Best Practices For Elderly Hip Fracture Patients. A Systematic Overview of The Evidence.
Best Practices For Elderly Hip Fracture Patients. A Systematic Overview of The Evidence.
Best Practices For Elderly Hip Fracture Patients. A Systematic Overview of The Evidence.
OBJECTIVES: To determine evidence-based best practices for elderly available health resources effectively and efficiently is relevant
hip fracture patients from the time of hospital admission to 6 months to both clinicians and policymakers.
postfracture. Standardized care, based upon current ‘‘best evidence,’’
DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Embase, PE- constitutes 1 approach to facilitate optimal outcomes and re-
Dro, Ageline, NARIC, and CIRRIE databases were searched for poten- source use. We conducted a systematic literature review of
tially eligible articles published between 1985 and 2004. management of this patient population, examining all practic-
REVIEW METHODS: Two independent reviewers determined studies es throughout the care continuum from preoperative assess-
appropriate for inclusion using standardized selection criteria, extract- ment through surgical management and subsequent
ed data, evaluated internal validity, and then rated studies according to rehabilitation. Because our systematic review examined a
levels of evidence. Only Level 1 or 2 evidence was included in our sum- broad array of treatment practices, we included not only
mary of clinical recommendations. individual studies, but also systematic reviews of specific
RESULTS: Spinal anesthesia, pressure-relieving mattresses, periop- treatment practices where available. Some of the clinical
erative antibiotics, and deep vein thromboses prophylaxes had con- areas investigated apply to elderly patients in general,
sistent evidence of benefit. Routine preoperative traction was not but are still important aspects of care for hip fracture
associated with any benefits and should be abandoned. Types of sur- patients (e.g., pressure sore prevention); thus these
gical management, postoperative wound drainage, and even ‘‘multidis-
components were also included in our review. Our intent was
ciplinary’’ care, lacked sufficient evidence to determine either benefit or
to identify those evidence-based practices that should be con-
harm. There was little evidence to either determine best subacute re-
sidered a part of routine high quality care for all hip fracture
habilitation practices or to direct ongoing medical issues (e.g., nutri-
tion). Studies conducted during the subacute recovery period were patients.
heterogeneous in terms of treatment settings, interventions, and out-
comes studied and had no clear evidence for best treatment practices.
CONCLUSIONS: The evidence for perioperative practices is relatively METHODS
robust and evidence-based perioperative treatment guidelines can be
easily established. Conversely, more evidence is required to better Data Sources
guide the care of elderly patients with hip fracture during the subacute
A detailed literature search strategy was implemented to
recovery period and convalescence.
identify potential articles published between 1985 and
KEY WORDS: systematic review; geriatrics; hip fracture; 2004 using MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Embase,
postoperative care. PEDro, Ageline, NARIC, and CIRRIE databases (Appendix 1).
DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2005.0219.x Clinical practice guideline websites and reference lists of key
J GEN INTERN MED 2005; 20:1019–1025. articles were searched, and content experts questioned to cap-
ture further literature. The search strategy yielded 1,419 ab-
stracts for review; 277 abstracts were excluded from indepth
review because they did not address our study question
(Figure 1).
