Interview Assessment Form
Interview Assessment Form
Interview Assessment Form
Terms explained
Appointable – this means that the candidate has demonstrated all of the essential
selection criteria and some/ all of the desirable selection criteria. If it is recorded that
the candidate is appointable they will then be put in a ‘rank order’ and have to be
offered the job.
Rank order – this is the list of ‘appointable’ candidates. It shows who is the best
candidate and to be offered the job first (1). If the first candidate doesn’t accept then
the second person on the list (2) would be offered the job. This process would be
followed for all of the appointable candidates on the list.
Not appointable – this means that a person has not demonstrated one or more of
the essential selection criteria and some/ all of the desirable criteria. If they are not
appointable they will not be offered the job at any point.
Interview Assessment Form
Interview date:
Applicant name: