03 - 01 Eacm Material
03 - 01 Eacm Material
03 - 01 Eacm Material
1. Industrial Energy Management Systems, Arry C. White, Philip S. Schmidt, David R. Brown,
Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 1994.
2. Fundamentals of Energy Engineering - Albert Thumann, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1984.
1. Economic Analysis of Demand Side Programs and Projects - California Standard Practice Manual,
June 2002 – Free download available online
2. Energy management by W.R. Murphy & G. Mckay Butter worth, Heinemann publications, 2007.
3. Energy management by Paul o’ Callaghan, Mc-graw Hill Book company-1st edition, 1998
4. Energy efficient electric motors by John .C. Andreas, Marcel Dekker Inc Ltd-2nd edition, 1995.
Energy Situation – world and India, energy consumption, conservation, codes,
standards and Legislation.
Energy Situation – World and India
Energy problems are now being largely ignored, despite their continuing importance. The near-
disappearance of energy from the U.S. public agenda is apparent in the scant attention given to
energy topics by the media and by public figures. Some suggestions for governmental action
were stimulated by the rise in gasoline prices in the Spring of 1996, but the matter was treated as
a short-term anomaly -- not as a harbinger of more severe difficulties to come.
This lack of long term concern is perhaps natural, because fuel supplies are generally ample and
prices are still relatively low; with the real cost of gasoline in 1994 only one half the costs in
1981. However, we believe that neglect of potential future difficulties is highly imprudent. We
summarize belo w the considerations that lead us to this conclusion. (This Background Paper was
prepared by members of the Panel on Public Af fairs of the American Phys ical Society.
It is meant to reflect the considerations that underlie the Statement on "Energy: the Forgotten
Crisis" issued by the American Physical Society. This paper has not been revie wed by the
3. The rest of the world has justifiable aspirations that will entail greater energy use.
o Energy consumption is growing much more rapidly in the still developing
countries than in the industrialized countries of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD). For example, during 1970-1990 energy
consumption increased 178 % for non- OECD As ia (5.3 % per year) compared to
36% for the OECD (1.6 % per year). Within several decades, these and other
developing countries are likely to outstrip the OEC D countries in total energy
7. World dependence on oil from the Middle East entails military and economic risks.
o The Middle East continues to be a region of potential political instability. The
U.S. fought the 1991 Persian Gulf War in part to defend the unimpeded flow of
oil to OEC D nations.
o Dependence on Persian Gulf oil has motivated U.S. arms shipments to that region
and increased military involvement.
o Europe and Japan have partially prepared themselves for future petroleum
shortages by using cons iderably higher gasoline prices ($4/gallon) to raise
revenue and moderate demand.
8. Natural gas and coal are considered by some to be the "bridging fuels" of the
o U.S. proven natural gas reserves dropped from 200 trillion cubic feet (TCF) to
164 TCF from 1983 to 1994. (1 TCF is about one quad.) The present rate of
consumption is 21 TCF/y. Resources may be as high as 1000 TCF, but it is not
clear how much of this can be converted to proven reserves. There are very large
resources of coal, but their mining and use entails major environmental problems.
o IPCC and others estimate that the global average temperature will change by the
end of the next century by 2 oC (4 oF) -- although the actual change could easily
be twice or half this value. The aggregate impacts of changes in temperature,
precipitation, and sea-level, while uncertain, are likely to be harmful to both
human and natural systems.
o Since the oil embargo of 1973-74, the number of registered passenger cars has
risen from 102 million to 147 million, an increase of 44 %. The DOE's Energy
Information Administration projects that vehicle miles traveled by light duty
vehicles will increase by 1/3 by 2015. The U.S. is saving huge amounts of fuel
and billions of dollars a year because the current standard (average) fuel economy
for new automobiles of 27.5 miles/gallon is t wice the 1973 fleet average of 13.5
20. The federal governme nt has an essential role in addressing problems with long time
o When the private sector is not addressing issues that pose threats to the national
security and well-being, federal involvement may become necessary. Industry
will typically invest in products which have a relatively short payback period.
Ho wever, energy problems may require several decades of development and
success is not assured. Individual private companies may prefer to wait for others
to develop a technology, and then modify aspects of that technology for their
purposes. Thus, there is likely to be insufficient industry investment in important
long term R& D projects. Federal help is then needed to fill the gap. This should
be done with a stability in funding that goes beyond the yearly Congressional
budget cycles.
21. National ene rgy policy options.
The AP S statement on "Energy: the Forgotten Crisis" concludes that "Low-cost oil
resources...are rapidly being depleted," that pollution is a threat to human health and the
environment, and that changing climate patterns may be expected from massive reliance
on fossil fuels. These conclusions indicate the need for action by the nation. We present
the follo wing illustrative policy options that respond to these conclusions. Their
presentation does not necessarily signify endorsement, but it illustrates a range of options
that we think worthy of consideration and further analysis.
a. Means for establishing national energy priorities and policies.
The long-term decline in general energy research funding, and the severe
fluctuations in funding individual energy technologies demonstrate the need for a
coherent, long-term, and bi-partisan, U.S. energy policy. One possible step
towards this goal could be the establishment of a permanent, bipartisan
presidential commiss ion to provide a continuous revie w of energy policy.
b. Ene rgy education and com m unications initiatives.
It is desirable to increase efforts, especially within the education programs of the
Department of Energy, to educate the public -- particularly students, teachers, and
consumers -- about the vital contribution of energy to our national well-being and
the fundamental issues and problems surrounding its production and use.
c. Measure s to promote efficient and prudent use of energy.
Technological improvements in energy efficiency provide the most readily
accepted means for restraining energy consumption. These have had remarkable,
although not well-enough noticed, success over the past two decades. Further
gains may be achievable through R&D efforts directed to ward cost-effective
technological improvements. Consideration also should be given to the
implications of possible additional measures, such as: (i) gasoline taxes to reduce
the use of oil; (ii) higher fuel economy standards for passenger cars, the extension
of fuel standards to additional classes of vehicles (e.g. light trucks, minivans), or a
revenue-neutral "feebate" system of sales taxes and rebates designed to encourage
the purchase of vehicles with good fuel efficiency; and (iii) increased energy
standards on buildings and appliances.
Energy codes reference areas of construction such as wall and ceiling insulation, windo w and
door specifications, HVAC equipment efficiency, and lighting fixtures. Usually, there are t wo
methods for compliance. The most common method is the prescriptive approach, in which the
code stipulates the stringency of the materials and equipment the builder must use. For the
performance approach, the code allocates a total allowable energy use for a building, and the
builder can choose the materials and equipment that will meet this target.
Where did they come from?
In the United States, national model energy codes were created in response to the energy and
economic crises of the 1970s. In 1978, Congress passed legislation requiring states to initiate
energy efficiency standards for new buildings. Since then, energy codes have undergone
significant improvements. The 1992 Energy Policy Act ("EPAct") mandated that all states must
review and consider adopting the national model energy standard. The Energy Policy Act of 2005
specified the most current model energy codes at the time of its passage (2004 IECC supplement,
AS HRAE 90.1-2004). Today, AS HRAE Standard 90.1-2007 and the 2009 International Energy
Conservation Code (IECC) are the national model energy codes, and each is updated on a three-
year cycle.
Int ro du ction
Energy codes provide minimum building requirements that are cost-effective in saving energy.
The energy saved is a cost savings to the building owner through lo wer monthly utility bills, and
smaller and thus less expensive HVAC equipment. More than 2/3rds of the electricity and 1/3rd
of the total energy in the U.S. are used to heat, cool, and operate buildings. This means that
implementing and enforcing energy codes will result in fe wer po wer plants and natural resources
being used to provide electricity and natural gas. It also means fe wer emiss ions to the
atmosphere. Emissions have been linked to smog, acid rain, and global warming. In the U.S.
most buildings are constructed to meet minimum energy code requirements; therefore energy
codes contribute to sustainability by saving energy and protecting the environment.
Energy codes are effective in reducing per capita energy usage (energy use per person). The per
capita energy use in California has remained steady due to its active use and enforcement of
energy codes for buildings, while energy use in the rest of the U.S. has increased.
Fig.1. Total Electricity Use, per capita, 1960-2001 (estimated for California for 2000 and 2001)
De sc riptio n
The U.S. Energy Conservation and Pr oduction Act (ECPA) requires that each state certify that it
has a commercial building code that meets or exceeds ANS I/ AS HRAE/IES NA Standard 90.1-
1999. In this sense, "commercial" means all buildings that are not low-rise residential (three
stories or less above grade). This includes office, industrial, warehouse, school, religious,
dormitories, and high-rise residential buildings. The process is administered by the Department
of Energy. AS HRAE 90.1 is the most commonly used energy code for commercial and other
non-residential buildings. The Model Energy Code ( MEC), now the International Energy
Conservation Code (IECC), is the most commonly used residential energy code by states. The
IECC also has a commercial section that allo ws the use of AS HRAE 90.1 for compliance. The
International Residential Code (IRC) is also used by some states. The NF P A has commercial and
residential energy codes based on AS HRAE Standards 90.1 and 90.2 (low-rise residential). The
status of energy codes by states is available from the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP).
Some states, such as Florida and California, have independently developed and adopted their
own energy codes. Some states and jurisdictions do not yet have energy codes despite the federal
*Code implementation depends upon the voluntary adoption of the code by local jurisdictions.
(Source: Building Codes Assistance Projects)
Ne w federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings must meet standards in
10 CFR 434, based on the ANS I/ AS HRAE/IES NA Standard 90.1-1989. The U.S. Department of
Navy ( DON) and Department of Defense ( DOD) use ANSI/ AS HRAE/IES NA 90.1-1999 rather
than 10 CFR 434. Government low-rise residential energy standards generally comply with
ENERGY STAR. The U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Pr ogram
(FEMP ) oversees the efforts to reduce energy and impacts to the environment at federal sites.
Commercial building requirements for lighting include total building wattage requirements for
interior and exterior lighting. Controls are generally required to assure lighting is turned off when
facilities are unoccupied. This can be achieved through programmable controls or occupancy
C. Prescriptive versus Performance Criteria
Codes generally have prescriptive and performance paths for compliance. Prescriptive paths are
easy-to-use tables that contain required minimum or maximum values. Performance paths are
used to trade one energy saving meas ure for another. For instance, if the wall insulation does not
meet the prescriptive requirements, but the ceiling insulation exceeds the prescriptive
requirements, then using a performance method may show compliance of the whole building
with the code. Prescriptive paths are commonly used for typical buildings in states with newly
adopted codes. Once designers become familiar with performance software, these become more
popular. Some performance methods can be used to show energy savings beyond code, and are
used for sustainability programs or state tax credits.
