Ubicc Id 545 Partroute S Sarangi S Kar 545
Ubicc Id 545 Partroute S Sarangi S Kar 545
Ubicc Id 545 Partroute S Sarangi S Kar 545
We propose a novel reactive routing algorithm called PARTROUTE which achieves
energy efficient routing in sensor networks with stationary and mobile nodes.
PARTROUTE uses coarse mobility awareness in each node to reduce the overheads of
reactive routing by intelligently re-using parts of the created on-demand routes beyond
their standard lifetime. We show that the responsiveness of the network improves while
the overall network traffic is reduced. The effectiveness of PARTROUTE with a large
percentage of mobile nodes is also shown.
TI 2
5.2 Reesults
5.2.1 Effect
E of multiiple event souurces
Fromm Fig. 6 it is cllear that multiiple event souurces Figure 7: Variatioon of Response Time (in secon
nds) for
reduce thhe Response TimeT of the neetwork as perr the AO
ODVjr and PAR RTROUTE-150 for different nu umbers of
discussion in Section 4.3. Also, forr a given num mber mobbile nodes (0%: all nodes stationary)
of event sources
s once the
t created traaces get refresshed
periodicaally, any furtther increase in the valuee of For 0% mobility, eventss in PARTRO OUTE-150
lifetimeSTTATIC does not signifiicantly imprrove are sent over (thhe long) tracees created a priori
p over
performaance e.g. forr a single event e source no the stationary nodes whereeas in AOD DVjr, the
significannt improvement in responsee time is obserrved insttantaneously created routees to the gatteway are
by increaasing lifetimeSTATIC
S from 1500 to 200. typically shorterr. So, marginally higher TPE
T levels
for PARTROUT TE-150 when compared to o AODVjr
(Figg 8) are duee to PARTRO OUTE-150’s relatively
gher Event Paccket Count. HHowever, as discussed in
Secction 4.2, wheen the event-ggenerating moobile node
moves at a (rellatively higheer) speed off 4-5 m/s,
PAARTROUTE-150 outperfforms AOD DVjr by
delivering 3% more
m events wiith 21% lowerr TPE due
to its
i significantlly lower Response Time.
5.2.2 Comparison
TE with AODV