Working With Angels - Flowing Wi - Steven Brooks
Working With Angels - Flowing Wi - Steven Brooks
Working With Angels - Flowing Wi - Steven Brooks
ISBN-10: 0-7684-2511-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-7684-2511-6
It’s hard to put Working with Angels down with all its
revelations, intriguing illustrations, and biblical insights
into the mysteries of God and His warrior angels. We’re in
a season of increasing angelic intervention and Steven nails
this reality wide open by helping us soar into the
slipstream of heaven. It’s a realm of prophetic revelations
into hidden heavenly mysteries where we receive 20/20
spiritual vision. Basically Heaven and earth merge in our
everyday lives and angels are working with us.
The year was 1992, and I was sitting in the third row of a
large church in Lubbock, Texas. It was a beautiful Sunday
morning and I had arrived at church early to get a good
seat up front. Although I was raised in church, it had only
been one year since I had received the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, and I was really enjoying going to a church that
taught the full gospel message.
It’s interesting to note that when you study the Bible you
will not read that angels are seated in the presence of God.
The angels are standing. We do see in the Book of
Revelation that the 24 elders have thrones in which they
are seated in a circle around the throne of God; but the 24
elders do not appear to be angels, nor human beings either.
They appear to be some other type of spiritual beings that
God has specially created.
What about the sons of God in Job 38:7? One time, I was
asked a very good question about the “sons of God”
mentioned in the Book of Job, which many people believe
to be in reference to angels. This would, of course, seem to
imply that the angels are referred to as God’s sons. To
better understand the phrase mentioned in Job, let’s
examine how the same term is used in Genesis.
Even after sin entered the world and the great ood
destroyed much of the original life extending bene ts that
were in the earth, there was still a carry-over e ect that
lasted hundreds of years. Consequently, I don’t believe a
fallen angel was involved in some act of perversion to
create a giant o spring. After all, Adam was big, powerful,
had a genius mind, and was well able to defend himself in a
world that included some heavy-duty predators.
After this, one of the angels told him, “The man who has
just been promoted above you, was no learned or famous
man. You did not look at him very carefully. He was a
member of your own congregation. People hardly knew
him at all, for he was an ordinary working man, and had
little leisure from his work. But in his workshop, many
knew him as an industrious and honest worker. All who
came in contact with him recognized his Christian
He said that one day this woman said to him, “Dr. Lake,
the Lord Jesus came into my home and sat at my kitchen
table with me, and He answered every question that I’ve
ever wanted to ask Him.”
It’s time to run with the horses and leave mediocrity far
behind. We must be willing to gird ourselves up and lay
behind sin and the entanglements of this world that would
hold us back from a deeper walk with God. The famous
missionary to the American Indians, David Brainard, made
an interesting statement in his autobiography, in which he
said that in his lifetime, he wanted to be the one who is
closest to the Lord in his generation. The Lord knows
exactly where each person stands in relationship with
Himself. He desires for all of us to be near to His heart.
Since God was aware that Job was the greatest (richest)
man of the east, then God also knew who was the greatest
person in the north, south, and west. God knows where
each person stands in all facets of life, and He doesn’t mind
if we prosper nancially as long as we avoid covetousness
and keep Him the center of our life.
The amazing love that Jesus had for John is speci cally
mentioned in Scripture due to the fact that Jesus was aware
that John longed for the closest possible relationship with
Him. Those who are close to the Lord can be trusted with
what is precious to God. The Lord Jesus replaced His
physical absence and departure as a son to Mary by
positioning John to ll the gap for Mary after He was
gone. He also made sure His mother would be taken care of
by assigning John to receive Mary as his own mother. You
certainly don’t entrust your mother to just anybody.
If you are ready to run with the horses, let’s take a look
at a key Scripture passage which serves as a foundation that
allows us to coexist in the heavenly and natural realm
simultaneously. Our story picks up with the king of Aram
sending a large army to capture Elisha. The king of Aram
was furious because someone kept informing the king of
Israel where he was setting up his military command posts.
The king of Aram knew that only his top o cers were
aware of his battle strategies, so he suspected one of his top
men of being a traitor, and was prepared to deal with the
The Lord then said, “Yes, but who prayed for Elisha that
his eyes be opened to see?”
Along with the ships and sailboats that use the current to
their bene t, there are also giant sea turtles, whales, and
many other sea creatures that regularly swim in the Gulf
Stream. This current, along with other currents and streams
that God has so wisely established in the earth, are natural
indicators of heavenly realities that God desires for us to
understand and make good use of.
