Koerner, E. F. K. & Tajima, M. Noam Chomsky. A Personal Bibliography 1951-1986
Koerner, E. F. K. & Tajima, M. Noam Chomsky. A Personal Bibliography 1951-1986
Koerner, E. F. K. & Tajima, M. Noam Chomsky. A Personal Bibliography 1951-1986
General Editor
(University of Ottawa)
Series V
Volume 11
Noam Chomsky
A Personal Bibliography, 1951-1986
Compiled by
University of Ottawa Kyushu University
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Koerner, E.F.K.
Noam Chomsky: a personal bibliography, 1951-1986.
(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series V, Library &
information sources in linguistics, ISSN 0165-7267; v. 11)
Includes index.
1. Chomsky, Noam - Bibliography. I. Tajima, Matsuji, 1942- . II. Otero, Carlos
Peregrin, 1930- . III. Title. IV. Series: Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of
linguistic science. Series V, Library and information sources in linguistics; v. 11.
Z8168.K63 1986 [P85.C47] 016.41'092'4 86-26829
ISBN 90-272-1000-4 (alk. paper)
Copyright 1986 - John Benjamins B.V.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or
any other means, without written permission from the publisher.
*One of the recipients of these early instalments was Dr. Salvatore Claudio Sgroi, whose own
Chomsky Bibliography appeared in 1983.
Dr. Mark Janse, has in addition provided me with a number of recent ref
erences compiled by his office, a service for which I wish to express my
gratitude, in particular because volumes of the Linguistic Bibliography (as
well as the MLA Bibliography for that matter) have been appearing with
delays of several years.
Yet the contribution by Matsuji Tajima to the present volume at its
various stages of development has been the most significant of them all, to
the extent that the appearance of his name on the title page is fully jus
tified. For his selfless work and his longtime friendship and support a public
expression of gratitude is in order.
Now, a few words about the bibliography itself, its organization and
As may be gathered from the Addenda (pp. 79-87) to Part I of the vol
ume, a great effort has been made to provide a most complete listing of
Chomsky's writings in linguistics, including translations, reviews and critical
comments. An attempt was made to offer a fairly accurate chronological
order of these works, though for a variety of reasons, including lack of
information concerning the actual writing of a paper or larger study on a
number of occasions, this goal could not always be attained. Thus, item
1963a for instance goes back to a seminar presentation made by Chomsky
and Schützenberger at the IBM World Trade European Center in
Blaricum, The Netherlands, in 1961, as I discovered after completion of
this portion of the Bibliography.
Likewise, efforts have been made to provide a fairly complete listing of
Chomsky's output in non-linguistic areas. Here at least up until the 1981
publications, I have profited a great deal from Dr. Sgroi's compilation; he
in turn had derived much information directly from Chomsky and Carlos P.
Otero. Yet, given the nature of the subjects in which Chomsky involved
himself and the nature of the outlets, newspapers, local, regional, national,
and international, magazines, pamphlets of various political organizations,
etc., one cannot but hope that the coverage and the details provided here
will supply a fair picture of Chomsky's extra-linguistic engagements.
The third and last portion of the bibliography, namely, the one listing
interviews and Chomsky's participation in various debates (of which only
those have been included which became available in print in one form or
another), is no doubt the least satisfactory part of the Bibliography. How
ever, it was felt that a number of them provide background information on
Chomsky not readily found in the regular biographical reference works of
C h a p . V I I I of V e r s i o n 1 (= unchanged hap.IX of V e r
sion 3) c o n s t i t u t e s , apart from m i n o r changes on page
1, Chomsky's doctoral d i s s e r t a t i o n (see 1955d b e l o w ) .
1956a (Together with Morris Halle and Fred Lukoff). "On Ac
cent and Juncture in English". For Roman Jakobson: Es
says on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday 11 Oct.
19 56 ed. by Morris Halle, Horace G(ray) Lunt, Hugh
MacLean, and C(ornelis) H(enricus) van Schooneveld,
65-80. The Hague: Mouton.
"Strutture logiche del linguaggio", transl. into It.
by Ch. Ingrao in 1969k (pp.35-50), repr. in 1975i.
Translations :
"Sintaksičeskie struktury", transl. into R u s s . by
K(onstatin) I(vanovič) Babickij, Novoe v lingvistike
ed. by V ( l a d i m i r ) A ( n d r e e v i č ) Zvegincev, 412-527. Mos
cow: Izd. i n o s t r . l i t e r a t u r y , 1 9 6 2 , 685 pp. — Ex
cerpts from this transl. were republished in V. A. Z v e -
gincev's Istorija jazykoznanij a v črka i izvlečeni-
jax, Part I I , 4 5 2 - 5 7 . M o s c o w : Izd. Prosveščenije, 1965,
495 pp.
kozo. Transl. into Japanese by Yasuo I s a m i ,
T o k y o : K e n k y u s h a , 1 9 6 3 , v i i i , 118 pp. (16th [sic]
printing, 1977.)
Structures syntaxiques. Transl. into French by M i c h e l
B r a u d e a u . (= L'ordre philosophique, 3.) P a r i s : Ed. du
S e u i l , 1 9 6 9 , 143 pp. [With a 'supplement b i b l i o g r a
p h i q u e ' (133-41) by Nicolas R u w e t . ]
[Reviewed by Joseph Nivette in Revue belge de Philoso
phie 48.153-56 ( 1 9 7 0 ) . — For brief excerpts of the
transl. in other w o r k s , consult Sgroi (1983:103).]
Translations :
Translations :
"Neskol'ko m e t o d o l o g i č e s k i x zamečanij o p o r o ž d a j u š č e j
g r a m m a t i k e " . (Transl. into R u s s i a n by M. M. Makovskij.)
Voprosy Jazykoznanija 11:4.110-22 (1962).
"Osservazioni me todo 1 o g i che sulla g r a m m a t i c a g e n e r a
t i v a " , transl. by Armando De P a l m a , r i di teoria
linguistica, 1 1 7 - 4 1 . T u r i n : B o r g h i e r i , 1 9 7 5 , 169 pp
"Modèles e x p l i c a t i f s en l i n g u i s t i q u e " , in Textes pour
une psycholinguistique (= Textes de Sciences sociales,
10), ed. by Jacques M e h l e r and Georges N o i z e t , 6 7 - 9 8 .
Paris & The H a g u e : M o u t o n (for the Ecole P r a t i q u e des
Hautes E t u d e s , 6ème s e c t i o n : Sciences é c o n o m i q u e s et
s o c i a l e s ) , 1 9 7 4 , 677 pp. ( T r a n s l a t o r : Y v o n n e N o i z e t . )
"Modelli e s p l i c a t i v i in l i n g u i s t i c a " , transl. into It.
by Ch . Ingrao and published in 19691 ( p p . 1 3 - 4 0 ) .
