Koerner, E. F. K. & Tajima, M. Noam Chomsky. A Personal Bibliography 1951-1986

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General Editor
(University of Ottawa)

Series V


Advisory Editorial Board

Mohammed FL Bakalla (Riyadh); Jivco Boyadjiev (Sofia)

Frank Di Trolio (Ottawa); Leszek M. Karpinski (Vancouver, B.C.)
Salvatore C. Sgroi (Catania); Joseph L. Subbiondo (Santa Clara, Calif.)
Matsuji Tajima (Fukuoka, Japan)

Volume 11

E.F. Konrad Koerner & Matsuji Tajima (comps.)

Noam Chomsky
A Personal Bibliography, 1951-1986

Compiled by

University of Ottawa Kyushu University

with the collaboration of

University of California, Los Angeles



Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Koerner, E.F.K.
Noam Chomsky: a personal bibliography, 1951-1986.
(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series V, Library &
information sources in linguistics, ISSN 0165-7267; v. 11)
Includes index.
1. Chomsky, Noam - Bibliography. I. Tajima, Matsuji, 1942- . II. Otero, Carlos
Peregrin, 1930- . III. Title. IV. Series: Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of
linguistic science. Series V, Library and information sources in linguistics; v. 11.
Z8168.K63 1986 [P85.C47] 016.41'092'4 86-26829
ISBN 90-272-1000-4 (alk. paper)
Copyright 1986 - John Benjamins B.V.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or
any other means, without written permission from the publisher.

Preface (including acknowledgements) vii

NOAM CHOMSKY: A Personal Bibliography
Part I: Writings in Linguistics and related Fields 3
Addenda to Part I 79
Part II: Writings on Political Issues and Other Non-Linguistic Subjects . 91
Addenda to Part II 157
Part III: Interviews and Discussions with Noam Chomsky 165
Addenda to Part III 178
Dissertations Written under the Supervision of Noam Chomsky,
1964-1986 (compiled by Carlos P. Otero) 181
Index of Names 205


Location of Pictures and Facsimiles

Photograph of Noam Chomsky vi
Facsimile of title page of Syntactic Structures (1957) 2
Facsimile of title page of American Power and the New Mandarins
(1969) 90
Picture of Noam Chomsky in conversation with Mitsou Ronat,
Michel Viel and others (Pavia, April 1979) 164

The compilation of a Werkbibliographie may stem from a variety of

motives; it may be undertaken by pupils of a revered master, by followers
of a particular school of thought, or by a person wishing to come to grips
with the essence of a scholar's, scientist's, or writer's oeuvre. In the present
case, the main impetus for producing a bibliography of Noam Chomsky's
output derives from a strong interest in and a commitment to a historical
accounting of the contribution to the field of linguistic theory and possibly
other subjects, such as philosophy, or even political science, by a man who
has dominated linguistics for more than a generation, at least in North
It is not the place here to relate the wearisome genesis of the present
work, which was begun during the academic year 1976-77, while I was
director of the Linguistics Documentation Centre at the University of
Ottawa and in search of projects that could subsequently be published in a
newly established series (cf. the imprint of volumes 1-2 and 4-7 of the "Lib­
rary & Information Sources in Linguistics", published during 1977-79).
However, a few details should be mentioned for history's sake, also in view
of the fact that several similar bibliographies have appeared since then.
Serious research was conducted during the academic years 1977-78 and
1978-79, when I was joined by my long-time, distinguished friend, Professor
Matsuji Tajima of Kyushu University, who decided to come to Ottawa for
two years of study in the field of Medieval English. However, the prepara­
tion of the first International Conference on the History of the Language
Sciences, held in Ottawa in August 1978, the editing of the proceedings of
the conference, and the closing of the Documentation Centre in the sum­
mer of 1979 as well as the departure for Japan of Professor Tajima brought
the work on the bibliography almost to a stand-still. Yet copies of the first
version of Part I of the present bibliography were sent to a number of schol­
ars in the United States and Europe during July 1979,* and copies of Part
II in March 1980; but although several linguists supplied me with very use-

*One of the recipients of these early instalments was Dr. Salvatore Claudio Sgroi, whose own
Chomsky Bibliography appeared in 1983.

ful corrections and additions, concentrated work on the project was

resumed only in the summer of 1983, when my Japanese collaborator
returned to Ottawa for a three-month stint. The only excuse for the addi­
tional delay in the completion of the volume that I can offer is that I have
had many other tasks to perform during the past ten years as teacher,
researcher, and editor.
It may be impossible after so many years to remember all those who
have offered comments on the earlier versions, have provided me with
specific information or with generous help. To those whose names I have
inadvertently omitted, I herewith offer my sincere apologies.
Following a private meeting with Professor Chomsky in his office at
M.I.T. in March 1978, I received his approval for the project as well as his
subsequent assistance. He provided me with copies of his own list of publi­
cations and read my 1979-80 drafts. I recall that he regarded his political
writings as an integral part of his scholarly output which should not be
divorced from his linguistic work, a position, however, which I did not share
and have chosen to ignore. In the subsequent years, it was particularly his
secretary, Nancy M. Peters, who kindly provided me with copies of the rel­
evant pages of the Chomsky bibliography kept at the Department of Lin­
guistics and Philosophy at M.I.T., and also to Ms Maggie Carracino, who
filled in for her on several occasions.
Substantial help came from Giulio C. Lepschy (Reading), Keiji
Konomi (Fukuoka), Federico Masini (Beijing), and Kei-Ichi Yamanaka
(Tokyo), who sent lists of translations of Chomsky's writings into Italian,
Japanese, and Chinese. Professor Vladimir A. Zvegincev (Moscow) and his
junior colleague Dr Sergej I. Gindin supplied the bulk of the Russian mate­
rial, and Carlos P. Otero sent information on (mostly) Spanish translations
as well as on very recent publications not easily accessible to me.
A number of other persons should be mentioned here for having
responded to particular queries and provided specific details. They include
Manuel Breva-Claramonte (Deusto), Frank Di Trolio (Ottawa), Luigi
Heilmann (Bologna), Esa Itkonen (Helsinki), Tore Janson (Stockholm),
Peter H. Matthews (Cambridge), D. Terence Langendoen (New York),
John Lyons (Brighton), James D. McCawley (Chicago), Hans F. Nielsen
(Odense), Folke Sandgren (Stockholm), and Minoru Yasui (Inashikigun).
Last but not least the acknowledgement list also must include reference to
those works that have been made use of in the compilation of the present
volume. These are (in chronological order):

(1) Wolfgang Karrer & Edward Palascak, "A Chomsky Bibliog­

raphy", Language Sciences No.40 (April 1976), 8-16, and the
"Additions ..." supplied by Tilman N. Hohle, ibid. No.41 (Au­
gust 1976), p. 13.
(2) Harald Weydt & Kennosuke Ezawa, "Noam Chomskys linguis­
tische Schriften bibliographisch aufgeschlüsselt1', Noam Chom­
skys Werk: Kritik — Kommentar — Bibliographie by Harald
Weydt, 77402. Tübingen: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, 1976, viii,
110 pp.
(3) Noriko Terazu, "Chomsky Chosaku Ichiran [A bibliography of
Chomsky's writings]", Gengo (Tokyo: Taishukan) 6:2.60-65
(February 1977).
(4) L.S. Ramiah & T.V. Prafulla Chandra, Noam Chomsky: A bib­
liography, Hyderabad: Central Institute of English and Foreign
Languages, 1983; Haryana: Indian Documentation Service, 1984
(distributed by Humanities Press, Altantic Heights, N.J.), 101
pp. ("Works by Chomsky", 7-27).
(5) Salvatore Claudio Sgroi, Noam Chomsky: Bibliografía 1949-
1981. Padova, Italy: C.L.E.S.P. editrice, 1983, ix, 361 pp. (Bib­
liography: 95-306.)
Without doubt Sgroi's work is the most comprehensive and detailed compi­
lation, one which the present bibliography could not duplicate, and this not
only because I am not as optimistic as he is that this effort "è virtualmente
esaustivo" (p.v; emphasis in the original). It will become obvious for
everyone comparing these two compilations that the present work owes
much to Sgroi's efforts, especially in the political section and with regard to
translations into Italian and Spanish. At times I have simply referred the
reader to Sgroi's work for further details, usually translations, though his
work does not include translations into languages other that Italian,
French, Spanish, and German, whereas the present volume also contains
translations into Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,
Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish.
Besides these special publications regular use has been made of the
research tools generally available in university libraries, of which the Bib­
liographie linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography deserves special mention
because of its reliability and thoroughness of coverage. Its current editor,

Dr. Mark Janse, has in addition provided me with a number of recent ref­
erences compiled by his office, a service for which I wish to express my
gratitude, in particular because volumes of the Linguistic Bibliography (as
well as the MLA Bibliography for that matter) have been appearing with
delays of several years.
Yet the contribution by Matsuji Tajima to the present volume at its
various stages of development has been the most significant of them all, to
the extent that the appearance of his name on the title page is fully jus­
tified. For his selfless work and his longtime friendship and support a public
expression of gratitude is in order.
Now, a few words about the bibliography itself, its organization and
As may be gathered from the Addenda (pp. 79-87) to Part I of the vol­
ume, a great effort has been made to provide a most complete listing of
Chomsky's writings in linguistics, including translations, reviews and critical
comments. An attempt was made to offer a fairly accurate chronological
order of these works, though for a variety of reasons, including lack of
information concerning the actual writing of a paper or larger study on a
number of occasions, this goal could not always be attained. Thus, item
1963a for instance goes back to a seminar presentation made by Chomsky
and Schützenberger at the IBM World Trade European Center in
Blaricum, The Netherlands, in 1961, as I discovered after completion of
this portion of the Bibliography.
Likewise, efforts have been made to provide a fairly complete listing of
Chomsky's output in non-linguistic areas. Here at least up until the 1981
publications, I have profited a great deal from Dr. Sgroi's compilation; he
in turn had derived much information directly from Chomsky and Carlos P.
Otero. Yet, given the nature of the subjects in which Chomsky involved
himself and the nature of the outlets, newspapers, local, regional, national,
and international, magazines, pamphlets of various political organizations,
etc., one cannot but hope that the coverage and the details provided here
will supply a fair picture of Chomsky's extra-linguistic engagements.
The third and last portion of the bibliography, namely, the one listing
interviews and Chomsky's participation in various debates (of which only
those have been included which became available in print in one form or
another), is no doubt the least satisfactory part of the Bibliography. How­
ever, it was felt that a number of them provide background information on
Chomsky not readily found in the regular biographical reference works of

academic libraries and could thus serve as complements to statements per­

taining to his biography and intellectual sources.
As someone particularly interested in the history of linguistics, I am
pleased that Professor Carlos P. Otero (to whom I owe quite a number of
details with regard to especially Part II of the present bibliography) man­
aged to bring together a list of those linguists who completed their disserta­
tions under Noam Chomsky's supervision, as this would allow researchers
in the field to trace more accurately his impact on North American linguis­
tics during the past thirty or so years. Given the fact that completeness has
been aimed at, but not quite achieved in the present enterprise and that
Noam Chomsky continues to be active in his chosen fields of interest, space
has been provided in all sections for the listing of additional references,
either inadvertently omitted in the present bibliography or published sub­
sequently. To conclude, while this work might not be a complete 'Chomsky
schedato', it is hoped that it may have provided something like a vademe­
cum to anyone interested in this influential figure of Western linguistic

Hull, Québec — Amsterdam — Engelskirchen

August — September 1986 K.K.



Facsimile of title-page of Syntactic Structures (1957)


1951 Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew. Master's Thesis,

Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 46 typed pp.
This M . A . thesis in effect goes back to an 'under­
graduate t h e s i s ' of 1 9 4 9 . It w a s included as an
appendix to chap.VII of The Logical Structure of
Linguistic Theory (see 1955a b e l o w ) , but not in its
1975 printing (see 1975c). First published as 1979b.
1953 "Systems of Syntactic Analysis". The Journal of Sym­
bolic Logic 18:3.242-56 (Sept.) [Written in 1 9 5 2 . ]

1954 R e v i e w o f E l e z i e r R i e g e r , Modern Hebrew (New Y o r k :

P h i l o s o p h i c a l L i b r a r y , 1 9 5 3 ) . Language 30:1.180-81
(Jan./March). [Written in 1953.]

1955a The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. Cambridge,

M a s s . : M . I . T . , 752 typed p p . (pages v a r y i n g ) . Mimeo.
Of this study there exist a number of differing v e r ­
s i o n s , of w h i c h the first two have been circulating
from Harvard U n i v . and M . I . T . L i b r a r i e s : Version 1
was completed in Spring 1 9 5 5 ; it consists of c h a p s .
I -  . V e r s i o n 2 w a s revised during Fall 1955 and com­
pleted in Jan. 1 9 5 6 ; c h a p s . I - V I I w e r e r e v i s e d , the
remaining p o r t i o n s remained u n c h a n g e d . Version 3 was
worked on from J a n . 1956 o n w a r d s ; a Preface w a s added
and chap.X of the earlier v e r s i o n s w a s s u b s t a n t i a l l y
revised and placed as c h a p . I ; chaps.I-V of the earlier
v e r s i o n s are n o w numbered I I - V I ; the r e m a i n d e r w a s
taken over from v e r s i o n s 2 (now c h a p s . V I I - V I I I ) and 1
(now c h a p . I X and X ) . During 1 9 5 8 / 5 9 , w h i l e a Research
Fellow at the I n s t i t u t e for A d v a n c e d Study at P r i n c e ­
ton U n i v e r s i t y , a renewed effort w a s m a d e to revise
the w o r k ; c h a p s . I - V I are r e w r i t t e n . — Since c o m p l e ­
tion of V e r s i o n 4 would require a c o n s i d e r a b l e rework­
ing of the remaining p o r t i o n of the study, V e r s i o n 3
was chosen as the basis for the printed v e r s i o n of
1975 (see 1975c) .

C h a p . V I I I of V e r s i o n 1 (= unchanged hap.IX of V e r ­
sion 3) c o n s t i t u t e s , apart from m i n o r changes on page
1, Chomsky's doctoral d i s s e r t a t i o n (see 1955d b e l o w ) .

1955b "Logical S y n t a x and S e m a n t i c s : T h e i r l i n g u i s t i c rele­

v a n c e " . Language 31:1.36-45 (Jan./March).

Also available as a separate printing in the "Reprint

Series on L a n g u a g e and L i n g u i s t i c s " (Indianapolis &
New Y o r k : B o b b s - M e r r i l , n . d . ) . - The paper was w r i t ­
ten in response to Y e h o s h u a B a r - H i l l e l ' s [(1915-75)]
a r t i c l e , "Logical Syntax and S e m a n t i c s " , Language 30.
230-37 ( 1 9 5 4 ) .
Translations :
"Syntaxe logique et s é m a n t i q u e : Leur p e r t i n e n c e lin­
g u i s t i q u e " , Langages No.2 : Logique et linguistique ed.
by E. C o u m e t , 0 [ s w a l d ] Ducrot & J. G a t t e n g o , 4 2 - 5 7 .
P a r i s : D i d i e r / L a r o u s s e , (June) 1 9 6 6 , 136 p p . [The vol.
also contains a Fr. transl. of B a r - H i l l e l ' s paper on
"Sintassi logica e s e m a n t i c a : Loro pertinenza linguis­
tica", Linguistica generale, strutturalismo, linguis­
tica storica ed. by Tristano B o l e l l i , 3 5 8 - 7 2 . P i s a :
Nistri-Lischi, 1971, xviii, 578. With an introd. by
the ed. ( 3 5 7 - 5 8 ) ; t r a n s l a t o r : Roberto P e r o n i .
This t r a n s l a t i o n was also published in Le teorie sin-
tattiche del novecento ed. by Sorin S t a t i , 3 2 1 - 3 4 . B o ­
logna: Il M u l i n o , 1 9 7 7 , 375 pp. - A third t r a n s l a t i o n ,
by A r m a n d o De P a l m a , appeared in 1974f ( p p . 1 6 9 - 8 5 ) .

_955c "Semantic C o n s i d e r a t i o n s in G r a m m a r " . Report of the

Sixth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and
Language Teaching (= Monograph Series on Language and
L i n g u i s t i c s , 8 ) , ed. by Ruth H i r s c h W e i n s t e i n , 1 4 1 - 5 0 .
W a s h i n g t o n , D.C.: S c h o o l of L a n g u a g e s and L i n g u i s t i c s ,
Georgetown Univ. (Discussion, 150-58.)

Paper read in Spring 1955 at G e o r g e t o w n Univ.

.955d Transformational Analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ.

of P e n n s y l v a n i a , P h i l a d e l p h i a , X I I I , 170 typed pp.

This study is identical with c h a p . V I I I of 1955a (ver­

sion 1 / 2 ) ; it was published as hap.IX in 1 9 7 5 c . —
Copies of the o r i g i n a l text are a v a i l a b l e from Univ.
M i c r o f i l m s at Ann A r b o r , Mich. as D o c t o r a l D i s s e r t a -

tion Publication No.13.380. For a summary, see Dis­

sertation Abstracts 15:10.1848-49 (Ann Arbor, Mich.,
1955), where the number of pages is given as 190; in­
deed, the Univ. Microfilms copy has xiii 4- 175 pages.

1955e (Together with Fred Lukoff). "Construction of the Ger­

man Verb Phrase". Mechanical Translation Group Memo­
randum of 12 Aug. 1955. Cambridge, Mass.: Research
Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T.

No further information available.

1956a (Together with Morris Halle and Fred Lukoff). "On Ac­
cent and Juncture in English". For Roman Jakobson: Es­
says on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday 11 Oct.
19 56 ed. by Morris Halle, Horace G(ray) Lunt, Hugh
MacLean, and C(ornelis) H(enricus) van Schooneveld,
65-80. The Hague: Mouton.

Some of this material is incorporated in 1968 j.

1956b "Three Models for the Description of Language". I[n­

stitute of] R[adio] E[ngineers] Transactions on Infor­
mation Theory vol.IT, No.3, 113-24 (Sept.). (= Proceed­
ings of the Symposium on Information Theory.) Cam­
bridge, Mass.: Inst. of Radio Engineers.

For a somewhat revised version see 1965d; the text is

printed, in an abridged version, in 1966d.
Translations :
"Trois modèles de description du langage", Langages,
No.9: Les modèles en linguistique ed. by Maurice
Gross, 51-76. Paris: Didier/Larousse, (March) 1968.
[The translator is probably Maurice Gross.]
"Tre modelli per la descrizione del linguaggio",
transl. by Armando De Palma in 1974f (203-235, with
an introd. note, 199-201).
"Tri modeli opisanija jazyka", Kibernetičeskij sbor-
nik ed. by A. A. Ljapunov et al., No.2, 237-66. Moscow:
Izd. inostr. literatury, 1961, 267 pp. (Translator:
N[ina] G[eorgievna] Arsent'eva.)

1956c "The Range of Adequacy of Various Types of Grammars".

R[esearch] L[aboratories of] E[lectronics] Quarterly
Progress Report No.41, April (?) 1956, 93-96. M.I.T.
No further information available.

1956d "On the Limits of Finite State Description". Ibid.,

No.42, July 1956, 64-65.

No further information available.

1957a "Logical Structures in Language". American Documenta­

tion 8:4.284a-291b (Oct.).

Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Academy

of Applied Sciences and the American Documentation
Institute, New York, December 1956.

"Strutture logiche del linguaggio", transl. into It.
by Ch. Ingrao in 1969k (pp.35-50), repr. in 1975i.

1957b (Together with George A(rmitage) Miller). "Pattern

Conception". Proceedings of the University of Michi­
gan Symposium on Pattern Recognition, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Oct. 1957.

No further information available.

1957c Review of Roman Jakobson & Morris Halle, Fundamentals

of Language (The Hague: Mouton, 1956). International
Journal of American Linguistics 23 : 2.234a-42a (July).

Repr. in 1972d (pp.343-50).

1957d Review of Charles F(rancis) Hockett, A Manual of Phon­

ology (Baltimore, Md.: Waverly Press, 1955). Ibid.,

1957e "Ha-Safa Ha-Ivrit le'or Ha-Balshanut Ha-Xadasha [The

Hebrew language in the light of modern linguistics]".
Sheviley Ha-Hinuch 17:4 (Summer 1957).

No further information available.


1957f Syntactic Structures . (= Janua Linguarum; Series minor,

4.) T h e H a g u e : M o u t o n , 116 [later e d i t i o n s : 118] p p .

Of this book there exist many r e p r i n t i n g s , the 14th of

w h i c h appeared in 1 9 8 5 . The 1962 reprint had its b i b ­
liography extended by "Some a d d i t i o n a l b i b l i o g r a p h y on
generative g r a m m a r " . The 1971 printing has the refer­
ences extended to 1968 p u b l i c a t i o n s . - " P r e f a c e " (pp.
5-7) signed 'August 1, 1 9 5 6 ' .
Excerpts are republished in 1969c and 1971b.
Reviews :
- Robert B ( e n j a m i n ) Lees in Language 33:4.375-404
(Oct./Dec. 1 9 5 7 )
- W i l l i a m Haas in Archivium Linguisticum 10.50-54
- Charles (or Carl) F ( r e d e r i c k ) V o e g e l i n in Interna­
tional Journal of American Linguistics 24.229-31
- Giuseppe Francescato in Archivio Glottologico Ita­
liano 43.66-69 (1958)
- John Lyons in Litera: Studies in language and l i ­
terature (Istanbul) 5.109-115 (1958)
- E(lena) V ( i k t o r o v n a ) Paduceva in Bulletin objedine-
nija po mašinnomu perevodu No.7, ed. by V(iktor)
J u ( l ' e v i c ) R o z e n c v e i g , 5 0 - 5 9 . M o s c o w : Institut i n o -
str. jazykov, 1958, and in Voprosy Jazykoznanija 8:
1.133-38 (1959)
- Robbins Burling in American Anthropology 61.160-62
- Georges Mounin in Bulletin de la Société de Linguis­
tique de Paris 5 6 : 2 . 3 8 - 4 0 and in Babel 7.35 (1961)
- T ( a t ' i a n a ) N ( i k o l a e v n a ) M o l o s n a j a in Strukturno-ti-
pologičeskie issledovanija ed. by T. N. M . , 2 1 4 - 1 6 .
M o s c o w : Izd. Akad . Nauk SSSR, 1 9 6 2
- Heles Contreras in Boletin de Filología de la Uni­
versidad de Chile 14.251-57 (1962)
- A ( n d r é ) G. F. v a n H o l k , "On T r a n s f o r m a t i o n s " , Syn­
these 1 4 . 2 1 6 - 2 3 (1962)
- Vincent Sabik in Asian and African Studies (Bratis­
lava) 1.165-70 (1965)
- J(ohan) F(rits) Staal in Journal of Symbolic Logic
31.245- (1966)
- Helmut Gipper in Bibliographisches Handbuch zur
Sprachinhalts forschung ed. by H. Gipper and Hans
Schwarz B d . 1 . 2 7 7 - 7 8 . O p l a d e n : W e s t d e u t s c h e r Verlag,
- Richard L. H a w k e y , "A Critique of Certain Basic The­
o r e t i c a l Notions in Chomsky's Syntactic Structures"
Folia Linguistica 4:1/2.193-209 (1971 for 1 9 7 0 ) .

[Note: Robert B. L e e s ' 'review' was reprinted in Noam

Chomsky: Critical essays ed. by Gilbert H e r m a n , 34-79.
Garden C i t y , N . Y . : A n c h o r Press / D o u b l e d a y , 1 9 7 4 . ]

Translations :
"Sintaksičeskie struktury", transl. into R u s s . by
K(onstatin) I(vanovič) Babickij, Novoe v lingvistike
ed. by V ( l a d i m i r ) A ( n d r e e v i č ) Zvegincev, 412-527. Mos­
cow: Izd. i n o s t r . l i t e r a t u r y , 1 9 6 2 , 685 pp. — Ex­
cerpts from this transl. were republished in V. A. Z v e -
gincev's Istorija jazykoznanij a v črka i izvlečeni-
jax, Part I I , 4 5 2 - 5 7 . M o s c o w : Izd. Prosveščenije, 1965,
495 pp.
  kozo. Transl. into Japanese by Yasuo I s a m i ,
T o k y o : K e n k y u s h a , 1 9 6 3 , v i i i , 118 pp. (16th [sic]
printing, 1977.)
Structures syntaxiques. Transl. into French by M i c h e l
B r a u d e a u . (= L'ordre philosophique, 3.) P a r i s : Ed. du
S e u i l , 1 9 6 9 , 143 pp. [With a 'supplement b i b l i o g r a ­
p h i q u e ' (133-41) by Nicolas R u w e t . ]
[Reviewed by Joseph Nivette in Revue belge de Philoso­
phie 48.153-56 ( 1 9 7 0 ) . — For brief excerpts of the
transl. in other w o r k s , consult Sgroi (1983:103).]

For Czech translation ( 1 9 6 9 ) , see information given in

1966h ( b e l o w ) .

Le strutture della sintassi. Ed. and transl. with an

Introd. by Francesco A n t i n u c c i . (= Universale Later-
za, 129.) B a r i : G. Laterza 1 9 7 0 , X X X I , 215 p p .
[Reviewsof the It. t r a n s l . Sergio Scalise in Lin­
gua e Stile 5.328-29 (1970), and R a f f a e l e Simone in
La Ricerca (15 D e c . 1 9 7 0 ) , p.12.]

For excerpts of the It. transl. in other w o r k s , con­

sult Sgroi (1983:103) .

For S e r b o - C r o at i o n t r a n s l a t i o n (1972) by Ranko Bugar-

s k i , see item 1972 e ( b e l o w ) .

Strukturen der Syntax. Transl. into German by K l a u s -

Peter L a n g e . (= Janua Linguarum; Series m i n o r , 182.)
The Hague: M o u t o n , 1 9 7 3 , 136 pp.

Syntaktiska strukturer. Transl. into Swedish by Anders

Löfqvist & Eva W i g f o r s s . Lund: G l e e r u p , 1 9 7 3 , 132 pp.

Estructuras sintácticas. Traducción, introducción,

notas y apéndices por Carlos P e r e g r i n O t e r o . M é x i c o :
Siglo V e i n t i u n o , 1 9 7 4 , 1 v i , 177 pp.
[This S p a n , transl. contains a new introd. by Chomsky
" I n t r o d u c c i ó n a la teoría estandar e x t e n d i d a " ( 3 - 2 3 ) ,
which was subsequently republished in La teoría es­
tándar extendida by Noam C h o m s k y , Joseph E m o n d s , Jean
Pierre Faye et a l . , 1 9 - 4 2 . M a d r i d : Ediciones C a t é d r a ,
1 9 7 9 , 215 pp. ]
[For excerpts in Span. and G e r m a n , consult Sgroi
(1983:104) . ]

1958a (Together w i t h G e o r g e A ( r m i t a g e ) M i l l e r ) . "Finite

State Languages". Information and Control 1.91-112
Written in 1 9 5 7 ; r e p r . in 1965d (pp.156-71).
"Jazyki s k o n e č n y m čislom s o s t a v l a j u s č i x " , transl. by
N ( i n a ) G ( e o r g i e v n a ) A r s e n t ' e v a in Kibernetičeskij
sbornik N o . 4 , 2 3 3 - 5 5 . M o s c o w : Izd. inostr. l i t e r a t u -
ry , 1 9 6 2 , 256 pp.

1958b "Linguistics, Logic, Psychology and C o m p u t e r s " . Com­

puter Programming and Artificial Intelligence ed. by
John W ( e b e r ) C a r r I I I , 4 2 9 - 5 6 . A n n A r b o r , M i c h . : Col­
lege of E n g i n e e r i n g , U n i v . of M i c h i g a n . [March 1959]
This paper was presented at the E n g i n e e r i n g Summer
Conference held at Ann A r b o r , M i c h . , June 1 9 5 8 .
"Lingvistika, logika, psixologija i vyčisnitel'ny e
u s t r o j s t v a " , transl. into R u s s . by L ( e v ? ) I. K a p l a n
in M a t e m a t i č e s k a j a lingvistika ed. by Julij A(natol'-
evic) S r e j d e r , I ( s a a k ) I ( o s i f o v i c ) R e v z i n , D ( e l i r )
G ( l a s e m o v i č ) L a x u t i , and V ( i k t o r )  ( o n s t a n t i n o v i č )
Finn, 69-100. Moscow: Mir, 1964.

1958c "Some P r o p e r t i e s of P h r a s e S t r u c t u r e Grammars". Quar­

terly Progress Report N o . 4 9 , 15 A p r i l 1 9 5 8 , 1 0 8 - 1 1 1 .
Cambridge, Mass.: Research Laboratory of E l e c t r o n i c s ,
Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology.

1958d "On C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of Finite State L a n g u a g e s " . Ibid.


1958e Review of Vitold Belevitch, Langage des machines et

langage humain (Brussels: Office de Publicité, 1956).
Language 34:1.99-105 (Jan./March).

1958f "A Transformational Approach to Syntax". Paper pre­

sented at the Third Texas Conference on Problems of
Linguistic Analysis in English, held at Austin, Texas,
9-12 May 1958, and subsequently printed in the pro­
ceedings of the title, ed. by Archibald A(nderson)
Hill, 124-58. Austin, Texas: Univ. of Texas, 1962.
(Discussion with Robert P. Stockwell, A. A. Hill, and
others, 158-69, and, in another session, 170-86.)
[This Conference, to which Chomsky had been invited
to present his most recent views, was an important
historic event, well documented in the discussions,
especially the one following Chomsky's exposition.]
Repr. in 1964f (pp.211-45) as well as in Classics in
Linguistics ed. by Donald E. Hayden, E. Paul Alworth &
Gary Tate, 337-73. New York: Philosophical Library,
1967; London: Peter Owen, 1968.
"Une conception transformationnell de la syntaxe",
Langages No.4: La grammaire générative ed. by Nicolas
Ruwet, 39-80. Paris: Didier / Larousse, (Dec.) 1966,
130 pp. [Probably translated by N. Ruwet.]
"Per lo studio trasformazionale della sintassi",
transl. into Italian by C. Vaglio, and published in
1969k (pp.53-100) and in 1975i (pp.33-80).

1958g (Together with Israel Scheffler). "What Is Said to

Be?". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Se­
ries 59.71-82 (24 Nov. 1958). London: Harrison.

1959a "On Certain Formal Properties of Grammars". Informa­

tion and Control 2.137-67 (Dec. 1959).
Repr. in 1965d (pp.125-55).
Translations :
"0 nekotoryx formal'nix svojstvax grammatik", transl.
into Russ. by N(ina) G(eorgievna) Arsent'eva in Ki-
bertičeskij sbornik No.5, ed. by A. A. Ljapunov, 0. .

Lupanov, and N. N. Rikko, 279-311. Moscow: Izd. ino-

str. literatury, 1962, 315 pp.
"Alcune proprietà formali deile grammatiche", transl.
by Armando De Palma in 1974f (pp.271-300), with a
note by the ed. (267-69).]
1959b "A Note on Phrase Structure Grammars". Information
and Control 2.393-95 (Dec. 1959).
[A shorter and simpler proof of theorem #1 outlined
in 1959a.]
"Zametka o grammatikax neposredstvennyx sostavlja-
juščix", transl. into Russ. by M(arija) V(ladimirovna)
Lomkovskaja in Kiberticeskij sbornik No.5, ed. by A.
A. Ljapunov et al., 312-15. Moscow: Izd. inostr. li­
teratury, 1962, 315 pp.

1959c Review of Joseph H(arold) Greenberg, Essays in Lin­

guistics (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957).
Word 15.202-218 (April 1959). [Written in 1958.]

1959d Review of B(urrhus) F(rederic) Skinner, Verbal Be­

havior (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1957).
Language 35:1.26-58 (Jan./March).

Of this review article there exist a number of dif­

ferent editions; they are to be found in
- The Structure of Language ed . by Jerrold J. Katz
and Jerry A. Fodor, 547-78. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, 1964 - cf. 1964f (below).
- Reading s in the Psychology of Language ed. by Leon
A. Jakobovits and Murray Miron, 142-71. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967.
- The Psychology of Language, Thought and Instruc­
tion ed. by John P. de Cecco, 3 2 5 - 3 9 . New Y o r k :
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969 (in abridged form).
- Also separately as item A-34 of Bobbs-Merril's
"Reprint Series on the Behavioral Sciences", In-
Indianapolis & New York, n.d.
- Repr. in part also in 1971b (pp.136-39 and 147-48)
and in 1980g (see below).
- Classic contributions to Social Psychology : Read­
ings with commentary ed. by E. P. H o l l a n d e r & R. G.

Hunt, 275-83. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1972.

Translations :

"Rezension von . F. Skinners Verbal Behavior", in

Sprache und Gesellschaft ed. by Heinz Holzer and Kurt
Steinbacher, 60-85. Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 1972,
(Translator: F. G r i e s e . )
This transl. was r e p r . in Spracherwerb und linguisti­
sche Theorien ed. by W. Eichler and A. H o f e r , 25-49.
Munich: Piper, 1974.
Another (abridged) translation can also be found in
Sprachentwicklungspsychologie (= Pragmalinguistik, 4 =
Beltz-Studienbuch , 5 2 ) , ed. by Hans Biihier and Günther
M ü h l e , 7 7 - 9 9 . W e i n h e i m & B a s e l : Beltz V e r l a g , 1 9 7 4 .

[ T r a n s l a t o r s : I. Beck & F. Balck.]

"Una recensione di Verbal Behavior di B. F. S k i n n e r " ,

transl. into Italian by F r a n c e s c o A n t i n u c c i & C r i s t i ­
ano Cas tel f r anchi in Psicologia: Percezione, memoria
e apprendimento del linguaggio ed. by F. A n t i n u c c i &
C. C a s t e l f r a n c h i , 2 1 - 6 6 . B o l o g n a : Il M u l i n o , 1 9 7 6 .
"Un c o m p t e - r e n d u du 'Comportement v e r b a l ' de B. F.
Skinner", Bangages No.16: Psycholinguistique et gram­
maire générative ed. by Jacques Mehler, 16-49. Paris:
Didier / L a r o u s s e , (Dec.) 1 9 6 9 .
"Crítica de Verbal Behavior de B. F. S k i n n e r " , transl.
into Spanish by A. Coy in Chomsky  Skinner? Ba gene­
sis del lenguaje comp. & introd, by Ramón B a y é s , 2 1 -
85. B a r c e l o n a : F o n t a n e i l a , 1 9 7 7 , 232 pp.

1959e "The T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l Basis of S y n t a x " . P a p e r prepared

for the F o u r t h Texas C o n f e r e n c e on P r o b l e m s of L i n ­
guistic A n a l y s i s in E n g l i s h , held at A u s t i n , T e x a s , in
June 1959, 34 typed p p .
Unpublished manuscript.

1960 (Together w i t h M o r r i s H a l l e ) . "The M o r p h o p h o n e m i c s of

E n g l i s h " . Quarterly Progress Report No.58, 271-81 (15
July 1 9 6 0 ) . C a m b r i d g e , M a s s . : R e s e a r c h L a b o r a t o r i e s of
Electronics, M.I.T.

1961a "On the N o t i o n of 'Rule of G r a m m a r ' " . The Structure of


Language and its Mathematical Aspects. (= Proceedings

of Symposia in Applied Mathematics , 12.) Ed. by Roman
J a k o b s o n , 6-24. P r o v i d e n c e , R . I . : A m e r i c a n Mathematic­
al Society.
Cf. 1961b for a d i s c u s s i o n of the p a p e r , w h i c h has
been reprinted in 1964f ( p p . 1 1 9 - 3 6 ) .
Translations :
For the Czech t r a n s l a t i o n , see 1966h (below).
"Sulla nozione 'regola di g r a m m a t i c a ' " , transl. into
Italian by Ch. Ingrao in 1970j ( p p . 1 3 - 3 8 ) , and repr.
in 1975i (pp . 81-106) .
"La n o t i o n de 'règle de g r a m m a i r e ' " , Langages No.4 :
La grammaire générative ed. by Nicolas R u w e t , 81-104.
P a r i s : Didier / L a r o u s s e , (Dec.) 1966.
"0 p o n j a t i i 'pravilo g r a m m a t i k i ' " , t r a n s l . into R u s s .
by I (rina?) .  e ls k aj a in Novoe v lingvistike vol,
IV, ed. by D. J u ( r i ' e v i č ) Panov & V ( l a d i m i r ) A ( n d r e -
evič) Z v e g i n c e v , 3 4 - 6 5 . M o s c o w : Izd. " P r o g r e s s " , 1965«
590 pp.

1961b "Minutes of the S y m p o s i u m " . Ibid., 255-57,

Discussion of 1961a (above).

1961c "Some M e t h o d o l o g i c a l R e m a r k s on G e n e r a t i v e Grammar".

Word 17:2.219-39 (August 1 9 6 1 ) .

This response to criticism made of Syntactic Struc­

tures (1957f) was reprinted in 1964e and, in p a r t ,
under the title of "Degrees of G r a m m a t i c a l n e s s " in
1964f (pp. 3 84-89) .*

Translations :
"Neskol'ko m e t o d o l o g i č e s k i x zamečanij o p o r o ž d a j u š č e j
g r a m m a t i k e " . (Transl. into R u s s i a n by M. M. Makovskij.)
Voprosy Jazykoznanija 11:4.110-22 (1962).
"Osservazioni me todo 1 o g i che sulla g r a m m a t i c a g e n e r a ­
t i v a " , transl. by Armando De P a l m a ,  r     i di teoria
linguistica, 1 1 7 - 4 1 . T u r i n : B o r g h i e r i , 1 9 7 5 , 169 pp

The paper was also reprinted in Readings in Applied

English Linguistics by Harold B. A l l e n , 2nd ed., 17 3-
192 (New Y o r k : A p p l e t o n - C e n t u r y - C r o f t s , 1 9 6 4 ) , and in
A Linguistic Reader ed. by Glen W i l s o n , 290-98 (New
Y o r k : Harper & R o w , 1 9 6 7 ) , though only in p a r t .

1962a "Context-Free G r a m m a r s and P u s h d o w n Storage". Quarter­

ly Progress Report No.65 (16 A p r i l 1962), 187-94. Cam­
bridge, Mass.: Research Laboratory of E l e c t r o n i c s ,

1962b "Explanatory M o d e l s in L i n g u i s t i c s " . Logic, Methodo­

logy and Philosophy of Science (Proceedings of the
1960 International Congress) ed. by E r n e s t N a g e l , P a ­
trick S u p p e s , and A l f r e d T a r s k i , 5 2 8 - 5 0 . Stanford,
Calif.: Stanford Univ. Press.

"Modèles e x p l i c a t i f s en l i n g u i s t i q u e " , in Textes pour
une psycholinguistique (= Textes de Sciences sociales,
10), ed. by Jacques M e h l e r and Georges N o i z e t , 6 7 - 9 8 .
Paris & The H a g u e : M o u t o n (for the Ecole P r a t i q u e des
Hautes E t u d e s , 6ème s e c t i o n : Sciences é c o n o m i q u e s et
s o c i a l e s ) , 1 9 7 4 , 677 pp. ( T r a n s l a t o r : Y v o n n e N o i z e t . )
"Modelli e s p l i c a t i v i in l i n g u i s t i c a " , transl. into It.
by Ch . Ingrao and published in 19691 ( p p . 1 3 - 4 0 ) .
" O b j a s n i te l ' n y e m o d e l i v l i n g v i s t i k e " , transl. into
Russ. by M. V. Rybakova in Maternaticeskaja logica i 
primenija ed. by A ( n a t o l i j ) I (vanovic) M a l ' c e v , 2 4 5 -
272. M o s c o w : M i r , 1 9 6 5 , 341 pp.
"Modelos e x p l a n a t  r i o s em l i n g ü í s t i c a " , transl. into
P o r t u g u e s e by M a r i a C. de Moraes Taf arelio in Funda­
mentos metodológicos da lingüistica, vol.1, ed. by
Marcelo D a s c a l , 6 1 - 9 3 . Sao P a u l o : Global E d i t o r a ,
1978 .

1962c "The L o g i c a l B a s i s of L i n g u i s t i c Theory". Preprints

of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists,
Cambridge, Mass., 27-31 August 1962.

Revised v e r s i o n was published in 1964d; the article

was further revised and republished (with a new ti­
tle) as 1 9 6 4 f , a n d , as an expanded and further revised
v e r s i o n , as 1964g.

Translations :
" L o g i č e s k i e osnovy l i n g v i s t ič e s k o j t e o r i i " , transl. in­
to R u s s . and with a b i l i n g u a l glossary of terms added
by I(gor) A ( l e k s a n d r o v i c ) M e l ' č u k , ed. by A ( l e k s a n d r )

A(lekseevič) Holodovič in Novoe v lingvistike ed. by

V(ladimir) A(ndreevič) Zvegincev and D(imitrij) Ju-
(rievic) Panov, 465-576. Moscow: Izd. "Progress",
1965, 590 pp. [The Russ. transl. was made on the 1962
paper, but subsequently enlarged and revised on the
basis of the proofs of the 1964d version.]
For the translation into Czech, see 1966h (below).

1963a (Together with Marcel Paul Schiitzenberger) . "The Al­

gebraic Theory of Context-Free Languages". Computer
Programming and Formal Systems (= Studies in Logic
and the Foundations of Mathematics , 1 4 ) , ed. by Paul
Braffort and David Hirschberg, 118-61. Amsterdam:
North-Holland Publ. Co.
Cf. the reviews by Ladislav Nebeský in The Fragüe Bul­
letin of Mathematical Linguistics 2.52-54 (1964/65),
and by G. Hubert Matthews in Journal of Symbolic Lo­
gic 32 . 388-89 (1967) .

Translations :
"Théorie algébrique des langages 'context-free'",
transl. into French by Gilles Fauconnier in Langages
No.9: Les modèles linguistiques ed. by Maurice Gross,
77-118. Paris: Didier / Larousse, (March) 1968.
"Algebraičeskaja teorija kontekstno-svobodnyx jazykov",
transl. into Russian by N. G. Samojlova & N. G. Ščerba­
kovą, and published in Kibertičeskij sbornik, Novaja
serija, No. 3, ed. by A. A. Ljapunov & 0. B. Lupanov, 195-
242. Moscow: Mir, 1966, 243 pp.

1963b (Together with George A(rmitage) Miller). "Finitary

Models of Language Users". Handbook of Mathematical
Psychology ed. by R(obert) Duncan Luce, Robert R.
Bush, and Eugene Galanter, vol.2.419-91. New York: J.
Wiley & Sons. (Repr., 1964, 1965.)
Reviews (together with items 1963c and d):
- Ján Horecký in J a z y k o v e d n ý Č a s o p i s 16.202-04 (1965)
- Pavel Novak in Slovo a Slovesnost 27.71-72 (1966)
- Karel Pala and Chilusé Sedláková in ibid., 72-81
- M. Strizenec in Kybernetica 2.282-83 (1966)
- Wojciech Skalmowski in Bulletin de la Société polo-

naise de Linguistique / Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa

Jȩzykoznawczego 24.237-43 (1966)
Translations :
"Konečnye m o d e l i i s p o l ' z o v a n i j a j a z y k a " , transl. into
R u s s , by M ( i x a i l ) I ( v a n o v i č ) Beleckij in Kiberneti-
ceskij sbornikj Novaja serija N o . 4 , ed. by A. A. L j a p u -
nov & 0. B. L u p a n o v , 1 4 1 - 2 1 8 . M o s c o w : M i r , 1 9 6 7 .
"Modelli finiti di utenti l i n g u i s t i c i " , transl. into
Italian by Armando De Palma in 1969k ( p p . 2 8 8 - 3 7 5 ) .

1963c "Formal P r o p e r t i e s o f G r a m m a r s " . Ibid., 323-418.

Translation (together with item 19 6 3d):

"Propriétés formelles des g r a m m a i r e s " , in L'Analyse

formelle des langues naturelles ( = Mathématiques et
Sciences d,e l'Homme, 8 ) , ed. and translated by P h .
Richard and Nicolas R u w e t , 5 9 - 1 6 8 . P a r i s : G a u t h i e r -
V i l l a r s ; The H a g u e : M o u t o n , 1 9 6 8 , V I , 174 p p .
Part I constitutes a transl. of 1963d, " I n t r o d u c t i o n
à l'analyse formelles des langues n a t u r e l l e s " ( 1 - 5 8 ) .
B i b l i o g r a p h y ( 1 6 9 - 7 4 ) . (2nd p r i n t i n g , 1 9 7 1 . )
A brief excerpt appeared under the title of "Document
6: Langue et g r a m m a i r e " in La Linguistique contempo­
raine ed. by Jean Claude P a r i e n t e & Gabriel B è s , 2 7 -
31. P a r i s : Presses U n i v e r s i t a i r e s de F r a n c e , 1 9 7 3 .

Reviews (of the Trench translation of 1963c and d):

- Karel Petá ček in Archiv Orientálini 40.268-69 (1971)

- Jean Dubois in Bulletin de la Société de Linguis­
tique de Taris 65.8-9 (1972/73)
- Bernard Al in Rapports 4 1 . 2 1 0 - 1 8 (1971)
- André Jacob in Les Etudes philosophiques 24.396-99
F u r t h e r Translations :
" F o r m a l ' n y e svojstva g r a m m a t i k " , transl. into R u s s . by
M. V. L o m k o v s k a j a in Kibernetičeskij sbornikj Novaja
serija N o . 2 , ed. by A. A. L j a p u n o v & 0. B. L u p a n o v , 121-
to 2 3 0 . M o s c o w : M i r , 1 9 6 6 , 231 p p .
"Proprietå formali deile g r a m m a t i c h e " , transl. into
Italian by Armando De Palma in 1969k ( p p . 1 7 0 - 2 8 6 ) .

1963d (Together w i t h G e o r g e A ( r m i t a g e ) M i l l e r ) . "Introduc­

tion to t h e F o r m a l A n a l y s i s o f N a t u r a l Languages".

Handbook of Mathematical Psychology ed. by R(obert)

Duncan Luce, Robert R. Bush, and (John) Eugene Galan­
ter, vol.11, 269-321. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. (The
vol. was reprinted in 1964 and 1965.)
Pp.306-318 (devoted to phonology) were reprinted in
1971b (pp.81-92) .
For reviews, see entries under 1963b
Translations (see also 1963c):
El análisis formal de los lenguajes naturales por Noam
Chomsky y George Armitage Miller. (= C o m m u n i c a c i ô n ; Se-
rie B, 18.) Madrid: Alberto Corazon, 1972, 149 pp.
(Translator: Carlos Piera.)
"Vvedenie v formal'nyj analiz estestvennyx", transl.
into Russ. by E. V. Padučeva in Kibertičeskij sbornik;
Novaja serija No.l, ed. by A. A. Ljapunov & O. B. Lupa-
nov, 229-90. Moscow: Mir, 1965, 314 pp.
"Introduzione all'analisi formale delle lingue natura­
li", transl. into Italian by Armando De Palma in 1969k
(pp.103-168) .

1963e "Perception and Language". Boston Studies in the Phil­

osophy of Science (= Proceeding s of the Boston Collo­
quium for the Philosophy of Science 1962), ed. by B.
H. Kazemier & D.Vuysje, 199-205. Dordrecht & Boston:
D. Reidel.

Paper read at Boston on 17 May 1962.

1964a "Categories and Relations in Syntactic Theory". Mate­

rialien zum II. Internationalen Symposion "Zeichen und.
System der Sprache", Magdeburg, 8-15 Sept. 1964.

Paper submitted for the symposium and read in part by

Bruce Fraser on 9 Sept. 1964. - A revised version, by
the same title, "was incorporated in 1965a (pp.63-127).

1964b "Formal Discussion". The Acquisition of Language {= Mo­

nographs of the Society for Research in Child Develop­
ment , 29:1) , ed. by Ursula Bellugi & Roger Brown, 35-42.
Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Univ. Press; Chicago: Univ. of

Chicago Press.
Paper given at the 4th 'Conference on First-Language
Acquisition' held at Endicott House, Dedham, Mass.,
27-29 Oct. 1961, commenting on the contribution by
Wick R. Miller & Susan Ervin, "The Development of
Grammar in Child Language".
Repr. in 1970i (pp .42-50) , 1971b (129-34), and 1971d
(pp. 340-43) .

1964c "Introduction". English Syntax, Alternate Edition: A

programmed introduction to transformational grammar
by Paul Roberts, IX-XV. New York: Harcourt, Brace &

1964d "The Logical Basis of Linguistic Theory". Proceedings

of the Ninth International Congress of Linguistics
(Cambridge, Mass., 27-31 Aug. 1962) (= J anua Lingua-
rum; Series maior, 1 2 ) , ed. by Horace G(ray) Lunt,
914-78. The Hague: Mouton. (Discussion, 978-1008.)

Revised version of 1962c; published separately under

a different title in 1964g, and also included in 1964f.
Excerpts (esp. portions from "Goals of Linguistic
Theory" and "Models of Perception") were publihed in
Language and Psychology: Historical perspectives of
psycholinguistics by Arthur L. Blumenthal, 200-211.
New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1970.
Other excerpts (chap.IV, "The Nature of Structural
Description") are found in 1972d ( pp.401-423) .
For further information and for translations, see en­
tries under 1964g.

1964e "Some Methodological Remarks on Generative Grammar".

Readings in Applied English Linguistics ed. by Harold
B(yron) Allen, 2nd rev. ed., 173-92. New York: Apple-

Repr. of 1961c.

1964f (Five articles.) "Current Issues in Linguistic Theory",

"On the Notion 'Rule of Grammar'", "A Transformational
Approach to Syntax", "Degrees of Grammaticalness", and

"Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior" . The Struc­

ture of Language : Reading s in the philosophy of lan­
guage ed. by Jerry A(lan) Fodor and Jerrold J(acob)
Katz, 50-118, 119-36, 211-45, 384-89, and 547-78. En-
glewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Repr. of 1964d (expanded, revised & retitled), 1961a,

1958f, (part of) 1961c, and 1959d.

For reviews of the volume cf. Bibliographie Linguis­

tique for the years 1964 (no.843), 1965 (no.911), 1966
(no.739), 1967 (no.883), and 1968 (no.804). Utrecht &
Antwerp: Spectrum Publishers, 1966-70.
L964g Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (= J anua Lingua-
rum; Series minor, 3 8.) The Hague: Mouton, 119 pp.
(5th printing, 1970.)
Reviews :

- Josef Vachek in Jazykovědné aktuali ty : Zpravodaj

Jazykovedného sdruzeni pri Ceskoslovenské akademii
ved (Prague) 19 6 5/4.15-16;
- Richard Ohmann in Partisan Review 32.457-61 (1965);
- Emily Michael in Rev. o f Metaphysics 20.715 (1967);
- Sidney M(acdonald) Lamb in American Anthropologist
69.411-415 (1967)
- Yorick Wilks in Linguistics 33.95-101 (1967)
Revised and expanded version of 1962c, also published
in 1964f (see there for further information).
Translations :
Gendai Gengogaku no Kiso. Transl. into Japanese by
Mantaro Hashimoto & Shinichi Harada. Tokyo: Taishukan,
1972, 113 pp. (4th printing, 1977.)
Problemi di teoría linguistica. Transl. into Italian
by Armando De P a l m a , p p . 9 - 1 1 4 . T u r i n : B o r i n g h i e r i ,
1 9 7 5 , 169 p p . [The remainder of the v o l . is taken up
by translations of 1961c and p p . 9 3 0 - 3 3 of 1964d (con­
cerning the A - o v e r - A principle (pp.117-41 and 1 4 2 - 4 6 ,
r e s p e c t i v e l y ) , followed by other back m a t t e r by the
Reviews of the Italian translation*.
- Sergio Scalise in Lingua e Stile 11.659 (1976);
- Luigi Heilmann in Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teo­
rica ed Applicata 5:1/2.314-16 (1976);

- F r a n c o Lo Pipa i n se Sera (Rome) of 2 J a n .

- Paolo Ramat in the same newspaper on 2 July 1976
Excerpts of Italian (1976, 1979), French (1969 [two
different places]), 1977), Spanish (1976), and German
translations are listed in Sgroi (19 83:115-16).
"Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística", transl.
into Spanish by Gladys Anfora de Ford in Problemas
actuales en teoría lingüística; Temas teóricos de
gramática generativa ed. by the translator, 9-123.
Madrid-México, etc.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1977,
216 pp.
Pp.127-216 constitute a Span. transl. of 1966f.
1964h "Comments for Project Literacy Meeting", Project Lite­
racy Report 2.1-8 (Sept.)

Report for a meeting held at the Univ. of Chicago on

6 Aug. 19 64.

Repr . in 1970i and, expanded and under a new title,

in 1970c. - It transl. by Dario Corno in 1977e (133-47).

1964i "Two Transformational Grammars of English". Austin,

Texas: English Teachers Retraining Project, Univ. of
Texas Agency for International Development, 2 8 pp.

Grammar 1 by Noam Chomsky; Grammar 2 by Robert B(enja-

min) Lees. Annotated by Earl James Rand.
1964j Paper presented at the Session on Algebraic Linguis­
tics of the International Symposium on Automata The­
ory, Jerusalem, 1964.

Untitled, unpublished manuscript, 12 typed pp.

1965a Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. (= Research Labora­

tory of Electronics, Special Technical Report, 11.)
Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, X, 2 5 1 p p . (Paperback
ed., 1969; 9th printing, 1973.)

Partly excerpted in 1969c, and reprinted in 1971b and

1971e ; chap.2 was taken over from 1964a.

Reviews (at times together with 1964g):


- Richard Ohmann in Partisan Review 32.457-61 (1965)

- Sven Jacobson in Linguistics No.28.111-26 (1966)
- Ladislav Zgusta in Archiv Orientálni 34.667-70
- K(rystyna) Pisarkowa and W(itold?) Pisarkowie in
Jȩzyk Polsky 46.234-41 (1966)
- John Lyons in Philosophical Quarterly 16.393-95
(Oct. 1966)
- Peter J. Muller in Review of Metaphysics 19.806-807
- George Kimball Plochmann in Philosophy and Pheno-
menological Research 28.278-80 (1967)
- P(eter) H(ugoe) Matthews in Journal of Linguistics
3.119-52 (1967)
- Sydney M(acDonald) Lamb in American Anthropologist
69.411-15 (1967)
- Anna Lavédrine Baccarani, "Note chomskyane", in Lin­
gua e Stile 2.213-21 (1967)
- J(ohan) F(rits) Staal in Journal of Symbolic Logic
32.385-87 (Sept. 1967)
- Henry Hiz in Journal of Philosophy 64.67-74 (1967)
- Gilbert H. Harmann in ibid., 75-87 (1967)
- Heles Contreras in Modern Language Journal 51.110-
111 (1967)
- Petr Sgall in Slovo a Slovesnost 28.94-96 (1967)
- Harry Windfield Peter in Modern Language Review 63.
132-33 (1968)
And on the occasion of the 1969 reprint :
- Fred(erick) C(hen) C(hung) Peng in Linguistics No.
49.91-127 (1969)
- George Patterson Faust in General Linguistics 10.43-
47 (1970)
- Ann S. Ferebec in Journal of Symbolic Logic 35.147
Excerpts from this book have appeared in various col­
lective volumes, including 1971b (pp.128-36, 139-43,
and 27-37), only three more places are listed below.
(For a fuller account, see Sgroi 19 83:119-20.)
"Methodological Preliminaries", Readings in the Psy­
chology of Language ed. by Leon A. Jakobovits & M. S.
Miron, 85-103. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
"Generative Theories as Theories of Linguistic Compe­
tence" and "Justification of Grammar", Modern Studies
in English ed. by David A. Reibel & Sanford A(lvin)
Schane, 13-18 and 38-44. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice-Hall, 1969.

"Methodological Preliminaries", Readings in the Phil­

osophy of Language ed. by Jay F. Rosenberg & Charles
Travis, 324-64. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
1971. [Note: within 4 years three times excerpts from
the same source were published by the same publisher!]

Translations :

Aspekte der Syntax-Theorie. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag;

Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1969, 313 pp. (Transl. into
German by a collective under the direction of Ewald

Reviews of the German translation:

- Wolfgang Klein in Germanistik 2.233 (1970)
- Peter Suchsland in Deutsche Literatur-Zeitung 93.
305-09 (1972)

Bunpo-riron no S h o s o . Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1970, XX, 335

pp. (7th printing, 1977.) (Transl. into Japanese by
Minoru Yasui.)

Aspectos de la teoría de la sintaxis. Introducción,

version, notas y apéndices de Carlos Peregrin Otero.
Madrid: Aguilar, 1970, LXXX, 260 pp. (2nd ed., 1971.)

Review of the Spanish translation :

- Humberto López Morales in Revista Española de Lin­
güistica 1.439-46 (1971)
Aspekty teorii sintaksisa. Transl. into Russian by
A(leksandr) E(vgen'evič) Kibrik, V(iktor) V(ital'evic)
Sovkun, under the editorship and with a preface by
V(ladimir) A(ndreevic) Zvegincev. (= Publikacii otde-
lenija strukturnoj i prikladnoj lingvistiki; Serija
perevodov, 1.) Moscow: Izd. Moskovskogo Univ., 1972,
259 pp.
Aspects de la théorie syntaxique. Transl. into French
by Jean Claude Milner. (= L'ordre philosophique, no n°.)
Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1971, 288 pp.
[For minor excerpts in two (1972 and 1977) antholo­
gies, cf. Sgroi 1983:121.]
"Aspetti della teoria deila sintassi". Transl. into
Italian by A. Woolf De Benedetti in 1970j (pp.41-258).
Partially repr. in Le teorie sintattiche del novecento
ed. by Sorin Stati, 227-56. Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1977,
375 pp.

For excerpts in Spanish (1976) and German ( 1 9 6 9 ) , see

Sgroi (1983 :122) .

1965b "Persistent Topics in L i n g u i s t i c T h e o r y " . Diognes: An

international review of philosophy and humanistic
studies 51.13-20.

The UNESCO funded journal also has F r e n c h , J a p a n e s e ,

and Spanish editions in which translations of the p a ­
per a p p e a r e d :
"De quelques constantes de la théorie l i n g u i s t i q u e " ,
Diogene 51.14-21 ( 1 9 6 5 ) . [Translator: M.-A. B é   . ]
"Algunas constantes de la teoría l i n g ü í s t i c a " , Dioge­
nes 5 1 . 1 3 - 2 0 ( 1 9 6 9 ) . [Translator not i n d i c a t e d . ]
" G e n g o r i r o n no k a w a r a n u m o n d a i " . Diogenes 1.52-58. To­
k y o : K a w a d e s h o b o , 1 9 6 7 . [Translator: Shigeaki T a k e -
P a r a l l e l with the French v e r s i o n of volume 5 1 , a v o l .
of all its c o n t r i b u t i o n s was published under the title
Problèmes du langage by Emile B e n v e n i s t e et a l . , 1 4 -
2 1 . P a r i s : G a l l i m a r d , 1 9 6 6 , 219 p p . , which was s u b s e ­
quently translated into Spanish and I t a l i a n : *
"Algunas constantes ...", Problemas del lenguaje, 13-
2 0 . Buenos A i r e s : E d i t o r i a l S u d a m e r i c a n a , 1 9 6 9 , 203
pp .
"Alcune constanti della teoría l i n g u i s t i c a " , transl.
into Italian by Luigi D e l Grosso in I problemi attua-
li della linguistica : Soritti di Emile Benveniste, No­
am Chomsky, ... [et a l . ] , 17-25. (= Idee Nuove, 47.)
M i l a n o : B o m p i a n i , 1 9 6 9 , 203 p p .

1965c (Together w i t h M o r r i s H a l l e ) . "Some Controversial

Questions in P h o n o l o g i c a l T h e o r y " . Journal of Lin­
guistics 1:2.97-138 (Oct.).
A response to Fred W ( a l t e r ) H o u s e h o l d e r ' s a r t i c l e , "On

Reviews of the French and Italian v o l u m e s , i n t e r alia:

- Olga S(ergeevna) Axmanova in Voprosy Jazykoznania 15:2.142-
152 (1966)
- Renzo Titone in Rassegna Italia di Linguistica Applicata
1972/N0.2, p.337
- G. B. Speroni in Strumenti Critici 1.100-102 (1966)
- Tullio De Mauro in Paese Sera (Rome, 30 Dec. 1966)
- Raffaele Simone in La Ricerca (1 April 1970), p.4

Some Recent Claims in Phonological Theory", Journal

of Linguistics 1.13-34 (1965), in which Chomsky 1962c
(1964d) and Morris Halle's paper, "Phonology in Gen­
erative Grammar", Word 18.54-72 (1962), had been at­
tacked. Cf. Householder's reply, "Phonological Theo­
ry: A brief comment", Journal of Linguistics 2:1.99-
100 (1966), and P(eter) H(ugoe) Matthew's continuation
of the controversy, "Some Remarks on the Householder-
Halle Controversy", Journal of Linguistics 4.275-83
Repr. in 1972d (pp.457-85), where Householder's pa­
per as well as his rejoinder were republished as
well (pp.442-56 and 486-87, resp.), and in 1981k.
Translation :
"Alcuni problemi controversi di teoría fonologica",
transl. into Italian by Dario Corno, and published
in 1977e (pp. 36-91) .

1965d (Three articles.) "Three Models for the Description

of Language", "On Certain Formal Properties of Gram­
mars", and "Finite State Languages". Readings in Math­
ematical Psychology ed. by R(obert) Duncan Luce, Ro­
bert R. Bush, and (John) Eugene Galanter, vol.2.105-
124, 125-55, and 156-71. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.

Republications of 1956b, 1959a, and 1958a

1966a Cartesian Linguistics : A chapter in the history of

rationalist thought. (= Studies in Language, 1.) New
York & London: Harper & Row, XVI, 119 pp.

Largely based on the Christian Gauss Seminars pre­

sented at Princeton University in Summer 1965.

Reviews (and other critical comments):

- Gary D(ean) Prideaux in Canadian Journal of Lin­
guistics 13:1.50-51 (1967/68)
- György Szépe in Filológiai Közlöny (Budapest) 13.
248-52 (1967)
- František Daneš in J a z y k o v ě d n é A k t u a l i t ý 1967/1.17-
18 (1967)
- Louis Kampf in College English 28.403-408(Feb.1967)
- Mariana Fuţuescu in Revue Roumaine de Linguistique
13.175-79 (1968)

- Tullio De Mauro in Paese Sera (Rome, 30 Dec. 1966)

- Gian Luigi Beccaria in Strumenti Critici 1:4.444-46
(Oct. 1967)
- F. Vautero, "Il razionalisme cartesiano di Noam
Chomsky", Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Appli-
c a t a 1970/1.1-18 (Jan.-March 1970)
- Harry M(cFarlane) Bracken, "Chomsky's Variations of
a Theme by Descartes", Journal of the History of
Philosophy 18.181-92 (April 1970)
- André Joly, "Cartesianisme et linguistique carté­
sienne: Mythe ou réalité?", Beitrage zur romani­
schen Philologie 11:1.86-94 (1972)
- Ladislav Zgusta in Archiv Orientâlní 36.484-85
- Karl E(rnst) Zimmer in International Journal of Am­
erican Linguistics 34.290-303 (1968)
- Anon. in limes Lit. Suppl. (10 Nov. 1966), p. 1022
- Richard J. Bernstein in Review of Metaphysics 20.
539 (1967)
- Gilbert H. Harman in Philosophical Review 77.229-35
- Herbert E(rnst) Brekle in Linguistische Berichte l.
52-66 (1969) and also in Linguistics 49.74-91
- Vivian G. Salmon in Journal of Linguistics 5.165-87
(1969), repr. in The Study of Language in 17th-
century England by Vivian Salmon, 63-85. Amster­
dam: J. Benjamins, 1979. (2nd corr. ed., 1986.)
- Robert A(nderson) Hall, Jr., "Some Recent Studies
on Port-Royal and Vaugelas", Acta Linguistica (Haf­
niensia) 12.207-33 (1969)
- Jan Miel, "Pascal, Port-Royal, and Cartesian Lin­
guistics", Journal of the History of Ideas 30.261-
271 (1969)
- Hans Aarsleff, "The History of Linguistics and Pro­
fessor Chomsky", Language 46:3.570-85 (July/Sept.
- Idem, "The History of Linguistics: Fact or fantasy",
Language Sciences No.17.1-12 (1970)
- Reginald Lee Hannaford, "Animadversions on Some Re­
cent Speculations concerning the Contemporary Sig­
nificance of 'Cartesian Linguistics'", Actes du Xe
Congrès international des Linguistes 2.247-51 (dis­
cussion, 251-54). Bucharest: Ed. de l'Acad. R. S. R.,
- Karl D(avid) Uitti, "Descartes and Port-Royal in
Two Diverse Retrospects", Romance Philology 23.75-
85 (1969/70)
- Roman Zimand in Pamiȩtnik Literacki (Warsaw) 63.163-
177 (1972/73)

- T ( a t j a n a ? ) Holowka in Studia Filozoficzne 15.258-

262 (1971/72)
- Norman Kretzmann in General and Rational Grammar by
A n t o i n e Arnauld & Claude L a n c e l o t , transl. and ed .
by Jacques Rieux & Bernard E . R o l l i n , 1 7 6 - 9 5 . The
H a g u e : M o u t o n , 1 9 7 5 , 197 p p .
- M a g n u s Ljung in Modema Språg 66.176-79 (1972)
- W ( a l t e r ) Keith P e r c i v a l , "On the N o n - E x i s t e n c e of
C a r t e s i a n L i n g u i s t i c s " , Cartesian Studies ed. by
R. J. B u t l e r , 1 3 7 - 4 5 . Oxford: B. B l a c k w e l l , 1 9 7 2
- Jürgen M ( i c h a e l ) M e i s e l , "Noam Chomskys U m w ä l z u n g
der Sprachwissenschaft", Linguistische Perspektiven
ed. by A b r a h a m P. ten Cate and Peter J o r d e n s , 1-20
( p a s s i m ) . T ü b i n g e n : M. N i e m e y e r , 1973
- Idem, "On the P o s s i b i l i t y of a N o n - C a r t e s i a n L i n ­
g u i s t i c s " , Linguistics 122.25-38 (15 F e b . 1 9 7 4 )
- Stephen K ( e n n e t h ) L a n d , " C a r t e s i a n L a n g u a g e Test and
P r o f e s s o r C h o m s k y " , i b i d . , 11-24 (1974)
Cf. also Robin T ( a l m a c h ) L a k o ff 's review a r t i c l e in
Language 4 3 . 3 4 3 - 6 4 ( 1 9 6 9 ) , and many other studies in
the history of linguistics and reviews (e.g., of v a ­
rious t r a n s l a t i o n s of C h o m s k y ' s Cartesian Linguistics).
Cf. a l s o , inter a l i a , the following p a p e r s :
- Jean Claude P a r i e n t e , " G r a m m a i r e générale et gram­
maire generative", Actes de la Recherche en Sciences
sociales (Paris) N o s . 5 / 6 . 3 6 - 4 9 (1975)
- Jacques B o u v e r e s s e , "La l i n g u i s t i q u e c a r t é s i e n n e :
Grandeur et d é c a d e n c e d'un m y t h e " , Critique (Paris)
3 5 , N o . 3 8 4 . 4 2 0 - 2 8 (1979)

Translations :

La linguistique cartésienne: Un chapitre de l'histoire

de la pensée rationaliste . Suivie de 'La nature for­
melle du langage', 7-122. P a r i s : Editions du Seuil, 1 9 6 9 ,
187 pp. (Transi, into French by Nelcya D e l a n o ë and Dan
Reviews :
- Joseph Nivette in Revue belge de Philologie et
d'Histoire 4 8 . 1 5 6 - 5 7 (1970)
- Joe L a r o c h e t t e , "Problèmes de grammaire t r a n s f o r m a -
t i o n n e l l e " , Linguistica Antverpiensia 3.93-99 (1969)

Lingüística cartesiana: Un capítulo de la historia del

pensamiento racionalista. (= Biblioteca Romanica His­
pánica, 2; E s t u d i o s y ensayos, 135.) Madrid: E d i t o r i a l

Cf. Luigi Rosiello's Linguistica illuminista (Bologna: I l Muli-

no, 1967), which was inspired by Chomsky's book of 1966.

Gredos, 1969, 159 pp. (Transl, into Spanish by En­

rique Wulff.) [2nd ed., 1972.]
Reviews :
- Esther Torrego in Revista española de lingüistica
2.217-20 (1972)
- Joaquim Marconi in Yelmo 12.57-58 (1973)
La lingüistica cartesiana : Un capitol de la historia
del pensament racionalista. Barcelona: Seix Barrai,
1970, 132 pp. (Transl, into Catalan by Gabriel Ferra-
ter . )
Lingüistica Cartesiana : Un capítulo da historia do
pensamento racionalista. (= Perspectivas Lingüisticas,
4.) Petrópolis: Editora Vozes; Sao Paulo: Ed. da Uni-
versidade de Sao Paulo, 1972, 117 pp. (Translated in­
to Portuguese by Francisco M. Guimarães.)
"Linguistica cartesiana", transl, into Italian by E.
Levi, and published in 19691(pp.43-128) .
[As in the majority of the above translations, the
preface by Chomsky & Morris Halle, which in fact re­
fers to the series "Studies in Language", of which
Cartesian Linguistics was the first number, and not
to the book, has been omitted.]
Excerpts in It. transl, can be found in various pla­
ces (cf. Sgroi 1983:127, for details), including in:
Lo strutturalismo e la 'morte dell'uomo' ed. by A.
Pieretti, 145-52. Roma: Città Nuova, 1977. (The ex­
cerpt is titled "La struttura profonda".)

Cartesianische Linguistik: Ein Kapitel in der Ge­

schichte des Rationalismus. (= Konzepte der Sprach-
und Literaturwissenschaft, 5.) Tübingen: M. Niemeyer,
1971, 105 pp. (Transl, into German by Richard Kruse.)
Reviews :
- Waltraud Bumann in Kratytos 16:2.122-28 (1971[1973])
- Wolfgang Viereck in Die Neueren Sprachen 71.490-91
- Charles Cortes in Etudes germaniques 29.504-506
- Erhard Albrecht in Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprach­
wissenschaft und Kommunikations for schung 28.80-81
- Manfred Bierwisch in Germanistik: Internationales
Referatenorgan mit bibliographischen Einweisen
9.245 (1968) - actually of the English original!

Cartesiansk lingvistik: Et kapitel i den rationalis-

tiske taenknings historie. (= Munksgaardserien, 43.)
Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard, 1972, 113 pp. (Transl, in­
to Danish
Dekaruto-ha Gengogaku. Tokyo: Misuzu-shobe, 1976, iii,
160 pp. (Transl, into Japanese by Shigeo Kawamoto.)

1966b "The Current Scene in Linguistics: Present directions".

College English 27:8.587-95 (May).
Paper presented in Nov. 1965 at the conference of the
National Council of Teachers of English.
Repr. in 1967a, 1967b, 1968b, and 1969  (pp.3-12) , and
in part in 1971b(pp.1-7).
Situación actual de la lingüistica: Tendencias actua­
les. Transl, into Spanish by M. C. Bonavides. Santia­
go: Centro de Filología, Univ. de Chile, 1968, 20 pp.
(mimeographed) .
This translation was repr. in Temas lingüisticas ed.
by L. J. Cisneros, segunda serie, 133-53. Lima, Peru:
Studium, 1972.
"Gengogaku no Genkyo ( 1 ) " ; "Gengogaku no Genkyo ( 2 ) " ,
transl, into Japanese by Toshinori Tamai, and publ. in
Eigo Kyoiku / The Rising Generation 18:4.12-18 (July
1969), and 18:5.36-43 (Aug. 1969).

1966c "Linguistic Theory". Language Teaching : Broader con­

texts. (= Reports of the Working Committees, Northeast
Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1
August 1966.) Ed. by Robert G. Mead, Jr., 43-49. Mena-
sha, Wisconsin: George Banta.
Repr. in 1970i(pp.279-83) , 197lb(pp.152-59) , 1973cand
d as well as in :
Readings for Applied Linguistics ed. by J(ohn) P(at­
rick)  (rierley) Allen Sc S(tephen) Pit Corder, vol.1,
234-40. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1973.
"Théorie linguistique", transl, into French by Y. Con-
tassot, J. Kiesel, C. Ni Mhurchadha & E. Wodowski in
Le français dans le monde No.88, April-May 1972, 6-10.
"Theorie der Linguistik", transl, into German by K. A.
Kiewer, in Sprachentwicklungs psychologie ed. by Hans

Bühler & Günther Mühle, 27-36. Weinheim & Basel:

Beltz Verlag.
1966d "Three Models for the Description of Language". Com­
munication and Culture : Readings in the codes of hum­
an interaction ed. by Alfred G(oud) Smith, 140-52. New
York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Partial reprint of 1956b.

1966e "Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar". Current

Trends in Linguistics ed. by Thomas A(lbert) Sebeok,
vol.3: Theoretical Foundations, 1-60. The Hague: Mou­
ton. (2nd printing, 1970.)

Based on the text of four lectures delivered at the

Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of Am­
erica, held at Indiana Univ., Bloomington, June 1964.
Repr. as a separate monograph (see 1966f below) and
also in 1968a, 1971b and f.
Reviews :
See entries under 1966f and the reviews of the entire
volume as listed in the Bibliographie Linguistique for
the years 1966 (no.641), 1967 (no.743) , 1968 (no.701).
Antwerp & Utrecht: Spectrum, 1968-70, including the
multi-authored review in Current Anthropology No.9
(1968) and Chomsky's replies (cf. 1968a below).

1966f Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar. ( = Janua

Linguarum; Series minor, 56.) The Hague: Mouton, 95
pp. (2nd printing, 1969; 5th printing, 1978,)
Separate edition of 1966e.
Reviews :
Anon, in Times Literary Supplement (16 Nov. 1967), pp.
1073-75 (entitled "Semantic Hay")
- Irena Bellert in Linguistics No.53.107-117 (1969)
- P(eter) H(ugoe) Matthews in Lingua 19.297-305 (1967-
- H. J. Brinkman in Levende Talen 1968.567
Translations :
"L'objet lexical dans les grammaires génératives",
transl. into French by Alain Rey in La Lexicologie:
Lectures ed. by A. Rey, 248-53. Paris: Klincksieck,

1970. ("Notes" by Nicolas Ruwet.)

[Actually, this transl. is an excerpt only of 1966f,
pp.42-46; for excerpts of transl. into other lan­
guages, see Sgroi (1983:125).]
"Thesen zur Theorie der generativen Grammatik", trans­
lated into German by Felix Coulmas & Bernd Wiese, in
Thesen zur Theorie der generativen Grammatik. Mit ei­
nem Interview von Herman Parret. (= Fischer-Athenäum
Taschenbücher, 2075), 1-77, 125-36 (notes). Frankfurt
-am-Main: Fischer-Athenäum, 1974, xi, 141 pp.
"Temas teóricos de gramática generativa", transl. into
Spanish by Gladys Anfora de Ford in N. Chomsky, Pro­
blemas actuates en teoria lingüistica; Temas teóricos
de gramática generativa, 125-216. Madrid-Mexico, etc.:
Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1977, 216 pp.
The vol. includes a transl. of 1964g.

1966g "Language and Mind". Changing Perspectives on Man ed.

by Ben Rothblatt, 3-13. Chicago & London: Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1968 [sic].

Based on a paper read at the University of Chicago,

April 1966. It contains the author's reply to Putnam
and Goodman in 1967g. — Not to be confused with items
1968c, 1968d, or 1968e+f. Together with item 1970e
this paper served as the basis for the author's Beck-
man Lectures held at the Univ. of California, Berke­
ley, in January 1967.
Parts of this paper were used in chaps. 1 and 3 of

1966h Syntaktiké struktury. Logicky základ teorie jazyka.

0 pojmu " g r a m a t i c k e pravidlo". Prague: Academia,
1966, 209 pp. (Transl. into Czech by Zdenek Hlavsa,
Frantisek Daneš, and Eva Benesová.)

Transl. of 1957f, 1962c/1964d, and 1961a.

Reviews :

- Ladislav Tondl in Kybernetika 3.306-07 (1967)

- F. Chiko in Zazykovedny Časopis 20.183-87 (1969)

1966i (Two papers.) "Gengo to Ningen-Kagaku" [Language and

the science of m a n ] , and "Kokoro no Kenkyu ni taisu-

ru Gengogaku no Koken" [Contributions of linguistics

to the study of the mind]. Kotoba-no-Ucho [Word uni­
verse] 1.15-31 and 32-48. Tokyo: TEC Company, 6 Nov.
1966. (Transl. into Japanese by Shigeo Kawamoto & Ta-
kao Suzuki, respectively.)
Transl. of two public lectures given in English, on
23 August and 2 Sept. 1966, at the Tokyo Institute
for Advanced Studies of the TEC Corporation of Lan­
guage and Educational Research, and published in a
Special Issue to Welcome Dr. Chomsky. [The actual
presentation took place at the Daiichiseimei-Hall and
at the Hatsumei-Kaikan, respectively.]
For French adaptations see 1968k.
1966j "The Relevance of Scientific Linguistics to Philoso­
phy". Unpublished paper, presented to a session of the
Western Branch of the American Philosophical Associa­
tion, held at Minneapolis, May 1966, 25 manuscript pp.

1966k (see second entry on page 34 below)

1967a "The Current Scene in Linguistics: Present directions".

English Teaching Forum 5.3-9.
Repr. of 1966b.

1967b "The Current Scene in Linguistics: Present directions".

The Structure of Language ed. by Owen Thomas, 56-63.
New York: Bobbs-Merrill.

Repr. of 1966b (see also 1967a).

1967c "The Formal Nature of Language". Biological Founda­

tions of Language by Eric H(einz) Lenneberg, Appendix
A, 397-442. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
Repr. in 1970b and incorporated in 1972a.
Cf. the review by Manfred Bierwisch in Germanistik 9,
p .674 (1968) .
Translations :
"Gengo no Keishiki-sei", transl. into Japanese by Ma-
saya Sato & Akio Kamio, Gengo no Seibutsugaku-teki

Kiso, 435-89. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1974. (2nd printing,

1977 . )
French transl. included in 1969 transl. of 1966a (pp.
124-83) under the title of "La nature formelle du
"Die formale Natur der Sprache", Biologische Grundla­
gen der Sprache von Eric H. Lenneberg, 483-540. Frank­
furt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1972. (Transl. into German by
Friedhelm Herborth.)
"La natura formale del linguaggio", I fondamenti bio-
logici del linguaggio di E. H. Lenneberg, 445-99. Tu­
rin: Boringhieri, 1971. (Transl. into Italian by G.
Repr. in 1975i ( pp . 107-160) .
"La naturaleza formal del lenguaje", transl. into
Spanish by Carlos Piera, in Presentación del lenguaje
ed. by Francesco Gracia, 275-332. Madrid: Taurus,
1972 .
Another Span. transl., by Natividad Sanchez Sáinz-Trá-
paga & Antonio Montesinos, appeared in Fundamentos
biológicos del lenguaje de E. H. Lenneberg, 439-88.
Madrid: Alianza, 1975.
A third Span. transl., by S(ilvio?) Oliva, appeared
in El lenguaje y el entendimiento de Noam Chomsky,
enlarged ed., 195-265. Barcelona: Seix Barrai, 1977.

1967d "The General Properties of Language". Brain Mechanisms

underlying Speech and Language (Proceedings of a Con­
ference held at Princeton, N.J., on 9-12 Nov. 1965)
ed. by Clark H. Millikan and Frederick L. Darley, 73-
81. New York & London: Grune & Stratton. (Discussion,

Translation :
"Proprietà generali di linguaggio", transl. into Ital.
by Armando De Palma, and published in 19691 (pp.247-
264) .

1967e Comments on I. Pollak's paper, "Language as Behavior".

Ibid. , 99b-100b.

Intervention at the Princeton Conference (cf. 1967d


1967f "Recent Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas".

Synthese 17.2-11.
Paper presented at a symposium devoted to the subject
of innate ideas held at Boston College in Dec. 1966,
revised and somewhat shortened for the publication.
It is followed by critical comments by Hilary Putnam
("The 'Innateness' Hypothesis", pp.12-22) and by Nel­
son Goodman ("The Epistemological Argument" — origin­
ally presented under the title of 'On Some Inimical
Ideas' — pp.23-28). — For the author's reply, see
1968c, chap.3.
This paper was reprinted in various places, incl. in
1975h and 1980d — cf. Sgroi (1983:136), for a rather
full listing:
"Recent Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas",
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science , vol.3 (=
Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philoso­
phy of Science of 1964/1966), ed. by Robert S(onne)
Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky, 81-90. Dordrecht/Holland &
Boston: D. Reidel, 1967.
"Some Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas",
Modern Philosophies of Education ed. by John P. Strain,
332-41. New York: Random House, 1971.
"Recent Contributions ... ", The Philosophy of Lan­
guage ed. by John R(onald) Searle, 121-29. London: Ox­
ford Univ. Press, 1971. (2nd printing, 1974.)
Translations :
"Contributi recenti alla teoría delle idee innate",
transl. into Italian by Armando De Palma in 19691 (pp.
Another It. transl. appeared in the transl. of the
1973 (New York: Brunner & Mazel) reader on Children
with Learning Problems ed. by S. G. Sapir & A. C. Nitz-
burg, Trattato di patologia dell'apprendimento, vol.
I: Sviluppo del f anciullo e difficoltà d' apprendimen­
to , 133-43. Rome: Armando, 1976. (Transl.: S. Dinelli.)
"Contribuciones recientes a la teoría de las ideas in­
natas", transl. into Spanish by A. G. Suárez, in Teo­
rema 3:1.43-55 (Valencia: Univ. de Valencia, 1973).

1967g "Some General Properties of Phonological Rules". Lan­

guage 43:1.102-128 (Jan./March).
Incorporated in 1968i , and repr. in 1972d(pp.529-48).

"Alcune proprietâ generali delle regole fono1ogiche",

transl. into Italian by Dario Corno, and published in
1977e (pp.92-129) .

1967i "Reply [to Ronald Wardhaugh's "A Comment on ... Chom­

sky's... [1966b]]". College English 28.468-69 (March).
Cf. Wardhaugh's comment in the same issue, p.467.

[1966k]"Ningen no kokoro to Kotaba no Honsitsu: Chomusuki-

Riron o Megutte [Human mind and the nature of lan­
guage: Concerning the Chomskyan theory]", Asahi Journal
(Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha) 8:40.104-110 (25 Sept. 1966).
From a round-table discussion with Mitsushige Sawada,
Kanji Hatano, and Osamu Fujimura; the English manu­
script remained unpublished.
1968a "Author's Précis" and "Replies" to reviews in CA* of
contribution to Current Tvenais in Linguistics , vol.3:
Theoretical Foundations (The Hague: Mouton, 1966).
Current Anthropology 9.125-26, and 165-68.

Cf. item 1966e (above). [Text dating from 1967.]

1968b "The Current Scene in Linguistics: Present directions".

Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts 15.169-76.
Reprint of 1966b; see also 1967a and b.

1968c Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World,
VII, 88 pp. (2nd rev. & enl. ed., 1972.)

Chaps. 1 and 3 take up ideas (and material) put for­

ward in 1966g. The text is reprinted in 1972a (xi-
xii and 1-99) and in 1970e; part of chap.1 is repr. in
1968e, and part of chap.3 in 1968f, and certain por­
tions in 1971b. - Chap.3 contains 1967f.

Reviews :
- Richard J. Bernstein in Review of Metaphysics 23.342
to 343 (1969)
- George Steiner in The New Yorker 45.217-36 (15 Nov.
- Yorick Wilks in The Listener 82.44-46 (10 July 1969)
- Robbins Burling in American Anthropologist 72.681-82

- Harry M ( c F a r l a n e ) Bracken in Dialogue 9.236-47(1970)

- L a d i s l a v Zgusta in Archiv Orientalni 38.214-18
- Jiřî Nosek in Casopis pro moderni f i l o l o g i i 52.51-
52 (1970)
- Ernst P u l g r a m in Modern Language Journal 55.474-80
- James H ( e n r y ) Stam, "Past L i n g u i s t i c s and C h o m s k y ' s
Future", Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 1.
195-201 (1972)
- Tom V e r h a v e , "The L a n g u a g e and Mind of a Polemicist:
Some r e f l e c t i o n s on 'Language and M i n d ' " , i b i d . ,
183-94 (1972)
See also (besides reviews of 1972a below):
- Björn Collinder, Noam Chomsky und die generative
Grammatik: Eine kritische Betrachtung (Uppsala:
A l m q v i s t & W i k s e l l , 1 9 7 0 ) , and the review by
- E ( r n s t ) F ( r i d e r y k ) K ( o n r a d ) K o e r n e r , "A Note on
C o l l i n d e r on C h o m s k y " , Linguistics 9 4 . 3 7 - 4 2 (15
D e c . 1972)
V ( l a d i m i r ) A ( n d r e e v i c ) Z v e g i n c e v , "Bor'ba m e ž d u
empirismom i rionalizmom v sovremennoj ameri-
k a n s k o j l i n g v i s t i k e " , in his b o o k , Jazyk i ling-
vističeskaja teorija, 6 0 - 8 6 . M o s c o w : Izd. M o s k o v -
skogo U n i v e r s i t e t a , 1 9 7 3 .

Translations :
Människan och språket. S t o c k h o l m : B o k fö r l a g e t Pan/Nor-
s t e d t , 1 9 6 9 , 135 p p . (Translated into Swedish by Peter
W e n n e r . ) (2nd p r i n t i n g , 1970.)
Review :
John Evert Hard in Modema Sprak 64.74-76 (1970)
Le langage et la pensée . Transl. into French by Louis-
Jean C a l v e t . (= Petite Bibliothèque Payot, 148.) P a ­
r i s : P a y o t , 1 9 6 9 , 147 pp.*
Review :
Eddy (Georges) Roulet in Bulletin du Centre Inter­
national de Linguistique Appliquée (Université de
N e u c h â t e l ) 12.59-61 (1970)
Sprache und Geist. Mit einem Anhang: Linguistik und
Politik. Transl. into German by Siegfried K a n n g i e ß e r ,
Gerd L i n g r ü n , and Uwe S c h w a r t z . F r a n k f u r t / M a i n : S u h r -
k a m p , 1 9 7 0 , 189 pp. (2nd p r i n t i n g , 1972.)

* For an e x t r a c t , see 1968k (below).


"Mente e linguaggio", transl. into Italian by Armando

De Palma, and published in 19691 (pp.129 - 245) .
For excerpts in It. transl. of 1973 (twice) and 1975,
see Sgroi (1983 :133) .
Taal en mens: Taalkundige bij dragen aan het onderzoek
von de menselijke geest. Transl. into Dutch by Albert
Kraak. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1970, 158 pp.
Sprog og bevidsthead. Transl. into Danish by Niels
Ege. Copenhagen: Gyldendaal, 1971, 154 pp.
El lenguaje y el entendimiento. Transl. into Spanish
by Juan Ferraté. (= Biblioteca Breve; Ciencias Huma­
nos, 314.) Barcelona: Editorial Seix Barrai, 163 pp.
(2nd printing, 1972; 3rd printing, 1973.)*
Jazyk i myslenie. Transl. into Russian by B(oris) Ju.
Gorodeckij under the editorship of V. V. Raskin, with
a Preface by V. A. Zvegincev. (= Publ. otd-nij a struk-
turnoj i priklad. lingvistiki; serija perevodov, 2.)
Moscow: Izd. Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1972, 122 pp.

1968d "Language and the [sic] Mind". Psychology Today 1:9.

48-51 and 66-68 (Feb. 1968).

Reprinted in 1971d (pp.424-33) . [Cf. Sgroi 1983:152-53]

1968e "Language and Mind". Columbia University Forum 11:1.

5-10 (Spring)

Reprints portions of chap.3 of 1968c.

1968f "Language and Mind". Ibid. 11:3.23-25 (Fall)

Reprints an extract from chap.l of 1968c.

1968g "Quine's Empirical Assumptions". Synthese 19:1/2.53-

68 (Dec.)

Repr. in 1969g and expanded in 1969i.

1968h "Remarks on Nominalization". (= Indiana University

linguistics Club Publications, 1.) Bloomington, Ind.:
Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club, 44 typed pages (mime­
ographed) .

In 1977, an 'edición aumentada' appeared at the

same press, and with the identical number of pages

Republished in 1970f(pp.184-221), and repr. in 1972c

(pp.11-61) as well as in:
Syntactic Argumentation ed. by Donna Jo Napoli and
E(mily) N(orwood) Rando, 138-83. Washington, D.C.:
Georgetown Univ. Press, 1979.
Translations :
"Note sulla nominalizzazione", transl. into Italian by
Armando De Palma, and published in 1970j ( pp.259-310) .
"Remarques sur la nominalisation", transl. into French
by Bernard Cerquiglini in Questions de sémantique [=
French transl. of 1972c], 73-131. Paris: Editions du
Seuil, 1975, 235 pp.
"Observaciones sobre la nominalizión", transl. into
Spanish by Victor Sánchez de Zavala and published in
his reader, Semántica y sintaxis en la lingüistica
transformatoria, vol.1, 133-87. Madrid: Alianza, 1974.
Another Spanish transl., by Carlos-Peregrin Otero, can
be found in the transl. of 1972c, Sintáctica y semán­
tica generativa, 25-74. México-Madrid, etc.: Siglo
Veintiuno Editores, 1979, 256 pp.
"Bemerkungen zur Nominalisierung", transl. into German
by LilianeWeissberg in the transl. of 1972c, Studien zu
Fragen der Semantik, 7-51, 172-79 (notes). Frankfurt/
Main: Ullstein, 1978.
In 1974, an earlier translation had appeared:

"Bemerkungen zur Nominalisierung", Syntax und genera­

tive Grammatik 1 (= Linguistische Forschungen, 12:1),
ed. by Ferenc Kiefer and David M(ichael) Perlmutter,
73-136. Frankfurt/Main: Athenaion. (Transl. into Ger­
man by J(an?) van de Vijer.)

1968i (Together with Morris Halle.) The Sound Pattern of

English. New York & London: Harper & Row, XIV, 470

Printed version appeared in May 1968; mimeographed

versions had been circulating since 1964. - The vol.
incorporates material from 1956a and 1967g.
For excerpts, see Phonology ed. by Erik C. Fudge, 242-
256, 320-29. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1973.
[Excerpts, in French transl. by Pierre Encrevé, can be
found in La Phonologie, I: Les écoles et les théories
ed. by Pierre Léon et al., 279-302. Paris: Klincksieck,
1977, 343 pp. ]

Reviews (as well as accounts of particular aspects of SPE):

- Szende Tamás in Nyelvtudományi Közlemények (Buda­
p e s t ) 71.432-44 (1968)
- R(uth) A(ronson) in Review of Metaphysics 22.374-75 (Dec.
- J(ohn) Peter Maher, "The Paradox of Creation and
Tradition in Grammar: Sound pattern of a palim­
psest", Language Sciences 7.15-24 (Oct. 1969), re-
pr. in Papers in Language Theory and History : Cre­
ation and tradition in language by J. Peter Maher,
1-32 (Postscript, 33-34). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins,
1977, XX, 171 pp. (See also "Addenda/Corrigenda",
Language Sciences 9.10 (Feb. 1970), and the au­
thor's exchange with Joseph C. Beaver, "Dissent to
'Paradox'", ibid. 9.5-10 (Feb. 1970), and "Maher
replies to Beaver", ibid. 10.17-18 (April 1970).)
- John W. Macdonald in Harvard Educational Review 39.
180-85 (Winter 1969)
- Olavi Nutinen in Virittäjä (Helsinki) 202-06 (1969)
- Anon. in Times Literary Supplement (27 March 1969),
- Sandra Golopenţia-Eretescu in Studi si Cercetari
Linguistice 20.668-78 (1969)
- René Collier in Review of the Institute of Applied
Linguistics (Louvain) 3.39-49 (1970)
- Marius Pevin in Revue de Linguistique Romane 34.257
to 259 (1970)
- René Jongen in Leuvense Bijdragen 59, Bi jblad, 77-80
- Christian Rohrer in Anglia 88.233-40 (1970)
- David Cohen, "Why the Slavic 'Second Palatization'
Comes First", Papers from the Fifth Regional Meet­
ing of the Chicago Linguistic Society , 306-13. Chi­
cago: Dept. of L i n g u i s t i c s , Univ. of C h i c a g o .
- Curt Morris Rulon, "Distinctive Feature Phonology,
Rule Ordering and Dialectal Variation", Papers in
Linguistics 3.65-72 (1970)
- E. Göran U. Hammarström in The Problems of Honsense
Linguistics (= Acta Societas Linguisticae Upsali-
ensis, N.S. 2:4.) Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell,
1970, 10 pp.
- C. Gunnar M. Fant, "Distinctive Features and Phon­
etic Dimensions. (Comments on chap. 7 of The Sound
Pattern of English)". Applications of Linguistics :
Selected Papers of the Second International Con­
gress of Applied Linguistics ed. by G. E. Perren &
J(ohn) L(eslie) M(alcolm) Trim, 219-39. London:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1971.
- David Stampe, "On Chapter Nine of N. Chomsky and
Morris Halle's Sound Pattern of English", Issues
in Phonological Theory: Proceedings of the Urbana

Conference on Phonology ed. by M i c h a e l J. K e n s t o -

wicz & Charles W. K i s s e b e r t h , 4 4 - 5 2 . The H a g u e :
- James E ( l l s w o r t h ) H o a r d , "The New P h o n o l o g i c a l Pa­
radigm", Glossa 5:2.228.-56 (1971)
- Joseph C ( h a r l e s ) B e a v e r , "A Note on the Ordering of
the Nuclear Stress R u l e " , Papers in Linguistics 3.
405-09 (1970)
- John K ( e n n e t h ) C h a m b e r s , " P h o n o l o g i c a l A r g u m e n t s
for the D e r i v a t i o n s of the  S u b c l a s s " , Ibid. 4.
433-35 (1971)
- J ( a c o b ) J(an) Spa, " G e n e r a t i e v e f o n o l o g i e " , Leven­
de Talen 1970.191-204
- James W ( e s l e y ) H a r r i s , " D i s t i n c t i v e F e a t u r e Theory
and Nasal A s s i m i l a t i o n in Spanish", Linguistics 58.
30-37 (1970)
- Urs Egli in Kratylos 14.1-7 (1969[1972])
- Josef V a c h e k , "Remarks on 'The Sound P a t t e r n of
E n g l i s h ' " , Folia Linguistica 4:1/2.24-31 (1970)
- Klaus J ( o h a n n ) Kohler in Lingua 26.73-95 (1970/71)
- Robert A ( n d e r s o n ) H a l l , J r . , "Underlying R e p r e s e n ­
t a t i o n , an O b s e r v a b l e Fact in English P h o n o l o g y " ,
Journal of English Linguistics 7.25-32 (1973)
- K e n n e t h C ( u s h m a n ) Hill and Larry Nessly in Linguis­
tics 1 0 6 . 5 7 - 1 2 1 (1973)
- James D ( a v i d ) McCawley in International Journal of
American Linguistics 40:1.50-88 ( 1 9 7 4 ) - cf. the
i n f o r m a t i v e comment by T h e o d o r e M. L i g h t n e r , "A
Note on M c C a w l e y ' s review of S P E " , ibid. 42:1.79-
82 (1976)
A number of reviews and critical accounts of SPE have
been put together in one v o l u m e , some of them revised
and others constituing o r i g i n a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s , in:
Essays on the Sound Pattern of English. Ed. by Didier
L. Goyvaerts and Geoffrey K ( e n n e t h ) Pullum. G h e n t : E.
S t o r y - S c i e n t i a , 1 9 7 5 , X, 580 p p .
In f a c t , Part I of the volume reprints the reviews by
Hoard ( 1 9 7 1 ) , Kohler ( 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 ) , Hill & Nessly ( 1 9 7 3 ) ,
and M c C a w l e y ( 1 9 7 4 ) . The remaining 3 chaps. address
themselves to p a r t i c u l a r aspects of SPE, the stress
system of E n g l i s h , the vowel system of E n g l i s h , and
f u n d a m e n t a l p r i n c i p l e s of p h o n o l o g y .


Principes de phonologie générative. Paris: Editions

du S e u i l , 1 9 7 3 , 348 p p . (Transl. into French by Pierre

Note t h a t t h i s i s a p a r t i a l t r a n s l a t i o n o n l y , con­
t a i n i n g b u t p o r t i o n s from c h a p t e r s 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , a n d 9.
Reviews :
- Arianna Ugozzoni in Studi Italiana di Linguistica
Teorica ed Applicata 4.216-17 (1975)
- Anca Belchiţǎ Hartular in Revue Roumaine de Lin­
guistique 20:3.302-303 (1975)
- Bernard Cerquiglini in Annales - Economies, Socié­
tés, Civilisations 31.593-95 (1976)
Other 'partial translations:
Principios de fonologia generativa. Transl. into
Spanish by J. A. Millán, with an introd., appendix,
and notes by J. A. Millán & P. Calvo. Madrid: Funda­
mentos, 1979, 464 pp.
"Das Prinzip des Transformationszyklus und seine An­
wendung auf das Englische", transl. into German by H.
Buchmann, followed by "Die Theorie der Markiertheit",
transl. by Ferenc Kiefer, and published in Phonologie
und generative Grammatik ed. by Ferenc Kiefer, vol.1,
97-114 and 115-40, respectively. Frankfurt/Main : Aka­
demische Verlagsgemeinschaft Athenaion, 1975, viii,
239 pp.

1968k "Contributions de la linguistique à l'étude de la

Pensée". Change 1 (Le Montage), 43-71. Paris: Edi­
tions du Seuil. (Translator: Denise Getzler.)
See 1966i and also 1966g and 1968c, chap.l. - French
version of a lecture first presented in Tokyo in 1966.

196 81 "Noam Chomsky's View of Language: Noam Chomsky and

Stuart Hampshire discuss the study of language". Ed.
and introduced by Alasdair MacIntyre. The Listener
79, no.2044, 686-91 (30 May 1968).

This exchange between Chomsky and the British philo­

sopher was reprinted in:
Readings in Applied Transformational Grammar ed. by
Mark Lester, 96-113. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Win­
ston, 1970. (Pp.96-100 are taken up by MacIntyre's
introduction; the title has been changed to "Noam
Chomsky's View of Language".)*
Sgroi (1983:157) is in error when he suggests that this ex­
change had also been reprinted in Jacobs & Rosenbaum's Reader
(cf. 1970f). Nor is it included in Lester 21973 (Sgroi, p.158).

1969a "Linguistics and Philosophy". Language and Philosophy :

A symposium (Proceedings of the Ninth Annual New York
Institute of Philosophy, 12-13 April 1968), ed. by
Sidney Hook, 51-94. New York: New York Univ. Press.
(Replies and comments, 95-220.)
Repr. in 1972a (pp.161-94) — cf. 1969b and 1967f —
and in 1975h (pp.181-94) as well as in part in 1981d.
Translations :
"Gengogaku to Tetsugaku", transl. into Japanese by Sa-
buro Ohye in Gengo to shiso [Language and thought],
53-92. Tokyo:Kenkyusha, 1974.
"Linguistica e filosofía", transl. into Italian by
Giorgio Raimundo Cardona in Linguaggio e filosofia
ed. by S. Hook, 69-121. Rome: Armando Armando, 1971.
"Lingüística y filosofía", transl. into Spanish by
Silvio Oliva in El lenguaje y el entendimiento by N.
Chomsky, enlarged ed., 267-317. Barcelona: Ed. Seix
Barrai, 1977.
"Linguistik und Philosophie", transl. into German by
Günther Grewendorf, J(ohanna?) Lenerz, and Georg Meg-
gle, and published in Linguistik und Philosophie ed.
by G. Grewendorf & G. Meggle, 269-312. Frankfurt/M.:
Athenäum, 1974, 440 pp.'
A partial French transl. by M. Henning appeared in
La linguistique contemporaine ed. by Jean-Claude Pa­
riente & Gabriel Bès, 31-34, under the title of "Do­
cument 7 / Structure superficielle et structure pro­
fonde". Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

1969b "Comments on [Gilbert] Herman's Reply". Language and

Philosophy : A symposium ed . by Sidney Hook, 152-59.
New York: New York Univ. Press.

Cf. 1969a (above).


"Harman no kotae ni tsuite", transl. into Japanese by

Saburo Ohye, and published in Gengo to shiso, 156-63.
Tokyo: Kenkyushu, 1974.
1969c (Five articles.) "The Current Scene in Linguistics:
Present directions". "Generative Grammars as Theories

of Linguistic Competence". "Justification of Gram­

mars". "Some Transformations of English". "Conjunc­
tion". Modern Studies in English: Readings in trans­
formational grammar ed. by David A. Reibel & Sanford
A(lvin) Senane, 3-12, 13-18, 38-44, 53-70, and 73-74.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, XIV, 481 pp.
Repr. of items 1966b, 1965a (pp.3-9, 18-27), and 1957e
(pp.61-84, 35-37), in that order.
Reviews :
- 0(1'ga) S(ergeevna) Axmanova in Naucnye doklady Vy-
sšej školy; Filologiceskie nauk 13:4.113-16 (1970)
- and the various reviews of the entire volume (e.g.,
Arnold M. Zwicky in Language 50.367-72 [1974], a
rather empty review indeed, and others to be found
listed in the annual Bibliographie Linguistique).

1969d Deep Structure, Surface Structure and Semantic Inter­

pretation. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Linguist­
ics Club, 51 typed pp. (mimeographed).
First publication of materials taught at MIT and UCLA
during the late 1960s, part of which was presented as
well in Tokyo in summer 1966. First printed version
in 1970a (pp.52-91), repr. in 1971a and 1972c.
Translations :
"Tiefenstruktur, Oberflächenstruktur und semantische
Interpretation", Aspekte der Semantik: Zu ihrer Theo­
rie und Geschichte 1662-1970 ed. by Lászlo Antai, 317
to 346. Frankfurt/Main : Athenäum, 1972. (Transl. into
German by Veronica Elroich and Cosima Kuci-Venegas.)
Also published in:
Semantik und Generative Grammatik (= Linguistische
Forschungen, 1:1-2), ed. by Ferenc Kiefer, 104-24.
Frankfurt/Main : Athenäum, 1972.
The translation omits portions of pp.17 and 37, and
the entire p.38 of the original text.
Review :
- Peter Sgall in Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Lin­
guistics 19.71-74 (1973).
"Struttura profonda, struttura superficiale e inter-
pretazione semantica", transl. into Italian by Eddo

Rigotti in La Linguistica: Aspetti e problemi ed. by

Luigi H e i l m a n n & Eddo R i g o t t i , 2 6 9 - 3 1 0 . B o l o g n a : I1
M u l i n o , 1975 , 558 pp.
Cf. the review by Alberto N o c e n t i n i in Archivio Glot-
tologico Italiano 6 3 . 1 5 1 - 5 8 ( 1 9 7 9 ) , especially p . 1 5 3 ,
and Eddo R i g o t t i ' s r e j o i n d e r , "Invito a r i l e g g e r e " ,
Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata 8.
397-401 (1980 for 1979).

"Document 21 / Un essai de c o n c i l i a t i o n " , partial

transl. into Italian by M. H e n n i n g , and published in
La linguistique contemporaine ed. by J e a n - C l a u d e P a ­
riente & Gabriel B è s , 8 7 - 8 8 . P a r i s : Presses U n i v e r s i ­
taires de F r a n c e , 1 9 7 3 .
"Estructura p r o f u n d a , e s t r u c t u r a superficial e i n t e r ­
p r e t a c i ó n s e m á n t i c a " , transl. into Spanish by Victor
Sánchez de Zavala in his anthology, Semántica, y sin­
taxis en la lingüistica transformatoria vol.1, 276-
334. Madrid: Alianz, 1974.
For other translations into French ("Structure p r o ­
f o n d e , structure de surface et i n t e r p r é t a t i o n s é m a n ­
tique") and Spanish ("Estructura l a t e n t e , e s t r u c t u r a
patente e i n t e r p r e t a c i ó n s e m á n t i c a " ) , see the French
(1975.9-72) and Spanish (1979.75-129) translations of
1972c ( b e l o w ) .

"Form and Meaning in N a t u r a l L a n g u a g e " . Communications :

A discussion at the Nobel Conference ed. by John Día-
vid?) R o s l a n s k y , 6 3 [ 6 5 ] - 8 5 . A m s t e r d a m & London: North-
Holland Publ. Co.
First p u b l i c a t i o n of a paper given at the 5th Nobel
Conference organized by the Gustavus Adolphus College,
St. P e t e r , M i n n e s o t a , 8-9 Jan. 1969.
R e p r . in 1972a (p p . 1 0 0 - 1 1 4 ) .
"La forme et le sens dans le langage naturel", transl.
into French by Jean-Pierre Faye and published in Hypo­
theses: Trois entretiens en trois études sur la lin­
guistique et la poétique , traduction, présentation et
c o n t r i b u t i o n s de J e a n - P i e r r e F a y e , Jean P a r i s , Jacques
Roubaud & M i t s o u R o n a t , 1 2 7 - 5 1 . P a r i s : S e g h e r s / L a f -
f o n t , 1 9 7 2 , 218 p p . [See also Part I I I , 1 9 7 0 c ]
"Forma y sentido en las lenguas n a t u r a l e s " , transl.
into Spanish by Silvio O l i v a , and p u b l i s h e d in the
transl. of 1972a ( 1 9 7 7 . 1 7 1 - 9 3 ) ; see there for details

1969f "Knowledge of Language". The Times Literary Supple­

ment No.3507 (15 May 1969), 523-25.
An excerpt from the first John Locke Lecture presented
in Oxford on 29 April 1969. - Repr. in 1975b (pp.299-
The subsequent second through sixth lectures given at
Oxford until June that year remained unpublished.

1969g "Quine's Empirical Assumptions". Words and Objections:

Essays on the work of W[illard] V[an] 0[rman] Quine,
ed. by Donald Davidson, Jaako Hintikka et al., 53-68.
Dordrecht/Holland & Boston: D. Reidel.
The text is identical with the one published in Syn­
these 19.53-68 (Dec. 1968). - Repr. of 1968g, subse­
quently expanded in 1969i.
Translation, see under 1969i.

1969h "Should Traditional Grammar Be Ended or Mended?". Ed­

ucational Review 22:1.5-17 (Nov.) [Repr. in 1982b.]

1969i "Some Empirical Assumptions in Modern Philosophy of

Language". Philosophy_, Science, and Method: Essays in
honor of Ernest Nagel ed. by Sidney Morgenbesser,
Patrick Suppes, and Morton White, 260-85. New York:
St. Martin's Press.

Expanded version of 1968g (see also 1969g).


"Einige empirische Annahmen in der modernen Sprachphi­

losophie", Linguistik und Philosophie ed. by Günther
Grewendorf and Georg Meggle, 313-52. Frankfurt/Main:
Athenäum, 1974. (Transl. into German by Manfred Imm­
ler. )

1969j "Some Observations on the Teaching of Language". The

Pedagogic Reporter 21:1.5-6, and 13.

1969k Saggi Linguistici . I: Lranalisi formale del linguag-

gio. Ed. and transl. by Armando De Palma, with a pre­
face (9-17) by Giulio (Ciro) Lepschy. Turin: Boringhi-

eri, 420 pp.

First volume of collected papers in Italian transla­
tion (see also 19691, 1970j, 1975i, and 177e, for
further volumes).
The present volume contains transl. of 1957a (pp.35-
5 0 ) , 1958f (pp.53-100), 1963d (pp.102-168) , 1963c
(pp.170-86), and 1963b (pp.288-375) , followed by a
bib. (377-87), an alphaberical list of the English
examples in Ital. transl. (389-99), and indices of
authors (401-403), and of subjects (405-420).

19691 Saggi linguistici. Vol.III: Filosofía del linguaggio:

Ricerche teoriche e storiche. Ed. and transl. by Ar­
mando De Palma. Turin: Boringhieri, 305 pp.
Italian transl. of 1962b (pp.13-40), 1966a (pp.43-
128), 1967d (249-64), 1967g (267-77), and 1968c (pp.
129-245). Back matter as above (279-305).

1969m "Chomsky parle de la linguistique. Propos recueillis

en anglais et traduits par J.-M. Benoist". La Quin­
zaine Littéraire 74.18-20 (Paris, June 1969).
1970a "Deep Structure, Surface Structure, and Semantic In­
terpretation". Studies in General and Oriental Lin­
g u i s t i c s , presented to Shiro Hattori on the occasion
of his sixtieth birthday ed. by Roman Jakobson and
Shigeo Kawamoto, 5 2-91. Tokyo: TEC Company.
Republication of 1969d, repr. in 1971a and 1972c.

1970b "The Formal Nature of Language". English Linguistics :

An introductory reader ed. by Harold Hungerford, Jay
Robinson, and James H(inton) Sledd, 107-50. Glenview,
I11.: Scott Foresman.

Reprint of 1967c.

1970c "Phonology and Reading". Basic Studies on Reading ed.

by Harry Levin and Joanna P. Williams, 3-18. New York
& London: Harper & Row. (Repr., New York: Basic Books,

Expanded version, retitled, of 1964h.


"Fonología e lettura", transl. into Italian by Dario
Corno, and published in 1977e (pp.130-47).

1970d "Preface". Introduction to Formal Grammars by Maurice

Gross & André Lentin. Transl. from the French by Mor­
ris Salkoff, VII-IX. Heidelberg-Berlin-New York:
Springer, XIX, 231 pp., 75 fig.
Contrary to the information given in Sgroi (1983:142)
the first French ed. of the book (1967) did not carry
this preface; it had been added to the English trans­
lation and, in translation, to the 2nd rev. ed. of
Gross & Lentin's Notions sur les grammaires formelles,
7-8. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1970, vi, 197 pp.
For Spanish (1976) and German (1971) translations of
the book, and Chomsky's preface, see Sgroi (1983:143).
1970e "Problems of Explanation in Linguistics". Explanation
in the Behavioral Sciences ed. by Robert Borger and
Frank Cioffi, 425-51. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge
Univ. Press.

"Comment" by Max Black (pp.452-61) and "Reply" by the

author (462-70). - Together with 1966g (later incor­
porated in 1968c) this article formed the basis of the
author's Beckman Lectures at the Univ. of California,
Berkeley, in Jan. 1967, and subsequently chap.2 (to­
gether with an extended conclusion) of 1968c.
Cf. the review of the volume by Walter B. Weimar in
General Linguistics 13.133-38 (1973)
1970f "Remarks on Nominalization". Readings in English Trans­
formational Grammar ed. by Roderick A (rnold) Jacobs
and Peter S(tephen) Rosenbaum, 184-221. Waltham, Mass.:
Ginn & Co. (Repr., Georgetown Univ. Press, 1980.)

First printed version of 1968h, reprinted in 1972c.

1970g "Some Observations on the Problem of Semantic Analy­

sis in Natural Languages". Sign, Language, Culture /
Signe, langage, culture / Znak, jȩzyk, kultura / Znak ,
jazyk, kultura ed. by A(lgirdas) J(ulien) Greimas,
R(oman) Jakobson, et al. (= Janua Linguarum; Series

maior, 1 ) , 256-60. The Hague & Paris: Mouton, XX,

723 pp.
Paper given at the Second International Conference on
Semiotics held in Kazimierz, Poland, in Sept. 1966.

1970h Some Empirical Issues in the Theory of Transforma­

tional Grammar. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Lin­
guistics Club, 72 typed pp. (mimeographed).
Paper presented on the occasion of the conference on
'Theoretical Linguistics in the Framework of Genera­
tive Grammar' held at the Univ. of Texas at Austin,
Oct. 1969. - Subsequently printed in 1972b (pp.63-
130) and 1972c ( pp . 120-202) ; see there for transla­
tions into Italian, Spanish, and German.

1970i (Three articles.) "Formal Discussion of 'The Develop­

ment of Grammar in Child Language' by Wick Miller and
Susan Ervin". "Linguistic Theory". "Comments for Pro­
ject Literacy Meeting". Readings in Applied Transfor­
mational Grammar ed. by Mark Lester, 42-50, 52-60, and
279-83. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Repr. of 1964b, 1966c, and 1964h.— Note that the 2nd

rev. ed. of 1973 retains only item 1966c (pp.36-44).
Translations :
"Wick Miller to Susan Ervin kyodo-shippitsu no 'Rodo­
mo no Kotoba ni okeru Bunpo no Hattatsu' ni kansuru
seishiki na Rongi", 0-yo H e n k e i Bunpo ed. by Minoru
Yasui, 50-63. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1972. (Transl. into
Japanese by Teruo Kuwabara , and ed. by M. Yasui.)
"Gengo-riron", Ibid., 64-74. (Transl. of item 2 by
Toshinori Tamai under the supervision of Minoru Ya­
"Yomikaki Noryoku Kenkyu Gakkai ni yoseru Ronpyo",
Ibid., 353-60. (Transl. of item 3 by Kanichi Itagaki
under the supervision of Minoru Yasui.)

1970j Saggi linguistici. Vol.II: La grammatica generativa

transformazionale. Ed. by Armando De Palma. Turin:
Boringhieri, 350 pp. (Published in December 1970; 2nd
printing, 1979 . )

Italian translations of 1961a (by Ch. Ingrao, pp.13-

38); 1965a (by A. Woolf De Benedetti, pp.41-258), and
19681 (by A. De Palma, pp.299-310), followed by a bib
(311-20), a list of English examples with Italian
transl. (321-38), and indices of authors (339-41) and
of subjects (343-50).
Reviews :
- Tullio De Mauro in P a e s e Sera (Rome, 19 Feb. 1971)
- Luigi Rosiello in Rinascita of 27 Aug. 1971, repr.
in Linguistica e marxismo by L. Rosiello, 99-102.
Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1974
- Giorgio Graffi, "Dalle trasfrmazioni alle condizi-
oni : La teoría chomskiana della grammatica genera­
tiva da Aspects of the Theory of Syntax a Condi­
tions on Transformations", Lingua e Stile 14:2-3.
305-325 (1979), especially pp.306-314.

1971a "Deep Structure, Surface Structure, and Semantic In­

terpretation". Semantics : An interdisciplinary reader
in philosophy, linguistics and psychology ed. by Dan­
ny D(avid) Steinberg and Leon A. Jakobovits, 183-216.
London-Cambridge-New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Repr. of 1969d - see there for translations! - and/or

1970a; reprinted in 1972c (pp.62-119).

1971b Chomsky: Selected Readings. Ed. by J(ohn) P (atrick)

B(rierley) Allen & Paul van Buren. (= Language and
Language Learning, 31.) London & New York: Oxford
Univ. Press, 166 pp.
The volume consists of reprints, at times in abridged
form, of the following items: 1957f, 1959d, 1963d,
1964b, 1965a, 1966c, 1966e, 1968c, and 1969c.
Reviews :
- D(onald) Terence Langendoen in American Speech 45:
1-2.129-34 (1973 for Spring/Summe r 1970), together
with 1972a and Chomsky's 1971 Problems of Know­
ledge and Freedom [see Part II, for details]
- Jacques Durand in Journal of the Language Associa­
tion of Eastern Africa 2.66-67 (1971)
- Anon. in The Spectator 226:6.189ff. (6 Feb. 1971)
- Bruce Fraser in The Linguistic Reporter 14:1.7-8
- Eddy (Georges) Roulet in Bulletin de la Commission

Interuniversitaire Suisse de Linguistique Appli­

quée 1 5 . 5 3 - 5 4 ( 1 9 7 2 )
- J(oannes M. G. A.) A a r t s i n Levende Taaien 295.107-109
- J. B. Newman in Quarterly Journal of Speech 58.100-
102 (1972)
- Rüdiger Zimmermann in IRAL: International Journal
of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 10.369
to 375 (1972)
- Klaus-Dieter Gottschalk in Die Neueren Sprachen 1
(= N.S. 23).273 (June 1974)
- Keith Allen in Journal of Linguistics 10:1.217-20
- A. R. Tellier in Etudes Anglaises 27.350-51 (July-
Sept. 1974)
For detailed information concerning the excerpts and
their exact sources, see Sgroi (19 83:19 6-9 8 ) , where
places are listed in which most, if not all, of these
selections can be found in Italian (pp.198-99), French
(p.199), Spanish (p.200), and German (pp.200-201)
translation. Only the following item has been over­
looked there :

Chomsky over taal: Samenstellers. (= Aula boeken, 489.)

Utrecht: Spectrum Publishers, 1973, 218 pp.
Review :
- B. v(an) d(en) B(erg) in De N i e u w e Taalgids 66.433-
435 (1973)

1971c Conditions on Transformations. Bloomington: Indiana

Univ. Linguistics Club, 80 typed pages (mimeographed).

The first mimeographed copy appeared in Nov. 1971;

the first printed version 2 years later (1973a); also
reprinted in 1977a.
Cf. the following comment:
- Ger J. de Haan, "Twee interpretaties van het cyclies
principe", Spektator 2.271-93 (1972/73)
1971d "Formal Discussion of Wick Miller and Susan Ervin's
'The Development of Grammar in Child Language'".
Child Language : A book of readings ed. by Aaron Bar-
Adon and Werner F(riedrich) Leopold, 340-43. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Reprint of 1964; already previously published in 1970i

(pp.42-50) .

1971e "Methodological Preliminaries". Readings in the Phil­

osophy of Language ed. by Jay F. Rosenberg & Charles
Travis, 324-64. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-

Excerpt from 1965a.

1971f "Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar". The

Philosophy of Language ed. by John R. Searle, 71-100.
London: Oxford Univ. Press.

Partial reprint of 1966e.

1971g "Some [sic] Contributions to the Theory of Innate

Ideas". Modern Philosophies of Education ed. by John
Paul Strain, 332-41. New York: Random House.
Reprint of 1967f.

1971h "Theorie linguistique et apprentissage". La Recherche

2:11.326-30 (April).

Excerpts in French transl. from 1965a (pp.47-59).

1972a Language and Mind. Enlarged edition. New York: Har-

court Brace Jovanovich, XII, 194 pp.

Reprints 1968c (on pp.xi-xii, and 1-99), with items

1967c, 1969a and 1969e added.

Reviews :

- Gilbert Harman in Language 49:2.453-64 (April/June

1973), repr. in On Noam Chomsky: Critical essays
ed. by Gilbert Harman, 201-18. Garden City, N.Y.:
Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1974
- Günther R. Kress in Journal of European Studies 2:4.
389 (1972)
- D(onald) Terence Langendoen in American Speech 45:1-
2.129-34 (1973 for 1970), together with 1971b and
Problems of Knowledge and Freedom (cf. Part II,
1971s, for details) titled "Chomsky on Language";
- Ralph Vanderslice in Quarterly Journal of Speech 59:
2.229-30 (1973)

See also reviews of the first edition (1968c).

Translations :
Gengo to Seishin. Transl. into Japanese by Shigeo Ka­
wamoto. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-shinsha, 1976, 302 pp.
(2nd printing, 1978.)
El lenguaje y el entendimiento. Transl. into Spanish
by J. Ferraté (of items included in the first English
ed. of 1968) and by Silvio Oliva (of those items that
were added to the 2nd ed. of 1972), edición aumentada.
Barcelona: Ed. Seix Barrai, 1977, 320 pp.
Sprache und Geist. Mit einem Anhang: Linguistik und
Politik. Transl. into German by Siegfried Kanngießer,
Gerd Lingrün & Uwe Schwartz, 2nd enl. ed. Frankfurt-
am-Main: Suhrkamp, 1974. (1st ed., 1970.)

1972b "Some Empirical Issues in the Theory of Transforma­

tional Grammar". Goals of Linguistic Theory ed. by
(Paul) Stanley Peters, 66-130. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Paper from the Austin, Texas, conference on 'Theoret­
ical Linguistics in the Framework of Generative Gram­
mar', Oct . 1969.
First published in 1970h and repr. in 1972c (pp.120-
202) .
Translation (see also under 1972c):
"Alcuni problemi empirici nella teoría della gramma­
tica trasformazionale", Gli scopi deila teoria lin­
guistica, ed. of the Italian translation: Annarita
Puglielli, 117-207. Turin: Boringhieri, 1976, 340 pp.
Cf. the reviev/ by Luigi Rizzi in Lingua e Stile 11.661
to 665, esp. pp.663-64 (1976).

1972c Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar. (= Janua

Linguarum; Series minor, 107.) The Hague: Mouton, 207
PP. (3rd printing, 1980.)

The volume combines three previously published papers,

namely, 1969d (published in 1970a and reprinted in
1971a), 1968h (published in 1970f), and 1970h (also
published in 1972b).
Reviews :
Anon. in Times Literary Supplement (7 July 1972), p.

- C h r i s t i a n T o u r a t i e r in Bulletin de la Société de
Linguistique de Varis 68.30-44 (1972/73)
- F r e d ( e r i c k ) C(he) C(hing) Peng in American Anthro­
pologist 75.1918-21(1973).
- Petr Sgall in Slovo a Slovestnost 34.190-91 (1973)
- Blanche-Noëlle Grunig in La Linguistique 10:1.152-
154 (1974)
- Justin Leiber in Review of Metaphysics 27.605-606
- Irena Bellert in Linguistics 125.109-14 (1974)
- Udo Figge in Kritikon Litterarum (Darmstadt) 4.106-
109 (1975)
- Geoffrey Sampson in Journal of Literary Semantics
103-09 (1975)
- Herbert E(rnst) Brekle and Philip Luelsdorff,
"Notes on Chomsky's Extended Standard Version",
Foundations of Language 12.367-82 (1974-75)
- Ralph Vanderslice in Quarterly Journal of Speech
59.229-30 (1973)
- Günther R. Kress in Journal of European Studies 2.
389-99 (1972)
- James D(avid) McCawley in Studies in English Lin­
guistics (Tokyo: Asahi Press) 3.209-311 (1975)
- Salvador Garcia Bardon, "La réaction de Noam Chom­
sky à la sémantique generative", Cahiers de l'In­
stitut de Linguistique de Louvain 2.53-72 (1973-
1974) .
Translations :
Questions de sémantique. Transl. into French by Ber­
nard Cerquiglini. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1975, 235
pp .
- M. R. Guyard in Annales : Economies - Sociétés - Civi­
lisations 31.595-96 (1976)
Seisei-bunpo no imironteki .Transl.into Japa­
nese by Minoru Yasui. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1976, xix,
299 pp.
Studien zu Fragen der Semantik. Transl. into German by
L. Weissberg. Frankfurt/Main : Ullstein, 1978, 205 pp.
"Observaciones sobre la nomalización"; "Estructura
profunda, estructura superficial e interpretación se­
mántica"; "Algunos problemas empíricos de la teoría de
la gramática transformatoria". Semántica y sintaxis en
la lingüistica transformatoria ed. and transl. by Vic­
tor Sanchez de Zavala, 133-87, 276-334, and 444-524.
Madrid: Alianza, 1974. [Item 3 transl. with the assis­
tance of Conxita Lleó.]

Sintáctica y semántica en la gramática, generativa.

Transl. into Spanish by Carlos-Peregrín Otero, with
an introduction, notes, and appendices. México-Madrid,
etc.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1979, 256 pp. [Cf.
Sgroi (19 83:215-16) for a detailed analysis of this
as well as the other translations' contents.]

1972d "Review of Fundamentals of Language by Roman Jakobson

& Morris Halle ('s-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1956)".
"The Nature of Structural Descriptions". (With Morris
Halle) "Some Controversial Questions in Phonological
Theory". "Some General Properties of Phonological
Rules". Phonological Theory: Evolution and current
practice ed. by Valerie Becker Makkai, 343-50, 401-
423, 457-85, and 529-48. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, XI, 711 pp. (2nd printing, Lake Bluff, I11.:
Jupiter Press, 1978.)
Reprints of 1957c, 1964g, 1965c, and 1967f.

1972e Gramatika i um. Ed. by Ranko Bugarski. (= Biblioteka

Sazvezda, 31.) Belgrade: Nolit, 287 pp. (2nd enl. ed.,
1979, 312 pp.)
The volume, in Serbo-Croation translation by the ed.
together with Gordana B. Todorović, of essential por­
tions selected from Syntactic Structures (1957e), As­
pects (1965a), and Language and Mind (1968c), together
with a general introd. (pp.9-26) as well as introduc­
tory notes preceding each section (pp.31-35, 71-75,
115-18, and 178-83) by Bugarski. - The 2nd enlarged
ed. has a transl. of chap.l of Reflections on Language
(1975f), "O kognitivnom kapacitetu" (pp.274-310) ad­

1972f "Théorie linguistique". Le Français dans le Monde 88.

6-10 (April/May).
French transl., by Y. Contassot, J. Kiesel, . Ni Mhur-
chadha & E. Wodowski, of 1966c (see there for further
details, incl. German transl.). See also 1973c+d for
reprintings of the English original.
Cf. the review by Marie-Louise Moreau in Le Français
moderne 43:2.169-70 (1975).

1973a "Conditions on Transformations". A Festschrift for

Morris Halle ed. by Stephen R(obert) Anderson & Paul
Kiparsky, 232-86. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
First printing of 1971c, repr. subsequently in 1977a
(pp.81-160). For Italian, French, and Spanish trans­
lations of this article, see under 1977a (below).
Cf. the comment by Eramon Bach & George M. Horn, "Re­
marks on 'Conditions on Transformations'", Linguistic
Inquiry 7:2.265-99 (1976).
1973b "Introduction". Language and Cognition by Adam Schaff,
ed. by Robert S (onne) Cohen (based on a translation
by Olgierd Adrian Wojtasiewicz), V-X. New York: McGraw
-Hill, 194 pp.

19 73c "Linguistic Theory". Readings in Applied Transforma­

tional Grammar ed. by Mark Lester, 2nd ed., 36-44. New
York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Reprint of 1966c (and reprinted in 1973d).

1973d "Linguistic Theory". Focus on the Learner: Pragmatic

perspectives for the language teacher ed. by John W.
Oller and Jack C. Richards, 29-35. Rowley, Mass.: New­
bury House. (2nd printing, 1975.)

Another reprint of 1966c (see 1973c).

1973e "Chomsky Replies". The Few York Review of Books 22:12.

33 (19 July 1973) .

A reply to George Lakoff's critique of Chomsky in the

same newspaper (8 Feb. 1973), which in turn was a res­
ponse to John Searle's article (published there in the
issue of 29 June 1972), "Chomsky's Revolution in Lin­
guistics" .
1974a (Together with Jerrold J(acob) Katz.) On Innateness:
A reply to [David E. ] Cooper. Trier (Germany): Lin­
guistic Agency University at Trier, 12 typed pp. (mi­
meographed) .

Republished in printed form in 1975d.


1974b Problems and Mysteries in the Study of Human Language.

Trier, Germany: L[inguistic] A[gency (of t h e ) ] U [ n i ­
versity a t ] T [ r i e r ] , 52 typed p p . ( m i m e o g r a p h e d ) .
P r e p u b l i c a t i o n (Nov. 1 9 7 4 ) of 1975f ( p p . 1 3 7 - 2 2 7 ,
notes on p p . 2 4 3 - 5 2 ) ; republished in 1976d.

1974c Introduction to 'The Logical Structure of Linguistic

Theory'. Ibid., 36 typed p p . ( m i m e o g r a p h e d ) .
Already c o n c e i v e d , in summer 1 9 7 3 , as an introduction
to C. P. Otero's Spanish transl. of Syntactic Struc­
tures (see under 1 9 5 7 f , for d e t a i l s ) , it was s u b s e ­
quently enlarged to serve as an i n t r o d u c t i o n to the
printed version (1975c) of 1955a.
A French t r a n s l a t i o n , under the title of " I n t r o d u c ­
tion à la théorie standard é t e n d u e " , appeared in
Langue: Théorie generative étendue , with contribu­
tions by N. C h o m s k y , Joseph E m o n d s , Jean Pierre Faye
et a l . , ed. by M i t s o u R o n a t , 1 9 - 3 9 . P a r i s : H e r m a n n ,
1 9 7 7 , 224 pp.
For a Spanish transl. of the preceding v o l u m e , see
entry for 1957f ( p . 9 , t o p , in the present l i s t i n g ) .

1974d " Q u e s t i o n s of F o r m and I n t e r p r e t a t i o n " . Montreal Work­

ing Papers in Linguistics 3.1-42 (December).
Paper first presented at A m h e r s t , M a s s a c h u s e t t s , in
July 1974 (cf. reprint in 1 9 7 5 g ) , republished in 1975
(twice) and in 1977a ( p p . 2 5 - 5 9 ) . *

19 74e (Together w i t h J e r r o l d J(acob) K a t z . ) "What the L i n ­

g u i s t is T a l k i n g a b o u t " . Journal of Philosophy 71.347
to 367 (27 June) .
Reply to Stephen P. Stich's a r t i c l e , " G r a m m a r , Psy­
c h o l o g y , and I n d e t e r m i n a c y " , Journal of Philosophy 69.
799-818 ( 1 9 7 2 ) .
Translation :
"Acerca de qué habla el l i n g ü i s t a " , transl. into Span­
ish by Antonio García A r t a l , and published in Stephen
Stich et al., Debate sobre la teoría de la ciencia
lingüística (= Cuadernos Teorema, 2 6 ) , 35-67. Valen­
cia: U n i v e r s i d a d de V a l e n c i a , 1 9 7 8 .

Also published in Spanish transl. by Antonio García Artal as
Cuestiones de forma y de interpretación (Valencia, 1977), 80 pp.

1974f Linguaggio e sistemi formali : Teorie e metodi delta

linguistica matematica da Camay a Chomsky. Ed. by
Armando De Palma. Turin: Einaudi, 1974, 422 pp.
This anthology includes transl. into Italian by the
ed. of 1955b (169-85), 1956b (203-235), and 1959a
(271-310) .
1975a "Language and Learning". Boston Arts Review 1:1.21-24.

1975b "Knowledge of Language". Language, Mind and Knowledge

(= Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science,
7 ) , ed. by Keith Gunderson and G(eorge?) Maxwell, 299-
320. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, VII, 424

Reprint of 1969f. Actually the first of 6 John Locke

Lectures delivered in Oxford during May-June 1969, of
which parts had appeared in TLS (15 May 1969).
1975c The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. New York
& London: Plenum Press, 573 pp. (2nd printing, 1977.)
First printed version of 1955a (see there for details
on the composition of the volume), slightly revised,
together with a new introduction (pp.1-53), written in
Fall 1973, and first published in 1974c. Cf. Sgroi
(1983:96-97) for a detailed comparison between the
1955 and 1975 versions. (See 1985a for reprint.)

Reviews :
- Anthony Bruck in Language Sciences No.45.35-40 (Apr.
- D(onald) Terence Langendoen in Journal of Psycholin-
guistic Research 7.155-58 (1978)
- Sergio Scalise in Lingua e Stile 13.611-13 (1978)
- Frank Heny in Synthese 40.317-52 (1979)
- Geoffrey Sampson, "What Was Transformational Gram­
mar? A review of Noam Chomsky, The Logical Struc­
ture of Linguistic Theory", Lingua 48:4.355-78

1975d (Together with Jerrold J(acob) Katz.) "On Innateness:

A reply to [David E.] Cooper". The Philosophical Re­
view 84:1.70-87 (January).

Republication of 1974a, in reply to Cooper's argument


in his article, "Innateness: Old and new", The Philo­

sophical Review 81.465-83 (Oct. 1972).

1975e "Questions of Form and Interpretation". Linguistic

Analysis 1:1.75-109.
Reprint of 1974d, reprinted in 1975g.

1975f Reflections on Language. New York: Pantheon Books;

London: Temple Smith, 1976, 271 pp.
Incorporates 1974b as chap.4 (which in turn is re­
printed in 1976d); chap.l is reprinted in 1981e.
Reviews :
- J. Sturrock in The New York Times No.441 (15 Feb.
1976), p.3
- Leonard F. Scinto in Harvard Educational Review 46.
645-49 (1976)
- John Lyons in New Society 35.677-78 (25 March 1976)
- J. D. Burnley in Lore and Language 2:7.52 (1977)
- Sam Glucksberg in Journal of Psycholinguistic Re­
search 6:4.353-61 (1977)
- Alexander Grosu, "Towards a Realistic Model of the
Human Language Faculty: A review of N. Chomsky's
'Reflections on Language'", Lingua 41:2.169-82
- Anon. in The Christian Century 93.466 (12 May 1976)
- Anon. in The Economist No.258 (27 March 1976), 116-
- E. Marcotte in The Nation No.222 (8 May 1976), 570-
- Bernard Williams, "Where Chomsky Stands on Chomsky",
New York Review of Books 23.43-45 (11 Nov. 1976)
- Sebastian (Konstantinovič) Shaumyan (Šaumjan) in
The New Republic 174:11.34-35 (1976)
- John R(onald) Searle, "The Rule of the Language
Game", The Times Literary Supplement No.1118 (10
Sept. 1976)
- W. L. Raiser in Contemporary Sociology : A journal of
reviews 6.188-89 (1977)
- David H. Hirsch in Sewanee Review 85.153-66 (1977)
- Ernest Gellner in Philosophy of the Social Sciences
7.421-24 (1977)
- K. Hong in Theory and Society 4.597-99 (1977)
- L. P. Davies in Et Cetra 35.207-209 (1978)
- Bennison Gray [i.e., Barbara Bennison & Michael
Gray, both died in May 1982], "Now You See It —
now You Don't: Chomsky's 'Reflections'", Forum Lin-
guisticum 2.65-74 (1977)

- Giorgio Graffi, "Ancora su Chomsky, linguistica, fi­

losofía e psicología", Lingua e Stile 12.89-125
Translations :
Reflexionen über die Sprache. Transl. into German by
Georg Meggle & Maria Ulkan. Frankfurt/Main : Suhrkamp,
1977, 313 pp.
Réflexions sur le langage. Transl. into French by Ju­
dith Milner, Béatrice Vautherin & Pierre Fiala. Paris:
Maspero,1977 (new ed., P.: Flammarion, 1981), 284 pp.
Reflexiones sobre el lenguaje. Transl. into Spanish by
Joan A. Argente & Josep Maria Nadal. Barcelona-Caracas
-México: Editorial Ariel, 1979, 390 pp.
Riflessioni sul linguaggio. Transl. into Italian by
Sergio Scalise. Turin: Einaudi, 1980
Cf. the review by Riccardo Ambrosini in Studi e Saggi
Linguistici 20.353-73 (1981 for 1980).
Reflexões sobre a linguagem. Lisboa: Edicões 70,
1977 , 283 pp.
Gengo-ron: Ningen-kagakuteki seisatsu. Transl. into
Japanese by Kazuko Inoue, Akio Kamio & Yuji Nishiya-
ma. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1979, 466 pp.
"Questions of Form and Interpretation". The Scope of
American Linguistics (= Papers from the First Golden
Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of Am-
erica, held at the Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, on
24-25 July 1974), ed. by Robert Austerlitz, 159-96.
Lisse/The Netherlands: Peter de Ridder Press.

Repr. of 1974d = 1975e. Also published separately as

"Peter de Ridder Press Publications in the Philosophy
of Language", No.4 (Lisse, 1975), 40 pp. - Cf. also
the comments by Barbara Hall Partee (ibid., 197-209).
The paper was also reprinted in 1977a.
(3 reprints.) "Cartesian Linguistics; Acquisition
and Use of Language". "Recent Contributions to the
Theory of Innate Ideas"."Linguistics and Philosophy".
Innate Ideas ed. by Stephen P. Stich, 89-103, 121-31,
and 181-94. Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of Califor­
nia Press, X, 222 pp.

Republication of 1966a (pp.59-72), 1 9 6 7 f , and 1969a.

1975i La Grammatica trasformazionale: Scritti espositivi.

Ed. by Armando De Palma. (= Universale scientifica,
130.) T u r i n : B o r i n g h i e r i , 179 p p .
A s e l e c t i o n from Italian translations previously p u b ­
lished in 1969k + l and 1 9 7 0 j , such as 1957a (pp.17-32),
1958f ( p p . 3 3 - 8 0 ) , 1961a ( 8 1 - 1 0 6 ) , and 1967c ( 1 0 7 - 1 6 0 ) ;
cf. also 1969k ( a b o v e ) . The remainder is taken up by
regular back m a t t e r , such as a b i b . and i n d i c e s .

1975j "The A m h e r s t L e c t u r e s " . P a r i s : D e p a r t e m e n t de R e ­

c h e r c h e s L i n g u i s t i q u e s , U n i v e r s i t é de P a r i s V I I ,
manuscript (Feb. 1975).
M i m e o g r a p h e d lecture notes of Chomsky's p r e s e n t a t i o n s
at the 1974 L i n g u i s t i c I n s t i t u t e held in Summer 19 7 4
at the Univ. of M a s s a c h u s e t t s , A m h e r s t , M a s s .

1975k "On C o g n i t i v e S t r u c t u r e s and T h e i r D e v e l o p m e n t " . M a ­

nuscript .
The gist of this paper and other papers of 1975
formed the basis of the debate b e t w e e n Chomsky and
Jean Piaget (1896-1979) held on 10-13 O c t . 1975 at
Royaumont Abbey near P a r i s ; cf. 1979h and 1 9 8 0 i , for

1976a "Conditions on R u l e s of G r a m m a r " . Linguistic Analysis

From a paper given at the Summer M e e t i n g of the L i n ­
guistic Society of A m e r i c a held at the U n i v . of South
F l o r i d a , T a m p a , in June 1 9 7 5 . - It was also published
in 1977a (pp.163-210) and 1977b (pp.3-50).
Translations :
"Condizioni sulle regole di g r a m m a t i c a " , transl. into
Italian by L u c i a n a B r a n d i , and published in La sin-
tassi generativo-trasformazionale ed. by Giorgio Graf-
fi & Luigi R i z z i , 3 8 1 - 4 3 3 . B o l o g n a : I1 M u l i n o , 1 9 7 9 ,
462 pp. [Foreword (pp.379-81) by L. R i z z i . ]
For French and Spanish t r a n s l a t i o n s , see under 1977a
(both from 1980) .

1976b "On the N a t u r e of L a n g u a g e " . Origins and Evolution of

Language and Speech ed. by S t e v a n R. H a m a d , H o r s t D.

Steklis & Jane Lancaster (= Annals of the New York

Academy of Sciences, 280), 46-55. New York: New York
Academy of Sciences, VIII, 914 pp. (Discuss., 55-57.)
From a paper given at the Academy-sponsored Confer­
ence by the same title held in New York in Sept. 1975.
The review article by Joachim-Hermann Scharf of the
proceedings in H i s t o r i o g r a p h i a Linguistica 7:3.369-80
(19S0) does not mention Chomsky's contribution while
discussing those by Charles J. Fillmore, Jerrold J.
Katz, William S. Y. Wang, and other linguists (pp.374
to 377).
Reprinted in 1977a (pp.63-77).
Translations :
"Sobre la naturaleza del lenguaje", transl. into Span­
ish by P. Varela in Revista de Occidente 9.20-27
(1976) .
"Gengo no honshitsu ni tsuite", transl. into Japanese
by Kunihiko Imai , and published in Gengo 6:2.26-40
(Tokyo: Taishukan, Feb. 1977).
For further Spanish, Italian, and French transla­
tions (all dating from 1980), see under 1977a.

1976c "On the Biological Basis of Language Capacities". The

Neuropsychology of Language : Essays in honor of Eric
Lenneberg ed. by R(obert) W(olf) Rieber, 1-24. New
York: Plenum Press, X, 230 pp.

Paper presented at the Memorial Symposium on Eric

Heinz Lenneberg (1921-1975), held at Cornell Univer­
sity, Ithaca, N.Y., in May 1976. - Repr. in 1978f.

1976d "Problems and Mysteries in the Study of Human Lan­

guage". Language in Focus: Foundations, Methods and
Systems (= Essays in Memory of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel
[1915-1975]), ed. by Asa Kasher, 281-357. Dordrecht/
Holland & Boston: D. Reidel.

Repr. of chap. 4 of 1975f; see also 1974b.

19 76e "Equality: Language development, human intelligence,
and social organization". Philosophy and Social Ac­
tion 2:3.1-20.

Repr. in 1978b.

1976f (Selections from.) "Syntactic Structures". "Aspects

of the Theory of Syntax". "Language and the Mind".
Readings in the Theory of Grammar : From the 17 th to
the 20th century ed. by Diane D. Bornstein, 192-207,
218-40, and 241-51. Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop, X,
372 pp.
Reprints of 1957f (pp.11-12, 13-17, 34-48), 1965a (pp.
3-9, 15-18, 27-30, 63-74), and 1968d (in its entire­
ty) .

1977a Essays on Form and Interpretation. (= Studies in Lin­

guistic Analysis, 1.) Nev7 York & Amsterdam: Elsevier/
North-Holland Publ. Co., V I , 216 pp.
The vol. consists (apart from the introd., pp.1-24),
of reprints of the following items: "Questions of Form
and Interpretation" (1974d = 1975e+g) , "On the Nature of
Language" (1976b), "Conditions on Transformations"
(1971c = 1973a), and "Conditions on Rules of Grammar"

Reviews :

- D(onald) Terence Langendoen in Journal of Philosophy

75.270-79 (1978)
- C(harles) F(rederick) Voegelin in International
Journal of American Linguistics 44:2.159 (1978)
- Anon. in The Linguistic Reporter 22:1.8 (Sept. 1979)
- Alexander Grosu in Journal of Linguistics 15.356-64
- Xavier Mignot in Bulletin de la Société de Linguis­
tique de Paris 74:2.42-44 (1979)
- Petr Sgall in Lingua 51.93-79 (1980)
- Giorgio Graffi in Lingua e Stile 13:4.613-15 (1978)
Translations :
Forma e interpretazione. [Transl. into Italian by Ad­
riana Belletti, Claudio Bracco & Luciana Brandi, and]
ed. by Giorgio Graffi & Luigi Rizzi. Milan: I1 Saggia-
tore, 1980, 263 pp. (= Biblioteca di linguistica, 6.)
Essais sur la, forme et le sens. Ed. and transl. by J.
Sampy. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1980, 288 pp.
Cf. the review by A. Reix in Revue philosophique de

Louvain 79, No.42, 277-78 (1981).

Ensayos sobre forma y sentido. Ed. & transl. by P.
Calvo & J. A. Millán. Madrid: Cátedra, 1980.

1977b "Conditions on Rules of Grammar". Current Issues in

Linguistic Theory ed. by Roger W(illiam) Cole, 3-50.
Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. Press, VIII, 303
Paper originally presented at the Linguistic Insti­
tute (of the Linguistic Society of America), held at
the Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, in June 1975. -
First published in 1976a.

1977c (Together with Howard Lasnik.) "Filters and Control".

Linguistic Inquiry 8:3.425-504 (Summer).
Cf. the comments by Kunihiro Iwakura, "On Surface
Filters and Deletion Rules", Linguistic Analysis 5.93
to 124 (1979).

1977d "On Wh-Movement". Formal Syntax (= Proceedings of the

1976 MSSB Irvine Conference on the Formal Syntax of
Natural Language, 9-11 June 1976, Newport Beach, Ca­
lifornia), ed. by Peter William Culicover, Thomas
Wasow & Adrian Akmajian, 71-132. New York: Academic
Press, XII, 500 pp.

1977e Saggi di fonologia. Ed. by Armando De Palma. Turin:

Boringhieri, 156 pp.
The vol. consists of transl. into Italian of the fol­
lowing 4 studies: 1956a (pp.9-35), 1965c (pp.36-91),
1967h (pp.92-119), and 1970c[1964h] (pp.130-47), fol­
lowed by regular back matter.

1977f "Introduction à la théorie standard étendue". Théorie

generative étendue ; précédé de "Le transformationnis-
me et la critique" par Jean Pierre Faye, mis en oeuvre
par Mitsou Ronat, 19-39. Paris: Hermann, 222 pp.
Based on a manuscript originally written in 1973 and
first published in Spanish transl. in 1974. (Cf. under
1957f, p.9, as well as under 1974c, p.55, for further

1977g Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat. Traduit de l'américain et

présenté par Mitsou Ronat. Paris: Flammarion, 210 pp.
Based on conversations with M. Ronat, who translated
Chomsky's replies to her questions into French. The
conversations ranged from political, social, and phi­
losophical questions to linguistic ones. Part II is
essentially devoted to 'La grammaire générative' (pp.
115-200). To this, the ed. has added an Introduction
(pp.7-29) and regular back matter (pp.201-210) .
An English (re-)translation followed in 1979 (see 1979h
below, and Part II, 1979aa, for Japanese translation).
Intervista su linguaggio e ideologia. Transl. into
Italian by Piero Caracciolo. (= Saggi tascabili Later-
za, 42.) Bari: Laterza, 213 pp.
Conversaciónes con Noam Chomsky. Transl. into Spanish
by B. Dorriots. Barcelona: Granica, 1978, 261 pp.
[For full details, consult Sgroi (19 8 3:262-63).]

1977h (Together with David Bell.) "An Exchange of Views on

Language and Human Values". The Encounter 49:1.93-96.

1978a "A Theory of Core Grammar". GL0T: Leids Taalkundig

Bulletin 1:1.7-26. Leiden: Univ. of Leiden.
Shortened version of a paper given at the Univ. of
Leiden on 12 Dec. 1977, and first published in the
working papers of that university.
"Una teoría della grammatica centrale", transl. into
Italian by Adriana Belletti & Luigi Rizzi, with notes
by L. Rizzi, and published in Rivista di Grammatica
Generativa (Padova) 3:1.3-30 (1978) [slightly shor­
tened ] .

1978b "Language Development, Human Intelligence, and Social

Organization". Equality and Social Policy ed. by Wal­
ter Feinberg, 163-88. Urbana, I11.: Univ. of Illinois
Reprint of 1976e.

1978c (Together with Edward Walker.) "Introduction: The Lin-


guistic and Psycholinguistic Background". Explora­

tions in the Biology of Language ed. by Edward Wal­
ker, 15-26. Montgomery, Vermont: Bradford Books; Has­
socks, Sussex: Harvester Press, VII, 247 pp.

1978d (Together with Howard Lasnik.) "A Remark on Contrac­

tion". Linguistic Inquiry 9:2.268-74 (Spring).

1978e "Language and Unconscious Knowledge". Psychiatry and

the Humanities ed. by Joseph D. Smith, M.D., vol.III,
3-44. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press.
The Edith Weigert Lecture, sponsored by the Forum on
Psychiatry and the Humanities of the Washington
School of Psychiatry, presented on 19 Nov. 1976.

1978f "On the Biological Basis of Language Capacities".

Psychology and Biology of Language and Thought: Es­
says in Honor of Eric Lenneberg ed. by George A(rmi-
tage) Miller & Elizabeth Lenneberg, 199-220. New York:
Academic Press, XIII, 294 pp.
Reprint of 1976c. - Cf. the discussion by Jack Cat-
lin in the same vol. (pp.271-80).

1979a "La Linguistique à Vincennes". Vincennes ou le désir

d'apprendre, 244-47. Paris: Editions Alain Moreau &
Univ. de Paris VIII - Vincennes.

1979b Morphophonemics of Modem Hebrew. New York & London:

Garland Publications, 74 pp.
First regular publication of 1951 Master's Thesis (see
there for details), which in fact goes back to a 1949
'undergraduate thesis', Univ. of Pennsylvania. It ap­
peared in a series entitled 'Outstanding Disserta­
tions' under the editorship of Jorge Hankamer.
Reviews / Comments :
- M. J. C h a y e n , " G e n e r a t i v e Phonology C e l e b r a t e s its
25th A n n i v e r s a r y : An e v a l u a t i o n of Chomsky's He­
brew Morphophonemics (1951)", Phonologica 1976 : Ak­
ten der dritten Internationalen Phonologie-gg
(Wien, 1.-4. September 1976) ed. by Wolfgang U(1­
rich) Dressler & Oskar E. P f e i f f e r , 4 9 - 5 1 . I n n s ­
b r u c k : Institut für S p r a c h w i s s e n s c h a f t , Univ. Inns-

bruck, 1977, 310 pp.

- Jack Fellman in Lingua 51.357-58 (1980)

1979c "Human Language and Other Semiotic Systems". Semio­

tica 25:1/2.31-44.
Paper delivered on 16. Feb. 1978 at a symposium on
'The Emergence of Language: Continuities and Discon­
tinuities', held at the annual meeting of the Amer­
ican Association for the Advancement of Science.

1979d "Remarks on Nominalization". Syntactic Argumentation

ed.by Donna Jo Napoli & E(mily) N(orwood) Rando, 138
to 183. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Univ. Press.
Reprint of 1970f[1968h].

1979e "Principi e parametri della grammatica universale".

Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 4:1-2.3-75. (Actual­
ly published in 1981.)
Paper originally written in 1979, subsequently pub­
lished in 1981g.

1979f "Linguaggio" [Language]. Enciclopedia Einaudi, vol.

VIII (Labirinto-Memoria) , 352-99. Turin: Giulio Ein­
audi .
Paper originally written in 1976, transl. into Ital­
ian by L. Fontana.

1979g "Encounter: Species of Intelligence". The Sciences

19:9.6-11, 23 (Nov. 1979).
From a discussion with David Premack on language and
cognition in apes and human beings.

1979h Language and Responsibility : Based on conversations

with Mitsou Ronat. Transl. from the French by John
Viertel. New York: Pantheon Books; London: Harvester
Press, IX, 212 pp.
Re translation of 1977g into English, in part recast
by the author; cf. his 'Introductory Comment' (p.ix):
"In the course of reviewing the translation I intro­
duced a number of stylistic and sometimes substantive
changes, adding passages to clarify or extend what
was said." - For translations, see under 1977g.

The book consists of two major p a r t s : I, " L i n g u i s t i c s

and P o l i t i c s " ( p p . 1 / 3 - 9 9 ) , and I I , " G e n e r a t i v e Gram­
m a r " ( 1 0 1 / 1 0 3 - 1 9 4 ) . Notes (195-97) and index (199-212).
Reviews :
- John L e o n a r d , "Books of The T i m e s " , The New York
Times (5 Feb. 1 9 7 9 ) , p . C 1 7 .
- Paul R o b i n s o n , "The Chomsky P r o b l e m : L a n g u a g e and
responsibility", The New York Times Book Review
(25 Feb. 1 9 7 9 ) , pp.3-37 (with i n t e r r u p t i o n s ) .

1979i Théories du language, théories de l'apprentissage: Le

débat entre Jean Riaget et Noam Chomsky. Organisé et
recueilli par M a s s i m o Piattelli-Palmarini. Paris: Edi­
tions d u S e u i l , 532 p p .
French version of 1 9 8 0 e ; English texts w e r e translated
into French by Yvonne N o i z e t . Based on the transcrip­
tion of the debate held at the Centre de Royaumont
pour une Science de l'Homme, 10-13 Oct. 1 9 7 5 . See u n ­
der 1 9 8 0 e , for further d e t a i l s .
1979j Risa Workshop Lectures. T r a n s c r i b e d by J e a n - Y v e s Pol­
lock & H a n s O b e n a u e r , 52 typed p p . ( m i m e o g r a p h e d ) .
This m a t e r i a l from lectures given at the Suola N o r m a ­
le di Pisa was s u b s e q u e n t l y i n c o r p o r a t e d in 1981a (see
there for further d e t a i l s ) . The new framework ad­
vanced in these 3 lectures was discussed in:
Hans Bennis & A n n e k e G r o o s , "The G o v e r n m e n t - B i n d i n g
T h e o r y : An o v e r v i e w " , Lingua e Stile 1 5 : 4 . 5 6 5 - 9 2 (Dec.
During 1 9 7 8 , the paper "On B i n d i n g " (see 1 9 8 0 a ) had
been c i r c u l a t i n g in m a n s c r i p t form.

1980a "On B i n d i n g " . Linguistic Inquiry 11:1.1-46 (Winter

1980) .
A 68-page typescript had already been available during
1978. The paper has been reprinted in 1981f.
Binding and Filtering ed. by Frank H e n y , 4 7 - 1 0 3 . Cam­
b r i d g e , M a s s . : MIT P r e s s , 1 9 8 2 , 328 pp. [This volume
is devoted to various aspects and implications of this
p a r t i c u l a r a r t i c l e , with c o n t r i b u t i o n s by Luigi R i z z i ,
Richard S. K a y n e , and o t h e r s . ]
See also the comments on 1979j (above) as well as the
review of the v o l u m e ed. by Heny in Language 59.360-72
(1983) by Donna Jo N a p o l i .

1980b Rules and Representations. New York: Columbia Univ.

P r e s s ; O x f o r d : B a s i l B l a c k w e l l , v i i i , 299 p p .
The 4 W o o l b r i d g e L e c t u r e s held at Columbia U n i v e r s i t y ,
New York City, early N o v . 1 9 7 8 ; they are entitled 1,
"Mind and b o d y " ; 2 , " S t r u c t u r e s , c a p a c i t i e s , and con­
v e n t i o n s " ; 3, " K n o w l e d g e of G r a m m a r " , and 4 , "Some El­
ements of g r a m m a r " (taking up p p . 3 - 1 8 1 , 255-84 [for
notes]). To this 2 earlier published papers — 1976c
and 1978e — w e r e added ( p p . 1 8 5 - 2 1 6 , notes 2 8 4 - 8 7 , and
2 1 7 - 5 9 , notes 2 8 7 - 9 0 , r e s p e c t i v e l y ) .
Another v e r s i o n of these lectures was also presented
as Kant Lectures at Stanford U n i v e r s i t y , C a l i f o r n i a ,
in J a n . 1 9 7 9 . - For partial r e p r i n t , see 1980f.
Reviews :
- Ian Hacking in New York Review of Books 27:16.47-50
(23 O c t . 1 9 8 0 )
- Elliott S o b e r , "Language and P s y c h o l o g i c a l R e a l i t y :
Some reflections on Chomsky's Rules and Representa­
tions" . Linguistics and Philosophy 3:3.395-405
(1980 for 1979)
- Alison Gopnik in Linguistics 19.157-69 (1981)
- Luigi Rosiello in Lingua e Stile 1 6 : 4 . 3 9 - 4 3 (Dec.
- Sölve Ohlander in Studia Neophilologica 55.98-105
- Xavier Mignot in Bulletin de la Société de Linguis­
tique de Paris 76:2.87-90 (1981)
- . M c G i n n in Journal of Philosophy 78.288-98 (1981)
- Peter H ( u g o e ) M a t t h e w s in Times Literary Supple­
ment of 21 November 1980
- M i c h a e l D u m m e t t , " O b j e c t i o n s to C h o m s k y " , London Re­
view of Books 3:16.5-6 (3-16 S e p t . 1 9 8 1 ) , and the
s u b s e q u e n t epistolary exchange b e t w e e n Roy Harris
(ibid., N o . 1 8 , 1-14 O c t . 1 9 8 1 ) and D u m m e t t ( i b i d . ,
N o . 1 9 , 15 Oct.-4 N o v . 1 9 8 1 )
- T. L. Smith in Philosophical Review 9 1 . 1 3 8 - 4 1 (1982)
- Barry J. B l a k e , "The Frozen Thought of Noam Chomsky
- A review article [...]", Babel: Journal of the
Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers'
Association 17:1.48-51 (1981)*
Translations :
Regels en representaties: Le grammatica als mentaal
orgaan. Transl. into Dutch by Henny C o r v e r . Utrecht:
B o h n , Scheltema & H o l k e m a , 1 9 8 1 , 245 p p .
Cf. the review by Johan K e r s t e n s in De Niewe Taalgids
74.457-59 ( 1 9 8 1 ) . — * See also footnote on p. 6 8 .

Regole et rappresentazioni. TransL. into Italian by

A(nna?) Ragni, ed. by Giorgio Graffi. Milan: I1 Sag-
giatore, 1981, 248 pp. [With a postscript by J. M. E.
Moravcsik, "La radicale rottura di Chomsky nei con­
front! della tradizione moderna" (pp.233-37) . ]
Regeln und Repräsentationen. Transl. into German by
Helen Leuninger. (= Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft
No.351.) Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1981, 300 pp.
Cf. the review by Rainer Kuhlen, "Sprachwissenschaft
als Naturwissenschaft", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zei­
tung (13 Oct. 1981), Nr.237, p.L14.
Kotoba to Ninshiki: Bunpo kara mita ningen-chisei.
Transl. into Japanese by Kazuko Inoue, Akio Kamio &
Yuji Nishiyama. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1984, vi, 416 pp.

1980c (Together with David Caplan.) "Linguistic Perspectives

on Language Development". Biological Studies of Mental
Processes ed. by David Caplan, 97-105. Cambridge, Mas­
sachusetts & London: MIT Press.

19 80d "Recent Contributions to the Theory of Innate Ideas".

Challenges to Empiricism ed« by Harold Marick, 230-40.
Indianapolis & Cambridge, Mass.: Hackett Publ. Co.
Repr. of 1967f.

1980e Language and Learning : The debate between Jean Piaget

and Noam Chomsky. (Proceedings of the Royaumont Con­
ference on Phylogenetic and Ontogenetic Models of De­
velopment, Paris 10-13 October 1975.) Edited by Mas­
simo Piattelli-Palmarini. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
Univ. Press; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; Henley-
on-Thames, Oxon.: Broadway House, XXXVI, 409 pp.
English version of 1979i (above). The volume is based
on the transcription of the discussions held at the
Centre de Royaumont pour une Science de l'Homme at the
Abbaye de Royaumont near Paris on 10-13 October, plus
a paper each written by Piaget (1895-1980) and Chomsky
and distributed before the colloquium to the 25 parti-
* [from page 6 7 ] : See a l s o Rudolf P ( h i l i p ) B o t h a , On the Ga­
lilean Style of Linguistic Inquiry (Stellenbosch, South Africa:
Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Stellenbosch, 1981), 69 pp., and Jürgen
Klausenburger's review note in Language 59.434 (1983).

c i p a n t s , which included Gregory B a t e s o n , Jerry F o d o r ,

M a u r i c e G o d e l i e r , Bärbel I n h e l d e r , François J a c o b ,
Jacques M e h l e r , the late Jacques M o n o d , David P r e -
m a c k , Hilary P u t n a m , Dan S p e r b e r , René Thorn, Stephen
T o u l m i n , and o t h e r s .
For an early comment on the d e b a t e , cf. the paper by
Bärbel I n h e l d e r , "Language and T h o u g h t : Some remarks
on Chomsky and Piaget", Journal of Psycholinguistic
Research 7.263-68 (1978).
See also the reviews of the entire volume:
- Jane H. Hill in Language 5 7 . 9 4 8 - 5 3 (1981)
- Sue Curry J a n s e n , "Synthetic B r e a k d o w n " , Journal of
Communication 3 1 : 4 . 2 0 1 - 2 0 3 (Fall 1981)
- W e r n e r A b r a h a m in Germanistik 22.287-88 (1981)
- P. N. J o h n s o n - L a i r d , "The W h e n c e of G r a m m a r " , Times
Literary Supplement of 27 F e b . 1 9 8 1 , p . 2 3 5 .
(a) Papers by Chomsky published in the v o l u m e :
1. "On Cognitive Structures and Their D e v e l o p m e n t : A
reply to P i a g e t " ( p p . 3 5 - 5 2 ; notes on p . 3 8 2 )
2. "The L i n g u i s t i c A p p r o a c h " ( 1 0 9 - 1 1 7 ; n o t e s , 383)
3. "Statement of the P a r a d o x [on the i n d u c t i v i s t f a l ­
l a c y ] " (259, 2 6 0 - 6 1 , together w i t h Jerry (Jacob) F o ­
4. " D i s c u s s i o n of Putnam's C o m m e n t s " ( 3 1 0 - 2 4 , n o t e s ,
392) — cf. the statements by Hilary P u t n a m , "Com­
ments on Chomsky's and Fodor's R e p l i e s " ( 3 3 5 - 4 0 , and
notes on p.392) as w e l l as "What Is Innate and W h y :
Comments on the d e b a t e " ( 2 8 7 - 3 0 9 , notes 3 9 0 - 9 2 ) .
(b) C o n t r i b u t i o n s to the d i s c u s s i o n of the following
top ics :
1. 'About the Fixed Nucleus and Its I n n a t e n e s s ' (64-
6 5 , 6 7 , 7 3 - 7 5 , 7 6 - 7 7 , 7 7 - 7 8 , 8 0 , 8 0 - 8 1 , 81-82)
2. 'Artificial I n t e l l i g e n c e and General D e v e l o p m e n t a l
M e c h a n i s m s ' ( 9 9 - 1 0 1 , 1 0 2 , 103)
3. 'Cognitive Schemes and Their P o s s i b l e R e l a t i o n s to
Language A c q u i s i t i o n ' ( 1 3 7 - 3 8 , 139-40)
4. 'On the I m p o s s i b i l i t y of A c q u i r i n g "More P o w e r f u l "
S t r u c t u r e s ' (157)
5. 'Language w i t h i n A c q u i s i t i o n ' ( 1 6 8 - 7 3 , 1 7 3 - 7 4 , 1 7 4 -
75, 175-77, 178-79, 179-80, 181-82)
6. 'Properties of the N e u r o n a l N e t w o r k ' (199, 200)
7. 'Cognition and the Semiotic F u n c t i o n ' (251)
8. 'The Inductivist Fallacy' ( 2 6 2 - 6 3 , 2 6 4 - 6 5 , 2 6 5 - 6 6 ,
267-68, 270-72, 273-74.
For a still more detailed account and, in p a r t i c u l a r ,
for an analysis of the French translation of Chomsky's
statements published in 1 9 7 9 i , see Sgroi (19 83:246-4 7).

1980f "Rules and R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s " . The Behavioral and Brain

Sciences 3.1-61.
Excerpted from 1980b (Part I, sections 1 - 3 ) ; pages 1-
15 constitute e x c e r p t s , followed by comments by v a r i ­
ous others ( p p . 1 5 - 4 2 ) , to which Chomsky replies (pp.
4 2 - 5 8 ) ' b i b . (58-61) .
Cf. also the c o m m e n t s , actually made on the book by
the same title (1980b a b o v e ) , by M a s s i m o P i a t t e l l i -
P a l m a r i n i , the ed. of 1 9 8 0 e , "La mento n o n è una sola
ma m o l t e p l i c e " , Tutti Libri N o . 2 4 1 (= Supplement to
La Stampa) of S a t u r d a y , 18 O c t . 1 9 8 0 , p . 6 .

1980g "A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior". Read­

ings in Philosophy of Psychology ed. by Ned Block,
vol.1, 48-63. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.
Reprints the bulk of 1959d, w i t h sections 5-10 [pp.39
to 54] omit t ed.

1980h "On Opacity". Studies in English Linguistics : For Ran­

dolph Quirk e d . b y Sidney G r e e n b a u m , G e o f f r e y L e e c h &
Jan S v a r t v i k , 1-6. L o n d o n & New York: Longman.

1980i "Prologo". La estructura fónica de la lengua castella­

na: Fonología morfología, dialectología ed. by Jorge E.
G u i t a r t & Joaquín Roy, 7-11. B a r c e l o n a : A n a g r a m a , 248 p p .
P r e f a c e , probably translated into Spanish by the e d i ­
t o r s . (Dated October 1979.)

1981a Lectures on Government and Binding. (= Studies in Gen­

erative Grammar , 9.) Dordrecht/Holland & Cinnaminson,
N e w J e r s e y : F o r i s P u b l i c a t i o n s , I X , 371 p p .
This is the revised text of the so-called 'Pisa L e c ­
t u r e s ' , i.e., the lectures given on 24-26 A p r i l 1979
at the Scuola Normale S u p e r i o r e di P i s a , I t a l y , which
followed the 4th GLOW [i.e., Generative L i n g u i s t i c s in
the Old W o r l d ] C o l l o q u i u m , held in the same city (19-
22 April 1 9 7 9 ) - cf. 1981j for Chomsky's p a p e r .
The "material from the original Pisa lectures is [...]
concentrated in chapters 3 and 4 " , w h e r e a s the paper
from the GLOW c o n f e r e n c e ... is a brief outline of m a ­
terial presented in chapter 3" ( P r e f a c e , viii). Cf. a l ­
so the transcripts by J-Y. Pollock & H - G . Obenauer
( 1 9 7 9 j ) , which facilitated the p r e p a r a t i o n of the p u b -

lication (for further d e t a i l s , consult the P r e f a c e ,

A c c o r d i n g to Sgroi ( 1 9 8 3 : 2 8 1 ) , an Italian translation
(to be published by I1 Saggiatore in M i l a n ) is in pre­
parat ion .
Chomsky's Government & Binding theory (see also 1980a)
has sparked c o n s i d e r a b l e activity and d e b a t e , e s p e c i ­
ally in the MIT house j o u r n a l , Linguistic Inquiry (see
there for d e t a i l s ; e.g., K. P. M o h a n a n , " I n f i n i t i v a l
S u b j e c t s , G o v e r n m e n t , and Abstract C a s e " , LI 13:2.323
to 327 [Spring 1 9 8 2 ] ) . In 1 9 8 2 , a 320-page d i s s e r t a ­
tion on Government and Proper Binding of Verbal Ad­
­­­tives was completed at the Univ. of W a s h i n g t o n in
S e a t t l e , w r i t t e n by Karen T. Zagona (cf. Lissertation
Abstracts International 4 3 : 6 . 1 9 6 1 A [Dec. 1982] for a
summary). Cf. also James H i g g i n b  t h a m , "Anaphora and
G[overnment &] B [ i n d i n g ] : Some preliminary remarks",
Cahiers linguistiques d'Ottawa 9.223-36 (1980).
Reviews (and Comments)'.
- Hans B e n n i s , "A Note on Government and Binding",
Levels of Syntactic Representation ed. by Robert
May & Jan K o s t e r , 1-8. D o r d r e c h t : Foris P u b l i c a ­
t i o n s , 1981
- A d r i a n a B e l l e t t i in Lingua e Stile 1 7 . 5 8 9 - 9 4 (Dec.
- Noriko Terazu in Gengo Kenkyu N o . 8 4 . 1 6 5 - 7 3 (1983)
- Edwin Williams in Language 60:2.400-408 (June 1984),
together with 1982d.

1981b "A N a t u r a l i s t i c A p p r o a c h to L a n g u a g e and C o g n i t i o n " .

Cognition and Brain Theory 4:1.3-22 (Winter 1981).
The paper goes back to a talk given in 1 9 7 8 .

1981c (Reprint of 4 p a p e r s . ) (Together w i t h Jerrold Jacob

Katz) "What the L i n g u i s t Is T a l k i n g A b o u t " . "Reply to
[Hilary] P u t n a m " . "On C o g n i t i v e C a p a c i t y " . "Discussion
of Putnam's Comments". Readings in Philosophy of Psy­
chology ed. by Ned [Joel] B l o c k , v o l . 1 1 , 2 2 3 - 3 7 , 3 0 0 -
3 0 4 , 3 0 5 - 3 2 3 , and 3 4 9 - 5 8 . C a m b r i d g e , M a s s . : Harvard
Univ. Press.
R e p r . of 1 9 7 4 e , 1969a ( p p . 7 4 - 8 0 ) , 1975f ( c h a p . 1 , p p . 3 -
3 5 ) , and 1980e ( p p . 3 1 0 - 2 4 ; cf. p . 6 9 , centre [item ( a ) ,
N o . 4 ] ) , in that order.
Cf. item 1980g for a related r e p r i n t .

1981d "Principles and Parameters in Syntactic Theory". Ex­

planation in Linguistics : The logical problem of lan­
guage acquisition ed. by Norbert R. Hornstein & David
W(illiam) Lightfoot, 32-75. London & New York: Long­
man, 288 pp. (= Longman Linguistic Library , 25.)
A mimeographed version was circulated already in 1979
— cf. 1979e, for Italian translation. French trans­
"Principes et paramètres en théorie syntaxique",
Grammaire transformationnelle: Théorie et méthodolo­
gie ed. by Jacqueline Guéron, with the collab. of Thel-
ma Sowley & Mireille Azzoug, 9-65. Saint Denis: Centre
de Recherche, Univ. de Paris VIII, 1982, 464 pp.

1981e "On the Representation of Form and Function". The Lin­

guistic Review 1:1.3-40 (Jan. 1981).
Paper presented in June 1980 at the CNRS [= Centre
National de Recherches Scientifiques] Conference on
the Cognitive Sciences held at Royaumont Abbey near
Paris, It was also published in the conference pro­
ceed ings :
Perspectives on Mental Representation: Experimental
and theoretical studies of cognitive processes and
capacities ed. by Jacques Mehler, C. T. Edward & Mer­
rill Garrett, 3-38. Hillsdale, N.Y. & London: Erlbaum
Associates, 19 82.
The original paper was titled "A Rationalist Approach
to Language and Cognition". - Cf. the comments by Lu-
igi Rizzi and by Richard S. Kayne in the above volume
(pp.441-51 and 453-56, respectively).

1981f "On Binding". Binding and Filtering ed. by Frank Heny,

47-103. London: Croom Helm (distributed in North Am­
erica by MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.), 352 pp.
Reprint of 1980a; see there for comments.

1981g "Knowledge of Language: Its elements and origins".

The Psychological Mechanisms of Language ed. by H. C.
Longuet-Higgins, John Lyons, and D. E. Broadbent, 9-20.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Paper given in London, 11 March 1981, at the joint sym­
posium of the Royal Society and the British Academy.

1981h "A Note on Non-Control PRO". Journal of Linguistic

Research 1:4.1-11 (1981-82).

1981i "Linguistic Contributions to the Study of Mind - The

Past". Istoria ştiinţei şi reconstrucţia ei conceptua­
la ed. by Ilie Pârvu, 92-117. Bucharest: Editura Şti-
intifica si Encyclopedieǎ.
Repr. of 1972a[1968c], Part III.

