How To Read Electronic Circuit Diagrams (1970)
How To Read Electronic Circuit Diagrams (1970)
How To Read Electronic Circuit Diagrams (1970)
Circuit Diagrams
Transistors—Diodes—Zener Diodes—Tunnel Diodes
Varactor Diodes—'Integrated Circuits -— Special De¬
vices—Field-Effect Transistors (FET)— Unijunction
Diodes—^Triodes—Tetrode-—Pentode—Beam Power
Tubes — Pentagrid Tubes —- Regulator Tubes—Cath¬
ode- Ray Tubes
Printed-Circuit Boards — Wiring Harnesses—Multi¬
ple-Wire Connectors — Audio Connectors — Special
Schematic Diagrams — Block Diagrams — LayoutDia-
grams — Pictorial Diagrams — Mechanical Construct¬
ion Diagrams
Schematic Symbols—-Electronic and Electrical Abb rev i -
ations— Wire Sizes
Basic Components
The hundreds of parts that go into making a radio, hi-fi, or
television set work are called ’'circuit components,tT the re¬
sistors, capacitors, tubes, coils, etc., that are necessary
to the operation of any electronic circuit. All components arc
identified by a symbol on the schematic diagram of the equip¬
ment, much like the symbols an architect uses to show the
stairs, doors, and walls on the floor plan of a home.
The schematic symbol for most components simply tells you
what that particular component is. It does not tell you what
the electrical characteristics are, just as the symbol an ar¬
chitect uses for stairs does not tell you what land of wood
they are made of. To find the value and ratings of any com¬
ponent, you simply refer to the r’parts list.If However, some
components do have their values either stamped on them or
printed in the form of color-coded dots or bands. This is the
case with most resistors as we lias some capacitors and coils.
This color code is standard in electronics in accordance with
established Electronics Industries Association (EIA) specifi¬
cations. An explanation of what this code is and how it works
is provided in the Appendix.
There are several ways in which a circuit component can be
identified or described: 1) by means of a picture or dia¬
gram, 2) by a letter, and 3) by a schematic symbol. Com¬
ponents discussed in this Chapter are identified by their stand¬
ard letter designation and schematic sjrmbol. Pictures or
diagrams of all the many tjpes of capacitors, resistors, etc.,
would fill volumes and be of little benefit here.
A capacitor is used to ustoreft electricity. Basically, a
capacitor is made of two plates or electrodes which are sepa-
rated by some type of insulation, such as air, mica, glass,
or even oiL This insulation is known as the ''dielectric'1 and
it is one of the most important inherent properties of the ca¬
pacitor, Although there are many types of available dielec¬
trics, they can be generally grouped into three classes: air,
solid, and electrolytic films. Mica, glass, and oil are ex¬
amples of a solid dielectric.
Fundamentally, there are two " kinds1' of capacitors: those
that are TTvariable" and those that are "fixed.M Schematic
symbols for both types are shown in Fig. 1-1. On most sche¬
matics diagrams the letter ITCT1 is used to designate a capaci¬
tor regardless of its type. Neither the schematic symbol or
the letter will tell you what the dielectric is made of, or the
value of the capacitor. However, this Information can often
be determined from the capacitor's physical appearance or by
referring to the equipment's part list.
There are, though, other numbers and letters marked on
the schematic along with the capacitor symbol that do provide
some vital information. For example, if you look at a ca¬
pacitor symbol on a typical schematic, it is generally iden¬
tified by the letter C followed by a number printed close to
the capacitor symbol. To elaborate, letus assume that ,rC23,r
is listed next to the capacitor. This reveals that it is, in
fact, a capacitor and it is number 23 in the circuit. The ref-
erence number is needed to identify the exact component in
the parts list. If fact, every component is identified in the
parts list with its own reference number.
The value or capacitance of a capacitor is also normally in¬
cluded on the schematic near the component. This may be
expressed as simply .01 or ,01 mfd. To briefly explain what
this means, the letters ,TmfdM (sometimes shown as uf) stand
for microfarads and indicate the electrical size of the com¬
ponent* A microfarad is one-millionth of a farad* If the value
were labeled "pfdT1 (sometimes TTnuf1T or even "mmf), it would
mean one-millionth of a microfarad. We won't go into the
quantity this represents, because for the purposes of this
Fig. 1-2. Here are a number of variable capacitors; A 2-gong and
a 3-gang variable (A); miniature air-dielectric variables ( B);
trimmer capacitors fCJ- Courtesy J. W, Miller (A), E. F. Johnson
(B)t and ElmencofC).
Fig. 7-3. Small air-dielectric capacitors such crs those shown
here are used in printed circuits.
For example, the tuning dial of a radio is generally con¬
nected indirectly to a variable capacitor, normally by a dial
cord, which is in turn connected to the shaft of the capacitor.
As you tune the dial of a radio, you are actually changing the
capacity in die circuit, which causes a change in frequency.
This type of capacitor frequently has two or more entire sec¬
tions which are electrically separated but mechanically con¬
nected to a common tuning shaft. This type of capacitor is
known as a 1-ganged variable." The schematic symbol is
shown in Fig, 1-1A and pictured in Fig. 1-2A.
Another type of variable capacitor is called a ’Trimmer17;
some trimmers have an air dielectric while others use a solid
dielectric such as mica, glass, or ceramic. Miniature air-
dielectric capacitors used for printed-circuit applications are
shown in Fig. 1-3.
A "fixed" capacitor, as its name implies, has only one
specific value or capacity. They come in hundreds of sizes
and shapes with ae many types of dielectric materials. Some
of the more common fixed capacitors are the disc and tubular
types shown in Fig. 1-4, as well as special types such as
"feedthrough71 and "bathtub" capacitors. Electrolytic capaci¬
tors are also fixed, but they are different electrically from
other capacitors. Electrolytics use a specific type of dielec¬
tric—aluminum foil or tantalum, quite often.
An electrolytic is designed mainly for filtering purposes and
it is ’'polarized,’' meaning that one terminal of the capacitor
is positive with respect to the other, just like a magnet. The
polarized terminals on an electrolytic are identified by posi¬
tive {-) and negative (+) signs stamped right on the component,
which also helps to identify the fact that it is an electrolytic
capacitor. Most schematics identify an electrolytic by plac¬
ing the plus and minus signs on the schematic next to the
symbol, which also indicates the circuit polarity connections
for the capacitor. Another type of electrolytic capacitor is
the "non-polarized" unit. However, these are marked in the
same manner and used in special circuit applications.
Ceramic disc capacitors
Rl 30U or 3Gote Fig. Ros i's for symbols - fixed
(A), variable (B), and tapped (CJ.
IGk'lOk I Ok
dissipate the resulting degree of heat that will be generated.
Therefore, resistors are also rated by the amount of heat
(watts) they can safely withstand. Physically, the larger the
resistor, the more heat it can dissipate. Which means that
you can generally judge the wattage rating of many resistors
simply by looking at them.
As indicated earlier, all components have a schematic ref¬
erence letter number, and for resistors it is the letter T,R.1F
Suppose you see R23 printed nextto a resistor symbol. This
means it is a resistor and the twenty-third one on the sche¬
matic* Again, you need this reference number to identify
the component in the parts list. Resistor values also are
printed near the symbol on most schematics.
The value or quantity of resistance is measured in terms of
"ohms." This term is given the Greek symbol Omega or £2
So when you see lOOflnext to a resistor, you know its value
is 100 ohms. Resistor values range from fractions of an
ohm into the thousands and millions of ohms. It would be
ridiculous to try to print that many numbers on a schematic,
so letters were adopted which represent one thousand and one
million—the letter "K, M meaning ITldlo,T or one thousand, the
letter "M,” meaning mega or one million. Therefore, a
10, 000-ohm re sis tor would be labeled 10 Kona schematic while
a 10-million ohm resistor would be labeled 10M or 10 Meg.
The symbol (Q) for ohms is left off the schematic because it
is assumed anyway.
Several types of resistors are shown in Fig. 1-GA. A fixed
resistor is a specific value in ohms, A tapped or adjustable
resistor is a kind of semi-fixed resistor, usually wire wound
with one or more slider arms which are adjusted to a point
along the length of the resistor to provide only a certain amount
of total resistance. The tap is then tightened and left at this
point. A tapped resistor differs from a variable resistor in
that it is normally not changed in value once it is adjusted.
Fig. 1-7 shows how a fixed wirewound resistor is made.
A variable resistor, sometimes called a rheostat, poten¬
tiometer, or just plain Trpot,u can be rotated or adjusted from
zero to its full value as the operator desires* The volume
control on your radio, hi-fi, and TV set are all examples of
variable resistors or pots* See Fig. 1-8. Transistorized
equipments often use miniaturized versions of variable re-
Fig, 7"o. Like capacitors, resistors are also made in □ variety
of sizes; composition carton fixed (A); precusion wirewound
fixed(B); melded \vi rewound (C); variable 11 trimpots" used in
pri nted circuits (D); smalt fixed power (E) and wirewound power
resistors (F) Courtesy IRC (A, Bt Ct Et F) and Burns (D).
ourfesy IRC<
eistors called "trim pots,T1 With the trend toward more mini¬
aturization in all types of circuits, resistors (as well as other
components) get smaller and smaller. Since the currents and
voltages used in transistor circuits are also small, the physi¬
cal size of components in reduced considerably.
letter ,fLM and the term used to indicate the amount of in due -
tance is the "henry.11 (See Fig* 1-9)
A coil or choke in radio circuits usually has a value less than
one henry so the terms "milli71 or "micro" (abbreviated mh
or uh) are used. For example, next to a coil or choke on the
schematic you will likely have the reference number, let's say
it’s LI2, and the value: 10mh. LI2 means it is the 12th in¬
ductor and lOmh means that it has a value of 10 thousandths
of a henry. The micro symbol (u) means the same as in the
case of the capacitors—oue millionth. In this case, a 10 uh
coil would be read as 10 microhenrys. Illustrated in Fig, 1-
10 are various types of coils and in Fig. 1-11 several com¬
monly used chokes.
In actual circuit applications, the amount of inductance of a
coil or choke depends on many things, such as the number of
turns of wire, the size of the wire, the size of the form, and
the type of core. As suggested earlier, if you wound a coil of
wire on a pencil, you would have an inductor with a certain
amount of distortion. If you were to wind the same coil on
an iron rod, the inductance would be much greater. Also, if
you wound the coil on a form and placed an iron slug inside the
form which could be moved into or out of the coil3 you would
have a coil with a variable inductance* Chokes are not valu¬
Fig. I-U, 5omc RF chokes arc wound on cerom#c cores (A) and
others contained within molded plastic- tike body which can he
confused with a resistor. Courtesy J. Vf. Miller.
cally, which provides the means to transfer energy from one
coil to another. As shown in Fig. 1-12, the two coils of a
transformer are labeled T,primary,T and ’’secondary*IT Just
as in the case of coils or inductors, a transformer can have
an air core, a fixed iron core, or an adjustable iron core.
When an AC signal is connected across the primary coil, the
resulting magnetic field .causes or ’ induces11 a voltage in the
secondary winding and so the signal is transfered.
Many things actually take place during this transfer, but as
a matter of information, the signal appearing at the secondary
will not be exactly like the signal coming in to the primary be¬
cause of losses in the transformer windings, the number of
turns, etc.
Transformers are labeled with the letter ,rTT' on a schematic
diagram. But unlike capacitors, resistors, and coils, their
values are not normally given, except perhaps in the parts
list. Since transformers have inductance just as coils, the
primary and secondary coil windings will have some value in
"henrys.” However, these values are seldom Included on a
There are many types of transformers for many applica¬
tions. Transformers are used in audio, IF, RF, and power
supply circuits. Transformers designed for audio and power
supply circuits generally have color-coded leads indicating
primary and secondary windings. Like the resistor and ca¬
pacitor color codes* transformer coding is standardized by
the EIA and it appears in the Appendix. Some of the more
common types of transformers are shown in Fig. 1-13.
Fig. 1-15. Connecting batteries in parallel (A) increases the I
available current supply. More voltage and current can be §
obtained by a combination series-parallel hookup {B). I
without putting an excessive drain on it. In this application,
batteries can be connected in parallel as shown in Fig* 1-
15A, This arrangement provides the same voltage as one bat¬
tery, but now their respective current capabilities are added.
When using this type of connection? the batteries should all
be the same voltage rating to prevent excessive current dram
on the battery having a lower voltage. Batteries can also be
connected in series and parallel combinations to provide both
more voltage and current as shown in Fig. 1-15B.
As mentioned previously, the schematic symbol does not tell
us what kind of battery it is. But certain batteries are used
in given applications primarily because of their ratings, size,
and cost. Fig. 1-16 shows several types* For example, you
could use an automobile battery to operate a flashlight or a
transistor radio, but you would have a pretty tough time car¬
rying it around* Moreover, a flashlight or transistor radio
doesn't need the current available from an automobile bat¬
tery—a small dry cell works just as well and lasts long enough
to make the cost of replacing these cells periodically a rela-
0 o
°o o V °o o V 0 o j
jb Pb
* *
1 r i
J_ _ .L__ , _j
mechanically connected 1
$7A 0 i
\ °
mechanical ° ° i
o\ °o
;rotaryi DOUBLE-POLE
Everytime you turn on a radio or start your car, you are
making an electrical connection through a switch. The cour¬
tesy light in your automobile comes on because a door switch
closes and so does the light in your refrigerator. Pushbutton
switches are used in such applications. Since the switch com¬
pletes only a single circuit between the light and a power
source, it is known as a single-pole switch. The schematic
symbol is shown in Fig. 1-17, Switches are available in tog¬
gle, knife, pushbutton, slide, and rotary selector or wafer
Many switches have multiple contacts to complete many cir¬
cuits at once or to connect one point in the circuit to any one
of several circuits. Regardless of the type of switch, they
are all identified on a schematic with the letter llS, 1hfor ex¬
ample: SI, S2s or S3. ’'Ganged11 switch sections are labeled'
S1A, SIB, etc. The schematic symbol for multiple-contact
switches is also shown in Fig. 1-17.
As illustrated, a single-pole single-throw switch is the most
basic and the type you are likely to find as a part of a radio
or TV volume control. A single-pole double-throw (SPOT)
switch is used to provide a connection from one main contact
to either of two circuit contacts. A double-pole double-throw
(BPDT) switch is actually two single-pole double-throw
^ . ■. -
switches mechanically connected or ’’ganged.11 BPDT switches
(as well as others) are available as slide-operated, toggle,
knife* etc*, depending on the application. Fig* 1-18 pictures
slide and rocker type switches. In electronic circuits which
require multiple connections, a rotary selector or wafer
switch is normally used (Fig, 1-19), The combinations and
applications for this type of switch are unlimited. Wafer
switches may also be "ganged1' or mechanically connected*
N.O, on the schematic symbol. Contacts that are closed when
the relay is not energized are called "normally-closed” and
labeled N*C. on the schematic.
As illustrated, a relay can have many contacts to perform
several switching functions at one time. The contacts are
mechanically linked so they all close {or open) at the same
time. Relays are available for hundreds of applications.
Some of the more common types are shown in Figs. 1-22 and
1-23, Fig. 1“23 also shows a solenoid. This, too, is are-
lay. But instead of a contact, the magnetic field moves a
plunger or arm which is used to perform some mechanical
Fig, ] -22. Relays are available for a
wide range of switching applications.
The genera! purpose relay (A) is a 4-
po\e double-throw, os os the sealed
plug-in type {&)< The miniature relay
(C) is designed hr application where
space is at o premium„ Courtesy
Guardian Electric \ AfQ) and Gen¬
era/ 5fecfr/c.
most familiar with are shown in Figs. 1-25 and 1-26. Glass
cartridge fuses are normally used in TV, hi-fi, and auto¬
mobile fuse panels, while the screw-in type is generally found
in home fuse boxes and in heavy appliances.
All fuses "operate'1 {or open) on the same principle—heat.
You know when you turn the lights on in your home that they
are drawing a certain amount of current. The AC outlets and
Fig. 1-23♦ Here ere several more types of relay-telephones (A)t
a general - purpose (D) o plug-in mounted on an octoZ-f^pe tube
hose (C) and several solenoids (D). Courtesy Potfer & Brumfield
■—pvww^j— 0
2D amp
ceiling fixtures are wired in a number of branch circuits,
each protected by a fuse of the required rating. If you were
to look at the fuse panel, you would see that each fuse perhaps
takes care of two or three rooms or circuits. If you over¬
loaded a circuit by plugging in more appliances than it can
handle, the current going through the fuse will melt the fuse
element and open the circuit. The fuse element is nothing
more than metal alloy which has a low melting temperature.
The higher the fuse rating, the larger the element.
The fuses in your television set and automobile work the
Fig. 1-27^ The fuseholders shown here ore intended for var
chassis-mounting appl t cations.
Circuit Breaker Thermof
Circuit Breaker Magnetic
Circuit Breaker
L —I or Figt 2- J- Symbols used to depict a crystal. Courtesy
Cr ysI a!
i 1
O- -o &
it may show actual circuit connections (see Fig* 2-7)* Crystal
and mechanical filters are found in communications trans¬
ceivers where an extremely high degree of selectivity is re¬
quired, especially in single-shielded transmitting and re¬
ceiving units.
6' “ (0) n [P-
Incandescent lamps come with many types of bases and in
many voltage ratings. The base may be a screw-type, bayonet,
candelabra, or wire leads. The letter designation for a lamp
is the letter rTL. M
Neon lamps have more specific uses because they are gas-
filled and come on only when a certain voltage is applied. When
a neon lamp turns on, it is said to be 1'ionized.T1 The voltage
necessary to ionize a neon lamp is generally around 65 volts
or more and they are most often used as indicators in speci-
lized equipment. However, you will also find these devices
used in relaxation oscillators and waveform generating circuits.
The schematic symbol for a neon lamp is shown in Fig. 2-10.
A readout lamp or indicator is another special type of device.
It: is used as anumerical display indicator in digital counters,
voltmeters, and other similar units. The schematic diagram
for a readout indicator is shown in Fig, 2-11. It is much like
a tube in appearance, but it has many cathodes. The cathodes
are made in the physical shape of a number which lights or
glows when voltage is applied to it. Many of these readout
units are gas-filled neon, while others use incandescent lamps
in a special arrangement to provide numerals or letters.
'■ » Jp ■' 7,.
^ *8
A^Amme ter
MA=Mi Ellommete r
db=Dedbd Meter
Today, microphones in one way or another, affect everyone’s
life- We use them for our tape recorders, two-way radios,
and public address systems in churches, schools, and busi¬
ness, not to mention the entertainment fields, A microphone
turns sound, either music or voice, into electrical energy.
Naturally, there are many types of microphones, but again,
the schematic symbols are few* As shown in Fig. 2-13, micro¬
phone symbols indicate whether the device is a "general1’type
or directional. "General'1 microphones may be almost any type
such as those used for radio communications, public address,
and home entertainment* A directional microphone picks up
only sounds directly in front of it. In other words, a directional
microphone will not pick up noise or sound from behind. They
arc used by most entertainers, broadcast studios, and re¬
cording companies.
E ven though there are many types of microphones, their job
is basically the same—to change sound into electrical energy.
A microphone has in its mouthpiece an element which performs
this change; it is called a "transducer.11 One of the things that
makes a particular microphone better than another fora cer¬
tain job is the material used in the transducer. Some of the
more common typesof microphones are the crystal, ceramic,
dynamic, carbon, and condenser.
A crystal microphone uses a piezoelectric element like the
crystals previously mentioned, and it usually provides a fairly
high output voltage* Ceramic microphones are more rugged
than crystal types but operate in the same way. Dynamic types
are popular in many applications, but their output voItage is
relatively low. Carbon microphones are also rugged and have
a very high output vo Itage. They also have a limited frequency
response and are more common in two-way radio communi¬
cations than in other applications. Condenser types, on the
other hand, are used in applications where wide frequency
response is needed, such as for music and recording*
these vibrations into record groves corresponding to the sounds,
A phono pickup or cartridge needle simply follows the mechan¬
ical vibrations in the record groove to change them back into
electrical signals which are reproduced and amplified to sound
as much like the original as possible, A monaural or single-
channel recording has vibrations in one ’’plank'1 and a single
element pickup is used. In stereo reproduction the side walls
and depth of the record groove are used to record vibrations.
The dual-element stereo pickup then receives vibrations from
the walls as well as from the depth of the groove.
Fig. 2-74 Phono pickup symbols usually indi co/e whether
they are monaural or sfereo. The fhree carfr/c/ges shown
repr^senl the wide variety aval {able now,
equipment, the power levels may run to almost 100 watts and
the speakers must be able to reproduce sound from very low
bass notes to an extremely higji audio frequency range.
A speaker reproduces sound by mechanically moving the air
ic speaker is often suitable. However, in high-powered, wide-
frequency range stereo equipment, special speakers are used,
one for low frequency, one for middle-range frequencies, and
one for the highs* Such speakers are called the Mwoofer,T1
T,mid-range,,r and Mtweeter/1 respectively. Some systems
combine speakers in a single case to provide the necessary
coverage. A two-speaker combination is called a "coaxial*1
which generally has a woofer and a tweeter* A three-speaker
combination is called a "triaxial" and includes the woofer,
mid-range, and tweeter.
The schematic symbols for speakers, shown in Fig. 2-15,
indicate only individual speakers, so a symbol for coaxial and
triaxial units would have to have two and three speaker sym¬
bols. The symbol does not indicate the type of speaker. Let¬
ter designations for speakers are usually SFKR, SP, S and
LS (LS means loudspeaker),
Solid-State Devices
As shown by the symbols, the NPN transistor emitter arrow
points away from the base junction while the PNP arrow points
toward the base. This is the way all PN and NP junctions are
designated. It is important that you remember these symbols
when working with solid-state circuits because the bias volt-
Fig. 3-5, Typical high-power transistors: the 70-774 case con-
ffguroTiojif A) and the TO-82 (B). Courtesy Solid-State Power Carp.
ages are opposite for the PNP and NPN types and the two can¬
not be interchanged. In other words, a PNP transistor must
be replaced with a PNP*
Transistorized circuits are not too unlike basic tube cir¬
cuits, except that they are physically much smaller and use
lower voltages* Simplified schematics of a transistorized IF
stage and an equivalent tube circuit are shown in Figs. 3-2
and 3-3+
Typically, transistors used in low-power circuits are mounted
by their leads and have the appearance of the units shown in
Fig* 3-4. High-power transistors are physically larger with
heavier leads to handle the larger currents (see Fig, 3-5),
Transistors of this type are often mounted on a ,rheat sink,"
which is nothing more than a metal mounting surface capable
of dissipating agreater amount of heat than the transistor case
The physical appearance and size of a transistor is often
referred to as its "package11 type or "case configuration."
"Packages" have been designated with a standardized group
of letters and numbers to make physical identification easier.
For example, TO-3, TP-1G, TO-32. The transistors shown
in Fig, 3-5 are designated as TO-114 and TO-82 packages.
Fig, 3-G illustrates several other basic types□
”DT1 is also used sometimes., As might be expected, there
are several special types of diodes such as the zener, tunnel,
and photo diodes which are discussed later in this Chapter.
Ft g. 3- 7. Schematic symbol for a diode.
This means it should measure a greater resistance in one di¬
rection than in the other. If the reading is low both ways,
chances are it is shorted.
The diode itself is always marked in some way to designate
the cathode end. Polarity may be shown by the actual diode
symbol printed on the body, or it may be a dot or a colored
strip. Examples of various diodes are shown in Fig, 3-8,
Solid-state diodes, just as transistors, are made for
specific applications. Those used in low-power circuits are
physically smaller than devices used in large current appli¬
cations, Some mount by their axial leads while others have
heavy studs designed for heat dissipation.
A zener or zener diode is a special device used primarily
for holding a voltage within a given limit, Zener diodes are
also sometimes referred to as backward diodes and voltage-
regulator diodes, A zener is similar in operation to a silicon
junction diode with reverse bias and basicallythe same sche¬
matic symbols are used as shown in Fig, 3-9.
wide selection of available operating voltages, it has gained
tremendous popularity in electronic equipment—especially
when stability is necessary.
Fig. 3- J0, Any of these symbols indicate a funnel used in the circuit*
Composite 67 kHz SCA
_j _i fi-
£E : cc w
Hg, 3-12- Block e/logrom of on /nfegrofecf c/rcu/ff/CJ FM stereo demodulator. The 1C contains the
equivalent of 30 transistors, 10 diodos, and 27 resistors! Courtesy Motorola.
of the junction as the plates of a capacitor. As the bias voltage
varies, the spacing between the plates varies and so does the
capacitance. Varactor diodes arc made to take advantage
of this and they have recently become very popular in oscilla¬
tor tuning circuits,
Have you ever wondered what kind of devices it takes to build
a pocket-sized TV set, a receiver smaller than a postage
stamp, or a complete audio amplifier in less space than a
period at the end of a sentence? Obviously it calls for minia¬
ture components, or more specifically, integrated circuits.
An integrated circuit—orIC—is single "component" contain¬
ing resistors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors on a sin¬
gle, tiny clip. The block diagram in Fig. 3-12 illustrates the
large number of stages which can be built into just one of these
devices. Fig* 3-13 shows two common case designs.
ICs, besides being micro - miniature in size, have high
reliability’ characteristics and can be mass produced, re¬
sulting in lower cost They are becoming increasingly popu--
lar in home entertainment products such as hi-fi amplifiers,
FM, and television receivers. An example of IC application
in a stereo amplifier is shown in Fig. 3-14* However, the
largest uses forICs are still in the space and computer fields*
The manufacture of an integrated circuit requires a great
many steps. Briefly, an IC starts as a thin slice of silicon
with the circuit elements built up on it as layers of doped
semiconductor material and silicon dioxide in a number of
steps. It is completed by adding the connecting leads. Manu¬
facturing processes are continually being perfected to reduce
production costs and increase IC popularity*
Integrated circuits are normally soldered into a circuit just
like transistors, except there are many more leads. Pack¬
aging is one of the biggest considerations in IC technology*
Many currently used in consumer products are designed for
ease of replacement since ICs themselves are not made to be
repaired. Working on and around ICs requires the same care-
ful attention given any solid-state device.
SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier): The silicon controlled
rectifier is identified by the schematic symbol shown in Fig,
Fig. 3-13 . Like transistors ICs are
housed in various cose types—duo}
in-line (A) and metal (B), Courtesy
cathode operate the same as their counterparts in a normal
diode rectifier. Like other members of the semiconductor
family, the SCR comes in many shapes and sizes, depending
on the circuit requirements,
SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch): This device is similar to the
SCR, except as shown in the schematic symbol in Fig. 3-16 it
Gate (Gc) \_ ^ Anode (A)
Fig. 3-16. Silicon controlled
switch (SCS) symbol.
(C) Anode Gate
Diacs can be used as relaxation oscillators, but they tend
to stay in conduction when the input signal voltage goes much
over 50 Hz, so their effective operation is restricted to low-
frequency applications.
Triac: A triads a unique device something like an SCR since
it is also used in controlled circuits. It even operates like an
SCR in that it can handle large currents and can be switched
on through the gate. As the schematic symbol in Fig, 3-18
illustrates, the triac looks like a diac with the addition of a
gate terminal. In fact, it operates on either voltage polarity
like a diac. But like the diac and SCR, it is effective only at
low frequencies (around 50 Hz).
In reference to diacs, we said that one half of a diac con¬
ducts when its "breakdown voltage" is exceeded, while the other
side is biased off as this condition reverses when the polarity
of the applied voltage reverses, A triac works the same way
with one exception—its gate circuit allows it to be turned on
even if the applied voltage does not reach the "breakdown
voltage" level. The gate then acts like a switch.
impedance type, may cause a change in the circuit being mea¬
sured and result in inaccurate readings. High input imped¬
ance devices such as the FET prevent this.
The schematic symbol for an FET is shown in Fig, 3-19,
Like a transistor, it can be either anNPN or PNP type. Its
terminals, labeled gate, drain, and source, are comparable
to the grid, plate, and cathode of a vacuum tube. The source
and drain terminals are connected to opposite ends of a piece
of N-type material. Current will flow from source to drain
Drum Drum
'A urM: ixjur i;r j
Igfets & MosFets
The insulated-gate field-effect transistor (IGFET) is simi¬
lar to the PET except that as the name says, its gate is in¬
sulated by a material called the "substrate. " For this reason,
its impedance characteristics are better than the FET*
Like the FET, an IGFET can be either an FJPISj or PNP type
as shown in Fig* 3-20* It is an effective device in the input
circuits of test instruments and audio applications where
high impedance is desirable. The IGFET or MOSFET re¬
quires careful handling because of the high-impedance char¬
acteristic, The static electricity in a person's body is enough
to damage them. For this reason, manufacturers normally
caution users to handle IGFETs and MOSFETs by the case
rather than hy the leads.
The unijunction transistor is shown schematically in Fig.
3-21. It looks like an FET but actually operates more like
a tunnel diode. The UJIis basically a low-frequency switching
device used in timing circuits, voltage comparators, relax¬
ation oscillators, and for triggering SCRs in control appli¬
cations. Its physical appearance is like any transistor.
Vacuum Tubes
electron stream from cathode to plate. Some tubes have more
than one grid—two, three, and in some cases, more. The
tube number indicates the number of elements. For example,
the triode has three elements, the tetrode has four, and so
Fig. 4-7. All vacuum tubes hove an
electron emitter - called the cathode.
In some tubes the heated filament is
the emitter; in others the filament
merely heats the cathode.
Directly Indirectly
Heated Heated
The two-element tube is a diode. ItTs schematic symbol is
shown in Fig. 4-2. The diode is most often used as a recti¬
fier in power supply circuit's. Since current flow in a diode
will exist only when the plate is positive with respect to the
cathode, an AC signal applied between the plate and cathode
results in a current flow only during positive cycles.
Fig. 4-3. Full - wave rectifier circuit using o duo/-diode tube.
x x
The name suggests a three-element tube-—a cathode, a con-
trol grid, and a plate. The schematic symbol is shown in
Fig. 4^5. The grid is placed between the cathode and plate
to regulate the current flow through the tube. That's why it is
called the control grid. It acts much like a control valve in a
water pipe* The grid is actually a fine mesh of wires surround¬
ing the cathode and is closer to the cathode than the plate.
As we said, electrons leave the heated cathode and are
attracted to the plate when the plate is positive with respect
to the cathode. However, because some space exists be¬
tween these two elements, not all of the electrons will reach
VIA ■ vib
the plate. Some will collect around the cathode. The more
positive the plate, the more electrons it will attract, but this
is true only to a point. If a third element, the control grid,
is placed close to the cathode and made slightly positive, it
will essentially attract more of the electrons crowded around
to the grid to cause grid current, but most will be attracted
by the more positive plate resulting in a higher tube current.
Since the grid is so much closer to the cathode than the plate,
a small grid voltage will produce large effects on plate cur¬
rent. Because of this, triodes are commonly used as ampli¬
fiers. As in the case of diodes, two triodes can be placed in
one envelope. Such a tube is known as a dual triode shown
by the schematic symbol in Fig. 4-6.
The tetrode is a four-element tube having two grids, in addi¬
tion to the two basic elements {plate and cathode). The tetrode
schematic symbol as illustrated in Fig. 4-7 shows the second
grid—called a '’screen1' grid-—between the control grid and the
plate. The purpose of the screen grid is to reduce the capaci¬
tance between the control grid and the plate, a condition
which often causes problems during high-frequency opera¬
tion* The control grid stili acts to regulate plate current as
it docs in the triode, but the control grid's affect is much
greater in the terode, making it a higher gain amplifier*
In most circuit applications, the screen grid isbypassed to
ground with a capacitor. This effectively places the screen
grid at signal ground to further reduce the capacitance be¬
tween the plate and control grid. The most common applica¬
tion for the tetrode is in amplifier circuits, but the pentode
tube is more widedy used except in certain applications.
The pentode tube has five elements—a cathode, plate, con¬
trol grid, and screen grid, just as in a tetrode, plus one
additional element called the ’suppressor'1 grid. The sche¬
matic symbol for the pentode is shown in Fig. 4-8.
Suppress© ate
F/g. 4- 3. Adding still another grid to the
Grid tetrode symbol and it becomes a pentode.
GJ Cathode
In the tetrode, the screen grid was added tu reduce the ca¬
pacitance between the control grid and plate, resulting in
better amplification at higher frequencies. However, during
conduction, electrons hitting the plate cause some electrons
to be knocked off, producing an effect known as Msecondary
emission.” This ’’secondary'1 electron flow occurs when the
electrons knocked off the plate are attracted by the screen
grid which results in distortion and unwanted oscillations.
To eliminate this effect, a suppressor grid was placed be¬
tween the screen grid and plate. As shown in the pentode
symbol {Fig. 4-8), the suppressor grid is tied to the cathode*
This means it is negative with respect to the plate and, there¬
fore, it repells secondary emissions from the plate.
The pentode has a much higher amplification factor than
either the triode or tetrode and is used in amplifier stages
where high gain and high plate resistance is desirable.
Fig. 4-12. Schematic symbol used for gaseous
regulator tubes.
Fig. 4-15. Symbol for a cothode-iay tube designed for
electrostatic deflectiont
Interconnecting Devices
r«C 404 ■)
and their leads axe placed through the holes to be soldered to
the foil on the bottom of the board*
As shown in Fig. 5-1 * terminals or connectors are conven¬
iently soldered to the circuit board to provide a means of wir¬
ing external parts into the circuit such as panel-mounted con¬
trols, speakers, etc. In more complicated printed circuits
where many connections are required, a special type of con¬
nector is used. In such cases all necessary connecting points
are brought to one area on the board and a special multi-con-
tact connector is soldered to this area.
are tied together to form a 1 hameBS.,r The need for wiring
harnesses is obvious* It just wouldn't be a neat, safe, eco^
nomical procedure to have a lot of loose wires running from
one area to another.
Wiring harnesses are needed in anumber of applications such
as from radio to radio in an aircraft, between circuit board
assemblies in a computer, from a common power supply to a
receiver and transmitter, in a broadcast station from con¬
sole to transmitter, and many others. In many instances,
ready-made harnesses can be purchased with the required
number of wires. These are called 1 'cables'T and they come in
hund reds of var i at ions. T he cabling in a te lep hon e in s fca lla-
tion, for example, may contain as many as 100 wires.
Fig, 5-4. Symbol used to signify unshielded
mulfi- conductor cable.
Ci rr.i hi I Hi ^ Ip
2 8 lue
> C
R^eNtrr 4 8 I«fc
Circuits * iA
G Gr*r
7 r*Hdn
1 P
tteslE-r B e d i tfi 31« 1
Cannot 9 tu« *
Console alick 3
C r ff j n 4
lro*n a
Qi-Jlfl gp 4
¥> 1 1 gvr i
P ii r p 1 * a
BlutiUMt* 9
vmtt 10
Grasn ! Wli | ( a 11
tcfli*, Htii | n 12
rl pd
6 nty
eimcMKJlIt* li
for shielded cable is shown in Fig. 5-5. Multi-conductor
cables contain color-coded wires to make identification easier
when connections are made. The wires may be all the same
size or there maybe several small and several largo diameters
for special applications requiring different voltages and cur¬
rents. Fig. 5“6 is a drawing representing a bundle of wires
or multi-conductor cable connecting two circuits or units.
Wire identification or coding is necessary for interconnecting
cables as indicated, and the coding is also carried on the
Multiple-wire connectors are used to facilitate electrical
connection between circuits and equipment. These connectors
may be of almost any type or size depending on the application
and number of wires. The connector may be a simple three-
wire cable-to-cable type. Or it may be a special connector,
designed to handle 100 wires of various sizes, with mechani¬
cal locking features topreventthe connectors from accidental
i+rUrH nD ^^U
Fig. 5-7. This type of symbol is used to represent multiple wire
connectors. The number of terminals, of course, equals the
number of individual conductors in the cable.
An audio-type connector is used to couple audio signals, usu-
allyfrom a source to an amplifier, lor example, from a mi¬
crophone, a turn-table, tape recorder, receiver, or mas-
Fig. 5-3. Various types of con-
n&ctors; printed - circuit ribbon
connector (A); cable - to - panel
(B) and cable- to- cable( C), Cour¬
tesy Amphenol.
ical instrument to an amplifier. Audio connectors are de¬
signed to transfer the audio signals with as little loss or dis¬
tortion as possible. The cable used to carry audio signals
is always a shielded type and may contain one, two, three,
or more wires in addition to the shield. In some cases, each
lead has its own shield.
Typical audio connectors are shown in Figs, 5-9 and 5-10*
The single “contact type uses one pin for the audio and the
case for the shield or ground. Single-wire shielded audio lead
is commonly used on musical equipment, turntables} tape
recorders, hi fi systems, and on some microphones. A
Fig. 5- J7. C/oseup 83- IR chassis type RF receptacle. It is
normally used with RG-SSA/U or RG-8A/U coaxial cable.
Courtesy Amphenol RF D\v.f The Bunker-Ramo Corp.
Besides multiple-contact and audio-type connectors, there
are hundreds of types designed for special applications—con¬
nectors to transfer RF power in VHF-UHF television and two-
way communications for example. Again, the cable used with
these connectors is normally a shielded type called Mcoaxial
cable, " cable specially made for various applications depend¬
ing on the equipment power, frequency, impedance, and length
of cable needed. Schematically, coaxial cable looks like any
other shielded lead. A sampling of typical RF connectors is
shown in Figs* 5-11 and 5~12,
Fig. 5-12. BNC and UHF RF connectors with tarnish-free,
corrosion - rssistanf surface plating. Courtesy Amphenol
Distributor Div.t The Bunker-Romo Corp.
As with other connectors, there are types for cable-to-cable
and cable-to-chassis applications* RF connectors are also
designed to transfer as much signal with as little loss as pos¬
sible and are usually made to accept specific sizes of coaxial
cable. In RF applications signal losses are more critical than
in audio uses because of the frequencies involved. RF signal
levels can be reduced drastically by long cable runs or by im¬
proper matching between the cable and equipment* Foy this
reason, both connectors and cable must have low-loss charac¬
Fig, 5-] 4. Coroflex coaxial cable.
Sh i e f d
Guter| Jacket
fen ter
Single-Conductor Conductor
Outer Jacket ShLe,d dielectric
Center Conductor
TY-FM Low-Los E
Lead- in VHF- UHF
Lead- in
Low- Loss
UHF Lead- in
J nsulation
Rubber or
Plastic Jacket
Tinned (Silver)
RF or coaxial cable is also available with either solid or
stranded leads* Like audio cable, coax consists of a specially
insulated center conductor which is then covered with a metal
shield and, finally, by arubber or plastic jacket. However,
unlike audio cable, RF cable has only one center conductor
and a shield as shown in Fig* 5-16. The choice of using either
solid or stranded coaxial cable depends on the application.
Another type of special cable is ''flat lead" or twin-lead as
it is commonly called—the two-conductor wire used for TV
lead-in* It is simply two wires covered with an insulating
material which also separates the leads by a specific mea¬
sure. Twin-lead comes in several, types; some are covered
by a foil which acts as shielding* See Fig. 5-17.
Speaker wire is also a two-conductor cable something like
appliance cord, only it is not made to handle the current re¬
quired by an appliance. Typical speaker cable is sketched
in Fig. 5-18* Usually, each conductor is stranded and in-
sulated with a rubber or plastic jacket. Speaker wire leads
are also color-coded in some way (usually one copper and the
other a silver color) to insure proper phasing between speak¬
There are single-conductor cables made for test instrument
leads. In most cases, a test cable is a single lead covered
with a ver3r heavy insulating jacket. Some also have a shield.
The heavy insulation is required for high-voltage protection.
Types of Diagrams
Before you pack your family into the old bus for a long trip,
one of the first things you do is get out the road maps to find
the best route to your destination. From experience we know
that road maps use codes or symbols to point out camp sites,
parks, mileage check points, etc* They may look compli¬
cated to a beginner, but after using them a couple of times
road maps are really very simple, thanks to a system of sym¬
bols* With today's complex highway system, the only way to
get across unfamiliar country without getting lost is to use a
A home builder uses a road map, too. But a builder rs 1Tmapri
cells him where to place the frame on the foundation and where
to locate supports. This type of map ip called a "blueprint*”
An electronic or electrical diagram does the same job for a
technician who has to find his way through the complicated
maze of wires and parts in a television or radio chassis,
Withoutthis valuable diagram, a technician would spend hours
just tracing wires from point to point.
right. In other words, the radio signal comes in at LI {the
antenna coil) and goes through the circuits until it comes out
the speaker (SP1) at the righto To make parts easier to iden¬
tify, the manufacturer normally gives each one a number—
this is called ''component identification," Parts, too, are
numbered in order from left to right. Each similar part lias
the same letter ahead of the number. For example: capaci¬
tors are always designated by a C, resistors by an Rs and
transistors by a Q, There are also symbols for transform¬
ers, coils, speakers, and even mechanical parts such as
Symbol Manufacturer's
I No. Descri pf ion Part Number
The reason for using symbols to identify capacitors , re¬
sistors, etc*, is to make the schematic easier to read—the
same reason you have symbols on a road map. It would get
pretty cluttered up if they didnH, To eliminate this unnecessary
mess, the manufacturer provides a separate replacement parts
list in the service manual which gives a full description of
each component, A portion of a typical parts list is shown in
6-2 *
A service manual is not something you normally get when
you buy a radio; you have to request it {with the schematic)
from the manufacturer. There are companies who compile
schematics and servicing information which they make avail¬
able through local electronic dealers or automatically on a
subscription basis.
In addition to blue-printing the signal path through a piece
of electronic or electrical equipment, a schematic also tells
the technician what the correct voltage and resistance values
should be at specific points in the circuit. Armed with this
information and suitable test equipment, he can quickly trace
a problem in a TV or radio to the defective component.
course, this is a very brief explanation of how the received
signal moves through the radio from the antenna to tha speak¬
er, but that is the purpose of a block diagram*
A typical pictorial diagram or drawing Is shown in Fig* 6-6.
Similar diagrams are usually used to aid in building of Idt-
type electronic equipment. The pictorial diagram is suited
for this function because it gives the builder a physical view
of the actual wiring which is easier for a novice to follow than
a complicated wiring diagram* In a rather simple piece of
equipment, the pictorial diagram will show all of the com¬
ponents* In more complicated equipment, the components
will be installed in groups with a pictorial for each group
showing only those particular components. This eliminates
confusion Cor both the builder and the manufacturer.
Hewer transistorized equipment use printed-circuit boards
which makes kit assembly an easy task for almost anyone*
The pictorials for these circuits are usually actual circuit
board photos or drawings which show all of the components
for that cii'cuit, similar to the diagram in Fig* 6-5*
comppn en
7g, 6-5, Layout diagram of a typical transistorized circuit board.
Fig. 6-6. Typical pictorial diagram showing printed-circuit and
component wiring.
This type of diagram is used to show the construction of
mechanical components and systems which normally cannot
be shown on a schematic or other diagram. Mechanical con¬
strue tion diagrams are used to illustrate such things as tape
recorder drive systems, antenna rotators, hydraulic systems,
etcH An example of a mechanical construction diagram is the
rotator mechanism shown in tbs exploded view of Fig. 6-7*
Such diagrams are often a drawing, cutaway view, or photo.
An exploded diagram showing the gear arrangement of an elec¬
tronic servo is shown in Fig, 6-8.
^tg. 7-1. Schematic of a typicalt small transistorized radio.. Courtesy RCA.
is received, it has done its job so it is no longer needed. So
the incoming signal is "converted11 into an "IFM signal which
is amplified by the next two stages called "IstIF amp” and
M2nd IF amp/1
At the outputof Q3 the amplified IF signal is coupled through
transformer L5 to a detector—abbreviated MDETn on the
schematic. This stage is nothing more than a diode which
passes only the audio broadcast signals; the IF signal is elim¬
inated as it too has now served its purpose. So now all we
have left is a duplicate of the audio signal from the broadcast
studio at the output of the detector diode CR2. The audio then
goes through the radio’s volume control to the "1st AF amp,"
Q4, then to the "2nd AF amp, ” Q5, and finally through the
pushpull audio amplifiers Q6 and Q7, Each amplifier stage
increases the levelofthe audio sufficiently to drive the speaker
or earphone so we can hear it.
The speaker in this radio is connected directly to audio out¬
put transistors Q6 and Q7, along with the closed-circuit ear¬
phone jack. When an earphone is plugged in, it automatically
opens the speaker lead so the output is fed only to the ear¬
The only stage we didn't mention is the irAGC COMP," CR1.
AGC means "automatic gain control/1 It takes part of the de¬
tected signalfrom CR2 and feeds it back to the converter stage
to keep the volume or signal at a more constant level. In other
words, it smoothes out variations between weak and strong
signals so the volume doesn't vary with changes in signal
Audio amplifiers are common circuits in almost every piece
of electronic home entertainment equipment today—radios,
TVs, tape players, and phonographs, to name just a few.
Regardless of whether the amplifier uses tubes or trans¬
istors, it serves the same purpose. It "raises" very weak
audio signals to power levels great enough to drive a speaker
(or speakers) with as true a reproduction of the original signal
as possible. This means an audio amplifier must not only in¬
crease the power of the input signals, but it must do so with¬
out introducing any distortion.
Audio amplifiers are classed as being either monaural or
stereo. A monaural amplifier is a unit having a single input
channel and one audio output channel to a speaker or head¬
phones. A stereo unit has two channels or speaker outputs
and naturally, two separate input channels.
Monaural Amplifier
i 07
audio power output stage is coupled to the speaker through a
multi-impedance transformer. This transformer allows a
choice of any three speaker impedances, a feature which is
useful for a custom installation, and it provides for a wider
choice of speakerso
Voltages for the entire amplifier are furnished by a common
power supply. Various voltage taps are used to provide the
necessary plate, screen, and filament voltages.
Stereo Amplifier
corder. A switch called 11 tape monitor" routes the signal from
Q1Q1L either to the tape recorder, if used, or to the next
transistor stage, Q1Q2L, if the tape recorder is not used*
In the "off" position as shown, the signal from Q1G1L is fed
thro ugh C10 3 and R117 to the base of Q1Q2L* Q1Q2L is another
emitter-follower which provides a low-impedance driving
source to the tone controls*
If the tape monitor switch is in the "on11 position, the signal
from Q101L is applied to the tape recorder where it can be
recorded and immediately played back because the tape re¬
corder monitor (tape mon) signal is fed back through R101,
C103, R117t Q102L, and on to the tone controls*
The output of Q102L is applied to the base and treble tone
controls at the same time and the signal from these circuits
is coupled to the base of Q103L, The treble tone control con¬
sists of R147, R149, and C119, while the base tone control
circuit consists of R139, R141, R143, R145, C115, and
Q1G3L amplifies and inverts the signal* Inverting the signal
means that the signal from the output or collector of Q1G3L
will be of the opposite "phase" from its input (base) signal*
This type of circuit design is used to provide better base re¬
sponse* The output of Q103L is also coupled through C123
and the "tone flat" switch in the "off" position to the balance
control* When the tone flat switch is in the "on" position, the
tone controls and Q103L are not used* The output of Q102L
goes directly from C1I3 to the balance control*
The "balance" controls in both left and right channels are
mechanically linked in a special control so that at the center
of rotation the output of each channel to its volume control is
at maximum. Turning the balance control clockwise reduces
the left channel output to its volume control but doe snot affect
the right channel. Counterclockwise rotation of the control
reduces the right-channel output and does not affect the left
The volume control in this unit is a dual type connected so
that it will "raise" or "lower" the left and right channels to¬
gether. When the loudness control is in the "on" position,
the volume control acts like a loudness control. This type
of control allows the operator to compensate for his own aural
response to audio frequency signals at lower listening levels.
C125s C127, and R1G1 make up the loudness circuit when the
loudness control is in the T’onT1 position.
From the volume control, signals are coupled through Cl29
to the base of Q104L. They are amplified in Q104L and
direct-coup led to the base of another emitter-follower, Q105L,
From the emitter of Q105L, the signal is fed to the power
amplifier circuit (left channel).
FM Tuning Circuit
ratio detector circuit. The voltage changes when the frequency
of the oscillator begins to drift; therefore, it is called an
”AFC voltage1’ or automatic frequency control voltage. It
actually changes the capacity of the oscillator’s tuned circuit,
which in turn changes the oscillator frequency.
The output of the oscillator is coupled through C115 to the
base of mixer transistor Q2. The frequency of the oscillator
is adjusted to produce a signal that is 10.7 MHz higher than
the input (received) signal from the RF amplifier. These two
signals "mix11 or "beat11 together, as in an AM receiver, and
produce an IF signal output that contains the modulation pre¬
sent in the incoming signal. The IF signal is then coupled
through transformer T2 to the FM-IF amplifier circuits.
FM IF Circuit
FM-IF signal is fed to the base of Q9, Base bias for Q9 is
furnished by R2 21 and R222. From the collector of Q9 the IF
signal is coupled through R224 and IF transformer T5 to the
base of limiter transistor Q10,
Due to high base bias voltage and a low collector voltage *
Q10 clips or limits the amplitude of signal voltages. This
''limiting" action eliminates any amplitude modulation (AM)
which may be riding on the FM signal. Bias for Q10 is sup¬
plied by voltage-divider R225 and R226. Bypass capacitors
C208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, and 217 keep the emitters
and the 1Tcoid" ends of the IF transformer secondaries at RF
ground potential. Part of the limiter voltage developed across
emitter resistor R227 is fed to the tuning meter circuit.
LD is closely coupled to the primary, it introduces a voltage
that is in series with both LB and LC. The voltage across LD
is relatively constant in amplitude as long as the voltage across
LA does not change, and the voltage across LD is held constant
by the clamping action of Q10.
Each diode has its own separate loop through which current
flows as indicated by the arrows, Thecurrentin D203 is con¬
trolled by the voltage induced in LB and LC which charges C 222.
The current in D204 is controlled by the voltage induced in LC
and LD which charges C223, Since coil LD is common bo both
current loops, current flows through it in both directions.
Electrolytic capacitorC224 is connected across C222 and C223
through R229 and R233 to keep the total voltage across these
two capacitors from changing* Thus, any amplitude modula¬
tion on the FM signal will be damped out by C224.
oscillator Q3. When properly tuned to an FM station, the DC
voltage from the ratio detector is zero. As the oscillator is
detuned (oscillator drift), in either direction, the DC voltage
will vary in proportion—plus or minus—with respect to
ground, depending on which way the tuning changed,
A small signal is also taken from the emitter of limiter
transistor Q10 and applied to the negative terminal of the
tuning meter, When the mode switch is in the FM or stereo
position, R5, R6, R7 and RIO form a voltage-divider net¬
work to allow the meter to be ,TzeroedM when no signalis being
AM Ci rcuif RF Stage
AM Mixer- Oscillator
AM IF Circuit
The input signal from the BF stage and the oscillator signal
are combined or ^mixed71 in Q5 to produce an IF signal at a
frequency of 455 kHz, This signal is then coupled through
IF transformer T8 to the base of IF amplifier Q6U
As in the case of FM operation, a small signal from the
secondary of T9 is made available to the tuning mteter through
the mode switch when m the AM position.
AM Detector
C303, permits it to act as a 19-kHz amplifier, and since the
output signal is taken from the emitter it functions as anemit-
ter-fol lower circuit.
The 1-9-kHz pilot signal is amplified byQ14 and coupled from
the tuned circuit to the base of i9-kHz amplifier Q23 through
B350 and C337* Capacitor C338 and coil T13 form a resonant
circuit in the collector of Q23* C339 and the phase-adjust
control, R352, are across part of T13 so the phase of the 19-
kHz output signal can be adjusted, allowing the operator to cor¬
rect for any possible phase error between the 19^kHz pilot
and the 38-kHz subcarrier signals which may occur between
different stereo stations* This control is necessaryformax¬
imum channel separation on all stereo stations*
Two outputs are taken from the 19-kHz amplifier (Q23). One
connects the 19-kHz pilot signal to the base of stereo indicator
amplifier Q24 through C340* With no input signal (such as
with monaural FM) only a small current flows in Q24 and the
indicator does not light* When an input signal is received,
Q24 begins to conduct near the positive peak of each cycle of
the amplified 19-kHz pilot signal, Q24 then conducts only for
short periods until the time constant of C340 and B354 allows
the stage to return to its cut-off condition* The resulting
pulses are shown beside the stereo indicator in Fig* 7-13
(foldout Panel F)* These pulses raise the average voltage
across the indicator above the 2-volt level and it lights*
I 19
connected directly to the next stage. The FM signal from the
SCA filter circuit is coupled through C314 and R322 to the base
of the emitter-follower stage (Q16). The signal from the
emitter of Q16 is fed to the switching detector stage (Q17 and
Q18). The switching detector circuit performs several func¬
tions simultaneously. By referring to the waveforms in Fig.
7-14 and the schematic (Fig, 7-7), we see that the FM signal
(1) is coupled to the emitters of Q17 and Q18. The 38-kHz
oscillator signal (2) is coupled to the bases of Q17 and Q18
through T14. When these signals are combined in this cir¬
cuit, the 38-kHz carrier (which was removed at the trans¬
mitter) is reinserted into the FM signal (3). The left- and
right-channel signals are then detected and coupled to sep¬
arate output amplifiers as shown in Fig. 7-14,
Fig. 7-14 also shows the waveforms that are present in the
switching detector circuit. Waveform (1) is the suppressed-
carrier stereo FM signal that comes from Q16. Waveform
(2) is the 38-kHz oscillator signal that is reinserted in the FM
signal at the same phase and frequency as the original 38-kHz
The detection circuit operates as follows: When waveform
(3) is applied to the switching transistors, Q1S conducts only
on that part of the waveform that carries the L-channel signals.
Therefore, only the L-channel appears at its output. Trans¬
istor Q17 conducts only on the R portion of the 38-kHz wave¬
form so only the R waveform appears at its output.
In Fig. 7-15, the 38-kHz signal is shown superimposed on
the stereo FM signal. At each 38-kHz peak on the L wave¬
form, C18 conducts and Q17 is cut off. At each peak on the
R waveform, Q18 is cut off and Q17 conducts. The L signal
from Q16 charges C315 and is coupled through C318 to the
base of Q19. The R signal charges C316 and is coupled through
C317 to the base of Q20,
Q19 is the left-channel audio amplifier and postdetector cir¬
cuit while Q2Q is used for these same functions in the right
channel. Stereo balance control R332 is adjusted so equal
currents flow through both Q19 and Q2G. After transistors
Q19 and Q20, the operation of the two channels is identical, so
we will follow only the left one.
The output of Q19 is coupled through two filters, a de-em¬
phasis network, a section of the FM-AM selector switch, and
a coupling capacitor to the base of emitter-follower Q21, L8
and C323 are used to "trap" out any of the 19-kHz pilot signal
that got through to this point. R337 and C325 are part of a
PEC (packaged electronic circuit) notch filter circuit that
traps out any remaining 38-kHz signal.
R337 and C327 are de-emphasis networks, a low-pase filter
circuit used to return the higher audio frequencies to their
proper level with relation to the lower audiofrequencies. The
higher audiofrequencies are transmitted more strongly by FM
stations so that the high-frequency response is better at your
From the de-emphasis network, the signal is coupled through
the FM-AM selector switch, R339, andC331to the base of the
output emitter-follower, Q21. The signal is then applied across
the left-channel level control in the emitter of Q21. From the
arm of the level control the signal is coupled through C335 to
the left-channel output jack.
Monaural FM Operation
Power Supply
The Tuners
Let’s follow the audio from the video detector first. Audio
at the detector output goes to the grid of the sound IF tube,
one-half of V£Q1. The sound signal level is increased and
coupled through transformer T202 to the grid of sound de¬
tector tube V202, The audio information from the sound de¬
tector (a ratio detector, since TV sound is FM) thon goes
through the volume control to the grid of the audio output tube.
The volume control is used to adjust the amount of signal fed
to the audio output tube which then "raises’r the signal level
high enough to drive the speaker.
The video signal from detector diode CR201 goes to the grid
of V205B, the video output tube. A tuned circuit or "trap"
in the grid circuit is used to tune out or eliminate any sound
carrier which may be present before it gets to the grid. The
video signal level is boosted in V205B and applied through the
contrast control to the cathode of the picture tube. Also, from
the output of V2G5B a eyehronization signal, simply called
■ "sync,11 is fed to the grid of the sync amplifier, V2Q1B, and
the AGC amplifier, V205A.
From the plate of V201A, the sync pulses are fed through
aseriesof resistors and capacitors, including VERT LIN con¬
trol R260, to the grid of the vertical output tube, V206A, and
to the horizontal oscillator, V207. Sync pulses arc used to
"lock" the picture so that both the vertical and horizontal
stages run in step with the incoming video signal. It does this
by applying sync pulses from the received signal to the ver¬
tical oscillator and these pulses keep the vertical oscillator
in step with the incoming signal. At the same time, the sync
pulses are applied to the horizontal system, but not directly
as in the vertical circuit.
The sync pulses (Fig, 7-16, foldout Panel G) are fed from
the plate of V201B to the junction of C233 and C234, then to
the horizontal phase detector made up of the diode network,
SR201, This network also receives reference pulses from the
horizontal circuit which are compared with the sync pulses
in the phase detector. Any difference in phase between the
pulses develops a correction voltage which is fed to the hor¬
izontal oscillator to put it back in step with the sync pulses.
Vertical Circuit
The vertical circuit provides height to the TV picture by pro¬
ducing pulses which are used to "sweep" the electron beam in
the picture tube vertically. The vertical oscillator (V20GB)
produces pulses which are fed to the vertical output tube
(V20GA), The vertical output tube amplifies these pulses and
applies them through output transformer T1Q3 to the vertical
deflection coils in the yoke assembly on the picture tube neck*
Horizontal Circuit
The horizontal circuit operates much like the vertical circuit;
that is, it also produces pulses, which in this case provide
width to the TV picture. The horizontal circuit also pro¬
duces the pulses needed to develop the high voltage for the
picture tube anode.
The horizontal oscillator (V207A) produces pulses at the
rate of 15, 750 per second, which are applied to the horizon¬
tal output tube (V101 A) where they are amplified. The hori¬
zontal output transformer (T102) in the plate circuit of VI01A
drives the deflection yoke which sweeps the CRT beam hori¬
zontally. During the interval between horizontal pulses, a
"flyback" pulse is fed from the yoke to the horizontal output
transformer which supplies the high-voltage rectifier, V1Q2,
producing the DC voltage for the picture tube anode. In a
black-and-white TV receiver the anode voltage is between
12, 000 and 15, 000 volts DC,
Damper tube V1Q1B is simply used to T'dampoutT1 or prevent
any undesirable oscillations in the horizontal output circuit.
The damper tube is effectively connected across the horizontal
coils in the yoke. One side of the yoke goes to the cathode
of V101B through L103; the other side goes to the plate through
L102. V101B is a diode and so it conducts only when its plate
is positive with respect to its cathode. Since its plate and
cathode are connected across the yoke, the direction of cur¬
rent flow through the yoke determines when Y101B will con¬
The TV receiver circuit shown schematically in Fig* 7-16 re¬
ceives its operating voltage from a diode rectifier circuit
consisting of CR101 and its filter components. Power to the
circuit is applied through switch S10IA,
Some of the circuits in a color TV receiver, such as the
tuner and audio circuits, are similar to those in the black-
aad-wliite TV discussed previously. However, we will go
into a little greater detail on these, especially where they per¬
tain to color reception.
The schematic diagram in Pig- 7-16 {foldout Panels H and
J) shows a complete color TV receiver, using both tubes and
transistors. A unit of this type is commonly called a 1 'hy¬
brid' ' design. The various circuits shown within the dotted
lines indicate separate circuit boards or units. This partic¬
ular receiver makes use of plug-in type circuits for easier
servicing. Components outside the dotted lines are normally
considered to be part of the main chassis and some are found
mounted on the cabinet itself. The picture tube, power sup¬
ply, and most of the operating controls fall into this cate¬
gory* Now, let’s see how this color receiver works.
since this receiver is also used for more exacting industrial
applications. At the output of the fourth IF stage (Q104), the
video signal containing all of the video, color, and sound
information is split. The video signals go through a video
detector diode, D101, Tuned transformer T1G2 is a ’’trap"
used to remove any audio carrier from the video signal before
it goes to the video detector diode. Meanwhile, audio from
the output of Q104 goes through a sound detector diode, D102,
and then to the Bound IF unit, ZB301A.
The video signal from the detector (D101) is fed to trans¬
istor Q10G, an emitter-follower stage. In this circuit, Q106
is used to match and transfer the video signals from the detect¬
or to the contrast control and then to the video amplifier sec¬
tion, ZB201A.
Q106 also produces the AGC or automatic gain control signal
which is amplified by Q105 and used as previously described
to keep signal levels constant between weak and stronger
stations. AGC circuits normally provide either a ' forward"
or "reverse'1 bias. This receiver uses both types. "Re-
verse'1 AGC is applied to the bases of the first two video IF
stages, Q101 and Q102. At the same time, reverse AGC is
amplified and inverted by Q4 and fed to the tuner as "forward”
Video Amplifier and Sync Unit
The video signal from the IF unit goes through contrast con¬
trol VR45 to the video amplifier unit, ZB201A, and the base
of Q201, the first video amplifier. From the collector of
Q201, the video signal is fed through a delay line, L203, to
the base of Q202. The signal then goes to the grid of the vid¬
eo output tube, V201, where it is further amplified. The sig¬
nal from V201 is then fed as the luminance signal to the cath¬
odes of the three-gun color picture tube.
Also from the contrast control, video signal is fed to Q203
and Q204. These transistors make up the first color or
"chroma" and sync amplifiers. They are connected in a cir¬
cuit arrangement called a "Darlington pair.T1 Diode D201
and transistor Q205 act as sync levelers before the signal is
fed to sync separator transistor Q206, The blanking ampli¬
fier, Q2G7, together with diodes D203, 204, and 205, shape
the horizontal and vertical blanking pulses from the deflection
circuits and pass them on to the cathode of V201.
Chroma Oscillator Unit, ZB7Q1
The chroma or color signal from the output of the video sync
unit (pin 3 of ZB201A) is coupled through L701 to the base of
emitter-follower transistor Q701, The emitter-follower cir^
cult is often used in transistorized units to match a high-im-
pedance input to a low-impedance output* In this case, the
emitter-follower matches the input of the video sync unit to
the low-impedance color control, VR4G. The color control
applies signal to the base of Q702. Here, the signal is fur¬
ther amplified and fed through bandpass transformer T701 to
the chroma demodulators in the chroma output unit, ZB751A,
Meanwhile, V701, the burst amplifier tube, is turned on
during color burst time by a pulse from the horizontal output
transformer (T41). The amplified burst signal is then coupled
through T7G2 to diodes D701 and 702. These diodes are the
automatic phase detectors and their output signal is fed to the
chroma oscillator, V702, to keep it locked in sync with the
burst signal. When a burst signal is present, diode D703 de¬
velops a negative voltage which biases off the color killer
transistor, Q703. When there is no oolor signal, Q7Q3 con¬
ducts and cuts off Q702, the chroma amplifier.
Chroma Output Unit
audio or sound signal i s fed throu gh a tuned tran sforme r, T3 01,
to the base of Q301, a 4.5-MHz sound amplifier. The signal
is amplified and fed to a limiter-amplifier (Q302) and then
through a tuned transformer (T302) to the ratio-detector diodes
D3Q1 and 302. The audio output from the diodes is fed through
the volume control, VH47, to the audio amplifier unit, ZB401A,
Audio Amplifier
which is fed to a dual-diode phase detector, DD501. These
diodes develop a control voltage for the horizontal multivibra¬
tor tube, V501,
The output of V501 is fed to the grid of the horizontal out¬
put tube, V502, which is connected to the horizontal output
transformer, T41. Like the vertical output transformer, T41
is mounted on the main chassis rather than on the circuit board.
The horizontal system also provides pulses used to develop
high-voltage on the picture tube anode. In color receivers,
this voltage is normally close to 25, 000 volts ! The high voltage
in this circuit is regulated or controlled by taking a reference
voltage from the B-plus boost line and using it to controL the
regulator transistor, Q501* Diodes D501 and DBG2 in the
base circuit of Q501 help to regulate the high voltage by shaping
the driving waveform or signal at the grid of V502, which in
turn controls V502Ts output plate current. The plate of V502
is connected to T41,
Power Supply
Convergence Board
into the speaker and his voice is amplified by X2, X3, and
X4n The amplified signal goes to coil L2A and then to os¬
cillator stage XI. The oscillator operates at a frequency
of either 220 or 180 kHz and is modulated by the audio. Coils
L2A and L2B then couple the signal to the AC power line and
it is picked up by another receiver.
The power supply is a conventional full-wave diode bridge
circuit- As shown by the dotted lines around the diodes, it is
a composite unit. When transmitting, resistors R26 and
K27 are connected in parallel to provide a higher DC output
voltage. The fuse link in this unit is a length of number 39
or 40 wire connected between lugs two and three of line coil
The intercom circuit in Fig, 8-2 (foldoutPanelM) useswires
between units to carry the signals. This is a master station
designed to operate with other master remote stations.
the V1B grid resistor, R12, is returned to ground through
wafer IF on the mode switch and contacts 6 and 10 of relay
RL2. When the mode switch is in the ntuneTI or ,rCWf' posi¬
tion, the cathode follower (U1B) is cut off by a bias voltage
from divider resistors R308 and R309.
The carrier oscillator, actually two crystal oscillators,
supplies an RF signal to the balanced modulator for transmit
operation. It also provides a heterodyne signal to the product
detector stage, V13, during receive. V16A and crystal VI
serve as the USB carrier oscillator and VI6B with crystals
Y2 and Y3 act as the LSB and CW carrier oscillator.
The desired carrier oscillator (VI6B) for the transmitted
frequency is placed in operation by wafer 1R of the mode
switch which connects its plate circuit to B-plus. Wafer 2R
connects the proper crystal to the grid of VI6B, When the
mode switch is in the CW position, B-plus is connected through
part of relay RL1 to either VISA or V16B,
When receiving CW signals, lugs 1 and 9 of relay RL1 place
V16B and crystal Y1 in operation. For trail emitting CW, lugs
5 and 9 of relay RL1 place VIGB and crystal Y3 in operation.
When receiving CW signals, the receiver is automatically tuned
1 kH2 below the incoming signal. The incoming signal 1'beats'1
with the transceiver beat-frequency oscillator signal (VI6B and
crystal Yl). When transmitting, V16B and crystal Y3 keep the
transceiver output at the same frequency as the incoming signal
from the other station.
Balanced Modulator
an HF signal appears at the secondary of T1 This signal is
then coupled through C22to isolation amplifier V2, The sec¬
ondary of T1 is tuned to the CW carrier frequency.
Isolation Amplifier
Both the upper and lower sideband signals from the balanced
modulator circuit are fed to the cathode of the isolation amp¬
lifier (V2) through C22. As suggested by the name, V2 iso¬
lates the balanced modulator from the crystal filter and pro¬
vides the proper impedance match to the crystal filter. The
gain of this amplifier is varied by the ALC (automatic level
control) voltage applied to its cathode through resistors R21
and R22. (The complete ALC circuit is described later under
that heading).
During transmit, the output of Y2 is coupled through C506
to the crystal filter. In the CW mode of operation the gain of
V2 is controlled by the CW section of the MIC/CW LEVEL
control which applies a variable negative bias to the grid of
V2 through wafer 1R of the mode switch, R21, and R22, 13-
plus voltage is supplied to the screen of V2 in the transmit
mode only through R937 and terminals 7 and 11 of RL2.
Crystal Filters
IF Amplifier
is used as the plate loadforV3, and it couples signal to V4 when
the unit is in the receive mode-
ALC voltage is applied through lugs 8 and 12 of relay RL2
to the grid of V3 to provide automatic level control for the
transmitted signal. When the mode switch is in the CW and
TUNE positions, the gain of V3 is controlled by a DC bias
from the arm of the MIC/CW LEVEL control through wafer
1R of the mode switch and terminals 8 and 12 of RL2,
The 3, 395- MHz IF signal at the grid and the 5.105-MHz signal
(or crystal-oscillator signal) at the cathode are mixed in the
first transmitter mixer tube (V5A)to produce sum and differ¬
ence frequencies. The 8, 5-MHz sum of these two signals is
coupled from the plate of Y5A through bandpass filter T202
to the second transmitter mixer, V6, The bandpass filter is
timed to pass only those signals between 8.395 and 8. 895MHz.
All other signals are attenuated* Only the sum of the IF and
LMO signals falls within this range, so it is the only fre-
quency range passed on to the second mixer*
First mixer V5A, second mixer V6, and driver V7 are cut
off during the receive mode by a negative grid voltage applied
through D301 and R3G1* This voltage is removed during trans¬
mit by lugs 6 and 10 of relay RL2, which grounds the cathode
side of D3GI.
needed across the tuned circuit on alt bands. Tuning capaci¬
tor C42LA is connected in parallel with C421B on the 80-meter
band only by band switch wafer 3R,
Final Amplifiers
for each band by shorting out the unused sections. Wafer 5R
also selects the proper combination of final tank timing and
loading capacitors for each band-
Neutralization of the final amplifier is accomplished by feeding
a portion of the plate signal back to the grid through neutra¬
lizing capacitors C913 and C9X4 and across C801 hn abridge
circuit. The output signal from the final tank coil is coupled
through lugs 8 and 12 of RL1 to the RF OUT connector. The
antenna switch allows the use of separate antennas for re¬
ceive and transmit if desired.
ALC Circuit
cathode is connected to ground through wafer 2F of the mode
switch- The frequency of VISA is determined by a phase-shift
network in its grid circuit* The phase-shift network is a
packaged or encapsulated unit-
From the plate of VISA the 1000-Hz tone is coupled through
C315 and R329 to the grid of tone amplifier V15R. V15B is
normally cutoffby anegativebias at its grid from the junction
of R311 and R3!2. When the CW key is closed, cut-off bias is
removed and V15B conducts. From the plate of VISB the 1000-
Rz tone is coupled to the CW tone volume control and then to
audio amplifier V14B, The 1000-Hz tone is also coupled
through C313 and R328 to the grid of the VOX amplifier (Vi7A)
which causes the transmitter to turn on.
CW Operation
goes through the transmitter in the same manner as the LSB
and USB signals.
5wi tching
ceiver mixer VI1, Smaller amounts of negative bias are also
applied to second receiver mixer V12A, second TF amplifier
V4, and audio amplifier V14A* The large bias is necessary at
V10 to keep the transmitter signal at the driver plate from
causing V10 to conductor large voltage peaks. (If this happens,
spikes will appear at the peaks of the envelope on the trans¬
mitted signal.)
First audio amplifier V14A is cut off by the bias voltage to
quiet the receiver audio stages when LSB or USB signals are
being transmitted* A negative pulse is also applied to the grid
of V14A to cut it off before the relay contacts close* This is
done so the switching transients, which cause a 11 popping1’
sound, will not be heard in the speaker*
The negative pulse that is applied to V14B is formed by the
sudden voltage change that occurs at the plate of relay ampli¬
fier V12B when that stage is turned on by the VOX circuit. This
pulse is shaped by a network that consists of resistors R337,
R338, R339, and R340 and capacitors C320, C321, C322, and
RF Amplifier
trolled 12.395-MHz signal is coupled to the Vll cathode from
V19B the heterodyne oscillator cathode-follower* These two
signals are mixed together in Vll and coupled, with the sum
and difference frequencies, to the bandpass filter. The band¬
pass filter, which passes only the frequencies between 8*395
and 8, 895 MHz, allows the 8* 5-MHz difference frequency to
pass on from Vll to the grid of the second mixer tube(V12A).
A 5* 105-MIIz signal is coupled from either theLMO otrcrys-
tal oscillator V5B through the FREQ control switch to the
V12A cathode* The8.5~MHz signal at the grid and the 5*105-
MHz signal at the cathode are then mixed together in Y12A and
the 3, 395-MHz difference frequency is coupled through crys¬
tal filter FL1 to the IF amplifiers*
The filter switch selects either crystal filter FL1 for SSB
use or FL2 for CW use* Crystal filter FL1 sets the IF band¬
width at 2*1 kHz wide* This narrow, steep-sided passband
permits good selectivity for SSB reception in crowded ama¬
teur bands. Crystal filter FL2 can be switched in for CWre¬
ception. FL2 sets the IF bandwidth at 400 Hz. This narrow
bandwidth is good for CW reception only.
IF Amplifiers
AVC Circuit
age. These two voltage sources are connected to diodes D101
and D9G5, together acting as a T1gate!r which permits either
bia^ voltage to control the gain of VI0, VI1, etc*, without
interacting with each other.
From the diode junction the bias voltage is coupled through
R412 to the grids of V10 and Vll and through resistor R415
to the grids of V3 and V4, Voltage-divider resistors R415 and
R416 allow only one half of the total bias voltage to be applied
to the grids of V3 and V4.
AVC voltage is obtained by coupling part of the IF signal
through C112 to AYC diodes VISA and V13B, These diodes
produce a negative DC voltage at pin 1 of V13A that is pro¬
portional to the signal strength. This negative voltage is de¬
veloped across R124, R117, C110 and C124. Capacitor 0124
charges quickly to the peak voltage so the A VC responds
quickly to prevent distortion in V3f V4, V10 and Vll when
strong signals are received. Capacitor C110 charges more
slowly, and keeps the A VC voltage proportional to the average
level of the received signal. This produces a fast-attack slow-
release AVC characteristic.
An incoming signal that produces a negative AVC voltage
significantly higher than the bias voltage from the RF gain con¬
trol reduces the gain of VI0, Vll, V3, and V4. This holds
the output of the RF and IF amplifier stages at a nearly con¬
stant level despite wide changes in the received signal level.
Product Detector
coupled through C308 to the grid of VI4A, The audio signal
is amplified in V14A and fed to power amplifier V14B- V14B
supplies the audio power through output transformer T301 to
the output connectors- Capacitor C928 couples a portion of
the output back to the cathode of V14B as negative feedback
to reduce distortion.
Three outputs are provided by transformer T301: a head¬
phone output, a 600-ohm output, and an 8-ohm speaker out-
put„ Audio power to the 8-ohm speaker jack is rated at 2 watts
maximum- An audio signal is also supplied to the anti-trip
network from the plate of V14B.
Crystal Calibrator
Metering Circuits
the Input of TRl. Then OHMS ADJ control R23 is re-set to
give a full-scale meter reading- Now, when the external re¬
sistor (unknown) is connected between the testleads, the meter
reading will indicate proportionately lower.
When AC voltages are to be measured, the input is applied
to TR1 through the same divider netwrok used for DC mea¬
surements—R2 through RS. However, the output of TRl is
fed to a peak-to-peak detector consisting of CIO, Cll, CR1,
and CR2* From the detector a DC voltage is applied to TR2
through another divider consisting of R25, R2G, R27, and
CRG. The meter is in the source circuit of TR2* The DC
voltage developed in this source circuit is, therefore, indi¬
cated on the meter in direct proportion to the peak-to-peak
AC voltage applied to TRl* Diodes CR5 and CR6 are used to
compensate for temperature changes so that meter readings
remain accurate over a wide range of temperature.
When a DC current measurement is made, the input is con¬
nected through the meter and shunt resistors R16 through R19*
The transistors and associated circuitry are not used* On the
100 micro amp range, the meter is connected directly to the
test lead inputs.
Diodes CR3 and CR4 are used to protect the meter move¬
ment itself from any excessive overload up to several amps.
The diodes in turn are protected by R24 which will bum up
when the maximum current rating of the diodes is exceeded.
TR7. They are identical, except for the components which
determine their respective operating frequencies. They are
essentially blocking oscillators with timing components m
the emitter circuits* The first counter (TR3) is triggered
by the 189-kHz oscillator signal and it divides this frequency
by 12, thus producing the horizontal line frequency of 15, 750
Hz* The output of TR3 is used to develop horizontal sync
pulses m TR12 and also to trigger the next counter stage,
TR4 divides the 15,750-Hz signal alternately by 17 and 18,
as controlled by the bistable multivibrator (MV) TR5 and TR6,
through R14* The output of the MV provides one source of
pulses at 450 IIz through C14 to the thrid counter stage, TR7.
A second source of pulses, also at 450 Hz, is fed to TR7
through C15 from the half-line MV, TRIO and TR11. How¬
ever, this second source of pulses occurs midway between
the first source of pulses so that when they are "mixed" in
TR7 they appear in the output as a single source of 900-Hz
pulses. The third counting stage, TR7, then divides this 900
Hz frequency by 15 to produce the 60-Hz vertical frequency.
The output from TR7 is used to develop vertical sync pulses
in TR12.
The half “line MV fires each time TR4 divides by 17 and gen¬
erates anew pulse 20 to 40 microseconds later as controlled
by the INTERLACE control, R3G. Since TR7 locks to this
source of pulses (from Cl 5) every other time it fires (it divides
by an odd number), one field (as viewed on a TV raster) can
be shifted with respect to the other field plus or minus approx¬
imately 10 microseconds.
Output signals from the collectors of bistable MV TR5 and
TRG are mixed together to form horizontal line pulses in TR9.
Since the bistable MV switches (turns on and off) each time
TR4 fires, the horizontal line pulses are generated at the
same rate* In other words, they are spaced alternately by
17 and 18 horizontal lines. Thus, they always begin at the
start of the horizontal sync pulse. The width of the horizon¬
tal line pulse is determined by R30, C21, and C22*
Signals from color oscillator TR13 are gated or triggered
at a 189-kHz rate through CR4 from the 189-kHz oscillator.
These signals appear across COLOR OUTPUT control R51
when function switch SI is in the color-bar position* When SI
is in any other position, the supply voltage is removed from
the color oscillator and shaper TH8 to prevent spurious op¬
Color signals from R51, vertical line or dot signals from
CR3, and horizontal line signals from TR9 are selected indi¬
vidually or in combination by SI, depending on the desired
pattern. The signal (or signals) are then ’ mixed71 with the
composite sync signal from THIS across CB5, R57, and R58.
CS5 and R53 are used to help isolate the signal sources from
the composite sync signal. CB5 clips the negative-going sync
signal so that the sync amplitude across R57 and B58 is approx¬
imately at the same level as the positive signal at this point.
RF oscillator TB14 is tunable from 55 to 84 MHz (Channels
2-6) by C39* The output from the collector ie amplitude mod¬
ulated by the composite video signal in modulator diode CB6.
This modulated RF is then coupled through C41 to the BF out¬
put cable which is terminated to match the 300-ohm antenna
terminals on the TV set* The 12-volt DC power for this test
instrument is supplied by batteries and feeds all stages ex¬
cept the master oscillator, TR1, the shaper, TR2, and the
three counter stages, TR3, TR4, and TR7. The supply volt¬
age to these stages is regulated at 8 volte by zener diodeCRl.
The schematic and the block diagram in Fig. 8-9 can be used
to follow the circuit. As shown, the unit uses an encapsu-
lated or modular circuit operating as a 50-kHz transmitter*
The transmitter module consists of Q101, Q102, and switching
transistor Q103. The 50-kHz multivibrator frequency is deter¬
mined by R103, R104, C101, C102, and frequency trimmer
C5, The frequency trimmer is used to make minor adjustments
of the transmitter frequency* The 50-kHz signal from the
transmitter is coupled from the collector of Q102 to the base
of Q103 by C103 and R106. Resistor R107 acts as a voltage
divider to protect the base of Q1Q3 from a voltage overload.
The signal from Q1Q2 turns Q103 on and off at a 50-kHz rate*
When the transmitter is switched on Q103 acts like a short
circuit between its emitter and collector* This places R8
and Cl04 across the power line and they act as a load for the
transistor* Transistor Q103 switches at a 50-kHz rate only
on the positive half cycles of the AC line voltage. Since this
on-off action puts R8 and C104 across the power line, the
power line current flow is also changed at a 50-kHz rate* The
changing current then develops a 50-kHz signal voltage that is
pulse-modulated by the GO-Hz line voltage, A 50-kHz modu¬
lated signal is thus transmitted through the power line to the
companion receiver*
Smoke Detector
When the SCR gate voltage reaches * 7 volts DC, the SCR con¬
ducts and applies a pulsating DC voltage across the trans¬
mitter module, causing a 50~kHz signal to be transmitted.
Capacitor C4 bypasses any AC voltages which may be present
at the SCR gate.
The 12* 6-voLt secondary winding of T1 provides the supply
voltage for the smoke detector lamp circuit* Lamp PL-1 is
connected in an AC bridge circuit withRl, R2, R3, R7, and
The bridge circuit has two balanced legs. One leg consists
of the smoke detector lamp PL-1 and R2; the other leg con¬
sists of R1 and R3* As longas these two legs remain balanced
only a small current is present. If the smoke detector lamp
burns out or is removed from the socket, the bridge balance
is upset. This causes a current flow in the circuit from point
E in the bridge, through HI, D2, and R7, then back through
point F and R2* As current flows through R7, the resulting
voltage drop is applied to the gate of the SCR* When the SCR
gate voltage reaches *7 volts DC, the SCR conducts. As be¬
fore, this applies a pulsating DC voltage to the transmitter
module and causes a 50-kHz signal to be transmitted*
Zener diodes D6andD7 are connected across the smoke de¬
tector lamp for voltage regulation* The diodes limit changes
in the smoke detection lamp brilliance during changing line
voltage conditions.
Heat Sensor
The 6, 3-volt secondary of transformer T1 provides the supply
voltage for the heat-sensor circuit. The supply voltage is rec¬
tified by D1 and filtered by capacitor Cl* Relay current flows
from the transformer through Dl, the auxiliary input terminal
strip (a jumper wire or external heat sensors), heat sensor
TS1, through relay coil RLY1, back to the transformer.
The current flow through RLY1 energizes the relay and opens
contacts 2 and 4* When heat sensor TS1 (or an external heat
sensor) senses a temperature rise, it breaks the current path
to the relay, causing it to de-emergize or open. When the re¬
lay opens, contacts 2 and 4 close, applying 325 volts DC
across voltage-divider resistors R6, R7, and R9* When the
voltage across R7 reaches -7 volte DC, the SCR will conduct
and again cause the transmitter to operate*
t-t ir f
General Dipole Loop Ferrite Whip
Fixed Electrolytic Feed thru
Coaxial Coaxial
Receptacle Plug
Piezoelectric T
Monural Stereo
Diodes Silicon Controlled
(Not necessari ly
ot ground)
Iron Core Adjustable
Double Tapped
A—Am me ter
MAPttiHiommete r
db=Decibel Meter
"FMOr4^J 1
1 .
f y
_j _
.J-ir ,"ji
Panel C
Fig. 7-8. Block diagram of the tuner in Fig, 7-7,
PREAMPLIFIER _ amplifier
preamplifier __ amplimlh
“ QM-G30?f
liOVAC _r
Panel E
(L + RJ * [L-RJ
Mil ®
19 KC
19 KC
Bia ®
30 KC
- mm
(L+H) + [L-R1 “ ||k VlM^ ijjj1 LEFT WAVEFORM
Panel F
Ril4 tZK IW
-''TW-^3+TC UHF
Panel F Fig. 7-77, SchematiC of VHF and UHF tuners used in the receiver in Fig. 7-76.
| 1 J I
R223 I 1 \ SlDl-B
5GQ0, 3W <
V205B R226ASI ' VI05
Vz 6JVB 25K <1
1 J 5-^.
-L C230
I001 15 KV @>
T.018 V206A
^15KYQ/A VERT m.qi
>R262 S| 133 v!” RLU TRANS
W£*-l 120K yel illlfd
J40V. V1Q2
* V10: B
C102 1. lJOT 3 ■pLlOS j
47*| 7 1 !
Ltoag Fl106 |
4 300V
Fig, 7- 15. Schematic of a portable B /W television receiver.
Courfesy Heath Co.
Te rm I rt al 5
Terminal ^
ZB - 201A
Panel H
Fig. 7- 1QA. Schematic diagram sections for part of a
Sefchell Carlson Color TV receiver^funer (upper loft),
video IF (upper right), convergence yoke and controls
(lower right), high-voltage and deflection yoke (lower
left). Also see Panels J&K
Terminal 6
Terminal 11 T e rm \ n a 1
ZB-601A ZB- 60: A
Panel J
Fig♦ 7-18B. Schematic diagram sections far part of a Satchel!
Carlson Color TV receiver-sound fF (ZB-301 A), audioam¬
plifier (ZB - dOl A), video amplifier (ZB-201A), chroma os¬
cillator (ZB-70]A)t chroma output (ZB-751 A)f and picture
tube. Also see Panels H&K
Te rmin al 1 ZB - 201A
Termin al 1 ZB-601A
T202 i;
• all capacitors en mmf
Panel C
Fig. 8-8. Schematic of a smoke detector device.
Courtesy Heath Co.
Coeff ic ient
o·19 1•t folerance Resistor Color Code
Radi al Lead Ceramic (Five- Dot)
~!!!jj::=:;-- 1 st
...,..,-.._-2nd Dig its
Yel- Blue Rectifier
Yel Winding
::=:Jn~ t! ~
Ui ode
Wht Return
B.. Violet Diode
II t B~
Retum Pl ate Return
adjustable adj
alternating current AC
ambient amb
amper e a
ampere-hoar ah
amplitude modulation AM
antilogarithm antilog
approximate , - ly approx
atmosphere atm
atto -(10-18) a
audio fr equency AF
automatic frequency control AFC
automatic gain control AGC
automatic volume control AVC
average avg oscillator BFO
bel b
binary coded decimal BCD
bits per second b/s
British thermal unit B TU
broadcast be
calibrat.e, calibratio:i. cal
calorie cal
cathode-r ay oscilloscope CRO
cathode - ray tube CRT
centi (10-2) c
centigram cg
centimeter cm
centinieter-gram-second c gs
circular mil cmil
clockwise, continuous wave cw
cosecant cs c
cosine cos
cotangent cot
coulomb c
counterclockwise ccw
cubic centimeter cm3
giga-(109) G
gigacycles p3r second Gc/s
gigaelectron volt gev
gigahertz GHz
gilbert gb
gram g
gravity g
ground gnd
becto-(102) h
henry h
hertz Hz
high frequency HF
horsepower hp
hour h
inch in.
inch per second in./s
infrared m
inside diameter ID
insulated-gate field-effect transistor IGFET
integrated cir cuit IC
intermediate frequency IF
ldlo-(103) k
kilocycle per second kc/s
kilogram kg
kilohertz kHz
kilohm K
kilometer km
kilo var kvar
kilovolt KV
kilovoltampere KVA
kilowatt KW
kilowatt-hour KWH
lambert L
logarithm log
low frequency LF
maxi.mum max
maxwell mx
mega-(106) m
megacycle per second mc/s
megahe.rtz MHz
megavolt mv
megawatt mw
megohm m
Metal-oxide semiconc.luctor MOS
metal-oxic.le semiconductor field-effect trans istor MOSFET
meter m
micro-(10-6) mu
microampere ua
microfarad mfd (sometimes uf3
micro henry uh
microbm uQ
micrometer, micron um
micromho umho
microsecond U.$
microvolt UV
microwatt uw
milli-(10- 3) m
millia mpere ma
millibar m ba.r
milligram mg
millihenry mh
millimeter mm
millimbo mmbo
millimicron (see nanometer)
milliohm mQ
millisecond ms
millivolt mv
milliwatt mw
minimum, minute m in
nano-(10- 9) n
naooampe1·e na
nanofarad nf
nanohenry nh
nanometer nm
nanosec ond ns
nano watt nw
negative neg
negative- positive-negative NPN
newton N
normally-closed NC
normally-open NO
numbe r No ,
oer sted oe
ohm Q
ounce oz;
outside diameter OD
part P·=r million p.:;>m
peak p '.t
peak inverse voltag-e PIV
peak-to-peak pk-pk
pico-(10-12) p
picoampere pa
picofarad pfd
picosecond ps
picowatt p·.v
positive pos
positive-negative-positive PNP
potentiometer pot
pound lb
pound p er square foot lb/ ft2
pound per square inch lb/in.2
power factor PF
pulse-amplitude modulation PAM
pulse-code modulation PCM
p:tlse- duration modulation PDM
pulse-position m odulation PPM
pulse repetition frequency PR F
pulse-width modulation PWM
radian rad
radio frequency RF
reactive voltampere (see var)
receiver rcvr
reference ref
root-Dlean-square r ms
secant sec
second s
sensitivity sens
s iemens s
silicon controlled rectifier SCR
sine sin
single- pole double-throw SPDT
single-pole single-throw SPST
single sideband SSB
square s~
square foot ft.
square inch in,2
square meter m2
standard std
standing-wave ratio SWR
steradian sr
synchronous, synchronizing sync
tangent tan
television TV
temperature temp
tera-(1012) T
teracycle p~r second Tc/s
terahertz THz
tels a T
transistor-transistor logic TTL
transistor voltmeter TVM
transmit-receive T-R
traveling-wave tube T\VT
ultra- high frequency UHF
ultraviolet UV
vacuum-tube voltmeter VTVM
var (reactive voltampere) var
variable-frequency oscillator VFO
versus vs
very high frequency VHF
very low frequency VLF
volt v
voltage standing-wave ratio VSWR
voltampere VA
watt w
watthour WH
weber wb
1 7~
Oo:ible Single Carrying
AWG Covered Covered Capacity Ohms Per
B&S Cotton Cotto'1 Diameter @70{) C.:M 1, 000 Ft.
Gaqg~~ namel __ __Q.Q_•..Q.:__ ~ C. C.!,___ _ {inch~~- ----- Per Am£___ @2009_ __
Attenuator-A device for r educing signal amplitude by using
either fixed or variable components.
~ amplification-The increase of signal amplitude with-
in the audible frequency range.
A utotransformer-A single-coil transformer where primary
and secondary are connected together in one winding.
~-Automatic volume control.
Avera~ ~lue -The average of all instantaneous values of I
or E in one half cycle . The product of 0.636 times the peak
~ battei:y-The battery used for supplying anode potentials in
battery-op erated devices.
Band12ass filter-An electronic network which passes a spe-
cific band of frequencies.
Base terminal-The electrode of a transistor usually com-
pared to the grid of a vacuum tube .
Beta-The current gain in a grounded-emitter transistor amp-
lifier. The symbol for current gain is the .Greek letter B.
BFO-Beat-frequency oscillator.
Bias- T he difference of potential applied between the grid and
cathode of a tube or between transistor elements to provide
an operating point at zero signal input.
Blanld~-Ele ctron-beam cut-off in a cathode-ray tube during
beam retrace time.
Bleeder-One or more resistors shunting the output of a
power supply to improve voltage regulation by providing a
fixed current drain.
Broadca~ band- The term generally applied to the RF fre-
q'1ency span between 550 kHz and 1600 kHz allocated to "stan-
dard" radio transmission.
Bu.tfer stage-An amplifier o:r other circuit usually employed
in RF amplifier (transmitter) stages to isolate the oscillator
and subsequent amplifiers.
Bus bar- A primary power distributio:a p?int connected to the
mai.n power source.
£ battery-The battery used for supplying grid-bias in bat-
tery-operate.d circuits.
Caoacitauce-The q·.:a.ntity of ele.ctric charge (usu ally in frac-
tional farad quantities) which a capacitor is capable of "stor-
ing4' a given voltage.
Capacitive ~~~-Theop;>0sition which a capacitor offers
to AC at a specific signal frequency.
Capacitor- A device capable of 11storing11 electrons between
two conducting surfaces insulated by a dielectric.
Carrier-An RF signal capable of being modulated to carry
Casca~~-Circults or stages connected in sequence.
Cathode-The element in a vacuum tube which emits elec-
trons .
Catho ~ follower- A tube circuit where the output signal ap-
p.~ars across the cathode with the anode at signal ground.
Also a grounded-collector transistor circuit.
Q!_thode- ray tube-A tube with a phosphor-treated face on
which an electron beam traces an image.
Ce~e_r frequency- The term usually applied to the unmodu-
lated FM carrier freque ncy.
Characteristic impedance-The impedance of a transmission
line or attenuator network.
Char ge-The quantity of energy stored by a capacitor or stor-
age-type battery.
Choke coil - An inductor designed to provide a high imped-
ance to AC.
Chopper-A circuit which converts DC to AC by periodic .in-
terruption (chopping) of the DC .
Circuit breaker-An electromagnetic or thermal device that
opens a circuit when the current exceeds a certain value.
Clamper- A circuit designed to restore the DC component of
a signal waveform .
Class !::, !l-mplifie,!-An amplifier biased to operate on the
linear p~rtion of the characteristic curve .
Clas_E ~ amplifie,!'-An a mplifier bias ed to operate at or near
the tube or transistor cut-off p'.)int. Positive alternations of
the input signal cause current flow .
Class .Q amplifie,!"-An amplifier biased beyond the cut-off
p.?int so current flows for only a p.:>rtion of the positive al-
ternations of the input signal.
CliJ?P·9 r- A circuit de signed to remove P·:>rtions of the input
signal amplitude.
Co~xl.aJ ~ab,!~ -A transmiss ion line consisting oftwo concen-
tric conductors insulated from each other .
Q_olcl-caJE2de ~!?~-A tube which requires no external beat
cur rent source to produce electron emission.
~o_E codes-The ide::i.tification of electronic components by
color bands or dots which relate to numerical val ues.
Colpitts oscillat2E-An oscillator using ser ies cap::i.citor s
across the resonant circuit inductor .
C~J:!.~ -S ee Capacitor.
Cond~~-The current-carrying ability of a wire . The
unit value is mbo and is the reciprocal of r esistance.
Co~t.2,!-A m edium which carries a flow of olectric cur-
rent .
Continuous wave-A n unmod•1lated RF wavefor m of constant
amplitude . Usually the term app~.ied to a wave transmitted
in bursts of short and long duration to form th13 Morse code.
Control &.~~-The grid to which a signal is us ually applied
in a tube .
Conventional ~~ flo'!- The theory that cur rent flows from
positive to negative .
Converter- The stage in a superheterodyne r eceiver which
produces the IF signal by mixing the RF carrier with a locally-
generated signal.
Counte_r EMF-Counter electromotive force; an emf induced
in a coil or armature in opposition to the applied voltage.
Counting ~E_2uit-A cir cuit which produces a voltage in pro-
portion to the frequency of unifor m input pulses.
Coupling-The effective "linkage" connecting two e lectronic
circuits; usually transformers, capacitors, and inductors,
CRO-Cathode-ray oscilloscope.
Cro1?,_s- modulation- Modulation of a de.sired signal by a n un-
wanted signal .
Cross~ -?-equency-The frequency in a multiple-sp eaker
where the signalis divided and fed to high-and low-frequency
Cr_,y_s_El ~.£!llator-A signal-generating circuit in which the
frequency is controlled by a plezo-quartz cr ystal.
Current limi!£!- A fuse-like protective device designed to
limit cur rent flow in a circuit.
Cut- off fre quen~-The frequency of a filter or other circuit
beyond which signal flow ceases .
CW-See Continuous waves .
QY.:cle-In AC , one complete alternation, pos itive and nega-
DC ~~Elifi~-Anamplifier using direct coupling (no coupling
capacitors or transformer s).
DC restorer-A clamper circuit which restores the DC level
to a signal waveform.
De.£!Pel-One t enth of a bel.
De<?,~ ~g cir9uit- A r esistance - ca.p.~citance circuit which
isolates signal-carrying circuits from cir cuits common to
other sigual-carrying circuits .
De ~~ sis s!f_suit-An RC filter used after FM detector
systems to .j;3crease high-frequency s ignal levels which were
increased during transmission.
D ela_y~_9 ~YQ-A n a'1tomatic volume - contr ol circuit designed
to produce au A VC bias only for signals above a fixed ampli-
Dem~!!tio_E-A signal-rectifying system which e.x1:racts the
modulating- signal component from the modulated carrier.
Detection- To sepuate modulation from the s ignal.
Deviation ratio-The ratio of maximum FM carrier deviation
to the highest frequ ency audio-modulating signal employed .
Diej~ctr ~ -The insulating material between t he two conduc-
tors, such as in a capacitor , or the insulating material be-
tween transmission line conductors.
Dio_~-A two-element tube or two-te r minal solid-state rec -
Direct current-Curr ent flow in one. direction .
-~- -----
D~rimiJB.tor-The "detector" used in frequency modulation.
It is used also to compare two AC siguals.
Dis~ -Unwanted modification of a desired signal.
Doubler-A circuit in transmitting systems doubles the
frequency of the input signal. In pr>wer supply systems , a
circuit fo r doubl~ voltage amplitude.
Driv~ ~tag~-An audio or RF amplifier stage preceding the
final or p'Jwer amplifier.' ~ren_!;~ -Stray induced currents in a conducting ma-
ter ial caused by a varying magnetic field.
~~2tiv!l ~1~-The value of alternating current or voltage
equal to the product of O. 70 7 times the p.gak amplitude.
~iciency-The ratio of outp·1t p'Jwer to inp:it p?wer , gen-
erally expressed as a pe rcentage.
Ele~ -A terminal used to emit, collect, or control
~c_!;_!'.~~-A s olution or a substance which is cap1ble of
conducting electricity; it may be in the form of either a liquid
or a paste •
.'§_lectr olytic <::ii.P.!L.£!.!.2!-A capacitor utilizing an electrolyte
to form the dielectric insulation.
Electr2!1l~!i'.?:.::!-A magnet mad1:l l:>y passing current through
a coil of wire wo unrl on a soft iron core.
Elect~.motiv~ force (EM.F)-The force that produces a cur-
rent in a circuit (voltage).
El~ronic switch-A circuit which introduces a start-stop
action by electronic means.
~~~-Transistor electrode similar, functionally, to the
oatho:ie of a tube .
Farad-The anit of capacitance. Fractional values are used
in practical electronics (mfd, pfd).
Feed~~-A tra.nsfer of energy from tb1~ o.itput of a circuit
back to its input.
:[_~back 02.9Jllas9E-A signal-generating circuit which em-
ploys regenerative feedback to sustain oscillations.
FelZ_cite-A metallic compound used for high-{~ core materials
in inductors.
D.!:!!?1~~-The electrode in a vacuum tu'Je whi.chis heated for
electron emission or whic!:i transfers its heat to a separate
t.i!~-A circuit designed to pass certain signal components
and attenuate others.
Fi!ter <2_a.1?_3._c1tor-An electrolytic capacitor used in p-:>wer
supplies to reduce ripple.
[!!ter choke-An inductor used in power supplies to reduce
FHE::!J&?-A bistable circuit which can be triggered to its
other state by an input signal or p'.llse.
Fo~".Y~.9- b~~-The bias applied b.3tween the base and emitter
of a transistor.
:[_reg,uel!~-The number of complete cycles per second in an
alter;w.ting wave. A cycle includes nagative and positive "ex-
cursions . 11
Freqll°~ div!_~i~-A circuit designed to reduce the r e peti-
t ion rate of p:i.lse waveforms or decrease the frequency of AC
Fr~q,~SY 1.'.!!2~~9!!--A system where the frequency of the
carrier signal is shifted above and below its normal "center"
frequeMy by the rnodulatiug signal .
Full:~~ ~~~1¥...!~.E-A power supply circuit which uses both
alternations of the AC waveform to p7oduce direct current.
Gakt-The ratio ofthe output signal to the. inp'.l.t signal, volt-
age o.r current.
Galv~,2_meter-Aninstrumentused to measure small DC cur-
Gas ~be-A tube containing gas which must ionize before
conduction can occur.
Generator-A machine that changes mechanical energy into
elect;ic-;l energy by rota.ting coils of wire within a fixed mag-
netic field.
Grid-A wire, usually in the form of a spiral, used to con-
trol the electron flow in a vacuum tube.
Gr-?_l!.1!~~ ?ase-A tra nsistor amplifier circuit similar to a
gTounded-grid tube circuit.
Gr0unded C•Jllector--A transistor circuit similar to a cath-
---- - "-----
ode-followe r tube circuit.
Grounded emitter-A transistor circuit similar to the con-
------ ·----·---
ventional grounded-cathode tube amplifier.
Gro!;!:,nded f!z!l.9-A tube circuit with the contr0l grid at signal
~lf-~~ ~·ecti:g~f-A tube or solid-state diode which con-
verts AC to p·.llsating DC by rectifying one alternation of each
AC cycle.
Har:I.!1.2.P..!~-A signal r elated to a fundamental signal by some
multiple .
He~t~..:.r--A vacuum-tub.:;J ele ctrode which heats the cathode.
~1!.Et-The basic unit of inductance. One henry represents
the ·ainount of indL1ctanc e prese nt when n. current change of 1
amp pe r produces an induced voltage of lv.
Hezt_o_~-A tulJ<.!! with s e ven electrodes.
li~t!;!_Oi!,y_!~ -The electronic mixing of two signals of different
frequencies to produce a third signal.
Hexode- A tube with ::>ix ele ctrodes.
Hi.l2: f!_d eli!}!-An audio system which reproduces the full
audio-frequency sp3ctrum with negligible distortion.
~h-p_?..~ filte r-A circuit tbattransfers high-frequency sig-
nals while attenuating the lows.
Hole-In semiconductors the space left vacant in an atom by
a dep.arted electron . Holes "flow" in a direction opposite to
that of electrons and bear a positive charge.
&~~!~si~-The phenomenon present in magnetic materials
where t he t1ux: de nsity (B) lags the magnetizing force (H).
~~da!!.ce-A combination of resistance and reactance which
O}?poses AC current flow.
In9tw!~12~-The property of a coil which opp--:>ses a change in
Induction-The p:rocess ofinducing a potential or magnetiza-
tion in another component by magnetic lines of force.
Inductive ~ctance-The opp::isition an inductor offers to AC
for a given signal frequency. It is measured in ohms.
Inductor-A circuit element d•:!signed so that inductance is
its most important proparty, such as a coil.
~ pha.s e-The condition that exists when two AC waves of the
same frequency pass through their maximum and minimum
values of like polarity at the same instant in time.
Intermediate ~requen£,Y-The signal obtained by heterodyning
or mixing two signals of difierent frequencies.
Kilo-A prefix meaning 1, ODO.
Kil~£les (kc)-One thousand cycles. (The preferred unit now
is kilohertz. )
Kirchhoff's CurrEl~ Law-The basic law which states that the
sum of currents flowing into any junction of an electric cir-
cuit is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that junc-
Kircl!_hoff's Voltage Law-The basic law which states that the
sum of voltage sources around any closed circuit is equal to
the sum of the individual voltage drops across the resistances
of the circuit.
Lag-The amount (in degrees) one AC wave is behind another
in time.
Laminated ~-A core built up from thin sheets of metal;
used in transformers and relays.
Lead-The op;>osite of lag. Also, a connecting wire.
Lev~ ~ol-A variable controlfor adjusting signallevels.
Limiter-A circuit which limits the p~ak amplitudes of sig-
nal waveforms to a predetermined level.
~-A circuit where the output signal varies in direct
prop::irtion to the input.
Load-A resistor or transformer, usually, across which the
output signal of a tube or transistor is developed.
!;_ow-pas2 !!lter-A circuit designed to pass low-frequency
signals and attenuate the highs.
~etic field-The area in which magnetic lines of force
Megohm-A million ohms.
Mho-The unit of conductance, transconductance, or ad-
mittance; the word ohm sp.~lled backwards.
Micro-A prefix meaning one-millionth.
M'iilia.mmeter-~n ammeter constructed to measure.fractional
(thousandths) values of an ampere.
Modulation-The process of modifying an RF carrier signal
to trans mit audlo or video signal information over great dis-
tances .
Mutuali!!~~cta~cz-Theinductance (coupling) established when
two coils are close together.
Null-Zero or minimum.
Oetod~-A tube with eight electrodes.
Ohm- The unit of resistance.
Ohmmeter-An instrument which measures resistance in
ohms .
Ohm's !:.~~-A basic law of electricity establishing the math-
e:natical relationships between current, voltage, and r esis-
tance values (E eq•Jals IR).
Oscillator-A regenerative circuit designed to produce sig-
OscU:loscoe?-An instrument using a cathode- ray tube which
presents a visual display of electric signals or waveforms.
Overmodulation-The modulation of an RF carrier in excess
of. looc---
Pad--An attenuator circuit usually used as a coupling between
circuits where the m.ttput of one is too high for t he other.
Peak~:!"~!'~ ~o}!_a~-Tbe p.3ak voltage a rectifier will handle
without arcing internally with a polarity opposite to that causing
Peak- to_-_P.eak Y!!-lu~-The over-all amplitude ofa signal mea-
sured from its lowest (or most negative) p 3ak to its highest
trol grid, and plate.
Tuned circuit-A circuit at resonance.
!..\!.~ ratio-The ratio of primary-to-secondary turns of a
Unmodulated-An RF carrier signal with no modulation.
Vac~\!!!1 ~be-An evacuated envelope containing two or more
Va~~-_!:~be voltm~!~_r-A high input impedance test instru-
ment with a tube (or transistor) circuit.
Variab]~frequenci ~cillat~-A signal - generating circuit
in which component values can be varied to alter the frequency
of the outp·. it signal.
Vector-A line used to represent both direction and magni-
tude of AC signals.
Video ~plifier-A circuit capable of amplifying a very wide
range of frequencies, from the audio band and higher.
Volt-The unit of electrical potential (emf).
Vol~ divider-Resistors placed in series across a voltage
to obtain intermediate values of voltag-e.
Volta~ doubler-A power-supply circuit so designed that the
r ectified voltage amplitude is almost double the input AC a mp-
Watt-The u11it of electric energy or p')wer.
~form-The shape of the wave obtained when instantane-
ous values of an AC qiiantity are plotted against time in rec-
tangular coordinates.
~len~h-The distance, usually expressed in meters,
traveled by a wave during the time interval of one complete
cycle. It is equal to the velocity divided by the frequency.
Working voltage-The maximum voltage at which a device
will operate continuously with safety .
Yagi antenna-An antenna system employing a basic antenna
element as well as reflector and director rods.
Yoke-In a television receiver, a coil arrangement around
the neck of the picture tube which p.r ovides electromagnetic
deflection o.f the CRT beam vertically and horizontally.
Ze~ diode-A solid-state semiconductor that has voltag-e-
regulation characteristics when subjected to reverse bias.
Zero bias-The absence of a potential bet\veen the grid and
cathode of a tube, or betwe en the emitter-base or other elec-
trodes of a transis1or.
A !'6
Cnthor.lo, 6'i' Dlodo,
C:ithcxfo·r.17 tube, '75 Diode, AM d~hlclnr , 100, 116
AC vonnro mouu~me:nt , cu.1111. 2J Diode, blllll, llO
VOM, 151 Ceramic mlcl'(lphon-0, ·IR Olodo, c..-010 1· <fotn1Jth1lrttor, 121>
Adj U<L control, \'OM, 15l Cerrnoc rc.slsto n •, M Dtodo,culuJ' ph1Vfo 1 lZU
AF nmplitior , Alt ruccivur, Chromo urn pllllur~ , 128 Ul(J(lo, <:ol<JJ' TV Oompur, 131
lOG Ch~rnn O!iCllJ u1.01·, Ji:U Diod e , da1niJtu• 1 120
AFC, l'M, 112 Ctrc-uJt board lu), U? Oloch •, J•'M tlul4."Clor, tJ4
AGC. AM tc<:el\'er. Ut6 Clrcuitbrunkcr, 3G, llO, 131 Dl•:.J o, hort...,141 pbnao
AGC, F M, U 2 Cl••• AB :unpll£1cr, 110 t.ll.--C.CC.Wr, l.!G
AOC, TV, \28 Clo"" i\111 Jtf amplUlcr, 139 Diodes, \NA.....colvcr modu ...
