Formula C1 ExamTrainer Wordlist
Formula C1 ExamTrainer Wordlist
Formula C1 ExamTrainer Wordlist
collocation n ˌkɒləʊˈkeɪʃən
octopus n ˈɒktəpəs
surroundings n səˈraʊndɪŋz
squeeze v skwiːz
shellfish n ˈʃɛlfɪʃ
reside v rɪˈzaɪd
dwell v dwɛl
measure n ˈmɛʒə
necessitate v nɪˈsɛsɪteɪt
nəʊ əˈmaʊnt əv
no amount of something ˈsʌmθɪŋ kæn/wɪl ɪt
can/will etc do something collocation ˈsɛtrə dʊ ˈsʌmθɪŋ
persuasion n pəˈsweɪʒən
hesitation n ˌhɛzɪˈteɪʃən
grasp v grɑːsp
complexity n kəmˈplɛksɪti
teɪk ɪts təʊl (ɒn
take its toll (on sb/sth) phrase sb/sth)
smash v smæʃ
drive v draɪv
send v sɛnd
press v prɛs
steer v stɪə
maintain v meɪnˈteɪn
motivate v ˈməʊtɪveɪt
flaw n flɔː
cause n kɔːz
fame n feɪm
masterpiece n ˈmɑːstəpiːs
fake n feɪk
fʊlˈfɪl ˈlaɪflɒŋ æm
fulfill lifelong ambition adj ˈbɪʃ(ə)n
fulfil v fʊlˈfɪl
conclude v kənˈkluːd
finalise v ˈfaɪnəlaɪz
set n sɛt
reef n riːf
approach v əˈprəʊʧ
ecotourism n ˈiːkəʊˌtʊərɪz(ə)m
trade n treɪd
corporation n ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən
bounce v baʊns
collide v kəˈlaɪd
management n ˈmænɪʤmənt
uncertainty n ʌnˈsɜːtnti
condemn v kənˈdɛm
aggression n əˈgrɛʃ(ə)n
commend v kəˈmɛnd
applaud v əˈplɔːd
violinist n ˈvaɪəlɪnɪst
favourite n ˈfeɪvərɪt
subtract v səbˈtrækt
detach v dɪˈtæʧ
extract v ɪkˈstrækt
assumption n əˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n
speculation n ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃən
deduction n dɪˈdʌkʃən
supposition n ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃən
plunge v plʌnʤ
crash v kræʃ
collapse v kəˈlæps
assurance n əˈʃʊərəns
direct v dɪˈrɛkt
trouble v ˈtrʌbl
dedicate v ˈdɛdɪkeɪt
ðəz nəʊ hɑːm ɪn
there's no harm in doing sth phrase ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ sth
anticipate v ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt
beware v bɪˈweə
complicate v ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt
envision v ɪnˈvɪʒən
instruct v ɪnˈstrʌkt
announce v əˈnaʊns
world-class adj wɜːld-klɑːs
psychology n saɪˈkɒləʤi
outlier n ˈaʊtˌlaɪə
stipulation n ˌstɪpjʊˈleɪʃən
concept n ˈkɒnsɛpt
strum v strʌm
proportion n prəˈpɔːʃən
principle n ˈprɪnsəpl
uncover v ʌnˈkʌvə
expose v ɪksˈpəʊz
release v rɪˈliːs
amount to phr v əˈmaʊnt tʊ
generate v ˈʤɛnəreɪt
justify v ˈʤʌstɪfaɪ
monitor v ˈmɒnɪtə
differentiate v ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃɪeɪt
means n miːnz
encounter v ɪnˈkaʊntə
contribute v kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t
calve v kɑːv
extent n ɪksˈtɛnt
alter v ˈɔːltə
upload v ʌpˈləʊd
participant n pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt
rectify v ˈrɛktɪfaɪ
imitate v ˈɪmɪteɪt
sustainability n səsˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti
climber n ˈklaɪmə
wrestling n ˈrɛslɪŋ
decline n dɪˈklaɪn
unexpectedly adv ˌʌnɪksˈpɛktɪdli
launch v lɔːnʧ
modernise v ˈmɒdənaɪz
environmentally-friendly adj ˈfrɛndli
adj + n
waste product collocation weɪst ˈprɒdʌkt
supplier n səˈplaɪə
suspend v səsˈpɛnd
oblige v əˈblaɪʤ
equip v ɪˈkwɪp
floats n fləʊts
co-owner n kəʊ-ˈəʊnə
rainfall n ˈreɪnfɔːl
retrieve v rɪˈtriːv
capacity n kəˈpæsɪti
processing n ˈprəʊsɛsɪŋ
cortex n ˈkɔːtɛks
conversion n kənˈvɜːʃən
normality n nɔːˈmælɪti
relevance n ˈrɛlɪvəns
misbehave v ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv
reconsider v ˌriːkənˈsɪdə
assign v əˈsaɪn
consume v kənˈsjuːm
disapprove v ˌdɪsəˈpruːv
capability n ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪti
sensitivity n ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti
leadership n ˈliːdəʃɪp
competence n ˈkɒmpɪtəns
innocence n ˈɪnəsəns
jealousy n ˈʤɛləsi
disapproval n ˌdɪsəˈpruːvəl
nervousness n ˈnɜːvəsnəs
rudeness n ˈruːdnɪs
selfishness n ˈsɛlfɪʃnɪs
willingness n ˈwɪlɪŋnɪs
cancellation n ˌkænsəˈleɪʃən
consumption n kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən
reception n rɪˈsɛpʃən
allowance n əˈlaʊəns
annoyance n əˈnɔɪəns
deficiency n dɪˈfɪʃənsi
competency n ˈkɒmpɪtənsi
archaeology n ˌɑːkɪˈɒləʤi
archaeologist n ˌɑːkɪˈɒləʤɪst
consultant n kənˈsʌltənt
exhaust v ɪgˈzɔːst
insult v ˈɪnsʌlt
assure v əˈʃʊə
dismiss v dɪsˈmɪs
aggression n əˈgrɛʃ(ə)n
confidence n ˈkɒnfɪdəns
substance n ˈsʌbstəns
receipt n rɪˈsiːt
effectiveness n ɪˈfɛktɪvnəs
acknowledge v əkˈnɒlɪʤ
imprison v ɪmˈprɪzn
lengthen v ˈlɛŋθən
simplify v ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ
content n ˈkɒntɛnt
ray n reɪ
position n pəˈzɪʃən
challenge v ˈʧælɪnʤ
clarify v ˈklærɪfaɪ
wisdom n ˈwɪzdəm
suitability n ˌsjuːtəˈbɪlɪti
drone n drəʊn
device n dɪˈvaɪs
setback n ˈsɛtbæk
undergo v ˌʌndəˈgəʊ
meantime n ˈmiːnˈtaɪm
shrimp n ʃrɪmp
organism n ˈɔːgənɪzm
adj + n
marine ecosystem collocation məˈriːn ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm
congregate v ˈkɒŋgrɪgeɪt
algae n ˈælʤiː
cycling n ˈsaɪklɪŋ
transform v trænsˈfɔːm
idiomatic phrase / idiom adj freɪz / ˈɪdɪəm
apparatus n ˌæpəˈreɪtəs
assume v əˈsjuːm
acceptance n əkˈsɛptəns
emit v ɪˈmɪt
reopen v ˌriːˈəʊpən
object v ˈɒbʤɪkt
incline v ɪnˈklaɪn
imply v ɪmˈplaɪ
contrast v ˈkɒntrɑːst
scope n skəʊp
outline v ˈaʊtlaɪn
tackle v ˈtækl
awareness n əˈweənəs
denial n dɪˈnaɪəl
worsen v ˈwɜːsn
adj + n
solo voyage collocation ˈsəʊləʊ ˈvɔɪɪʤ
civilisation n ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən
disperse v dɪsˈpɜːs
predator n ˈprɛdətə
flee v fliː
loom v luːm
disrupt v dɪsˈrʌpt
dilemma n dɪˈlɛmə
inference n ˈɪnfərəns
implication n ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən
overspend v ˌəʊvəˈspɛnd
sequel n ˈsiːkwəl
insistence n ɪnˈsɪstəns
aspect n ˈæspɛkt
extract n ˈɛkstrækt
anecdote n ˈænɪkdəʊt
diagnose v ˈdaɪəgnəʊz
drawback n ˈdrɔːbæk
reviewer n rɪˈvju(ː)ə
settlement n ˈsɛtlmənt
developer n dɪˈvɛləpə
methodology n ˌmɛθəˈdɒləʤi
assertion n əˈsɜːʃ(ə)n
emerge v ɪˈmɜːʤ
composer n kəmˈpəʊzə
discern v dɪˈsɜːn
richness n ˈrɪʧnɪs
composition n ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən
appeal v əˈpiːl
impression n ɪmˈprɛʃən
affiliation n əˌfɪlɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n
hyper-vigilance n ˈhaɪpə-ˈvɪʤɪləns
outdated adj aʊtˈdeɪtɪd
ensure v ɪnˈʃʊə
comfort n ˈkʌmfət
prioritise v praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪz
cabin n ˈkæbɪn
hummingbird n ˈhʌmɪŋbɜːd
reunion n riːˈjuːnjən
radiate v ˈreɪdɪɪt
utter v ˈʌtə
convey v kənˈveɪ
hub n hʌb
devise v dɪˈvaɪz
following n ˈfɒləʊɪŋ
inspiration n ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən
dwelling n ˈdwɛlɪŋ
dynamic n daɪˈnæmɪk
commission n kəˈmɪʃən
vessel n ˈvɛsl
collision n kəˈlɪʒən
breakdown n ˈbreɪkˌdaʊn
offend v əˈfɛnd
craft n krɑːft
instance n ˈɪnstəns
ironically, phrase aɪˈrɒnɪkəli,
yacht n jɒt
distort v dɪsˈtɔːt
festivities n fɛsˈtɪvɪtiz
regime n reɪˈʒiːm
cut/give somebody some kʌt/gɪv ˈsʌmbədi səm
slack phrase slæk
moodiness n ˈmuːdɪnəs
isolate v ˈaɪsəleɪt
portray v pɔːˈtreɪ
exhibit v ɪgˈzɪbɪt
adj + n
fleeting glimpse collocation ˈfliːtɪŋ glɪmps
draw v drɔː
sympathy n ˈsɪmpəθi
conduct n ˈkɒndʌkt
dispatch v dɪsˈpæʧ
admission n ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n
trend n trɛnd
nurture v ˈnɜːʧə
brand v brænd
sensibility n ˌsɛnsɪˈbɪlɪti
loudspeaker n ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə
glory n ˈglɔːri
exemplify v ɪgˈzɛmplɪfaɪ
retailer n riːˈteɪlə
broaden v ˈbrɔːdn
revisit v ˌriːˈvɪsɪt
hierarchy n ˈhaɪərɑːki
heap n hiːp
projection n prəˈʤɛkʃən
sceptic n ˈskɛptɪk
adj + n
worst-case scenario collocation wɜːst-keɪs sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ
characteristic n ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk
gratitude n ˈgrætɪtjuːd
spin (cotton) v spɪn (ˈkɒtn)
excel v ɪkˈsɛl
weave v wiːv
aspire v əsˈpaɪə
sabbatical n səˈbætɪkəl
film-maker n fɪlm-ˈmeɪkə
forsake v fəˈseɪk
condition v kənˈdɪʃən
commodity n kəˈmɒdɪti
press-up n prɛs-ʌp
uniform adj ˈjuːnɪfɔːm
yeast n jiːst
observation n ˌɒbzə(ː)ˈveɪʃən
efficiency n ɪˈfɪʃənsi
impact v ɪmˈpækt
motivation n ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃən
shift v ʃɪft
perception n pəˈsɛpʃən
temptation n tɛmpˈteɪʃən
endeavour v ɪnˈdɛvə
skim v skɪm
instability n ˌɪnstəˈbɪlɪti
unfold n ʌnˈfəʊld
superpower n ˈsjuːpəˌpaʊə
revelation n ˌrɛvɪˈleɪʃən
exploration n ˌɛksplɔːˈreɪʃən
unrest n ʌnˈrɛst
tension n ˈtɛnʃən
blurb n blɜːb
comprehend v ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnd
contradict v ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt
commentator n ˈkɒmɛnteɪtə
regulation n ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃən
quarter n ˈkwɔːtə
impose v ɪmˈpəʊz
ultimately adv ˈʌltɪmɪtli
replacement n rɪˈpleɪsmənt
pollute v pəˈluːt
implement v ˈɪmpləment
consensus n kənˈsɛnsəs
stage v steɪʤ
amenity n əˈmiːnɪti
inspection n ɪnˈspɛkʃən
relaxation n ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən
framework n ˈfreɪmwɜːk
abolition n ˌæbəʊˈlɪʃ(ə)n
prototype n ˈprəʊtəʊtaɪp
oversee v ˌəʊvəˈsiː
partake v pɑːˈteɪk
incentive n ɪnˈsɛntɪv
thrive v θraɪv
parachute v ˈpærəʃuːt
simulation n ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən
unpick v ʌnˈpɪk
broadsheet n ˈbrɔːdʃiːt
tabloid n ˈtæblɔɪd
manipulate v məˈnɪpjʊleɪt
conviction n conviction
algorithm n ˈælgərɪðm
division n dɪˈvɪʒən
assert v əˈsɜːt
insight n ˈɪnsaɪt
integrity n ɪnˈtɛgrɪti
unease n ˌʌnˈiːz
persuasively adv pəˈsweɪsɪvli
irritation n ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃən
interference n ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns
etiquette n ˈɛtɪkɛt
realm n rɛlm
allocate v ˈæləʊkeɪt
resent v rɪˈzɛnt
deterrent n dɪˈtɛrənt
no-show n nəʊ-ʃəʊ
machinations n ˌmækɪˈneɪʃənz
scandal n ˈskændl
allot v əˈlɒt
courtesy n ˈkɜːtɪsi
consideration n kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən
reciprocate v rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt
dustpan n ˈdʌstpæn
compass n ˈkʌmpəs
boost v buːst
multinational n ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənl
yawn v jɔːn
doctorate n ˈdɒktərɪt
curriculum n kəˈrɪkjʊləm
knock v nɒk
fetch v fɛʧ
obligation n ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃən
merit n ˈmɛrɪt
sparks v spɑːks
attain v əˈteɪn
scenario n sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ
automation n ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n
accelerate v əkˈsɛləreɪt
foresee v fɔːˈsiː
continuation n kənˌtɪnjʊˈeɪʃən
earner n ˈɜːnə
resentment n rɪˈzɛntmənt
adolescence n ˌædəʊˈlɛsns
consumerism n kənˈsjuːmərɪz(ə)m
sentiment n ˈsɛntɪmənt
encapsulate v ɪnˈkæpsjʊleɪt
congestion n kənˈʤɛsʧən
inventory n ˈɪnvəntri
adj + n