1981j "Markedness and Core Grammar". Theory of Markedness in

Generative Grammar : Proceedings of the [4th] 1979
GLOW Conference (Pisa, 19-22 April 1979) ed. by Adri­
ana Belletti, Luciana Brandi & Luigi Rizzi, 123-46.
Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore.
Published version of 1979 paper.

1981k "Some Controversial Questions in Phonological Theory".

Fundamentos metodologicos da linguistica ed. by Marce­
lo Dascal, vol.II: Fonologia e sintaxe, 85-130. Cam­
pinas, S.P., Brazil: Unicamp.
Repr. of 1965c paper authored together with Morris

1982a Language and the Study of Mind. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publ.

Co., 58 and 51 pp. [of notes]. (7th printing, 1984.)
Repr. of 1966i lectures given in Japan on 'Linguis­
tics and the Science of Man' and 'Language and the
Study of Mind' . [The notes by Kazuko Harada are in Jap.]

1982b "Should Traditional Grammar Be Ended or Mended?".

Language Perspectives : Papers from the "Educational
Review" ed. by Barry Wade, 10-22. London: Heinemann
Educational Books.
Repr. of 1969h.

1982c "A Note on the Creative Aspect of Language Use". Phi­

losophical Review 91:3.423-34 (July 1982).
Reply to Margaret Drach, "The Creative Aspect of Chom­
sky's Use of the Notion of Creativity", ibid. 90:1.44-
65 (Jan. 1981) .

1982d Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Gov­

ernment and Binding. (= Linguistic Inquiry Monograph,
6.) Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, [V], 110 pp.
Based "partly on a talk [given] before the Sixth Scan­
dinavian Conference on Linguistics [held] in Røros,
Norway, 19-21 June 1981." (Series editor's statement.)
Reviews :
- Dell Hymes in Language in Society 12.419-20 (1983);
- Edwin Williams in Language 60:2.400-408 (1984) [to­
gether with 1981a].
1982e "Preface". Introduction to Chomsky 's Linguistic Theo­
ry ed. by the "Journal of Foreign Languages", 1-8.
Harbin (People's Republic of China): Heilongjiong
Univ. Press.
1982f Noam Chomsky on The Generative Enterprise. A discus-
sion with Riny Huybregts & Henk van Riemsdijk. Dor­
drecht/Holland & Cinnaminson, N.J.: Foris Publica­
tions, [VII], 143 pp.
Edited version of interviews held with Chomsky in
Nov. 1979 and March 1980 concerning linguistics in
general and generative grammar in particular. (Index
[pp.133-34] compiled by Sie Ing-Djiang.)
Reviews : *
- Marie-Louise Kean in Language 60:3.600-604 (1984);
- Shuji Chiba in Studies in English Literature (Tokyo)
61:1.170-75 (1984).

"Seisei-bunpo no Kuwadate". Transl. into Japanese by
Yasuaki Abe, Naoki Fukui & Noriko Kawasaki, and seri­
alized in Cengo (Tokyo: Taishukan) 13:9.94-104 (Sept.
1984) and the following monthly numbers: 2) 13:10.102-
115; 3) 11.96-102; 4) 12.92-97; 5) 14:1.240-53 (Jan.
1985); 6) 2.102-111; 7) 3.107-115; 8) 4.231-50 and
265; 9) 5.98-106; 10) 6.94-105; 11) 7.110-117; 12) 8.
108-114, and 13) 14:9.88-98 (Sept. 1985).

* Cf. also the comments by Geoffrey K. Pullum, "Topic

... Comment: Chomsky on The [Generative] Enterprise",
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2.349-55 (1984)

1983a Modular Approaches to the Study of the Mind. (= Dis­

tinguished Graduate Research Lecture Series, 1.) San
Diego, Calif.: California State Univ. Press, x, 113
pp. (With a 1984 imprint.)
The text goes back to a lecture given at California
State University, San Diego, in 1980.

1983b "Some Conceptual Shifts in the Study of Language".

How Many Questions ? Essays in honor of Sidney Morgen­
besser ed. by Leigh S(amuel) Cauman, I. Levi, C. D.
Parsons & R(ichard?) Schwartz, 154-69. Indianapolis:
Hackett Publ. Co., 516 pp.
Originally the Lionel Trilling Lecture presented at
Columbia University, New York, on 4 Nov. 1982.

1983c [Homage to Roman Jakobson (1896-1982)]. A Tribute to

Roman Jakobson, 1896-1982, Preface by Paul E. Gray,
and Introduction (p.5) by Morris Halle, 81-83. Berlin
- New York - Amsterdam: Mouton Publishers, 9 5 pp.
From a memorial gathering held at the Kresge Auditor­
ini of the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology on 12 Nov.

1983d "Mental Representations". Syracuse Scholar (Syrcacuse,

New York) 4:2.5-21 (Fall 1982).
Edited version of Chomsky's Watson Lectures of 1982.

1984a "La connaissance du langage: Ses composantes et ses

origines". Communications (Paris) 40.7-24.
French version of 1981g.
1984b "The Study of Generative Grammar". Proceedings of the
Harbin Conference on Generative Grammar ed. by Xi Yin
Li. Harbin (People's Republic of China).

19 84c "Noam Chomsky Writes Mrs Davis about Grammar and Edu­
cation". English Education 16:3.165-66 (Oct. 1984).
Includes Chomsky's letter to the editor.

1984d "Changing Perspectives on Knowledge and Use of Lan­

guage". Theoretical Linguistic Research 1:2.135-94
(Dec. 1984).

1985a The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 598 pp.
Paperback ed. of 1975c, with an index compiled [in
1979] by Jan van Voorst (pp.574-92), subdivided into
I. Subjects, II. Symbols, III. Morphemes, Wordclasses
and Words, and IV. Names.

1985b "Cambios de perspective sobre el conocimiento y uso

del lenguage". Teorema 15:1/2.11-71.
Spanish transl, of Sloan Conference held at the Cogni­
tive Science Center, M.I.T., in May 1984 (see 1984d
for English original). Translator: Jaime Sarabia.

1985c "Methodological Preliminaries". The 'Philosophy of

Linguistics ed. by Jerrold J(acob) Katz, 80-125. Ox­
ford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Repr. of introductory chap. (pp.3-47) of 1965a.

1985d [Contributions to the discussion]. The Native Speaker

Ts Dead! compiled & ed. by Thomas M. Paikeday, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53-54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60-61, and "Chomsky's
Reply" on pp.81, 82, 83-84, 85, and 88. Toronto & New
York: Paikeday Publishing Inc., xiv, 109 pp.
The booklet is subtitled "An informal discussion of a
linguistic myth with Noam Chomsky and other linguists,
psychologists, and lexicographers"; it appears to have
been put together on the basis of answers to question­
naires and follow-up correspondence. — The loci of
statements in Chomsky's writings referred to are to
be found in 1957f (p.48); 1965a (p.11), and 1966c (p.
45) .

[Other participants in the discussion were Archibald

A. Hill, Winfred P. Lehmann, Frederic G. Cassidy, and
many other scholars. The more than 20 sections carry
titles such as "'Native speaker' as a legal fiction",
"How a linguist diagnosed Indian English", "Going af­
ter Chomsky's herring but without losing the scent".
"Wanted: a Copernican revolution", etc.]

1986a Knowledge of Language : Its nature, origin and use. New

York - W e s t p o r t , C o n n e c t i c u t - L o n d o n : P r a e g e r , x x i x ,
311 pp.
Published in 'Praeger Special S t u d i e s ' series " C o n v e r ­
g e n c e : A series f o u n d e d , p l a n n e d , and edited by Ruth
Nadia A n s h e n " , who w r o t e the following i n t r o d u c t o r y
m a t t e r : " C o n v e r g e n c e [a statement on the series going
back to 1 9 8 1 ] " ( x i - x x i i ) , and "The Möbius Strip [first
published in 1 9 8 2 ] " ( x x i i i - x x i v ) .
C o n t e n t s : " P r e f a c e " ( x x v - x x i x ) ; 1, "Knowledge of lan­
guage as a focus of inquiry" (1-14) ; 2, "Concepts of
l a n g u a g e " ( 1 5 - 5 0 ) ; 3, "Facing Plato's p r o b l e m " (51-
2 2 0 " , i.e., "to explain how we know so m u c h , given
that the evidence available to us is so s p a r s e " (Pre­
f a c e , p . x x v i i ) ; 4, "Questions about r u l e s " ( 2 2 1 - 7 5 ) ,
and 5, "Notes on Orwell's p r o b l e m " ( 2 7 6 - 8 7 ) , which is
"why we know and understand so l i t t l e , even though the
evidence available to us is so rich." (Loc.cit.)
Bib. ( 2 8 8 - 9 6 ) ; index ( 2 9 7 - 3 0 7 ) , and a note "About the
author" (309). ["About the founder of this s e r i e s " , p.
311. ]
Cf. the review by Philip T. S m i t h , "A Word to the
Wise", N a t u r e 320.493-94 (10 A p r i l 1 9 8 6 ) .

1986b Barriers, (= Linguistic Inquiry Monograph, 13.) Cam­

b r i d g e , M a s s . : M I T P r e s s , 102 p p .
The m o n o g r a p h had been a v a i l a b l e in m a n u s c r i p t since
early 1985.

1986c Structures of Language and Power: Lectures on lin­

guistics, i d e o l o g y , and the current world scene. (To
a p p e a r in M a n a g u a , N i c a r a g u a , in Spanish translation.)
Lectures delivered at the U n i v e r s i d a d C e n t r o a m e r i c a ­
n a , M a n a g u a , N i c a r a g u a , 3-7 March 1 9 8 6 , 185 s i n g l e -
spaced leaves of t y p e s c r i p t .
This lecture series had been proposed by the Execu­
tive C o m m i t t e e of the L i n g u i s t i c Society of A m e r i c a
at its 60th annual m e e t i n g held at the Seattle Shera­
ton H o t e l , 27-30 D e c e m b e r 1985 (cf. LSA Bulletin No.
111 (March 1986) , p . 6 .

1986d "Changing P e r s p e c t i v e s on K n o w l e d g e and Use of L a n ­

guage". Leuvense Bijdragen 75:1.1-71.

Ad 1957f, translations:
- Jufa Jiegou [Syntactic Structures]. Transl, into (Man­
darin) Chinese by Jing Gong-wan, Pang Bing-jun, Huang
Chang-zhu & Lin Shu-wu. With a biobibliographical
foreword [pp.1-8]. Bejing (People's Republic of China):
China Social Science Publishing House, (July) 1979,
132 pp. (Repr., 1984.)
Apart from an introd. by the translators, a termino­
logical index (English-Chinese) has been added (124-
132) .
- Syntactic Structures [and Korean title]. Transl. into
Korean by Seung-kwan Lee & Hei-sook Lee. Seoul (Korea):
Pan-Korea Book Corporation, 197 and 118 pp.
The Korean transl. is followed by a reprint of the text
of the English original.

Ad 1959d, comment :
- Andresito E. Acuña, "Notes on Chomsky's Review of B.
F. Skinner", D i l i m a n Review (Quezon City, Philippines)
17.183-98 (1969).
1959d, translation:
- "Pin Sijinna zhu 'Yanyu Xingwai' [Review of 'Verbal
Behavior' by Skinner]". Transl, into Chinese by Wang
Zong-yan. Guowai yuyanxue [Linguistics Abroad] 2.15-21,
3.37-41, and 4.37-45 (1982).

Ad 1962b, translation:
- See Lingwistyka a filozofía: Wspótczesny spór o filo-
zoficzne zatozenia teorii jȩzyka ed. with an introd. by

Barbara Stanosz, 138-61. Warsaw: Pañstwowe Wyd. Nauko-

we, 1977, 522 pp.
Transl, into Polish.

Ad 1962c, comment:
- Josef Vachek, "On Some Basic Principles of Classical
Phonology (In margin N. Chomsky's Logical Basis of
Linguistic Theory)", Selected Writings in English and
General Linguistics by J.V., 44-66. The Hague: Mouton;
Prague: Academia, 1916, 451 pp.

Ad 1964g, comment:
- Ralph Vanderslice, "Patatak Revised: Autonomous phonol­
ogy and generative vacuity", The Third LAGUS Forum 197 6
ed. by Robert J. Di Prieto & Edward L. Blansitt, Jr.,
559-66. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press, 1977.
Demonstrates the superiority of Charles F. Hockett's
1951 analysis over and above the (misleading) one pro­
posed by Chomsky.

Ad 1965a, excerpts:
- See Readings in the Theory of Grammar : From the 17th to
the 20th century ed. by Diane D. Bornstein, 218-40.
Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop, 1976, x, 372 pp.
Reproduces pp.3-9, 15-18, 27-38, 63-74 of Aspects, and
also pp.11-12, 13-17 and 34-48 of Syntactic Structures
(this volume, 192-207). - See also addenda to 1968d.

1965a, translation:
- Zagadnienia teorii skladni. Transl, into Polish by Ire-
neusz Jakubczak, with a preface by Kazimierz Polański.
Wroclaw: Zaklad. im. Ossoliñskich, 1982, 283 pp.

Ad 1966a, comments :
- Josef Voss, "Noam Chomsky et la linguistique cartésien­
ne", Revue philosophique de Louvain 71:11.512-38
- Karel Palek, "Karteziánská lingvisyika", J azykovednê
Aktuality 11:3/4.108-121 (1974);

- Rudolf Hildebrand, Cartesianische Linguistik : Eine Ana­

lyse der Sprachauffassung Noam Chomskys. (= Forum Lin-
guisticum, 11.) Bern: H. Lang; Frankfurt/M.: P. Lang,
1976, 236 pp. (Doct. diss., Univ. of Bonn, 1975.)
- Herbert J. Izzo, "Transformationalist History of the
Linguistics and the Renaissance", Forum Linguisticum
1.51-59 (1976);
- Norbert Ruske, "Eine Kritik an Chomsky's 'Cartesiani-
scher Linguistik'", Germanistische Mitteilungen, Heft
11.33-54 (1980);
- John J. Sullivan, "Noam Chomsky and Cartesian Lin­
guistics", Psychology of Language and Thought ed. by
Robert W(olf) Rieber, 197-223. New York: Plenum Press,
1980, x, 270 pp.

Ad 1966f, excerpts:
- See The Philosophy of Language ed. by John R(onald)
Searle, 71-100. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1971. (Re­
printed, 1974.)

Ad 1968c, excerpts :
- "Linguistische Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Geistes",
Sprache - Persönlichkeit - Sozialstruktur ed. by Ursu-
la Wenzel & Matthias Hartig, 77-111. Hamburg: Hoffmann
& Campe, 1977, 296 pp. (Transl. into German.)
1968c, translation
Linguagem e Pensamento. Transl. into Portuguese
by Francisco M. Guimarães. Petrópolis, RJ: Editora Vo-
zes Limitada, 1971, 127 pp. (4th ed., 1977.)

Ad 1968d, reprinting s:
- See Ideas of Culture : Sources and uses ed. by Frederick
C. Gamst & Edward Norbeck, 188-98. New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1976, x, 353 pp.;
- and Readings in the Theory of Grammar: From the 17th to
the 20th century ed. by Diane D. Bornstein, 46-68. Cam-

bridge, Mass.: Winthrop, 1976, x, 372 pp,

1968d, translations:
- "Sprache und Geist", Der kindliche Spracherwerb : Ein
psycholinguistischer Reader mit einer Einleitung und
einer kritischen Problemdarstellung. Aus dem Englischen
übersetzt und herausgegeben von Siegmund Prillwitz,
Birgit Jochens & Eberhard Stosch, 23-35. Braunschweig:
Westermann, 1975, 317 pp.
- "La lengua y la mente", Los Fundamentos de la gramati­
ca transformacional ed. by Heles Contreras, 189-204.
México: Siglo XXI, 1971.
For further reprintings and translations, see Sgroi
(1983: 152-53) .

Ad 1968i, (partial) translation:

- "Das Prinzip des Transformationszyklus und seine Anwen­
dung auf das Englische", and "Die Theorie der Markiert­
heit", Phonologie und generative Grammatik) Erster
Teilband, ed. by Ferenc Kiefer, 97-113 and 115-40.
Frankfurt/Main: Akad. Verlagsanstalt Athenaion, 1975.
1968i, reviews & comments :
- Gerhard Nickel in Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprach­
forschung 83.192 (1969);
- Eugenio Martínez Celdrán, " Une insuficiencia en los
ragos fonéticos descritos por N. Chomsky y M. Halle?",
Revista española de lingüistica 7.87-95 (1977);
- Robert G. Baker & Philip T. Smith, "Sound Patterns and
Spelling Patterns in English", Recent Advances in the
Psychology of Language : Proceedings of the Psychology
of Language Conference held at the Univ. of Stirling,
Scotland, June 21-26, 1976 ed. by Robin N. Campbell &
Philip T. Smith, vol.1, 361-76. New York: Plenum Press,
Cf. also the paper by Rosemarie Farkas Myerson, "Child­
ren's Knowledge of Selected Aspects of 'Sound Pattern
of English'", ibid., 377-402.

Ad 1970d, translation:
- "Pubian yufa yu daishu yuyanxue [Universal grammar and
algenraic linguistics]", Yuyanxue dongtai [Trends in
Linguistics] 5.18-19 (1978)
Transl, into (Madarin) Chinese by Liu Lian-yuan; the
title was supplied by the translator.

Ad 1972a, critical- analysis:

- Helge Skov, "Sprog og bebidsthed: Noam Chomskys sprog-
teori og dens perspektiver i politik og undervising",
Dansk Udsyn 53.1-78 (1973).

Ad 1972c, reviews & comments:

- James D(avid) McCawley, "A propos de 'Questions de sé­
mantique* de N. Chomsky", Langages 48.50-59 (1977) [=
abridged French transl, of 1975 review (see above).];
- Rainer Kuhlen, "Heute schon Rückblick", Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung (6 June 1979), p.27 [on the occasion
of the 1978 German transl. of the book].

Ad 1974d, translation:
- Cuestiones de forma y de interpretación. Introd. y ver-
cion castellana por Antonio García Artal. Valencia:
Ed. Teorema, 1977 [i.e., 1978], 80 pp.

Ad 1975f, reviews & comments :

- Michel Francard in Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguis­
tique de Louvain 4:2.114-15 (1977) [on the French
- Jozsef Andor in Linguistics No.209.71-81 (1978);
- J. A. McGilvray in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9:3.
519-43 (Sept. 1979), and
- Geoffrey W. Beattie, "Reflections on 'Reflections on
Language' by Noam Chomsky", Linguistics 17.907-923
1975f, translations :
-  Sprog. Transl. into Danish by Lone Hedemann. Copen-

hagen: Gyldendal, 1977, 247 pp.

- Over de taal: De taal als spiegel van de geest. Transl.
into Dutch. Baarn/Holland: Amboboeken, 1977, 222 pp.
- Om språket: Problem och perspektiv. Transl. into Swe­
dish by Christina Hultcrantz, epilogue by Christer
Platzak. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1978, 248 pp.

Ad 1976b, translation :
- "Lun yuyan de xingzhi [On the nature of language]",
Guowai yuyanxue [Linguistics abroad] 2.1-10 (1983).
Transl, into (Mandarin) Chinese by Yang Wei-gou & Zhou
Xian-ming (from 1977a : 63 - 76).

Ad 19 76g, new entry:

- [Comments on [Giambattista] Vico [(1668-1744)] and lin­
guistics ] .
Chomsky participated in the two-hour evening session
on "Vico and Linguistics" held during the Conference
on "Vico and Contemporary Thought", Columbia Univ.,
New York, on 30 January 1976. - Cf. the report, "Giam­
battista Vico as a Philologist" by Roger R. Wescott in
Historiographia Linguistica 3.123-25 (1976), followed
by "Further Observations on the Symposium [...]", by
Robert J. Di Prieto, ibid., 125-27 (both commenting on
Chomsky's presentation).

Ad 1977a, comments on and reviews of the French transl.:

- G. L[urquin] in Le Langage et l'Homme (Brussels: Centre
de documentation et d'étude des problèmes du langage)
43.90-92 (1980);
- Mariana Tuţescu, "A propos de Noam Chomsky, Essais sur
la forme et le sens [...]", Revue Roumaine de Linguis­
tique 26.383-91 (1981) .

Ad 1977c, critiques;
- Paul M(artin) Postal, "The Generalization (71) Follows
from Trace Theory", Linguistic Analysis 9.277-84
(1982) .
Critique of Chomsky & Lasnik's 'filter' involving
'subject pronoun drop'.

- Martin (Best) Harris & Nigel Vincent, "On Zero Rela­

tives", Linguistic Inquiry 11.805-807 (1980).

Ad 1977d, comment :
- Emmon (Werner) Bach, "Comment on the Paper by Chomsky",
Formal Syntax ed. by Peter William Culicover et al.,
133-55. New York: Academic Press, 1977.

Ad 1977e, review (of Italian translation):

- Adrianna Ugozzoni in SILTA (Studi italiani di linguis­
tica teorica ed applicata) 7:1/2.270-72 (1978).

Ad 1979b, review:
- Philip A. Luelsdorff in Archiv Orientaliní (Prague) 50,
p.276 (1982) .

Ad 1979h, partial translation:

- "Shengcheng yufa de dansheng [The birth of generative
grammar]", Guowai yuyanxue [Linguistics abroad] 4.32-
40 (1983).
Transl. into (Manadrin) Chinese by Liu Zhonde & Qun
Ding of chap.5 (i.e., pp.103-135).
1979h, comments :
- Konrad Koerner in H i s t o r i o g r a p h i a Linguistica 6:2.277-
278 (1979);
- Sölve Ohlander, "On Chomsky's Mind", Moderna Språk 76.
231-40 (1982) .

Ad 1980b, translation:
- Règles et représentations transl. into French by Alain
Kihm. Paris: Flammarion, 1985, 286 pp.
1980b, review:
- Roberto Peroni in Studi e Saggi Linguistici (Pisa) 22.
189-94 (1982) .

Ad 1980j, translation (into Basque) [see overleaf, entry 1 ] :

- "Hizkuntzalaritza eta giza gogoaren natura", Jakin
(Arantzazu-Onate, Spain) 29.135-46 (1983).

Ad 1980j, new entry;

- "Linguistics and the Nature of Human Thought".
Talk given at the 10 a.m. Forum, 2 Nov. 1980, at the
First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis.
Published in The Sixth Samuel F. Salkin Memorial Lec­
ture - "Great Lower Conflict and the Few Cold War" by
Foam Chomsky [...], 15-19. Minneapolis, Minnesota:
First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, 1981, 25 pp.
in small-4°. [See Basque transi. on preceding page.]

Ad 1980k, new entry:

"A Note on Non-Control PRO". Journal of Linguistic Re­
search (Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club)

Ad 1981a, reviews & comments :

- Katalin E. Kiss in N y e l v t u d o m á n y i Közlemények (Buda­
pest) 84.288-93 (1982);
- Kunihiro Iwakura, "On Government", Linguistic Analysis
9.135-59 (1982)
- and a series of other papers in the same journal:
9.285-305, and 10.275-97 (1982), among others.
- K. P. Mohanan, "Infinitival Subjects, Government, and
Abstract Case", Linguistic Inquiry 13.323-77 (1982).
[Presents Malayalam evidence against Chomsky's govern­
ment & binding approach.]
- Hans Bennis & Anneke Groos, "Die Rektions-Bindungs-
Theorie: Neue Aspekte seit den 'Aspekten 1 : Für das
Deutsche eingerichtet und ergänzt vom Wiener Syntax­
kränzchen", Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 1:2.251-
288 (1982).
- Gabriella Tonfoni in Indogermanische Forschungen 88.289
to 291 (1984 for 1983)
- Kunihiro Iwakura, "Remarks on the Government-Binding
Theory: A review of Lectures on Government and Binding
[1981a] and Some Concepts and Consequences of the The­
ory of Government and Binding [1982d] by Noam Chomsky",
Linguistic Analysis 13:3.219-50 (1984).


See, for instance, Phonology, Part II: An Anthology of Gen­

erative Phonology [19 5 9-1979] ed. by Piotr Ruszkiewicz
(Katowice: Uniwersytet Slaski, 1981), 316 pp., which,
inter alia, reproduces selections from 1964g (pp.65-
110 = this volume, 28-75), and from 1968i (pp.1-20, 60
to 71, and 171-83 = this volume, 107-173).

Ad 1967c, (partial) translation :

"La nature formelle du langage", transl. into French by
Nelcya Delanoë & Dan Sperber, Genese de la pensée lin­
guistique ed., with the collaboration of Pierre Caus-
sat & Robert Nadeau, by Andre Jacob, 299-314. Paris:
Armand Colin, 1973, 333 pp.

1983e, new entry :

Cartesian Linguistics : A chapter in the history of ra­
tionalist thought. Lanham, Maryland: Univ. Press of
America, xvi, 119 pp.
A reprint of 1966a.







Facsimile of title-page of American Power and the

New Mandarins (1969)

1966a "The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s " . Mosaic (Cam­

b r i d g e , M a s s . ) 7:1.2-16 (Spring 1966).

Paper given in March 1966 at the H i l l e l F o u n d a t i o n ,

Harvard U n i v e r s i t y .
An expanded version appeared in New York Review of
Books 8:3.16-26 (23 Feb. 1 9 6 7 ) .
R e p r . , as a separate p u b l i c a t i o n , I t h a c a , N . Y . : D i s ­
tributed by the I n t e r - U n i v e r s i t y Committee for Debate
on Foreign P o l i c y , 1 9 6 7 , 12 pp.
Also repr. in 1967c and in 1969b and as 1986d.

"La r e s p o n s a b i l i t é des i n t e l l e c t u e l s " , Les Temps Mo­
dernes (Paris) 2 2 , No.252 (May 1 9 6 7 ) , 1 9 8 6 - 2 0 2 0 .
(Translator: J. M. V i n c e n t . )
"La r e s p o n s a b i l i t à degli i n t e l l e t t u a l i " , Rendiconti
(Rome) 14.140-56 (Feb. 1 9 6 7 ) . (Preface [138-39] by
t r a n s l a t o r , Paolo V a l e s i o . )
For other Italian transl. of 1 9 6 7 , 1 9 6 8 , and 1 9 6 9 ,
see Sgroi (1983 : 138) .
A responsabilidade dos intelectuais. (= D i a l o g o , 1
[Oct. 1 9 6 8 ] . ) L i s b o n : P u b l i c a ç õ e s Dom Q u i x o t e , 1 9 6 8 ,
107 pp. (Transl. into Portuguese by Luisa Pinheiro &
Ella G i b s o n , together with other m a t e r i a l from 1969b.)
Sobre la responsabilitad de los intelectuales. (= Cua­
dernos de la revista "Casa de las Américas", 5: Hechos
Ideas.) H a v a n a : Casa de las A m é r i c a s , 1 9 6 8 , 59 pp.
"La r e s p o n s a b i l i d a d de los i n t e l e c t u a l e s " . La contes-
tacción universitario, [collective volume by various
a u t h o r s ] , 2 5 3 - 9 0 , B a r c e l o n a : P e n i n s u l a , 1 9 7 3 . (Transl.
by Juan R o v i r a . )
For other Span, t r a n s l . , two of which appearing in
transl. of 1 9 6 9 b , and one earlier in Union (Cuba) 6:
1.138-65 (March 1 9 6 8 ) , see Sgroi ( 1 9 8 3 : 1 3 9 ) .

"Die Verantwortlichkeit der Intellektuellen". Die Ver­

antwortlichkeit der Intellektuellen by N. Chomsky, ed.
(and transl. into German) by Anna Kamp, 126-206.
Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1971, 205 pp. (Together with
other parts of 1969b.)
This transl. also appeared in the full transl. of
1969b (see there, for details, pp.240-72).

1966b "Some Thoughts on Intellectuals and the Schools". Har­

vard Educational Review 36:4.489-91 (Fall 1966).
Repr. in 1969b (pp.309-321).
Transl., can be found in the Italian (19 6 9.311-24),
Spanish (1969.311-24[!]), French (19 69.195-207), Ger­
man (1969.230-39), and other transl. of 1969b.
Other translations:
"Algunas reflexiones sobre los intelectuales y las
escuelas", El pacifismo revolucionario by N. Chomsky,
transl. by E. C. Frost, 86-100. Mexico City: Siglo XXI,
"Einige Betrachtungen über die Intellektuellen und
die Schulen", Die Verantwortlichkeit der Intellektu­
ellen by N. Chomsky, transl. by Anna Kamp, 114-25.
Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1971, 205 pp.

1967a "The Bitter Heritage: A review". Ramparts (April 1967)

A review of the book by Arthur M(eier) Schlesinger,
[Jr.], The Bitter Heritage: Vietnam and American demo­
cracy, 1941-1968 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967 [c.
1966] ) , 127 pp.
Repr. in 1969b (pp.295-307).
Translation (other than those contained in the trans­
lations of 1969b into Italian (1969.297-310), French
(1969.125-36) and German (1969. 218-39) — not in­
cluded in the Spanish version ! ) :
"La amarga herencia". El pacifismo revolucionario by
N. Chomsky, transl. into Spanish by E. C. Frost, 71-85.
Mexico City: Siglo XXI. (2nd printing, 1971.)

1967b "Intolerable Evils Justify Civil Disobedience". New

York Times Magazine (26 Nov. 1967), 27-28.

Part of an article on civil disobedience.— Cf. H,

Ring's comment, "Chomsky's Case for Civil Disobedi-

ence@, International Socialist Review 32:8.5 (Sept.

1967c "The Logic of Withdrawal [from Vietnam]". Ramparts 5.
(Sept. 1967)
Written in July 1967, the paper was incorporated in
1969b (pp.221-94), with additions. See there for the
translations into Italian (19 69.227-96), French (1969.
56-101), Spanish (1969.227-308), and German (1969.168-
217) .

1967d "The Responsibility of Intellectuals". The Dissenting

Academy ed. by Theodore Roszak, 254-98. New York: Pan­
theon Books.
Expanded version of 1966a (see there for further in­
formation, incl. translations).
Further translation:
"Chishikijn no sekinin", Nan no tame no Gakumon ed.
(and transl. into Japanese) by Yoko Takahashi, 247-96.
Tokyo: Misuzu-shob, 1974.

1967e "On Resistance". The New York Review of Books (7 Dec.

1967) , 4-12.
Republished in 1969b (pp.367-86), where transl. into
Italian (1969.369-87), French (19 69.25-42), Spanish
(1969.325-63), and German (1969.273-90) can be found.
Other translations :
"Concernant résistance", Les Lettres Françaises No.
1214 (27 Dec. 1967 — 2 Jan. 1968), 3-6,
"Sobre la resistencia", La responsabilidad de los in­
tellectualles by N. Chomsky, transl. by Juan Promio,
103-135. Buenos Aires: Galerna, 1969.
"Sobre la resistencia", Sobre politica y lingüistica
by N. Chomsky, transl. by Juan Cano Tembleque, 37-57.
Barcelona: Anagrama, 1971.
1967f "The Revolutionary Pacifism of A. J. iMuste [ (1885-
1967)]". Liberation 12:6/7 (Sept./Oct. 1967), 25-38.
Repr. in an expanded version in 1969b (pp.159-220),
where transl. into Italian (19 6 9.165-222), French —
with the subtitle "... ou quelques commentaires sur
les origines de la guerre du Pacifique" (19 6 9.137-94),
Spanish (1969.155-225), and German (19 69.123-67) can
b e found.

Further translation:
"El pacifismo revolucionario de A. J. Muste: Sobre el
trasfondo de la guerra del Pacifico", El pacifismo
revolucionario by N. Chomsky, transl. by E. C. Frost,
1-70. Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 1973.

1967g "Panel Discussion (with Hannah Arendt, Robert Lowell,

Conor Cruise 'Brian, Mitchell Goodman, Susan Sontag,
and Robert Paul Wolff)".
Discussion at New York City on 15 December 1967, short­
ly after the publication of 1967e (above). The text
was published four years later in:
Dissent, Power, and Confrontation ed. by Alexander
Klein, 95-133. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.

1968a "An Exchange on Resistance: Noam Chomsky replies".

The New York Review of Books 9:2.28-30 (1 Feb. 1968).
Reply to criticisms of 1967e, enlarged and republished
in 1969b (pp.387-400) under the title of "Supplement
to 'On Resistance'".
For transl. into the following languages see under
1969b, namely, Italian (19 6 0.389-403), French (1969.
43-55), Spanish (19 6 9.348-63), and German (1969.291-
303) .
Another Spanish translation :
"Suplemento a 'Sobre la resistencia'", El pacifismo
revolucionario by N. Chomsky, transl. by E. C. Frost,
101-117. Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 1973 (2nd printing,
1968b "The Student Revolt". Unpublished paper (written in
June 1968).
This paper was not published (in English) before 1981a
(see below), where the passage commenting on the ideas
of Randolph Bourne (1886-1918), following the tradition of
Henry David Thoreau (1817-62), has been restored.
Publ. in 1981a (pp.183-87), with an "Editor's Note [by
Carlos P. Otero]" on p.182.
Italian Translation (missing in the American original,
The New Student Left [Boston: Beacon Press, 1967]):
"Introduzione", Gli studenti e la nueva sinistra in
America ed. by Enrico Borni (and the editors of the
English original, Mitchell Cohen & Dennis Hale), ix-
xvi. Bari: De Donato, 1968. (Transi: Raf faele Petrilio.)

Spanish transl., "La rebelión de los estudiantes", by

Carlos P. Otero, in USA: M i t o , r e a l i d a d , acracia by N.
Chomsky, 77-84. Barcelona: Ariel, 1978.

1968c "Political Prospects for the Seventies". Link 11:1.94-

"Link" is a periodical published in India; the issue
in question appeared on the occasion of the Indian In­
dependence Day.
Repr, in 1981a (pp.209-216) with the title "Political
Prospects" (with an editorial note by Carlos P. Otero
on p.208).
Span. transí;, "Perspectivas políticas para el futuro",
USA: M i t o , r e a l i d a d , acracia by N. Chomsky (ed. by .
. Otero), 111-121. Barcelona: Ariel, 1978. (With a
passage suppressed in the Engl. original restored.)

1968d "Reforming the M[odern] L[anguage]A[ssociation of Am­

erica] (Letter)". The New York Review of Books 9:11.34
(19 Dec. 1968).

1968e (Together with Paul Lauter & Florence Howe.) "Reflec­

tions on a Political Trial". The New York Review of
Books 9:3.23-30 (22 Aug. 1968).
Repr., with a comment by Arlene Siegel (first published
in RESIST Newsletter of 7 Aug. 1969), in Trials of the
Resistance by N. Chomsky [et a l . ] , 74-105. New York:
New York Review of Books, 1970.
Translations :
"Il caso [Benjamin] Spock", Cinque anni di galera by
N. Chomsky et al., 33-87. Bari: De Donato, 1968.
(Translator: Raffaele Petrillo.)
"Fu-fukuju no Ronri to Hotei no Ronri: Spock-jiken no
teiki shita mono", Sekai No.277.177-94. Tokyo: Iwanami-
shoten, Dec. 1968. (No translator mentioned.)

1968f "Philosophers and Public Policy". Ethics 79:1.1-9 (Oct.

Paper read at the May, 1968, meetings of the Western
Division of the American Philosophical Association,
held in St.Louis, Missouri.

1969a "The Menace of Liberal Scholarship". The New York Re­

view of Books 11:12.29-38 (2 Jan. 1969).*

19 69b American Power and the New Mandarins. New York: Pan­
theon Books, 404 pp.
Also published by Random House, New York, in their
"Vintage Books" series as well as in Britain by Chat-
to & Windus, London, 1969, 319 pp. and by Penguin in
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, this volume is essentially
a collection (with revisions) of previously published
articles (namely 1969c, 1967f, 1967c, 1967a, 1966b,
1966a/1967d, and 1967e - in that order), preceded by a
new "Introduction" (3-22) and concluded by an "Epi­
logue" (401-404) .
Reviews :
- Vincent S. Kearney, S.J., in America 120.546 (3 May
- William Hamilton in Christian Century 86.4ff. (23
March) and 419-20 (26 March 1969)
- Anon. in Christian Science Monitor 61.15- (3 A-
pril 1969)
- Seymour Melman in Catholic World 210.80-81 (Nov. 69)
- Anon. in The Economist 233.59 (29 Nov. 1969)
- Anon. in The Listener 82.604 (30 Oct. 1969)
- Anon. in The New York Times 118.1-3 (18 March 1969)
- Robert Sklar in The Nation 208.373-76 (24 Marchl969)
- J. E. Dornan in National Review 21.607-608(17 June
- Anon. in The Observer (2 Nov. 1969). p.35
- Martin Duberman in The New Republic 160.27- (19
April 1969)
- Anon. in The Progressive 33.29- (Aug. 1969)
- M. R. Konvitz in The Saturday Review 52.26 (31 May
- Anon. in Virginia Quaterly Review 54.509 (Summer
- Gwyn A. Williams, "Walking Naked", New Society (6
Nov. 1969), 737-38
- R. A. Gross in Newsweek 73.104 (24 March 1969)
- Henry W. Ehrmann, "The Agony of Utopia", Polity
2:3.380-91 (1970)
- Antony Flew in The Humanist 31.38-40 (Sept./Oct.

* Translation into Japanese:

" S a n Gun F u k u g o t a i no K y o i - V i e t n a m S e n s o t  Chishikijin",
Sekai (Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten) No. 282.54-77 (May 1 9 6 9 ) .

A brief e x c e r p t , entitled "The New M a n d a r i n s " , was

published in Kaleidoscope : Adapted readings for in­
troductory sociology ed. by J. M. Shepard (New Y o r k :
Harper & R o w , 1 9 7 3 ) , 3 3 1 - 3 7 . Another separate r e p u b ­
lication of original m a t e r i a l appeared under the title
of Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship (Tokyo: Taiyo-
sha P r e s s , 1 9 7 0 ) .
L'Amérique et ses nouveaux mandarins, translated into
French by Jean-Michel J a s i e n k o . P a r i s : E d i t i o n s du
S e u i l , 1 9 6 9 , 334 p p , [Item 1966a was not t r a n s l a t e d . ]
I nuovi darini: Gli intellettuali e i l potere in
America, transl. by Luigi B a r a n e l l i , M. V. M a l v a n o et
a l . , T u r i n : G. E i n a u d i , 1 9 6 9 , 430 p p .
Reviews :
- C. G o r l i e r , "Il p o l e m i c o C h o m s k y " , Il Corriere del-
la Sera (1970)
- . V e r t e c h i in La Ricerca (15 May 1 9 7 0 ) , 9-10
La responsabilidad de los intelectuales y otros en­
sayos históricos y politicos (Los nuevos mandarines),
transl. by J.-R. C a p e l l a , B a r c e l o n a : A r i e l , 1969 (2nd
p r i n t i n g , 1 9 7 1 ; p a p e r b a c k e d . , 1 9 7 4 ) , 369 p p . [Item
1967a o m i t t e d . ]
For 3 (1973 and 1974 [twice]) Spanish a d a p t a t i o n s , see
Sgroi ( 1 9 8 3 : 1 7 5 ) , for d e t a i l s .
Amerika und die neuen Mandarine : Politische und zeit­
geschichtliche Essays, transl. by Anna K a m p , F r a n k ­
furt/M.: S u h r k a m p , 1 9 6 9 , 372 pp.
Partial German translation (also by Anna Kamp):
Die Verantwortlichkeit der Intellektuellen, (= Edition
Suhrkamp, 4 8 2 . ) F r a n k f u r t / M . : S u h r k a m p , 1 9 7 1 , 205 p p .
American Rower to Shin-kanry, transl. into Japanese
by M a s a t s u g u K i m u r a , T o k y o : T a i y o s h a , 1 9 7 0 , 370 pp.
Makt och motstand, Stockholm: B o k f o r l a g e t Pan/Nor-
s t e d t , 1 9 6 9 . (Swedish t r a n s l . )
Objektivitet og liberal videnskab: Amerikas magt og de
nye mandariner 1, and Madt og modstand: Amerikas magt
og de nye mandariner 2, both transl. into Danish by
Arne Herløv P e t e r s e n , C o p e n h a g e n : G y l d e n d a l s U g l e b ø g e r ,
1970 [dividing the English o r i g i n a l into 2 v o l s . ] .
De macht van America en de nieuwe mandarinen, Utrecht
& A n t w e r p e n : A. W. Bruna & Z o o n , 1 9 7 0 .

1969c "Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship". Power and Con­

sciousness ed. by Conor Cruise O'Brien & William Dean
Vanech, 43-136. New York: New York Univ. Press; Lon­
don: Univ. of London Press.
Paper presented in the Albert Schweitzer Lecture Se­
ries at New York Univ. in March 1968.
Repr. in 1969b (pp.23-158), with translations into
Italian (1969.33-163), French (19 6 9.208-329), Spanish
(1969.81-154), and German (1969.26-122 and 1971.7-113)
to be found there.

1969d "Intellectuals and Social Change". Address given to

the New York Society for Ethical Culture on 16 Feb.
1969, and published by the same Society (at 2 West
46th St., New York, NY 10023).
Printed in The Ethical Platform 1969.1-17. Repr., in
revised form, as 19691 (see there for further details).

1969e "The Function of the University in a Time of Crisis".

The Great Ideas Today ed. by Robert M(aynard) Hutchins
& Mortimer J(erome) Adler, 40-61. Chicago: Encyclope­
dia Britannica.
Repr. in 1973f (pp . 298-317) , where translations into
Italian (1977.361-81), Spanish (19 7 5.437-62), and
German (1974.22-43) can be found as well.

1969f "Current Political Situation in the United States".

Paper presented at the Stockholm Conference on Viet­
nam, Emergency Action Conference, Stockholm, 16-18
May 1969.
A summary was published under the title "Inside the
American Turmoil", London Bulletin (Bertrand Russell
Peace Foundation) 11.29-35 (Aug. 1969).
An Italian transi., "La situazione politica attuale
negli Stati Uniti", was added to the It. transl. of
1969b (1969.411-30). (For another It. transl., see
Sgroi 1983 : 177.)

1969g "Intellectuals in the Post-Industrial Society". Ad­

dress given at Wolfson College, Oxford, on 26 May

Published under the title, "The We1fare/Warfare Intel­

lectuals", New Society (3 July 1969), 12-16, and re­
published in 1969j.

1969h "Some Tasks for the Left". Liberation 14:5/6.38-43

(Aug./Sept. 1969) .
Repr. in 1981a (pp.219-31), characterized by the ed.
as "perhaps one of the very best articles written by
the author" (ibid., p.218).

1969i "Nationalism and Conflict in Palestine". Speech given

at the Arab Student Forum, Mass. Inst. of Technology,
Cambridge, Mass., March 1969.
Excerpts were printed under the same title in Libera­
tion 14:8.7-21 (Nov. 1969); it also appeared in New
Outlook (Nov.-Dec. 1969)
Expanded version in 1970c, republished in 1974f (pp.
49-72) — see there for translations!

1969j "Knowledge and Power: Intellectuals and the Welfare-

Warfare State". The New Left: A collection of essays
ed. by Priscilla Long, 172-94. Boston, Mass.: Porter
Republication of 1969g.

1969k "Introduction". The Conspiracy by Abbie Hoffman [et

a l . ] , ed. by Peter Babcox, Deborah Babcox, and Bob
Abel, 15-23. New York: Dell Pub. Co., 224 pp.

19691 "Intellectuals and the War Lords". The Activist: A

Student Journal of P o l i t i c s and Opinion 24.26-33 and
40 (Spring 1969) .
Transcription of a talk given in a Forum at Oberlin
College, Oberlin, Ohio, on 6 Feb. 1969. Republished,
with the new title "The Politicization of the Univer­
sity" in 1981a (pp. 189-206) . According to the editor's
note (ibid., p. 188), this talk was the basis of 1969d,
which in turn was the basis of 1970f.

1969m "The Asian Scholar and the American Crisis". Bulletin

of Concerned Asian Scholars No.4.12-17 (May 1969).
Paper presented on 29 March 1969 at the Conference of

Concerned Asian Scholars.

1969n "Linguistics and Politics". New Left Review No.57.21-

34 (Sept.-Oct. 1969).
Interview with R. Blackburn, G. Stedman Jones & L.
Translations :
"Linguistica e politica: Intervista con Noam Chomsky",
Quaderni piacentini No.39.122-36 (1969). (Transl. not
"Sobre política y lingüística", Sobre politicia y lin­
güistica by N. Chomsky, 5-36. Barcelona: Anagrama,
1971. (Transl. by J, Cano Tembleque.)
"Linguistik und Politik: Interview mit Noam Chomsky",
Sprache und Geist. Mit einem Anhang "Linguistik und
Politik" by N. Chomsky, 163-89. Frankfurt/M.: Suhr-
kamp, 1970 (2nd printing, 1972). (Translator: Anna
"Gengogaku to Seijishiso". Sekai (Tokyo: Iwanami-Sho-
ten) No.300.221-34 (Nov. 1970). (No translator men-
t ioned.)

1969o "An Exchange on Liberal Scholarship: N. Chomsky re­

plies". The New York Review of Books 12:3.32-34 (13
Feb. 1969).

1969p "Noam Chomsky Replies [to Prof. S, Hoffman]". Ibid.

12:6.44-45 (27 March 1969).

1969q "A Reply to Joseph Alsop". The Boston Globe ( July

1969) .
The letter is dated 17 July 1969. It was reprinted in
The New York Review of Books 13:3.38 (21 August 1969).

1969r "The [Ernest] Mandel Case". Letter signed by N. Chom­

sky and others. The New York Review of Books 13:9.53
(20 Nov. 1969).

1969s "Vietnam, the Cold War and Other Matters". Commentary

48:4.12-26 (Oct. 1969) and 49:2.4-14 (Feb. 1970).

1970a "After Pinkville". The New York Review of Books 13:

12.3-14 (1 Jan. 1970).
Also published as "Vietnamese Conflict" Pamphlet No.
1 (Boston: New England Free Press, 1970), 12 pp.
Repr. in 1970g (pp.82-116) and in Prevent the Crime
of Silence ed. by Ken Coates, P. Limqueco & P. Weiss
(London: Penguin, 1971)
Translations (other than those found in the transla­
tions of 1970g [i.e., into French (1971.81-112), It­
alian (1972.87-120), Spanish (1972.95-134), and Ger­
man (1972.99-139)]):
"Dopo Pinkville", transl. by Ch. Ingrao, in Monthly
Review (edizione italiana) No.4/5.22-30 (April/May
1970). [Slightly abridged.]

1970b "Responsibility". Speech given at Rindge High School,

4 March 1970, in connection with the March 4th Re­
search Stoppage.
Published in March 4: Scientists, Students and Socie­
ty ed. by Jonathan Allen, 8-14. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1970.
Cf. the comment by Carlos P. Otero in 1981a (p.232).

1970c "Nationalism and Conflict in Palestine". Reflections

on the Middle East Crisis ed. by Herbert Mason, 65-
97. The Hague: Mouton.
Expanded version of 1969i (see there for details).

1970d "Notes on Anarchism". The New York Review of Books

14:10.46-47 (26 Feb. 1970).
Subsequently published as "Introduction" to the Eng­
lish translation (by M. Klopper) of Daniel Guerin,
Anarchism : From theory to practice (New York & London:
Monthly Review Press, 1970), vii-xx. — S e e 19 73e & 1982j .

1970e "Cambodia". The New York Review of Books 14:11.39-50

(4 June 1970).
Enlarged version published in 1970g (pp.117-87), where
transl. into Italian (19 7 2.121-90), Spanish (1972.135-
216), French (1971.115-79), and German (1972.7-89) can
b e found.
The paper was also published, under the title "Cambo-

dia in Conflict", Cambodia: The widening war in Indo­

china ed. by J. S. G r a n t , L.A.G. Moss & J. U n g e r , 3 4 -
51. N e w Y o r k : W a s h i n g t o n Square Press (Simon & S c h u s ­
t e r ) , 1971.*
See also Chomsky's l e t t e r , " C a m b o d i a : To the E d i t o r s " ,
The New York Review of Books 14:12.43 (18 June 1970).

1970f "The S t u d e n t M o v e m e n t " . The Humanist 30:5.19-25 (Sept.

-Oct. 1 9 7 0 ) .
Continues the line of argument begun in 19691 (see
there for d e t a i l s ) . — C f . also 1968b.

1970g At War with Asia: Essays on Indochina. New York: Pan­

t h e o n B o o k s , 313 p p .
Also published as "Vintage B o o k " No.640 (New Y o r k :
Vintage B o o k s ) , and in L o n d o n : F o n t a n a , 1971.
Reviews :
- Peter W i n d s o r in The Listener 85.182-83 (11 F e b .
- Hans J. Morgenthau in The Hew York Times Book Re­
view (17 Jan. 1971) , p . 2 2
- C. L. M a r k m a n n in The Nation 212.633 (17 M a y 1 9 7 1 )
- Anon. in The Observer (17 Jan. 1 9 7 1 ) , p . 2 2
- M. E. Osborne in Pacific Affairs 44.309-311(Summer
- Idem in Virginia Quarterly Review 47.133 (Summer
- A n o n . in The Spectator 226.191-92 (6 Feb. 1 9 7 1 )
- Richard H a l l o r a n in Saturday Review 53.25 (4 N o v .
- M e l v i n M a d d o c k s in Time 96.83 (9 Nov. 1 9 7 0 )
- Geoffrey Wolff in Newsweek 76.94 (28 Sept. 1 9 7 0 )
- J. R. Chotard in Etudes internationales (Sher­
b r o o k e , Q u e b e c : U n i v . de S h e r b r o o k e ) 4 : 1 / 2 . 1 8 2 -
183 (1973) - on the French t r a n s l a t i o n ( b e l o w ) .

The volume brings together previously published a r t i ­

cles such as 1 9 7 0 a ( 8 2 - 1 1 6 ) , 1970e ( 1 1 7 - 8 7 ) , 1970p (188
to 2 5 8 ) , 1970j ( 2 5 9 - 2 8 7 ) , and 1970n ( 2 8 9 - 3 0 9 ) , w i t h
only c h a p . I , " I n d o c h i n a and the A m e r i c a n C r i s i s " ,
w r i t t e n in April 1 9 7 0 , h i t h e r t o u n p u b l i s h e d ( 3 - 8 1 ) .

* Also published as " S p o k e s m a n P a m p h l e t " N o . 5 (Notting­

ham: Bertrand R u s s e l l P e a c e F o u n d a t i o n , 1970) under the
title Two Essays on Cambodia, 56 pp.

Guevve en Asie, trans1. into French by M a r t i n e Laroche,
P a r i s : L i b r a r i e H a c h e t t e , 1 9 7 1 , 383 pp.
La guerra americana in Asia: Saggi sull 'Indocina,
t r a n s 1 , into Italian by G. Ferrara (except for the ap­
p e n d i x , "Le giornate di m a g g i o : In d e f e n s a deila d i s -
o b b e d i e n z a c i v i l e " [see 1 9 7 1 q ] , w h i c h was done by R.
S o l m i , T u r i n : G. E i n a u d i , 1 9 7 2 , 358 pp.
La guerra de Asia, trans1. into Spanish by J. S e m p e r e ,
B a r c e l o n a : Ediciones A r i e l , 1 9 7 2 , 363 pp.
Indochina und die amerikanische Krise: Im Krieg mit
Asien I and Kambodscha , Laos, Nordvietnam : Im Krieg
mit Asien II, 2 vols., t r a n s 1 , into German by Joachim
Behrens, Frankfurt/M.: S u h r k a m p , 1 9 7 2 , 188 and 251 pp.
Amerikas krig mod Asien, Copenhagen: Gyldendals Log-
bøger, 1971
Amerikas krig med Asia, Gjøvik, N o r w a y : Gyldendals
K j e m p e f a k s e r , 1971
I krig med Asien, Stockholm: Bokforlaget PAN/Norstedt,
De aziatische oorlog, Amsterdam: Kritiese Bibliotheek
(Van G e n n e p ) , 1971

_970h "Introduction". The Indochina Story: A fully documented

account c o m p i l e d by the C o m m i t t e e of C o n c e r n e d Asian
Scholars, IX-XXXV. New York: Pantheon Books.

1970i "Destroying L a o s " . The New York Review of Books 15:2,

(23 July 1970).

1970j "In N o r t h V i e t n a m " . Ibid. 15:3.16-23 (13 A u g . 1970).

R e p r . in 1970g ( p p . 2 5 9 - 8 7 ) , w h e r e translations into
French ( 1 9 7 1 . 2 5 0 - 7 4 ) , Spanish (19 7 2 . 2 9 9 - 3 3 1 ) , German
( 1 9 7 2 . 1 7 4 - 2 0 6 ) , and Italian (19 7 2 . 2 6 1 - 8 8 ) can also be

1970k "The U n i t e d S t a t e s and L a o s " . Liberation (December

Repr. in Mosaic 12:1.1-6 (Spring 1971), and also in
Journal of Contemporary Asia 1:3 (1971), and, finally,
in 1973f ( p p . 1 7 2 - 8 7 ) , though in an abridged form, with
the title "The Wider War. Part I: L a o s " .

Translations :
"Une guerre américaine camouflée: Le Laos est devenu
un champ d'expérimentation des techniques de lutte
anti-insurrectionnelle", Le Monde diplomatique (Paris,
Dec. 1970), 1-16.
For translations into Italian (19 7 7.212-30) and Spanish
(1975.272-97), see under 1973f. (The 1974 German trans­
lation does not include this item.)

19701 "Language and Freedom". Abraxas 1:1.9-24 (Fall 1970).

Talk given at Loyola Univ., Chicago, in January 1970.

1970m "Introduction". Laos: War and Revolution ed. by Nina

S. Adams & Alfred W. McCoy, 15-2 3. New York & London:
Harper & Row.

1970n "Preface". Against the Crime of Silence : Proceedings

of the International War Crimes Tribunal ed. by J.
Dubuffet, XIII-XXIX. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Enlarged version in 1970g (pp.288-313) , where trans1.
into Italian (1972.289-314), French (19 71.277-300),
Spanish 1972 (333-62), and German (19 7 2.207-237) can
be found.

1970o "Revolt in the Academy: Some thoughts of the student

movement". Modern Occasions 1:1.53-75 (Fall 1970).

1970p "A Visit to Laos". The New York Review of Books 15:2.
21-33 (23 July 1970).
Repr. in 1970g (pp.188-258), where trans1. into French
(1971.184-246), Italian (19 7 2.191-260), Spanish (1972.
217-98), and German (19 7 2.90-173) can, in alia, be

1970q "The Future of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Con­

flict: A radical perspective". The Arab World: From
nationalism to revolution ed. by A. Jabara & J. Terry.
Wilmette, Illinois: Medina Univ. Press International.
Talk given on 1 Nov. 1970 at the Association of Arab-
American Graduates Conference held at Northwestern
Univ., Evanston, Illinois.
Repr., with the new title "A Radical Perspective", in
1974f (pp.93-104), where trans1. into French (1974.109

to 120), Spanish (19 7 5.129-39), and Spanish (1976.86-

9 6) can be found.

1970r "The Bay of Pigs and Other Matters". The Listener 83,
No.2129.88-89 (15 Jan. 1970).

1970s "Vietnam, the Cold War and Other Matters". Commentary

49:2.4-14 (Feb. 1970).

1970t Review of William Braden, The Age of Aquarius: Techno­

logy and the cultural revolution (Chicago: Quadrangle
Books, 1970). Chicago Sun-Times (3 May 1970), p.3.

1970u Review of Samuel Eliot Morison, Frederick Merk & Frank

Freidel, Dissent in Three American Wars (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard UP, 1970). The Boston Globe (30 June).

1970v "Noam Chomsky Replies [to Samuel P. Huntington]". The

New York Review of Books 14:4.46-47 (26 Feb. 1970).

1971a "On the Limits of Civil Disobedience". The Holy Cross

Quarterly (Worcester, Mass.) 4:1.22-31 (Jan. 1971 —
Daniel Berrigan issue). [See also 1974b.]

1971b "Foreword". Prevent the Crime of Silence ed. by Ken

Coates, P. Weiss & P. Limqueco. London: The Penguin
The same vol. also contains a repr. of 1970a (pp.5-56).

1971c "The Conscience of Yugoslavia". The New York Review of

Books 15:12.42 (7 Jan. 1971).
A letter to the Editor.

1971d "In Defence of the Student Movement". (= Spokesman

Pamphlet, 9,) Nottingham: Bertrand Russell Peace Foun­
dation (Feb. 1971).
Repr. in American Presence in South Last Asia ed. by
Malcolm Caldwell (Singapore: Island Publishers, 1971).

1971e "Israeli Jews and the Palestinian Arabs". Paper given

at a symposium on the Middle East held in Feb. 1971

at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Repr., under the title "Reflections on a National Con­
flict", in 1974f (pp.105-141), where translations into
French (1974.121-54), Spanish (19 7 5.141-74), and Ital­
ian (1976.109-130) can be found.

