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Autothrottle System

Boeing 737-600/700/800/900

Autothrottle System
Training manual
For training purposes only
LEVEL 3 ATA 22 page 1
14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

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ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

List of Effective Pages

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Training manual Autothrottle

Table of Contents

1. AUTOTHROTTLE SYSTEM.......................................................................6 5. A/T bite pages.....................................................................................58

1.1. Introduction............................................................................................6 5.1. A/T Bite Pages A/T Bite Access..............................................................58
1.2. General Description................................................................................8 5.2. Current Status Test................................................................................60
1.3. Electronic Equipment Compartment Location........................................10 5.3. Current Status Engineering Data...........................................................62
1.4. Flight Compartment Component Locations...........................................12 5.4. A/T Inflight Faults..................................................................................64
1.5. Equipment Compartment Location.......................................................14 5.5. Interactive Test 1...................................................................................66
1.6. Analog Interface...................................................................................16 5.6. Interactive Test 2...................................................................................68
1.7. Digital Input Interface...........................................................................18 5.7. Interactive Test 3...................................................................................70
1.8. Digital Output Interface........................................................................20 5.8. Interactive Test 4...................................................................................72
5.9. Interactive Test 5...................................................................................74
2. A/T COMPUTER. ...................................................................................22 5.10. Ident/Config.......................................................................................76
2.1. Functional Description..........................................................................24
2.2. A/T Servo Motor....................................................................................26
2.3. Functional Description..........................................................................28
2.4. Arm, Mode & Thrust Lever Switches......................................................30

3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................32
3.1. Engage Logic........................................................................................32
3.2. Mode Selection.....................................................................................34
3.3. Command Calculation..........................................................................38
3.4. FMA.....................................................................................................42
3.5. ENGINE DISPLAY...................................................................................43

4. OPERATION............................................................................................44
4.1. Overview...............................................................................................44
4.2. Takeoff.................................................................................................46
4.3. Climb...................................................................................................48
4.4. Cruise...................................................................................................50
4.5. Descent................................................................................................52
4.6. Approach..............................................................................................54
4.7. GO-AROUND........................................................................................56

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Training manual Autothrottle

List of Illustrations Abbreviations and Acronyms

a/t bite access.................................................................................................................... 59 A/P Autopilot G/A Go Around

a/t computer...................................................................................................................... 23 A/T Autothrottle G/S Glide Slope
a/t inflight faults.............................................................................................................. 65 ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit gnd ground
a/t servo motor................................................................................................................. 27
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System GW Gross Weight
analog interface............................................................................................................... 17 AGL Above Ground Level IAS Indicated Air Speed
approach............................................................................................................................. 55 AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual INOP Inoperative
ARM, MODE & THRUST LEVER SWITCHES............................................................................... 31 APP Approach mode KTS knots (nautical miles per hour)
climb.................................................................................................................................... 49 ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated L Left
command calculation.................................................................................................... 41 ASA Autoflight Status Annunciator LRU Line Replaceable Unit
cruise................................................................................................................................... 51 ASM Autothrottle Servo Motor LSK Line Select Key
BARO Barometric Altitude MCP Mode Control Panel
current status engineering data................................................................................... 63
capt captain MCU Modular Concept Unit
current status test........................................................................................................... 61 CDS Common Display System MMO Maximum Operating Mach
descent................................................................................................................................ 53 CDU Control Display Units Mcu Modular concept unit
DIGITAL INPUT INTERFACE...................................................................................................... 19 CPU Central Processing Unit N1 low speed compressor RPM
digital output interface................................................................................................... 21 clb climb N2 high speed compressor RPM
electronic equipment compartment location............................................................ 11 clr clear POR Power On Reset
engage logic...................................................................................................................... 33 cmd command PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
con continuous pth path
engine display..................................................................................................................... 43
CPU Central Processing Unit R Repeat
flight compartment component locations................................................................ 13 CRZ Cruise R Right
FMA....................................................................................................................................... 42 CTM Cycle Time Monitor R/T Receiver/Transmitter
forward equipment compartment location............................................................... 15 DC Direct Current RA Radio Altimeter
functional description..................................................................................................... 25 deg degrees ROM Read Only Memory
functional description..................................................................................................... 29 des descent RPM Revolution Per Minute
general description............................................................................................................ 9 DEU Display Electronics Unit SMYD Stall Management Yaw Damper
DFCS Digital Flight Control System SSM Sign Status Matrix
GO-AROUND.......................................................................................................................... 57
DIP Dual in Line Package spd speed
ident / config...................................................................................................................... 76 disc disconnect sw switch
interactive test 1............................................................................................................... 67 disen disengage TACH Tachometer
INTERACTIVE TEST 2............................................................................................................... 69 DMA Direct Memory Access TAS True Airspeed
interactive test 3............................................................................................................... 71 DU Display Unit TAT Total Air Temperature
interactive test 4............................................................................................................... 73 EEC Electronic Engine Control THR HLD Throttle Hold
interactive test 5............................................................................................................... 75 elex electronics to takeoff
F/D Flight Director TO/GA TakeOff/Go-Around
introduction........................................................................................................................ 7
F/O First Officer TOD TakeOff Distance
mode selection................................................................................................................... 37 FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control TMA Terminal Control Area
overview.............................................................................................................................. 45 FCC Flight Control Computer TRA Thrust lever Resolver Angle
takeoff................................................................................................................................. 47 FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit V Volts
flt flight V/S Vertical Speed
FMA Flight mode Annunciator VMO maximum operating velocity
FMC Flight Management Computer VNAV Vertical Navigation
FMCS Flight Management Computer
FMS Flight Management System
fwd forward

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Training manual Autothrottle


1.1. Introduction.
The autothrottle (A/T) system is part of the flight management system (FMS).
The A/T system controls engine thrust in response to mode requests from
these components :

- Mode control panel (MCP),

- Flight deck switches.

The A/T system operates from takeoff to touchdown.

The pilot uses the digital flight control system (DFCS) and the A/T system to
automatically fly the airplane.