In prescriptive tables, opaque elements such as walls and roofs will have requirements in terms
of thermal resistance (R-values) and thermal transmittance (U-factors). The U-factor includes the
effects of insulation as well as framing members and interior and exterior finishes. The "overall"
R-value is the reciprocal of the U-factor. The "added" R-value is the R-value of the added
insulation, which is a simpler way of stating the requirement since insulation materials are
labeled for R-value. The effect of framing and building materials other than insulation does not
have to be calculated for prescriptive tables with "added" R-value requirements. For fenestration
(windo ws and associated frames) the requirements are in terms of U-factor and solar heat gain
coefficient (S HGC). Some codes have pre-calculated U-factors for walls, roofs, or windo ws so
that the pre-calculated values can be easily compared to the prescriptive requirements.
For walls with thermal mass (such as concrete, masonry, adobe, or logs) R-values are not a true
indicator of energy performance. These materials have a relatively low R-value, yet buildings
constructed with these materials perf orm well and are comfortable in many climates. Thermal
mass absorbs heat, thereby reducing and delaying the effects of outdoor temperature extremes on
the HVAC system, especially when temperatures fluctuate with highs or lo ws bet ween 50 to
75°F (10 to 25°C). In most climates, buildings with insulated mass walls will save energy
compared to buildings without mass with the same R-value. In many southern and western
climates, mass walls without insulation will perform as well as non-mass walls with insulation. In
commercial buildings where cooling demand often peaks in the afternoon due to the loads from
people and equipment, walls with thermal mass can absorb and lessen this peak. Since the mass
reduces peaks in mechanical system loads, first costs for HVAC equipment may also be reduced
in some climates. Most energy codes allow an adjustment for wall thermal mass in the
prescriptive portion.
The performance paths in energy codes generally allow the use of an easy-to-use computer trade-
off program or a detailed energy budget method. Generally the more complicated the compliance
tool, the more flexibility the designer is allo wed. Trade-off tools also allow for innovation in
design and materials. COMcheck™ is an easy-to-use program for determining commercial
building compliance for AS HRAE 90.1, IECC, and many state codes. REScheck™ (formerly
MECcheck) is an easy-to-use program for determining residential building compliance with the
MEC, IECC, and many state codes. A detailed computer-based energy analysis program such as
DOE2 and Visual DOE4.0 calculate yearly energy consumption on an hourly basis. Such
programs are useful when using the energy budget method because other simpler compliance
tools do not take into account special features of the building or its components. The energy
budget method compares the annual energy use of a building that meets prescriptive requirements
with the proposed building to determine compliance. Codes provide rules and guidelines for the
energy budget method.
The legislation:
implements the carbon pricing mechanism for Australia to reduce carbon pollution and
move to a clean energy future
sets out ho w the carbon pricing mechanism will be run, and what businesses will have to
links the carbon price to the Carbon Farming Initiative and to credible schemes overseas
provides for assistance to emissions intensive and trade exposed industries through the
Jobs and Competitiveness Program and to electricity generators to ensure energy security
excludes emiss ions from agriculture, the land sector, and the combustion of biomass,
biofuels and biogas from the mechanism
sets up a Clean Energy Regulator to administer the carbon pricing mechanism, the
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme, the Renewable Energy Target and
the Carbon Farming Initiative
sets up an independent Climate Change Authority, which will advise the Australian
Government on the setting of carbon pollution caps and periodic revie w of the carbon
pricing mechanism and other climate change la ws
applies an effective carbon price to transport fuels used in rail, shipping and aviation
(fuels used by motorists and in light commercial vehicles are excluded), to off-road use
of transport fuels by businesses (other than in the agricultural, forestry and fishery
industries), and to synthetic greenhouse gases
provides a refundable tax offset for conservation tillage equipment, and
assists those Australian households that need it most, including pensioners and low- and
middle-income earners
The Clean Energy Act 2011 is the central Act of the Package. It sets up the carbon pricing
mechanism (the mechanism) and deals with assistance for emissions-intensive trade-exposed
industries (the Jobs and Competitiveness Program) and the coal-fired electricity generation
It contains rules for who is covered, the Opt-in Scheme as well as what sources of carbon
pollution are included, the obligation to surrender emissions units, caps on the amount of carbon
pollution from 1 July 2015, international linking, monitoring, enforcement, appeal and revie w
The Clean Energy Regulator Act 2011 sets up the Clean Energy Regulator as a statutory
authority that will administer the carbon pricing mechanism, National Greenhouse and Energy
Reporting Scheme, the Renewable Energy Target and the Carbon Farming Initiative.
The Climate Change Authority Act 2011 sets up the Climate Change Authority, which will
begin on 1 July 2012. The Authority will advise the Australian Government on the setting of
carbon pollution caps and periodic review of the carbon pricing mechanism and other climate
change laws.
This Climate Change Authority Act 2011 also sets up the Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity
Board, which will advise on the implementation of land sector measures.
Different parts of the Clean Energy (Consequential Amendments) Act 2011 will start at different
times, depending on the element of the mechanism to which they relate or the specific legislation
that it amends.
This Act makes amendments to other laws to ensure that the mechanism is integrated with
existing la ws, regulatory schemes and processes. It includes changes that ensure:
the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme supports the mechanism (the
consolidated NGER Acts as of 2 April 2012 and 1 July 2012 , are now available on
the Australian National Registry of Emiss ions Units covers the mechanism, as well as the
Carbon Farming Initiative
the Regulator covers the mechanism, Carbon Farming Initiative, the Renewable Energy
Target and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme
the Regulator and Authority are set up as statutory agencies and regulated by public
accountability and financial management rules
that carbon units and their trading are covered by la ws on financial services and regulated
by the Australian Securities and Investment Commiss ion
that activities related to emiss ions trading are covered by la ws on money laundering and
synthetic greenhouse gases are covered by an effective carbon price by extending existing
Regulation of those substances
the taxation treatment of emissions units for the purposes of GST and income tax is clear,
the Regulator can work with other regulatory bodies, including the Australian Securities
and Investments Commission, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commiss ion
and Austrac.
Energy audit- definitions, concept, types of audit, energy index, cost index, pie
charts, Sankey diagrams, load profiles, Energy conservation schemes.
Measurements in energy audits, presentation of energy audit results.
Energy Audit
An energy audit is an assessment of ho w much energy a home consumes and the development of a
plan to make the home more energy efficient. An energy audit cannot only reveal ways to help
conserve precious energy; it can also save you significant amounts of money by maximizing energy
efficiency in your household. During an audit, an expert examines the building for energy leakages
(such as air leaks) as well as ways to maximize energy usage (such as with more efficient lighting
and heating/cooling systems).
An ene rgy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in
a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without
negatively affecting the output(s).
Energy audits initially became popular in response to the energy cris is of 1973 and later years.
Interest in energy audits has recently increased as a result of growing understanding of human
impact upon global warming and climate change.
When the object of study is an occupied building then reducing energy consumption while
maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety are of primary concern. Beyond
simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the energy uses
according to the greatest to least cost effective opportunities for energy savings.
Home energy audit
A home energy audit is a service where the energy efficiency of a house is evaluated by a person
using professional equipment (such as blo wer doors and infrared cameras), with the aim to
suggest the best ways to improve energy efficiency in heating and cooling the house.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
An energy audit of a home may involve recording various characteristics of the building envelope
including the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, and skylights. For each of these components
the area and resistance to heat flow (R-value) is measured or estimated. The leakage rate or
infiltration of air through the building envelope is of concern, both of which are strongly affected
by windo w construction and quality of door seals such as weather stripping. The goal of this
exercise is to quantify the building's overall thermal performance. The audit may also assess the
efficiency, physical condition, and programming of mechanical systems such as the heating,
ventilation, air conditioning equipment, and thermostat.
A home energy audit may include a written report estimating energy use given local climate
criteria, thermostat settings, roof overhang, and solar orientation. This could show energy use for
a given time period, say a year, and the impact of any suggested improvements per year. The
accuracy of energy estimates are greatly improved when the homeowner's billing history is
available sho wing the quantities of electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, or other energy sources
consumed over a one or two-year period. A home energy audit is often used to identify cost
effective ways to improve the comfort and efficiency of buildings. In addition, homes may
qualify for energy efficiency grants from central government.
Energy Concepts specializes in Energy Audits and Energy Star certifications in the East Texas
area. We are proud to announce our most recent partnership in the Home Performance with
Energy Star program.
If you are considering building a ne w home, Energy Concepts can provide the expertise to help
design your new home’s energy efficiency. For existing home purchases, an energy audit can
provide you with a detailed analysis sho wing you potential problems with your future home.
• Scheduling an opening conference to discuss the audit objectives, timing, and report
format and distribution.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
• Assessing the soundness of the internal controls or business systems and operations.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Types of Audits and Reviews:
1. Financial Audits or Reviews
2. Operational Audits
3. Department Reviews
4. Information Systems Audits
5. Integrated Audits
6. Investigative Audits or Reviews
7. Follow-up Audits
Financial Audit
A historically oriented, independent evaluation performed for the purpose of attesting to the
fairness, accuracy, and reliability of financial data. CS ULB's external auditors, KP M G, perform
this type of review. CS ULB's Director of Financial Reporting coordinates the work of these
auditors on our campus.
Operational Audit
A future-oriented, systematic, and independent evaluation of organizational activities. Financial
data may be used, but the primary sources of evidence are the operational policies and
achievements related to organizational objectives. Internal controls and efficiencies may be
evaluated during this type of review.
Department Review
A current period analysis of administrative functions, to evaluate the adequacy of controls,
safeguarding of assets, efficient use of resources, compliance with related laws, regulations and
University policy and integrity of financial information.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Investigative Audit
This is an audit that takes place as a result of a report of unusual or suspicious activity on the part
of an individual or a department. It is usually focused on specific aspects of the work of a
department or individual. All members of the campus community are invited to report suspicions
of improper activity to the Director of Internal Auditing Services on a confidential basis. Her
direct number is 562-985-4818.