cultural heritage collocation ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈhɛrɪtɪʤ
conurbation n ˌkɒnɜːˈbeɪʃən
unveil v ʌnˈveɪl
gleam v gliːm
rack n ræk
embed v ɪmˈbɛd
strive v straɪv
paradise n ˈpærədaɪs
infrastructure n ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌkʧə
liveliness n ˈlaɪvlɪnɪs
surfing n ˈsɜːfɪŋ
chunk n ʧʌŋk
flock v flɒk
ally n ˈælaɪ
phenomenon n fɪˈnɒmɪnən
novice n ˈnɒvɪs
tame v teɪm
crave v kreɪv
glide v glaɪd
alteration n ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃ(ə)n
tempt v tɛmpt
speculate v ˈspɛkjʊleɪt
contention n kənˈtɛnʃən
bias n ˈbaɪəs
resemblance n rɪˈzɛmbləns
venture n ˈvɛnʧə
bear in mind sth phrase beər ɪn maɪnd sth
flourish v ˈflʌrɪʃ
start-up n ˈstɑːtʌp
profitability n ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪlɪti
overwhelm v ˌəʊvəˈwɛlm
donor n ˈdəʊnə
introvert n ˈɪntrəʊˌvɜːt
paradox n ˈpærədɒks
justification n ˌʤʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən
incorporate v ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt
tendency n ˈtɛndənsi
fundraising n ˈfʌndˌreɪzɪŋ
combat v ˈkɒmbæt
chair n ʧeə
panel n ˈpænl
collate v kɒˈleɪt
descend v dɪˈsɛnd
roots n ruːts
contemplate v ˈkɒntɛmpleɪt
recollection n ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən
wheat n wiːt
hide-and-seek n ˈhaɪdəndˈsiːk
ascent n əˈsɛnt
stuff v stʌf
resemble v rɪˈzɛmbl
spirits n ˈspɪrɪts
surge n sɜːʤ
inspector n ɪnˈspɛktə
spare v speə
manuscript n ˈmænjʊskrɪpt
debut n ˈdeɪbuː
refusal n rɪˈfjuːzəl
destiny n ˈdɛstɪni
dependence n dɪˈpɛndəns
sector n ˈsɛktə
hardship n ˈhɑːdʃɪp
manufacturing n ˌmænjʊˈfækʧərɪŋ
discipline n ˈdɪsɪplɪn
vocational adj vəʊˈkeɪʃənl
refuge n ˈrɛfjuːʤ
cart n kɑːt
storyline n ˈstɔːrɪlaɪn
expertise v ˌɛkspɜːˈtiːz
ownership n ˈəʊnəʃɪp
closure n ˈkləʊʒə
ɪn kənˈʤʌŋkʃən wɪð
in conjunction with sb/sth phrase sb/sth
disrepair n ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə
repetition n ˌrɛpɪˈtɪʃən
canteen n kænˈtiːn
enhance v ɪnˈhɑːns
constitute v ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt
uphill adj/adv ˌʌpˈhɪl
determination n dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən
racer n ˈreɪsə
register n ˈrɛʤɪstə
canoeing n kəˈnuːɪŋ
climb n klaɪm
curiosity n ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪti
retirement n rɪˈtaɪəmənt
twist n twɪst
mansion n ˈmænʃən
combine v kəmˈbaɪn
affection n əˈfɛkʃ(ə)n
absorb v əbˈsɔːb
tearjerker n ˈtɪəˌdʒɜːkə
record-breaker n ˈrɛkɔːd-ˈbreɪkə
non-fiction n nɒn-ˈfɪkʃən
villain n ˈvɪlən
satire n ˈsætaɪə
absurdity n əbˈsɜːdɪti
terrain n təˈreɪn
praise v preɪz
novelty n ˈnɒvəlti
badminton n ˈbædmɪntən
comprise v kəmˈpraɪz
minority n maɪˈnɒrɪti
questionnaire n ˌkwɛstɪəˈneə
usage n ˈjuːzɪʤ
respondent n rɪsˈpɒndənt
dissatisfaction n dɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən
sponsor v ˈspɒnsə
validity n vəˈlɪdɪti
withdraw v wɪðˈdrɔː
advocate n ˈædvəkət
fəˈmɪliəraɪz jɔːˈsɛlf wɪð
familiarise yourself with sth phrase sth
glossy adj ˈglɒsi
lack v læk
schooldays n ˈskuːldeɪz
in-joke n ɪn-ʤəʊk
formula n ˈfɔːmjʊlə
moral n ˈmɒrəl
corporate adj ˈkɔːpərɪt
input n ˈɪnpʊt
hospitality n ˌhɒspɪˈtælɪti
gɛt ɒn ðə ˈbænd
get on the bandwagon idiom ˌwægən
devote v dɪˈvəʊt
(right) up your street phrase (raɪt) ʌp jə striːt
privilege n ˈprɪvɪlɪʤ
tic n tɪk
generosity n ˌʤɛnəˈrɒsɪti
solely adv ˈsəʊlli
appreciate v əˈpriːʃɪeɪt
prize v praɪz
agony n ˈægəni
unsettle v ʌnˈsɛtl
establishment n ɪsˈtæblɪʃmənt
limitation n ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃən
expectation n ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən
steer clear of sb/sth phrase stɪə klɪər əv sb/sth
philosophy n fɪˈlɒsəfi
misconception n ˌmɪskənˈsɛpʃən
cater for ˈkeɪtə fə
somebody/something phr v ˈsʌmbədi/ˈsʌmθɪŋ
ingest v ɪnˈʤɛst
stem v stɛm
minimise v ˈmɪnɪmaɪz
discard v dɪsˈkɑːd
recall v rɪˈkɔːl
diminish v dɪˈmɪnɪʃ
recapture v ˌriːˈkæpʧə
caution n ˈkɔːʃən
loophole n ˈluːphəʊl
proprietor n prəˈpraɪətə
ignorance n ˈɪgnərəns
advisory adj ədˈvaɪzəri
eye-opener n ˈaɪˌəʊpnə
associate v əˈsəʊʃieɪt
abundant adj əˈbʌndənt
aluminum n ˌæləˈmɪniəm
exploit v ɪkˈsplɔɪt
electronics n ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪks
dentistry n ˈdɛntɪstri
confine v kənˈfaɪn
reproduction n ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃən
colouration n ˌkʌləˈreɪʃən
advancement n ədˈvɑːnsmənt
competitiveness n kəmˈpɛtɪtɪvnəs
trait n treɪt
houseboat n ˈhaʊsbəʊt
optimism n ˈɒptɪmɪzm
weatherman n ˈwɛðəmæn
waddle v ˈwɒdl
meteorology n ˌmiːtiəˈrɒləʤi
whereabouts n ˈweərəbaʊts
fascination n ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃən
curator n kjʊəˈreɪtə
ˈbrɔːdn ˈsʌmbədiz hə
broaden somebody’s horizons phrase ˈraɪznz
aerial adj ˈeərɪəl
bulky adj ˈbʌlki
beam n biːm
reservoir n ˈrɛzəvwɑː
metropolis n mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs
hypothesis n haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs
recollect v ˌrekəˈlekt
unwind v ʌnˈwaɪnd
premises n ˈprɛmɪsɪz
perfectionist n pəˈfɛkʃənɪst
at random phrase ət ˈrændəm
reserve n rɪˈzɜːv
entitle v ɪnˈtaɪtl
handout n ˈhændaʊt
moan v məʊn
homeschooling n ˈhəʊmskuːlɪŋ
credibility n ˌkrədɪˈbɪlɪti
deteriorate v dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt
flexibility n ˌflɛksɪˈbɪlɪti