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Training manual Autothrottle

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Training manual Autothrottle

1.2. General Description. The A/T computer receives analog discrete inputs from these components :

General. - MCP,
The operator interface to the autothrottle (A/T) system is through the mode - TO/GA switches,
control panel (MCP). - A/T disengage switches,
Several systems and their components send and receive autothrottle - Autoflight status annunciators (ASAs).
The A/T mode information shows on the common display system (CDS). The A/T computer sends data and control signals to these components :

A/T System Components. - ASMs,

The A/T system has these components : - Common display system (CDS),
- Flight data acquisition unit (FDAU),
- Autothrottle computer, - Flight control computers (FCCs),
- Autothrottle servomotors (ASMs), - FMCS.
- Autothrottle disconnect switches,
- Autothrottle arm and mode selector switches on the MCP. The ASMs mechanically drive the thrust levers to the desired position,
which changes engine thrust.
The A/T computer receives digital and discrete data from sensors and engine
control components.
The A/T computer also receives flight deck commands and switch position

A/T Interfaces.
The MCP A/T arm and- mode selector switches send digital control and mode
data to the A/T computer.

The A/T computer receives digital data from these components :

- Mode control panel (MCP)

- Autothrottle servomotors (ASMs)
- Electronic engine control (EEC)
- Flight management computer system (FMCS)
- Radio altimeter (RA)
- Stall management yaw damper (SMYD)
- Air data inertial reference system (ADIRS).

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Training manual Autothrottle

general description
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Training manual Autothrottle

1.3. Electronic Equipment Compartment Location.

Electronic Equipment (E/E) Compartment.
The autothrottle computer is on the E1-1 shelf.

The autothrottle program switch module is one of the three program switch
modules adjacent to the autothrottle computer

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Training manual Autothrottle

electronic equipment compartment location

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Training manual Autothrottle

1.4. Flight Compartment Component Locations.

Flight Compartment.
The A/T disconnect switches are on the thrust levers in the flight compartment.

These components have interface with the A/T system :

- DFCS mode control panel (MCP),

- Autoflight status annunciators (ASAs),
- Display units (DUs),
- TO/GA switches.

The A/T mode and ARM switches are on the MCP, on the P7 glareshield.

The A/T disconnect and TO/GA switches are on the thrust levers.

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Training manual Autothrottle

flight compartment component locations

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Training manual Autothrottle

1.5. Equipment Compartment Location.

Forward Equipment Compartment.
The A/T servomotors are in the forward equipment compartment under the
P10 control stand.

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forward equipment compartment location

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Training manual Autothrottle

1.6. Analog Interface. Analog Discretes.

The A/T computer receives these analog discretes:
The autothrottle (A/T) computer receives and sends analog discretes to system - Takeoff/go-around (TO/GA) signal from the TO/GA switches,
components, sensors and switches. - Disengage warning reset from the ASA,
- Disengage/reset from the disengage switches.
The A/T computer receives power and sends 28v dc to the A/T system
components. The A/T computer supplies these analog discretes :

Power. - Disengage logic to the captain (Capt) and first officer (F/0) ASAs
Two circuit breakers on the P18-1 circuit breaker panel supply 28v dc inputs to - Throttle hold mode annunciation logic to the DEUs,
the A/T computer. - A/T arm logic to the DFCS MCP.
The A/T computer then supplies 28v dc to these components :
Dual-in-line-package (DIP) switches supply program switch module inputs.
- Autoflight status annunciators (ASAs),
- Mode control panel (MCP).

There are two circuit breakers on the front of the A/T computer.
Each circuit breaker uses a 28v dc source from bus 1 & 2.

The ASM 1 circuit breaker supplies power to the left A/T servomotor.
The ASM 2 circuit breaker supplies power to the right A/T servomotor.

These circuit breakers also supply 28v dc to the ASMs for logic power and to
the servo enable logic in the A/T computer.
The servo enable logic sends 28vdc as motor power to the ASMs.

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Training manual Autothrottle

analog interface
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Training manual Autothrottle

1.7. Digital Input Interface. - FMC modes,

- GMT/Date.
The A/T computer receives digital data from system components and sensors. Radio Altimeter (RA).
The A/T computer uses this data to activate A/T modes and to calculate thrust The RA receiver/transmitters (R/Ts) send radio altitude to the A/T computer.
lever commands. The A/T uses this input during approach.

DFCS Mode Control Panel (MCP). Autothrottle Servo Motor (ASM).

The MCP sends this data to the A/T computer : The ASMs sends this data to the A/T computer for feedback :

- Target mach and airspeed, - Servo status,

- Selected altitude, - Measured rate,
- Flight path angle rate, - Measured torque.
- Left & right spoiler angle,
- DFCS modes. Electronic Engine Control (EEC).
The thrust lever resolvers (TRs) send the thrust lever resolver angle (TRA) to the
Stall Management Yaw Damper (SMYD). electronic engine controls (EECs).
The SMYD sends this data to the A/T computer : The EECs use these inputs to produce an N1 command.
The EECs sends this data to the A/T computer :
- Flap angle,
- Minimum operating speed, - TRA,
- Flap up logic, - N1 command indicated,
- Main gear down logic, - TRA for max forward idle,
- Air/ground discrete. - Estimated corrected thrust,
- TRA for actual N1,
Flight Management Computer (FMC). - TRA for N1 max,
The FMCs send this data through the FMCS transfer relays to the A/T - TRA for N1 target,
computer : - TRA for 5 °/sec response.

- Gross weight,
- FMC altitude,
- Selected altitude,
- N1 targets,
- Minimum speed,
- BITE test information,

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Training manual Autothrottle

Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU).

The Left ADIRU and the right ADIRU
send this data to the A/T computer :

- Altitude (baro & corrected)

- Mach
- Airspeed (true and computed)
- Air temperature (static)
- Max allowable airspeed (VMO/MMO)
- Altitude rate
- Air pressure (static)
- Angle of attack
- Attitude (roll and pitch)
- Acceleration
- Ground speed
- Inertial vertical speed
- Attitude rate (pitch).


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Training manual Autothrottle

1.8. Digital Output Interface.

The A/T computer sends digital data to system components and sensors.
The A/T computer sends this data on two digital buses to the user

A/T Digital Outputs.

A/T bus 1 connects to these components :

- FCC A & B,
- DEU 1 & 2,
- FMCs,

The A/T computer sends these parameters on this bus :

- A/T fast/slow command,

- BITE response,
- A/T modes and status,
- Thrust rate command,
- ASM measured torque,
- ASM measured rate.