Back in the Old Testament, all the gifts of the Spirit were
in operation except for tongues and interpretation of
tongues. Speaking in tongues is exclusive for this church-
age dispensation. Speaking in tongues stirs up our spirits
and allows us to move into the other gifts of the Spirit
more easily. In most of my ministry meetings, the Spirit of
the Lord consistently comes upon me to prophesy to
individuals. Because I set aside preparation time before my
meetings by praying in the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit,
especially prophecy, come forth with ease. Usually, by the
time I’ve nished ministering, the Spirit of Prophecy has
also come upon the pastor of the church, and he begins to
prophesy as well.
There are other “Bethel’s” in the earth today that God has
established as portals or stairways of heavenly activity. Of
course, if a person does not spend time with God regularly
in prayer, it is di cult to recognize these portals, and
almost impossible to take advantage of them. Jacob
encountered the Lord at Bethel, although at rst he wasn’t
aware of how special the place was until he had spent the
night there.
A horse will bond with its owner when they can sense
unconditional love. Horses (and people) love to be spoken
to gently and treated with a ection. They especially nd
pleasure in being stroked and rubbed, and being kept well
cleaned and brushed. A horse’s feet should be checked and
cleaned out daily. Their shoes need to be inspected as well.
Horses love to be washed with warm water after a good
exercise and before being turned into the stall. They need
plenty of fresh water and hay every day.
The angel turned and held out his right hand for her to
stop. “Stop,” he said. She stopped in her tracks as—
internally—her mind and her spirit limped between two
opinions: was this or was this not from God. Once her
spirit gained the victory in this internal argument, the
angel knew it.
He said that as the angel stood over him, the Holy Spirit
began to deal with him about certain sinful habits that he
needed to lay down. After confessing his sin and
committing to walk more closely with the Lord, he nally
felt the heat subside. This event lasted for about two hours
before he was able to get up. After the encounter he was
more committed than ever to serve the Lord. When he
described this experience to me, the Spirit of the Lord
came upon me, and I prophesied to him, saying, “Your
younger brother will have a visitation as well!”
Even though I was o ered fully paid visits to see the best
psychiatrist in town, I gladly turned them down. For the
rst time in my life, my spiritual vision was seeing beyond
the elementary and basic truths of salvation and water
baptism. There is so much more that God wants us to
experience. A show horse tries to avoid persecution by
attempting to please everybody. But if you are living right
then you are bound to have some people get upset at you.
That’s because a godly man or woman carries the Presence
of God, and it convicts those who want to live in sin and
just camp out in a certain place in God and never go any
further. There will be times when people get upset at you
even when you have done nothing wrong. Even though
there is no justi able cause for them to persecute you they
sometimes still lash out.
I had only been there one week, and he was being rude
and nasty with me because he was having a strenuous time
dealing with some personal issues, which were producing a
lot of stress in his life. I did not respond negatively or
retaliate with sharp words. I just kept on doing my work of
stacking toilets on the toilet aisle. While I was lifting an
empty stacking pallet up o the oor, he suddenly stopped
and said, “You look just like that minister on television.” I
said, “I’m the man.” The biggest smile broke out on his
face, and he said, “Praise God! I’m a Southern Baptist, and I
watch you on television every week! I’m so glad you’re
here, if there’s anything I can do for you please let me
Despite what some may think, there are far more angels
than there are people. God is not in short supply of angels.
Even though there are an estimated six billion people on
this planet, there are far more angels. God has trillions of
angels who have never entered service because they are
waiting to be called up for assignment. Heaven’s economy
is unlimited and will never be exhausted by humans.
The Word of God will not speak on its own. That may
surprise some people, but it is true. Your Holy Bible can
lie on your co ee table for ten silent years and never speak
a word—unless you open it up and give voice to it. Angels
heed the voice of His Word. If you speak the Word of God
under the anointing of the Holy Spirit then angels respond.
Now, I’m not talking about speaking just any verse in the
Bible. It must be a living Word that God speaks to you. If it
is not a rhema (living) Word, then it is only an intellectual
exercise. We must be willing to go past mental reasoning
and move into spiritual enlightenment. Head knowledge is
good and has its proper place in Bible study, but only the
living Word of God that illumines our hearts will produce
victory and cause spiritual progress.
The rod was even curved at the top in order to reach out
and grab a wandering sheep around the neck and gently
pull it in. The interesting thing about His rod is that I knew
it represented authority, but the color of the rod was white,
and it had bright, red stripes encircling it from top to
bottom. It actually looked like a very large candy cane. In
my heart, I knew the Lord wanted me and my family to
have a good Christmas.
