Chapter I Introduction Background of The

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Background of the Study

Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public, political

elections (Houghton, 2015). Suffrage is the right or exercise of the right to vote in public

affairs. The freedom of an individual to express a desire for a change in government by

choosing between competing people or ideas without fear of reprisal is basic to self-

government. The word suffrage came from Latin words suffragium meaning “vote”,

“political support”, and the right to vote.

Suffrage may be exercise by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified

by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the

Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at

least six months immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other

substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage (1987 Philippine

Constitution, Article V, section 1). According to the author of the Textbook on the

Philippine Constitution 2011 () “Suffrage” is the right and obligation to vote of qualified

citizens in the election of certain national and local officers of the government and in the

decision of public questions submitted to the people.

The right of Suffrage is considered a vital exercise of democracy, yet not much is

known about how voters especially the youth themselves regard elections.

In the U.S the lack of youth participation in the voting process is not a random

phenomenon. Reasons like frequent change of residence are one of the variables

affecting the youth vote in the United States. Between the ages of 18 and 24, youth
have the potential to graduate high school, move away to college and change

residences multiple times as they begin their career. As youth change residences often,

the local issues and election relevant to the area may not affect the youth yet or be

significant and change from residence to residence (Strama, 1998)

College student face the decision whether to stay registered in their hometowns or to

register in the community in which they will reside (Strama, 1998)

In the Philippines a survey conducted by Plaridel, A Journal of Communication,

Media, and Society, in the various universities in Metro Manila show that television and

personal networks are the respondents primary sources of election-related information,

and that these information sources appear to have greatly influenced their level of

knowledge and attitude about election in the Philippines. They felt that they play a

significant role in the elections; however, many of them were not registered voters.

This study addresses this research gap by providing information on how the Filipino

youth here in Zamboanga City view “Suffrage” or their right to vote. It aims to determine

the youth’s level of awareness, knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning national

elections. It will also looks into the communication dimensions of the youth’s views

about election.

Young people- in the British, during the 1990’s academic debates and media

speculations have been increasingly exercise in the alienation of young people from

political life. Today’s young people, like their previous generations, will acquire political

interest as they grow older and as politics begin to have relevance in their lives. The

suggested decline in political interest and behavior of young people, therefore, should
be attributed to the changing social and economic environment in which young people

now live (White, Bruce, and Ritchie, 2000; 1).

Young people believe that politics lacks relevance for their preoccupations with other

interest and other concerns. Other studies also highlights to the complexity of politics

and the difficulties young people have an understanding political life and processes

(White, Bruce and Ritchie, 2000; 1). With the exception of work carried out by Park

(1999) that young people have been found to hold politician in low esteem, lacking trust

in them (Brently and Oakley, 1999) or respect for them (Pririe and Worcester, 1998).

Some researchers which confront the image of young people as alienated and

disaffected has uncovered a high level of voluntary and campaigning activity among 14

and 16 years olds (Rockets et al, 1997).

The reasons why young people do, or do not, participate in political activities is not

well understood. Richardson, for instance, claims that the politician are not interested in

young people’s views. Jowell and Park (1998) suggest that their lack of participations

result from other preoccupations and interests, such as finding partners, homes, and


Certain factors like age, gender, and ethnicity help describe why people vote and

who is more likely to vote ( Traditionally people ages 30 to 65 are most

likely to vote, but recently young people have been coming out to the polls more

frequently, in part due to mobilization via social media. Since the 1980’s, women have

voted as much more than men, removing the idea that there is a gender gap in certain

types of political participation like voting. Different ethnic group also have unique voting

trends. African-American voters vote as much as other voters of the same

socioeconomic status and Asian voters have lower voter turnout rates. Latinos tend to

votes less than other groups, but their vote has been rising in importance.

Theoretical Framework

This research will apply to main analytical frame works. First is explaining theories

on perception. It is used to describe the variety of students or young voters’ knowledge,

attitude, and practices concerning the practice of suffrage here in the Philippines.

