Louis Althusser - Resposta A Andre Daspre
Louis Althusser - Resposta A Andre Daspre
Louis Althusser - Resposta A Andre Daspre
La Nouvelle Critique has sent me your letter.1 I hope you will per-
mit me, if not to reply to all the questions it poses, at least to add a
few comments to yours in the line of your own reflections.
First of all, you should know that I am perfectly conscious of the
very schematic character of my article on Humanism.2 As you have
noticed, it has the disadvantage that it gives a ‘broad’ idea of ideol-
ogy without going into the analysis of details. As it does not men-
tion art, I realize that it is possible to wonder whether art should or
should not be ranked as such among ideologies, to be precise,
whether art and ideology are one and the same thing. That, I feel,
is how you have been tempted to interpret my silence.
The problem of the relations between art and ideology is a very
complicated and difficult one. However, I can tell you in what
directions our investigations tend. I do not rank real art among the
5 A Letter on Art in Reply to André Daspré
1. See La Nouvelle Critique, no. 175, April 1966, pp. 136–41.
2. La Nouvelle Critique, no. 164, March 1965; For Marx, pp. 242–7.
3. Now in Pierre Macherey, Pour une théorie de la production littéraire, Paris,
1966, pp. 125–57.
4. [Jean Marcenac, Elsa Triolet, Lukács, among others.]
5. [Jean Marcenac, Les Lettres Françaises, 1966. ‘I have always regretted the
fact that F. Joliot-Curie never pursued the project he suggested to me at
the time of Eluard’s death, the project of a comparative study of poetic
creation and scientific creation, which he thought might eventually prove
an identity in their procedures.’]