1971f "Mayday: The case for civil disobedience". The New

York Review of Books 14:11.19-28 (17 June 1971).
Trans1. into French (19 71.303-333), German (1972.141-
188), and Italian (19 72.317-5 8) - but not Spanish! —
have been added as an appendix to the translations of

1971g "On Interpreting the World". Cambridge Review 92, No.

2200.117-36 (Jan. 1971).
Shortened version of the author's first Bertrand Rus­
sell Memorial Lecture given at Trinity College, Cam­
bridge [England], on 26 Jan. 1971.
The full version appeared in 1971s (pp.13-46).

1971h "On Changing the World". Ibid. No.2201.77-93 (Feb.

Abridged version of second Bertrand Russell presented
in the same place on 28 Jan. 1971.
The full version was published in 1971s (pp.47-95) —
see there for translations of these two papers.

1971i "What Papers Reveal: Comments on the Pentagon Papers".

American Report (2 July 1971), pp.1 and 9.
The item had previously been published, under the tit­
le "Chomsky on the Meaning of the Pentagon Papers",
Boston After Bark (29 July 1971), pp.1, 4, and 5.

1971j "The Escalation of the War in Laos in 1964". American

Report (2 July 1971)
Republished under the title "The Pentagon Papers as
Propaganda and as History", The Pentagon Papers: Cri­
tical essays, vol.V, ed. by N. Chomsky & Howard Zinn,
190-201. Boston: Beacon Press, 1972.
Repr. in 1973f (pp.26-30), chap.I, sect.4, "The Penta­
gon Study and the Historical Record", where trans1. in­
to Spanish (1975.85-93) and Italian (19 7 6.30-36), but
not German, can be found. [It may be recalled that Da­
niel Ellsberg first made the Papers public.]

1971k "Response to Sydney Hook". The Humanist 31:1.23-29

(Jan./Feb. 1971).
This is a reply to S. Hook's criticism of 1970f (see
above), "The Survival of the Free University", The
Humanist 30:5.26-28 (Sept./Oct. 1970), to which Chom­
sky wrote a second response published ibid. 31:2.30-
34 (March/April 1971).

19711 "Israel and the New Left". The Hew Left and the Jews
ed. by Mordecai S. Chertoff. New York: Pitman Pub­
lishers .

1971m "Crisis of Management". The Hew York Times (21 June


1971n "The Crisis of Power". To Seek a Humane World ed. by

Herbert B. Radest. New York: Pemberton Books.

1971o "The Rule of Force in International Affairs". Yale

Law Journal 80:6.1456-91 (June 1971).*
Review of Telford Taylor, Huremburg and Vietnam : An
American tragedy (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970).

1971p "After this War". Peace Hews 18, No,25.6 (25 June

1971q "Executive War in Laos". Ibid. 18, No.16.2 (3 April


1971r "Toward a Humanistic Conception of Education". Paper

presented at the Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, I11.
First published in Work, T e c h n o l o g y , and Education ed.
by Walter Feinberg & Henry Rosemont, 204-220. Urbana,
I11.: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1975.

1971s Problems of Knowledge and Freedom : The Russell Lec­

tures. New York: Pantheon Books & Random House, XI,
I11 pp. (London: Fontana/Collins, 1972, 95 pp.)
The text of the 2 Bertrand Russell Memorial Lectures,
presented at Trinity College, Cambridge, 26 and 28

* Repr. in 1973f (pp.212-58). See there also for

trans1. into Spanish (19 75.324-85) and Italian (1976).

Jan. 1971; abridged versions appeared i n 1971g & h.

Reviews :
- D ( o n a l d ) Terence L a n g e n d o e n in American SpeeCh 4 5 .
1/2.129-34 (1972 for 1970)
- Anon. in The Guardian 106 (15 Jan. 1 9 7 2 ) , 1 9 -
- Anon. in The New Statesman 84 (14 April 1 9 7 2 ) , 500
- Anon. in The Spectator 228 (5 Feb. 1 9 7 2 ) , 198-
- C. L e h m a n n - H a u p t in The New York Times (22 Dec.
1971), 37-
- K. J. Gavin in America 125 (11 Dec. 1 9 7 1 ) , 5 2 2 -
- George Steiner in The New York Times Book Review
(9 Jan. 1 9 7 2 ) , p.23
- Idem in The Times Literary Supplement (31 March
1 9 7 2 ) , 359
- Antony Flew in Philosophy 48.194-95 (April 1973)

Translations :*
Conocimiento y libertad, with a Preface (pp.5-24) by
Carlos Peregrin Otero, B a r c e l o n a : E d i c i o n e s A r i e l ,
1972, 189 pp. (The 2 lectures were translated by C. P.
Otero and J. Sempere, r e s p e c t i v e l y . )
Les problèmes du savoir et de la liberté, trans1. by
Martine L a r o c h e & Manon de B e a u r e g a r d , P a r i s : Fayard,
1973, 153 pp.
Über Erkenntnis und Freiheit : Vorlesungen zu Ehren von
Bertrand Russell, trans1. by Gerd L í n g r ü n . (= Suhrkamp
Taschenbuch, 91.) F r a n k f u r t / M . : Suhrkamp, 1973, 120
PP .
- Cf. the review by Jean Amèry [pseud. for Hans Mayer],
"Deutung und Ä n d e r u n g der W e l t : Noam Chomsky — K o p e r -
nikus der L i n g u i s t i k und streitbarer Systemkritiker
A m e r i k a s " , Die Zeit (13 July 1 9 7 3 ) , N r . 2 9 , p . 1 8 .
Conoscenza e liberta: Linguaggio e prassi politica ,
trans1. by Paolo B a i r a t i , T o r i n o : G. E i n a u d i , 1 9 7 3 ,
123 pp.

1971t "The Case against B. F. S k i n n e r " . The New York Review

of Books 17:11.18-24 (30 D e c . 1971).
Review of B ( u r r h u s ) F ( r e d e r i c k ) Skinner, Beyond Eree-
dom and Dignity (New Y o r k : A. A. K n o p f , 1 9 7 1 ) , partly
incorporated in 1972a. — Cf. 1959d in Part I ( p . 1 1 ) .
Translation [see next page]:

* Also translated into Japanese by the late Shigeo Ka-

w a m o t o , Chishiki to Jiyu (Tokyo: B a n m a c h i - s h o b o , 1975)

"Chomsky gegen Skinner", trans1. into German by Bernd

Treiber, Betrifft: Erziehung Nr.3 (1 March 1972), 122»

1971u etc. [Various letters, all together with others, incl.

Thomas Watson and Jean-Paul Sartre]. The New York Re­
view of Books 17:2.36-37 (July 1971), 17:8.39 (2 Sept.
1971), and 17:11.29-30 (30 Dec. 1971).
Cf. Sgroi (1983:212), for further details.

1972a "Psychology and Ideology", Cognition 1.11-46.

Apart from a critique of Skinner (see 1971t above),
this article contains — as does 1972b — an attack
of Richard Herrnstein's psychological theories.
Herrnstein replies to these attacks in the same jour­
nal (1.301-309) in a polemic entitled "Whatever hap­
pened to Vaudeville? A reply to Professor Chomsky",
to which Chomsky replied in 1972c.
Repr. in 1973f (pp.347-62), where translations (not
mentioned below) into Italian (1977.420-45), Spanish
(1975.502-528), and German (1974, chap.3, paragraph 5
can be found (pp.44-103).
The paper was also repr. in The Philo sophy of Society
ed. by R. Beehler & A. R. Drengson, 110-55. London:
Methuen, 1978.
Other translations:
"Psicología e ideología", Crimini di pace: Ricerohe
sugli intellettuali e sui teenici come addetti ll'
oppressione ed. by Federico Basaglia & F. Basaglia On-
garo, 319-41. Turin: G. Einaudi, 1975. (Translator:
Vittorio De Tassis.)
"Psychologie und Ideologie", Befriedungsverbrechen:
Über die Dienstbarkeit der Intellektuellen [by vari­
ous authors], 127-78 and 284-88. Köln [= Cologne]:
Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1980. (Translated by Bern­
hard Kroeber.)

1972b "I.Q. Tests: Building blocks for the new class sys­
tem". Ramparts 11:1.24-30 (July 1972).
Like a major portion of 1972a, this paper carries an
attack on Herrnstein's theories (see also 1972d). —
Preface by David Kolodny (pp.24-25).
[Against Sgroi (1983:213), not a reprint of 1972a.]

1972c "Comments on Herrnstein's Response". Cognition 1.407-

Rejoinder to Richard Herrnstein's reply to 1972a & b
in the same journal (pp.301-309).

1972d "The Fallacy of Richard Herrnstein's I.Q.". Social

Policy 3:1.19-25 (May/June 1972).
Yet another paper of the polemics against Herrnstein's
I.Q. theories; in fact, it is substantially the same
as 1972b (and is incorporated in 1972a).

1972e "Foreword". Pattern of Profit in Southern Africa by

Ian Mackler. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co.

1972f "Indochina: The next phase". Ramparts 10:12.14, 16

and 61-65 (May 1972).
The material was used in 1973f (pp.259-84), where
translations into Spanish (1975.386-419) and Italian
(19 7 7.315-45) — but not German! — can be found.

1972g "The Crisis of Power". The Humanist 87:3 (March


1972h "Vietnam: How government became wolves". The New York

Review of Books 18:11.23-31 (15 June 1972).

1972i "The National Interest and the Pentagon Papers". Par­

tisan Review 39:3.336-54 (Summer 1972).
Translation by M. Días de Grado in El interés nacio­
nal y los documentos del Pentagone by N. Chomsky &
Hans Morgenthau (Barcelona: Redondo, 1973). — Cf.
Chomsky's note "On the 'National Interest'" in 1981a
(pp.59-61), and Chomsky's earlier (1971i & j) papers on
the sub j ct.

1972j "Introduction". Open Secret ed. by Virginia Brodine &

Mark Seldon. New York: Harper & Row.

1972k "Nixon's Peace Offer". Remparts 10:11 (April 1972).

19721 Review of Fred Branfman, Voices from the Plain of

Jars ... (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). The Saturday
Review 55, No.36.49-50 (2 Sept. 1972).

1972m "Medical Aid for Indochina". The New York Review of

Books 19:9.45 (30 Nov. 1972). [See 1972q below.]

1972n "Science and Ideology". Nehru Memorial Lecture, de­

livered at Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., New Delhi, India,
on 13 Nov. 1972.
Published in Jawaharlal Nehru [( 1 8 8 9 -1 9 6 4 ) ] Memorial
Lectures 1967-1972, 170-208. New Delhi: Jawaharlal
Nehru Memorial Fund; Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
1972o "Scholarship and Ideology: American historians as ex­
perts in legitimation". Another paper given at Jawa­
harlal Univ., New Delhi, on 14 Nov. 1972.
Published in Social Scientist 7:1 (New Delhi, Feb.
1973), and also in U[niversity] A[ction] G[roup] Maga­
zine 2:1.31-43 (Winter 1973).
Translations :
"Appunti sulla storiografia", Crimini oli pace: Ricer-
che sugli intellettuali e sui tecnici come addetti
all ' o p p r e s s i o n e , [partial] trans1. [on the basis of
the French publication below] by G. Weber Sommermann,
ed. by Federico Basaglia & F. Basaglia Ongaro, 133-37.
Turin: G. Einaudi, 1975.
"Savoir et idéologie: Les historiens américains comme
experts en légitimation", trans1. by L. Weinroth, Mi-
tsou Ronat, M. 0. & Jean-Pierre Faye, Change 15.26-52
(2e trimestre 1973).

1972p "Vietnam Calendar". The New York Review of Books 28:9.

41-42 (18 May 1972).

1972q etc. [Various joint letters to the editor.] The New

York Review of Books 18:7 (20 April - cf. 1972m above),
18:11.37 (15 June), and 19:1.34 (10 July 1972).
Cf. Sgroi (1983:220), for further details.

1973a "The Mideast: Dark at the end of the tunnel". Ramparts

11:8.38-40 and 53-55 (Jan. 1973).
1973b "Preface". Cambodia in the Southeast Asian War. New
York: Monthly Review Press.
1973c "The Peace Hoax". Liberation 17:8.3 (Jan. 1973).

1973d "Endgame: The tactics of peace in Vietnam". Ramparts

11:10.26-29 and 53-55 (April 1973).
Repr. in 1973n.

1973e "Anarchism". Essays on Socialist Humanism ed. by Ken

Coates. Nottingham, England: Bertrand Russel House.
Retakes 1970d. Repr., with the title "Notes an Anar­
chism", in 1973f (pp.370-86), where trans1. into Ger­
man (1974.104-121), Spanish (1975.532-54), and Italian
(1977.450-70) can also be found.
Other translations :
"Anmerkungen zum Anarchismus", trans1. into German by
Dieter Stafski, Unter dem Pflaster liegt der Strand:
Anarchismus heute ed. by Hans-Peter Duerr, 18-35. Ber­
lin: Karin Kramer, 1974.
"Notas sobre anarquismo", El movimiento libertario es­
pañol [by various authors], Paris: Ruedo Ibérico,
"Anarchismus", Unsere Wünsche sind Erinnerungen an
die Zukunft (= Marxismus und Anarchismus, 3.). Berlin:
Karin Kramer, 1976, 121 pp. (Retakes 1974 trans1.)

1973f For Reasons of State. New York: Pantheon Books & Vin­
tage Books (Random House), XXXIV, 440 pp.
A collection of previously published papers (1973n,
1970k [with substantial additions, pp.188-211], 1970o,
1972f, 1971f, 1969e, 1972a, 1973e, and 19711, in that
order), preceded by an Introduction (vii-xxxiv), and
rounded off by a bib. (409-428) and an index (429-40).
Reviews :
- Anon. in The Times Literary Supplement (21 Dec.
1973), p.1565
- Anon. in Psychology Today 1 (Dec. 1973), p.126.
- Richard Todd in Atlantic Monthly 232.97-98 (July
- Arnold Beichman in Christian Science Monitor 65.12
to 13 (8 Aug. 1973)
- Anon. in The New Yorker 49.72- (30 July 1973)
- Louis Berg in World 2.56-57 (3 July 1973)
- S. Head in The New York Review of Books (3 0 Sept.
1973) , 31-
- C. Lehmann-Haupt in The New York Times (2 Aug.
1973) , 39-
- S. S. Wolin in The New York Times Book Review (30
Sept. 1973), 31-

Translations :
Aus Staatsraison. (= Edition Suhrkamp, 736.) Frank­
furt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1974, 154 pp. [chaps.I-IV have not
been included]. (Translator: Burkhart Kroeber.)
Okunino tameni II: Kokka-riyu a Zettai jiyuka. [See
under 1973n for the other part]. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-
shinsha, 1975, 260 pp. (Translator: Momo Iida.)
Per ragioni di stato: Ideologie coercitivo e forze
rivoluzionarie, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1977, xl, 495
pp. (Translated into Italian by Vittore De Tassis [=
chap.I, V-VIII and introd.] and S. S. Caruso [chaps.
III-IV and I X ] , respectively.)
Por vazon de estado. Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel, 1975,
609 pp. (Translator: J. Sempere.)

1973g "Indochina and the Fourth State". Ramparts 11:10.

(April 1973).

1973h (Together with Edward S. Herman.) Counter-Revolu­

tionary Violence : Bloodbaths in fact and propaganda.
(= Module , No.57.) Preface by Richard A. Falk. Ando-
ver, Mass.: Warner Modular Publications, 47 pp.
This item was not circulated in the United States; it
was published in regular form only in 1979i (pp.299-
354); cf, 1979h (pp.xiv-xvii), "A prefatory note by
the authors on the history of the suppression of the
first edition of this book", for details.
Translation :
Bagno di sangue , preceduto da "Arcipelago Bloodbath"
by Jean-Pierre Faye, Milan: I1 Formichiere, 1975, 184
pp. [Cf. Sgroi (1983:228-29) for further details.]

1973i "Watergate: A skeptical view". The New York Review of

Books 20:3-4, 7-8 (20 Sept. 1973).
An enlarged version appeared as Introduction to Big
Brother and the Bolding Company : The world behind
Watergate ed. by S. Weissman, 13-25. Palo Alto, Calif.
Ramparts, 19 7 4.

1973j "Reporting Indochina: The news media and the legitima­

tion of lies". Social Policy 4:2.4-20 (Sept./Oct. 73).

1973k "Prospects for the Middle East". WIN (8 Nov. 73), 4-5.

19731 "The President and the Presidency". Liberation 18

(Nov. 1973), 6-8.

1973m "America wa Wahei-kyotei  mamoruka — kyotei bunsho

to sono haikei  bunsekishite". Sekai (Tokyo: Iwanami-
shoten) No.329.60-77 (April 1973).
Japanese trans1., by Yoshiyuki Tsurumi, of an English
Ms. entitled "Will the U.S.A. keep the peace pact?".

1973n The Backroom Boys. London: Fontana, 222 pp.

A selection from previously published papers on U.S.
foreign policy, in particular policy conducted by the
Pentagon; cf. 1973d and portions of 1973f.
Reviews :
Anon. in The Times Literary Supplement (21 Dec. 1973),
p.1565 .
Anon. in The Spectator No.231 (13 Oct. 1973), p.487.
Okuni no tameni I : Pentagon o o-kosho-tachi , Tokyo:
Kawade-shobo-shinsha, 1975, 274 pp. (Translator: Momo
Iida.) [Cf. under 1973f for Japanese trans1. of vol.
II. ]

1973o "Watergate is Small Potatoes". The Real Paper (Boston,

11 July 1973), pp.1 and 7.

Republished in American Report (13 Aug. 1973), p.3,

and in 1981a (pp.175-77).
Translation :
"Watergate: Una pequenez", USA: Mito, realidad, acra­
cia ed. (and trans1.) by Carlos Peregrin Otero, Barce­
lona: Ariel, 1978, pp.69-72.

1973p "What We Haven't Learned from Vietnam". The Real Raper

(Boston, 4 April 1973), pp.1 and 10.

1973q etc. [Letters to the Editor, together with others].

The New York Review of Books 20:10.37 (14 June 1974),
20:16.67-68 (18 Oct. 1973), and 20:20.53-54 (13 Dec.
Entitled "Appeal for Peace in the Middle East", "A Ma­
nifesto", and "American Dissent in Moscow" respectively

1974a "The Background". Ramparts 12:6.37-39 (Jan. 1974).

1974b "The Fourth Round". Ibid. [Written in Jan. 1974.]

Repr. in 1974f (pp.142-52), where trans1. into French
(1974.161-72), Spanish (19 7 5.175-84), and Italian
(1976.131-40) can be found.

1974c "An Exchange on Watergate". Partisan Review 41:4.645-

Also published in Monday (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 24
Feb. 1975), p.2. ("Chomsky: It would be wrong".)

1974d "Watergate and Other Crimes". Ramparts 12:11.14 and

31-36 (June 1974).

1974e "Daniel in the Lion's Den: [Daniel] Berrigan and his

critics". Liberation 18:6.15-29 (Feb. 1974).

1974f P e a c e in the Middle East? Reflections on justice and

nationhood. New York: Pantheon Books & Vintage Books
(Random House), LVIII, 198 pp.
Collection of previously published papers (i.e., 1969i.
1970q, 1971e, and 1974d, in that order), preceded by
a brief "Preface" authored by Irene L. Grendzier (p.
ix) , and an "Introduction" (1-48) by the author (writ-
ten in Jan. 1974). *
Reviews :
- C. Collingwood in Journal of Contemporary Asia 5:3.
365-68 (1975)
- J. . Kelly in The Times Literary Supplement No.
3848 (12 Dec. 1975) , p .1485
- S. H. Longrigg in Asian Affairs 63:198-99 (July
- Anon. in America 132.154- (1 March 1975)
- Anon. in Guardian Weekly 112.22- (15 April 1975)
- B. A v i s h a i in The New York Review of Books 21 (23
Jan. 1975), p.34
- Theodore Draper in The New Republic 171 (26 Oct.
1975), p.21
- M. Walzer in The New York Times Book Review (6 Oct.
1975) , p.5
- N . G. Levin, J r . , "Noam Chomsky and Israel", Dis­
sent 22:3.276-86 (July 1975)

Cf. t h e summary s t a t e m e n t i n Commentary 59:2.80-87 (19 7 5 ) .


Translations :
Guerre et paix au Proche Orient, transi. by M. Sis-
sung, Paris: Belfond, 1974, 223 pp.
Guerra o Paz in Oriente Medio , Barcelona: Barrai Edi­
tores, 1975, 225 pp.
Riflessioni sut Medio Oriente, trans1. by Giorgo
Stefancich, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1976, v, 182 pp.

1974g "Tilting toward Armageddon: [Henry] Kissinger and the

Mid-East". University Review 39.7-9 (Oct. 1974).

19 7 4h "The Coverup behind [Richard] Nixon's Pardon". New

American Movement 4:2.2 (Oct. 1974).

1974i "Lettre sur la censure". Change No.18 (Février 1974),

Translation of a letter by Chomsky to Jean-Pierre
Faye, dated 10 Jan. 1974, concerning the censure of
the book by Chomsky & Herman (see 1973h above). Repr.
(in part) in Le Monde diplomatique (March 19 75), p.20.
A second letter, dated 13 Oct. 1974, was also pub­
lished in French trans1., "Dossier d'un fait de cen­
sure: Noam Chomsky, Bains de sang", in Change No.24.205-
206 (Oct. 1975). This letter was repr. in the French
trans1. of 1973h as well as in translations into Ital­
ian and Spanish, to which it was added (cf. Sgroi
1983:239 , for details) .

1974j "Permanent Peace in the Middle East?". Harvard Maga­

zine 76.18-20 (June 1974).
Talk given at the Cambridge [, Massachusetts] Forum.

1974k "A Tea Party". Partisan Review 41. [Re: Watergate.]

Concerning Watergate; cf. 1974c.

19741 "[Michel Foucault:] Human Nature: Justice versus

power, debate with Noam Chomsky", Reflexive Water:
The basic concerns of mankind [by Sir Alfred Jules
Ayer et a l . ] , with a Preface by Fons [i.e., Alfons]
Elders, 135-97. London: Souvenir Press; Toronto : J.
M. Dent & Sons (Canada), 307 pp.
From debates between Chomsky and Foucault [and others]

held at the Eindhoven Institute of Technology, The

Netherlands, in 1971 and broadcast on television by
the Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (Nederlands Omroep
Chomsky's contribution to the debate is found on pp.
136-38, 140-42, 144-46, 154-57, 158-59, 163, 164-66,
167, 168-70, 172-73, 174-75, 176-77, 177-78, 178-81,
182-83, 183-84, 185-86, and 189-97 (general discus­
sion). [For Span. trans1., see Sgroi (1983:240).]

1974m (Together with Edward S. Herman.) "Saigon's Corrup­

tion Crisis: The search for an honest Quisling". Ram­
parts 13:5.21-24 (Dec. 1974/Jan. 1975).

1974n "The Case against B. F.Skinner". Without/Within: Be­

haviorism and humanism ed. by Floyd W. Matson & Jacob
Hechler, 58-79. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Repr. of 1971t. - Cf. Otto Rank Association 9:2.73-80
(Winter 1974/75).

1975a "Breaking the Mideast Deadlock: The prospects". Ram­

parts 13:7.31-33 (April 1975).
Translation :
"Les Etats-Unis face au risque de guerre". Le Monde
diplomatique No.251 (Feb. [sic] 1975).
See also 1975e for another version of the paper.

1975b "Dossier d'un fait de censure: Noam Chomsky, Bains de

sang". Change No.24 (Oct. 1975), 202-218.
Under this heading are published 10 letters by Chom­
sky [andl by Carlos Peregrin Otero] to Jean-Pierre
Fay & Mitsou Ronat, dated between 19 Nov. 1973 and 10
May 1975, concerning the suppression of Chomsky & Her­
man (1973h). - Letter No.2 had previously appeared in
1974 (cf. 1974i for details).

1975c "The Media and Post-War Propaganda". The Real Raper

(14 May 1975), pp.5 and 16-18.

1975d "The Remaking of History". Ramparts 13:10.30, 31, 35,

49-55 (Aug./Sept. 1975).
Originally titled "On the Lessons of Vietnam"; re­
published as 1976d.

1975e "Reflections on t h e Arab-Israeli Conflict". Journal of

Contemporary Asia 5:3.337-44 (1975).
Cf. 1975a (and, earlier, 1971e), for similar accounts.

1975f "The M e a n i n g of Vietnam". The New York Review of

Books 22:10.23 (12 June 1975).
Contribution to a discussion by various authors, re­
published, with the new title "The Vietnam War: A
monstrosity", in 1981a (pp.179-81).
"La guerra de Vietnam: Una enormidad", USA: M i t o , re-
a l i d a d , acracia by N. Chomsky, ed. & trans4. by Carlos
Peregrin Otero, 73-76. Barcelona: Ariel, 1978.

1975g "Israel and the Palestinians". Socialist Revolution

(San Francisco, Calif.) 5:2, No.24, 45-86 (April -
June 19 75).
This paper led to an exchange with Fuad Faris, who
replied in the same journal 6:2, No.28, 103-119 (A-
pril-June 1976).
A partial reprint appeared in Israel and the Palestin­
ians ed. by Uri Davis, A. Mack & N. Yuval-Davis, 368-
409. London: Ithaca Press, 1975.

1975h "An Exchange on the Jewish State". The New York Re­
view of Books 22:12.40-42 (17 July 1975).
A reply to Bernard Avishai's review of 1974f (see
there for further information).

1975i "Continuing the Discussion: Intervention in the Mid­

dle East?". Christianity and Crisis 35:14.210-11 (15
Sept. 1975).

1975j "Interim Agreement". MS, Oct. 1975. Published as 1976e.

1975k "Introduction". COINTELPRO: The FBI's secret war on

political freedom ed. by*Nelson Blackstock, 3-26. New
York: Monad Press. [*Cathy Perkins acc. to 1981a:168.]
An expanded version of the introduction appeared in
the 1976 Random House, New York, edition.

19751 "Introduction". Dissent and Ideology in Israel ed. by


Morris Blatt, Uri Davis & Paul Kleinbaum. London:

Ithaca Press.

1975m "Prospects for the Settlement of the Israeli-Arab

Conflict". Denver Journal of International Law and
Policy 5:2.393-400 (Fall 1975).

1975n "Czechoslovakia Hypocrisy". Index 4:1.74-76 (Spring


1975o "No Holds Barred". Seven Days No.2 (2 June 1975), p.

An extended version, with the title "U.S. Involvement
in Vietnam", appeared in Bridge 4:1.4-19 (Nov. 1975).
Repr., under the title "From Mad Jack [i.e., John F.
Kennedy] to Mad Henry [Kissinger]", Vietnam Quarterly
1.17-33 (Winter 1976).
Translation :
"Vom verrückten Jack zum verrückten Henry", Das kon­
trollierte Chaos: Die Krise der Abrüstung ed. &transl.
by Reiner Steinweg, Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1980.

1975p "Vietnam War: Who will control the past?". Ramparts

13:10.29 (Aug. 1975).

1975q "Chomsky on the Middle East". New American Movement 5:

1.11,13; and also in Re s is t Newsletter No. 96 (Sept. 1975).

1975r "Communication". The New Republic 171.56-57 (23 Nov.

1975) .
Reply to Theodore Draper's review of 1974f (see there
for det ails) .

1975s "Editorial". More (Dec. 1975)

1975t "The UN Resolutions". Thursday (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT,

Dec. 1975), 2-3.
Letter dated 25 Nov. 1975.

1975u [Letter to the Editor of the New York Times of 8 April

1975, which remained unprinted].
Published in 1979h (of Part I ) , pp.37-38.

1975v "[Bertrand] Russell Foundation in Trouble". The New

York Review of Books 22:10.31-32 (12 June 1975).
Letter to the editor on behalf of Ken Coates, direc-
of the Foundation.

1975w "Letter to the Editor". Worldview 18:6.4-6 (June


1975x "The Future of Israel". Commentary 59:6.4, 6-9 (June

1975) .
Reply to Edward Grossman's review, ibid. 59:2.80-87.

1975y (Together with Ali Farshbaf). "Victims". The New York

Review of Books 21:21/22.42 (23 Jan. 1975)

1976a "The Arabs in Israel". Monthly Review 27.20-30 (April).

Republished as a foreword in 1976c.

1976b "Exchange". Socialist Revolution No.28.119-25 (April

- June 1975).
Response to Fuad Faris' paper "To the American Left"
published in the same journal; see 1975g for details.

1976c "Foreword". Arabs in Israel by Sabri Jiryis. London &

New York: Monthly Review Press.
Reprints 1976a. (For Ital. transl. see Sgroi, p. 258.)

1976d "Asking the Forbidden Questions". Indochina Chronicle

48:4.2-3 (April 1976).
Reprint of 1975q.

1976e "The Interim Sinai Agreement". New Politics 11:3.4-33

(Oct. 1975).
First publication of 19 75j .

1976f "Introduction: La clef de voûte du système américain".

La Crise de l'impérialisme et la troisième guerre mon­
diale ed. by Yann Fitt, André Farhi & Jean-Pierre Vi-
gier, 5-26. Paris: François Maspéro.
A shorted version, entitled "Un projet mûri de longue
date: La clef de voûte du système américain", appeared

in Le Monde diplomatique No.266 (May 1976), 2-3.

"La chiave di volta del sistema americano: Origini e
continuità dell'ideología del potere imperiale", Ques-
te Istituzioni No.8.12-20 (July 1976). [As in the case
of the French version above no translator mentioned.]
"La chiave di volta del sistema americano", Verso la
berza guerra mondiale [= Italian version of the above
collective volume] ed. by Jean-Pierre Vigier et al. ,
7-28. Milan: Mazzotta, 1978.
English original, "The Keystone to the American sys­
tem" is supposed to have appeared in a collective vol,
London: Zed Press, 1980 [according to Sgroi 1983:257].

1976g "Civilized Terrorism". Seven Days (July 1976), 22-23.

Also published in Palestine Digest 6:7 (Oct. 1976).

1976h "Equality: Language development, human intelligence,

and social organization". Philosophy and Social Action
Reprinted in 1978a.

1976i "Carter, un presidente da scoprire [(Jimmy) Carter, a

president to uncover]". La Ri [an Italian dai­
ly newspaper] (14/15 Nov. 1976), p.7.
An intervention of Chomsky, transl. by Corrado Augias.

1976j "CIA, FBI Activities Span the Globe". In These Times

(Chicago) 1:3.17 (29 Nov.-5 Dec. 1976).
Repr., under the original (manuscript) title "The Se­
cret Terror Organizations of the U.S. Government", in
1981a (pp.169-72).
Cf. also 1975k, on Cointelpro, i.e., the FBI Counter­
intelligence Program.
"Las organizaciones terroristas secretas del gobierno
norte-americano", USA: M i t o , r e a l i d a d , acracia by N.
Chomsky, ed. & transl. by Carlos Peregrin Otero, 63-68.
Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel, 1978.

1976k "È 1'impero che ha paura [It's the empire that is

scared]". La Repuhblica (28 April 1976)

No translator mentioned.

19761 [Letter to the Editor]. The New York Review of Books

23:16.50 (14 Oct. 1976).
On behalf of the Russian-Jewish scholar I(gor) A(lek-
sandrovič) Mel'čuk, who was subsequently allowed to
emigrate from the Soviet Union and who since 1978 has
been a professor of linguistics at the Université de
Montreal in Canada.

1976m "Maccartismo: Ancora lunga la sua ombra [McCarthyism:

(it's) still casting its shadow]". La Repubblica (13
Oct. 1976)
An intervention by Chomsky, transl. into Italian by
Corrado Augias.

1977a "Trilateral's RX for Crisis: Governability, yes, demo­

cracy, no". Seven Days 1:2.10-11 (Feb. 1977).
"Partecipazione e governabilità secondo i mandarin!",
Argornenti radicali 1:1.48-52 (April-May 1977). (No
translator mentioned.)

1977b "Vietnam Protest and the Media". Resist Newsletter

No.112 (28 Feb. 1977), 1-3 and 5-6.
A partial repr. appeared in Tn These Times 1:10
(1977). Repr. also in 1981a (pp.63-70).

1977c "Schools for Scandal". Seven Days 1:3.20-21 (14 March

1977) .
The original ms. title was "American Universities and

1977d "Education Camps or Tiger Cages?". In These Times 1:4.

16-17 (16-22 March 1977).

1977e "American Foreign Policy in the Middle East". Seven

Days 1:4.23-24 (11 April 1977).
An abridged version was also published in Emola (Tel
Aviv, July 1977)
Translation :
"Le Président Carter et le Proche Orient: Stratégie

pétrolière ou politique de paix?". Le Monde diploma­

tique No.277 (April 1977), pp.l and 9. (No translator
ment ioned. )

1977f "Bellow's Israel". New York Arts Journal 2:1.29-32

(Spring 1977).
Review of Saul Bellow, To Jerusalem and Back (New
York: Viking Press, 1976).
This review also appeared, under the title "What Eve­
ry American Should Believe", in Gazelle Review of Li­
terature on the Middle East No.2.24-32 (London: Itha­
ca Press, 1977).

1977g "Human Rights: A new excuse for U.S. interventions".

Seven Days 1:8.21-22 (23 May 1977).

1977h "Vietnam's After-Glow". Nation Review 7, No.30, 12-18

(May 1977).
Actually another version of 1977g.

1977i "Protest from Israel". The New York Review of Books

24:4.46 (17 March 1977).
A letter to the editor (written in Jan. 1977).

1977j "Workers' Councils: Not just a slice of the pie, but

a hand in making it". Seven Days 1:10.19-20 (20 June
Translation :
"La autogestion como meta", USA: M i t o , r e a l i d a d , acra­
cia by N. Chomsky, ed. & transl. by Carlos Peregrin
Otero, 181-86. Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel, 1978.
The original English title was "Industrial Democracy".

1977k (Together with Edward S. Herman.) "Distortions at

Fourth Hand". The Nation No.224 (25 June 1977), 789-
Also published in Southeast Asia Chronicle 58/59.17-
24 (Dec. 1977).
19771 "Noam Chomsky on May Day". North-West Passage 5:7.16
(6 July 1977).

1977m (Together with Edward S. Herman.) "United States ver­

sus Human Rights in the Third World". Monthly Review
29.22-45 (July 1977).
Also published in Southeast Asia Chronicle 58/58.17-
24 (Dec. 1977).

19 7 7n "Noam Chomsky on International League for Human Rights,

and Israeli Human Rights Violations". Palestine Human
Rights Bulletin No.2 (30 Aug. 1977), 1-5.

1977o "An Exchange on Israel: Chomsky on [David] Schoenbrun".

New York Arts Journal 6.11 and 13-16 (Sept.-Nov. 1977).
Cf. Schoenbrun's book, The New Israelis (New York:
Atheneum, 1973).

1977p "Western Press and Cambodia". Journal of Contemporary

Asia 7:4.548-54.

1977q (Together with Edward S. Herman.) "Why American Busi­

ness Supports Third World Fascism". Business and So­
ciety Review 23 (Fall 1977), 13-21.

1977r "[Anwar] Sadat's Mission: U.S. may hold the key to

peace". The Boston Globe (Friday, 25 Nov. 1977), p.37.

1977s [Letter to the Editor]. New York Times (23 Dec. 1977).
On the Israeli occuptation of captured land.

1977t "Protest from Israel". The New York Review of Books

24:4.46 (17 March 1977).
Letter to the editor, written January 1977.
"Un appello di Chomsky", La Repubblica (Friday, 11
Feb. 1977).

1977u Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat. Traduit de l'américain

et présenté par Mitsou Ronat. Paris: Flammarion, 210
Includes a chap. on "Linguistique et politique" (33-
61). — For further details, see Part I, items 1977g
and, for the English (re-)translation, 1979h.

1978a "Language Development, Human Intelligence, and Social

Organization". Equality and Social Policy ed. by Wal­
ter Feinberg. Urbana, I11.: Univ. of Illinois Press.
A reprint of 1976h.

1978b 'Human Rights' and American Foreign Policy. Notting­

ham, England: Spokeman Books, ix, 90 pp.
Repr., with new titles, as 1978e and 1978i; see there
for details. (The monograph consists of 2 items.)

1978c "Intellectuals and the State". Johan Huizinga Lecture

given at the Univ. of Leiden, The Netherlands, on 9
December 1977.
Published, with the same title, by Het Wereldvenster
Internationale B.V. , Baarn, The Netherlands, 1978.
Repr. in Freedom 39:7.9-17 (15 April 1978).*

1978d "The Drift towards War and the Alternatives". War or

Peace in the Middle East ? ed. by P. Duff, 27-73.
Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.

1978e "Foreign Policy and the Intelligentsia". Images and

Ideas: Essays in contemporary American culture ed.
by A. Edelstein. Hanover: Univ. Press of New England.
Repr. of 1978b (pp.1-48). (See 1979g.)

1978f "Against Apologetics for Israeli Expansionism". New

Politics 12:1.15-46 (Winter 1978).

1978g "An Exception to the Rule". Inquiry (17 April 1978),

R e v i e w of M i c h a e l W a l z e r , Just and Unjust Wars: A
moral argument with historical illustrations (New
York: Basic Books, 1977).
Repr. i n Australian Outlook 32:3.357-63 (Dec. 1978).

1978h " E n g i n e e r i n g of C o n s e n t " . The Public Eye (Repression

Information Project), April 1978, 14-16.

* See a l s o 1978j (for r e p r i n t ) , 1979j (for I t a l i a n t r a n s l a t i o n ) , and

1979k (for French excerpt as w e l l as r e f e r e n c e to Spanish t r a n s l . )

19 78i "The C a r t e r A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : M y t h and Reality ; '. The

Australian Quarterly 50:1.8-36 (April 1978).
Repr. of 1978b (pp.49-90); repr. in 1 9 8 1 a ( p p . 1 3 7 - 6 6 ) .
Translation :
"La a d m i n i s t r a c i ó n C a r t e r : Mito y r e a l i d a d " , USA: Mito,
realidad, acracia by N. C h o m s k y , ed. & transl. by Car­
los P e r e g r i n O t e r o , 1 9 - 6 2 . B a r c e l o n a : E d i t o r i a l A r i e l ,

1978j "The S e c u l a r P r i e s t h o o d : Intellectuals and A m e r i c a n

power". Working Papers for a New Society (May/June
1978), 24-33.
Excerpted from 1978c and transl. in part (no t r a n s l a ­
tor m e n t i o n e d ) into I t a l i a n , "Gli i nt e l l e t t u a l i e il
finto dissenso", Il Corriere deila Sera (Thursday, 30
March 1978) .
For a full repr. of 1978c, see African-American Af­
fairs Monograph Series 4:1.27-66 (Winter 1978/Spring
1979) .

1978k "The U S M e d i a and t h e T e t O f f e n s i v e " . Race & Class

20 (1978)
Review of Peter Braestrup, Big Story: How the American
press and television reported, and interpreted the cri­
sis of Tet 1968 in Vietnam and W a s h i n g t o n (Boulder,
C o l o r a d o : W e s t v i e w P r e s s , 1977 [abridged v e r s i o n of
600 p p . , N e w Y o r k : Anchor B o o k s , 1 9 7 8 ] ) .
A c c o r d i n g to Sgroi ( 1 9 8 3 : 2 7 7 ) , this item was repr. in
Journal of Contemporary Asia in 1980.
This (critical) review article w a s excerpted in 1978n.

19781 "American J e w s and t h e 'Special R e l a t i o n s h i p ' w i t h I s ­

r a e l " . Baltimore Sun -Perspective (2 July 1978).

1978m "Armageddon Is W e l l L o c a t e d " . The Nation (22-29 July

1978), 83-88.
Review of the following five books on US - Israel r e ­
lations: 1) Acces to Oil: The United States Relation­
ships with Sausi Arabia and Tran by U.S. Senate Commit­
tee on Energy and N a t u r a l Resources ( W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ,
1977); 2) Israel: The embattled ally by Nadav Safran
(Cambridge, M a s s . : Belknap Press (for Harvard Univ.
Press), 1977); Quest for Peace: United States - Israeli

relations and the Arab -Israeli conflict by Bernard

Reich (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books,
1977); 4) Decade of decisions : American policy toward
the Arab -Israeli conflict by William B. Quandt (Ber­
keley: Univ. of California Press, 1977), and 5) Isra-.
el, Utopia Incorporated: A study of c l a s s , s t a t e , and
corporate kind control by Uri[el] Davis (London: Zed
Press, 1977).
Incorporated in 1978q.

1978n "10 Years after Tet: The big story that got away".
More 8, No.6 (June 1978), 16-23.
An excerpt from 1978k, which is the complete version.

1978o "Zionism and Its Enemies". Seven Days (8 Sept. 1978),

Review of David Hirst, The Gun and the Olive Branch:
The roots of violence in the Middle East (London: Fa­
ber & Faber; New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,

1978p Testimony given on East Timor to the United Nations

General Assembly. New York, 1 Dec. 1978. (Document
This material was republished and/or reused in 1979b,
c, and d, and repr. in 1981a (pp.85-100).

1978q "War after War". Gazelle Review of Literature on the

Middle East (London: Ithaca Press), 28-44.

1978r "The Cynical Farce about Cambodia". The New York

Times (8 Dec. 1978), p.A28.
Repr. in 1981a (pp.77-82); cf. comment by ed. (p.76).

1978s "Recent Events in the Middle East as They Relate to a

State Solution: The American role". Transcript of a
presentation at a symposium on the Conflict of the
Middle East, sponsored by the American Friends Service
Committee, 29 March 1978, 23-28.

1978t [Statement delivered to the Fourth Committee of the

United Nations General Assembly, Nov. 1978].

On e v e n t s in East Timor; see 1980e for publication.

1979a "Ideological Conformity in America". The Nation (27

Jan. 1979), 77-81.
Excerpted from the author's Language and Responsibil­
ity (New York: Pantheon Books, 1979), chap.l, "[Lin­
guistics and] Politics", especially pp. lOff. — See
Part I (Linguistics), 1977g for translations.

1979b "The Hidden War in East Timor". Resist Newsletter No.

128 (Jan./Feb. 1979), pp.1 and 3-6.
This paper — as well as the next two entries below
(1979c and d) — are based on Chomsky's U.N. testimo­
ny (1978p). Cf. 1981a (pp.85-100) for a reprint of
the entire text.

1979c "East Timor: The press cover-up". Inquiry Magazine

(19 Feb. 1979), 9-15.

1979d "The Plight of East Timor". The Australian Quarterly

(March 1979), 47-61.
This and the preceding two papers are all based on
the author's U.N. Testimony on East Timor (1978p).
Translations :
"Resoconto sui m a s s a c r i a T i m o r " . Fra massacri e me­
dia: D i b a t t o su stampa e intellettuali by N. Chomsky,
René Debray et al., 37-65. [Rome?]: Shakespeare & Com­
pany di Giuseppe Recchia, 1980.
"Etat de compte sur les massacres à Timor: Communica­
tion prononcée devant la Quatrième Commission de l'As­
semblée générale des Nations Unies", Change (Narration
et pouvoir: Massacres et média) No.38 (Oct. 1979), 123
to 144.

1979e (Together with Edward S. Herman.) Review of America in

Vietnam by Guenther Lewy (London & New York: Oxford
Univ. Press, 1978). Inquiry Magazine (19 March 1979),

1979f "The Fire at the End of the Tunnel". Mother Jones

(April 1979), 33-37.
Reply (one of six) on the (then recent) invasion of
Cambodia by Vietnamese troops.

1979g "Foreign Policy and the Intelligentsia". Images and

Ideas in American Culture : Essays in memory of Philip
Rahv ed. by Arthur Edelstein, 15-59. Hanover, New Hamp­
shire: Univ. Press of New England (Distributor for
Brandeis Univ. Press).
Reprint of 1978e.

1979h (With Edward S. Herman.) "Corporate Censorship". Our

Generation 11:2.18-20 (Spring 1979).
Reprinted prefatory note to 1979t.

1979i (With Edward S. Herman.) "Benign Terror: East Timor".

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 11:2.40-68 (April
— June 1979).
Abridged version of chap.3 of 1979t.

1979j "Gli intellettuali e lo stato". An.Archos,"Socità e

Stato" 1979.117-52.
Italian transl. of 1978c. (Translator not mentioned.)

1979k "La restructuration idéologique aux Etats-Unis". Le

Monde diplomatique (March 1979), 9-10.
Excerpted version of 1978c. (No translator mentioned.)
A Spanish transl. (by F. Carrasquer?) , "Los intelectu­
ales y el Estado 4 , appeared in Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibé­
rico [Paris] Nos.61/62.153-83 (Jan.-April 1979).

19791 "Intellectuals and the State". African-American Af­

fairs Monograph Series 4:1.27-66 (Winter/Spring 1979).
Repr. from 1978c; see there for an earlier reprint,
and 1979j for Italian transl. and 1979k for French ex­

1979m "Introduction". Palestinians : From peasants to revolu­

tionaries by Rosemary Sayigh, 1-4. London: Zed Press.

1979n "East Timor and the Western Democracies". Spokesman

Pamphlet No.67. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
Talk given at conference in Lisbon, Portugal, on 20
May 1979.
Cf. 1978p and 1979b-d for related subject.

1979o "Indochina und die imperiale Ideologie". Kursbuch

(Frankfurt/M.: Rotbuch Verlag) 57.85-96.
German transl. of Introduction to 1979u.

1979p "Preface". An Act of Genocide : Indonesia's invasion of

East Timor by Arnold Kohen & John Taylor. London:
TAPOL (United Kingdom) Publication.

1979q "Jerusalem, ida y vuelta". Argumentos Ano 3, No.29

(December 1979).
Spanish transl. of 1977f.

1979r "La nouvelle trahison des clercs". Le nouvel ordre

intérieur ed. by Pierre Domergues, 103-122. Paris:
Editions Alain Moreau (for Univ. de Paris-Vincennes).

1979s [Testimony given on East Timor to the Fourth Committee

of the United Nations General Assembly.] Cultural Sur­
vival Newsletter 3:3 (Fall 1979).
Statement delivered in October 1979, republished in
the Australian periodical Arena 54.97-103.
See also 1978p, 1978t, and the papers derived there­
from in 1979b-d and 1980e.

1979t (With Edward S. Herman.) The Political Economy of Hu­

man Rights. Vol.1: The Washington Connection and Third
World Fascism. Boston: South End Press; Montreal:
Black Rose Books, XVII, 441 pp.
Cf. the review of Linda McQuaig in Maclean's [Canadian
Magazine] (18 Aug. 1980), p.37.
Translation :
Economie politique des droits de l'homme: La "Washing­
ton Connection" et le fascisme dans le Tiers-Monde.
Traduit de l'américain par Denis Authier, Vesna Bernard
& Marie-Thérèse Juge. Paris: J.-E. Hallier & Albin Mi­
chel, 1981 , 478 pp.
Reviews :
- Gérard Chaliand, "Les indignations de Noam Chomsky:
Peut-on faire la guerre aux droits de l'homme?",
Les Nouvelles littéraires 59, No.2808 (15-22 Oct.
1981) , p.42) .

- Xavier Delcourt, "Après Cancun: L'aide au Tiers

Monde contre les droits de l'homme", La Quinzaine
Littéraire (1-15 Nov. 1981), 23-26.

1979u (With Edward S. Herman.) The Political Economy of

Human Rights. Vol.11: After the Cataclysm: Post-war
Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideolo­
gy. Boston: South End Press; Montreal: Black Rose
Books, XX, 392 pp.
Part II of 1979t .

1979v "Prassi e ideología dell'imperialismo [Practice and

ideology of imperialism]". Rinascita No.10 (9 March
1979), 23-27. (No translator mentioned.)

1979w "Sistemas de propaganda y religion de estado en el

'mundo libre'. Bicicleta No.21.22-24.
Translation of part of 1979y; second part below.

1979x "La 'Brasilización' como modelo". Ibid. No.22.14-19.

Span. transl. of part II of 1979y.

1979y "Restoring the Faith". Black Rose 1:4.18-35 (Winter

1979) .
Edited version of a talk given at the Univ. of Paris
- Vincennes on 22 March 1979. Cf. 1979w and x for a
Span. translation.

1979z "Emotions Manipulated, Perceptions Shaped". RIPEE:

Review of Iranian Political Economy and History 3:2.
148-53 (Fall 1979).
Written on 16 Nov. 1979 at the request of the Los An­
geles Times (but actually not published), a Spanish
transl. appeared in 1980r, with another English edi­
tion appearing in 1981 under the title "The Iranian-
American Conflict" (1981 ) .
Repr., with a brief introd. by the ed. (p.96), in
1981a (pp.97-100).

1979aa Language and Responsibility. Based on conversations

with Mitsou Ronat. Transl. from the French by John
Viertel. New York: Pantheon Books, ix, 213 pp.

Actually a re-translation into English (at least as

far as Chomsky's replies to Ronat's questions are
concerned), with revisions by the author. - For fur­
ther information, see items 1977g (French original)
and 1979h in Part I (Linguistics).
Cf. the comment by Joachim Gessinger, "Wie politisch
kann ein Linguist sein? Zu Noam Chomsky's Language and
Responsibility , New York 1979". Osnabrücker Beiträge
zur Sprachtheorie 14.188-92 (1980).
Translation [not mentioned in Part I ] :
Mitsou Ronat to no Taiwa, transl. into Japanese by No-
riyoshi Miyake, Kunihiko Imai & Masatoshi Yano, Tokyo:
Taishukan, 1980, vi, 296 pp.

1980a "American Media and Foreign Policy", Islamic Revolu­

tion 1:11.10-19 (Feb. 1980).
Text of speech delivered at the Cambridge [, Massa­
chusetts] Forum, Oct. 1979.

1980b "Deception as a Way of Life". Inquiry Magazine (7

April 1980), 21-28.
Review of Henry Kissinger's book, White House Years
(Boston: Little Brown, 1979), xxiv, 1521 pp.
Another version appeared, under the title of "White
House Years: Kissinger", in Philosophy and Social Ac­
tion 6:3/4.67-81 (1980).
Translations :
"Gli anni della Casa Bianca", transl. by R. Ranieri,
Il Vonte 36:7/8.683-708 (31 July - 31 Aug. 1980).
"En torno a las memorias de Kissinger", Spanish trans­
lation in 2 instalments, Bicicleta No.26.16-19 (April
1980) and No.27.16-21 (May 1980).

1980c "Foreword". Clergy and Laity Concerned Pamphlet on

East Timor, 1-6. New York: Asian Center (address: 198
Broadway, Room 302, New York, NY 10038).
Repr. in The Link (May 1980).
Repr. also in East Timor International Conference Re­
port by East Timor Program of C.A.L.C. (Jan. 1981).

1980d Review of North-South: A programme for survival. The

Report of the International Development Issues under

the Chairmanship of Willy Brandt ed. by Anthony Samp­

son (London: Ban Books, 1980). Near East Business 5:4.
Repr., with the new title "The 'North-South 7 Conflict",
in 1981a (pp. 121-27) .

1980e "Statement Delivered to the Fourth Committee of the

United Nations General Assembly, November 1978". East
Timor, Indonesia, and the Western Democracies ed. by
Torben Retbøll, 1-25. Copenhagen: International Work
Group for'Indigenous Affairs.
Reprint of 1978t.

1980f "The New Cold War". Resist Newsletter No.132, pp.1 and
4-6 (June 1980).
A revised version appeared in Radical America 15:1/2.
141-53 (Spring 1981), the paper constituting in effect
the transcript of a talk given in May 1980.
Repr. in 1981a (pp.129-34), with a note by the ed. (p.
128), with a much expanded version in 1982c.
"La nueva guerra fria", Bicicleta No.28.8-11 (May-June
1980), and also in the Spanish anarchist journal Adar­
ga No.l (Madrid, June 1980).

1980g "On Timor". Bowyang: Work on Changing Australia No.3.

8-13 (April 1980).
Repr. as "Introduction" to Pat Flanagan's book, East
Timor Apologetics [no further information found].

1980h "La nouvelle trahison des clercs". Encrages Nos.2/3.

French transl. of 1979y; an earlier translation ap­
peared in 19 79 r .
"La traición de los intelectuales", Bicicleta No.33.
15-18 (Nov. 1980).

1980i "Introduction". Tsrael's Sacred Terrorism: A study

based on Moshe Sharett ' s personal diary and other do-

cuments by Livia Rokach. Belmont, Mass.: Association

of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., xi-xiii.
Repr., with the title "Outside of Israeli 'Official
History'", in 1981a (pp.109-111), with editor's in­
troduction (pp. 107-108).

1980j "La programmation du desespoir ...". Agora No.12-16

(Summer 1980).
Another version (with changed title) of 1979r, also
reprinted in 1980h, with English original in 1979y.

1980k "A Letter from Noam Chomsky". European Nuclear Disarm­

ament (= Bulletin of Work in Progres s, Bertrand Rus­
sell Peace Foundation, 1 ) , 7-8. Nottingham, England:
Spokesman Books.
Repr. of 1980f.

19801 "Telling It Like It Ain't". third world 6.67-69 (Nov.

- Dec. 1980).
Repr. of 1980b.

1980m "Porque devemos dar atencao a Timor-Lest, urn pequeno

e remoto lugar de que a maiora dos americanos nunca
ouviu falar?". Funo (magazine) Ano 1, No.1.24-27 (Ju­
ly 1980).
Comment on a topic on which Chomsky had expressed him­
self on various occasions before; cf., e.g., 1978e,
1979p, 1979b-d, 1979n, 1979s, etc.

1980n "La nueva ideología USA". Bicicleta No.32.18-19 (Oct.

1980) .
Abridged Spanish version of 1980o(?).

1980o "Letter from America". European N u c l e a r Disarmament :

A bulletin of work in progress of the Bertrand Russell
Peace Foundation No.2.17-18. Nottingham, England: The

1980p "Towards a New Cold War: A critique of superpower pol­

itics". Philosophy and Social Action 6:3/4.5-28.

A follow-up on 1980f.
"Hacia une n u e v a guerra fria", Bicicleta No.34.18-22
(Dec. 1 9 8 0 ) .