Second is exploring some works on student or young voter’s age, gender, and ethnicity

and also their interest in the practice of suffrage.

There are many theories which postulated about perception. In these sense, the

research merely applies relevant thesis. Perception can be defined as a function of

stimulation. They assume the perceptual mechanism as a seeker of stimulation. The

mechanism is a system, an apparatus which explores available stimuli and adjusts the

sense organs in order to achieved optimum reception (Gibson and Gibson, 1792: 711).

Moreover, the stimuli which give rise to any perception are always states and

fluctuations stimuli should not be confused with the physical object, which along with the

medium in their source. Therefore, perception is a process by which an individual

maintains contact with his environment (Gibson, 1959: 471).

Gibson’s thesis (1949: 465) that perceptual learning takes place when phenomenal

objects come into closer agreement with either proximal stimuli or physical objects

suggest that we are to identify perception with being aware of phenomenal objects and

events, and that perception becomes better when they become more like physical

stimuli. In addition, Gibson (1966:2) also underlines perception as the detection about

the world.

Other expert assumes that perception estimates true properties of an objective

world. They justify this assumption with an argument from evaluation: natural selections

reward true perception. (Hoffman 2009, 21) proposes instead that if true perception crop

up, then natural selections mows them down; natural selections fosters perception that

act as implied user interfaces, expediting adaptive behavior while shrouding the casual

and structural complexity of the shrouded world. In support of this proposal, he discuss

mimicry and mating errors in nature, and presented stimulations of an evolutionary

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

1. Age Perception on the

2. Gender practice of suffrage in
3. Ethnicity the Philippines.

Figure 1

The conceptual paradigm of the study

The conceptual Frame work showing the relationship of the difference variables.

This Framework is representation of the Conceptual Paradigm of the study which

includes the Independent variables on Formal factors and the Dependent variables is

the survey on the Student’s or Young Voters perception and involvement on the practice

of suffrage in the Philippines are perceived by the respondent. Moreover the moderator

variables such as age will be based on the following brackets (18 above) while gender
will be either male or female; ethnicity such as Zamboangueno, Tausug, Yakan, Sinama

and other tribes living in Zamboanga.

Statement of the Problems

1. What is the profile of students or young voters in terms of; age, ethnicity, and


2. What is the perception of the students on the practice of suffrage in the Philippines?

3. Is there a significant difference in the perception of students on the practice of

suffrage in the Philippines when grouped according to their profile?


The well hypothesis for problem number 3 is that, there is no significant difference in

the perception of students on the practice of suffrage in the Philippines when grouped

according to their profile.

Significant of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

To the Faculty

The result of this study will help the Political Science Faculty members to understand

the perception of their students on the practice of suffrage such as their attitude,

knowledge, and also their awareness towards their right to vote.

To the Students

This study, particularly the result, will provide students with insight, knowledge, and

awareness towards the practice of suffrage or their right to vote.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to determine students or young voter’s perception on the practice of

suffrage, by categorizing the young voter’s age, ethnicity, and gender. This study will

focus on college student that is already in voting age. Study will conduct in Zamboanga

City. This study will only be limited to students age 18 to 22.

Definition of Terms

The research has defined the lexical form which used in the study for clarity and

better understanding of the concepts.

These are the following terms:

Age. This refers to the credibility of the survey in relation of the age level of the


Ethnicity. This refers to tribes of the respondent of the study. Suffrage is the right or

exercise of the right to vote in public affairs. The freedom of an individual to express a

desire for a change in government by choosing between competing people or ideas

without fear of reprisal is basic to self-government.

Gender. This refers to the validity and reliability of suffrage in the Philippines.

Perception. This refers to how the young voters see and understand the practice of

suffrage in the Philippines.

Suffrage. Suffrage is the right or exercise of the right to vote in public affairs. The

freedom of an individual to express a desire for a change in government by choosing

between competing people or ideas without fear of reprisal is basic to self-government.



