Fault Description
Name Name
1 Module Sync Fault Control Connection The Module Sync Fault bit attribute is set when the
Update Fault motion module detects that several consecutive
connection updates in a row from the Logix
processor module have been missed or that an
update has been excessively late as determined by
the Controller Update Delay High Limit attribute
value. This condition results in the automatic
shutdown of the motion module. The motion module
is designed to "ride-through" a maximum of missed
or late updates without issuing a fault or adversely
impacting motion in progress. Missed or late update
that exceed the Controller Update Delay High Limit
result in the Module Sync Fault condition. This bit is
cleared when the connection is reestablished.
2 Timer Event Fault - The Timer Event Fault bit attribute is set when the
associated motion module has detected a problem
with the module's timer event functionality used to
synchronize the motion module's control loops. The
Timer Event Fault bit can only be cleared by
reconfiguration or power cycle of the motion
3 Module Hard Fault Hardware Fault If the Module Hardware Fault bit attribute is set it
indicates that the associated motion module has
detected a hardware problem that, in general, is
going to require replacement of the module to
4-6 Reserved -
7 Conn Format Fault Data Format Error This fault bit indicates that an error has occurred in
the data format between the controller and the
device, for example, a Format Revision mismatch.
8 Local Mode Fault - The Local Mode Fault is set when the controller is
locked in Local Mode operation.
9 CPU Fault Processor Fault The Processor Fault bit indicates that the processor
associated with the device node has experienced a
fault condition or an excessive overload condition
that has tripped the associated processor watchdog
10 Clock Jitter Fault - The Clock Jitter Fault bit is set when there is
excessive clock jitter between the controller and the
motion device.
11 Cyclic Read Fault - The Cyclic Read Fault is set when the controller
detects a runtime error associated with the Cyclic
Read mechanism.
12 Cyclic Write Fault - The Cyclic Write Fault is set when the controller
detects a runtime error associated with the Cyclic
Write mechanism.
13 Clock Skew Fault Clock Skew Fault Clock Skew Fault bit indicates that the motion
device has detected significant difference between
the device's System Time and the controller's
System Time that prevented the device from
switching to synchronous operation after a time out

440 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Module Fault Device Node Fault Description
Name Name
14 Control Conn Fault Control Connection The Control Connection Loss fault bit indicates that
Loss Fault the CIP Motion C-to-D connection from the
controller has timed out.
15 Reserved -
16 Clock Sync Fault Clock Sync Fault The Clock Sync Fault bit indicates that the motion
device's local clock has lost synchronization with
the master clock for an extended period of time (40
to 60 seconds) during synchronous operation. This
fault condition is an indication that the local IEEE
1588 clock has lost synchronization with the master
and was not able to resynchronize within the
allotted timeout (such as 40 to 60 seconds).
17 Logic Fault Logic Fault The Logic Fault bit indicates that an auxiliary logic
component (e.g. FPGA, or ASIC) associated with the
device node has experienced fault condition or an
excessive overload condition that has tripped the
associated logic watchdog mechanism.

18 Duplicate Address Duplicate Address The Duplicate Address Fault bit indicates that a
Fault Fault motion device node has been detected on the
network that uses the same Node Address as this
device node. For Ethernet, this address would be the
IP Address of the device.
19 System System Connection The System Connection Fault code indicates that
Connection Fault Fault the device has detected that the connection to a
networked device that this device depends on has
faulted or has been closed.
20-31 Reserved - -

Module Alarm Bits

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap
0 = Control Sync Alarm
1 = Module Sync Alarm
2 = Timer Event Alarm
3 = CPU Overload Alarm
4 = Clock Jitter Alarm
5 = Out of Range Alarm
6 = Clock Skew Alarm
7 = Clock Sync Alarm
8 = Node Address Alarm
9...31 = Reserved

This bit field is a roll-up of module scoped alarm conditions that can
include synchronization alarms detected on either side of the CIP
Motion connection. All defined Node Alarm Codes are mapped into bits
in this attribute.
The following table defines a list of conditions associated with the
Module Alarm Bits attributes. While the Module Alarm Bits attribute is
marked as Required in the CIP Motion device implementation, support

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 441

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
for each of the individual fault conditions therein is left Optional. In this
table the terms motion module and motion device are used
Bit Alarm Name Device Node Alarm Description
0 Control Sync Alarm - The Control Sync Alarm bit attribute is set
when the Logix controller detects that several
consecutive connection updates from the
motion module have been missed.
1 Module Sync Alarm Control Connection The Module Sync Alarm bit attribute is set
Update Alarm when the motion module detects that several
consecutive connection updates in a row from
the Logix processor module have been missed
or that an update has been excessively late as
determined by the Controller Update Delay
Low Limit attribute value. This bit is cleared
after 10 seconds without another alarm
2 Timer Event Alarm - The Timer Event Alarm bit attribute is set
when the associated motion module has
detected a problem with the module's timer
event functionality used to synchronize the
motion module's control loops. The Timer
Event Alarm bit can only be cleared by
reconfiguration or power cycle of the motion
3 Processor Overload Alarm Processor Overload The Processor Overload Alarm bit indicates
Alarm that the host processor associated with
motion device is experiencing overload
conditions that could eventually lead to a
4 Clock Jitter Alarm Clock Jitter Alarm Clock Jitter Alarm bit indicates that the Sync
Variance has exceeded the Sync Threshold
while the motion device is running in Sync
5 Out of Range Alarm - The Out of Range Alarm indicates that the
motion device has detected that a Cyclic Write
attribute value has exceeded its allowed
6 Clock Skew Alarm Clock Skew Alarm Clock Skew Alarm bit indicates that the
motion device has detected significant
difference between the device's System Time
and the controller's System Time that is
preventing the device from switching to
synchronous operation.

442 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Alarm Name Device Node Alarm Description
7 Clock Sync Alarm Clock Sync Alarm The Clock Sync Alarm bit indicates that the
motion device's local clock has lost
synchronization with the master clock for a
short period of time (such as 10 to 20
seconds) during synchronous operation. This
alarm condition can also occur when a change
in the master clock source has been detected.
The Clock Sync Alarm is an indication that the
local IEEE-1588 clock has shifted back to its
start-up mode to quickly synchronize into the
master clock.
8 Node Address Alarm Node Address Alarm The Node Address Alarm bit indicates that the
Node Address setting of the device has been
changed during motion device operation and
may no longer be valid.
19-31 Reserved -

See also
Exceptions on page 45
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Exception Factory Limit Info Attributes on page 422
Exception User Limit Configuration Attributes on page 423

Fault Log Attributes These are the fault log attributes associated with a Motion Control Axis.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 443

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Fault Log

444 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 445

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Required - All Get Struct{ - - - Struct {
USINT, Index;
USINT, Length;
Struct { Fault Log Struct {
USINT, Fault Type;
USINT, Fault Code;
UINT, Fault Sub Code;
USINT, Stop Action;
USINT, State Change;
LINT } Time Stamp } [ ]
[25 ] } }
Fault Type: Enum
0 = Faults Cleared
1 = Init Fault
2 = Init Fault - Mfg
3 = Axis Fault
4 = Axis Fault - Mfg
5 = Motion Fault
6 = Module Fault
7 = Group Fault
8 = Configuration Fault
9 = APR Fault
10 = APR Fault – Mfg
11 = Safety Fault
12 = Safety Fault - Mfg
13-127: Reserved
128-255: Vendor Specific
128 = Guard Fault
Fault Code: Enum
(Fault Type != 0)
0-255: Bit # of Fault
(Fault Type = 0)
0 = No Faults
1 = Module Reset
2 = Fault Reset
3 = Shutdown Reset
4 = Connection Reset
255 = Fault Log Reset

(Fault Type != 8)
Fault Sub Code: Enum

(Fault Type = 8)
Fault Sub Code: Attr ID
Stop Action Enum:
0 = No Action
1 = Planner Stop
2 = Ramped Stop
3 = Torque Limited Stop
4 = Immediate (Coast)
State Change Enum:
0 = No Action

446 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
1 = Hold
2 = Disable
3 = Shutdown

The CIP Axis Fault Log attribute is a structure that is used to implement
a running log of faults, complete with fault type, fault codes, and
timestamps. The elements of this structure is as follows:
The Fault Log Index points to the latest element in the Fault Log array.
Each element in the Fault Log array is called a Fault Log Record.
The Fault Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the
Fault Log array.
The Fault Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of fault
condition or fault clearing event to which the Fault Code applies.
The Fault Code indicates the specific fault condition or fault clearing
event that has occurred. For fault conditions (Fault Type != 0) the Fault
Code generally represents the bit number of the fault as defined in the
associated Axis Faults attribute. In the case of a Configuration Fault, the
Fault Code represents the Attribute Error Code. For fault clearing
events (Fault Type = 0) the Fault Code identifies the specific fault
clearing event that occurred. Possible fault clearing events are a
module reset, a fault reset request, a shutdown reset request, or a reset
resulting from opening or closing a CIP Motion connection. A Fault
Code of 255 (0xFF) indicates that a Fault Log Reset event occurred.
The Fault Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail
into the source of the fault condition. The enumeration is specific to the
associated Fault Code. For Configuration Faults, the Fault Sub Code
corresponds to the Attribute Error ID that generated the error condition.
The Stop Action element is an enumerated value that indicates what
form of stopping action the drive initiated in response to the fault
The State Change element specifies what the final targeted state was
for the fault action.
The Fault Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding
fault was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on System
Time in microsecond units.
The CIP Axis Alarm Log attribute is a structure used to implement a
running log of alarms, complete with alarm type, alarm codes, and
timestamps. The elements of this structure is as follows:
The Alarm Log Index points to the latest element in the Alarm Log array.
Each element in the Alarm Log array is called an Alarm Log Record.
The Alarm Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the
Alarm Log array.
The Alarm Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of alarm to
which the Alarm Code applies.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 447

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Alarm Code is indicates the specific alarm that has occurred. Alarm
Codes are based on the corresponding bit number of the alarm as
defined in the associated alarm attribute.
The Alarm Code indicates the specific alarm condition or alarm clearing
event that has occurred. For alarm conditions (Alarm Type != 0) the
Alarm Code generally represents the bit number of the alarm as defined
in the associated Axis Alarm attribute. For alarm clearing events (Alarm
Type = 0) the Alarm Code identifies the specific alarm clearing event
that occurred. Since alarms are not persistent, the only alarm clearing
event is an Alarm Log Reset, which like the Fault Log Reset is given a
Code of 255 (0xFF).
The Alarm Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail
into the source of the alarm condition. The enumeration is specific to the
associated Alarm Code.
The Alarm State element is an enumeration that indicates what the
current state of the associated alarm condition is. Alarm log entries are
created when an alarm condition sets (Alarm State = 1) AND when it
clears (Alarm State = 0).
The Alarm Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding
alarm condition was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on
System Time in use units.

448 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Alarm Log

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All Get Struct{ - - - Struct {

USINT, Index;
USINT, Length;
Struct { Alarm Log Struct {
USINT, Alarm Type;
USINT, Alarm Code;
UINT, Alarm Sub Code;
USINT, Alarm State;
LINT } Time Stamp } [ ]
[25 ] } }
Alarm Type: Enum
0 = Alarms Cleared
1 = Start Inhibit
2 = Start Inhibit - Mfg
3 = Axis Alarm
4 = Axis Alarm - Mfg
5 = Motion Alarm
6 = Module Alarm
7 = Group Alarm
8 = Remote Get Alarm
9 = Axis Safety Alarm
10 = Axis Safety Alarm - Mfg
Alarm Code: Enum
(Alarm Type != 0)
0-255: Bit # of Alarm
(Alarm Type = 0)
255 = Alarm Log Reset

Alarm Sub Code: Enum

Alarm State: Enum
0 = Alarm Bit Off - 0
1 = Alarm Bit On - 1

The CIP Axis Alarm Log attribute is used to implement a running log of
alarms, complete with alarm type, alarm codes, and timestamps. The
elements of this structure is as follows:
The Alarm Log Index points to the latest element in the Alarm Log array.
Each element in the Alarm Log array is called an Alarm Log Record.
The Alarm Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the
Alarm Log array.
The Alarm Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of alarm to
which the Alarm Code applies.
The Alarm Code is indicates the specific alarm that has occurred. Alarm
Codes are based on the corresponding bit number of the alarm as
defined in the associated alarm attribute.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 449

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Alarm Code indicates the specific alarm condition or alarm clearing
event that has occurred. For alarm conditions (Alarm Type != 0) the
Alarm Code generally represents the bit number of the alarm as defined
in the associated Axis Alarm attribute. For alarm clearing events (Alarm
Type = 0) the Alarm Code identifies the specific alarm clearing event
that occurred. Since alarms are not persistent, the only alarm clearing
event is an Alarm Log Reset, which like the Fault Log Reset is given a
Code of 255 (0xFF).
The Alarm Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail
into the source of the alarm condition. The enumeration is specific to the
associated Alarm Code.
The Alarm State element is an enumeration that indicates what the
current state of the associated alarm condition is. Alarm log entries are
created when an alarm condition sets (Alarm State = 1) AND when it
clears (Alarm State = 0).
The Alarm Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding
alarm condition was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on
System Time in use units.

CIP Axis Fault Log Reset

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set USINT - - -

Writing to the Fault Log Reset attribute clears the entire Fault Log and
resets the Fault Log Index to the 0th element, records the Fault Log
Reset event and increments the Fault Log Index to 1.

CIP Axis Alarm Log Reset

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set USINT - - -

Writing to the Alarm Log Reset attribute clears the entire Alarm Log and
resets the Alarm Log Index to the 0th element, records the Alarm Log
Reset event and increments the Alarm Log Index to 1.

CIP Axis Fault Log Count

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get USINT - - -

This number is a running count of records added to the fault log. This
number is initialized to 0 at power-up, or by a controller reset, and is
incremented with every record added to the CIP Axis Fault Log. This
attribute may be used by software to determine if there are new fault log
records to upload.

450 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

CIP Axis Alarm Log Count

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get USINT - - -

This number is a running count of records added to the alarm log. This
number is initialized to 0 at power-up or by a controller reset, and is
incremented with every record added to the CIP Axis Alarm Log. This
attribute may be used by software to determine if there are new alarm
log records to upload.

CIP Axis Alarm Source

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get USINT - - -
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes

The CIP Axis Alarm Source attribute is a 128-element array of 8-bit

unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source
conditions for each possible CIP Axis Alarm. Multiple source conditions
can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified
by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to
determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Axis
Alarms bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Axis Alarms
bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub
Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is
posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm
Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition
is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or
decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state
of the associated CIP Axis Alarms bit is determined by the Active Alarm
Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP
Axis Alarms bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated CIP
Axis Alarms bit shall be cleared.
Axis Alarm sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub
Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple alarm sources for a given
alarm could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or
from different power structure instances.

CIP Axis Alarm Source - RA

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get USINT - - -
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes

The CIP Axis Alarm Source RA attribute is a 128-element array of 8-bit

unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 451

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
conditions for each possible RA specific CIP Axis Alarm. Multiple source
conditions can be active at any given time. These source conditions are
identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the
controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated
CIP Axis Alarms RA bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Axis Alarms
RA bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub
Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is
posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm
Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition
is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or
decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state
of the associated CIP Axis Alarms RA bit is determined by the Active
Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0,
the CIP Axis Alarms RA bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the
associated CIP Axis Alarms RA bit shall be cleared.
Axis Alarm sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub
Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple alarm sources for a given
alarm could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or
from different power structure instances.

CIP Start Inhibit Source

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get USINT - - -
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes

The CIP Start Inhibit Source attribute is a 16-element array of 8-bit

unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source
conditions for each possible CIP Start Inhibit. Multiple source conditions
can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified
by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to
determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Start
Inhibits bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Start Inhibits
bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub
Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is
posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm
Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition
is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or
decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state
of the associated CIP Start Inhibits bit is determined by the Active Alarm
Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP
Start Inhibits bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated
CIP Start Inhibits bit shall be cleared.
Start Inhibit sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub
Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple start inhibit sources for a

452 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
given start inhibit could, for example, come from different feedback
channels, or from different power structure instances.

CIP Start Inhibit Source - RA

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - All Get USINT - - -
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes

The CIP Start Inhibit Source attribute is a 16-element array of 8-bit

unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source
conditions for each possible RA specific CIP Start Inhibit. Multiple
source conditions can be active at any given time. These source
conditions are identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used
by the controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the
associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Start Inhibits
RA bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub
Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is
posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm
Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition
is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or
decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state
of the associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit is determined by the Active
Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0,
the CIP Start Inhibits RA bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the
associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit shall be cleared.
Start Inhibit sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub
Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple start inhibit sources for a
given start inhibit could, for example, come from different feedback
channels, or from different power structure instances.

See also
Initialization Faults Attributes on page 434

Feedback Attributes The following position feedback related attribute tables associated with
a Motion Control Axis apply to various feedback device and feedback
interface technologies.

Feedback Interface Types Feedback interface technologies include:

• Digital AqB (digital A quad B signals)
• Sine/Cosine (analog A quad B signals)
• Digital Parallel (parallel digital bit interface)
• SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface)
• LDT (Linear Displacement Transducer)
• Resolver
Other modern feedback interfaces supported are: Hiperface and
Hiperface DSL (by Stegmann) and EnDat 2.1 and EnDat 2.2 (by
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 453
Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Heidenhain). The Usage column for a feedback attribute is based on the
context of the Feedback Type. Abbreviations for the various Feedback
Types are defined in this table:

Feedback Type abbreviations

Abbreviation Feedback Type
TT Digital AqB
TP Digital Parallel
SC Sine/Cosine
HI Hiperface
HD Hiperface DSL
ED EnDat 2.1 and 2.2
INT Integrated
RS Resolver
LT LDT - Linear Displacement Transducer
TG Tamagawa
NK Nikon
SL Stahl SSI
TM Track Mover
TS Track Section

Tamagawa (TG), Nikon (NK), and Stahl SSI (SL) are serial interface
protocols for encoders. Track Section (TS) and Track Mover (TM) are
applicable to track-based systems. The position feedback
characteristics of the track split between track sections and track
movers. Section electronics determine feedback resolution and the
feedback range for the Track Section component of the feedback
This section defines the minimal set of required attributes to support
CIP Motion device interchangeability. This guarantees that there is
sufficient parametric data provided by the controller for any CIP Motion
compliant drive to effectively interface to a wide range of feedback
device types.
Multiple feedback device interfaces are currently defined by the Motion
Control Axis per axis to serve specific control or master feedback
functions. These feedback devices are accessed using their assigned
logical channels, for example, Feedback 1 and Feedback 2. Each
logical feedback channel is mapped to a physical feedback interface
port of the device, for example Port 1, and Port 2.

Logical Feedback Channel Control Functions

Logical Feedback Motion Control Function Master Feedback Function
Feedback 1 Motor Feedback and Commutation Master Feedback 1
Feedback 2 Load-side Feedback Master Feedback 2
Feedback 3 Vendor Specific Vendor Specific
Feedback 4 Vendor Specific Vendor Specific

454 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Logical Feedback Motion Control Function Master Feedback Function
Feedback 3 Redundant Motor Feedback Redundant Master Feedback 1
Feedback 4 Redundant Load-side Feedback Redundant Master Feedback 2

When the Control Mode is set to something other than No Control,

Feedback 1 is associated with the motor mounted feedback device
while Feedback 2 is associated with the load-side or machine mounted
feedback device. Feedback 1 is always required for PM Motor
When Control Mode is set to No Control for a Motion Control Axis,
different logical feedback channels can be used as the master feedback
source, for example, Feedback 1 and Feedback 2. Generally, Feedback
1 is used.
For Rockwell Automation devices Feedback 3 is used to provide a
redundant logical feedback channel for Feedback 1 while Feedback 4 is
used to provide a redundant logical channel for Feedback 2.
To minimize the length of the feedback attribute tables below, the letter
n in the generic Feedback n attribute name is used to specify the
associated feedback channel number. Valid channel numbers for open
standard feedback attributes of the Motion Control Axis are 1, 2, 3 and
Attribute IDs are assigned based on the channel number. Support for
feedback interface channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 are optional in the device
implementation. If no feedback interface channel is present in the
device the associated set of feedback channel attributes are not
However, if hardware support for any of these feedback channels is
available in a given device, these attributes are clearly applicable in the
implementation and will follow the Usage rules. A Usage rule of 'Req -
E' or 'Opt - E' indicates that the attribute is generally applicable to all
Device Control Codes where the feedback channel itself is applicable,
hence the 'E' for Encoder.
If a specific logical feedback channel, feedback n, is not applicable
based on the current feedback configuration, then attributes for
feedback n are not applicable; no feedback configuration attributes for
that channel are set by configuration software, nor are any such
attributes sent to the drive device. This table outlines these rules:
Feedback Configuration Feedback 1 Feedback 2
No Feedback No No
Master Feedback Yes No
Motor Feedback Yes No
Load Feedback Yes(1) Yes
Dual Feedback Yes Yes
Dual Integrator Feedback Yes Yes
Feedback 1 channel is needed for commutation of PM Motors.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 455

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
General Feedback Info Attributes on page 470
General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456

Feedback Configuration The Feedback Configuration attributes determines how the various
available feedback channels are used to implement the selected
Attributes Control Mode.

Feedback Configuration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/GSV USINT 0 (B, F) 0 15 Enumeration:
1 (E) 0 = No Feedback
2 (C) 1 = Master Feedback
2 = Motor Feedback
3 = Load Feedback
4 = Dual Feedback
5-7 = Reserved
8 = Dual Int Feedback
8-15 = Reserved

When configured, this attribute also sets the initial value for Feedback
Mode. This attribute contains a 4-bit enumerated value that determines
how the various logical feedback channels are used to implement the
selected Control Mode for this axis instance.
Feedback Configuration enumerations provide support for multi-
feedback device control functionality for the various active device
Control Modes, for example, where the device is actively controlling the
motor based on feedback. In these active device Control Modes it is
assumed that logical channel, Feedback 1, is attached directly to the
motor while Feedback 2 is attached to the load side of the mechanical
transmission. Commutation signals for a PM motor are always derived
from the Feedback 1, except in the case of an active redundant
feedback source.
This table describes the Feedback Configuration enumerations:
Bit Usage Name Description
0 R/S No Feedback No Feedback is selected when sensorless open loop or
closed loop control is desired. When performing open loop
control, no feedback signal is required. In closed loop
control, the required feedback signal is estimated by a
sensorless control algorithm based on motor phase voltage
and current signals.
1 R/N Master Feedback Master Feedback assigns an uncommitted feedback channel
to this device axis instance to serve as a master feedback
source when the device is configured for No Control mode
2 R/C Motor Feedback When Motor Feedback is selected, then commutation,
acceleration, velocity, and position feedback signals are all
derived from motor mounted Feedback 1

456 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Usage Name Description
3 O/C Load Feedback When Load Feedback is selected, then motor-mounted
Feedback 1 is only used for PM motor commutation while
load-side Feedback 2 is used for position, velocity, and
4 O/P Dual Feedback When Dual Feedback is selected, then motor mounted
Feedback 1 is used for commutation, acceleration, and
velocity, and load-side Feedback 2 is used strictly for
5-7 - Reserved -
8 O/P Dual Integrator Dual Integral Feedback means that motor-mounted
Feedback Feedback 1 is used for commutation, acceleration, velocity,
and position proportional control, and load-side Feedback 2
is used only for integral position control. This optimizes the
stiffness of the control loop at low frequency.
9-15 - Reserved -

Feedback Mode
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XED Set* BYTE 0 0 15 Bits 0-3: Feedback Mode
0 = No Feedback
1 = Master Feedback
2 = Motor Feedback
3 = Load Feedback
4 = Dual Feedback
5-7 = Reserved
8-15 = Vendor Specific
8 = Dual Int Feedback
Bits 4-5: Feedback Data Type
0 = DINT (32-bit integer)
1 = LINT (64-bit integer)
2-3 = Reserved
Bits 6-7 = Reserved
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The Feedback Mode attribute determines how the various available

feedback channels are used to implement the selected Control Mode.
This attribute is transferred to the device as part of the Cyclic data
block. Currently bits 0-3 are used to enumerate the Feedback Mode
configuration. Bits 4-5 are used to select the position feedback data
type. Bit 5-7 are reserved for future use.
This attribute contains the 4-bit enumerated Feedback Mode field
derived from the Feedback Configuration attribute that determines how
the various logical feedback channels are used to implement the the
selected Control Mode for this axis instance. The attribute also contains
a 2-bit enumerated field, Feedback Data Type, which determines the
Actual Position data type that is to be included in the Device-to-

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 457

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Controller connection Cyclic Data Block, with options for 32-bit or 64-bit
signed integer representations. The Feedback Data Type field value is
determined by the Extended Position Feedback bit (bit 20) of the Axis
Features attribute, and is not user configurable in this implementation.
Feedback Mode field enumerations provide support for multi-feedback
device control functionality for the various active device Control Modes,
for example, where the device is actively controlling the motor based on
feedback. In these active device Control Modes it is assumed that
logical channel, Feedback 1, is attached directly to the motor while
Feedback 2 is attached to the load side of the mechanical transmission.
Commutation signals for a PM motor are always derived from the
Feedback 1, except in the case of an active redundant feedback
Bit Usage Name Description
0 R/!E No Feedback No Feedback is selected when sensorless/encoderless open loop
or closed loop control is desired. When performing open loop
control, no feedback signal is required. In closed loop control, the
required feedback signal is estimated by a sensorless control
algorithm based on motor phase voltage and current signals
1 R/E Master Feedback Master Feedback assigns an uncommitted feedback channel to
this device axis instance to serve as a master feedback source
when the device is configured for No Control mode.
2 R/XC Motor Feedback When Motor Feedback is selected, commutation, acceleration,
velocity, and position feedback signals are all derived from motor
mounted Feedback 1.
3 O/C Load Feedback When Load Feedback is selected, then motor-mounted Feedback
1 is only used for PM motor commutation while load-side
Feedback 2 is used for position, velocity, and acceleration.
4 O/P Dual Feedback When Dual Feedback is selected, then motor mounted Feedback 1
is used for commutation, acceleration, and velocity, and load-
side Feedback 2 is used strictly for position.
5-7 - Reserved -
8 O/P Dual Integrator Dual Integral Feedback means that motor-mounted Feedback 1 is
Feedback used for commutation, acceleration, velocity, and position
proportional control, and load-side Feedback 2 is used only for
integral position control. This optimizes the stiffness of the
control loop at low frequency.
9-15 - Reserved -

When modified programmatically, using SSV, only the Feedback Mode

field value can be changed, all other bits are ignored by the instruction.
Furthermore, the Feedback Mode field value, cannot be set to an
enumeration that the Feedback Configuration cannot support.
Attempting to do so results in the SSV instruction generating a Minor
Fault. For example if the Feedback Configuration is set for Motor
Feedback, the Feedback Mode cannot be changed to Load Feedback
since that feedback channel has not been configured.

Feedback Mode SSV Promotion Rules

The following table describes valid Feedback Modes.

458 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Feedback Configuration Valid Feedback Modes
No Feedback No Feedback
Master Feedback Master Feedback
Motor Feedback Motor Feedback
No Feedback
Load Feedback Load Feedback
Dual Feedback
Motor Feedback
No Feedback
Dual Feedback Dual Feedback
Load Feedback
Motor Feedback
No Feedback

Feedback Master Select

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
FD 0 = (Reserved)
1 = Feedback 1
2 = Feedback 2
2-255 = (reserved)

The Feedback Master Select attribute determines what Logical channel

is assigned to this axis instance when the Feedback Mode is set to
Master Feedback. Default is Feedback 1.

Feedback Unit Ratio

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PV Set REAL 1 - - Feedback 1 Units per Feedback 2
FD Units

The Feedback Unit Ratio attribute is the number of Feedback 1 Units

per Feedback 2 Units. This value is used to convert from feedback 2
units or counts to feedback 1 units or counts when configured for dual
loop or load side feedback operation. The Feedback Ratio block that
applies the Feedback Unit Ratio scaling factor appears in the Position
Loop and Torque Reference block diagrams.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Resolution Unit

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
CU 0 = Cycles/Unit (R)
1 = Units/Cycle (O) (linear only)
2 = Bits/Unit (O) (rotary only)
3-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

The Feedback n Resolution Unit attribute is the unit of measure for

feedback resolution used by Feedback n Cycle Resolution attribute.
Default selection is Cycles/Unit where resolution is expressed in
feedback cycles per revolution for rotary feedback devices or per meter
for linear feedback devices. If Units/Cycle is selected then Feedback n
Cycle Resolution shall be expressed in Nanometers/Cycle for linear
feedback devices. This selection is not applicable to rotary devices. If
Bits/Unit is selected then Feedback n Cycle Resolution is expressed as
2n Cycles per revolution of a rotary feedback device, where n is the
number of bits in the binary position representation of the device. This
selection is not applicable for linear devices.

Feedback n Unit
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
DB 0 = Rev
1 = Meter
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The Feedback n Unit attribute is a unit of measure for the designated

feedback device. The Feedback Unit for Feedback 1 and any redundant
feedback device for Feedback 1 shall be the same as the configured
Motor Unit.
If the Motor Unit is set to Rev, Feedback 1 Unit shall be set to Rev. If
Motor Unit is set to Meter, Feedback 1 Unit shall be set to Meter.
Feedback devices with a Feedback Unit of Rev are considered “rotary”
devices, while Feedback devices with a Feedback Unit of Meter are
considered “linear” devices.

Feedback n Port Select

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
FC 0 = Unused (R)
1-255 = Feedback Port ID (0)

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Feedback n Port Select attribute maps the logical Feedback
Channel “n” to a physical Feedback Port ID. A Feedback Port ID is
assigned to each feedback interface port of the device by the drive
vendor. If the drive does not support this attribute, the drive vendor shall
hard-code the feedback port mapping to the logical Feedback Channels
for each axis instance. Supporting the Feedback n Port Select attribute
allows flexibility to map the logical Feedback Channels to different
Feedback Ports.
Default Feedback n Port Select = 0. A value of 0 indicates that
Feedback n Channel is unmapped, hence unused.

Feedback n Type
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
DB 0 = Not Specified (R)
1 = Digital AqB (O)
2 = Digital AqB with UVW (O)
3 = Digital Parallel (O)
4 = Sine/Cosine (O)
5 = Sine/Cosine with UVW (O)
6 = Hiperface (O)
7 = EnDat Sine/Cosine (O)
8 = EnDat Digital (O)
9 = Resolver (O)
10 = SSI Digital (O)
11 = LDT (O)
12 = Hiperface DSL (O)
13 = BiSS Digital (O)
14 = Integrated (O)
15 = SSI Sine/Cosine (O)
16 = SSI AqB (O)
17 = BiSS Sine/Cosine (O)
18-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific
128 = Tamagawa Serial (O)
129 = Stahl SSI (O)
130 = Track Section (O)
131 = Track Mover (O)
132 = Nikon (O)

The Feedback n Type attribute Identifies the type of feedback interface

of the associated Feedback device channel. Drive support for any
individual feedback type is left to the discretion of the device
manufacturer. However, if a specific feedback type is supported,
attributes associated with that type are generally required in the
The “Integrated” Feedback Type is specified for CIP Motion compliant
devices with an integral feedback transducer function, for example, a
CIP Motion encoder.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
In the case of a motor mounted feedback device, if Motor Data Source
is Motor NV or Drive NV, the Feedback 1 Type might not be known to
the controller but is known by the drive, so the drive can operate in this
case without specifying the Feedback 1 Type.
If the optional Commutation Startup Method attribute is not supported
by the device, or the Commutation Startup Method is set to From
Feedback Type, the Feedback 1 Type can be used to implicitly specify
the commutation startup method. For example, by selecting the
Feedback 1 Type with or without UVW commutation signals the device
applies the UVW commutation startup method or the Self-Sense startup
method, respectively. In this case, UVW commutation signals can be
derived from UVW tracks integral to the feedback device or via separate
Hall sensors in the motor. All other Feedback 1 Type selections would
apply the Digital commutation startup method.
In the case of a motor mounted feedback device, if the Motor Data
Source is Controller NV, an unspecified Feedback 1 Type, when
received by the drive device during configuration, indicates that the
motor feedback configuration has not been defined and therefore
results in a General Status error of Invalid Attribute Value.

Feedback n Polarity
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Normal Polarity
1 = Inverted Polarity
2-225 = Reserved

The Feedback n Polarity attribute is an enumerated value used to

establish the direction of change in the feedback counter in response to
positive motion of the associated feedback device. Normal polarity is
defined as that which results in increasing feedback counts when the
feedback device is hooked up and moved in the positive direction
according to the devices published specifications.
Inverted polarity internally switches the polarity of the feedback
accumulator so that the feedback counts decrease when the feedback
device moves in the positive direction. This attribute can be used to
make the direction of travel agree with the user's definition of positive
travel and can be used in conjunction with the Motor Polarity bit to
provide negative feedback, when this feedback channel is used for
closed loop control.

Feedback n Startup Method

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set USINT Default - - Enumeration
N/A for X Startup 0 = Incremental (R)
Method 1 = Absolute (O)
DB 2-255 = Reserved

462 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Feedback n Startup Method attribute determines how the device
applies the feedback count value during drive startup. In Incremental
mode, the device zeros the feedback count accumulator at power-up.
The first Actual Position value sent to the controller in the Cyclic Data
Block of the Device-to-Controller connection at power-up is zero. This is
an indication to the controller that the drive is power-cycled and the
drive axis needs to be homed to establish a machine reference position.
In Absolute mode, the device initializes the feedback count accumulator
at power-up to the absolute feedback position value read from the
feedback device. When the absolute position range of the feedback
device is less than the 32-bit signed integer representation of the
feedback count accumulator, the absolute position is sign extended to a
32-bit signed value. Digital AqB, and Sine/Cosine do not support
Absolute startup.
Some device vendors tie the Feedback Start-up Method to the
Feedback Type selection. In these cases, an attempt by the controller to
incorrectly configure the Feedback Startup Method shall generate a
General Status error of Invalid Attribute Value.
The default Feedback Startup Method value depends on the associated
Feedback Type according to the following table:
Feedback Type Default Feedback Startup Method
Digital AqB Incremental
Digital Parallel Absolute
Sine/Cosine Incremental
Hiperface Absolute
EnDat Sine/Cosine Absolute
EnDat Digital Absolute
Resolver Absolute
SSI Digital Absolute
LDT Absolute
Hiperface DSL Absolute
BiSS Digital Absolute
Integrated Absolute
SSI Sine/Cosine Absolute
SSI AqB Absolute
BiSS Sine Cosine Absolute
Tamagawa Serial Absolute
Nikon Serial Absolute
Stahl SSI Absolute
Track Section N/A
Track Mover Absolute

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Cycle Resolution

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set UDINT Default 1 max Cycles/Unit (Rotary): Feedback
Not LT Feedback dint Cycles/Rev
Resolution Cycles/Unit (Linear): Feedback Cycles/m
Unit/Cycle (Linear):
nm/Feedback Cycle
Bits/Unit (Rotary): 2n
Cycles/ Rev (Rotary)
where n = #Bits

The Feedback n Cycle Resolution attribute determines the resolution

capability of the associated feedback device. Units for this attribute are
determined by the Feedback n Resolution Unit and the rotary or linear
Feedback n Unit as shown in the Semantics column. For rotary
feedback devices, this value is expressed as the number of Feedback
Cycles per Revolution of the device, or alternatively by the number of
bits in the binary position representation of the device per Revolution.
For linear feedback devices, this value represents the either the number
of Feedback Cycles per Meter (m), or the number of nanometers (nm)
per Feedback Cycle.
Cycles for a Digital AqB device represent the 'line' resolution of the
encoder. Cycles for a Sin/Cos device represent the sinusoidal 'cycle'
resolution of the encoder. Cycles for a Resolver is the 'pole' count of the
device. For digital serial (for example, SSI) or parallel absolute feedback
devices, Cycles represent the 'step' or 'count' resolution of the device.
The default Feedback Resolution value used for the Feedback Cycle
Resolution attributes depends on the associated Feedback Type and
Feedback Unit selection according to the following table:
Default Feedback Resolution vs. Feedback Type and Feedback
Feedback Type Feedback Resolution Feedback Resolution
Feedback Unit = Revs Feedback Unit = Meters
Digital AqB 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
Digital Parallel 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
Sine/Cosine 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
Hiperface 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
EnDat Sine/Cosine 2048 cycles/rev 8192 cycles/m
EnDat Digital 131072 cycles/rev 655360 cycles/m
Resolver 2 cycles/rev 8 cycles/m
SSI Digital 524288 cycles/rev 2097152 cycles/m
LDT - -
Hiperface DSL 131072 cycles/rev 655360 cycles/m
BiSS Digital 524288 cycles/rev 2097152 cycles/m
Integrated 131072 cycles/rev 2097152 cycles/m
SSI Sine/Cosine 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
SSI AqB 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m

464 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Feedback Type Feedback Resolution Feedback Resolution
Feedback Unit = Revs Feedback Unit = Meters
BiSS Sine Cosine 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
Tamagawa Serial 131072 cycles/rev 655360 cycles/m
Nikon Serial 131072 cycles/rev 655360 cycles/m
Stahl SSI 1024 cycles/rev 4096 cycles/m
Track Section - 100,000,000 cycles/m
Track Mover - 100,000,000 cycles/m

Feedback n Cycle Interpolation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set UDINT 4 1 max Feedback Counts / Feedback
Not LT DB dint Cycle

The Feedback n Cycle Interpolation attribute is the number of

interpolated Feedback Counts per Feedback Cycle. For a Digital AqB
device the device’s feedback interface hardware can generally support
interpolation values of 1, 2, or 4. For a Sin/Cos, Hiperface, EnDat, or
Resolver feedback device the number is generally much larger and
determined by the interpolation capability of the device feedback
interface hardware. A value of 1024 is typical in this case. For digital
serial (e.g. SSI) or parallel absolute feedback device interfaces, this
value is always 1 since there is no opportunity of device-based
interpolation. The effective resolution of the feedback device in
Feedback Counts per Feedback Unit is determined by combination of
Feedback Cycle Resolution and Feedback Cycle Interpolation attribute
values. .

Feedback n Turns
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set UDINT 1 1 max Feedback Units (Rev)
Rotary Absolute DB dint

The Feedback n Turns attribute is the maximum number of shaft turns

specified for a rotary absolute feedback device to maintain its absolute
position reference. Typical rotary absolute feedback devices specify an
absolute number of turns that typically range from 1 to 4096 in powers
of 2. This attribute can be used by the control system to determine the
maximum Feedback Count range of the absolute feedback device, this
being the product of the feedback cycle resolution, interpolation, and

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 465

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Length
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set REAL 1 0.001 Feedback Units (Meters)
Linear Absolute DB

The Feedback n Length attribute is the specified length of a linear

absolute feedback device. Typical linear absolute feedback devices
specify length in meters. This attribute can be used by the control
system to determine the maximum travel range of absolute feedback
device in Feedback Counts, this being the combination of the feedback
cycle resolution, interpolation, and length.
For a Track Section (TS) feedback type this attribute represents the
length of the track section.
For a Track Mover (TM) feedback type this attribute represents the
length of the entire track.

Feedback n Data Length

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 16 8 32 # of Bits

The Feedback n Data Length attribute is the number of feedback data

bits transferred over the digital serial or parallel data interface channel
of a feedback device.

Feedback n Data Code

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
TP, SS 0 = Binary
1 = Gray
2-255 = Reserved

The Feedback n Data Code attribute is the type of feedback data bit
encoding used by designated serial or parallel data interface channel of
a feedback device.

Feedback n Resolver Transformer Ratio

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 1 - - -

466 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Feedback n Resolver Transformer Ratio attribute is the
Transformer Ratio specification of the designated resolver feedback

Feedback n Resolver Excitation Voltage

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 0 - - Volts (RMS)

The Feedback n Resolver Excitation Voltage attribute sets the

sinusoidal excitation voltage applied to the rotor of the designated
resolver feedback device.

Feedback n Resolver Excitation Frequency

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 4000 - - Hertz

The Feedback n Resolver Excitation Frequency attribute is the

frequency of sinusoidal excitation signal applied to the designated
resolver feedback device. Valid frequency range or values for this
attribute depends on the specific device hardware interface.

Feedback n Resolver Cable Balance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 100 0 %

The Feedback n Resolver Cable Balance attribute adjusts the relative

amplitude of the Sine and Cosine signals from the resolver to
compensate for impact of resolver cable.

Feedback n LDT Type

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set USINT 0 Enumeration:
LT 0 = PWM
1 = Start/Stop Rising
2 = Start/Stop Falling
3-255 = (reserved)

The Feedback n LDT Type attribute determines the LDT type. The
attribute options are Start/Stop and PWM. Start/Stop transducers
receive an input (interrogate) signal to start the measurement cycle and
respond with two pulses on the return line. Timing is either Rising or

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Falling edge. The time between pulses is proportional to the position.
PWM transducers respond to the interrogate signal with a single long
pulse on the return line. The pulse width is proportional to the position.

Feedback n LDT Recirculations

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set USINT 0 # Recirculations

The Feedback n LDT Recirculations attribute determines the number of

recirculations for a PWM type LDT transducer. Use multiple
recirculations to increase the resolution of the LDT and increases the
sample period.

Feedback n Loss Action (valid for n = 1 or 2 only)

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Set Exception (R)
1 = Switch to Sensorless Fdbk (O)
2 = Switch to Redundant Feedback
3-255 = Reserved

The Feedback n Loss Action attribute specifies the action taken in the
event of a loss of Feedback 1 signal. Valid actions are to simply handle
as an Exception, or automatically switch to Sensorless operation where
feedback is estimated based on motor current and voltage signals, or
automatically switch to a scaled version of a redundant feedback
device. In the case of redundant feedback, Feedback 1 is called the
primary feedback source and the redundant channel is the called the
secondary feedback source.

Feedback n Scaling Ratio (valid for n = 3 or 4 only)

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set LREAL 0 Scaled Feedback Counts per
Feedback n Count.

The Feedback n Scaling Ration attribute is the number of Scaled

Feedback Counts per Feedback n Count. This value is used to convert
between secondary feedback n counts to the resolution of the
associated primary feedback channel to support dynamic switching
between feedback channels.

468 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Velocity Filter Taps

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set UINT 1 1 maxint Delay Taps (>= 1)

The Feedback n Velocity Filter Taps attribute determines the number of

delay taps used in the FIR Filter differencing algorithm to estimate
velocity from Feedback n. A simple difference of 1 sample period is
equivalent to a 1 delay tap.

Feedback n Accel Filter Taps

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set UINT 1 1 maxint Delay Taps (>= 1)

The Feedback n Accel Filter Taps attribute determines the number of

delay taps used in the FIR Filter differencing algorithm to estimate
acceleration from Feedback n. The Acceleration FIR filter can be
implemented as two cascaded FIR filters each configured according to
the Feedback n Acceleration Filter Tap setting. A simple difference of 1
sample period is equivalent to 1 delay tap.

Feedback n Velocity Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 0 0 Radians/sec

The Feedback n Velocity Filter Bandwidth attribute controls the

bandwidth of the Low Pass Filter applied to the raw velocity signal from
Feedback n. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this feature.

Feedback n Accel Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 0 0 Radians/sec

The Feedback n Accel Filter Bandwidth attribute controls the bandwidth

of the Low Pass Filter applied to the raw acceleration signal from
Feedback n. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this feature.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 469

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Battery Absolute

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
TG, NK 0 = No
1 = Yes

The Feedback n Battery Absolute attribute determines if battery is

included in battery-backed absolute feedback device such as
Tamagawa or Nikon Serial encoders. This allows the drive to qualify
Feedback Battery Loss and Feedback Battery Low exception

Feedback n Calibration Offset

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set REAL 0 -5 5 Millimeters

The Feedback n Calibration Offset attribute determines the offset to

apply to the axis position for a track mover axis to compensate for
variations in position feedback sensor location. Use this attribute to
calibrate axis position feedback reported by the mover axis of both the
track section device and controller with the actual position of the mover
as measured on the machine.

See also
Feedback Attributes on page 453
General Feedback Info Attributes on page 470
General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471
Interpreting the Attribute Tables on page 89

General Feedback Info These are the general feedback information attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Feedback n Serial Number
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get SHORT - - - For example,
STRING 0012003400560078

The Feedback n Serial Number attribute is a 16-character string that

specifies the serial number of the device associated with Feedback n. If
it is not possible for the drive to read the Serial Number from the
feedback device the drive sets this attribute to a Null string.
For track systems, the Feedback 1 Serial Number attribute returns the
physical mover sequence number assigned to the mover axis by the
track system’s mover-axis assignment process. The controller can use

470 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
this unique value the to verify that the mover-axis assignment has not
changed as part of the APR process. If the mover axis instance cannot
be assigned to a physical mover, the track section sets this attribute to
the Null string, 0.

Position Feedback n
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Require - E Get/GSV DINT - - - Feedback n Counts

The Position Feedback n attribute is the actual position of the axis

based on Feedback n.

See also
Feedback Attributes on page 453
General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456

General Feedback Signal These are the general feedback signal attributes associated with a
Motion Control Axis.
Feedback n Position
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get T DINT - - - Feedback n Counts

The Position Feedback n attribute is the actual position of the axis

based on Feedback n.

Feedback n Velocity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get T REAL - - - Feedback n Units/Sec

The Feedback n Velocity attribute is the actual filtered velocity of the

axis based on Feedback n.

Feedback n Acceleration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get T REAL - - - Feedback n Units/Sec2

The Feedback n Acceleration attribute is the actual filtered acceleration

of the axis based on Feedback n.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 471

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Feedback n Error Code

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T UINT - - - Device Specific Error Code

The Feedback n Error Code attribute is the error code reported by the
feedback device associated with the Feedback n channel when it
detects an internal error resulting in a Feedback Device Failure

Feedback nU Position
Valid for n = 1 or 2 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Feedback n Counts

The Feedback nU Position attribute is the actual position of the axis

based on un-scaled Feedback n.

Feedback nU Velocity
Valid for n = 1 or 2 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T REAL - - - Feedback n Units/Sec

The Feedback nU Velocity attribute is the actual filtered velocity of the

axis based on un-scaled Feedback n.

Feedback nU Acceleration
Valid for n = 1 or 2 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T REAL - - - Feedback n Units/Sec2

The Feedback nU Acceleration attribute is the actual filtered

acceleration of the axis based on un-scaled Feedback n.

Feedback nS Position
Valid for n = 3 or 4 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T DINT - - - Scaled Feedback n Counts

472 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Feedback nS Position attribute is the actual position of the axis
based on scaled Feedback n.

Feedback nS Velocity
Valid for n = 3 or 4 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T REAL - - - Scaled Feedback n Units/Sec

The Feedback nS Velocity attribute is the actual filtered velocity of the

axis based on scaled Feedback n.

Feedback nS Acceleration
Valid for n = 3 or 4 only
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Get T REAL - - - Scaled Feedback n Units/Sec2

The Feedback nS Acceleration attribute is the filtered acceleration of

the axis based on scaled Feedback n.

See also
Feedback Attributes on page 453
General Feedback Signal Attributes on page 471
Feedback Configuration Attributes on page 456

Motion Control Attributes The following attribute tables contain motion control related attributes
associated with a Motion Control Axis Object instance.