creep v kriːp
wholly adv ˈhəʊli
elite n eɪˈliːt
emulate v ˈɛmjʊleɪt
predominantly adv prɪˈdɒmɪnəntli
outburst n ˈaʊtbɜːst
recount v rɪˈkaʊnt
commute n kəˈmjuːt
occurrence n əˈkʌrəns
prior to sth phrase ˈpraɪə tə sth
materialise v məˈtɪərɪəlaɪz
compromise n ˈkɒmprəmaɪz
adj + n
sugary (foods) collocation ˈʃʊgəri (fuːdz)
reassure v ˌriːəˈʃʊə
prospect n ˈprɒspɛkt
grant n grɑːnt
intervention n ˌɪntə(ː)ˈvɛnʃən
wɒt pəˈzɛst
what possessed somebody ˈsʌmbədi (tə dʊ
(to do something)? phrase ˈsʌmθɪŋ)?
payroll n ˈpeɪrəʊl
hindsight n ˈhaɪndsaɪt
ladder n ˈlædə
direction n dɪˈrɛkʃən
takeaway n ˈteɪkəweɪ
flurry n ˈflʌri
acclaim n əˈkleɪm
nerve-racking adj ˈnɜːvˌrækɪŋ
anticipation n ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n
peer v pɪə
momentum n məʊˈmɛntəm
desperation n ˌdɛspəˈreɪʃən
downturn n ˈdaʊntɜːn
inherit v ɪnˈhɛrɪt
stamina n ˈstæmɪnə
climbing n ˈklaɪmɪŋ
exertion n ɪgˈzɜːʃən
bat v bæt
induction n ɪnˈdʌkʃən
specialise v ˈspɛʃ(ə)laɪz
rehearse v rɪˈhɜːs
accomplish v əˈkɒmplɪʃ
hysterical adj hɪsˈtɛrɪkəl
screwdriver n ˈskruːˌdraɪvə
necessity n nɪˈsɛsɪti
əz fɑːr əz sth z kən
as far as sth is concerned phrase ˈsɜːnd
rank v ræŋk
genetics n ʤɪˈnɛtɪks
distraction n dɪsˈtrækʃən
revenue n ˈrɛvɪnjuː
the place where you are and all the things in it I soon got used to my new surroundings.
to try to make yourself or a thing fit into a small
space Can you squeeze in next to Rick?
predatory animals kill and eat other animals Owls and falcons are examples of predatory birds.
an animal that lives in water, has a shell, and is
eaten as food Specialities are fresh fish and shellfish.
Miss Badu grew up in Dallas but now resides in
to live or be somewhere Brooklyn.
A woodsman and his family dwelt in the middle of the
to live in a particular place forest.
a reasonable amount of something He achieved a measure of success with his first book.
used to say what usually happens Prices typically start at around $600.
almost all of a group of people or things The vast majority of students work very hard.
if something happens overnight, it happens
quickly Reputations are not changed overnight.
to make it necessary for you to do something Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.
when you think about all parts of a situation All things considered, I think the day went well.
to understand something completely At the time, I didn't fully grasp what he meant.
how complex something is, or a complex part of
something They don't realise the complexity of the problem.
to have a bad effect on someone or something
over a long period of time Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.
to break into a lot of small pieces, or to make
something break in this way The plates smashed on the floor.
to say that you are sure that something is true She always maintained that her son was innocent.
The tennis player's early success motivated him to
to be the reason why someone does something work harder.
a mistake, mark, or weakness that stops
something from being perfect A design flaw caused the engine to explode.
a reason for doing something or having a
particular feeling The birth of a baby is a cause for celebration.
The rebels do not pose a serious threat to the armed
to be a threat to something forces.
the state of being known about by a lot of people
because of your achievements He first won fame as a singer.
to pay careful attention to something We must always take note of our customers' views.
a very good work of art or piece of writing Jones' performance was a masterpiece.
a copy of a valuable object that is intended to
deceive people The painting was a fake.
to achieve something you wanted to achieve all She fulfilled her lifelong ambition to have her books
through your life published.
to make you feel satisfied because you are using
all your skills and qualities Motherhood alone did not fulfil her.
to complete something that you have been doing The study was concluded last month.
to decide firmly on the details of a plan or
arrangement Can we finalise the details of the deal?
at the place where people work, study, or stay There's a bar, restaurant, and gym on site.
a place where a film or programme is filmed He met her on the set of his latest movie.
a line of sharp rocks or a raised area near the They presented a proposal to protect several miles of
surface of the sea, often made of coral thousand-year-old coral reef.
used to talk about all the people looking for work After years of being a stay-at-home dad, he decided
and the jobs that are available to re-enter the labour market.
the business of organising holidays to natural The boom in ecotourism has certainly seen a
areas where people can visit and learn about the welcome expansion of special interest holiday
area in a way that will not hurt the environment options.
to walk quickly and with a lot of energy The children came bouncing into the room.
to hit someone with a moving vehicle and hurt or The elderly man was knocked over while crossing the
kill them road.
to meet someone when you were not expecting
to Guess who I bumped into this morning?
to crash violently into something or someone The two trains collided in a tunnel.