Follow-up Audit
These are audits conducted approximately six months after an internal or external audit report has
been issued. They are designed to evaluate corrective action that has been taken on the audit
issues reported in the original report. When these follo w-up audits are done on external auditors'
reports, the results of the follo w-up may be reported to those external auditors.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
• Level II – Detailed/General energy audit: Based on the results of the pre-audit, this type
of energy audit consists in energy use survey in order to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the studied installation, a more detailed analysis of the facility, a breakdown
of the energy use and a first quantitative evaluation of the ECOs/EC Ms selected to
correct the defects or improve the existing installation. This level of analys is can involve
advanced on-site measurements and sophisticated computer based simulation tools to
evaluate precisely the selected energy retrofits;
The impossibility of describing all possible situations that might be encountered during an audit
means that it is necessary to find a way of describing what constitutes good, average and bad
energy performance across a range of situations. The aim of benchmarking is to answer this
question. Benchmarking mainly consists in comparing the measured consumption with reference
consumption of other similar buildings or generated by simulation tools to identify excessive or
unacceptable running costs. As mentioned before, benchmarking is also necessary to identify
buildings presenting interesting energy saving potential. An important issue in benchmarking is
the use of performance indexes to characterize the building.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
• Instrumentation
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
The PEA is essentially, as the name implies a preliminary data collection and its analysis
process. Readily available data on the plant’s energy systems and energy –using processes or
equipment are obtained and studied. The operation and condition of equipment are observed by
going around the plant. These provides basis to develop recommendations for immediate short
term measures and to provide quick and rough estimates of savings that are possible and
achievable. A preliminary study usually
Identifies and assesses obvious areas for energy savings such as stream leaks, compressed air
leaks, poor or miss ing insulation, condensate recovery, idling equipment, deterioration and
deficiencies in combustion and heat transfer equipment etc. and serves to identify specific areas
for the detailed plant energy study.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
6. Electrical: Multimeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter, Power Factor meter, Light meter
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
General audit
The general audit (alternatively called a mini-audit, site energy audit or detailed energy audit or
complete site energy audit) expands on the preliminary audit described above by collecting more
detailed inf ormation about facility operation and by performing a more detailed evaluation of
energy conservation measures. Utility bills are collected for a 12 to 36 month period to allo w the
auditor to evaluate the facility's energy demand rate structures and energy usage profiles. If
interval meter data is available, the detailed energy profiles that such data makes possible will
typically be analyzed for signs of energy waste. Additional metering of specific energy-
consuming systems is often performed to supplement utility data. In-depth intervie ws with
facility operating personnel are conducted to provide a better understanding of major energy
consuming systems and to gain insight into short and longer term energy consumption patterns.
This type of audit will be able to identify all energy-conservation measures appropriate for the
facility, given its operating parameters. A detailed financial analysis is performed for each
measure based on detailed implementation cost estimates; site-specific operating cost savings,
and the customer's investment criteria. Sufficient detail is provided to justify project
Invest ment-grade audit
In most corporate settings, upgrades to a facility's energy infrastructure must compete for capital
funding with non-energy-related investments. Both energy and non-energy investments are rated
on a single set of financial criteria that generally stress the expected return on investment (ROI ).
The projected operating savings from the implementation of energy projects must be developed
such that they provide a high level of confidence. In fact, investors often demand guaranteed
savings. The investment-grade audit expands on the detailed audit described above and relies on
a complete engineering study in order to detail technical and economical issues necessary to
justify the investment related to the transformations.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
• Benchmarking stage: While normalization is required to allo w comparison bet ween data
recorded on the studied installation and reference values deduced from case studies or
statistics. The use of simulation models, to perform a code-compliant simulation of the
installation under study, allows assessing directly the studied installation, without any
normalization needed. Indeed, applying a simulation-based benchmarking tool allows an
individual normalization and allows avoiding size and climate normalization.
• Preliminary audit stage: Global monthly consumptions are generally insuf ficient to allow
an accurate understanding of the building’s behaviour. Even if the analysis of the energy
bills does not allow identifying with accuracy the different energy consumers present in
the facility, the consumption records can be used to calibrate building and system
simulation models. To assess the existing system and to simulate correctly the building’s
thermal behaviour, the simulation model has to be calibrated on the studied installation.
The iterations needed to perform the calibration of the model can also be fully integrated
in the audit process and help in identifying required measurements and critical issues.
• Detailed audit stage: At this stage, on-site measurements, sub-metering and monitoring
data are used to refine the calibration of the BES tool. Extensive attention is given to
understanding not only the operating characteristics of all energy consuming systems, but
also situations that cause load profile variations on short and longer term bases (e.g.
daily, weekly, monthly, annual). When the calibration criteria is satisf ied, the savings
related to the selected ECOs/EC Ms can be quantified.
• Investment-grade audit stage: At this stage, the results provided by the calibrated BES
tool can be used to assess the selected ECOs/EC Ms and orient the detailed engineering
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
approximately 1 degree per hour if the difference bet ween external and internal temperatures is
an average of 40 degrees. A poorly insulated wall can drop as much as 10 degrees in an hour.
Pollution audits
With increases in carbon dioxide emissions or other greenhouse gases, pollution audits are no w a
prominent factor in most energy audits. Implementing energy efficient technologies help prevent
utility generated pollution.
Online pollution and emission calculators can help approximate the emiss ions of other prominent
air pollutants in addition to carbon dioxide.
Pollution audits generally take electricity and heating fuel consumption numbers over a t wo year
period and provide approximations for carbon dioxide, VOCs, nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide, mercury, cadmium, lead, mercury compounds, cadmium compounds and lead
Energy may be purchased in various units, for example, coal in tones; gas in ft3, m3, therms; oil
in gallons, litres, tons, barrels etc. the relevant conversion units from one system to the other are
given below:
Exam ple 2:
Consider a company using three energy forms – oil, gas and electricity. The annual
energy consumption is shown below in various energy units. Each of these energy types may be
represented as a percentage of the total energy used and tabulated as an energy balance.
Energy type Consum ption Energy Energy (J) Energy (Wh)
Oil 10X103 gal 1.775X109 Btu 1.872X1012 0.520X109
Gas 5X103 therm 5X103 therm 0.526X1012 0.146X109
Electricity 995X103 KWh 995X103 KWh 0.358X1012 0.995X109
Total 2.754X1012 1.661X109
Note: Calorific value of oil: 18.3X10 Btu/lb; Density of fuel: 9.7 lb/gal
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Energy index is a useful parameter to monitor and compare energy consumption of specific
products manufactured by the industry.Energy index is the figure obtained by dividing energy
consumption by production output, and the index may be calculated weekly, monthly or
annually. Although the total energy indices are sufficient for monitoring purposes, a record of the
individual energy indices should be maintained. In the event of an increase or decrease (due to
perhaps a conservation measure) in energy index, the particular source can be investigated
Exam ple 3:
If the company in Example 2 produces 100 X103 tons of a particular product, calculate the ebergy
Oil energy index: 0.520X109 Wh/100X109 = 5.20X103 Wh/ton of product
Gas energy index: 0.146X109 Wh/100X109 = 1.46X103 Wh/ton of product
Electricity energy index: 0.995X109 Wh/100X109 = 9.95X103 Wh/ton of product
Total energy index: 1.661X109 Wh/100 X109 = 16.61X103 Wh/ton of product
The cost index is another parameter which can be used to monitor and assess energy
consumption by a company. The cost index is defined as the cost of energy divided by the
production output. An individual cost index can be determined for each energy form and for the
total energy consumption by the company.
Exam ple 1:
Table belo w sho ws energy costs for a company using coke, gas and electricity. This company
produces 15X103 tons per year. Calculate cost indices.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
may be graphical or tabular. Most popular among them are Pie chart and the Sankey diagram.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Pie Chart
Energy usage is plotted on a circular chart where the quantity of a particular type is represented
as a segment of a circle. The size of the segment will be proportional to the energy consumption
using a particular fuel (energy form or source) relative to total energy use. The energy units must
be rationalized to the same units.
A pie chart (or a circle graph ) is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportion. In
a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and consequently its central angle and area), is
proportional to the quantity it represents. When angles are measured with 1 turn as unit then a
number of percent is identified with the same number of centiturns. Together, the sectors create a
full disk. It is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced. The sizes of the sectors
are calculated by converting between percentage and degrees or by the use of a percentage
protractor. The earliest known pie chart is generally credited to William Playfair's Statistical
Breviary of 1801.
The pie chart is perhaps the most widely used statistical chart in the business world and the mass
media. However, it has been criticized, and some recommend avoiding it, pointing out in
particular that it is difficult to compare different sections of a given pie chart, or to compare data
across different pie charts. Pie charts can be an effective way of displaying information in some
cases, in particular if the intent is to compare the size of a slice with the whole pie, rather than
comparing the slices among them. Pie charts work particularly well when the slices represent 25
to 50 % of the data, but in general, other plots such as the bar chart or the dot plot, or non-
graphical methods such as tables, may be more adapted for representing certain information.
The following example chart is based on preliminary results of the election for the European
Parliament in 2004. The table lists the number of seats allocated to each party group, along with
the derived percentage of the total that they each make up. The value in the last column, the
derived central angle of each sector, is found by multiplying the percentage by 360°.
Group Seats Percent (%) Cent ral angle (°)
EUL 39 5.3 19.2
PES 200 27.3 98.4
EF A 42 5.7 20.7
EDD 15 2.0 7.4
ELDR 67 9.2 33.0
EPP 276 37.7 135.7
UEN 27 3.7 13.3
Other 66 9.0 32.5
Total 732 99.9* 360.2*
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
largest group (European People's Party (EPP )) is 135.7° because 0.377 times 360, rounded to one
decimal place(s), equals 135.7.
Pie Chart - A special chart that uses "pie slices" to show relative sizes of data.
Imagine you just did a survey of your friends to find which kind of movie they liked best.
Here are the results:
Table: Favorite Type of Movie
Comedy Action Romance Drama SciFi
4 5 6 1 4
You could sho w that by this pie chart:
It is a really good way to show relative sizes: it is easy to see which movie types are most liked,
and which are least liked, at a glance.
You can create graphs like that using our Data Graphs (Bar, Line and Pie) page.
Ho w to Make Them Yourself
First, put your data into a table (like above), then add up all the values to get a total:
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
No w you need to figure out ho w many degrees for each "pie slice" (correctly called a sector).
A Full Circle has 360 degrees, so we do this calculation:
Comedy Action Romance Drama SciFi TOTAL
4 5 6 1 4 20
4/20 = 20% 5/20 = 25% 6/20 = 30% 1/20 = 5% 4/20 = 20% 100%
4/20 × 360° 5/20 × 360° 6/20 × 360° 1/20 × 360° 4/20 × 60°
= 72° = 90° = 108° = 18° = 72°
Sankey Diagram
Sankey diagram s are a specific type of flow diagram, in which the width of the arro ws is sho wn
proportionally to the flow quantity. They are typically used to visualize energy or material or
cost transfers between processes.
They are also commonly used to visualize the energy accounts or material flow accounts on a
regional or national level. Sankey diagrams put a visual emphasis on the major transfers or flows
within a system. They are helpful in locating dominant contributions to an overall flo w. Often,
Sankey diagrams sho w conserved quantities within defined system boundaries,
typically energy or mass, but they can also be used to show flows of non-conserved quantities
such asexergy. Sankey Diagrams drop their arrows when energy is being used.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
One of the most famous Sankey diagrams is Charles Minard's Map of Napolean's Russian
Campaign of 1812. It is a flo w map, overlaying a Sankey diagram onto a geographical map. It
was created in 1869.