" O b j a s n i te l ' n y e m o d e l i v l i n g v i s t i k e " , transl. into
Russ. by M. V. Rybakova in Maternaticeskaja logica i
primenija ed. by A ( n a t o l i j ) I (vanovic) M a l ' c e v , 2 4 5 -
272. M o s c o w : M i r , 1 9 6 5 , 341 pp.
"Modelos e x p l a n a t r i o s em l i n g ü í s t i c a " , transl. into
P o r t u g u e s e by M a r i a C. de Moraes Taf arelio in Funda
mentos metodológicos da lingüistica, vol.1, ed. by
Marcelo D a s c a l , 6 1 - 9 3 . Sao P a u l o : Global E d i t o r a ,
1978 .
Translations :
" L o g i č e s k i e osnovy l i n g v i s t ič e s k o j t e o r i i " , transl. in
to R u s s . and with a b i l i n g u a l glossary of terms added
by I(gor) A ( l e k s a n d r o v i c ) M e l ' č u k , ed. by A ( l e k s a n d r )
Translations :
"Théorie algébrique des langages 'context-free'",
transl. into French by Gilles Fauconnier in Langages
No.9: Les modèles linguistiques ed. by Maurice Gross,
77-118. Paris: Didier / Larousse, (March) 1968.
"Algebraičeskaja teorija kontekstno-svobodnyx jazykov",
transl. into Russian by N. G. Samojlova & N. G. Ščerba
kovą, and published in Kibertičeskij sbornik, Novaja
serija, No. 3, ed. by A. A. Ljapunov & 0. B. Lupanov, 195-
242. Moscow: Mir, 1966, 243 pp.
Chicago Press.
Paper given at the 4th 'Conference on First-Language
Acquisition' held at Endicott House, Dedham, Mass.,
27-29 Oct. 1961, commenting on the contribution by
Wick R. Miller & Susan Ervin, "The Development of
Grammar in Child Language".
Repr. in 1970i (pp .42-50) , 1971b (129-34), and 1971d
(pp. 340-43) .
Repr. of 1961c.
Translations :
Translations :
Reviews :
Translation :
"Proprietà generali di linguaggio", transl. into Ital.
by Armando De Palma, and published in 19691 (pp.247-
264) .
1968c Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World,
VII, 88 pp. (2nd rev. & enl. ed., 1972.)
Reviews :
- Richard J. Bernstein in Review of Metaphysics 23.342
to 343 (1969)
- George Steiner in The New Yorker 45.217-36 (15 Nov.
- Yorick Wilks in The Listener 82.44-46 (10 July 1969)
- Robbins Burling in American Anthropologist 72.681-82
Translations :
Människan och språket. S t o c k h o l m : B o k fö r l a g e t Pan/Nor-
s t e d t , 1 9 6 9 , 135 p p . (Translated into Swedish by Peter
W e n n e r . ) (2nd p r i n t i n g , 1970.)
Review :
John Evert Hard in Modema Sprak 64.74-76 (1970)
Le langage et la pensée . Transl. into French by Louis-
Jean C a l v e t . (= Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 148.) P a
r i s : P a y o t , 1 9 6 9 , 147 pp.*
Review :
Eddy (Georges) Roulet in Bulletin du Centre Inter
national de Linguistique Appliquée (Université de
N e u c h â t e l ) 12.59-61 (1970)
Sprache und Geist. Mit einem Anhang: Linguistik und
Politik. Transl. into German by Siegfried K a n n g i e ß e r ,
Gerd L i n g r ü n , and Uwe S c h w a r t z . F r a n k f u r t / M a i n : S u h r -
k a m p , 1 9 7 0 , 189 pp. (2nd p r i n t i n g , 1972.)
Note t h a t t h i s i s a p a r t i a l t r a n s l a t i o n o n l y , con
t a i n i n g b u t p o r t i o n s from c h a p t e r s 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , a n d 9.
Reviews :
- Arianna Ugozzoni in Studi Italiana di Linguistica
Teorica ed Applicata 4.216-17 (1975)
- Anca Belchiţǎ Hartular in Revue Roumaine de Lin
guistique 20:3.302-303 (1975)
- Bernard Cerquiglini in Annales - Economies, Socié
tés, Civilisations 31.593-95 (1976)
Other 'partial translations:
Principios de fonologia generativa. Transl. into
Spanish by J. A. Millán, with an introd., appendix,
and notes by J. A. Millán & P. Calvo. Madrid: Funda
mentos, 1979, 464 pp.
"Das Prinzip des Transformationszyklus und seine An
wendung auf das Englische", transl. into German by H.
Buchmann, followed by "Die Theorie der Markiertheit",
transl. by Ferenc Kiefer, and published in Phonologie
und generative Grammatik ed. by Ferenc Kiefer, vol.1,
97-114 and 115-40, respectively. Frankfurt/Main : Aka
demische Verlagsgemeinschaft Athenaion, 1975, viii,
239 pp.
Reprint of 1967c.
"Fonología e lettura", transl. into Italian by Dario
Corno, and published in 1977e (pp.130-47).
Reviews :
- C h r i s t i a n T o u r a t i e r in Bulletin de la Société de
Linguistique de Varis 68.30-44 (1972/73)
- F r e d ( e r i c k ) C(he) C(hing) Peng in American Anthro
pologist 75.1918-21(1973).
- Petr Sgall in Slovo a Slovestnost 34.190-91 (1973)
- Blanche-Noëlle Grunig in La Linguistique 10:1.152-
154 (1974)
- Justin Leiber in Review of Metaphysics 27.605-606
- Irena Bellert in Linguistics 125.109-14 (1974)
- Udo Figge in Kritikon Litterarum (Darmstadt) 4.106-
109 (1975)
- Geoffrey Sampson in Journal of Literary Semantics
103-09 (1975)
- Herbert E(rnst) Brekle and Philip Luelsdorff,
"Notes on Chomsky's Extended Standard Version",
Foundations of Language 12.367-82 (1974-75)
- Ralph Vanderslice in Quarterly Journal of Speech
59.229-30 (1973)
- Günther R. Kress in Journal of European Studies 2.
389-99 (1972)
- James D(avid) McCawley in Studies in English Lin
guistics (Tokyo: Asahi Press) 3.209-311 (1975)
- Salvador Garcia Bardon, "La réaction de Noam Chom
sky à la sémantique generative", Cahiers de l'In
stitut de Linguistique de Louvain 2.53-72 (1973-
1974) .
Translations :
Questions de sémantique. Transl. into French by Ber
nard Cerquiglini. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1975, 235
pp .
- M. R. Guyard in Annales : Economies - Sociétés - Civi
lisations 31.595-96 (1976)
Seisei-bunpo no imironteki .Transl.into Japa
nese by Minoru Yasui. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1976, xix,
299 pp.
Studien zu Fragen der Semantik. Transl. into German by
L. Weissberg. Frankfurt/Main : Ullstein, 1978, 205 pp.
"Observaciones sobre la nomalización"; "Estructura
profunda, estructura superficial e interpretación se
mántica"; "Algunos problemas empíricos de la teoría de
la gramática transformatoria". Semántica y sintaxis en
la lingüistica transformatoria ed. and transl. by Vic
tor Sanchez de Zavala, 133-87, 276-334, and 444-524.