A/T bus 2 connects to ASM 1 & ASM 2.

The A/T computer sends these parameters on this bus :

- Thrust rate command,

- TRA selection,
- TRA max limit.

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digital output interface

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Training manual Autothrottle


General. Training Information Point.

The A/T computer does the calculations for automatic control of engine thrust. A built-in test (BITE) program monitors the system operation.
The A/T computer sends the commands to the autothrottle servo motors to The A/T computer records faults and the suspect component(s) in memory.
move the thrust levers. The technician uses A/T BITE on the FMCS control display units (CDUs) to look
at these recorded faults.
Physical Description. The technician also uses A/T BITE to check system operation.
The A/T computer is 3 MCU in size and weighs about 11 pounds.
An electrical connector at the back of the computer supplies the interface to
other aircraft components.

The A/T computer has two circuit breakers on the front.

These circuit breakers are ASM 1 & ASM 2.
Power for the autothrottle servo motors comes from these circuit breakers.

The pilot uses the A/T system during these flight phases :

- Takeoff,
- Climb,
- Cruise,
- Descent,
- Approach to landing,
- Go-around.

The A/T computer continuously monitors the system operation.

If it finds a fault, the A/T computer records this fault in its memory.
The A/T computer uses an operational and a built-in test (BITE) program.
These programs are in the computer’s memory.
During the operational program test, the computer uses the sensor and system
inputs to make the thrust rate commands.

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Training manual Autothrottle

a/t computer
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Training manual Autothrottle

2.1. Functional Description. The CPU monitors and decides if the control law data is satisfactory.
If it is, the CPU allows the A/T to engage.
General. While engaged, the CPU sends a signal to hold the A/T ARM switch in the
The autothrottle computer is a digital computer. ARM position.
It takes inputs from many systems to calculate the thrust lever commands. The The CPU also allows an excitation voltage to go to the AT servo motors
A/T computer has these components : (ASMs).

- Direct memory access (DMA), If the CPU decides that control law data is not satisfactory, the logic
- Central processing unit (CPU), disengages the A/T system.
- Read only memory (ROM), The CPU sends a signal to the autoflight status annunciators (ASAs) to give an
- Power supply. annunciation.

DMA System. The CPU permits selection of different autothrottle modes.

The DMA system has these components : The DFCS system normally selects the mode during different flight phases. You
can also select the modes manually with the MCP mode switches.
- Input/output (I/0) devices,
- Controller, The CPU calculates the A/T commands using A/T control laws.
- Random access memory (RAM). The control laws give the desired command and compares this command to
the actual airplane condition.
The A/T computer receives and sends digital and analog discrete data. A difference in this comparison produces a thrust lever rate command for the
The DMA I/0 devices receive the ARINC 429 and analog discrete data. ASMs.
After conversion, this data then goes to the DMA controller.
The CPU continuously monitors system operation.
The DMA I/0 devices also receive digital data from the CPU. If there is fault, it stores this fault in a non-volatile maintenance memory.
The DMA I/0 devices changes the data to ARINC 429 data or analog discretes
before it goes to other systems. Memory.
The ROM stores the computer operational program.
The DMA controller controls all data to and from the A/T computer. The operational program is the computer instructions.
The CPU gets these instructions during its operation.
CPU The A/T CPU does these : The memory also has a non-volatile maintenance memory.
The maintenance memory stores the results of BITE.
- Decides when the A/T engages and disengages,
- Decides mode of operation,
- Calculates thrust lever commands,
- Monitors system operation.

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functional description

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Training manual Autothrottle

2.2. A/T Servo Motor. Training Information Point.

A built-in test (BITE) program in the A/T computer does a check of the ASM
General. operation.
The A/T servo motors (ASMs) receive commands from the A/T computer. If BITE finds a fault, the A/T computer records the fault in its memory.
The ASMs use these commands to individually move the thrust levers forward The technician uses the FMCS CDUs to see the results of A/T BITE.
or aft through two separate gear box assemblies. The technician also uses A/T BITE to check system operation.
Each thrust lever has its own servo motor and gear box.

Physical Description.
An ASM assembly weighs about 2 pounds and measures 3 inches by 3.3
inches by 3.5 inches.
An electrical connector at the front of the ASM supplies the interface to other
aircraft components.
An output shaft at the rear joins the ASM to a gearbox.

The ASM consists of these components :

- Control unit,
- Digital receiver,
- Digital transmitter,
- Motor,
- Power supply.

The A/T computer sends thrust rate commands to the ASM.

The ASM uses this rate command to control the dc motor rotation.
The ASM connects an output shaft to a gearbox and sends rate feedback to
the A/T computer.

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Training manual Autothrottle

a/t servo motor

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Training manual Autothrottle

2.3. Functional Description. Control Unit.

The control unit receives these inputs :
The autothrottle servo motor (ASM) receives digital, analog discrete inputs, - Installation programing pins,
and power from the A/T computer. - Logic power,
The ASM uses these inputs to control a motor which moves the thrust levers. - Data from the digital receiver,
- Rate feedback from the motor.
The ASM has these components :
Using these inputs, the control unit does these :
- ARINC 429 receiver and transmitter,
- Control unit, - Decides when to send the motor rate command,
- Motor, - Controls how fast and what direction the motor turns,
- Power supply. - Limits the thrust lever angle below the maximum,
- Decides the installation position (right or left).
ARINC 429 Receiver.
The A/T computer sends these signals to the ARINC 429 receiver : Motor.
The motor is a reversible DC stepper motor.
- Thrust rate command, It receives motor power from the A/T computer when the A/T is engaged.
- Thrust resolver angle (TRA) selection, It also receives rate command from the control unit to control the motor
- TRA maximum limit. rotation.

The ARINC 429 receiver changes these signals to the proper format then sends The motor sends rate feedback to the control unit.
them to the control unit. The motor has an output shaft which connects to a gearbox.
The gearbox sets the thrust lever and the thrust lever angle resolver to the
ARINC 429 Transmitter. desired position.
The ARINC 429 transmitter changes the control unit data to the proper
format, and sends these signals to the A/T computer : Power Supply.
The power supply gets 28v dc from the A/T computer.
- Measured rate, It supplies the necessary power to the control unit.
- Measured torque,
- Servo status.

