FIITJEE AITS JEE Adv Part-1 Paper-1

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JEE (Advanced)-2022
TEST DATE: 06-12-2020
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 198

General Instructions:

 The test consists of total 54 questions.

 Each subject (PCM) has 18 questions.

 This question paper contains Three Parts.

 Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.

 Each Part is further divided into Two Sections: Section-A & Section-C.

Section-A (01 – 06, 19 – 24, 37– 42) contains 18 multiple choice questions which have ONLY
ONE CORRECT ANSWER. Each question carries +3 marks for correct answer and –1 mark for
wrong answer.
Section-A (07 – 12, 25 – 30, 43 – 48) this section contains 18 multiple choice questions.
Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are)
correct answer(s).
For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s)
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen:
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and
both of which are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is
a correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i. e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : 2 In all other cases.
Section-C (13 – 18, 31– 36, 49 – 54) contains 18 Numerical answer type questions with answer
XXXXX.XX and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and 0 marks for wrong answer.

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022 2

Physics PART – I

(One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. The displacement time graph for a one dimensional motion of a

Displacement, (m) 
particle is shown in figure. Then the instantaneous velocity at t = 20 2
sec is –
(A) –0.05 m/s
(B) –0.1 m/s
(C) 0.1 m/s
(D) 1.0 m/s 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time, sec 

2. Two guns are pointed at each other one upwards at an angle of elevation of
30º and other at the same angle of depression, the muzzle being 30 m
apart. If the charges leave the gun with velocities of 350 m/s and 300 m/s 30
respectively. Find when will they meet?

(A) 3/65 sec
(B) 5/65 sec
(C) 3/95 sec
(D) 3 /15 sec

3. A force - time graph for the motion of a body is shown in

figure. Change in linear momentum between 0 and 8 s F
is – (in N)
0 2 6 8

t in s
(A) 10 N-s
(B) 4 N-s
(C) 8 N-s
(D) zero

4. In the given arrangement, n number of equal masses are n 4 3 2 1

connected by strings of negligible masses. The tension in m ….. m m m m
the string connected to nth mass is–

nm  M
nM  m
(C) mg
(D) mng

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3 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

5. All pulleys and strings shown in figure are light and there 0.5 8kg 6kg
is no friction in any string and pulley. The acceleration of
hanging block if mass of hanging block is 9 kg -

(A) m/s2
(B) m/s2
(C) m/s2
(D) m/s2

6. A rigid body is made of three identical thin rods, each of length L fastened together in the form of
the letter H. The body is free to rotate about a horizontal axis that runs along the length of one of
the legs of the H. The body is allowed to fall from rest from a position in which the plane of the H
is horizontal. What is the angular speed of the body when the plane of H is vertical?
5 g
2 L
3 g
2 L
(D) None of these

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and
(D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

7. A uniform rod of 8m and length 6a lies on a smooth horizontal 2m

table. Two point masses m and 2m moving in the same
v 3a
horizontal plane with speeds 2v and v respectively strike the bar
as shown in figure and stick the bar after collision. Denoting
angular velocity (about the centre of mass,) total energy and 2v
a 2a
centre of mass velocity by E and vc respectively after m
collision, mark the correct options.
(A) vc = 0
(B)  = 3v /5a,
(C)  = v/5ª
(D) E = 3mv2 /5

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8. Figure shows two cylinders of radii r1 and r2 having moments

1 2
of inertia I1 and I2 about their respective axes. Initially, the
cylinders rotate about their axes with angular speeds 1 and r1 I1 r2 I2
2 as shown in the figure. The cylinders are moved closer to
touch each other keeping the axes parallel. The cylinders first
slip over each other at the contact but the slipping finally
ceases due to the friction between them. The angular speeds
of the cylinders after the slipping ceases become '1 and '2
respectively. Then mark the correct options.
I  r I  r
(A) '1 = 1 1 22 2 22 1 r2
I 2 r1  I1 r2
I1 1 r2  I 2 2 r1
(B) '1 = r1
I 2 r12  I1 r22
I1 1 r2  I 2  2 r1
(C) '2 = r2
I 2 r12  I1 r22
I1 1 r2  I 2  2 r1
(D) '2 = r1
I 2 r12  I1 r22

9. A heavy plank of mass 102.5 kg is placed over two F

cylindrical rollers of radii R = 10 cm and r = 5 cm. Mass of
rollers is 40 kg and 20 kg respectively. Plank is pulled 10cm
towards right by applying a horizontal force F = 25 N as
shown in fig. During first second of motion the plank gets
displaced by 10 cm.
If plank remains horizontal and slipping does not take place, calculate magnitude and direction of
force of friction acting between.
(A) The magnitude of force of friction between the plank and bigger roller is 1.5 N.
(B) The magnitude of force of friction between the plank and smaller roller is 1.5 N.
(C) The magnitude of force of friction between bigger roller and the floor, and is 1 N.
(D) None of these

10. In the position 1 (figure) the spring of constant K is undeformed. F

A force F (which is always directed along the tangent to the a
smooth hemi spherical surface) is applied on the small block of 0
a 1
mass m to shift it from the position 1 to position 2. The
magnitude of force is varied such that the black moves slowly.