Madrid: Alianza, 1974. [Item 3 transl. with the assis
tance of Conxita Lleó.]
Also published in Spanish transl. by Antonio García Artal as
Cuestiones de forma y de interpretación (Valencia, 1977), 80 pp.
Reviews :
- Anthony Bruck in Language Sciences No.45.35-40 (Apr.
- D(onald) Terence Langendoen in Journal of Psycholin-
guistic Research 7.155-58 (1978)
- Sergio Scalise in Lingua e Stile 13.611-13 (1978)
- Frank Heny in Synthese 40.317-52 (1979)
- Geoffrey Sampson, "What Was Transformational Gram
mar? A review of Noam Chomsky, The Logical Struc
ture of Linguistic Theory", Lingua 48:4.355-78
Repr. in 1978b.
Reviews :
"Seisei-bunpo no Kuwadate". Transl. into Japanese by
Yasuaki Abe, Naoki Fukui & Noriko Kawasaki, and seri
alized in Cengo (Tokyo: Taishukan) 13:9.94-104 (Sept.
1984) and the following monthly numbers: 2) 13:10.102-
115; 3) 11.96-102; 4) 12.92-97; 5) 14:1.240-53 (Jan.
1985); 6) 2.102-111; 7) 3.107-115; 8) 4.231-50 and
265; 9) 5.98-106; 10) 6.94-105; 11) 7.110-117; 12) 8.
108-114, and 13) 14:9.88-98 (Sept. 1985).
19 84c "Noam Chomsky Writes Mrs Davis about Grammar and Edu
cation". English Education 16:3.165-66 (Oct. 1984).
Includes Chomsky's letter to the editor.
Ad 1957f, translations:
- Jufa Jiegou [Syntactic Structures]. Transl, into (Man
darin) Chinese by Jing Gong-wan, Pang Bing-jun, Huang
Chang-zhu & Lin Shu-wu. With a biobibliographical
foreword [pp.1-8]. Bejing (People's Republic of China):
China Social Science Publishing House, (July) 1979,
132 pp. (Repr., 1984.)
Apart from an introd. by the translators, a termino
logical index (English-Chinese) has been added (124-
132) .
- Syntactic Structures [and Korean title]. Transl. into
Korean by Seung-kwan Lee & Hei-sook Lee. Seoul (Korea):
Pan-Korea Book Corporation, 197 and 118 pp.
The Korean transl. is followed by a reprint of the text
of the English original.
Ad 1959d, comment :
- Andresito E. Acuña, "Notes on Chomsky's Review of B.
F. Skinner", D i l i m a n Review (Quezon City, Philippines)
17.183-98 (1969).
1959d, translation:
- "Pin Sijinna zhu 'Yanyu Xingwai' [Review of 'Verbal
Behavior' by Skinner]". Transl, into Chinese by Wang
Zong-yan. Guowai yuyanxue [Linguistics Abroad] 2.15-21,
3.37-41, and 4.37-45 (1982).
Ad 1962b, translation:
- See Lingwistyka a filozofía: Wspótczesny spór o filo-
zoficzne zatozenia teorii jȩzyka ed. with an introd. by
Ad 1962c, comment:
- Josef Vachek, "On Some Basic Principles of Classical
Phonology (In margin N. Chomsky's Logical Basis of
Linguistic Theory)", Selected Writings in English and
General Linguistics by J.V., 44-66. The Hague: Mouton;
Prague: Academia, 1916, 451 pp.
Ad 1964g, comment:
- Ralph Vanderslice, "Patatak Revised: Autonomous phonol
ogy and generative vacuity", The Third LAGUS Forum 197 6
ed. by Robert J. Di Prieto & Edward L. Blansitt, Jr.,
559-66. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press, 1977.
Demonstrates the superiority of Charles F. Hockett's
1951 analysis over and above the (misleading) one pro
posed by Chomsky.
Ad 1965a, excerpts:
- See Readings in the Theory of Grammar : From the 17th to
the 20th century ed. by Diane D. Bornstein, 218-40.
Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop, 1976, x, 372 pp.
Reproduces pp.3-9, 15-18, 27-38, 63-74 of Aspects, and
also pp.11-12, 13-17 and 34-48 of Syntactic Structures
(this volume, 192-207). - See also addenda to 1968d.
1965a, translation:
- Zagadnienia teorii skladni. Transl, into Polish by Ire-
neusz Jakubczak, with a preface by Kazimierz Polański.
Wroclaw: Zaklad. im. Ossoliñskich, 1982, 283 pp.
Ad 1966a, comments :
- Josef Voss, "Noam Chomsky et la linguistique cartésien
ne", Revue philosophique de Louvain 71:11.512-38
- Karel Palek, "Karteziánská lingvisyika", J azykovednê
Aktuality 11:3/4.108-121 (1974);
Ad 1966f, excerpts:
- See The Philosophy of Language ed. by John R(onald)
Searle, 71-100. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1971. (Re
printed, 1974.)
Ad 1968c, excerpts :
- "Linguistische Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Geistes",
Sprache - Persönlichkeit - Sozialstruktur ed. by Ursu-
la Wenzel & Matthias Hartig, 77-111. Hamburg: Hoffmann
& Campe, 1977, 296 pp. (Transl. into German.)
1968c, translation
Linguagem e Pensamento. Transl. into Portuguese
by Francisco M. Guimarães. Petrópolis, RJ: Editora Vo-
zes Limitada, 1971, 127 pp. (4th ed., 1977.)
Ad 1968d, reprinting s:
- See Ideas of Culture : Sources and uses ed. by Frederick
C. Gamst & Edward Norbeck, 188-98. New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1976, x, 353 pp.;
- and Readings in the Theory of Grammar: From the 17th to
the 20th century ed. by Diane D. Bornstein, 46-68. Cam-
Ad 1970d, translation:
- "Pubian yufa yu daishu yuyanxue [Universal grammar and
algenraic linguistics]", Yuyanxue dongtai [Trends in
Linguistics] 5.18-19 (1978)
Transl, into (Madarin) Chinese by Liu Lian-yuan; the
title was supplied by the translator.
Ad 1974d, translation:
- Cuestiones de forma y de interpretación. Introd. y ver-
cion castellana por Antonio García Artal. Valencia:
Ed. Teorema, 1977 [i.e., 1978], 80 pp.
Ad 1976b, translation :
- "Lun yuyan de xingzhi [On the nature of language]",
Guowai yuyanxue [Linguistics abroad] 2.1-10 (1983).
Transl, into (Mandarin) Chinese by Yang Wei-gou & Zhou
Xian-ming (from 1977a : 63 - 76).
Ad 1977c, critiques;
- Paul M(artin) Postal, "The Generalization (71) Follows
from Trace Theory", Linguistic Analysis 9.277-84
(1982) .
Critique of Chomsky & Lasnik's 'filter' involving
'subject pronoun drop'.
Ad 1977d, comment :
- Emmon (Werner) Bach, "Comment on the Paper by Chomsky",
Formal Syntax ed. by Peter William Culicover et al.,
133-55. New York: Academic Press, 1977.