This chapter is a representation of the researcher’s methodology wherein explains

on the different approaches on the research: research design, population sampling,

research instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis procedure, and statistical

treatment of the study.

Research Design

The research shall employ descriptive research. The purpose is to study the

perception and involvement of Zamboanga City’s students on the practice of suffrage

here in the Philippines. Descriptive research can be used to describe the perception and

involvement of the student population on the practice of suffrage here in the Philippines.

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of population or

phenomenon being studied. It does not answer the questions about how/when/why the

characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the “what” question example (what are the
characteristics of Minnesota state population or situation being studied (Shields, Patria

and Rangarjan. 2013).

Locale of the Study

The ongoing research will take place at Universidad de Zamboanga main campus,

Tetuan, Zamboanga City.

Population and Sampling Design

The research involved Two hundred (150 heads) heads where (50) respondents per

sub group. The following are: 50 students (18 to 22 years old), 50 for both gender

groups (male and female), 50 per ethnic group studying in Universidad de Zamboanga,

as a number of distribution of survey to obtain the total number of the population in

gathering the data following the purposive sampling design to be taken per subgroup.

Purposive sampling design is where an interpretation of results is limited to the

population under study. To be valid over a greater realm or to form the basis for a

theory, the study may be repeated for confirmation in a different population, still using a

non-probability method (Bernard 2002).

Data Gathering Tools

First, this will be elicited the general information on the profile of the respondents

which will be tackled on the perception and involvement of the student on the practice of

suffrage here in the Philippines.

Second, this is to determine the influence of television, personal network and social

media affects the involvement of youth or student voters in Zamboanga City on the

practice of suffrage here in the Philippines.

Third, this is to determine the significant difference in the perception and involvement

of student’s voters on the practice of suffrage here in the Philippines when respondents

are grouped according to the age, gender, and ethnicity.

Fourth, the researcher will be used a Likert scale method with a legend of five scale

values 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 as numbers of representation in answering the questionnaire that

would be based on the target statements formulated into 5 items to be checked by the

respondents consisting of three given main points of statements of question and label

down to 10-item as indicators for this study.

However, the response of the respondents will be based on the questionnaire

formulated finally.

Reliability and Validity of the Instrument

The research instrument will be referred to a panel of experts whose suggestions will

be brought together to independently assess the research instruments’ importance,

sustainability. And appropriateness of the set of questions. Corrections and suggestions

will therefore be carried out and be incorporated during the final draft of the research

instrument. Lastly, the adviser’s final scrutiny of the final instrument will be realized.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, a letter of permission will be submitted directly to the heads of offices such as

the dean, especially to the students which will be like to be given due notice because

they will be a part of the study.

Second, a self-constructed survey questionnaire will be adapted consisting of two


Third, the distribution of questionnaire will be done from the different courses in

Universidad de Zamboanga as identified in this study.

Fourth, retrieval of the questionnaire will be done thereafter once the questionnaire

will be retrieved; the responses will be tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted.

Fifth, the quantitative responses of the identified-respondents tailed on master list.

The questionnaire will be kept for scrutiny by the panelist. The data gathered will be

subjected for a statistical treatment.

Sixth, an analyses and interpretations of data will be conducted to determine the

extent by which an assessment bon the perception and involvement of youth or

students’ voters on the practice of suffrage here in Zamboanga City.

Statistical Tools

The following statistical tools will be used in this study.

Weighted Mean

This will be employed to determine the over-all response per item as regard to the

identified variables on the perception and involvement of youth or students’ voters on

the practice of suffrage here in the Philippines.


This will also be used to test the significant difference between genders of

respondents’ perceptions and involvement on the practice of suffrage here in the


A Research Proposal

Presented to
The Faculty of the School Education, Arts & Sciences

Universidad de Zamboanga

Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research 1

Jean Rose C. De Pedro
Mokhtar A. Que

December 2016

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