Capella Romana. The Divine Liturgy in English
Capella Romana. The Divine Liturgy in English
Capella Romana. The Divine Liturgy in English
in english
in byzantine chant
2 Cds: the complete service
the DIVINE LITURGY • Cappella Romana
The Very Revd Archimandrite Meletios (Webber), priest · The Revd Dr John Chryssavgis, deacon
Without doubt, the most solemn and meaningful of all acts I therefore welcome this dignified rendition of a celebra-
of Orthodox worship is the celebration of the Divine Liturgy tion of the Liturgy which is part of the life-blood of every
– the offering of Bread and Wine which, through the invoca- Orthodox Christian; and I commend it as contributing to the
tion of the All-Holy Spirit, become for us ‘the precious Body ‘savour of spiritual fragrance’ – this being one of the reasons
… and … Blood’ of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In this for which we hymn the Triune God – with the confidence
service is concentrated the entire theology of the Orthodox that it will increase the understanding and appreciation of
Church concerning our Redemption and it is the cornerstone both the spirituality of Orthodox worship and the heights of
on which our Church depends and continues its mission musical expression to which its chanting aspires.
throughout the world.
David Edmonds
Cappella Romana on CD
Tikey Zes Choral Works Music of Byzantium
A collection of sacred With over 12,000 copies
and secular compositions sold, this disc was released
in Greek and English by for the Metropolitan
Greek-American composer, Museum of Art’s 2004
Tikey Zes. Includes his exhibit ‘Byzantium: Faith
elegant choral setting of and Power’. Features
‘Soma Christou’. Byzantine music from 1261
to 1557.
When Augustus Reigned: Byzantium in Rome:
Christmas Music from the Medieval Byzantine Chant
Byzantine Tradition Led by Ioannis Arvanitis,
Features a cappella this 2-CD set bears witness
choral works by Adamis, to Constantinopolitan
Michaelides, Desby, Zes, music from before the Latin
and Vergin, and medieval conquest of 1204, as recorded
Byzantine chant. at Abbey of Grottaferrata
near Rome (founded 1004).
Lay Aside All Earthly The Fall of Constantinople
Cares: Orthodox Choral Cappella Romana’s most
Works in English in-demand program,
Russian-styled music in of Byzantine chant and
English by the visionary polyphony c.1453 and motets
priest, composer, and by Guillaume Dufay, explores
teacher Fr Sergei Glagolev the musical legacy of New
(b. 1927). Conducted by Rome—caught between Latin
Vladimir Morosan. West and Islamic East.
The Akáthistos Hymn
British composer (and
Orthodox priest) Ivan
Moody blends Byzantine
These and other recordings
chant with richly textured are available at
Russian style choruses in
this 2-CD set of the hymn
in English with its refrains
in Greek. 39