Ad 1979b, review:
- Philip A. Luelsdorff in Archiv Orientaliní (Prague) 50,
p.276 (1982) .
Ad 1980b, translation:
- Règles et représentations transl. into French by Alain
Kihm. Paris: Flammarion, 1985, 286 pp.
1980b, review:
- Roberto Peroni in Studi e Saggi Linguistici (Pisa) 22.
189-94 (1982) .
"La r e s p o n s a b i l i t é des i n t e l l e c t u e l s " , Les Temps Mo
dernes (Paris) 2 2 , No.252 (May 1 9 6 7 ) , 1 9 8 6 - 2 0 2 0 .
(Translator: J. M. V i n c e n t . )
"La r e s p o n s a b i l i t à degli i n t e l l e t t u a l i " , Rendiconti
(Rome) 14.140-56 (Feb. 1 9 6 7 ) . (Preface [138-39] by
t r a n s l a t o r , Paolo V a l e s i o . )
For other Italian transl. of 1 9 6 7 , 1 9 6 8 , and 1 9 6 9 ,
see Sgroi (1983 : 138) .
A responsabilidade dos intelectuais. (= D i a l o g o , 1
[Oct. 1 9 6 8 ] . ) L i s b o n : P u b l i c a ç õ e s Dom Q u i x o t e , 1 9 6 8 ,
107 pp. (Transl. into Portuguese by Luisa Pinheiro &
Ella G i b s o n , together with other m a t e r i a l from 1969b.)
Sobre la responsabilitad de los intelectuales. (= Cua
dernos de la revista "Casa de las Américas", 5: Hechos
Ideas.) H a v a n a : Casa de las A m é r i c a s , 1 9 6 8 , 59 pp.
"La r e s p o n s a b i l i d a d de los i n t e l e c t u a l e s " . La contes-
tacción universitario, [collective volume by various
a u t h o r s ] , 2 5 3 - 9 0 , B a r c e l o n a : P e n i n s u l a , 1 9 7 3 . (Transl.
by Juan R o v i r a . )
For other Span, t r a n s l . , two of which appearing in
transl. of 1 9 6 9 b , and one earlier in Union (Cuba) 6:
1.138-65 (March 1 9 6 8 ) , see Sgroi ( 1 9 8 3 : 1 3 9 ) .
Further translation:
"El pacifismo revolucionario de A. J. Muste: Sobre el
trasfondo de la guerra del Pacifico", El pacifismo
revolucionario by N. Chomsky, transl. by E. C. Frost,
1-70. Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 1973.
19 69b American Power and the New Mandarins. New York: Pan
theon Books, 404 pp.
Also published by Random House, New York, in their
"Vintage Books" series as well as in Britain by Chat-
to & Windus, London, 1969, 319 pp. and by Penguin in
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, this volume is essentially
a collection (with revisions) of previously published
articles (namely 1969c, 1967f, 1967c, 1967a, 1966b,
1966a/1967d, and 1967e - in that order), preceded by a
new "Introduction" (3-22) and concluded by an "Epi
logue" (401-404) .
Reviews :
- Vincent S. Kearney, S.J., in America 120.546 (3 May
- William Hamilton in Christian Century 86.4ff. (23
March) and 419-20 (26 March 1969)
- Anon. in Christian Science Monitor 61.15- (3 A-
pril 1969)
- Seymour Melman in Catholic World 210.80-81 (Nov. 69)
- Anon. in The Economist 233.59 (29 Nov. 1969)
- Anon. in The Listener 82.604 (30 Oct. 1969)
- Anon. in The New York Times 118.1-3 (18 March 1969)
- Robert Sklar in The Nation 208.373-76 (24 Marchl969)
- J. E. Dornan in National Review 21.607-608(17 June
- Anon. in The Observer (2 Nov. 1969). p.35
- Martin Duberman in The New Republic 160.27- (19
April 1969)
- Anon. in The Progressive 33.29- (Aug. 1969)
- M. R. Konvitz in The Saturday Review 52.26 (31 May
- Anon. in Virginia Quaterly Review 54.509 (Summer
- Gwyn A. Williams, "Walking Naked", New Society (6
Nov. 1969), 737-38
- R. A. Gross in Newsweek 73.104 (24 March 1969)
- Henry W. Ehrmann, "The Agony of Utopia", Polity
2:3.380-91 (1970)
- Antony Flew in The Humanist 31.38-40 (Sept./Oct.
Guevve en Asie, trans1. into French by M a r t i n e Laroche,
P a r i s : L i b r a r i e H a c h e t t e , 1 9 7 1 , 383 pp.
La guerra americana in Asia: Saggi sull 'Indocina,
t r a n s 1 , into Italian by G. Ferrara (except for the ap
p e n d i x , "Le giornate di m a g g i o : In d e f e n s a deila d i s -
o b b e d i e n z a c i v i l e " [see 1 9 7 1 q ] , w h i c h was done by R.
S o l m i , T u r i n : G. E i n a u d i , 1 9 7 2 , 358 pp.
La guerra de Asia, trans1. into Spanish by J. S e m p e r e ,
B a r c e l o n a : Ediciones A r i e l , 1 9 7 2 , 363 pp.
Indochina und die amerikanische Krise: Im Krieg mit
Asien I and Kambodscha , Laos, Nordvietnam : Im Krieg
mit Asien II, 2 vols., t r a n s 1 , into German by Joachim
Behrens, Frankfurt/M.: S u h r k a m p , 1 9 7 2 , 188 and 251 pp.
Amerikas krig mod Asien, Copenhagen: Gyldendals Log-
bøger, 1971
Amerikas krig med Asia, Gjøvik, N o r w a y : Gyldendals
K j e m p e f a k s e r , 1971
I krig med Asien, Stockholm: Bokforlaget PAN/Norstedt,
De aziatische oorlog, Amsterdam: Kritiese Bibliotheek
(Van G e n n e p ) , 1971
Translations :
"Une guerre américaine camouflée: Le Laos est devenu
un champ d'expérimentation des techniques de lutte
anti-insurrectionnelle", Le Monde diplomatique (Paris,
Dec. 1970), 1-16.
For translations into Italian (19 7 7.212-30) and Spanish
(1975.272-97), see under 1973f. (The 1974 German trans
lation does not include this item.)
1970p "A Visit to Laos". The New York Review of Books 15:2.
21-33 (23 July 1970).
Repr. in 1970g (pp.188-258), where trans1. into French
(1971.184-246), Italian (19 7 2.191-260), Spanish (1972.
217-98), and German (19 7 2.90-173) can, in alia, be
1970r "The Bay of Pigs and Other Matters". The Listener 83,
No.2129.88-89 (15 Jan. 1970).
19711 "Israel and the New Left". The Hew Left and the Jews
ed. by Mordecai S. Chertoff. New York: Pitman Pub
lishers .
1971p "After this War". Peace Hews 18, No,25.6 (25 June
Translations :*
Conocimiento y libertad, with a Preface (pp.5-24) by
Carlos Peregrin Otero, B a r c e l o n a : E d i c i o n e s A r i e l ,
1972, 189 pp. (The 2 lectures were translated by C. P.