Sankey diagrams are named after Irish Captain Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey, who used
this type of diagramin 1898 in a publication on the energy efficiency of a steam engine (see
reproduction in[1], page 8). While the first charts in black and white were merely used to display
one type of flow (e.g. steam), using colors for different types of flows has added more degrees of
freedom to Sankey diagrams.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
We can detect arrows with three different brush widths (my guess is 1px, 2px and 4 px), each
standing for a value range into which the actual flow quantity falls. This may, ho wever, bes
somewhat misleading when having a quick glance at the diagram.
I quickly “translated” the above diagram to a Sankey diagram with flo w values being actually to
Here it is quite clear where the major phosphorus flows are located (from food production via
urban consumption to se wage treatment plant and solid waste disposal: 2923 out of 5374 tons
end up here). The other flo ws are comparatively small, with the phoshporous flow going directly
to the aquatic system worth a mention. Two small flo ws in the center of the diagram are
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
negligible, they are in fact so tiny in comparison to the major flows that they even don’t show up
(or just as a hairline) here.
I have therefore added a minimum width of 1 px for small flows so that the annual 17 tons from
urban consumption and the 1.9 tons from rural consumption to the solid waste disposal are at
least visible (albeit not to scale with the other flows any more).
Load Profiles
The energy load profile (hereafter referred to as simply "load profile") is an estimate of the total
energy demanded from a power system or sub-system over a specific period of time (e.g. hours,
days, etc). The load profile is essentially a two-dimensional chart showing the instantaneous load
(in Volt-Amperes) over time, and represents a convenient way to visualize how the system loads
changes with respect to time.
Note that it is distinct from the electrical load schedule - the load profile incorporates a time
dimension and therefore estimates the energy demand (in kWh) instead of just the instantaneous
load / power (in kW).
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
1) Autonomy method is the traditional method used for backup power applications, e.g.
UP S systems. In this method, the instantaneous loads are displayed over an autonomy
time, which is the period of time that the loads need to be supported by a backup power
system in the event of a po wer supply interruption.
2) 24 Hour Profile method displays the average or expected instantaneous loads over a
24 hour period. This method is more commonly associated with standalone po wer s ystem
applications, e.g. solar systems, or energy efficiency applications.
Both methods share the same three general steps, but with some differences in the
▪ Step 1: Prepare the load list
▪ Step 2: Construct the load profile
▪ Step 3: Calculate the design load and design energy demand
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Suppose the following loads were identified based on the Autonomy Method:
The load profile is constructed by stacking "energy rectangles" on top of each other. An energy
rectangle has the load VA as the height and the autonomy time as the width and its area is a
visual representation of the load's total energy. For example, the DCS Cabinet has an energy
rectangle of height 200 (VA) and width 4 (hours). The load profile is created by stacking the
widest rectangles first, e.g. in this example it is the Telecommunications Cabinet that is stacked
For the 24 Hour method, energy rectangles are constructed with the periods of time that a load is
energized (i.e. the time difference bet ween the ON and OFF times).
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
is the peak load apparent power, derived from the load profile ( VA)
is a contingency for future load gro wth ( %)
is a design margin ( %)
It is common to make considerations for future load gro wth (typically somewhere between 5 and
20%), to allow future loads to be supported. If no future loads are expected, then this
contingency can be ignored. A design margin is used to account for any potential inaccuracies in
estimating the loads, less-than-optimum operating conditions due to improper maintenance, etc.
Typically, a design margin of 10 % to 15 % is recommended, but this may also depend on Client
Exam ple : From our simple example above, the peak load apparent po wer is 640VA. Given a
future gro wth contingency of 10 % and a design margin of 10 %, the design load is:
De sign Energy Demand
The design energy demand is used for sizing energy storage devices. From the load profile, the
total energy (in terms of VAh) can be computed by finding the area underneath the load profile
curve (i.e. integrating instantaneous power with respect to time over the autonomy or 24h period).
The design energy demand (or design VAh) can then be calculated by the following equation:
is the total load energy, which is the area under the load profile ( VAh)
is a contingency for future load gro wth as defined above ( %)
is a design contingency as defined above ( %)
Exam ple : From our simple example above, the total load energy from the load profile is
2,680VAh. Given a future growth contingency of 10 % and a design margin of 10 %, the design
energy demand is:
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
(e) Electrical po wer: In industries where all the electrical po wer is ‘imported’ conservation
measures can reduce the annual electricity costs by 10–15 percent. Steam driven turbines
may prove more economical as prime movers. Natural air cooling may be sufficient and
therefore induced–draught fans may be taken out of commission. Pumping costs can
sometimes be saved by utilizing gravity to move products from one tank to another.
Where possible, use off-peak electricity.
Medium -term energy conse rvation sche mes
Significant savings in energy consumption are often available for quite modest outlays of
Capital based on a pay-back period of less than t wo years,
(a) Insulation: Improving insulation to prevent cold air leaking into the building and also,
improving insulation thickness was determined at a time when fuel oil was Rs 6 per tone
and, consequently, at present fuel oil prices, optimum thicknesses have increased
appreciably. In addition, in older plants lagging may have deteriorated to varying
degrees. For an outlay of Rs25000, savings of Rs60000 per annum were achieved.
In all oil refinery the lagging on the process steam system was up rated to new optimum
thicknesses and the Rs20000 invested in the project was recouped within a year
(b) Heating Systems: Improving the time and temperature control of the heating systems in
buildings should result in substantial energy savings.
(c) Replacing air compressors
(d) Instrumentation: To measure and control the energy conservation parameters, adequate
instrumentation must be provided or operators will soon lose interest in maintaining
efficiencies if they are working with inadequate an unreliable instruments.
(e) Process modifications: Many of these schemes will depend on the nature of the industry
concerned, however, one general scheme will be considered. Steam condensate, if
uncontaminated, may be used as boiler feed water. Improved condensate return systems
can increase the amount recovered. The effect will be to increase the heat recovered in
the condensate and at the same time reduce raw water and treatment costs.
In one instance 10000 Kg/h of condensate was recovered for an investment of Rs10000;
the pay-back time was less than six months.
(f) Burners: The control and amount of atomizing stream is important and often in furnaces
and boilers the amount of atomizing steam is far in excess of design.
In a hospital t wo fuel oil-fired boilers were examined and in some instances it was found
that 1 kg steam/kg fuel oil was being utilized. The oil burners were replaced and the
atomizing steam requirements are no w 0.1 kg steam/kg fuel oil. The pay-back for an
outlay of Rs12000 was ten months.
(g) Electrical Po wer Savings: Considerable savings may be made by adjusting the electrical
power factor correction.
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Capacitors were installed in one particular company at a cost of Rs 10000. The po wer factor
was increased from 0.84 to 0.97 reducing the maximum demand level by over 14 percent.
The pay-back time was nine months.
To increase plant capacity t wo feed pumps may be run in parallel to achieve the required feed
rate. When replacement, for mechanical reasons, becomes necessary it is more economical
to replace the pump by a single pump having a higher capacity.
Long-term energy conse rvation sche mes
To obtain further economics in energy consumption required the spending of significant
amounts of capital, although, in many cases, the return on capital for the long-term
investment may not be as good as that of the medium term. Full financial evaluation is
needed, using the appraisal techniques discussed in Unit- V, to ensure the investment is
economically viable.
(a) Heater modifications: The installation of heating tubes and air pre-heaters to extract
more heat from furnace flue gases.
(b) Improved Insulation: Additional lagging of heated storage tanks. This type of project
often comes within the medium-term group.
(c) Heat recovery: improved heat recovery in the processing areas by additional heat
exchange schemes.
Many of the energy projects that have been outlined may be adopted by a wide variety of
companies. However, some are more specific in their application and it is necessary to
consider the contribution of energy costs to companies and energy usage by different
The ABCs of Energy Conservation Schemes can be used as a checklist to identify the areas
of deficiency and adopt the right approach for energy savings.
Adjustable frequency drives Balancing energy Co-generation
Ambient air reset controls Blow-down controllers Chiller optimization
Analysis of audit results Break-even analysis Copper fins in cooling/ heating
Demand control Economizer control Fenestration techniques
Delay monitoring and avoidance Efficient equipment selection Filter loading control
DDC management systems Energy audit and analysis Fan efficiency optimization
Glazing systems for heat gain Heat energy tacking Insulation
Gas cooling Heat recovery methods Infiltration control
General housekeeping High efficiency criteria Inspections
Job-task analysis Kettle heat control Lighting
Joint sealing and testing kWh and kW reduction Load calculation/shedding
Justify retrofits keg temperature control Life-cycle cost analysis
M` N O
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Ma intenance Non conventional methods Occupancy sensors
Metering Novel technologies Optimization
Monitoring Natural gas use Over-rating avoidance
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Peak demand shaving Quality Retrofits
Power factor corrections Return air systems
Pay-back period Rate of return
Solar energy Time of day U-values
Steam traps Thermostat settings Utilities
Selection criteria Temperature control Utility meter close to site
Variable air volume boxes water conservation XTMR losses
Variable supply air set point waste heat recovery Yearly cost and savings
Voltage selection water treatment Zone controls
Subject code: 15A02706 EADSM
Energy efficient motors, factors affecting efficiency, loss distribution,
constructional details, characteristics – variable speed, variable duty cycle systems,
RMS hp – voltage variation – voltage unbalance – over motoring – motor energy
Energy efficient motors (EEM) are the ones in which, design improvements are
incorporated specifically to increase operating efficiency over motors of s tandard
design (see figure). Design improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor losses.
Improvements include the use of lower-loss silicon steel, a longer core (to increase
active material), thicker wires (to reduce resistance),thinner laminations, smaller
air gap between stator and rotor, copper instead of aluminum bars in the rotor,
superior bearings and a smaller cooling fans, etc.
Energy-efficient motors operate with efficiencies that are typically 4 to 6% higher
than the standard motors. In keeping with the stipulations of the BIS, energy-
efficient motors are designed to operate without loss in efficiency at loads between
75% and 100% of rated capacity. This may result in major benefits in varying load
applications. The power factor is about the same or may be higher than for
standard motors. Furthermore energy-efficient motors have lower operating
temperatures and levels, greater ability to accelerate higher-inertia loads, and are
less affected by supply voltage fluctuations.
Energy efficient motors cover a wide range of ratings and the full load efficiencies
are higher by 3 to 7%. The mounting dimensions are also maintained as per IS1232
to enable easy replacement. As a result of the modifications to improve
performance, the costs of energy-efficient motors are higher than those of standard
motors by about 30%. The higher cost will often be paid back rapidly in saved
operating costs, particularly in new applications or end-of-life motor replacements.
In cases where existing motors have not reached the end of their useful life, the
economics will be less positive.
Because the favorable economics of energy-efficient motors are based o savings in
operating costs, there may be certain cases which are economically ill-suited to
energy-efficient motors. These include highly intermittent duty or special torque
applications such as hoists and cranes, traction drives, punch presses, machine
tools and centrifuges.
