Implementation of TLS 1.2
Implementation of TLS 1.2
Implementation of TLS 1.2
SHA – 256 is imbibed in the cryptography 2)We’ll define constructor for the SSLv2 using
library SSL_METHOD structure for combined client
When using TLS 1.2 we should always use and server
SHA-256 in the PRF *SSLv23_method(void)
New TLS 1.2 which is based on CipherSuite
should be added. 3)SSL_CTX object is created as a framework to
Protocol Negotiation must imbibe TLS 1.2 establish TLS/SSL connection.
version checking. SSL_CTX_NEW(SSL_METHOD* method)
Certificate type and CA Check in Certificate 4)We need to create a TCP socket Connection
TLS 1.2 is responsible for Certificate type and (void*)&len);
CA checks as it’s a part of client side. If the
Certificate Authority list the message is not 5)We create a new SSL Structure which is
empty, then the certificate is issued by them. needed to hold the data for a TLS/SSL
connection. This is also called context structure.
Signature/ Hash Algorithms extended in
Certificate request SSL *SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx)
TLS 1.2 adds signature algorithms as a part of 6)We need our certificate and private key into
certificate request the context connection.
13)To read data after handshaking [9] Martin Husak, Milan ´ Cerm ˇ ak, Tomas Jirsık, Pavel Celeda,
“Network-based HTTPS Client Identification Using SSL/TLS
Fingerprinting”,Proceedings of the IEEE (P IEEE) (2015).
int SSL_read(SSL *ssl, count void *buf, int
num) [10] Nimrod Aviram , Sebastian Schinzel , Juraj Somorovsky , Nadia
Heninger , Maik Dankel , Jens Steube, Luke Valenta , David Adrian , J.
Alex Halderman , Viktor Dukhovni , Emilia Käsper , Shaanan Cohney ,
14)To send a close signal to the connection Susanne Engels , Christof Paar and Yuval Shavitt, “DROWN: Breaking
TLS using SSLv2”, Proceedings of the 25th USENIX Security
int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl) Symposium, August 2016