Otero and J. Sempere, r e s p e c t i v e l y . )
Les problèmes du savoir et de la liberté, trans1. by
Martine L a r o c h e & Manon de B e a u r e g a r d , P a r i s : Fayard,
1973, 153 pp.
Über Erkenntnis und Freiheit : Vorlesungen zu Ehren von
Bertrand Russell, trans1. by Gerd L í n g r ü n . (= Suhrkamp
Taschenbuch, 91.) F r a n k f u r t / M . : Suhrkamp, 1973, 120
PP .
- Cf. the review by Jean Amèry [pseud. for Hans Mayer],
"Deutung und Ä n d e r u n g der W e l t : Noam Chomsky — K o p e r -
nikus der L i n g u i s t i k und streitbarer Systemkritiker
A m e r i k a s " , Die Zeit (13 July 1 9 7 3 ) , N r . 2 9 , p . 1 8 .
Conoscenza e liberta: Linguaggio e prassi politica ,
trans1. by Paolo B a i r a t i , T o r i n o : G. E i n a u d i , 1 9 7 3 ,
123 pp.
1972b "I.Q. Tests: Building blocks for the new class sys
tem". Ramparts 11:1.24-30 (July 1972).
Like a major portion of 1972a, this paper carries an
attack on Herrnstein's theories (see also 1972d). —
Preface by David Kolodny (pp.24-25).
[Against Sgroi (1983:213), not a reprint of 1972a.]
1973f For Reasons of State. New York: Pantheon Books & Vin
tage Books (Random House), XXXIV, 440 pp.
A collection of previously published papers (1973n,
1970k [with substantial additions, pp.188-211], 1970o,
1972f, 1971f, 1969e, 1972a, 1973e, and 19711, in that
order), preceded by an Introduction (vii-xxxiv), and
rounded off by a bib. (409-428) and an index (429-40).
Reviews :
- Anon. in The Times Literary Supplement (21 Dec.
1973), p.1565
- Anon. in Psychology Today 1 (Dec. 1973), p.126.
- Richard Todd in Atlantic Monthly 232.97-98 (July
- Arnold Beichman in Christian Science Monitor 65.12
to 13 (8 Aug. 1973)
- Anon. in The New Yorker 49.72- (30 July 1973)
- Louis Berg in World 2.56-57 (3 July 1973)
- S. Head in The New York Review of Books (3 0 Sept.
1973) , 31-
- C. Lehmann-Haupt in The New York Times (2 Aug.
1973) , 39-
- S. S. Wolin in The New York Times Book Review (30
Sept. 1973), 31-
Translations :
Aus Staatsraison. (= Edition Suhrkamp, 736.) Frank
furt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1974, 154 pp. [chaps.I-IV have not
been included]. (Translator: Burkhart Kroeber.)
Okunino tameni II: Kokka-riyu a Zettai jiyuka. [See
under 1973n for the other part]. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-
shinsha, 1975, 260 pp. (Translator: Momo Iida.)
Per ragioni di stato: Ideologie coercitivo e forze
rivoluzionarie, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1977, xl, 495
pp. (Translated into Italian by Vittore De Tassis [=
chap.I, V-VIII and introd.] and S. S. Caruso [chaps.
III-IV and I X ] , respectively.)
Por vazon de estado. Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel, 1975,
609 pp. (Translator: J. Sempere.)
1973k "Prospects for the Middle East". WIN (8 Nov. 73), 4-5.
Translations :
Guerre et paix au Proche Orient, transi. by M. Sis-
sung, Paris: Belfond, 1974, 223 pp.
Guerra o Paz in Oriente Medio , Barcelona: Barrai Edi
tores, 1975, 225 pp.
Riflessioni sut Medio Oriente, trans1. by Giorgo
Stefancich, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1976, v, 182 pp.
1975h "An Exchange on the Jewish State". The New York Re
view of Books 22:12.40-42 (17 July 1975).
A reply to Bernard Avishai's review of 1974f (see
there for further information).
No translator mentioned.
1977s [Letter to the Editor]. New York Times (23 Dec. 1977).
On the Israeli occuptation of captured land.
1978n "10 Years after Tet: The big story that got away".
More 8, No.6 (June 1978), 16-23.
An excerpt from 1978k, which is the complete version.
1980f "The New Cold War". Resist Newsletter No.132, pp.1 and
4-6 (June 1980).
A revised version appeared in Radical America 15:1/2.
141-53 (Spring 1981), the paper constituting in effect
the transcript of a talk given in May 1980.
Repr. in 1981a (pp.129-34), with a note by the ed. (p.
128), with a much expanded version in 1982c.
"La nueva guerra fria", Bicicleta No.28.8-11 (May-June
1980), and also in the Spanish anarchist journal Adar
ga No.l (Madrid, June 1980).
A follow-up on 1980f.
"Hacia une n u e v a guerra fria", Bicicleta No.34.18-22
(Dec. 1 9 8 0 ) .
1980s Great Power Conflict : The new cold war. (= The Sixth
Samuel F. Salkin Memorial L e c t u r e , November 2, 1980.)
Minneapolis, Minnesota: First Unitarian Society of
Minneapolis (address: 900 M o u n t C u r v e A v e n u e , M i n n e
a p o l i s , MN 5 5 4 0 3 ) , 25 p p .
"This booklet contains two a d d i t i o n a l addresses de
livered by N o a m Chomsky on the same day: 'Linguistics
and the N a t u r e of Human T h o u g h t ' - " I n t e l l e c t u a l s —
The New C l a s s " . (Text on the cover p a g e ) . — These
two papers are printed on pp.15-19 and 2 0 - 2 5 , r e s p e c
tively .
1981) , 13-14.
The subtitle reads: "The Faurisson case in France has
raised the issue whether 'objectively dangerous views'
may be legitimately suppressed. Noam Chomsky argues
they cannot and replies to Gitta Seremy [see her "The
Nazi Record on Trial" in New Statesman (10 April 1981)
1982e "War, Crisis, and the Bomb". END Papers One (= Spokes
man Pamphlet, 3 9 ) , 94-98 (Winter 1981-82). Nottingham,
Published version of a talk given at Brown Univ. on
11 Nov. 1981 with the title of "Strategic Weapons,
the Cold War and the Third World". Repr. as 1982o.
Response to J. Alemany.
1986k 'Letter to the Editor'. New York Times (29 March 1986).
A reply to Martin Peretz (editor, among other things,
of The New Republic) .
19861 "Foreign: Not since the Third Reich. For thugs and
loonytunes look to Washington". New Statesman (4 April
1986), 17-18.
Portions of a paper entitled "International gangster
ism and its revards"; it deals with Pres. Ronald Rea
gan's attitude towards Libya (and Colonel M, Gadafy)
and Nicaragua.
(Spanish) translation :
"Temas de nuestra época: El 'gansterismo [sic] inter
national' y sus recompensas", El Pais (Madrid, 3 May
1986), 10-11.