 KR 2  0 2
(A) Work done by the force F is mgR sin  +
(B) Potential energy stored in the spring increases during consequent motion.
(C) Gravitational potential energy of the block + earth system increases during consequent

(D) Work done by the force F is mgR sin  + KR 2 0 2

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5 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

11. A stone with weight W is thrown vertically upward in the air with initial speed v o. If a constant
force F due to air drag acts on the stone throughout its flight:
(A) The maximum height reached by the stone is : h =
 F
g 1  
 W
W  F 
(B) The speed of the stone upon impact with the ground is v = v 0  
W  F 
v 02
(C) The maximum height reached by the stone is : h =
 F
2g 1  
 W
1/ 2
 WF
(D) The speed of the stone upon impact with the ground is v = v 0  
 WF

12. A car of mass M is moving on a horizontal circular path of radius r. At an instant its speed is v and
is increasing at a rate a -
(A) the acceleration of the car is towards the centre of the path
(B) the magnitude of the frictional force on the car is greater than mv 2/R
(C) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is not less than a/g
(D) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is µ = tan –1v2/Rg

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in numerical answer Type
with answer XXXX.XX.

13. An engine driver of a passenger train travelling at 40 m/s sees a goods train, ahead of his. The
goods train is travelling in the same direction as the passenger train, with a constant speed of 20
m/s. The passenger train driver has reaction time of 0.5 sec. He applies the brakes which causes
the train to decelerate at the rate of 1 m/sec2, while the goods train continues with its constant
speed. By what least distance (in m) last compartment of the goods train should be ahead of the
engine of the passenger train in order to avoid the crash?

14. In the figure at the free end a force F is applied to keep the suspended mass of 18 kg at rest. The
value of F is (in N)- (take g = 10 m/s2)

18 kg

15. A spot light S rotates in a horizontal plane with a constant angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s. The spot
of light P moves along, the wall at a distance 3m. What is the velocity (in m/s) of the spot P when
 = 45° ?

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16. A ball of mass m = 1kg is hung vertically by a thread of length  = 1.50 m. 1.50m
Upper end of the thread is attached to the ceiling of a trolley of mass M = 4kg. m M
Initially, trolley is stationary and it is free to move along horizontal rails without v0
A shell of mass m = 1kg, moving horizontally with velocity v0 = 6 ms–1, collides with the ball and gets
stuck with it. As a result, thread starts to deflect towards right. Calculate its maximum deflection (in
degrees) with the vertical. (g = 10 ms–2)

17. The velocities of A and B are marked in the figure. The velocity 3m / s
(in m/s) of block C is (assume that the pulley are ideal and
string inextensible): 

1m / s 

A 

18. A car 2 m long and 3 m wide is moving at 13 m/sec when a bullet 2m Vcar
hits it in a direction making an angle θ=tan 3/4 with the car as
seen from the street. The bullet enters one edge of the corner and 3m 13 m/s
passes out at the diagonally opposite corner. Neglecting any
interaction between bullet and car find the time for the bullet to cross θ
the car: V

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
7 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

Chemistry PART – II

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

19. When 1g of an ideal gas A is introduced into an evacuated vessel at 300 K , the pressure was
found to be 1 atm. Two grams of another ideal gas B is then added to A and the pressure is now
found to be 1.5 atm. What is the ratio between the average speeds of A and B at the same
(A) 2 :1
(B) 1: 2
(C) 1: 4
(D) 4 :1
20. In a reaction, 4moles of electrons are transferred to one mole of HNO3. The possible product
obtained due to reduction is:
(A) 0.5 mole of N2
(B) 0.5 mole of N2O
(C) 1 mole of NO2
(D) 1 mole of NH3

21. If K1 and K 2 are the equilibrium constants for a reversible reaction at T1 K and T2 K
temperature T1  T2  and the reaction takes place with neither heat evolution nor absorption,
(A) K1  K 2 at high temperature
(B) K1  K 2 at high temperature
(C) K1  K 2 only at high temperature
(D) K1  K 2 at any temperature

22. The polymerization of propene to form polypropene occurs readly at room temperature?
n C C C C
H H H H n
What is the correct signs of G, H and S respectively for the polymerization reaction at
room temperature?
(A)  ve,  ve,  ve
(B) ve,  ve,  ve
(C)  ve,  ve,  ve
(D)  ve,  ve,  ve

