Worldwide Anglican Church CANONS

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AUGUST 20TH, 2019)


The Worldwide Anglican Church declares its belief in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and
New Testaments as the Word of God and the only sufficient Rule of Faith and entreats
all the faithful to read the same diligently, not only as their duty and privilege, but in
obedience to Christ’s command, “Search the Scriptures.” For the moral instruction
contained therein, it accepts also the so-called Apocryphal books.


The Worldwide Anglican Church accepts the Nicene Creed, without the “filioque”
interpolation as the only one of universal obligation but believes also the other two
symbols known as the Apostles’ Creed, and the Creed of S. Athanasius.

The Worldwide Anglican Church receives as Ecumenical the Seven General Councils
whose dogmatic decrees are today accepted by all Apostolic Churches of the East and
West, viz:- (1) Nicea, 325; (2) Constantinople, 381; (3) Ephesus, 431; (4) Chalcedon,
451; (5) Constantinople, 553; (6) Constantinople, 680; (7) Nicea, 787.


The Worldwide Anglican Church holds that a Sacrament is a sacred rite divinely
instituted to convey grace, having a sensible or visible sign connected with prayer as the
means by which the grace is conveyed. It receives as a part of the original deposit of the
faith “once for all delivered to the saints” the Seven Gospel Sacraments.


It acknowledges Baptism as the Sacrament established by Christ to cleanse man from the
Original Sin and to make them members of the Christian Church, it is the sacrament of
Regeneration of the New Birth.


It believes that Confirmation is the Sacrament in which the Holy Spirit is given with the
fullness of His Gifts to the believer and regards the Bishop as the ordinary minister of this
Sacred Rite.


It believes that in the Sacrament of Penance, Jesus Christ Himself inwardly loses from
their sins those who sincerely repent of them and outwardly make a confession and that
every validly ordained priest has the power to pronounce Christ’s pardon to penitent
sinners confessing their sins. It allows both public and private confession, the mode being
optional with the penitent.

We respect that our clergies hold different views on the Eucharist, as they have come to
us from different denominations and backgrounds. Most see it as both a Sacrament and a
Sacrifice offered for the living and the dead, whilst others see it as a symbolic
remembrance as in the 30 articles of faith. For the former, our clergies believe that in this
most holy Sacrament of the Altar there is the Real Presence of the glorified spiritual
Body and Blood of Christ under the forms of bread and wine, the mysterious
transformation being effected by the Holy Spirit. Since this is a mystery it shuns all terms
of definition and description. It maintains that the Chalice should not be denied the laity
in holy communion; it believes that the Liturgy ought to be said in the language of the
people; and it permits in connection with this Sacrament the use of the names Eucharist,
Mass, or Divine Liturgy.


It believes the Unction of the Sick to be a Sacrament of the New Dispensation, instituted
for the spiritual and corporal solace of the sick, to be used for the benefit of the Christian
when seriously ill, and not only when approaching death. Both the mode and the efficacy
of this Sacrament are indicated in the fifth chapter of the Epistle of St. James.


It believes that Order is a Sacrament which confers upon those who validly receive it the
power to exercise special ministerial function, Bishops alone being the ministers of this
Sacrament. The greater, or Holy Orders, which are of divine institution, are the
Episcopate, the Priesthood, and the Diaconate, reader, exorcist, acolyte, and sub-deacon.
It believes the episcopate necessary for the life of the Church, that all bishops are equal in
power and authority by divine right and that their prerogatives of honor and jurisdiction
are derived from the Church and regulated by her canons.

It believes marriage, when a man and woman are joined together according to the sacred
rite of the Church, to be a sacrament, and that the civil ceremony of marriage prescribed
by law in certain countries, should always be blessed by the priest. There should be no
dissolution of the bonds of marriage except for adultery, and malicious desertion
(including proven extreme abuse,) and no priest of this Church is permitted to perform
the marriage ceremony of any person who has a divorced husband or wife living, unless
such a person produces satisfactory evidence from court records that he or she is the
innocent party in a divorce granted for the cause of adultery or malicious desertion. In all
cases involving the marriage of a divorced person, the priest must submit the facts to, and
receive the consent of his/her Bishop, before performing the rite.


The Worldwide Anglican Church believes that the departed saints are not dead, but
living, and that if the prayers of the righteous on earth avail much, the prayers of our
glorified brethren nearer the throne of God must be more potent. Hence, we consider it a
good and useful practice to invoke the prayers of the saints for us, and to pray ourselves
for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.


The Worldwide Anglican Church holds that pictures and images of Christ and the Saints
may be reverenced as sacred things, though not adored. We do not deny any Christian the
use of this pious practice if it is an aid to worship, but we caution against abuses thereof
when the picture or image is given the adoration which belongs only to God, or its
veneration considered necessary to salvation or justification.

The name of this Church, which was organized September 2nd, 1921 was The African
Orthodox Church. Its faith, as declared, was Orthodox, in conformity with the Orthodox
Churches of the east from which its Episcopate was derived. While it admitted to
membership and other privileges persons of all races, it sought particularly to reach out to
millions of African descents in both hemispheres and declared itself to be perpetually
autonomous and controlled by Africans. Hence the name, African Orthodox.

The African Orthodox Church (AOC) owed its Episcopate and Apostolic Authority to the
Syrian Church of Antioch where their disciples were first called Christians, and of which
the See of St Peter the Apostle was the first Bishop. In a Bull issued by Ignatius Peter III,
Patriarch of Antioch and the East, permission was given for the Consecration of the Priest
Joseph Rene Vilatte as Archbishop – Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of America, namely,
for churches adhering to the Orthodox Faith; and, on May 29th, 1892, Archbishop Vilatte
was duly consecrated in Ceylon by Archbishop Julius Alvarez, assisted by the Syrian
Bishops George Gregorius and Paul Athanasius, all three being under obedience of the
Patriarch of Antioch.

On September 28th, 1921, in the United States, George Alexander McGuire, who was born
in South Africa and served in Anglican Church in South Africa and the United States of
America until 1918、until he was rejected by the administration of the Anglican Church
(Canterbury) after he had been elected to the office of Bishop, was consecrated to the first
Bishop and Primate of the AOC by Archbishop Joseph Rene Vilatte, assisted by Bishop
Carl A. Nybladh who had been consecrated by Vilatte. Bishop McGuire was thrived to lay
the foundation of the newborn AOC and on September 10th, 1924, he was elected to
Archbishop. Then Archbishop McGuire declared that he is forming a sect of the Anglican
Church “for our race”, thus the unity of the AOC, South Africa and the United States of
America, began. Archbishop McGuire was elected as Patriarch by the Conclave of Bishops
with the title of Alexander I.

In 1934, the AOC had about 30,000 members, about fifty clergies, and thirty churches in
Africa and the United States of America. Alexander I died on November 10th, 1934, and
Archbishop George Ford (1897-2004), succeeded the mantle.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the Church played a massive role in the fight against
APARTHEID in South Africa and worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in the United
States of America. In 1997, AOC implemented the reform and changed its name to the
Anglican African Orthodox Church (AAOC). From its inception, the AAOC set out to
prevent the notion that we are a black church. We made it clear that we serve all God’s
people; thus, in 2002 there was a name change to Anglican Church Worldwide (ACW.)
Unjust leadership prompted the Church Reformation. The initiative to commence the ACW
reform was taken by the prevailing Bishops and Priests because of the egocentric
leadership, obscure accountings and duplicitous exploitations demonstrated by the former
Presiding Archbishop in Illinois, USA during his administration. Following the eradication
of wrongful concords of the previous administration, the ACW renounced its name and
became the Worldwide Anglican Church (WAC) in July 2017.

In August 2019, a conference was held to end the ongoing theological debate within the
church. As a result of the deliberations, the conference resolved to divide the church into
two in a legitimate manner. The WAC formally approved the resolution of the conference
of which regulates the division of the church and the inheritance by both groups led by
Archbishop Lwanga Tusubira and Johnson, and the group named the Continuing Anglican
Church (Coanch) led by Archbishop Sato. In September, the WAC and the Coanch arrived
at a partnership agreement and agreed to maintain mutual cooperation and mutual apostolic

What is an Anglican Church? Anglicanism is a tradition within Christianity comprising the

Church of England and churches which are historically tied to it or have similar beliefs,
worship practices and church structures. With a membership estimated at around 80 million
members worldwide, the Anglican faith (including both those within the Anglican
Communion and Anglicans outside of it) is the third largest Christian communion in the
world, after the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. The Anglican faith
is often considered a reformed Catholicism, a hybrid between the Catholic and Protestant
faiths. (For instance, one key dividing point between Anglicanism and Catholicism is the
issue of absolute authority.