As I stood up and faced the Lord, He extended His rod
toward me while His facial expression implied that He had
con dence in me that I would respond correctly. With my
right hand I reached out and took hold of the rod. I held the
rod in the air with the hooked end extending outward in
order to pull in what I would grasp. With a surge of Holy
Spirit boldness I extended the rod outward and said,
“Money, come, to me, now!” I said this three times, each
time very forcefully. As I spoke those words, I would
swing that shepherd’s rod out and by faith grab hold of
money by the hook at the end of the sta , and then pull it
Then the devil took him to the holy city and had
him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If
you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw
yourself down. For it is written: ‘He will
command his angels concerning you, And they
will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not
strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus
answered him, “It is also written, ‘Do not put the
Lord your God to the test’” (Matthew 4:5-7
Paul and Silas were severely beaten with rods and then
roughly thrown into jail without a trial. The act of beating
someone with rods was not under the Jewish 40-stripe
limitation associated with whipping a prisoner. The
phrase, “When they had struck them with many blows…”
implies they were hit so many times that they gave up
Joseph also su ered for having done the right thing, and
found himself in a perplexing place that an all-wise and
tender God chose in order to develop the leadership
qualities within Joseph. These qualities would allow him to
one day govern the most powerful nation on the face of the
Paul and Silas were praising God out loud, “…and the
prisoners were listening to them.” Paul and Silas were not
shy or embarrassed about what the other prisoners thought.
It was after prayer and praise when things got very
For some time the experience with the keys was a little
puzzling to me. First of all, I am not the type of person
who loses things, so having had that happen to me twice
roused my spiritual curiosity. I didn’t spend too much time
thinking about it, but rather just continued walking closely
to God and doing the work of the ministry.
As the vision lifted, and I stepped out of the car, the rst
thing I did was grab my concordance which was lying on a
shelf in the garage. I looked up the names Joash and Josiah
to see what they meant in the original Hebrew language.
Joash means “he who burns.” Josiah means “the Lord
burns.” Prayer combined with fasting certainly produces an
inward purging by the Spirit of God that burns away the
desires of the esh. Prayer combined with fasting helps
burn up the desires of our carnal nature by keeping the
self-life in a subdued and crucified position.
An open vision is when you see into the spirit realm and
the natural realm at the same time. An open vision occurs
with your natural eyes open, thus opening the natural and
spiritual realms simultaneously.
(Just a little note as you are reading this story: when you
are in a place where the Spirit of God is ministering to
you, it is not the time to go to the bathroom or say, “I’m a
little tired right now, can’t we do this later?” Grab your
blessing while you’ve got it in front of you, a second
opportunity may not come around again for quite some
When I said, “Yes!” all five of the angels reached out their
hands, and they each gently touched me with just the tip of
their pointer nger. Such power went into me that I
immediately fell on the ground and shook intensely for two
hours. The shaking was so strong that I remember being
concerned about waking up Kelly from her sleep in the
other room. Now I understand how the Quakers and the
Shakers got their names! When God does a shaking in a
person, He does it to shake out the cha so that only the
finest wheat remains.
“Do you remember ten years ago how you used to train
when you were involved in a certain athletic competition?”
Within my heart, I knew exactly what he was referring to.
Ten years earlier, I had been involved in a particular
athletic event that consumed my time, money, and
thoughts. The desire to succeed in this certain arena caused
me to structure my life in a way that made everything else
revolve around giving top priority to this activity. It was
not uncommon for me to train four to six hours a day in
this chief interest of mine, while being happy as a lark
doing it. Not only did I physically train hard, but I studied
the sport and read every book I could nd on the subject to
increase my knowledge. The sport consumed me.
The lady driving the truck jumped out and hollered with
a thick southern accent, “You crazy dog!” She untangled
him and struggled to lift him back up into the truck bed.
She tied him securely and then quickly drove out of the
parking lot. She never even said a word to me. It pays to
be close to God and abide under the shelter of His wings!
God will protect you from evil when you walk upright
with Him.
So, if the devil has been barking at you lately, just keep
on following Jesus and pay the enemy no attention. Spend
extra time in the Word and prayer, and keep moving
forward in faith. The goal of the enemy is to blu you out
of your faith with loud barking situations; but his barks are
just a bunch of hot air. Yes, you may have a problematic
situation. Do the things in the natural that are in your
ability to do, and trust God to do that which you cannot do.
As you walk on in faith the empty threats of the enemy will
trail o behind you, and you will see the reward of an
enjoyable life that comes from trusting God.
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