Motion Control These are the basic motion control configuration attributes associated
with a motion control axis. These attributes govern the overall behavior
Configuration Attributes of the motion control axis.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 473

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis features
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Value Description
Required - All Set/ DWORD 0 - - Bitmap
GSV 0 = Fine Interpolation (O)
1 = Registration Auto-rearm (O)
2 = Alarm Log (O)
3 = Marker (O)
4 = Home Switch (O)
5 = Hookup Test (O)
6 = Commutation Test (O)
7 = Motor Test (O)
8 = Inertia Test (O)
9 = Sensorless Control (O)
10 = Drive Scaling (O)
11 = Extended Event Block (O)
12 = Integer Command Position (O)
13 = Ext. Motor Test (O)
14 = Control Mode Change (O)
15 = Feedback Model Change (O)
16 = Pass Bus Status (O)
17 = Pass Bus Unload (O)
18 = Ext. Speed for SPM (O)
19 = Ext. Speed for IPM (O)
20 = Ext. Pos. Feedback (O)
21 = Ext. Sub Code Format (O)
22: Ext. Dynamic Motor Test (O)
23: Hookup Test Speed(O)
24-31: (reserved)

The following table provides descriptions of the bit specified Axis feature
attribute values.
Bit Motion Status Description
0 Fine Interpolation (O) Indicates that the axis supports fine interpolation of command
data based on command target time. Fine interpolation is used to
provide smoother command reference signals when the drive
update period is smaller than the controller update period.
1 Registration Auto-rearm (O) Indicates that the axis supports the automatic re-arming
mechanism for registration inputs. This feature is required for
windowed registration support.
2 Alarm Log (O) Indicates that this axis supports the Alarm Log feature. Alarm Log
data is received from the drive using the Alarm bit of the Status
Data Set and updates the Alarm Log of the controller.
3 Marker (O) Indicates that the axis position feedback device supports a
marker function. This functionality is required for Homing
Sequences that employ the marker signal and for the marker
Hookup Test.
4 Home Switch (O) Indicates that the axis supports a home switch input. This
functionality is required for Homing Sequences that employ the
home switch input signal.
5 Hookup Test (O) The axis supports a Hookup Test service. This service is required
to perform a Hookup Test (MRHD) to check wiring to the motor
and feedback components.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Motion Status Description
6 Commutation Test (O) The axis supports a Commutation Test as part of the Hookup Test
service. This service is required to perform a Hookup Test (MRHD)
to check commutation wiring and determine the Commutation
7 Motor Test (O) The axis supports a Motor Test service. This service is required
to perform a Motor Test (MRMT) to measure motor model
8 Inertia Test (O) The axis supports an Inertia Test service. This service is used as
part of the Auto Tune (MRAT) that measures inertia.
9 Sensorless Control (O) The axis supports sensorless control operation letting the drive
run in velocity loop mode without an external feedback device.
10 Drive Scaling (O) The device supports Drive Scaling functionality where the device
is able to scale feedback counts to planner counts and manage
absolute position.
11 Extended Event Block (O) The device supports the extended Event Data Block format. This
format supports additional features generally associated with
Drive Scaling functionality, such as Watch Position events and
Windowed Registration.
12 Integer Command Position The device requires Command Position Format to be a DINT (32-
(O) bit signed integer) data type. If not set, the device supports the
standard LREAL (64-bit floating point) Command Position data
13 Ext. Motor Text (O) The device supports the extended motor data format for the
Motor Test service. This format supports transfer of vendor
specific motor parameters and is required for the Motor Test
service to support IPM motors.
14 Control Mode Change (O) The device supports changes to the Control Mode while in the
Running state without generating large motion disturbances
(bumpless). An example of such a mode change would be to
switch from Position Control to Torque Control using an SSV
instruction. If a particular Control Mode change is not supported
by the device, a Configuration Fault will be generated.
15 Feedback Mode Change (O) The device supports the ability to change the Feedback Mode
while in the Running state without generating large motion
disturbances (bumpless). An example of such a mode change
would be to switch from Load Feedback to Motor Feedback using
an SSV instruction. If a particular Feedback Mode change is not
supported by the device, a Configuration Fault will be generated.
16 Pass Bus Status (O) The device supports passing Converter Status bits, Bus Up and
AC Power Loss, in the Control Status element of the C2D
Connection's Axis Instance header when configured for DC Bus
Sharing. The states of these Bus Status bits are determined by
the controller based on the Bus Up and AC Power Loss bits
passed in the Axis Status element of the D2C Connection's Cyclic
Data of Converters or Drives (Bus Masters) that also support the
Pass Bus Status feature. If clear, the associated device does not
support Bus Up and AC Power Loss bits in the C2D Connection.
Furthermore, if clear, the Bus Up and AC Power Loss status bits
received by the controller in the device's D2C connection are not
passed on to any other devices.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Motion Status Description
17 Pass Bus Unload (O) The associated device is capable of generating a Bus Sharing
exception based on Bus Unload request bit passed in the Control
Status element of the C2D Connection's Axis Instance header. In
this case, the controller passes a Bus Unload request to the
device if any Converter or Drive (Bus Masters) in its Bus Sharing
Group requests a Bus Unload. If clear, the controller is
responsible for generating a Bus Sharing exception for this
device axis in response to a Bus Unload request from any
Converter or Drive (Bus Masters) in its Bus Sharing group.
18 Ext. Speed for SPM (O) The device supports extending the speed range of an SPM motor
through field weakening to speeds that require methods to
protect drives from destructive DC Bus Overvoltage conditions.
To manage that risk, the Extended Speed feature provides
additional PM motor attributes including a PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive attribute.
19 Ext. Speed for IPM (O) The device supports extending the speed range of an IPM motor
through field weakening to speeds that require methods to
protect drives from destructive DC Bus Overvoltage conditions.
To manage that risk, the Extended Speed feature provides
additional PM motor attributes including a PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive attribute.
20 Ext. Position Feedback (O) The device supports passing Actual Position as a 64-bit LINT
element in the Cyclic Data Block of the D2C Connection. If this bit
is clear, the device only supports passing Actual Position as a 32-
bit DINT.
21 Ext. Sub Code Format (O) The device supports the Extended Sub Code Format as defined in
the Motion Device Axis Object. The extended format uses the
most significant bit of the Sub Code to select one of two bit field
formats for the remaining 7-bits.

Axis configuration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Value Description
Required - All Set/GSV USINT AOP* 0 5 Enumeration
0 = Feedback Only (O)
1 = Frequency Control (O)
2 = Position Loop (O)
3 = Velocity Loop (O)
4 = Torque Loop (O)
5 = Non-Regenerative AC/DC Converter
6 = Regenerative AC/DC Converter (O)
7 = Low Harmonic AC/DC Converter (O)
8 = DC/DC Converter (O)
9-127 = Reserved
128-255 Vendor Specific

* The default value can be specified by the specific drive profile (AOP).
The axis configuration attribute determines the general dynamic control
behavior of the motion device axis instance.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
This attribute is used to set both the Control Mode and Control Method
attributes according to the following table:
Axis Config Control Mode Control Method

Regenerative AC/DC Converter No Control No Control

Non-Regenerative AC/DC No Control No Control
Low Harmonic AC/DC No Control No Control
DC/DC Converter No Control No Control
Feedback Only No Control No Control
Frequency Control Velocity Control Frequency Control
Position Loop Position Control PI Vector Control
Velocity Loop Velocity Control PI Vector Control
Torque Loop Torque Control PI Vector Control

The axis configuration attribute is an enumerated value that determines

the general dynamic control behavior of the motion device axis
instance. This attribute is used by the controller to set the Control Mode
attribute that is sent to the drive as part of the cycle connection, and
also determines Control Method attribute configuration. So, when axis
configuration is set by configuration software, control mode and control
method are also updated.
The following table provides descriptions of the Axis configuration
attribute values:
Enumeration Usage Name Description
0 R/E O/C Feedback Only Provides an axis interface to a specific feedback device
as a master feedback source. The Control Mode and
Control Method are set to No Control in this configuration,
indicating that there is no dynamic control capability
associated with this axis.
1 R/F Frequency Control Selects the Frequency Control Method that applies voltage
to the motor, generally in proportion to the commanded
frequency or speed. Accordingly, the Control Mode
attribute is set to Velocity Control.
2 R/P Position Loop Selects the PI Vector Control Method that applies
feedback to provide closed loop cascaded PI control of
motor position, velocity, and torque, and includes closed
loop control of Iq and Id components of the motor current
vector. Accordingly, the Control Mode attribute is set to
Position Control.

3 R/V O/P Velocity Loop Selects the PI Vector Control Method that applies
feedback to provide closed loop cascaded PI control of
motor velocity, and torque, and includes closed loop
control of Iq and Id components of the motor current
vector. Accordingly, the Control Mode attribute is set to
Velocity Control.
4 R/T O/PV Torque Loop Selects the PI Vector Control Method that applies
feedback to provide closed loop PI control of motor
torque through control of Iq and Id components of the
motor current vector. Accordingly, the Control Mode
attribute is set to Torque Control.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 477

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enumeration Usage Name Description
5 O/N Non-Regenerative Provides an axis interface to a standalone non-
D AC/DC Converter regenerative power converter device. Both the Control
Mode and Control Method are set to No Control in this
configuration, indicating that there is no dynamic control
capability associated with this axis.
6 O/G Regenerative AC/DC Provides an axis interface to a standalone regenerative
Converter power converter device or the regenerative converter
function of an integrated regenerative drive device. Both
the Control Mode and Control Method are set to No Control
in the configuration, indicating that there is no dynamic
control capability associated with this axis.
7 O/G Low Harmonic AC/DC Provides an axis interface to a standalone AC/DC low
Converter harmonic converter device, or the AC/DC converter
function of an integrated low harmonic drive device that
utilizes active electronics to that regulate power flow
from the AC source to the DC bus. Both the Control Mode
and Control Method are set to No Control in this
configuration, indicating that there is no dynamic motor
control capability associated with this axis.
8 O/N DC/DC Converter Provides an axis interface to a class of devices that
convert power between two DC sources using active
electronics, or simply distribute primary DC input power
to secondary DC buses. DC/DC converters with active
electronics are capable of transferring energy between a
primary DC bus and one or more secondary DC buses,
each with different voltage levels. Both the Control Mode
and Control Method are set to No Control in this
configuration, indicating that there is no motor control
capability associated with this axis.
9-127 (Reserved)
128-255 (Vendor Specific)
128 R/X Track Section Track Section provides an axis interface to the Track
Section function of a Track Section device that applies
force to one or more Track Movers local to the Track
Section. Both the Control Mode and Control Method are set
to No Control in this configuration, indicating that there is
no dynamic motor control associated with this axis
commanded by the controller.

Control Mode
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Value Description
Required - All Get/ BYTE 0 0 4 Enumeration
Derived from Axis SSV(1) 0 = No Control
Configuration 1 = Position Control
2 = Velocity Control
3 = Acceleration Control
4 = Torque Control
5-15 = Reserved
Bits 4-7 Reserved

478 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
SSV - These configuration attributes cannot be changed online or
using an SSV instruction if the axis is in the Running state, for example
the Tracking Command bit of the CIP Axis Status attribute.
The Control Mode attribute determines the general dynamic control
behavior of the drive device axis instance and consists of a 4-bit
enumeration. This value is derived from the axis configuration attribute
value during initialization. This attribute is transferred to the device as
part of the Cyclic data block.
When modified programmatically, using SSV, the Control Mode value
cannot be set to an enumeration that the current Axis Configuration
cannot support. For example if the axis configuration is set for Velocity
Loop, the Control Mode cannot be changed to Position Loop since
position loop attributes have not been configured. This table provides a
list of valid Control Modes for a given axis configuration:
Axis Configuration Valid Control Modes
Track Section No Control
Non-Regenerative AC/DC Converter No Control
Regenerative AC/DC Converter No Control
Low Harmonic AC/DC Converter No Control
DC/DC Converter No Control
Feedback Only No Control
Frequency Control Velocity Control
Position Loop Position Control
Velocity Control
Torque Control
Velocity Loop Velocity Control
Torque Control
Torque Loop Torque Control

The Control Mode attribute is a 4-bit enumeration that determines the

specific dynamic behavior of the motor that the device is to control for
this axis instance. The following table provides descriptions of valid
Control Modes.
Enumeration Usage Name Description
0 R/XBE No Control No motor control is provided in this mode.

1 R/P Position Control Controls the position, or orientation, of the

2 R/PV Velocity Control Controls the velocity of the motor.
3 O/PVT Acceleration Control Controls the acceleration of the motor.

4 R/C Torque Control Controls the torque output of the motor.

5-15 Reserved -

Control Method
The Control Method (derived from axis configuration) attribute is an 8-bit
enumerated code that determines the basic control algorithm applied by
the device to control the dynamic behavior of the motor.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 479

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Value Description

Required - All Get/ USINT 0 0 2 Enumeration

Derived from Axis GSV 0 = No Control
Configuration 1 = Frequency Control
2 = PI Vector Control
3-255 = Reserved

This value is sent to the drive during initialization and cannot be

changed during operation.
Enumeration Usage Name Description
0 R/XBE No Control Associated with a Control Mode of No Control where
there is no explicit motor control provided by the
device for this axis instance.
1 R/F Frequency An open loop control method that applies voltage to the
Control motor, generally in proportion to the commanded
frequency or speed. This control method is associated
with Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) or so called
Volts/Hertz drives.
2 R/C PI Vector Control A closed loop control method that uses actual or
estimated feedback for closed loop cascaded PI
control of motor dynamics, for example, position,
velocity, acceleration, and torque, and always includes
independent closed loop PI control of Iq and Id
components of the motor current vector.
3-127 Reserved -

128-255 Vendor Specific -

See also
Interpreting the Attribute Tables on page 89
Motion Control Modes on page 22
Control Mode Attributes

Motion Control Interface The Motion Control Interface attributes are used by the Logix Designer
application to support the interface to an axis. Interface attributes are
Attributes used to customize what choices appear on the properties pages and
help you structure a motion axis.
Tip: Remember that the attributes that appear in the Logix Designer application are dependent on the current Control Mode

Axis Address
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get DINT - - - Absolute Address

480 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Absolute Address of Motion Control Axis Object data structure. The Axis
Address attribute is used to return the actual physical address in
memory where the axis instance is located.

Axis Instance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get/ DINT - - - Instance Number

Instance Number assigned to this instance of the Motion Control Axis

Object. The Axis Instance attribute is used to return the instance
number of an axis. An example of using this attribute is responding to
an axis major fault. Major fault records contain the axis instance of the
offending axis. Use this attribute to query an axis instance and
determine if the instance number matches the fault record.
The Axis Instance attribute is required when accessing an attribute
using a MSG instruction.

Group Instance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get/ DINT - - - Instance Number

Instance Number of the Motion Group assigned to this instance of the

Motion Control Axis Object. Use the Group Instance attribute to
determine what motion group this axis is assigned to.

Map Instance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DINT - - - Instance Number

I/O Map Instance Number assigned to this instance of the Motion

Control Axis Object. The Map Instance attribute associates an axis to a
specific motion compatible module by specifying the I/O map entry
representing the module. This value is set to 0 for virtual and consumed
data types.

Module Channel
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ USINT 255 - - Channel Number (0, 1, 2, …)
All GSV A value of 255 indicates the
axis is unassigned.

Channel number of the module assigned to this instance of the Motion

Control Axis Object. The Module Channel attribute associates an axis to
a specific channel on a motion compatible module by specifying the
Module Channel attribute.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 481

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Module Class Code

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DINT - - - Object Class Code

Object class code of the motion engine in the module. The Module
Class Code attribute is the class code of the object in the motion
module which is supporting motion; for example 0xAF is the object ID of
the Servo Module Axis residing in the 1756-M02AE module.

C2C Map Instance

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DINT - - - Producer/Consumed axis's
All GSV associated C2C map instance

Producer/Consumed axis's associated C2C map instance. When the

Axis Data Type attribute is specified to be 'Consumed' then this axis is
associated to the consumed data by specifying both the C2C Map
Instance and the C2C Connection Instance. For all other Axis Data
Types if this axis is to be produced then this attribute is set to 1 (one) to
indicate that the connection is off of the local controller's map instance.

C2C Connection Instance

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DINT - - - Producer/Consumed axis's
All GSV associated C2C connection in
reference to the C2C map instance

Producer/Consumed axis's associated C2C connection in reference to

the C2C map instance. If this axis is to be produced, then this attribute
is set to the connection instance under the local controller's map
instance (1) that will be used to send the remote axis data through the
C2C connection.

Memory Use
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get/ UINT - - - 105 (0x69) = I/O space
All GSV 106 (0x6a) = Data Table space

Controller memory space where this instance of the Motion Control Axis
Object exists. This attribute is initialized as part of the create service
when you create the axis.
The Logix Designer programming application uses this attribute to
create axis instances in I/O memory for axes that are either to be
produced or consumed.
The Memory Use attribute can only be set as part of an axis create
service and is used to control which controller memory the object
instance is created in.

482 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Memory Usage
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get DINT - - - Bytes

Amount of memory consumed for this instance of the Motion Control

Axis Object. The Memory Use attribute can be used to determine the
amount of memory the created instance consumes in bytes.

Axis Data Type

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get USINT - - - Enumeration:
All 0 = Feedback
1 = Consumed
2 = Virtual
3 = Generic
4 = Servo
5 = Servo Drive
6 = Generic Drive
7 = CIP Drive

Associated tag data type for this instance of the Motion Control Axis
Object. This attribute is initialized as part of the create service when you
create the axis.
The Axis Data Type attribute and is used to determine which data
template, memory format, and set of attributes are created and
applicable for this axis instance. This attribute can only be set as part of
an axis create service.

Axis Configuration State

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get/ USINT - - - Enumeration
All GSV 0 = Axis Instance Created
1 = Connection Created
126 = Axis Inhibited
128 = Axis Configured

State of the configuration state machine for this instance of the Motion
Control Axis Object. The Axis Configuration State attribute is used for
troubleshooting purposes to indicate where in the axis configuration
state-machine this axis presently is. Even consumed and virtual axes
will utilize this attribute. This attribute is valid for all physical and non-
physical data types.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 483

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis State
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get USINT - - - Enumeration
All 0 = Ready
1 = Drive Enable, (direct
drive control)
2 = Servo Control
3 = Faulted
4 = Shutdown
5 = Inhibited
6 = Ungrouped
7 = No Module
8 = Configuring (FW default)

State of this instance of the Motion Control Axis. Indicates the operating
state of the axis. Examples of possible states include: axis-ready, drive
enable, servo control, axis faulted, axis shutdown, axis inhibited, and
axis unassigned.

Watch Event Task

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Get DINT - - - -


User Event Task that will be triggered to execute when a Watch event
This attribute is set through internal communication from the user Task
object to the Axis object when the Task trigger attribute is set to select
this attributes of an Axis. It cannot be set directly by an external device.
It is available to be read externally for diagnostic information.
The Watch Event Task attribute indicates which user Task will be
triggered when a watch event occurs. An instance value of 0 indicates
that no event task has been configured to be triggered by the Watch
The user Task is triggered at the same time that the Process Complete
bit is set for the instruction that armed the watch event.

Registration 1 Event Task

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get DINT - - - -

User Event Task that will be triggered to execute when a Registration 1

event occurs.
This attribute is set through internal communication from the user Task
object to the Axis object when the Task trigger attribute is set to select

484 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
this attributes of an Axis. It cannot be set directly by an external device.
It is available to be read externally for diagnostic information.
The Registration 1 Event Task attribute indicates which user Task will
be triggered when a Registration 1 event occurs. An instance value of 0
indicates that no event task has been configured to be triggered by the
Registration 1 Event.
The user Task is triggered at the same time that the Process Complete
bit is set for the instruction that armed the registration event.

Registration 2 Event Task

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get DINT - - - -

User Event Task that will be triggered to execute when a Registration 2

event occurs.
This attribute is set through internal communication from the user Task
object to the Axis object when the Task trigger attribute is set to select
this attributes of an Axis. It cannot be set directly by an external device.
It is available to be read externally for diagnostic information.
The Registration 2 Event Task attribute indicates which user Task will
be triggered when a Registration 2 event occurs.An instance value of 0
indicates that no event task has been configured to be triggered by the
Registration 2 Event.
The user Task is triggered at the same time that the Process Complete
bit is set for the instruction that armed the registration event.

Home Event Task

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get DINT - - - -

User Event Task that will be triggered to execute when a Home event
This attribute is set through internal communication from the user Task
object to the Axis object when the Task trigger attribute is set to select
this attributes of an Axis. It cannot be set directly by an external device.
It is available to be read externally for diagnostic information.
The Home Event Task attribute indicates which user Task will be
triggered when a home event occurs. An instance value of 0 indicates
that no event task has been configured to be triggered by the Home
The user Task is triggered at the same time that the Process Complete
bit is set for the instruction that armed the home event.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 485

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Inhibit Axis
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ SINT 0 - - 0 triggers an uninhibit.
All SSV 1 triggers an inhibit.
Setting to any non-zero value is
treated the same as a value of 1,
and results in the attribute being
set to a 1.

Used to initiate putting an axis into the inhibit state.

This feature is designed for the following situations:
• To park an unused or faulted axis so that the application program
can continue to run without the unused or faulted axis.
• To allow a 'generic' application program to be developed for a
family of similar machines that may vary in axis count such that it
can be configured during runtime to match the configuration of
the specific machine.
The on-line inhibit process is an intrusive operation in that it impacts all
axes associated to the same motion module as the one being inhibited.
As such it is expected that the users will trigger this operation with the
machine in a safe, non-operating, state. The inhibit process includes
breaking connection to the associated motion module and then allowing
the module to be reconfigured with or without (depending if you are
inhibiting or un-inhibiting) this axis.
The inhibit/un-inhibit operation will also stop all motion on all axes
associated to the same motion module including breaking all gearing
relationships. This stop operation follows that of the shutdown fault
action; servo action is immediately disabled as is the drives power
structure. Unless some external form of braking capability is applied the
axis will generally coast to a stop.

Axis ID
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DINT - - - ID

Unique number assigned to axis on creation by configuration software.

The Axis ID is used by the Absolute Position Recovery feature during a
configuration software download to determine if a given axis is a new
axis or pre-existing axis. If the axis existed prior to the download, the
controller saves critical absolute position data associated with the axis
before continuing the download. Using the Axis ID, the controller is able
to match the saved absolute position data with the pre-existing axis and
recover absolute position. Using the saved data, absolute position will
be recomputed to account for any motion that occurred while the
download was in process or while power was off.

486 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Update Schedule

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ USINT - - - Enumeration:
All GSV 0 = Base
1 = Alternate 1
2 = Alternate 2
3-255 = Reserved

Determines the update schedule for the associated axis instance.

The default schedule setting of Base results in the axis being updated
with every scan of Motion Task, or the Base Update Period of the
Motion Group. Alternate 1 and Alternate 2 schedule selections result in
the axis being updated at multiples of the Base Update Period given by
the Alternate 1 and Alternate 2 Update Multiplier attribute values of the
Motion Group, or Alternate 1 Update Period and Alternate 2 Update
Period, respectively.

Axis Data Type

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - GSV USINT - - - Enumeration:
All 0 = Feedback
1 = Consumed
2 = Virtual
3 = Generic
4 = Servo
5 = Servo Drive
6 = Generic Drive
7 = CIP Drive

Associated tag data type for this instance of the Motion Control Axis
The Axis Data Type attribute and is used to determine which data
template, memory format, and set of attributes are created and
applicable for this axis instance.

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54

Motion Control Signal The Motion Control Signal Attributes associated with the axis provide
access to the current and historical position, velocity, and acceleration
Attributes information of the axis. These values may be used as part of the user
program to implement sophisticated real-time computations associated
with motion control applications.
Important: Configuration of Scaling page parameters is required for any attributes expressed in
position, velocity, or acceleration units to return meaningful values.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 487

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
All Motion Control Signal Attributes support Direct Tag Access through
the Logix Designer application. Thus, a Motion Signal attribute may be
directly referenced in a program as <axis tag name>.<motion status tag
name>. For example, FeedAxis.ActualPosition.
To avoid the unnecessary processor effort associated with real-time
conversion of certain Motion Status tags that are not of interest to the
user, you need to explicitly activate real-time update of these attributes
using the Auto Tag Update attribute of the associated motion group. A
subset of the Motion Control Signal Attributes must have the Auto Tag
Update attribute enabled to perform scaling conversion. If disabled, the
tag value will be forced to zero. The following attributes are impacted:
• Actual Position
• Actual Velocity
• Actual Acceleration
• Master Offset
• Command Position
• Command Velocity
• Command Acceleration
• Average Velocity
The following are the signal attributes associated a Motion Control Axis:

Actual Position
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units
Tag access is supported by
the value is valid only when
Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Actual Position attribute is the current absolute position of an axis,

in the configured Position Units of that axis. This value is based on data
reported to the Logix Processor as part of an ongoing synchronous data
transfer process which results in a delay of one Coarse Update Period.
Thus, the Actual Position value that is obtained is the actual position of
the axis one Coarse Update Period ago.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Strobe Actual Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units

488 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Strobe Command Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units

Strobe Actual Position and Strobe Command Position attributes are

used to simultaneously store a snap-shot of the actual, command
position, and master offset position of an axis when the MGSP (Motion
Group Strobe Position) instruction is executed. The values are stored in
the configured Position Units of the axis.
Since the MGSP instruction simultaneously stores the actual and
command positions for all axes in the specified group of axes, the
resultant Strobe Actual Position and Strobe Command Position values
for different axes can be used to perform real-time calculations.
For example, the Strobe Actual Positions can be compared between
two axes to provide a form of slip compensation in web handling

Start Position and Start Command Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units

Whenever a new motion planner instruction starts for an axis (for

example, using a MAM instruction), the value of the axis command
position and actual position is stored at the precise instant the motion
begins. These values are stored as the Start Command Position and
Start Actual Position respectively in the configured Position Units of the
Start Positions are useful to correct for any motion occurring between
the detection of an event and the action initiated by the event. For
instance, in coil winding applications, Start Command Positions can be
used in an expression to compensate for overshooting the end of the
bobbin before the gearing direction is reversed.
If you know the position of the coil when the gearing direction was
supposed to change, and the position at which it actually changed (the
Start Command Position), you can calculate the amount of overshoot,
and use it to correct the position of the wire guide relative to the bobbin.

Average Velocity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV T REAL - - - Position Units / Sec

The Average Velocity attribute is the current speed and direction of an

axis in the configured Position Units per second of the axis.
Unlike the Actual Velocity attribute value, it is calculated by averaging
the actual velocity of the axis over the configured Average Velocity

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Timebase for that axis. Average velocity is a signed value with the sign
indicating the direction the axis is currently moving.
The resolution of the Average Velocity variable is determined by the
current value of the Averaged Velocity Timebase parameter, and the
configured Conversion Constant (feedback counts per Position Unit) for
the axis. The Average Velocity Timebase determines the length over
which the Average Velocity is computed. The greater the Average
Velocity Timebase value, the better the speed resolution, but the slower
the response to changes in speed.
The Average Velocity resolution in Position Units per second may be
calculated using this equation.

For example, on an axis with position units of inches and a conversion

constant (K) of 20000, an averaged velocity time-base of 0.25 seconds
results in an average velocity resolution of:

The minimum Average Velocity Timebase value is one Coarse Update

Period defined by the associated Motion Group Object.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Actual Velocity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units / Sec
GSV Tag access is supported but
the value is valid only when
Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Actual Velocity attribute is the current instantaneously measured

speed and direction of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units per
second. It is calculated as the current increment to the actual position
per coarse update interval.
Actual Velocity is a signed floating point value—the sign (+ or -)
depends on which direction the axis is currently moving. Its resolution
does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the
conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution
limit on actual velocity is 1 feedback count per coarse update.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

490 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Actual Acceleration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units / Sec2
GSV Tag access supported but the
value is valid only when Auto
Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Actual Acceleration attribute is the current instantaneously

measured acceleration of an axis in the configured axis Position Units
per second per second. It is calculated as the current increment to the
actual velocity per coarse update interval.
Actual Acceleration is a signed floating-point value. Its resolution does
not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the
Conversion Constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution
limit on actual velocity is 1 feedback count per Coarse Update Period2.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Watch Position
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units

The Watch Position attribute is the current set-point position of an axis,

in the configured axis Position Units, as set up in the last, most recently
executed, MAW (Motion Arm Watch) instruction for that axis.

Registration 1 Position and Registration 2 Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units

Two registration position attributes are provided to independently store

axis position associated with two different registration input events. The
Registration Position value is the absolute position of a physical or
virtual axis (in the position units of that axis) at the occurrence of the
most recent registration event for that axis.
This figure shows how the registration position is latched by the
registration input when a registration event occurs. The latching
mechanism can be implemented in the controller software (soft

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
registration) or, for greater accuracy, in physical hardware (hard

The Registration Latch mechanism is controlled two Event Control

instructions, MAR (Motion Arm Registration) and MDR (Motion Disarm
The accuracy of the registration position value, saved as a result of a
registration event, is a function of the delay in recognizing the specified
transition (typically 1 µsec for hardware registration) and the speed of
the axis during this time. The uncertainty in the registration position is
the distance traveled by the axis during this interval as shown in this

Use the formula given above to calculate the maximum registration

position error for the expected axis speed. Alternatively, you can
calculate the maximum axis speed for a specified registration accuracy
by re-arranging this formula:

Registration 1 Time and Registration 2 Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T DINT - - - CST time in microseconds

The two Registration Time values contain the lower 32-bits of CST time
at which their respective registration events occurred. Units for this
attribute are in microseconds.

Interpolation Time
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ T DINT - - - CST time to Interpolation

The Interpolation Time attribute is the 32-bit CST time used to calculate
the interpolated positions. When this attribute is updated with a valid
CST value, the Interpolated Actual Position and Interpolated Command
Position values are automatically calculated.

492 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Interpolated Actual Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units

The Interpolated Actual Position attribute is the interpolation of the

actual position, based on past axis trajectory history, at the time
specified by the Interpolation Time attribute.

Command Position
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units
GSV Tag access is supported but
the value is valid only when
Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Command Position attribute is the desired or commanded position

of a physical axis, in the configured Position Units of that axis, as
generated by the controller in response to any previous motion Position
Control instruction. Command Position data is transferred by the Logix
Processor to a physical axis as part of an ongoing synchronous data
transfer process which results in a delay of one Coarse Update Period.
Thus, the Command Position value that is obtained is the command
position that will be acted upon by the physical servo axis one Coarse
Update Period from now.
The figure below shows the relationship between Actual Position,
Command Position, and Position Error for an axis with an active servo
loop. Actual Position is the current position of the axis as measured by
the feedback device, for example an encoder. Position error is the
difference between the Command and Actual Positions of the servo
loop, and is used to drive the motor to make the actual position equal to
the command position.

Command position is useful when performing motion calculations and

incremental moves based on the current position of the axis while the
axis is moving. Using command position rather than actual position
avoids the introduction of errors due to the position error of the axis at
the time the calculation is performed.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 493

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Strobe Command Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units

Strobe Actual Position, Strobe Command Position and Strobe Master

Offset attributes are used to simultaneously store a snap-shot of the
actual, command position, and master offset position of an axis when
the MGSP (Motion Group Strobe Position) instruction is executed. The
values are stored in the configured Position Units of the axis.
Since the MGSP instruction simultaneously stores the actual and
command positions for all axes in the specified group of axes, the
resultant Strobe Actual Position, Strobe Command Position and Strobe
Master Offset values for different axes can be used to perform real-time
calculations. For example, the Strobe Actual Positions can be compared
between two axes to provide a form of slip compensation in web
handling applications.

Start Command Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units

Whenever a new motion planner instruction starts for an axis (for

example, using a MAM instruction), the value of the axis command
position and actual position is stored at the precise instant the motion
begins. These values are stored as the Start Command Position and
Start Actual Position respectively in the configured Position Units of the
Start Positions are useful to correct for any motion occurring between
the detection of an event and the action initiated by the event. For
instance, in coil winding applications, Start Command Positions can be
used in an expression to compensate for overshooting the end of the
bobbin before the gearing direction is reversed.
If you know the position of the coil when the gearing direction was
supposed to change, and the position at which it actually changed (the
Start Command Position), you can calculate the amount of overshoot,
and use it to correct the position of the wire guide relative to the bobbin.

Command Velocity
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units / Sec
GSV Tag access is supported but
the value is valid only when
Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

494 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Command Velocity is the commanded speed and direction of an
axis, in the configured axis Position Units per second, as generated by
any previous motion instructions. It is calculated as the current
increment to the command position per coarse update interval.
Command Velocity is a signed value—the sign (+ or -) depends on
which direction the axis is being commanded to move.
Command Velocity is a signed floating-point value. Its resolution does
not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the
conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution
limit on command velocity is 0.00001 feedback counts per coarse
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Command Acceleration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units / Sec2
GSV Tag access is supported but
the value is valid only when
Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Command Acceleration attribute is the commanded speed and

direction of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units per second per
second, as generated by any previous motion instructions. It is
calculated as the current increment to the command velocity per coarse
update interval. Command Acceleration is a signed value: the sign (+ or
-) depends on which direction the axis is being commanded to move.
Command Acceleration is a signed floating-point value. Its resolution
does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the
conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution
limit on command velocity is 0.00001 feedback counts per Coarse
Update Period2.
Tag access supported but value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of
the Motion Group Object is enabled.

Command Torque
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - VT Get/ T REAL 0 - + % Rated

The Command Torque attribute is the commanded torque in units of

percent Rated Torque of the motor. This tag value is transferred by the
Logix Processor to a physical axis as part of an ongoing synchronous
data transfer process. Unlike Command Position, Command Velocity,
and Command Acceleration, the Command Torque attribute is not

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 495

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
generated by the motion planner. Instead, the value may be written
directly by the application program.
Command Torque has no effect on the axis unless the axis is
configured for Torque Loop operation. In order for the this attribute's
value to be applied as the torque command, a Motion Drive Start
instruction will be executed, which in turn sets the Direct Torque Control
Status bit of the Motion Status Bits attribute. If this bit is not set, the
Command Torque value has no effect on axis motion. Only CIP Drive
Axis data types currently support this capability.

Interpolated Command Position

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T REAL - - - Position Units
PV only GSV

The Interpolated Command Position attribute is the interpolation of the

commanded position, based on past axis trajectory history, at the time
specified by the Interpolation Time attribute.

Master Offset
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Master Position Units
PV only GSV* Tag access supported but the
value is valid only when Auto
Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled.

The Master Offset attribute is the position offset that is currently applied
to the master side of the position cam. The Master Offset is returned in
master position units. The Master Offset shows the same unwind
characteristic as the position of a linear axis. Tag access is supported
but the tag value is valid only when Auto Tag Update of the Motion
Group Object is enabled

Strobe Master Offset

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Master Position Units
PV only GSV

The Strobe Master Offset attribute is the position offset that was applied
to the master side of the position cam when the last Motion Group
Strobe Position (MGSP) instruction was executed. The Strobe Master
Offset is returned in master position units. The Strobe Master Offset
shows the same unwind characteristic as the position of a linear axis.

496 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Start Master Offset

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Get/ T REAL - - - Master Position Units
PV only GSV

The Start Master Offset attribute is the position offset that was applied
to the master side of the position cam when the last Motion Axis Move
(MAM) instruction with the move type set to Absolute Master Offset or
Incremental Master Offset was executed. The Start Master Offset is
returned in master position units. The Start Master Offset shows the
same unwind characteristic as the position of a linear axis.

Direct Command Velocity

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FV Get/ T REAL - - + Position Units / Sec

The Direct Command Velocity attribute provides tag access to the

velocity command for the specified axis. This can be used to directly
control the speed of a motor when an associated drive is configured for
velocity control mode. In order for this attribute's value to be applied as
the velocity command, a Motion Drive Start instruction will be executed,
which in turn sets the Direct Velocity Control Status bit of the Motion
Status Bits attribute. If this bit is not set, the Direct Command Velocity
value has no effect on axis motion. Only CIP Drive Axis data types
currently support this capability.

Interpolated Position Configuration

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ T DWORD 0:0 - - Bitmap
SSV 1:1 0 = 2nd Order Actual Position
1 = 2nd Order Command
Position Interpolation

This bit mapped attribute configures the interpolation algorithm used to

calculate Interpolated Actual Position and Interpolated Command
Position based on axis position history based on the current value of
Interpolation Time.
The 2nd Order Actual Position Interpolation bit controls the order of the
interpolation algorithm used to calculate Interpolated Actual Position
based on Interpolation Time. If the bit is set, 2nd order interpolation is
used. If the bit is clear, 1st order interpolation is used. Generally, 2nd
order interpolation results in more accurate estimates of position, but if
the actual position signal has high levels of quantization noise, 1st order
interpolation gives better results.
The 2nd Order Command Position Interpolation bit controls the order of
the interpolation algorithm used to calculate Interpolated Command

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 497

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Position based on Interpolation Time. If the bit is set, 2nd order
interpolation is used. If the bit is clear, 1st order interpolation is used.
Generally, 2nd order interpolation results in more accurate estimates of
position, but if the command position signal has high levels of
quantization noise, 1st order interpolation gives better results.

See also
Motion Control Interface Attributes on page 480

Motion Control Status These are the motion control status attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis. The Axis Event Bits are located in Event Capture
Attributes Attributes.

Motion Status Bits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Get/ T DWORD - - - Bitmap
All GSV1 0 = AccelStatus
1 = DecelStatus
2 = MoveStatus
3 = JogStatus
4 = GearingStatus
5 = HomingStatus
6 = StoppingStatus
7 = AxisHomedStatus
8 = PositionCamStatus
9 = TimeCamStatus
10 = PositionCamPendingStatus
11 = TimeCamPendingStatus
12 = GearingLockStatus
13 = PositionCamLockStatus
14 = TimeCamLockStatus
15 = MasterOffsetMoveStatus
16 = CoordinatedMotionStatus
17 = TransformStateStatus
18 = ControlledByTransformStatus
19 = DirectVelocityControlStatus
20 = DirectTorqueControlStatus
21 = Reserved
22 = MoveLockStatus
23 = Reserved
24 = JogLockStatus
25 = MasterOffsetMovePendingStatus
26 = MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus
27 = MaximumSpeedExceeded
28...31 = Reserved
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix Designer application.

This is a bitmapped collection of status conditions associated with the

motion planner function.

498 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Motion Axis Status Bits Descriptions

This table provides descriptions of the various Motion Axis Status Bits:
Bit Motion Status Description
0 Accel Status The Acceleration and Deceleration Status bit attributes (AccelStatus and
1 Decel Status DecelStatus) can be used to determine if the axis is currently being
commanded to accelerate or decelerate. If neither bit is set then the axis is
running at steady state velocity or at rest.
2 Move Status The MoveStatus bit attribute is set if a Move motion profile is currently in
progress. As soon as the Move is complete or superseded by some other
motion operation, the MoveStatus bit is cleared.
3 Jog Status The JogStatus bit attribute is set if a Jog motion profile is currently in
progress. As soon as the Jog is complete or superseded by some other motion
operation, the JogStatus bit is cleared.
4 Gearing Status The GearingStatus bit attribute is set if the axis is currently Gearing to another
axis. As soon as the gearing operation is stopped or superseded by some other
motion operation, the GearStatus bit is cleared.
5 Homing Status The HomingStatus bit attribute is set if a Home motion profile is currently in
progress. As soon as the Home is complete or superseded by some other
motion operation, the HomeStatus bit is cleared.
6 Stopping Status The StoppingStatus bit attribute is set if there is a stopping process currently
in progress. As soon as the stopping process is complete, the Stopping Status
bit is cleared.
The stopping process is used to stop an axis (initiated by an MAS, MGS, MGSP,
Stop Planner fault action, or mode change). This bit is no longer associated
with the gearing Clutch bit (MAG with Clutch selected), which for I4B has been
explicitly named the GearingLockStatus bit.
7 Homed Status The HomedStatus bit attribute is cleared at powerup or reconnection. The bit
is set to 1 by the MAH instruction upon successful completion of the configured
homing sequence. This bit would be later cleared if the axis entered the
shutdown state.
The HomedStatus bit is set by the MAH instruction upon successful completion
of the configured homing sequence. This bit indicates that an absolute
machine reference position has been established. When this bit is set,
operations that require a machine reference, such as Software Overtravel
checking can be meaningfully enabled.
The HomedStatus bit is cleared under the following conditions:
1. Download, Control power cycle, or Reconnection with Incremental Feedback
2. Absolute Position Recovery (APR) fails with Absolute Feedback device.
3. Feedback Integrity bit is cleared by CIP Motion drive.
The HomedStatus bit is directly used by the control system to qualify the
Software Overtravel checking function. Thus, if the HomedStatus bit is clear,
Soft Overtravel checking will not occur even if the Soft Overtravel Checking bit
is set.
8 Position Cam The PositionCamStatus bit attribute is set if a Position Cam motion profile is
Status currently in progress. As soon as the Position Cam is complete or superseded
by some other motion operation, the PositionCamStatus bit is cleared.
9 Time Cam Status The TimeCamStatus bit attribute is set if a Time Cam motion profile is
currently in progress. As soon as the Time Cam is complete or superseded by
some other motion operation, the TimeCamStatus bit is cleared.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 499

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Motion Status Description
10 Position Cam The PositionCamPendingStatus bit attribute is set if a Position Cam motion
Pending Status profile is currently pending the completion of a currently executing cam
profile. This would be initiated by executing an MAPC instruction with Pending
execution selected.
As soon as the current position cam profile completes, initiating the start of
the pending cam profile, the PositionCamPending Status bit is cleared. This bit
is also cleared if the position cam profile completes, or superseded by some
other motion operation.
11 Time Cam Pending The TimeCamPendingStatus bit attribute is set if a Time Cam motion profile is
Status currently pending the completion of a currently executing cam profile. This
would be initiated by executing an MATC instruction with Pending execution
As soon as the current time cam profile completes, initiating the start of the
pending cam profile, the TimeCamPending status bit is cleared. This bit is also
cleared if the time cam profile completes, or superseded by some other
motion operation.
12 Gearing Lock Status The GearingLockStatus bit attribute is set whenever the slave axis is locked to
the master axis in a gearing relationship according to the specified gear ratio.
The clutch function of the gearing planner is used to ramp an axis up, or down,
to speed in a gearing process (MAG with Clutch selected). During the intervals
where the axis is clutching, the GearingLockStatus bit is clear.
13 Position Cam Lock The PositionCamLockStatus bit attribute is set whenever the master axis
Status satisfies the starting condition of a currently active Position Cam motion
profile. The starting condition is established by the Start Control and Start
Position parameters of the MAPC instruction.
As soon as the current position cam profile completes, or is superseded by
some other motion operation, the Position Cam Lock bit is cleared. In
unidirectional master direction mode, the PositionCamLockStatus bit clears
when moving in the wrong direction and sets when moving in the correct
15 Master Offset Move The MasterOffsetMoveStatus bit attribute is set if a Master Offset Move motion
Status profile is currently in progress.
As soon as the Master Offset Move is complete or superseded by some other
motion operation, the MasterOffsetMoveStatus bit is cleared.
16 Coordinated Motion The CoordinatedMotionStatus bit attribute is set if any coordinated motion
Status profile is currently active upon this axis.
As soon as the Coordinated Motion is complete or stopped, the
CoordinatedMotionStatus bit is cleared.
17 Transform State The Transform State Status bit is set if the axis in involved in a transform. The
Status axis is in one of the coordinate systems specified in an active MCT instruction.
True will indicate the axis is involved in a transform, false will indicate it is not.
18 Controlled By The Controlled By Transform Status bit is set if the axis is under transform
Transform Status control. True indicates the axis is under transform control and false indicates
it is not under transform control. An axis under transform control cannot be
commanded to move.
19 Direct Velocity When the Direct Velocity Control Status bit is set, the axis speed is directly
Control Status controlled by the Direct Command Velocity value.
This bit is set by the Motion Drive Start instruction (MDS) and only applies to
CIP Drive axis types.
20 Direct Torque When the Direct Torque Control Status bit is set, the axis torque is directly
Control Status controlled by the Command Torque value.
This bit is set by the Motion Drive start instruction (MDS) and only applies to
CIP Drive axis types.

500 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Motion Status Description
22 Move Lock Status The MoveLockStatus bit is set when the master axis satisfies the Lock
Direction request of a Motion Axis Move (MAM) Instruction. If the Lock Direction
is Immediate Forward Only or Immediate Reverse Only the MoveLockStatus bit
will be set immediately when the MAM is initiated. If the Lock Direction is
Position Forward Only or Position Reverse Only the bit will be set when the
Master Axis crosses the Master Lock Position in the specified direction.
The MoveLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses direction and
the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The MoveLockStatus bit is set
again when the Slave Axis resumes following the Master Axis.
24 Jog Lock Status The JogLockStatus bit is set when the master axis satisfies the Lock Direction
request of a Motion Axis Jog (MAJ) Instruction. If the Lock Direction is
Immediate Forward Only or Immediate Reverse Only the JogLockStatus bit will
be set immediately when the MAJ is initiated. If the Lock Direction is Position
Forward Only or Position Reverse Only the bit will be set when the Master Axis
crosses the Master Lock Position in the specified direction.
The JogLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses direction and
the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The JogLockStatus bit is set
again when the Slave Axis resumes following the Master Axis.
25 Master Offset Move The Master offset Move locks to master in the MDSC mode.
Pending Status
26 Master Offset Move The MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit is set when the master axis satisfies the
Lock Status Lock Direction request of a Master Offset Move executed using MAM
instruction. If the Lock Direction is Immediate Forward Only or Immediate
Reverse Only the MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit will be set immediately when
the MAM is initiated. If the Lock Direction is Position Forward Only or Position
Reverse Only the bit will be set when the Master Axis crosses the Master Lock
Position in the specified direction.
The MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses
direction and the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The
MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit is set again when the Slave Axis resumes
following the Master Axis.
27 Maximum Speed The MaximumSpeedExceeded bit is set when the axis command velocity at any
Exceeded time exceeds the maximum speed configured for an axis. The bit will be
cleared when the axis velocity is reduced below the maximum speed.

Axis Status Bits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/ T DWORD - - - 0 = ServoActionStatus
GSV1 1 = DriveEnableStatus
2 = AxisShutdownStatus
4 = InhibitStatus
5 = DirectControlStatus
6 = AxisUpdateStatus
7...31 = Reserved
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Axis Status Bits attribute is a collection of basic status conditions

associated with the axis. These represent key status conditions used by
the system in executing motion control instructions.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 501

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
This table provides descriptions of the Axis Status Bits:
Bit Axis Status Description
0 Servo Action The ServoActionStatus bit attribute is set when the associated axis motor
Status control function is tracking command reference from the controller.
1 Drive Enable The DriveEnableStatus bit attribute is set when the power structure associated
Status with the axis is currently enabled. If the bit is not set then the power structure
associated with the axis is currently disabled.
2 Axis Shutdown The AxisShutdownStatus bit attribute is set when the associated axis is
Status currently in the Shutdown state. As soon as the axis is transitioned from the
Shutdown state to another state, the Shutdown Status bit is cleared.
3 Configuration The Configuration Update in Process Status Bits attribute provides a method for
Update in Process monitoring the progress of one or more specific module configuration attribute
updates initiated by either a Set Attribute List service or an SSV in the user
program. As soon as such an update is initiated, the Logix processor sets the
ConfigurationUpdateInProcess bit.
The bit remains set until the Set Attribute List reply comes back from the servo
module indicating that the data update process was successful. Thus the
Configuration Update In Process Status Bits attribute provides a method of
waiting until the servo configuration data update to the connected motion
module is complete before starting a dependent operation.
4 Inhibit Status The InhibitStatus bit attribute is set when the axis is in the inhibited state. This
bit can also be used to determine when an inhibit/uninhibit operation has been
completed (for example, connections have been shutdown, reconnected and
then the reconfiguration process completed). During the inhibit/uninhibit
process this bit will remain in the previous state and then once it completes it
will be updated to the new state.

502 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
5 Direct Control When the Direct Control Status bit is set, axis motion is driven by the Direct
Status Velocity Control and Direct Torque Control functions. In this mode, the Motion
Planner functionality is disabled. So if you attempt to move the axis with a
Motion Planner instruction, for example, MAM, MAJ, and MAG, a ran instruction
error occurs.
In Direct Control, you do not have to establish or maintain absolute reference
position. So, when you attempt to execute the MAH and MRP instructions, an
instruction error occurs.
When the Direct Control Status bit is clear, axis motion is controlled by the
Motion Planner. If you attempt to move the axis in this mode with a Direct
Control instruction, for example, an MDS, an instruction error occurs. This bit
only applies to CIP Drive axis types.
The illustration describes the following behavior.

The Direct Control Status bit is set by the Motion Drive Start instruction (MDS)
and once set, can only be cleared by executing an MSO instruction from the
Stopped or Stopping State. Similarly, once the Direct Control Status bit is
cleared by the Motion Servo On instruction (MSO), the bit can only be set again
by executing an MDS instruction from the Stopped or Stopping State.
6 Axis Update The Axis Update bit indicates whether or not this axis instance was updated in
Status last execution of Motion Task. In general, axis instances are updated in Motion
Task according to their Axis Update Schedule. Thus, a given axis instance may
or may not be updated during Motion Task execution. When inspected as part of
an Event Task triggered by Motion Group Execution, the Axis Update bit can be
used to qualify program instructions based on whether or not the axis was
updated by the preceding Motion Task.

Axis Fault Bits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/GSV1 T DWORD - - - Bitmap
0 = PhysicalAxisFault
1 = ModuleFault
2 = ConfigurationFault
3 = GroupFault
4 = MotionFault
5 = GuardFault
6 = InitializationFault
7 = APRFault
8 = SafetyFault
9...31 = Reserved

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 503

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Axis Fault Bits attribute is a collection of basic fault types

associated with the axis. Each valid axis fault type is assigned a bit in
this word. Any fault condition associated with a given fault type will
result in the setting of the appropriate fault bit.
Each bit in the Axis Fault Bits attribute represents a roll-up of the
associated fault types. One or more faults of a given fault type result in
the associated bit of the Axis Fault Bits attribute being set.
This table provides descriptions of the Axis Fault Bits:
Bit Name Description
0 Physical Axis If the Physical Axis Fault bit is set, it indicates that one or more fault conditions
Fault have been reported by the physical axis. The specific fault conditions can then be
determined through access to the axis data type specific fault attributes of the
associated physical axis.
For CIP Drive axis data types, Physical Axis Faults map to standard CIP Axis Faults
attribute or manufacturer specific CIP Axis Faults.
1 Module Fault The Module Fault bit attribute is set when one or more faults have occurred
related to the motion module associated with the selected axis. The specific fault
conditions can then be determined through access to the Module Fault attribute
of the associated axis. Usually a module fault impacts all axes associated with
the motion module. A module fault generally results in the shutdown of all
associated axes. Reconfiguration of the motion module is required to recover
from a module fault condition.
2 Configuration The Configuration Fault bit is set when an update operation targeting an axis
Fault configuration attribute of an associated motion module has failed. Specific
information concerning the Configuration Fault may be found in the Attribute
Error Code and Attribute Error ID attributes associated with the motion module.
3 Group Fault The Group Fault bit attribute is set when one or more faults have occurred related
to the motion group associated with the selected axis. The specific fault
conditions can then be determined through access to the Group Fault attribute of
the associated motion group. Usually a group fault impacts all axes associated
with the motion group. A group fault generally results in the shutdown of all
associated axes. Reconfiguration of the entire motion subsystem is required to
recover from a group fault condition.
4 Motion Fault If the Motion Fault bit is set, it indicates that one or more fault conditions have
occurred related to the Motion Planner function. The specific fault conditions can
then be determined through access to the Motion Fault attribute of the
associated axis.
5 Guard Fault If the Guard Fault bit is set, it indicates that one or more fault conditions have
occurred related to the embedded Guard Motion safety function. The specific
fault conditions can then be determined through access to the Guard Fault
attribute of the associated axis. Guard Faults are only applicable if the drive
device is equipped with "Hardwired" Guard Safety functionality.
6 Initialization The Initialization Fault bit is set when initialization of a CIP Motion device fails for
Fault any reason. Specific information concerning the Initialization Fault may be found
either in the standard CIP Initialization attributes or in the manufacturer specific
CIP Initialization Fault attributes associated with the CIP Drive axis data types.
7 APR Fault The APR (Absolute Position Recovery) Fault bit is set when during axis
configuration the system is not able to recover the absolute position of the axis.
Specific information concerning the APR Fault may be found either in the
standard APR Fault attributes or int he manufacturer specific APR Fault attributes
associated with the CIP Drive axis data types.

504 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
8 Safety Fault If the Safety Fault bit is set, it indicates that there is one or more fault conditions
have occurred related to the axis safety function. The specific fault conditions
can then be determined through access to the Axis Safety Fault attributes of the
associated axis. Safety Faults are only applicable if the motion device supports
"Networked" Safety functionality through a CIP Safety connection.