Preoperative traction Analgesic use Preoperative traction demonstrates no benefit 112–13
Ease of fracture reduction
Pressure sore prevention Incidence of pressure sores Pressure-reducing mattresses appear to be 117
beneficial in reducing pressure sore
Surgical delay Mortality Surgery should be performed once patient is 220–23
Major complications medically stable, within 24 h if possible
Decubitus ulcer
Preoperative pain
Conservative Nonunion, leg shortening and deformity Operative treatment is better than conservative 131
management treatment
Surgical management
Intertrochanteric Operative details (length of surgery, blood loss, Sliding hip screw fixation should be considered 128, 32–34, 38
transfusion requirements) standard of treatment
Fixation complications (nonunion, reoperations) Short femoral nails (i.e., short Gamma) should not
Anatomical restoration (limb shortening, be used (increased risk of postoperative fracture
deformity) around implant)
Function, pain, mortality Long femoral nails may be superior to sliding screw
fixation for treatment of reverse obliquity and
subtrochanteric fractures
Ender’s nails should not be used
Subcapital Operative details (length of surgery, Screws are better than pins for nondisplaced 129–30, 35–37, 39
Deep vein thromboses Mortality DVT prophylaxis in the form of any heparin or 143–45
(DVT) prophylaxis Morbidity (DVT, pulmonary embolus) fondiparinux for 10 days postoperatively, or
mechanical pumping should be used
Vitamin K antagonists may be used for 10 days 145
postoperatively with a target international
normalized ratio of 2.5 (2.0 to 3.0 acceptable)
DVT prophylaxis should be commenced 145
preoperatively if surgery is delayed
Antibiotic prophylaxis Morbidity (wound infection, urinary and Antibiotics should be used preoperatively for all 146
respiratory tract infections) patients
Postoperative wound Morbidity (Wound infection, wound healing, Postoperative drains may not be required 147
drainage transfusions, dressing changes, reoperation)
Urinary tract Urinary retention Intermittent catheterization is superior to 150w
management indwelling catheterization
Perioperative pain Pain Analgesic use Epidural pain management may reduce myocardial 152–53
control ischemia in addition to reducing perioperative
and postoperative pain
(1.06, 2.82)) and was associated with reduced major medical ment is recommended between hospital admission and sur-
complications (OR =0.26 (0.07, 0.95). Further, early surgical gery.45
repair was associated with earlier ambulation compared with
Antibiotic Prophylaxis. In 22 RCTs (8,307 participants) of adult
delayed surgical repair.22
patients with closed long bone fracture fixation, of which 16
trials were hip fracture patients, antibiotic prophylaxis de-
Perioperative Care
creased the incidence of deep wound infections (RR =0.36
Perioperative care was defined as the immediate preoperative (0.21, 0.65)) and urinary tract infections (RR =0.66
time through initial postoperative days to attainment of med- (0.43, 1.0)).46 A single antibiotic dose with tissue effects last-
ical stability. Evidence-based perioperative interventions in- ing greater than 12 hours (e.g., cefazolin 1 g intravenously) or
cluded surgical and anesthetic management (Table 2), deep multiple doses of antibiotics with shorter half-lives were seem-
vein thrombosis (DVT) and antibiotic prophylaxes, and other ingly equivalent.46
general medical care (e.g., wound drainage and pain control)
Postoperative Wound Drainage. Suction wound drainage, rou-
(Table 3).
tine practice in many hospitals, is implemented to promote
Surgical Management. Despite numerous clinical trials re- postoperative wound healing by preventing large hematoma
garding specific surgical techniques, best practices remain formation.47 This technique, however, has an inherent risk of
unclear, particularly for femoral neck fractures.28–39 A com- increasing postoperative infection through the creation of a
pression screw plate device is considered to be the standard of portal to deep tissues.
care for intertrochanteric or extracapsular fractures.28,32–34,38 A systematic review of 3 RCTs (333 participants) found no
Surgical management of femoral neck or intracapsular frac- significant differences reported in rates of infection (RR =0.53
tures is dependent upon patient age, activity level, health sta- (0.21, 1.35)), reoperation for wound healing problems
tus, and surgeon preference.29,30,35–37,39 Few studies have (RR =4.1 (0.47, 36.1)), or transfusions (RR =1.16 (0.84, 1.61))
examined conservative treatment because operative manage- with the use of wound drains in hip fracture patients.47
ment is considered superior if patients are medically fit for
Urinary Tract Catheterization. Following hip fracture, the inci-
dence rate of urinary tract infection is 23% to 25%.48,49 De-
Type of Anesthesia. Use of general anesthetics in elderly pa- spite this high rate, very few studies have examined
tient populations has been associated with increased postop- catheterization methods used in this patient population. The
erative delirium.40 A systematic review of 22 trials (2,567 1 RCT performed, reported that normal voiding pattern was
participants) demonstrated reduced risk of mortality at 1 resumed on average 4.3 (0.7, 8.0) days earlier with intermit-
month postfracture (RR =0.69 (0.50, 0.95)) and DVT tent rather than indwelling catheterization for patients with
(RR =0.64 (0.49, 0.95)) with use of regional anesthesia.41 An- postoperative urinary retention (P =.01).50
other recent systematic review of 141 studies (9,559 partici-
Perioperative Pain Control. Patients with poorly controlled
pants), demonstrated a clear benefit for regional anesthesia in
perioperative pain have reported increased hospital LOS, de-
terms of mortality (OR =0.68 (0.53, 0.88)).40 Although the re-
layed ambulation, and decreased 6-month mobility.51 Little
view included several surgical procedures, 44 (31%) of 141
evidence exists regarding appropriate analgesia for patients
study populations were elderly orthopedic patients. This re-
with a hip fracture.