C. Voltage Unbalance
Voltage unbalance (including single phasing) is both a leading cause of motor
failures and a major contributor to energy losses in motors. The subsequent current
unbalances that result produce additional losses in the motor. The effect of
unbalanced voltages on polyphase induction motors is equivalent to the
introduction of a “negative sequence voltage” having a rotation opposite to that
occurring with balanced voltages. This negative sequence voltage produces in the
air gap a flux rotating against the rotation of the rotor, tending to produce high
currents. The unbalance voltage is defined as:
losses are generated by circulating current within the core steel laminations. These
are reduced by using thinner laminations.
Friction and Windage Losses
Friction and windage losses result from bearing friction, windage and circulating
air through the motor and account for 8-12% total losses. These losses are
independent of load. The reduction in heat generated by stator and rotor losses
permits the use of smaller fan. The windage losses also reduce with the diameter of
fan leading to reduction in windage losses.
Stray Load-Losses
These losses vary according to square of the load current and are caused by
leakage flux induced by load currents in the laminations and account for 4 to 5% of
total losses. These losses are reduced by careful selection of slo t numbers,
tooth/slot geometry and air gap.
Constructional Details
The efficiency of energy efficient motors is higher due to the following
constructional features:
1. By increasing the amount of copper in the motor (≥60%) which reduces the
resistance (Ohmic) loss in the winding & temperature rise. Performance
improves because of increased thermal mass.
2. Use of more & thinner laminations of high quality motor steel reduces core
losses in the stator and rotor.
3. Narrowing of air gap between stator and rotor increases the intensity of
magnetic flux, thereby improving the motor ability to deliver the same
torque at reduced power. Increasing the length of stator and rotor increases
the net flux linkages in the air gap to the same effect.
4. More complex rotor bar designs enable good starting torque with efficient
full speed operation.
5. Improved overall design reduces windage losses and stray load losses.
Energy efficient motors hold their efficiency better at part loads enhancing their
advantage over standard motors. Economic benefits of installing energy efficient
motors can be recognized in three situations:
• In a new applications (Plant expansion)
• In lieu of rewinding of failed motors
• Proactive replacement for in-service standard motors
Energy efficient motors are more cost effective than standard motors in the above
cases. Efficient of EEMs is 4 – 6 % higher compared to the efficiency of standard
Energy efficiency motors run cooler, and therefore have potentially longer life than
their standard efficiency counterparts.
Characteristics – variable Speed, Variable Duty Cycle Diagrams
The single most potent source of energy savings in induction motor system
lies not in the motor, but rather in the controls that govern its operation. Adjustable
speed, intelligent controls and other ways of modifying or controlling motor
behavior hold great promise for improving performance and efficiency in drive
Need for using controls
Induction motors are well suited to single speed, constant output
applications. However, there are large numbers of motor/ load/ system
combinations where single speed operation does not efficiently meet the process
requirements, usually due to two common factors.
• Oversized motor: motors are often oversized for their loads causing not only
reduced efficiency, but also reduced power factor, and in many cases
increased energy consumption in the load because of reduced slip.
• Varying Load: Many applications require modulated output from a
motor/load/system. These systems are sized to provide the maximum output
under the worst operating conditions, but rarely require this much flow (output).
The excess energy is wasted, usually by some form of throttling.
Controlling motor speed to load requirements provides many benefits, including
increased energy efficiency and improved power factor. Adjustable speed
capability can significantly improve productivity of many manufacturing
processes by reducing scrap, enabling quality manufacturing during transition
times and allowing more control over start up and shut down.
Following are the benefits of VSDs:
• Matching motor and load to output
• Improved process precision
• Improved power factor
• Improved tool life
• Increased production & flexibility
• Faster response
• Extend operating range
• Electrical isolation
• Driving multiple motors
• Throttled load saving (throttling is the most energy inefficient operation)
• Cube-law load savings (P∞N
There are great applications especially in hydraulics and hydraulically-driven
machines that have greatly fluctuating load requirements. In some cases, the peak
loads last for relatively short periods during the normal cycle of the machine. At
first glance, it might seem that a motor would have to be sized to handle the worst
part of the load cycle. For example, if a cycle included a period of time where
18HP is required, then the natural approach would be to utilize a 20 HP motor. A
more practical approach to these types of “duty cycle loads” takes advantage of an
electric motor’s ability to handle substantial overload conditions as long as the
period of overload is relatively short compared to the total time involved in the
The method of calculating whether or not the motor will be suitable for a
particular cycling application is called the RMS (root mean squared) horsepower
loading method. The calculations required to properly size a motor for this type of
application are relatively simple.
The RMS calculations take into account the fact that heat buildup within the
motors is very much greater at a 50% overload than it is under normal operating
conditions. Thus, the weighted average horsepower is what is significant. RMS
calculations determine the weighted average horsepower.
In addition to reducing the size and cost of a motor for a particular application,
RMS loading also helps improve the overall efficiency and power factor on a duty
cycle-type load. For example, when an oversized motor is operated on a light
load, the efficiency is generally fairly low. So working the motor harder (with a
higher average horsepower) will generally result in improved overall efficiency
and reduced operating cost. In order to use the RMS method of horsepower
determination, the duty cycle has to be spelled out in detail as shown in the
following example.
In order to determine the RMS loading for the previous cycle, we can use the
The easiest way to approach this type of calculation is to make several columns as
shown below and fill in the details underneath.
2 2
Step Horsepower HP Duration (seconds) HP x Time
1 3.0 9.0 3 27.0
2 7.5 56.3 10 563.0
3 2.5 6.3 12 75.6
4 12.5 156.3 3 468.8
Total 28 1134.4
In this case, the total time of the cycle is 28 seconds and the summation of
horsepower squared times time for the individual steps in the cycle is 1134.4.
When inserted into the equation, the RMS horsepower comes out to be:
At first glance, it appears that a 7-1/2 HP motor would be adequate to handle the
loading required by this duty cycle. One further check has to be made and that is
to determine if the motor has adequate pullout torque (breakdown torque) to
handle the worst portion of the duty cycle (12.5 hp load for 3 seconds) without
stalling. In this case, one would have to refer to the manufacturer’s data for the
motor and determine the percent of pullout torque that is available.
Voltage unbalance degrades the performance and shortens the life of a three-phase
motor. Voltage unbalances at the motor stator terminals causes phase current
unbalance far out of proportion the voltage unbalance. Unbalanced currents lead
to torque overheating, which results in a shorter winding insulation life.
Voltage unbalance is defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) as 100 times the absolute value of the maximum deviation
of the line voltage from the average voltage on a three-phase system, divided by
the average voltage. For example, if the measured line voltages are 462,463, and
455 volts, the average is 460 volts. In this case, the voltage unbalance is:
(460-455)/ 460*100=1.1%
It is recommended that the voltage unbalances at the motor terminals not exceed
1% Common causes of voltage unbalance include:
• Faulty operation of power factor correction equipment
• Unbalanced or unstable utility supply
• Unbalanced transformer bank supplying a three-phase load that is too large
for the bank
• Unidentified single-phase to ground faults
• An open circuit on the distribution system primary
Check if the set discharge pressure is at the lowest permissible limit of operation in the
Check for proper maintenance of major equipment i.e. cleaning measuring temperature,
dust, vibration, noise, lubrication and coupled condition.
From the above, it may be noted that required capacitive kVAr increases with
decrease in speed of motor, as the magnetizing current requirement of a low speed
motor is more compared to the high speed motor for the same HP. Since a
reduction in line current and associated energy efficiency gains are reflected
backwards from the point of application of the capacitor, th e maximum improves
in overall system efficiency is achieved when the capacitor is connected across the
motor terminals, as compared to somewhere further upstream in the plant’s
electrical system. However, economies of scale associated with the cost of
capacitors and the associated labor cost will place an economic limit on the lowest
desired capacitor size.
Inductive and capacitive loads stores energy in magnetic or electric fields in the
devices during parts of the AC cycles. The energy is returned back to the power
source during the rest of the cycles.
Typical Motor Power Factors
Power (hp) Speed (rpm) Power Factor
½ load ¾ load full load
0- 5 1800 0.72 0.82 0.84
5 - 20 1800 0.74 0.84 0.86
20 – 100 1800 0.79 0.86 0.89
100 - 300 1800 0.81 0.88 0.91
1 hp = 745.7 W
Methods of improvement
Power factor with Non-linear loads
A non-linear load on a power system is typically a rectifier (such as used in a
power supply), or some kind of arc discharge device such as a fluorescent lamp,
electric welding machine, or arc furnace. Because current in these systems is
interrupted by a switching action, the current contains frequency components that
are multiples of the power system frequency. Distortion power factor is a measure
of how much the harmonic distortion of a load current decreases the average power
transferred to the load.
Non-sinusoidal components
Non-linear loads change the shape of the current waveform from a sine wave to
some other form. Non-linear loads create harmonic currents in addition to the
original (fundamental frequency) AC current. Filters consisting of linear capacitors
and inductors can prevent harmonic currents from entering the supplying system.
In linear circuits having only sinusoidal currents and voltages of one frequency, the
power factor arises only from the difference in phase between the current and
voltage. This is "displacement power factor". The concept can be generalized to a
total, distortion, or true power factor where the apparent power includes all
harmonic components. This is of importance in practical power systems that
contain non-linear loads such as rectifiers, some forms of electric lighting, electric
arc furnaces, welding equipment, switched-mode power supplies and other
A typical multimeter will give incorrect results when attempting to measure the
AC current drawn by a non-sinusoidal load; the instruments sense the average
value of a rectified waveform. The average response is then calibrated to the
effective, RMS value. An RMS sensing multimeter must be used to measure the
actual RMS currents and voltages (and therefore apparent power). To measure the
real power or reactive power, a watt meter designed to work properly with non-
sinusoidal currents must be used.
Compensation can be carried out by a fixed value of capacitance in favorable
circumstances. Sometimes compensation is more-commonly effected by means of
an automatically controlled stepped bank of capacitors.
Note: when the installed reactive powers of compensation exceed 800kVAr and the
load is continuous and stable, it is often found to be economically advantageous to
install capacitor banks at high voltage.
Compensation at L.V:
At low voltage, compensation is provided by:
Fixed-valued capacitor;
Equipment providing automatic regulation or banks which allow continuous
adjustment according to requirements, as loading of the installation changes.
Fixed Capacitors
This arrangement employs one or more capacitor (s) to form a constant level of
compensation. Control may be:
Manual: by circuit breaker or load-break switch;
Semi-automatic : by contactor;
Direct connection to an appliance and switched with it.
These capacitors are applied:
At the terminals of inductive devices(motor and transformers)
At bus bars supplying numerous small motors and inductive appliance for which
individual compensation would be too expensive;
In cases where the level of load is reasonable constant.
mode converter inside the power supply produces the desired output voltage from
the DC bus. This approach requires additional semiconductor switches and control
electronics, but permits cheaper and smaller passive components. It is frequently
used in practice.
