Reflective Essay 1

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1) Current learning career and trajectory.

I am currently a high school graduate of 2012 finally trying to prepare myself for higher
learning. I am significantly interested in a career in parks and recreation or environmental
science. I am learning as much information as I can before taking classes to ensure I am ready
before making the commitment

2) The learning aim that is of importance to me

Since I am not enrolled in college yet, I am practicing taking classes through coursera
thanks to the Minnesota department of employment and economic development. I am also
taking different classes to get an idea which career path I would like to pursue and building a
habit of completely classwork before I pay for classes.

3) The biggest mental challenges in achieving your learning aim.

My first biggest mental challenge is procrastination. Procrastination is the main reason

that I have not completed college before now. I did not have family to push me to stay on task
and complete my classes that were harder than normal. I let myself slip and next thing I knew, I
failed a whole semester. That bad experience derailed me from continuing my education.

Sleep is my second biggest mental challenge in achieving my learning aim. In the past I
have always been very busy. I have juggled school, raising a child, and working to pay for my
child and education. Instead of prioritizing sleep I would try to run on very little sleep, and then
wonder why I would fail tests and not remember what was learned.

4) Outline existing research or learning techniques that are relevant to your


Procrastination- the Pomodoro technique. This technique was invented to fight

procrastination by setting up a block of time (25 minutes) and completely cutting off any
and all distractions. During that time you are set up to focus. At the end of the time, you
give yourself a small reward.

Huffington, Arianna Stassinopoulos. The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life,

One Night at a Time. WH Allen, 2017.

5) Applying knowledge of research findings or learning techniques to help me

overcome my challenges

To help me stay on top of my procrastination I will use the Pomodoro technique. I am

one that is easily distracted so putting away my distractions and just purely focusing will greatly
improve my chance of success. I will then be able to practice and learn everyday instead of
trying to cram before a test. I will also be more likely to follow through knowing that I can reward
myself at the end.

I know understand the importance of sleep and how I was setting myself up for failure
before. I will now make sure that I am putting the time in to get enough sleep. I will be able to
cut some time off my phone and television watching to increase my sleep. Using the reminder of
health issues, and memory issues associated with not sleeping enough that will encourage me
to follow through with going to bed earlier.

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