Axis Event Bits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Get/GSV1 T DWORD - - - Bitmap - AxisFault

All 0 = WatchEventArmedStatus
1 = WatchEventStatus
2 = RegEvent1ArmedStatus
3 = RegEvent1Status
4 = RegEvent2ArmedStatus
5 = RegEvent2Status
6 = HomeEventArmedStatus
7 = HomeEventStatus
8... 31= Reserved
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Axis Event Bit attributes are a collection of basic event conditions.
This attribute is for use primarily by the system during execution of
various Motion Event instructions.

Axis Event Bit Descriptions

Bit Name Description
0 Watch Event Armed Status The Watch Event Armed Status bit attribute is set when a
watch event has been armed through execution of the MAW
(Motion Arm Watch) instruction. This bit is cleared when
either a watch event occurs or a MDW (Motion Disarm Watch)
instruction is executed.
1 Watch Event Status The Watch Event Status bit attribute is set when a watch
event has occurred. This bit is cleared when either another
MAW (Motion Arm Watch) instruction or a MDW (Motion
Disarm Watch) instruction is executed.
2 Registration 1 Event Armed Status The Registration 1 Event Armed Status bit attribute is set
when a registration checking has been armed for
registration input 1 through execution of the MAR (Motion Arm
Registration) instruction. This bit is cleared when either a
registration event occurs or a MDR (Motion Disarm
Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 1.
3 Registration 1 Event Status The Registration 1 Event Status bit attribute is set when a
registration event has occurred on registration input 1. This
bit is cleared when either another MAR (Motion Arm
Registration) instruction or a MDR (Motion Disarm
Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 1.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
4 Registration 2 Event Armed Status The Registration 2 Event Armed Status bit attribute is set
when a registration checking has been armed for
registration input 2 through execution of the MAR (Motion
Arm Registration) instruction. This bit is cleared when either
a registration event occurs or a MDR (Motion Disarm
Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 2.
5 Registration 2 Event Status The Registration 2 Event Status bit attribute is set when a
registration event has occurred on registration input 2. This
bit is cleared when either another MAR (Motion Arm
Registration) instruction or a MDR (Motion Disarm
Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 2.
6 Home Event Armed Status The Home Event Armed Status bit attribute is set when a
home event has been armed and is used by the MAH (Motion
Axis Home) instruction to manage various homing events
that occur during the configured homing sequence. This bit
is cleared when a home event occurs.
7 Home Event Status The Home Event Status bit attribute is set when a home
event has occurred and is used by the MAH (Motion Axis
Home) instruction to manage various homing events that
occur during the configured homing sequence. This bit is
cleared when another MAH instruction is executed.

Output Cam Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Get/ T DWORD - - - Set of Output Cam Status bits.

Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Output Cam Status bit is set when an Output Cam has been
initiated. The Output Cam Status bit is reset when the cam position
moves beyond the cam start or cam end position in "Once" execution
mode with no Output Cam pending or when the Output Cam is
terminated by a Motion Disarm Output Cam (MDOC) instruction.

Output Cam Pending Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Get/ T DWORD - - - Set of Output Cam Pending

GSV1 Status bits.
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Output Cam Pending Status bit is set if an Output Cam is currently
pending the completion of another Output Cam. This would be initiated
by executing an Motion Arm Output Cam (MAOC) instruction with
Pending execution selected. As soon as this output cam is armed, being
triggered when the currently executing Output Cam has completed, the

506 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Output Cam Pending bit is cleared. This bit is also cleared if the Output
Cam is terminated by a Motion Disarm Output Cam (MDOC) instruction.

Output Cam Lock Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ T DWORD - - - Set of Output Cam Lock
GSV1 Status bits.
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Output Cam Lock Status bit is set when an Output Cam has been
armed. This would be initiated by executing a Motion Arm Output Cam
(MAOC) instruction with Immediate execution selected, when a pending
output cam changes to armed, or when the axis approaches or passes
through the specified axis arm position. As soon as this output cam
current position moves beyond the cam start or cam stop position, the
Output Cam Lock bit is cleared. This bit is also cleared if the Output
Cam is terminated by a Motion Disarm Output Cam (MDOC) instruction.

Output Cam Transition Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Get/ T DWORD - - - Set of Output Cam Transition

GSV1 Status bits.
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

The Output Cam Transition Status bit is set when a transition between
the currently armed and the pending Output Cam is in process.
Therefore, each Output Cam controls a subset of Output Bits. The
Output Cam Transition Status bit is reset, when the transition to the
pending Output Cam is complete or when the Output Cam is terminated
by a Motion Disarm Output Cam (MDOC) instruction.

Motion Alarm Bits and Motion Fault Bits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Get/ T DWORD - - - Bitmap - MotionAlarm
GSV1 0 = Reserved
1 = SoftTravelLimitPositiveAlarm
3...31 = Reserved
Required - All Get/ T DWORD - - - Bitmap - MotionFault
GSV1 0 = Reserved
1 = SoftTravelLimitPositiveFault
3...31 = Reserved

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 507

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Direct Tag access is supported. Bit names shown are used as data type member names in the Logix
Designer application.

Motion Alarm Bits and Motion Fault Bits Descriptions

Bit Name Description
0 Reserved -
1 SoftTravelLimitPositiveAlarm This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking
SoftTravelLimitPositiveFault is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the
configured Soft Travel Limit - Positive attribute value while
commanding motion in the positive direction.
If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop
Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside
the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis
further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Positive value using a
motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
For commanded axes, the Soft Travel Fault can be cleared
with a Fault Reset while the axis position is beyond the Soft
Travel Limit - Positive value to allow the axis to be moved
back within the Soft Travel Limits. As long as the axis is not
commanded to move further away from the travel limit, no
Soft Travel Limit Fault shall be generated.
2 SoftTravelLimitNegativeAlarm This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking
SoftTravelLimitNegativeFault is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the
configured Soft Travel Limit - Negative attribute value while
commanding motion in the negative direction.
If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop
Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside
the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis
further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Negative value using a
motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
For commanded axes, the Soft Travel Limit Fault can be
cleared with a Fault Reset while the axis position is beyond
the Soft Travel Limit - Negative value to allow the axis to be
moved back within the Soft Travel Limits. As long as the axis
is not commanded to move further away from the travel
limit, no Soft Travel Limit Fault shall be generated.
3...31 Reserved -

See also
Event Capture Attributes on page 356
Exceptions on page 45
APR Fault Attributes on page 405

Motion Database Storage The following are the Motion Database Storage attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.

508 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

System Acceleration Base

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set REAL 0 0 Motor Units/sec2 @ 100 %
DB Rated

This floating point value represents the acceleration of the selected

unloaded motor based on 100% Rated current and used to compute
System Inertia. This attribute is used to store the original System
Acceleration value for subsequent upload.

Drive Model Time Constant Base

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set REAL .0015 0 Sec

This floating point value represents the lumped model time constant
associated with the drive device for the purposes of computing loop
gains. This attribute is used to store the original Drive Model Time
Constant value for subsequent upload. The Drive Model Time Constant
Base (DMTC_Base) is computed based on the current loop bandwidth,
the velocity loop update time and the feedback sample period according
to the following formula:
DMTC_Base = 2 * 1/(2*PI*Current Loop Bandwidth(Hz)) + Velocity
Loop Update Period + Feedback Sample Period/2

Drive Rated Peak Current

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Set REAL 0 0 Amps

This floating point value represents the peak current rating associated
with the drive device and used to compute peak torque and acceleration
limits. This attribute is used to store the original Drive Rated Peak
Current value for subsequent upload.

Bus Overvoltage Operational Limit

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C (PM) Set REAL 0 0 Volts

This floating point value represents the maximum DC Bus voltage level
that can be sustained during drive operation, which is used to calculate
the factory default value for PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed or

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 509

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed associated with PM motor
types. This attribute is used to store the Bus Overvoltage Operational
Limit value used in this calculation for subsequent upload.

Converter Model Time Constant Base

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0.001 0 Seconds

This floating point value represents the lumped model time constant
associated with the regenerative converter device for the purposes of
computing loop gains. This attribute is used to store the original
Converter Model Time Constant value for subsequent upload. The
Converter Model Time Constant Base is computed based on the
converter current loop bandwidth, the bus voltage loop update time and
the bus voltage feedback sample period according to the following
CMTC_Base = 2 * 1/(2*PI*Current Loop Bandwidth(Hz)) + Bus Voltage
Loop Update Period

Converter Current Loop Bandwidth Base

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 Hz

This floating point value represents the default bandwidth for the active
and reactive current loops for the regenerative converter. This attribute
is used to store the original default Converter Current Loop Bandwidth
value that was used to compute the Converter Model Time Constant
that is the basis for tuning the converter.

Converter Rated Current

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 Amps

This floating point value represents the continuous output current rating
associated with the regenerative converter and used to compute the
System Capacitance scaling attribute value from the Total Capacitance
of the DC Bus. This attribute is used to store the original Converter
Rated Current value for subsequent upload.

510 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Rated Peak Current

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 Amps

This floating point value represents the peak output current rating
associated with the regenerative converter and used together with the
Converter Rated Current to compute the default Converter Current
Vector Limit attribute value. This attribute is used to store the original
Converter Rated Peak Current value for subsequent upload.

Converter Rated Voltage

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 Volts (RMS)

This floating point value represents the input voltage rating associated
with the regenerative converter and used to compute the Bus Voltage
Set Point attribute value. This attribute is used to store the original
Converter Rated Voltage value for subsequent upload.

Converter DC Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 F (Amps)

This floating point value represents the internal bus capacitance of the
regenerative converter and is used to compute the System Capacitance
scaling attribute. This attribute is used to store the original Converter
DC Bus Capacitance value for subsequent upload.

Converter Rated Power

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL 0 0 kVA

This floating point value represents the power rating of the converter.
This attribute is used to estimate the default AC Line Source Power

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Current Loop Bandwidth Scaling Factor

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set REAL 0 0

This floating point value represents the scaling factor, based on motor
type, which is used to set the factory default value for Torque Loop
Bandwidth. This attribute is used to store the original Current Loop
Bandwidth Scaling Factor value for subsequent upload.

Drive Rated Voltage

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Set REAL 0 0 Vrms

This floating point value represents the RMS voltage rating of the drive
that is used to set the factory default value for the Break Voltage
associated with V/Hz drives. This attribute is used to store the original
Drive Rated Voltage value for subsequent upload.

Max Output Frequency

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Set REAL 0 0 Hz

This floating point value represents the maximum frequency rating of

the drive that is used to set the factory default values for Velocity Limits.
This attribute is used to store the original Max Output Frequency value
for subsequent upload.

See also
Auto-Tune Configuration Attributes on page 383
Motor Test Result Attributes on page 401
Hookup Test Result Attributes on page 392
Inertia Test Result Attributes on page 398
Converter Bus Voltage Control Configuration Attributes on page

Motion Dynamic These are the motion dynamic configuration attributes associated with
a Motion Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes

512 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Maximum Speed
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ REAL FD 0 maxspd Position Units / Sec

The value of the Maximum Speed attribute is used by various motion

instructions to determine the steady-state speed of the axis. These
instructions all have the option of specifying speed as a percent of the
Maximum Speed attribute value for the axis. This value is typically set to
~85% of the maximum speed rating of the motor. This provides
sufficient 'head-room' for the axis to operate at all times within the
speed limitations of the motor.

Maximum Acceleration and Maximum Deceleration

Usage Access Attribute Name Data Default Min Max Semantics of
Type Values
Required - Set/ Maximum REAL FD 0 maxacc Position Units /
FPV SSV Acceleration Sec2
Required - Set/ Maximum REAL FD 0 maxacc Position Units /
FPV SSV Deceleration Sec2

The Maximum Acceleration value is frequently used by motion

instructions, (for example, MAJ, MAM, and MCD) to determine the
acceleration rate to apply to the axis. These instructions all have the
option of specifying acceleration as a percent of the Maximum
Acceleration for the axis. This value is typically set to ~70% of the
maximum acceleration rate of the axis. This provides sufficient 'head-
room' for the axis to operate at all times within the acceleration limits of
the drive and motor.
The Maximum Deceleration attribute value is frequently used by motion
instructions, (for example, MAJ, MAM, and MCD), to determine the
deceleration rates to apply to the axis. These instructions all have the
option of specifying deceleration as a percent of the Maximum
Deceleration for the axis. This value is typically set to ~70% of the
maximum deceleration rate of the axis. This provides sufficient 'head-
room' for the axis to operate at all times within the deceleration limits of
the drive and motor.
Setting the Maximum Deceleration to zero with a SSV command will
generate a minor fault. Motion on an axis cannot start with a
deceleration of zero, so this value will not be accepted.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 513

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Programmed Stop Mode

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ USINT 0 - - Enumeration
All SSV 0 = Fast Stop (default)
1 = Fast Disable
2 = Hard Disable
3 = Fast Shutdown
4 = Hard Shutdown

The Programmed Stop Mode attribute determines how a specific axis

will stop when the Logix processor undergoes a critical processor mode
change or when an explicit MGS (Motion Group Stop) instruction is
executed with its stop mode set to 'programmed'.
There are currently four modes defined for the Logix processor:
Program Mode, Run Mode, Test Mode, and Faulted Mode. Any mode
change into or out of program mode (prog - >run, prog->test, run->prog
& test->prog) will initiate a programmed stop for every axis owned by
that processor.
There is a time-out period of 60 seconds applied to the programmed
stop process, after which the mode change will occur, even if motion on
one or more axes has not stopped. Each individual axis can have its
own Programmed Stop Mode configuration independent of other axes.
Five methods of stopping a given axis are currently supported.
Method Description
Fast Stop When the Programmed Stop Mode attribute is configured for Fast Stop, the axis is
decelerated to a stop using the current configured value for Maximum Deceleration.
Servo action is maintained after the axis motion has stopped.
Fast Disable When the Programmed Stop Mode attribute is configured for Fast Disable, the axis is
decelerated to a stop using the current configured value for Maximum Deceleration.
Servo action is maintained until the axis motion has stopped at which time the axis is
disabled, for example, Drive Enable disabled, and Servo Action disabled.
Hard Disable When configured for Hard Disable, the axis is immediately disabled, for example, Drive
Enable disabled, Servo Action disabled, but the OK contact is left closed. Unless the
drive is configured to provide some form of dynamic braking, this results in the axis
coasting to a stop.
Fast Shutdown When configured for Fast Shutdown, the axis is decelerated to a stop as with Fast Stop
but, once the axis motion is stopped, the axis is placed in the Shutdown state, for
example, Drive Enable disabled, Servo Action disabled, and the OK contact opened.
Recovering from the Shutdown state requires execution of one of the axis or group
Shutdown Reset instructions (MASR or MGSR).
Hard Shutdown When configured for Hard Shutdown, the axis is immediately placed in the Shutdown
state, for example, Drive Enable disabled, Servo Action disabled. Unless the drive is
configured to provide some form of dynamic braking, this results in the axis coasting
to a stop. To recover from the Shutdown state requires execution of one of the axis or
group Shutdown Reset instructions (MASR or MGSR).

514 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Maximum Acceleration Jerk

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ REAL FD 0 Position Units / Sec3

The Maximum Acceleration Jerk attribute value is used by motion

instructions, for example, MAM and MAJ, to determine the acceleration
jerk to apply to the axis when the acceleration jerk is specified as a
percent of the Maximum. This value is only used by an S-Curve profile.
Setting the Maximum Acceleration Jerk to zero with a SSV command
will generate a minor fault. Motion on an axis cannot start with an
acceleration of zero, so this value will not be accepted.
Maximum Acceleration Jerk may be calculated in terms of a percent of
acceleration time spent while S-Curving.
In this case, 0 <= %time <= 100 %

Maximum Deceleration Jerk

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ REAL FD 0 Position Units / Sec3

The Maximum Deceleration Jerk attribute value is used by motion

instructions, for example, MAM and MAJ, to determine the deceleration
jerk to apply to the axis when the deceleration jerk is specified as a
percent of the Maximum. This value is only used by an S-Curve profile.
Setting the Maximum Deceleration Jerk to zero with a SSV command
will generate a minor fault. Motion on an axis cannot start with a
deceleration of zero, so this value will not be accepted.
Maximum Deceleration Jerk may be calculated in terms of a percent of
deceleration time spent while S-Curving.
In this case, 0 <= %time <= 100 %

Dynamics Configuration Bits

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - Set/ DWORD 0:1 - - 0 = Reduce S-Curve Stop Delay
FPV SSV 1:1 1 = Prevent S-Curve Velocity
2:0 Reversals
2 = Reduced Extreme Velocity
3-31 = Reserved

This attribute is a collection of bits that control the operation of the

motion planner dynamics.
Bit Name Description
0 Reduce S-Curve Stop Delay Enables or disables the reduction of latency time when
stopping motion with S-Curve velocity profile (MAS

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 515

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
1 Prevent S-Curve Velocity Reversals Enables the prevention of unwanted velocity reversals
when the deceleration rate is being dynamically changed
(MAS instruction).
2 Reduced Extreme Velocity Overshoot This bit limits the velocity overshoot to 50% of the
programmed velocity by increasing the acceleration jerk
as necessary.
3-31 Reserved

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243
Motion Control Axis Behavior Model on page 54

Motion Homing Use the Homing functionality to establish a machine reference position,
or Home Position for the associated axis. Homing configuration
Configuration Attributes attributes require associated position feedback devices. Homing cannot
be used with drives configured for Encoderless or Sensorless
This tables describe the motion homing configuration attributes for a
Motion Control Axis.

Home Mode
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration
0 = Passive
1 = Active (C)
2-55 = Reserved

The Home Mode attribute determines if:

• Homing actively moves the axis to generate the homing event
• An external agent generates a homing event by moving the axis
The Motion Axis supports active and passive Homing modes. Active homing is the most common homing procedure
for physical servo axes but does not apply when Axis Configuration is Feedback Only since it requires active
control of the axis. The Home Sequence attribute describes the available homing sequences for both active and
passive Homing modes.
Homing Mode Description
Active When active homing is chosen as the homing mode, the desired homing sequence is
then selected by specifying whether or not a home limit switch, a specified torque level,
and/or the encoder marker is used for this axis. Active homing sequences always use the
trapezoidal velocity profile with dynamics defined by Home Speed, Home Return Speed,
Home Acceleration, and Home Deceleration.
Passive Passive homing redefines the current absolute position of the axis on the occurrence of
a home switch, encoder marker, or home to torque event. Passive homing is most
commonly used to calibrate uncontrolled axes, although it can also be used with
controlled axes to create a custom homing sequence.
Passive homing, for a given home sequence, works similar to the corresponding active
homing sequence, except that no motion is commanded-the controller just waits for the
switch, marker, or torque events to occur.

516 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Home Direction
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration
PV Only 0 = Unidirectional forward
1 = Bidirectional forward
2 = Unidirectional reverse
3 = Bidirectional reverse
4-255 = Reserved

The Home Direction attribute is the starting direction of a Homing

Sequence when configured for active Home Mode.
This attribute is only valid for position and velocity control.

Home Sequence
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Immediate (default)
1 = Home to switch (O)
2 = Home to marker (O)
3 = Home to switch then
marker (O)
4 = Home to torque (O)
5 = Home to torque then
marker (O)
6 = Immediate Absolute (O)
7-255 = Reserved
Determines the motion sequencing used to trigger the desired homing events. Filtering of optional enumerations
based on available hardware support and feedback interface hardware. If the feedback type configured for an axis
does not support a marker signal, these homing sequences cannot be used:
• 2 = Home to marker (O)
• 3 = Home to switch then marker (O)
• 5 = Home to torque then marker (O)
Filtering of optional enumerations may be required based on available
hardware support and feedback interface hardware.

Home Sequence Descriptions

Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Homing Active homing sequences employ trapezoidal jog velocity profiles to move the axis while waiting for
a homing event to occur.
Tip: Immediate home sequence types do not employ trapezodial jog velocity profiles.
When selecting Active Home Mode, the Home Sequence attribute uses a home limit switch, a home
torque level, or the feedback device marker for the homing events. The Home Direction attribute
determines the directional behavior of jog profiles with the homing sequence. Uni-directional and Bi-
directional determine if the jog is to reverse direction after detecting the homing event. Forward and
Reverse refer to the direction of the initial jog during the homing process.
Active Immediate Homing This is the simplest active homing sequence type. The axis actual position and command positions
are updated based on the configured Home Position.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 517

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Immediate Absolute During this sequence, the controller enables the drive and redefines the actual position and
Homing command position to the current position of the absolute feedback device. The Home Offset
attribute is applicable. If non-zero, the Home Offset applies to current command and actual position:
Current Position = Absolute Feedback Position - Home Offset.
Active Bidirectional Home to This active homing sequence is useful when an encoder marker is not available. When this sequence
Switch is performed, the axis moves in the specified Home Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home
Acceleration until the home limit switch is detected. The axis then decelerates to a stop at the
specified Home Deceleration and then moves in the opposite direction at the specified Home Return
Speed and Home Acceleration until the home limit switch is cleared.
When the home limit switch is cleared, axis position is immediately redefined to be equal to the
Home Position and the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Direction.
If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the home
switch is cleared by this value. Once the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home
Deceleration, the controller then moves the axis back to the Home Position at the Home Return
Speed and Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile.
If the axis is configured in Cyclic Travel Mode, the move back to the Home Position takes the
shortest path, for example, no more than ½ revolution. The axis behavior for this active homing
sequence is depicted in the following diagram:

If the controller detects that the state of the home switch at the start of the homing sequence is
active, the controller immediately reverses the homing direction and begins the return leg of the
homing sequence.
Neglecting the mechanical uncertainty of the home limit switch, the accuracy of this homing
sequence depends on the time uncertainty in detecting the home limit switch transitions. The
position uncertainty of the home position is the product of the maximum time for the control to
detect the home limit switch (~10 milliseconds) and the specified Home Return Speed. For this
reason, the Home Return Speed is often made significantly slower than the Home Speed.
For example, if a Home Return Speed of 0.1 inches per second (6 IPM) is specified, the uncertainty of
the home position is calculated as shown below:
Uncertainty = 0.1 Inch/Sec * 0.01 Sec = 0.001 Inch.

518 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Bidirectional Home to This active homing sequence is useful for single turn rotary and linear encoder applications since
Marker these have only one encoder marker for full axis travel. When this sequence is performed, the axis
moves in the specified Home Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration until the
marker is detected. The Home Position is then assigned to the axis position corresponding to the
marker location, and the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration.
If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the marker is
detected by this value. The controller then moves the axis back to the Home Position at the specified
Home Return Speed and Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile. If the axis is configured
as a Cyclic Travel Mode, the move back to the Home Position takes the shortest path (for example, no
more than ½ revolution). The axis behavior for this homing sequence is depicted in the following

The accuracy of this homing sequence depends only on the time delay in detecting the marker
transition. The position uncertainty of the home position is the product of the maximum delay for
the control to detect the marker pulse (~1 microsecond) and the specified Home Speed.
For example, if a Home Speed of 1 inches per second (60 IPM) is specified, the uncertainty of the
home position is calculated as shown below:
Uncertainty = 1 Inch/Sec * 0.000001 Sec = 0.000001 Inch.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 519

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Bidirectional Home to This is the most precise active homing sequence available. When this sequence is performed, the
Switch then Marker axis moves in the specified Home Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration
until the home limit switch is detected. The axis then decelerates to a stop at the specified Home
Deceleration and moves in the opposite direction at the specified Home Return Speed and Home
Acceleration until the home limit switch is cleared. After clearing the home limit switch, the axis
continues in the same direction at the Home Return Speed until the first encoder marker is detected.
The Home Position is assigned to the axis position at the moment that the marker is detected, and
the axis then decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration. If Home Offset is non-zero,
then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the marker is detected by this value. The
controller then moves the axis back to the Home Position at the specified Home Return Speed and
Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile.
If the axis is configured in Cyclic Travel Mode, the move back to the Home Position takes the
shortest path (for example, no more than ½ revolution). Axis behavior for this active homing
sequence is depicted in the following diagram:

If the controller detects that the state of the home switch at the start of the homing sequence is
active, the controller immediately reverses the homing direction and begins the return leg of the
homing sequence.

520 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Unidirectional Home to Unidirectional home is usually used when the physical axis cannot change directions.
Switch This active homing sequence is useful when an encoder marker is not available and either
unidirectional motion is required or proximity switch is being used.
When this sequence is performed in the Active Homing Mode, the axis moves in the specified Home
Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration until the home switch is detected. If
the Home Offset is zero, the Home Position is assigned to the axis position at the moment that the
limit switch is detected and the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration.
If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the switch is
detected by this value. The controller then continues to move the axis to the Home Position at the
specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile.
By setting a Home Offset greater than the deceleration distance, unidirectional motion to the Home
Position is insured. However, if the Home Offset value is less than the deceleration distance, then the
axis is simply decelerated to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration. The axis does not reverse
direction to move to the Home Position. In this case, the PC-bit leg of the associated MAH instruction
is not set when the IP-bit leg is cleared.
In the case where this homing sequence is performed on a cyclic axis and the Home Offset value is
less than the deceleration distance when the home event is detected, the control automatically adds
one or more revolutions to the move distance. This guarantees the resulting move to the Home
Position is unidirectional.

Active Unidirectional Home to This active homing sequence is useful for single turn rotary and linear encoder applications when
Marker unidirectional motion is required.
When this sequence is performed in the Active Homing Mode, the axis moves in the specified Home
Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration until the marker is detected. If the
Home Offset is zero, the Home Position is assigned to the axis position at the moment that the
marker is detected and the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration.
If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the marker
was detected by this value. The controller then continues to move the axis to the Home Position at
the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile.
The axis position is updated based on the Home Position and Home Offset. Even if the Home Offset is
zero, the position is updated. Zero is a valid number.
By setting a Home Offset greater than the deceleration distance, unidirectional motion to the Home
Position is insured. However, if the Home Offset value is less than the deceleration distance, then the
axis is simply decelerated to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration. The axis does not reverse
direction to move to the Home Position. In this case, the PC-bit leg of the associated MAH instruction
is not set when the IP-bit leg is cleared.
In the case where this homing sequence is performed on a cyclic axis and the Home Offset value is
less than the deceleration distance when the home event is detected, the control automatically adds
one or more revolutions to the move distance. This guarantees the resulting move to the Home
Position is unidirectional.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 521

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Unidirectional Home to This active homing sequence is useful for multi-turn rotary applications when unidirectional motion
Switch then Marker is required.
When this sequence is performed in the Active Homing Mode, the axis moves in the specified Home
Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration until the home switch is detected. The
axis continues in the same direction at the Home Speed until the first marker event is detected. If
the Home Offset is zero, the Home Position is assigned to the axis position at the precise position
where the marker was detected, and the axis decelerates to a stop at the specified Home
Deceleration. The axis position is updated based on the Home Position and Home Offset.
If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the marker
was detected by this value. The controller then continues to move the axis to the Home Position at
the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration using a trapezoidal move profile.
By setting a Home Offset greater than the deceleration distance, unidirectional motion to the Home
Position is insured. However, if the Home Offset value is less than the deceleration distance, then the
axis is simply decelerated to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration. The axis does not reverse
direction to move to the Home Position. In this case, the PC-bit leg of the associated MAH instruction
is not set when the IP-bit leg is cleared.
In the case where this homing sequence is performed on a cyclic axis and the Home Offset value is
less than the deceleration distance when the home event is detected, the control automatically adds
one or more revolutions to the move distance. This guarantees the resulting move to the Home
Position is unidirectional.
If the controller detects that the state of the home switch at the start of the homing sequence is
active, the controller immediately establishes the Home Position based on the current axis position,
and if allowed by the unidirectional motion constraint, begins to move to the Home Position.

522 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Active Home to Torque then Like the Home to Torque sequence, the Home to Torque then Marker sequence is applicable when a
Marker hard stop is used as the home position, as is common for a linear actuator, and the feedback device
is equipped with an encoder marker signal. The occurrence of the hard stop is detected when the
commanded torque applied to the motor reaches or exceeds the user specified torque level. Since
the Home to Torque sequence relies on the mechanical end of travel for operation, Uni-directional
homing will not be possible so only Forward Bi-directional and Reverse Bi-directional are allowed. A
delay filter is implemented in the drive to reduce any false/nuisance triggers when there is a spike
in the torque feedback upon enabling or jogging the motor under load.
By including the encoder marker in the homing sequence this is the most precise homing operation
available for torque level based homing. When this sequence is performed, the axis moves in the
specified Home Direction at the specified Home Speed and Home Acceleration until a hard stop is
detected, such as when the Home Torque Threshold is exceeded for a period equal to Home Torque
Time. The axis then reverses direction, first decelerating at the Home Deceleration rate, then moving
away from the hard stop using the Home Acceleration to reach the Home Return Speed, until the first
encoder marker is detected. Once the marker has been detected, the Home Position is calculated.
The axis then decelerates to a stop at the specified Home Deceleration and the controller restores
overridden drive attributes to their saved original values. If the calculated Home Position is not
beyond the hard stop, the axis moves to the Home Position at the Home Return Speed and Home
Acceleration and Home Deceleration using a trapezoidal move profile. Axis behavior for this homing
sequence is depicted in the following diagram:

Passive Immediate Home This is the simplest passive homing sequence type. When this sequence is performed, the controller
immediately assigns the Home Position to the current axis actual position. This homing sequence
produces no axis motion.
Passive Immediate Absolute During this sequence, the drive redefines the actual position and command position to the current
Homing position of the absolute feedback device. If non-zero the Home Offset applies to the current
command and actual position:
Current Position = Absolute Feedback Position - Home Offset.
Tip: The Servo On does not execute during the Passive Immediate Absolute sequence.
Passive Home with Switch This passive homing sequence is useful when an encoder marker is not available or a proximity
switch is being used.
When this sequence is performed in the Passive Homing Mode, an external agent moves the axis
until the home switch is detected. The Home Position is assigned to the axis position at the moment
that the limit switch is detected. If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be offset
from the point where the switch is detected by this value.
Passive Home with Marker This passive homing sequence is useful for single turn rotary and linear encoder applications.
When this sequence is performed in the Passive Homing Mode, an external agent moves the axis
until the marker is detected. The home position is assigned to the axis position at the precise
position where the marker was detected. If Home Offset is non-zero, then the Home Position will be
offset from the point where the switch is detected by this value.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 523

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Homing Sequence Types Description
Passive Home with Switch This passive homing sequence is useful for multi-turn rotary applications.
then Marker When this sequence is performed in the Passive Homing Mode, an external agent moves the axis
until the home switch and then the first encoder marker is detected. The home position is assigned
to the axis position at the precise position where the marker was detected. If Home Offset is non-
zero, then the Home Position will be offset from the point where the switch is detected by this value.

Home Configuration Bits

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Set/SSV DWORD 0x00 - - Bitmap

0 = Reserved
1 = Home Switch Normally
2-31 = Reserved

The Home Configuration Bits attribute determines homing related

behavior such as the sense of the home switch contacts.
The Home Switch Normally Closed bit attribute determines the normal
state of the home limit switch used by the homing sequence. The
normal state of the switch is its state prior to being engaged by the axis
during the homing sequence. For example, if the Home Switch Normally
Closed bit is set (true) then the condition of the switch prior to homing is
closed. When the switch is engaged by the axis during the homing
sequence, the switch is opened, which constitutes a homing event.

Home Position
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/SSV REAL 0 - maxpos Position Units

If Travel Mode is Cyclic: 0 <= home pos < unwind

The Home Position is the desired absolute position for the axis after the
specified homing sequence has been completed. After an active homing
sequence has completed, the axis is left at the specified Home Position.
• If bidirectional homing, then the axis is left at the Home Position.
• If unidirectional homing and TravelMode=Cyclic, then the axis is
left at the Home Position
Otherwise, the axis is not at the home position and the axis position is
based on the Home Position.
In most cases, Home Position is set to zero, although any value, within
the Maximum Positive and Negative Travel limits of the axis (if
enabled), may also be used. (A description of the Maximum Positive
and Negative Travel configuration attributes may be found in the Servo
and Drive Axis Object specifications.) For a cyclic axis, the Home
Position is constrained to be a positive number less than the Position
Unwind value divided by the Conversion Constant.

524 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Home Offset
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Set/SSV REAL 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Units

When applied to an active or passive Homing Mode, using a non-

immediate Home Sequence, the Home Offset is the desired position
offset of the axis Home Position from the position at which the home
event occurred. The Home Offset is applied at the end of the specified
homing sequence before the axis moves to the Home Position. In most
cases, Home Offset is set to zero.
After an active bidirectional homing sequence has completed, the axis
is left at the specified Home Position. If the Home Offset is non-zero,
the axis will then be offset from the marker or home switch event point
by the Home Offset value. If the Home Offset is zero, the axis will sit
right on top of the marker or home switch point.
This is not valid for immediate Home Sequence.

Home Speed
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Set/SSV REAL 0 0 maxspd Position Units / Sec

PV Only

The Home Speed attribute controls the speed of the jog profile used in
the first leg of an active homing sequence as described in the above
discussion of the Home Sequence Type attribute.
This is not valid for immediate or immediate absolute Home Sequence.

Home Return Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/SSV REAL 0 0 maxspd Position Units / Sec
PV Only

The Home Return Speed attribute controls the speed of the jog profile
used after the first leg of an active bidirectional homing sequence as
described in the above discussion of the Home Sequence Type
This is not valid for immediate or immediate absolute Home Sequence.

Home Acceleration
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set/SSV REAL 0 0 maxacc Position Units / Sec2
PV Only

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 525

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Home Acceleration attribute controls the acceleration of the velocity
profile used in an active Home Sequence attribute.
This is not valid for immediate or immediate absolute Home Sequence.

Home Deceleration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - E Set/ REAL 0 0 maxacc Position Units / Sec2

The Home Deceleration attribute controls the deceleration of the axis as

it comes to a stop in an active homing sequence as described in the
Home Sequence attribute.
This is not valid for immediate or immediate absolute Home Sequence.

Home Torque Limit

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - E Set/ REAL 0 0 100 Position Units / Sec2


The Home Torque limit attribute is the value temporarily applied by the
controller to Torque Limit Positive and Torque Limit Negative in the
drive during an active Home to Torque sequence.
This is only valid for Home to Torque or Home to Torque then Marker
Home Sequence.

Home Torque Threshold

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - E Set/ REAL 0 0 100 Position Units / Sec2


The Home Torque Threshold attribute sets the minimum torque level
needed to detect the hard stop during a Home to Torque sequence. The
drive’s output torque must exceed the specified Home Torque
Threshold for the specified Home Torque Time. The units for Home
Torque Threshold are expressed as a percentage of the operative
Torque Limit, which during the homing sequence is set to the Home
Torque Limit by the controller.
This is only valid for Home to Torque or Home to Torque then Marker
Home Sequence.

See also
Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473

526 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498

Motion Planner These are the motion planner attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis.
Configuration Attributes
Output Cam Execution Targets
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Get/ DINT 0 0 8 # of Targets
GSV1 Represents the number of Output
Cam nodes attached to this axis.

This attribute can be set only when the axis instance is created.
The Output Cam Execution Targets attribute is used to specify the
number of Output Cam nodes attached to the axis. This attribute can
only be set as part of an axis create service and dictates how many
Output Cam Nodes are created and associated to that axis. Each
Output Cam Execution Target requires approximately 5.4k bytes of data
table memory to store persistent data. With four Output Cam Execution
Targets per axis, an additional 21.6k bytes of memory is required for
each axis.
The ability to configure the number of Output Cam Execution Targets
for a specific axis reduces the memory required per axis for users who
do not need Output Cam functionality, or only need 1 or 2 Output Cam
Execution Targets for a specific axis. Each axis can be configured

Master Input Configuration Bits

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E PV Set/SSV DWORD 0x01 - - Bitmap
only 0:1 0 = Master Delay Comp
1:0 1 = Master Position Filter
2-31 = Reserved

This attribute controls the master axis input signal feeding the gearing
and camming functions of the motion planner, including the Master
Position Filter and Master Delay Compensation.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 527

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
0 Master Delay By default, both the Position Camming and Gearing functions, when
Compensation applied to a slave axis, perform Master Delay Compensation to
compensate for the delay time between reading the master axis
command position and applying the associated slave command
position to the input of the slave's servo loop. When the master axis is
running at a fixed speed, this compensation technique insures that the
slave axis command position accurately tracks the actual position of
the master axis; in other words, Master Delay Compensation allows for
zero tracking error when gearing or camming to the actual position of
a master axis.
This feature, while necessary in many applications, doesn't come
without a price. The Master Delay Compensation algorithm extrapolates
the position of the master axis at the predicted time when the
command position will be applied to the slave's servo loop. Since
master axis position is measured in discrete feedback counts and is
inherently noisy, the extrapolation process amplifies that noise
according to the total position update delay. The total position update
delay is proportional to the Coarse Update Period of the motion group.
The Master Delay Compensation feature also includes an extrapolation
filter to filter the noise introduced by the extrapolation process. The
time constant of the filter is fixed at 4x the total position update delay
(independent of the Master Position Filter Bandwidth), which again is a
function of the Coarse Update Period.
The Logix engine currently implements a 1st order extrapolation
algorithm that results in zero tracking error while the master axis is
moving at constant velocity. If the master axis accelerates or
decelerates the tracking error is non-zero and proportional to the
acceleration or deceleration rate and also proportional to the square of
the total position update delay time. Clearly, from both a noise and
acceleration error perspective, minimizing the Coarse Update Period is
In some applications there is no requirement for zero tracking error
between the master and the slave axis. In these cases, it may be
beneficial to disable the Master Delay Compensation feature to
eliminate the disturbances the extrapolation algorithm introduces to
the slave axis. When the Master Delay Compensation feature is disabled
(bit cleared), the slave axis will appear to be more responsive to
movements of the master, and run generally smoother than when
Master Delay Compensation feature is enabled (bit set). However, when
the master axis is running at a constant velocity, the slave will lag the
master by a tracking error that is proportional to the speed of the
Note that Master Delay Compensation, even if explicitly enabled, is not
applied in cases where a slave axis is gearing or camming to the
master axis' command position. Since the Logix controller generates
the command position directly, there is no intrinsic master position
delay to compensate for.

528 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description
1 Master Position Filter The Master Position Filter bit controls the activity of an independent
single-poll low-pass filter that effectively filters the specified master
axis position input to the slave's gearing or position camming
operation. When enabled (bit set), this filter has the effect of
smoothing out the actual position signal from the master axis, and thus
smoothing out the corresponding motion of the slave axis. The trade-
off for smoothness is an increase in lag time between the response of
the slave axis to changes in motion of the master. Note that the Master
Position Filter also provides filtering to the extrapolation noise
introduced by the Master Delay Compensation algorithm, if enabled.
When the Master Position Filter bit is set, the bandwidth of the Master
Position Filter is controlled by the Master Position Filter Bandwidth
attribute, see below. This can be done by setting the Master Position
Filter bit and controlling the Master Position Filter Bandwidth directly.
Setting the Master Position Filter Bandwidth to zero can be used to
effectively disable the filter.
2-31 Reserved

Master Position Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ REAL 0 0 1000(1) Hertz
PV only SSV 1/(4*CUP) 1/CUP Valid when Master Position
Filter is enabled.
A value of 0 disables the
CUP = Coarse Update
Minimum Range limits based on Coarse Update Period are ultimately
enforced for Master Position Filter Bandwidth attribute by clamping to
limit rather than generating a value out of range error. Only if the value
is outside the fixed Min/Max limits is an out of range error given. This
was done to avoid implementing complex range limit code based on the
Coarse Update Period in the Logix Designer application.
The Master Position Filter Bandwidth attribute controls the activity of the
single-poll low-pass filter that filters the specified master axis position
input to the slave's gearing or position camming operation. When
enabled, this filter has the effect of smoothing out the actual position
signal from the master axis, and thus smoothing out the corresponding
motion of the slave axis. The trade-off for smoothness is an increase in
lag time between the response of the slave axis to changes in motion of
the master.
If the Master Position Filter is disabled, the Master Position Filter
Bandwidth has no effect.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 529

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Motion Exception Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration (D)
[32] 2 (E) 0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Fault Status Only
3 = Stop Planner
4 = Disable
5 = Shutdown
Enumeration (E)
0 = Ignore
1 = Alarm
2 = Fault Status Only
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown

Array of enumerated exception actions assigned to the currently defined

Motion Exception conditions.
This table defines the actions that may be taken by the controller in
response to the exception condition.

Motion Exception Action

Enumeration Name Description
0 Ignore Ignore instructs the controller to completely ignore the
exception condition. For some exceptions that are
fundamental to the operation of the planner, it may not be
possible to Ignore the condition.
1 Alarm Alarm action instructs the controller to set the associated bit
in the Motion Alarm Status word but to not otherwise impact
axis behavior. For some exceptions that are fundamental to
the operation of the planner, it may not be possible to select
this action or any other action that leaves axis operation
2 Fault Status Only Fault Status Only instructs the controller to set the
associated bit in the Motion Fault Status word but to not
otherwise impact axis behavior. It is up to the controller to
programmatically bring the axis to a stop in this condition.
For some exceptions that are fundamental to the operation
of the planner, it may not be possible to select this action or
any other action that leaves axis operation unimpacted.
3 Stop Planner Stop Planner instructs the controller to set the associated bit
in the Motion Fault Status word and instructs the Motion
Planner to perform a controlled stop of all planned motion at
the configured Max Decel rate. For some exceptions that are
fundamental to the operation of the planner, it may not be
possible to select this action or any other action that leaves
the axis enabled.

530 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enumeration Name Description
4 Disable The Disable action results in the controller both setting the
associated bit in the Motion Fault Status word, abruptly
stopping the motion planner, and bringing the axis to a stop
by disabling the axis. The method used to decelerate the axis
when there is a drive associated with the axis is the best
available stopping method for the specific fault condition
and is drive device dependent.
5 Shutdown Shutdown forces the axis into the Shutdown state, abruptly
stops the motion planner, disables any gearing or camming
operation that specifies this axis as a master axis, and
immediately disables the associated drive's power structure.
If configured to do so by the Shutdown Action attribute, the
drive device may also open a contactor to drop DC Bus
power to the drive's power structure. An explicit Shutdown
Reset is required to restore the drive to an operational state.
6-254 Reserved
255 Unsupported The Unsupported Exception Action is the value assigned to
Exceptions that are not supported in the implementation.
Trying to assign an Exception Action other than Unsupported
to an exception that is not supported results in an error.

Soft Travel Limit Checking

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ SSV USINT 0 0 1 0 = No
1 = Yes

This attribute determines if the system should check for software

overtravel condition based on current settings for Soft Travel Limit -
Positive, and Soft Travel Limit - Negative.
When the Soft Overtravel Checking is set to true the motion planner
checks the current Actual Position of the axis and issues an exception
condition if the Soft Travel Limits in either direction are exceeded while
commanding motion in that direction. The travel limits are determined
by the configured values for the Maximum Positive Travel and
Maximum Negative Travel attributes. Soft Travel Limit checking is not a
substitute, but rather a supplement, for hardware overtravel fault
protection that uses hardware limit switches to directly stop axis motion
at the drive and deactivate power to the system.
If the Soft Travel Limit Checking value is set to false (default), then no
software travel limit checking is done by the planner. For CIP Drive axis
data types, Soft Travel Limit Checking has no affect if the Travel Mode
is configured for Cyclic (Rotary) operation.
Soft Travel Limit Checking has no impact until the Axis Homed Status
bit is set in the Motion Status Bits attribute; there is no point in checking
absolute position of the axis if an absolute position reference frame has
not been established for the machine.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 531

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Soft Travel Limit, Positive and Negative

Usage Access Attribute Name Data Default Min Max Semantics of
Type Values
Required - E Set/ SSV Soft Travel Limit - REAL 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Units
Required - E Set/ SSV Soft Travel Limit - REAL 0 -maxpos maxpos Position Units

The Soft Travel Limit - Positive attribute sets the maximum positive
travel limit for actual position when Soft Travel Limit Checking is
enabled. If this value is exceeded while commanding motion in the
positive direction, a Soft Travel Limit - Positive exception is generated.
The Soft Travel Limit - Negative attribute sets the maximum negative
travel limit for actual position when Soft Travel Limit Checking is
enabled. If this value is exceeded while commanding motion in the
negative direction, a Soft Travel Limit - Negative exception is generated.
This attribute provides configurable software travel limits through the
Soft Travel Limit - Positive and Soft Travel Limit - Negative attributes. If
the axis is configured for Soft Travel Limit Checking, and the axis
passes outside these travel limits, a Software Travel Limit exception
condition occurs. In the case of a controlled axis, when the axis is
outside the travel limits and no motion is being commanded or motion is
being commanded to bring the axis back within the soft travel range, the
Soft Travel Limit exception is NOT generated. This facilitates recovery
from an existing Soft Travel Limit condition. In this case, a Fault Reset
can be executed to clear the fault, allowing the axis to be enabled, and
then simply commanded back inside the travel limits. For an
uncontrolled axis, such as Feedback Only axis, a Soft Travel Limit
exception is always generated when the axis is outside the travel limits.
In this case the axis must be moved back inside the Travel Limits by
some other means. Any attempt to clear the Travel Limit fault in the
uncontrolled axis case while outside the travel limits results in an
immediate re-issue of the Soft Travel Limit exception.
When Soft Travel Limit Checking is enabled, appropriate values for the
maximum travel in both the Soft Travel Limit Positive and Soft Travel
Limit Negative attributes need to be established with Soft Travel Limit -
Positive value always greater than Soft Travel Limit - Negative value.
Both of these values are specified in the configured Position Units of the

Command Update Delay Offset

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - E Set/ DINT 0 -1 * MUP 2 * MUP µseconds

PV only SSV MUP = Multiplex Update Period

Use the Command Update Delay Offset attribute to introduce a time

offset to the command as part of the Master Delay Compensation
feature of the control system used by gearing and camming functions.
Generally this value should be set to 0 since the device applies the

532 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
command position according to the associated time stamp. A non-zero
value would have the effect of phase advancing or retarding the axis
position relative to a master axis.

Move Repeat Mode

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Set/ USINT 0 - - -Enumeration:
SSV 0 = Once
1 = Repeat
2 = Reciprocate

The Move Repeat Mode attribute controls the repeat functionality of the
MAM instruction.

Move Repeat Dwell

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - FPV Set/ REAL 0 - - Seconds

The Move Repeat Dwell attribute controls the amount of time between
successive move profiles initiated by an MAM instruction in Repeat

Track Mover Length

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PT Set/ REAL 0 DB 0- Meters
(LTM Only) GSV

The Track Mover Length is a floating point value that specifies the
length of the linear track mover. Track Mover Length allows the user to
confirm the proper length of the mover. This value may have future
application for a motion planner-based collision avoidance feature.

See also
Motion Control Status Attributes on page 498
Absolute Position Recovery on page 47

Motion Planner Output These are the motion planner output attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 533

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Planner Command Position - Integer

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - FPV Get/ DINT - - - Planner Counts


This attribute value is the integer component of Motion Planner

generated command position in planner counts. The command position
data type is represented internally as a 64-bit floating point value that
Motion Task restricts to a signed 32-bit integer range. The resulting
range restricted Double Floating point value can therefore be expressed
as two 32-bit attributes to preserve precision. This is accomplished by
representing the command position (compos) as x + y, where x is the
signed integer component (this attribute) and y is the signed floating
point fractional component. x and y are defined using the following
x = (int)compos
y = (float)(compos – x)

Planner Command Position - Fractional

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - FPV Get/ REAL - - - Planner Counts


This attribute value is the fractional component of Motion Planner

generated command position in planner counts. Representing the
command position (compos) x + y, where x is the signed integer
component and y is the signed floating point fractional component (this
attribute). x and y are defined using the following equations:
x = (int)compos
y = (float)(compos – x).

Planner Actual Position

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - ED Get/ DINT - - - Planner Counts


This attribute value is the Motion Planner generated actual position in

planner counts. The internal 64-bit signed integer representation of
actual position is range limited by Motion Task to a signed 32-bit

See also
Motion Planner Configuration Attributes on page 527

534 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89

Motion Scaling Attributes These are the basic motion scaling configuration attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis. These attributes are involved in conversion
between position, speed, and acceleration expressed in Motion Counts
and Motion Units, and the user-defined Position Unit of the axis. The
motion scaling function is also involved in conversion of Motion Counts
to/from Feedback Counts, and Motion Units to/from Feedback Units.

Motion Scaling Configuration

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Control Scaling (R)
1 = Drive Scaling (O)
2-255 = Reserved

The Motion Scaling Configuration attribute determines whether the

scaling function is performed by the controller or the drive. The Control
Scaling selection configures the control system to perform the scaling
calculations in the controller. In this mode, the controller interacts with
the drive in terms of Feedback Counts or Motor Units, hence no scaling
operations are required by the drive. Also, in Control Scaling mode the
controller is responsible for Position Unwind (Cyclic Unwind for device
axis objects) operations associated with Cyclic Travel Mode (Cyclic
Unwind Control for device axis objects).
The Drive Scaling selection configures the control system to perform the
scaling calculations in the drive device. In this mode, the controller
interacts with the drive in terms of Motion Counts or Motion Units and
the drive is responsible for conversion to equivalent Feedback Counts
and Motor Units. Also, in Drive Scaling mode the drive is responsible for
Position Unwind (Cyclic Unwind) operations associated with Cyclic
Travel Mode (Cyclic Unwind Control).

Scaling Source
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ SSV# USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = From Calculator
1 = Direct Scaling Factor Entry
2-255 = reserved
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

Enumerated attribute used to determine whether the scaling factors are

going to be entered directly from the user or calculated based on
Position Scaling, Position Unwind, and Travel Range values. When
entered directly, the scaling factors, for example, Conversion Constant,
Position Unwind, and Motion Resolution are expressed in units of
"counts". When using the scaling calculator, the scaling factors are
calculated based on values entered by the user in the preferred units of
the application without requiring any knowledge of "counts".

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 535

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Important: Configuration of Scaling page parameters is required for any attributes expressed in
position, velocity, or acceleration units to return meaningful values.