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Training manual Autothrottle

functional description

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Training manual Autothrottle

2.4. Arm, Mode & Thrust Lever Switches. Thrust Lever Switches.
These switches are on the left and right thrust levers :
Switches on the mode control panel (MCP) and the thrust levers select or - TO/GA switches,
disconnect the A/T modes. - A/T disconnect switches.

MCP A/T Arm Switch. Push the TO/GA switch to engage the DFCS and the autothrottle to either the
The A/T arm switch is on the MCP. The A/T arm switch engages the A/T takeoff or go-around mode.
system. On the ground, both systems will go to the takeoff mode when you push the
When you put the switch in the arm position, the green A/T arm light comes switch.
on. During takeoff, the A/T system causes the engine thrust to increase to the
An engage solenoid holds the switch in the arm position if conditions are takeoff (TO) N1.
The switch goes to OFF automatically if the A/T computer senses a problem. When you push the TO/GA switch during approach, the A/T system increases
engine thrusts to a go-around (GA) thrust mode setting.
You can also manually disengage the A/T when you put the A/T arm switch to This level of thrust is less than the maximum GA thrust.
OFF. The engine thrust increases to the full GA thrust Limit when you push the
TO/GA switch a second time.
MCP A/T Mode Select Selector Switches.
The MCP has these A/T mode selector switches : Push an A/T disconnect switch to disengage the autothrottle system.
The ASA A/T red warning light flashes and the MCP A/T arm switch goes to
- N1, OFF.
- Speed. Push an A/T disconnect switch a second time to reset the A/T warning.

These mode selector switches are lighted.

In normal operation, the DFCS automatically chooses the mode.
The DFCS turns on the mode selector switch light when that mode is chosen.
A lit switch means that the mode can be turned off.

When the autopilot and flight director are off, push on the desired mode
selector switch to select an A/T mode.
Push the active switch to turn off the mode.

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Training manual Autothrottle

3.1. Engage Logic. - Invalid sensor conditions for the active mode
- Landing condition.
The A/T computer does checks of the sensors and A/T system performance. The software monitor disconnects the A/T if it senses a problem with the A/T
Input data comes in on data buses to the A/T computer. computer, thrust lever split, or with the sensors.
If the system operation and sensors are normal, the engage logic lets the A/T It also automatically disconnects the A/T when the airplane makes a landing.
engage. The A/T system uses a hardware and a software monitor. The software monitor does a check of the TRAs and engine thrust from the
If these monitors finds a problem, the system disengages. EEC for thrust lever split.
The engage logic disengages the A/T if one of these conditions occur : A rapid A/T command which produces a 10° difference between the two
thrust levers disengages the A/T.
- An invalid sensor or A/T system condition, While in cruise, engine thrust differential of 2,000 pounds also disconnects the
- Airplane on the ground after the flight is complete, A/T.
- Disengage signal from a disengage switch.
When the A/T disengages, a warning circuit starts the A/T flashing warning A/T Warning.
lights on the ASAs. The red A/T warning Lights on the ASAs come on when the A/T disconnects or
when the A/T is in BITE.
Hardware Monitor. The A/T warning flashes if the A/T disconnects and is steady while in BITE.
The hardware monitor looks at the CPU cycle time and the thrust resolver The A/T warning flasher latches on when the A/T disconnects.
angles (TRAs) If it senses a problem, it disengages the A/T. The flasher resets when you do one of these :
The hardware monitor compares the TRAs for a thrust lever split condition.
If both autopilots are in autoland and the A/T computer rapidly commands a - Re-engage the A/T
difference of 10° between the two thrust levers, the A/T disengages. - Push a disengage switch
This 10° difference is from the steady state thrust lever split value. - Push an A/T warning light.
The A/T permits a steady state split angle to let you operate with engine
intermix. The flasher does not come on when the autothrottle disenages automatically
during landing.
Software Monitor.
The software monitor uses software logic to permit system engagement. ASM Motor Power.
The software monitor does checks for these conditions : The A/T computer sends 28v dc to the autothrottle servo motors if all these
conditions are true :
- Normal operation of programmable read only memory
(PROM), CPU, RAM, and timing - Not in throttle hold
- Normal thrust lever positions with no thrust lever split in autoland and - Not in cutout (disengage switch not pressed)
in cruise - A/T is engaged.

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engage logic

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3.2. Mode Selection. N1 Mode.

While in the N1 mode, the A/T moves the thrust levers until their position
General. agrees with a target N1 .
The autothrottle (A/T) computer receives digital data from different systems to
determine mode selection. The A/T goes to the N1 mode if one of these conditions occurs :
These data comes into the A/T computer through the input devices.
- DFCS requests N1 mode operation,
The autothrottle (A/T) computer has two primary modes of operation, speed - TO/GA switch is pushed during take-off,
control and N1 control. - TO/GA switch is pushed during reduced thrust go-around.

In addition to the primary modes, these modes are also available : The A/T normally is in N1 mode during these flight phases :

- Arm, - Takeoff,
- Retard, - Climb,
- Throttle hold, - Maximum thrust go-around (G/A).
- Go-around.
The DFCS requests the N1 mode during VNAV and level change climb.
After the A/T computer enters a mode, it puts mode selection data on the The pilot pushes the N1 selector switch on the MCP while the DFCS is off to
general ARINC output bus. select the N1 mode.

These systems use the mode selection data :

- Common display system,


The A/T computer also controls the power to the ASMs.

The A/T computer-removes this power during throttle hold operation.

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Throttle Hold Mode.

In throttle hold, the A/T makes sure that it does not change engine thrust.
The A/T removes the power to the autothrottle servo motors (ASMs) to
prevent movement of the thrust levers.
The A/T uses two separate functions to remove the ASM power.
One function uses software and the other uses hardware.
Each function uses different sources.
If both throttle hold functions agree and remove power to the servos,
the FMA shows THR HLD.
Throttle hold starts when the computed airspeed is 80 knots.
Throttle hold annunciation occurs at 84 knots.
The A/T system stays in throttle hold until both these conditions occurs :

- Barometric altitude is 800 feet above airport elevation

- More than 10 seconds passed after lift off.

The A/T can also use the air/ground discrete to start throttle hold as a
secondary source.

Arm Mode.
The A/T goes to the arm mode when it is on and is ready to receive
The A/T computer prevents servo movement while in arm.
If the A/T modes are not active, the A/T goes to ARM.
Normally, the A/T arms during these conditions :

- After throttle hold above 800 feet

- Retard.

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Speed Mode.
While in the speed mode, the A/T changes engine thrust to control the
airplane speed.

The A/T goes to the speed mode automatically or manually.

The DFCS normally selects the mode automatically.
The speed mode is FMC SPD if the FMC supplies the selected speed.
The speed mode is MCP SPD if the MCP supplies the selected speed. You push
the SPEED mode selector on the MCP to manually select the mode.

Retard Mode.
While in retard, the A/T moves the thrust levers to the idle stop.
Normally, retard happens during descent and during flare.
The A/T automatically commands descent retard at top of descent while in
VNAV or level change.

The A/T goes to landing flare retard if all these conditions occur :

- A/T in speed mode,

- Flaps greater than 12.5°,
- Radio altitude less than 27 feet or 2.5 seconds after A/P flare.

The A/T is ready for the go-around mode below 2,000 feet of radio altitude.
If you push the TO/GA switch, the A/T commands a reduced thrust go-around.
If you push the TO/GA switch a second time, the A/T commands a maximum
thrust go-around.

Go-around resets if the N1 mode or the speed mode is set.

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mode selection

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3.3. Command Calculation. Target N1 comes from the FMCS.

The A/T computer uses this target during these conditions :
The autothrottle (A/T) receives digital data from different systems to calculate - Takeoff mode,
thrust lever commands. - Climb,
- Maximum thrust go-around.
The A/T calculates the ASM rate command in different modes.
For each active mode, the computer uses different signals for its calculation. The A/T computer also uses target N1 as an upper thrust limit for speed and
for reduced thrust go-around.
After the A/T computer does its calculation, it sends the rate command to the
output devices. The A/T computer compares this target N1 with an N1 command from the
This rate command goes to the ASMs to control the thrust levers. EEC.
A difference causes a rate command.
Arm Mode. The A/T system uses this rate command to change the position of the thrust
The A/T uses these inputs for arm : levers.
When the thrust lever position changes, the N1 command from the EEC
- Throttle hold mode, changes.
- Retard mode, It changes until the N1 command equals the target N1.
- N1 mode,
- Speed mode. The A/T computer also uses thrust lever resolver angles (TRAs) from the EEC
for its rate command calculation.
If these A/T modes are not active, the A/T computer arms.
The A/T computer uses these TRAs to control and to limit the speed of the
N1 Mode. thrust lever movement.
While in the N1 mode, the A/T moves the thrust lever until the engine thrust During TOGA., the A/T computer normally moves the thrust levers at a rate of
agrees with a target N1. 13.5 deg/sec to a predicted position.

While in N1 model, the A/T computer uses these inputs : For final adjustments, the A/T computer moves the thrust levers at a maximum
rate of 5 deg/sec.
- Target N1,
- N1 command, In modes other than TO/GA, the A/T computer limits the thrust lever rate to 3
- TRA target, deg/sec.
- TRA actual,
- TRA for N1 max.

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Speed Mode.
While in the speed mode, the A/T changes engine thrust to control the
airplane speed.
The A/T computer uses these inputs for the speed mode :

- Target airspeed,
- Target mach,
- Minimum operating speed,
- Computed airspeed,
- Mach,
- True airspeed,
- Longitudinal acceleration.

Target airspeed or target mach comes from the DFCS MCP.

Depending on the DFCS mode, this target speed input is either the MCP speed
or the FMC speed.

The A/T computer compares this target speed with the actual speed
(true airspeed or mach).
The actual speed comes from the ADIRUs.
A difference between the actual and target speed causes a rate command.
This rate command changes the engine thrust, which in turn, changes the
The speed changes until it equals the target speed.

The A/T computer uses the minimum operating speed from the SMYD and the
computed airspeed from the ADIRU to set minimum speed.
The A/T computer makes sure that it does not command a lower target speed

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Retard Mode. Throttle Hold Mode.

At top of descent, the A/T computer commands the thrust levers to retard, The A/T computer uses these inputs while in throttle hold mode :
which reduces engine thrust.
The A/T computer uses the thrust lever resolver angles from the EEC to control - Computed airspeed,
the thrust retard speed. - Air/ground input,
The thrust levers move at 1 deg/sec. - Baro corrected altitude.

For flare retard, the A/T computer uses these inputs :

- Speed mode selection,

- Flap position,
- Radio altitude,
- A/P flare.

At flare retard, the A/T computer commands the thrust levers to move to the
idle power position.
The computer makes sure that the thrust levers are at this position within 6
After landing, the thrust levers move to the idle stop at a rate of 8 deg/sec.

Go-Around Mode.
The A/T computer uses these inputs while in the goaround mode :

- N1 mode,
- Speed mode,
- TO/GA switch input,
- Radio altitude,
- Gross weight,
- Flap position.

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command calculation

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3.4. FMA. In the vertical navigation (VNAV) mode, the DFCS commands the A/T system
to maintain a target speed or a target thrust.
General. In VNAV, FMC SPD shows when the A/T system controls the airplane speed
The autothrottle (A/T) modes show on the flight mode annunciations (FMA). from the FMC target.

A/T Modes. MCP SPD shows when the A/T system controls the airplane speed from the
The FMA shows these A/T modes : MCP selected speed.

- ARM, RETARD shows when the A/T drives the thrust Levers to the idle stop.
- N1,
- THR HLD, GA (go-around) shows when you push a TO/GA switch during approach.
- FMC SPD, During go-around, the A/T commands the thrust lever to an internally
- MCP SPD, computed position.
- RETARD, When you push a TO/GA switch a second time, the autothrottle commands
- GA. maximum safe thrust and N1 shows.

ARM shows when the A/T system is on and is ready to receive commands. A box shows around the FMA display for 10 seconds to show a change in
N1 shows when the A/T system controls N1 . mode.
The target N1 comes from the electronic
engine control.

THR HLD shows during takeoff above 84 knots.

The throttle hold mode stops the autothrottle servo motors.
This holds the current thrust level.
When the airplane gains an altitude of 800 feet AGL,
the A/T changes to the ARM mode.
ARM shows on the FMA.