Ad 1977v, translation:
Japanese transl., by Ichiyo Muto of "The Carter Admin
istration: Myth and reality" , Chuo-koron (Tokyo: Chuo-
koron-sha) No.1087, 158-73 (Oct. 1977) and No.1088, 188-
200 (Nov. 1977) .
, reviews :
- Tom Benet, "Chomsky Pushes Too Hard", San Francisco
Chronicle (25 Feb. 1982), p.63
- William C. Davison, "Challenge made to U.S. Policies".
Philadelphia Inquirer (21 March 1982), p.R5
- James Fallows, "Double Moral Standards", The Atlantic
(Feb. 1982), 82-86
- Richard Gott, "Cold War Revisited", Guardian (15 July
- Fred Halliday, "One Reason Why", New Society (27 May
- Kirsten Vagn Jensen, "Henimod en ny kold krig", Infor
mation (Copenhagen?, 27 May 1982)
- Walter LaFeber, "Chomsky Challenges", In These Times
(25 Aug. - 7 Sept. 1982)
- Rosaire Langlois, "Maverick Thinker Denounces U.S.",
Toronto Star (10? April 1982)
- Walter Laqueur, "The Politics of Adolescence", The New
Republic (24 March 1982), 37-39 — cf. the response by
Chomsky, "Lambasting Laqueur", ibid. (19 May 1982), p.
- Michael Mandelbaum in (New York) Times (21 March 1982),
Book Review section, pp.8 and 34.
Ad 1983k, insert:
- "The Macabre Cold War Dance". What Will It Take to
Prevent Nuclear War? Grassroots responses to our most
challenging question ed. by Pat Farren, 110-11. Cam
bridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publ. Co., 19 83.
p. 2.
Letter to the editor [i.e., M a r t i n P e r e t z , who in
fact is also the owner of the p e r i o d i c a l ] responding
to an editorial published in The New Republic (29 Oct.
1 9 8 4 ) , p . 9 , in w h i c h the editors relate an incident
which questions the honesty of Chomsky. See also the
editor(s)'s reply in the same D e c e m b e r 10th i s s u e .
Ad 1 9 8 4 p , new entvy :
- "True or F a l s e ? " . New Society 70, No.1142 (8 N o v . 8 4 ) ,
p. 2 2 6 .
A letter to the e d i t o r ' s , in w h i c h Chomsky tries to
defend his position regarding Khmer Rouge a t r o c i t i e s
(referring in p a r t i c u l a r to his and Edward S. Herman's
paper " D i s t o r t i o n s at Fourth H a n d " [see 1977k, a b o v e ] )
is ( c o u n t e r - ) e v i d e n c e . - Cf. the reply by Adam R o b e r t s ,
"Cambodian S t o r y " , New Society 7 0 , N o . 1 1 4 5 (29 Nov.
1984) , p. 3 5 2 .
Ad 1 9 6 7 h , new entry'.
- "'The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s ' : A n Exchange".
The New York Review of Books 8:5 (23 March 1967), p.28.
An exchange of letters b e t w e e n George Steiner and N.
Chomsky following the February 23rd re-issue of item
1966a (see page 9 1 , for d e t a i l s ) .
The New York Review of Books 8:7.30-32 (20 April 1967)
prints 3 letters to the editor commenting on Chomsky's
"The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s " a r t i c l e , by Ra-
ziel Abelson ( p . 3 0 ) , lauding Chomsky for his c o u r a g e ;
by Fryor Calhoun ( 3 0 - 3 1 ) , asking a few h y p o t h e t i c a l
q u e s t i o n s , and by E. B . M u r r a y ( 3 1 - 3 2 ) , illustrating
how Chomsky m a n i p u l a t e s his sources (concerning the
US a s s e s s m e n t of China in 1 9 5 4 ) .
Spanish translation:
"El porvenir de la izquierda (Entrevista)", USA: Mito,
realidad, acracia by N. Chomsky, ed. & transl. by .
. Otero, 141-57. Barcelona: Ariel, 1978.
1976b "Ma il '700 ê lontano [But the 1800s are far away]".
Ibid. (4/5 July 1976).
From an interview with Corrado Augias.
1979 and 1980 - interviews held with Riny Huybregts and Henk
van Riemsdijk in Nov. 1979 and March 1980 - see 1982a.
No more i n f o r m a t i o n available.
Ad 1979d, review.
Giulio (Ciro) Lepschy in Journal of Literary Seman
tics: An international review (Heidelberg) 10:2.
132-35 (1981)
* The list that follows was not easy to compile. Until recently, no
one kept any records of Chomsky's dissertation students, and even he
is sometimes not quite sure which dissertation he has actually super
vised in an official capacity. Fortunately, my job was easier than
it would have been if I had not been privileged to have, at the start,
the help of Maggie Carracino and Nancy M. Peters, who provided me
MIT Department of E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , 2 Of t h e a l t o
g e t h e r t h i r t e e n d i s s e r t a t i o n s w r i t t e n by t h e s t u d e n t s of
the f i r s t two c l a s s e s to e n t e r t h e newly c r e a t e d L i n g u i s t
i c s program in 1961 and 3 1962, Chomsky was t h e a p p o i n t e d
s u p e r v i s o r of only s i x . Some might be s u r p r i s e d t o d i s
cover t h a t even s t u d i e s t h a t a r e c l o s e l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
Chomsky's t h e o r y were not o f f i c i a l l y s u p e r v i s e d by him.
This i s t r u e , for example, of Richard S. Kayne's disser
t a t i o n , w r i t t e n exactly ten years after L e e s ' . 4 In f a c t ,
in a t l e a s t one i n s t a n c e Chomsky d i d n o t o f f i c i a l l y s u p e r
v i s e a d i s s e r t a t i o n b a s e d on an o r i g i n a l i d e a of h i s t h a t
was f a r from b e i n g warmly embraced by t h e o t h e r members of
the d o c t o r a l c o m m i t t e e . 5
S i n c e t h e amount of time s p e n t by someone d i s c u s s i n g
a s t u d e n t ' s d i s s e r t a t i o n is not a very r e l i a b l e i n d i c a t o r
of t h e v a l u e of t h e d i s c u s s i o n , i t might be h e l p f u l to t r y
t o o f f e r h e r e some i d e a of what h a v i n g a c c e s s to Chomsky
may mean for a s t u d e n t working on h i s / h e r d i s s e r t a t i o n . A
d i r e c t and p o s s i b l y r e v e a l i n g s o u r c e i s t h e t e s t i m o n y of
the s t u d e n t s themselves.