My doctor warned me that eating red meat increases
dark-coloured meat such as beef the risk of heart disease.
to stop doing or eating something, especially The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out
because it might be bad for your health spicy food.
to start or to begin to have an effect The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.
to interrupt someone or suddenly join a
conversation Lena quickly jumped in with a diverting remark.
the people who are in charge of controlling and
organising a company or organisation Management will discuss this issue next week.
to suggest a plan or idea, or suggest someone for Milne has put his name forward as a candidate at the
a job or position next election.
to produce a book, record, film etc They're putting out a new album in the fall.
to make someone experience something
unpleasant I'm sorry to have to put you through this.
the feeling that you have when you are not sure There is a great deal of uncertainty about the future
about something of the company.
to praise something that someone does She should be applauded for her honesty.
We had four violinists from the Philharmonic
someone who plays a violin Orchestra.
the team, player etc that is expected to win a race
or competition Brazil were the favourites to win the World Cup.
Analysis of the data should have been done more
carefully and thoroughly systematically.
You'll need to have a comprehensive guide to
including everything university courses.
extremely thoroughly and completely The rescue team searched the area exhaustively.
worried that something bad will happen He was rather alarmed to find her there.
to take one number away from another number If you subtract 15 from 25 you get 10.
to remove part of something that has been made
so that you can remove it The control unit can be detached from the base.
to remove something from a place or thing Precious gems are extracted from the mine.
something that you think is true although you
have no proof We're working on the assumption that prices will rise.
things that people say or think when they
speculate There has been a lot of speculation about her future.
when you decide that something is likely to be Children will soon make deductions about the
true, using the information that you have meaning of a word.
something that someone believes is true even
though they cannot prove it The report will be based on fact, not supposition.
to suddenly decrease by a large amount Oil prices have plunged to a new low.
if a stock market crashes, prices suddenly fall by a The cost of the project has soared, causing the shares
large amount to crash 11p to 329p.
opposing ideas, opinions etc are completely Brad was prepared to accept that opposing beliefs
different from each other could be held equally strongly and passionately.
Wear the jacket and skirt with contrasting pieces for a
very different from each other different look.
different from other things and very easy to
recognise The band have a distinctive sound.
Safety checks were made in accordance with the
according to a system or rule rules.
He gave me an assurance that the work would be
a promise that something is true or will happen complete by now.
Police are questioning a man in connection with the
concerning something crime.
concerning or in relation to something This is especially true in respect of the UK.
to aim something at a particular person or
situation His anger is mainly directed at his father.
going away from a place or towards the outside The outward flight was very uncomfortable.
to officially tell people about something so that The winner of the competition will be announced
everyone knows shortly.
among the best in the world She's a world-class tennis player.
definite and able to be seen or touched He has no tangible evidence of John's guilt.
to be a particular part of an amount Oil and gas account for 60% of our exports.
to make something happen or start to exist Our discussion generated a lot of ideas.
to give a good reason for doing something that How can you justify spending so much money on a
other people think is unreasonable coat?
used when giving your opinion to say that there Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all
are good reasons why something might be true time.
to meet someone when you did not plan to I first encountered him at Oxford.
Several hundred people contributed articles,
to write for a newspaper or magazine photographs, and cartoons.
There are lots of birds, both resident and migratory,
involved in or relating to migration and other wildlife.
how big, important, or serious something is What is the full extent of his injuries?
to change, or to make something or someone
change Her face hadn't altered much over the years.
to copy the way that someone does something Children often imitate their parents' behaviour.
when the Sun seems to disappear, because the The only safe way to watch a solar eclipse is with
Moon is passing between it and the Earth special protective eye gear.
used to say that you are glad that something
good has happened Thankfully, they all got home safely.
The whales' breeding grounds are off the west coast
a place where animals or birds go to breed of Mexico.
when something can be used without causing The government should do more to promote
future harm to the environment sustainability in agriculture.
someone who climbs rocks or mountains as a Wanda Rutkiewicz was the first female climber to
sport reach the summit of K2.
a useless material or substance that is produced Kidneys separate water and waste products from the
during the process of making something else blood.
a company that provides goods for shops and The company is now the main supplier of educational
businesses software to schools.
imagine what it would feel like to be in their Don't be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their
situation shoes.
used for saying that something is difficult Bringing up a child on your own is no easy task.
a construction attached to a plane which allows it There's no space for an airport on the island, so
to stay on the surface of the water rather than on planes are equipped with floats so that they can land
ground on the lake.
loud or continuous noise that is unpleasant and Our survey revealed the impact of noise pollution on
annoying the community.
travelling on a small vehicle used for sliding over Dogsledding is practiced for many different purposes,
snow, called a sled, which is pulled by dogs e.g. sport, delivering mail or hunting.
a system of exercises which helps you to relax They argue that yoga can contribute to a healthy and
your body and mind more successful life.
one of the owners of a business or an asset when My brother and I have become the co-owners of our
there is more than one owner family business, after our mother retired.
relating to cooking of very high quality The restaurant hired a Cordon Bleu chef.
a shop that sells unusual products or food that I bought this French cheese at the local speciality
are special in some way store.
used to emphasize your opinion or emphasize Amis is undoubtedly one of the best writers of his
that something is definitely true generation.
He borrowed a considerable amount of money to buy
large enough to be important or have an effect a house.
not satisfied because something is not as good as We have to do something about our quality control
you had expected because we have more and more dissatisfied clients.