For example, SMPS with passive PFC can achieve power factor of about 0.7–0.75,
SMPS with active PFC, up to 0.99 power factor, while a SMPS without any power
factor correction has a power factor of only about 0.55–0.65.
Due to their very wide input voltage range, many power supplies with active PFC
can automatically adjust to operate on AC power from about 100 V (Japan) to 230
V (Europe). That feature is particularly welcome in power supplies for laptops.
Harmonics distortion disrupts plants. Of greatest importance is the loss of
productivity. These occur because of process shutdowns due to the unexpected
failure of motors, drives, power supplies or just the spurious tripping of breakers.
In addition, maintenances and repair budgets can be severely stretched.
Table Effect of harmonics on various electrical equipment
capacitors blown fuses, Reduced capacitor life
Motors Inability of fully load, mechanical
fatigue reduced motor life
Fuses/ breakers False/ spurious operation and damaged
transformers Increases copper and iron losses,
reduced capacity, increased noise and
possible insulation failure
Unility meters Measurement errors/ higher billings
telephones interference (low frequency hum, noise)
Drives/ power supplies Miss-operation due to multiple zero
Cables Increased copper loss
Power factor can also be improved by using synchronous motors which can be
operated at leading power factor to compensate for loads with lagging power.
These synchronous motors are normally operated at no mechanical load and over-
excitation. Synchronous motors re very expensive and are used only in few
industries. Following problems (from JNTU previous years question papers)
describe these applications.
In recent years, solid-state control devices have been developed that, when
connected between a power source and an electric motor,
The power factor of the motor is the cosine of the phase angle between the motor
voltage and current. Therefore, with this control system, by maintaining the phase
angle constant, the motor operates at an approximately constant power factor over
the load range. The maximum power factor is the power factor of the motor at the
rated load with the triac full on. The minimum power factor will be determined by
the minimum voltage setting for no-load operation. This voltage setting must be
high enough to provide stable operation and prevent the motor from stalling on the
sudden application of load. However, the lower the no-load voltage, the higher the
power savings at no load.How are power savings achieved by decreasing the motor
voltage at light loads? The motor losses can be grouped into three categories:
1. Constant losses, such as friction and windage
2. Magnetic core losses, which are some function of the applied voltage
3. I2R losses, which are a function of the square of the motor current, includ ing
rotor losses
For a given load condition, the net losses, and hence the motor power input,
decrease with a decrease in voltage as long as the magnetic core losses decrease
more than the I2R losses increase. In addition, there is some increase in losses due
to harmonics added to the motor input voltage by the triac switching and the losses
in the controller.
In some instances, the increased harmonic content of the input voltage will result
in increased motor noise.
The amount of power saved with a power factor controller depends on the duty
cycle of the application. Typical power savings under various loads and duty
cycles are shown in Fig. 4.24. The power savings are shown as a percent of the full
voltage input and as a function of the percent running times at full load versus
running at a light load. To result in significant power savings, at least 50%
Single-phase power factor motor controller power savings. of the running time
should be at one-fourth load or less. Typical applications of this type may be drill
presses and cutoff saws used in production processes. Figure 4.22 shows an
oscilloscope picture of the motor voltage and current at no load for a single motor
controlled by a power factor controller. Figure 4.23 shows an oscilloscope picture
of the motor voltage and current of the same motor with load applied to the motor.
Note the constant angle between the zero crossing of the voltage and current in
both cases.
Three-Phase Motors
More recently, the application of power factor motor controllers has been extended
to three-phase motors. In some cases, this has been accomplished by adding a power-
saver module to existing
Good lighting system design and practice, lighting control, lighting energy audit – Energy
Instruments – watt meter, data loggers, thermocouples, pyrometers, lux meters, tongue testers,
application of PLC’s
Lighting is an essential service in all the industries. The power consumption by the industrial
lighting varies between 2 to 10% of the total power depending on t he type of industry. In hotels,
lighting consumes up to 30% of total electrical energy. Innovation and continuous improvement in
the field of lighting has given rise to tremendous energy saving opportunities in this area.
Lighting is an area, which provides a major scope to achieve energy efficiency at the design stage,
by incorporating modern energy efficient lamps, luminaries and gears, apart from good operational
Basic Terms in Lighting System and Features
A. Lamps
Lamp is equipment, which produces light. The most commonly used lamps are described briefly as
• Incandescent lamps:
Incandescent lamps produce light by means of filament heated to incandescence by the flow of
electric current through it. The principal parts of an incandescent lamp, also known as GLS
(General Lighting Service) lamp include the filament, the bulb, the fill gas and the cap.
• Reflector Lamp:
Reflector lamps are basically incandescent, provided with a high quality internal mirror, which
follows exactly the parabolic shape of lamp. The reflector is resistant to corrosion, thus making the
lamp maintenance free and output efficient.
• Gas discharge lamps:
The light from a gas discharge lamp is produced by the excitation of gas contained in either a
tabular or elliptical outer bulb.
The most commonly used discharge lamps are as follows:
1) Fluorescent tube lamps (FTL)
2) Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)
3) Mercury Vapor Lamps (HPMV)
Type K
Type K (chromel {90% nickel and 10% chromium}—alumel {95% nickel, 2% manganese,
2% aluminium and 1% silicon}) is the most common general purpose thermocouple with a
sensitivity of approximately 41 µV/°C, chromel positive relative to alumel. It is inexpensive, and
a wide variety of probes are available in its −200 °C to +1250 °C / -330 °F to +2460 °F range.
Type K was specified at a time when metallurgy was less advanced than it is today, and
consequently characteristics may vary considerably between samples. One of the constituent
metals, nickel, is magnetic; a characteristic of thermocouples made with magnetic material is that
they undergo a deviation in output when the material reaches its Curie point; this occurs for type K
thermocouples at around 350 °C. Wire color standard is yellow (+) and red (-).
1. They have lower accuracy.
2. Complex Circuitry.
Thermocouples are most suitable for measuring over a large temperature range up to
1800 C.
They are used as relays and also as protective devices in starters etc.
Pyrometer is any non-contacting device that intercepts and measures thermal radiation.
This measure is used to determine temperature, often of the object’s surface.
Pyrometer was originally coined to denote a device capable of measuring temperatures of
objects above incandescence (i.e. objects bright to human eye).
Pyrometer is used for measurement of high
Optical pyrometers work on the basic principle of using the human eye to match the
brightness of the hot object to the brightness of a calibrated lamp filament inside the instrument.
The optical system contains filters that restrict the wavelength-sensitivity of the devices to a
narrow wavelength band around 0.65 to 0.66 micons.
Pyrometers are suited especially to the measurement of moving objects (or) any surfaces that
can’t be reached (or) can’t be touched.
Pyrometers are used to measure wide temperature ranges above 1700 C.
Lux meters (or) Light meters measures illumination in terms of luxes (lx).
A Lux is equal to the total intensity of light that falls on a one square meter surface i.e., one
foot away from the point source of light.
Most lux meters consist of a body, light sensor & display.
The light that falls on to the light sensor contains energy i.e., converted to electric current. In
turn the amount of current depends on the amount of light that strikes the light sensor. Lux
meter read the electrical current, calculate the appropriate value and output the result to
an analog, digital (or) video display.
The light usually contains different colors at different wavelengths; the reading represents
the combined effects of all the wavelengths.
Typically standard colors (or) colors temperature are expressed in degrees klv. The
standard color temperatures for the calibration of most lux meters is 2856 K Selecting
lux meter requires an analysis of performance specifications, display types
& special features.
Hall Effect
The Hall Effect type is more sensitive and is able to measure both DC and AC, in some examples
up to the kilohertz (thousands of hertz) range. This type was often used with oscilloscopes, and
with high-end computerized digital multimeters, however, they are becoming common place for
more general use.
Traditional current clamps will only work if placed around one conductor of the circuit under test
because if it is placed around both, the magnetic fields would cancel. A relatively recent
development is a clamp meter that has several sensor coils around the jaws of the clamp. This type
can be clamped around standard 2 or 3 conductor single phase cables and will provide readout of
the current flowing through the load. A version for three phase circuits does not currently exist, but
in such circuits the individual conductors are usually accessible.
Clamp meter
An electrical meter with integral AC current clamp is known as a clamp meter, clamp -on ammeter
or tong tester.
In order to use a clamp meter, only one conductor is normally passed through the probe; if more
than one conductor is passed through then the measurement would be the vector sum of the
currents flowing in the conductors and would depend on the phase relationship of the currents. In
particular if the clamp is closed around a two-conductor cable carrying power to equipment the
same current flows down one conductor and up the other, with a net current of zero. Clamp meters
are often sold with a device that is plugged in between the power outlet and the device to be tested.
The device is essentially a short extension cord with the two conductors separated, so that the
clamp can be placed around only one conductor.
The reading produced by a conductor carrying a very low current can be increased by winding the
conductor around the clamp several times; the meter reading divided by the number of turns is the
current, with some loss of accuracy due to inductive effects.
Clamp meters are used by electricians, sometimes with the clamp incorporated into a general
purpose multimeter.
It is simple to measure very high currents (hundreds of amperes) with the appropriate current
transformer. Accurate measurement of low currents (a few milliamperes) with a current
transformer clamp is more difficult.
Introduction to DSM, concept of DSM, benefits of DSM, different techniques
of DSM – time of day pricing, multi – utility power exchange model, time of
day models for planning.
Introduction to DSM
Concept of DSM
Cost reduction – many DSM and energy efficiency efforts have been introduced in
the context of integrated resource planning and aimed at reducing total costs of
meeting energy demand;
Benefits of DSM
1. Environmental benefits
Rather than building new electrical plants for responding to the increase in
customer demand for electricity, electricity producers could possibly attempt to
limit the demand for power. Usually, they offer incentives of special programs
having lower tariffs as well as higher efficiency appliances. This greatly assists in
meeting the environment protection goals since it is going to reduce the emissions
of pollutants into the atmosphere.
2. Controls load
It is an undeniable fact that the demand for electricity varies from one p erson to the
next and there is a huge difference between night and day consumption. On the
other hand, utility firms prefer constant usage in order to make the most out of
their investment. Such a problem is easily solved with the assistance of demand
side management. In such cases, lower night tariffs are introduced or other
financial incentives to ensure constant power usage.
3. Cost effective
Through using the DSM approaches, you can be able to save a lot of money in
electrical costs as well as maintenance costs. There is a large market nowadays of
energy efficient appliances that you can use. Through using these appliances, the
energy consumption will go down significantly and thus you will not require
spending as much money in comparison to other firms that do not use the DSM
The major drawback of DSM is that DSM based resolutions usually increase the
complexity of the situation and they are not competitive.