The Anglican Communion is an international association of churches consisting of the

Church of England and of national and regional Anglican churches in full communion with
that mother church. The status of full communion means that there is mutual agreement on
essential doctrines and that full participation in the sacramental life of each church is
available to all communicant Anglicans. There are also groups, such as those aligned with
the Continuing Anglican movement or the Anglican realignment, whose relationship to the
worldwide Anglican Communion is still being negotiated. The Worldwide Anglican
Church is not part of the Anglican Communion officially. However, we are in spiritual
union with all Anglicans around the world.
His Grace, Archbishops Lwanga Tusubira is the spiritual leader for the WAC who call the
yearly Synods and chair the meeting of Primates (i.e., chief archbishop or bishop of a
province.) He is considered the primus inter pares, the first among equals, of the college of

The Book of Common Prayer is the foundational prayer book of Anglicanism. In 1549, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, created the book by translating Latin
Catholic liturgy into English, and infused the prayers with Protestant reform theology. The
book became one of the great works of literature and influenced both the English language
and the liturgies of other Christian traditions.

There are numerous terms that are unique to or have distinctive meanings when referring
to Anglicanism, such as: bishop (a successor to one of the Twelve Apostles, who has been
consecrated by other bishops), archbishop (a bishop who has additional responsibilities),
communion (refers to both the Lord’s Supper and the Anglican Communion), curate (an
assistant to the person in charge of a parish), deacon (the initial level of being ordained in
the Anglican Church), diocese (fundamental unit of structure of the Anglican church,
which contains many parishes and churches) parish (smallest unit of administration,
usually consisting of only one church), province (administrative division of the church that
is bigger than a diocese and smaller than the whole world), rector (a priest who is the leader
of a self-supporting parish), and vicar (the priest in charge of a parish or mission that is
supported financially from the outside).

The work of this body began in earnest and continues to develop a strong foundation across
the world as a unified traditional Anglican faith. History will decide on the work of the
WAC, but it will be left to our successors to carry the vision. It is our hope that we, who
have courageously and boldly planted the seeds of growth, while we will not see it, will
bear fruit that brings others to the kingdom of God. We pray at that time that much will not
be said of who we were, but that what we have done.

The work of this body began in earnest and it took (and is) in developing a strong
foundation. We began in South Africa and the USA, but now we have purview over
thousands of parishes and clergies across five continents which will enhance the unified
traditional Anglican faith.
History will decide on the work of the WAC, but it will be left to our successors to carry
the vision. It is our hope that we, who have planted the seeds of growth, while we will not
see it, will bear fruit that brings others to the kingdom of God. We pray at that time that
much will not be said of who we were, but that what we have done. Operations of the
Church are now conducted with the utmost fairness and the organization is dedicated to
establishing a resilient and welcoming foundation for devoted believers worldwide.

The Worldwide Anglican Church Central Office is registered and incorporated in Uganda
and also registered in Ohio of the United States of America.



The general legislation of this Church and the direction of all matters which concern
and belong to and affect the Church as a whole shall be vested in its General Synod,
subject to its “Declaration of Faith” and to such Constitution and Cannons as it may
from time to time adopt.



The General Synod shall be composed as follows: –

1. Of all Archbishops of this Church.

2. Of each Lead Bishop
3. Of Lay Deputies to be selected as provided in the Canons.


General Synod shall convene on the third Monday in December in each year unless
for good reason the Patriarch and Matriarch shall see fit to make a change, in which
case they shall state the reason in the notice of a new date and shall allow enough time
for deputies from distant points to arrive. When deputies are unable to attend in
person, a dispensation will be made for them to join through secured digital media
with exceptional circumstances considered. The Patriarch and Matriarch, for urgent
reasons, by and with the consent of at least two-thirds of the Officers of the General
Synod, may on sixty days’ notice call an extraordinary meeting of the General Synod.
At any time, the General Synod may determine by a two-thirds vote to meet bi-
annually or tri-annually.



Section 1.

The officers of the General Synod shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary,

Treasurer, and Chancellor.

Section 2.

The President shall be one of the Primates, Archbishop, or Presiding Bishop of the
Church. The Vice-President shall be a Bishop elected by ballot at each regular
meeting of the General Synod. The Secretary shall be a bishop or senior Priest; the
Treasurer shall be a bishop or senior Priest. All these shall be elected by ballot at each
regular meeting of the General Synod.

Section 3.

The duties of said officers shall be those pertaining to their respective offices, and
such others as may be prescribed by the Canons.

Section 4.

During the period intervening between sessions of the General Synod, the Worldwide
Anglican Church Consistory, consisting of all Officers of the General Synod, shall
transact the business of the Church, making a report thereof at the next meeting of the
General Synod. The Patriarch and Matriarch are the presidents of the Consistory.

Section 5.

All Archbishops of this Church shall be members of the House of Bishops (HOB) of
which the Patriarch and Matriarch are Presidents. The HOB shall safeguard the
Episcopate and the Declarers of Faith and seek communion with other Churches of
the Anglican tradition.



Section 1.

General Synod shall debate and vote as a general body according to such
parliamentary rules as may be adopted, and freedom of debate shall always be

Section 2.

On all matters pertaining to faith, order and Worship, the Clergy alone shall vote, the
Bishops and Priests separately, and concurrence of both Orders shall be necessary for
the passage of the measure so voted on.

Section 3.

Three Archbishops and three Bishops, with the Presidents of the General Synod, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. This number may be increased by
legislation at any session of the General Synod.



A Commission of which the Bishops shall be members shall prepare a Liturgy

Anglican in faith, derived from the Latin Rite, and published in the English Language.
The forms of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer shall be employed wherever
suitable in the compilation of said Liturgy. Until a Hymnal of this Church is provided,
the use of the “English Hymnal,” or of “Hymns Ancient and Modern” is authorized,
care being exercised in the choice of the hymns.



This Constitution, until otherwise ordered, may be amended at any stated meeting of
the General Synod by a two-thirds vote of all present and voting.



Section 1.

Lay deputies shall be elected to each General Synod at a regularly called meeting of
each Parish for said purpose. In all cases, they must be communicant members of the
congregation they are chosen to represent.

Section 2.

Each parish shall be entitled to one Lay Deputy, but if its communicant membership
as reported by it to General Synod be two hundred or more, it shall be entitled to two
such Deputies.
Section 3.

No candidate for Holy Orders shall be eligible as a Lay Deputy.



Section 1.

The secretary of the General Synod shall be chosen by ballot and shall appoint his/her
Assistant with the approval of the General Synod. In addition to his/her general duties,
he/she shall preserve and file in the archives of the Church all documents, papers,
reports, and communications relating to the business of the General Synod which may
come into his/her possession. He/she shall be the Registrar of the Church and hall
keep a record of the Consecration of all its Bishops and the ordination of all its
Priests. He/she shall also keep a Register of all Bishops, Priests and other Ministers of
this Church, whose names shall be delivered to him/her in the following manner, that
is to say: Every Bishop of this Church, or where there is no Bishop, the Bishop’s
Council, shall at the time of every General Synod deliver or cause to be delivered to
the said Secretary a list of the names of all Clergy of this Church in their Diocese or
Jurisdiction, annexing the names of their parishes or other official positions and their
places of residence.

Section 2.
The Journal of the General Synod shall be prepared for publication by the Secretary,
and after examination and certification by the President, shall be printed as the official
and permanent record of this Church.

Section 3.

The necessary expenses incurred by the Secretary shall be provided for by the vote of
the General Synod.



It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the General Synod to receive and disburse all
funds collected under the authority of the General Synod and for which there is no
other regulation. He/she shall present a summarized report at the opening session of
each stated meeting of the General Synod, and his/her books of account shall be
audited by the Committee on Finance.



The Chancellor of the General Synod shall be a person having knowledge of the
principles of Civil Law and vested in Canon Law, to whom shall be referred all
requests for interpretation of the Constitution and Canons of this Church. He/she shall
be the Adviser of the Patriarch and Matriarch Presidents and HOB in all legal and
judicial matters, and with their consent shall secure such legal talent as may be
necessary for the affairs of this Church. He/she shall make a summarized report of
his/her activities at the first session of each stated meeting of the General Synod.



The contingent expenses of the General Synod shall be defrayed by assessments upon
the several congregations of this Church, said assessments to be made annually by the
Committee on Finance, and authorized by the General Synod.



At each stated meeting of General Synod, the Presidents shall appoint the following
Commissions and Committees:

A Commission on Liturgy and Hymnal

Consisting of the Patriarch and Matriarch and other Bishops, and three Priests who
shall set forth a Liturgy and Hymnal, or portions thereof, or revise said Liturgy and
Hymnal from time to time. This Commission shall publish all theological,
ecclesiastical, and devotional literature of this Church.

