Be Form 2 School Work Plan (Payar Es)
Be Form 2 School Work Plan (Payar Es)
Be Form 2 School Work Plan (Payar Es)
Instruction: List down all the specific activities that you will be undertaking in relation to the conduct of Brigada Eskwela in your
school and fill in the required information. Add another sheet if needed. Once completed, submit a copy to the Adopt-A-School
Program coordinator or Brigada Eskwela coordinator of your division on or before _____________.
3. Implementation 1. Repainting of roofs of January 2020 Principal - Cleaning 200,000.00
Kinder to Grade 4 to August 2020 Barangay Officials paraphernalia
classrooms; PTA Officials - Paints and
2. Unclogging of gutters of Teachers painting materials
principal’s office and Pupils - Constructions
canteen; Volunteers materials
3. Repainting of ceiling and Stakeholders
wall of Kinder to Grade 4
classrooms and SDRRM
4. Repainting of
5. Repair of 5 desks and 4
arm chairs;
6. Replacement of 12 water
faucets in the hand washing
area in front of G2 and G4;
7. Fencing of front face of
school garden;
8. Replacement of busted
bulbs in G1 and G2
classrooms, SDRRM Office
and LRC;
9. Replacement of damaged
doors of principal’s office;
Document Code: SDO-SCC-QF-
Republic of the Philippines SGOD-SMN-016
Department of Education
Revision: 00
Region I
Schools Division Office of San Carlos City Effectivity date: 07-23-2018
21. Posting of signage
following the protocols of
22. Preparing of each
classroom following the
safety protocols in
combatting COVID19 in case
of face to face classes.
23. Engage
parents/stakeholders to raise
the availability of health kits
like hand sanitizers, soap,
face shields, masks. Alcohol,
thermal scanners,
disinfectants, vitamins that
may help combat COVID 19
24. Collaborate with parents
to provide support to the
school for continuation of
learning opportunities.
25. Coordinate with parents,
PTA Officials as well as
barangay officials on the
implementation of Gulayan
at Halamanan sa Tahanan
Document Code: SDO-SCC-QF-
Republic of the Philippines SGOD-SMN-016
Department of Education
Revision: 00
Region I
Schools Division Office of San Carlos City Effectivity date: 07-23-2018