I know she upset you, but I'm sure it was
not done deliberately unintentional.
the amount of rain that falls on an area in a
particular period of time The annual rainfall is about 70 cm.
to find something and bring it back I retrieved my suitcase from the hall cupboard.
the amount that can fit inside a container, space,
building etc The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres.
continuing for only a short time Most of the staff are on short-term contracts.
the use of information, figures etc to produce a
particular result We use the computer for processing the information.
the outer layer of an organ in your body, Fortunately, his cerebral cortex was not affected by
especially your brain the shock.
when you change something from one system or The warehouse was undergoing conversion into
purpose to another apartments.
a situation in which everything happens in the We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as
usual way possible.
different from what is normal, especially in a way Some people suffer an abnormal fear of being in open
that is strange, worrying, or dangerous places.
important and useful I have relevant information that she will want to hear.
not useful or not relating to a particular situation,
and therefore not important We're focussing too much on irrelevant details.
the degree to which something is relevant, or the
fact that it is relevant He didn't realise the relevance of what he had seen.
not good enough People who are dieting can become iron deficient.
to think that someone or something is bad or
wrong Her parents strongly disapprove of her lifestyle.
the ability to do something, especially something The capability of this device has made it useful in
difficult several areas of research.
the ability to understand other people’s feelings
and problems His comments show a lack of sensitivity.
the quality of being good at leading a team,
organisation, country etc She has great faith in her own leadership qualities.
the ability to do something well Players are judged by their competence on the field.
the fact that someone is not guilty of a crime Can you prove your innocence?
the feeling you have when you are jealous She felt a stab of jealousy.
the feeling when you do not like or agree with
someone or something She looked at our clothes with obvious disapproval.
the amount of electricity, gas, oil etc that is used Fuel consumption is predicted to rise.
the quality of radio, television, or other electronic There have been complaints of poor reception from
signals mobile phone users.
an amount of money that you are given His father gives him a small monthly allowance.
believing that you should live according to high She's young and idealistic but I wouldn't call her
standards or principles, even if it is difficult naive.
I didn't want to work overtime today but my boss can
able to make people do or believe something be very persuasive.
in a way that was not planned or intended I accidentally set off the alarm.
to say or do something that offends someone You should apologise for insulting her.
The soup didn't look very appetising but it tasted
food that is appetising looks or smells very good delicious.
used to emphasise what you are saying The sale was perfectly legal.
making you believe that something is true or right It was a convincing excuse.
making you feel less tired or less hot The ocean breeze was refreshing.
secret and not intended to be shown or told to Doctors are required to keep patients' records
other people completely confidential.
important or interesting enough to be reported in Nothing he said during the interview was really
newspapers, on the radio, or on television newsworthy.
if someone is trustworthy, you can trust them
completely We got the information from a trustworthy source.
likely to change often or to be different Expect variable cloudiness and fog tomorrow.
relating to information that has been collected There is no statistical evidence to confirm your
and counted or given a value theory.
in a way that is satisfactory, or good enough for a
particular purpose The question has not been satisfactorily answered.
in a dishonest way, by deceiving people, for I feel he's been acting dishonestly. Do you think he's
example by lying, stealing, or cheating hiding anything from us?
in collaboration with two or more other people or
groups Sam and I are jointly responsible for the project.
in a way that is easy to notice She has become noticeably more confident.
They founded the most technologically advanced
relating to technology factory in Europe.
to make something easier to do or understand There was an attempt to simplify the tax system.
the amount of a substance that something
contains Dark chocolate has a high content of cocoa.
a narrow beam of light or energy from the sun, a
lamp etc The room darkened as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
the opinion that someone has, especially the The principal took the position that the students
opinion of a government or organisation didn't need music classes.
to refuse to accept that something is right, fair, or
legal She is challenging the court's decision.
thinking and behaving in the normal and
traditional way Tom is conventional in his approach to life.
used to say that something should be done in
order to avoid problems or risks It is advisable to stay away from frozen lakes.
whether something is sensible Some people doubted the wisdom of his decision.
We will be able to judge which candidate is more
able to be believed believable.
always trying to make someone do what you
want – used to show disapproval She wanted to get away from her controlling parents.
very comfortable, beautiful, and expensive The hotel we stayed in was really luxurious.
the degree to which something or someone has There's no doubt about Christine's suitability for the
the right qualities for a particular purpose job.
working or doing something with someone else Charles spent a week working alongside the miners.
Wear your waterproof boots when you go out today.
not allowing water to enter It's raining.
a problem that stops you from making progress Today's result was a major setback for the team.
designed to reduce the time usually needed to do
something The dishwasher is such a time-saving device.
quite, when compared with other things Food is relatively cheap in the US.
The difference between these two products is
small and unimportant insignificant.
something that is visible can be seen or noticed The lights of the city were clearly visible below them.
the kind of food that you eat each day It is important to eat a healthy diet.
relating to animals that eat only plants Sheep are herbivorous animals. They don't eat meat.
Scientists observed microscopic organisms in the
extremely small water sample.
a very simple plant without stems or leaves that Swimming in the lake is currently forbidden due to
grows in or near water the presence of harmful algae in the water.
Cycling to work instead of taking a bus can be good
the activity of riding a bicycle for your health.
to change something or someone completely, The movie transformed Amy from an unknown
especially in a way that improves them schoolgirl into a star.
likely to upset or offend people Some people found the song offensive.
a set of equipment that is used for a particular The firefighters had to wear breathing apparatus to
purpose protect them from smoke.
with no other person, process etc between You can order the book directly from the publisher.
things that are related are connected Police believe the crimes are related.
if a place reopens, it opens again after a period
when it was closed The restaurant will reopen in two weeks.
to say that you do not like or approve of
something If no one objects, I would like to be present.
He'll sign that contract regardless of what anyone
in spite of something says!
to definitely not know or understand something 'Where's Karen?' 'I haven't got a clue.'
if something happens out of the blue, it is very Out of the blue, he asked me to come with him to
unexpected Europe.
to think that a particular belief or opinion is I incline to the view that the child was telling the
probably right truth.
to suggest that something is true without saying
or showing it directly He implied that the money had been stolen.
to compare two people, ideas, objects etc and The speaker contrasted this approach with earlier
show how they are different from each other methods.
the range of things that a subject, book, activity
etc deals with Such questions are beyond the scope of this book.
to describe the main ideas or facts about The new president outlined plans to deal with the
something economic slump.
unable to stop or control something I was powerless to stop the leak when the pipe burst.
to deal with a difficult problem There is more than one way to tackle the problem.
knowledge or understanding of a particular She was active raising awareness and money to
subject or situation combat serious diseases.
The government issued an official denial of the
a statement saying that something is not true reports.
in a way that cannot be avoided Inevitably, his sleeping problems affected his work.
an animal that makes a flower produce seeds by
moving pollen from other flowers Insects such as bees are pollinators.
to scatter in different directions, or to make
something do this Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.
an animal that kills and eats other animals Wolves, foxes and bears are predator animals.
to leave a place very quickly in order to escape
from danger She fled the country.
as a result of something that you have just
mentioned Traffic will become heavier, thus increasing pollution.
in a way that is surprising Jane and her cousin look remarkably similar.
good at doing something that needs care or skill He became adept at cooking her favourite dishes.
He was probably not consciously aware of her true
in a conscious and deliberate way feelings.
to remove words, information etc that you do not Net users can filter out unwanted emails with
need or want software.
He wanted to lose some excess weight from his
more than is wanted or allowed backpack, which was far too heavy to carry.
if a problem or difficulty looms, it is likely to
happen very soon An economic crisis is looming on the horizon.
to prevent something from continuing normally
by causing problems Road works are seriously disrupting traffic.