1980q "Quelques c o m m e n t a i r e s élémentaires sur le d r o i t de

la liberté d'expression". [Foreword to] Mémoire en dé­
fense contre ceux qui m' accusent de falsifier l'his­
toire. La question des chambres à gaz by Robert Fau-
r i s s o n , IX-XV. P a r i s : La V i e i l l e T a u p e , 280 p p .
This préface of some 6 printed pages to a book that
questions important aspects of the h o l o c a u s t has p r o ­
duced c o n s i d e r a b l e debate in various p l a c e s , in p a r t ­
icular among i n t e l l e c t u a l s in F r a n c e , G e r m a n y , and
I t a l y , but much less in North A m e r i c a , it s e e m s .
Examples for these d i s c u s s i o n s in p a r t i c u l a r countries
are (in the order given a b o v e ) :
- "Lettre à J[ean] P [ i e r r e ] F a y e " (by C h o m s k y ) , Le Ma­
tin (Paris, 19 D e c . 1 9 8 0 ) , of which B. S p i n e l l i p u b ­
lished a partial transl. into Italian in an article
entitled "Adesso Chomsky fa m a r c i a i n d i e t r o " , La Re-
li (Sat., 20 D e c . 1 9 8 0 ) , p . 1 4 , w h i c h was fol­
lowed by other exchanges (see b e l o w ) , and preceded
by an earlier c o m m e n t , " P a r i g i : Explode il caso Chom­
sky" by B. Valli in La Stampa N o . 2 8 0 (Wednesday, 17
D e c . 1980) , p . 3 .
For other examples of the debate in F r a n c e , cf. Les
Nouvelles littéraires 59e a n n é e , N o . 2 7 7 0 (15-22 Jan.
1 9 8 1 ) , pp.16 and, e s p e c i a l l y , 58 (which was preceded
by an article by J.-P . Faye in the 24 D e c . 1 9 8 0 - 8
Jan. 1981 issue of the same n e w s p a p e r ) .
- "Ein fatales Vorwort zu einem fatalen B u c h : Noam
Chomsky und die Realität der G a s k a m m e r n " by Jürg A l t ­
weg in Die Zeit No.4 (16 Jan. 1 9 8 1 ) , p. 46.
- "Difendo qualunque p e n s i e r o " , title of a telephone
interview with Chomsky by F. C o l o m b o , published in
La Stampa (18 D e c . 1 9 8 0 ) , p . 3 , w h i c h was followed by
two articles [see one of them a b o v e ] , incl. "Sei m i -
lioni di i m p o s t o r i " , by B. S p i n e l l i in La Repubblica
(Friday, 19 D e c . 1 9 8 0 ) , to which Chomsky responded
on T u e s d a y , 10 Jan. 1 9 8 1 , with an article in the
same n e w s p a p e r entitled "Ecco le mie ragioni [Here
are my r e a s o n s ] " (pp.16-17)
For b a c k g r o u n d i n f o r m a t i o n , see the exchange between

Chomsky and his critics in The Pennsylvania Gazette ,

the A l u m i n i M a g a z i n e of the U n i v e r s i t y of P e n n s y l v a ­
nia in P h i l a d e l p h i a , w h i c h had p r i n t e d , in its Oct.
1980 n u m b e r ( p p . 2 2 - 2 7 ) , an account of Chomsky by D e ­
rek Davis entitled "The Academic R e n e g a d e " , w h i c h was
followed by a series of letters to the editor in sub­
sequent issues (e.g., D e c . 1 9 8 0 , p.5 [Lewis B r a n d o n ] ;
Feb. 1 9 8 1 , p.3 [Frances Getson S c h l a i n ] , followed by
a reply by Chomsky ( p p . 3 - 4 ) ; April 1 9 8 1 , pp.5 and 8
[Bernard Cohen] and 8 and 10 [Michael J. F e u e r ] ; Oct.
1 9 8 1 , 8-9 [Edward S. H e r m a n ] , which supplies details
leading to Chomsky's 'Avis' to the F a u r i s s o n book (p.
8) hardly found e l s e w h e r e . On the same page there is
another i n t e r v e n t i o n by Bernard C o h e n , to w h i c h Chom­
sky replies (pp.8 and 1 0 ) . (Although the editor r e ­
garded the issue as closed on that l a s t - m e n t i o n e d page,
a follow-up letter by M i c h a e l J. Feuer was published
in the D e c . 1981 i s s u e , p p . 3 , 5-6.)
Another exchange — though perhaps not fought on equal
terms — took place in The New Republic (3-10 January
1 9 8 1 ) , w h e r e M a r t i n Peretz started an attack on Chom­
sky ( p . 3 8 ) , to which Chomsky replied in the Feb. 14th
i s s u e , but w h i c h , according to Carlos P. Otero (see
his i n t r o d u c t i o n to 1 9 8 1 a , pp.15-16 and p . 5 1 , n.ll)
was not printed in full. (Peretz' rejoinder in the
same issue adds n o t h i n g to the d e b a t e . )
In 1981e ( b e l o w ) , Chomsky responded to a number of
other c r i t i c s ; see also 1 9 8 1 s , 1982d (a reprint of
1 9 8 1 e ) , 1 9 8 2 g , 1 9 8 2 h , and 1 9 8 2 s , for further comments
by Chomsky on the 'Faurisson A f f a i r ' . (Letters to the
editor such as the one in Newsweek of 16 Aug. 19 8 2 , in
response to an essay in the Aug. 2nd issue by George
F. W i l l , are e x c l u d e d . ) *

1980r "Iran".† Ideas (Barcelona, J u l y - A u g . 1980) 1:3.18-19.

Spanish transl. of an article originally s o l i c i t e d ,
but not p u b l i s h e d , by the Los Angeles Times , w r i t t e n
on 16 Nov. 1979.
The original text was first p u b l i s h e d , w i t h the title
"The I r a n i a n - A m e r i c a n conflict", in 1981a ( p p . 9 7 - 1 0 0 ) ,
† [Subtitle: "Aceleración de las peores tendencias de
la p o l i t i c a exterior de U S A " ]

* Cf. also Chomsky's reply (to Antonio Cavallari's "Tanto rumore

per Chomsky" in the Dec. 20th issue, p.3), "Non dimenticate
Voltaire", Il m e s s a g e r o (Sunday, 8 Feb. 1981), p.3.

1980s Great Power Conflict : The new cold war. (= The Sixth
Samuel F. Salkin Memorial L e c t u r e , November 2, 1980.)
Minneapolis, Minnesota: First Unitarian Society of
Minneapolis (address: 900 M o u n t C u r v e A v e n u e , M i n n e ­
a p o l i s , MN 5 5 4 0 3 ) , 25 p p .
"This booklet contains two a d d i t i o n a l addresses de­
livered by N o a m Chomsky on the same day: 'Linguistics
and the N a t u r e of Human T h o u g h t ' - " I n t e l l e c t u a l s —
The New C l a s s " . (Text on the cover p a g e ) . — These
two papers are printed on pp.15-19 and 2 0 - 2 5 , r e s p e c ­
tively .

1980t (With E d w a r d S. H e r m a n . ) "After the C a t a c l y s m " . The

Literary Review No.11 (8-21 M a r c h 1980), 7-9.
An extract from 1979t .

1981a Radical Priorities. E d i t e d w i t h an i n t r o d u c t i o n by

C a r l o s P ( e r e g r i n ) O t e r o . M o n t r é a l : B l a c k Rose B o o k s ,
270 p p . (2nd e n l a r g e d e d . , 1964.
A selection of 22 papers from Chomsky's p o l i t i c a l
w r i t i n g s between 1968 and 1 9 8 0 , at times with new
t i t l e s , with items 1 and 6 (cf. 1980r) published in
English for the first time. These are: 1. "On the
'National I n t e r e s t ' " [ 1 9 7 7 ] ; 2."Vietnam protest and
the m e d i a " ( 1 9 7 7 b ) ; 3. " C a m b o d i a : No holds b a r r e d "
( 1 9 7 5 o ) ; 4. "The cynical farce about C a m b o d i a "
( 1 9 7 8 r ) ; 5. "The hidden war in East T i m o r " ( 1 9 7 9 b ) ;
6. "The I r a n i a n - A m e r i c a n c o n f l i c t " (cf. 1980r and
1 9 8 1 b ) ; 7. "Israel and the A m e r i c a n i n t e l l i g e n t s i a "
( 1 9 7 8 1 ) ; 8. "Outside of Israeli 'official h i s t o r y ' "
( 1 9 8 0 i ) ; 9. "On the Middle E a s t " ( 1 9 7 5 q ) ; 1 0 . "The
'North-South' c o n f l i c t " ( 1 9 8 0 d ) ; 1 1 . "The new Cold
W a r " ( 1 9 8 0 f ) ; 1 2 . "The Carter A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : Myth
and r e a l i t y " ( 1 9 7 8 i ) ; 13. "The secret terror o r g a n i ­
zations of the U . S . G o v e r n m e n t " (19 76 j) ; 1 4 . " W a t e r ­
gate: Small p o t a t o e s " ( 1 9 7 3 o ) ; 1 5 . "The V i e t n a m W a r :
A m o n s t r o s i t y " ( 1 9 7 5 f ) ; 16. "The student r e v o l t "
( 1 9 6 8 b ) ; 17. "The p o l it i c i z a t i o n of the u n i v e r s i t y "
( 1 9 6 9 e ) ; 1 8 . " P o l i t i c a l p r o s p e c t s " ( 1 9 6 8 c ) ; 1 9 . "Some
tasks for the l e f t " ( 1 9 6 9 h ) ; 20. "The new r a d i c a l i s m "
(text from a 1971 interview published in Modern Occa­
sions 1:3.317-27 [Spring 1 9 7 1 ] ) ; 2 1 . "The relevance
of a n a r c h o - s y n d i c a l i s m " (from a July 2 5 , 1 9 7 6 , inter­
view with Peter Jay, published in The New Review 3:29.
25-32 [Aug. 1 9 7 6 ] ) , and 2 2 . " I n d u s t r i a l s e l f - m a n a g e ­
m e n t " (19 77j ) .

This selection is preceded by regular p r e l i m i n a r y

matter (table of c o n t e n t s , p r e f a c e , etc.) and an " I n ­
troduction to Chomsky's Social T h e o r y " ( 1 1 - 5 0 , n o t e s ,
50-56) by Carlos P. O t e r o , which e s t a b l i s h e s the back­
drop for the s e l e c t i o n , part of which had p r e v i o u s l y
appeared in Spanish transl. into another volume ed.
by otero :
USA: Mito, realidad, acracia by N. Chomsky, Barcelona:
E d i t o r i a l A r i e l , 1 9 7 8 , which includes items 12 to 2 2 ,
i.e., Part II of the 1981 s e l e c t i o n , also entitled
"U.S.A.: M y t h , r e a l i t y , acracy" ( 1 9 8 l a . 1 3 7 - 2 6 6 ) .
An index of names (267-70) concludes the volume.
Reviews :
- Dell Hymes in Language in Society 12.135-36 (1983)
- Anon, in Black Rose (Boston) 8.48 (Spring 1982)
- T e r r y L . Smith in Social Anarchism 3:2.47-49 (1983)
- George S c i a l a b b a , "Chomsky A g o n i s t e s " , The Village
Voice (13 July 1 9 8 2 ) , 38-39 [together with 1982c]

1981b "Iran / U . S . I m p e r i a l i s m " . Black Flag 6:6.6 (London).

P u b l i c a t i o n of original t e x t , w h i c h first appeared in
Spanish t r a n s l a t i o n ( 1 9 8 0 r ) . Repr. in 1981a ( p p . 9 7 -
100) .

1981c "Hacia la n u e v a g u e r r a fria (y 3 0 ) " . Bicicleta No.37.

22-25 (March 1981).
Third instalment of transl. of 1980f - see there for
d e t a i l s ; see also 1980p.

1981d "Repression in Latin America". The New York Review of

Books 28:2.45 (19 F e b . 1981).
Letter to the editor by Chomsky et a l .

1981e "The F a u r i s s o n A f f a i r : H i s r i g h t to say i t " . The Na­

tion (28 F e b . 1 9 8 1 ) , 231-35.
Reply to Claude Roy, Pierre V i d a l - N a q u e t, J. B a y n a c ,
P. T h i b a u d , A. C a v a l l a r i , J.P. E n t h o v e n ,  Clément,
P. D a i x , A. F o r m a n , M a r t i n P e r e t z , The PEN Club in
P a r i s , and B. S p i n e l l i . - Cf. 1 9 8 0 q , for further i n ­
formation on the s u b j e c t .

1981f " R e s u r g e n t A m e r i c a " . Socialist Review No.58.135-54

(July-Aug. 1981).
Review - m s . dated 4 Feb. 1981 - of The Purpose of

American Power: An essay on national security by Ro­

bert W. Tucker (New York: Praeger, 1981), vii, 190 pp.
Translations :
"La [second instalment: Una] America que renace", Bi­
cicleta No.38.21-24 (April) and No.39.21-25 (May 1981).
"Reagan gaiko no hassoho", transl. into Japanese by
Ichiro Saito, Sekai (Tokyo: Ivanami-shoten) No.431.
180-94 (Oct. 1981).

1981g "Hurskaita toiveita [Pious hopes]". May 1981 issue of

Näköpiiri (Helsinki), pp.38-41.
Finnish transl. of ? [no further information avail­
able, except that the periodical ceased publication].

1981h "El resurgimento de estadunidense". Nexos (Mexico Ci­

ty) 4:41.31-45 (May 1981).
Another Span. transl. of 1981f.

198li "The Cold War is a Device by which Superpowers Con­

trol". The Guardian (Manchester & London, 15 June
1981), p.7.
Edited and shortened transcript of a talk given at
the Polytechnic of Central London in June 1981.
Repr. in Guardian Weekley (21 June 1981), 8-9, and
in 1981r , with a shortened title.

1981j "People versus Imperialism". New Socialist [i.e., the

new Labor Party journal] No.1.42-45 (Sept./Oct. 1981).
The original ms. title was "The United States and El
Translations :
"Forenta Staterna och El Salvador?", Grafia 21/22.12-
15 (20 Jan. 1982).
"USA och El Salvador", Bokcafets Manadsbulletin No.61.
14-24 (Oct. 1981).

1981k "Resurgent America: On Reagan's foreign policy". Our

Generation 14:4.11-22 (Summer 1981).
Repr. of 1981f (with extended title).

19811 "The Commissars of Literature". New Statesman (14 Aug.


1981) , 13-14.
The subtitle reads: "The Faurisson case in France has
raised the issue whether 'objectively dangerous views'
may be legitimately suppressed. Noam Chomsky argues
they cannot and replies to Gitta Seremy [see her "The
Nazi Record on Trial" in New Statesman (10 April 1981)

1981m (Together with Régis Debray.) Fra massaovi e media:

Dibattito su stampa e i intellettuali . Transl. by S.
Cirillo, ed. by Collectivo Change. Milan: Shakespeare
& Company, 6 6 pp.
Transl. of English title: "Between Massacres and Me­
dia: Debate on press and the intellectuals".

1981n "A fabrica de crises do Governo Reagan". Movimento

20a.16-18 (26 July 1981).
The original Ms. was entitled "The Foreign Policy of
the Reagan Administration"; it was written on 17 July
1981 for the Italian newspaper "I1 Messaggero", but
not published therein.
See 1981p for a publication of the English version.

19 81o "Human Rights and American Foreign Policy: A symposi­

um". Commentary (Nov. 1981), 30-32.
Answer to three questions on this topic proposed by a
group of American intellectuals.

1981p "The Age of Reagan: Everything old is new again".

The Link (2-15 Nov. 1981), 4 and 5.
Cf. 1981n for Spanish transl. and further details.

1981q [Comment on America's Defense Responsibility for the

Rest of the World]. LTV advertisement, 1st and 2nd
corrected versions.
The text was printed in "numerous periodicals" (Chom­
sky), including The Wall Street Journal, in 1981.
1981r "The Cold War and the Superpowers". Monthly Review 33:
6.1-10 (Nov. 1981).
Edited and shortened verson of 1981i (see there for
details), with a modified title.

1981s "Sull'affare Faurisson". Il filosofo lo sterco e gli

zoccoli del poeta, 20-27. Milan: Punti Blu - Editrice.

1981t [Contribution to] "The Role of Anarchy in my Creative

Work". Anarchia e creatività ed. by Arturo Schwarz,
37-39. Milan: La Salamandra.

1981u Review of North-South: A 'programme for survival [...]

ed. by Anthony Sampson (London: Pan Books, 1980).
Philosophy and Social Action 7:2.27-32 (April/June
Repr. of 1980d.

1981v "Introduction". Chishikijin to Kokka [Intellectuals

and the state]. Transl. by Nozumu Kawamura. Tokyo:
TBS Britannica, 290 pp. [c. 1980.]
The Introduction was written in June 1980 to a col­
lection of previously published papers.

1982a "Political Pilgrims". The Times Literary Supplement

(22 Jan. 1982), p.81.
Letter to the editor, responding to Paul Johnson's
attack on Chomsky in TLS of 25 Dec. 1981 (concerning
Chomsky's views of the Khmer Rouge).

1982b "Response to Susan Sontag". Soho News (2 March 1982),

pp.10 and 11.
Concerning the lessons of Poland.

1982c Towards a New Cold War: Essays on the current crisis

and how we got there. New York: Pantheon Books; Lon­
don: Sinclair Brown, 498 pp.
A collection of 13 previously published (1973-1981)
papers, preceded by a long Introduction, with revi­
sions and bibliographical updates, and an Afterward.
(All of the addenda were written during summer 1981.)
Reviews :
- C. M. Woodhouse in Times Literary Supplement (23 July
1982), p.784, with the title "The Anti-American
[See Addenda for further reviews.]

1982d "His Right to Say It: the Faurisson affair". Social

Alternatives 2:3.45-48 (Feb. 1982).
Repr. of 1981e (see there for details).

1982e "War, Crisis, and the Bomb". END Papers One (= Spokes­
man Pamphlet, 3 9 ) , 94-98 (Winter 1981-82). Nottingham,
Published version of a talk given at Brown Univ. on
11 Nov. 1981 with the title of "Strategic Weapons,
the Cold War and the Third World". Repr. as 1982o.

1982f Myth and Ideology in U.S. Foreign Policy. New York:

East Timor Human Rights Committee, bilingual edition.
Published version of a talk given at Yale Univ., New
Haven, Connecticut, on 27 Feb. 1981.

1982a "A Response to Nadine Fresco — 'the Denial of the

Dead'". Dissent 29.218-20 (Spring 1982). [Cf. 1980q.]

1982h "I1 tempo dei campi di concentramento". Volonta 1.91-

101 (Jan.-March 1982).

Response to J. Alemany.

19 82i "The Cold War Is a Pretext: Superpowers use it to main­

tain dominion [...]". St. Louis Post-Dispatch (27 June).
Excerpted version of Commencement Address at Fordham
Univ., New York, 30 May 1982; lead article on Editorial
page 'Mirror of Public Opinion'. Repr. in 198la(271-76).

1982j "Notes sur l'anarchisme". Cahiers Max Nettlau No.4.1-

14 (June 1982).
French version of 1970d.

1982k "Priorities for Averting the Holocaust". The Guardian

(12 July 1982).
Execerpted from 1982t(see there for original title);
various republications, including in 1984a (pp . 279-84) .

19821 "Reflections on Israel in Lebanon". Middle East Inter­

national No.179 (16 July 1982), pp.9, 10, and 16.
Translations :

"Mange grunde t i l , at USA h a r givet Israel frit slag

i L i b a n o n " , Information (3/4 July 1 9 8 2 ) , p p . 1 and 4.
(Translator of Danish v e r s i o n not m e n t i o n e d . )
"Réflexion d'un américain", IRL: Journal d'expressions
libertaires No.46 (July-Sept. 1 9 8 2 ) , pp.3 and 4.

1982m Reply to t h e q u e s t i o n "Should t h e U . S . Deal directly

w i t h the P L O " . Los Angeles Times (25 July 1982), Opin­
ion s e c t i o n , p p . 1 a n d 6 . [See also 1982x below.]
Answers by Chomsky and Leon W i e s e l t i e r — yes and n o .

1982n "Israel's O n s l a u g h t " . Resist Newsletter No.150 (Aug./

Sept. 1 9 8 2 ) , p p . 1 , 2 , and 7.
Thoughts on Israel's invasion of L e b a n o n , also pub­
lished in Inquiry (Aug. 1 9 8 2 ) , pp.3 and 4.

1982o "Strategic A r m s , Cold W a r and t h e T h i r d W o r l d " . Exter-

minism and the Cold War e d . b y the N e w L e f t Review,
223-36. London: Verso.
Expansion of 1982e (see there for d e t a i l s ) .

1982p "For I s r a e l , w h a t L i e s b e y o n d B e i r u t ? " . Press -Tele­

gram (Long B e a c h , C a l i f . , 8 A u g . 1982).

1982q "Introduction". Israel's Global Role: Weapons for re­

pression by I s r a e l S h a h a k , 7 - 1 4 . B e l m o n t , M a s s , : Asso­
c i a t i o n of A r a b - A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t y G r a d u a t e s , I n c .

1982r "Reply to E r i k a A p f e l b a u m on 'Forgetting t h e P a s t ' " .

Partisan Review No.3 (1982), 474-77.
Concerning the F a u r i s s o n a f f a i r ; cf. 1980q for details.

1982s "Ideas on T r i a l " . Ibid. No. 3 (1982).

On the same subject as 1 9 8 2 r ; see also 1 9 8 1 1 , 1 9 8 1 s ,
and 1982d for related d i s c u s s i o n s . (Actually a letter
to the e d i t o r . )

1982t "The U n i t e d S t a t e s and I s r a e l : A case study for t h e

disarmament movement". END Papers, special (= Spokes­
man Pamphlet No.81), 3-17. N o t t i n g h a m , England.
See 1982k for a first published version of this paper.

This paper a p p e a r e d , in various v e r s i o n s , in the fol­

­owing other places (and excerpted in 1 9 8 2 k ) :
a) w i t h the same t i t l e , Our Generation 15:3.37-47
(Fall 1 9 8 2 ) ;
b) as "What D i r e c t i o n s for the D i s a r m a m e n t M o v e m e n t " ,
Michigan Quarterly Review 21.601-632 (Fall 1982) —
a much longer v e r s i o n (see also 1 9 8 3 a ) ;
c) as "Israel's Invasion and the D i s a r m a m e n t Movement",
MERIP Reports No s.108/109.36-41 and 54 (Sept./Oct.
1982) — same as (a) except for a longer bibliography.
Translations :
"Gli obiettivi di Tel A v i v " , Bozze 82, 21-44 (Sept.-
Oct. 1 9 8 2 ) . (Transl. into I t a l i a n . )
"Cari p a c i f i s t ! , pensate alla guerra del L i b a n o " , Pace
e Guerra 3:9.24-26 (July 1 9 8 2 ) . (= Italian transl. of
shorter v e r s i o n . )

1982u "Lebanon: S e p t e m b e r 1982". Colombia Report 4:3, Issue

12.1-3 (Nov. 1982).

1982v "US I n t e r e s t s and the A r a b - I s r a e l i Conflict". Ibid.,

3-7. [Repr. in 1985s.]

1982w "America and I s r a e l " . The Progressive (Dec. 1 9 8 2 ) , 2 2 -

On the 'special r e l a t i o n s h i p ' b e t w e e n the United States
and I s r a e l . See 1983d for original v e r s i o n .
Translation [see also 1985e]:
"Les États f o u s : Remarques sur les relations p r i v i l é ­
giées entre les USA et I s r a e l " , Informations et Refle­
xions libertaires N o . 4 7 . 4 - 5 (Oct./Nov. 1 9 8 2 ) .

1982x [Reply to] "Should the U . S . D e a l d i r e c t l y w i t h the

P L O ? " . Tribune / Today (Wednesday, 4 A u g . 1 9 8 2 ) , p . 1 3 .
Republication of 1982m. (Chomsky's reply is 'yes'.)

1982y (With Edward S. H e r m a n . ) "Keeping the Lid on the W a s h ­

ington C o n n e c t i o n " . Cyrano's Journal 1:1.5-9 (Fall
An extract from 1979t (see there for details).

1982z (With J o n a t h a n S t e e l e & John G i t t i n g s ) . Super Powers


in Collision: The cold war crisis. Harmondsworth,

Middlesex (England): Penguin, 112 pp. (Rev. ed., 1984.)
1983a "Es muy improbable que la guerra nuclear final estal­
le en Europa". Egin (Madrid: Hernani) of 20 Jan. 1983.
1983b "El control de Oriente Medio, un axioma de la politi­
ca exterior de EEUU". Ibid., 21 Jan. 1983.
This and the preceding article are Spanish transla­
tions of and/or excerpts from earlier pagpers dealing
with the danger of nuclear war and US foreign policy
in the Middle East (cf. 1982t and 1982v, respective­
1983c "The Present Danger". Worldview 26:2.8-11 (Feb. 1983).
Reprint, again with another title, of 1982k, though
somewhat shortened (see 1982t for the location of
various other versions published in 1982, and 1983d).
19 83d "Which Way for the Disarmament Movement: Intervention-
ism and nuclear war". Beyond Survial: New directions
for the disarmament movement ed. by Michael Albert &
David Dellinger, 249-309. Boston: South End Press.
MS completed on 15 July 1982; shorter version pub­
lished as 1982t, item b (see there for details). Also
published as 1983c.
1983e "Israel: The making of a sub-imperialism". Against
the Current (Spring 1983), 7-17.
Original version of article from which 1982w had been
excerp ted.
1983f "Historical Engineering and the Vietnam War". Indo­
china Newsletter No.20 (March/April 1983), 5-7.
1983g "Nacionalismo estatal y nacionalismo revolucionario".
Ideas No.18 (April 1983), p. 4.
Spanish transl. of first two pages of 19751.
Repr. in Communidad 36 (Stockholm, Sweden), issue of
June/July 1983.
1983h "The Sabra/Shatila Whitewash". Inquiry (June 1983),
Excerpt from 1983n (published later in that year).
1983i "Where US-Israeli Rejectionism Could Lead". Middle

East International (10 June 1983), pp. 9 and 10.

Translation :
"Nogle tanker omkring Israels 35-års dag". Politiken
(Copenhagen, Denmark, 21 July 1983), pp.5 and 6.
1983j "Human Rights and Central America". Palestine Human
Rights Newsletter 3:5.1, 4 and 5 (August 1983).
Excerpts from a conference held in Chicago on 4 June
19831 "Israels expansionsplaner". Pa flykt igen! ed. by .
Olsson, L. Schonning & R. Weltman, 105-112. Stockholm:
Ordfronts Forlag.
Swedish transl. of 1982w (= 1983e)?
1983m "The Middle East and the Probability of Nuclear War".
Socialist Review 13:4. [=No.70], 7-33 (July-August
1983) .
Excerpts from 1983n.
1983n The Fateful Triangle : The United States, Israel, and
the Palestinians . Boston: South End Press; Montréal:
Black Rose Books; London: Pluto Press, 1984, 481 pp.
Reviews [see also Addenda]:
- Ronald Aronson in New Statesman 107 (24 Feb. 84),17;
- Avishai Margalit in The New York Review of Books 31
(28 June 1984) , p.9 .
1983o "The State of the Union: The shadow of the Great Sa­
tan". New Statesman (29 July 1983), 16-17.*
Edited version of a paper written on 25 May 1983, pub­
lished in full, with different title, in 1984a (pp.
287-91), with introductory notes by the ed. (285-86).
1983p "The Foreign Policy of the Reagan Administration".
Article written on 21 Nov. 1983 for Rivista Anarchica
(Milan) and published in 1984c.
The English original was published in 1984a (pp.292-
294), as a postscript to the reprint of 1983o (1984a,
pp.287-91) .

* According to Carlos P. Otero (see 1984a, p.285) the article was

subtitled "Noam Chomsky on US imperialism, a foreign policy de­
signed to serve the domestic interests of those who own and manage
the US economy".

1983q "Patterns of Intervention". The Deadly Connection :

Nuclear war and U.S. intervention, 36-40. Cambridge,
Mass.: American Friends Service Committee.
T r a n s c r i p t s from a AFSC c o n f e r e n c e , N . E . R e g i o n a l Of­
f i c e , held at M . I . T . on 4-5 Dec. 1 9 8 2 .
1983r "De F o r e n e d e S t a t e r og I s r a e l " . Chaufførnyt (Copenha­
gen) N o . l , p p . 2 6 - 2 8 (Feb. 1983).
Danish transl. (shortened) of 1982t.

1984a Radical Priorities. E d i t e d w i t h an i n t r o d u c t i o n by

Carlos P(eregrin) O t e r o . 2nd r e v i s e d e d i t i o n . M o n t r e ­
a l : Black Rose B o o k s , 307 p p .

Enlarged ed. of 1 9 8 1 a , with the following a d d i t i o n s

entitled " E p i l o g u e ( 1 9 8 4 ) : A pressing a g e n d a " (267-
3 0 2 ) , with an index prepared by Alan Strozer (pp.303-
307) :
C h a p . 2 3 , "The danger of n u c l e a r war and w h a t we can do
about i t " (271-76 = repr. of 1 9 8 2 i ) with notes by the
ed . ( 2 6 9 - 7 0 ) , followed by a ' m i n i - i n t e r v i e w ' due to
Robert O'Brian ( 2 7 6 - 7 7 ) , w h i c h first appeared in Rock-
b i l l 2:9.33 (Sept. 1983) ;
C h a p . 2 4 , "Priorities for averting the h o l o c a u s t " (279-
284 = repr. of 1 9 8 2 k ) , with introd. notes by the ed.
(278) ;
C h a p . 2 5 , "US foreign p o l i c y " (287-91 = repr. of 1983o)
with introd. notes by the ed. ( 2 8 5 - 8 6 ) , followed by a
P o s t s c r i p t , w h i c h prints 1983p for the first time (292-
2 9 4 ) , and
C h a p . 2 6 , " 1 9 8 4 : Orwell's and o u r s " (297-302 = 1984b
[see there fore d e t a i l s ] ) , with a brief introd. by the
ed. ( 2 9 5 - 9 6 ) .

1984b " 1 9 8 4 : O r w e l l ' s and O u r s " . [See b e l o w for details.]

W r i t t e n on 6 Feb. 1984 at the request of the Spanish
w e e k l e y "Cambio 1 6 " ( M a d r i d ) , first published in 1984a
(pp . 2 9 7 - 3 0 2 ) , but also in:
1984 and After ed. by M i c h a e l Hewitt & D i m i t r i o s I.
R o u s s o p o u l o s , 6 6 - 7 3 . M o n t r e a l : Black Rose B o o k s , 1 9 8 4 ;
The Thoreau Quarterly : A journal of literary and phil­
osophical studies (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota)
16:1/2 (Winter/Spring 1 9 8 4 ) , though not yet published
by Fall 1985! Printed on p p . 1 4 - 2 1 ; d i s c u s s i o n , 2 2 - 4 9 .

The paper was presented in March 1984 in Minneapolis,

Minnes ota, and is supposed to be published in that
Journal together with "a complete transcription of a
remarkable and extended discussion between Chomsky
and the journalists" (according to The New York Re­
view of Books [31 May 1984], p.48).
Update 11:3.10-11 (Summer 1984).
Excerpted from the same speech given at the convention
of Northwest Broadcast News Association in Minneapolis.
Translations :
"Chomsky  el candor de Orwell", Cambio 16 (Madrid)
No.646, 52-55 (April 1984);
"1984: el de Orwell", Unomasuno (23 May 1984), pp. 1
and 12, and (24 May 1984), pp. land 14. [Second Spanish
"Nuestro 1984", El Porteno No.32, 46-49 (Aug. 1984).
[Third Spanish version.]
"1984, celui d'Orwell et le nôtre", Magazine Liber­
taire No.3, 6-11 (Sept. 1984) [in French].
1984c "La nuova frontiera di Reagan". Rivista Anarchica 14:
1.5-6 (Feb. 1984).
Italian transl. of 1983p; an earlier version had been
written on 13 July 1981 for the Italian newspaper "I1
Messaggero" and appeared as 1981p.
Further translations [all in Spanish]:
"La politica exterior de la administración Reagan",
Unomasuno (31 May 1984), p.13.
"La politica exterior de Reagan", Communidad 6:10-11
(Dec. 1984).
1984d Ecrits politiques, 1977-1983. Peyrehorade (France): As­
sociation Acratie, 189 pp. [Introd. by Martin Zemliak.]

French transl. of selected articles and exchanges.

1984e Réponses inédites à mes détracteurs parisiens. Paris:

Spartacus, 1984 [April], 93 pp. (Foreword by P.G., 7-11)
Collection, in French translation, of 'Faurisson af­
fair' articles previously unpublished. - Cf. entry un­
der 1980q for details. From letters written 1979-82.
1984f "The Best-Selling of Vietnam". Boston Review 9:1.8-12
(Jan./Feb. 1984) .

A shorter version of the review of Stanley Karnow,

Vietnam: A history
See 1984i for longer version.
[Italian] translation:
"I1 Vietnam nell'eta di Orwell", Il Ponte (March/April
1984), 3-32.
1984g "US Aid and Torture: A correlation". Journal of Tales-
tine Studies (Views from Abroad section) 13:2.184-92
(Winter 1984).
Excerpted from 1983j.
1984h "Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda of Israels invasion af Liba­
non i 1982". P a l a e s t i n a - O r i e n t e r i n g No.2, 16-17.
Danish transl. of excerpts from 1983n.
1984i "The Vietnam war in the Age of Orwell". Race & Class
25:4.41-60 (Spring 1984).
Longer version of 1984f.
1984j "Disinformation". Disinformation: The manufacture of
consent, brochure of The Alternative Museum, New York,
1984, 11-18.
1984k "The Fateful Triangle: Fanning the flames". Philosophy
and Social Action 10:3/4.165-70 (July-Dec. 1984).
Republication of the introductory chap. of 1983n.
19841 "I.Q. Tests: Building blocks for the new class system".
Designer Genes: I. Q. , ideology and biology ed. by C.
Leng & . Khoon, 117-27. Selangor (Malaysia): Inst. for
Social Analysis.
Repr. of 1972b.
1984m "Elezioni americani". Il Manifesto (6 Nov. 1984).
Italian transl. of comments on the Nov. 1984 elections
in the United States.
1984n Review of Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial : The ori­
gins of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine (New
York: Harper & Row, 1984). The Guardian (New York, 14
Dec. 1984) , p.19 .

1984o "The Duty of Disobedience".

Unpublished manuscript.

1984p "The U S : From G r e e c e to El S a l v a d o r " .

Unpublished manuscript, updated.

1984q (Together w i t h J o n a t h a n S t e e l e & John G i t t i n g s . ) Super­

powers in Collision: The new Cold War in the 19 8 0s.
Revised e d i t i o n . H a r m o n d s w o r t h , M i d d l e s e x : Penguin.

Rev. ed. of 1982z (with slightly changed title).

Cf. the review of the 1982 ed. by Fred H a l l i d a y , "Cold
War T r i a n g l e " , New Society (18 Nov. 1 9 8 2 ) .
1984r [Letter to the E d i t o r . ] The New Republic (24 D e c . 1984)

Published with deletions by the e d i t o r , M a r t i n Peretz.

1984s [Three letters to A l a n , Lord B u l l o c k , editor-in-chief

of Biographical Companion to Modern Thought, published
in L o n d o n b y F o n t a n a / C o l l i n s , d a t e d 25 M a r c h , 11 A p r i l
and 14 June 1984, respectively.]

Not seen by the c o m p i l e r s , but these letters have evi­

dently to do w i t h the entry on Noam Chomsky w r i t t e n by
Geoffrey S a m p s o n , as the following exchanges and pub­
lications suggest (see also 1985j b e l o w , w h i c h prints
Chomsky's 3į-page letter of 22 Oct. 1984 to the Editor
of "New C r i t e r i o n " related to the s u b j e c t ) .
It appears that S a m p s o n , in his entry on C h o m s k y , was
critical of the latter's p o l i t i c a l views and e s p e c i a l ­
ly of his involvement in the so-called 'Faurisson af­
fair' (see 1980q a b o v e ) , something which provoked Chom­
sky's ire.
Subsequent to t h i s , Geoffrey Sampson published an a r t ­
icle in the October issue of New Criterion (1984.7-16),
in which Sampson alleged that Chomsky had launched a
libel suit against C o l l i n s / F o n t a n a , an a l l e g a t i o n the
author has since retracted (though the fact remains
that the A m e r i c a n p u b l i s h e r of the B i o g r a p h i c a l D i c ­
tionary, Harper & Row of New Y o r k , has decided to d e ­
lete the entry on Chomsky a l t o g e t h e r ) .
Sampson's article is entitled "Censoring 20th-century
C u l t u r e " ; cf. 1985j for r e a c t i o n s to it.

1985a Review of Christopher Hitchens, Cyprus (Salem, N.H.:

Merrimac Pub. Circle, 1984). In These Times (9-15 Jan.
1985) , p. 19.
1985b "Manufacture of Consent in Democracy". Philosophy and
Social Action 11:1.21-39 (Jan.-March 1985). [S. 1985f.]
1985c "Decade of Genocide in Review". Inside Asia (Feb.-
March 1985), 31-34.
Review of Michael Vickery, Cambodia : Nineteen Seventy -
Five to Nineteen Eighty-Two (Boston: South End Press,
1984), together with David P. Chandler & Ben Kiernan,
Revolution and its Aftermath in Kapuchea: Eight es­
says (New H a v e n , Ct. : South East Asia Inst., Yale Univ.,
1984), and Kimmo Kiljunen, Kapuchea: Decade of the gen­
ocide report of a Finnish inquiry commission (London:
Zed Press, 1984), 138 pp.
1985d (With Edward S. Herman.) "The Pentagon-CIA Archipela­
go". Wedge Nos.7/8 (Winter/Spring 1985), pp.14 and 15.
Excerpts from 1979t.
1985e "Estados Unidos e Israel: Un pacto de hierro". El Pe­
riodista de Buenos Aires (8-14 March 1985), p.21
Spanish transl. of 1982w.
1985f "The Manufacture of Consent". Booklet of The Community
Church of Boston (April 1985) , 1-21.
From an address given on Sunday, 9 Dec. 1984; cf. also
1985b. See 1986b for Spanish transl.
1985g "Noam Chomsky: Centroamerica y Vietnam". Communicacion
1:2.6-7 (April 1985) .
Excerpts, in Spanish translation, from a talk at Emer­
son Hall, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., March 1985.
1985h "I1 Vietnam rovesciato". Il Manifesto (1 May 1985), pp.
1 and 12.
Italian transl. of a paper entitled "Vietnam Retro­
1985i "Intervention in Vietnam and Central America: Parallels
and differences". Resist Newsletter No.176, pp. 1, 2 , 7 ,
and 8 (May/June 1985) and No.177 (July/Aug. 1985), 3-8.
Part one of a two-part talk given at Harvard Univ. on
19 March 1985 (see 1985g). See 1985m for full text.

1985j "Censorship and 20th-century Culture". New Criterion

(New Y o r k ) 3:5.81-84 (Jan. 1985).
Letter to the editor in response to Geoffrey S a m p s o n ' s
article by the same t i t l e , published in the Oct. 1984
issue ( p p . 7 - 1 6 ) , with a reply by Sampson ( p . 8 4 ) .
See entry 1984s (above) and the following exchanges:
- A l e x a n d e r C o c k b u r n , "Beat the D e v i l " , The Nation (22
December 1984) , p.670 ;
- comment by Cockburn's fellow columnist of The Nation,
Christopher H u t c h i n s , in The Times Literary Supple­
ment (London, 11 Jan. 1 9 8 5 ) , followed (p.63) by a
- r e s p o n s e by Geoffrey Sampson in the 18th Jan. issue as
well as a r e s p o n s e to Cockburn's article in The Na­
tion (2 March 1 9 8 5 ) , p . 2 2 6 .
See also Chomsky's earlier letter to the editor of The
New Republic (10 D e c . 1 9 8 4 ) , p . 2 , entitled "Chomsky's

1985k "Crimes by V i c t i m s Are C a l l e d T o r r o r i s m " . In These

Times (24 July - 8 A u g . 1 9 8 5 ) , p . 1 7 .

19851 "Cambodian Story". New Society (10 J a n . 1 9 8 5 ) , p . 7 1 .

Letter to the e d i t o r , in reply to a letter by Adam

19 85m "Intervention in V i e t n a m and C e n t r a l A m e r i c a : Parallels

and d i f f e r e n c e s " . Monthly Review 37:4.1-29 (Sept. 1985).
From a talk given at Harvard U n i v . on 19 M a r c h 1 9 8 5 ;
see 1985g (for a Spanish e x c e r p t ) and 1985i for an ab­
breviated v e r s i o n .
A shorter v e r s i o n appeared in Radical America 19:1.49-
66 (Jan./Feb. 1985) as well as in Clinton State Quar­
terly ( P l a t t s b u r g , N . Y . ) 7:3.40-46 (Fall 1 9 8 5 ) .

1985n " C o l u m b u s , G e n o c i d e , and A m e r i c a n P e r c e p t i o n " . Berk­

shire Eagle (14 O c t . 1 9 8 5 ) , p . 7 .
Excerpt of Boston Community Church speech (see 1985f).

1985o "The M a n u f a c t u r e of C o n s e n t " . Our Generation 17:1.85-

106 (Fall/Winter 1985).
Complete reprint of Boston Community Church speech
(see 1 9 8 5 f , for d e t a i l s , but also 1985b and, for a
Spanish t r a n s l . , 1 9 8 6 b ) . Excerpted as "The Way We Use
our H i s t o r y " in Register Citizen (140ct.1985) , p.12.

1985p "The New Cold War's Meaning". In These Times (16-22

Oct. 1985), pp.16, 17, and 22.
Excerpts from a debate between Chomsky and Fred Halli-
day on a London radio.
Translation (into Spanish) :
"Nueva fase en la carrera militar EEUU -URSS", El País
(Madrid) of 15 Sept. 1985, pp.4-5 (no translator men­
tioned) .

1985q "Law and Imperialism in the Central American Conflict:

A reply to John Norton Moore". Journal of Contemporary
Studies 8:2.25-46 (Spring/Summer 1985).

1985r "Dominoes". G r a n t a 15.129-33 (Spring 1985).

Original manuscript title: "Reflections on the Indo­
china Wars" .

1985s "U.S. Interests and the Arab-Israel Conflict". inter­

national Report 3:3, issue 9, 15-18 (Nov. 1985).
Repr. of 1982v.

1985t "Introduction". Israel Source 1:1 (5 Nov. 1985), pp.

1 and 2.
Translations from Israeli Press, compilation and com­
mentary by Israel Shahak.

1985u "The Bounds of Thinkable Thought". The Progressive

49:10.28-31 (Oct. 1985).
Adapted from 1985f; see also 1985b, 1985o, and else­
where (e.g., 1986b).

1985v "Forgotten History of the War in Vietnam", In These

Times (15-21 May 1985), p.11.

1985W "The United States and the Middle East". ENDpapers 10

(= Spokesman 4 8 ) , ed. by Ken Coates (Summer 1985).
Nottingham, England: Bertrand Russell Foundation.

1985x "The Drift towards Global War". s t u d i e s in Political

Economy (Ottawa, Canada) 17.5-31 (Summer 1985).
From a talk given at St.Mary's Univ., Halifax, Nova
Scotia, 12 Nov. 1984.

1 9 8 6 a Turning the Tide: U.S. intervention in Central Ameri­

ca and the struggle for peace. Boston: S o u t h End
Press, 298 pp. [c.1985]
Actually published in Dec. 1985.
Reviews :
- John Bichel in Black Star 4:1.7 (Spring 1986)
- George S c i a l a b b a , "Noam Chomsky's Erudite P a s s i o n " ,
In These Times (7-13 May 1 9 8 6 ) , p.21
- Idem, "A R a d i c a l P e r s p e c t i v e on U . S . Foreign P o l i ­
cy: Noam Chomsky explores p o l i t i c a l influence in
Central A m e r i c a " , The Philadelphia Inquirer (8 June
1986) , p.6
- Alan T o n e l s o n , " I n s t i t u t i o n a l Structure B l u e s " , The
New York Times Book Review (13 April 1986)

1986b " D e m o c r a c i a t e l e d i r i g i d a : La f a b r i c a c i ó n del consen­

s o " . Nexos 97.29-38 (Jan. 1986).

Spanish v e r s i o n of 1985f (see also 1985b and 1 9 8 5 o ) ;

an earlier translation appeared under the title "La
m a n u f a c t u r a del c o n s e n t i m i e n t o " in Saber No.4 (July-
August 1985) , 4-15.

1986c "The Evil E m p i r e [i.e., the United S t a t e s of America]".

New Socialist No.34.11-15 (Jan. 1986).

1986d "The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s " . Classics of In­

ternational Relations e d . by J. V a s q u e z , 6 7 - 7 6 . Engle-
w o o d C l i f f s , N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
Reprint of 1966a.

1986e " P r e f a c e " . Central America by Joan C o x s e d g e (to a p ­

pear) .
Written in Sept. 1985 (8 m a n u s c r i p t pages).

1986f "The S o v i e t U n i o n v s . S o c i a l i s m " . Our Generation 17:2.


19 86g "All the News that F i t s : N o a m C h o m s k y on The New York

Times". Utne Reader No.14 (Feb./March 1986), 56-65.
A critique of the NYT's handling of p o l i t i c a l , esp.
US foreign policy, news.

1986f Knowledge of Language : Its nature, origin and use.

New York: Praeger, xxix, 311 pp.
Chap.5, "Notes on Orwell's Problem" (276-87) is an
adaptation of 1984b.
Cf. Part I, 1986a, for more details on the volume.

1986g 'Comment on the Questions "Do you think peaceful ter­

mination of the Cold War is a real possibility in the
foreseeable future? If so, under what circumstan­
ces?"' . The Cold War: Can there  a 'peaceful end­
ing? ed. by Leon Wofsy, 1-7. Berkeley: Dept. of Micro­
biology & Immunology, Univ. of California.
[A booklet for use as a supplementary reader in Peace
and Conflict Studies courses at the Univ. of Califor­
nia, Berkeley. ]

1986h "Terrorismi: Le pretese del terrorismo 'all'ingros-

so'". Il Manifesto (30 Jan. 1986).
Italian transl. of 6-page manuscript entitled "Hos­
tages"; no translator mentioned.

1986i "What Is the 'Peace Process'?". P a l e s t i n e Human Rights

Newsletter (Jan.-Feb. 1986).
Repr. in International Report 4:1, issue 10 (March
1986) , 3-5.

1986j 'Letter to the Editor'. Village Voice (18 March 1986).

Reply to Paul Berman's "Noam Chomsky Revisited" in
the Feb. 18th issue.

1986k 'Letter to the Editor'. New York Times (29 March 1986).
A reply to Martin Peretz (editor, among other things,
of The New Republic) .
19861 "Foreign: Not since the Third Reich. For thugs and
loonytunes look to Washington". New Statesman (4 April
1986), 17-18.
Portions of a paper entitled "International gangster­
ism and its revards"; it deals with Pres. Ronald Rea­
gan's attitude towards Libya (and Colonel M, Gadafy)
and Nicaragua.

(Spanish) translation :
"Temas de nuestra época: El 'gansterismo [sic] inter­
national' y sus recompensas", El Pais (Madrid, 3 May
1986), 10-11.

1986m "Preface". Anthology of Anarchism by R. M. Rizman (Lju­

bljana, Yugoslavia, to appear).

1986n "Language and Problems of Knowledge".

Paper given in Madrid on 28 April 1986, to appear in
Spanish translation in Teorema (Madrid).

1986o "The Rationality of Collective Suicide".

Paper read in Madrid on 29 April 1986, also to be pub­
lished in Spanish in Teorema.

1986p "Libya in US Demonology". Covert Action Information

Bulletin (May 1986) .

1986q "Cambodian Casualties". In These Times (25 June - 8

July 1986), p.15
Letter (written together with Edward S. Herman) in
response to Paul Norris' letter of 7 May 1986 pub­
lished in the same periodical.

1986r "Middle East Terrorism and the American Ideological

W r i t t e n i n J u n e 1986 (39 ms. p p . ) f o r a book t o be
e d i t e d b y E d w a r d W. S a i d . E x c e r p t s t o a p p e a r i n Race & Class.

1986s "Introduction". The Reagan Administration and Nicara­

gua by M. Morley & J. Petras (to appear).

Ad 1966a, (another Italian) translation :

- In: Noam Ch'omsky, Che cosa fanno le teste d''uovo? , 5-
61. Bari: De Donato, 1967, 83 pp.

Ad 1969t, new entry :

- (Together with Gabriel Kolko.) Il Vietnam : Le radiei
dell'agar essione e il suo effetto boomerang sulis soci-
eta americana nelle serrate requisitione di due intel-
lettuali statunitensi. Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1969, 105
Italian transl. of selected articles by both scholars
dealing with the Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975.

Ad 1973h, (further) translations :

- (Together with Edward S. Herman.) Banos de sangre, with
a prefacio di Richard A. Falk (23-32), 33-214. Madrid:
A. Q. Ediciones, 1976, 228 pp.
This Spanish translation includes Jean-Pierre Faye's
comment of 1974 (see the French transl. of the main en­
try) as well as an appendix = a comment of 20 June 1973
by Jane and David Barton (pp.215-22).
- (The same as above.) "Massaker im Namen der Freiheit",
Massaker im Namen der Freiheit : Greueltaten und Greuel­
propaganda des USA-Imperialismus, 10-62. Berlin: Ober­
baumverlag, 1975, 81 pp.
Includes the preface by R. A. Falk and the text by Jane
& David Barton, "Die politischen Gefangenen Saigons"
(63-68). Notes (69-81) by the (anonymous) editors.

Ad 19 741, (partial) translation:

- (Together with Michel Foucault.) La naturaleza humana:

Justicia o poder? Valencia: Departamento de Lógica y

Filosofía de la Ciencia, Univ. de Valencia, 1976, 81pp.
Spanish transl. of the exchange between these two thin­
kers only .

Ad 1976n, new entry:

- "Preface". Mythes révolutionnaires du Tiers Monde: Gue­
rillas et sooialismes. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1976,
271 pp.

Ad 1977v, translation:
Japanese transl., by Ichiyo Muto of "The Carter Admin­
istration: Myth and reality" , Chuo-koron (Tokyo: Chuo-
koron-sha) No.1087, 158-73 (Oct. 1977) and No.1088, 188-
200 (Nov. 1977) .

Ad 1982c, (partial) translation (into Spanish):

La segunda guerra fria: Critica de la politica exterior
norteamericana, sus mitos y propagandes (Barcelona:
Crítica, 1984); no translator mentioned.

, reviews :
- Tom Benet, "Chomsky Pushes Too Hard", San Francisco
Chronicle (25 Feb. 1982), p.63
- William C. Davison, "Challenge made to U.S. Policies".
Philadelphia Inquirer (21 March 1982), p.R5
- James Fallows, "Double Moral Standards", The Atlantic
(Feb. 1982), 82-86
- Richard Gott, "Cold War Revisited", Guardian (15 July
- Fred Halliday, "One Reason Why", New Society (27 May
- Kirsten Vagn Jensen, "Henimod en ny kold krig", Infor­
mation (Copenhagen?, 27 May 1982)
- Walter LaFeber, "Chomsky Challenges", In These Times
(25 Aug. - 7 Sept. 1982)
- Rosaire Langlois, "Maverick Thinker Denounces U.S.",
Toronto Star (10? April 1982)
- Walter Laqueur, "The Politics of Adolescence", The New
Republic (24 March 1982), 37-39 — cf. the response by
Chomsky, "Lambasting Laqueur", ibid. (19 May 1982), p.
- Michael Mandelbaum in (New York) Times (21 March 1982),
Book Review section, pp.8 and 34.

- Mac Margolis, ''Dispatches from Cold War II: Noam

Chomsky as foreign correspondent", The Boston Phoe­
nix (4 May 1982), section 3, p.10
- Keith Monroe, "Making the World Safe for ... Capital­
ism?", (Greensboro, N.C.) Daily News and Record (30
May 1982), p.C5
- Ray Murphy, "Noam Chomsky's Bleak View", The Boston
Globe (16 March 1982)
- Chita Subramanian, "American Media? Lying for the
state", The Stanford Daily (29 April 1982), Book
Review section, repr. in Indian Express (16 May
1982), 5 [see p.175 below for (other) title(s)]
- Richard Swedberg, "Chomsky on U.S. Foreign Policy",
Harvard International Review (Sept. -Oct. 1982), 48
to 49 (with a comment on 1981a)
- J. A. Thompson, "Moral Outrage", The Times Higher
Education Supplement (28 May 1982).

Ad 1982g, source of response :

- Nadine Fresco, "The Denial of the Dead: On the Fau­
risson affair [and Noam Chomsky]", Dissent : A radi­
cal quarterly (Melbourne) 28:4.467-83 (Fall 1981).
See also 1982aa (below).

Ad 1982k, (Spanish) translation:

- "El 'terrorismo civilizado' israeli y la guerra nu­
clear", De Euskadi 1977-1982 (Hernani, near San Se­
bastian, Spain: Egin, 1982).
Ad 19821, translation:
- "Noam Chomsky om Israels politik: 'Sakerhet' svepskal
for imperialism", Arbetaren No.31, 6-8 (12 Aug. 1982).
Transl. into Danish.

Ad 1982t, (Danish) translations :

- "De Forenede Stater of Israel", Valaestina-Orientering
4:3.4-9 (1982).
Somewhat abridged; the full version, including foot­
notes, appeared in Bulletin fraa International Studie­
gruppe No.6, 3-15 (1982).

Ad 1982aa, new entry:

- "Rubinstein on Neo-Nazism". Quadrant (Sydney, Australia,
April 1982), 5-13.
Reply to W. D.Rubinstein's article on the 'Faurisson

affair' (see 1980q, for details), "Chomsky and the

Neo-Nazis", Quadrant (Oct. 1981), 8-14.

1982bb, new entry :

"Carving up Lebanon — Israel's Onslaught". Inquiry
(August 1982), p.2.
Another version of 19821 and 1982n.

Ad 1983n, (additional) reviews:

- George Scialabba, "Mideast: Palestinians, Israelis
and us", In These Times (23 Nov. -6 Dec. 1983), p.
13; repr. in Resist Newsletter No.163 (Feb. 1984),
- Idem, "Noam Chomsky: The geometry of the Middle
East", The Boston Phoenix (6 Dec. 1983), section 3,
pp.14, 17 , 18, 20 and 22
- Norman Snider, "Fiery Words in a Powder Keg", Mac-
lean's (25 June 1984)
- William Steif, "Impasse in the Middle East", The
Progressive (June 1984), 40-41
- Achin Vanaik, "One Palestine or Two?", The Times of
India (Sunday Review, 1984)
- David H. Wilson, "Noam Chomsky Writes as a Modern
Jeremiah on the Palestinians", (Boston) Globe (18
March 1984)

19 83s, new entry :

"Noam Chomsky States His Views". The Jewish Post and
Opinion (6 April 1983), p.11.
Letter to the editor.

1983t, new entry :

"Chomsky Answers Krupnik Column". The Jewish Post and
Opinion (25 May 1983).

Ad 1983k, insert:
- "The Macabre Cold War Dance". What Will It Take to
Prevent Nuclear War? Grassroots responses to our most
challenging question ed. by Pat Farren, 110-11. Cam­
bridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publ. Co., 19 83.

Ad 1984o, new entry:

- "Chomsky's Defence". The New Republic (10 Dec. 1984),

p. 2.
Letter to the editor [i.e., M a r t i n P e r e t z , who in
fact is also the owner of the p e r i o d i c a l ] responding
to an editorial published in The New Republic (29 Oct.
1 9 8 4 ) , p . 9 , in w h i c h the editors relate an incident
which questions the honesty of Chomsky. See also the
editor(s)'s reply in the same D e c e m b e r 10th i s s u e .

Ad 1 9 8 4 p , new entvy :
- "True or F a l s e ? " . New Society 70, No.1142 (8 N o v . 8 4 ) ,
p. 2 2 6 .
A letter to the e d i t o r ' s , in w h i c h Chomsky tries to
defend his position regarding Khmer Rouge a t r o c i t i e s
(referring in p a r t i c u l a r to his and Edward S. Herman's
paper " D i s t o r t i o n s at Fourth H a n d " [see 1977k, a b o v e ] )
is ( c o u n t e r - ) e v i d e n c e . - Cf. the reply by Adam R o b e r t s ,
"Cambodian S t o r y " , New Society 7 0 , N o . 1 1 4 5 (29 Nov.
1984) , p. 3 5 2 .


See, for instance,

Ad 1 9 6 7 h , new entry'.
- "'The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s ' : A n Exchange".
The New York Review of Books 8:5 (23 March 1967), p.28.
An exchange of letters b e t w e e n George Steiner and N.
Chomsky following the February 23rd re-issue of item
1966a (see page 9 1 , for d e t a i l s ) .
The New York Review of Books 8:7.30-32 (20 April 1967)
prints 3 letters to the editor commenting on Chomsky's
"The R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of I n t e l l e c t u a l s " a r t i c l e , by Ra-
ziel Abelson ( p . 3 0 ) , lauding Chomsky for his c o u r a g e ;
by Fryor Calhoun ( 3 0 - 3 1 ) , asking a few h y p o t h e t i c a l
q u e s t i o n s , and by E. B . M u r r a y ( 3 1 - 3 2 ) , illustrating
how Chomsky m a n i p u l a t e s his sources (concerning the
US a s s e s s m e n t of China in 1 9 5 4 ) .

Ad 1978t/1980e, (French) translation:

"Etats de compte sur les m a s s a c r e s à T i m o r . C o m m u n i c a ­
tion p r o n o n c é e devant la q u a t r i è m e commission de l'As­
semblée générale des N a t i o n s U n i e s " , Change (Paris) N o .
38.123-44 ( 1 9 7 9 ) .
d u r i n g h i s v i s i t t o t h e Scuola Normale Su-
p e r i o r e d i P i s a , I t a l y , i n S p r i n g 1979*

* P i c t u r e taken on 21 April 1979, showing from l e f t to r i g h t (next to

Chomsky): Juan Mascarò (Barcelona), Hans Tappe ( G ö t t i n g e n ) , the l a t e
Mitsou Ronat (d.1984), and Michel Viel ( P a r i s )

1967a "Ningen no kokoro to Kotaba na Honsitsu: Chomusuki-

Riron o Megutte [Human mind and the essence of the
word: Around the Chomskyan theory]". Asahi Zyanaru
(Tokyo: Asahi Press)

From a round-table discusssion with three Japanese

scholars; see Part I, 1967j, for further details.

1967b "Panel Discussion (with Hannah Arendt, [et al.])".

See Part II, 1967g, for details.

1968a "An Exchange on Resistance: Noam Chomsky replies".

See Part II, 1968a, for details.

1968b "Author's Précis". - "Replies [to reviews in Current

See Part I, 1968a, for details.

1968c "Noam Chomsky's View of Language". The Listener 79

(30 May 1968), No.2044, 685-91.
An interview with Alasdair Maclntyre, preceded (685-
87) by a statement by Maclntyre.
See Part I, 19681, for further details.

1968d "On gesprek met Chomsky". De Gids 131.6-18 (1968).

