Extraction of Alumina From Bauxite Residue
Extraction of Alumina From Bauxite Residue
Extraction of Alumina From Bauxite Residue
1, February 2010 : 16 - 25
The chemical composition of West Kalimantan bauxite is 45 pct Al2O3 and 16 pct Fe2O3 that has been
extracted to produce alumina and bauxite residue (red mud). The residues contains Al2O3 20 pct and Fe2O3
about 37 pct, wich was furthermore processed by roasting or lime-soda sinterization at temperature of 800-
1100°C. The sintered product was leached with sodium carbonate solution to produce soluble sodium
aluminate (2NaAlO2). The solution obtained was then precipitated to produce hydrated alumina (Al(OH)3.
Hydrated alumina was then sulfateized by adding ammonium hydroxide, and followed by crystallization to
produce high purity of ammonium aluminum sulfate crystals (alums). In addition, hydrated alumina was
also chlorinated in stoichiometric amount at mol ratio of OH/Al = 0.5 – 1.5 to form polyaluminum chloride
(PAC). The residue obtained from leaching was concentrated by 1000 gauss of magnetic separator to
produce iron concentrate as a by product. As the results, sulfatation of hydrated alumina with addition of
ammonium hydroxide results high grade of ammonium aluminum sulfate (NH 4Al(SO4)2 .12H2O) crystals.
Chlorination of hydrated alumina in stoichiometric amount at mol ratio of OH/Al = 1.0 results polyaluminum
chloride (PAC) that quality is adjacent to the first type of PAC. Through the soda-lime sinter process, it can
also produce iron concentrate having grade of 66 % Fe2O3 with 40 % of recovery.
Keywords : bauxite residue, lime-soda sinter process, hydrated alumina, alums, PAC.
16 Received : 25 November 2009, first revision : 19 January 2010, second revision : 02 February 2010, accepted : February 2010
Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Residue for Preparation ... Muchtar Aziz and Agus Wahyudi
INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2010 : 16 - 25
The chemical composition of residue, filtrate and drated alumina (polymerization) at mol ratio of OH/
washed filtrate were used to calculate the recov- Al = 0.5 – 1.5 to form poly aluminum chloride. The
ery of alumina. Hydrated alumina was added sul- residues of filtration was concentrated by mag-
furic acid and ammonium hydroxyde to produce netic separator (1000 Gauss) results iron concen-
ammonium aluminum sulfate compound, and then trate as a by product, and it was analyzed by AAS
was crystalized (Husaini, 2008). In addition, hy- for its chemical composition and recovery. Figure
drated alumina was chlorinated with HCl to form 1 shows the simplified scheme of the research.
AlCl3, and then it was reacted by excess of hy-
Bauxite Residue
( red mud
(red mud))
(from Bayer Processs)
Sodium Carbonate Lime
(soda-lime sinter)
Sodium aluminate
Figure 1. Scheme of bauxite residue processing to produce hydrated alumina Al(OH)3), ammonium
aluminum sulfate (NH4Al(SO4)2 .12H2O) and poly aluminum chloride (PAC)
Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Residue for Preparation ... Muchtar Aziz and Agus Wahyudi
a b
Figure 2. Photomycrograph of bauxite; (a) a particle of gibsite (white) 0.6 mm interlock with iron particles
(black), (b) a particle of gibbsite has already been liberated (white)
INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2010 : 16 - 25
b ca
b b ba
b ac a c aa a ba a
Figure 3. XRD graphic of West Kalimantan bauxite residue (note: a=gibbsite; b=hematite; c=goethite)
Alumina terekstraksi, %
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Residue for Preparation ... Muchtar Aziz and Agus Wahyudi
Figure 5. The effect of sintering time to the extracted alumina for sintering temperature of 800°C
Al Na Si Fe Ca
(103 ppm) (103 ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1. 50,41 32,39 0,37 1,95 1,74
2. 52,22 31,42 0,34 1,76 1,66
3. 51,71 36,11 0,32 1,54 1,77
in 1 hour and 25% in 4 hours of the sintering time. Precipitated Hydrated Alumina
The concentration of soluble main elements (Al+,
Na+, Si+, Fe+, Ca+) in sodium aluminate solution Hydrated alumina was precipitated by
is shown in Tabel 2. carbonatation process. The chemical composition
of hydrated alumina from precipitation of sodium
The data show that sinter soda-lime process of aluminate solution and its anhydrated alumina af-
bauxite residue produced sinter containing sodium ter calcinations is shown in Tabel 3. The grade of
aluminate (NaAlO2) compound that is soluble in alumina in hydrated alumina is 64.5 % Al2O3 and
sodium carbonate solution, producing sodium alu- the anhydrated alumina from calcination contains
minate (Na2O.Al2O3) solution, and leaving the solid 98.67 % Al2O3.
Tabel 3. Chemical composition of hydrated alumina or aluminum hydroxyde (Al(OH)3) and its anhydrated
alumina from presipitation of sodium aluminate solution, detected by AAS
INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2010 : 16 - 25
The chemical composition of imported alumina From above figures (Figure 6 & 7), we can see
(from Australia) is shown in Table 4. The grade of that all aluminum hydoxide has already changed
Al2O3 resulted from extraction of bauxite residue to ammonium aluminum sulfate hydrate (alums)
is 98.67 % (Table 3), and it is likely similiar to the by sulfatation process. No iron detected in this
quality of imported alumina (Table 4). alums, so that is physically shown of transparent
alums. Husaini (2008) prepared alums who applied
direct sulfatation of bauxite powder, however it pro-
Tabel 4. Chemical composition of imported duced brown colour of alums. The brown colour
alumina may be due to dissolved iron and other impurities
from bauxite. This method needs next process after
Na2O CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 SiO2 reducing the impurities from alums.
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
0,42 0,043 98,7 0,010 0,002 0,016 Chlorination of Hydrated Alumina
Figure 6. XRD graphic of hydrated alumina
(note: a=bayerite (aluminum hydroxide); b=sodium aluminum carbonate hydroxide)
Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Residue for Preparation ... Muchtar Aziz and Agus Wahyudi
Tabel 5. The reactans and products on chlorination of hydrated alumina with HCl at mol ratio of
OH/Al = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 in PAC forming, detected by AAS
INDONESIAN MINING JOURNAL Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2010 : 16 - 25
(a) (b)
Figure 8. Floc setting time of resulted PAC code-2 (a); and imported PAC (b)
Extraction of Alumina from Bauxite Residue for Preparation ... Muchtar Aziz and Agus Wahyudi
T = 800°C
Iron Concentrate, %
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