Essential Vim Commands Cheat Sheet

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Vim Commands Cheat Sheet

Cursor Movement Ctrl f Move screen down by one page zr Decrease the foldlevel by one
h Move cursor left zz Center screen on cursor Decrease the foldlevel to zero—all
zR folds will be open
j Move cursor down zt Align top of screen with cursor
zb Align bottom of screen with cursor zd Delete the fold at the cursor
k Move cursor up
zE Delete all folds
l Move cursor right
[z Move to start of open fold
Move cursor to the start of the next Insert Mode (Insert Text)
w OR ¹W word ]z Move to end of open fold
i Enter insert mode
Move cursor to the start of the
b OR ¹B previous word I Insert at the beginning of the line

e OR ¹E Move forward to the end of a word a Insert (append) after the cursor
A Insert (append) at the end of the line Tabs
0 Move to the start of the line
#gt Move to tab number #
Move to the first non-blank Append (open) a new line below the
^ o current line
character of the line Move the current split window into
Ctrl w, t its own tab
$ Move to the end of the line Append (open) a new line above the
O current line Move current tab to the #th position
G Go to the last line of the document :tabmove # (indexed from 0)
Insert (append) at the end of the
nG OR :n Go to line number n ea word :tabnew
To the position before the latest Esc Exit insert mode filename/ :tabn Open a file in a new tab
'' jump, / where the last "m'" / "m`" filename
command was given.
Close the current tab and all its
:tabclose / :tabc windows
Move to next occurrence of
fx character x Change Case Close all tabs except the current
:tabonly / :tabo one
Move to one character before the ~ Toggle case (Case => cASE)
tx character x gt / :tabnext / :tabn Move to the next tab
gU Uppercase
} Move to next paragraph gT / :tabprev / :tabp Move to the previous tab
gu Lowercase
{ Move to previous paragraph
gUU Uppercase current line (also gUgU)
H Move to home (top) of screen
guu Lowercase current line (also gugu)
L Move to last line of screen Working With Multiple Files
M Move to middle of screen :e filename Edit a file in a new buffer
Visual Mode (Mark Text)
Move to 3rd instance of character x :ene Open a blank file for editing
3, f, x forward from cursor on current line. Start visual mode, mark lines, then
v do a command (like y-yank) :bnext / :bn Go to the next buffer
Move to 3rd instance of character x
3, F, x back from cursor on current line. V Start linewise visual mode :bprev / :bp Go to the previous buffer
vo Move to other end of marked area :bd Delete a buffer (close a file)
Ctrl v Start visual block mode Open a file in a new buffer and split
:sp filename window
Editing a File vO Move to other corner of block
vaw Mark a word Open a file in a new buffer and
r Replace a single character :vs filename vertically split window
dd Cut (delete) a line vab Mark a block with ()
Ctrl w, s Split window
yy Yank (copy) a line vaB Mark a block with {}
Ctrl w, w Switch windows
2yy Yank (copy) two lines vib Mark inner block with ()
Ctrl w, q Quit a window
J Join line below to the current one viB Mark inner block with {}
Ctrl w, v Split window vertically
cc OR S Change (replace) entire line Esc Exit visual mode
Ctrl w, h Move cursor to window left
Change (replace) to the end of the Ctrl w, l Move cursor to window right
cw word Visual Commands Ctrl w, k Move cursor to window above
Change (replace) to the end of the > Shift text right
c$ line Ctrl w, j Move cursor to window below
< Shift text left Ctrl w, r Rotate windows clockwise
s Delete character and substitute text
== Auto-indent current line
Ctrl w, T Move current window to a new tab
Transpose two letters (delete and
xp paste) << Shift current line left by shiftwidth
Close all windows except current
>> Shift current line right by shiftwidth :on window
u Undo
y Yank (copy) marked text Ctrl w, | Maximize width of active window
Ctrl r Redo
d Delete marked text Ctrl w, 1, | Minimize width of active window
. Repeat last command
~ Switch case Ctrl w, _ Maximize height of active window
Ctrl w, 1, _ Minimize height of active window
Search and Replace
Ctrl w, = Equalize the size of windows
* Search for word under cursor
/pattern Search for pattern Folding Commands
?pattern Search backward for pattern Create a fold from the cursor down Exiting a File
zf#j # lines :w Write (save) the file, but don't exit
n Repeat search in same direction
String creates a fold from the cursor :wq Write (save) and quit
N Repeat search in opposite direction zf/ to string
Write (save) current file if modified
Replace all instances of old with zj Move the cursor to the next fold :x OR ZZ and quit
:%s/old/new/g new
zk Move the cursor to the previous fold Quit (fails if there are unsaved
Replace all instances of old with :q changes)
:%s/old/new/gc new, with confirmations za Toggle a fold under cursor
zo Open a fold at the cursor :q! Quit and discard unsaved changes
zO Open all folds at the cursor :qa Quit all buffers and windows
Screen Movement
zc Close a fold under cursor ZQ Quit without checking for changes
Ctrl u Move screen up by half page
Ctrl b Move screen up by one page zm Increase the foldlevel by one

Ctrl d Move screen down by half page zM Close all open folds ¹Word can contain punctuation.

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