An interview with J[ohan] F[rederik (Frits)] Staal,
of which only the concluding portions touch on lin­
guistic themes.
"The Intellectual as Prophet". Delta (Amsterdam) 11:
3.5-23 (1968).

1968e "Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics". By Robert


Sklar. The nation 207.213-17 (1968).

Based on an interview with Chomsky.

1969a "Chomsky parle de la linguistique: Propos recueillis

en anglais et traduits par Jean-Marie Benoist". La
Quinzaine Littéraire No.74.18-20 (1-15 June 1969).

1969b "Linguistics and Politics". Interview with R. Black­

burn, G. Stedman Jones & L. Rey. New Left Review 57.
21-34 (Sept.-Oct. 1969) .
Translations :
- "Linguistica e politica: Intervista con Noam Chom­
sky", Quaderni piacentini No.39, 122-36 (1969).
- "Sobre política y lingüística", transl. into Span­
ish by J. Cano Tembleque. Sobre política y lingüísti­
ca by N. Chomsky, 5-36. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1971.
- "Linguistik und Politik: Interview mit Noam Chom­
sky", transl. into German by Anna Kamp, Sprache und
Geist. Mit einem Anhang: Linguistik und Politik by N.
Chomsky, ed. by Siegfried Kanngiesser [et a l . ] , 167-
189. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1970. (2nd printing,
1972. )

1969c "The Tongues of Men". By George Steiner. The New

Yorker (11 Nov. 1969), 217-36.
Contains a 'dialogue' with Chomsky; see the footnotes
to pages 103-104, 107, 109, 113, 114-16 [actually: p.
115 in its entirety], 118-20, 121-22, and 124-25 in
the republication of this article in:
George Steiner, Extraterritorial : Papers on litera­
ture and language revolution (London: Faber & Faber,
1971), 102-125 (also entitled "The Tongues of Men").
For Spanish transl., see Sgroi (1983:203).

1970a "Conversazione con Chomsky". Ed. and transl. by Paolo

Valesio, with a note. Tempi Moderni 12:1.87-90 (Win­
ter 1970) .
Cf. the comments by Luigi Rosiello in his Linguistica
e marxismo (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1974), 56-61, which
go back to newspaper articles in Paese Sera of 12 June
1970 and in Rinascita of 28 Aug. 1970.
Cf. Sgroi (1983:188) for another (incomplete) reference

1970b "Interview with Noam Chomsky". The Creative Experi­

ence by Stanley Rosner & Lawrence E. Abt, 73-87. New
York: Grossman Publishers, 1970.

1970c "Entretien de Noam Chomsky avec Jean Paris". Hypo­

thèses: Trois entretiens et trois études sur l lin-
guistique et la poétique. Roman Jakobson, Morris Hal­
le, Noam Chomsky presented by Jean-Pierre Faye, Jean
Paris, Jacques Roubaud & Mitsou Ronat, 63-71. Paris:
Seghers / Laffont, 1972, 218 pp.

Based on an interview conducted at M.I.T. on 11 May '70,

translated into French by Jean Paris & Mitsou Ronat.
For other information on the volume's content, see
Part I, 1969e (French transl.).
The volume also contains, inter alia, "Réponses de
Noam Chomsky au questionnaire de la R.T.B." (pp.155-
160), i.e., replies to 7 questions developed by Robert
Georgin for the Atelier de création radiophonique de
la O.R.T.F. and the Third Program of the R.T.B.

1971a "The Editor Interviews Noam Chomsky". Modern Occasions

1:3.317-27 (Spring 1979).
Repr., under the title "The New Radicalism", as item
20 in Radical Priorities [see Part II, 1981a], pp.233-
243, with an introd. note by Caelos P. Otero (p. 232).

Spanish translation:
"El porvenir de la izquierda (Entrevista)", USA: Mito,
realidad, acracia by N. Chomsky, ed. & transl. by .
. Otero, 141-57. Barcelona: Ariel, 1978.

1971b [With Michel Foucault as interlocutor.] "Human Nature:

Justice versus power, debate with N. Chomsky". Reflex­
ive Water: The basic concerns of mankind ed. with a
preface by Fons Elders, 135-97. London: Souvenir
Press, 1974, 307 pp.
See Part II, 19741, for details. Year of debate: 1971.
Spanish translation:
N. Chomsky & M. Foucault, La naturaleza humana: Justi­
cia o poder? (Valencia: Univ. de Valencia, 1976), 81 pp.
(Translator: Antonio Sanchez.)

1971c "Onward and Upward with the A r t s : John i s easy to

p l e a s e " . By Ved Mehta. The New Yorker (8 May 1971),
Repr. in John Is Easy to Please: Encounters with the
written and the spoken word by Ved Mehta , 175-241. New
York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux.
Contains an interview with Chomsky

1972a "L'America dal consenso alla repressione: Intervista

con Chomsky". Il Manifesto (Oct. 1971)
This interview,first published in an Italian communist
daily, was subsequently published by the interviewer
in Che c'è in America? by L. Castellina, preface by L.
Magri, 172-74. Milan: Mazzotta, 1973.

1972b [Interview with Herman Parret].

This interview took place at M.I.T. on 3 Nov. 1972.
Its results were published in:
Discussing Language : Dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe,
Noam Chomsky , Algirdas J. Greimas, [et al.] by Herman
Parret, 27-54. The Hague: Mouton, 1974, ix, 428 pp. in
German translation :
"Interview mit Herman Parret", Thesen zur Theorie der
generativen Grammatik by Noam Chomsky, transl. by
Bernd Hillgen & Rainer Kuhlen, 83-124. Frankfurt/M.:
Verlag Athenäum, 1974. [With a introd. statement by R.
Kuhlen (81-82) and notes (136-38).]
Cf. also the excerpts published by H. Parret in French
under the title "Noam Chomsky: 'Le langage est le mi­
roir de l'esprit'", La Quinzaine Littéraire (1-15 Dec.
1972), 3-5; repr. in L' année littéraire 1972: Choix
d'articles publiés par 'La Quinzaine Littéraire' pre­
sented by Maurice Madeau, 259-67. Paris: Edition "La
Quinzaine Littéraire", 1973.

1972c [Interview]. Indian and Foreign Review (New Delhi,

P.O.Box 381) 10:5 (15 Dec. 1972).
Not seen by compiler. Probably dating from Chomsky's
visit to New Delhi in mid-Nov. 1972 (cf. Part II, en­
tries 1972n and 1972o)

1973a [Interview by Dr Christopher R[iche] Evans, recorded

at the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, May 1973.]

This interview is available under the title of "Noam

Chomsky on Psychounguistics" as a cassette from Harper
& Row, Publishers, New York, 1975, and as Vol.1,Number
2, Side 1 of an audio review cassette from Audio Arts
at The Tate Gallery, London, Aug. 1982 (published in
1984); address: Audio Arts, 6 Briarwood Road, London
SW4 9PX, England.
The interview touches on the unconscious and innate
knowledge, phrase structure grammar, and discourse

1973b "Interview de Noam Chomsky". Le Monde Diplomatique

(Paris, 10 May 1973)

1973c "Intrevista con Avram Noam Chomsky". Revolución en la

lingüistica by José-Manuel Blecua, 8-31. Barcelona:
Salvat, 1975 [c.1973].
Translations into other languages :
- "Entretien avec Noam Chomsky", Révolution en linguis­
tique by J.-M. Blecua, transl. by J. Ragué, 8-31. Pa­
ris & Lausanne: Grammont / Laf font, 1975.
- "Intervista con Avram Noam Chomsky", La nuova lin­
guistica by J.-M. Blecua, transl. into Italian by A.
Cerati, 9-27. Novara: De Agostini, 1977.

1974a [Interview with Chomsky]. Black Rose No. 1 (1974).

This interview, given to D. Dobereiner, Jürgen Hess,
and D. Richardson, took place at Cambridge, Mass., in
Jan. 1974.
Translation :
"Interview mit Chomsky", transl. into German by Dieter
Stafski, Marxismus und Anarchismus by H. Koechlin, N.
Chomsky & M. Rubel, vol.III: Unsere Wünsche sind Erin­
nerungen an die Zukunft, 37-88. Berlin: Karin Kramer,

1974b [Chomsky: Brain Science Briefings. Sound recording.]

Plainview, N.Y.: Ferranti Electric, 1974 (1 cassette).

Interview done for the Brain Sciences Information Pro­


1975a [Debate between Chomsky and Jean Piaget (1896-1980).]

See Part I, 1980e, for details.

1976a "Soltanro in Europa un futuro socialista [Only in

Europe (there is) a socialist future]". La Repubblica
(April 1976)
Interview with Paolo Valesio, transl. into Italian.

1976b "Ma il '700 ê lontano [But the 1800s are far away]".
Ibid. (4/5 July 1976).
From an interview with Corrado Augias.

1976c "Maccartismo: Ancora lunga la sua ombra [McCarthyism:

Still lingering in its shadow]". Ibid. (13 Oct. 1976).
From an intervention by Noam Chomsky, reported by Cor­
rado Augias.

1976d "How to Be an Anarchist: Noam Chomsky talks to Peter

Jay". The New Review 3:29.25-32 (Aug. 1976).
Edited transcript of 'The Jay Interview' broadcast by
London Weekend TV on 25 July 1976.
Repr. as "The Relevance of Anarcho-Syndicalism" in
Part II, 1981t (pp.245-61), with an introd. note by
Carlos P. Otero (p.244).-
(Spanish) translations :
- "Sobre la sociedad anarquista: Conversación con Peter
Jay", Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérica (Paris) Nos.58-60.161-
178. [Translator: F. Carrasquer.]
- "Actualidad del anarco-sindicalismo (Entrevista [con
Peter Jay])", USA: M i t o , r e a l i d a d , acracia by N. Chom­
sky, ed. & transl. by Carlos P. Otero, 158-80. Barce­
lona: Ariel, 1978.

1976e "Conversación con Chomsky [and G. Bleiberg]". Revista

del Occidente 9.15-18 (July 1976).
Transl. into Spanish by F. L. Costa.

1977a "Oil Imperialism and the US-Israel Relationship. An

interview with Noam Chomsky". Leviathan (Spring 1977)

See also Part II, 1977e, for a treatment of the same


1977b "An Exchange [with David Bell] of Views on Language

and Human Values". Encounter 49:1,93-96 (1977).

1977c "Language and Ideology".

Interview of March 1977 given to Mitsou Ronat (see
also 1977d, below) for the Paris paper "Le Nouvel
Observateur". It remained unpublished.

1977d Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat. Traduit de l'américain et

présenté par Mitsou Ronat. Paris: Flammarion, 210 pp.
Based on interviews with Chomsky at M.I.T. given dur­
ing January 1976, with Chomsky speaking in English
and the interlocutor in French.
For a retranslation into English, see 1979d (below),
which can also be found in Part I, 1979h. For transla­
tions into Italian (1977) and Spanish (1978),' see un­
der 1977u of Part I (p.63).
Reviews :
- M. Vincent in Le Langage et l'Homme (Bruxelles:
Centre de documentation et d'étude des problèmes
du langage) 35.75-76 (1977);
- Nicolle Kress-Rosen, "Chomsky 77", Ovnicav? (Paris)
Nos.12-13, 58-67 (1977), and the rejoinder by Mit­
sou Ronat & Jean-Pierre Faye in Ornicar? No.14.65-
67 (entitled "Chomsky 1978"), which contains a re­
ply by N. Kress-Rosen.
(Further) translations :
Mitsou Ronat to no Taiwa. Transl. into Japanese by
Noriyoshi Miyake, Kunihiko Imai & Masatoshi Yano.
Tokyo: Taishukan, 1980, vi, 296 pp.
Sprache und Verantwortung : Gespräche mit Mitsou Ronat.
Transl. into German by Eva rückner-Pfaffenberger.
Frankfurt/Main: Ullstein, 1981, 222 pp.

1977e "An Interview with Noam Chomsky".

A radio interview conducted by Sol Saporta at the
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, on 13 Oct. 1977. This
interview was subsequently transcribed and published
in Working Pavers in Linguistics (Seattle: Department
of Linguistics, Univ. of Washington), No.4, Supplement
(Spring 1978), 1-26 (typscript pages) and, subsequent­
ly, with slight amendations (on pages 302, 312 and 319),
printed in :
Linguistic Analysis 4:4.301-319 (Dec. 1978).

1978a "The Ideas of Chomsky". Men of ideas: Some creators

of modern philosophy. London: British Broadcasting

Corp.; Rugby, England: Jally & Barber, Ltd., 1978.

Part of a series of interviews by Brian Magee of the
B.B.C., also available as a video recording. The in­
terview was also published under the title of
"Noam Chomsky on the Genetic Gift of Tongues", in The
Listener (6 April 1978), 434-36.

1978b "Mito e realità del '68: Stati Uniti: Interviste con

Noam Chomsky e Christopher Lasch". Ed. by Patricia
Lombroso and introd. by Beniamino Placido. Mondo Ope-
vaio: Rivista mensile del Partito socialista italiano
(3 March 1978), 99-104.
Pp.101-103 carry an interview with Chomsky.

1978c "'Critico il maleda tutte e due le parti': Intervista

a Milano con Noam Chomsky padre della contestazione".
Ed. (and transl.) by M. Chierici. Il Corriere deila
Sera (11 May 1978)

1979a "[Colloquio con Noam Chomsky]".

An interview conducted by L. Vitacolonna at the Scuola
Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, in Feb. 1979, and
published in Italian as:
"Domande a Noam Chomsky", Alfabeta No.20, 9-11 (Jan.

1979b "[Telephone interview]".

Conducted by a representative of the Italian daily "La
Repubblica" and published in the following form:
"L'immagine del palestinesi nel mondo industrializzat :
Ecco perché l'Occidente li rifiuta", La Repubblica
(Friday, 9 March 1979), p.2 [in its section 'Dossier 6:
La questione palestinese'].

1979c "Le dichiarzioni di Chomsky". Sistema conoettuale e com-

petenza pragmatica: Intervista a Chomsky by Luciana
Brandi & Stefania Stefanelli (as part of their article)
in Studi di Grammatica Italiana (Florence: Accademia
delia Crusca) 8.427-33 (total article: 419-33).

Based on an interview held in April 1979.


1979d Language and Responsibility. Based on conversations

with Mitsou Ronat. Translated from the French by John
Viertel. New York: Pantheon Books (a division of Ran­
dom House); Toronto: Random House of Canada, 1979, ix,
213 pp.
Retransl. of 1 9 7 7 d , w i t h revisions by Chomsky. See
there (and Part I, 1977g) for translations into Ital­
ian, Spanish, German, and Japanese.
Cf. the review by Geneva Smitherman in Language in
Society 12.349-56 (1983).

1979e "Noam Chomsky ci parla degli Stati Uniti: Cronache di

uno strano paese. Dove l'automazione elimina lavora-
tori, i poveri son sempre più poveri, e si continua
a non nominare la 'lotta di classe'". Il Manifesto
(Thursday, 12 April 1979), ..
From an interview with Guido de Toma; part II of the
interview appeared in the same Communist daily:
"I 'liberals' Usa dicono volere 1 ' integrazione razzi-
ale: Me che un terreno in una zona bianca progressis-
ta costi decine di migliaia di dollari per lore non è
una legge razzista. Intervista con Noam Chomsky", Il
Manifesto (Saturday, 12 May 1979), ..

1979f "Ma che piagnoni questi europei [What do these Euro­

peans shed tears for]". L''Espresso No,26, 8-9 (1 July
1979) .
From an interview with Chomsky on the problem of Viet­
namese refugees in polemics with G. Parise. Reported
in Italian by G. Moltedo.

1979g "Chomsky eterodosso". Rivista Illustrata delle Comuni-

cazioni 9 (Oct. 1979), 7-12.
From an interview with Luciana Brandi & Stefania Ste-
fanelli; see also 1979c (above).

1979h "Encounter: Species of intelligence". The Sciences 19:

9.6-11 and 23 (Nov. 1979).
A discussion between Chomsky and David Premack on lan­
guage and cognition in apes and human beings,

1979i [Interview with Chomsky].

Interview conducted by Hannu Reime in Pisa on 7 June
1979 and published in Finnish as:
"Lännen uusi ase: Nälkä [The new weapon of the West:
hunger]". Näköpiiri (Helsinki, Feb. 1980), 18-22.
Cf. also Part II, 1981g.

1979j "... because I Am an Anarchist''. Prassi e Teoría No.

3, 99-112 (1979).
From an interview conducted by G. Panella, with the
collaboration of D. and G. Corradini. (In Italian,
despite the English title.)

1979 and 1980 - interviews held with Riny Huybregts and Henk
van Riemsdijk in Nov. 1979 and March 1980 - see 1982a.

1980a "Questions -réponses. Entretien [with Chomsky]". Revo­

lution [a rotogravure issued by the French Communist
party with the motto 'Nous vivons le temps des revolu­
tions'] No.l (13 March 1980), 3-36.
Based on an interview held on 3 Feb. 1980. Interlocu­
tor is not mentioned.

1980b "Quasi una prefazione: Breve intervista a Noam Chom­

sky". Fra massacri e media: Dihattito su stampa e i-
tellettuali, with contributions by N. Chomsky, Régis
Debray [et a l . ] , 9-11. Brescia: Shakespeare & Company,
Interview conducted by Giuseppe Recchia.

1980c "Difendo qualunque pensiero". La Stampa (18 Dec. 1980),

From a telephone interview conducted by F. Colombo;
subject: the 'Faurisson affair' (cf. Part II, 1980q,
for details).

1980d "Narration et pouvoir: massacres et media. Rencontre

de Noam Chomsky et de Régis Debray, avec Jean Pierre
Faye, Jacques Roubaud et Mitsou Ronat". Change No.38.
103-122. [Ed. by Mitsou Ronat from a 21 May 1979 ex­
change on Cambodia and its treatment by the media.]

1981a "On Syntactic Categories: A discussion with H(enry)

S(wift) Thompson, Noam Chomsky, G(erald) Gazdar. H.
C. Longuet-Higgins". The Psychological Mechanisms of
Language : A joint symposium of the Royal Society and
the British Academy held on 11 and 12 March 1981, 62-
69. London: The Royal Society, 1981.

1981b "Interview with Noam Chomsky". Manadsbulletin (Copen­

hagen) Nos.64/65, 31-43 (March 1982).
Published transl. of a question-and-answer to "Libera­
tion" of Oct. 1981 concerning the 'Faurisson affair';
cf. 1980q, for details.

1982a Noam Chomsky on The Generative Enterprise : A discus­

sion with Riny Huybregts & Henk van Riemsdijk. Dor­
drecht/Holland & Cinnamon, N.J.: Foris Publications,
1982, [VII], 143 pp.
Edited version of discussions held in Nov. 1979 and
March 1980; cf. Part I, 1982f, for details, including
reviews and Japanese translation.

1982b (With Jonathan Steele & John Gittings.) Superpowers in

Collision : The cold war crisis. Harmondswords, Middle-
sex (England): Penguin, 1982, 112 pp.
A political debate between these three scholars.

1982c "Cold War Seen as a Political Device to Unite Allies".

The Stanford Daily (Stanford, Calif., 29 April 1982).
Interview conducted by Chitra Subramanian. Repr. with
the new title "The World as a Bi-Polar System", Tndian
Express Magazine (16 May 1982), p.5.

1983a "Cycles in US Policy: Of cold war and constraints".

Harvard International Review 5:5 (March 1983).
From an interview conducted by Joel Goodfader, senior
editor of the Harvard Intl. R e v i e w ; cf. comments on
and excerpts from in 1984a (pp.285-86), of Part II.

1983b "The Manufacture of Consent". Open Road (Spring 1984),


B a s e d on an i n t e r v i e w c o n d u c t e d in August 1983; cf.

Part II, 1984a ( p . 9 and p . 2 9 5 ) , for excerpts.

1983c "Interview — Noam C h o m s k y " . Omni 6:11.113-14, 116,

118, and 171-74 (Nov. 1983).
The interview was conducted by John Gliedman. (Photo­
graphs by Leslie Harris.)

1983d "Noam Chomsky's Views on the Psychology of Language

and Thought". Dialogues on the Psychology of Language:
Conversations with Noam Chomsky, Charles Osgood, Jean
Piaget, Ulric Weisser & Marcel Kinsbourne ed. by Ro­
bert W(olf) Rieber, with the collaboration of Gilbert
E. Voyat, 33-63. New York & London: Plenum Press,
1983, vii, 166 pp.

No date of the interview (conducted by R. W. Rieber)

given; pp.30-31 print a brief biographical note on

1984a "In Conversation with Noam Chomsky". Our Times 3:4.20

to 23.
Subtitled "A delicate balance (Noam Chomsky's worried
look at the world)", this interview was conducted at
a conference on the arms race and Third World develop­
ment held at Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ontario, Canada,
by 'members of the Alliance for Non-violent Action',
Deb[orah] Ellis, Andrew Van Velzen, and Ken[neth] Han­
cock. (Chomsky talks in particular of the NATO, the
peace movement, and the U.S. labour movement.)

1984b "Rebelde con causa: Noam Chomsky, opiniones en liber-

tad del disidente número uno de los Estados Unidos".
Cambio 16 (Madrid) No.667 (10 Sept. 1984), 70-73.
Interviewer: Mary Arias.

1984c [Interview.] American-Arab Affairs 10.15-27 (Fall

1984) .

Conducted by editor, Anne Joyce.


1985a "The L i t t l e Guys A m e r i c a F e a r s " . The Guardian (22 July

Extract from an i n t e r v i e w c o n d u c t e d by H e i n z Dieterich.

1985b [Debate with Fred H a l l i d a y on t h e New C o l d W a r . ] In

These Times (16-22 Oct. 1985), 16-17 and 22.
See P a r t II, 1985p, for Spanish translation.*

1985c "Noam Chomsky on t h e M i d d l e E a s t a n d C e n t r a l America".

Athabasca University Magazine 9:5.45-52 (Nov.-Dec.
1985) .
I n t e r v i e w c o n d u c t e d by R i c h a r d Titus.

1985d [Interview.] Comity (Feb. 1985), 18-20.

No more i n f o r m a t i o n available.

1986a "Chomsky: 'Si no c a m b i a m o s l a s institutiones, sólo

lograremos posponer e l d e s a s t r e ' " . El Pais (Madrid,
29 A p r i l 1986) , p . 3 3 .
Abridged v e r s i o n of an i n t e r v i e w conducted by Carlos
P. O t e r o .

1986b "The F i r s t P r i m e Time Bombing i n H i s t o r y " . Middle East

Re-port (May-June 1 9 8 6 ) , 12-14.
Interview conducted by J o a n M a n d e l l & Zachary Lockman.

* Another e x t r a c t from t h i s debate on the radio program "Voices" in

London appeared in The Listener (6 June 1985) under the t i t l e "The
arms race can be r a t i o n a l l y explained and t h e r e f o r e c o n t r o l l e d " .


Ad 1979d, review.
Giulio (Ciro) Lepschy in Journal of Literary Seman­
tics: An international review (Heidelberg) 10:2.
132-35 (1981)


OF NOAM CHOMSKY, 1964-1986

compiled, with an introduction, by

University of California, Los Angeles

If the information at my disposal is correct,* Noam

Chomsky has officially supervised at least 59 Ph.D. dis­
sertations and two M.S. theses1 to date. Such a numerical
record for the first twenty years of thesis supervising by
a single individual is somewhat out of the ordinary. But
in this case as in others, numbers alone do not well tell
the whole story — or that part of the story that matters.
It might be interesting therefore to know something about
what it meant for each of those students to work with
Chomsky and, more importantly, how such experience related
to the dissertation itself.
The mere enumeration of dissertations is misleading
in a number of ways. One reason is that an MIT disserta­
tion in linguistics, and in particular its supervision,
is usually a collective effort. This is explicit in Bar­
ry Schein's (1986) dissertation, -which lists two co-super­
visors, or in Judy Anne Shepard-Kegel's (1985) thesis,
which lists no less than four. But this is the case in
virtually every other instance. Since the topic of the
present volume is the work of Noam Chomsky, we will limit
our attention to his part in the enterprise.
It would be misleading to consider only the testimony
of authors of studies that Chomsky officially supervised.
As is widely known, he often spends a great deal of time
with students whose dissertations are officially being
supervised by other MIT colleagues. For example, it may
come as a surprise to most people who are familiar with
the recent history of linguistics to discover that Chomsky
did not officially supervise the dissertation of Robert
Benjamin Lees (b.1922), who in 1959 completed the first
graduate program of studies in linguistics at M.I.T., at
the time still nominally in 'communication science' in the

* The list that follows was not easy to compile. Until recently, no
one kept any records of Chomsky's dissertation students, and even he
is sometimes not quite sure which dissertation he has actually super­
vised in an official capacity. Fortunately, my job was easier than
it would have been if I had not been privileged to have, at the start,
the help of Maggie Carracino and Nancy M. Peters, who provided me

MIT Department of E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , 2 Of t h e a l t o ­
g e t h e r t h i r t e e n d i s s e r t a t i o n s w r i t t e n by t h e s t u d e n t s of
the f i r s t two c l a s s e s to e n t e r t h e newly c r e a t e d L i n g u i s t ­
i c s program in 1961 and 3 1962, Chomsky was t h e a p p o i n t e d
s u p e r v i s o r of only s i x . Some might be s u r p r i s e d t o d i s ­
cover t h a t even s t u d i e s t h a t a r e c l o s e l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
Chomsky's t h e o r y were not o f f i c i a l l y s u p e r v i s e d by him.
This i s t r u e , for example, of Richard S. Kayne's disser­
t a t i o n , w r i t t e n exactly ten years after L e e s ' . 4 In f a c t ,
in a t l e a s t one i n s t a n c e Chomsky d i d n o t o f f i c i a l l y s u p e r ­
v i s e a d i s s e r t a t i o n b a s e d on an o r i g i n a l i d e a of h i s t h a t
was f a r from b e i n g warmly embraced by t h e o t h e r members of
the d o c t o r a l c o m m i t t e e . 5
S i n c e t h e amount of time s p e n t by someone d i s c u s s i n g
a s t u d e n t ' s d i s s e r t a t i o n is not a very r e l i a b l e i n d i c a t o r
of t h e v a l u e of t h e d i s c u s s i o n , i t might be h e l p f u l to t r y
t o o f f e r h e r e some i d e a of what h a v i n g a c c e s s to Chomsky
may mean for a s t u d e n t working on h i s / h e r d i s s e r t a t i o n . A
d i r e c t and p o s s i b l y r e v e a l i n g s o u r c e i s t h e t e s t i m o n y of
the s t u d e n t s themselves.
We might b e g i n w i t h a u t h o r s of d i s s e r t a t i o n s n o t a c ­
t u a l l y s u p e r v i s e d in a t e c h n i c a l s e n s e by Chomsky, s i n c e
in t h e s e i n s t a n c e s t h e o m i s s i o n of t h e acknowledgment
would have been u n r e m a r k a b l e . Not s u r p r i s i n g l y , one of
t h e f r a n k e s t and most p e r c e p t i v e comments i s from a Euro­
pean s t u d e n t who was t o become an o u t s t a n d i n g l i n g u i s t and
who made o r i g i n a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s to every major s u b t h e o r y
of grammar. Here i s what he w r o t e :
As the inventor of modern s y n t a c t i c theory and i t s most b r i l ­
l i a n t exponent, Noam Chomsky has already c o n t r i b u t e d more to
t h i s t h e s i s than perhaps i s in i t . In working d i r e c t l y with
him, I have p r o f i t e d c r u c i a l l y from the unmatched r a p i d i t y of
comprehension and the immensity of t h e o r e t i c a l imagination he
r o u t i n e l y brings to bear on the s u b j e c t s of h i s a t t e n t i o n . 6
The s u b j e c t of h i s a t t e n t i o n was, in t h i s c a s e , r e l a t i v e
c l a u s e s in F r e n c h , a well-known European l a n g u a g e . As a
s e c o n d , complementary t e s t i m o n y , we might choose t h a t of a
s t u d e n t of a l e s s f a m i l i a r l a n g u a g e , C h i n e s e :
Noam Chomsky, whose influence on me can be seen throughout
the following pages, has given me i n v a l u a b l e advice on every
aspect of the t h e s i s and of the other aspects of l i n g u i s t i c s
and l i f e . The e x t e n t to which he has made himself a v a i l a b l e
to me and the amount of thought he has put i n t o my work go
well beyond what I or anyone e l s e can reasonably expect. His

with a t e n t a t i v e l i s t t h a t proved to be a very useful point of de­

p a r t u r e . I am g r e a t l y indebted to them.

confidence in me and interest in my work has also kept me up

during the past years. 7
Chomsky a l s o spends a g r e a t d e a l of time w i t h s t u d e n t s
whose d i s s e r t a t i o n s a r e a c t u a l l y b e i n g s u p e r v i s e d in u n i v e r ­
s i t i e s8 o t h e r t h a n MIT, b o t h in t h e United S t a t e s and a b ­
road. The t e s t i m o n i e s from o u t s i d e h i s i n s t i t u t i o n p r o ­
vide a d i f f e r e n t p e r s p e c t i v e . L i m i t a t i o n s of space do n o t
a l l o w us t o c o n s i d e r more t h a n t h r e e such i n s t a n c e s . Two
d e r i v e from g r a d u a t e s of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , a t
UCLA and UCSD, r e s p e c t i v e l y . The f i r s t i s by a s t u d e n t of
H u n g a r i a n , a language q u i t e d i f f e r e n t from b o t h French and
Chinese :
I am much indebted to a number of people in Cambridge, from the
time I spent at MIT as a " V i s i t i n g S c h o l a r . " F i r s t of a l l , I
would l i k e to express my g r a t i t u d e to Noam Chomsky. In a d d i ­
t i o n to the s p e c i a l i n t e l l e c t u a l debt t h a t anybody working in
the f i e l d of g e n e r a t i v e grammar owes him, I want to thank him
for the unique experience of h i s c l a s s e s , for being so a c c e s s ­
i b l e for i n d i v i d u a l d i s c u s s i o n s , and for e s s e n t i a l l y a c t i n g as
i f I were a student of h i s — even in times when I had no of­
f i c i a l s t a t u s whatsoever at MIT.9
The o t h e r such t e s t i m o n y comes from t h e a u t h o r of t h e f i r s t
e x t e n d e d e x p l o r a t i o n of Chomsky's ' t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n a l view
of c o o r d i n a t i o n ' (cf. Dougherty 1968 in t h e l i s t b e l o w ) .
He w r i t e s :
I owe a g r e a t d e b t of g r a t i t u d e t o Noam Chomsky, who was t h e
one who f i r s t s u g g e s t e d t o me t h a t I t a k e a l o o k a t p h r a s e
s t r u c t u r e , c o o r d i n a t i o n , and r e a n a l y s i s . I have b e n e f i t t e d
from h i s d e t a i l e d comments b o t h on my e a r l i e s t a t t e m p t s i n
t h i s d i r e c t i o n and on d r a f t s of t h i s t h e s i s . His e n c o u r a g e ­
ment and e n t h u s i a s m , e s p e c i a l l y when I was a c o m p l e t e l y u n ­
known v i s i t i n g s t u d e n t [ a t M I T ] , h a v e b e e n an i n s p i r a t i o n t o
me. 10
A t h i r d acknowledgment i s from o u t s i d e t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . I t
i s t a k e n from t h e p u b l i s h e d v e r s i o n of a r e m a r k a b l e d i s s e r ­
t a t i o n on two A f r i c a n l a n g u a g e s of t h e Kru family completed
a t a Dutch u n i v e r s i t y s e v e r a l y e a r s ago. I t s a u t h o r s t a t e s
t h a t she i s e s p e c i a l l y i n d e b t e d t o Noam Chomsky " f o r b e i n g
so generous w i t h h i s t i m e " and goes on to say t h a t h e r " i n ­
t e l l e c t u a l d e b t to him i s i m m e a s u r a b l e " . 1 1
The t e s t i m o n i e s q u o t e d so f a r a r e a l l by a u t h o r s of
d i s s e r t a t i o n s t h a t Chomsky was under no o b l i g a t i o n to s u p e r ­
vise. L i m i t a t i o n s of space do n o t a l l o w us t o c o n s i d e r a
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e sample of t e s t i m o n i e s by t h e a u t h o r s of t h e
61 t h e s e s ( i f we i n c l u d e the M a s t e r ' s t h e s e s , cf. n o t e 1) he
has o f f i c i a l l y s u p e r v i s e d to d a t e . T h e r e f o r e , l e t four of
t h e s u p e r v i s e e s speak for them a l l : Two from t h e e a r l i e s t

g r o u p of g r a d u a t e s , and two from t h e m o s t r e c e n t . The
e a r l i e s t , w r i t t e n two d e c a d e s a g o , c a n now b e r e a d w i t h
t h e b e n e f i t of h i n d s i g h t . The f i r s t i s from one o f t h e
f i v e t h e s e s Chomsky s u p e r v i s e d i n 1 9 6 5 , t h e y e a r t h a t As­
pects of the Theory of Syntax appeared:
I would l i k e to express my most s i n c e r e g r a t i t u d e to my t h e s i s
s u p e r v i s o r , Noam Chomsky, who has had a profound influence on
my t h i n k i n g and has been a continual source of i n t e l l e c t u a l
s t i m u l a t i o n such as I had never encountered before e n t e r i n g
M.I.T. I am equally g r a t e f u l to Morris H a l l e , whose ideas can
be found on every page of t h i s monograph and with whom I have
had countless hours of s t i m u l a t i n g and p l e a s u r a b l e d i s c u s s i o n .
I t i s to him and Prof. Chomsky t h a t I c r e d i t my r a p i d t r a n s f o r ­
mation from the i n t e l l e c t u a l c o u n t e r p a r t of a 97-pound weakling
i n t o a productive s c h o l a r in my chosen f i e l d . 1 3
The second t e s t i m o n y i s from a d i s s e r t a t i o n completed i n
1967, which i s d e d i c a t e d t o Chomsky and four o t h e r p e o p l e :
What I owe to Noam Chomsky i s i n c a l c u l a b l e . Unless he had
formulated the A-over-A p r i n c i p l e [ . . . ] , i t i s doubtful whether
I would have even n o t i c e d the problems which t h i s t h e s i s i s de­
voted to s o l v i n g . I d i s a g r e e with him on many p a r t i c u l a r
p o i n t s of a n a l y s i s , but since i t was r e a l l y from h i s work t h a t
I learned how to construct an argument for or a g a i n s t a p r o ­
posed a n a l y s i s , my a b i l i t y to d i s a g r e e also d e r i v e s from him.
I am deeply g r a t e f u l to him and to Halle for helping me to un­
derstand what i t i s t h a t a theory i s . 14
The s e c o n d p a i r o f t e s t i m o n i e s i s no l e s s f r a n k a n d e l o ­
q u e n t , a n d i t b o t h c o r r o b o r a t e s and c o m p l e m e n t s t h o s e a l ­
ready quoted. The f i r s t i s from one of t h e s i x d i s s e r t a ­
t i o n s Chomsky s u p e r v i s e d i n 1 9 8 1 , t h e y e a r t h a t Lectures on
Government and Binding appeared:
I am e s p e c i a l l y indebted to Noam Chomsky, whose influence on
my work has been extensive — as even a cursory reading of t h i s
t h e s i s w i l l r e v e a l . During the period when I was a c t i v e l y work­
ing on the d i s s e r t a t i o n , he provided i n v a l u a b l e help and en­
couragement, and the form and content of the finished product
has b e n e f i t t e d immensely from h i s comments on the f i r s t d r a f t
as i t a r r i v e d in b i t s and p i e c e s over the p a s t few months. (Sto-
well 1981 i n the l i s t below, p.4)
The s e c o n d o f t h i s p a i r of a c k n o w l e d g m e n t s is less than a
y e a r o l d and r e a d s :
Working with Noam Chomsky, Ken Hale and Luigi Rizzi i s a p r i v ­
i l e g e few can hope f o r , and even four years a f t e r a r r i v i n g h e r e ,
I feel sometimes t h a t i t must be a dream. About Noam Chomsky
much has been s a i d , and I agree with a l l of i t t h a t i s good.
His i n s p i r i n g c l a s s e s , b r i l l i a n t i n s i g h t s , and h i s sharp i n ­
volvement in the work of his s t u d e n t s are j u s t t h r e e f a c e t s of

the experience of working with him. His quick reaction to any

problem is such that one of my proudest moments here was when
he actually had to think silently for several moments in order
to come up with an argument against me. Thursdays, the day of
his class and of my appointments with him, will never be so
good again. (Massam 1985, p.4)
These testimonies are, however, subjective, and their
value might be questioned. More relevant is the content of
the theses themselves, in particular the understanding of
ideas and their development found in chem. It is not pos­
sible to give even an overview of the content of the 59 (or
61, if we include the two M.S.) theses in a few pages, but
we can attempt to place them within their historical con­
text .
There are a number of fairly easy ways to get a glimpse
of what has actually happened in the study of language in
the course of the last thirty or so years. One of the most
accessible ways is to compare a recent dissertation from the
list below (for example, the one from which the last quote
was taken) with the most brilliant investigation of the
closest topic completed in the first part of our century —
or, for that matter, with a recent investigation which con­
tinues that tradition in total isolation from generative
grammar. A more effective, but also more time-consuming,
way, is to compare the very same dissertation with what
Chomsky himself wrote or did not write on the topic in the
1950s — or 1960s. It should be added that chances are
that an accomplishment by a pre-Chomskian linguist might not
be more difficult to understand for the author of one of
these recent dissertations than for any other linguist,
while one of the most recent dissertations listed below is
unintelligible for anyone without appropriate training.
Even the not impartial, but rational, observer would
have to agree that most of what we find in recent disserta­
tions written within the framework of generative transform­
ational grammar is essentially novel with respect to the
first half of the century — not infrequently it is novel
even with respect to the 1970s, a state of affairs that is
rare in most fields. It is true that a number of terms such
as 'verb', 'noun', 'adjective', 'preposition', and so on
have been around for millenia, and others such as 'struc­
ture' and 'morpheme' can be found in the literature long
before 1950. But embedded in Chomsky's generative framework
these terms bear little resemblance to their ancestors.
Even far newer terms no longer mean what they meant; compare
the term 'transformation' for instance. Now they are build­
ing blocks in an evolving abstract system, a highly articul­
ate theoretical architecture that makes predictions which
can be submitted to empirical test, in the manner of the

natural sciences.
To say that in the development of generative grammar
in the second half of our century every leading idea is due
to Noam Chomsky would be something of an exaggeration.15
It seems fair to say, however, that the change referred to
in the preceding paragraph, which for all we know might be
epoch-making, is essentially due to the work of Noam Chom­
sky, not only as a creative genius but also as an inspired
and inspiring teacher — two facets that not always go
hand in hand. Here we touch the core of the intent of the
present volume. The significance of Chomsky's contribution
as a thesis adviser is certainly not exhausted in what he
might bring to a particular discussion. Rather, it lies in
his research program and strategy, and in particular in the
direction he imparts to the research, which often benefits
from his uncanny ability to raise intriguing questions and
suggest answers which raise new questions in a number suf­
ficient to keep active research going among his direct
students and many others elsewhere.16 The goal of this
complex and extensive research program, which he conducts
with unsurpassed virtuosity (and unusual dedication), is
nothing less than the assimilation of linguistic psychology
(as a first step) to the natural sciences. The linguist's
task is to discover the nature of the language data, the
language faculty ('universal grammar'), the language ('part­
icular grammar'), and the structured expressions determined
by the language.17
One could imagine a quite different situation — a si­
tuation in which generative grammar, once discovered, be­
came the province of other and possibly deeper minds. One
could easily expect this to happen at MIT in less than thir­
ty years, since every year it attracts some of the very best
young minds in the country (some would say in the world),
not all free from ladymacbethian temptation. Clearly, it
has not come to pass. We owe to Noam Chomsky not only the
original discovery and construction of the theory, and the
two major reconstructions of the overall theory in 1965 and
in 1980, but also many of the major discoveries along the
It is of particular interest to look at the theses
listed below (and, more generally, at the studies directly
influenced by his work or his advice) from this perspective.
What we find is that Chomsky's work has led the way from the
very beginning and without noticeable breaks; in particular,
some topics which are cpnspicuously absent from Chomsky's
work are not usually found in the dissertations he super­
vises (cf. The Generative Enterprise [Dordrecht: Foris,
1982], p.81). Not only has he not been left behind by his

students and disciples, but he has often advanced at a pace

proved difficult to follow for some, most of whom were un­
able to catch up later with the rapidly advancing research
frontier.18 "What greater testament can there be to his
impact", Frederick Newmeyer writes in 1980, "than the fact
that his students adopt his then-current views and continue
to develop them even after his direct influence on them
ceases — and even after he himself has gone to some new
position, often contradicting the one he taught them" ( L i n ­
guistic Theory in America, p.207).
The different stages of the development of Chomsky's
theory of language are not hard to recognize when one con­
siders the whole set of investigations in generative gram­
mar; but the main phases can be detected even in the partial
set listed below, with the exception of the earliest one,
which remains unrepresented here. Beginning in 1965, the
first dissertations based on the study of empirical syntac­
tic data attempted to apply, constrain, and elaborate the
Aspects framework, sometimes with considerable success (see
for example S.-Y. Kuroda's study of Japanese, which is prov­
ing to be of enduring value).
"Remarks on Nominalization" (1970), written in 1967,
introduces the X-bar notation into transformational grammar,
an innovation (and perhaps a somewhat premature one: it was
not made much creative use of until several years later,
and crucial aspects of it were not understood until the mid-
1980s). "Conditions on Transformations" (1973), written in
1970, represents a major turning-point, with many lasting
consequences. Among other things, it introduces the bound­
ing theory (see now Chomsky's recent Barriers) and rudiments
of a subtheory that would soon find its way into students'
dissertations (e.g., Wasow 1972, Fiengo 1974).
The reference of course is to the trace theory of move­
ment rules, with traces taken as bound variables subject to
the rules of bound anaphora, which was to prove very produc­
tive: It made possible a considerable simplification of the
theory of transformations (the move alpha theory — cf.
Kayne 1969, Emonds 1970), a new view of lexical insertion
(there is less reason not to have lexical insertion after
the transformations apply, given the trace theory), and a
deeper understanding than had been attained before (cf. Fo-
dor 1969, Jackendoff 1969) of true grammatical interpreta­
tion (the theory of logical form). It also provided a much-
to-be-desired direction (see Chomsky's Reflections on Lan­
guage, especially chap.3).
As a result, by 1975 Chomsky had already seen, "for the
first time, [...] a way to establish at least some nontrivi-
al properties of the logic that must be true of language,

something that [he] wouldn't have thought possible some

time [before]" (Letter to the present writer, dated 8 Nov.
1975). Some properties of this natural logical structure
directly reflected in the mental representations that un­
derlie the sentences of language are outlined in his paper
"Conditions on Rules of Grammar" (1976) , based on lectures
presented in June 1975 at the Linguistic Institute held at
the University of South Florida, Tampa, one of them being
the idea of a quantifier rule, later developed in Robert
May's (1977) dissertation. In addition, "Filters and Con­
trol" (1977), co-authored with a former supervisee, Howard
Lasnik (cf. Lasnik 1972), represented an important step
forward in, among other things, our understanding of the
complementizer system and of a related contrast, first
noted by another supervisee (see Perlmuter 1969) , between
what are now sometimes called Null Subject (NL) languages,
such as Italian or Spanish, and non-NL languages such as
French or English.
From here it was a fairly short step to "On Binding"
(1978), the final gate to the 'principles and parameters'
theory first outlined in the Pisa lectures, delivered in
April 1979, and further developed in Lectures on Government
and Binding, completed in 1980. This major reformulation
of the theory of grammar is adopted as a framework by al­
most half of the dissertations listed below. But in at
least a few instances Chomsky again contributed more than
the theoretical framework, as attested by acknowledgments
such as the following:19
Most of the leading ideas developed here are due to Noam
Chomsky, and a number of specific suggestions greatly im­
proved a first draft of these chapters.(Jaeggli 1980, p.2)
First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis ad­
visor Noam Chomsky. Many of the leading ideas adopted in
this study, as well as some particular modes of execution,
are due to him. His influence is evident throughout the
following chapters. (Borer 1981, p.3)
The 1980s represent a clearly distinct phase in the
development of generative grammar. The shift from a system
of rules of the earlier formulation to a system of princip­
les has resulted in a theory that is richer and makes pos­
sible deeper probes into the nature of language. This ma­
jor breakthrough opened the possibility for a true compar­
ative grammar, which in turn contributed to a considerable
broadening of the factual base. It is not that the inter­
est in studying a diversity of languages had been lacking
in generative grammar.20 Rather, true comparative study is
possible only at a deeper level than the one which had been
attainable before the late 1970s. This is immediately ob-

vious if, for example, one compares Kuroda's most recent at­
tempt to relate Japanese to English21 with his insightful
dissertation of 1965, referred to above, but it can also be
seen in some of the recent dissertations, especially when
read in isolation (see for instance Mark Baker's [1985] dis­
sertation, an impressive achievement). It should be added
that the contribution to generative studies in Romance, in­
itiated by Richard Kayne in 1969, to the broadening of the
factual base and the closely related exploration of new i-
deas played no small part in the development of the Pisa
theory. It was above all Kayne's work and teaching, and
the interest in generative grammar it sparked and stimulated
in Europe, that set off the exceptionally influential re­
search on a number of more or less closely related languages
(representing several families, particularly Romance and
Germanic) which is behind the new comparative approach to
universal grammar.22
Finally, we should note a not unimportant contribution
to the transmission and extension of knowledge of generative
grammar might well be credited to the mere passage of time.
It has been suggested more than once that major artists or
thinkers have to create their own readers and appreciators.
If this is a reliable test for a great mind, Chomsky may
qualify. Not only has he failed to convince his colleagues,
as Max Planck's often-quoted remark would have led us to ex­
pect (cf. note 11), but he has been misunderstood more often
than not both by the graduate students of his colleagues who
developed some interest in generative grammar and by a number
of his early students, some of whom have shown an understand­
able proneness to revert to the old ways.23 It is still too
early to tell, but sometimes one gets the impression that
graduates of the 1980s, who are younger than generative gram­
mar and no doubt freer from the burdens of a past they are
not tied to, approach current work in linguistics with some­
thing like a new disposition — not unlike the way an enter­
prising climber approaches a challenging peak. If true, an
understanding of the difference might take us some way to­
wards explaining the astonishing level of success of the
last few years both in the investigation of current issues
in universal grammar and in the analysis of a wide variety
of languages.24
We may ask ourselves whether the work of the 1980s pro­
vides better evidence than earlier work that there has been
a revolution in the understanding of language that humans
are capable of and that this revolution is beginning to be
assimilated by open-minded students as an important part of
the intellectual heritage available.25 As usual, it would
be foolish, if not dishonest, to jump to conclusions. Only
time can tell, and there is no virtue in being impatient.

Of one thing we can be sure, however: If the answer is pos­

itive, as it very well may be, we can expect the revolution
to go well beyond linguistics to embrace a brand-new kind
of natural science (cognitive science) involving anstract
mental representations and computations undreamt of before
our age — a science whose 'consensual birthdate' is said
to be 11 September 1956, the day an unknown young linguist
presented a not terribly long paper entitled "Three Models
for the Description of Language".26 We will be fortunate
indeed if in the near future such a science contributes to
the advancement of our understanding of ourselves and our
society in time to reorient the westernized course of civ­
Los Angeles, California Carlos P. Otero
31 July 1986

1) The two M.S. theses in question are: Karuvannur Puthanveettie
Mohanan, Grammatical Relations and Anaphora in Malay lam, and Jon Ed­
wards, A Cross-Linguistic Study of Broca's Aphasia (44 typed pages),
both completed in 1981.
2) A 'somewhat revised version' appeared as supplement to UAL
volume 26 under the title The Grammar of English Nominalizations by
Robert B. Lees (Bloomington, Ind., 1960). In the Acknowledgements we
read, among others: "Both [Professor Morris Halle] and Professor Noam
Chomsky, also of the Dept. of Modern Languages, whose influence appears
in every page, offered detailed suggestions for improvement."
3) See Frederick J. Newmeyer, Linguistic Theory in America: The
first quarter century of transformational generative grammar (New York:
Academic Press, 1980), p.50.
4) See Richard Stanley Kayne (1944- ) , The Transformational Cycle
in French Syntax, MIT doctoral diss., Sept. 1969, 199 typed pp. — A
thoroughly revised and expanded version was published six years later
under the title French Syntax: The transformational cycle (Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1975), xvi, 473 pp. It also appeared in French
translation as Syntaxe du français : Le cycle transformationnel (Paris:
Editions du Seuil, 1977), 440 pp.
5) See Mary-Louise Kean, The Theory of Markedness in Generative
Grammar, MIT doctoral diss., June 1975, p.4. Cf. also Chomsky, The
Generative Enterprise (Dordrecht: Foris , 1982), 108ff.
6) See Jean Roger Vergnaud, French Relative Clauses, MIT doctoral
diss., Feb. 1974, p.3.
7) See Cheng-Teh James Huang, Logical Relations and the Theory of
Grammar, MIT doctoral diss., June 1982, p.4.
8) Here we are concerned with dissertations only. Needless to say,
Chomsky does not limit his attention to dissertations, as numerous ac-

knowledgments of his help in books and other publications, including

professional journals of different disciplines, attest.
9) See Julia Horvath (1952- ) , Aspects of Hungarian Syntax and
the Theory of Grammar, UCLA doctoral diss., 1981, p.viii. See now al­
so her book, Focus in the Theory of Grammar and the Syntax of Hungari­
an (Dordrecht: Foris, 1986), 242 pp.
10) See Grant T. Goodall (1957- ) , Parallel Structures in Syntax,
doctoral diss., Univ. of California at San Diego, 1984, pp.viii-ix. —
A revised version is to be published by Cambridge Univ. Press.
11) See Hilda Koopman, The Syntax of Verbs (Dordrecht: Foris,
1984), p.ix. The first person she feels especially indebted to is
Henk van Riemsdijk, "who was !her] first syntax teacher". This brings
to mind a paragraph from the opening page of the published version of
van Riemsdijk's dissertation concerning his own starting point, one
step removed from Koopman's: "When I went to Paris in 1967 with a
romantic desire to study linguistics I had never heard of Noam Chomsky.
I have Noam Chomsky and destiny to thank for the fact that when I grew
weary of French structuralism there was the Chomskyan approach to the
study of language that immediately stimulated me and has never ceased
to give me immense intellectual satisfaction" (see his A Case Study in
Syntactic Markedness [Lisse: Peter de Ridder Press, 1978 (Dordrecht:
Foris, 1982)]). This acknowledgment in turn brings to mind that Max
Planck is said to have remarked that he did not expect to convince his
colleagues of the truth of quantum theory, but that he hoped to con­
vince the best graduate students of his colleagues. Cf. now Henk van
Riemsdijk & Edwin Williams' statement in their Introduction to the Theo­
ry of Grammar (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985), p.xvi: "Grammatical
theory, as presented here, would not exist without Noam Chomsky. With­
out the changes he has brought about in linguistics, neither of us
would be linguists today." Similarly, it may be fair to assume that
Hilda Koopman and other accomplished present-day researchers might not
have become linguists either.
12) Others are readily available; see the published versions of the
dissertations by Burzio (1981), Marantz (1981), Safir (1982), and oth­
ers listed below.
13) See James D. McCawley in the revised version of his 1965 MIT
dissertation, The Phonological Component of a Grammar of Japanese (The
Hague: Mouton, 196 8 ) , p.7.
14) See Ross' (1967) dissertation, pp.ix-x. The dedication reads
in part: "To four of my teachers, Bernard Bloch, Zellig Harris, Noam
Chomsky and Morris Halle, who have awoken in me, and intensified by
their ever-deeper insights, the desire to understand Man through an un­
raveling of the mysteries of his language."
15) See Chomsky, The Generative Enterprise (1982), especially pp.
79-81 and note 85; see also Emonds (1976), p.xi (see below under 1970),
and Newmeyer (see note 3 above), section 6.2.2.
16) This of course does not mean that he has never made the wrong
move (cf. the first reference in the preceding note or, more recently,
Barriers, pp.56-57). It does mean, however, that he has been poles
apart from the class of "cantankerous fools who unfailingly backed the

wrong horses", as James D. Watson remarked in 1968 in The Double Helix

(New York: Atheneum), chap.2.
17) See now "The Research Program of Modern Linguistics", Lecture
2 of Series I of N. Chomsky's Structures of Language and Power: Lec­
tures on linguistics, ideology and the current world scene, delivered
at the Universidad Centroamericana in Managua, Nicaragua, 3-7 March
1986, of which a Spanish translation is to appear.
18) This in spite of the fact that linguistic research for him is
only a part-time occupation — one of his former students told me that
he feels that to keep ahead of everybody Chomsky doesn't have to give
to this job more than 10% of his time. Cf. Chomsky's remark: "It just
seems to me that, at a kind of human level, one ought to have a broader
range of concerns, of which a specialization in linguistics would only
be a part" (The Generative Enterprise, p.51).
19) Cf. the following statement made a decade earlier: "My great­
est debt is to Noam Chomsky. I can safely say that whatever value
there is to be found in this thesis is largely attributable to the in­
fluence of his writings, his lectures, and, particularly, his personal
guidance. It goes without saying that any errors are my own" (Culi-
cover, 1971 MIT diss., p.273).
20) Cf. Carlos P. Otero, Introducción a la lingüistica transfor-
macional (México, D.E.: Siglo XXI, 1970; 6th ed., 1986), pp.xv-xvi, and
F. J. Newmeyer, Linguistics in America (1980), p.48.
21) See S.-Y. Kuroda, "Whether We Agree or not: Rough ideas about
the comparative syntax of English and Japanese", manuscript, Univ. of
California at San Diego, 1986, 86 typed pp.
22) Cf. Luigi Rizzi (1952- ) , I s s u e s in Italian Syntax (Dordrecht:
Foris, 1982), p.viii.
23) Cf. Jerrold J. Katz & Thomas G. Bever, "The Fall and Rise of
Empiricism", An Integrated Theory of Linguistic Ability ed. by T. Bever
et al. (New York: Crowell, 1974), 11-64, for a not untypical case.
24) Cf. Chomsky's comments: "The field, any field, ought to be
largely in the hands of younger people. That is where the interesting
ideas are going to be coming from, and that ought to happen here too,
and to a large extent that is what is happening" (The Generative Enter­
prise , p . 58) .
25) Cf. Frederick J. Newmeyer, "Has there Been a 'Chomskyan Revo­
lution' in Linguistics?", Language 62.1-18 (1986).
26) Cf. Howard Gardner, The Mind's New Science: A history of the
cognitive revolution (New York: Basic Books, 1985), pp.28-29.

OF N O A M C H O M S K Y , 1964-1986

1 9 6 4 . L a n g e n d o e n , D ( o n a l d ) Terence (1939- ) , Modern British

Linguistics , 245 11. ( ( 1 ) ) *
Rev. version published as "M.I.T. Research Monograph"
No.46 under the title of The London School of Lin­
guistics: A study of the linguistic theories of B.
Malinowski and J. R. Firth (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press , 1968) , x i i , 123 p p .

1965 (June). F r a s e r , J. Bruce (1938- ) , An Examination of

the Verb-Lartide Construction in English, 193 11.
R e v . v e r s i o n p u b l i s h e d as The Verb-Larticle Combina­
tion in English (New Y o r k : A c a d e m i c P r e s s , 1 9 6 7 ; cor­
rected ed., 1 9 7 6 ) , v i i , 125 p p .

1965 ( J u n e ) . Hall ( P a r t e e ) , B a r b a r a Corey (1940- ), Subject

and Object in Modern English, 92 11. ((3))
F a c s i m i l e r e p r o d u c t i o n in the "Outstanding D i s s e r t a ­
tions in L i n g u i s t i c s " s e r i e s * * (New Y o r k : Garland P u b ­
l i s h i n g , 1979) , 92 pp .

1965 (June). Kuroda, Sige-Yuki (1934- ) . Generative Gramma­

tical Studies in the Japanese Language , 234 11. ((4))
F a c s . r e p r o d u c t i o n , with a list of corrections of ty­
p o g r a p h i c a l errors added (New Y o r k : G a r l a n d , 1 9 7 9 ) ,
235 p p .
A somewhat rev. version of chap.1 was included in
Modern Studies in English ed. by David A. Reibel &
Sanford A. Schane (Englewood C l i f f s , N.J.: Prentice-
H a l l , 1 9 6 9 ) , and also in S.-Y. K u r o d a , The (W)hole of
the Doughnut : Syntax and its boundaries (Ghent-Antwerp-
B r u s s e l s : E. S t o r y - S c i e n ti a, 1 9 7 9 ) , 1 1 1 - 3 4 ; French ver­
sion appeared in S.-Y. K u r o d a , Aux quatre coins de la

* 11. stands for 'leaves' / 'typed pages', pp. for 'printed pages'.
** Whenever Garland Publishing is referred to, facs. reproductions
appeared in its "Outstanding Dissertations ..." series.