Scaling Calculations are performed by Logix Designer application

whenever the Scaling attribute values change. Scaling attributes are
defined as Position Scaling Numerator, Position Scaling Denominator,
Position Unwind Numerator, Position Unwind Denominator, Travel
Mode, and Travel Range. The purpose of the Scaling Calculation is to
generate the key Scaling Factors used to convert between the user
defined Position Units and the quantized Motion Count units used by
the control system. The set of Scaling Factor attributes consist of
Motion Resolution, Conversion Constant, and Position Unwind.
The specific Scaling Calculations performed by the Logix Designer
application depend on the Travel Mode setting as follows:
Cyclical Travel:
• Max Resolution = Int((2^31-1) * (Pos Scaling Num/Pos Scaling
Denom) / (Unwind Num/Unwind Denom))
• Base Resolution = Minimum (Default Motion Resolution, Max
• Motion Resolution = (Pos Scaling Num*Unwind Denom) *
(10^(Int (Log10(Base Resolution/(Pos Scaling Num*Unwind
• Conversion Constant = Motion Resolution * (Pos Scaling
Denom/Pos Scaling Num)
• Unwind = Conversion Constant * (Unwind Num/Unwind Denom)
Limited Travel:
• Max Resolution = Int((2^31-1) * (Pos Scaling Num/Pos Scaling
Denom) / Travel Range)
• Base Resolution = Minimum (Default Motion Resolution, Max
• Motion Resolution = Pos Scaling Num * (10^(Int (Log10(Base
Resolution/Pos Scaling Num))))
• Conversion Constant = Motion Resolution * (Pos Scaling
Denom/Pos Scaling Num)
Unlimited Travel:
• Base Resolution = Default Motion Resolution
• Motion Resolution = Pos Scaling Num * (10^(Int (Log10(Base
Resolution/Pos Scaling Num))))
• Conversion Constant = Motion Resolution * (Pos Scaling
Denom/Pos Scaling Num)
When Scaling Calculations are performed, Logix Designer application
sets the Scaling Source to "from calculator". If any of the Scaling Factor
attributes is changed directly by the user either through Logix Designer
or through programmatic access, Scaling Source is set to "direct entry".
The "direct entry" setting indicates that the Scaling Factors are no
longer consistent with the current Scaling attribute values.

536 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Travel Mode
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ SSV# USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Unlimited
1 = Limited (E)
2 = Cyclic (E)
3-255 = reserved
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

Enumerated attribute used to determine the travel constraints of the

axis. Unlimited travel is for axes that run continuously without limit but
are not cyclic. Limited travel is for axes that have imposed limits to their
travel, usually due to mechanical limitations. Cyclic travel is for axes
whose position repeats as part of a product cycle. While the axis may
run continuously, the position value is bound between 0 and the
Position Unwind value. If the Feedback Configuration = No Feedback,
such as with Sensorless/Encoderless operation, then the only valid
Travel Mode setting is "Unlimited".

Position Scaling Numerator

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ GSV REAL 1 0+ Position Units

A floating point value used by the scaling calculator to determine the

number of Position Units per Position Scaling Denominator units
(Motion Units).

Position Scaling Denominator

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ GSV REAL 1 0+ Motion Unit

A floating point value used by the scaling calculator to determine the

number of Motion Units per Position Scaling Numerator units (Position

Position Unwind Numerator

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ GSV REAL 1 0+ Position Units

A floating point value used by the scaling calculator to determine the

number of Position Units per Position Unwind Denominator units
(Unwind Cycles). This value is only used by the calculator if cyclic
Travel Mode is selected.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 537

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Unwind Denominator

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ GSV REAL 1 0+ Unwind Cycles

A floating point value used by the scaling calculator to determine the

number of Unwind Cycles per Position Unwind Numerator units
(Position Units). This value is only used by the calculator if cyclic Travel
Mode is selected.

Travel Range
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ GSV REAL 1 0+ Position Units

A floating point value used by the scaling calculator to determine the

maximum travel range in Position Units for a limited Travel Mode
position scaling calculation.

Motion Unit
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Motor Rev
1 = Load Rev
2 = Feedback Rev
3 = Motor mm
4 = Load mm
5 = Feedback mm
6 = Motor inch
7 = Load inch
8 = Feedback inch
9 = Motor Rev/s
10 = Load Rev/s
11 = Motor m/s
12 = Load m/s
13 = Motor inch/s
14 = Load inch/s
15-255 = Reserved

The Motion Unit attribute determines the unit of measure used to

express the Motion Resolution used by motion planner functions. A
Motion Unit is the standard engineering unit of measure for motion
displacement. Motion Units may be configured as Revs, Inches, or
Millimeters depending on the specific application.

Motion Resolution
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ SSV# DINT Default 1 231-1 Motion Counts / Motion Unit

538 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

The Motion Resolution attribute is an integer value that determines the

number of Motion Counts per Motion Unit used by the scaling function
to convert between Motion Counts and Feedback Counts. This attribute
determines how many Motion Counts there are in a Motion Unit. A
Motion Count is the fundamental unit of displacement used by the
Motion Planner and a Motion Unit is the standard engineering unit of
measure for motion displacement. Motion Units may be configured as
Revs, Inches, or Millimeters depending on the specific application.
All command position, velocity, and acceleration data is scaled from the
user's preferred Position Units to Motion Units for the Motion Planner
based on the Motion Resolution and Conversion Constant. The ratio of
the Conversion Constant to Motion Resolution determines the number
of Position Units in a Motion Unit as described using the following
• Conversion Constant / Motion Resolution = Motion Units (revs,
inches, or millimeters) / Position Unit
Conversely, all actual position, velocity, and acceleration data from the
Motion Planner is scaled from Motion Units to the user's preferred
Position Units based on the Motion Resolution and Conversion
Constant. The ratio of Motion Resolution and the Conversion Constant
determines the number of Position Units in a Motion Unit as described
using the following formula:
• Motion Resolution / Conversion Constant = Position Units /
Motion Unit (rev, inch, or millimeter)
In general, the Motion Resolution value may be may be configured in
Motion Counts per Motion Unit independent of the resolution of the
feedback device(s) used. The drive's scaling function takes care of
scaling between Feedback Counts and Motion Counts. Providing a
configurable Motion Resolution value is particularly useful for
addressing Fractional Unwind applications where it is necessary to have
an integer number of Motion Counts per Unwind Cycle.
Valid Motion Unit attribute selections are determined by the Feedback
Configuration, Load Type, and Linear Actuator Unit (Lead Unit or
Diameter Unit) values according to the following table:
Feedback Load Type Linear Actuator Unit Motion Unit
No Feedback Direct Rotary - Motor Rev/s
No Feedback Rotary Transmission - Load Rev/s
No Feedback Linear Actuator mm/rev | mm Load m/s
No Feedback Linear Actuator inch/rev| inch Load inch/s
Master Feedback Direct Rotary - Feedback Rev
Master Feedback Direct Linear - Feedback mm
Master Feedback Rotary Transmission - Load Rev
Master Feedback Linear Actuator mm/rev | mm Load mm
Master Feedback Linear Actuator inch/rev| inch Load inch
Motor Feedback Direct Rotary - Motor Rev

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 539

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Feedback Load Type Linear Actuator Unit Motion Unit
Motor Feedback Direct Linear - Motor mm
Motor Feedback Rotary Transmission - Load Rev
Motor Feedback Linear Actuator mm/rev |mm Load mm
Motor Feedback Linear Actuator inch/rev | inch Load inch
Load | Dual Feedback Direct Rotary - Load Rev
Load | Dual Feedback Direct Linear - Load mm
Load | Dual Feedback Rotary Transmission - Load Rev
Load | Dual Feedback Linear Actuator mm/rev | mm Load mm
Load | Dual Feedback Linear Actuator inch/rev | inch Load inch

The Default Motion Resolution value used for scaling factors, Motion
Resolution, Conversion Constant, and Position Unwind, depends on the
Motion Unit selection according to the following table:
Motion Unit Default Motion Resolution
Motor|Load|Feedback Rev 1,000,000
Motor|Load|Feedback mm 10,000
Motor|Load|Feedback Inch 200,000
Motor|Load|Feedback Rev/s 1,000,000
Motor|Load|Feedback m/s 10,000,000
Motor|Load|Feedback Inch/s 200,000

Travel Range Limit

Because the position parameters are sometimes internally limited to
signed 32-bit representation, the Motion Resolution parameter impacts
the travel range. In such a case, the equation for determining the
maximum travel range based on Motion Resolution is as follows:
• Travel Range Limit (in Motion Units) = +/- 2,147,483,647 / Motion
Based on a default value of 1,000,000 Motion Counts per Motion Unit,
the range limit is 2,147 Motion Units. When the axis position exceeds
this value, the position accumulators roll-over, essentially flipping the
sign of the axis position value. Motion continuous smoothly through the
roll-over but the position values are obviously not contiguous. This is
nominal operation in Unlimited Travel Mode. While it is relatively rare for
this travel range limitation to present a problem, say in point-to-point
positioning applications, it is a simple matter to lower the Motion
Resolution to increase the travel range. The downside of doing so is
that the position data is then passed with lower resolution that could
impact the smoothness of motion. Selecting Limit Travel Mode sets the
Motion Resolution value close to the maximum value that complies with
the specified Travel Range of the application.

Fractional Unwind
In some cases, however, you may also want to specifically configure
Motion Resolution value to handle fractional unwind applications or

540 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
multi-turn absolute applications requiring cyclic compensation. In these
cases where the Position Unwind value for a rotary application does not
work out to be an integer number of Motion Counts, the Motion
Resolution attribute may be modified to a value that is integer divisible
by the Position Unwind value. This is done automatically when selecting
the Cyclic Travel Mode.

Motion Polarity
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ SSV# USINT 0 0 1 Enumeration:
0 = Normal Polarity
1 = Inverted Polarity
2-255 = (Reserved)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

Use Motion Polarity to switch the directional sense of the motion control
system. A Normal setting leaves the sign of the motion control
command and actual signal values unchanged from their values in the
drive control structure. An Inverted setting flips the sign of the command
signal values to the drive control structure and flips the sign of the
actual signal values coming from the drive control structure. Also use
Motion Polarity to adjust the sense of the positive direction of the motion
control system to agree with the positive direction on the machine.

Cyclic Unwind Control

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Set BOOL - - - 0 = Non-Cyclic Operation (R)

Scaling 1 = Cyclic Operation (E)

When this Boolean attribute is set true (1), it enables the cyclic unwind
capability of the scaling function. This feature provides infinite
positioning range by “unwinding” the axis position whenever the axis
moves through a complete machine cycle. The number of Motion
Counts per machine cycle of the axis is specified by the Cyclic Unwind
Position attribute. Thus, if the axis is configured for Cyclic Operation,
implementation of the Cyclic Unwind Position attribute is required.
If the Cyclic Unwind attribute is false (0), indicating non-cyclic operation,
no “unwind” operation is performed, and unidirectional motion continues
to accumulate position and can eventually exceed the range of the
position representation resulting in a roll-over. For this reason, non-
cyclic travel is typically limited for position control applications.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 541

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Cyclic Unwind Position

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Set DINT - - - Motion Counts / Unwind Cycle

Scaling E

This integer value is used to “unwind” command and actual position

values every machine cycle. Cyclic unwind functionality provides infinite
position range for cyclic axes by subtracting the Cyclic Unwind Position
value from both the actual and command position whenever the axis
reaches or crosses the Cyclic Unwind Position. Similarly when moving
in the reverse direction, the Cyclic Unwind Position value is added to
both the actual and command position whenever the axis reaches or
crosses zero. Thus command and actual position values shall never be
outside the range of 0 and the Cyclic Unwind Position. To avoid
accumulated error due to round-off with irrational conversion constants,
the unwind value is represented as an integer number of Motion Counts
per Cycle.

When the Motion Scaling Configuration is set to Drive Scaling, the CIP
Motion Connection interface and the drive control structure performs the
Motion Polarity. When the Motion Scaling Configuration is set to
Controller Scaling, the controller performs the Motion Polarity inversion.
To maintain directional consistency, the signs of all Signal Attribute
values read from the drive control structure or being written to the drive
control structure are determined by Motion Polarity. A comprehensive
list of Signal Attributes and their access rules is defined in the following
ID Access Rule Signal Attribute Name
1402+o Get Feedback n Position
1403+o Get Feedback n Velocity
1404+o Get Feedback n Acceleration
2380+o Get Feedback nU Position
2381+o Get Feedback nU Velocity
2382+o Get Feedback nU Acceleration
2383+o Get Feedback nS Position
2384+o Get Feedback nS Velocity
2385+o Get Feedback nS Acceleration
62 Get Registration 1 Positive Edge Position
63 Get Registration 1 Negative Edge Position
64 Get Registration 2 Positive Edge Position
65 Get Registration 2 Negative Edge Position
70 Get Home Event Position
360 Set* Controller Position Command - Integer
361 Set* Controller Position Command - Float
362 Set* Controller Velocity Command
363 Set* Controller Acceleration Command
364 Set* Controller Torque Command
365 Get Fine Command Position

542 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
ID Access Rule Signal Attribute Name
366 Get Fine Command Velocity
367 Get Fine Command Acceleration
370 Set Skip Speed 1
371 Set Skip Speed 2
372 Set Skip Speed 3
430 Get Position Command
431 Set* Position Trim
432 Get Position Reference
433 Get Velocity Feedforward Command
434 Get Position Feedback
435 Get Position Feedback – 64 Bit
780 Get Position Integral Feedback
436 Get Position Error
437 Get Position Integrator Output
438 Get Position Loop Output
450 Get Velocity Command
451 Set* Velocity Trim
452 Get Acceleration Feedforward Command
453 Get Velocity Reference
454 Get Velocity Feedback
455 Get Velocity Error
456 Get Velocity Integrator Output
457 Get Velocity Loop Output
480 Get Acceleration Command
481 Set* Acceleration Trim
482 Get Acceleration Reference
483 Get Acceleration Feedback
801 Get Load Observer Acceleration Estimate
802 Get Load Observer Torque Estimate
490 Get Torque Command
491 Set* Torque Trim
492 Get Torque Reference
493 Get Torque Reference - Filtered
494 Get Torque Reference - Limited
495 Get Torque Estimate
520 Get Iq Current Command
521 Get Operative Current Limit
523 Get Motor Electrical Angle
524 Get Id Current Reference
525 Get Id Current Reference
840 Set Current Disturbance
527 Get Iq Current Error
528 Get Id Current Error
529 Get Iq Current Feedback
530 Get Id Current Feedback
531 Get Vq Decoupling
532 Get Vd Decoupling

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 543

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
ID Access Rule Signal Attribute Name
533 Get Vq Voltage Output
534 Get Vd Voltage Output
535 Get U Voltage Output
536 Get V Voltage Output
537 Get W Voltage Output
538 Get U Current Feedback
539 Get V Current Feedback
540 Get W Current Feedback
541 Get U Current Offset
542 Get V Current Offset
543 Get W Current Offset
565 Get Slip Compensation
600 Get Output Frequency
601 Get Output Current
602 Get Output Voltage
603 Get Output Power

Motion Polarity also impacts directional position, velocity, acceleration,

and torque limit attributes. When the Motion Scaling Configuration is set
to Drive Scaling, inverting Motion Polarity requires that positive and
negative position, velocity, acceleration*, and torque limit values be both
sign inverted and swapped between the CIP Motion Connection
interface and the drive's internal control structure.
When the Motion Scaling Configuration is set to Controller Scaling,
inverting Motion Polarity requires that positive and negative position,
velocity, acceleration, and torque limit attribute values in Motion Control
Axis Object be inverted and swapped with the corresponding attributes
in the Motion Device Axis Object. For example entering a Velocity Limit
– Positive value in the controller of 100 revs/sec would result in a
"Velocity Limit – Negative" value of -100 revs/sec in the drive device.
A comprehensive list of these Directional Limit Attributes and their
access rules is defined in the following table:
ID Access Rule Attribute Name
374 Set Ramp Velocity - Positive
375 Set Ramp Velocity - Negative
376 Set Ramp Acceleration
377 Set Ramp Deceleration
448 Set Position Limit - Positive
449 Set Position Limit - Negative
473 Set Velocity Limit - Positive
474 Set Velocity Limit - Negative
485 Set Acceleration Limit*
486 Set Deceleration Limit*
504 Set Torque Limit - Positive
505 Set Torque Limit - Negative
* Acceleration and Deceleration Limits are unsigned positive values and, therefore, do not need to be
sign inverted.

544 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Position Units
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set STRING "Position - - "Revs"

The Position Units string attribute allows user-defined engineering units

rather than "counts" to be used for measuring and programming all
motion-related values (position, velocity, acceleration, etc). Position
Units can be different for each axis and should be chosen for maximum
ease of use in the machine application. For example, linear axes might
use Position Units of "Inches", "Meters", or "mm" while rotary axes
might use Position Units of "Revs" or "Degrees".
The Position Units attribute can support an ASCII text string of up to 32
characters. This string is used by Logix Designer application in the axis
configuration dialogs to request values for motion-related parameters in
the specified Position Units. In this case, the software limits the
maximum string length to 15 characters.

Average Velocity Timebase

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ SSV# REAL 0.25 0.001 32 (1000 Sec
(1 coarse coarse
update update
period) period)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

This attribute determines the period of time over which the system
computes Average Velocity for this axis instance.
Range limits based on coarse update period and history array size are
ultimately enforced for Average Velocity Timebase attribute by clamping
to limit rather than generating a value out of range error. Only if the
value is outside the fixed Min/Max limits is an out of range error given.

Conversion Constant
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All Set/ REAL Default 10-12 1012 Counts/Position Unit
SSV# Motion
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

This attribute is used as a scaling factor allowing axis position, velocity,

and acceleration attributes to be displayed or configured in the user's
preferred units specified by the Position Unit string attribute.
Specifically, the Conversion Constant, is used by the motion system to
scale the axis position units into motion planner counts and vice versa.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 545

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Conversion Constant represents the number of counts of the
motion planner per Position Unit.

Position Unwind
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - E Set/ DINT Default 1 109 Counts/Cycle
SSV# Motion
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

If the axis is configured for cyclic Travel Mode, a value for the Position
Unwind attribute is required. This is the value used to perform electronic
unwind of the cyclic axis' position. Electronic unwind operation provides
infinite position range for cyclic axes by subtracting the position unwind
value from both the actual and command position every time the axis
completes a machine cycle. To avoid accumulated error due to round-
off with irrational conversion constants, the unwind value is expressed
as an integer number of feedback counts per cycle.

See also
Motion Resolution Value Examples on page 546

Motion Resolution Value Motion Resolution is one of the Motion Scaling attributes. These
examples demonstrate how the Motion Resolution value may be used
Examples together with the Conversion Constant to handle various machine

Direct-Drive Rotary Shear Application

In this mechanical configuration a rotary motor is directly driving a rotary
shear drum equipped with three knives to cut a product to specified
length, thus producing three products per revolution of the output shaft.
Because the default Motion Resolution value is 1,000,000 Motion
Counts/Motor Rev and the user's Position Unit is, say, Products, the
Conversion Constant would be 1,000,000/3 Motion Counts/Product.
This is particularly problematic when configured to perform an Unwind
operation every product cut cycle where a 1/3 count error would
accumulate with every cycle. But, because Motion Resolution is
configurable, you can simply set the Motion Resolution to 300,000
Motion Counts/Motor Rev and the Conversion Constant could then be
set to 100,000 Motion Counts/Motor Rev, and a Rotary Unwind value of
100,000 Motion Counts/Cycle.
Because the Conversion Constant is now a clean rational number, this
system scales without any loss of mechanical precision, for example, a
move of three Products would move the output shaft exactly one
revolution. By setting the Travel Mode to Cyclic, entering Position
Scaling of three Products per Motor Rev, and a Position Unwind value

546 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
of one Product per Cycle, appropriate values for scaling factors, Motion
Resolution, Conversion Constant, and Rotary Unwind are automatically
The control system is responsible for scaling Motion Counts into
equivalent Motor Feedback Counts. In this case, because the motor is
directly coupled to the load, one rotation of the shearing drum translates
to one revolution of the motor feedback device. Assuming that the motor
feedback device is a typical optical encoder with 4000 Feedback
Counts/rev, a displacement of 300,000 Motion Counts would be scaled
by the control system to be 4000 Feedback Counts.

Rotary Shear Application with Gearbox

Instead of the motor directly driving the rotary shear drum, in this
application example the motor is driving the shearing drum through a
3:1 gearbox. Since the Motion Unit is tied to the load, for example, Load
Rev, the Motion Resolution, Conversion Constant, and Rotary Unwind
determined in the example above apply equally well to this application.
The scaling of Motion Counts to Motor Feedback Counts, however, is
not the same due to the presence of the gearbox. In this case, one
revolution of the shearing mechanism translates to three revolutions of
the motor. Nevertheless, the control system has a count scaling feature
that performs this scaling automatically. This is done by selecting a
Rotary Transmission as the Load Type, and setting the Transmission
Ratio Output to 1, and the Transmission Ratio Input to 3. In this way,
300,000 Motion Counts per Load Rev is scaled exactly to 12,000 Motor
Feedback Counts, or three Motor Revs.

Rotary Motor with Gearbox/Ball-Screw Application

Because this is a linear application, Motion Resolution would be
expressed as Motion Counts per Load millimeter m or Load inch, in this
case, say millimeter.
The motor feedback would, however, be rotary and resolution
expressed in Motor Feedback Counts per Motor Rev, in our case 4000
Feedback Counts per Motor Rev. The default Motion Resolution is
1,000,000 Motion Counts per millimeter and if the Position Unit is, say,
centimeters, the Conversion Constant would be 10,000,000 Motion
Counts per centimeter. This would be automatically calculated by
entering a Position Scaling of 1 centimeter per 10 millimeters.
Given that our application uses a 4:1 gearbox and a 5 mm pitch ball-
screw, 5 mm of ball-screw travel translates to 4 revolutions of the motor,
or 16,000 Feedback Counts. Again, the control system's count-scaling
feature performs this scaling automatically. This is done by selecting
Linear Actuator as the Load Type, setting the Transmission Ratio
Output to 1, and the Transmission Ratio Input to 4, setting the Actuator
Type to be "Screw", and the Lead to 5 mm/rev. In this way, 5,000,000
Motion Counts, or 5 mm worth of screw displacement, is scaled exactly
to 16,000 Motor Feedback Counts, or exactly 4 Motor Revs.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 547

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Motion Scaling Attributes on page 535

Motor Attributes These are the motor configuration attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis that apply to various motor technologies. These motor
technologies include three-phase motor rotary, linear, permanent
magnet and induction motors. Motor attributes are organized according
to the various motor types.

See also
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548
General Motor Attributes on page 556
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563

General Linear Motor These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
linear motor types.
Linear Motor Pole Pitch
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 50 0 Meters

The Linear Motor Pole Pitch attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the pole pitch of a linear motor in units of meters, and is
equivalent to the electrical cycle length.

Linear Motor Rated Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 0 0 m/s

The Linear Motor Rated Speed attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the nameplate rated speed of a linear motor. For PM motors,
this is generally specified at rated voltage based on either rated current,
rated force, or rated power. For induction motors this value is the speed
of the motor driven at rated frequency under rated force load. This value
is synonymous with the term base speed.

548 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Linear Motor Mass

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 Kg
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

The Linear Motor Mass attribute is a floating point value that specifies
the unloaded moving mass of a linear motor.

Linear Motor Max Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 m/s

The Linear Motor Max Speed attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the absolute maximum operating speed of a linear motor in
units of m/s. This speed may be determined by the limitations of the
motor, limitations of the drive power structure, or by limitations of the
mechanical system, whichever is less. Specifically, this value can
represent the maximum safe operating speed, maximum continuous no-
load speed, maximum continuous encoder speed, or maximum
continuous bearing speed of the motor. This value can be used by the
drive to determine the Linear Motor Overspeed Factory Limit.

Linear Motor Damping Coefficient

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Se REAL 0 0 N/(m/s)

The Linear Motor Damping Coefficient attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the damping, or viscous friction, associated with a linear

Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set BOOL 0 0 1 0 = No
DB 1 = Yes

The Linear Motor Integral Limit Switch attribute specifies a Boolean

value that specifies if the motor has integral limit switches.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 549

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Track Mover Center of Mass Offset

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional (LTM Set REAL 0 0 ∞ Millimeters
only) DB

The Track Mover Center of Mass Offset is the perpendicular offset of

the center of mass of the combined mover and load from the surface of
the section module over the embedded coils.
When the mover travels at a constant velocity around a track curve of
varying radius, the center of mass is accelerating or decelerating as the
curve radius increases and decreases. Calculate the force required to
provide this acceleration on the track on the mass of the mover and
load and the center of mass relative to the track section. Adding this
force as a feed-forward term can reduce the following error experienced
while cornering. A value of 0 disables the force compensation feature.

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563

General Motor Attributes These are the general motor attributes that apply to all motor

Motor Catalog Number

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set SHORT - - - For example, MPL-B310F

The Motor Catalog Number attribute is a string, up to 32-characters,

that specifies the motor catalog number. In the controller this is a
settable attribute and is used to identify a specific motor record in the
Motion Database when Motor Data Source is set to Database. In the
drive Motor Catalog Number is a gettable attribute and can be used to
identify a specific motor when Motor Data Source is not from the Motion
Database. In this case, if the Motor Catalog Number is not available to
the drive, the drive sets this attribute to a Null string.

Motor Serial Number

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Get SHORT - - - For example,
STRING 0012003400560078

550 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Motor Serial Number attribute is a 16-character string that specifies
the serial number of the motor. If the Motor Catalog Number is not
available, the drive sets this attribute to a Null string.

Motor Data Source

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Bits 0-3: Enum
0 = Datasheet (R)
1 = Database (O)
2 = Drive NV (O)
3 = Motor NV (O)
4-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor specific

The Motor Data Source attribute specifies the source of motor data for
the drive.
• Datasheet implies that the motor configuration attributes are
entered by the user from a motor datasheet or from motor
nameplate data.
• Database means that configuration software pulls the motor data
from a motor database based on catalog number during the drive
configuration process.
• Drive NV implies that the motor attributes are derived directly
from the drive's nonvolatile memory. In this mode, only a minimal
set of motor and motor feedback (Feedback 1) are required to
configure the drive.
• Motor NV implies that the motor attributes are derived from non-
volatile memory of a motor-mounted smart feedback device
equipped with a serial interface. Again, in this mode, only a
minimal set of motor and motor feedback (Feedback 1) are
required to configure the drive.
In both Drive NV and Motor NV cases, the specific motor and motor
feedback attributes that are sent or not sent to the drive during
configuration are identified in the CIP Drive Set Attr Update Bits
attribute table.
Motor and motor feedback attributes sent to the drive device in Drive
NV or Motor NV are merely to confirm that the controller and the drive
have the agreement on the values of attributes critical to scaling
operation. If the NV attribute values in the drive differ from the values
set by the controller, the drive will reject the values with General Status
indicating an Invalid Attribute Value. The current list of motor and motor
feedback attributes sent to the drive in the NV modes are as follows:
1. Motor Unit
2. Feedback 1 Unit
3. Feedback 1 Type
4. Feedback 1 Startup Method
5. Feedback 1 Cycle Resolution
6. Feedback 1 Cycle Interpolation
7. Feedback 1 Turns

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 551

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
8. Feedback 1 Length

Motor Device Code

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV UDINT 0 0 2 -132


The Motor Device Code attribute is a unique number assigned to a

motor catalog. This value is used to ensure that the motor and integral
motor mounted feedback device configuration data delivered from the
controller matches the actual motor and feedback data connected to the
drive. This comparison is only valid in the case where the Motor Data
Source is Controller NV and the motor is equipped with a smart
feedback device that positively identifies the motor.
If the device identified the attached motor prior to initialization, the
comparison can be performed as part of the Set service. In this case, if
the codes do not match, a negative acknowledge is given by the drive.
If the device has not determined the identity of the attached motor prior
to initialization, the comparison is done after initialization, in which case,
if the codes do not match, a Motor Not Configured start inhibit is
generated by the drive.
The motor manufacturer assigns the Motor Device Codes. A value of 0
for the Motor Device Code can be handled in one of two ways as
determined by the device vendor. A value of 0 can be accepted by the
drive without comparison.

Motor Type
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
DB 0 = Not Specified (R)
1 = Rotary Permanent Magnet
2 = Rotary Induction (O)
3 = Linear Permanent Magnet
4 = Linear Induction (O)
5 = Rotary Interior Permanent
Magnet (O)
6-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

128 = Linear Track Section

129 = Linear Track Mover

The Motor Type attribute is an enumeration that specifies the motor

When Motor Type is set to Not Specified, all motor configuration
attribute values associated with the motor are considered Not

552 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Applicable and will not be set by configuration software nor will they be
sent to the drive.
If Motor Data Source is Motor NV or Drive NV, the Motor Type may not
be known to the controller but is known by the drive, so the drive can
operate in this case without specifying the Motor Type. In this case, the
Motor Type is not sent to the drive.
If Motor Data Source is Datasheet or Database, an unspecified Motor
Type, when received by the drive device during configuration, indicates
that the motor configuration has not been defined and therefore results
in a Configuration Fault indicating an Invalid Attribute Value.

Motor Unit
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration

0 = Rev (R for Rotary motor
1 = Meter (R for Linear motor
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The Motor Unit attribute is a unit of measure for motor displacement.

This attribute is also used for sensorless operation since the Feedback
Unit in that case is not known. Motor Unit selection is based on Motor

Motor Polarity
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/SSV* USINT 0 - - Enumeration
DB 0 = Normal Polarity
1 = Inverted Polarity
2-255 = Reserved
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit in
CIP Axis Status is true).

The Motor Polarity attribute is an enumerated value used to establish

the direction of motor motion when the windings are phased according
to factory specification. Normal polarity is defined as the direction of
motor travel when the ABC motor winding leads are hooked up
according to the drives published specifications. Inverted polarity
effectively switches the ABC phasing to ACB so that the motor moves in
the opposite direction in response to a positive drive output.
You can use the Motor Polarity attribute to make the direction of travel
agree with the user's definition of positive travel. It can be used in
conjunction with the Feedback Polarity bit to provide negative feedback,
when closed loop control is required. When commutating a PM motor, it
is imperative that the commutation phase sequencing match the motor
phase sequencing to properly control the motor.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 553

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Motor Rated Voltage

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV REAL 0 0 Volts (RMS)

The Motor Rated Voltage attribute is a floating point value that specifies
the nameplate AC voltage rating of the motor. This represents the
phase-to-phase voltage applied to the motor to reach rated speed at full

Motor Rated Continuous Current

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV REAL 0 0 Amps (RMS)

The Motor Rated Continuous Current attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the nameplate AC continuous current rating of the motor.
This represents the current applied to the motor under full load
conditions at rated speed and voltage. Any positive number. This is a
database number and should not be changed.

Motor Rated Peak Current

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - PM Set/GSV REAL 0 0 Amps (RMS)
Optional - IM DB

The Motor Rated Peak Current attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the peak or intermittent current rating of the motor. The peak
current rating of the motor is often determined by either the thermal
constraints of the stator winding or the saturation limits of PM motor
magnetic material.

Motor Rated Output Power

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - IM Set/GSV REAL 0 0 Power Units
Optional - PM DB

The Motor Rated Output Power attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the nameplate rated output power rating of the motor. This
represents the power output of motor under full load conditions at rated
current, speed and voltage.

Motor Overload Limit

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 100 0 200 % Motor Rated

554 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Motor Overload Limit attribute is a floating point value that specifies
the maximum thermal overload limit for the motor. This value is typically
100%, corresponding to the power dissipated when operating at the
continuous current rating of the motor, but can be significantly higher if,
for example, cooling options are applied. How the Motor Overload Limit
is applied by the drive depends on the overload protection method
For induction motors, this attribute is often related to the Service Factor
of the motor. The Service Factor is defined in the industry as a multiplier
which, when applied to the rated power or current of the motor,
indicates the maximum power or current the motor can carry without
entering an overload condition.
Regardless of the Motor Type, if the drive applies an I2T motor overload
protection method, then exceeding the specified Motor Overload Limit
results in an overload condition and activates I2T overload protection.
While the motor is overloaded, the Motor Capacity attribute value
increases to indicate how much of the motor's available I2T overload
capacity has been utilized. When Motor Capacity reaches 100% of its
rated capacity, the drive can optionally trigger a Motor Overload Action.
When employing an overload protection method based on a motor
thermal model, the Motor Capacity attribute value represents how much
of the motor's rated thermal capacity, associated with the motor thermal
model, has been utilized. Once the Motor Capacity value exceeds the
Motor Overload Limit, the drive can optionally trigger a predetermined
Motor Overload Action.
The Motor Overload Limit can also used by the drive to determine the
absolute thermal capacity limit of the motor, for example, the Motor
Thermal Overload Factory Limit, that if exceeded, generates a Motor
Thermal Overload FL exception.

Motor Integral Thermal Switch

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional Set/GSV USINT 0 0 1 0 = No

DB 1 = Yes

The Motor Integral Thermal Switch attribute specifies if the motor has
an integral thermal switch to detect a Motor Overtemperature condition.
Connection to the motor thermal switch can be through the motor
feedback interface, associated with Axis I/O Status bit, Feedback 1
Thermostat, or through a discrete digital input to the drive, associated
with Axis I/O Status bit, Motor Thermostat. The method of interface to
the thermal switch is left to the drive vendor's discretion.

Motor Max Winding Temperature

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 °C

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 555

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Motor Max Winding Temperature attribute is a floating point value
that specifies the maximum winding temperature of the motor.

Motor Winding to Ambient Capacitance

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 Joules/°C

The Motor Winding to Ambient Thermal Capacitance attribute is a

floating point value that specifies the winding-to-ambient thermal

Motor Winding to Ambient Resistance

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 °C/Watt


The Motor Winding to Ambient Thermal Resistance attribute is a floating

point value that specifies the winding-to-ambient thermal resistance.

See also
Motor Attributes on page 60
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563
Load Transmission and Actuator Attributes on page 568
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570

General Permanent Magnet These are the motor configuration attributes that apply to Permanent
Magnet motor types in general.
Motor Attributes
PM Motor Resistance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required (SPM, Set/SSV* REAL 0 0 Ohms
IPM and DB
LTS Only)

* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The PM Motor Resistance attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the phase-to-phase, resistance of a permanent magnet motor.

556 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

PM Motor Inductance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/SSV* REAL 0 0 Henries
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The PM Motor Inductance attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the phase-to-phase, inductance of a permanent magnet motor.

PM Motor Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL [8] [100, 100, 0 100 % Nominal Inductance
(SPM and LT 100, 100,
Only) 100, 100,
100, 100]

The PM Motor Flux Saturation attribute is an array of floating point

values that specify the amount of flux saturation in the motor as a
function of current. The units for the nominal inductance values are
percent, such that a value of 100% means no saturation, and 90%
means the inductance is 90% of its value at zero current.
The first array entry specifies the flux saturation value at 12.5% of the
Peak Current Rating; the second entry specifies the value at 25%, and
so on up to the last entry, which specifies the value at 100% of the Peak
Current Rating. (At zero current, the motor is assumed to have no
saturation, for example, an implied value of 100%.)

PM Motor Lq Inductance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/SSV* REAL 0 0 Henries
(IPM Only) DB
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

The PM Motor Lq Inductance attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the phase-to-neutral, q-axis, inductance of an interior
permanent magnet motor.

PM Motor Ld Inductance
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/SSV* REAL 0 0 Henries
(IPM Only) DB
* Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the drive power structure is enabled (Power Structure Enable bit
in CIP Axis Status is true).

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 557

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The PM Motor Ld Inductance attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the phase-to-neutral, d-axis, inductance of an interior
permanent magnet motor.

PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL [8] [100, 100, 0 100 % Nominal Inductance
(IPM Only) 100, 100,
100, 100,
100, 100]

The PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation attribute is an array of floating point

values that specify the amount of q-axis flux saturation in the motor as a
function of current. The units for q-axis flux saturation values are
percent of Nominal Inductance, such that a value of 100% means no
saturation, and 90% means the inductance is 90% of its value at zero
current given by the PM Motor Lq Inductance attribute.
The first array entry specifies the flux saturation value at 25% of the
Continuous Current Rating; the second entry specifies the value at
50%, and so on up to the last entry, which specifies the value at 200%
of the Peak Current Rating. (At zero current, the motor is assumed to
have no saturation, for example, an implied value of 100%.)

PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 100 0 100 % Nominal Inductance
(IPM Only) DB

The PM Motor Lq Flux Saturation attribute is an array of floating point

values that specify the amount of d-axis flux saturation in the motor at
rated current. The units for d-axis flux saturation values are percent of
Nominal Inductance, such that a value of 100% means no saturation,
and 90% means the inductance is 90% of its value at zero current given
by the PM Motor Ld Inductance attribute.
The PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation value specifies the d-axis saturation
at 100% of the Continuous Current Rating.

PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PVT Set/SSV USINT 0 0 1 Enumeration:
(PM Only) 0 = False
1 = True

The PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive attribute value determines

whether the speed of a PM motor is allowed to exceed the Bus
Overvoltage Speed. Setting this value to True removes velocity limit
protection against Bus Overvoltage conditions associated with Rotary

558 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
and Linear PM motors. In this case it is critical that Bus Overvoltage
protection be provided through a resistive brake module or DC bus
regulation device to avoid drive damage.
Specifically, the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive determines if
the Bus Overvoltage Speed is applied to the velocity limiter function.
The Bus Overvoltage Speed is only applied to the velocity limiter if the
PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is False.
The PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive value also determines the
values of the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit and Motor Overspeed
User Limit that provide overspeed protection. If the PM Motor Extended
Speed Permissive is False, the Motor Overspeed Limits will be based
on the Bus Overvoltage Speed. If the PM Motor Extended Speed
Permissive is True, the Motor Overspeed Limits will be based on the
Max Extended Speed value.

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563
Motor Attributes Model on page 60
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570

General Rotary Motor These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
rotary motor types.
Rotary Motor Poles
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV UINT PM: 8 2 max int
IM: 4

The Rotary Motor Poles attribute is an integer that specifies the number
of poles per revolution for rotary motors. This value is always an even
number, as poles always exist in pairs.

Rotary Motor Inertia

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/SSV# REAL 0 0 Inertia Units
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Rotary Motor Inertia attribute is a floating point value that specifies
the unloaded inertia of a rotary motor.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 559

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Rotary Motor Rated Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set/GSV REAL 0 0 RPM

The Rotary Motor Rated Speed attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the nameplate rated speed of a rotary motor. For PM motors,
this is generally specified at rated voltage based on either rated current,
rated torque, or rated power. For induction motors this value is the
speed of the motor driven at rated frequency under rated torque load.
This value is synonymous with the term base speed.

Rotary Motor Max Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 RPM

The Rotary Motor Max Speed attribute is a floating point value that
specifies the absolute maximum operating speed of a rotary motor in
units of RPM. This speed may be determined by the limitations of the
motor, limitations of the drive power structure, or by limitations of the
mechanical system, whichever is less. Specifically, this value can
represent the maximum safe operating speed, maximum continuous no-
load speed, maximum encoder speed, maximum continuous motor
bearing speed, or maximum motor speed based on the drive power
structure voltage limit. This value can be used by the drive to determine
the Rotary Motor Overspeed Factory Limit.

Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 N-m/Radians/sec

The Rotary Motor Damping Coefficient attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the damping, or viscous friction, associated with a rotary

Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 RPM

The Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed attribute selects the output speed
of the motor below which the motor thermal protection method reduces
the threshold used to detect an overload condition due to the reduced
effectiveness of an integral fan cooling system. A value of zero disables

560 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the effect of the attribute. This attribute is only applicable when using
the I2T motor thermal protection method.

Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set/GSV REAL 0 0 % Motor Rated

The Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Derating attribute selects the % derating
of the motor overload detection threshold when the motor is operating at
a speed below the specified Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed. The
attribute value indicates the level of derating of the overload detection
threshold at 0 speed as a percentage of rated continuous motor current.
The derating profile between the Rotary Motor Fan Cooling Speed and
zero speed is device dependent. This attribute is only applicable when
using the I2T motor thermal protection method.

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570

Induction Motor Attributes These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
induction motor types.

Induction Motor Rated Frequency

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 60 0 Hertz

The Induction Motor Rated Frequency attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the nameplate frequency rating of an induction motor.

Induction Motor Flux Current

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 0 0 Amps (RMS)

The Induction Motor Flux Current attribute is an ID Current Reference

that is required to generate full motor flux. This value is closely
approximated by the No Load Motor Rated Current commonly found in
Induction Motor data sheets.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Induction Motor Stator Resistance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 0 0 Ohms

The Induction Motor Stator Resistance attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the Y circuit, phase-neutral, winding resistance of the
stator as shown as R1 in the IEEE motor model.

Induction Motor Stator Leakage Reactance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 Ohms

The Induction Motor Stator Leakage Reactance attribute is a floating

point value that specifies the Y circuit, phase-neutral, leakage reactance
of the stator winding, at rated frequency, as shown as X1 in the IEEE
motor model.

Induction Motor Magnetization Reactance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional1 Set/ REAL 0 0 Ohms
This parameter has a strong motor temperature component that some drives circumvent through various
adaptive control or compensation techniques.

The Induction Motor Magnetization Reactance attribute is a floating

point value that specifies the Y circuit, phase-neutral, magnetizing
reactance of the motor, at rated frequency, as shown as Xm in the IEEE
motor model.

Induction Motor Rotor Resistance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional1 Set REAL 0 0 Ohms
This parameter has a strong motor temperature component that some drives circumvent through various
adaptive control or compensation techniques.

The Induction Motor Rotor Resistance attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the phase-neutral equivalent stator-referenced winding
resistance of the rotor as shown as R2' in the IEEE motor model.

562 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Induction Motor Rotor Leakage Resistance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 Ohms

The Induction Motor Rotor Leakage Resistance attribute is a floating

point value that specifies the Y circuit, phase-neutral, equivalent stator-
referenced leakage inductance of the rotor winding, at rated frequency,
as shown as X2' in the IEEE motor model.

Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set REAL 0 0 RPM (rotary motor type)
FD m/s (linear motor type)

The Induction Motor Rated Slip Speed attribute represents the amount
of slip at motor rated current (full load) and motor rated frequency.

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
Linear PM Motor Attributes on page 563
Motor Attributes on page 60
Rotary PM Motor Attributes on page 570

Linear PM Motor Attributes These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
linear PM motor types.

PM Motor Rated Force

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 N

The PM Motor Rated Force attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the nameplate continuous force rating of a linear permanent
magnet motor. .

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 563

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

PM Motor Force Constant

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 N/Amp (RMS)

The PM Motor Force Constant attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the force constant of a linear permanent magnet motor in
Newtons per RMS Amp.

PM Motor Linear Voltage Constant

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 0 0 Volts (RMS) / (m/s)

The PM Motor Linear Voltage Constant attribute is a floating point value

that specifies the voltage, or back-EMF, constant of a linear permanent
magnet motor in phase-to-phase RMS Volts per meter/sec.
If the optional PM Motor Force Constant, Kf, is not explicitly supported
in the implementation, the value may be computed from the PM Motor
Linear Voltage Constant, Ke, according to this equation: Kf (N/Arms) =
1.732 * Ke (Vrms/(m/s))

PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PVT Set REAL 0 0 m/s
(PM Only) FD

The PM Motor Linear Bus Overvoltage Speed attribute value

corresponds to the linear motor speed at which the back-EMF of the
motor equals the maximum operational bus voltage of the drive. When
the extended speed range of a PM motor is not permitted (PM Motor
Extended Speed Permissive is False), this value can be used to limit
motor speed to protect the drive from damage due to bus overvoltage
conditions that can occur when disabling a PM motor at high speed.
When configured for Position Loop or Velocity Loop operation, this bus
overvoltage protection includes limiting the magnitude of the velocity
reference value allowed into the velocity summing junction to the Bus
Overvoltage Speed Limit value using the velocity limiter function. If the
signal entering the velocity limiter exceeds this velocity limit value, and
the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is False, the velocity limiter
clamps the velocity reference to this value and sets the Velocity Limit
status bit. If the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is True, or the
value of this attribute is 0, this limit is not applied.
When the extended speed range of a PM motor is not permitted,
overvoltage protection is also provided through motor overspeed
detection based on the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit and Motor

564 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Overspeed User Limit. Exceeding these limits results in a Motor
Overspeed FL or UL Axis Exception. Overspeed detection is the only
source of protection when the axis is configured for Torque Loop

PM Motor Linear Max Extended Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PVT Set REAL 0 0 or m/s
(PM Only) FD Linear

When the extended speed range of a PM motor is permitted (PM Motor

Extended Speed Permissive is True) the PM Motor Linear Max
Extended Speed attribute value can be used to limit the speed of a
linear motor to protect the motor or load from damage due to an
overspeed condition.
When configured for Position Loop or Velocity Loop operation, this
overspeed protection includes limiting the magnitude of the velocity
reference value allowed into the velocity summing junction using the
velocity limiter function. If the signal entering the velocity limiter exceeds
this velocity limit value, the velocity limiter clamps the velocity reference
to this value and sets the Velocity Limit status bit. If the value of this
attribute is 0, this limit is not applied.
When the extended speed range of a PM motor is permitted, overspeed
protection is also provided through motor overspeed detection based on
the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit and Motor Overspeed User Limit.
Exceeding these limits results in a Motor Overspeed FL or UL Axis
Exception. Overspeed detection is the only source of protection when
the axis is configured for Torque Loop operation.
If the related optional attribute, Rotary or Linear Motor Max Speed, is
supported, software will apply this maximum speed value as the Max
Value for this attribute.

See also
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548
Induction Motor Attributes on page 561
Velocity Loop Signal Attributes on page 325

Interior Permanent Magnet The following attribute tables list the motor configuration attributes that
apply only to Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) motor types.
Motor Attributes

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 565

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

PM Motor Lq Flux Inductance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D SSV REAL 0 0 - Henries

A floating point value that specifies the phase-to-neutral, q-axis,

inductance of an interior permanent magnet motor.

PM Motor Ld Flux Inductance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required SSV REAL 0 0 - Henries

A floating point value that specifies the phase-to-neutral, d-axis,

inductance of an interior permanent magnet motor.

PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D SSV REAL 100 0 100 % Nominal Inductance

An array of floating point values that specify the amount of d-axis flux
saturation in the motor at rate current. The units for d-axis flux
saturation values are percent of Nominal Inductance, such that a value
of 100% means no saturation, and 90% means the inductance is 90%
of its value at zero current given by the PM Motor Ld Inductance
attribute. The PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation value specifies the d-axis
flux saturation at 100% of the Continuous Current Rating.

PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D SSV REAL 100 0 100 % Nominal Inductance

An array of floating point values that specify the amount of d-axis flux
saturation in the motor at rate current. The units for d-axis flux
saturation values are percent of Nominal Inductance, such that a value
of 100% means no saturation, and 90% means the inductance is 90%
of its value at zero current given by the PM Motor Ld Inductance
attribute. The PM Motor Ld Flux Saturation value specifies the d-axis
flux saturation at 100% of the Continuous Current Rating.

566 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Commutation Offset Compensation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - CE SSV REAL 0 0 - Electrical Degrees

This value specifies the change in the Commutation Offset value in

units of electrical degrees as a linear function of current. When the Iq
current is +100% of rated continuous current, the Commutation Offset
value is decreased by the value of this attribute. When the Iq current is -
100% the Commutation Offset is increased by the value of the attribute.
This attribute is used by the drive to compensate for changes in the
optimal Commutation Offset angle that can occur as a function of motor

Motor Test Lq Inductance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - Henries

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase q-axis motor

inductance measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Ld Inductance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - Henries

This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase d-axis motor

inductance measured by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Lq Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - % Nominal Inductance

This array of floating point values represents the phase-to-phase q-axis

stator inductance of the motor as measured by the Motor Test
procedure expressed as a percentage of the measured Nominal
Inductance, Lq, at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% and
200% rated continuous current.

Motor Test Ld Flux Saturation

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - % Nominal Inductance

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 567

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
This floating point value represents the phase-to-phase d-axis stator
inductance of the motor as measured by the Motor Test procedure
expressed as a percentage of the measured Nominal Inductance, Ld, at
100% rated continuous current.

Motor Test Max Speed

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - RPM (rotary motor type)
m/s (linear motor type)

This floating point value represents the maximum speed of the motor as
determined by the Motor Test procedure.

Motor Test Commutation Offset Comp

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D GSV REAL - - - Electrical Degrees

This floating point value represents the change in motor Commutation

Offset at rated continuous current as measured by the Motor Test

See also
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89
Motion Control Configuration Attributes on page 473

Load Transmission and These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
rotary transmission and linear actuator mechanisms associated with the
Actuator Attributes axis.

Load Type
Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Optional - DB 0 = Direct Rotary
Planning 1 = Direct Linear
2 = Rotary Transmission
3 = Linear Actuator
4-255 = Reserved

The Load Type attribute is used to determine how the load is

mechanically linked to the motor. Direct enumerations indicate that the
motor is directly coupled to the load. Rotary enumerations indicate that
the load is rotating and load dynamics are measured using a rotary
system of units. Linear enumeration indicate that the load is moving
linearly and load dynamics are measured using a linear system of units.

568 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Transmission Ratio Input

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set DINT 1 1 231-1 Input Shaft Revs
Optional - DB

The Transmission Ratio Input attribute is an integer number of input

shaft revolutions per transmission cycle associated with the rotary

Transmission Ratio Output

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set DINT 1 1 231-1 Output Shaft Revs
Optional - DB

The Transmission Ratio Output attribute is an integer number of output

shaft revolutions per transmission associated with the rotary

Actuator Type
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Optional - DB 0 = None (R)
Planning 1 = Screw (O)
2 = Belt and Pulley (O)
3 = Chain and Sprocket (O)
4 = Rack & Pinion (O)
5-255 = Reserved

The Actuator Type attribute indicates the type of mechanism used for
linear actuation.