• Reducing generation margin.
• Improving efficiency of system operation.
power with more fuel (and their associated greenhouse gas emissions) compared
with the utility's base-load generators. These peaking plants typically burn oil or
natural gas to produce the electricity and are brought on line only during "peak
periods" of the day and run for short periods.
While peaking generators generally cost less to build than other types of
generators, they also have relatively high fuel costs because they are typically
much less efficient in the use of fuel.
Therefore, "Peak Shifting" is a method that addresses shifts the time of day when
electricity is used; reducing the need for peaking plants and can reduce a
commercial or industrial customer's electric bills, if correctly implemented.
Because the vast majority of electricity is generated in direct, instantaneous
response to demand, costs of electricity differ dramatically between high demand
(“on peak”) and low demand (“off peak”) periods.
By installing energy storage on the grid, both utilities and consumers are able to
shift their demand out of on-peak periods and into off peak periods, flattening their
energy consumption profile:
This reduces energy costs for the average user on the system, regardless of whether
or not they are the user of time-shifted electricity. Commercial electric customers
on time-of-use rate schedules have a compelling financial opportunity in the form
of energy arbitrage. Peak shifting also lessens the total effect of electric vehicle
charging on the grid, and makes electric vehicles less expensive per mile.
Valley Filling
The process of making an energy production and delivery system more efficient by
encouraging additional energy use during periods of lowest system demand. Valley
filling programs are usually accompanied by load shifting programs, often with the
aim of shifting peak demand usage to low demand periods, but the term can refer
to any program or strategy aimed at filling the valley. An essential component of
nearly all demand-side management programs.
Valley Filling - Is the second classic form of load management and applies to both
gas and electric systems. Valley filling encompasses building off-peak loads. This
may be particularly desirable where the long-run incremental cost is less than the
average price of energy. Adding properly priced off-peak load under those
circumstances decreases the average price. Valley filling can be accomplished in
several ways, one of the most popular of which is new thermal energy storage
(water heating and/or space heating) that displaces loads served by fossil fuels.
Valley filling—where the demand valleys (low demand periods) are “filled” by
building off-peak capacities. This form of load manage-ment can be achieved by
thermal energy storage (water heating or space heating) that displaces fossil fuel
Strategic Conservation
Strategic Conservation - Is the load shape change that results from programs
directed at end use consumption. Not normally considered load management, the
change reflects a modification of the load shape involving a reduction in
consumption as well as a change in the pattern of use. In employing energy
conservation, the planner must consider what conservation actions would occur
naturally and then evaluate the cost-effectiveness of possible intended programs to
The main policy tools that are used to improve the energy efficiency of appliances
and equipment, in the residential, commercial and industrial sector, and save
money for all Australians, are mandatory Minimum Energy Performance Standards
(MEPS) and mandatory Energy Rating Labels.
Since 1986 the Energy Rating Label has appeared on refrigerators and freezers in
New South Wales and Victoria. Since that time, the label has applied to more
product lines and is used in both Australia and New Zealand, with all states and
territories having regulations in place over time.
In 1992 a national body, the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program (E3) was
established to coordinate these activities. On 30 May 2012 the Greenhouse and
Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) Bill 2012 was introduced into federal
Parliament with a proposed commencement date of 1 October 2012. Providing that
the legislation is passed, the E3 Program will operate under national legislation,
replacing the patchwork of state regulations the E3 Program has been operating
under to date.
The Program will continue to be administered by the Australian Government
(currently through the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency), with
continued input from state and territory governments and the New Zealand
Government (through the Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority).
E3 reports to the Energy Efficiency Working Group (E2WG) under the National
Framework for Energy Efficiency (NFEE), and ultimately to the Select Council on
Climate Change. More recently the work of E3 has been adopted as a measure
under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency and the National Part nership
Agreement on Energy Efficiency.
Products are considered for inclusion within the program on the basis that the
community will benefit from their regulation. The individual product energy
efficiency target is either the equivalent of world-best regulatory target or a more
stringent level developed specifically for Australia. This market intervention has
proved to be an extremely cost effective mechanism for reducing energy demand
and greenhouse gases produced by consumer appliances, commercial and
industrial equipment.
Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal of
efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
For example, insulating a home allows a building to use less heating and cooling
energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. Installing fluorescent
lights or natural skylights reduces the amount of energy required to attain the same
The time value of money concept, developing cash flow models, payback analysis,
depreciation, taxes and tax credit – numerical problems.
The time value of money concept
Money has time value. A rupee today is more valuable than a year hence. It is on
this concept “the time value of money” is based. The recognition of the time value
of money and risk is extremely vital in financial decision making.
inflows of `20,000 per year, for six years. In order to decide, whether to accept or
reject the project, it is necessary that the Present Value of cash inflows received
annually for six years is ascertained and compared with the initial investment of
`1,00,000. The firm will accept the project only when the Present Value of cash
inflows at the desired rate of interest exceeds the initial investment or at least
equals the initial investment of `1,00,000.
EXAMPLE2:A firm has to choose between two projects. One involves an outlay of
`10 lakhs with a return of 12% from the first year onwards, for ten years. The other
requires an investment of `10 lakhs with a return of 14% per annum for 15 years
commencing with the beginning of the sixth year of the project. In order to make a
choice between these two projects, it is necessary to compare the cash outflows
and the cash inflows resulting from the project. In order to make a meaningful
comparison, it is necessary that the two variables are strictly comparable. It is
possible only when the time element is incorporated in the relevant calculations.
This reflects the need for comparing the cash flows arising at different points of
time in decision-making.
The time value of money establishes that there is a preference of having money at
present than a future point of time. It means (a) That a person will have to pay in
future more, for a rupee received today. For example: Suppose your father gave
you `100 on your tenth birthday. You deposited this amount in a bank at 10% rate
of interest for one year. How much future sum would you receive after one year?
You would receive `110
Future sum = Principal + Interest
= 100 + 0.10 × 100
= `110
What would be the future sum if you deposited `100 for two years? You would
now receive interest on interest earned after one year. Future sum = 100 × 1.10
We express this procedure of calculating as Compound Value or Future Value of a
(b) A person may accept less today, for a rupee to be received in the future. Thus,
the inverse of compounding process is termed as discounting. Here we can find the
value of future cash flow as on today.
There are two techniques for adjusting time value of money. They are:
1. Compounding Techniques/Future Value Techniques
2. Discounting/Present Value Techniques
The value of money at a future date with a given interest rate is called future value.
Similarly, the worth of money today that is receivable or payable at a future date is
called Present Value.
Compounding Techniques/Future Value Technique
In this concept, the interest earned on the initial principal amount becomes a part of
the principal at the end of the compounding period.
FOREXAMPLE:Suppose you invest `1000 for three years in a saving account that
pays 10 per cent interest per year. If you let your interest income be reinvested,
your investment will grow as follows
This process of compounding will continue for an indefinite time period.
The process of investing money as well as reinvesting interest earned there on is
called Compounding. But the way it has gone about calculating the future value
will prove to be cumbersome if the future value over long maturity periods of 20
years to 30 years is to be calculated. A generalised procedure for calculating the
future value of a single amount compounded annually is as follows:
Thus the discounted present value (for one cash flow in one future period) is
expressed as:
• DPV is the discounted present value of the future cash flow (FV), or FV
adjusted for the delay in receipt;
• FV is the nominal value of a cash flow amount in a future period;
• i is the interest rate, which reflects the cost of tying up capital and may also
allow for the risk that the payment may not be received in full;
d is the discount rate, which is i/(1+i), i.e. the interest rate expressed as a
deduction at the beginning of the year instead of an addition at the end of the
• n is the time in years before the future cash flow occurs.
Where multiple cash flows in multiple time periods are discounted, it is necessary
to sum them as follows:
for each future cash flow (FV) at any time period (t) in years from the present time,
summed over all time periods. The sum can then be used as a net present value
figure. If the amount to be paid at time 0 (now) for all the future cash flows is
known, then that amount can be substituted for DPV and the equation can be
solved for i, that is the internal rate of return.
All the above assumes that the interest rate remains constant throughout the whole
Discounted cash flows
The discounted cash flow formula is derived from the future value formula for
calculating the time value of money and compounding returns.
Thus the discounted present value (for one cash flow in one future period) is
expressed as:
• DPV is the discounted present value of the future cash flow (FV), or FV
adjusted for the delay in receipt;
• FV is the nominal value of a cash flow amount in a future period;
• i is the interest rate, which reflects the cost of tying up capital and may also
allow for the risk that the payment may not be received in full;
d is the discount rate, which is i/(1+i), i.e. the interest rate expressed as a
deduction at the beginning of the year instead of an addition at the end of the
• n is the time in years before the future cash flow occurs.
Where multiple cash flows in multiple time periods are discounted, it is necessary
to sum them as follows:
for each future cash flow (FV) at any time period (t) in years from the present time,
summed over all time periods. The sum can then be used as a net present value
figure. If the amount to be paid at time 0 (now) for all the future cash flows is
known, then that amount can be substituted for DPV and the equation can be
solved for i, that is the internal rate of return.
All the above assumes that the interest rate remains constant throughout the whole
Continuous cash flows
For continuous cash flows, the summation in the above formula is replaced by an
(The house John is buying is in a "good neighborhood," but market values have
been rising quite a lot lately and the real estate market analysts in the media are
talking about a slow-down and higher interest rates. There is a probability that
John might not be able to get the full $150,000 he is expecting in three years due to
a slowing of price appreciation, or that loss of liquidity in the real estate market
might make it very hard for him to sell at all.)
Under normal circumstances, people entering into such transactions are risk-
averse, that is to say that they are prepared to accept a lower expected return for the
sake of avoiding risk. See Capital asset pricing model for a further discussion of
this. For the sake of the example (and this is a gross simplification), let's assume
that he values this particular risk at 5% per annum (we could perform a more
precise probabilistic analysis of the risk, but that is beyond the scope of this
article). Therefore, allowing for this risk, his expected return is now 9.0% per
annum (the arithmetic is the same as above).
And the excess return over the risk-free rate is now (109 - 105)/(100 + 5) which
comes to approximately 3.8% per annum.
That return rate may seem low, but it is still positive after all of our discounting,
suggesting that the investment decision is probably a good one: it produces enough
profit to compensate for tying up capital and incurring risk with a little extra left
over. When investors and managers perform DCF analysis, the important thing is
that the net present value of the decision after discounting all future cash flows at
least be positive (more than zero). If it is negative, that means that the investment
decision would actually lose money even if it appears to generate a nominal profit.
For instance, if the expected sale price of John Doe's house in the example above
was not $150,000 in three years, but $130,000 in three years or $150,000 in five
years, then on the above assumptions buying the house would actually cause John
to lose money in present-value terms (about $3,000 in the first case, and about
$8,000 in the second). Similarly, if the house was located in an undesirable
neighborhood and the Federal Reserve Bank was about to raise interest rates by
five percentage points, then the risk factor would be a lot higher than 5%: it might
not be possible for him to predict a profit in discounted terms even if he thinks he
could sell the house for $200,000 in three years.
