Synopsis Design Constraints: SDC Timing Constraints Clock Constraints

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ELEX 7660 : Digital System Design

2018 Winter Term

Synopsis Design Constraints

This lecture explains how to specify timing constraints in the form of SDC (Synopsys Design Constraint) commands.
After this lecture you should be able to use SDC commands to correctly apply the constraints described in this lecture.

SDC Timing Constraints Clock Constraints

A standard file format, Synopsys Design Constraint Most designs will use one (or more) clock signals.
(SDC), is used to specify timing and other design con- These clocks’ frequencies must be specified in the
straints. The constraints are specified as tcl com- SDC file so that the timing analyzer can ensure that
mands. This lecture covers the most common timing the setup and hold time requirements of flip-flops in-
constraints and how they are specified in an SDC file. ternal to the FPGA will be met. Many designs will
The syntax details are available in the Quartus SDC also derive new clock signals either by dividing a
editor, the TimeQuest timing analyzer GUI and the clock or by using a phase-locked loop (PLL).
Quartus documentation. Clock constraints are the only constraints required
for designs with simple (unclocked) IO such as LEDs
and switches.
We often want to set timing constraints on a collec- create_clock This specifies a clock signal. The fre-
tion of signals such as all of the bits in a bus. quency is specified, it is given a name and it can be
When a module is instantiated unique signal associated with a particular net in the design. For ex-
names must be generated to avoid name conflicts. ample:
These names may be difficult to determine. For ex- create_clock -name clk50 -period 20 \
ample the signal name adcspi:a0|cnt.bitcnt[0] [get_ports {clk50}]
may specify the 0’th bit of the bitcnt field of the cnt This adds timing paths that start at the port clk50
signal of the a0 instance of the adcspi module. and end at the D inputs of the flip-flops to which this
SDC files can use tcl functions that look up signal clock is connected.
names by matching netlist names with patterns that
can include an asterisk as a wildcard. For example, create_generated_clock Can be used to define
the command get_nodes *bitcnt[*] would return clocks with a fixed relationship (frequency and/or
references to the matching signal names, including phase) to another clock. For example:
the one above. create_generated_clock \
Different get_ functions can search for different -source [get_ports clk50]\
type of signals1 : nodes most netlist items, cells -divide_by 2 -name sclk_int \
(registers), pins (cell i/o’s), nets (connections be- [get_nodes sclk~reg0]
tween pins), ports (top-level i/o), clocks (clock sig- the -source specifies the location of the reference
nals – not necessarily in your design). For exam- clock and the target is the location of the generated
ple, get_ports a* would return references to all top- clock. Propagation delays from the source are in-
level IO signals matching the pattern “a*.” cluded in clock path delay calculations.
As shown below, these commands are usually
placed in square brackets so the result of the com- derive_pll_clocks This is an Intel-specific com-
mand can be used as an argument in another com- mand that uses uses PLL instance parameters to cre-
mand. ate generated clocks corresponding to the PLL out-
put(s). Most FPGA designs use PLLs to generate
clocks and this is often the only clock constraint re-
From Quartus documentation quired.

lec9.tex 1 2018-03-23 11:49

Virtual Clocks A virtual clock is a generated clock set_input_delay As above, but specifies the delay
that does not correspond to a pin or port in the de- between an external clocked output and an input
sign. Virtual clocks thus do not create timing paths port. For example:
within the design. Virtual clocks are primarily used set_input_delay -clock sclk \
to specify timing constraints for clocked devices out- -max 8 [get_ports miso]
side the design. The syntax is as above but without adds a timing constraint to paths clocked by sclk and
the list of target pins. originating at miso with 8 ns added to the maximum
data arrival time. This would correspond to the max-
imum 𝑡 CO of the external device.
IO Timing Constraints

Timing paths can start at input ports and/or end at Timing Exceptions
output ports. In these cases the STA must be provided
with the delays to and from what are, effectively, ex- Some designs require additional constraints. See
ternal flip-flop D inputs and Q outputs. the timing analyzer documentation for more details.
Since the STA does not know the external devices’ Some common examples include:
setup and hold requirements, the designer must spec-
ify output delays to ensure the external device’s re- False Paths
quirements will be met. Similarly, the designer must
Timing constraints cannot be meaningfully applied
specify input delays corresponding the external de-
to timing paths with asynchronous launch and latch
vice’s actual specifications to ensure the timing re-
clocks. These are called “false paths” and should be
quirements of flip-flops driven by inputs will be met.
identified to avoid misleading warnings.
A typical example is IO that is not clocked such as
input delay output delay
as an LED output or switch input.
D Q D Q The set_false_path command is used to remove
timing paths from the timing analysis. For example:
clock clock
set_false_path -from [get_ports key0]

set_output_delay This SDC command specifies
the propagation delay from an output port to an ex- In some cases the launching and latching clock edges
ternal device. can be separated by multiple clock cycles. The
The -max option can be used to increase the maxi- set_multicycle_path command can be used to al-
mum timing path delay and the -min option the mini- low a delay longer than one clock period.
mum path delay. The -max option increases the max-
imum data arrival time and can be used to specify the
Running STA
external device’s setup time. Similarly the -min op-
tion increases the minimum data arrival time and a The SDC timing constraints are typically entered in a
negative value can be used to specify the external de- text file and applied to a timing-annotated netlist gen-
vice’s minimum hold time requirement. These val- erated by the PAR tools. Then reports are generated
ues should be reduced by any external clock propa- showing any paths with negative slack.
gation delays. It is easy to make mistakes when constraining tim-
For example: ing. Waveform diagrams in reports can be used to ver-
set_output_delay -clock sclk \ ify that the clocks have been properly specified. Ta-
-max 15 [get_ports mosi] bles showing the details of how the data and clock
adds a timing constraint based on data arrival time arrival times are computed can be used to verify that
at mosi using clock sclk with a 15 ns subtracted the appropriate paths are being constrained.
from the maximum data required time (equivalent to
adding it to the maximum data available time).

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