Professional Behavior Assessment Final Draft
Professional Behavior Assessment Final Draft
Professional Behavior Assessment Final Draft
2. Become familiar with the behavioral criteria described in each of the levels.
Share your self assessment with your clinical instructor, specifically seeking his/her feedback.
Have your CI sign that they have read and discussed your self assessment; sign and return to the DCE.
**Professional Behaviors were developed by Warren May, Laurie Kontney and Annette Iglarsh (2010) as
an update to the Generic Abilities.
1. Critical Thinking - The ability to question logically; identify, generate and evaluate elements of
logical argument; recognize and differentiate facts, appropriate or faulty inferences, and assumptions;
and distinguish relevant from irrelevant information. The ability to appropriately utilize, analyze, and
critically evaluate scientific evidence to develop a logical argument, and to identify and determine the
impact of bias on the decision making process.
While preparing for practicals and skill checks, I try to think about every possible scenario of what could
be wrong with the patient or focus on entire details about the patient. I did this specifically this summer
in Ben’s calls while learning how to move people. Instead of solely focusing on the relevant information,
I would try to take everything into account while moving a patient.
Understanding the scientific method lends itself well to Ben’s classes over the summer and
Interventions this semester. The scientific method goes well with try-fail-learn. When in Interventions I
try different ways of setting up modalities, or questions about the set up, then read about the modality,
then go to class and try it out, come up with why I think it should work a certain way, and then test to
see if it works that way.
Since the start of PT school, I have learned a lot about how to move people, how to set up some
modalities, facts about the body, how the body moves, the PT profession as a whole, and research, but
I have started to realize with learning further questions arise and why things are the way that they are. I
have also realized that experience will also help me answer some of these questions.
Kari’s class has taught me how to understand statistics and what means something is significant in
findings and further understanding if a statistical significance is worth bringing into the clinic.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to better critically appraise research and clinical findings to understand the holes in the
current knowledge. With understanding gaps in research, it can help me choose certain methods of
care over others and not take what the current research is as the end all be all. I can do this by keeping
up with my readings in Kari’s class and reading articles that interest me for other classes to see many
I would also like to improve on formulating multiple hypotheses. I can do this by working with different
groups in classes and discussing topics with multiple people who do not think exactly like me.
2. Communication - The ability to communicate effectively (i.e. verbal, non-verbal, reading, writing,
and listening) for varied audiences and purposes.
Having to write notes for Intro to Interventions, and writing reflections for Professional Roles helps me
to demonstrate my understanding of the English language in the written form. Examinations and
Interventions allows me to work on my verbal communication with communicating with classmates of
what I will be doing, and I believe I do that in a clear concise way.
In my mind, non-verbal communication and confidence go together in recognizing them in myself and
others. I think I see this most right before and during practicals and exams. Exams and practicals that I
feel confident about I am more talkative beforehand and much more open to other people. When I am
not completely confident, I am stressing about the exam or practical and much more reserved and not
as willing to be around others beforehand. These are also seen during practicals by the tone of voice
and hands. When I am confident about what I’m doing, I am direct about what I am doing and calmer
and not as shaky. When I am not confident, I am slower at what I’m doing because I have to think
about it.
I also utilize electronic communication appropriately. I did this especially over the summer while
working with my group to make our video’s for Ben’s class. My group would text and email about the
video and who needed to work on what.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve on being effective at educating. I can do this by taking the lead while working
with groups while studying, or by being more outgoing to help answer questions.
Another improvement I have been working on and would like to continue to work on is maintaining
open and constructive communication. I can continue to work on this while being on the receiving end
and listen to the message that is being sent, especially feedback related, and not necessarily how it is
being said because I know the feedback is what I need to be a good PT.
3. Problem Solving – The ability to recognize and define problems, analyze data, develop and
implement solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
Recognizing problems and identifying possible solutions and probable outcomes was something that I
did in Intro to Interventions with Ben over the summer with the lab portion. We would be given a patient
scenario and need to know potential lab values or contraindications for what was going on and then
identify what we could do with the patient. I would have to come up with possible solutions and then
pick which one I thought was best to move forward.
Since the beginning of PT school, I know when I do not know the answer to something or am unsure,
so I seek out additional information from textbooks, classmates, or professors to find the information or
to get more information about where to look for additional resources.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve in prioritizing problems in order to learn to take care of the most significant
problems first. I think that will be important in patient care. Getting to additional problems will help, but I
will need to focus on what is most significant first.