We might b e g i n w i t h a u t h o r s of d i s s e r t a t i o n s n o t a c
t u a l l y s u p e r v i s e d in a t e c h n i c a l s e n s e by Chomsky, s i n c e
in t h e s e i n s t a n c e s t h e o m i s s i o n of t h e acknowledgment
would have been u n r e m a r k a b l e . Not s u r p r i s i n g l y , one of
t h e f r a n k e s t and most p e r c e p t i v e comments i s from a Euro
pean s t u d e n t who was t o become an o u t s t a n d i n g l i n g u i s t and
who made o r i g i n a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s to every major s u b t h e o r y
of grammar. Here i s what he w r o t e :
As the inventor of modern s y n t a c t i c theory and i t s most b r i l
l i a n t exponent, Noam Chomsky has already c o n t r i b u t e d more to
t h i s t h e s i s than perhaps i s in i t . In working d i r e c t l y with
him, I have p r o f i t e d c r u c i a l l y from the unmatched r a p i d i t y of
comprehension and the immensity of t h e o r e t i c a l imagination he
r o u t i n e l y brings to bear on the s u b j e c t s of h i s a t t e n t i o n . 6
The s u b j e c t of h i s a t t e n t i o n was, in t h i s c a s e , r e l a t i v e
c l a u s e s in F r e n c h , a well-known European l a n g u a g e . As a
s e c o n d , complementary t e s t i m o n y , we might choose t h a t of a
s t u d e n t of a l e s s f a m i l i a r l a n g u a g e , C h i n e s e :
Noam Chomsky, whose influence on me can be seen throughout
the following pages, has given me i n v a l u a b l e advice on every
aspect of the t h e s i s and of the other aspects of l i n g u i s t i c s
and l i f e . The e x t e n t to which he has made himself a v a i l a b l e
to me and the amount of thought he has put i n t o my work go
well beyond what I or anyone e l s e can reasonably expect. His
g r o u p of g r a d u a t e s , and two from t h e m o s t r e c e n t . The
e a r l i e s t , w r i t t e n two d e c a d e s a g o , c a n now b e r e a d w i t h
t h e b e n e f i t of h i n d s i g h t . The f i r s t i s from one o f t h e
f i v e t h e s e s Chomsky s u p e r v i s e d i n 1 9 6 5 , t h e y e a r t h a t As
pects of the Theory of Syntax appeared:
I would l i k e to express my most s i n c e r e g r a t i t u d e to my t h e s i s
s u p e r v i s o r , Noam Chomsky, who has had a profound influence on
my t h i n k i n g and has been a continual source of i n t e l l e c t u a l
s t i m u l a t i o n such as I had never encountered before e n t e r i n g
M.I.T. I am equally g r a t e f u l to Morris H a l l e , whose ideas can
be found on every page of t h i s monograph and with whom I have
had countless hours of s t i m u l a t i n g and p l e a s u r a b l e d i s c u s s i o n .
I t i s to him and Prof. Chomsky t h a t I c r e d i t my r a p i d t r a n s f o r
mation from the i n t e l l e c t u a l c o u n t e r p a r t of a 97-pound weakling
i n t o a productive s c h o l a r in my chosen f i e l d . 1 3
The second t e s t i m o n y i s from a d i s s e r t a t i o n completed i n
1967, which i s d e d i c a t e d t o Chomsky and four o t h e r p e o p l e :
What I owe to Noam Chomsky i s i n c a l c u l a b l e . Unless he had
formulated the A-over-A p r i n c i p l e [ . . . ] , i t i s doubtful whether
I would have even n o t i c e d the problems which t h i s t h e s i s i s de
voted to s o l v i n g . I d i s a g r e e with him on many p a r t i c u l a r
p o i n t s of a n a l y s i s , but since i t was r e a l l y from h i s work t h a t
I learned how to construct an argument for or a g a i n s t a p r o
posed a n a l y s i s , my a b i l i t y to d i s a g r e e also d e r i v e s from him.
I am deeply g r a t e f u l to him and to Halle for helping me to un
derstand what i t i s t h a t a theory i s . 14
The s e c o n d p a i r o f t e s t i m o n i e s i s no l e s s f r a n k a n d e l o
q u e n t , a n d i t b o t h c o r r o b o r a t e s and c o m p l e m e n t s t h o s e a l
ready quoted. The f i r s t i s from one of t h e s i x d i s s e r t a
t i o n s Chomsky s u p e r v i s e d i n 1 9 8 1 , t h e y e a r t h a t Lectures on
Government and Binding appeared:
I am e s p e c i a l l y indebted to Noam Chomsky, whose influence on
my work has been extensive — as even a cursory reading of t h i s
t h e s i s w i l l r e v e a l . During the period when I was a c t i v e l y work
ing on the d i s s e r t a t i o n , he provided i n v a l u a b l e help and en
couragement, and the form and content of the finished product
has b e n e f i t t e d immensely from h i s comments on the f i r s t d r a f t
as i t a r r i v e d in b i t s and p i e c e s over the p a s t few months. (Sto-
well 1981 i n the l i s t below, p.4)
The s e c o n d o f t h i s p a i r of a c k n o w l e d g m e n t s is less than a
y e a r o l d and r e a d s :
Working with Noam Chomsky, Ken Hale and Luigi Rizzi i s a p r i v
i l e g e few can hope f o r , and even four years a f t e r a r r i v i n g h e r e ,
I feel sometimes t h a t i t must be a dream. About Noam Chomsky
much has been s a i d , and I agree with a l l of i t t h a t i s good.
His i n s p i r i n g c l a s s e s , b r i l l i a n t i n s i g h t s , and h i s sharp i n
volvement in the work of his s t u d e n t s are j u s t t h r e e f a c e t s of
natural sciences.
To say that in the development of generative grammar
in the second half of our century every leading idea is due
to Noam Chomsky would be something of an exaggeration.15
It seems fair to say, however, that the change referred to
in the preceding paragraph, which for all we know might be
epoch-making, is essentially due to the work of Noam Chom
sky, not only as a creative genius but also as an inspired
and inspiring teacher — two facets that not always go
hand in hand. Here we touch the core of the intent of the
present volume. The significance of Chomsky's contribution
as a thesis adviser is certainly not exhausted in what he
might bring to a particular discussion. Rather, it lies in
his research program and strategy, and in particular in the
direction he imparts to the research, which often benefits
from his uncanny ability to raise intriguing questions and
suggest answers which raise new questions in a number suf
ficient to keep active research going among his direct
students and many others elsewhere.16 The goal of this
complex and extensive research program, which he conducts
with unsurpassed virtuosity (and unusual dedication), is
nothing less than the assimilation of linguistic psychology
(as a first step) to the natural sciences. The linguist's
task is to discover the nature of the language data, the
language faculty ('universal grammar'), the language ('part
icular grammar'), and the structured expressions determined
by the language.17
One could imagine a quite different situation — a si
tuation in which generative grammar, once discovered, be
came the province of other and possibly deeper minds. One
could easily expect this to happen at MIT in less than thir
ty years, since every year it attracts some of the very best
young minds in the country (some would say in the world),
not all free from ladymacbethian temptation. Clearly, it
has not come to pass. We owe to Noam Chomsky not only the
original discovery and construction of the theory, and the
two major reconstructions of the overall theory in 1965 and
in 1980, but also many of the major discoveries along the
It is of particular interest to look at the theses
listed below (and, more generally, at the studies directly
influenced by his work or his advice) from this perspective.