A Committee on Constitution and Canons

Consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, and other Bishops, two Priests and two
Laymen, of which the Chancellor shall be one, to whom shall be referred all
alterations or amendments to the Constitution and Canons.

A Committee on Finance

Consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, two Priests and two Laymen, who shall
perform the duties usually pertaining to such a Committee, such as caring for the
contingent expenses of the General Synod, levying assessments for any purpose
ordered by the General Synod, and auditing all financial reports and statements. The
Treasurer of the General Synod shall be an ex-officio member of this Committee for
the purpose of receiving funds and giving desired information but without a vote.

A Committee on Church Extension Fund

Consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, two Priests and two laymen, who shall perform
the duties of a Board of Missions and shall have the power to raise funds for the
assistance of new congregations. This Committee shall take charge of all contributions
and donations for any purpose connected with the Extension work of this Church or of
any charitable or benevolent institution thereof. It shall also be the Trustees of all
property, real and personal, held by any parish or congregation, which receives
regular financial aid from said Committee.

A Committee on the Episcopate Fund

Consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, two Priests and two laymen who shall levy
assessments and raise offerings for the support and traveling expenses of the
Patriarch, Matriarch, and senior Bishops of this Church.
A committee on the St. Agnes Christian Education Center

Consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch, and other Bishops, two priests and the Director
or Dean of the Center. This Committee shall have general charge and oversight of all
the affairs of the Center.

All Commissions and Committees herein mentioned shall make a report at every
stated meeting of the General Synod and a majority of all the members of any such
Commissions or Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
They shall keep a proper record of all proceedings and funds.



Section 1.

Ten or more contiguous parishes of this Church being self-supporting, with ten or
more Priests of this Church each of whom shall be Rector of one of the said parishes,
may constitute themselves into a Diocese having first received the consent of the
General Synod. Such Diocese shall take its name from a city or another geographical
designation and shall form its own Diocesan Synod under the Jurisdiction of a Bishop
of this Church, elected by such Synod. Each Diocesan Synod shall be composed of all
the Priests of this Church resident within its limits and such number of Lay Deputies
from each Diocesan Synod shall have the power to frame a Constitution and canons
for its own government not conflicting with the Constitution and Canons of the
General Synod.
Section 2.

The territorial boundaries of a Diocesan Synod shall be fixed by the General Synod
and shall not be changed except such Synod by a majority vote requests and received
the consent of the General Synod.

Section 3.

The General Synod may establish Missionary and Special Jurisdictions with territorial
boundaries ad elect Bishops therefor, and each such Jurisdiction shall make Canons
for its government under the direction of its Bishops not conflicting with the
Constitution and Canons of the General Synod.

Section 4.

The Bishop shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of his/her Diocese or Jurisdiction

with the assistance of a Bishop’s Council of not less than four members who may be
Priests or Laymen, and who shall be appointed by the Bishop at each annual meetings
of Synod. If there be no Bishop, the Council alone shall be the Ecclesiastical

Section 5.

No Candidate for Holy Orders shall be eligible as a Lay Deputy to a Diocesan Synod.


Section 1.

Any Priest of this Church in good standing may be elected a Bishop, and any Bishop
of this Church may be elected over a vacant Diocese or appointed by General Synod
over a Jurisdiction.

Section 2. (a)

A Bishop of a Diocese shall be elected by the Synod thereof at a meeting called for
said purpose according to the canons of this Church, by the concurrent vote by ballot
of the Clergy and lay Duties voting separately.


A Bishop or a Missionary or Special Jurisdiction shall be elected at any meeting of the

General Synod by the concurrent vote by ballot of the Bishops and Clergy voting
separately and the Lay Deputies voting separately.

Section 3.

No election of a Bishop by a Diocesan Synod is valid until confirmed by the

Worldwide Anglican Church, or by the General Synod if such an election occurs less
than three months prior to a meeting of General Synod.
Section 4.

Every Bishop-elect, being a Priest before his Consecration, shall present to the
Archbishop Primate of the Country and to the Deputy Archbishop Primate to the
Country his/her certificate of election duly signed by all the Officers clerical and lay
of the Diocesan or General Synod electing him/her; also, a statement from the
Secretary of the General Synod of the Confirmation of his/her election; also, a
certificate of good character signed by three Priests in the following form:

“We whose names are underwritten, fully realizing how important it is that the office
of a Bishop should not be unworthily conferred, and firmly persuaded that it is our
duty to bear testimony on this solemn occasion, without partiality or affection, do, in
the presence of Almighty God, testify that ________ is not, so far as we are informed,
justly liable to evil report, either for error in the Anglican faith or for an inappropriate
life, and that we do not know or believe there is any impediment on account of which
he/she ought not to be Consecrated to the office of a Bishop in the One Holy Catholic
and Apostolic Church. We do, moreover, jointly and severally declare that we do, in
our conscience, believe him/her to be of such sufficiency in good learning, such
soundness in doctrine, and of such virtuous and pure manners and godly conversation,
that he/she is apt and meet to exercise the office of a Bishops, to the honor of God and
the edifying of His Church, and to be a wholesome example to the flock of Christ.”

These requirements being complied with, the Patriarch and the Matriarch, or some
other Bishop or Bishop’s designated by them, shall proceed to consecrate the Bishop-
elect according to the established Canons by this Church.

Section 5.

No man or woman shall be consecrated a Bishop in this Church until he/she be forty
years old, and no man or woman shall be consecrated an Archbishop in this Church
until he/she be fifty years old. In circumstances where a highly experienced and
qualified candidate is presented under the age of forty or fifty years old, due
consideration and inspection will be made. If a candidate is found to be exceptionally
qualified, the WAC will agree to his/her Ordination and Consecration.
Section 6.

Every Bishop of this Church shall reside within his/her own Diocese or Jurisdiction
unless excused from so doing by a vote of the Worldwide Anglican Church HOB or
the General Synod. He/she shall visit the congregations within his/her charge at least
once a year for the purpose of performing the spiritual duties of his/her office and
examining the temporal state of each such congregation. The expenses incurred by
such a visit shall be defrayed in part or whole by the congregation for whose benefit it
is made, or in such other way as the Synod of the Diocese or Jurisdiction shall

Section 7.

Every Bishop in charge of a Diocese or Jurisdiction shall make a written report of his
work and episcopal acts to General Synod, mailing same so that it may be in the hand
of the Secretary of General Synod, or of its Presidents, at least twenty days prior to the
stated meeting of the General Synod.

Section 8.

In case of the death, resignation, or vacancy by any other cause of a Bishop of a

Missionary or Special Jurisdiction, the oversight of the vacant Jurisdiction shall pass
to the Patriarch or Matriarch of this Church, who will appoint some other Bishop as
his/her substitute, until the next meeting of the General Synod when a new Bishop
shall be chosen for the Jurisdiction or Diocese.

Section 9.
Any Bishop of a Jurisdiction may resign the same with the consent of the General
Synod, after which he/she shall perform episcopal acts only at the request of Bishops
having jurisdiction or of the General Synod. The Bishop of any Diocese may resign
the same or be relieved from the duties of his/her office by the Synod thereof for
causes not affecting his/her moral character. All Bishops so resigning or relieved shall
retain their seats in the Conclave, or House of Bishops, the Worldwide Anglican
Church Consistory, and be entitles to vote in General Synod.

Section 10.

Upon the death or resignation of an Archbishop and Primate, the Deputy Archbishop
Primate shall immediately call a meeting of the House of Bishops to elect his/her
successor. A majority of all Bishops of the Church shall form a quorum. The votes of
all absent Bishops on a personally signed ballot shall be counted with the ballots of
the Bishops present and voting, and the result of said election shall be published in all
Dioceses and Jurisdictions of this Church.

Section 11.

Until the election of an Archbishop, the Deputy Archbishop Primate shall be the
Acting Primate of the Worldwide Anglican Church in each Country.




Section 1.
No person shall be ordained to the Ministry in this Church, who for reasons affecting
is/her moral character, has been refused ordination elsewhere.

Section 2.

No person shall be ordained to the Ministry of this Church if they belong to another
Church organization until such time that they have duly resigned from that

Section 3.

No Person shall be ordained to the Priesthood in this Church until he/she be thirty
years old.

Section 4.

Every person to be admitted to Holy Orders in this Church shall be examined by a

Bishop and his/her Examining Chaplains whose duty it shall be to ascertain that
he/she is well versed in the Holy Scriptures, the Faith and Worship of this Church, the
history of the Undivided Church, Sermon Composition and delivery, Pastoral
Theology, and the Constitutions and canons of this Church. Before such examination,
he/she shall present a Testimonial from at least one Priest, two male and two female
communicants of this Church signifying a belief in his/her fitness for this sacred
office and in his/her purity, good morals and behavior for the space of three years
past. He/she must further be able to show that he/she is deemed to be useful in
ministerial work.
Section 5.

