PERDEV 3rd Summative Test
PERDEV 3rd Summative Test
PERDEV 3rd Summative Test
Mangatarem, Pangasinan
I. Direction: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
1. The largest of the three brain sections, accounts for about 6. They are intuitive, believers of imaginations and fantasies,
85 percent of the brain's weight, and has four lobes. risk-takers, creative, and unpredictable.
a. Cerebrum c. Neurons a. Left-Brained Individuals
b. Cerebellum d. Brain Stem b. Right- Brained Individuals
c. Both A and B
2. The basic functional units of the nervous system. d. None of the above
a. Cerebrum c. Neurons
b. Cerebellum d. Brain Stem 7. The size of the brain doesn't increase much after 5,"
Postels explains. During the first five years of life, the
3. It is a graphical technique, popularized by Tony Buzan, brain experiences most of its growth and develops most
which mirrors the way the brain works and helps to make of its potential for learning.
thinking visible. a. True c. Partly true
a. Lateral Thinking b. False d. Partly false
b. Mind Map
c. Brain Lateralization Theory 8. They look at visual references as a whole and then go
d. American Psychological Association (APA) through details
a. True c. Partly true
4. This states that each side of the brain has different b. False d. Partly false
functions. While humans use both sides, each one has a
dominant side, this was developed by Nobel-prize winners 9. They process ideas in a methodical step-by-step manner,
Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein. and this enables them to commit less mistakes.
a. Lateral Thinking a. Left-Brained Individuals
b. Mind Map b. Right- Brained Individuals
c. Brain Lateralization Theory c. Both A and B
d. American Psychological Association (APA) d. None of the above
5. They are more auditory learners and are better at using 10. The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other
words to remember things rather than visual aids. cells in a complicated network. Communication between
a. Left-Brained Individuals these brain cells is what __________.
b. Right- Brained Individuals a. allows us to think
c. Both A and B b. allows us to solve problems
d. None of the above c. allow us to talk
d. Both a and b only