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23. Mg  s   2 HCl 
 MgCl2  H 2
The rate of the redox reaction between HCl and Mg can be followed by measuring the time
taken for the same volume of H 2 to be produced from a range of hydrochloric acid
To find the order with respect the HCl , which would be the most suitable graph to plot using the
(A)  HCl against time
(B) Volume of H 2 against time
(C)  HCl against 1/time
(D) Volume of H 2 against 1/time

24. Which can be act as buffer?

(A) CH 3COOH  NaOH , if CH 3COOH  NaOH   
(B) HCl  CH 3COONa , if CH 3COONa    HCl 
(C) HCN  NaCN
(D) All of these

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and
(D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

25. Van der Waals’ constants for three different gases are given:
Gas a b
X 3.0 0.025
Y 10.0 0.030
Z 6.0 0.035
Which of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Maximum critical temperature Y
(B) Most ideal behaviour  X
(C) Maximum critical volume  Z
(D) Maximum critical pressure  X

26. Select the correct statements:

(A) the Molecularity of an elementary reaction indicates how many reactant species take part
in the step
(B) the rate law of an elementary reaction can be predicated by simply seeing the
stoichiometry of reaction
(C) the slowest elementary step in sequence of the reactions governs the overall rate of
formation of product
(D) a rate law is often derived from a proposed mechanism by imposing the steady state
approximation or assuming that there is a pre-equilibrium

27. During which of the following reactions/process entropy of system will increase?
(A) Ag   aq.  Cl   aq.  AgCl  s 
(B) CaCO3  s  

 CaO  s   CO2  g 
(C) PCl3  g   Cl2  g  
 PCl5  g 
(D) Raw egg 
 Boiled egg

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9 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

28. Gaseous particle X has a proton number n and a charge of +1. Gaseous particle Y has a proton
number  n  1 and is isoelectronic with X. Which statement about X and Y is/are correct?
(A) When placed in an electric field, the angle of deflection for ‘X’ is the same as that of Y.
(B) X requires more energy than Y when a further electron is removed from each particle.
(C) ‘X’ has a larger radius than Y.
(D) ‘X’ releases less energy than Y when an electron is added to particle.

29.  3 AlCl  g 

2 Al  l   AlCl3  g  
In the reaction vessel at 1573K , 0.2mol of AlCl3  g  was reacted with 0.4 mol of molten
Al . When the reaction system achieved equilibrium with a total pressure of 1.50 atm, it was
determined that 0.20mol of molten Al remained in the vessel.
The same reaction vessel was heated to 1700K rapidly in a way such that no reaction took
place during short interval of heating. It was found that partial pressure of AlCl3  g  was
0.390 atm when equilibrium was re-established. Which of the following statement is/are?
(A) K p =3.80 at 1573K
(B) The chemical reaction in above equilibrium is exothermic in nature.
(C) At 1700K , the equilibrium position has shifted to the right
(D) K p =2.80 at 1700K

30. When 25ml of 0.10M strong monobasic acid was titrated against 0.20M of a weak base X,
12.50ml of the base was required to completely neutralise the acid. Which statement is/are
correct for this experiment?
(A) Bromocresol green p  k In
=4.7  is a suitable indicator for this titration.
(B) 1 mol of X reacts with 2 mole of the monobasic acid.
(C) A solution of maximum buffer capacity was formed when 6.25ml of the base was added.
(D) The pH of the solution would be less than 7 at equivalent point

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in numerical answer Type
with answer XXXX.XX.

31. For 3s orbital of hydrogen atom, the normalised wave function is:
3/ 2 r
1 1  18r 2r 2  3a0
 3s     27   2 e
81 3  a0   a0 a0 
If distance between the radial nodes is d , calculate the value of
1.73 a0
32. N 2  g  reacts with H 2  g  in either of the following ways depending upon supply of H 2  g  :
N 2  g   H 2  g  
 N2 H 2 l 
N 2  g   2 H 2  g  
 N2 H 4  g 
If 5L N 2  g  and 3L H 2  g  are taken initially (at same temperature and pressure), calculate
the contraction in volume after the reaction (in L)?

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AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022 10

33. A solution is saturated in SrCO3 and SrF2 . The CO32  was found to be 103 mol/L. If the
concentration of F - in solution is represented as y×102 M then what is the value of y ?
[Given: K sp  SrCO3   2.5  10 ; K sp  SrF2   1010 ]

34. Solid NH4I on rapid heating in a closed vessel at 357°C develops a constant pressure of 380 mm
Hg owing to the partial decomposition of NH4I into NH3 and HI but the pressure gradually
increases further (when excess solid residually remain in the vessel) owing to the dissociation of
HI. The final pressure developed under equilibrium is x atm. Then the value of x is?
 NH 3  g  +HI  g 
NH 4 I  s  
 H 2  g  +I 2  g  , K p =1/16  pressure being in atm terms 
2HI  g  

35. A 3 mol sample of triatomic non-linear ideal gas (consider only translational and rotational degree
of freedom) at 300 K is allowed to expand under reversible adiabatic condition from 5 L to 40 L.
The magnitude of work done (in kJ) in this process is:

36. A-diatomic molecules has a dipole moment of 1.2D . If the bond length is 1.0×10 cm , what
fraction of charge does exist each atom?