Deacons shall not be given charge of congregations, but shall be assistants to Priests,
or serve temporarily in a congregation under the supervision of the Bishop. Deacons
may preach sermons and perform Infant Baptism in the absence of a Priest and only
with the consent of the Bishop. They shall be assistants, but not celebrants of the

Section 6.

No Deacon or other Minister, not being a Priest, shall be transferred from one Diocese
or Jurisdiction to another except by mutual agreement of the Bishops concerned.

Section 7.

No one shall be ordained a Priest until such time as he/she is entering upon pastoral or
other duties assigned him/her in this Church by the Bishop, and any Priest who shall
leave his/her sacred calling and the duties thereof to engage in secular work after
his/her ordination shall be officially counseled by his/her Bishop and otherwise
disciplined should he/she persist in the same against the reprimand of said Bishop.

Section 8.

Any Priest of this Church in good standing may at his/her own request, be transferred
with Letters Testimonial to the Jurisdiction of any other Bishop who may desire to
receive him/her. Every transfer when effected shall be reported to the Secretary of the
General Synod by the Bishop receiving the Priest in question.


Section 1.

No Priest in charge of any congregation of this Church, or in case of vacancy or

absence, no Wardens, Vestrymen or Trustees of the Congregation shall permit any
person, not a Minister or Reader of the Worldwide Anglican Church to officiate in
any manner in Divine services.

Section 2.

There shall be no pulpit exchanges by Priests of this Church with the ministers of
other religious bodies. The Bishop alone may, for the extraordinary reason given in
writing permission to a Christian man/woman with a special message, on the request
of the Priest in charge to speak from the Lectern or Pulpit of any Church in his
Diocese or Jurisdiction. Any violation of this Canon will be cause for the discipline of
the offender.

Section 3.

Any Priests, in good standing, may be elected by the Wardens and Vestrymen/women
of any congregation of this Church as the Rector of said Church, provided that the
consent of the Bishop having jurisdiction has been first given and his/her approval of
the Priests in question stated in writing.
Section 4.

Every Priest in charge of a congregation shall keep a Register of Baptisms,

Confirmations, Communicants, Marriages and Burials, with a list as far as practical of
the families under his/her care, which Register shall be open to the Bishop for
inspection and shall be the property of the Parish for the use of subsequent Priests.

Section 5.

It shall be the duty of every Priest in charge of a congregation to select all Hymns and
Tunes to be sung at any time of worship. He/she shall suppress all secular and
unseemly music which may profane the service of the sanctuary of God.

Section 6.

Every Priest in charge of a congregation, or if the charge is vacant, the Wardens of the
congregation, shall annually present a report thereof to the Synod of Jurisdiction at its
regular meetings according to the form designated by the Canons of the Diocese and
Jurisdiction. If any Priest of this Church from any cause or inability neglect to
perform his/her duties in the congregation under his/her charge or should fail to
appoint or permit any other Priests to perform such duties, the Wardens and
vestrymen/women of such congregation shall report the facts in the case to the Bishop
who shall take any action deemed necessary by him/her.

Section 7.

A pastoral connection in this Church may at any time be terminated by the consent of
both parties, or by the decision of the Bishop or Bishop’s Council having jurisdiction,
on the appeal by one party, after giving notice to the other party. In case the Priest
refuses to abide by the decision of the Bishop or Bishop’s Council having jurisdiction
he/she shall forfeit his/her right to a seat in the General and Diocesan Synod and shall
be further subject to disciple for disobedience of the Ecclesiastical Authority. In case
the Congregation refuses to abide by such decision it shall forfeit the right of Lay
representation in the General and Diocesan Synods and shall be liable to be otherwise
disciplined by the Bishop having jurisdiction. Either party shall have the right of
Appeal to the final decisions of the ensuing General Synod.



Section 1.

No person shall be admitted by a Bishop as a candidate for Holy Orders in the

Worldwide Anglican Church unless he/she have produced a certificate signed by at
least one Priest, two male and two female communicants of this Church certifying that
from personal knowledge, or from satisfactory evidence laid before them, they believe
that he/she is pious, sober and honest; that he/she adheres to the faith, Worship and
Discipline of this Church; is an enrolled communicant in a congregation of the same;
and in their opinion possess such qualifications as will render him/her capable, Called
and prepared to exercise the Ministry to the Glory of God and the edifying of His

Section 2.

Every Person desiring to become a candidate for Holy Orders in this Church shall
apply in writing to the Bishop having jurisdiction over the congregation in which
he/she is enrolled as a communicant, and such Bishop having examined him/her to
discover his/her academic qualifications, life experience, secular experience, and
soundness in the Episcopal Faith may admit him/her a candidate by and with the
advice of the Bishop’s Council.
Section 3.

No candidate for Holy Orders shall be transferred from the jurisdiction of one Bishop
to that of another unless with the mutual consent of both Bishops.

Section 4.

Any candidate for Holy Orders may be dropped from the list of candidates by his/her
Bishop for causes affecting his moral character, for habitual neglect of the
ministrations of the Church, especially the Eucharist, and for repeated failure to
successfully pursue his/her studies. No candidate so dropped shall again be accepted a
candidate for Holy Orders except by the same Bishop or his/her successors. In any
case in which the candidate has reason to believe that he/she is unjustly dealt with
he/she shall have the right to appeal to the judgment of the Patriarch and Matriarch
whose decision shall be final.

Section 5.

The term of continuance as a candidate shall be determined by the Bishop or Bishop’s

Council having jurisdiction.

Section 6.

Religious Orders of men and women may be organized with the authority and consent
of the Bishop of the Diocese or Jurisdiction for promoting the life of sacrifice, love,
and service towards God, His Church, and humanity in general. The Superior of each
Order shall be under the direct and immediate supervision of the Bishop who shall
have full control of the temporal and spiritual affairs of every religious Order. No
abuse of any man or woman will be tolerated by this Church. Should a person with
Religious Orders find him/herself in a position of any form of abuse including sexual,
physical, spiritual or mental intimidation, they will have the right to a hearing, which
should initially be in written format to the Bishop.



The Worldwide Anglican Church does not accept any kind of abuse including sexual,
physical, mental or religious. We take all allegations seriously. The following is a
guideline of policies and procedures for handling allegations of sexual abuse of
minors and should also be adhered to for adults.

Section 1. (a)

The person receiving a report of sexual abuse of a minor by Church personnel

contacts the civil authorities first. The Priest should be notified next, who then
notifies the Bishop or his designee within twenty-four hours.


If the person accused is the Priest, the report is made directly to civil authorities and
then to the Bishop. In addition to the oral report, a written report is completed by the
one receiving the allegation.

The Diocese will take care that the allegation is reported to the proper civil
authorities, but the person making the report should bear in mind that they also must
report to the civil authorities as a state-mandated reporter.


The person accused is notified of the allegation(s) in a timely manner by the Bishop or
his designee, who is placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the
diocesan investigation. Employees will continue to receive compensation and benefits
until the completion of the diocesan investigation.


The accused is directed to remain away from the school, Church, office, agency, or
another location which is the subject matter of the complaint, until a resolution of the
complaint is concluded.


The accused is advised to have no contact with the accuser or the accuser’s or victim’s


The accused is advised of his/her right to obtain an attorney.


When a lay employee or volunteer is accused, the Priest, Principal, or Administrator

will be notified if that has not already taken place.


If the accused admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: he or
she will be terminated immediately, and not be eligible thereafter for any employment
or volunteer work in the Diocese.


If the accused denies the allegation(s) and the state or federal criminal process is
inconclusive or the accused is found not guilty: The Bishop will make the final
decision as to whether the person is to be returned to duty, having consulted the
Diocesan Synod for its recommendation.


When a Priest, Deacon, or Religious is accused, the Priest, Principal, Administrator,

Bishop and/or Religious Superior will be notified if that has not already taken place,
and if he or she is a Religious, or a Cleric of another diocese, who admits guilt, does
not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: he or she will be terminated
immediately from Diocesan or parish employment in accord with applicable
provisions of Canon Law, and his or her Bishop or Religious Superior will be so

If the accused is a cleric of the Diocese, who admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or
there is a finding of guilt: the applicable provisions of Canon Law will be invoked for
appropriate disposition.


If the accused denies the allegation(s) and the state or federal criminal process is
inconclusive or the accused is found not guilty, the Bishop will make the final
decision as to whether the person is to be returned to duty, having consulted the
diocesan Synod for its final decision.


