Dianlia Quotation 24aug04
Dianlia Quotation 24aug04
Dianlia Quotation 24aug04
Sole Agent for Indonesia
ALUN GRAHA – 2nd FL Tel: +62-21-829-0608 ext.121
Jl. Prof. Dr. Supomo SH no. 233 Fax: +62-21-828-0075
Jakarta 12870 – INDONESIA Email: [email protected]
We are very pleased to give you the best proposal of our RENAULT TRUCKS
I. Truck Quotation
IV. Warranty
The warranty is twelve (12) months from delivery time, without mileage
V. Product Support
Thank you for your interest. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. If you have
any question, please do not hesitate to contact me at 829-0608 ext 121 or fax : 828-
Frankie Makaminang
Sales Manager