What we find is that Chomsky's work has led the way from the
very beginning and without noticeable breaks; in particular,
some topics which are cpnspicuously absent from Chomsky's
work are not usually found in the dissertations he super
vises (cf. The Generative Enterprise [Dordrecht: Foris,
1982], p.81). Not only has he not been left behind by his
vious if, for example, one compares Kuroda's most recent at
tempt to relate Japanese to English21 with his insightful
dissertation of 1965, referred to above, but it can also be
seen in some of the recent dissertations, especially when
read in isolation (see for instance Mark Baker's [1985] dis
sertation, an impressive achievement). It should be added
that the contribution to generative studies in Romance, in
itiated by Richard Kayne in 1969, to the broadening of the
factual base and the closely related exploration of new i-
deas played no small part in the development of the Pisa
theory. It was above all Kayne's work and teaching, and
the interest in generative grammar it sparked and stimulated
in Europe, that set off the exceptionally influential re
search on a number of more or less closely related languages
(representing several families, particularly Romance and
Germanic) which is behind the new comparative approach to
universal grammar.22
Finally, we should note a not unimportant contribution
to the transmission and extension of knowledge of generative
grammar might well be credited to the mere passage of time.
It has been suggested more than once that major artists or
thinkers have to create their own readers and appreciators.
If this is a reliable test for a great mind, Chomsky may
qualify. Not only has he failed to convince his colleagues,
as Max Planck's often-quoted remark would have led us to ex
pect (cf. note 11), but he has been misunderstood more often
than not both by the graduate students of his colleagues who
developed some interest in generative grammar and by a number
of his early students, some of whom have shown an understand
able proneness to revert to the old ways.23 It is still too
early to tell, but sometimes one gets the impression that
graduates of the 1980s, who are younger than generative gram
mar and no doubt freer from the burdens of a past they are
not tied to, approach current work in linguistics with some
thing like a new disposition — not unlike the way an enter
prising climber approaches a challenging peak. If true, an
understanding of the difference might take us some way to
wards explaining the astonishing level of success of the
last few years both in the investigation of current issues
in universal grammar and in the analysis of a wide variety
of languages.24
We may ask ourselves whether the work of the 1980s pro
vides better evidence than earlier work that there has been
a revolution in the understanding of language that humans
are capable of and that this revolution is beginning to be
assimilated by open-minded students as an important part of
the intellectual heritage available.25 As usual, it would
be foolish, if not dishonest, to jump to conclusions. Only
time can tell, and there is no virtue in being impatient.
1) The two M.S. theses in question are: Karuvannur Puthanveettie
Mohanan, Grammatical Relations and Anaphora in Malay lam, and Jon Ed
wards, A Cross-Linguistic Study of Broca's Aphasia (44 typed pages),
both completed in 1981.
2) A 'somewhat revised version' appeared as supplement to UAL
volume 26 under the title The Grammar of English Nominalizations by
Robert B. Lees (Bloomington, Ind., 1960). In the Acknowledgements we
read, among others: "Both [Professor Morris Halle] and Professor Noam
Chomsky, also of the Dept. of Modern Languages, whose influence appears
in every page, offered detailed suggestions for improvement."
3) See Frederick J. Newmeyer, Linguistic Theory in America: The
first quarter century of transformational generative grammar (New York:
Academic Press, 1980), p.50.
4) See Richard Stanley Kayne (1944- ) , The Transformational Cycle
in French Syntax, MIT doctoral diss., Sept. 1969, 199 typed pp. — A
thoroughly revised and expanded version was published six years later
under the title French Syntax: The transformational cycle (Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1975), xvi, 473 pp. It also appeared in French
translation as Syntaxe du français : Le cycle transformationnel (Paris:
Editions du Seuil, 1977), 440 pp.
5) See Mary-Louise Kean, The Theory of Markedness in Generative
Grammar, MIT doctoral diss., June 1975, p.4. Cf. also Chomsky, The
Generative Enterprise (Dordrecht: Foris , 1982), 108ff.
6) See Jean Roger Vergnaud, French Relative Clauses, MIT doctoral
diss., Feb. 1974, p.3.
7) See Cheng-Teh James Huang, Logical Relations and the Theory of
Grammar, MIT doctoral diss., June 1982, p.4.
8) Here we are concerned with dissertations only. Needless to say,
Chomsky does not limit his attention to dissertations, as numerous ac-
OF N O A M C H O M S K Y , 1964-1986
* 11. stands for 'leaves' / 'typed pages', pp. for 'printed pages'.
** Whenever Garland Publishing is referred to, facs. reproductions
appeared in its "Outstanding Dissertations ..." series.
* * * **
Arias, M.: 176
Aarsleff, H.: 25 Arnauld, A.: 26
Aarts, J.M.G.A.: 49 Aronson, R.: 38
Abe, Y.: 74 Arsent'eva, N. G.: 5, 9, 10
Abel, .: 99 Artai, G.: 55, 83
Abelson, R.: 162 Augias, C.: 121, 192, 170
Abraham, W.: 69 Austerlitz, R.: 58
Abt, L. E. : 167 Authier, D.: 130
Acuna, A. E.: 79 Avishai, B.: 115, 118
Adams, N. S.: 104 Axmanova, 0. S.: 23, 42
Adler, M. J.: 98 Ayer, A. J.: 116
mjian, A. : 62 Azzoug, M.: 72
Al, B.: 16
Albert, M.: 145 .
Albrecht, E.: 27
Babcox, D . : 99
Alemany, J.: 142
Babcox, P . : 99
Allen, H. B.: 13, 18
B a b i c k i j , K. I . : 8
Allen, J.: 101
B a c c a r a n i , A. L . : 21
Allen, J.P.B.: 28, 48
B a c h , E . : 5 4 , 85
Allen, .: 49
B a i r a t i , P . : 108
Alsop, J.: 100
B a k e r , M. C . : 202
Altweg, J.: 135
B a k e r , R. G.: 82
Alworth, E. P.: 10
B a l c k , F . : 12
Ambrosinki, R.: 58
B a l t i n , M. R . : 199
Améry, J.: 108
Bang, . : 28
Anderson, S. R.: 54
B a r - A d o n , . : 49
Andor, J.: 83
B a r a n e l l i , L, : 97
Anon(ymous): 19, 25, 29, 38, 48,
B a r d o n , S. G.: 52
51, 57, 61, 96, 102, 108, 112,
B a r - H i l l e l , Y . : 4 , 60
114, 115, 138
B a r t o n , D . : 153
Anshen, R. N,: 77
B a r t o n , J . : 157
Antai, L,: 42
B a s a g l i a , F . : 1 0 9 , 111
Antinucci, F.: 8, 12
Baug, B . : 28
Aoun, J. F.: 201
B a y e s , R . : 12
Apfelbaum, E.: 143
B a y n a c , J . : 138
Arendt, H.: 94, 164
B e a t t i e , G. W.: 83
Argente, J. A.: 58
B e a v e r , J . C . : 3 8 , 39
Compiled by Matsuji Tajima; revised and enlarged by Konrad Koerner;
italicized page references indicate collaborative efforts with
others (which excludes discussions, however).