view also reported a reduction in DVT (OR =0.56 (0.43, 0.72)),
Two RCTs (145 participants) reported epidural pain man-
pulmonary embolism (PE) (OR =0.45 (0.29, 0.69)), transfusion
agement reduced perioperative cardiac complications; one re-
requirements (OR =0.50 (0.39, 0.66)), and pneumonia
ported decreased intraoperative myocardial ischemia
(OR =0.61 (0.48, 0.76)) with regional compared with general
(RR =0.13 (0.02, 0.97)) 52 and the other decreased preopera-
tive cardiac events (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, un-
DVT Prophylaxis. Following hip fracture surgery, patients are stable angina, heart failure, or new onset atrial fibrillation)
at increased risk of DVT with incidence rates of 27% for prox- (P =.01).53 Both trials reported decreased perioperative and/or
imal DVT.26,42 Incidence rates for fatal PE range from 1.4% to postoperative pain compared with usual analgesia. No evi-
7.5% in the first 3 months following hip fracture surgery.26 dence was found regarding specific narcotic agents, other than
Thirty-two studies (3,614 participants) of adult hip fracture an expert-based consensus statement recommending avoid-
patients consistently demonstrated that DVT prophylaxis re- ance of codeine and meperidine.54
duced the incidence of DVT and PE.43,44 The use of any he-
parin treatment versus no treatment (13 trials; 1,199 Early Postoperative Care (up to 7 to 10 days
participants; RR =0.60 (0.50, 0.71)) or a mechanical pumping Postoperative)
device versus no treatment (5 trials; 451 participants;
Following medical stabilization, the primary treatment goals
RR =0.31 (0.19, 0.51)) significantly reduced the risk of
focus on rehabilitation. Studies performed during this period
DVT.44 No significant differences were detected between un-
were extremely heterogeneous in terms of interventions un-
fractionated or fractionated heparins in this review.44 The Sev-
dertaken and outcomes measured, making it difficult to define
enth American College of Chest Physicians Conference on
best practices.
Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy currently recom-
mends the routine use of fondiparinux, or heparin of any type Optimizing Nutrition. Poor nutritional status is common in the
for at least 10 days.45 They also suggest that a vitamin K an- hip fracture population and appears to be independently
tagonist may be used for 10 days with a target international associated with increased morbidity and mortality.55,56 Inter-
normalized ratio of 2.5 (minimum–maximum 2.0 to 3.0).45 If ventions to address malnutrition following a hip fracture have
surgery is to be significantly delayed, any type of heparin treat- focused primarily on initial recovery in hospital settings.
JGIM Beaupre et al., Best Practices for Elderly Hip Fracture Patients 1023
Protein/vitamin supplements or nasogastric feeding have dysfunction were more likely to receive some form of institu-
been examined in 15 trials (1,054 participants) and reduced tional care for prolonged periods.
long-term complications (RR =0.52 (0.32, 0.84)) but did not
PostHospitalization Rehabilitation. Binder et al.71 and Sher-
affect mortality (RR =0.92 (0.56, 1.50)).57 One RCT (62 partic-
rington et al.76 demonstrated that strengthening programs
ipants) reported patients receiving oral nutritional supplemen-
are effective following hip fracture. Patients in the intervention
tation had a reduced hospital LOS and were less likely to
groups, which consisted of strength training of various types,
experience major complications.58 Continuation of an inter-
showed modest gains in strength and function compared with
vention (oral protein supplementation plus nandrolone de-
patients following usual care (Table 4).
canoate) for 6 months following fracture increased albumin
levels and maintained lean body mass better than oral protein
supplementation only or usual care.59
We found that a number of practices in the management of hip
Multidisciplinary Care. Multidisciplinary care involves team- fracture patients have a strong evidentiary basis and should be
based management, and typically consists of a medical prac- considered part of routine high quality care (Table 1). Although
titioner and multiple other health professionals (e.g., at least some findings may seem fairly self-evident, we also found that
Nursing and Physical Therapy) who plan treatment to meet many routine practices were not supported by published lit-
patients’ complex care needs. Despite numerous studies, no erature. For example, high-quality evidence demonstrated that
clear Level 1 evidence exists that multidisciplinary care with use of preoperative traction, while common, was associated
early mobilization affords better outcomes in terms of mortal- with harms and no net clinical benefits—this is clearly a prac-
ity, morbidity, function, or service utilization than usual care. tice that ought to be abandoned. Conversely, the intuitively
Metaanalysis of such studies is difficult because of heteroge- sensible offering of multidisciplinary care with early mobiliza-
neity caused by diverse interventions, patient outcomes, and tion was not definitively associated with better outcomes than
measures used to assess the intervention effect.60–68 Some usual care. As usual care in most surgical hospitals may al-
studies suggest standardized multidisciplinary care reduced ready be ‘‘multidisciplinary’’ to some degree (Medicine, Nurs-
LOS in hospital, while others suggested it increased LOS (Ta- ing, and Physical Therapy at a minimum), the incremental
ble 4).61–70 benefit of any studied multidisciplinary intervention, over and
above usual care, may be prohibitively difficult to ascertain.