I also want to improve at considering all the consequences of possible solutions because currently I
think I lean towards doing a treatment that will have the biggest benefit, but sometimes that treatment
could have the biggest risk as well.
4. Interpersonal Skills – The ability to interact effectively with patients, families, colleagues, other
health care professionals, and the community in a culturally aware manner.
Something I have done during practicals and practicing for practicals is work to show interest in the
patient, I known currently they are classmates, but I try to ask how their day is going and what they
have going on while practicing on them.
During group studying, I understand a lot of people study differently and do different things to help
them remember facts or do different things while they are stressed. I am open to learning what others
do to study and seeing if that works for me, and if it doesn’t work for me, I continue what I was doing,
but I am not annoyed with that individual or try to get them to change anything.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to become better at recognizing my bias that I bring to professional interactions, and I think
that can be done through even further self-reflection and additional interactions in the PT world. I would
like to do this to be a great practitioner and have patients enjoy coming to PT.
I would also like to become better at responding to unexpected situations. This is to help me and to
help future patients. Sometimes I am set in my ways of how I think situations should go, so being able
to respond better is something I’d like to do.
5. Responsibility – The ability to be accountable for the outcomes of personal and professional
actions and to follow through on commitments that encompass the profession within the scope of work,
community and social responsibilities.
Something that supports my punctuality is always being early to class, labs, or additional school related
When working on group projects, my group normally divides up the work, and I always follow through
with working on what I say I am going to work on for the group.
While studying with others, we take turns explaining information or asking each other questions, and
when I get asked something I don’t know I will tell the group I don’t know but try to reason my way
through the question and then I will go and look up information to see if it is correct.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve with delegating tasks. Sometimes I need things to be a certain way, and think I
am the only one who can do that, when in reality someone else is able to do just as good if not a better
job than I. I want to improve with this so that I can improve my self-care and stress management.
Something else I’d like to improve on is providing evidence based practice. This is something that I
strive to do as a future PT because I want my patients to have the best care possible. I can do this by
paying attention in class and then furthering that knowledge in the clinic.
6. Professionalism – The ability to exhibit appropriate professional conduct and to represent the
profession effectively while promoting the growth/development of the Physical Therapy profession.
Because of working at Children’s and through my time at UC, I have begun identifying role models in
the field who I look up to and want to model parts of my future practice after.
I like to work independently for the most part, but when I am unsure of answers, of I think there is more
to something, I know when to ask someone else for help. I have done this with learning MMTs, joint
play, and muscle length tests in Exam. I know there might be one way to do it, but if it’s uncomfortable
or I realize I’m doing something wrong, I will ask others how they do it or if they have a better idea how
I could do the test.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve at using the evidence to drive clinical decision making. In doing this, I will be
setting my patients up for the best possible outcomes.
I would also like to improve by attending professional meetings to further knowledge as well as find
what I enjoy.
I would also like to improve with discussing societal expectations of the profession. I understand what a
PT does and why I chose to become a PT, but I do not think I’ve given much thought to society’s
expectations of what a PT should be doing. I think that will come with time and experience, but it is
something I also feel I can begin to improve on now by discussing with my peers.
7. Use of Constructive Feedback – The ability to seek out and identify quality sources of feedback,
reflect on and integrate the feedback, and provide meaningful feedback to others.
Active listening is something I feel like I do well. I am a quieter individual in groups, so I take time to
listen to what everyone is saying before responding. While trying to develop a plan in interventions, I
will let others talk, synthesize what they have said, and then add my additional thoughts to what could
Over the summer, for Intro to Interventions, we were learning skills that we had never done before to
move patients. Sometimes I would do a skill correctly, but not in the best form, or do it completely
wrong. I would then get feedback from classmates, Ben, or Chalee, and then I would try to immediately
re-do that skill with the feedback given to me to try to correct what I was doing.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve on maintaining two-way communication without getting defensive. I don’t
become outwardly defensive when receiving feedback, but internally sometimes I shut down or think
the person giving the feedback doesn’t know how I do it, so how can they give me feedback. I need to
improve in this regard and listen to the message.