The Bishop designates, from a list of qualified professionals, a person to direct the
diocesan investigation. If the accused is a Cleric this person must be a Priest. The
purpose of the investigation is to seek out the facts surrounding the allegation(s) and
thus to provide the information needed by the Bishop for his judgment and actions.
This Diocesan investigation is accomplished without interference but in cooperation
with the civil authorities. Care is taken throughout not only to preserve the seal of the
Sacrament of Penance but also make it clear that the sacramental seal is inviolable.


The Diocesan Synod is informed when an investigation has been initiated and is kept
carefully and thoroughly apprised of developments in a timely fashion as they arise so
that ongoing counsel is sought and provided. The Bishop consults with the Synod
throughout the process of the investigation and before taking final action. When the
initial evaluation by the civil authorities has determined that further investigation is
warranted, and the alleged victim may need counseling, the Diocesan Synod will
contact the family where it is determined the required appropriate level of assistance.

Section 2.

The principle, fundamental in all just systems of law, that a person is considered
innocent until either a regular process or his/her own spontaneous admission proves
him/her guilty, is to be followed.


Accordingly, every effort will be made through available secular media to restore the
good name of a person determined to have been falsely accused of sexual abuse of a


Each Diocesan or Parish employee or volunteer whose work entails contact with
minors will undergo a background investigation. The Synod will oversee the program.


Each Diocesan or Parish employee or volunteer whose work entails contact with
minors will be required to attend ongoing Diocesan education and training programs
specifically directed at creating a safe environment for the children. The Bishop and
Synod will oversee the program.



The Vestments of the Bishops, Priests and other Ministers of this Church shall be
those of the Latin or Western use. Every Bishop having jurisdiction shall see to it that
his/her Clergy are correctly habited.



Section 1.

A Parish or Congregation consists of all the persons enrolled as communicants or

regular worshippers and contributors therein. All persons herein described being of
full age (over 18) are entitled to vote for Wardens and Vestrymen/women and for the
transaction of other business, but only communicants can vote for Lay deputies to
General of Diocesan Synods.

Section 2.
The boundaries of a Parish or Congregation are not geographical, and the consent of a
Rector, warden, and Vestrymen/women of any organized congregation of this Church
is not a prerequisite to the formation of another congregation in the same vicinity.

Section 3.

Persons desiring to form a Congregation of this Church must first make a written
request to the Bishop and Bishop’s Council, having Jurisdiction, stating their
acceptance of the faith, Worship, Discipline, Constitution, and Canons of the
Worldwide Anglican Church. Having received the authority and consent in writing of
the Bishop and Bishop’s Council the persons concerned may organize themselves into
a Congregation, but not otherwise. Every such Congregation so organized, shall on
the application, be admitted into the union with the Diocesan Synod or Jurisdiction at
a stated meeting if circumstances of growth and stability justify.

Section 4.

Any Congregation of Christian people desiring to be received into union with the
Worldwide Anglican Church, shall declare the same in writing duly certified by the
authorities of said Congregation, which certificate, together with the declaration of
acceptance of the faith, Worship, Discipline, Cons

titution and Canon of this Church, shall be submitted to the Bishop and Bishop’s
Council within whose Jurisdiction such Congregation lies. In case the same is found
satisfactory, the Bishop and Council may receive such Congregation into the
Worldwide Anglican Church, but it shall not become a constituent part of the
Diocesan Synod or Jurisdiction until so voted at the next stated meeting thereof.

Section 5.
In each Congregation, annually, on the first Wednesday of April, an election shall be
held for Church Wardens, Vestrymen/women, and Lat Deputies to general and
Diocesan Synods. The Church Wardens and Lay Deputies shall be chosen from
among the communicants, and when practicable, the Vestrymen/women also. In all
cases they shall be persons of unimpeachable moral character, and it is recommended
that the wardens and Vestrymen/women be so chosen that one-third of their entire
membership shall be elected each year.

Section 6.

The several Congregations of this Church shall be assessed annually in the sum of $25
US dollars for each communicant member reported, to offset the expenses of the
General Synod, the same forwarded in quarterly payments to the Treasure of the
General Synod.

Section 7.

Each Congregation is responsible for supporting their Priest in his/her travelling

expenses, salary and daily operational costs.

Section 8.

A Vestry shall consist of two Churchwardens, and four, seven, or ten other
Vestrymen/women. The Church Wardens shall be known as Senior Churchwarden
and Junior Church Warden respectively, the senior taking precedence of the junior.
The mode of election, term of office, and duties of Churchwardens and
Vestrymen/women shall be such as the Synod of the Diocese or Jurisdiction shall
enact by Canon, subject to the law of the state, and the Church Wardens and
Vestrymen/women so elected shall hold office until the election of their successors.
Section 9.

Unless it conflicts with the law of the state the Rector or Priest in charge shall be
Chairman/woman of the Vestry, preside over all its meetings when present, and give a
casting vote when necessary.



Section 1.

A communicant in good standing removing from one congregation of this Church to

another shall be furnished with a certificate of good standing by the Priest in charge of
the congregation of which such a communicant is a member and upon his/her request.
No Priest or Rector shall enroll such communicant in his congregation until the said
certificate has been produced when the fact of enrolment shall be communicated by
him/her to the Priest or Rector transferring the communicant.

Section 2.

Any communicant of this Church in good standing about to visit within the
boundaries of another congregation of this Church, shall on request, be furnished by
the Priest or Rector of the congregation of which he/she is a member with a certificate
of membership and recommendation to the good offices of the Clergy of the
congregation in whose vicinity the visit is to be made.
Section 3.

No communicant member of another religious body shall be received into the

communicant membership and privileges of this Church, until such time as he/she
shall have received the rite of Confirmation by a Bishop of this Church or satisfied
such Bishop that he/she has been confirmed by a Bishop validly Consecrated. Such a
person may, however, beat any time enrolled as a stated worshipper and regular
contributor of any congregation of this Church, with the right of voting in the business
matters thereof.



Section 1.

Any communicant guilty of denial of the Episcopal Faith, gross lack of morals, illegal
practices, desertion for more than two months with no reasonable explanation, or
habitual neglect of the ministry of this Church shall be disciplined by his/her Priest,
and should he/she continue this negative behavior, the Priest shall refer the case to the
Bishop in writing for his/her judgment which shall be final.

Section 2.

All persons admitted to the Minor Orders must cease from unnecessary and frivolous
activities, an inappropriate lifestyle, and questionable associations. Any habitual
infringement of this rule will receive the strict counseling of the Priest who has the
spiritual responsibility of such person or persons. If continued, the case shall be
referred by the Priest in writing to the Bishop whose judgment is final.

Section 3.

Priests and deacons charged withholding or teaching any doctrine contrary to the Faith
of this Church, or with a negatively conflicting lifestyle, or about whom shall be
persistent rumors affecting their personal character shall be summoned before the
Bishop who shall investigate each case, adjust, or dismiss the same according to the
evidence submitted. Should the Bishop find sufficient cause to warrant a legal
hearing, he/she shall direct the Chancellor of the Diocese or Jurisdiction to present the
accused before the Bishop and Bishop’s Council for hearing and sentence. The right
of appeal to the Conclave of House of Bishops of this Church shall be permitted to the
offending clergyman/woman through the Chancellor of the General Synod who shall
obtain the records of the evidence and judgement submitted at the former hearing and
present and analyze same for the information of the House of Bishops whose
judgment shall be final.

Section 4.

A Bishop charged with any cause for which he/she may be heard shall be summoned
by the Archbishop Primate for such hearing before and by the Conclave or House of
Bishops of this Church. The mode of procedure shall be decided by the House in
every case, and there can be no appeal from the decision rendered.



The Patriarch (Presiding Archbishop) position becomes available either through
resignation, or death. The position will be filled by a senior Archbishop, duly
examined, interviewed and appointed. Whenever possible, the Matriarch and Patriarch
will travel separately to meetings and Churches to avoid unnecessary risk to the
security of their Holy Office.



The Worldwide Anglican Church recognizes academic degrees from the International
Association of Universities’ Worldwide Database of Higher Education Institutions,
Systems and Credentials universities and colleges registered in the International
Association of Universities Worldwide, which publishes its database of Higher
Education Institutions systems and credentials. Certificates from any of these
registered universities and colleges must be submitted to the Secretary of the General
Synod to be kept on file. When filed, the use of the academic title may be published.
Upon the discretion of the General Synod, exceptions may be considered especially
when foreign Governments recognize seminaries and college degrees within their



At the close of the Canonical Visitations for the year, every Diocesan Bishop or
Bishop Ordinary shall summon the Clergy canonically resident within that Diocese or
other Jurisdiction and all Clergy holding License from the Bishop, to a Clergy
Conference for the purposes of mutual consultation on matters concerning faith,
worship, morals, discipline, practice, Missionary policy, and the pastoral office; for
consultation and common action concerning the things of God and His Kingdom; and
the Bishop may deliver a charge or series of charges, to his Clergy on these or any
other matters which he regards and deems important or necessary or which need of
redress may have been disclosed to him as a result of those visitations.