Actuator Lead
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set REAL 1 0+ Actuator Lead Units
Optional - Planner DB
NP Only

The Actuator Lead attribute is a floating point value that represents the
lead or pitch of a screw actuator that is a measure of the linear
movement of the screw mechanism per revolution of the screw shaft.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 569

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Actuator Lead Unit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Optional - Planner 0 = mm/Rev
NP Only 1 = Inch/Rev
2-255 = Reserved

The Actuator Lead Unit attribute indicates the units of the Actuator Lead

Actuator Diameter
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set REAL 1 0+ Actuator Diameter Units
Optional - Planner

The Actuator Diameter attribute is a floating point value that represents

the diameter of the pulley, sprocket, or pinion used to convert rotary
motion into tangential linear displacement of the load. The Actuator
Diameter is internally converted to circumference of the pulley,
sprocket, or pinion to determine the amount of tangential displacement
per revolution.

Actuator Diameter Unit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - Scaling Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Optional - Planner 0 = mm
1 = Inch
2-255 = Reserved

The Actuator Diameter Unit attribute is a value that indicates the units of
the Actuator Diameter attribute.

See also
Motor Attributes on page 60
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559
General Linear Motor Attributes on page 548

Rotary PM Motor Attributes These are the motor configuration attributes that apply specifically to
rotary motor types.

570 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

PM Motor Rated Torque

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 N-m

The PM Motor Rated Torque attribute is floating point value that

specifies the nameplate continuous torque rating of a rotary permanent
magnet motor.

PM Motor Torque Constant

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set REAL 0 0 N-m/Amp (RMS)

The PM Motor Torque Constant attribute is a floating point value that

specifies the torque constant, Kt, of a rotary permanent magnet motor in
Newton-meters per RMS Amp.

PM Motor Rotary Voltage Constant

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required Set REAL 0 0 Volts (RMS) / KRPM

The PM Motor Rotary Voltage Constant attribute is a float that specifies

the voltage, or back-EMF, constant of a rotary permanent magnet motor
in phase-to-phase RMS Volts per KRPM.
If the optional PM Motor Torque Constant, Kt, is not explicitly supported
in the implementation the value may be computed from the PM Motor
Rotary Voltage Constant, Ke, according to this equation: Kt (N-m/Arms) =
0.01654 * Ke (Vrms/Krpm).

PM Motor Rotary Bus Overvoltage Speed

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - PVT Set REAL 0 0 RPM
PM Only FD

This value corresponds to the rotary motor speed at which the back-
EMF of the motor equals the maximum operational bus voltage of the
drive. When the extended speed range of a PM motor is not permitted,
this value can be used to limit motor speed to protect the drive from
damage caused from bus overvoltage conditions that occur when
disabling a PM motor at high speed.
When configured for Position Loop or Velocity Loop operation, this bus
overvoltage protection includes limiting the magnitude of the velocity
reference value allowed into the velocity summing junction to the Bus
Overvoltage Speed Limit value using the velocity limiter function. If the
signal entering the velocity limiter exceeds this velocity limit value, and
the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is False, the velocity limiter

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 571

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
clamps the velocity reference to this value and sets the Velocity Limit
status bit. If the PM Motor Extended Speed Permissive is True, or the
value of this attribute is 0, this limit is not applied.
When the extended speed range of a PM motor is not permitted,
overvoltage protection is also provided through motor overspeed
detection based on the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit and Motor
Overspeed User Limit. Exceeding these limits results in a Motor
Overspeed FL or UL Axis Exception. Overspeed detection is the only
source of protection when the axis is configured for Torque Loop

PM Motor Rotary Max Extended Speed

Usage Access Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of
Optional - PVT Set REAL 0 0 RPM
PM only FD or
Rotary Motor
Max Speed

When the extended speed range of a PM motor is permitted (PM Motor

Extended Speed Permissive is True), this value can be used to limit the
speed of a rotary motor to protect the motor or load from damage due to
an overspeed condition.
When configured for Position Loop or Velocity Loop operation, this
overspeed protection includes limiting the magnitude of the velocity
reference value allowed into the velocity summing junction using the
velocity limiter function. If the signal entering the velocity limiter exceeds
this velocity limit value, the velocity limiter clamps the velocity reference
to this value and sets the Velocity Limit status bit. If the value of this
attribute is 0, this limit is not applied.
When the extended speed range of a PM motor is permitted, overspeed
protection is also provided through motor overspeed detection based on
the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit and Motor Overspeed User Limit.
Exceeding these limits results in a Motor Overspeed FL or UL Axis
Exception. Overspeed detection is the only source of protection when
the axis is configured for Torque Loop operation.
If the related optional attribute, Rotary or Linear Motor Max Speed, is
supported, software will apply this maximum speed value as the Max
Value for this attribute.

See also
General Motor Attributes on page 550
General Permanent Magnet Motor Attributes on page 556
General Rotary Motor Attributes on page 559
Motor Attributes Model on page 60
Velocity Loop Signal Attributes on page 325

572 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Safety Attributes The following attributes tables contains attributes associated with safety
Axis Safety attributes are used with integrated CIP Safety functionality
associated with a Motion Device Axis Object instance included in a CIP
Motion Safety Drive. These attributes reflect the current state of an
embedded Safety Core within for a CIP Motion Safety Drive device that
is designed to interoperate with an external Safety Controller using a
CIP Safety network connection. For this reason, integrated safety
functions are also referred to as "networked safety".
Guard Safety attributes are used with built-in Safety functionality
associated with a Motion Device Axis Object instance. These built-in
safety attributes relate to the behavior of a configurable Safety Core
(SMSC) within the drive that executes basic drive safety functions using
hardwired safety inputs and safety outputs without the services of a CIP
Safety network connection.

Axis Safety Status The following attribute tables contains axis attributes used with the
integrated Safety functionality associated with a Motion Device Axis
Attributes Object instance included in a CIP Motion Safety Drive. These attributes
reflect the current state of an embedded Safety Core within for a CIP
Motion Safety Drive device that is designed to interoperate with an
external Safety Controller using a CIP Safety connection.
In the Logix Integrated Architecture, many of the safety functions can be
executed either in the drive or in the associated safety controller. A
unique feature of the architecture is that regardless of where the safety
function is executed, the Axis Safety Status and Axis Safety Fault
information reported by these safety functions is the same. This is
achieved by the Safety Status Pass Thru feature where safety functions
executing in the safety controller transmit their fault and status
information to the drive via the Safety Output Assembly where this
information is combined with the fault and status information of safety
function executing in the Safety Core of the drive. The combined safety
function fault and status data is then "Passed Thru" to the associated
Motion Device Axis Object instance attributes.
The following table identifies the supported safety functions:
Short Name Full Name Control Drive Description
STO Safe Torque Off No Yes Disables associated drive power
SBC Safe Brake Control Yes No Engages safety brake.

SS1 Safe Stop 1 Yes Yes Monitors Category 1 Stop followed by STO.
SS2 Safe Stop 2 Yes No Monitors Category 2 Stop followed by SOS.
SOS Safe Operating Stop Yes No Monitor standstill condition for
SMT Safe Motor No No Monitor motor temperature for
Temperature overtemperature.
SLT Safely-limited Torque No Yes Prevents the motor from exceeding the
specified torque limit.
SLA Safely-limited No No Monitor acceleration exceeding
Acceleration configured limit.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 573

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Short Name Full Name Control Drive Description
SLS Safely-limited Speed Yes No Prevents the motor from exceeding the
specified speed limit.

SDI Safe Direction Yes No Monitor for change in direction of travel.

SSM Safe Speed Monitor Yes No Monitor speed exceeding configured limit.
SLP Safely-limited Yes No Prevents the motor shaft from exceeding
position the specified position limit(s).
SCA Safe CAM Yes No Monitors whether the motor shaft
position is within a specified range.
SFX Safe Feedback Yes No Scales and references safety feedback
Interface data.

The Axis Safety State, Axis Safety Status, and Axis Safety Fault
attributes defined below are based on the values read from attributes
resident in objects associated with the Safety Core and are used by the
motion control system to monitor the behavior of the Safety Core via the
CIP Motion connection.

Axis Safety State

Usage Access T Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T UINT - - - Enumeration:
Safety only 0 = Unknown (No Motion
1 = Self-Testing
2 = Configured (No Safety
3 = Self-Test Exception
4 = Running
5 = Recoverable Fault
6 = Unrecoverable Fault
7 = Configuring
8 = Not Configured
9-50 = Reserved by CIP
51 = Not Configured (Torque
52 = Running (Torque
53-99 = Device Specific
100-255 = Vendor Specific

The Axis Safety State attribute is an 8-bit enumerated value that

indicates the state of the associated Safety Supervisor object of the
device as it applies to this axis instance. There is only one Safety
Supervisor object servicing the CIP Motion device so its state generally
applies to all applicable Axis instances of the device. This means that all
instances of this object generally have the same state for this attribute.
The two exceptions to this general state behavior are the Waiting for
TUNID with Torque Permitted (state=51) and Executing with Torque
Permitted (state=8) states that have axis specific qualification. When
the Safety Supervisor State is Waiting for TUNID with Torque Permitted,

574 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
if the Axis Safety Status bit, Safe Torque Disabled, is set, the Axis
Safety State is set to Waiting for TUNID. When the Safety Supervisor
State is Executing with Torque Permitted, if the Axis Safety Status bit,
Safe Torque Disabled, is set, the Axis Safety State is Executing.

Axis Safety State Bit Descriptions

Bit Safety Description
0 = Undefined/Unknown (No Undefined No motion connection has been opened to the drive.
MotionConnection) Actual safety state is unknown.
1 = Self-Testing Self-Testing The safety function of drive has been initialized; all
attributes given appropriate defaults and safety
faults have been reset.
Device is performing tests to determine if it is
qualified to execute its safety function.
2 = Configured (No Safety Idle The safety function of drive has been initialized,
Connection) successfully completed self-testing, and has a valid
safety configuration. However, the device is not
executing the operational components of its safety
functions. Configuring and Configured are persistent
states that are preserved through power cycles.

3 = Self-Test Exception Self-Test The safety function of drive has detected an

Exception exception condition during self-testing. The details of
the exception are stored in the appropriate attribute
values of the Safety Supervisor object.
4 = Running Executing The safety function of drive is fully configured with
an open safety output connection and executing.
In this state, the drive is operational and free to apply
torque to the motor as long as there are no safety
5 = Recoverable Fault Abort The safety function of drive is in a faulted state that
can be recovered by cycling the power or
reconnecting the drive.
6 = Unrecoverable Fault Critical Fault The safety function of drive is in a faulted state for
which there is no recovery other than replacing the
7 = Configuring Configuring The safety function of drive has been initialized,
successfully completed self-testing, and is in the
process of receiving a valid configuration from a
safety controller.
Configuring and Idle are persistent states that are
preserved through power cycles.
8 = Not Configured Waiting for The safety function of drive has exited Self-testing
TUNID and recognizes that it has the out-of-box default
configuration values, for example it has not been
configured by a safety controller. The drive remains
in this state until a safety controller initiates the
configuration process. Application of torque to the
motor is NOT permitted in this state.
9-50 = Reserved - -

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 575

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Safety Description
51 = Not Configured (Torque Waiting for Same behavior as Not Configured state with the
Permitted) TUNID with exception that the drive axis is operational and the
Torque safety function will permit application of torque to
Permitted the motor.
52 = Running (Torque Executing with Same behavior as Running state with the exception
Permitted) Torque that the drive axis is operational and the safety
Permitted function will permit application of torque to the
Entering this state from the Running state requires a
successful STO Mode change service applied while
the safety controller is in Program Mode.
53-99 = Device Specific - -
100-255 = Vendor Specific - -

576 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Safety Status

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0 = Safety Fault
1 = Safety Reset Request
2 = Safety Reset Required
3 = Safe Torque Off Active
4 = Safe Torque Disabled
5 = Safe Brake Control
(SBC) Active
6 = Safe Brake Control
(SBC) Engaged
7 = Safe Stop 1 (SS1) Active
8 = Safe Stop 2 (SS2) Active
9 = Safe Operating Stop
(SOS) Active
10 = Safe Operating Stop
(SOS) Standstill
11 = Safe Motor
Temperature (SMT) Active
12 = Safe Motor (SMT)
13-15 = (reserved)
16 = Safe Speed Monitoring
(SSM) Active
17 = Safe Speed Monitoring
(SSM) Status
18 = Safe Limited Speed
(SLS) Active
19 = Safe Limited Speed
(SLS) Limit
20 = Safe Limited Accel
(SLA) Active
21 = Safe Limited Accel
(SLA) Limit
22 = Safe Direction (SDI)
23 = Safe Direction (SDI)
24 = Safe Positive Motion
25 = Safe Negative Motion
26 = Safe CAM (SCA) Active
27 = Safe CAM (SAC) Status
28 = Safe Limited Position
(SLP) Active
29 = Safe Limited Position
(SLP) Limit
30 = Safety Output
Connection Closed
31 = Safety Output
Connection Idle

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 577

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Axis Safety Status attribute is a collection of bits indicating the
status of the standard safety functions for the axis as reported by the
embedded Safety Core of the device. The Axis Safety Status word is a
concatenation of two 16-bit safety status attributes. The lower 16-bits
are the current Safety Stop Status attribute value of the Safety Stop
Functions object associated with this axis instance. The upper 16-bits
are the current Safety Limit Status attribute value of the Safety Limit
Functions object associated with this axis instance with the exception of
the two most significant bits that are masked off to accommodate two
Safety Output Connection status bits. Specifically, the Safety Output
Connection Closed bit, when set, indicates that the Safety Output
Connection has either not been opened or has been closed. The Safety
Output Connection Idle bit, when set, indicates that the Safety Output
Connection's Run/Idle bit has been set to Idle.
For Rockwell Automation safety drive devices, the safety status data
from the drive's Safety Core may include safety status from the Safety
Controller through the Pass Thru data included in the Safety Output
assembly. This allows the Axis Safety Status attribute to reflect safety
function status conditions regardless of where the safety function is
executed, be it in the Safety Controller, or the drive's Safety Core.

Axis Safety Status - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0-31: Reserved

The Axis Safety Status - Mfg attribute is a collection of bits indicating

the status of the manufacturer specific safety functions for the axis as
reported by the embedded Safety Core of the device.

Axis Safety Status - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

Safety only 0 = Safe Brake Integrity
1 = Safe Feedback Homed
2-31 = (reserved)

The Axis Safety Status - RA attribute is a collection of bits indicating the

status of the Rockwell Automation specific safety functions for the axis
as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the device. For Rockwell
Automation safety drive devices, the safety status data from the drive's
Safety Core may include safety status from the Safety Controller
through the Pass Thru data included in the Safety Output assembly.
This allows the Axis Safety Status RA attribute to reflect safety function
status conditions regardless of where the safety function is executed, be
it in the Safety Controller, or the drive's Safety Core.

578 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Safety Faults

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

Safety only 0 = (reserved)
1 = Safety Core Fault
2 = Safety Feedback Fault
3 = Safe Torque Off Fault
4 = Safe Stop 1 (SS1) Fault
5 = Safe Stop 2 (SS2) Fault
6 = Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
7= Safe Brake (SBC) Fault
8 = Safe Motor Temperature
Fault (SMT)
9-15 = (reserved)
16 = Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)
17 = Safe Limited Speed (SLS)
18 = Safe Limited Accel (SLA)
19 = Safe Direction (SDI) Fault
20 = Safe CAM (SCA) Fault
21 = Safe Limited Protection
(SLP) Fault
22-29 = (reserved)
30 = Safety Validator Fault
31 = Safety Abort Fault

The Axis Safety Faults attribute is a collection of bits indicating the

safety fault status of the axis associated with standard safety
functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the device.
When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces the axis
into a Safe State and if the Safety Fault Action is set to Major Fault or
Minor Fault, the corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety Faults
attribute. An active axis safety fault bit remains latched even if the
underlying safety fault condition is cleared by the Safety Core. A Fault
Reset Request to the associated axis clears the axis safety fault bits,
but the bits immediately set again if the underlying safety fault
conditions are still present. The Axis Safety Faults bitmap is a
concatenation of two 16-bit safety fault attributes. The lower 16-bits is
the current Safety Stop Faults attribute value of the Safety Stop
Functions object associated with this axis instance. The upper 16-bits is
the current Safety Limit Faults attribute value of the Safety Limit
Functions object associated with this axis instance. Bits 30 and 31 are
used to indicate two safety faults conditions that are not tied to the drive
safety functions. Bit 30 indicates that the Safety Validator object (0x3A)
has detected a safety connection fault. Bit 31 indicates that the Safety
Supervisor object (0x39) has detected a recoverable fault and
transitioned to the Abort state.
For Rockwell Automation safety drive devices, the safety fault status
data from the drive's Safety Core may include safety faults from the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 579

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Safety Controller through the Pass Thru data included in the Safety
Output assembly. This allows the Axis Safety Faults attribute to reflect
safety function fault conditions regardless of where the safety function is
executed, be it in the Safety Controller, or the drive's Safety Core.

Axis Safety Faults - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0-31: Reserved

The Axis Safety Faults - Mfg attribute is a collection of bits indicating the
safety fault status of the axis associated with manufacturer specific
safety functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the
device. When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces the
axis into a Safe State and, if the Safety Fault Action is set to Major Fault
or Minor Fault, the corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety Faults Mfg
attribute. An active axis safety fault bit remains latched even if the
underlying safety fault condition is cleared by the Safety Core. A Fault
Reset Request to the associated axis clears the axis safety fault bits,
but the bits immediately set again if the underlying safety fault
conditions are still present.

Axis Safety Faults - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0 = (reserved)
1 = Safety Feedback
Interface (SFX) Fault
2-31 = (reserved)

The Axis Safety Faults - RA attribute is a collection of bits indicating the

safety fault status of the axis associated with Rockwell Automation
specific safety functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of
the device. When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces
the axis into a Safe State and if the Safety Fault Action is set to Major
Fault or Minor Fault, the corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety
Faults RA attribute. An active axis safety fault bit remains latched even
if the underlying safety fault condition is cleared by the Safety Core. A
Fault Reset Request to the associated axis clears the axis safety fault
bits, but the bits immediately set again if the underlying safety fault
conditions are still present.
For Rockwell Automation safety drive devices, the safety fault status
data from the drive's Safety Core may include safety faults from the
Safety Controller through the Pass Thru data included in the Safety
Output assembly. This allows the Axis Safety Faults RA attribute to
reflect safety function fault conditions regardless of where the safety
function is executed, be it in the Safety Controller, or the drive's Safety

580 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Safety Alarms

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:

Safety only 0 = (reserved)
1 = Safety Core Alarm
2 = Safety Feedback Alarm
3 = Safe Torque Off Alarm
4 = SS1 Alarm
5 = SS2 Alarm
6 = SOS Alarm
7 = SBC Alarm
8 = SMT Alarm
9-15 = (reserved)
16 = SSM Alarm
17 = SLS Alarm
18 = SLA Alarm
19 = SDI Alarm
20 = SCA Alarm
21 = SLP Alarm
22-29 = (reserved_
30 = Safety Validator Alarm
31 = Safety Abort Alarm

The Axis Safety Alarms attribute is a collection of bits indicating the

safety alarm status of the axis associated with standard safety
functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the device.
When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces the axis
into a Safe State and, if the Safety Fault Action is set to Alarm, the
corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety Alarms attribute. An active
axis safety alarm bit shall remain set as long as the underlying safety
fault condition is present in the Safety Core.
The Axis Safety Alarm bitmap is a concatenation of two 16-bit safety
fault attributes. The lower 16-bits is the current Safety Stop Faults
attribute value (Attribute 41) of the Safety Stop Functions object
associated with this axis instance. The upper 16-bits is the current
Safety Limit Faults attribute value (Attribute 41) of the Safety Limit
Functions object associated with this axis instance. Bit 30 indicates that
the Safety Validator object (0x3A) has detected a safety connection
fault. Bit 31 indicates that the Safety Supervisor object (0x39) has
detected a recoverable fault and transitioned to the Abort state.
For Rockwell Automation safety drive devices, the safety fault status
data from the drive’s Safety Core may include safety faults from the
Safety Controller via the Pass Thru data included in the Safety Output
assembly. This allows the Axis Safety Alarms attribute to reflect safety
function fault conditions regardless of where the safety function is
executed, be it in the Safety Controller, or the drive’s Safety Core.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 581

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Safety Alarms - Mfg

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0-31: Reserved

The Axis Safety Alarms - Mfg attribute is a collection of bits indicating

the safety alarm status of the axis associated with manufacturer specific
safety functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the
device. When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces the
axis into a Safe State and, if the Safety Fault Action is set to Alarm, the
corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety Alarm Mfg attribute. An active
safety alarm bit remains set as long as the underlying safety fault
condition is present in the Safety Core.

Axis Safety Alarms - RA

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV T DWORD - - - Bitmap:
Safety only 0 = (reserved)
1 = Safety Feedback
Interface (SFX) Fault
2-31 = (reserved)

The Axis Safety Alarms - RA attribute is a collection of bits indicating

the safety alarm status of the axis associated with RA specific safety
functionality as reported by the embedded Safety Core of the device.
When a safety fault condition occurs, the Safety Core forces the axis
into a Safe State and, if the Safety Fault Action is set to Alarm, the
corresponding bit is set in the Axis Safety Alarm RA attribute. An active
safety alarm bit remains set as long as the underlying safety fault
condition is present in the Safety Core.
For Rockwell Automation safety drive devices, the safety fault status
data from the drive’s Safety Core may include safety faults from the
Safety Controller via the Pass Thru data included in the Safety Output
assembly. This allows the Axis Safety Alarms RA attribute to reflect
safety function fault conditions regardless of where the safety function is
executed, be it in the Safety Controller, or the drive’s Safety Core.

582 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Safety Fault Action

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XDE Set/SSV USINT 4 (D) - - Enumeration: (D)

Safety only 2 (E) 0 = Ignore (O)
4 (X) 1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = Stop Planner (O)
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration: (E)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (R)
3 = N/A
4 = N/A
5 = Shutdown (R)
Enumeration: (X)
0 = Ignore (O)
1 = Alarm (O)
2 = Fault Status Only (O)
3 = n/a
4 = Disable (R)
5 = Shutdown (R)
6-254 = Reserved

The Safety Fault Action attribute is an enumerated value that specifies

the action taken in the event of a safety fault condition reported by the
Safety Core.

Safe Torque Off Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/ USINT Eq 23 - - Enumeration:
Safety Only SSV# 0 = Disable and Coast
1 for C 1 = Current Decel and
0 for F Disable
0 for X 2 = Ramped Decel and
3-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
128 = DC Injection Brake
129 = AC Injection Brake
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

When the drive detects a Safe Torque Off (STO) Active condition that
was not initiated by a Safe Stop 1 (SS1) Active condition, as reported by
the embedded Safety Core through the Axis Safety Status attribute, and

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 583

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the Safe Torque Off Action Source is set to Connected Drive, this value
determines the stopping method to apply to the motor. Each Safe
Torque Off Action enumeration initiates one of two defined Stopping
Sequences, Category 0 Stop, or Category 1 Stop. The definition for
each enumeration will follow the same enumerations defined for the
Stopping Action attribute.
Category 1 Stop enumerations of Current Decel & Disable or Ramped
Decel & Disable are often used in conjunction with a configured delay
(for example, STO to Safe Brake Control (SBC) Delay or STO Delay)
between the STO Active condition and Safe Torque Disabled to allow
the drive to bring the motor to a controlled stop and engage a brake
prior to disabling the power structure. This capability is particularly
important for vertical load applications.
The final state after the Stopping Sequence is applied is the Start
Inhibited state or, in the case of a Safety Fault initiated STO activation,
the Major Faulted state. In either final state the device's inverter power
structure will be disabled, ultimately with safety integrity as enforced by
the Safety Core's STO safety function.

Safe Torque Off Action Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/ USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
Safety Only SSV# 0 = Connected Drive (R)
1 = Running Controller (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

The Safe Torque Off Action Source attribute determines whether the
drive or the controller initiates the stopping sequence in response a
STO Active condition in the Axis Safety Status attribute that was not
initiated by an SS1 or Safe Stop 2 (SS2) Active condition.
When configured for Connected Drive (default), the drive will initiate the
stopping sequence according to the selected Safe Torque Off Action.
However, the drive must have an open connection to the controller for
the configured stopping action to occur. If the drive is not connected, the
drive would have already initiated the configured Connection Loss
Stopping Action.
When configured for Running Controller, the stopping sequence is
initiated by the connected controller as long as the controller
connection's "Run/Idle" bit in the Real Time (RT) Header is indicating
Run Mode. This allows the controller to provide a programmed stopping
action. If the controller is in Idle Mode, i.e. not actively running the
application program, the connected drive will initiate the stopping
sequence according to the configured Safe Torque Off Action. This
selection is only valid if the connected controller is supplying the
"Run/Idle" Real Time header.

584 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Safe Stopping Action

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XD Set/ USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

Safety Only SSV# 0 = Current Decel
1 = Ramped Decel
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis Status
is true).

The Safe Stopping Action attribute determines the stopping method that
the drive applies to the motor when:
• An SS1 or SS2 condition occurs. The Axis Safety Status attribute
indicates an SS1 or SS2 condition.
• The Axis Safety Stopping Source is set to the Connected Drive.
The selected stopping method is applied while in the Stopping state and
the final state after the stopping method completes is the Stopped state.
In this final state the device's inverter power structure will either be
Disabled and free of torque, if initiated by an SS1 Active status bit, or
actively held (Hold selection) in a static condition if initiated by an SS2
Active status bit.
Safe Stopping Action Bit Descriptions
Bit Required/Opti Name Description
0 R/C Current Decel Current Decel leaves the power structure and any
O/F active control loops enabled while stopping. If
configured for position control mode, the drive forces
the position reference to hold its current value until
the axis reaches zero speed. Once at zero speed the
position reference is immediately set equal to the
actual position to hold the axis at standstill. If in
velocity control mode, the drive forces the velocity
reference to zero. In either case, forcing the position
or velocity reference signals to a fixed value results
in a rapid increase in control loop error of the moving
axis that saturates the output current of the drive to
the configured Stopping Torque that brings the motor
to a stop. In torque control mode, the drive directly
applies the configured Stopping Torque to the torque
command signal to decelerate the motor. When the
velocity feedback value reaches zero speed, the
torque command is set to zero. In frequency control
mode the Current Vector Limit attribute, rather than
the Stopping Torque attribute, is used to regulate the
stopping current. Once stopped, or the configured
Stopping Time, or factory limit expires, the Current
Decel stopping action is complete.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 585

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Required/Opti Name Description
1 O/FV Ramped Decel Current Decel & Disable also leaves the power
structure and any active control loops enabled while
stopping but uses the Ramp Generator associated
with the Velocity Fine Command Generator block to
decelerate the motor to a stop. When initiating a
Current Decel & Disable Stop, the Ramp Generator is
immediately activated and the drive no longer follows
command from the controller. The Ramp Generator
input is initialized to zero and the output is initialized
to the current speed of the motor, thus causing the
Ramp Generator output to ramp the motor from its
current speed down to zero according to the ramp
control parameters. Once stopped, or the configured
Stopping Time or factory timeout limit expires, the
Ramped Decel stopping action is complete.
2-127 Reserved
128-255 Vendor Specific

Safe Stopping Action Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/ USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
SSV# 0 = Connected Drive (R)
1 = Running Controller (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

This attribute determines whether the drive or the controller initiates the
stopping sequence in response to an SS1 or SS2 Active bit transition in
the Axis Safety Status attribute.
When configured for Connected Drive (default), the drive will initiate the
stopping sequence according to the selected Safe Stopping Action.
However, the drive must have an open connection to the controller for
the configured stopping action to occur. If the drive is not connected, the
drive would have already initiated the configured Connection Loss
Stopping Action.
When configured for Running Controller, the stopping sequence is
initiated by the connected controller as long as the controller
connection's "Run/Idle" bit in the Real Time (RT) Header is indicating
Run Mode. This allows the controller to provide a programmed stopping
action. If the controller is in Idle Mode, i.e. not actively running the
application program, the connected drive will initiate the stopping
sequence according to the configured Safe Stopping Action. This
selection is only valid if the connected controller is supplying the
"Run/Idle" Real Time header.

586 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Axis Safety Data A

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XDE Get/GSV DWORD - - - General Purpose Data


A 32-bit container holding general purpose Safety Data passed from the
Safety Controller thru the Safety Pass Thru object attribute, Safety Pass
Thru Data A.

Axis Safety Data B

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XDE Get/GSV DWORD - - - General Purpose Data

A 32-bit container holding general purpose Safety Data passed from the
Safety Controller thru the Safety Pass Thru object attribute, Safety Pass
Thru Data B.

See also
Guard Safety Attributes on page 587
Guard Safety Status Attributes on page 588
Axis Exception Action on page 411

Guard Safety Attributes These are the attributes associated with the built-in Safety functionality
of an axis. These attributes relate to the behavior of a configurable
Safety Core within the drive that executes basic drive safety functions
using hardwired safety inputs and safety outputs. These functions do
not require the services of a CIP Safety network connection. This safety
functionality covers the following safety functions as defined by IEC-
61800-5-2, EN-954-1, and IEC-60204 standards:
• Safe Restart
• Safe Stop
• Safe Limited Speed
• Safe Speed Monitoring
• Safe Maximum Speed
• Safe Direction Monitoring
• Safe Door Monitoring
• Safe Door Monitoring
The Guard Status and Guard Fault attributes are defined in the axis to
monitor the behavior of built-in Drive Safety functionality. The term
Guard is used for these status attributes to differentiate these attributes
from the Safety status attributes associated with the integrated Safety
functionality provided by a CIP Safety connection.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 587

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Guard Safety Status Attributes on page 588

Guard Safety Status The Guard Status attribute is a collection of bits indicating the safety
status of the motion axis.
Guard Status
Usage Access T Data Type Semantics of Values

Optional - D Get/GSV T DWORD Bitmap

0 = Guard OK
1 = Guard Config Locked
2 = Guard Gate Drive Output
3 = Guard Stop Input
4 = Guard Stop Request
5 = Guard Stop In Progress
6 = Guard Stop Decel
7 = Guard Stop Standstill
8 = Guard Stop Output
9 = Guard Limited Speed Input
10 = Guard Limited Speed Request
11 = Guard Limited Speed Monitor In
12 = Guard Limited Speed Output
13 = Guard Max Speed Monitor In
14 = Guard Max Accel Monitor In
15 = Guard Direction Monitor In Progress
16 = Guard Door Control Lock
17 = Guard Door Control Output
18 = Guard Door Monitor Input
19 = Guard Door Monitor In Progress
20 = Guard Lock Monitor Input
21 = Guard Enabling Switch Input
22 = Guard Enabling Switch In Progress
23 = Guard Reset Input
24 = Guard Reset Required
25 = Guard Stop Input Cycle Required
26 = Reserved - Waiting for Stop
Request Removal
27...31 = Reserved

Collection of bits indicating the safety status of the motion axis.

Guard OK = indicates if the drive is free of any Guard Fault conditions.
Guard Config Locked = indicates that configuration data for the drive
safety core has been locked and cannot be modified.
Guard Gate Drive Output = indicates the state of the Gate Drive (MP
OUT) circuit used to disable the drive power structure.

588 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Guard Stop Input = indicates the current state of the Safe Stop input.
Guard Stop Request = indicates if a safe stop operation has been
requested. The safe stop request can be initiated by the Safe Stop Input
or in response to a Safety Fault. The bit is only cleared by a successful
safety reset
Guard Stop In Progress = indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the
safety core is in progress. This bit is set when the Safe Stop input
transitions from on to off and clears at the end of the stop delay or when
a safety fault occurs.
Guard Stop Decel = indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the
safety core is actively decelerating the axis. This bit is set after the
monitoring delay expires and clears at the end of the stop delay or when
a fault occurs.
Guard Stop Standstill = indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the
safety core is in the safe stopped mode, i.e. has successfully stopped
the axis and is performing zero speed monitoring. This bit is set after
the stop delay expires and clears when a fault occurs.
Guard Stop Output = indicates the current state of the Safe Stop output.
Guard Limited Speed Input = indicates the current state of the Safe
Limited Speed (SLS) input.
Guard Limited Speed Request = indicates if a safe speed operation has
been requested. The safe stop request can be initiated by the Safe
Limited Speed input. The bit is only cleared by a successful safety
Guard Limited Speed Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe Speed
(SLS/SSM) monitoring function of the safety core is actively checking
speed. This bit is set when the Safe Limited Speed input transitions
from on to off and the associated monitoring delay has expired.
Guard Limited Speed Output = indicates the current state of the Safe
Limited Speed (SLS) output.
Guard Max Speed Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe Max
Speed (SMS) monitoring function of the safety core is in progress.
Guard Max Accel Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe Max Accel
(SMA) monitoring function of the safety core is in progress.
Guard Direction Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe Direction
Monitoring (SDM) function of the safety core is in progress. Guard Door
Output = indicates the current state of the Safe Door output.
Guard Door Control Lock = indicates if the Door Control Output is being
commanded to the Locked state.
Guard Door Control Output = indicates the current state of the Safe
Door Control output.
Guard Door Monitor Input = indicates the current state of the Door
Monitor (DM) input.
Guard Door Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe Door Monitoring
(DM) function of the safety core is in progress.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 589

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Guard Lock Monitor Input = indicates the current state of the Safe Lock
Monitoring input.
Guard Enabling Switch Monitor Input = indicates the current state of the
Safe Enabling Switch Monitor input.
Guard Enabling Switch Monitor In Progress = indicates if the Safe
Enabling Switch Monitor (ESM) monitoring function of the safety core is
in progress.
Guard Reset Input = indicates the state of the Safety Reset input use to
initiate return to normal operational state of the safety core.
Guard Reset Required = indicates that the drive’ safety function
requires as Safety Reset to permit return to normal operational state.

Guard Status Bit Descriptions

Bit Name Description

0 Guard OK Indicates if the drive is free of any Guard Fault conditions.

1 Guard Config Locked Indicates that configuration data for the drive safety core has
been locked and cannot be modified.
2 Guard Gate Drive Output Indicates the state of the Gate Drive (MP OUT) circuit used to
disable the drive power structure.

3 Guard Stop Input Indicates the current state of the Safe Stop input.
4 Guard Stop Request Indicates if a safe stop operation has been requested. The
safe stop request can be initiated by the Safe Stop Input or in
response to a Safety Fault. The bit is only cleared by a
successful safety reset.
5 Guard Stop In Progress Indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the safety core is in
progress. This bit is set when the Safe Stop input transitions
from on to off and clears at the end of the stop delay or when
a safety fault occurs.
6 Guard Stop Decel Indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the safety core is
actively decelerating the axis. This bit is set after the
monitoring delay expires and clears at the end of the stop
delay or when a fault occurs.
7 Guard Stop Standstill Indicates if the Safe Stop (SS) function of the safety core is in
the safe stopped mode, for example, when it has successfully
stopped the axis and is performing zero speed monitoring.
This bit is set after the stop delay expires and clears when a
fault occurs.
8 Guard Stop Output Indicates the current state of the Safe Stop output.
9 Guard Limited Speed Input Indicates the current state of the Safe Limited Speed (SLS)
10 Guard Limited Speed Request Indicates if a safe speed operation has been requested. The
safe stop request can be initiated by the Safe Limited Speed
input. The bit is only cleared by a successful safety reset.
11 Guard Limited Speed Monitor In Indicates if the Safe Speed (SLS/SSM) monitoring function of
Progress the safety core is actively checking speed. This bit is set when
the Safe Limited Speed input transitions from on to off and
the associated monitoring delay has expired.

590 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description

12 Guard Limited Speed Output Indicates the current state of the Safe Limited Speed (SLS)
13 Guard Max Speed Monitor In Indicates if the Safe Max Speed (SMS) monitoring function of
Progress the safety core is in progress.
14 Guard Max Accel Monitor In Indicates if the Safe Max Accel (SMA) monitoring function of
Progress the safety core is in progress.
15 Guard Direction Monitor In Indicates if the Safe Direction Monitoring (SDM) function of the
Progress safety core is in progress.
16 Guard Door Control Lock Indicates if the Door Control Output is being commanded to
the Locked state.

17 Guard Door Control Output Indicates the current state of the Safe Door Control output.
18 Guard Door Monitor Input Indicates the current state of the Door Monitor (DM) input.
19 Guard Door Monitor In Progress Indicates if the Safe Door Monitoring (DM) function of the
safety core is in progress.
20 Guard Lock Monitor Input Indicates the current state of the Safe Lock Monitoring input.
21 Guard Enabling Switch Input Indicates the current state of the Safe Enabling Switch Monitor
22 Guard Enabling Switch Monitor In Indicates if the Safe Enabling Switch Monitor (ESM) monitoring
Progress function of the safety core is in progress.
23 Guard Reset Input Indicates the state of the Safety Reset input use to initiate
return to normal operational state of the safety core.
24 Guard Reset Required Indicates that the drive safety function requires a Safety
Reset to permit return to normal operational state.
25 Guard Stop Input Cycle Required Indicates that the drive safety function requires a Stop Input
Status Cycle to permit return to normal operational state.
26 Reserved (Waiting for Stop
Request Removal)
27-31 Reserved

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Guard Faults
Usage Access T Data Type Semantics

Optional - D GSV T DWORD Bitmap

0 = (Reserved - Combined Faults)
1 = Guard Internal Fault
2 = Guard Configuration Fault
3 = Guard Gate Drive Fault
4 = Guard Reset Fault
5 = Guard Feedback 1 Fault
6 = Guard Feedback 2 Fault
7 = Guard Feedback Speed Compare Fault
8 = Guard Feedback Position Compare Fault
9 = Guard Stop Input Fault
10 = Guard Stop Output Fault
11 = Guard Stop Decel Fault
12 = Guard Stop Standstill Fault
13 = Guard Stop Motion Fault
14 = Guard Limited Speed Input Fault
15 = Guard Limited Speed Output Fault
16 = Guard Limited Speed Monitor Fault
17 = Guard Max Speed Monitor Fault
18 = Guard Max Accel Monitor Fault
19 = Guard Direction Monitor Fault
20 = Guard Door Monitor Input Fault
21 = Guard Door Monitor Fault
22 = Guard Door Control Output Fault
23 = Guard Lock Monitor Input Fault
24 = Guard Lock Monitor Fault
25 = Guard Enabling Switch Monitor Input Fault
26 = Guard Enabling Switch Monitor Fault
27 = Guard Feedback 1 Voltage Monitor Fault
28 = Guard Feedback 2 Voltage Monitor Fault
29 = Reserved (RLM Reset Fault)
30...31 = Reserved

The Guard Faults attribute is a collection of bits indicating the safety

faults of the drive axis. When a safety fault condition occurs the safety
core processor always requests a Safe Stop operation and notifies the
drive controller to set the appropriate Guard Faults bit. This bit remains
latched even if the safety fault condition is cleared in the safety core. A
Fault Reset Request to the associated axis clears the safety fault bits,
but the bits set again immediately if the underlying safety fault condition
is still present.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Guard Faults Bit Descriptions

Bit Name Description

0 Reserved - Combined Faults

1 Guard Internal Fault An internal fault has been detected by the Safety Core
hardware. This can includes safety processor faults,
inter-processor communications faults, safety power
supply faults, and gate drive circuitry.

2 Guard Configuration Fault The safety configuration data is invalid.

3 Guard Gate Drive Fault Indicates that the Gate Drive (MP OUT) circuit used to
disable the drive power structure has detected an
4 Guard Reset Fault The Safety Reset input was ON at power up.

5 Guard Feedback 1 Fault A problem has been detected with the feedback 1

6 Guard Feedback 2 Fault A problem has been detected with the feedback 2
7 Guard Feedback Speed Compare A speed miss-compare was detected between the two
Fault feedback devices.
8 Guard Feedback Position Compare A position discrepancy was detected between the two
Fault feedback devices.
9 Guard Stop Input Fault A fault has been detected on the Safe Stop input(s).
10 Guard Stop Output Fault A fault has been detected on the Safe Stop cascading
11 Guard Stop Decel Fault A speed fault was detected during the deceleration
12 Guard Stop Standstill Fault Zero speed was not detected by the end of the stop
13 Guard Stop Motion Fault Motion was detected after stop was detected and the
door unlocked.
14 Guard Limited Speed Input Fault A fault has been detected on the Safe Limited Speed
15 Guard Limited Speed Output Fault A fault has been detected on the Safe Limited Speed
16 Guard Limited Speed Monitor Fault The Safe Limited Speed has been exceeded.
17 Guard Max Speed Monitor Fault The Safe Maximum Speed has been exceeded.
18 Guard Max Accel Monitor Fault The Safe Maximum Acceleration has been exceeded.
19 Guard Direction Monitor Fault Motion in the restricted direction has been detected.
20 Guard Door Monitor Input Fault A fault has been detected on the Door Monitoring
21 Guard Door Monitor Fault The Door Monitoring inputs were detected as OFF when
they should have been ON.
22 Guard Door Control Output Fault A fault has been detected on the Door Control outputs.
23 Guard Lock Monitor Input Fault A fault has been detected on Lock Monitoring input(s).
24 Guard Lock Monitor Fault The Lock Monitoring Inputs were detected as OFF when
the Door should have been locked or the Lock
Monitoring Inputs were detected as ON when the Door
was opened.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 593

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Name Description

25 Guard Enabling Switch Monitor Input A fault has been detected on the Enabling Switch
Fault Monitor (ESM) input(s).

26 Guard Enabling Switch Monitor Fault The Enabling Switch Monitor (ESM) Inputs were
detected as OFF when they should have been ON.

27 Guard Feedback 1 Voltage Monitor Monitored voltage level for the Feedback 1 device is out
Fault of allowed range for operation.

28 Guard Feedback 2 Voltage Monitor Monitored voltage level for the Feedback 2 device is
Fault out of allowed range for operation.
29 Reserved (RLM Reset Fault)
30...31 Reserved

See also
Guard Safety Attributes on page 587

Stopping and Braking These are the active stopping and braking related attributes associated
with a Motion Control Axis.
Stopping Action
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - XD Set/SSV# USINT Eq 23 - - Enumeration:
1 for C 0 = Disable & Coast
0 for F 1 = Current Decel & Disable
0 for X 2 = Ramped Decel & Disable
3 = Current Decel & Hold
4 = Ramped Decel & Hold
5-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

128 = DC Injection Brake

129 = AC Injection Brake

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

When disabling or aborting an axis, through a Disable Request or an

Abort Request this value determines the stopping method to apply to
the motor. Each supported Stopping Action initiates one of three
Stopping Sequences (IEC60204-1 Category Stops 0, 1, and 2).
• In the case of a Disable Request, the stopping method is applied
while in the Stopping state and the final state after the stopping
method is completed is the Stopped state.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
• In the case of an Abort Request, the stopping method is applied
while in the Aborting state and the final state after the stopping
method completes is the Major Faulted state.
In either final state the device's inverter power structure will either be
Disabled (Disable selection) and free of torque or actively held (Hold
selection) in a static condition. This attribute has no impact or
relationship to the planner generated acceleration and deceleration
profiles. This attribute does not, in any way, determine the stopping
actions applied in response to fault conditions.

Connection Loss Stopping Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD USINT Eq 23 - - 0 = Disable and Coast
1 for C 1 = Current Decel and Disable
0 for F 2 = Ramped Decel and Disable
0 for X 3 = Current Decel and Hold
4 = Ramped Decel and Hold
5-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

# Indicates the attribute cannot be set while the tracking command (Tracking Command bit in CIP Axis
Status is true).

When a CIP Motion connection loss is detected, this value determines

the stopping method to apply to the motor. Each supported Stopping
Action initiates the associated Stopping Sequence (IEC60204-1
Category Stops 0, 1, and 2). If the connection is closed intentionally
using a Forward Close service, the selected stopping method is applied
while in the Stopping state and the final state after the stopping method
completes is the Initializing state. If the connection is unintentionally lost
and the resulting Node Fault generated (Node Fault Codes 1 or 6), the
selected stopping method is applied while in the Aborting state and the
final state after the stopping method completes is the Major Faulted
state. In either final state the device’s inverter power structure will either
be Disabled (Disable selection) and free of torque or actively held (Hold
selection) in a static condition.

Stopping Action Enumeration Definitions

Enum. Usage Name Description
0 R/XD Disable and Disable and Coast immediately disables the device power
Coast structure and active control loops, which causes the motor to
coast unless some form of external braking is applied. This is
equivalent to an IEC-60204-1 Category 0 Stop.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 595

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enum. Usage Name Description
1 R/C Current Decel Current Decel and Disable leaves the power structure and any
O/XF and Disable active control loops enabled while stopping.
If configured for position control mode, the drive forces the
position reference to hold its current value until the axis
reaches zero speed. Once at zero speed the position reference
is immediately set equal to the actual position to hold the axis
at standstill.
If in velocity control mode, the drive forces the velocity
reference to zero.
In either case, forcing the position or velocity reference
signals to a fixed value results in a rapid increase in control
loop error of the moving axis that saturates the output current
of the drive to the configured Stopping Torque that brings the
motor to a stop.
In torque control mode, the drive directly applies the
configured Stopping Torque to the torque command signal to
decelerate the motor. When the velocity feedback value
reaches zero speed, the torque command is set to zero.
Once stopped, or the configured Stopping Time or factory time
limit expires, the drive disables the power structure and
control loops. This stop mode complies with the IEC-60204-1
Category 1 Stop.
In frequency control mode the operative current limit, rather
than the Stopping Torque attribute, is used to regulate the
stopping current.
When applied to track sections, this stopping action leaves the
power structure enabled for the configured Stopping Time and
Mechanical Brake Engage Delay to allow time for movers local
to the section to be brought to a stop by their associated
remotes sections.
2 O/FV Ramped Decel Ramped Decel and Disable also leaves the power structure and
and Disable any active control loops enabled while stopping but uses the
Ramp Generator associated with the Velocity Fine Command
Generator block to decelerate the motor to a stop. When
initiating a Ramped Decel and Disable Stop, the Ramp
Generator is immediately activated and the drive no longer
follows command from the controller. The Ramp Generator
input is initialized to zero and the output is initialized to the
current speed of the motor, thus causing the Ramp Generator
output to ramp the motor from its current speed down to zero
according to the ramp control parameters. Once stopped, or
the configured Stopping Time or factory timeout limit expires,
the device disables the power structure and control loops.
This stop mode also complies with the IEC-60204-1 Category 1
3 O/PV Current Decel Current Decel and Hold behaves like Current Decel and
and Hold Disable, but leaves the power structure active with holding
torque to maintain the stopped condition. The method for
generating holding torque is left to the drive vendor's
discretion. This stop mode complies with the IEC-60204-1
Category 2 Stop.
The Current Decel and Hold stopping action is not allowed if a
Start Inhibit condition is present. If a Start Inhibit condition is
present, a Current Decel and Disable will be initiated instead.

596 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Enum. Usage Name Description
4 O/V Ramped Decel Ramped Decel and Hold behaves like Ramped Decel and
and Hold Disable, but leaves the power structure with holding torque to
maintain the stopped condition. This stop modes also
complies with the IEC-60204-1 Category 2 Stop.
The Ramped Decel and Hold stopping action is not allowed if a
Start Inhibit condition is present. If a Start Inhibit condition is
present, a Ramped Decel and Disable will be initiated instead.
5-127 Reserved
128-255 Vendor
128 O/D DC Injection DC Injection Brake immediately applies the configured DC
Brake Injection Brake Current to the motor to create a static flux
field to bring the motor to a stop before disabling the power
129 O/D AC Injection AC Injection Brake decreases the device output frequency
Brake according from its present value to zero at the rate
determined by the configured Deceleration Limit. Stopping
action is accomplished by lowering the output frequency
below the motor rotor speed where regeneration does not
occur and instead mechanical energy is dissipated in the
motor as heat.

Stopping Torque
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - C Set/SSV REAL 100 0 103 % Motor Rated

When disabling or aborting an axis, this value determines the maximum

amount of torque producing current available to stop the motor when
the Stopping Action is set to Current Decel. If this attribute is not
supported, the drive device will use the configured Positive and
Negative Peak Current Limits.

Stopping Time Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/SSV REAL 1 0 103 Seconds

When disabling or aborting an axis, this parameter determines the

maximum amount of time the drive allows to reach zero speed as part
of the Category 1 or Category 2 Stop sequence. Action taken by the
drive once the time limit is reached depends on the Stop Category. For
a Category 1 Stop, the drive continues to apply Stopping Torque while
engaging the brake. For a Category 2 Stop the drive continues to apply
Stopping Torque but does not engage the brake. If Stopping Time Limit
is not supported a factory set timeout may be applied.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Coasting Time Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/SSV REAL Eq 23 0 103 Seconds

When disabling or aborting an axis, this parameter determines the

maximum amount of time the drive allows to reach zero speed as part
of the Category 0 "Disable and Coast" Stop sequence. Action taken by
the drive if the time limit is reached is to engage the brake and advance
to the Stopped state. If this attribute is not supported, the Coasting Time
Limit applies the Stopping Time Limit value. If Stopping Time Limit is not
supported a factory set timeout may be applied.

Resistive Brake Contact Delay

When an external resistive brake is used, an external contactor
switches the UVW motor leads from the inverter power structure to an
energy dissipating resistor to stop the motor. This switching does not
occur instantaneously and enabling the power structure too early can
cause electrical arcing across the contactor. To prevent this condition,
the Resistive Brake Contact Delay can be set to the maximum time that
it takes to fully close the contactor across the UVW motor lines so when
the axis is enabled, the inverter power structure is not enabled until after
the Resistive Brake Contact Delay Time has expired. Resistive Brake
operation is only applicable to PM Motor types.
The following sequence further defines how the Resistive Brake Contact
Delay factors into the overall Enable Sequence that may also include
the operation of a Mechanical Brake. Note that the Resistive Brake
Contact Delay and the Mechanics Brake Release Delay attributes apply
even if there is no external contactor or mechanical brake connected to
the drive.

Enable Sequence:
1. Switch to Starting state.
2. Activate Resistive Brake contactor to connect motor to inverter
power structure.
3. Wait for "Resistive Brake Contact Delay" while Resistive Brake
contacts close.
4. Enable inverter power structure.
5. (Optional) Perform Torque Proving operation to verify motor
control of load.
6. Activate Mechanical Brake output to release brake.
7. Wait for "Mechanical Brake Release Delay" while brake releases.
8. Transition to Running state.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Mechanical Brake Control

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Automatic
1 = Brake Release
2-225 = Reserved

The Mechanical Brake Control attribute governs the operation of the

Mechanical Brake Output of the drive. The Mechanical Brake Output
controls the mechanical brake mechanism. When set to Automatic, the
Mechanical Brake is under the control of the axis state machine. The
Mechanical Brake Engage Delay and Mechanical Brake Release Delay
attributes describe the sequencing for the brake. To release the brake,
set the brake to Brake Release. The axis state machine releases control
of the brake.

Mechanical Brake Release Delay

When enabling the axis with an engaged mechanical brake, the
Mechanical Brake Release Delay value determines the amount of time
the drive shall delay transition from the Starting state to the Running or
Testing states. This delay prevents any commanded motion until the
external mechanical brake has had enough time to disengage. If
supported, a Torque Proving operation is included in this sequence prior
to releasing the brake. Note that the Resistive Brake Contact Delay and
the Mechanics Brake Release Delay attributes apply even if there is no
external contactor or mechanical brake connected to the drive.

Enable Sequence:
1. Switch to Starting state.
2. Activate Resistive Brake contactor to connect motor to inverter
power structure.
3. Wait for "Resistive Brake Contact Delay" while Resistive Brake
contacts close.
4. Enable inverter power structure.
5. (Optional) Perform Torque Proving operation to verify motor
control of load.
6. Activate Mechanical Brake output to release brake.
7. Wait for "Mechanical Brake Release Delay" while brake releases.
8. Transition to Running (or Testing) state.

Mechanical Brake Engage Delay

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XD Set/SSV REAL Eq 23 0 103 Seconds

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
When disabling the motion axis using a Category 1 Stopping Action, the
Mechanical Brake Engage Delay value determines the amount of time
the device power structure will remain enabled after the axis has
decelerated to standstill. This attribute allows time for an external
mechanical brake to engage. The configured Stopping Action
determines the type of stopping sequence applied. If supported, a
Brake Proving operation is included in the Category 1 stopping
sequence prior to disabling the power structure. Note that the
Mechanics Brake Release Delay attribute applies even if there is
mechanical brake connected to the drive.

Zero Speed
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 1 0 % Motor Rated

This attribute sets the speed threshold associated with the zero speed
criteria of the stop sequence. Zero Speed is specified as a percent of
motor rated speed. When Zero Speed Time attribute is supported, this
attribute sets the speed threshold where the zero speed timer starts.
When the axis speed has been below the Zero Speed threshold for
Zero Speed Time the axis has satisfied the zero speed criteria. In all but
Category 2 stops, this results in action to engage the mechanical brake.
If this attribute is not supported, the zero speed threshold is left to the
vendor’s discretion and typically set to 1% of motor rated speed. Axis
speed in the above description is based on the Velocity Feedback
signal, or in the case of a Frequency Control drive, axis speed is based
on Velocity Reference signal.
When supporting a Load Observer, the zero speed criteria is not based
on the Velocity Estimate since that signal can differ considerably from
the actual speed of the motor. When the Load Observer is configured to
apply the Velocity Estimate to the velocity loop summing junction as
Velocity Feedback, the zero speed criteria must be based on the
velocity feedback signal input to the Load Observer.

Zero Speed Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 Sec

This attribute sets the amount of time that the axis speed must be below
the zero speed threshold, set by the Zero Speed attribute or established
by the drive vendor, before satisfying the zero speed criteria. In all but
Category 2 stops, when this attribute is set it results in action to engage
the mechanical brake. If this attribute is not supported, the amount of
time needed to satisfy the zero speed criteria is left to the vendor’s
discretion and typically is immediate (0). Axis speed in the above
description is based on the Velocity Feedback signal, or in the case of a

600 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Frequency Control drive, axis speed is based on Velocity Reference
When supporting a Load Observer, the zero speed criteria is not based
on the Velocity Estimate since that signal can differ considerably from
the actual speed of the motor. When the Load Observer is configured to
apply the Velocity Estimate to the velocity loop summing junction as
Velocity Feedback, the zero speed criteria must be based on the
velocity feedback signal input to the Load Observer.

Vertical Load Control

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - FPV Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2 - 255 = Reserved

This enumerated value allows the drive to tailor motor control behavior
for vertical load applications. When the Enabled enumeration is
selected, the drive attempts, whenever possible, to avoid applying
Category 0 stop actions in response to Major Fault conditions. The drive
may tailor other aspects of its behavior to best handle vertical loads.

Proving Configuration
Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
FD 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2 - 255 = Reserved

This attribute enables the operation of the drive's Torque Proving and
Brake Proving functions that work in conjunction with mechanical brake
control. When Proving is enabled, the mechanical brake must be set as
soon as the drive is disabled. When the brake is under the control of the
axis state machine this is automatic. But when controlled externally,
failure to set the brake when the drive is disabled can cause a free fall
condition on a vertical application.
When enabled, the drive performs a Torque Prove test of the motor
current while in the Starting state to "prove" that current is properly
flowing through each of the motor phases before releasing the brake.
Should the Torque Prove test fail, a Motor Phase Loss exception is
While Torque Proving functionality is applicable to drive Control Modes
that are not capable of generating reliable holding torque based on a
feedback device, such as Frequency Control and Sensorless Velocity
Control, Torque Proving should not be used in these modes for
applications where holding torque is critical to safe operation, such as in
a typical lift or crane application.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
If the optional Brake Test Torque attribute is supported, the Torque
Prove test also includes a proactive Brake Test to ensure the
mechanical brake is functioning properly. Should the Brake Test detect
brake slip, a Brake Slip exception is generated.
When Proving is enabled, the drive also performs a Brake Prove test
while in the Stopping or Aborting states to "prove" proper mechanical
brake function before the drive power structure is disabled. Should the
Brake Prove test detect brake slip a Brake Slip exception is generated.
Unless another vendor specific method is used to address a Brake Slip
condition in the Stopping or Aborting state, the appropriate Fault Action
for the Brake Slip exception is Torque Limited Stop and Hold. This Fault
Action applies holding torque to arrest the brake slip and transitions the
axis to the Major Faulted state.
In general, Brake Proving functionality is only applicable to drive Control
Modes that are capable of generating holding torque based on a
feedback device. Brake Proving is therefore not applicable to Frequency
Control or Sensorless Velocity Control modes.
When Proving is enabled, and the Auto-Sag feature is supported, upon
detection of a brake slip condition, the drive has the capability of safely
lowering the load to the ground in a controlled series of increments. The
Auto Sag Configuration attribute is used to enable this feature. In
addition to Brake Slip initiating a Brake Slip exception, the drive also
generates a Brake Malfunction start inhibit when the Auto Sag feature is
When Proving, Auto Sag, and Auto Sag Start are all enabled, the drive
also monitors for brake slip in the Stopped or Faulted states. If brake
slip is detected, the drive power structure is automatically started to
arrest the slip allowing the Auto Sag function to safely lower the load to
the ground. Upon detection of brake slip, a Brake Slip exception is
generated along with a Brake Malfunction start inhibit.
The sequencing of the torque and brake "prove" tests are described in
detail by the Mechanical Brake Engage Delay and Mechanical Brake
Release Delay attributes.
The Proving feature includes a number of optional Sub-Features, many
of which depend on support of other Proving feature attributes. The
following table defines these attribute dependencies.
Proving Sub-Feature Controlling Attributes Attribute Prerequisites
Torque Prove Torque Prove Current Proving Configuration
Brake Test Brake Test Torque Proving Configuration
Brake Slip Tolerance
Brake Prove Brake Prove Ramp Time Proving Configuration
Brake Slip Tolerance
Auto Sag Auto Sag Configuration Proving Configuration
Auto Sag Slip Increment Brake Prove Ramp Time
Brake Slip Tolerance

602 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Proving Sub-Feature Controlling Attributes Attribute Prerequisites
Auto Sag Start Auto Sag Start Proving Configuration
Brake Prove Ramp Time
Brake Slip Tolerance
Auto Sag Configuration
Auto Sag Slip Tolerance

Proving tests are performed when enabling or disabling the drive axis.
During these state transitions a series of operations are performed by
the drive to ensure the proper function of the motor (Torque Proving)
and the brake (Brake Proving).

Torque Prove Current

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 % Motor Rated

This attribute sets the percent of motor rated torque applied to the motor
by the Torque Prove test as part of the Torque Proving function
executed in the Starting state. The Torque Prove test applies current to
the motor to "prove" that current is properly flowing through each of the
motor phases before releasing the brake.

Brake Test Torque

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 % Motor Rated

This attribute sets the percent of motor rated torque applied to the motor
by the Brake Test as part of the Torque Proving function executed in the
Starting state. This Brake Test proactively tests the ability of the
mechanical brake to hold the maximum anticipated load before
releasing the brake and allowing operation. Should the Brake Test
detect brake slip, a Brake Slip exception is generated.
If the Brake Test Torque attribute value is 0 the Brake Test is not
performed in the Starting state.

Brake Prove Ramp Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 Seconds

This attribute determines the amount of time the drive will take to ramp
the applied torque of the motor down to zero during the Brake Proving
test in the Stopping or Aborting state. The Brake Prove Ramp Time
determines the ramp down rate of the applied torque output by dividing

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 603

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
the Torque Limit by the Brake Prove Ramp Time. The Torque Limit in
this case is the maximum of the configured Torque Limit Positive and
Torque Limit Negative values. The Brake Prove test is performed to
check for brake slip before the power structure is disabled.

Brake Slip Tolerance

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Position Units

This attribute determines the amount of brake slip allowed after the
brake is engaged. If this tolerance is exceeded while the brake is
engaged, a Brake Slip exception is generated. Brake slip can therefore
be monitored in any axis state where the brake is engaged.

DC Injection Brake Current

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 % Motor Rated

The DC Injection Brake Current attribute defines the brake current level
injected into an induction motor stator when DC Injection Brake is
selected as the Stopping Action. This attribute is specified as a percent
of motor rated speed.

DC Injection Brake Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV REAL 0 0 103 Seconds

The DC Injection Brake Time attribute defines the amount of time that
the DC brake current is injected into an induction motor stator when DC
Injection Brake is selected as the Stopping Action. This attribute is
specified in seconds.

Flux Braking Enable

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set/SSV USINT 0 0 1 0 = Flux Braking Disabled
(IM) 1 = Flux Braking Enabled

The Flux Braking Enable attribute value determines if the drive device is
to apply additional flux current to the induction motor in an effort to
increase motor losses and reduce the deceleration time while in the

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Stopping state. This feature is useful when there is no Shunt Regulator
or Regenerative Brake available.

Auto Sag Configuration

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2-255 = (reserved)

This attribute is used to enable the optional Auto Sag feature that, in the
event of detected a brake slip condition, safely lowers the load to the
floor in a series of controlled Auto Sag Slip Increments. When a brake
slip condition is detected and Auto Sag is enabled, the drive not only
sets the standard Brake Slip exception, but the drive also sets the Brake
Malfunction start inhibit. This prevents the drive from restarting after the
load has been safely lowered to the floor.

Auto Sag Slip Increment

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Position Units

This attribute sets the incremental amount of brake slip allowed by the
drive's optional Auto Sag function before restoring holding torque. When
brake slip occurs, the drive allows this amount of displacement and then
automatically enables the power structure and applies holding torque to
arrest the slip. The drive then ramps the motor torque to zero based on
the Brake Prove Ramp Time while checking for slip. Should brake slip
continue, the cycle repeats. In crane and lift applications, this repeating
"Auto Sag" cycle is designed to lower the load in a controlled series of
Auto Sag Slip Increments until the load reaches the ground.

Auto Sag Time Limit

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV REAL 0.25 0 Seconds

This attribute sets the time limit over which the drive checks for brake
slip as performed by the Auto Sag function before restoring holding
torque. When brake slip occurs, the drive allows this amount of time
before automatically enabling the power structure and applying holding
torque. The drive then ramps the motor torque to zero based on the
Brake Prove Ramp Time while checking for slip. Generally, in a brake
slip situation, the Auto Sag Slip Time Limit expires when the load

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 605

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
reaches the ground after one or more Auto Sag Slip Increment cycles.
With no further slip occurring while the motor torque is ramping to zero,
the Auto Sag feature transitions the axis to the Major Faulted state and
the drive power structure is disabled.
The optional Auto Sag Slip Time Limit attribute is not required by the
Auto Sag feature. If not supported, a vendor specific value for the Auto
Sag Slip Time is applied, typically 0.25 seconds.

Auto Sag Start

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - DE Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2-255 = (reserved)

When the Auto Sag Configuration attribute is set to Enabled, this

attribute is used to enable the Auto Sag function in the Stopped or
Faulted state. When Auto Sag Start is enabled, the drive monitors the
load for possible brake slip and should the amount of brake slip exceed
the Brake Slip Tolerance a Brake Slip exception is generated, along
with a Brake Malfunction start inhibit. When this occurs, the drive power
structure is enabled (Started) without holding torque and the axis
transitions to the Aborting State. The drive continues to monitor brake
slip and when the amount of slip exceeds the Auto Sag Slip Increment
holding torque is applied to the motor to arrest the brake slip. The drive
then ramps the motor torque to zero based on the Brake Prove Ramp
Time while again checking for slip. Should brake slip continue and
exceed the Auto Sag Slip Increment, holding torque is applied and the
cycle repeats. In crane and lift applications, this repeating "Auto Sag"
cycle is designed to lower the load in a controlled series of Auto Sag
Slip Increments until the load reaches the ground.

See also
Stopping Sequences on page 606
Proving Operation Sequences on page 610
State Behavior on page 63
Motor Attributes on page 60
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Stopping Sequences There are three different stopping sequences defined for stopping and
braking related attributes. These three stopping sequences align with
the following IEC-60204-1 Stop Categories:
• Category 0 Stop: Drive immediately disables inverter power
• Category 1 Stop: Drive decelerates motor to a stop and then
disables power structure.

606 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
• Category 2 Stop: Drive decelerates motor to a stop and then
applies holding torque.
All actions initiated by the control or the drive to stop the axis or disable
its associated inverter power structure must execute one of these three
stopping sequences. Category 0 and Category 1 Stop sequences
coordinate the disabling of the drive power structure with brake
operation and in some cases, optional Brake Proving functionality.
The above stopping sequences are listed in order of precedence should
a stopping sequence be initiated while another stopping sequence is in
progress. For example, a Category 0 stopping sequence shall preempt
a Category 1 stopping sequence in progress, but a Category 1 stopping
sequence shall not supersede a Category 0 stopping sequence in
progress. This rule of precedence holds true regardless of the source
that initiated the stopping sequence.
The following stopping sequences are defined in the context of a
Disable Request generated stop, where the stopping methods are
applied in the Stopping state and the stopping sequences ends up in
the Stopped state. In the context of a Major Fault action, these same
stopping methods are applied in the Aborting state and the stopping
sequences end up in the Major Faulted state. In the context of a
Shutdown Request, the Category 0 stopping method below is applied in
the Stopping state and the stopping sequence ends up in Shutdown

Category 0 Stop Sequence

Inverter is immediately disabled. Brake Proving is not applicable.
1. Switch to Stopping state
2. Disable inverter power structure.
3. Deactivate Resistive Brake contactor to connect motor to brake
resistor, if applicable.
4. Wait for zero speed or "Coasting Time Limit" or a factory set
timeout, whichever occurs first.
5. Transition to Stopped state.
6. Deactivate Mechanical Brake output to engage brake, if

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 607

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The following diagram illustrates Category 0 Stop Sequence:

Category 1 Stop Sequence

Torque applied to stop the motor before the inverter is disabled. Brake
Proving is applicable.
1. Switch to Stopping state.
2. Apply "Current Decel" or "Ramp Decel" method to stop motor.
3. Wait for zero speed or 'Stopping Time Limit' or a factory set
timeout, whichever occurs first.
4. Deactivate Mechanical Brake output to engage brake.
5. Wait for "Mechanical Brake Engage Delay" while brake engages.
6. Perform (optional) Brake Proving operation to verify brake control
of load.
7. Disable inverter power structure.
8. Transition to Stopped state.
9. Deactivate Resistive Brake contactor to disconnect motor from
inverter power structure.

608 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The following diagram illustrates a Category 1 Stop Sequence:

Category 2 Stop Sequence

Torque is applied to stop the motor and inverter is left enabled to
provide holding torque. The mechanical brake is not used. Brake
Proving is not applicable. A Category 2 Stop is only allowed in no Start
Inhibit condition is present.
1. Switch to Stopping state.
2. Apply "Current Decel" or "Ramp Decel" method to stop motor.
3. Wait for zero speed or "Stopping Time Limit" or a factory set
timeout, whichever occurs first.
4. Transition to Stopped state.
A Category 2 stop sequence is not allowed if initiated by a Disable
Request or fault action with a Start Inhibit condition present. If a Start
Inhibit condition is present, a Category 1 stop sequence is initiated
instead, using the same stopping method (Current Decel or Ramped
Decel) that would have been applied by the Category 2 stop sequence.
Category 2 stop sequences are also not allowed if initiated by a Start
Inhibit condition with the axis in the Stopped state or Major Faulted state
with Holding torque. In this case, the drive initiates a Category 1 stop
sequence instead, using the same stopping method (Current Decel or
Ramped Decel) that would have been applied by the configured
Category 2 Stopping Action.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 609

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The following diagram illustrates a Category 2 Stop Sequence:

Tip: Recommended criteria for Zero Speed is based on Velocity Feedback, or in

the case of Frequency Control drive, based on Velocity Reference. Zero
Speed criteria can be established explicitly through optional Zero Speed
and Zero Speed Time attributes or implicitly as 1% of motor rated speed or
left to the drive vendor’s discretion.

See also
Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594

Proving Operational Proving tests are performed when enabling or disabling the drive axis.
During these state transitions a series of operations are performed by
Sequences the drive to ensure the proper function of the motor (Torque Proving)
and the brake (Brake Proving).
The following flow charts define these operational sequences in the
context of a drive enable transition and a drive disable or abort

610 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Drive Enable Sequence with Proving Tests

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 611

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Drive Disable Sequence with Proving Test

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 613

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Stopping and Braking Attributes on page 594
Stopping Sequences on page 606

Start Inhibits Attributes These are the Start Inhibit related attributes associated with a Motion
Control Axis Object instance. Start Inhibits are conditions that prevent
transition of the axis from the Stopped State into any of the operational

CIP Start Inhibits

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV T WORD - - - Enumeration:
0 = Reserved
1 = Axis Enable Input
2 = Motor Not Configured
3 = Feedback Not Configured
4 = Commutation Not
5 = Safe Torque Off Active
6 = Converter Bus Unload
7 - 15 = Reserved

A bit map that specifies the current state of all standard conditions that
inhibits starting of the axis.

CIP Start Inhibits - RA

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D Get/GSV T WORD - - - Enumeration:
0 = Reserved
1 = Volts Hertz Curve
2 = Motor Feedback Required
3 = Speed Limit Configuration
4 = Torque Prove
5 = Safe Torque Off
6 = Safety Reset Required
7 = Safety Not Configured
8 = Stop Command Active
9 = Feedback Device Reset
10 = Brake Malfunction
11 = AC Line Contactor Input
12 - 15 = Reserved

A bit map that specifies the current state of all Rockwell Automation
specific conditions that inhibits starting of the axis.

614 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Standard Start Inhibits on page 615
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

Standard Start Inhibits This table defines the list of standard start inhibits associated with the
Start Inhibits attribute.
Bit Inhibit Condition Description

0 -- Reserved -- This bit cannot be used since the Start Inhibit Code is defined by
the associated bit number and Start Inhibit Code of 0 means no
fault condition is present.
1 Axis Enable Input The Enable Input is not active.
2 Motor Not Configured The associated motor has not been configured for use.
3 Feedback Not Configured The associated feedback device has not been configured. The
offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated
Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
4 Commutation Not Configured The associated PM motor commutation function has not been
configured for use.
5 Safe Torque Off Active The integrated Safe Torque Off safety function is active based on
the Safe Torque Off Active bit (bit 3) of the Axis Safety Status
attribute being set.
6 Converter Bus Unload The Converter Bus Unload bit (bit 3) of the Control Status
attribute from the controller is set, indicating that the converter
supplying power to this drive axis has requested that it not draw
power from the DC Bus.
7-15 --Reserved--

This table maps the Standard Start Inhibit bits with their Logix Designer
Start Inhibit tag names. Start Inhibit bit names always end with an Inhibit

Bit Tag

0 NA

1 AxisEnableInputInhibit

2 MotorNotConfiguredInhibit
3 FeedbackNotConfiguredInhibit
4 CommutationNotConfiguredInhibit

5 SafeTorqueOffActiveInhibit
6 ConverterBusUnload

See also
Start Inhibit Attributes on page 614
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616
Axis Safety Status Attributes on page 573

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 615

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Rockwell Automation The following table defines a list of standard start inhibits associated
with the Start Inhibits attribute.
Specific Start Inhibits Bit Inhibit Condition Description

0 -- Reserved -- No fault condition is present.

1 Volts Hertz Curve Conflict exists in the V/Hz curve definition.

2 Motor Feedback Cannot run using the selected motor control mode with Primary Feedback
Required or Alternate Feedback set as open loop.
3 Speed Limit Speed Ref Limit Conflict, either Minimum Forward Speed Limit exceeds
Configuration Maximum Forward Speed Limit, or Minimum Reverse Speed Limit exceeds
Maximum Reverse Speed Limit.
4 Torque Prove When Torque Prove Configuration is enabled, Control Mode, Feedback
Configuration Mode, Motor Feedback Type and Motor Option Configuration must be
properly set.
5 Safe Torque Off The safety function has disabled the power structure.

6 Safety Reset The safety reset input needs to be toggled before the safety board will
Required allow motion again.
7 Safety Not The embedded safety function of the drive has not been configured.
8 Stop Command There is an active Stop Command present. For example, the Stop button
Active on the drive is behind held active. This inhibit condition prevents the drive
from starting when the Stop Command is active.
9 Feedback Device The feedback device is being reset. A feedback device reset process is
Reset typically performed after a Feedback Loss condition. This inhibit condition
prevents the drive from Starting until the feedback reset process is
10 Brake Malfunction The start inhibit is set when the Auto Sag function is enabled, and the
brake slip is detected based on motor movement exceeding the
configured Brake Slip Tolerance while the mechanical brake is engaged.
This typically indicates that the mechanical brake may not be capable of
holding the load.
11 AC Line Contactor The start inhibit is set when state of the AC Line Contactor OK digital input
Input differs from the state of Contactor Enable Digital Output. When this start
inhibit is set it generally indicates that AC Line Contactor is not working
correctly and is not capable of charging the dc bus. This start inhibit is
checked only when a digital input is configured for the AC Line Contactor
OK function.
12 Track Section Not This start inhibit is set on a track cart or mover axis when the track
Enabled section axes associated with the current position of this cart or mover are
not in the Running state and therefore cannot apply force to this cart or
13 Track Mover Motor There is a track-wide mismatch in mover motor configuration.
14-15 --Reserved--

This table maps the Start Inhibit bits with their Logix Designer Start
Inhibit tag names. Start Inhibit bit names always end with an Inhibit

Bit Tag

0 -

616 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

1 VoltsHertzCurveDefinitionInhibit

2 MotorFeedbackRequiredInhibit
3 SpeedLimitConfigurationInhibit
4 TorqueProveConfigurationInhibit

5 SafeTorqueOffInhibit

6 SafetyResetRequiredInhibit

7 SafetyNotConfiguredInhibit
8 StopCommandActiveInhibit
9 FeedbackDeviceResetInhibit
10 BrakeMalfunctionInhibit
11 ACLineContactorInputInhibit
12 TrackSectionNotEnabledInhibit
13 TrackMoverMotorMismatchInhibit

See also
Start Inhibit Attributes on page 614
Standard Start Inhibits on page 615
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243

DC Bus Condition Attributes These are Motion Control Axis attributes associated with the DC Bus
including functionality to address both under-voltage and over-voltage

DC Bus Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required – XBD Get T REAL - - - Volts

Measured DC Bus Voltage. For inverters and DC Converter Types, the

DC Bus measured is an input to the device. For all other Converter
Types, the DC Bus measured is an output of the device.

DC Bus Voltage - Nominal

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get T REAL - - - Volts

Normal DC Bus Voltage during operation as determined by averaging

the DC Bus Voltage over a device specific time interval. This value is
used as the basis for Bus Overvoltage and Undervoltage limits.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 617

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Tip: If the device does not support this bus voltage averaging concept, hard code this value.

For inverters and DC Converter Types, the DC Bus measured is an

input to the device. For all other Converter Types, the DC Bus
measured is an output of the device.

Bus Regulator Reference

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Get REAL - - - % of Nominal Bus Voltage

The Bus Regulator Reference attribute returns the current turn on

voltage threshold for the bus regulator.

Bus Regulator Voltage Level

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set REAL 110 100 % Drive Rated Bus Voltage

The Bus Regulator Voltage Level attribute sets the DC Bus voltage level
for the DC Bus Regulator when the Bus Regulator Set Point Source is
set to Bus Regulator Voltage Level.

Bus Regulator Set Point Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set USINT Enumeration:
0 = DC Bus Voltage Nominal
1 = Bus Regulator Voltage Level
2-255 = (reserved)

The Bus Regulator Set Point Source attribute is the enumerated value
that determines the source of the DC Bus voltage level to be used by
the DC Bus Regulator.The DC Bus Voltage Nominal selection sets the
DC Bus voltage level used by the DC Bus Regulator to a vendor
specific percentage above the time averaged DC Bus voltage given by
the DC Bus Voltage Nominal attribute.
The Bus Regulator Voltage Level selection sets the DC Bus voltage
level used by the DC Bus Regulator to the voltage determined by the
configured Bus Regulator Voltage Level attribute.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Bus Regulator Kp
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 10 0 % Motor Rated/Volt

The Bus Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain for the DC
Bus Regulator.
The DC Bus Regulator is used in cases where the drive does not have
the ability to regulate the DC Bus voltage through other means
(regenerative converter or shunt regulator) while the motor is
decelerating and driving energy into the DC Bus. It does this by limiting
the amount of torque producing current, Iq, and thereby limiting the
deceleration rate of the motor to keep the DC Bus voltage under the
level that produces a DC Bus overvoltage condition.
When actively limiting current, the Current Limit Source attribute
indicates Bus Regulator Limit.
The DC Bus Regulator is only applicable when the Bus Regulator
Action attribute is set to either Adjust Frequency or Both – Frequency

Bus Regulator Ki
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - C Set REAL 100 0 (% Motor Rated/Volt)/Seconds

The Bus Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain for the DC Bus

Bus Limit Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set REAL 1170 0 % Motor Rated/Volt

The Bus Limit Regulator Kp attribute sets the proportional gain for the
DC Bus Limit Regulator.
The DC Bus Regulator is used in cases where the drive does not have
the ability to regulate the DC Bus voltage through other means
(regenerative converter or shunt regulator) while the motor is
decelerating and driving energy into the DC Bus. It does this by limiting
the rate of change of the velocity reference signal into the frequency
control function of the drive. When used with the Bus Limit Active
Current regulator, this regulator keeps the DC Bus voltage under the
level that produces a DC Bus overvoltage condition.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 619

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The DC Bus Limit Regulator is only applicable when the Bus Regulator
Action attribute is set to either Adjust Frequency or Both – Frequency

Bus Limit Regulator Kd

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set REAL (% Motor Rated/Volt) - Sec

The Bus Limit Regulator Kd attribute sets the derivative gain for the DC
Bus Limit Regulator

Bus Limit Active Current Regulator Kp

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set REAL 524 0 Hz/Amp

The Bus Limit Active Current Regulator Kp attribute sets the

proportional gain for the DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator.
The DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator is used in cases where the
drive does not have the ability to regulate the DC Bus voltage through
other means (regenerative converter or shunt regulator) while the motor
is decelerating and driving energy into the DC Bus. It does this by
adjusting the output frequency in response to error in the active (torque
producing) current. When used with the Bus Limit regulator, this
regulator keeps the DC Bus voltage under the level that produces a DC
Bus overvoltage condition.
The DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator is only applicable when the
Bus Regulator Action attribute is set to either Adjust Frequency or Both
– Frequency First.

Bus Limit Active Current Regulator Ki

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - F Set REAL 2045 0 (Hz/Amp)/Seconds

The Bus Limit Active Current Regulator Ki attribute sets the integral gain
for the DC Bus Limit Active Current Regulator.

620 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

External Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/SSV REAL 0 0 µF
(Derived from
External DC Bus

The External Bus Capacitance attribute represents the external DC Bus

capacitance when the associated AFE converter or drive acts as a Bus
Master, supplying DC Bus power to one or more Common Bus
Followers. This attribute might also be applicable to standalone AFE
converters that allow connection to an external capacitor.

Bus Configuration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Standalone
1 = Shared AC/DC
2 = Shared DC
3 = Shared DC - Non CIP Converter
4 = Shared DC/DC
5-255 = (reserved)

The Bus Configuration attribute is an enumerated selection that

specifies how the DC Bus is used.
Standalone specifies that DC Bus power supplied by the drive's
converter section is applied only to this drive’s power structure.
Shared AC/DC specifies that the converter associated with this CIP
Motion device is to supply and share DC Bus power with other drives.
This would typically result in de-rating of the converter’s continuous
current rating when there are multiple converter devices paralleled in a
bus sharing group.
Shared DC specifies that this drive is sharing DC bus power generated
by another Shared AC/DC or Shared DC/DC CIP Motion drive, or
external Non-CIP converter. Shared DC axes generally participate in a
bus sharing group.
Shared DC - Non CIP Converter specifies that this drive is receiving DC
bus power generated by an external AC/DC converter that is not CIP
Motion compliant and distributing its DC bus power to other CIP Motion
drives. A drive configured for Shared DC - Non CIP Converter is
responsible for communicating the status of the external converter to
the control system as if the external converter were integrated with the
drive. Specifically, this communication includes the DC Bus Up and DC
Bus Unload status bits reflecting the current state of associated external

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 621

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Shared DC/DC specifies that the converter associated with this CIP
Motion device supplies and shares DC bus power with other Shared DC
devices. DC/DC converters may convert input power from a primary
DC bus, generally supplied by a Shared AC/DC converter, to a
secondary DC bus output at a different voltage level supplying one or
more Shared DC drives. It may also simply distribute primary DC bus
power from a Shared AC/DC converter to multiple Shared DC drives on
a secondary DC bus without any conversion. A Shared DC/DC
converter has a unique capability in that it can be both a bus master for
a bus group and a bus slave in a different bus group. Thus, Shared
DC/DC axes generally participate in two bus sharing groups.

Bus Voltage Select

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = High (115V, 230V, 460V, 690V)
1 = Low (100V, 200V, 400V, 600V)
2-255 = (reserved)

The Bus Voltage Select value indicates the expected bus voltage level
of the drive application. High bus voltage selection is usually associated
with drive running on the North American power grid, while operating in
Europe a Low Bus Voltage selection would be appropriate. This
parameter can be used to compensate for these different bus voltage
levels in the current loop.

Bus Regulator Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XBD Set USINT - - - Enumeration:

0 = Disabled (O)
1 = Shunt Regulator (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
128 = Adj. Frequency (O/IM)
129 = Both - Shunt first (O/IM)
130 = Both - Freq first (O/IM)
131 = Bus Follower (O)

The Bus Regulator Action attribute controls the method of operation of

the DC Bus Regulator that addresses the regenerative over-voltage
conditions that can occur when decelerating a motor. If Disabled, no
regulation is applied to the DC Bus level by this device to control
regenerative energy sourced by the motor. When Shunt Regulator is
selected the associated shunt regulation hardware is applied to the DC
Bus to dissipate regenerative energy via an internal or external resistor.
When controlling Induction Motors, additional bus regulation methods
are available that do not require a shunt regulator. When Adjust

622 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Frequency is selected, the output frequency of the device is controlled
relative to the speed of the motor to control the amount of regenerative
energy pumped into the DC Bus. Different sequential application of
shunt regulation and frequency control can be applied to motor. When
Bus Follower is selected, the DC Bus is generated by an external
converter rather than an integral converter. No bus regulation is applied
to the DC Bus level and the drive does not generate an exception if the
DC Bus is still active when the DC Bus contactor of the integrated
converter is open. In this context, the integral converter is not connected
to AC power.

Regenerative Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XD Set REAL - - - % Motor Rated

The Regenerative Power Limit attribute limits the amount of power

allowed to transfer between the motor and the DC Bus during
regenerative braking of the motor load. Since this is regenerative power,
the value of the limit is negative.

Converter Regenerative Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - B Set REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The Converter Regenerative Power Limit attribute limits the amount of

regenerative power allowed to transfer from the DC Bus to the
converter. Since this is regenerative power, the value of the limit is
negative. Converter Rated is defined as the Converter Rated Input
Power attribute value.

Converter Motoring Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - B Set REAL - - % Converter Rated

The Converter Motoring Power Limit attribute limits the amount of

motoring power allowed to transfer from the AC Line to the motor via
the DC Bus. Converter Rated is defined as the Converter Rated Input
Power attribute value.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 623

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Shunt Regulator Resistor Type

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Internal
1 = External
2-255 = (reserved)

The Shunt Regulator Resistor Type defines using either the Internal or
External Shunt resistor.

External Shunt Regulator ID

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set INT - - - -1 = None
0 = Custom
1-32767 = Shunt Regulator ID

The External Shunt Regulator ID is the Rockwell specific identifier for

the External Shunt Regulator. A value of 0 indicates use of a custom
shunt regulator that requires user configuration.

External Shunt Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL - - - Kilowatts

Use the External Shunt Power attribute after configuring the external
shunt resistor. The External Shunt Power attribute value specifies the
power rating of the external shunt resistor, in Kilowatts.

External Shunt Pulse Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL - - - Kilowatts

Use the External Shunt Pulse Power attribute after configuring the
external shunt resistor. The attribute value specifies the power for
delivering to the external shunt resistor for one second, without
exceeding the rated element temperature. There are approximations to
help determine this attribute if this information is not available
from your vendor. Shunt Pulse Power (Kilowatts) = 75,000 * lbs, where
lbs is the weight of the resistor wire element.
Tip: Shunt Pulse Power is not the weight of the resistor.

624 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Another is that the thermal time constant = Shunt Pulse Power
(Kilowatts) / 'Shunt Power’ (Kilowatts) sometimes referred to as thermal
mass.- the time for the resistor element to reach 63% of rated
temperature with applied rated Kilowatts. A third method for determining
this value: The pulse Kilowatts for 1 second is twice the watt rating of a
2 second pulse. In other words, the watt*sec rating is a constant if the
pulse duration is short compared to the thermal time constant of the
resistor and is a function of the element mass.

External Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL - - - F

The External Bus Capacitance attribute represents the external DC Bus

capacitance when the associated converter or drive:
• Acts as a Bus Master
• Supplies DC Bus power to one or more Common Bus Followers.
The External Bus Capacitance attribute also is applicable with
standalone drives that allow connection to an external capacitor. This
attribute is not applicable when the Bus Regulator Action is set to Bus

External Shunt Resistance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL 200 0 Ohms

The External Shunt Resistance attribute represents the resistance of

the External Shunt Regulator resistor.

Power Loss Action

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set USINT 0 (N) - - Enumeration:
1 (D) 0 = Continue (Ignore) (R)
3 (G) 1 = Coast Thru (R/XD)
2 = Decel Regen (O/D)
3 = Ride Thru (R/G)
4-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The Power Loss Action attribute sets the reaction to a DC Bus under-
voltage condition when the DC Bus voltage or AC Line RMS voltage
drops below a hard-coded threshold in the device or the configured

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Power Loss Threshold. This provides a specific (configured) response
to an incoming power loss while the drive/motor is running.
A Continue action selection configures the drive to ignore the power
loss condition and continue to run for as long as possible. A Bus
Undervoltage exception may occur if the DC Bus Voltage falls below the
Factory or User Limits. Otherwise, operation will continue until the low
voltage power supplies drop out. There may be concerns operating the
power structure below the point where the gate drives start to lose
power potentially resulting in damage to the device. The Bus
Undervoltage Exception Actions will be set accordingly.
A Coast Thru action selection configures the drive to zero the PWM
output of the drive while leaving the axis in the Running state. For a
drive, this effectively disable power flow to the motor through the
devices power structure. If the incoming power returns before the
timeout period, given by the Power Loss Time, the drive automatically
starts to control the motor again. If, however, the power doesn't return
before Power Loss Timeout period expires, a Bus Power Loss
exception is generated.
A Decel Regen action selection configures the drive to regeneratively
charge the DC bus by decelerating the motor using the bus regulator to
regulate the bus voltage at a predetermined level. When incoming
power is restored the drive returns to normal operation. If, however, the
drive reaches zero speed or the Power Loss Time period expires before
the incoming power has restored, the drive power structure is disabled
and a Bus Power Loss exception is generated.
A Ride Thru action selection configures the device to zero the PWM
output of the device while leaving the axis in the Running state. For a
regenerative converter, this disables regenerative power flow through
the devices power structure to the AC line. If the incoming power
returns before the timeout period, given by the Power Loss Time, the
device automatically restarts PWM modulation. If, however, the power
does not return before Power Loss Timeout period expires, a Converter
AC Power Loss exception is generated.

Power Loss Threshold

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL 0 0 103 % of nominal

Sets the Level for Power Loss as percent of nominal DC Bus Voltage or
nominal AC Line Voltage.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Shutdown Action
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set USINT 0 (D) - - Enumeration:
1 (B) 0 = Disable (R/D)(O/G)
1 = Drop DC Bus (R/B) (O/D)
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

Shutdown Action selects the action for the device when a Shutdown
Request initiates.
Disable, the default action for a drive, immediately disables the device's
power structure according to the Category 0 Stop Sequence. For a
regenerative converter, this action immediately disables the converter’s
power structure to stop regenerative power flow.
If Drop DC Bus is selected, action can be taken to drop the DC Bus
voltage as well. This is generally done by opening an AC Contactor
Enable output provided by the device that controls power to the
The Shutdown Action executes the Category 0 Stop Sequence for a

Power Loss Time

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - XBD Set REAL 0 0 Seconds

When the Power Loss Action is set to Coast Thru, Ride Thru, or Decel
Regen, this attribute sets the timeout value before a Bus Power Loss
exception is generated by the drive, or a Converter AC Power Loss
exception is generated by the converter, in response to a Power Loss
condition. For details, see the Power Loss Action attribute table earlier
in this topic.

Pre-Charge Hold Control

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set USINT 0 - - Enumerations:
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

The Pre-Charge Hold Control attribute controls the axis state transition
out of the Pre-Charge state. When set to Enabled by the controller
during device initialization, the axis remains in the Pre-Charge state,

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
even after all other pre-charge conditions are met, and remains in the
Pre-Charge state until the Pre-Charge Hold Control is set to Disabled by
the controller. When this transition from Enabled to Disabled occurs,
and all other Pre-Charge conditions are met, the Pre-Charge Hold
Delay is applied prior to transitioning out of the Pre-Charge state.
When set to Disabled by the controller during device initialization, the
normal axis state transition out of Pre-Charge occurs when pre-charge
conditions are met.
This attribute allows programmable control of the completion of the pre-
charge function and may be used to coordinate the pre-charge of a
system with multiple converters and drives.

Pre-Charge Hold Delay

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 Seconds

When entering the Pre-Charge state with Pre-Charge Hold Control

Enabled, the Pre-Charge Hold Delay attribute determines the delay time
after the Pre-Charge Hold Control is set to Disabled (assuming all other
pre-charge conditions are met) before the axis state is allowed to
transition out of the Pre-Charge state.
This attribute has no effect on Pre-Charge state transition if entering the
Pre-Charge state with Pre-Charge Hold Control Disabled.
Use this configurable delay to control the sequence of pre-charge
completion of a system with multiple converters and drives.

See also
Motion Planner Configuration Attributes on page 527
State Behavior on page 63

Converter AC Line Input The following attribute tables contain attributes related to the AC Line
input to a Converter.
Converter AC Line These are the regenerative converter AC line monitoring attributes
associated with the AC Line input to a Converter.
Monitoring Attributes
AC Line Frequency
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T REAL - - - Hertz

The AC Line Frequency attribute represents the measured AC line


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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Current
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The AC Line Current attribute represents the average RMS AC line

current for all three phases as measured over an AC cycle.

AC Line Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The AC Line Voltage attribute represents the average RMS AC line-to-

line voltage for all three phases as measured over an AC cycle.

AC Line Voltage - Nominal

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The AC Line Voltage - Nominal attribute represents the filtered average

RMS AC line-to-line voltage based on a time constant. The low pass
filter time constant is factory set or configurable using the optional AC
Line Voltage Filter Time Constant.

AC Line Voltage Time Constant

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 360 0 Seconds

The AC Line Voltage Time Constant attribute sets the low pass filter
time constant applied to the AC Line Voltage to determine the AC Line
Voltage Nominal attribute value.

AC Line Active Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Kilowatts

The AC Line Active Power attribute represents the measured active AC

Line power. A positive value indicates motoring power and a negative
value indicates regenerative power. See diagram below.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Reactive Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - kVAR

The AC Line Reactive Power attribute represents the measured reactive

AC Line power. A positive value indicates lagging power is consumed
by the converter and negative value indicates leading power is
produced by the converter. See diagram below.

AC Line Apparent Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - kVA

The AC Line Apparent Power attribute represents the measured

apparent AC Line power representing the magnitude of the vector sum
of active and reactive power. This value is strictly positive.
The following diagram illustrates the definition for Leading and Lagging
Power Factor, Active Power, and Reactive Power for Regenerative

Apparent Power, Sc, is the vector sum of active and reactive power and
is always a positive value. It is specified in Volt-Amperes. Active power,
Pc, is the real or active component of apparent power delivered to the
load and can be positive (motoring) or negative (regenerating). Reactive
power, Qc, is the imaginary or reactive component of apparent power
delivered to the AC line. A positive value of reactive power indicates
that reactive power is absorbed (lagging reactive power) from the line
by the converter. A negative value of reactive power indicates that
reactive power is delivered (leading reactive) to the AC line from the

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Power Factor

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - -

The AC Line Power Factor attribute represents the measured input

power factor defined as the ratio of active power over apparent power.
The value ranges from -1 to +1. A positive value indicates motoring
power and a negative value indicates regenerative power.

AC Line 1 Current
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The AC Line 1 Current attribute represents the AC Line current in phase

L1 on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter measured over an AC

AC Line 2 Current
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The AC Line 2 Current attribute represents the AC Line current in phase

L2 on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter measured over an AC

AC Line 3 Current
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Amps (RMS)

The AC Line 3 Current attribute represents the AC Line current in phase

L3 on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter measured over an AC

AC Line Current Unbalance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - % Rated (RMS)

The AC Line Current Unbalance attribute represents the estimated AC

Line current unbalance, which is the ratio of negative sequence current
(counter-clockwise) to positive sequence current (clockwise). When AC
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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Line is in perfect balance and properly phased, negative sequence
current is zero and positive sequence current is the full magnitude of the
AC line current vector in RMS units. The AC Line Current Unbalance
value can be approximated by the following equation:

Iavg = (IL1+IL2+IL3)/3
IL#(max) = Max(IL1,IL2,IL3)

AC Line Ground Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Amps

The AC Line Ground Current attribute represents the ground current

typically measured as the instantaneous sum of the AC Line currents for
all three phases.

AC Line 1 Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The AC Line 1 Voltage attribute represents the AC Line-to-Line voltage

between phase L1 and L2 on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 2 Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The AC Line 2 Voltage attribute represents the AC Line-to-Line voltage

between phase L2 and L3 on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 3 Voltage
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Volts (RMS)

The AC Line 3 Voltage attribute represents the AC Line-to-Line voltage

between phase L3 and L1 on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Voltage Unbalance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - % of Volts (RMS)

The AC Line Voltage Unbalance attribute represents the estimated AC

Line voltage unbalance. Voltage unbalance is defined as the ratio of
negative sequence voltage (counter-clockwise) to positive sequence
voltage (clockwise). When AC Line is in perfect balance and properly
phased, negative sequence voltage is zero and positive sequence
voltage is the full magnitude of the AC line voltage vector (line to line) in
RMS units. The AC Line Voltage Unbalance value can be approximated
by the following equation:

VLL(avg) = (VL1+VL2+VL3)/3
VLL(max) = Max(VL1,VL2,VL3)

AC Line Sync Error

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - Degrees

The AC Line Sync Error attribute represents the phase error associated
with the AC line synchronization function of the regenerative converter.

AC Line Filter Derating

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV REAL - - - % Converter Rated

The AC Line Filter Derating attribute indicates the percent derating

applied to the converter power when the AC Line Filter is operating
above its rated thermal capacity and the converter’s Bus Voltage
Reference Source is set to Manual. Derating shall not be applied when
Bus Voltage Reference Source is set to Automatic. When applied in an
AC Line filter overload condition, the AC Line Filter Derating value
directly impacts attribute values for Reactive Power Available,
Converter Rated Output Power, Converter Rated Input Power, and
Converter Capacity.
The AC Line Filter Derating value is calculated based on the time
averaged voltage difference between the DC Bus Voltage and the
optimal Bus Voltage Reference determined by the Converter based on
AC line input voltage and the thermal limits of the AC Line Filter. For
example, a value of 70% indicates that the converter can only run at
70% rated continuous power when the AC line filter has reached its

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
rated thermal capacity. If converter power exceeds the 70% derating,
the converter’s thermal overload protection function is activated leading
to the configured Converter Overload Action or a Converter Thermal
Overload FL or UL exception.
Converter Rated is defined as the Converter Rated Input Power
attribute value.

See also
Converter AC Line Configuration Attributes on page 634

Converter AC Line These are the regenerative converter AC Line configuration attributes
associated with the AC Line input to a converter.
Configuration Attributes
Converter AC Input Frequency
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = 50 Hz
1 = 60 Hz
2-255 = Reserved

The Converter AC Input Frequency attribute determines the nominal

frequency of the AC Line connected to the converter.

Converter AC Input Phasing

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Three-Phase (R)
1 = Single-Phase (O)
2-255 = Reserved

The Converter AC Input Phasing attribute determines whether the

Converter input power to AC line is Single-Phase or Three-Phase.

Converter AC Input Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV UINT 480 0 maxint Volts (RMS)

The Converter AC Input Voltage attribute configures the converter for

the intended AC line voltage during normal operation.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 3 0 100 % of Nominal

The AC Line Voltage Unbalance Limit attribute sets the maximum

allowed voltage unbalance between the AC line phases. Exceeding this
limit results in a Converter AC Unbalance exception. Nominal voltage is
defined by the AC Line Voltage Nominal attribute.

AC Line Current Unbalance Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 3 0 100 % of Rated

The AC Line Current Unbalance Limit attribute sets the maximum

allowed current unbalance between the AC line phases. Exceeding this
limit results in a Converter AC Unbalance exception. Rated current is
defined by the Converter Rated Input Current attribute.

AC Line Sync Error Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 10 0 90 Degrees

The AC Line Sync Error Tolerance attribute sets the maximum allowed
phase error associated with the AC line synchronization function of the
regenerative converter. Exceeding this limit results in an AC Line Sync
Loss exception.

Demonstration Mode Select

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Set USINT 10 0 90 Enumeration:
0 = Inactive
1 = Active
2-255 = (reserved)

Activating Demonstration Mode, or ‘Demo Mode’, allows the associated

converter and inverter power structures to operate using Single-Phase,
110/120 VAC, 50/60Hz, AC line input. Converter and inverter
performance is significantly limited as compared to standard operation
with Demo Mode inactive. All converter and inverter modules in a
common DC bus configuration should have the same Demo Mode
setting to avoid faulting.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 635

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The purpose of Demo Mode is to allow demonstration of products in
non-industrial environments. It is not intended for use in real motion

See also
Converter Bus Voltage Control Signal Attributes on page 646
Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes on page 651
AC Line Condition Attributes on page 637

Converter AC Line Source These are the converter AC Line source configuration attributes
associated with the AC Line input to a Converter.
Configuration Attributes
AC Line Source Select
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = AC Line A
1 = AC Line B (Alternate)
2-255 = Reserved

The AC Line Source Select attribute determines which AC Line source

is active for the converter and applies the configured impedance and
power rating of that source to the converter's control structure.

AC Line Source Impedance

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 5 0 100 % Rated Impedance

The AC Line Source Impedance attribute determines the impedance of

the AC line source as a percent of the transformer or generator
impedance rating.

AC Line Source Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 2500 0 kVA
r Rated

The AC Line Source Power attribute sets the power rating of the
transformer or generator feeding power to the converter as a
percentage of the converter's power rating.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Source Impedance - Alternate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 5 0 100 % Rated Impedance

The AC Line Source Impedance - Alternate attribute determines the

impedance of the alternate AC line source as a percent of the
transformer or generator impedance rating.

AC Line Source Power - Alternate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 100 0 kVA
r Rated

The AC Line Source Power - Alternate attribute selects the power rating
of the alternate transformer or generator feeding power to the converter
as a percentage of the converter's power rating.

See also
Converter AC Line Monitoring Attributes on page 628

AC Line Condition Attributes These are the Motion Control Axis attributes pertaining to various
conditions of the AC Line input primarily for a Regenerative Converter.

AC Line Voltage Sag Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Continue (O)
1 = Ride Thru (R)
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The AC Line Voltage Sag Action sets the reaction to a Voltage Sag
condition when any one of the AC Line phase voltages drops below a
hard-coded threshold in the device or the configured AC Line Voltage
Sag Threshold. This provides a specific (configured) response to an
incoming AC Line Voltage Sag condition while the device is running.
See Power Loss Action for semantics of these enumerated actions.

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 50 0 103 % of Nominal

The AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold attribute sets the level for AC Line
Voltage Sag as percent of nominal AC Line Voltage. Nominal voltage is
defined by the AC Line Voltage Nominal attribute. Measured AC Line
Voltage values less than this threshold indicate an AC Line Voltage Sag

AC Line Voltage Sag Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Seconds

When the AC Line Voltage Sag Action is set to Ride Thru, this attribute
sets the timeout value before an AC Line Voltage Sag exception is
generated by the device in response to a Voltage Sag condition. A
value of 0 in this case results in an immediate exception.

