Ce 388 - Fundamentals of Steel Design SPRING TERM 2013-2014: Instructors
Ce 388 - Fundamentals of Steel Design SPRING TERM 2013-2014: Instructors
Ce 388 - Fundamentals of Steel Design SPRING TERM 2013-2014: Instructors
General concepts in design. Design methods, codes, safety, serviceability. Behavior of steel
structures. Tension members, compression members, beams, beam-columns, types and behavior
of connections in steel structures, bolted and welded connections.
This course is one of the main courses in which design concepts will be introduced. The course
will teach basic principles of design and fundamentals of steel structures. Students will utilise their
knowledge of mechanics, strength of materials and structural analysis to design a structure using
steel as a material.
Tutorials, two term tests and a final exam will be given. In the exams students will be allowed to
use some of the related standards and section tables. These documents should not be annotated.
Tutorials 5~10%
Term Tests 45~50 %
Final 40~45 %
There will be only one make-up exam and it will be given just before the final exams. The make-
up exam will cover all of the subjects in the course regardless of the exam missed.
1. Gaylord, E. H. and Stallmeyer, J. E. “Design of Steel Structures”, Third Edition, McGraw Hill
Inc., 1992
2. Yilmaz, Ç., and Akkas, N., “Analysis and Design of Steel Structures”, ODTÜ.
4. Keyder, E., Wasti, S.T., “Çelik Yapı Elemanları (Analiz ve Tasarım)”, 2010.
5. McCormac, J.C., “Structural Steel Design ASD Method”, Fourth Edition, Harper Collins,
7. McCormac, J.C., “Structural Steel Design LRFD Method”, Second Edition, Harper Collins,
8. Salmon, C.G., and Johnson, J. E., “Steel Structures, Design and Behavior”, Third Edition,
Harper and Row Publishers, 1990
4. Eurocode 3, “Design of Steel Structures”, ENV 1993-1-1 Part 1.1: General Rules and Rules for
Buildings, CEN Brussels, 1992.
6. American Institute of Steel Construction. “Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance
Factor Design”, Volume1, Second Edition, AISC, 1995.
Week Date Month Lecture
1 24** September Introduction
27* September General Concepts
2 1** October General Concepts
4* October Tension Members
3 8** October Tension Members
11* October Tension Members
4 22** October Compression Members
25* October Compression Members
5 1* November Tutorial
6 5** November Compression Members
8* November Comp. Members (Built-up)
7 12** November Comp. Members (Built-up)
15* November Comp. Members (Built-up)
8 19** November Beams
22* November Tutorial
9 26** November Beams
29* November Beams
10 3** December Beams
6* December Beams
11 10** December Beam Columns
13* December Beam Columns
12 17** December Beam Columns
20* December Tutorial
13 24** December Bolted Connections
27* December Bolted Connections
14 31** December Bolted Connections
3* January Welded Connections
15 7** January Welded Connections
10* January Tutorial