Subacute Rehabilitation and Discharge Planning Further, LOS, which is a commonly assessed outcome of ef-
Following the initial postoperative period, once the patient is fectiveness of multidisciplinary care, is highly dependent upon
medically stable, treatment focuses on discharge planning and how rehabilitation services are organized and located, making
subacute rehabilitation. Few studies have demonstrated a clear crossstudy comparisons difficult.
For the most part, evidence-based care for the hip fracture
benefit among different rehabilitation settings or timing of re-
habilitation in terms of patients’ functional outcomes and serv- population in the perioperative period is reasonably well de-
ice utilization, despite the surfeit of studies.22,60–64,67,68,71–77 fined. We, unlike others,79–81 included in our summary of prac-
tice recommendations only those practices for which Level 1 or
Although evidence is sparse, presence of dementia should
not preclude inclusion in a rehabilitation program.70,78 In a 2 evidence is available. Gaps in knowledge regarding delivery of
subgroup analysis of patients with dementia, 1 RCT (141 par- perioperative care still exist (e.g., urinary tract management)
ticipants) reported the median LOS for patients with mild and despite the many studies performed. We believe, however,
moderate dementia in a group receiving multidisciplinary in- that standardized evidence-based perioperative treatment
patient rehabilitation was significantly reduced compared with guidelines can be established for many treatment areas for
controls (Table 4).70 the typical elderly patient with a hip fracture (Table 1).
Standardization of care (medical and rehabilitation)
Rehabilitation Setting. Cameron et al.60 in a systematic review would also be expected to streamline practice and improve
of 9 RCTs (1,887 participants) comparing different formats of the quality of care, although we acknowledge this hypothesis
inpatient rehabilitation reported heterogeneous effects on ought to be more rigorously tested. Nonetheless, several clin-
costs and LOS. Using a combined index of death or depend- ical areas require much further investigation. Of particular
ency, no difference was seen between intensive rehabilitation note is the lack of evidence available in the subacute recovery
and usual care (RR =0.93 (0.83, 1.05)) (Table 4). Kiusma period, commencing after postoperative day 7 to 10, where
et al.74 reported patients discharged home with physical ther- very little research has been conducted. Summarizing the lim-
apy had better ambulation at 1 year than patients who under- ited available evidence is further hindered by heterogeneity in
went inpatient rehabilitation (P =.01) (Table 4). study settings and interventions assessed.71–77 Investigation
Tinetti et al.77 reported that multidisciplinary homecare as to type and extent of rehabilitation and nutritional services
(structured physical and occupational therapy) did not result is needed in subacute settings (e.g., long-term care, regional
in improved outcomes compared with usual homecare (phys- hospitals, homecare) as is greater consideration of secondary
ical therapy as determined by individual therapists). Similar prevention measures for recurrent fracture (e.g., falls manage-
proportions of patients regained prefracture levels in activities ment, osteoporosis treatment).
of daily living by 6 months postfracture, although the in- In summary, our systematic review found evidence to
creased homecare group showed a trend towards better gait support many facets of preoperative and perioperative care
assessed qualitatively (P =.08) (Table 4). Patient characteris- for elderly hip fracture patients. These treatment practices
tics (e.g., age, social support and prefracture function) deter- could likely be applied in most acute care settings. Standard-
mine the type of rehabilitation.72,73,75 Patients with greater ization of these practices could be expected to improve quality
of care and outcomes. Nevertheless, much work remains to
1024 Beaupre et al., Best Practices for Elderly Hip Fracture Patients JGIM
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Supplementary Material
The following supplementary material is available
for this article online:
Appendix 1. Literature Search Strategies.
Figure 1. Flowchart of Review Process.
Table 1. Preoperative Medical Management.