Converter Input Phase Loss Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Continue (O)
1 = Ride Thru (R)
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The Converter Input Phase Loss Action attribute sets the reaction to an
AC input phase loss condition. This provides a specific (configured)
response to an incoming phase loss while the converter is running.
See Power Loss Action for semantics of these enumerated actions.

Converter Input Phase Loss Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Seconds

When the Converter Input Phase Loss Action is set to Ride Thru, this
attribute sets the timeout value before a Converter AC Phase Loss
Exception is generated by the device in response to the Converter Input
Phase Loss condition. A value of 0 in this case results in an immediate

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Frequency Change Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Continue (O)
1 = Ride Thru (R)
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The AC Line Frequency Change Action attribute sets the converter’s

reaction when the rate of change of the AC line frequency exceeds a
hard-coded threshold or the configured Frequency Change Threshold.
See Power Loss Action for details of these enumerated actions.

AC Line Frequency Change Threshold

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 100 0 103 Hertz/Seconds

The AC Line Frequency Change Threshold attribute sets the level of AC

line frequency change that results in the AC Line Frequency Change

AC Line Frequency Change Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Seconds

When the AC Line Frequency Change Action is set to Ride Thru, this
attribute sets the timeout value before an AC Line Frequency Change
exception is generated by the converter in response to an AC Line
Frequency Change condition. A value of 0 in this case results in an
immediate exception.

AC Line Sync Loss Action

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 1 - - Enumeration:
0 = Continue (O)
1 = Ride Thru (R)
2-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The AC Line Sync Loss Action attribute sets the reaction to a loss of AC
line synchronization by the converter’s line synchronization function (for
example, PLL). This provides a specific (configured) response to an

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
incoming line synchronization loss condition while the converter is
See Power Loss Action for details of these enumerated actions.

AC Line Sync Loss Time

Usage Access Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 1 0 Seconds

When the AC Line Sync Loss Action is set to Ride Thru, this attribute
sets the timeout value before an AC Line Sync exception is generated
by the converter in response to an AC Line Sync Loss condition. A
value of 0 in this case results in an immediate exception.

See also
DC Bus Condition Attributes on page 617

Converter Control These are the Motion Device Axis Object attributes related to the
Converter function of a CIP Motion device.
Converter Types The Converter function of a CIP Motion device covers a wide range of
power conversion technologies from simple non-regenerative AC/DC
converters, typically known as diode rectifiers, to sophisticated
regenerative AC/DC converters that provide closed loop control of DC
bus voltage as well as active and reactive current flow back to the grid.
This also includes support for DC/DC power converters.
The following attribute table is used to identify the type of Converter

Converter Type
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get/GSV USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Passive AC/DC
1 = Active AC/DC
2 = DC/DC
34-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor Specific

The term Converter applies to any device function that converts AC or

DC input power to DC Bus output power that may be used by Inverter
power structures to drive motors.
Passive AC/DC represents the class of devices that convert AC input
power to DC output power using passive electronics. A diode bridge
rectifier is an example of a Passive AC/DC converter. They do not have
the capability to transfer energy back to the AC main supply.

640 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Active AC/DC represents the class of devices that transfer power
between AC and DC sources using active electronics. For example,
Active AC/DC converters include both regenerative converters that
regulate bi-directional power transfer between AC and DC sources and
low harmonic converters that regulate power flow from the AC source to
the DC bus.
DC/DC represents the class of devices that convert power between a
primary DC input source and one or more secondary DC buses using
active electronics, or simply distribute primary DC input power to
secondary DC buses. DC/DC converters with active electronics are
capable of transferring energy between a primary DC input source and
one or more secondary DC buses, each with different voltage levels.

See also
Converter Control Mode Attributes on page 641

Converter Control Mode The attribute table contains attributes that govern the overall control
behavior of a regenerative converter in the Motion Control Axis.
Converter Configuration
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set/GSV USINT AOP* - - Enumeration
0 = Bus Voltage Control
1 = Active Current Control (O)
2-255 = Reserved

* The default value can specified by the specific drive profile (AOP).
The Converter Configuration attribute determines the general control
behavior of the regenerative or low harmonic AC/DC converter axis
instance. This attribute is used by the controller to set the Converter
Control Mode attribute that is sent to the drive during initial
configuration. When the Converter Configuration is configured in Logix
Designer application, the Converter Control Mode is also updated.
This table provides descriptions of the Converter Configuration
Enumeration Required/ Optional Name Description

0 R/G Bus Voltage Control The Bus Voltage Control provides closed loop control of
DC bus voltage, and includes closed loop control of
Active and Reactive components of AC line current.
This value is applied by the controller to the Converter
Control Mode attribute and sent to the drive.
1 O/G Active Current Control The Active Current Control provides closed loop control
of Active and Reactive components of AC line current.
This value is applied by the controller to the Converter
Control Mode attribute and sent to the drive.
2-255 Reserved -

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
When modified programmatically, via SSV, the Converter Control Mode
value cannot be set to an enumeration that the current Converter
Configuration cannot support. For example, if the Converter
Configuration is set for Active Current Control, the Converter Control
Mode cannot be changed to Bus Voltage Control since bus voltage loop
attributes have not been configured. Refer to the following table for a list
of valid Converter Control Modes for a Converter Configuration:
Converter Configuration Valid Converter Control Modes
Bus Voltage Control Bus Voltage Control
Active Current Control
Active Current Control Active Current Control

Converter Control Mode

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Derived from 0 = Bus Voltage Control
Converter 1 = Active Current Control (O)
Configuration 2-255 = Reserved

The Converter Control Mode attribute determines the basic mode of

operation for the regenerative converter.
When Bus Voltage Control is selected, the converter controls the DC
bus voltage output of the converter. The output of the DC bus control
loop drives an inner Active AC Line current control loop to maintain the
commanded DC bus voltage level established by the Bus Voltage Set
When Active Current Control is selected, the converter disables DC bus
voltage regulation and directly controls the Active AC Line current
component based on the Active Current Command. During initial
configuration, the controller derives this value from the the Converter
Configuration attribute value.

Reactive Power Control

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
2-255 = Reserved

When Reactive Power Control attribute is enabled, the regenerative

converter works solely as a reactive power compensation device by
injecting reactive power to the grid. This is typically done to improve the
power factor on the plant floor or to stabilize AC line voltage. In this
mode, the converter does not transfer active power to associated drives
on the DC Bus. Instead all of the converter’s rating capacity is dedicated
to reactive power correction to the grid. When enabled, the Reactive

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Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Power Control function is effective regardless of the configured
Converter Control Mode.

Converter Startup Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/GSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
0 = Enable Request
1 = Enable Input (O)
2 = Automatic (O)
3-255 = Reserved

The Converter Startup Method attribute specifies the method to use to

initiate transition of the regenerative converter axis from the Stopped
state to the Starting state.
If Enable Request is selected, assuming a successful Pre-charge and
transition to the Stopped state, the converter stays in the Stopped state
until it receives an Enable Request from the controller. After the
converter receives Enable Request, it transitions to Starting state and
checks for proper AC line synchronization. Once ready for regenerative
control, the converter transitions to the Running state with all configured
control loops operational.
If Enable Input is selected, assuming a successful Pre-charge and
transition to the Stopped state, the converter checks the status of the
Enable Input. If the Enable Input is active, the converter axis transitions
from the Stopped state to the Starting state and checks for proper AC
line synchronization. Once ready for regenerative control, the converter
then transitions to the Running state with all configured control loops
operational. If the Enable Input is not active, then the converter axis
transitions from the Stopped state to Start Inhibited state. The converter
axis remains in the Start Inhibited state until such time as the Enable
Input is activated. Once activated, the axis state transitions from Start
Inhibited to the Stopped state and then, without receiving any Enable
Request from the controller, automatically transitions to the Starting
state. Once ready for regenerative control, the converter then transitions
to the Running state with all configured control loops operational. If the
Enable Input is either not supported by the converter or the Enable
Input Checking attribute is set to Disabled, the Enable Input is
effectively inactive and the converter axis remains in the Start Inhibited
state indefinitely. While waiting for Enable Input activation in the Start
Inhibited state, the converter can optionally set the DC Bus Unload bit in
Axis Status that is sent to the controller. Setting the DC Bus Unload bit
causes the controller to set the Converter Bus Unload bit that is sent to
all drives that can draw power from the converter’s DC bus. In this way,
the converter can prevent DC bus power draw while the converter axis
is in the Start Inhibited state.
If Automatic is selected, assuming a successful Pre-charge and
transition to the Stopped state, the converter automatically transitions to
Starting state and checks for proper AC line synchronization. Once
ready for regenerative control, the converter transitions to the Running
state with all configured control loops operational.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 643

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Drive General Purpose I/O Attributes on page 361
CIP Axis Status Attributes on page 339
State Behavior on page 63

Converter Bus Voltage These are the bus voltage control configuration attributes associated
with a regenerative converter.
Control Configuration
Attributes Bus Voltage Set Point
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Set/SSV T REAL 1000 0 Volts

Optional - N FD
Voltage Control
only - G

The Bus Voltage Set Point attribute sets the reference voltage used to
actively regulate the DC Bus Voltage of the converter when in the
Running state and the Bus Voltage Reference Source is set to Manual.

Bus Voltage Reference Source

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration

Voltage Control 0 = Automatic
only 1 = Manual
2-255 = Reserved

The Bus Voltage Reference Source attribute selects between Automatic

and Manual source for the Bus Voltage Reference. Automatic (default)
allows the converter to optimize the Bus Voltage Reference for best
converter performance. When Manual, the converter uses the user
configured Bus Voltage Set Point value for the Bus Voltage Reference

Bus Voltage Loop Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

Voltage Control FD

The Bus Voltage Loop Bandwidth attribute value determines the

proportional gain, Kbp, of the bus voltage loop that multiplies the Bus
Voltage Error signal. This value represents the unity gain bandwidth of
the bus voltage loop.

644 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Bus Voltage Integrator Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - G Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

Voltage Control FD

The Bus Voltage Integrator Bandwidth attribute value determines the

bus voltage loop integral gain, Kbi, which together with the Kbp,
multiplies the integrated Bus Voltage Error signal. This value represents
the bandwidth of the bus voltage integrator beyond which the integrator
is ineffective. A value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

Bus Voltage Rate Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 106 0 Volts/Second

Voltage Control FD

The Bus Voltage Rate Limit attribute sets the DC Bus rate limit for the
Bus Voltage Set Point that becomes the DC Bus Reference signal when
the Bus Voltage Reference Source is set to Manual.

Bus Voltage Error Tolerance

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - B Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Volts

Voltage Control FD
only - G

The Bus Voltage Error Tolerance attribute determines the absolute

maximum Bus Voltage Error value that can be tolerated without causing
an Excessive Bus Voltage Error exception.

Bus Voltage Error Tolerance Time

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - B Set/SSV REAL 0.01 0 Second

Voltage Control
only - G

The Bus Voltage Error Tolerance Time attribute determines the

maximum amount of time that the Bus Voltage Error Tolerance can be
exceeded without generating an exception.

Bus Observer Configuration

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 645

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration
Voltage Control 0 = Disabled (R)
only 1 = Bus Observer Only (O)
2 = Bus Observer with Voltage
Estimate (O)
3 = Voltage Estimate Only (O)
4-255 = Reserved

The Bus Observer Configuration attribute enumerated value configures

the operation of the Bus Observer. The Bus Observer dynamically
measures the active current applied to the DC Bus for the purpose of
bus impedance compensation. Selecting the Voltage Estimate
configures the observer to dynamically estimate voltage based on an
internal model of the DC Bus. When Voltage Estimate is selected, this
signal is applied to the voltage loop to provide superior control loop
performance. The Voltage Estimate may be used in combination with
the Bus Observer by selecting Bus Observer with Voltage Estimate.

Bus Observer Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - G Set/SSV REAL FD 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

Voltage Control

The Bus Observer Bandwidth attribute value determines the

proportional gain, Kbop, of the Bus Observer. This value represents the
unity gain bandwidth of the Bus Observer.

Bus Observer Integrator Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - G Set/SSV REA 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

Voltage Control

The Bus Observer Integrator Bandwidth attribute value determines the

Bus Observer integral gain, Kboi, that together with the Kbop, multiplies
the integrated error signal within the observer. This value represents the
bandwidth of the integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A
value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.

See also
Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes on page 651

Converter Bus Voltage These are the attributes of the bus voltage control loop associated with
a regenerative converter.
Control Signal Attributes

646 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Bus Voltage Reference

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV Real - - - Volts
Optional - N
Voltage Control
only - G

The Bus Voltage Reference attribute is the converter DC bus voltage

reference signal into the bus voltage regulation summing junction to be
compared with the bus voltage feedback signal. When the Bus Voltage
Reference Source is set to Manual, the Bus Voltage Reference value
shall equal the rate limited Bus Voltage Set Point when the axis is in the
Running state. In all other axis states, or when the Bus Voltage
Reference Source is set to Automatic, the Bus Voltage Reference is
under local control of the Converter and typically derived from the AC
Line Voltage.

Bus Voltage - High Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV Real - - - Volts
Voltage Control

The Bus Voltage - High Limit attribute is the high limit for the Bus
Voltage Reference signal established by the regenerative converter.

Bus Voltage - Low Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV Real - - - Volts
Voltage Control

The Bus Voltage - Low Limit attribute is the low limit for the Bus Voltage
Reference signal established by the regenerative converter. This limit is
typically derived from the AC Line Voltage Nominal attribute value.

Bus Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - Volts
Voltage Control

The Bus Voltage Feedback attribute is the measured DC bus voltage of

the converter output that is applied to the bus voltage summing junction.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 647

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Bus Voltage Error

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - Volts
Voltage Control

The Bus Voltage Error attribute is the error between the Bus Voltage
Reference and Bus Voltage Feedback signals that is the output of the
bus voltage loop summing junction.

Bus Voltage Loop Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV Real - - - Volts/Seconds
Voltage Control

The Bus Voltage Loop Output attribute is the output of the bus voltage
loop forward path representing the total control effort of the bus voltage
control loop.

Bus Observer Voltage Rate Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV T Real - - - Volts/Seconds
Voltage Control

The Bus Observer Voltage Rate Estimate attribute is the output of the
Bus Observer that, when the Bus Observer block is enabled, is applied
to the voltage rate summing junction. When the Bus Observer is
enabled, this signal compensates for disturbances to the DC Bus
relative to an ideal DC Bus model with fixed capacitance. When the Bus
Observer is disabled, this signal is 0.

Bus Observer Current Estimate

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated
Voltage Control

The Bus Observer Current Estimate attribute is the product of the Bus
Observer Voltage Rate Estimate signal and the current System
Capacitance value, Kc. In the Load Observer configuration, this signal
represents the estimated current disturbances to the DC Bus relative to
an ideal DC Bus model. When the Load Observer is disabled, this
signal is 0.

648 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
Converter Bus Voltage Control Configuration Attributes on page
Converter Current Reference Configuration Attributes on page
Converter AC Line Monitoring Attributes on page 628

Converter Current These are the current reference configuration attributes associated with
a Regenerative Converter.
Reference Configuration
Attributes System Capacitance
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set/SSV REAL 0 0 % Rated (Volts/Second)
Voltage Control FD

The System Capacitance attribute is the scaling gain value that

converts voltage rate commanded by the bus voltage control loop into
equivalent active current, expressed as a percent of the converter's
current rating. Properly set, this value represents the total system
capacitance of the DC bus.

Active Current Command

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 - % Rated

The Active Current Command attribute sets the reference current used
to actively regulate the Active Current of the converter when in the
Running state and configured for AC Line Current Control mode. A
positive value implies motoring current. A negative value implies
regenerative current.

Reactive Current Command

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 - % Rated

The Reactive Current Command attribute sets the reference current

used to actively regulate the Reactive Current of the converter when in
the Running state and configured for AC Line Current Control mode. A
positive value implies reactive current (lagging relative to voltage) is
consumed by the converter. A negative value implies reactive current
(leading relative to voltage) is produced by the converter.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 649

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Active Current Trim

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/ REAL 0 - % Rated

The Active Current Trim attribute is the additional current command

added to the active current reference summing junction.

Active Current Low Pass Filter Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/Sec

The Active Current Low Pass Filter Bandwidth attribute is the break
frequency for the low pass filter applied to active current reference
signal. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this feature.

Active Current Notch Filter Frequency

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 0 104 Radians/Sec

The Active Current Notch Filter Frequency attribute is the center

frequency of the notch filter applied to the active current reference
signal. A value of 0 for this attribute disables this feature.

Active Current Rate Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 100 0 % Rated/Second

The Active Current Rate Limit attribute sets the magnitude limit on the
rate of change of the converter's active current reference signal. This
attribute applies only when configured for AC Line Current Control

Reactive Current Rate Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 100 0 % Rated/Second

The Reactive Current Rate Limit sets the magnitude limit on the rate of
change of the converter's reactive current reference signal. This
attribute applies only when configured for AC Line Current Control

650 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Set REAL - - - % Rated/(Volts/Second)
Voltage Control

The Kc attribute is the scaling gain value that converts voltage rate
commanded by the bus voltage control loop into equivalent active
current, expressed as a percent of the converter’s current rating.
Properly set, this value represents the total system capacitance of the
DC bus.

See also
Converter Control Mode Attributes on page 641
Converter Types on page 640

Converter Current These are the current reference signal attributes associated with a
Regenerative Converter.
Reference Signal Attributes
Active Current Reference
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated

The Active Current Reference attribute is the commanded active

current sourced by the DC bus voltage control loop or the Active
Current Command depending on Converter Control Mode. % Rated is
defined as percent of the Converter Rated Input Current.

Active Current Reference - Filtered

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated

The Active Current Reference - Filtered attribute is the commanded

active current reference signal after passing through the active current
reference filters.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 651

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Active Current Reference - Compensated

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated

The Active Current Reference - Compensated attribute is the

commanded active current reference signal after passing through the
AC Line Filter Compensation block.

Reactive Current Reference

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated

The Reactive Current Reference attribute is the commanded reactive

current output of the Reactive Power Control block.

Reactive Current Reference - Compensated

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get/GSV T Real - - - % Rated

The Reactive Current Reference - Compensated attribute is the

commanded reactive current reference signal after passing through the
AC Line Filter Compensation block.

See also
Converter Control Mode Attributes on page 641
Converter Current Control Signal Attributes on page 654
Converter Current Reference Configuration Attributes on page

Converter Current Control These are the current control configuration attributes for the
Regenerative Converter.
Configuration Attributes
Converter Current Loop Bandwidth
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Converter Current Loop Bandwidth attribute is the AC Line Current

Loop Proportional Gain value that multiplies the active and reactive AC
Line Current Error signals. This value directly determines the bandwidth
of the active and reactive AC line current loops.

652 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Current Integrator Bandwidth

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 0 0 Loop Bandwidth Units

The Converter Current Integrator Bandwidth attribute is the AC Line

Current Loop Integral Gain value that, together with Kcp, multiplies the
active and reactive AC Line Current Error signals before applying them
to the active and reactive AC Line Current Integrator Error
accumulators. This value represents the bandwidth of the velocity
integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of 0 for this
attribute disables the integrators.

Converter Current Vector Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 100 0 103 % Rated

The Converter Current Vector Limit attribute sets the value applied to
current vector limiter to provide a configurable limit to the magnitude of
the converter's active and reactive current reference signals.

Converter Current Loop Tuning Method

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV USINT 0 - - Enumeration:
0 = Direct
1 = Calculated
2-255 = Reserved

The Converter Current Loop Tuning Method attribute is the method

used to configure the responsiveness of the active and reactive current
With the Direct method, the current loop response is determined directly
by the Converter Current Integrator Bandwidth value that maps to the
integral gain, Kci, of the converter’s current loop. When configured for
the Direct tuning method, the Converter Current Loop Damping attribute
value has no effect on the current control loops.
With the Calculated method, the loop response is determined by the
Converter Current Loop Damping value. The converter uses this value
to calculate the appropriate internal current loop integral gain, Kci,
based on the Converter Current Loop Bandwidth and known load
characteristics of the AC Line. When configured for the Calculated
tuning method, the Converter Current Loop Integrator Bandwidth
attribute value has no effect on the current control loops.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 653

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Converter Current Loop Damping

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set/SSV REAL 1 0.5 2.0

The Converter Current Loop Damping attribute is the Damping factor

that, together with the specified Converter Current Loop Bandwidth
value, determines responsiveness of the active and reactive AC line
current loops. This attribute may be used as an alternative to directly
setting the Kci gain value for the current loops. A damping factor of 1
results in a critically damped current loop.

See also
Converter Current Control Signal Attributes on page 654

Converter Current Control These are the active and reactive current control attributes for the
associated Motion Device Axis of a Regenerative Converter.
Signal Attributes
Converter Operative Current Limit
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Converter Operative Current Limit attribute represents the current

limit value applied to the magnitude of the compensated current
reference vector, consisting of Active and Reactive components. This
value represents the minimum of all Converter Current Limit Sources.
% Rated is defined as percent of the Converter Rated Input Current.

Active Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - % Rated

The Active Power Limit attribute is the current limit that corresponds to
the maximum active power transfer between the AC Line and the
converter. This value is calculated by the converter based on the value
of the source impedance between the converter and the AC Line, and
the DC Bus Voltage level.
% Rated is defined as percent of the Converter Rated Input Current.

654 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Reactive Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - % Rated

The Reactive Power Limit attribute is the current limit that corresponds
to the maximum reactive power transfer between the AC Line and the
converter. This value is calculated by the converter based on the value
of the source impedance between the converter and the AC Line, and
the DC Bus Voltage level.
% Rated is defined as percent of the Converter Rated Input Current.

Converter Current Limit Source

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T USINT - - - Enumeration:
0 = Not Limited
1 = Motoring Power Limit
2 = Regenerative Power Limit
3 = Current Vector Limit
4 = Thermal Current Limit
5 = Active Power Limit
6 = Reactive Power Limit
7-127 = Reserved
128-255 = Vendor specific

The Converter Current Limit Source attribute represents the operative

source of a converter current limit when a current limit condition occurs.

Active Current Reference - Limited

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Active Current Reference - Limited attribute is the commanded

active current reference signal after passing through the Current Limiter

Reactive Current Reference - Limited

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Reactive Current Reference - Limited attribute is the commanded

reactive current reference signal after passing through the Current
Limiter block.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 655

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Active Current Error

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Active Current Error attribute is the error between active current
reference and active current feedback signals that is the output of the
active power producing current loop summing junction.

Reactive Current Error

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Reactive Current Error attribute is the error between reactive

current reference and reactive current feedback signals that is the
output of the reactive power producing current loop summing junction.

Active Decoupling Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Active Decoupling Voltage attribute is the voltage signal added to

the active current control loop output to compensate for the effects of
reactive current and apply an active feedforward signal.

Reactive Decoupling Voltage

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Reactive Decoupling Voltage attribute is the voltage signal added

to the reactive current control loop output to compensate for the effects
of active current and apply a reactive feedforward signal.

Active Voltage Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Active Voltage Output attribute is the active power producing output
voltage from the active current control loop.

656 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

Reactive Voltage Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Reactive Voltage Output attribute is the reactive power producing

output voltage from the reactive current control loop.

AC Line 1 Voltage Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 1 Voltage Output attribute is the instantaneous output

voltage applied between the L1 and L2 phases of AC line by the PWM
modulator and power structure. The resultant modulated output voltage
is applied on the converter side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 2 Voltage Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 2 Voltage Output attribute is the instantaneous output

voltage to be applied between the L2 and L3 phases of AC line by the
PWM generator and power structure. The resultant modulated output
voltage is applied on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 3 Voltage Output

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 3 Voltage Output attribute is the instantaneous output

voltage to be applied between the L3 and L1 phases of AC line by the
PWM generator and power structure. The resultant modulated output
voltage is applied on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 1 Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Amps

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 657

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The AC Line 1 Current Feedback attribute is the measured
instantaneous current applied to the L1 phase of AC Line from sensors
on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 2 Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Amps

The AC Line 2 Current Feedback attribute is the measured

instantaneous current applied to the L2 phase of AC Line from sensors
on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 3 Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Amps

The AC Line 3 Current Feedback attribute is the measured

instantaneous current applied to the L3 phase of AC Line from sensors
on the converter-side of the AC Line Filter.

Active Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Active Current Feedback attribute is the measured active power

producing current of the AC line based on transformed AC Line Current
Feedback from the three phases. A positive value indicates motoring
current and negative value indicates regenerative current.

Reactive Current Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - % Rated

The Reactive Current Feedback attribute is the reactive power

producing current of the AC line based on transformed AC Line Current
Feedback from the three phases. A positive value indicates lagging
current and negative value indicates leading current.

658 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line 1 Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 1 Voltage Feedback attribute is the measured

instantaneous voltage applied between the L1 and L2 phases of AC
Line from sensors on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 2 Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 2 Voltage Feedback attribute is the measured

instantaneous voltage applied between the L2 and L3 phases of AC
Line from sensors on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

AC Line 3 Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The AC Line 3 Voltage Feedback attribute is the measured

instantaneous voltage applied between the L3 and L1 phases of AC
Line from sensors on the grid-side of the AC Line Filter.

Active Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Active Voltage Feedback attribute is the active power producing

voltage of the AC line based on transformed AC Line Voltage Feedback
from the three phases.

Reactive Voltage Feedback

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - Volts

The Reactive Voltage Feedback attribute is the reactive power

producing voltage of the AC line based on transformed AC Line Voltage
Feedback from the three phases.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 659

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

AC Line Electrical Angle

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get T REAL - - - Degrees

The AC Line Electrical Angle attribute is the estimated electrical angle

of the AC line voltage.

See also
Converter Current Reference Signal Attributes on page 651
Axis Info Attributes on page 330

Converter Reactive Power These are the reactive power control attributes for the Motion Device
Axis Object for a Regenerative Converter.
Control Attributes
Reactive Power Set Point
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 0 - % Rated

The Reactive Power Set Point attribute sets the reference current used
to actively regulate the AC Line Reactive Power of the converter when
in the Running state. Attribute units are expressed in percent for
Converter Rated Output Power (Attr ID 724).
Positive value indicates lagging kVAR and negative value indicates
leading kVAR.

Reactive Power Reference

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - % Rated

The Reactive Power Reference attribute is the rate limited reference

signal into the Reactive Power Control function. Attribute units are
expressed in percent for Converter Rated Output Power (Attr ID 724).

Reactive Power Available

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Get REAL - - - % Rated

660 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
The Reactive Power Available attribute represents available Reactive
Power based on the converter rating and the load on the converter.
Attribute units are expressed in percent for Converter Rated Output
Power (Attr ID 724).

Reactive Power Rate Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - G Set REAL 100 0 % Rated/Second

The Reactive Power Rate Limit attribute sets the active current rate limit
for AC Line Reactive Power Set Point input. The output of the Reactive
Power Rate Limit function is the AC Line Reactive Power Reference
signal. Attribute units are expressed in percent for Converter Rated
Output Power (Attr ID 724) per second.

See also
Axis Info Attributes on page 330

Converter Output Attributes These are the converter output related attributes associated with
Motion Control Axis.

Converter Output Current

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get T REAL - - - Amps

The Converter Output Current attribute is the output current generated

by the Bus Converter. A positive value indicates current flow out of the
converter, where the converter is supplying DC bus power to attached
loads. A negative value indicates current flow into the converter, where
the converter is absorbing “regenerative” power from attached loads.

Converter Output Power

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - BD Get T REAL - - - Kilowatts

The Converter Output Power attribute is the output power generated by

the Bus Converter. This value is based on the product of the Converter
Output Current and DC Bus Voltage. A positive value indicates power
flow out of the converter, where the converter is supplying DC bus
power to attached loads. A negative value indicates power flow into the
converter, where the converter is absorbing "regenerative" power from
attached loads.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 661

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes

See also
DC Bus Condition Attributes on page 617

Exceptions The various motion attributes can result in exceptions that can be
configured to present either a fault or alarm.

Standard Exceptions The following table lists the standard exception conditions associated
with the CIP Axis Exceptions, CIP Axis Faults, and CIP Axis Alarms
attributes and their extension attributes, Axis Exceptions 2, Axis Faults
2, and Axis Alarms 2. While the CIP Axis Exceptions, CIP Axis Faults,
and CIP Axis Alarms attributes and their extensions are all required in
the CIP Motion device implementation, support for each individual
exception condition is optional.
The Rule column in the following table indicates the Device Function
Codes where the associated exception is applicable.
• B = Converters
• D = Frequency, Position, Velocity, and Torque Control modes
• E = Feedback Only
The enumerations for exceptions is as follows:
• 0 = Ignore (All)
• 1 = Alarm (All)
• 2 = Fault Status Only (B, D)
• 3 = Stop Planner (D)

Standard exceptions
Array Rule Exception Description
0 - Reserved This bit cannot be used since the alarm codes and fault code are defined by the
associated exception bit number and an alarm code or fault code of 0 means no
alarm or fault condition is present.
1 XD Motor Overcurrent Motor current has exceeded its rated peak or instantaneous current limit.

2 XD Motor Commutation Permanent magnet motor commutation problem detected, such as an illegal state
'111' or '000' for UVW commutation signals, S1, S2, and S3.

3 D Motor Overspeed FL Motor speed has exceeded the Motor Overspeed Factory Limit attribute
associated with the motor type.
4 D Motor Overspeed UL Motor speed has exceeded the user-defined speed limit given by Motor Overspeed
User Limit.
5 XD Motor Overtemperature FL Motor temperature has exceeded the Motor Overtemperature Factory Limit, or the
integrated motor thermal switch has tripped.
6 XD Motor Overtemperature UL Motor temperature has exceeded the user defined temperature limit given by
Motor Overtemperature User Limit.
7 XD Motor Thermal Overload FL Motor thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its factory set thermal
capacity limit given by Motor Thermal Overload Factory Limit.

8 XD Motor Thermal Overload UL Motor thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its user-defined thermal
capacity given by Motor Thermal Overload User Limit.

662 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Array Rule Exception Description
9 XD Motor Phase Loss The current in one or more motor phases is lost, or is below a factory setting
threshold or, if supported, the configured Motor Phase Loss Limit. This exception
is also associated with the optional Torque Prove function that tests motor
current against an engaged mechanical brake.
During normal operation in the Running state, the motor phase loss test cycles
through the three motor currents checking that current in each motor phase
exceeds the threshold level. When the phase being checked exceeds the level, the
check is advanced to the next phase. If any phase fails to exceed the level within
a vendor specific time period, for example, one second, this exception is issued.
The motor phase loss test only runs when the motor is running above a vendor
specified speed.
When Torque Proving is enabled, the motor phase current is checked during the
Starting state. The current is applied to the motor at a fixed angle that is known
to produce current in all three motor phases; hence this test takes very little time
to execute. The Motor Phase Loss Limit is used to determine if the drive can
produce torque. The measured current in all three phases need to exceed this
level for a pass to occur.
10 XD Inverter Overcurrent Inverter current has exceeded the factory set peak or instantaneous current
11 XD Inverter Overtemperature FL Inverter temperature has exceeded its factory set temperature limit given by the
Inverter Overtemperature Factory Limit.
12 XD Inverter Overtemperature UL Inverter temperature has exceeded the user defined temperature limit given by
Inverter Overtemperature User Limit.
13 XD Inverter Thermal Overload Inverter thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its factory set thermal
FL capacity limit given by the Inverter Thermal Overload Factory Limit.

14 XD Inverter Thermal Overload Inverter thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its user-defined
UL thermal capacity given by the Inverter Thermal Overload User Limit.
15 BD Converter Overcurrent Converter current has exceeded the factory set peak or instantaneous current
16 BD Converter Ground Current FL Ground Current has exceeded its factory set current limit given by the Converter
Ground Current Factory Limit.

17 BD Converter Ground Current UL Ground Current has exceeded user-defined limit given by the Converter Ground
Current User Limit.
18 BD Converter Overtemperature Converter temperature has exceeded its factory set temperature limit given by
FL the Converter Overtemperature Factory Limit.
19 BD Converter Overtemperature Converter temperature has exceeded the user-defined temperature limit given by
UL the Converter Overtemperature User Limit.
20 BD Converter Thermal Overload Converter thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its factory set
FL thermal capacity limit given by the Converter Thermal Overload Factory Limit.

21 BD Converter Thermal Overload Converter thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its user-defined
UL thermal capacity given by the Converter Thermal Overload User Limit.
22 XBD Converter AC Power Loss Multiple AC phases have been lost on the AC line to the converter, usually as a
result of opening an AC line contactor. For regenerative converters, this
exception is generated at the expiry of the configured Power Loss Time while
attempting to Ride Thru a Power Loss condition. When associated with an
external converter in a Shared AC/DC or Shared DC bus configuration, the AC
Power Loss condition detected by the converter can be conveyed using the CIP
Motion connection's Control Status element. Generally, this exception is not
asserted unless the device's power structure is enabled.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 663

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Array Rule Exception Description
23 BD Converter AC Single Phase One AC phase have been lost on the AC line to the converter.

24 BD Converter AC Phase Short A short has been detected between an AC phase and another AC phase or ground.
25 BD Converter Pre-Charge A problem has been detected in the pre-charge circuitry of the converter
Failure preventing the DC Bus from charging to an acceptable voltage level.
26 --Reserved-- -

27 XBD Bus Regulator Bus Regulator temperature has exceeded its factory set temperature limit given
Overtemperature FL by the Bus Regulator Overtemperature Factory Limit.

28 XBD Bus Regulator Bus Regulator temperature has exceeded the user-defined temperature limit
Overtemperature UL given by the Bus Regulator Overtemperature User Limit.
29 XBD Bus Regulator Thermal Bus Regulator thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its factory set
Overload FL thermal capacity limit given by the Bus Regulator Thermal Overload Factory Limit.
30 XBD Bus Regulator Thermal Bus Regulator thermal model or I2T overload value has exceeded its user-defined
Overload UL thermal capacity given by the Bus Regulator Thermal Overload User Limit.
31 XBD Bus Regulator Failure The bus regulator (shunt) has a failed.

32 XBD Bus Module Failure The bus module failed. Fault/Alarm Sub Code identifies the specific type of bus
module that failed.
33 XBD Bus Undervoltage FL DC Bus voltage level is below the factory set limit given by Bus Undervoltage
Factory Limit.

34 XBD Bus Undervoltage UL DC Bus voltage level is below user defined limit given by Bus Undervoltage User
Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not supported.
35 XBD Bus Overvoltage FL DC Bus voltage level is above the factory set limit given by the Bus Overvoltage
Factory Limit.
36 XBD Bus Overvoltage UL DC Bus voltage level is above user-defined limit given by Bus Overvoltage User
Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not supported.
37 XBD Bus Power Loss DC Bus voltage level is below the Bus Power Loss Threshold for more than the
timeout period specified by the Bus Power Loss Time value.
38 XBD Bus Power Fuse Blown DC bus power loss due to blown fuse.

39 D Bus Power Leakage DC Bus power leak has been detected when configured for Standalone operation.
This can occur when the drive, configured for Standalone operation, is incorrectly
wired to share DC bus power.
40 XBD Bus Power Sharing An external converter sharing DC Bus power with this drive in a Shared AC/DC or
Shared DC configuration has requested that this drive stop consuming power
from the shared DC Bus. This may require that the drive be disabled to remove its
DC Bus Power load from the failed converter. When there is no communication
link between this drive and the external converter, the controller can monitor the
DC Bus Unload bit of the converter axes and, if set, it can initiate Bus Power
Sharing exceptions on all drives associated with the failed converter. See the DC
Bus Unload status bit definition associated with the Axis Status attribute for a
detailed description of this behavior.

41 E Feedback Signal Noise FL Noise induced A/B channel state changes (illegal states) from a feedback device
were detected by the drive. Specifically, the number of these noise events that
have occurred on this channel has exceeded the Feedback Noise Factory Limit.
The offending feedback channel number is encoded in the associated fault/alarm
sub code.

664 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Array Rule Exception Description
42 E Feedback Signal Noise UL Noise induced A/B channel state changes (illegal states) from a feedback device
were detected on a feedback channel. Specifically, the number of these noise
events that have occurred on this channel has exceeded the Feedback Noise User
Limit. The offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated fault/alarm
sub code.
43 E Feedback Signal Loss FL One or more A/B channel signals from a feedback device are open, shorted,
missing, or severely attenuated. Specifically, the detected voltage levels of the
signals are below the Feedback Loss Factory Limit. The offending feedback
channel is encoded in the associated fault/alarm sub code.
44 E Feedback Signal Loss UL One or more A/B channel signals from a feedback device are open, shorted,
missing, or severely attenuated. Specifically, the detected voltage levels of the
signals are below the Feedback Loss User Limit. The offending feedback channel
is encoded in the associated fault/alarm sub code.
45 E Feedback Data Loss FL The number of consecutive missed or corrupted serial data packets over the
serial data channel from a feedback device has exceeded the Feedback Data
Loss Factory Limit. The offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated
fault/alarm sub code.
46 E Feedback Data Loss UL The number of consecutive missed or corrupted serial data packets over the
serial data channel from a feedback device has exceeded the Feedback Data
Loss User Limit. The offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated
fault/alarm sub code.
47 E Feedback Device Failure The feedback device has detected an internal error. The offending feedback
channel is encoded in the associated Fault/Alarm Sub Code. Additional feedback
device specific internal error information, if available, can be accessed via the
optional “Feedback Error Code” attribute.
48 XBD Sensor Failure A failure condition has been detected that is related to a sensor or associated
sensor circuitry. This exception typically applies to temperature sensors.
49 D Brake Slip Motor displacement exceeds the brake slip tolerance while the mechanical brake
is engaged.
50 D Hardware Overtravel Axis moved beyond the physical travel limits in the positive direction and
Positive activated the Positive Overtravel limit switch.

51 D Hardware Overtravel Axis moved beyond the physical travel limits in the negative direction and
Negative activated the Negative Overtravel limit switch.
52 E Position Overtravel Positive Axis actual position exceeded the configured Position Limit - Positive attribute
value in the positive direction. (Drive Scaling only).
53 E Position Overtravel Negative Axis actual position exceeded the configured Position Limit - Negative attribute
value in the negative direction. (Drive Scaling only).
54 P Excessive Position Error The Position Error value of the position control loop has exceeded the configured
value for Position Error Tolerance.
55 PV Excessive Velocity Error The Velocity Error value of the velocity control loop has exceeded the configured
value for Velocity Error Tolerance.
56 C Overtorque Limit Motor torque has risen above user-defined maximum torque level given by
Overtorque Limit.
57 C Undertorque Limit Motor torque has dropped below user-defined minimum torque level given by
Undertorque Limit.
58 B Excessive Bus Voltage Error The Bus Voltage Error value of the bus voltage control loop has exceeded the
configured value for Bus Voltage Error Tolerance.
59 XBD Ambient Temperature Rise The temperature in the module has risen higher than expected, or failed to rise to
the expected operating value for the load and ambient measured temperature.
60 All Illegal Control Mode Controller has specified an unsupported Control Mode or Feedback Mode

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 665

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Array Rule Exception Description
61 XBD Enable Input Deactivated Enable Input has been deactivated while the axis power structure is enabled and
supplying current to the DC Bus or motor.
62 All Controller Initiated Exception generated specifically by controller.
63 All External Input Exception Exception generated by external input to device.
64 G AC Line Overvoltage FL AC Line voltage has exceeded the factory set voltage limit given by AC Line
Overvoltage Factory Limit. Sub Code 1,2,3 = Line 1,2,3 Overvoltage.
65 G AC Line Overvoltage UL AC Line voltage has exceeded the user defined voltage limit given by AC Line
Overvoltage User Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not
supported. Sub Code 1,2,3 = Line 1,2,3 Overvoltage.
66 G AC Line Undervoltage FL AC Line voltage has dropped below the factory set voltage limit given by AC Line
Undervoltage Factory Limit. Sub Code Instance 1,2,3 = Line 1,2,3 Undervoltage.
67 G AC Line Undervoltage UL AC Line voltage has dropped below the user defined voltage limit given by AC Line
Overvoltage User Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not
supported. Sub Code 1,2,3 = Line 1,2,3 Undervoltage..
68 G AC Line High Frequency FL AC Line frequency has exceeded the factory set high frequency limit given by AC
Line High Freq Factory Limit.
69 G AC Line High Frequency UL AC Line frequency has exceeded the user defined high frequency limit given by
AC Line High Freq User Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is
not supported.
70 G AC Line Low Frequency FL AC Line frequency has dropped below the factory set low frequency limit given by
AC Line Low Freq Factory Limit.
71 G AC Line Low Frequency UL AC Line frequency has dropped below user defined low frequency limit given by
AC Line Low Freq User Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is
not supported.
72 G AC Line Voltage Unbalance AC Line Voltage Unbalance has exceeded the configured AC Line Voltage
Unbalance Limit.
73 G AC Line Current Unbalance AC Line Current Unbalance has exceeded the configured AC Line Current
Unbalance Limit.
74 G AC Line Voltage Sag AC Line Voltage has dropped below the AC Line Voltage Sag Threshold for more
than the timeout period specified AC Line Voltage Sag Time value.
75 G AC Line Frequency Change AC Line Frequency rate of change has exceeded the AC Line Frequency Change
Threshold for more than the timeout period specified AC Line Frequency Change
Time value.
76 G AC Line Sync Loss AC Line synchronization has been lost for more than the timeout period specified
AC Line Sync Loss Time.
77 G AC Line Sync Failure AC Line synchronization function has detected errors and synchronization to the
AC line has not been established for more than the factory set timeout period.
This condition is detected and reported in Starting state only.
78 - --Reserved--
79 - --Reserved--
80 D Inverter Ground Current FL Ground Current has exceeded its factory set current limit given by Inverter
Ground Current Factory Limit.
81 D Inverter Ground Current UL Ground Current has exceeded user defined limit given by Inverter Ground Current
User Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not supported.
82 D Inverter Output Phase Short A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor or
excessive current has been detected between two output terminals.
83 - --Reserved--
84 - --Reserved--
85 BD Auxiliary Power Supply FL Auxiliary power supply failure.

666 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Array Rule Exception Description
86 BD Auxiliary Power Supply FL Auxiliary power supply event has occurred. There is no user limit attribute
currently defined for this exception.
87-127 - --Reserved--

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671

Standard CIP Axis Fault and Based on the Exception Action configuration, Exception conditions can
become Faults or Alarms. The naming convention for Faults is to
Alarm Names append a 'Fault' suffix to the Exception name. Similarly, the convention
for Alarms is to append an 'Alarm' suffix to the Exception name.
This table lists the resulting Fault names associated with the Standard
Exception conditions.

Standard CIP Axis Fault Names

Bit Object CIP Axis Fault Name
0 --Reserved--

1 Motor Overcurrent Fault

2 Motor Commutation Fault
3 Motor Overspeed FL Fault
4 Motor Overspeed UL Fault
5 Motor Overtemperature FL Fault
6 Motor Overtemperature UL Fault
7 Motor Thermal Overload FL Fault
8 Motor Thermal Overload UL Fault
9 Motor Phase Loss Fault
10 Inverter Overcurrent Fault
11 Inverter Overtemperature FL Fault
12 Inverter Overtemperature UL Fault

13 Inverter Thermal Overload FL Fault

14 Inverter Thermal Overload UL Fault

15 Converter Overcurrent Fault

16 Converter Ground Current FL Fault

17 Converter Ground Current UL Fault

18 Converter Overtemperature FL Fault

19 Converter Overtemperature UL Fault

20 Converter Thermal Overload FL Fault

21 Converter Thermal Overload UL Fault

22 Converter AC Power Loss Fault

23 Converter AC Single Phase Loss Fault

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 667

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Object CIP Axis Fault Name
24 Converter AC Phase Short Fault
25 Converter Pre Charge Fault
26 --Reserved--

27 Bus Regulator Overtemperature FL Fault

28 Bus Regulator Overtemperature UL Fault

29 Bus Regulator Thermal Overload FL Fault
30 Bus Regulator Thermal Overload UL Fault
31 Bus Regulator Fault
32 Bus Module Fault
33 Bus Undervoltage FL Fault
34 Bus Undervoltage UL Fault
35 Bus Overvoltage FL Fault
36 Bus Overvoltage UL Fault
37 Bus Power Loss Fault
38 Bus Power Blown Fuse
39 Bus Power Leakage Fault
40 Bus Power Sharing Fault
41 Feedback Signal Noise FL Fault
42 Feedback Signal Noise UL Fault
43 Feedback Signal Loss FL Fault
44 Feedback Signal Loss UL Fault
45 Feedback Data Loss FL Fault
46 Feedback Data Loss UL Fault
47 Feedback Device Fault
48 Sensor Fault
49 Brake Slip Fault
50 Hardware Overtravel Positive Fault
51 Hardware Overtravel Negative Fault
52 Position Overtravel Positive Fault
53 Position Overtravel Negative Fault
54 Excessive Position Error Fault
55 Excessive Velocity Error Fault
56 Overtorque Limit Fault
57 Undertorque Limit Fault
58 Excessive Bus Voltage Error Fault
59 Ambient Temperature Rise Fault
60 Illegal Control Mode Fault
61 Enable Input Deactivated Fault
62 Controller Initiated Fault
63 External Input Fault
64 AC Line Overvoltage FL Fault
65 AC Line Overvoltage UL Fault
66 AC Line Undervoltage FL Fault

668 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Object CIP Axis Fault Name
67 AC Line Undervoltage UL Fault
68 AC Line High Frequency FL Fault
69 AC Line High Frequency UL Fault
70 AC Line Low Frequency FL Fault
71 AC Line Low Frequency UL Fault
72 AC Line Voltage Unbalance Fault
73 AC Line Current Unbalance Fault
74 AC Line Voltage Sag Fault
75 AC Line Frequency Change Fault
76 AC Line Sync Loss Fault
77 AC Line Sync Failure Fault
80 Inverter Ground Current FL Fault
81 Inverter Ground Current UL Fault
82 Inverter Output Phase Short Fault
85 Auxiliary Power Supply FL Fault
86 Auxiliary Power Supply UL Fault

Standard CIP Axis Alarm Names

This table lists the resulting Alarm names associated with the Standard
Exception conditions.
Bit Object CIP Axis Alarm Name

1 Motor Overcurrent Alarm
2 Motor Commutation Alarm
3 Motor Overspeed FL Alarm
4 Motor Overspeed UL Alarm
5 Motor Overtemperature FL Alarm
6 Motor Overtemperature UL Alarm
7 Motor Thermal Overload FL Alarm
8 Motor Thermal Overload UL Alarm
9 Motor Phase Loss Alarm
10 Inverter Overcurrent Alarm
11 Inverter Overtemperature FL Alarm
12 Inverter Overtemperature UL Alarm
13 Inverter Thermal Overload FL Alarm
14 Inverter Thermal Overload UL Alarm
15 Converter Overcurrent Alarm
16 Converter Ground Current FL Alarm
17 Converter Ground Current UL Alarm
18 Converter Overtemperature FL Alarm
19 Converter Overtemperature UL Alarm
20 Converter Thermal Overload FL Alarm
21 Converter Thermal Overload UL Alarm
22 Converter AC Power Loss Alarm

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 669

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
23 Converter AC Single Phase Loss Alarm
24 Converter AC Phase Short Alarm
25 Converter Pre-Charge Alarm
27 Bus Regulator Overtemperature FL Alarm
28 Bus Regulator Overtemperature UL Alarm
29 Bus Regulator Thermal Overload FL Alarm
30 Bus Regulator Thermal Overload UL Alarm
31 Bus Regulator Alarm
32 Bus Module Alarm
33 Bus Undervoltage FL Alarm
34 Bus Undervoltage UL Alarm
35 Bus Overvoltage FL Alarm
36 Bus Overvoltage UL Alarm
37 Bus Power Loss Alarm
38 Bus Power Blown Fuse Alarm
39 Bus Power Leakage Alarm
40 Bus Power Sharing Alarm
41 Feedback Signal Noise FL Alarm
42 Feedback Signal Noise UL Alarm
43 Feedback Signal Loss FL Alarm
44 Feedback Signal Loss UL Alarm
45 Feedback Data Loss FL Alarm
46 Feedback Data Loss UL Alarm
47 Feedback Device Alarm
48 Sensor Alarm
49 Brake Slip Alarm
50 Hardware Overtravel Positive Alarm
51 Hardware Overtravel Negative Alarm
52 Position Overtravel Positive Alarm

53 Position Overtravel Negative Alarm

54 Excessive Position Error Alarm
55 Excessive Velocity Error Alarm
56 Overtorque Limit Alarm
57 Undertorque Limit Alarm
58 Excessive Bus Voltage Error Alarm
59 Ambient Temperature Rise Alarm
60 Illegal Control Mode Alarm
61 Enable Input Deactivated Alarm
62 Controller Initiated Alarm
63 External Input Alarm
64 AC Line Overvoltage FL Alarm
65 AC Line Overvoltage UL Alarm
66 AC Line Undervoltage FL Alarm
67 AC Line Undervoltage UL Alarm
68 AC Line High Frequency FL Alarm
69 AC Line High Frequency UL Alarm
70 AC Line Low Frequency FL Alarm
71 AC Line Low Frequency UL Alarm

670 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
72 AC Line Voltage Unbalance Alarm
73 AC Line Current Unbalance Alarm
74 AC Line Voltage Sag Alarm
75 AC Line Frequency Change Alarm
76 AC Line Sync Loss Alarm
77 AC Line Sync Failure Alarm
80 Inverter Ground Current FL Alarm
81 Inverter Ground Current UL Alarm
82 Inverter Output Phase Short Alarm
85 Auxiliary Power Supply FL Alarm
86 Auxiliary Power Supply UL Alarm

See also
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671

Rockwell Automation This table defines a list of Rockwell Automation specific exception
conditions associated with the CIP Axis Exceptions-RA, CIP Axis
Specific Exceptions Faults-RA, and CIP Axis Alarms-RA attributes and their extension
attributes, Axis Exceptions 2 Mfg, Axis Faults 2 Mfg, and Axis Alarms 2
Mfg attributes. While the CIP Axis Exceptions - RA, CIP Axis Faults -
RA, and CIP Axis Alarms - RA attributes and their extensions are all
Required in the CIP Motion device implementation, support for each of
the individual exception conditions therein is left Optional.
The Rule column in the following table indicates the Device Function
Codes where the associated exception is applicable.
• B = Converters
• D = Frequency, Position, Velocity, and Torque Control modes
• E = Feedback Only
The enumerations for exceptions is as follows:
• 0 = Ignore (All)
• 1 = Alarm (All)
• 2 = Fault Status Only (B, D)
• 3 = Stop Planner (D)
• 4 = Disable (R)
• 5 = Shutdown (R)

Rockwell Automation Specific Exception Table

Bit Rule Exception Name Description

0 - --Reserved-- This bit cannot be used since the Alarm Codes and Fault Code are
defined by the associated exception bit number and an Alarm Code
or Fault Code of 0 means no alarm or fault condition is present.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 671

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Rule Exception Name Description

1 D Commutation Startup Failure The self-sensing commutation startup algorithm failed.

2 XD Motor Voltage Mismatch The motor voltage is incompatible with the applied drive voltage.
3 - --Reserved--
4 E Feedback Filter Noise Excessive levels of noise have been detected by the digital
feedback filter. The offending feedback channel is encoded in the
associated Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
5 E Feedback Battery Loss The battery charge level is too low and encoder power has been
removed possibly resulting in loss of absolute position.The
offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated
Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
6 E Feedback Battery Low This occurs when the battery charge level is too low but encoder
power has not yet been removed. The battery low voltage threshold
for this exception condition can be higher than the voltage
threshold for the Feedback Battery Loss exception to provide an
early warning indication. This is intended as a warning that if
encoder power is lost absolute feedback position could be lost.
The offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated
Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
7 E Feedback Incremental Count The periodic check of the incremental encoder position against
Error the absolute encoder position or Hall edges indicates they are out
of tolerance.The offending feedback channel is encoded in the
associated Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
8 - --Reserved-- -

9 - --Reserved-- -
10 ALL Control Module Kinetix: The control module temperature has exceeded its limit.
Overtemperature FL Rhino: The temperature sensor on the Main Control Board detected
excessive heat.
11 ALL Control Module The control module temperature exceeds the user-defined limit
Overtemperature UL specified in Control Module Overtemperature User Limit.
12 BD Converter Pre-Charge Converter estimates that the pre-charge circuit has exceeded its
Overload FL factory limit due to excessive power cycling.

