Assessment of Male Genitalia Procedure Findings Penis

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Inspect the base of penis and pubic hair for growth Pubic hair is coarse, covers entire groin area to medial
pattern and excoriation, erythema, or infestation thighs. Base of penis and pubic hair are free of
excoriation, erythema and infestation.
Inspect the skin of the shaft for rashes, lesions, or lumps Skin of penis is wrinkled and hairless and free of rashes,
lesions or lumps
Palpate the shaft for hardened areas or areas of Penis is in nonerect state, soft, placcid and nontender
Inspect the foreskin (if present) for color, location, and
Inspect the glans for size, shape, lesions, redness, and Shape and size are rounded, broad, or even pointed. The
location of urinary meatus of the glans surface of glans is smooth, free of lesions and tenderness
Palpate for urethral discharge by gently squeezing the Free of discharge
glans between the index finger and the thumb
Inspect size, shape, and position (penis held out of the Normal size and shape; hangs below penis; left side of
way) scrotal sac hangs lower than the right
Observe for swelling, lumps or bulges
Inspect the skin for color, integrity, and the presence of Scrotal skin is thin and rugated with little hair, color is
the lesions and rashes (spread out scrotal folds of skin to slightly darker than that of penis; lesions and rashes are
perform an accurate inspection; lift the sac to inspect not present
posterior skin)
Palpate the scrotal contents (testes and epididymis) Testes are equal bilaterally in size and shape; smooth,
between thumb and first two finger. Note size, shape, firm, rubbery, mobile, free of nodules, tender to
consistency, and presence of tenderness or nodules, pressure. Epididymis is non tender, smooth and softer
swelling or tenderness
Inspect for inguinal and femoral hernia , watch for bulges Inguinal and femoral areas are free of bulges
Palpate for inguinal hernia, bulges or masses; have client Bulging or masses are not palpated
shift weight to the left to palpate right inguinal canal.
Place index finger into the right scrotum and press
upward to the slit like opening of the external inguinal
ring, ask to cough. Repeat on left side.
Palpate for inguinal hernia on front of thigh, ask him to Bulges or masses are not palpated
Inspect and palpate for scrotal hernia
Inspect mons pubis. Note pubic hair distribution, signs of Pubic hair is distributed in an inverted triangular pattern;
infestation no sign of infestation
Inspect labia majora and perineum. Note lesions, Equal in size, free of lesions, swelling and excoriation.
swelling, excoriation Perineum has no lesions, swelling and excoriations
Inspect labia minora, clitoris, urethral meatus, and Appear symmetric, dark pink and moist
vaginal opening. Note lesions, swelling, excoriation and Clitoris is small mound, sensitive to touch varies in size
discharge Urethral meatus is small and slit-like
Vaginal opening is below urethral meatus
No lesions, swelling, excoriation and discharge found
Inspect the size of vaginal opening and the angle by Vagina is typically at 45 degree angle posteriorly and feels
moistening gloved index finger with warm water and moist
gently inserting the finger into the vagina
Assess the vaginal musculature by keeping index finger Able to squeeze, no bulging, no urinary discharge
inserted and asking the client to squeeze around your
finger. Using middle and index fingers to separate labia
minora, ask client to bear down. Observe bulging or
discharge of urine
Perform speculum examination
□ Inspect the cervix for color, size, position, Cervix, smooth, pink and even; midline position, projects
surface, os, discharge, or lesions 1-3 cm into the vagina
□ Obtain specimens for the Pap smear and if
indicated, cultures to test for STDs
□ Inspect the vagina, unlocking speculum and Pink, moist, free of lesions and irritations. Free of colored
inspecting the vagina as partially open speculum discharge
is slowly rotated and removed. Note color,
surface, consistency, and discharge
Perform bimanual examination The vaginal wall is smooth and nontender
Perform rectovaginal examination.

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