DIRECTION: Read and Analyze Each Item Carefully. Write The Letter That Corresponds To The Correct Answer
DIRECTION: Read and Analyze Each Item Carefully. Write The Letter That Corresponds To The Correct Answer
DIRECTION: Read and Analyze Each Item Carefully. Write The Letter That Corresponds To The Correct Answer
SY 2019 - 2020
DIRECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
If the answer are not among the choices, the pupil will provide the correct answer.
1. If the ____ occupies one-third of a prism, then chocolate milk can it hold?
its volume is one-third of the volume of the A. 135 cm³ C. 45 cm³
prism. B. 15 cm³ D. 27 cm³
A. cone C. pyramid
B. cylinder D. 4 10. What is the volume of the
figure at the right?
2. If I can fill a cylinder container with sand using A. 9.42 m3
a funnel three times its contents, what would B. 6.28 m3
be the volume of the funnel (Vf) in relation to C. 3.14 m3 5m
the cylinder? (Volume of cylinder: Vc = Bh) D. 15.75 m3
A. Vf = (Bh) ÷ 3 C. Vf = 3 ÷ (Bh)
B. Vf = (Bh) ÷ 2 D. Vf = (Bh) x 3 1m
11. What device measures the amount of water
3. What solid figure has 2/3 of the volume of a consumed by the users?
cylinder having the same radius and the same A. Electric Meter
height? B. Digital Type Electric Meter
A. Cone C. Sphere C. Mechanical Type of Electric Meter
B. Pyramid D. Cube D. Water Meter
4. Which of the following is the formula used for 12. What is the actual reading in cubic meters if a
finding the volume of a pyramid? water meter displays 0000592 (liters)?
A. V=𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ C. V=1/2bh A. 0.592 m3 C. 59.2 m3
B. V= 1/3𝜋𝑟 ℎ 2
D. V=1/3bh B. 5.92 m3 D. 592 m3
5. What figure has a formula of V=4/3 𝜋r³? 13. What is the reading of the electric meter below?
A. Cone C. Prism
B. Pyramid D. Sphere
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18. The Mendoza Family’s electric meter reading 22. What is the graph all about?
was 4565kWh in December and 4998kWh in A. Emmanuel’s activity in school.
January. How much will they pay for the B. Emmanuel’s activity at home.
generation charge if it cost ₱5.15 per kilowatt C. Emmanuel’s activity at night.
hour? D. Emmanuel’s activity in a day.
A. ₱2 229.95 C. ₱84.08
B. ₱49 249.45 D. ₱169.95 23. How many hours are there in a day?
A. 10 C. 12
19. Marvin wants to know the favorite subject of B. 18 D. 24
his classmates. What should Marvin do?
A. Make a frequency table of subjects. 24. About how many percent of his time is spent
B. Ask each classmate of their favorite for recreation?
subject. A. 8 C. 10
C. Assume the favorite subject of his B. 12 D. 25
D. Limit the answer of his classmates. 25. How many hours did Emmanuel spend for
For items 20 and 21, refer to the problem A. 1 C. 2
below B. 6 D. 9
Mercado’s family consumes
family consumes 80 80 of
m of 26. Which two activities have the same number of
water in a month. Ten m3 is
water in a month. Ten m is used for
3 used for bathing, hours spent?
40 m3 is used
bathing, 40 min 3 iswashing
used in clothes,
washingwhile the
clothes, A. Helping at home and eating
rest is the
while usedrest
for iscooking,
used forwashing
cooking,the dishes
washing B. Sleeping and recreation
the others.
dishes andIf the data The
others. is todata
be plot
is toinbe
a pie
plot C. School and sleeping
in a pie graph. D. Homework and recreation
Study the graph of Emmanuel’s Activity in a Day. 30. What percent of chance does a person have in
winning a lottery without buying a ticket?
A. 0% C. 50%
B. 25% D. 90%
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Mathematics 6 Page 3 of 4
D. impossible to happen
70. determines the relationship of the volume
M6ME-IVa-95 70.1 a rectangular prism and a pyramid; 1,2,3 3 7.5
70.2 a cylinder and a cone;
B. 6 D. 30
TOTAL 40 100
36. A Jar contains 12 caramels, 7 mints and 16 To the School Head & Math
chocolates. What is the probability of selecting
a mint? teacher, kindly submit item analysis
A. 20% C. 34% to the Division Math Supervisor, 3
B. 47% D. 100%
weeks after the administration of
37. A bag has 1 blue, 3 green, 2 red, and 2 yellow the periodical test.
marbles. What is the probability of drawing
yellow marbles?
A. ¼ C. ½
B. 3/8 D. 4/8
Contributor: [email protected]
DIRECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Shade the letter that DIRECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Shade the letter that
corresponds to the correct answer. If the answer is not corresponds to the correct answer. If the answer is not
found among the choices, shade E and write the correct found among the choices, shade E and write the correct
Mathematics 6
answer at the back of your answer sheet. answer at the back of your answer sheet.
Contributor: [email protected]
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