Section 1.

In each Diocese of this Church and other Jurisdiction, there shall be a Diocesan Court
through which the judicial authority of the Ordinary shall be exercised, and the
membership of which shall be determined by Diocesan Canon or Canons of other
Jurisdiction, consistent with the principles of the Constitution of this Church.

Section 2.

The jurisdiction of the Diocesan Court of the Ordinary shall be as specified in the
Constitution of this Church and all Canons thereof and by the Canons or regulations
of that Diocese or other Jurisdiction.

Section 3.

When a Bishop of a Diocese or other Jurisdiction does not preside in his/her

Consistory Court, he/she shall appoint an Official Principal as deputy to preside in and
on his/her behalf.

Section 4.

Appeals will lie in such instance not to the Ordinary, but directly to the Court of the
Metropolitan. Such provision is not meant to be construed as a denial of the
inalienable custom that any Diocesan or Ordinary of any other Jurisdiction, may
reserve to him/herself the right of presiding in his/her own Diocesan Court as Judge
on any occasion, not in conflict with the Constitution and these Canons. In such a
case, the Bishop may choose an Official Principal to act as his/her Assessor.

Section 5.

Each Bishop Ordinary of a Diocese or other Jurisdiction of this Church may appoint a
Church Advocate to conduct Hearings or failing an appointment by the Ordinary, the
Court may make the appointment as needed.

Section 6.

In each Diocese of this Church and other Jurisdiction, there shall be a Court of the

Section 7.

Each Court shall consist of the Metropolitan, or his/her deputy, who shall be its
President over every session of the Court, and eight other members, chosen as
follows: two of whom shall be Bishops chosen by the Council of Bishops of that
Provincial Synod; three of whom shall be Clergymen chosen by the Senate of Clergy
of that Provincial Synod; and three of whom shall be laypersons chosen by the
Assembly of Laity of that Provincial Synod. Not fewer than two members of the
Court shall be learned in Canon and one in civil law.

Section 8.
At each regular Provincial Synod, one Bishop shall be named to serve on the Court
until the adjournment of the second regular Provincial Synod following and one
Clerical member and one Lay member shall be named to serve on the Court until the
adjournment of the third regular Provincial Synod following.

Section 9.

Vacancies occurring during the term of any member of the Court may be filled by the
Metropolitan, with the advice and consent of his/her College of Bishops, from among
the order where such vacancy occurred, to serve until the adjournment of the next
regular meeting of the Provincial Synod, at which meeting a member of that order
shall be chosen by the appropriate House to serve out the remainder of the unexpired
term, if any.

Section 10.

The jurisdiction of each Court of the Metropolitan or Provincial Court shall be as

specified in the Constitution and Canons of this Church and by the Constitution and
Canons of that Province.

Section 11.

When the Metropolitan does not preside in his/her Provincial Court, he/she shall
appoint an Official Principal as his/her deputy to preside on his/her behalf. Appeals
will lie in such instance not to the Metropolitan, but to the High Court of the Holy
Synod. Such an appointment is not meant to be construed as a denial of the custom
that the Metropolitan who may reserve the right of presiding in his/her Provincial
Court as a judge on any occasion, not in conflict with the Constitution and these
Canons. In such a case, the Metropolitan may choose to associate with him/herself an
Official Principal to act as his/her Assessor.
Section 12.

Appeals. Each Metropolitan of this Church has within his/her Province the solemn
duty and obligation of receiving appeals in his/her Provincial Court or the Court of the
Metropolitan from every Diocesan Court, or Consistory Court, or tribunal, or the
sentences, judgements, decrees, or decisions of the Ordinaries of that Province having

Section 13.

Whenever an appeal is from the Metropolitan’s own Diocesan Court, or from his/her
Ordinary, he/she shall appoint, by right, the next Bishop Ordinary senior by
consecration in that Diocese, able and willing, to preside in that matter. If an appeal is
from the Diocesan Court, or from the Consistory Court of any Ordinary, or from any
Diocesan or Bishop Ordinary on the Provincial Court, or Court of the Metropolitan,
the Court shall choose another Bishop of that Province, able and willing, so to sit in
that matter.

Section 14.

When an appeal shall have been commenced from any sentence, decision, judgement,
or decree of any Diocesan or Consistory Court, tribunal, or Ordinary of that Province
by the giving and serving of notice of appeal as may be provided by applicable Canon
or by Official Rule or Regulation of the subject appellate Court or tribunal, the Bishop
Ordinary or duly appointed Official, or Court, or tribunal from whose sentence,
decision, judgement, or decree the appeal is taken, shall not proceed to enforcement,
as the appeal is under suspensive effect until further order of the appellate Court or
tribunal; provided however, that no person holding Office or in Holy Orders who have
been found to be inhibited, suspended, deprived, deposed, removed, or degraded shall
be entitled to exercise the powers or authority of his/her Order or Ministerial or other
Office affected by such sentence, decision, judgement, or decree during the pendency
of the appeal; and further provided that no appeal under devolutive effect from a
mandatory or prohibitory direction of the Bishop or duly appointed Official, having
Ordinary jurisdiction over the person, place, or thing so mandated or prohibited shall
stay such direction or excuse non-compliance, except with the permission of the
Metropolitan of that Province.

Section 15.

The Metropolitan may appoint a Church Advocate to conduct prosecutions in his/her

Provincial Court or Court of the Metropolitan, or failing appointment by that
Metropolitan, that Provincial Court or Court of the Metropolitan may make the
appointment as needed.

Section 16.

Each Court of the Metropolitan or Provincial Court of this Church has the jurisdiction
and competence to try any Bishop of that Province subject to the authority of this
Church as follows: Whenever there shall be a trial of any Bishop of that Province, the
Provincial Court or Court of the Metropolitan shall appoint at least a majority of the
College of Bishops of that Province, not being the accused or accusers, to sit as co-
judges with the Court.

Section 17.

In every trial of a Bishop, the Metropolitan of that Province shall sit as the president
of the Court with his/her Official Principal. In cases where the Metropolitan is the
accused or accuser, the next Bishop Ordinary senior by consecration in that Province,
not the accused or an accuser, shall sit as the President with his/her Official Principal
for that matter.
Section 18.

The Court shall be competent to receive accusations against and to censure, suspend,
deprive, or depose the Metropolitan of that Province, all Bishops and Archbishops
exercising their ministry in that Province, or to acquit any of the Bishops of any such

Section 19.

No proceedings shall be taken against any Metropolitan, Archbishop, or Bishop of a

Province in the Provincial Court, or Court of the Metropolitan, except if he/she is
charged with: any crime or immorality; holding, teaching or maintaining heretical or
false doctrines or any doctrine contrary to those held by this Church, either publicly or
privately, or by preaching, writing, printing or circulating articles or books containing
such doctrines; deliberate violation of The Solemn Declaration or of The Preamble or
of any other part of the Constitution of this Church or of the Canons of this Church.

Section 20.

No charge against any Bishop of this Church shall be made except in writing, and it
shall be signed by any Bishop of that Province or the lesser of the majority or two
Priest members of his/her Diocesan Synod or Synod of other Jurisdiction and three lay
Communicants in good standing of that Diocese or other Jurisdiction of the
Metropolitan, Archbishop, or Bishop.

Section 21.
The sentence, decree, judgment, or decision of the Court on all charges shall be
deliberated in private and endorsed in writing by at least a majority of members of the
Court sitting. The President of the Court shall declare the sentence, decree, judgment,
or decision of the Court on each charge as being either unanimous or by a majority.

Section 22.

The High Court of the Holy Synod shall consist of the Presiding Archbishops of this
Church with no fewer than a total of twelve members, chosen as follows: four
Archbishops of this Church; three Bishops chosen by the House of Bishops; and two
Lay Assessors chosen by the Assembly of the Laity of the Holy Synod.

Section 23.

The Lay Assessors shall be Communicants of this Church in good standing and shall
be learned or experienced in Civil Law or in Ecclesiastical Law, or both. The terms of
tenure of Members of High Court of the Holy Synod shall be as determined by Canon
of the Holy Synod.

Section 24.

The duty of presiding in the High Court of the Holy Synod shall belong in the first
place to the Patriarch and Matriarch, who shall be its Presidents; Either one or both
may sit in counsel on an issue.

Section 25.
The High Court of the Holy Synod of this Church shall, at the request of any Diocesan
Synod or Synod of any other Jurisdiction, or of any Provincial Synod, or the College
of Bishops of any Province, or the College of Bishops of this Church, or of the Holy
Synod or of any House thereof, have authority to determine whether any Canon or Act
passed by the Holy Synod, or by the Synod of any Province, or by the Synod of any
Diocese or another Jurisdiction is constitutional.

