CRIM LAW Art. 114 - 123
CRIM LAW Art. 114 - 123
CRIM LAW Art. 114 - 123
CRIMES AND PENALTIES - Permanent: consist in the obligation of Extent of aid or comfort:
CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY fidelity and obedience which a citizen or - Must be given to the enemy by some kind
subject owes to his government or of action.
Art. 114. Treason – Any Filipino citizen who levies sovereign. - It must be a deed or physical activity, not
war against the Philippines or adheres to her - Temporary: the obligation of fidelity and merely a mental operation.
enemies, giving them aid or comfort within the obedience which a resident alien owes to
Philippines or elsewhere, shall be punished by our government. NOTE: the act committed need not actually
reclusion perpetua to death and shall paw a fine strengthen the enemy.
not to exceed Four million pesos. (P4,000,000). NOTE: Treason cannot be committed in time of
peace, since it is a war crime. However, treasonable NOTE: the aid or comfort given to the enemies
No person shall be convicted of treason acts may actually be perpetrated during peace, but must be after the declaration of war. The enemies
unless on the testimony of two (2) witnesses at there are no traitors until war has started. must be the subject of a foreign power. It does not
least to the same overt act or on confession of the embrace rebels in insurrection against their own
accused in open court. 2 ways or modes of committing treason: country, because they are still citizens and not
1. By levying war against the Government; enemies.
Likewise, an alien, residing in the 2. By adhering to the enemies of the
Philippines, who commits acts of treason as defined Philippines, giving them aid or comfort. No Treason through Negligence: the overt act of aid
in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be punished by and comfort to the enemy must be intentional, as
reclusion temporal to death and shall pay a fine not Meaning of “levying war”: distinguished from merely negligent or undesigned
to exceed Four million pesos (P4,000,000). (As 1. That there be an actual assembling of men; ones.
amended by Sec. 2, R.A. 7659 and R.A. 10951) and (Ex parte Bollman)
2. For the purpose of executing a treasonable NOTE: Treason is a continuous crime.
Treason – is a breach of allegiance to a government, design by force. (Ex parte Swartwout)
committed by a person who awes allegiance to it. Par. 2 – of Article 114.
NOTE: in treason by levying war, it is not necessary
Elements of Treason: that there be a formal declaration of the existence NOTE: Treason cannot be proved by circumstantial
1. That the offender is a Filipino citizen or an of a state of war. Actual hostilities may determine evidence or by the extrajudicial confession of the
alien residing in the Philippines; the date of the commencement of war. accused, however strong or convincing it may be, or
2. That there is a war in which the Philippines is only an extrajudicial confession.
is involved; NOTE: for the 2nd mode of committing treason both
3. That the offender either – adhering and giving aid or comfort to the enemy Ways of proving treason:
a. Levies war against the Government, or must concur together. 1. Testimony of two (2) witnesses, at least, to
b. Adheres to the enemies, giving them the same overt act;
aid or comfort. Adherence to the enemy, defined: 2. Confession of the accused in open court.
- Means intent to betray.
How to prove that offender is a Filipino Citizen: - When a citizen intellectually or emotionally Two-witness Rule: 2 witnesses is required to prove
1. May be proven by his prison record; or favors the enemy and harbors sympathies the overt act of giving aid or comfort. It is not
2. May be proven by the testimony of or convictions disloyal to his country’s necessary to prove adherence. But it is not
witnesses who know him to have been born policy or interest. necessary that their testimony be identical.
in the Philippines of Filipino parents.
Ex. Giving information to, or commandeering NOTE: the Two-witness Rule is “severely
foodstuff for, the enemy is evidence of both restrictive”
adherence and aid or comfort.
NOTE: it is sufficient that the witness are uniform in exceeding Two million pesos (P2,000,000), and 1. That the offender must be owing allegiance
their testimony on the overt act; it is not necessary prision correccional and a fine of not exceeding to the Government and not a foreigner;
there be corroboration between them on the point One million pesos (P1,000,000). (As amended by 2. That he has knowledge of any conspiracy
they testified. R.A. 10951) (to commit treason) against the
Reason for the two-witness rule: How are crime of conspiracy and proposal to 3. That he conceals or does not disclose and
- The special nature of the crime of treason commit treason committed? make known the same as soon as possible
requires that the accused be afforded - Conspiracy to commit treason, is committed to the governor or fiscal of the province or
protection not required in other cases so as when in time of war, two or more persons the mayo or fiscal of the city in which he
to avoid a miscarriage of justice. come to an agreement to levy war against resides.
the Government or to adhere to the
Adherence may be proved: enemies and to give them aid or comfort NOTE: Misprision of treason cannot be committed
1. By one witness; and decide to commit it. by a resident alien.
2. From the nature of that act itself; or - Proposal to commit treason, is committed
3. From the circumstances surrounding the when in time of war a person who has NOTE: Art. 116 does not apply when the crime of
act. decided to levy war against the treason is already committed by someone, and the
Government or to adhere to the enemies accused does not report its commission to the
Reason why adherence need not be proved by two and to give them aid or comfort, proposes proper authority.
witnesses: its execution to some other person or
- The sense of disloyal state of mind, cannot persons. NOTE: the offender in misprision of treason is
be, and is not required to be, proved by punished as an accessory to treason. However, the
disposition of 2 witnesses. General Rule: Conspiracy and proposal to commit a offender can be a principal in the crime of
felony is not punishable. misprision of treason. because misprision of
NOTE: Confession must be made in open court. Exception: Conspiracy and/or Proposal to commit treason is a separate and distinct offense than that
treason is punishable under Art. 115. provided for treason.
Defense of suspended allegiance and change of
sovereign, not accepted: NOTE: Two-witness rule does not apply to General Rule: Under Art. 19 that a person who keeps
1. A citizen owes an absolute and permanent conspiracy or proposal to commit treason, because silent as to what he knows about the perpetration of
allegiance to his Government; this is a separate and distinct offense from that of an offense is not criminally liable, either as principal,
2. The sovereign of the government is not treason. or as an accomplice, or as an accessory.
transferred to the enemy by mere Exception: Under Art. 116 that mere silence does
occupation; Art. 116. Misprision of treason – Every person not make a person criminally liable under misprision
3. Th subsistence of the sovereignty of the owing allegiance to (the United States or) the of treason.
legitimate Government in a territory Government of the Philippine Islands, without
occupied by the military forces of the being a foreigner, and having knowledge of any
enemy during the war is one of the rules of conspiracy against them, who conceals or does not
International Law; and disclose and make known the same, as soon as
4. What is suspended is the exercise of the possible, to the governor or fiscal of the province,
rights of sovereignty. or the mayor or fiscal of the city in which he
resides, as the case may be, shall be punished as an
Art. 115. Conspiracy and proposal to commit accessory to the crime of treason.
treason – Penalty. – The conspiracy and proposal to
commit the crime of treason shall be n[punished Elements:
respectively, by prision mayor and a fine not
other data of a confidential nature make or obtain any sketch, photograph,
relative to the defense of the photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map
Philippines. instrument, appliance, document, writing or
Art. 117. Espionage – the penalty of prision note of anything connected with the
correccional shall be inflicted upon any person 2. By disclosing to the representative of a national defense, for the same purpose and
who: foreign nation the contents of the articles, with intent as in paragraph a.
data or information referred to in c. By receiving or obtaining or agreeing or
1. Without authority therefor, enters a paragraph 1 of article 117, which he had in attempting or inducing or aiding another to
warship, fort, or naval or military his possession by reason of public office he receive or obtain from any sources any of
establishment or reservation to obtain any holds. those data mentioned in paragraph b, code
information, plans, photographs, or other book or signal book, knowing that it will be
date of a confidential nature relative to the Elements: obtained or disposed of by any person
defense of the Philippine Archipelago; or a. That the offender is a public office; contrary to the provisions of this act.
2. Being in possession, by reason of the b. That he has in his possession the d. By communicating or transmitting, or
public office he holds, of the articles, data, articles, data or information referred to attempting to communicate or transmit to
or information referred to in the preceding in para. 1 of article 117, by reason of any person not entitled to receive it, by
paragraph, discloses their contents to a the public office he holds; willfully retaining and failing to deliver it on
representative of a foreign nation. c. That he discloses their contents to a demand to any officer or employee entitled
representative of a foreign nation. to receive it, the offender being in
The penalty next higher in degree shall be possession of, having access to, control
imposed if the offender be a public officer or NOTE: to be liable under par. 1, the offender must over, or being entrusted with any of the
employee. have the intention to obtain information relative to data mentioned in paragraph b or code
the defense of the Philippines. book or signal book.
Espionage - is the offense of gathering, transmitting, e. By permitting, through gross negligence, to
or losing information respecting the national defense COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 616 be removed from its proper place or
with intent or reason to believe that the information An Act to Punish Espionage and Other Offenses custody or delivered to anyone in violation
is to be used to the injury of the Republic of the Against National Security of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted
Philippines or to the advantage of any foreign or destroyed any of the data mentioned in
nation. SEC. 1. Unlawfully obtaining or permitting to be paragraph b, code book, or signal book, the
obtained information affecting national defense. offender being entrusted with or having
Two ways of committing espionage: lawful possession or control of the same.
1. By entering, without authority therefor, a a. By going upon, entering, flying over or
warship, fort or naval or military otherwise by obtaining information SEC. 2. Unlawful disclosing of information affecting
establishment or reservation to obtain any concerning any vessel, aircraft, work of national defense.
information, plans, photographs or other defense, or any other place where any
data of a confidential nature relative to the vessels, aircraft, arms, munitions, or other a. By communicating or transmitting, or
defense of the Philippines. materials for the use in time of war are attempting to communicate or transmit to
being made, or stored, for the purpose of any person not entitled to receive it, by
Elements: obtaining information respecting national willfully retaining and failing to deliver it on
a. That the offender enters any of the defense, with intent to use it to the injury of demand to any officer or employee entitled
places mentioned therein; the Philippines or to the advantage of any to receive it, the offender being in
b. That he has no authority therefor; foreign nation. possession of, having access to, control
c. That his purpose is to obtain b. By copying, taking, making or attempting or over, or being entrusted with any of the
information, plans, photographs, or inducing or aiding another to copy, take,
data mentioned in paragraph b or code refusal of duty in the Armed Forces of the 4. Making or causing war material to be made
book or signal book. Philippines; or in defective manner. — When the
c. By willfully obstructing the recruiting or Philippines. (Sec. 12)
If committed in time of war, the enlistment service. 5. Injuring or destroying national defense
penalty is death or imprisonment for not SEC. 5. Conspiracy to violate preceding sections. material, premises or utilities. (Sec. 13)
more than 30 years. 6. Making or causing to be made in a defective
b. In time of war, by collecting, recording, Requisites: manner, or attempting to make or cause to
publishing or communicating or attempting a. Two or more persons conspire to violate the be made in a defective manner, national
to elicit any information with respect to the provisions of sections 1, 2, 3 or 4 of this act; defense material. (Sec. 14)
movement, number, description, condition, b. One or more of such persons do any act to
or disposition of any of the armed forces, effect the object of the conspiracy Espionage distinguished from Treason
ships, aircraft, or war materials of the - Espionage is crime not conditioned by the
Philippines, or with respect to the plans or SEC. 6. Harboring or concealing violators of the citizenship of the offender. This is also true
conduct of any military, naval, or air law. as regards treason, in view of the
operations for the fortification or defense of amendment to Article 114.
any place, or any other information relating Requisites: - Treason is committed only in time of war,
to the public defense, which might be a. The offender knows that a person has while espionage may be committed both n
useful to the enemy. committed or is about to commit an offense time of peace and in time of war.
under this Act; - Treason is limited in two ways of
The penalty is death or b. The offender harbors or conceals such committing the crime: levying war, and
imprisonment for not more than 30 years. person. Xxx. adhering to the enemy giving him aid or
comfort; while espionage may be
SEC. 3. Disloyal acts or words in time of peace. Other acts punished by Commonwealth Act No. 616 committed in many ways.