I also need to improve on critiquing my own performances accurately. I feel like most of the time, I am
harder on myself than I need to be, and that’s not fair to myself. I also sometimes tell myself I know
more or did something more correct than it should be, and that too isn’t fair to myself.
8. Effective Use of Time and Resources – The ability to manage time and resources effectively to
obtain the maximum possible benefit.
Coming prepared for the days activities is something I do while preparing for classes. I work to have all
the information ready that I’ll need for each class. I keep a planner to know when I’m going to study
what subject and when I’m going to do it.
Learning some of the lower grade MMTs took more assistance than the higher grades, so I knew I
needed to spend more time on them and review them with multiple people to help me learn what I
I find time to work on school work during the day while we do not have class and I do not have
additional responsibilities.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve with identifying resource limitations. There are times when I take on too much,
and there is not enough time to do it all which results in me becoming stressed which is not a cycle I
want to continually put myself through.
I would also like to improve recognizing my own resource contributions as it relates to understanding
when I am being helpful to others.
9. Stress Management – The ability to identify sources of stress and to develop and implement
effective coping behaviors; this applies for interactions for: self, patient/clients and their families,
members of the health care team and in work/life scenarios.
I believe recognizing distress in others is something I do well. I’ve noticed this in class when we have a
big test coming up or just had a test and someone doesn’t feel great about their performance. I think
being able to recognize that allows me to change how I interact with those individuals.
I have started to realize what stresses me out with school and what I can get by with not worrying
about. I have realized that the amount of reading I am expected to do for all my classes combined can
be daunting at times.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I would like to improve with employing stress management techniques. Currently one of my techniques
is to continually push stuff off and not worry about it which helps in the moment, but not in the long run.
I can do this by working to prioritize my activities.
I would also like to improve on asking for assistance when needed. Sometimes I get into the mindset
that everything has to be done by myself and now which is hardly ever the case, but I need to be better
at verbalizing that information to others.
10. Commitment to Learning – The ability to self direct learning to include the identification of needs
and sources of learning; and to continually seek and apply new knowledge, behaviors, and skills.
I think prioritizing information needs and identifying my own learning needs go together because I use
one to prioritize the information. Anatomy is something that I feel relatively confident about and that it is
something I have learned a lot about, so during movement science, I don’t spend as much time on
anatomy versus learning the actual movements at the joints or trying to apply the anatomy knowledge I
already know.
When trying to learn some of the concepts in movement science or Interventions, I break it down into
the information that I do know. If I am able to answer all the smaller questions, then I am able to
answer the larger question that seems more difficult.
Regarding this Professional Behavior, I would like to improve in the following ways:
I’d like to improve with studying and researching where my own knowledge base is lacking. I think
currently, I am not even to the point of knowing what I don’t know, so with time that will help understand
what I am unsure about or lacking with, and I can improve with filling that void.
Something else I would like to improve on is re-evaluating my performance after implementing new
information. Currently, I will implement the new information but not re-evaluation. I do an initial
evaluation, and that is how I understand I need further information, but once I get that information, I don
not re-evaluate.
Professional Development Plan:
Based on my self assessment of my Professional Behaviors and the areas I have identified for
improvement, I am setting the following goals:
I am going to purposefully plan and schedule my time and activities for the week to become as effective
as possible in learning.
I am going to work on developing problem solving skills and taking in different perspectives to better
identify problems and their roots.
Reduce stress
I am going to block at least one hour every day to do something that I want to do (watching
Netflix, listening to music, going and seeing friends)
I am going to exercise for 45-60 minutes three times per week
Reflect at the end of each day for 10 minutes
Problem solving
Personally, I want to take time to reflect at the end of each day and any problems I had during
the day and work to understand what the problem was, how I handled it, and what the outcome
was. This will help me not only in personal problems but also then further implementing it into
studying and PT.
When faced with a problem in class or practical scenario, I am going to work on thinking about
the information I know and then applying that to the situation instead of freaking out because I
don’t know that specific question.
I am going to evaluate my performances more often instead of simply doing tasks. This will
help me understand what I am doing correctly and incorrectly and show me what I still need to
figure out to solve future problems.
I am going to seek additional input from others as well as work to collaborate with others more
to solve and understand problems.
By my signature below, I indicate that I have completed this self assessment and sought feedback from
my CI regarding my self assessment.
CI feedback/suggestions.
CI signature: Date: