Ilham Firman Ashari - Authentication
Ilham Firman Ashari - Authentication
Ilham Firman Ashari - Authentication
Security Fundamentals
Definition of Authentication
Authentication and Access Control
Access control is the process by which resources or
services are granted or denied. It is composed of 4 steps:
1. Identification: The presentation of credentials or
2. Authentication : The verification of the
credentials to ensure that they are genuine
(authentic) and not fabricated.
3. Authorization: Granting permission for
admittance (permission to enter).
4. Access: is the right to use specific resources.
Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting (AAA)
Information security rests on three key pillars (AAA) that determine who the
user is: Authentication; what the user can do: Authorization; and what the
user did: Accounting.
• Authentication
− Provides a way of identifying a user.
− Controls access by requiring valid user credentials.
• Authorization (Access Control)
− Determines whether the user has the authority to carry out certain
tasks (e.g. resources or services a user is permitted..).
− Often defined as the process of enforcing policies.
• Accounting (Auditing)
− Measures the resources a user “consumes” during each network
session (e.g. record session begins and ends, services being used..)
Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting (AAA) (continued)
• Accounting information can then be used in
different ways:
– To find evidence of problems
– For Billing
– For Planning
AAA servers
– Servers dedicated to performing AAA functions.
– Can provide significant advantages in a network.
Authentication Credentials
• Types of authentication, or authentication credentials
– Passwords
– One-time passwords
– Standard biometrics
– Behavioral biometrics
– Cognitive biometrics
One-Time Passwords
Standard passwords are the most common form of
authentication credentials, and are typically static in
One-time passwords (OTP)
– Dynamic passwords that change frequently.
– Systems using OTPs generate a unique password on
demand that is not reusable.
– The most common type is a time-synchronized OTP, and
is used in conjunction with a token (small device).
• The token and a corresponding authentication server
share the same algorithm.
• Each algorithm is different for each user’s token.
One-Time Passwords (continued)
One-Time Passwords (continued)
There are several variations of OTP systems such as Challenge-
based OTPs.
– Authentication server displays a challenge (a random number)
to the user.
– User then enters the challenge number into the token
• Which then executes a special algorithm to generate a
– Because the authentication server has this same algorithm, it
can also generate the password and compare it against that
entered by the user.
Standard Biometrics
Standard biometrics uses a person’s unique
characteristics (e.g. fingerprints, faces, hands,
retinas..)for authentication.
Fingerprint scanners are the most common type of
standard biometric device, and are of two types:
– Static fingerprint scanner
– Dynamic fingerprint scanner
Disadvantages of standard biometrics:
– Costs
– Readers are not always foolproof.
Standard Biometrics
Standard Biometrics (continued)
Behavioral Biometrics
Keystroke dynamics
– Attempt to recognize a user’s unique typing rhythm.
– Keystroke dynamics uses two unique typing variables:
• Dwell time: Time it takes for a key to be pressed an
then released.
• Flight time: Time between keystrokes (both “down”
when the key is pressed and “up” when the key is
released, are measured).
Keystroke Dynamics
Behavioral Biometrics (continued)
Voice recognition
– Used to authenticate users based on the unique characteristics
of a person’s voice (e.g. user’s size of the head and user’s age).
– Phonetic cadence
• Speaking two words together in a way that one word “bleeds”
into the next word.
• Becomes part of each user’s speech pattern.
Computer footprint
– When and from where a user normally accesses a
Geo Location
– Where does Alice normally access her bank website?
– It is typically from her computer on night or weekends.
Cognitive Biometrics
Cognitive biometrics is related to the perception,
thought process, and understanding of the user.
– Considered to be much easier for the user to
remember because it is based on the user’s life
experiences, and make it very difficult for an attacker
to imitate.
Examples of cognitive biometrics:
– One example of cognitive biometrics is based on a life
experience that the user remembers.
– Another example of cognitive biometrics requires the
user to identify specific faces.
Authentication Models
Authentication credentials can be combined to provide
extended security, hence creating different
authentication models.
Single and multi-factor authentication
– One-factor authentication
• Using only one authentication credential.
– Two-factor authentication
• Enhances security, particularly if different types of
authentication methods are used.
– Three-factor authentication
• Requires that a user present three different types of
authentication credentials.
Three factor authentication
Three Factor Authentication – YouTube (Face, Finger, Smart Card)
Authentication Models
Single sign-on
– Identity management
• Using a single authenticated ID to be shared across
multiple networks.
– Federated identity management (FIM)
• When those networks are owned by different
• One application of FIM is called single sign-on
(SSO). It consists in using one authentication to
access multiple accounts or applications.
Authentication Models
Microsoft Account/Windows Live ID
– Originally introduced in 1999 as .NET Passport.
– Requires a user to create a standard username and
– When the user wants to log into a Web site that supports
Windows Live ID, the user will first be redirected to the
nearest authentication server.