Section 26.

Each Court of this Church may, from time to time, make such Official Rules or
Regulations to the Court regulating the practice and procedure, and every matter
believed advisable for preventing expense and delay, and for securing the ends of
justice; and each Court may, from time to time, suspend, repeal, vary or revive any
rules and regulations. No order made by the Court shall have the effect of altering any
matter defined by the Constitution of this Church or by Canons. Copies of the current
Official Rules or Regulations shall be made available to all persons summoned before
the Court.

Section 27.

Each Court of this Church shall gather the attendance of witnesses and evidence. Any
witness or person charged, who shall have been canonically summoned three times in
writing to appear before any Court of this Church, shall be liable to the fullest
ecclesiastical sanctions for insubordination if, without just excuse, he/she shall fail to

Section 28.
Each presiding judge of a Court of this Church shall appoint a Summoner for that
Court, whose duty shall be to keep order in such Court, and to serve, or see to the
serving of, the notices and summonses of the Court upon the persons concerned.

Section 29.

Any person against whom charges are preferred in an adjudicative proceeding of this
Church shall be given: Due and prompt written notice and citation of the charges
preferred and under which provisions of the Laws Ecclesiastical the offenses are held
to have occurred; Reasonable notice prior to the institution of formal proceedings,
granting time to any accused for the answering of the charge, and for the summoning
of witnesses and the gathering of evidence; The right that no charge shall be
considered as substantiated or proven except by good and sufficient evidence or by no
fewer than two (2) sworn witnesses are known as Promoters; The right to counsel or
expert advice of one knowledgeable in the Canon Law and the judicial process of the

Section 30.

The right to challenge the impartiality of one or more members of the Court or
tribunal; and should such a challenge be sustained by the Court or tribunal, that Court
or tribunal shall designate an impartial substitute for that case, cause, or matter. The
right to examine and question all witnesses, depositions, testimonies and any and all
relevant documents; The privilege against self-incrimination; Open proceedings,
unless waived by all parties; A transcript or other record of the proceedings and any
sentences, decrees, decisions, or judgements thereof, and the right to entry of a
sentence, decree, decision, or judgement of Not Proven unless a sentence, decree,
decision, or judgment of Proven is endorsed in writing by a majority of the Court



Section 1.

Daily Office

Every Priest having a care for the ministry of Souls shall provide that, in the absence
of reasonable hindrance, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer shall be said daily in the
Church, or one of the Churches, of which he/she is the Minister.

Section 2.

Celebration of Holy Communion and other Ministrations.

Except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop of that Diocese or other
Jurisdiction, every Priest having a ministry of Souls shall celebrate, or cause to be
celebrated, the Holy Communion on all Sundays and other greater Feast Days and on
Ash Wednesday and shall administer the Sacraments and other Rites prescribed in and
by the Book of Common Prayer, diligently, as occasion may require.

Section 3.


Every Priest having a ministry of Souls, except for some reasonable cause approved
by the Bishop thereof, shall preach, or cause to be preached a sermon in his Church at
least once each Sunday.

Section 4.

Instruction of the Young

He/she shall instruct the children under his/her care, or cause them to be instructed, in
the Christian Faith and, where it is allowed by the civil law.

Section 5.

Preparation for Confirmation

He/she shall carefully prepare, or cause to be prepared, all such as desire to be

confirmed and, if satisfied with their fitness, shall present them to his Bishop for

Section 6.

Pastoral Care

Every Priest shall be diligent in visiting his/her Parishioners, particularly those who
are sick and infirm and, so far as he/she can; and he/she shall provide opportunities
whereby any of his/her Parishioners may resort to him/her for spiritual counsel and
advice. Every Priest shall also use his/her best endeavors to ensure that he/she be
speedily informed whenever a person in his/her care is sick or in danger of death and
shall as soon as possible resort to him/her to exhort, instruct, and comfort him/her in
his/her distress. Particularly shall such Priest move the sick person to make a special
confession of his/her sins, if he/she feels his/her conscience is troubled with any
matter, to receive the Laying on of Hands of the Sick, or the Unction, or Anointing of
the Sick, or both, if he/she desires such ministry or healing and as his/her condition
permits, and to receive the most comfortable Sacrament or the Body and Blood of
Christ, either by celebration in the sick person’s house or room as the case may be, or
by the Administration of the Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament.

Section 7.
Such Priest shall also be bound to prepare and assist the dying

Of those in his/her care in order that they make a good and Christian death, and, of the
dying, he/she shall not then slack is his/her last duty of the administration of the last
rites in extremis of Holy Church and of the Commendation of the Soul, if
circumstances may so permit, at the Point of Departure.

Section 8.


If at any time he/she is unable to discharge his/her duties whether from non-residence
or some other cause, he/she shall diligently endeavor to provide for those in his/her
care to be ministered to by a licensed Priest or otherwise approved by the Ordinary of
that Diocese or other Jurisdiction.

Section 9. Solemn Exorcism

The necessity of a Prior License

 No Priest of this Church shall in any way attempt to perform the solemn
exorcism of demonic possession, whether it be partial possession or complete
and total possession, or to cast out, or to perform any act of driving out, or
warding off, demons or evil spirits or forces from persons, places, or things that
are believed to be, possessed, or infested by them or are liable to become
victims or instruments of their malice, unless such Priest has received training
from his/her Bishop.
 Neither shall any such Priest use any rite or ceremony, especially of their own
devising or composition, for such special ministry save only that which shall be
set forth and specifically provided by the lawful authority of the HOB of this
 The Bishops of this Church may appoint exorcists for their respective
Jurisdiction in conformity with provisions of this Section. Such exorcists must
be at least in Priest’s Orders. They are to be men/women of mature age, of
proven good judgment, of undoubting and unquestioning faith and integrity,
living a devout, holy, and pious and disciplined Christian life, of irrefutable
good character, be a regular penitent, and distinguished for prudence and
integrity of life.
 Such Bishops must ensure that any exorcist they may so appoint be fully
trained in the duties, dangers, responsibilities, and work of this special ministry
as well as thoroughly instructed and knowledgeable in all matters pertaining to
 Such Priests so appointed are to be learned in Sacred Theology and Canon
Law, and above all, have an abiding, lively, and sure faith in the victory of Our
Lord Jesus Christ over Satan, sin, and the world.
 Simple Exorcism. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to those
Ministers in cases of exorcism of catechumens, or those exorcisms which may
occur in the administration of Holy Baptism, or those simple exorcisms of
water, salt, or oil or in various similar blessings or consecration, and no special
power is needed beyond that of Orders and having been duly commissioned or
appointed to perform such rites.

Section 10.

Duty of Clergymen to say the daily office

It shall be the duty of every Bishop, Priest, and Deacon of this Church to say, either
by him/herself or with others, the Office of daily Morning Prayer and of daily
Evening Prayer, unless for just cause prevented; and whenever possible, in such a
manner that the Congregation may pray with him, in the Church or otherwise.

Section 11.

Duty of Priests to celebrate the Holy Communion

It shall be the duty of every Bishop and Priest of this Church to celebrate, assist in, or
participate in the Celebration of the Holy Communion on every Sunday and other day
for which a Collect, Epistle, and Gospel are provided in the Book of Common Prayer
for the Celebration of that Sacrament; and it shall be the duty of every Deacon of this
Church, under the direction of the celebrant, to assist the Priest at the time of
administration of that Sacrament on every Sunday and such other day, according to
the Office of his Ministry.

Section 12.

Use of ornaments and vestments

Any and all Ornaments of the Church, and the Ornaments and Vestments of all the
Clergy thereof, at all times of their Ministrations, and of the minor orders and lay
functionaries in assisting them, as have been permitted by the laws applicable to the
Church of England at any time since the commencement of the reign of Edward VI,
shall be retained and be permitted in use in this Church.

Section 13.

Hearing of Confessions


Whereas, in accordance with the Second Exhortation attached to the Order of Holy
Communion in the Book of Common Prayer, it is necessary that any with a troubled
conscience shall resort to some discreet and learned Priest, that by the ministry of
God’s holy Word they may receive the benefit of Absolution, together with spiritual
counsel and advice; such Ministry shall be exercised in any Diocese or other
Jurisdiction of this Church only by Priests who have been in Orders not less than two
years from their admission to the Priesthood, and possess the authority of the Bishop
Ordinary of that Jurisdiction either by virtue of the Office to which such Priests have
been instituted and inducted, or licensed or otherwise holding that Bishop’s written


No Priest of this Church shall intimidate any person to resort to him/her to confess
any secret or hidden sin and to receive the benefit of Absolution from him/her.