Unguistique (Paris: Editions du S e u i l , 1 9 7 9 ) , 4 3 - 7 6 .

The content of chaps. 6 and 7 appeared earlier in two
papers w r i t t e n in J a p a n e s e : "Ga, o, oyobi ni ni tsui-
te ¡On the particles ga, o, and ni] " , Kokugogaku 63.
75-85 ( 1 9 6 5 ) , and "Soku-on oyobi hatsu-on [Syllabic ob­
struent and n a s a l ] " , Gengo  N o . 5 0 . 8 5 - 9 9 ( 1 9 6 6 ) .
A paper presented at a symposium in H o n o l u l u in summer
1977 pursues the theme of chap.6 in a radically d i f f e r ­
ent form; it appeared under the title "Case M a r k i n g ,
Canonical Sentence P a t t e r n s , and Counter Equi in Jap­
anese" in Problems of Japanese Syntax and Semantics ed.
by John V. Hinds & Irwin Howard (Tokyo: K a i t a k u s h a ,

1965 ( J u n e ) . M c C a w l e y , James D ( a v i d , 1 9 3 8 - ) , Accentual Sys­

tem of Standard Japanese , 222 11. ((5))
Rev. version published as The Phonological Component
of a Grammar of Japanese (The Hague: Mouton, 1968) ,
206 p p .

1965 (June). Rosenbaum, Peter S(teven), The Grammar of Eng­

lish Predicate Complement Constructions, 222 11. ((6))
P u b l . under the same title by MIT Press ( C a m b r i d g e ,
M a s s . , 1 9 6 7 ) , x i i , 128 p p . His "Phrase Structure of
English Complex Sentence F o r m a t i o n " , Foundations of
language 3.103-118 ( 1 9 6 7 ) , is an o v e r v i e w of some of
the main r e s u l t s .

1967 (Sept.) C h a p i n , Paul G. (1938- ) , On the Syntax of

Word Derivation in English, 198 11. ((7))
Reproduced as M T P - 6 8 report of The MITRE Corporation
(Bedford , Mass . , 1967) .

1967 (Sept.) R o s s , John R ( o b e r t , 1 9 3 8 - ) , Constraints on

Variables in Syntax, xix, 501 [ r e c t e : 504] 11. ((8))
Reproduced by the Indiana U n i v e r s i t y L i n g u i s t i c s Club
( B l o o m i n g t o n , I n d . , 1 9 6 8 ) , 277 pp. — Excerpts were in­
cluded in On Noam Chomsky : Critical essays ed. by Gil­
bert H a r m a n (New Y o r k : A n c h o r B o o k s , 1 9 7 4 ; 2nd e d . ,
with a new introd. by the e d . , U n i v . of M a s s a c h u s e t t s
Press , 1980) , 1 6 5 - 2 0 0 .

1968 ( J u n e ) . B e d e l l , George Dudley (1940- ) , Kokugaku Gram­

matical Theory, 141 1 1 . ((9))
His "Verbs and A d j e c t i v e s in Japanese according to Su­
zuki A k i r a " , (Univ. of C a l i f o r n i a at B e r k e l e y ) Papers
in Japanese Linguistics 1:1.11-23 ( 1 9 7 2 ) , is an excerpt
of the d i s s e r t a t i o n .

1968 (Sept.) P e r l m u t e r , David M ( i c h a e l , 1 9 3 8 - ) , Deep and

Surface Constraints in Syntax, 264 11. ((10))
Rev. version p u b l i s h e d by H o l t , Rinehart & Winston
(New Y o r k , 1 9 7 1 ) , x v i , 137 p p .

1968 (Sept. - actually: F e b . 1 9 6 9 ) . D o u g h e r t y , Ray C ( o r -

dell, 1940- ), A Transformational Grammar of Coordin­
ate Conjoined Structures , 329 11. ((11))
A shortened version appeared as "A Grammar of Coordin­
ate Conjoined S t r u c t u r e s " in Language 46.850-98 and 4 7 .
298-339 ( 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 ) .

1969 (June). F o d o r , Janet D e a n , The Linguistic Description

of Opaque Contexts , 361 11. ((12))
Rev. version published by the Indiana Univ. Linguistics
Club (Bloomington, I n d . , 1 9 7 6 ) , i v , 206 p p .

1969 (Sept.) J a c k e n d o f f , Ray S ( a u l , 1 9 4 5 - ) , Some Rules of

Semantic Interpretation for English, 248 11. ((13))
A thoroughly r e v . and expanded version was published as
Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar (Cam­
bridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972), 400 pp.

1970 (Sept.) E m o n d s , J o s e p h E . (1940- ) , Root and Structure-

Preserving Trans f o r m a t i o n s , vi, 246 11. ((14))
R e p r o d u c e d by the Indiana Univ. L i n g u i s t i c s Club (Bloom­
i n g t o n , Ind., 1 9 7 0 ) , 188 p p . , which also provided a 1 0 -
page A p p e n d i x s u p p l e m e n t i n g and u p d a t i n g the d i s s e r t a ­
tion. — A thoroughly rev. v e r s i o n w a s published as A
Transformational Approach to Syntax: Root, structure-
preserving , and local transformations (New York: Acad­
emic P r e s s , 1 9 7 6 ) , x i i , 266 p p .

1971 (Jan.) C u l i c o v e r , Peter W ( i l l i a m , 1945- ) , Syntactic

and Semantic Investigations , 281 11. ((15))
1972 ( J u n e ) . W a s o w , Thomas A . (1945- ) , Anaphoric Relations
in English, 199 1 1 . ((16))
Rev. version published as Anaphora in Generative Gram­
mar ( G h e n t - A n t w e r p - B r u s s e l s : E. S t o r y - S c i e n t i a , 1979),
182 p p .

1972 (Sept.) B r e s n a n , Joan W. (1945- ) , Theory of Complemen­

tation in English Syntax, 323 11. ((17))
F a c s . r e p r o d u c t i o n by Garland P u b l i c a t i o n s (New Y o r k ,
1 9 7 9 ) , 325 p p . (with c o r r e c t i o n s ) . — H e r paper "On Com­
p l e m e n t i z e r s : Toward a syntactic theory of complement

types", foundations of Language 6.297-331 (1970), be­

came chap.1 of her dissertation; a rev. version of
the bulk of chap.5 appeared as "Syntax of the Compara­
tive Clause Construction in English", Linguistic In­
quiry 4.265-343 (1973).

1972 (Sept.) Lasnik, Howard (1945- ) , Analyses of Negation

in English, 168 11. ((18))
His paper "On the Semantics of Negation", Contemporary
Research in Philosophical Logic and Linguistic Semant­
ics ed. by Donald Huckney et al. (Dordrecht: Reidel,
1975), 279-311, is essentially an excerpt from his dis­

1973 (Feb.) Bowers, John S. (1945- ) , Grammatical Relations,

813 11. ((19))
A rev. and shortened version appeared as The Theory of
Grammatical Relations (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ.
Press, 1981) , 288 pp .

1973 (June). Erteschik, Nomi (1946- ) , On the Nature of Is­

land Constraints , 176 11. ((20))
1973 (June). Higgins, Francis Roger (1940- ) , The Pseudo-
Cleft Construction in English, 2 vols., 168 and 361 11.
respectively. ((21))
Published in one vol. by Garland (New York, 1979), 400
PP •

1973 (Dec. — actually: Feb. 1974). Wilson, Deirdre, Presup­

positions and Non-Truth-Conditional Semantics , 2 40 11.
Published by Academic Press (New York, 1975); her pa­
per "Presupposition, Assertion, and Lexical Items",
Linguistic Inquiry 6.95-114 (1975), is closely related
to her dissertation.

19 7 4 (June). Williams, Edwin Samuel, III, Rule Ordering in

Syntax, 250 11. ((23))

1974 (June - read: Sept.) Bordelois, Ivonne (1934- ) , The

Grammar of Spanish Causative Complements , 137 11. ((24))
1974 (Sept.) Milsark, Gary L. (1946- ) , Existential Sentences
in English, 260 11. ((25))
His paper "Toward an Explanation of Certain Peculiari­
ties of the Existential Construction in English", Lin­
guistic Analysis 3:1.1-29 (1977), is adapted from his

1974 (Sept.) Fiengo, Robert W. (1949- ) , Semantic Condi­

tions on Surface Structure , 134 11. ((26))
A major theme is developed in his paper "On Trace The­
ory", Linguistic Inquiry 8:1.35-61 (1977). See now al­
so his Surface Structure : The interface of autonomous
components (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press,
1980) , viii, 213 pp.

1976 (June.) Sag, Ivan Andrew (1949- ) , Deletion and Logical

Form, 374 11. ((27))
Reproduced by Garland Publishing (New York, 1980), and
published earlier by the Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club
(Bloomington, Ind., 1977), vii, 292 pp.

1976 (Aug.) Reinhart, Tanya, The Syntactic Domain of Anapho­

ra, 217 11. ((28))
Her Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation (London & Can­
berra: Croom Helm, 1983), 223 pp., includes a develop­
ment of her dissertation.

1977 (Feb.) Woisetschlaeger, Erich Friedrich, A Semantic

Theory of the English Auxiliary , 214 11. ((29))
Published by the Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club (Bloom­
ington, Ind., 1976), iii, 127 pp., and, more recently,
by Garland Publishing (New York, 1985) — apparently a
reproduction of the IULC version.
John Goldsmith's (1951- ) and E. F. Woisetschlaeger's
The Logic of the Progressive Aspect (Bloomington, Ind.:
Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club, 1976), 14 pp., includes
ideas from the dissertation.

1977 (Sept. - actually: Feb. 1978). May, Robert Carlen

(1951- ) , The Grammar of Quantification, 251 11. ((30))
See now his Logical Form: Its structure and derivation
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985).

1978 (June). Rotenberg, Joel, The Syntax of Phonology , 217

11. ((31))

1978 (Sept.) Baltin, Mark Reuben (1950- ) , Toward a Theory

of Movement Rules, 204 11. ((32))
Reproduced by Garland Publishing (New York, 1985), 204
His paper, "A Landing Site Theory of Movement Rules",
Linguistic Inquiry 13.1-38 (1982), constitutes a much
revised version of chap.4 of his dissertation.

1980 (Feb.) George, Leland Maurice, Analogical Generaliza­

tion in Natural Language Syntax, 178 11. ((33))

1980 (May). Sjoblom, Todd, Coordination, 255 11. ((34))

1980 (July). Jaeggli, Osvaldo A. (1955- ) , On Some Phonolo-

gically Hull Elements in Syntax, 320 11. ((35))
A somewhat rev. version appeared as Topics in Romance
Syntax (Dordrecht: Foris, 1982), 188 pp.

1980 (Sept.) Linebarger, Marcia Christine, The Grammar of

Negative Polarity , 259 11. ((36))
A rev. version appeared under the same title in 1981
(Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Linguistics Club).

1981 (June). Borer, Hagit (1952- ) , Parametric Variations

in Clitic Constructions , 363 11. ((37))
Rev. version published as Parametric Syntax: Case Stu­
dies in Semitic and Romance (Foris Pub., 1984), 260 pp.

1981 (June). Burzio, Luigi (1943- ) , Intransitive Verbs and

Italian Auxiliaries , 719 11. ((38))
Rev. version published as Italian Syntax: A government-
binding approach (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1986), xiii,
468 pp.

1981 (June). Otsu, Yukio, Universal Grammar and Syntactic

Development in Children : Toward a theory of syntactic
development, 210 11. ((39))
Results from the dissertation were included in Studies
in Generative Grammar and Language Acquisition ed. by
Y. Otsu et al. (Mitaka, Tokyo: International Christian
Univ. Press, 1983).

1981 (Sept.) Marantz, Alec Paul, On the Nature of Grammatic­

al Relations, 374 11. ((40))
A rev. version was published in 1984 (Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press), 339 pp.

1981 (Sept.) Stowell, Timothy Angus (1954- ) , Origins of

Phrase Structure, 496 11. ((41))
A thoroughly rev. version is to appear with the im­
print of MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
An overview of the main result, with some new material,
appeared as "A Formal Theory of Configurational Pheno­
mena", Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the

North Eastern Linguistic Society ed. by James Puste-

jovsky & Peter Sells (Amherst, M a s s . : Univ. of M a s s a ­
chusetts, 1982), 235-57.
Stowell's paper on "Subject across C a t e g o r i e s " , The
Linguistic Review 2:3.285-312 ( 1 9 8 3 ) , is a revision of
a paper circulated in June 1980 that became the core of
chap.4 of his d i s s e r t a t i o n ; his p a p e r , "Complementizers
and the ECP", Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meet­
ing of the North Eastern Linguistic Society ed. by Vic-
toria Burke & James P u s t e j o v s k y (Amherst, M a s s . : Univ.
of M a s s a c h u s e t t s , 1 9 8 1 ) , 3 4 5 - 6 3 , gives a p r e v i e w of
chap.6 of the d i s s e r t a t i o n . The treatment of p r e p o s i ­
tion stranding of chap.7 is further developed in his
paper on "Conditions on R e a n a l y s i s " , Papers in Syntax
(= MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 4) ed. by Timo­
thy Stowell & Alec M a r a n t z , 2 4 5 - 6 9 .

1981 (Nov. - actually: Feb. 1982). Aoun, Joseph E. (1953- ) ,

The Formal Nature of Anaphoric Relations , 419 11. ((42))
A rev. version was published under the title of A Gram­
mar of Anaphora (Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1985),
190 pp.

1982 (April). Berwick, Robert Cregar, Locality Principles

and the Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge (actually
within the Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer
Science at MIT), 451 11. ((43))
A modified version (with the omission of chap.4 and a
substantial revision and expansion of chap.5 on parsing
and language acquisition) appeared as Part II of his
The Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge (Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1985, 368 pp. (as No.16 of its Series
in Artificial Intelligence).

1982 (July). Safir, Kenneth, Syntactic Chains and the Defin-

iteness Effect, 235 11. ((44))
A rev. version, with an additional "Epilogue", was pub­
lished as Syntactic Chains (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press , 1985) , 395 pp.

1982 (Aug.) Pesetsky, David Michael (1957- ) , Paths and Cat­

egories, 738 11. ((45))
The first part will be included in his S election in
Syntax (Cambridge Univ. Press), the second in another
book, A Theory of Syntactic Paths (MIT Press).

1982 (Sept.) Bouchard, Denis, On the Content of Empty Cate-


gories, 514 ( r e c t e : 516) 11. ((46))

Published under the same title by Foris (Dordrecht,
1984), 217 pp.

1982 (Sept.) Zubizarreta, Maria-Luisa (1955- ) , On the Re­

lationship of the Lexicon to Syntax, 257 11. ((47))
Cf. her paper, "The Relationship between Morphophonolo-
gy and Morphosyntax: The case of Romance ausatives",
Linguistic Inquiry 16:2.247-89 (1985).

19 8 3 (Oct.) Manzini, Maria Rita, Restructuring and Reanal-

ysis, 231 11. ((48))

1983 (Oct.) Sportiche, Dominique (1951- ) , Structural In­

variance and Symmetry in Syntax, 325 11. ((49))
A rev. version is to be published by Foris, Dordrecht.

1984 (June). Fabb, Nigel Alexander John, Syntactic Affixa­

tion, 264 11. ((50))

1984 (June). Travis, Lisa de Mena, Parameters and Effects

of Word Order Variation, 284 11. ((51))

1984 (July). Montalbetti, Mario (1953- ) , After Binding: On

the interpretation of pronouns, 197 11. ((52))

1985 (Jan.) Saito, Mamoru (1953- ) , Some Asymmetries in Ja­

panese and their Theoretical Implications , 364 11.
The hypothesis that 'scrambling' is an instance of 'move
alpha' is presented in M. Saito & Hajime Hoji, "Weak
Crossover and Move in Japanese", 'Natural Language and
Linguistic Theory 1:2.245-59 (1983). See also the
forthcoming volume ed. by Takashi Imai & M. Saito, Is­
sues in Japanese Linguistics (Dordrecht: Foris).

1985 (Feb.) Shepard-Kegl, Judy Anne, Locative Relations in

American Sign Language Word Formation, Syntax and Dis­
course , 505 11. (Co-supervisors: James Higginbotham,
Wayne O'Neil, and John Ross.) ((54))

1985 (July). Baker, Mark Cleland, Incorporation: A theory of

grammatical function changing, 619 11. ((55))
The leading idea of the dissertation was first developed
in his paper on "The Mirror Principle and Morphosyntac­
tic Explanation", Linguistic Inquiry 16.374-415 (1985).

1985 (Sept.) Haïk, Isabelle, The Syntax of Operators, 422

11. ((56))

1985 (Sept.) Massam, Diane, Case Theory and the Projection

Principle, 407 11. ((57))
Her paper, "Raising an Exceptional Case", Papers from
the Parasession (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society,
1984), vol.20, constitutes an earlier treatment of a
subtopic of chap.2.

1985 (Sept. - actually: Feb. 1986). Johnson, Kyle, A Case

for Movement, 263 11. ((58))

1986 (Feb.) Schein, Barry, Event Logic and the Interpreta­

tion of Plurals, 269 11. (Co-supervisor: James Higgin-
botham.) ((59))


y e a r of completion in parentheses)
Aoun (1981) Fiengo (1974) May (1977)
Baker (1985) Fodor (1979) Milsark (1974)
B a l t i n (1978) F r a s e r (1965) Mohanan (1981)*
Bedell (1968) George (1980) M o n t a l b e t t i (1984)
Berwick (1982) Haik (1985) Otsu (1981)
Bordelois (1974) Hall (1965) P a r t e e , see Hall
Borer (1981) Higgins (1973) Perlmuter (1968)
Bouchard (1982) Jackendoff (1969) Pesetsky (1982)
Bowers (1973) J a e g g l i (1980) Reinhart (1976)
Bresnan (1972) Johnson (1985) Rosenbaum (1965)
Burzio (1981) Kuroda (1965) Ross (1967)
Chapín (1967) Langendoen (1964) Rotenberg (1978)
Culicover (1971) Lasnik (1972) S a f i r (1982)
Dougherty (1968) Linebarger (1980) Sag (1976)
Edwards (1981)* McCawley (1965)
Emonds (1970) Manzini (1964) continued overleaf
E r t e s c h i c k (1973) Marantz (1981)
Fabb (1984) Massam (1985) * = M.S. t h e s i s


(continued from page 203)

Saito (1985) Sportiche (1983) Williams (1974)

Schein (1986) Stowell (1981) Wilson (1973)
Shephard-Kegl (1985) Travis (1984) Woisetschlaeger (1977)
Sjoblom (1980) Wasow (1972) Zubizarreta (1982)

* * * **


1964: Langendoen (1)

1965: F r a s e r , H a l l (= P a r t e e ) , K u r o d a , McCawley, Rosenbaum (5)
1966: -
1967: Chapín, Ross (2)
1968: Bedell, Perlmuter, Dougherty (3)
1969: Fodor, Jackendoff (2)
1970: Emonds (1)
1971: Culicover (1)
1972: Wasow, Bresnan, Lasnik (3)
1973: Bowers, Erteschik, Wilson (3)
1974: Williams, Bordelois, Milsark, Fiengo (4)
1975: -
1976: Sag, Reinhart (2)
19 77: Woisetschlaeger, May (2)
1978: Rotenberg, Baltin (2)
1979: -
1980: George, Sjoblom, Jaeggli, Linebarger (4)
1981: Borer, Burzio, Otsu, Marantz, Stowell, Aoun (6)
1982: Berwick, Safir, Pesetsky, Bouchard, Zubizarreta (5)
1983: Manzini, Sportiche (2)
1984: Fabb, Travis, Montalbetti (3)
1985: S a i t o , S h e p a r d - K e g l , B a k e r , Ha'ik , Massam, J o h n s o n (6)
1986: Schein

* Number of dissertations submitted during the year in question added

in parentheses.

Arias, M.: 176
Aarsleff, H.: 25 Arnauld, A.: 26
Aarts, J.M.G.A.: 49 Aronson, R.: 38
Abe, Y.: 74 Arsent'eva, N. G.: 5, 9, 10
Abel, .: 99 Artai, G.: 55, 83
Abelson, R.: 162 Augias, C.: 121, 192, 170
Abraham, W.: 69 Austerlitz, R.: 58
Abt, L. E. : 167 Authier, D.: 130
Acuna, A. E.: 79 Avishai, B.: 115, 118
Adams, N. S.: 104 Axmanova, 0. S.: 23, 42
Adler, M. J.: 98 Ayer, A. J.: 116
mjian, A. : 62 Azzoug, M.: 72
Al, B.: 16
Albert, M.: 145 .
Albrecht, E.: 27
Babcox, D . : 99
Alemany, J.: 142
Babcox, P . : 99
Allen, H. B.: 13, 18
B a b i c k i j , K. I . : 8
Allen, J.: 101
B a c c a r a n i , A. L . : 21
Allen, J.P.B.: 28, 48
B a c h , E . : 5 4 , 85
Allen, .: 49
B a i r a t i , P . : 108
Alsop, J.: 100
B a k e r , M. C . : 202
Altweg, J.: 135
B a k e r , R. G.: 82
Alworth, E. P.: 10
B a l c k , F . : 12
Ambrosinki, R.: 58
B a l t i n , M. R . : 199
Améry, J.: 108
Bang,  . : 28
Anderson, S. R.: 54
B a r - A d o n ,  . : 49
Andor, J.: 83
B a r a n e l l i , L, : 97
Anon(ymous): 19, 25, 29, 38, 48,
B a r d o n , S. G.: 52
51, 57, 61, 96, 102, 108, 112,
B a r - H i l l e l , Y . : 4 , 60
114, 115, 138
B a r t o n , D . : 153
Anshen, R. N,: 77
B a r t o n , J . : 157
Antai, L,: 42
B a s a g l i a , F . : 1 0 9 , 111
Antinucci, F.: 8, 12
Baug, B . : 28
Aoun, J. F.: 201
B a y e s , R . : 12
Apfelbaum, E.: 143
B a y n a c , J . : 138
Arendt, H.: 94, 164
B e a t t i e , G. W.: 83
Argente, J. A.: 58
B e a v e r , J . C . : 3 8 , 39
Compiled by Matsuji Tajima; revised and enlarged by Konrad Koerner;
italicized page references indicate collaborative efforts with
others (which excludes discussions, however).

Beccaria, G. L.: 25 Bracco, C.: 61

Beck, I.: 12 Bracken, H. M.: 25, 35
Bedell, G. D.: 196 Braestrup, P.: 126
Beehler, R.: 109 Braffort, P.: 15
Behrens, J.: 103 Brafman, F.: 110
Beichman, A.: 112 Brandi, L.: 59, 61, 73, 172, 173
Beleckij, M. I.: 16 Brandon, L.: 136
Belevitch, V.: 10 Braudeau, M.: 8
Bell, D. : 63, 170 Brekle, H. E.: 25, 52
Bellert, I.: 29, 52 Bresnan, J. W.: 197
Belletti, A.: 61, 63, 71, 73 Brinkman, H. J.: 29
Bellow, S.: 123 Broadbent, D. E.: 72
Bellugi, U.: 17 Brodine, V.: 110
Belskaja, I. K. : 13 Brown, R.: 17
Benešová, E.: 30 Bruck, A.: 56
Benet, T.: 158 Briickner-Pfaff enberger , E . : 171
Bennis, H.: 66, 71, 86 Buchmann, H.: 40
Bennison, .: 57 Bugarski, R.: 8, 53
Benoist, J.-M.: 45, 166 Bühler, H.: 12, 29
Benveniste, E.: 23 Bullock, A.: 150
Béra, M.-A.: 23 Bumann, W.: 2 7
Berg, L.: 112 Burke, V.: 201
Berman, P.: 155 Burling, R.: 7, 34
Bernard, V.: 130 Burnley, J. D.: 57
Bernstein, R. J.: 25, 34 Burzio, L.: 206
Berwick, R. C.: 201 Bush, R. R.: 15, 17, 24
Bès, G.: 16, 41, 43 Butler, R.J.: 26
Bever, T. G.: 194
Bichel, J.: 154 .
Bierwisch, M.: 27, 31
Black, M.: 46 Caldwell, M.: 105
Calhoun, F.: 162
Blackburn, R.: 100, 166
Calvet, L.-J.: 35
Blackstock, N. : 118
Calvo, P.: 40, 62
Blake, B. J. : 67
Campbell, R. N. : 82
Blansitt, E. L., Jr.: 80
Cano Tembleque, J., see Tembleque,
Blatt, M.: 119
C. J.
Blecua, J.-M.: 139
Capella, J.-R.: 97
Bleiberg, G.: 170
Caplan, D.: 68
Block, N. : 70, 71
Caracciolo, P. : 63
Blumenthal, A. L.: 18
Carr, J. W., III: 9
Bolelli, T.: 4
Carracino, M.: 181
Bordelois, I.: 198
Carrasquer, F.: 129, 170
Borer, H.: 190, 200
Carter, J.: 121
Borger, R.: 46
Caruso, S. S.: 113
Bornstein, D. D.: 61, 80, 81
Cassidy, F. G.: 76
Botha, R. P.: 68
Castelfranchi, C : 12
Bouchard, D.: 201
Castellina, L.: 162
Bourne, R.: 94 Catlin, J.: 64
Bouveresse, J.: 26
Cauman, L. S.: 75
Bowers, J. S.: 198 Caussat, P.: 87

Cavallari, A.: 136, 138 Danes, F.: 24, 30

Celdrán, E. M.: 82 Darley, F. L. : 32
Cerati, A.: 163 Dascal, M.: 14, 73
Cerquilini, .: 37, 40, 52 Davidson, D.: 44
Chafe, W. .: 162 Davies, L. P.: 57
Chaliand, G.: 130 Davis, D.: 136
Chambers, J. K.: 39 Davis, U.: 118, 119, 127
Chandler, D. P.: 151 Davison, W. .: 158
Chapín, P. G.: 196 de Beauregard, M.: 108
Chayen, M. J.: 64 De Benedetti, A. W., see Woolf
Chertoff, M. S.: 107 De Benedetti, A.
Chiba, S.: 74 Debray, R.: 140, 174
Chierici, M.: 172 de Cecco, J. P.: 11
Chiko, F. : 30 de Ford, G. A.: 20, 30
Chotard, J. R.: 102 de Grado, M. D.: 110
Cioffi, F.: 46 de Haan, G. J.:49
Cirillo, S.: 140 Delanoë, N. : 26, 87
Cisneros, L. J.: 28 Delcourt, X.: 131
Clément,  : 138 Del Grosso, L.: 23
Coates, .: 101, 105, 112, 120, Dellinger, D.: 145
153 De Mauro, T.: 23, 25, 48
Cockburn, A.: 15 2 de Moraes Tafarello, M. C.: 14
Cohen, B.: 136 De Palma, A.: 4, 5, 11, 13, 16,
Cohen, D.: 38 17, 19, 32, 33, 36, 37, 44, 45,
Cohen, M.: 94 48, 56, 59, 62
Cohen, R. S.: 33, 54 De Tassis, V.: 109, 113
Cole, R. W.: 62 de Toma, G.: 173
Collier, R.: 38 de Zavala, V. S.: 37, 43, 52
Collinder, B.: 35 Dieterich, H.: 177
Collingwood, C : 115 Dinelli, S.: 33
Colombo, F.: 135, 174 Di Prieto, R. J.: 80, 84
Contassot, Y.: 28, 53 Dobereiner, D.: 169
Contreras, H.: 7, 21, 82 Domergues, P.: 130
Cooper, D. E.: 54, 56 Dornan, J. E.: 96
Corder, S. P.: 28 Dorriots, B.: 63
Corradini, D.: 174 Dougherty, R. C.: 189, 197
Corradini, G.: 174 Drach, M.: 73
Cortes, .: 27 Draper, T.: 115, 119
Corno, D.: 20, 24, 34, 46 Drengson, A. R.: 109
Corver, H.: 67 Dressler, W. U.: 64
Costa, F. L.: 170 Dubois, J.: 16
Coulmas, F.: 30 Duberman, M.: 96
Coumet, E.: 4 Dubuffet, J.: 104
Coxsedge, J.: 154 Ducrot, 0.: 4
Coy, A.: 12 Duerr, H.-P.: 112
Culicover, P. W.: 62, 85, 194, Duff, P.: 125
197 Dumme11, M. : 67
Durand, J.: 48
Daix, P.: 138

Edelstein, A.: 125, 129 Fodor, J. A.: 11, 19, 69

Edward, C. T.: 72 Fodor, J. D.: 189, 197
Edwards, J.: 192 Fontana, L.: 65
Ege, N. : 35 Forman, A.: 138
Egli, U.: 39 Foucault, M.: 116, 153, 167
Ehrmann, H. W.: 96 Francard, M.: 83
Eichler, W.: 12 Francescato, G.: 7
Elders, F.: 116, 167 Fraser, J. B.: 17, 48, 195
Ellis, D.: 176 Freidel, F.: 105
Ellsberg, D.: 106 Fresco, N. : 142, 159
Elroich, V.: 42 Frost, E. C.: 92, 94
Emonds, J. E.: 9, 55, 189, 193, Fudge, E. C.: 37
197 Fuj imura, 0.: 34
Encrevé, P.: 37, 39 Fukui, N.: 74
Enthoven, J. P.: 138 FuÇuescu, M.: 24
Erteschik, N. : 198
Ervin, S.: 18, 47, 49 G.
Evans, C. R.: 168
Gabella, G.: 32
Gadafy, M.: 155
Galanter, E.: 15, 17, 24
Fabb, N.A.J.: 202 Gamst, F. C.: 81
Falk, R. A.: 157 Gardner, H.: 194
Fallows, J.: 158 Garrett, M.: 72
Fant, C.G.M.: 38 Gattengo, J.: 4
Farhi, A.: 120 Gavin, K. J.: 108
Faris, F.: 118, 120 Gazdar, G.: 175
Farren, P.: 160 Gellner, E.: 57
Farshbaf, A.: 120 George, L. M.: 200
Fauconnier, G.: 15 Georgin, R.: 161
Faurisson, R.: 135, 136 Gessinger, J.: 132
Faust, G. P.: 21 Getzler, D.: 40
Faye, J.-P.: 9, 43, 55, 62, 111, Gibson, E.: 91
113, 116, 117, 135, 153, 167, Gipper, H.: 7
171, 174 Gittings, J.: 144, 150, 175
Faye, M. 0.: 111 Gliedman, J.: 150, 176
Feinberg, W.: 63, 107, 125 Glucksberg, S.: 57
Fellman, J.: 65 Godelier, M.: 69
Ferebec, A. S.: 21 Goldsmith, J.: 199
Ferrara, G.: 103 Golopentia-Eretescu, S.: 38
Ferrate, J.: 35, 51 Goodall, G. T.: 193
Ferrater, G.: 27 Goodfader, J.: 175
Feuer, M. J.: 136 Goodman, M.: 94
Fiala, P.: 58 Goodman, N.: 30, 33
Fiengo, R. W.: 189, 199 Gopnik, A.: 67
Figge, U.: 52 Gorlier, C : 97
Fillmore, C. J.: 60 Gorodeckij, B. Ju.: 36
Finn, V. .: 9 Gott, R.: 158
Fitt, Y.: 120 Gottschalk, K.-D.: 49
Flanagan, P.: 133 Goyvaerts, D. L.: 39
Flew, A.: 96, 108 Gracia, F.: 32

Graffi, G.: 48, 58, 59, 61, 68 Harris, M. B.: 85

Grant, J. S.: 102 Harris, R.: 67
Gray, B.: 57 Harris, Z. S.: 193
Gray, M.: 57 Hartig, M.: 81
Gray, P. E.: 75 Hartular, A. B.: 40
Greenbaum, S.: 70 Hashimoto, M.: 19
Greenberg, J. H.: 11 Hatano, K.: 34
Greimas, A. J.: 46, 162 Hattori, Sh.: 45
Grendzier, I. L.: 115 Hawkey, R. L.: 7
Grewendorf, G.: 41, 44 Hayden, D. E.: 10
Griese, F.: 12 Head, S.: 112
Groos , A.: 66, 86 Hechler, J.: 117
Groos, M.: 5, 15, 46 Hedemann, L.: 83
Gross, R. A.: 96 Heilmann, L.: 19, 43
Grossman, E.: 120 Henning, M.: 41, 43
Grosu, A.: 57, 61 Heny, F.: 56, 66, 72
Grunig, B.-N.: 52 Herborth, F.: 32
Guérin, D.: 101 Herman, E. S.: 113, 116, 117,
Guéron, J.: 72 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 136,
Guimarães, F. M.: 27, 81 137, 144, 151, 156, 157, 161
Guitart, J. M.: 70 Herrnstein, R.: 109, 110
Gunderson, K.: 56 Hess, J.: 169
Guyard, M. R.: 52 Hewitt, M.: 147
Higginbotham, J.: 71, 202, 203
H. Higgins, F. R.: 198
Haas, W.: 7 Hildebrand, R.: 81
Hacking, I.: 67 Hill, A. A.: 10, 76
Haïk, I.: 203 Hill, J. H.: 69
Hale, D.: 94 Hill, K. C.: 39
Hale, K. L.: 186 Hillgen, B.: 168
Hall, B. C.: 195 {see also Partee) Hinds, J. V.: 196
Hall, R. A., Jr.: 25, 39 Hintikka, J.: 44
Halle, M.: 5, 6, 12, 23, 24, 27, Hirsch, D. H.: 57
38, 53, 73, 75, 186, 192 Hirschberg, D.: 15
Halliday, F.: 150, 153, 158, 177 Hitchens, C.: 151
Halloran, R.: 102 Hiž, H.: 21
Hamilton, W.: 96 Hlavsa, Z.: 30
Hammarström, E.G.U.: 38 Hoard, J. E.: 39
Hampshire, S.: 40 Hockett, C. F.: 6, 80
Hancock, .: 176 Hofer, A.: 12
Hankamer, G.: 64 Hoffman, A.: 99
Hannaford, R. L.: 25 Hoffman, S.: 100
Harada, K.: 73 Hollander, E. P.: 11
Harada, S.: 19 Holodovič, A. A.: 15
Hard, J. E.: 35 Holówka, T.: 26
Harman, G. H.: 8, 21, 25, 41, 50, Holzer, H.: 12
196 Hong, K.: 57
Harnad, S. R.: 59 Hook, S.: 40, 41, 107
Harris, J. W.: 39 Horecký, J.: 15
Harris, L.: 176 Horn, G. M.: 54

Hornstein, N. R.: 72 Joyce, A.: 176

Horvath, J.: 193 Juge, M.-T.: 130
Householder, F. W.: 23, 24
Howard, F.: 196 K.
Huang, C.T.J.: 79, 192
Kamio, A.: 31, 58, 68
Huckney, D.: 198
Kamp, A.: 92, 97, 100, 166
Hutchins, .: 152
Kampf, L.: 24
Hutchins, R. M.: 98
Kanngiesser, S.: 35, 51, 166
Huybregts, R.: 74, 174, 175
Kaplan, L. I.: 9
Hymes, D.: 74, 138
Karnow, S.: 149
Katz, J. J.: 11, 19, 54, 55, 56,
60, 71, 76, 194
Iida, M.: 113, 114 Kawamoto, S.: 28, 31, 45, 51
Imai, .: 60, 170, 202 awamura, N.: 141
Immler, M.: 44 Kawasaki, N.: 74
Ing-Djiang, S. : 74 Kayne, R. S.: 66, 72, 184, 189,
Ingrao, Ch.: 6, 13, 14, 48, 101 192
Inhelder, B.: 69 Kazemier, B. H.: 17
Inoue, K.: 58, 68 Kean, M.-L.: 74, 192
Isami, Y.: 8 Kearney, V. S.: 96
Itagaki, .: 47 Kegl, see Shepard-Kegl, J.
Iwakura, .: 62, 86 Kelly, J. B.: 115
Izzo, H. J.: 81 Kennedy, J. F.: 119
Kenstowicz, M. J.: 39
J. Kerstens, J.: 67
Khoon,  : 149
Jabara, A.: 104 Kibrik, A. E.: 22
Jackendoff, R. S.: 189 Kiefer, F.: 37, 40, 42, 82
Jacob, A.: 16, 87 Kiernan, B.: 151
Jacob, F.: 69 Kiesel, J.: 28, 53
Jacobs, R. A.: 40, 46 Kihm, A.: 85
Jacobsen, S.: 21 Kiljunen, K.: 150
Jaeggli, 0. A.: 190, 200 Kimura, M.: 97
Jakobovits, L. A.: 11, 21, 48 Kinsbourne, M.: 176
Jakobson, R.: 6, 13, 45, 46, 53, Kiparsky, P.: 54
75 Kiss, . É.: 86
Jakubczak, I.: 80 Kisseberth,  W.: 39
Jansen, S. C.: 69 Kissinger, H.: 116, 119
Jasienko, J.-M.: 97 Klausenburger, J.: 68
Jay, P.: 137, 170 Klein, A.: 94
Jing, G.: 79 Klein, W.: 22
Jiryis, S.: 120 Kleinbaum, P.: 119
Jochens, B.: 82 Klewer, K. A.: 28
Johnson, K.: 203 Klopper, M.: 101
Johnson, P.: 141 Koechlin, H.: 169
Johnson-Laird, P. N.: 69 Koerner, E.F.K.: 35, 85
Joly, A.: 25 Kohen, A.: 130
Jones, G. S.: 100, 166 Kohler, K. J.: 38
Jongen, R.: 38 Kolko, G. 153
Jordens, P.: 26 Kolodny, D.: 109

Konvitz, M. R.: 96 Leuninger, H.: 68

Koopman, H.: 193 Levi, E.: 27
Koster, J.: 71 Levi, I.: 75
Kraak, A.: 36 Levin, H.: 45
Kress, G. R.: 50, 52 Levin, N. G., Jr.: 115
Kress-Rosen, N. : 171 Lewy, G.: 128
Kretzmann, N. : 26 Li, X. Y.: 75
Kroeber, .: 109, 113 Lightfoot, D. W.: 72
Krupnik, S.: 160 Lightner, T. M.: 39
Kruse, R.: 27 Limqueco, P.: 101, 105
Kuci-Venegas,  : 6 7 Lin, S.: 79
Kuhlen, R.: 68, 83, 128 Linebarger, M. C.: 200
Kuroda, S.Y.: 189, 191, 194, 195 Lingrün, G.: 35, 51, 108
Kuwabara, T.: 47 Liu, L.: 83
Liu, Z.: 85
L. Ljapunov, A. A.: 5, 10, 11, 15,
16, 17
Lafeber, W.: 158
Ljung, M.: 26
Lakoff, G.: 54
Lleó, .: 52
Lakoff, R. T.: 26
Lockman, Z.: 17 7
Lamb, S. M.: 19, 21
Löfqvist, A.: 8
Lancaster, J.: 60
Lombroso, P.: 172
Lancelot, C.: 26
Lomkovskaja, M. V.: 11, 16
Land, S. K.: 26 Long, P.: 99
Lang, E.: 22 Longrigg, S. H.: 115
Lange, K.-P.: 8 Longuet-Higgins, H. C.: 72, 175
Langendoen, D. T.: 48, 50, 56, 61, Lowell, R.: 94
108, 195, Luce, R. D.: 15, 17, 24
Langlois, R.: 158 Luelsdorff, P. A.: 52, 85
Laroche, M.: 103, 108 Lukoff, F.: 5
Larochette, J.: 26 Lunt, H. G.: 5, 18
Lasch, C.: 172 Lupanov, 0. .: 11, 15, 16, 17
Lasnik, H.: 62, 64, 84, 198 Lurquin, G.: 84
Lauter, P.: 95 Lyons, J.: 7, 21, 57, 72
Laxuti, D. G.: 9
Lee, H.: 79
Lee, S.: 79
Leech, G.: 70 M( ) , P. J.: 21
Lehmann, W. P.: 76 Macdonald, J. W.: 38
Lehmann-Haupt, .: 108, 112 Maclntyre, A.: 40, 164
Leiber, J.: 52 Mack, A.: 118
Lenerz, J.: 41 Mackler, I.: 110
Leng, .: 149 Maclean, H.: 5
Lenneberg, E.: 64 Maddocks, M.: 102
Lenneberg, E. H.: 31, 32, 60 Madeau, M.: 168
Lentin, A.: 46 Magee, G.: 172
Léon, P.: 37 Magri, L.: 167
Leonard, J.: 66 Maher, J. P.: 38
Leopold, W. F.: 49 Makkai, V. .: 53
Lepschy, G. C.: 44, 178 Makovskij, M. M.: 13
Lester, M.: 40, 47, 54 Mal'cev, A. I.: 14

Mandelbaum, M.: 15 8 Monod, J.: 69

Mandell, J.: 177 Monroe, K.: 159
Manzini, M. R,: 202 Montalbetti, M.: 202
Marantz, A. P.: 200, 201 Montesinos, A.: 32
Marconi. J,: 27 Moore, J. N.: 153
Marcotte, E.: 57 Morales, H. L.: 22
Margalit, M.: 158 Moravcsik, J.M.E.: 6 8
Margo lis, M.: 159 Moreau, M.-L.: 53
Marick, H.: 68 Morgenbesser, S.: 44
Markman, C. L.: 102 Morgenthau, H. J.: 102, 110
Mascaró, J.: 164 Morison, S. E.: 105
Mason, H,: 101 Morley, M.: 156
Massam, D.: 187, 203 Moss, L. A.: 102
Matson, F. W.: 117 Mounin, G.: 7
Matthews, G. H.: 15 Mühle, G.: 12, 29
Matthews, P. H.: 21, 24, 29, 67 Murphy, R.: 159
Maxwell, G. : 56 Murray, E. .: 162
May, R. C.: 71, 199 Muste, A. J.: 93, 94
Mayer, H.: 108 Muto, I.: 154
McCawley, J. D.: 39, 52, 83, 193, Myerson, R. F.: 82
McCoy, A. W.: 104 N.
McGilvray, J. A.: 83
Nadal, J. M.: 5 8
McGinn, C.: 6 7
Nadeau, R.: 87
McQuaig, L.: 130
Nagel, E.: 14
Mead, R. G., Jr.: 28
Napoli, D. J.: 37, 65, 66
Meggle, G.: 41, 44, 58
Mehler, J.: 12, 14, 69, 72 Nebesky, L.: 15
Mehta, V.: 168 Nehru, J. : 111
Meisel, J. M.: 26 Neisser, U.: 176
Mel'čuk, I. A.: 14, 122 Nessly, L.: 39
Melman, S.: 96 Newman, J. B.: 49
Merk, F.: 105 Newmeyer, F. J.: 189, 192, 193,
Mhurchadha, C. N.: 28, 53 194
Michael, E.: 19 Nickel, G.: 82
Miel, J.: 25 Nishiyama, Y.: 58, 68
Mignot, X.: 61, 67 Nitzburg, A. C.: 33
Millán, J. A.: 40, 62 Nivette, J.: 8, 26
Miller, G. A.: 6, 9, 15, 16, 17, Nixon, R. M.: 116
Nocentini, A.: 43
64 Noizet, Y.: 14, 66
Miller, W. R.: 18, 47, 49 Norbeck, E.: 81
Millikan, C. H.: 32 Norris, P.: 156
Milner, J.-C.: 22 Nosek, J.: 35
Milner, Judith: 5 8 Novak, P.: 15
Milsark, G. L.: 198 Nutinen, 0.: 38
Miron, M. S.: 11, 21
Miyake, N.: 171
Mohanan, K. P.: 71, 86, 192
Mološnaja, T. N. : 7 Obenauer, H.: 66, 70
Moltedo, G.: 173 0'Brian, C. C.: 94, 98

O'Brian, R.: 147 Petrillo, R.: 94, 95

Ohlander, S.: 67, 85 Pevin, M.: 38
Ohman, R.: 19, 21 Pfeiffer, 0. E.: 64
Ohye, S.: 41 Piaget, J.: 59, 66, 68, 69, 169,
Oliva, S.: 32, 41, 43, 51 176
Oller, J. W.: 54 Piattelli-Palmarini, M.: 66, 68,
Olsson, .: 146 70
Ongaro, F. .: 109, 111 Piera, C. : 17
Orwell, G.: 77, 147 Pieretti, A.: 27
Osborne, M. E.: 102 Pinheiro, L.: 91
Osgood, .: 176 Pisarkowa, K. P.: 21
Otero, . P.: 9, 22, 37, 53, 55, Pisarkowie, W.: 21
94, 95, 101, 108, 114, 117, 118, Placido, B.: 172
121, 123, 126, 136, 137, 138, Planck, M.: 191, 193
146, 147, 167, 170, 177, 181, Plato: 77
192, 194 Platzak, C.: 84
Otsu, Y.: 200 Plochman, G. K.: 21
Polański, K.: 80
P. Pollak, I.: 32
Pollock, J.-Y.: 70
Padučeva, E. V. : 7, 17 Postal, P. M,: 84
Paikeday, T. M.: 76 Premack, D.: 65, 69, 173
Pala, K.: 15 Prideaux, G. D.: 24
Palek, K.: 80 Prillwitz, S.: 82
Panella, G. : 174 Promio, J.: 93
Pang, .: 79 Puglielli, A.: 51
Panov, D. Ju.: 13, 15 Pulgram, E.: 35
Papiro, F. L.: 20 Pullum, G. K.: 39, 74
Pariente, J.-C: 16, 26, 41, 43 Pustejovsky, J.: 201
Paris, J.: 43, 167 Putnam, H.: 30, 33, 69, 71
Parise, G.: 173
Parret, H.: 168
Parsons, C. D.: 75 Q.
Partee, B. H.: 58 {see also Hall, Quandt, W. .: 127
B.C.) Quine, W.V.O.: 36, 44
Parvu, I.: 73 Qun, D.: 85
Peng, F.C.C.: 21, 52
Percival, W. .: 26 R.
Peretz, M.: 136, 138, 155, 161
Perkins, .: 118 Radapest, H. B. : 107
Perlmuter, D. M.: 37, 190, 197 Ragni, A.: 68
Peroni, R.: 4, 85 Ragué, J.: 169
Perren, G. E.: 38 Rahv, P.: 129
Pesetsky, D. M.: 201 Raisier, W. L.: 57
Petaček, K.: 16 Ramat, P.: 20
Peter, H. W.: 21 Rand, E. J.: 20
Peters, J.: 149 Rando, E. N.: 37, 65
Peters, N. M.: 181 Ranieri, R.: 132
Peters, P. S.: 51 Raskin, V. V.: 36
Petersen, A. H.: 97 Reagan, R.: 139, 148, 155
Petras, J.: 156 Recchia, G.: 174
Reibel, D. A.: 21, 42, 195

Reich, B.: 127 Ruszkiewicz, P.: 87

Reime, H.: 174 Ruwet, N. : 8, 10, 13, 16, 30
Reinhart, T.: 199 Rybakova, M. V.: 14
Reix, A.: 61
Retbøll, T.: 133 S.
Revzin, I. I.: 9
Sabik, V.: 7
Rey, A.: 29
Safir, K.: 201
Rey, L.: 100, 166
Safran, N.: 126
Richard, Ph.: 16
Sag, I. A.: 199
Richards, J. C.: 54
Sáinz-Trápaga, N. S.: 32
Richardson, D.: 169
Saita, I.: 139
Rieber, R. W.: 60, 81, 176
Saito, M.: 202
Rieger, E.: 3
Salkoff, M.: 46
Rieux, J.: 26
Salmon, V. G.: 25
Rigotti, E.: 43
Samojlova, N. G.: 15
Rikko, N. N.: 11
Sampson, A.: 133, 141
Ring, H.: 92
Sampson, G.: 52, 56, 150, 152
Rizman, R. M.: 156
Sampy, J.: 61
Rizzi, L.: 51, 59, 61, 63, 66, 72,
Sanchez, A.: 161
73, 186, 194
Sapir, S. G.: 33
Roberts, A.: 161
Saporta, S.: 171
Roberts, P.: 18
Sarabia, J.: 76
Robinson, J.: 45
Sartre, J.-P.: 109
Robinson, P.: 66
Rohrer, C.: 38 Sato, M.: 31
Rokach, L.: 134 Sawada, S.: 34
Rollin, B. E.: 26 Sayigh, R.: 129
Ronat, M.: 43, 55, 62, 63, 65, 117 Scalise, S.: 8, 19, 56, 58
Ščerbakova, N. G.: 15
124, 131, 132, 164, 167, 171
Rosemont, H.: 107 Schaff, A.: 54
Schane, S. A.: 21, 42, 195
Rosenbaum, P. S.: 40, 46, 196
Scharf, J.-H.: 60
Rosenberg, J. F.: 22, 50
Scheffer, I.: 10
Rosiello, L.: 26, 48, 67, 166
Roslansky, J. D.: 43 Schein, B.: 203
Rosner, S.: 167 Schlain, F. G.: 136
Ross, J. R.: 193, 196 Schlesinger, A. M.: 92
Roszak, T.: 93 Schoenbrun, D.: 124
Rotenberg, J.: 199 Schonning, L.: 146
Rothblatt, B.: 30 Schutzenberger, M. P.: 15
Roubaud, J.: 43, 167, 174 Schwartz, A. : 141
Roulet, E. G.: 35, 48 Schwartz, H.: 7
Roussopoulos, D. I.: 147 Schwartz, U.: 35, 51
Rovira, J.: 91 Scialabba, G.: 138, 154, 160
Roy, C.: 138 Scinto, L. F.: 57
Roy, J.: 70 Searle, J. R.: 33, 50, 54, 57, 81
Rozencveig, V. Ju.: 7 Sebeok, T. A.: 29
Rubel, M.: 169 Seldon, M.: 110
Rubinstein, W. D.: 159 Sells, P.: 201
Rulon, C. M.: 38 Sempere, J.: 103, 108, 113
Ruske, N.: 81 Seremy, G.: 140
Sgall, P.: 21, 42, 52, 61

S g r o i , S. .: 8, 2 0 , 2 3 , 2 7 , 3 0 , Stitch, S. P.: 55, 58

33, 36, 40, 46, 56, 69, 7 1 , 9 1 , Stockwell, R. P.: 10
98, 109, 1 1 1 , 113, 115, 117, 120, Stosch, E.: 82
166 Stowell, T.: 186, 200, 201
S h a h a k , I . : 1 4 3 , 153 Strain, J. P.: 33, 50
S h a r e t t , M.: 133 Strizenec, M.: 15
Shaumyan, S.  . : 5 7 Strozer, A.: 147
S h e p a r d , J . M.: 97 Sturrock, J.: 57
S h e p a r d - K e g l , J . A . : 1 8 3 , 202 Suárez, A. G.: 33
Siegel, A.: 95 Subramanían, V.: 159, 175
Simone, R.: 8, 23 Suchsland, P.: 22
Sissung, M.: 115 Sullivan, J. J.: 81
Sjoblom, T. : 200 Suppes, P.: 14, 44
Skalmowski, W.: 15 Suzuki, T.: 31
Skinner, . F.: 11, 12, 19, 70, Svartvik, J.: 70
79, 108, 109, 117 Swedborg, R.: 159
Sklar, R.: 96, 166 Szépe, G.: 24
Skov, H.: 83
Sledd, J. H.: 45 T.
Smith, A. G.: 29
Takahashi, Y.: 93
Smith, J. D.: 64
Takeuchi, S.: 23
Smith, P. T.: 76, 82
Tamai, T.: 28, 47
Smith, T. L.: 67, 138
Tamás, S.: 38
Smitherman, G.: 173
Tappe, H.: 164
Snider, N. : 160
Tarski, A.: 14
Sober, E.: 67
Tate, G.: 10
Sontag, S.: 94, 141
Taylor, J.: 130
Sovkun, V. V.: 22
Taylor, T.: 107
Sowley, T.: 72
Tellier, A. R.: 49
Spa, J. J.: 39
Tembleque, J. .: 93, 100, 166
Sperber, D.: 26, 69, 87
ten Cate, A. P.: 26
Speroni, G. .: 23
Terazu, N.: 71
Spinelli, B.: 135, 138
Terry, J.: 104
Sportiche, D.: 202
Thibaud, P.: 138
Šrejder, Ju. A.: 9
Thomas, 0.: 31
Staal, J. F.: 7, 21, 164
Thompson, H. S.: 175
Stafski, D.: 112, 169
Thompson, J. A.: 159
Stam, J. H.: 35
Titone, R.: 23
Stampe, D.: 38
Titus, R.: 177
Stanosz, B.: 80
Todd, R.: 112
Stati, S.: 4, 22
Todorovič, G. B.: 53
Steele, J.: 144, 150, 175
Tondle, L.: 30
Stefancich, G.: 116
Tonelson, A.: 154
Stedman Jones, S., see Jones, J. S.
Tonfoni, G.: 86
Stefanelli, S.: 172, 173
Torrego, E.: 27
Steif, W.: 160
Toulmin, S.: 69
Steinbacher, .: 12
Touratier, C.: 52
Steinberg, D. D.: 48
Travis, C.: 22, 50
Steiner, G.: 34, 108, 162, 166
Travis, L.: 202
Steinweg, R.: 119
Treiber, .: 109
Steklis, H. D.: 60

Trim, J.L.M.: 38 Wade, .: 73

Tsurumi, Y.: 114 Walker, E.: 63, 64
Tucker, R. W.: 139 Walzer, M.: 115, 125
Tutescu, M.: 84 Wang, W.S.Y.: 60
Wang, Z.: 79
U. Wardhaugh, R.: 34
Wartofsky, M. W.: 33
Ugozzoni, A.: 40, 85
Wasow, T. A.: 62, 189, 197
Uitti, . D.: 25
Watson, J. D.: 194
Ulkan, M.: 58
Watson, T.: 109
Unger, J.: 102
Weber Sommermann, G.: 111
Weimar, W. .: 46
Weinroth, L.: 111
Vachek, J.: 19, 39, 80 Weinstein, R. H.: 4
Vaglio, .: 10 Weiss, P.: 101, 105
Vagn Jensen, .: 158 Weissberg, L.: 37, 52
Valesio, P.: 91, 166, 170 Weissman, S.: 113
Valli, .: 135 Weltman, R.: 146
van Buren, P.: 48 Wenner, P.: 35
van den Berg, .: 49 Wenzel, U.: 81
Vanderslice, R.: 50, 52, 80 Wescott, R. R.: 84
Venech, W. .: 98 White, M.: 44
Vanaik, A.: 160 Wiese, .: 30
van Holk, A.G.F.: 7 Wieseltier, L.: 143
van Riemsdijk, H.: 74, 168, 169, Wigforss, E.: 8
193 Wilks, Y.: 19, 34
van Schooneveld, C. H.: 5 Will, G. F.: 136
Van Velzen, A.: 176 Williams, E. S.: 71, 74, 193, 198
Varela, P.: 60 Williams, G. A.: 96
Vasquez, J.: 154 Williams, J. P.: 45
Vautero, F.: 25 Wilson, D.: 198
Vautherin, .: 58 Wilson, D. G.: 160
Vaerhave, T.: 35 Wilson, G.: 13
Vertechi, .: 97 Windsor, P.: 102
Viekery, M.: 150 Wodowski, E.: 28, 53
Vico, G.: 84 Wofsy, L.: 155
Vidal-Naquet, P.: 138 Woisetschlaeger, E. F.: 199
Viel, M.: 164 Wojtasiewicz, 0. A.: 54
Viertel, J.: 65, 173 Wolff, G.: 102
Vigier, J.-P.: 120, 121 Wolff, R. P.: 94
Vincent, J. M.: 91 Wolin, S. S.: 112
Vincent, M.: 170 Woodhouse, C. M.: 141
Vincent, N. : 85 Woolf De Benedetti, A.: 22, 48
Vitacolonna, L.: 172 Wulff, E.: 27
Voegelin, C. F.: 7, 61
Voss, J.: 80 X.
Voyat, G. E.: 176
Vuysje, D.: 17
Yang, W.: 84
W. Yano, M.: 171

Y a s u i , M.: 2 2 , 4 7 , 52 Zimmer, K. E.: 25

Y u v a l - D a v i s , N. : 118 Zimmermann, R.: 49
Zinn, H.: 106
Z. Zubizarreta, M. L.: 202
Zvegincev, V. A.: 8, 13, 15, 22,
Zagona, K. T.: 71
35, 36
Zymliak, M.: 148
Zwicky, A. M.: 42
Zgusta, L.: 21, 25, 35
Zhou, X.: 84 * * * * *
Zimand, R.: 25

Completed, Engelskirchen-Bickenbach, Germany, 10 September 1986 — . 

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