At that time, ice cream couldn't be conveniently
in a way that is useful or suitable bought in a store.
used when saying what you think is really true The truth of the matter is that we don't know exactly
concerning a situation how the gossip has spread.
a situation in which you must make a difficult
choice between two things He now finds himself in a terrible dilemma.
to spend more money than you can afford The hospital has overspent its budget.
hotter, bigger etc than is usual That winter was unusually cold.
a film, book etc that continues the story of an
earlier one She's writing a sequel to her first novel.
involving the use of new discoveries, new She received an award for her ground-breaking work
methods, or new ideas in physics.
The group listened as the tour guide spoke about the
someone whose job is to show a place to tourists history of the palace.
He made repeated attempts to buy the house, even
done or happening several times though the family refused every time.
one part of a situation, plan, or subject What's the most interesting aspect of your work?
done alone without anyone else helping you It was her second solo travel across the Atlantic.
done in a clear way that shows what you honestly
feel He didn't answer my question directly.
a small part taken from a story, poem etc They showed us only an extract from the film.
a short interesting story about a particular person The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in
or event Japan.
to be very few Good restaurants are very thin on the ground here.
to appear or come out from somewhere He emerged from his hiding place.
completely different from each other, or opposed The government's actions are contrary to the public
to something interest.
someone who writes music Amelia likes German composers, particularly Wagner.
I could just discern the outline of the bridge in the
to see, notice, or understand something fog.
the richness of a colour, taste, or smell is its She captured the richness of the autumn colours in
quality of being strong and pleasant her painting.
We listened to one of Beethoven's early
a piece of music that someone has written compositions.
feeling annoyed and impatient about something John was getting irritated by all her questions.
believing that other people are good and honest He's so trusting of people.
to think of a new way of doing something He's devised a game to help kids learn English.
to do something that has been planned or The students carried out a survey on attitudes to
discussed, or that someone has told you to do politicians.
a group of people who support or admire
someone The band has a huge following in the US.
a house, apartment etc where people live Most of the buildings are single-family dwellings.
A subterranean river is believed to flow underneath
under the surface of the earth the castle.
She regards class conflict as a central dynamic of
something that causes action or change historical change.
used when saying that something happens more There has been an increasing difficulty in finding
and more affordable housing.
an official group whose job is to find out about or The Government set up a commission to investigate
control an activity pollution.
a violent crash in which one vehicle hits another Two people were injured in a head-on collision.
an ironic situation is strange or amusing because It's ironic that your car was stolen outside the police
it is completely different from what you expect station.
a statement explaining the details of something I'd like a breakdown of these figures, please.
an example of a particular kind of situation They came across many instances of discrimination.
used when you are mentioning a situation in
which the opposite of what you expect happens Ironically, a lot of crimes are committed quite close to
or is true police stations.
a boat with sails used for races or sailing for The yachts picked up a freshening breeze and sped
pleasure through the sea.
relating to the navy His orders were to protect the port from naval attack.
to change the shape or sound of something so it
is strange or unclear Tall buildings can distort radio signals.
tired and pale You look washed-out. Didn't you sleep well last night?
saying exactly what you think, even if it upsets
people Julian's blunt words hurt them.
in a relaxed manner, without showing signs of 'Your boss seemed rather upset,' she remarked
being worried or upset casually.
in a way that shows you are nervous or worried Mom and dad waited anxiously by the phone.
She was flicking through a magazine, not really
to look at a book, magazine etc quickly reading anything.
things such as eating, drinking, or dancing that We spent the day preparing for the Christmas
people do to celebrate something festivities.
until a time in the future that has not yet been
arranged The meeting has been postponed indefinitely.
a special plan of food, exercise etc that is In order to prepare for the marathon, she introduced
intended to improve your health a new dietary and training regime.
to allow someone to do something without Let's cut them some slack, they are clearly doing their
criticising them or making it more difficult best.
the last problem in a series of problems that
finally makes you give up, get angry etc Making me work late on Friday was the last straw.
to describe or show someone or something in a Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and
particular way, according to your opinion of them powerful.
She exhibited great intelligence and kindness ever
to show a quality or feeling since she was a child.
a quick look at someone or something that does
not allow you to see them clearly, lasting for only I caught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove
a short time past.
to get a reaction or support from someone or
something His comments drew an angry response.
seeming to have a particular quality, although this The two animals have a superficial resemblance but
is not true or real they are actually different breeds.
a fashion or something that is fashionable, such
as a type of clothing He's always dressed in the latest trends.
to help a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop Reading aloud nurtures a love of books in children.
to describe someone or something as a very bad
type of person Ryan was branded a liar by the media.
gentle in a way that shows love His voice was tender and soft.
the way that someone reacts to particular Avoid using words that might offend someone's racial
subjects or types of behaviour or moral sensibilities.
Broadcasting of the concert was via a system of street
a piece of equipment that makes sounds louder loudspeakers.
the things about a place or way of life which are The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its
beautiful or make people feel proud glory.
Stuart exemplifies the kind of student we like at our
to be a typical example of something school.
a person or company that sells things to people in Retailers face their slowest business period in January
shops and February.
to include more people, ideas, activities etc, or to
make something do this The social world of the child slowly broadens.
We need to revisit this proposal as soon as the
to consider or discuss something again budget is clearer.
unusual and noticeable There's a striking similarity between the two girls.
entrenched ideas have existed for a long time and In the small towns racial prejudice was deeply
are not likely to change entrenched.
He placed his gift atop the mountain of other
on top of something presents.
a system of organising people or things according The school district reorganised the administrative
to their importance hierarchy, which helped to save money.
There was a heap of stones where the building used
a large untidy pile of things to be.
a solitary activity is something that you do alone She likes to take long solitary walks along the beach.
someone who is antisocial does not enjoy If I don't go tonight, everyone will accuse me of being
meeting or being with other people antisocial.
a statement about what is likely to happen, using
information you have now They presented the next year's sales projections.
typical of a particular person or thing These problems are characteristic of modern life.
relating to family relationships and life at home We share the domestic chores.
There are lots of students who aspire to a career in
to have a strong desire to achieve something law.
a type of exercise in which you lie facing the She started each morning with 50 press-ups and a
ground, and push your body up with your arms quick jog around the neighbourhood.
things that are uniform are all the same size, The temperature must be uniform in every area of
shape etc the reactor.
raw emotion, power etc is very strong or
powerful The film is full of raw emotion.
involving a series of connected events, ideas etc, Let's try some creative exercises to break away from
that move or progress from one stage to the next our linear thinking.