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
11 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

Mathematics PART – III

(One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

37. If are roots of equation . Then the value of

is equal to
(A) 0
(B) 3
(C) 11
(D) 44

38. If are the roots of the equation then the value of

(A) 9
(B) 11
(C) 13
(D) 5

39. The quadrilateral formed by the lines and has

area 18. The quadrilateral formed by the lines and
has area 72. If a, b, c, d are positive integers then the least possible value of the
sum (a + b + c + d) is
(A) 13
(B) 14
(C) 15
(D) 16

40. Let be the equation of tangent to a parabola at the point (7, 13). If the focus of
the parabola is at (-1, -1), its directrix is

41. If the line is a tangent to a parabola for any real value of m, then
the equation of the parabola is

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42. The range of a for which

x  x  2    a  3  x 2  x  2  x 2  x  1   a  4   x 2  x  1  0 has atleast
2 2 2
one real root
 19 
(A)  5, 
 3
(B)  0,1
(C)  1, 0 
 19 
(D) 0, 3 

(One or More than one correct type)

This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and
(D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four options is(are) correct.

Let y  4ax be a parabola and PQ be a focal chord. Let R be the point of intersection of the
tangents at P and Q, then:
 ( PQ ) 2
(A) Area of circum circle of PQR is
(B) orthocentre ofPQR lies at the directrix
(C) Incentre of PQR lies at the vertex
minimum area of the circumcircle of PQR is 4 a

44. Number of ordered pairs (x, y) satisfying x + y =1and x +y =a is

2 2 2
 then
(A) λ=0 if a< ,a>1
(B) λ=4 if a= ,a=1
(C) λ=8if <a<1
(D) None of these

45. Let L1 : 3 x  4 y  1 and L2 : 5 x  12 y  2  0 be two given lines. Let image of every point on
L1 with respect to a line L lies on L2 then possible equation of L can be:
(A) 14 x  112 y  23  0
(B) 64 x  8 y  3  0
(C) 11x  4 y  0
(D) 52 x  45 y  7

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
13 AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022

46. Let A 1,1 and B  3,3 be two fixed points and P be a variable point such that area of PAB
remains constant equal to 1 for all position of P, then locus of P is given by:
(A) 2 y  2x  1
(B) 2 y  2x 1
(C) y  x 1
(D) y  x 1

47. If 4a2  5b2  6a  1  0 and the line ax  by  1  0 touches a fixed circle, then:
(A) centre of circle is at  3, 0 
(B) the radius of circle is 5
(C) the radius of circle is 3
(D) the circle passes through 1,1
48. P is a point which moves in the x-y plane such that the point P is nearer to the centre of square
then any of the sides. The four vertices of the square are   a,  a  . The region in which P will
move is bounded by parts of parabolas of which one has the equation:
(A) y 2  a 2  2ax
(B) x 2  a 2  2ay
(C) y 2  2ax  a 2
(D) None of these

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 06 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in numerical answer Type
with answer XXXX.XX.

The normal to the parabola y  8 x at the point (2, 4) meets it again at 18,  12  . If length of

normal chord  , then the value of 2 must be:

The locus of a point that divides a chord of slope 2 of the parabola y  4 x internally in the ratio

1: 2 is a parabola. If the vertex of parabola is   ,   , then the value of 129      must be:

51. Let 1 be the area of ΔPQR inscribed in an ellipse and Δ 2 be the area of the ΔP ' Q ' R '
whose vertices are the points lying on the auxiliary circle corresponding to the points P, Q, R
4 3 
respectively. If the eccentricity of the ellipse is then the ratio 343 2 must be:
7 1

52. The area of the triangle formed by tangents form the point  4,3 to be circle x 2  y 2  9 and the
line segment joining their points of contact is  square unit, then the value of  250.5  must

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
AIITS-PT-I (Paper-1)-PCM-JEE (Advanced)/2022 14

53. If the area of the triangle formed by the lines y  9 xy  18 x  0 and

2 2
y  9 is  sq. unit, then
the value of  3
must be:

54. If roots of the equationx 2  10cx  11d  0 are a, b and those of x 2  10ax  11b  0 are c, d ,
then the value of a  b  c  d must be equal to  a, b, c and d are distinct numbers.

Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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