Therefore, it is the special duty of such Bishops Ordinary to instruct, or cause to be

instructed, those Priests whom they choose to grant such concession to exercise such
ministry of reconciliation, committed by Christ to his Church, within their
Jurisdictions on the knowledge and matters which Confessors must and ought to
know, and, except for good cause prevented, that such Bishops Ordinary do not grant
such License or Faculty to any Priest except he/she first be found qualified and fit to
exercise such ministry by means of an examination, or his/her qualifications and
fitness are evident from another source or have been otherwise ascertained. It is
hereby noted that such qualifications and fitness needed for such approbation by such
Bishop shall include not only the knowledge of theology, but also qualities of
morality, prudence, and piety.


All Bishops are given the responsibility, as a grave obligation of conscience, that they
are to admonish and canonically warn their subject Confessors, and to explicitly teach
such, that they do not mention matters of confession or such sacramental matter under
any form or pretext whatsoever, not even merely in passing, directly or indirectly, in
private conversations or in sermons, particularly in Missions or retreats. In the
examinations of Confessors before the issuance of such Faculties and Licenses,
special attention should be given to these points.


Canonical Dispensation from normal Time of Experience Required. Whereas the

People of certain Dioceses might be deprived of the benefit of Absolution, the Bishop
of that jurisdiction may dispense any Priest by written Faculty, to be granted only for
serious pastoral needs, from the requirement that he be in Priest’s Orders for the space
of not less than two years, during which time he shall receive spiritual direction and
pastoral training under an experienced confessor.


Notwithstanding anything contained in the previous Sections of this Canon, any Priest
may exercise this ministry anywhere in respect of any person or persons who may be
in present danger of death, or if there be some other urgent or weighty cause.
Concerning the dying, the Canonical Law is still to be kept and maintained, that if
anyone be at the point of death, the Priest shall not deprive him, if he/she be penitent,
of either the last and most indispensable Absolution from all sins, and any Priest may
absolve the dying even from Sins Reserved.


Notwithstanding anything contained in the previous Sections of this Canon, any Priest
who has the express canonical authority to exercise such ministry and who has by
institution or admission, the Charge of any Parish, Congregation, Mission, or other
people within his care in this Church may exercise this ministry in any Diocese or
other Jurisdiction of this Church or in any place and at any time in respect of any
person belonging to such Priest’s care and canonically resident there, being subject to
such Priest’s Spiritual Jurisdiction, when such person requests such Priest to hear
his/her confession.


If any person confess his/her secret and hidden sin to a Bishop or Priest for the
unburdening of his/her conscience or for the opening of his/her grief and disclosing or
revealing the wounds of his/her sin, and to receive spiritual consolation and advice,
and ease of mind and the remedy and benefit of Absolution from him/her, or for any
of these foregoing reasons: such Bishop or Priest is subject to rules of confidentiality
and he/she does not at any time reveal and make known to any person whatsoever any
sin, crime, offense, grief, or matter so committed to his trust and secrecy, such Bishop
or Priest so revealing or making known or betraying or identifying the sinner in any
manner or fashion or for any reason, whether by word, writing, or sign, directly or
indirectly, openly or covertly, or in any other way manner, or means will be subject to
disciplinary hearing and possible excommunication. The only exception to this is
when the person seeking the Absolution of Sin reveals his/her intent to harm another
or him/herself. The Bishop or Priest has a civil responsibility to report the crime or
intention of harm to appropriate civil authorities.


The solemn obligation and duty of preserving the Seal of Confession devolves upon
and binds all who, by lawful or unlawful means, have acquired knowledge or come to
a knowledge of any matter, directly or indirectly, advertently, or inadvertently, or in
any other way, of that which falls under the usual and absolute seal. Therefore, in
addition to such Bishop or Priest, the following are likewise bound by the Seal of
Confession: those to whom matter protected by the Seal is revealed; those who
overhear a confession; those who read written material protected by the Seal; those
who write our another’s confession during the actual confession and those who act as
interpreters during the actual confession. If any of them so rashly do violate the Seal,
they shall be punished with wholesome penalties, according to the seriousness of their
offense, the pain of greater excommunication not being excluded.

The solemn obligation of the Seal of the Confession to silence on the part of those
whom such obligation devolves does not terminate upon or with the death of the
penitent concerned, but likewise is perpetually binding upon all those to whom such
obligation has devolved, with the appropriate penalties as above.


If anyone shall attempt to coerce, threaten, or constrain any such Bishop or Priest or
person named in the preceding Sub-sections of this Section to violate the Seal of
Confession in any manner, the person making such attempt shall be excommunicated.


The need for Counsel in Difficult Cases. If any Confessor in this Church should stand
in need of wiser counsel concerning a matter heard during a confession made to God
before him, especially of a difficult nature, let him/her ask the penitent party for
permission to seek it, and if such person shall expressly, knowingly, and freely give
such permission, the Confessor may consult a theologian or another such expert or
counsel, either in person or by sealed letters, in neither case mentioning nor
suggesting the name or identity of the penitent party, or in any way indicating the
person, but giving the pertinent facts of the case, both the Confessor and the
consultant remaining under the usual and absolute Seal, under pain of deposition,
deprivation, and excommunication.

Pastoral Obligation to Hear Confessions. No Priest so licensed by Faculty or by virtue
of such Office may unreasonably or frequently refuse his solemn pastoral duty and
moral obligation to hear the Confessions of the People committed in Christ’s Name to
his/her care. And it is herein stated that such opportunity shall be given especially
during Advent and Lent and before and throughout the Greater Feasts of the Church:
Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.



Every Bishop, Priest, and Deacon of this Church is under obligation to spend some
time daily in prayer and intercession; to examine his/her conscience at regular
intervals, and to be diligent in the study of the Holy Scriptures and in such other
studies as apply to his ministerial duties.



Section 1.


Avoidance of Improper Conduct. No Bishop, Priest, or Deacon shall give him/herself

to such occupations, habits, or recreations as do not befit his/her sacred calling or may
be detrimental to the performance of the duties of his/her Office or tend to be a just
cause of offense to others; neither shall he/she resort to or frequent any place not
befitting his/her sacred calling, except for the purpose of performing the duties of
his/her Office. In particular, he/she shall not contract marriage, or do or suffer any act
or thing, which would violate the order or discipline, or which, if he/she were a
candidate for Holy Orders, prevent him/her from being admitted. But always he/she
shall be diligent to frame and fashion his/her life according to the Doctrine of Christ,
and to make him/herself, as much as in him lies, a wholesome example and pattern to
the flock of Christ.

Section 2.


No Bishop, Priest, or Deacon shall accept or undertake any office, work, or duty
which is incompatible with his/her sacred calling or detrimental to the performance of
the duties of the ecclesiastical office to which he/she is appointed except as elsewhere
provided in these Canons.

Section 3.


Every Bishop, Priest, or Deacon of this Church shall wear such apparel as shall be
suitable to his/her sacred Office and Ministry, and which shall indicate his/her holy
calling and vocation both to those committed to his/her spiritual charge and to the
public, except for some urgent cause wherein he/she is required to wear safety apparel
or for the purpose of innocent recreation or employment.



Section 1.

No Bishop, Priest, or Deacon can form a WAC page or group on social media that
indicates representation of the WAC, including such platforms as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp without prior consent from the
Archbishop Primate for their country. If approved, ALL information must be
consistent with the mission and vision of this church whilst avoiding articles and posts
that can cause offense, question, doubt, suspicion, or unnecessary controversy.
Additionally, WhatsApp groups are formed on a country basis, and only members of
that country are admitted into the group. The Co-Presiding Archbishops will be
members and Administrators of all WAC groups on all social media platforms.

Section 2.


All pictures utilized on social media platforms must be copyright free and in the
public domain, to safeguard legal proceedings by the image owners. Photographs,
films, and audio from church events may be used and where applicable, with
permission of those appearing within them.

Section 3.


Should any Bishop, Priest, or Deacon use technology to hack into WAC websites or
social media forums, or remove designated officers as Administrators from such sites,
there will be an immediate investigation by the House of Bishops. If found guilty, the
instigator/s will be immediately excommunicated from this church, fined and subject
to legal ramifications.
Section 4.


Bishops, Priests, or Deacons found to have formed a private social media group to
discuss matters only appropriate to the House of Bishops will be subject to
investigation, possible excommunication from this church, and subject to legal


Upon dissolution of a church/church diocese, remaining assets will return to the Head
office in Kampala, Uganda and will used exclusively for charitable, religious, and
educational purposes.


I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Constitution and
Canons of the Worldwide Anglican Church, held in the Church in Kampala, Uganda
and in Ohio, the United States of America, August 20, in the year of our Lord, 2019.

++ Christopher Lwanga Tusubira

Patriarch and Presiding Archbishop

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