14 XBD Excessive Current Feedback Current in one or more phases has been lost or remains below a
Offset preset level.

15 BD Regenerative Power Supply The hardware Regeneration OK input was deactivated while the
Failure drive was enabled.
16 XD PWM Frequency Reduced Carrier Frequency foldback due to excessive Junction
17 XD Current Limit Reduced Current Limit reduced due to excessive Junction Temperature or
due to Overload Protection.

18 D Torque Prove Failure (O) Actual feedback indicates error in torque proving.

19 D Decel Override (O) The drive is not following a commanded deceleration because it is
attempting to limit bus voltage.

20 XBD Preventative Maintenance Component has reached lifetime limit.

21 D Motor Test Failure Motor Test procedure has failed.

22 D Hardware Configuration Error related to the tracking of optional hardware installation.
23 ALL Firmware Change Errors or forced configuration changes relating to firmware

672 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Rule Exception Name Description

24 BD Converter Pre-Charge Input Pre-Charge Input has been deactivated while the axis power
Deactivated structure is enabled and supplying current to the DC Bus or motor.
25 BD DC Common Bus Error has been detected related to Common Bus operation.
26 ALL Runtime Error Runtime assertions detected.
27 D Backplane Communication Error in communicating over the modular backplane.
28 D Safety Module Error in communicating to the Safety module.
Communication Error
29 BD AC Line Contactor AC Line Contactor is missing or is incorrectly wired. This condition
is checked upon entering the Pre-Charge state if AC Line Contactor
Checking is Enabled and an AC Line Contactor OK digital input is
30 G AC Line Resonance FL Converter has detected AC line resonance current that has
exceeded the factory set limit given by AC Line Resonance Factory
31 G AC Line Resonance UL Converter has detected AC line resonance current that has
exceeded the user set limit given by AC Line Resonance User Limit,
or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not supported.

32 XPT Track Stop One or more track sections or movers requests a track stop. The
track-wide stop notification occurs when a major fault is initiated
by a mover or section axis on the track. All axes are notified
anytime one or more movers on the track are forced to stop which
could potentially impede motion of other movers on the track. Only
enabled axis instances would assert this exception.

33 PT Lost Mover Association A logical axis instance lost association with a physical mover on
the track.
34 X Unassociated Mover A track section has detected a physical mover that has no
associated logical mover axis instance on the track.
35-39 - -- Reserved --
40 BD Peripheral Hardware FL Peripheral hardware has failed.
41 BD Peripheral Hardware UL Peripheral hardware event has occurred. There is no user limit
attribute currently defined for this exception.
42 BD Peripheral Over Peripheral temperature has exceeded its factory set temperature
Temperature FL limit given by the Peripheral Over Temperature Factory Limit.
43 BD Peripheral Over Peripheral temperature has exceeded the user defined
Temperature UL (O) temperature limit given by Peripheral Over Temperature User Limit
or a, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not
44 BD Peripheral Under Peripheral temperature has fallen below its factory set
Temperature FL temperature limit given by Peripheral Under Temperature Factory
45 BD Peripheral Under Peripheral temperature has fallen below the user defined
Temperature UL temperature limit given by Peripheral Under Temperature User
Limit, or device defined limit if the user limit attribute is not
46 BD Peripheral Communication A peripheral communication error has occurred that has exceeded
FL the factory high limit.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 673

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Rule Exception Name Description

47 BD Peripheral Communication A peripheral communication error has occurred that has exceeded
UL (O) the factory low limit. There is no user limit attribute currently
defined for this exception.
48-49 - - -
50 BD Adapter Communication FL An adapter communication error has occurred that has exceeded
the factory high limit.
51 BD Adapter Communication UL An adapter communication error has occurred that has exceeded
the factory low limit. There is no user limit attribute currently
defined for this exception.
52-54 - -- Reserved -- -
55 BD Phase Thermal Imbalance A phase thermal imbalance has occurred between parallel power
56 BD DC Bus Voltage Imbalance A DC bus voltage imbalance has occurred between parallel power
modules exceeding the allowable difference for an extended time
period. Connections through the DC Link fuse or DC Bus connection
harness are possible causes.
57-62 - -
63 All Product Specific (O) Product Specific (exotic) exceptions by Sub Code.
64-127 - -- Reserved --

Based on the Exception Action configuration, Exception conditions can

become Faults or Alarms. The naming convention for Faults is to
append a "Fault" suffix to the Exception name. Similarly, the convention
for Alarms is to append an "Alarm" suffix to the Exception name.

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Alarm Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Fault Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page 436
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616
Standard Exceptions on page 662

Rockwell Automation Based on the Exception Action configuration, Exception conditions can
become Faults or Alarms. The naming convention for Faults is to
Specific CIP Axis Fault append a Fault suffix to the Exception name. Similarly, the convention
for Alarms is to append an Alarm suffix to the Exception name. This
Names table lists the resulting Fault names associated with the above
exception conditions.

Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Fault Names

Bit Object CIP Axis Fault Name

1 Commutation Startup Fault

2 Motor Voltage Mismatch
4 Feedback Filter Noise Fault

674 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Object CIP Axis Fault Name

5 Feedback Battery Loss Fault

6 Feedback Battery Low Fault
7 Feedback Incremental Count Error Fault
10 Control Module Overtemperature FL Fault
11 Control Module Overtemperature UL Fault
12 Converter Pre Charge Overload FL Fault
13 Converter Pre-Charge Overload UL Fault
14 Excessive Current Feedback Offset Fault
15 Regenerative Power Supply Fault
16 PWM Frequency Reduced Fault
17 Current Limit Reduced Fault
18 Torque Prove Fault
19 Decel Override Fault
20 Preventative Maintenance Fault
21 Motor Test Fault
22 Hardware Configuration Fault
23 Firmware Change Fault
24 Converter Pre-Charge Input Deactivated Fault
25 DC Common Bus Fault
26 Runtime Error Fault
27 Backplane Communication Error Fault
28 Safety Module Communication Error Fault
29 AC Line Contactor Fault
30 AC Line Resonance FL Fault
31 AC Line Resonance UL Fault
32 Track Stop Fault
33 Lost Mover Association Fault
34 Unassociated Mover Fault
63 Product Specific Fault

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Alarm Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page 436
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616

Rockwell Automation The following table lists the resulting Alarm names associated with the
Rockwell Automation specific exception conditions.
Specific CIP Axis Alarm Bit Object CIP Axis Alarm Name
Names 1 Commutation Startup Alarm
4 Feedback Filter Noise Alarm
5 Feedback Battery Loss Alarm
6 Feedback Battery Low Alarm
7 Feedback Incremental Count Error Alarm

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 675

Chapter 4 CIP Axis Attributes
Bit Object CIP Axis Alarm Name

10 Control Module Overtemperature FL Alarm

11 Control Module Overtemperature UL Alarm
12 Converter Pre Charge Overload FL Alarm
13 Converter Pre-Charge Overload UL Alarm
14 Excessive Current Feedback Offset Alarm
15 Regenerative Power Supply Alarm
16 PWM Frequency Reduced Alarm
17 Current Limit Reduced Alarm
18 Torque Prove Alarm
19 Decel Override Alarm
20 Preventative Maintenance Alarm
21 Motor Test Alarm
22 Hardware Configuration Alarm
23 Firmware Change Alarm
24 Converter Pre-Charge Input Deactivated Alarm
25 DC Common Bus Alarm
26 Runtime Error Alarm
27 Backplane Communication Error Alarm
28 Safety Module Communication Error Alarm
29 AC Line Contactor Alarm
30 AC Line Resonance FL Alarm
31 AC Line Resonance UL Alarm
63 Product Specific Alarm

See also
Rockwell Automation Specific Exceptions on page 671
Rockwell Automation Specific CIP Axis Fault Names on page
Rockwell Automation Specific Initialization Faults on page 436
Rockwell Automation Specific Start Inhibits on page 616

676 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5

Module Configuration Attributes

The following attribute tables contains Module Configuration attributes

associated with components that are common to all axis instances of a
multi-axis CIP Motion device or module. Examples of these common
device components are a Bus Converter, Bus Regulator, Common
Power Supply, Feedback Cards, Network Interface, and so on. Module
Configuration attributes may be included in the CIP Motion Control Axis
Object implementation or they may be included as part of a vendor
specific device interface. In the Rockwell Automation implementation,
these attributes appear as data elements of the Configuration Tag (C-
tag) data structure associated with each drive devices connection’s Map
Object instance. These C-tag elements are not accessible as object
attributes and therefore cannot be referenced programmatically using
SSV, GSV, or MSG instructions. The Need in Implementation Rules
apply for either case.
The following general categories of module configuration attributes that
are defined:
Category Usage
Module Configuration Block Attributes Used to configure elements of the Configuration Block sent in the CIP
on page 677 Motion Forward_Open.
Module Class Attributes on page 678 Used to configure Motion Device Axis Object class attributes
associated with the device.
Module Axis Attributes on page 680 Used to configure Motion Device Axis Object axis attributes that apply
to a common device component.
Module Feedback Port Attributes on Used to configure the mapping of feedback ports to feedback
page 695 channels for each axis instance.
Module Timing Attributes on page 696 Used to configure various time related aspects of the CIP Motion
Module Support Attributes on page 698 Used to determine the size and content of the configuration data
needed by the CIP Motion device.

See also
CIP Axis Attributes on page 243
Interpret the Attribute Tables on page 89

Module Configuration Block The following collection of Module Class Attributes are stored in the
controller and sent to the module as part of the Configuration Block of
Attributes the Forward_Open service.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 677

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Configuration Bits
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - All BYTE 0 - - Bitmap:
0 = Verify Power Structure
1 = Networked Safety Bit Valid
2 = Allow Networked Safety
3...7 = Reserved

This attribute is a collection of bits used for configuration of an

associated CIP Motion device. Each bit is either true or false.
• 'Verify Power Structure' bit is used to control whether the drive
performs an "extended key" check against its Drive Class ID.
• 'Networked Safety Bit Valid' bit determines if the 'Allow
Networked Safety' bit (bit 2) of this attribute is valid and is
enforced by the drive.
• 'Allow Networked Safety' bit determines if the drive is allowed to
accept a Propose_TUNID service request from a Safety
Controller to establish safety ownership and subsequent safety

Drive Power Class ID

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Required - D DINT 0 - - Unique ID of the power
structure used to verify if the
user selected power structure
matches that of the drive

If power structure varies with the axis instances of a multi-axis drive

device then a value of 0 is applied to this attribute and the controller
uses the Drive Power Structure Axis ID to verify matching power
structure associated with each axis.

See also
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677
Module Feedback Port Attributes on page 695

Module Class Attributes The following collection of Module Class Attributes are stored in the
controller and used to configure Motion Device Axis Object Class
attributes associated with the CIP Motion device. These attributes
generally apply to the CIP Motion connection behavior. If these Module
Class attributes are included in the CIP Motion Control Axis Object
implementation, the attribute values are the same for all axis instances
associated with the module. In such an implementation, the controller
need only apply the Module Class attribute value for one of the axis

678 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
instances to configure the corresponding Motion Device Axis Object
Class attribute of the device.

Controller Update Delay High Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set SINT 4 1 10 # of Controller Update

Represents the high limit delay threshold for a Controller to Device (C-
to-D) Connection update. This delay is specified in units of Controller
Update Periods. Exceeding this limit results in a Control Connection
Update Fault.

Controller Update Delay Low Limit

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set SINT 2 1 10 # of Controller Update

Represents the low limit delay threshold allowed for a Controller to

Device (C-to-D) Connection update. This delay is specified in units of
Controller Update Periods. Exceeding this limit results in a Control
Connection Update Alarm.

Sync Threshold
Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set DINT 10000 1 109 Nanoseconds
Default: device dependent
minimum value

Determines the threshold for the Observed Variance of System Time

below which the Motion Device Axis Object is considered synchronized.
The Group_Sync service uses this as a criterion for a successful

Max Events per Update

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional Set SINT 2 1 4 # of Event Notifications per
Update per Axis

Determines the maximum number of Event Notifications that can be

passed to the controller per update per axis instance via the Device-to-
Controller connection.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 679

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

See also
Module Axis Attributes on page 680
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677

Module Axis Attributes Module Axis attributes are used to configure common components of a
CIP Motion device, for example the Bus Converter, Bus Regulator, and
so on, that apply to all axis instances of the device. If these Module
Class attributes are included in the CIP Motion Control Axis Object
implementation, the attribute values are the same for all axis instances
associated with the device. This is generally enforced by configuration
If the value for a given Module Configuration attribute is not the same
for each axis instance of the device, the Module Configuration attribute
value for instance 1 determines the configuration of the device

Device Power Structure Axis ID

Usage Access T Data Default Min Max Semantics of Values
Optional - D Set DINT[8] [] = 0 - - Array of power structure IDs
used to verify if the user
selected power structure for
each axis instance of a multi-
axis drive matches that of the
drive's actual power
[ Axis 1 ID,
Axis 2 ID,
Axis 3 ID,
Axis 4 ID,
Axis 5 ID,
Axis 6 ID,
Axis 7 ID,
Axis 8 ID ]

The element values of this array represent an ID assigned by the drive

vendor that identifies the power structure associated to a given axis
instance. This allows different power structures to be applied to specific
axis instances of a multi-axis drive. By contrast, if power structure
hardware is the same for all axis instances of the drive (excluding
master feedback axes) the power structure can be identified by simply
using the Drive Power Structure Class ID attribute. For multi-axis drives,
the Drive Power Structure Axis ID can be included as part of the data
segment in the CIP Motion connection’s Forward Open service to
confirm that the power structure for a given axis instance matches the
configuration in the controller. The indexed elements of this array
correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Individual elements of this
attribute are only applicable to axis instances whose associated Inverter
Support bit is set. Array elements that are not applicable are set to 0.
Axis instances with power structures that are not configured are set to

680 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
0, indicating to the drive that the Drive Power Structure Axis ID for these
axis instances do not need to be checked.

PWM Frequency
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - D Set UINT[8] [] = 0 [] = 0 [] = 216 Hertz

[ Axis 1 PWM Freq,

Axis 2 PWM Freq,
Axis 3 PWM Freq,
Axis 4 PWM Freq,
Axis 5 PWM Freq,
Axis 6 PWM Freq,
Axis 7 PWM Freq,
Axis 8 PWM Freq ]

This 8-element array sets the carrier frequency for the Pulse Width
Modulation output to the motor. Drive derating is required at higher
PWM frequencies due to switching losses. Current loop update time is
tied directly to the PWM frequency so loop performance generally
increases with increasing PWM rate. Note that each drive instance in a
multi-axis drive module can have an independently configured PWM
frequency. The indexed elements of this array correspond to axis
instances 1 thru 8. Individual elements of this attribute are only
applicable to axis instances whose associated Inverter Support bit is
set. Array elements that are not applicable or not configured are set to

Bus Configuration
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set USINT[8] 0 - - Enumeration:

XBD 0 = Standalone
1 = Shared AC/DC
2 = Shared DC
3 = Shared DC - Non CIP
4 = Shared DC/DC
5 - 255 = Reserved

This 8-element array of enumerated selections specifies how the DC

Bus is going to be used by the associated axis instances of the device.
Configure up to 8 axis instances using the array elements of this
attribute. The axis instances start with 1 and end with 8.
• Standalone specifies DC Bus power supplied by the converter
section of this axis instance applies only to the inverter's power
structure of this axis. The axis instance does not require
participating in a bus sharing group.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 681

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
• Shared AC/DC specifies that the converter associated with this
CIP Motion device axis instance is to supply and share DC Bus
power with other axis instances and with other drives. This may
result in de-rating of the converter's continuous current rating
when there are multiple Shared AC/DC converter devices
paralleled in a bus sharing group. Shared AC/DC axes generally
participate in a bus sharing group.
• Shared DC specifies the drive axis instance is sharing DC bus
power. Another Shared AC/DC or Shared DC/DC CIP Motion
drive, or external non-CIP Converter generates the DC bus
power. Shared DC axes typically participate in a bus sharing
• Shared DC - Non CIP Converter specifies that this drive axis
instance receives DC bus power generated by an external
AC/DC converter that is not CIP Motion compliant and
distributing its DC bus power to other CIP Motion drives. A drive
configured for "Shared DC - Non CIP Converter" is responsible
for communicating the state of the external converter to the
control system as if the external converter were integrated with
the drive. Specifically, this communication includes the Bus Up
and DC Bus Unload status bits reflecting the current state of
associated external converter. Shared DC - Non CIP Converter
axes generally participate in a bus sharing group.
• Shared DC/DC specifies that the converter associated with this
CIP Motion device supplies and shares DC bus power with other
Shared DC devices. DC/DC converters also converts input power
from a primary DC bus power generally supplied by a Shared
AC/DC converter to a secondary DC Bus output voltage level
supplying one or more Shared DC drives. It may also distribute
primary DC bus power from a Shared AC/DC converter to
multiple Shared DC drives on a secondary DC bus without
conversion. A Shared DC/DC converter has a unique capability in
that it can be both a bus master for a bus group and a bus slave
in a different bus group. Shared DC/DC axes generally
participate in a bus sharing group.

Bus Voltage Select

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

0 = High (115V, 230V, 460V,
1 = Low (100V, 200V, 400V,
2-255 = (reserved)

This value indicates the expected bus voltage level of the drive
application. High bus voltage selection is usually associated with drive
running on the North American power grid, when operating in Europe a
Low Bus Voltage selection would be appropriate. This parameter can be
used to compensate for these different bus voltage levels in the current

682 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Bus Regulator Action

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set USINT[8] []=1 - - Enumeration:

XBD 0 = Disabled O)
1 = Shunt Regulator (O)
2-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)
128 = Adj. Frequency (O/IM)
129 = Both – Shunt first (O/IM)
130 = Both – Freq first (O/IM)
131 = Bus Follower (O)

This 8-element array controls the method of operation of the DC Bus

Regulator that addresses the regenerative over-voltage conditions that
can occur when decelerating a motor associated with a given axis
If Disabled, no regulation is applied to the DC Bus level by this device to
control regenerative energy sourced by the motor.
When Shunt Regulator is selected the associated shunt regulation
hardware is applied to the DC Bus to dissipate regenerative energy via
an internal or external resistor.
When controlling Induction Motors, additional bus regulation methods
are available that don’t require a shunt regulator. When Adjust
Frequency is selected, the output frequency of the device is controlled
relative to the speed of the motor to control the amount of regenerative
energy pumped into the DC Bus. Different sequential application of
shunt regulation and frequency control can be applied to motor.
When Bus Follower is selected, the DC Bus is generated by an external
converter rather than an integral converter. No bus regulation is applied
to the DC Bus level and the drive does not generate an exception if the
DC Bus is still active when the DC Bus contactor of the integrated
converter is open. In this context, the integral converter is not connected
to AC power.
Note that each drive instance in a multi-axis drive module can have an
independently configured Bus Regulator Action. The indexed elements
of this array correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that
are not applicable or not configured are set to 0.

Regenerative Power Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - XD Set REAL[8] []=100 []=0 []= % Motor Rated

This 8-element array limits the amount of power allowed to transfer

between the motor and the DC Bus during regenerative braking of the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 683

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
motor load for a given axis instance. Since this is regenerative power,
the value of the limit is negative.
Note that each drive instance in a multiaxis drive module can have an
independently configured Regenerative Power Limit. The indexed
elements of this array correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Individual
elements of this attribute are only applicable to axis instances whose
associated Inverter Support bit is set. Array elements that are not
applicable or not configured are set to 0.

Shunt Regulator Resistor Type

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

NBD 0 = Internal
1 = External
2-255 = (reserved)

This attribute defines whether an Internal or External Shunt resistor is


External Shunt Regulator ID

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set INT -1 -1 32767 -1 = None

NBD 0 = Custom
1-32767 = Shunt Regulator ID

Rockwell specific identifier for the External Shunt Regulator. A value of

0 indicates use of a custom shunt regulator that requires user

External Shunt Power

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 0.20 0 Kilowatts


Rockwell specific identifier for the External Shunt Regulator. A value of

0 indicates use of a custom shunt regulator that requires user

External Shunt Pulse Power

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 0 0 Kilowatts


684 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
This attribute is used when an external shunt resistor has been
configured. This attribute value specifies the power that can be
delivered to the external shunt resistor for one second, without
exceeding the rated element temperature.
There are approximations to help determine this attribute if this
information is not available from your vendor.
First approximation method, calculate 'Shunt Pulse Power' (Kilowatts) =
75,000 * lbs, where lbs is the weight of the resistor wire element (not the
weight of the resistor).
Another method is that the thermal time constant = 'Shunt Pulse Power'
(Kilowatts) / 'Shunt Power' (Kilowatts) sometimes referred to as thermal
mass.- the time for the resistor element to reach 63% of rated
temperature with applied rated Kilowatts.
A third method for determining this value: The pulse Kilowatts for 1
second is twice the watt rating of a 2 second pulse. In other words, the
watt*sec rating is a constant if the pulse duration is short compared to
the thermal time constant of the resistor ad is a function of the element

External Bus Capacitance

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 0 0 Microfarads ( F)


This attribute represents the external DC Bus capacitance when the

associated converter or drive is acting as a Common Bus Leader
Master, supplying DC Bus power to one or more Common Bus
Followers. This attribute may also be applicable to standalone drives
that allow connection to an external capacitor. This attribute is not
applicable when the Bus Regulator Action is set to Common Bus
Follower. The attribute is applicable when the Bus Regulator Action is
set to Disable or Shunt Regulator.

External Shunt Resistance

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 Ohms

This attribute represents the resistance of the External Shunt Regulator


Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 685

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Duty Select
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set USINT[8] [] = 0 - - Enumeration:

XBD 0 = Normal
1 = Heavy
2 = Light (O)

3-255 = (reserved)

[ Axis 1 Duty Select,

Axis 2 Duty Select,
Axis 3 Duty Select,
Axis 4 Duty Select,
Axis 5 Duty Select,
Axis 6 Duty Select,
Axis 7 Duty Select,
Axis 8 Duty Select ]

This 8-element array indicates the duty level of the drive application and
balances the continuous and intermittent overload capacity of the drive
and motor accordingly. Since this value is tied to a specific drive inverter
and motor, the setting can vary for each axis instance supported by a
multi-axis drive module. The indexed elements of this array correspond
to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not applicable or
configured are set to 0.
Normal Duty provides nominal continuous rating at the expense of lower
overload capacity.
Heavy Duty provides highest overload capacity at the expense of a
lower continuous rating.
Light Duty provides highest continuous rating at the expense of lower
overload capacity.
Specification for the continuous and overload ratings under Normal,
Heavy, and Light Duty are left to the discretion of the drive vendor.
Duty Select is used to determine the level of thermal protection for the
motor and the inverter during drive operation.

686 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Bus Sharing Group

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Standalone
1 = Bus Group 1
2 = Bus Group 2
3 = Bus Group 3
4 = Bus Group 4
5 = Bus Group 5
6 = Bus Group 6
7 = Bus Group 7
8 = Bus Group 8
9 = Bus Group 9
10 = Bus Group 10
11 = Bus Group 11
12 = Bus Group 12
13 = Bus Group 13
14 = Bus Group 14
15 = Bus Group 15
16 = Bus Group 16
17 = Bus Group 17
18 = Bus Group 18
19 = Bus Group 19
20 = Bus Group 20
21 = Bus Group 21
22 = Bus Group 22
23 = Bus Group 23
24 = Bus Group 24
25 = Bus Group 25

This enumerated selection indicates the Bus Sharing Group the drive is
assigned to. Physically, a Bus Sharing Group represents a collection of
drives that are wired together in a Shared AC/DC or Shared DC Bus
Configuration. Assignment to a Bus Sharing Group limits the DC Bus
Unload action initiated by a converter in the group, and the resultant
Bus Power Sharing exceptions, to Shared AC/DC and Shared DC
drives in the converter's assigned Bus Group. Drives assigned to other
Bus Groups are, therefore, unimpacted.
If the drive's Bus Configuration indicates Standalone operation, the only
valid enumeration for the Bus Sharing Group is Standalone.
If the drive's Bus Configuration indicates Shared AC/DC or Shared DC
operation, the drive should be assigned to a specific Bus Group. The
Standalone enumeration in this case is invalid.
If the drive supports the optional Bus Configuration attribute, the Bus
Sharing Group is required in the drive profile implementation.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 687

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Duty Select
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set USINT[8] [] = 0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Normal
1 = Heavy
2 = Light (O)
3-255 = (reserved)

[ Axis 1 Duty Select,

Axis 2 Duty Select,
Axis 3 Duty Select,
Axis 4 Duty Select,
Axis 5 Duty Select,
Axis 6 Duty Select,
Axis 7 Duty Select,
Axis 8 Duty Select ]

This 8-element array indicates the duty level of the drive application and
balances the continuous and intermittent overload capacity of the drive
and motor accordingly. Since this value is tied to a specific drive inverter
and motor, the setting can vary for each axis instance supported by a
multi-axis drive module. The indexed elements of this array correspond
to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not applicable or
configured are set to 0.
• "Normal" Duty provides nominal continuous rating at the expense
of lower overload capacity.
• "Heavy" Duty provides highest overload capacity at the expense
of a lower continuous rating.
• "Light" Duty provides highest continuous rating at the expense of
lower overload capacity.
Specification for the continuous and overload ratings under Normal,
Heavy, and Light Duty are left to the discretion of the drive vendor.
Duty Select is used to determine the level of thermal protection for the
motor and the inverter during drive operation.

Converter AC Input Phasing

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

NBD 0 = Three-Phase (R)
1 = Single-Phase (O)
2-255 = (reserved)

This attribute indicates whether the converter input power to AC line is

Single-Phase or Three-Phase.

688 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Converter AC Input Voltage

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set UINT 230 0 Volts (RMS)


This value configures the drive for the intended AC line voltage applied
to the converter.

Demonstration Mode Select

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set USINT 0 0 1 Enumeration:

0 = Inactive
1 = Active
2-255 = (reserved)

Activating Demonstration Mode, or 'Demo Mode', allows the associated

converter and inverter power structures to operate using Single-Phase,
110/120 VAC, 50/60Hz, AC line input. Converter and inverter
performance is significantly limited as compared to standard operation
with Demo Mode inactive. All converter and inverter modules in a
shared DC bus configuration should have the same Demo Mode setting
to avoid faulting.
The purpose of Demo Mode is to allow demonstration of products in
non-industrial environments. It is not intended for use in real motion

Mover Axis Assignment Sequence

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - X Set USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

(Copied to 0 = Decreasing Position (O)
Movers) 1 = Increasing Position (O)
2 = Decreasing Position from
Reference Mover (O)
3 = Increasing Position from
Reference Mover (O)
4-127 = (reserved)
128-255 = (vendor specific)

During track initialization, this attribute determines how movers on the

track are assigned to CIP Motion axis instances. Once the mover
sequence is established on the track the movers are then assigned to
the axis instances of track sections that are themselves arranged in a
sequence that comprise the track, starting with Section 1.
The configured Mover Axis Assignment Sequence must be the same for
all track sections and is sent only to the section axis instance of the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 689

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
track section device. This values is also stored in a private variable for
each of the mover axis instances of the controller that are associated
with this section module. This is necessary to support the APR
functionality of the mover axis instances.
Decreasing Position instructs the track sections to assign movers on the
track to axis instances in a sequence starting with the mover with the
highest position value as the first mover followed by movers with
decreasing position values. The mover types on the track have no effect
on the sequencing.
Increasing Position instructs the track sections to assign movers on the
track to axis instances in a sequence starting with the mover with the
lowest position value as the first mover followed by movers with
increasing position values. The mover types on the track have no effect
on the sequencing.
Decreasing Position from Reference Mover instructs the track sections
to assign movers on the track to axis instances in a sequence starting
with the mover electronically identified as the Reference Mover followed
by movers in the direction of decreasing position values relative to the
Reference Mover.
Increasing Position from Mover 1 instructs the track sections to assign
movers on the track to axis instances in a sequence starting with the
mover electronically identified as the Reference Mover followed by
movers in the direction of increasing position values relative to the
Reference Mover.

Converter Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 0 0 Degrees Celsius (°C)


This attribute sets the user limit for the Converter Overtemperature UL

Converter Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 100 0 % Converter Rated


This attribute sets the user limit for the Converter Thermal Overload UL

690 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Converter Ground Current User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 100 0 % Factory Limit


This attribute sets the user limit for the Converter Ground Current UL

Bus Regulator Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 Degrees Celsius (°C)

This attribute sets the user limit for the Bus Regulator Overtemperature
UL exception.

Bus Regulator Thermal Overload User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 100 0 % Regulator Rated

This attribute sets the user limit for the Bus Regulator Thermal UL

Bus Overvoltage User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 140 0 % Nominal Bus Voltage

This attribute sets the user limit for the Bus Overvoltage UL exception.
Unlike the corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the
User Limit is based on the percentage of Nominal Bus Voltage during

Bus Undervoltage User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 100 % Nominal Bus Voltage

This attribute sets the user limit for the Bus Undervoltage UL exception.
Unlike the corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 691

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
User Limit is based on the percentage of Nominal Bus Voltage during

Control Module Overtemperature User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All Set REAL 0 0 Degrees Celsius (°C)

This attribute sets the user limit for the Control Module Overtemperature
UL exception.

Converter Pre-Charge Overload User Limit

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - Set REAL 100 0 % Converter Rated


This attribute sets the user limit for the Converter Pre-Charge Overload
UL exception.

Digital Output Configuration

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All Set USINT [8][8] []=0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Unassigned
1 = Contactor Enable
2 = Mechanical Brake
3 = Resistive Brake
4 = Regenerative Power
5 = Converter Power
6-255 = (reserved)
[ Axis 1 Output Config[8],
Axis 2 Output Config[8],
Axis 3 Output Config[8],
Axis 4 Output Config[8],
Axis 5 Output Config[8],
Axis 6 Output Config[8],
Axis 7 Output Config[8],
Axis 8 Output Config[8]]

This attribute is a 2 dimensional array of enumerated values that map

configurable digital output to specific functions for each drive axis. Each
of the 8 possible axis instances may support up to 8 configurable digital
outputs. The Logix controller distributes the Digital Output Configuration
array elements to each axis instance of the device. The Digital Output
Configuration attribute in the device is defined as a 32 element array of
which only the first 8 elements are supported by this 8x8 Digital Output

692 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
Configuration array definition. The remaining elements of the 32
element array are set to 0.

Digital Input Configuration

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All Set USINT [8][8] []=0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Unassigned
1 = Enable
2 = Home
3 = Registration 1
4 = Registration 2
5 = Positive Overtravel
6 = Negative Overtravel
7 = Regenerative Power OK
8 = Bus Capacitor OK
9 = Shunt Thermal Switch OK
10 = Home & Registration 1
11 = Motor Thermostat OK
12 = Pre-Charge OK
13 = AC Line Contactor OK
14 = Bus Conditioner OK
15 = Converter OK
16-255 = (reserved)
[ Axis 1 Input Config[8],
Axis 2 Input Config[8],
Axis 3 Input Config[8],
Axis 4 Input Config[8],
Axis 5 Input Config[8],
Axis 6 Input Config[8],
Axis 7 Input Config[8],
Axis 8 Input Config[8]]

This attribute is a 2 dimensional array of enumerated values that map

configurable digital inputs to specific functions for each drive axis. Each
of the 8 possible axis instances may support up to 8 configurable digital
inputs. The Logix controller distributes the Digital Input Configuration
array elements to each axis instance of the device. The Digital Input
Configuration attribute in the device is defined as a 32 element array of
which only the first 8 elements are supported by this 8x8 Digital Input
Configuration array definition. The remaining elements of the 32
element array are set to 0.
Functions that are not mapped to a digital input are not checked by the
drive, and do not generate associated exceptions or events. Associated
exception actions in this case are accepted by the device and ignored.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 693

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

DC Bus Output Voltage Set Point n

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 Volts

This attribute sets the reference voltage used to actively regulate the
DC Bus Output Voltage output of Bus Converter power structure
instance n when in the Running state.
Power structure instance attributes are only applicable when supporting
multiple converter power structure generated DC Bus outputs per axis
object instance

Bus Voltage Set Point n

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 Volts

This attribute sets the reference voltage used to actively regulate the
Bus Voltage output of Bus Converter power structure instance n when
in the Running state.
Power structure instance attributes are only applicable when supporting
multiple converter power structure generated DC Bus outputs per axis
object instance.

Bus Output Overvoltage User Limit n

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 % DC Bus Voltage Set Point n

This attribute sets the User Limit for the Bus Overvoltage UL exception
associated with the DC Bus output of DC converter power structure
instance n when supporting multiple converter power structure
generated DC Bus outputs per axis object instance. Unlike the
corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the User Limit
is based on percent of the corresponding DC Bus Voltage Set Point n
during operation.
This attribute is only applicable to DC Converter Types.

Bus Output Undervoltage User Limit n

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - BD Set REAL 0 0 100 % Bus Voltage Set Point n

694 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
This attribute sets the User Limit for the Bus Undervoltage UL exception
associated with the DC Bus output of DC converter power structure
instance n when supporting multiple converter power structure
generated DC Bus outputs per axis object instance. Unlike the
corresponding Factory Limit, which is specified in Volts, the User Limit
is based on percent of the corresponding Bus Voltage Set Point n
during operation.
This attribute is only applicable to DC Converter Types.

See also
Standard Exceptions on page 662
Module Feedback Port Attributes on page 695
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677

Module Feedback Port Module Axis attributes are used to configure the feedback ports of the
device module. Each device module may be equipped with multiple
Attributes feedback ports that can be freely mapped to the various feedback
channels of a CIP Motion axis instance.

Feedback Port Select

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - E Set USINT[8][4] [] = 0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Unused
1 = Port 1
2 = Port 2
3 = Port 3
4 = Port 4
5 = Port 5
6 = Port 6
7 = Port 7
8 = Port 8
9 = Port 9
10 = Port 10
11 = Port 11
12 = Port 12
13-255 = Reserved

This attribute is organized as 8x4 array with 8 corresponding to the

maximum number of axes supported by a given drive device module
and 4 representing the number of logical feedback channels per axis.
The 8x4 indexed array elements of this array correspond to axis
instances 1 thru 8 and feedback channels 1 thru 4, respectively. The
individual elements of this array are enumerated values associated with
the 'Feedback n Port Select' attribute in the Motion Device Axis Object.
The controller's module interface function uses the Feedback Port
Select information to set the Feedback n Port Select attributes for each
axis instance of the CIP Motion device.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 695

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Feedback Card Type

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - E Set USINT[8][4] [] = 0 - - Feedback Card ID#


This attribute is organized as 8x4 array with 8 corresponding to the

maximum number of axes supported by a given drive device module
and 4 representing the number of logical feedback channels per axis.
The individual elements of this array are numeric identifiers associated
with the specific feedback interface hardware assigned to this feedback
port. The list of supported Feedback Types is determined by the
feedback interface hardware selection. Configuration software uses this
information to filter the Feedback Type list associated with the port. This
multidimensional array follows the same indexing rules as the Feedback
Port Select.

See also
Feedback Interface Types on page 453
Module Timing Attributes on page 696
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677

Module Timing Attributes The following attributes configure various time related aspects of CIP
Motion device.

Time Sync Support

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Set USINT 2 - - Enumeration:

All 0 = No sync support
FW 1 = Low quality
2 = High quality
3-255 = (reserved)

Controller firmware only enumerated parameter (does not go to the

drive) which reflects the time synchronization capability of the device.
• No Sync: This enumeration indicates that the device does not
support CIP Sync time synchronization and therefore cannot
interpret or generate time stamps.
• Low Quality: This enumeration indicates that the device has a
low quality implementation of CIP Sync time synchronization
protocol. Latency associated with the software time sync
algorithm limits time stamp accuracy to no better than 10
microseconds (µsec). Fine interpolation is not recommended for
this time sync implementation. Low Quality time synchronization
is sufficient for Fault and Alarm event logging.
• High Quality: This enumeration indicates that the device has a
high quality implementation of CIP Sync time synchronization

696 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes
protocol resulting in very accurate time stamping (better than 10
µsec). High Quality time synchronization is appropriate for fine
interpolation and registration functionality.

Time Diagnostics
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - Set BYTE 0 - - Bitmap:

All 0: Enable Time Statistics
FW 1: Reset Transmission
2-7: (reserved)

Controller firmware only parameter (does not go to the drive) which

controls whether timing diagnostic data is requested from the drive.
• Enable Time Statistics - enable timing diagnostic data.
• Reset Transmission Statistics - when the controller sees this bit
set to a one it will reset transmission statistics and then clear the

Position Loop Device Update Period

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - D Set INT - - Microseconds

Used to determine setting of Interpolation Control when in position loop


Velocity Loop Device Update Period

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - D Set INT - - Microseconds

Used to determine setting of Interpolation Control when in velocity loop


Torque Loop Device Update Period

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - D Set INT - - Microseconds

Used to determine setting of Interpolation Control when in torque loop


Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 697

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

See also
Motion Control Modes on page 22
Module Support Attributes on page 698
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677

Module Support Attributes The following AOP Module C-tag parameters are used by configuration
software to determine the size of various array data needed to
configure the CIP Motion device and whether attributes associated with
the converter function will be sent to the CIP Motion device. These
parameters are not attributes of any object and are not sent to the CIP
Motion device.

Number of Configured Axes

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - SINT 2 0 8 # of axes


Configuration software only parameter (does not go to the device),

representing the number of axes in this device configured for use.

Inverter Support
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Required - SINT 1 - - Bitmap:

All 0: Axis 1 Inverter
AOP 1: Axis 2 Inverter
2: Axis 3 Inverter
3: Axis 4 Inverter
4: Axis 5 Inverter
5: Axis 6 Inverter
6: Axis 7 Inverter
7: Axis 8 Inverter

Configuration software only bitmapped parameter (does not go to the

device), where each bit determines if an axis instance supports an
Inverter power structure. This parameter impacts Inverter specific
attributes, for example, PWM Frequency and Duty Select.

698 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Number of Configurable Inputs

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All USINT[8] [] = 0 0 8 Number of inputs

FW* [ Axis 1 Inputs,
Axis 2 Inputs,
Axis 3 Inputs,
Axis 4 Inputs,
Axis 5 Inputs,
Axis 6 Inputs,
Axis 7 Inputs,
Axis 8 Inputs]

Firmware only parameter (does not go to the device) that controls how
much of the Digital Input Configuration array is sent to the device for a
given axis instance.
Important: This attribute is only needed if Digital Input Configuration is

The number of configurable inputs can vary for each axis instance
supported by a multi-axis drive module. The indexed elements of this
array correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not
applicable or configured are set to 0.

Source of Configurable Inputs

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - All USINT[8] [] = 0 0 8 Number of inputs

FW* [ Axis 1 Input Source,
Axis 2 Input Source,
Axis 3 Input Source,
Axis 4 Input Source,
Axis 5 Input Source,
Axis 6 Input Source,
Axis 7 Input Source,
Axis 8 Input Source]

Firmware only parameter (does not go to the device) that specifies the
axis instance that sources the configurable digital inputs for a given axis
of the device.
Important: This attribute is only needed if Digital Input Configuration is

While axis instances generally provide their own set of configurable

inputs, in some cases axis instances, like feedback only axis instances,
utilize the digital inputs from another axis instance. The Source of
Configurable Inputs element can be used to identify another axis
instance as the source for its digital inputs. The indexed elements of this
array correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not
applicable or configured are set to 0.

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 699

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Bus Sharing Group

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

BD 0 = Standalone
1 = Bus Group 1
2 = Bus Group 2
3 = Bus Group 3
4 = Bus Group 4
5 = Bus Group 5
6 = Bus Group 6
7 = Bus Group 7
8 = Bus Group 8
9 = Bus Group 9
10 = Bus Group 10
11 = Bus Group 11
12 = Bus Group 12
13 = Bus Group 13
14 = Bus Group 14
15 = Bus Group 15
16 = Bus Group 16
17 = Bus Group 17
18 = Bus Group 18
19 = Bus Group 19
20 = Bus Group 20
21 = Bus Group 21
22 = Bus Group 22
23 = Bus Group 23
24 = Bus Group 24
25 = Bus Group 25

This enumerated selection indicates the primary Bus Sharing Group the
device is assigned to. Physically, a Bus Sharing Group represents a
collection of devices that are wired together on a primary DC Bus with in
a Shared AC/DC, Shared DC/DC, or Shared DC Bus Configuration.
Assignment to a Bus Sharing Group limits the DC Bus Unload action
initiated by a converter in the group, and the resultant Bus Power
Sharing exceptions, to Shared AC/DC, Shared DC/DC, and Shared DC
devices in the converter's assigned Bus Group. Drives assigned to
other Bus Groups are, therefore, unaffected.
If the device’s Bus Configuration indicates Standalone operation, the
only valid enumeration for the Bus Sharing Group is Standalone.
If the device’s Bus Configuration indicates Shared AC/DC, Shared
DC/DC, or Shared DC operation, the device should be assigned to a
specific primary Bus Group. The Standalone enumeration in this case is
If the device’s supports the optional Bus Configuration attribute, the Bus
Sharing Group is required in the drive profile implementation.

700 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Secondary Bus Sharing Group

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

BD 0 = (reserved)
1 = Bus Group 1
2 = Bus Group 2
3 = Bus Group 3
4 = Bus Group 4
5 = Bus Group 5
6 = Bus Group 6
7 = Bus Group 7
8 = Bus Group 8
9 = Bus Group 9
10 = Bus Group 10
11 = Bus Group 11
12 = Bus Group 12
13 = Bus Group 13
14 = Bus Group 14
15 = Bus Group 15
16 = Bus Group 16
17 = Bus Group 17
18 = Bus Group 18
19 = Bus Group 19
20 = Bus Group 20
21 = Bus Group 21
22 = Bus Group 22
23 = Bus Group 23
24 = Bus Group 24
25 = Bus Group 25

This enumerated selection indicates the secondary Bus Sharing Group

the device is assigned to. Physically, a secondary Bus Sharing Group
represents a collection of devices that are wired together on a
Secondary DC Bus with a Shared DC/DC, or Shared DC Bus
Configuration. Assignment to a Secondary Bus Sharing Group limits the
DC Bus Unload action initiated by a DC/DC converter in the group, and
the resultant Bus Power Sharing exceptions, to Shared DC drives in the
converter's assigned secondary Bus Group. Devices assigned to other
Bus Groups are, therefore, unaffected.
If the Bus Configuration for a device connected to a secondary DC Bus
indicates Shared DC/DC, or Shared DC operation, the device should be
assigned to a specific Bus Group.
If the device is designed to operate on a secondary DC Bus, the
optional Bus Configuration and secondary Bus Sharing Group attributes
are required in the drive profile implementation

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 701

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Cyclic Read Limits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

USINT[8] [ ]=0 0 25 # of cyclic reads

[ Axis 1 Reads,
Axis 2 Reads,
Axis 3 Reads,
Axis 4 Reads,
Axis 5 Reads,
Axis 6 Reads,
Axis 7 Reads,
Axis 8 Reads]

FW only parameter (does not go to the device) but controls how many
Cyclic Read attributes can be configured for a given axis instance. The
number of configurable inputs can vary for each axis instance supported
by a multi-axis drive module. The indexed elements of this array
correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not
applicable or configured are set to 0.

Cyclic Write Limits

Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

USINT[8] [ ]=0 0 25 # of cyclic writes

[ Axis 1 Writes,
Axis 2 Writes,
Axis 3 Writes,
Axis 4 Writes,
Axis 5 Writes,
Axis 6 Writes,
Axis 7 Writes,
Axis 8 Writes]

FW only parameter (does not go to the device) but controls how many
Cyclic Writes attributes can be configured for a given axis instance. The
number of configurable inputs can vary for each axis instance supported
by a multi-axis drive module. The indexed elements of this array
correspond to axis instances 1 thru 8. Array elements that are not
applicable or configured are set to 0.

702 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Chapter 5 Module Configuration Attributes

Track ID
Usage Access T Data Type Default Min Max Semantics of Values

Optional - X USINT 0 - - Enumeration:

0 = Not Specified
1 = Track 1
2 = Track 2
3 = Track 3
4 = Track 4
5 = Track 5
6 = Track 6
7 = Track 7
8 = Track 8

This enumerated selection identifies the Track that the device is

incorporated into. Physically, a Track ID represents a collection of
devices that are wired together to create a unique track layout. The
Track ID can be used to validate any configurations that must be
consistent across a Track definition. Devices assigned to other Track
IDs are unaffected.
If the Track ID is defined as the default value of Not Specified, validation
cannot be performed for those devices.

See also
Module Axis Attributes on page 680
Module Configuration Attributes on page 677

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 703

DC bus control 619
drive general purpose I/O 363

Index drive output 370

event capture 358
exception factory limit info 424
exception user limit configuration 425
exception, fault and alarm 431
feedback configuration 458
frequency control configuration 282
Acceleration Control Behavior 31 frequency control signal 286
attribute conversion from SERCOS 116 general feedback info 472
Drive supported optional attributes 119 general feedback signal 473
attribute units 94 general linear motor 550
attributes general motor 552
ac line condition 639 general permanent magnet motor 558
acceleration control configuration 249 general rotary motor 561
APR fault 407 guard safety 589
auto-tune configuration 385 guard safety status 590
axis exception action 413 hookup test configuration 393
axis exception action configuration hookup test result 394
409 identify motion axis attributes based on
axis info 332 device function codes 99
axis safety status 575 induction motor 563
axis statistical 340 inertia test configuration 397
CIP axis status 341 inertia test result 400
Command Generation Behavior 34 interior permanent magnet motor 567
command generator configuration 251 intialization faults 436
command generator signal 255 linear PM motor 565
command reference generation 251 load transmission and actuator 570
configuration fault 417 module axis 682
converter ac line configuration 636 module class 680
converter ac line monitoring 630 module configuration block 679
converter ac line source configuration module feedback port 697
638 module support 700
converter bus voltage control module timing 698
configuration 646 module/node fault and alarm 440
converter bus voltage control signal motion control configuration 475
648 motion control interface 482
converter control mode 643 motion control signal 489
converter current control configuration motion control status 500
654 motion database storage 510
converter current control signal 656 motion dynamic configuration 514
converter current reference motion homing configuration 518
configuration 651 motion planner configuration 529
converter current reference signal 653 motion planner output 535
converter output 663 motion scaling 537
converter reactive power control 662 motor test result 403
converter types 642 position loop configuration 289
current control configuration 267 position loop signal 287
current control signal 272 power and thermal management
configuration 372

Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020 705

power and thermal managment status M
required vs optional axis attributes 96 Motion Control Axis Behavior 54
rotary PM motor 572
standard initialization 437 N
standard start inhibits 617
No Control Mode 26
start inhibits 616
stopping and braking 596 P
torque/force control configuration 293
torque/force control signal 319 Position Control Mode 23
velocity loop configuration 320
velocity loop signal 327 R
B required vs optional axis attributes 96
Rockwell Automation specific initialization
Behavior models 31 438
Acceleration Control Behavior 31 Rockwell Automation specific start inhibits
Command Generation Behavior 34 618
Current Control Behavior 40
Event Capture Behavior 43 T
Fault and Alarm Behavior 45
Torque Control Mode 25
Motion Control Axis Behavior 54
Velocity Control Mode 24
CIP data types 95
Control Methods 27
No Control Mode 26
Position Control Mode 23
Torque Control Mode 25
Velocity Control Mode 24
Current Control Behavior 40

device function codes 95
Drive supported optional attributes 119

Event Capture Behavior 43
exceptions 664

Fault and Alarm Behavior 45

identify motion axis attributes based on
device function codes 99
Integrated Motion Axis Control Modes and
Methods 21

706 Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

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Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-RM003L-EN-P - September 2020

Supercedes Publication MOTION-RM003K-EN-P - November 2018 Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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