Air dlolce1rlc, 11 Cmxl:l1 (!~ble, 36 lntor, l35
ALC, lnl.AIC:e"lVOf". 13:6, 1.(0 Ccwtlol •J>C3kers, SI Diode, \--:acut1m uabu, 08
Alkllltu bouertes, 26 C(l(UR(, color... 7 Diode, vkk"O 1ku..-ctor, t:G
AM d''lector, US Colla, 18 Olod~ , 'le.nor, 1!i0
Ammc~-r, ~..; Color amplliitlr, 129 Olrm:llon;ll tnieropbong , •IU
Armature. rel ay, 21} Color-•bu.r ~tt:nuratcr, \61 Olt ( hc;i.tcd c::&.1hocfo 1 G7
AuJlo nmpliHcrs 1 l OC Co1>r cod\), resl~tun, l• Dhrn e:1p.:icltors, l1
Audlo omplifhrr , AM rac~l~r, Color co.ling, 7 OhHllJ)•itlun, n:sll!tur, I G
lOG Color cunt rut , 120 Uoublo~o ••ltchc~. 27
Aud lo nmplifil!r , stctt-0 Colnr C RT, 77 ll M>T s wltctw., 27
rec:elve r, 120 Color dem<xhd:atar, 1:!U Drh'ler, tnaai:tJl\'or, 139
Awtlo tuDpU!ler, tr.m.scei\·vr Colot oscillator. 120 Dry coils, 23
146 Color 1;a.c. 129 l><lal-<:bann<•I a11lj>IU1cr, 105
Audio oble, 11. C<>lorn•, lZC Ou.:al-dlodc, &t
Aud lo con.rwctor. 83 Cffl,ptm.cnt i.d.L-nillicatloa, ti
Dual l node, TO
Avto.auttc: Crequcncy control, Com1>01tllon re.&lstor•. ltl Ou~I \'Ohurw control, 109
Flt, 112 Condenser rnkrvpboru!, '6
Dynnmh: hc~hut1'1• , •f l
Aulom:atic gttin <'Ontrol. t OG Conncctort uucllo. 83 Oyn:unh: mJcros>honu. ·10
Aulomatic gain control, r at, Connector, muJUplu .."lrc, 43
ll2 Conncelion.c, lie bo.-.nJJ!I. , 78
Conne:ctor.s, Rt· , OG E
Automath: g1ia cootrol, 'fV ,
1:3 Contacts, relay, :m
Control grld, 67 E~rpllon• , tl, 104
AUlom-sl!C IO'Vcl COGl.rol,
trao.rce-her, l :tfi, i.:o Coo\-urgou:c boa.rd, color TV, El.A coloT c.~c, 7
AtW>lr.obile b:uu:r;, U 13: l.1\.-0.Ctrol.ytk C3S)..'\CltOni, ll
1i.v·c, ~sceh'Cr, 1.a.:; Coa\ortor, AN, 10) E1 cc:t~t:1Uc dt':OerttOft, CH.T,
Coro, coll, 19 15
B Counter,eolor-bar gt"-'M::r:llor,·follo.. ur, JUt
1{;1 ~::n~ap!tl.ll:itcd 1.ono cornrul
~lance coatroJ, steno t.DlP, c nT, 75 ncl-..ork. 107
109 C rybl3l, 37 £plt:u:IW. u ·;ins l11to1·1 GG
Bt bnce cootnal. stereo c~ calibrnlo r, trnns- 1:r:.5e hond. 61
recel\Cr, 120 ceh--cr, . 147 E~:il<I dt0<lo, GU
BJ.lane• c:ont.t'OI , VOM. 1• 9 CrysUJ-coot roJlcd ofrUllltor,
B~Ulft'd ino<luJ•tor, c.otUT•b.u gcncr;;itor, 161 F
tn.nsc.i"9r, 13.$ Cf)·.C.:il toter, tr:u:i!u:e1vvr,
Bal311Ce, r.uto dcu~_cor, IH 136 f<~'dth"""" <aJl'l<'llO,.,., II
Band IV TV, 123 Cr)•Slol kc.UpboocJ. H l'ET,&t
Bathtub cap1cnors, 11 Cryatal mlcropbano, tG Fldd-dle<:t 1nm•Mur, 04
Di&ttlJrh:s:, 2:3 Cr)•!l:al osctllat.or, 1.3.l 'Wld-cllcci VOM, 148
Beom J>0'4'Cr tube. 7:? Crystal osctUa.tor, t riV'llJ'"' f' ilamt:nt, G7
Bin• dJodcs, class AB, l l O CC'l\'Cr, l3i >'dm·mol i·us l ~ t on , l "
BIH, FM IF nmplll!er' 11 z Curn.nt·limillng dlu.Ju, 110 Pil•ur, 3!1
Dln.s. llmlllCIT, 113 Curn~nt m c~ls uro m cll t, lrfln't ... F inni. ftnl&JllUur,!Allver,
Bi•m¥CAI brol'l.lcc .ts, 36 cclvcr, 14'1 l:J9
Bistable multlvtbrntor&, color ... Cu.rrunl mc:Quttm.cn1. VOAt, P lnU rc~h't•r mher, 14 ~
b:sr ceoerotor 1 1:.! UI Jo' ln:utoJMUt~r mlx\!r,
WOJlldD11 •mpltflcr, lU CW ta&o oei:Ubtor, l <IO lranscelve r , 131
Block d.iagr:uns, 9~ >'IJ<cd~to..,., 8
Blue 3implifier, l!I 0 Fl•l lc>o.t , 91
Brooker, circuit, 110, 131 >'lybock pul•u, l~G
81.&ril ampllller-1 color TV_
Damper, color 'l'V, >31 >'M iJ~wc t or , IJ:S
Damper, TV, 12.0
f"M Hmlug ctrcult, ll I
t-"oil, PC b<.>1trtl.!1, 7tJ
OC b:~lnnco , VOM, U•
c DC vo llui;;c D\Ctlt1Urttmvnt11 1
F'ull ..wnvo l'\lt..1.lflor, 08, 110
FuH·wiwu n.oellllor, TV
VOM, .~
1x> ~'Or suipply , 1:11
Cntlb-rnllo1\, VOM, 149 0-0 ..omplmsis nctwo•'tt11, ti1h11"Co
1"\lcclvcr, 120 Puses , 30
CapAclt1m c"· 9
Capoclton;, '7 O<:luy Uno, color TV, 128
Capoct~ce. v:1.cuwn, "r 1 Oc1io211.llon, c:omponont,
Ccapncltor de.i;ign21ton, 94 schcnt!lUc eynlhul, 7 G
Col'tnl mlcropbono, .&G DciOC\Ot'. All, 100, I l$
c•. - resistors , H Octoctor <lioch,,, ... ~ , ll<f O:ml(od KWlld\oil, 21
Carrlor null control , l)(!lcclor, I'M, 11;1 t::i~-rme<11aruris. ~l
transcclveJ·. L3f. Octcctut, s L011co, l 20 C u~ ...rllltlr(l recUl1cr, OU
Cnrrlcr osolllo.t.or, trna~'' , n oLoctoa·, villoo, J26 Ons-rtlhttl r.:guJntor, 7r1
136 Ot1u.:, 03 GcJ'ma nlurn 1tnpul'ltlut1 1 62
Ctu5~ oonJ'lf,."Ur:tlloo, lraool!Lo r, Din! , roccJvnr1 103 Glnss c:a.rlrh.l~u t'u 11011 1 ~U
~5 Olt'l<.tt:trlc: \..,Pttcllo t· , Grid, coutrtJI , ll 'I
H lt:ttn 1c.oreo signal, 1 11 JlrQw(tr out1-.ut muailurernunL,
Mc<l>anical conslructioo dlo- ll'UUH.~l\'Or1 J48
Da.Jf-~-n•o rectlller, 68 ~r3.rn11 101 ~r 1>11J~lly, nin1lllflcr, 108
Harness , wiring, 50 Mei;olm1J1, 16 Puw1lr ""Jlply, culor-bnt
He<>dphooc•, H Mercury tUtlilrlcs , 2fi J(C1><lr<llOt, 163
Bead.sell, t 1 1te11n translaWr, SG Pc>wer l'>upp1y, c(lilor TV, 131
He>d, i . , noc:otder, 51 Metal tum tt•lstonJ, l.,t ~'Or•~)'. Intercom, l~
l-1C3.1.--s.M50r, l 53 ttlotertnc, tran&0..... lvor, H'l Ptn\ur supply , 1\Crt..t0, 110
Heat 51nk, 55 k1cters, •U l><liwor tw-1V1)', ML(H"OU uancr ,
Henr)', lU Mfcrofttrad , 8 123
UeLCrOOyntJ oacWnt.or, tr:inl4• Mlcro1wnry , HJ J>owor tHll>J'1Y vo1C:1,;u, lru.oe ..
ccivor, J :JS MicroplwnN1 , ·14 cciv"'J", 1<1 8
Higb -fT~"tUOllCf dlwO•, fi~ Millihcnry , JO PrcnmµIUlur, mntatcllc J1hono
High-pu1 llllor, 3n Mixur, AM, JOl:, 115 1>kkup 1 Ht1
81gh-po" lnin.5ls1or1 . 5G )1lxcr, FM, ll2 Pro<lrh1or "ml'llli~r •••go, 110
High roclltfor, colot Mixer, cranacclvcr, 137 Pthntuy ct11t1t, 2:1
TV, 131 ?.t.Lxe1·, ·rv. t1H Prlm:1ry, 11·111\tdorrnor, ~l
fligh·vol1t'l'O reotUtor, TV, L2G Modul :ltA.Jr, LranAcCl\•er, 134, P1·lnh•tl·clt'c,mlt bO.U'l.1 J:.y•
Horiz.011t:r..I ull'tl. lency coll . 131 J3G O\lt, 01
HorixonlN swceµ, 126 Monnutal o.snpU/ler, 10i Prlnll'lJ•clrcull 0031'-ls, ?8
HorizonW ......:cp, color, 131 )tQSn,"T, GI Product dctcc1or, tr:u1•- ..
Horlz.oatol 1pc, I~~ Molti-cell b;auery, 23 ~twr. 118
Mult1-ecmhtclor cable, 81 Pu.!'llhbutton •"'1tchc•, 26
Mulli·impcthancc tl':U'ls- l>uslq"'11 •in1!1Uler, AM
formcr, 108 rccchcr, 100
!Cs, 61 MultipJe-cont:tet M'l°'tchc-s, 21
1F I tM, 103, 112
CF signal.a, color TV, lZi
Mu11.iple1"1rc: c;dllc. SS Q
:llullipl~...-1"' c-=tors, 13
IF sip2l1, tniucah·er, 138
lluht~e:t •l~l 1 117 Qtoar1• C'l')••lll•, ~7
IF slgul, TB, l!<l "l.1ullipUer1 mrtvl', ..;,-t
CF. tn.o.a.C91\•t-r, H~ )halttvtbr;uor. cotor-b:tr R
ICn:T, ~
J:t!llOra.LOr1 15:?
lnc~e-1ccn1 l•mps , "'-2 tl:mu ''~h~tor, 113
IDdicat.or, •t•roo, 1 l9 N l nn•p, 43
Ind!Tec-tly bt-:ued catboJo, 01 R cc:lufi~.1bl1, bJlt<!rtu-• 1 20
:-:~,., 43
1Dduc1aocc, 18
S'et""Ork, ruc.o·r . 35: n.. -eCJrd'-'1'
. M--W, 61
h:rlucton, 15 S"eutnliiaUon, •nns~t\·cr, l41 Rcc.:tilk!r, Zf
lotegr:tted tlrc'l.*its ' Gl Rectlfler vncm1m tut>e, GI
Xo rm3.ll)'~los\MJ r el:t}', 30
ID.1crcom. 133 Red ~mr,,r , 129
,SornWly-open rclny, 2!t
lntcrmi:!dJntc-rr equcnc>•, AM, NPN trMHl"tor:C , 52 lttKldm•>r Hibl·~ . i s
103 tlchtt w o~wC"r, trnn1'·
tnternu:dl:uo (n."quuncy, FM. 0 cc Iver, tis
Ohms, tS Rd•>· .uu1Alll~r, •ran>-
tn:e nnedlate ..frequenq· •li11"1• Om~gs, LS
ccl\ur, tl1
130 tklttyl'I, Jf)
OscilJator, AM. lO:l, 11:3
J.sol3t1on amplUicr, tt' Oscillator ,t'!.t, 1 l !! Hvlny switcl\lHg, \rMlt-
celver. 136 OscUhuor, 3'.!3 khz. e te l"co, l.20 cch•tJr, M 2
l!J3ulaw:11•1e fi•ld-ellcc• Hl!~IAW\\!4.1
<>acillator 1 TV, 12-f
cran.slstot, at 034:ffiator, "1ttless intercGn:i, VOM, l ·L:I
no_<jl...lor Uc..1.,,""atlon, ..
J not~ot'li, tt
o.en, crystal, 3~
ttf· ampltfl4'r, .,,.., 103, l lG
Junction FET, <Wi O.crl....J protocU-, \'Oll, 1•~
lff •mi~ Iller, n1, 11:
Juocttoa 1nuutstor , ~
p RF c.mpUClct, h'l1MC:Dl¥c:r, t".f
l\F .:unpUrlot. cr;:u,111oel'l'dT' 1
K !t~I. 1:1'>
~okaJl<'t, Lrll4•l>IA>r, 55
llf amphll<•t, TV , 12i
Kilohms, ti ~i;tng, IC•, 61
Puallcl btulorlos. 2.6 l\P <-'OftM·du r•, ~6
L:nlie swlu:hc;i, t7 Rt-' o~cU1ntur, cul<tr ..tNar
Paruiltc chOk.Oii, 139
gcn\lr.1wr 1 to!S
L P;1rts Usl, T
RhlUJ"ttfll, l -l
PC boards , 1b lluto I'S ' CUJ'llOllOr. I 0
Lampe, 42 1.>cak-lo-p4.111k AC mo:i!:mrc· nol:u·y ._w H~hu l'I, :!1
Lruid~, PC bo~ rds. 7S 1ncnl, VOM, l5L
L:tyoc.&l dlAITUm.5, 97 l'enl:>gr ld tuho, 73 s
Le:id-acld battc cy, 23 f'i.-n t.odC I 'f 1
Leu.~r do1tgn1uton, 7 PcrrinnncnL mar.;n..:t SJ>t'.mkcrs , :;c.:hu mutlu tll11i.u·1tm 1 U2
Light.-dcpo1u.lc1\l tosl~to1\ lG!i Scruon i.;t'l!t, '/ l
Lim_itot', F M . U:J contl'nl, ,;li:.1·c::o ~'21'0W •ti\ f\t<iOtl, :U
Lin<:Ut' niuMt\lr u11cU_Ja.to1·, rccolvm·, Ll8 SCll , lll , lr.G
lran,colve r 1 1:n Pb.'\~O
<lcluClOr • horixonlul scs, 0:1
Line-.:onl ontcM:l, ll2 oscUIAlUr, 1:!5 Soc:onrJary c:l'lltt , t3
LoopOAlCOnll, 103 Ph:aso splltter, 107 socondAry umi"lon, 11
LoudnC111i1 control , lO'J Pbono plck•1>. 4G SL"'-'Ondary, trA.11"tCl'lrmut, ;U
Loud.3pc.a.kcr, •HS, lOG Pbo<11hor, cnT, 17 Sucond r'\!Clvu r mhcur, l-t4
LOW-pllSW Uher' 30 P ictorial dlnjtr:un, 07 Suc<md t r11nttmHtor 1nhcur1
L plU8 R oignol, 117 PloY.OUloctrlc otcntcnt, ~6 lranHoofvur, U8
Plgtllll !uao, 33 Sorlu ba:U.orlf.I .. , :n
M Pile< sl!llul, steroo, U8 Scrvlc.o m:IMlttl, 9:i
lllap<lllc circuit bNOlkor, 00 Plus-In ~rystal . 3~ Sblcl~<d .,.1,.., II