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The thrust mode display shows the active N1 limit mode computed by the
The reference N1 bugs (2) show the N1 limit for the active mode.
The N1 limit mode controls the N1 limit for autothrottle operation.

The reference N1 readouts are set manually.

The N1 bugs show the manually set N1 reference readout value.
These manually set limits have no effect on autothrottle operation.

See the flight management computer system section for more information
about the thrust mode displays. (AMM PART 1 34-61)

Non-Normal Operation.
In automatic operation, the FMCS calculates the thrust mode display and
reference N1 bug readout.
If the FMCS calculations are not valid, the autothrottle limit message, A/T LIM,
The autothrottle computer then calculates a single N1 limit for both engines.
Three dashes show in the thrust mode display field.

engine display
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4.1. Overview.
The A/T operates on the ground for takeoff and in flight.
The A/T system controls engine thrust for these flight sequences :

- Takeoff,
- Climb,
- Cruise,
- Descent,
- Approach,
- Flare,
- Go-around.

For each flight phase, the DFCS selects the A/T mode.
The SPEED or N1 mode select switch light comes on to show the mode is
When the light is on, a second push removes the mode from active status.

The pilot uses the TO/GA switches to start the takeoff and go-around modes.

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4.2. Takeoff. Takeoff Start.

When the pilot pushes a TO/GA switch on the thrust levers, the autothrottle
General. engages in the takeoff thrust mode.
Use the CDU and the mode control panel (MCP) to set the necessary data to The A/T moves the thrust levers to the takeoff N1 position.
prepare the FMS and the A/T for takeoff.
The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status. These are the indications at takeoff start :
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation and the thrust
targets. - FMA shows N1,
- TO shows on the TMA,
Takeoff follows this sequence : - N1 reference cursors at TO N1 values,
- Thrust levers move forward.
- Preflight,
- Takeoff Start, Takeoff Roll.
- Takeoff Roll, The engine thrust increases to the takeoff N1 and the airplane accelerates.
- Climbout. When the airspeed is 84 knots, the A/T goes to throttle hold.
Throttle hold mode stops the A/T control of the throttles.
These are the steps the pilot does before the start of the takeoff roll : These are the indications during throttle hold :

- Preflight the FMS, and enter all the necessary data on the CDU - FMA shows THR HLD at 84 knots,
- Set the MCP to normal takeoff positions for the DFCS - TO shows on the TMA,
- Put the A/T arm switch to ARM. - N1 reference cursors at TO N1 values,
- Thrust levers do not move.
These are the indications after preflight :
Climb Out.
- Both A/T mode selector lights on the MCP are off, At a barometric altitude change of 800 feet above the field elevation, the A/T
- ARM shows on the A/T flight mode annunciation (FMA), prepares to go to another mode.
- TO (takeoff) shows on the thrust mode annunciation (TMA), These are the indications after the airplane goes above this altitude :
- N1 reference cursors go to the TO N1 values.
- FMA shows ARM
- TO shows on the TMA
- N1 reference cursors remain at the TO N1 values
- Thrust levers do not move.

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4.3. Climb. These are the indications during VNAV climb :

General. - N1 mode selector switch light comes on,

The DFCS controls the A/T mode during climb. In climb, the A/T controls the - FMA shows N1,
engine thrust to keep either a target thrust or a target speed. - CLB shows on the TMA,
The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status. - N1 reference cursors goes to climb N1,
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation and the thrust - Thrust levers move to control climb N1.
The normal DFCS mode during climb is VNAV. Level Change Climb.
Supplemental DFCS pitch modes, such as level change (LVL CHG) and vertical The pilot can also use LVL CHG to climb to a higher altitude.
speed (V/S), are also available to control the climb. From the initial altitude of 800 feet, the pilot pushes LVL CHG on the MCP.

Initial Conditions. These are the indications during LVL CHG climb :
These are the conditions before the climb :
- N1 mode selector switch comes on,
- Barometric altitude change is greater than 800 feet, - FMA shows N1,
- A/T is in ARM, - CLB shows on the TMA,
- Engine thrust is at the TO N1 reference. - N1 reference cursors goes to climb N1,
- Thrust levers move to control climb N1.
These are the indications :
Vertical Speed (V/S) Climb.
- Both A/T mode selector switches lights on the MCP are off, The pilot can also use V/S to climb to a higher altitude.
- ARM shows on the flight mode annunciation (FMA), From the initial altitude of 800 feet, the pilot pushes V/S and sets the desired
- TO shows on the thrust mode annunciation (TMA), vertical speed on the MCP.
- N1 reference cursors at TO N1,
- Thrust levers do not move. The A/T uses the MCP speed as the target speed.
These are the indications during V/S climb :
Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Climb.
From the initial position, the pilot pushes VNAV on the MCP to start a normal - Speed mode selector switch light comes on,
climb. - FMA shows MCP SPD,
The autothrottle engages in the N1 mode. - CLB shows on the TMA,
The A/T commands the thrust levers to move to climb N1. - N1 reference cursors goes to climb N1,
- Thrust levers move to control climb speed.

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4.4. Cruise. VNAV Cruise.

The autothrottle is in the FMC speed mode at cruise altitude.
General. The A/T moves the thrust levers to hold the FMC speed.
In cruise, the A/T moves the thrust levers to hold either the FMC or MCP
target speed. These are the indications during VNAV cruise :
The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status.
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation (TMA) and the thrust - FMA shows FMC SPD,
targets. - A/T mode selector switch lights are off,
- CRZ shows on the TMA,
The normal DFCS mode during cruise is VNAV. - N1 reference cursors goes to cruise N1.
Altitude hold is available as a supplemental mode.
MCP Altitude Hold.
VNAV Altitude Acquire/Altitude Hold. The target altitude comes from the MCP.
The airplane climbs to the target altitude. As the airplane gets near the MCP altitude, the DFCS acquires and then holds
In VNAV, this target altitude comes from the FMC. the altitude.
As the airplane gets near the FMC altitude, the DFCS acquires and then holds The A/T moves the thrust levers to hold the MCP speed.
the altitude.
The A/T moves the thrust levers to hold the FMC speed. These are the indications when the DFCS acquires and holds the altitude :

In VNAV, these are the indications when the DFCS acquires and holds the - Speed mode selector switch light comes on,
altitude : - FMA shows MCP SPD,
- CRZ shows on the TMA,
- Speed mode selector switch light comes on, - N1 reference cursors goes to CRZ N1.
- FMA shows FMC SPD,
- CRZ shows on the TMA,
- N1 reference cursors goes to CRZ N1.

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4.5. Descent. Level Change (LVL CHG) Descent.

In LVL CHG, the A/T retards the engine thrust when the pilot pushes the LVL
General. CHG switch.
In descent, the A/T varies the engine thrust to control descent or speed.
Normally, the A/T retards the thrust to idle during descent. These are the indications during LVL CHG descent :

The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status. - A/T mode selector switch lights are off,
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation and the thrust - FMA goes from MCP SPD to RETARD to ARM,
targets. - CRZ shows on the TMA,
- N1 reference cursors is at CRZ N1,
The normal DFCS mode during descent is VNAV. - Thrust levers move slowly to idle,
The pilot can also use other modes, such as level change (LVL CHG) or vertical - Engine N1 goes to idle.
speed (V/S) to descend to a lower altitude.
The airplane descends to the target altitude.
Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Descent. At this altitude, the A/T engages the speed mode again.
In VNAV, at the top of descent (TOD), the autothrottle moves the thrust levers The A/T then keeps the airplane speed at the MCP target speed.
to the aft stop.
This retards the engine thrust. Vertical Speed (V/S) Descent.
These are the indications during VNAV descent : In V/S, the A/T moves the thrust levers to keep a target speed.
This target speed comes from the MCP.
- A/T mode selector switch lights are off, These are the indications during V/S descent :
- FMA goes from-FMC SPD to RETARD to ARM,
- CRZ shows on the TMA, - Speed mode switch light comes on,
- N1 reference cursors is at cruise N1, - FMA goes to MCP SPD,
- Thrust Levers move slowly to idle, - CRZ shows on the TMA,
- Engine N1 goes to idle. - N1 reference cursors are at CRZ N1,
- Thrust levers move aft to reduce thrust.
If the DFCS cannot keep the FMC target speed, the A/T goes to speed mode.
Engine thrust increases to keep the airplane speed. The airplane descends to the target altitude.
The airplane descends to the lower altitude. At this altitude, the A/T engages the speed mode again.
At this altitude, the A/T engages the speed mode again. The A/T then keeps the airplane speed at the MCP target speed.
The A/T then keeps the airplane speed at the FMC target speed.

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4.6. Approach. Glideslope (G/S) Capture.

When the airplane captures the glideslope, the FMA shows MCP SPD as the
General. A/T mode.
In approach, the A/T controls the engine thrust to keep a target speed. In this mode, the A/T uses the MCP as the target speed.
The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status.
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation (TMA) and the thrust These are the indications after G/S capture :
- A/T speed mode selector switch light is on,
The A/T controls the airplane speed and uses either the MCP or FMC speed. - FMA shows MCP SPD,
- GA shows on the TMA,
Before Glideslope (G/S) Capture. - N1 reference cursors goes to GA N1.
The A/T engages speed mode during approach.
The speed source depends on the DFCS mode. Flare.
In a normal approach mode (APP), the A/T initially uses the FMC as the speed A/T flare is active during dual autopilot approach.
source. A/T flare occurs at 27 feet radio altitude or 2.5 seconds after A/P flare.
The A/T moves the thrust levers to control thrust and keep an FMC target In flare, the A/T commands the engine thrust to idle.
These are the indications during flare :
These are the indications initially in APP :
- A/T mode selector switch lights are off,
- A/T mode selector switch lights are off, - FMA shows RETARD then ARM,
- FMA shows FMC SPD, - GA shows on the TMA,
- CRZ shows on the TMA, - N1 reference cursors at GA N1.
- N1 reference cursors stay at CRZ setting.
The A/T automatically disconnects 2 seconds after touchdown.

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4.7. GO-AROUND. The A/T computer produces a target thrust for the goaround climb.
It is always less than the full-rated GA N1 from the FMC.
In approach, the A/T controls the engine thrust to keep a target speed. When you push a TO/GA switch a second time, the A/T uses the full-rated GA
If the pilot pushes the TO/GA switch in approach, the A/T goes to the N1 from the FMC.
go-around mode. The FMA shows N1.
This moves the thrust levers forward and increases thrust for the go-around
climb. The autopilot controls the rate of climb. When the airplane nears the
go-around altitude, the DFCS acquires and holds the altitude.
The MCP and the CDS show the A/T modes and status. The A/T goes to the speed mode at the go-around altitude.
The engine display shows the thrust mode annunciation (TMA) and the thrust The A/T uses the MCP speed to control the airplane speed.

The A/T prepares for go-around when the DFCS arms FLARE.
You push a TO/GA switch to start the go-around.
The A/T moves the thrust levers forward and engine thrust increases for the
go-around climb.

These are the indications during go-around :

- N1 mode selector switch light comes on,

- FMA shows GA,
- TMA shows GA,
- N1 reference cursors at GA N1,
- Thrust levers move forward.

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5. A/T bite pages.

5.1. A/T Bite Pages A/T Bite Access.

To start A/T BITE, the A/T computer needs these conditions :

- Both EECs inactive (both start levers in CUTOFF position and both
engine start switches OFF) or Both engines off (N2 below 50%),
- FMC is valid,
- A/T BITE request from the CDU.

After you push A/T, LSK L3, on the maintenance BITE index page, the CDU
shows one of two pages.
If the A/T system starts BITE, the CDU shows the A/T BITE TEST menu and both
A/T warning lights come on.
If the A/T system fails to start BITE, the CDU shows the A/T BITE INOP page.

A/T Bite Test Main Menu.

This page lets you choose a fault isolation or verification test.


This page shows if the A/T system fails to start BITE.
If this page shows, do a check of the A/T computer or its interface for
From this page, you can exit A/T BITE and go back to the MAINT BITE INDEX
page with LSK 6L.

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a/t bite access

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5.2. Current Status Test.

A/T BITE Main Menu Page.
To do a current status test, select the CURRENT STATUS prompt on the A/T
BITE main menu page.
When you push the LSK 1L for current status test, the CDU gives initialization

CURRENT STATUS Initialization Page.

