Lesson 2: The Social Sciences: Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science
Lesson 2: The Social Sciences: Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science
Lesson 2: The Social Sciences: Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science
Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science are the essential academic disciplines
that take a closer look at society and culture. Understanding how individuals behave,
interact, and develop within the societies can enlighten us on the factors, forces, and
processes that encourage and hinder the progress of societies and cultures in today’s world.
An appreciation of the underlying principles and concepts that define society and culture can
set us on the road toward understanding, analyzing, and solving the significant issues and
concerns that confront our own society.
A. Photo Essay A. Follow the instruction from the left side
Does the scene below qualify as a of the table, do as what the teacher
form of social engagement? Why or instructed and then answer the
why not? questions on activity analysis.
knowledge because it integrates elements from science that deals with the study of
the biological sciences and humanities to fully human beings and their humanity
comprehend the complex human species, through the examination of a people’s
including their past practices and social biological and cultural past and
patterns across diverse cultures. comparing these with that of another
group or community. Anthropology just
like sociology makes use of scientific
research in order to find the truth about
the existence of man. This subject can
also be construed as a subject dealing
with question “what constructs the
humanity of humans?”
Anthropology as what was pointed out is a
comprehensive course and tackles many
subjects. Anthropology is divided in major sub-
fields. These are:
2. Symbolic Interactionism
It is a term coined by the notable sociologist ➢ Symbolic interactionism incudes
Herbert Blumer. He believes that in order to studying human conversations,
understand society, it is of paramount concern responses and interpretation. People
to know the underlying concepts embedded in always direct themselves on how they
everyday communication and interaction. The situate their actions in the overall
Symbolic Interactionist perspective outlines impact of the way they see people relate
social interaction and focuses on it to themselves to him. This happens
understand social phenomenon. The way through self- awareness, shared
individuals interact and communicate with symbols and negotiated order.
each other can be characterized by symbolism.
These symbols used in everyday experiences
and encounters with other people in the form
of language, written or unwritten is the key in
understanding society.
A. Self-Awareness
➢ An individual is believed to be
self- aware if they can see themselves in
the perspective of another individual.
Interaction with other people can
happen if individuals are aware that
they exist and that they have their own
individuality and personality different
from others. Individuals generate their
concept of the self through the different
ways other people see them plus the
way they see themselves. One’s self-
awareness is present; an individual can
➢ Man is considered to be a
symbolic animal. This is so because
man always imputes symbols to things.
Once a meaning or concept is attached
to a thing or even an idea, a symbol
arises. Symbols fill the society in all
walks of life. We find symbols in
bathrooms, cafeteria, roads, classrooms
and even our own private rooms. Many
of these symbols that we encounter in
our day to day lives are also shared by
many others and with these symbols,
our interaction with each other
becomes meaningful in the context of
our shared symbols. We can
communicate with each other because
we basically know a common language
that can make our conversation
C. Negotiated Order
1. Political Philosophy
➢ Topics in International
Diplomacy and Public International
Law are included in this subject. It is the
study of the diplomatic relations and
practices among the states in the
worldview setting and low power is
being balanced in the international