In this example, only one future cash flow was considered. For a decision which
generates multiple cash flows in multiple time periods, all the cash flows must be
discounted and then summed into a single net present value.
Payback analysis
Payback period in capital budgeting refers to the period of time required for the
return on an investment to "repay" the sum of the original investment. For
example, a $1000 investment which returned $500 per year would have a two year
payback period. The time value of money is not taken into account. Payback period
intuitively measures how long something takes to "pay for itself." All else being
equal, shorter payback periods are preferable to longer payback periods. Payback
period is widely used because of its ease of use despite the recognized limitations
described below.
To calculate a more exact payback period: Payback Period = Amount to be
Invested/Estimated Annual Net Cash Flow 1 It can also be calculated using the
Payback Period = (p - n)÷p + ny
= 1 + ny - n÷p (unit:years)
ny= The number of years after the initial investment at which the last negative
value of cumulative cash flow occurs.
n= The value of cash flow at which the last negative value of cumulative cash flow
p= The value of cash flow at which the first positive value of cumulative cash flow
This formula can only be used to calculate the soonest payback period; that is, the
first period after which the investment has paid for itself. If the cumulative cash
flow drops to a negative value some time after it has reached a positive value,
thereby changing the payback period, this formula can't be applied. This formula
ignores values that arise after the Payback Period has been reached.
Additional complexity arises when the cash flow changes sign several times; i.e., it
contains outflows in the midst or at the end of the project lifetime. The modified
payback period algorithm may be applied then. First, the sum of all of the cash
outflows is calculated. Then the cumulative positive cash flows are determined for
each period. The modified payback is calculated as the moment in which the
cumulative positive cash flow exceeds the total cash outflow.
In accountancy, depreciation refers to two aspects of the same concept:
1. The decrease in value of assets (fair value depreciation), and
2. The allocation of the cost of assets to periods in which the assets are used
(depreciation with the matching principle).
The former affects the balance sheet of a business or entity, and the latter affects
the net income that they report. Generally the cost is allocated, as depreciation
expense, among the periods in which the asset is expected to be used. This exp ense
is recognized by businesses for financial reporting and tax purposes. Methods of
computing depreciation, and the periods over which assets are depreciated, may
vary between asset types within the same business. These may be specified by law
or accounting standards, which may vary by country. There are several standard
methods of computing depreciation expense, including fixed percentage, straight
line, and declining balance methods. Depreciation expense generally begins when
the asset is placed in service. For example, a depreciation expense of 100 per year
for 5 years may be recognized for an asset costing 500.
Accounting concept
In determining the profits (net income) from an activity, the receipts from the
activity must be reduced by appropriate costs. One such cost is the cost of assets
used but not immediately consumed in the activity. Such cost so allocated in a
given period is equal to the reduction in the value placed on the asset, which is
initially equal to the amount paid for the asset and subsequently may or may not be
related to the amount expected to be received upon its disposal. Depreciation is any
method of allocating such net cost to those periods in which the organisation is
expected to benefit from use of the asset. The asset is referred to as a depreciable
asset. Depreciation is technically a method of allocation, not valuation, even
though it determines the value placed on the asset in the balance sheet.
Any business or income producing activity using tangible assets may incur costs
related to those assets. If an asset is expected to produce a benefit in future periods,
some of these costs must be deferred rather than treated as a current expense. The
business then records depreciation expense in its financial reporting as the current
period's allocation of such costs. This is usually done in a rational and systematic
manner. Generally this involves four criteria:
• cost of the asset,
expected salvage value, also known as residual value of the asset,
• estimated useful life of the asset, and
• a method of apportioning the cost over such life
Depreciable basis
Cost generally is the amount paid for the asset, including all costs related to
acquisition. In some countries or for some purposes, salvage value may be
ignored. The rules of some countries specify lives and methods to be used for
particular types of assets. However, in most countries the life is based on business
experience, and the method may be chosen from one of several acceptable
Net basis
When a depreciable asset is sold, the business recognizes gain or loss based on net
basis of the asset. This net basis is cost less depreciation.
Accounting rules also require that an impairment charge or expense be recognized
if the value of assets declines unexpectedly. Such charges are usually
nonrecurring, and may relate to any type of asset.
Depletion and amortization
Depletion and amortization are similar concepts for minerals (including oil) and
intangible assets, respectively. Depreciation expense does not require current
outlay of cash. However since depreciation is an expense to the P&L account,
provided the enterprise is operating in a manner that covers its expenses (e.g.
operating at a profit) depreciation is a source of cash in a statement of cash flows,
which generally offsets the cash cost of acquiring new assets reuired to continue
operations when existing assets reach the end of their useful lives.
Historical cost
Depreciation is generally recognized under historical cost systems of accounting.
Some proposals for fair value accounting have no provision for depreciation
Accumulated depreciation
While depreciation expense is recorded on the income statement of a business, its
impact is generally recorded in a separate account and disclosed on the balance
sheet as accumulated depreciation, under fixed assets, according to most
accounting principles. Accumulated depreciation is known as a contra account,
because it separately shows a negative amount that is directly associated with
another account.
Without an accumulated depreciation account on the balance sheet, depreciation
expense is usually charged against the relevant asset directly. The values of the
fixed assets stated on the balance sheet will decline, even if the business has not
invested in or disposed of any assets. The amounts will roughly approximate fair
value. Otherwise, depreciation expense is charged against accumulated
depreciation. Showing accumulated depreciation separately on the balance sheet
has the effect of preserving the historical cost of assets on the balance sheet. If
there have been no investments or dispositions in fixed assets for the year, then the
values of the assets will be the same on the balance sheet for the current and prior
year.In other words it is a method of recovering capital expenditure in installments
which is called as depreciation.
Methods of depreciation
There are several methods for calculating depreciation, generally based on either
the passage of time or the level of activity (or use) of the asset.
Straight-line depreciation
Straight-line depreciation is the simplest and most often used method. In this
method, the company estimates the salvage value of the asset at the end of the
period during which it will be used to generate revenues (useful life). (The salvage
value is an estimate of the value of the asset at the time it will be sold or disposed
of; it may be zero or even negative. Salvage value is also known as scrap value or
residual value.) The company will then charge the same amount to depreciation
each year over that period, until the value shown for the asset has reduced from the
original cost to the salvage value.
Straight-line method:
where N is the estimated life of the asset (for example, in years).
Activity depreciation
Activity depreciation methods are not based on time, but on a level of activity.
This could be miles driven for a vehicle, or a cycle count for a machine. When the
asset is acquired, its life is estimated in terms of this level of activity. Assume the
vehicle above is estimated to go 50,000 miles in its lifetime. The per-mile
depreciation rate is calculated as: ($17,000 cost - $2,000 salvage) / 50,000 miles =
$0.30 per mile. Each year, the depreciation expense is then calculated by
multiplying the number of miles driven by the per-mile depreciation rate.
Sum-of-years-digits method
Sum-of-years-digits is a depreciation method that results in a more accelerated write-
off than the straight line method, and typically also more accelerated than the
declining balance method. Under this method the annual depreciation is
determined by multiplying the depreciable cost by a schedule of fractions.
depreciable cost = original cost − salvage value
book value = original cost − accumulated depreciation
Example: If an asset has original cost of $1000, a useful life of 5 years and a
salvage value of $100, compute its depreciation schedule.
First, determine years' digits. Since the asset has useful life of 5 years, the years'
digits are: 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
Next, calculate the sum of the digits: 5+4+3+2+1=15
The sum of the digits can also be determined by using the formula (n +n)/2 where
n is equal to the useful life of the asset in years. The example would be shown as
(5 +5)/2=15
Depreciation rates are as follows:
5/15 for the 1st year, 4/15 for the 2nd year, 3/15 for the 3rd year, 2/15 for the 4th
year, and 1/15 for the 5th year.
Book value Total Book
at Depreciation Depreciation Accumulated value at
beginning of depreciable rate expense depreciation end of
year cost year
$1,000 *
(original $900 5/15 $300 ($900 $300 $700
cost) 5/15)
$700 $900 4/15 $240 ($900 $540 $460
4/15) *
$460 $900 3/15 $180 ($900 $720 $280
$280 $900 2/15 $120 ($900 $840 $160
* $100
$160 $900 1/15 $60 ($900 $900 (scrap
1/15) value)
Suppose, an asset has original cost $70,000, salvage value $10,000, and is
expected to produce 6,000 units.
Depreciation per unit = ($70,000−10,000) / 6,000 = $10
10 × actual production will give the depreciation cost of the current year.
The table below illustrates the units-of-production depreciation schedule of the
Book value
Book value at Units of Depreciation Depreciation Accum ulated
beginning production cost per unit expense depreciation at
year end of year
(original 1,000 $10 $10,000 $10,000 $60,000
$60,000 1,100 $10 $11,000 $21,000 $49,000
$49,000 1,200 $10 $12,000 $33,000 $37,000
$37,000 1,300 $10 $13,000 $46,000 $24,000
$24,000 1,400 $10 $14,000 $60,000 (scrap
Depreciation stops when book value is equal to the scrap value of the asset. In the
end, the sum of accumulated depreciation and scrap value equals the original cost.
Composite depreciation method
The composite method is applied to a collection of assets that are not similar, and
have different service lives. For example, computers and printers are not similar,
but both are part of the office equipment. Depreciation on all assets is determined
by using the straight-line-depreciation method.
Asset Historical Salvage Depreciable Life Depreciation
cost value cost per year
Computers $5,500 $500 $5,000 5 $1,000
Printers $1,000 $100 $ 900 3 $ 300
Total $ 6,500 $600 $5,900 4.5 $1,300
Composite life equals the total depreciable cost divided by the total depreciation
per year. $5,900 / $1,300 = 4.5 years.
capital allowance deduction. The tax law or regulations of the country specifies
these percentages. Capital allowance calculations may be based on the total set of
assets, on sets or pools by year (vintage pools) or pools by classes of assets.
Tax lives and methods
Some systems specify lives based on classes of property defined by the tax
authority. Canada Revenue Agency specifies numerous classes based on the type
of property and how it is used. Under the United States depreciation system, the
Internal Revenue Service publishes a detailed guide which includes a table of asset
lives and the applicable conventions. The table also incorporates specified lives for
certain commonly used assets (e.g., office furniture, computers, automobiles)
which override the business use lives. U.S. tax depreciation is computed under the
double declining balance method switching to straight line or the straight line
method, at the option of the taxpayer. IRS tables specify percentages to apply to
the basis of an asset for each year in which it is in service. Depreciation first
becomes deductible when an asset is placed in service.