This page gives instructions to prepare the current status test.
After preparation, push LSK 6R to continue the test.
The TEST IN PROGRESS page shows after you push LSK 6R.
If the setup is not correct, the current status will show any failed or non-
powered LRU’s.


This page tells you that the current status tests is in progress.
If there are no failures, the NO FAULTS display shows.
If there are failures, the CDU shows the current status FAILURES page.

The NO FAULTS page shows if there are no failures.
From this page, you can push LSK 6L to go back to the A/T BITE main menu.

The failures page shows the faults found while in current status test.
The left side of the display shows the LRU failures.
When you push LSK 6L, the A/T BITE main menu shows.

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current status test

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5.3. Current Status Engineering Data.

To see alpha vane information, push LSK 6R.

From the CURRENT STATUS FAILURES page, you can see alpha vane
information if you push LSK 6R.
You can also see engineering information about the failures if you enter code
100 and push LSK 6R..


This page shows the average vane angle difference in flight.
If you push LSK 6L, the A/T BITE main menu shows.


This page shows the engineering information of the current status failures.
Enter the engineering code and push LSK 6R to show the engineering
The failed LRU shows on the left and the diagnostic shows on the right.

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current status engineering data

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5.4. A/T Inflight Faults.

To see the INFLIGHT FAULTS page, push LSK 2L on the A/T BITE main menu.


This page shows you the system status during previous flights.
This page shows the NONE if there are no faults. If there was a problem during
a flight, the flight leg shows on this page.
FLT 01 is the most recent flight. FLT 99 is the oldest flight.
The flight leg field is blank if there are no faults during a flight.

To erase the inflight faults, enter CLR/ALL on the CDU scratch and push LSK
The INFLIGHT FAULTS page removes the flight legs and shows NONE.

INFLIGHT FAULTS Engineering Page.

This page shows the A/T system failure information.
The display shows the flight number and the date when the problem occurred.
The faulty LRU shows on the left of the display and the flight deck effect
shows on the right.
The diagnostic is under the flight deck effect.
The repeat indicator shows if the problem occurred more than once during the

Push LSK 6R to see problems on the next flight.

To go back to the A/T BITE main menu, push LSK 6L.

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a/t inflight faults

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5.5. Interactive Test 1.

Interactive Page.
You select the INTERACTIVE page from the A/T BITE TEST menu when you
push LSK 4L.
The INTERACTIVE page lets you do interactive tests that are not in current
status test.
These tests are done one at a time and are selectable from a menu.

Mode Annunciation Page.

From the INTERACTIVE page, push LSK 1L to start the MODE ANNUNCIATION
The first page of the MODE ANNUNCIATION test gives you the initialization
Push the NEXT PAGE key to continue with the test.

Page 2 shows mode annunciations that you can see on the common display
Push the LSK next to the annunciation to see the display.

Page 3 shows modes you can set but there is no annunciation on the common
display system.
You must connect test equipment to monitor these signals.
You push the LSK next to the annunciation to set the mode.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

interactive test 1

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

5.6. Interactive Test 2.

Input Discretes Page.
You select the INPUT DISCRETES page from the INTERACTIVE test menu when
you push LSK 2L.
The INPUT DISCRETES page lets you do interactive tests of the discrete inputs.

The first page shows general instructions for the input discretes page.

Other pages shows the current state of the input discretes.

Disengage/Warnings Page.
You select the DISENGAGE/WARNINGS test from the INTERACTIVE test menu
when you push LSK 3L.
The DISENGAGE/WARNINGS test lets you do interactive tests of the disengage/
warning circuits.

The first page shows general instructions for the disengage/warning test.

Other pages shows methods of A/T disengagement and methods to reset the
A/T disengage warning lights.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle


ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

5.7. Interactive Test 3.

You select the CTM/POR test from the INTERACTIVE test menu when you push
The CTM/POR page lets you do the test of the A/T computer cycle time
monitor (CTM) and power on reset functions (POR).

The first page shows general instructions for the CTM/POR tests.
Push LSK 6R to start the test.
After the test, the CDU displays the test result.

Throttle Tests Page.

You select the THROTTLE TESTS page from the INTERACTIVE test menu when
you push LSK 5L.
The THROTTLE TESTS page lets you do interactive tests to check the thrust
lever performance.

The first page shows a menu of the available thrust lever tests.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

interactive test 3

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

5.8. Interactive Test 4.

Servo Motor Test Page.
You select the SERVO MOTOR TESTS page from the THROTTLE TESTS menu
when you push LSK 2L.
The SERVO MOTOR TESTS page shows any failures of servo motor one or two.

Page 1 shows the initial test instructions.

Push LSK 6R to continue with the test.

Page 2 can show one of these messages :

- A fault message,

If THRUST LEVERS NOT AT IDLE shows, move the levers to the idle position
and push LSK 6R to continue the test.

Torque Tests Page.

You select the TORQUE TESTS page from the THROTTLE TESTS menu when
you push LSK 4L.
The TORQUE TESTS page lets you do a check of the servo torque output.

Page 1 shows the initial test instructions.

Push LSK 6R to continue the test.

The thrust levers go fully forward until the clutch slips, then back to the aft
Page 2 shows the average torque while in test.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

interactive test 4

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

5.9. Interactive Test 5.

Range Check Page.
The RANGE CHECK page lets you monitor the thrust lever position as you
move the thrust levers.

Torque Tests Page.

You select the TORQUE TESTS page from the THROTTLE TESTS menu when
you push LSK 4L.
The TORQUE TESTS page lets you do a check of the servo torque output.

Page 1 shows the initial test instructions.

Push LSK 6R to continue the test.

The thrust levers go fully forward until the clutch slips, then back to the aft
Page 2 shows the average torque while in the test.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

interactive test 5

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1
Training manual Autothrottle

5.10. Ident/Config.
Ident/Config Page.
You select the IDENT/CONFIG page on the A/T BITE main menu page.
When you push the LSK 4L the CDU shows IDENT/CONFIG page 1.

Page 1 shows the configuration of the autothrottle computer.

These are the configuration items that show :

- Noise abate option,

- Fast/slow option,
- Parity,
- 737 model.
ident / config
You push the next page key to move to page 2.
Page 2 shows this information :

- The Boeing part number,

- The Smith part number,
- Software version.

ALL 14 - 01 - 2010
Rev : 2.1

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