It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own
not influenced by your own feelings or opinions children.
a system or plan that is elastic can change or be Demand for this type of holiday will probably be fairly
changed easily elastic.
a substance used to make bread rise Bread is made from flour, yeast, and water.
extremely important or necessary His evidence was vital to the defence case.
the fact of doing something well/effectively, Better fuel efficiency can be achieved by driving more
without wasting time, money, or energy slowly.
to have an effect on someone or something How will the changes impact on us?
when you are keen and willing to do something Jack is smart, but he lacks motivation.
if your opinions or beliefs shift, they change He refused to shift his opinion.
the way you think about something and your idea Can you compare a child's perception of the world
of what it is like with an adult's?
The main objective is to find a solution that is
acceptable agreeable to the company in terms of cost.
the feeling that exists when people do not trust The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made
each other and may suddenly attack each other everyone else uncomfortable.
a short description giving information about a The blurb for her latest book describes her as 'one of
book or new product Britain’s best-loved art critics'.
extravagant claims, promises etc are not likely to Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal
be true remedies including the curing of baldness.
I think you explained your work comprehensively
in a way that includes everything enough.
It was sad to see how spectacularly his business
very impressively failed.
to understand something They don't seem to comprehend how serious this is.
to force people to accept something The government imposed a ban on all imports.
finally, after everything else has been done or Their efforts ultimately resulted in his release from
considered prison.
achieving the opposite result to the one that you
want Being too available can be counterproductive.
someone or something that replaces another
person or thing We're waiting for Mr Dunley's replacement.
The island has been seriously polluted by a copper
to make air, water, soil etc dirty or dangerous mine.
if you implement a plan or process, you begin to Airlines were required to implement new safety
make it happen recommendations.
agreement between everyone in a group Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the issue.
influenced by your own opinions and feelings Try not to be too subjective when you write about the
rather than facts film.
someone who hopes to have a particular job or The city is full of young would-be actors hoping to get
intends to do a particular thing a role in the latest movie.
He mistakenly believed that he had packed his
incorrectly toothbrush.
expressing strong opinions publicly Mary was a vocal opponent of the plan.
repeated many times, often in a way that is
harmful or annoying The phone rang continually.
The abolition of certain regulations made the country
the act of officially ending a law, system etc much more business-friendly.
doubting whether something is true or right I'm highly sceptical about what I read in the press.
to change back to a previous thing or situation The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
thereby breaking the law The items had been brought into the country illegally.
Wear protective clothing when handling chemicals
dangerous or likely to cause accidents which may be hazardous to health.
to be in charge of a group of workers and check Schultz oversees 61 workers and a $5.9 million
that work is done correctly budget.
too much or too little in relation to something He gets a disproportionate amount of publicity.
something you do or produce in order to study or The training included a computer simulation of an
test what happens in a real situation emergency landing.
if two things cancel each other out, each stops
the other from having any effect The gains and losses will cancel each other out.
a regulatory authority has the official power to
control an activity and to make sure that it is New products have been approved by the regulatory
done in a satisfactory way authority.
a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of He had brought a national tabloid printed in London,
photographs, and not very much serious news to read while he waited.
to make someone do what you want by skilfully The salesman tried to manipulate the boss into
influencing them buying more printers than he needed.
a set of instructions that are followed in a fixed Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a few
order and used for solving a mathematical alternative words which are in some sense similar to
problem, making a computer program etc the detected misspelled word.
disagreement among the members of a group There are deep divisions within the party.
reasonable and likely to be true or successful His story certainly sounds plausible.
The company has vigorously asserted that it is not
to say firmly that something is true breaking the law.
for this reason Her family are Welsh – hence the accent.
to feel angry and upset about a situation or action He resents having to explain his work to other people.
something that makes people less likely to do Window locks are an effective deterrent against
something burglars.
secret, clever, and often unfair methods used to She complained about the machinations political
achieve something – used to show disapproval candidates employed to win.
in a not sincere and slightly dishonest way I never expected her to act so disingenuously.
having many good qualities that you respect and It is an admirable book, the first to tell the whole
admire truth about the war.
to do or give something, because something When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with
similar has been done or given to you some remark of my own.
unkind, cruel, or strict We need harsher laws to deal with dangerous drivers.
very small in amount or degree Doctors say she has only a slim chance of recovery.
to be sold for a particular amount of money The painting fetched $1.2 million.
Employers have an obligation to provide a safe
a moral or legal duty to do something working environment.
It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3
completely unreasonable or silly hours just for a 20-minute meeting.
a situation that could possibly happen I might get the job, but it is an unlikely scenario.
someone who earns money for the job they do She is the only wage earner in the family.
He was filled with deep resentment at being passed
when you feel angry or upset about a situation over for promotion.
believing or feeling something very strongly She is a fervent supporter of human rights.
a list of all the things in a place They made an inventory of the museum.
the traditional customs, buildings, arts etc that We cannot deny the importance of preserving the
are important to a country cultural heritage.
a group of towns that have spread and become They lived in the densely populated conurbations of
joined together Britain.
to shine softly and pleasantly The table was gleaming with wax polish.
They got on the red double-decker bus in the centre
something with two levels, especially a bus of London.
a frame or shelf with bars, where you can put or
keep things Put the suitcase on the luggage rack.
to put something firmly and deeply into
something else A piece of glass was embedded in her hand.
Don't always strive for perfection. Done is better than
to try very hard to do something perfect.
a place or situation that you like very much or
that is very beautiful Hawaii is a paradise for wind surfers.
the quality of being lively and full of energy She missed the liveliness of the city.
the activity of riding on ocean waves standing on He felt he had only come alive when he started
a board surfing.
changing so much that you do not know what to Be careful during your hike, the weather is
expect unpredictable today.
a large part or amount of something Hospital bills took a big chunk out of her savings.
if people flock to a place, a lot of them go there People have been flocking to see the play.
a person who supports you in a difficult situation She knew she had found an ally in Ted.
to want something very much The child was bored and craved attention.
to move smoothly and quietly, as if without effort A swan glided across the surface of the lake.
a change in something, or the process of changing I have just made a couple of minor alterations to the
it drawings.
to make someone want to do something I was tempted to eat the whole cake.
someone who gives something, especially money, The Museum received $10,000 from an anonymous
to an organisation in order to help people donor.
very likely to do something He's liable to say anything that comes into his head.
The boys remained optimistic that their musical
if a plan or decision bears fruit, it is successful career might bear fruit.
someone who is quiet and shy, and does not As an introvert, I need to recharge my mental
enjoy being with other people batteries after spending time with people.
very happy She's over the moon about her new job.
There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her
making you worry or feel pain all the time mind.
a good reason for doing something There's no justification for upsetting her like that.
to include something as part of a group, system, These exercises can easily be incorporated into your
plan etc daily routine.
if someone or something has a tendency to do
something, they are likely to do it He has a tendency to talk too much.
to push things into a small space She stuffed some clothes into a bag and left.
shared by a lot of people on the internet The clip soon went viral.
a cheque that you get each week or each month She got her first pay cheque today and decided to get
for doing your job herself a nice dinner.
a letter that you send with a document or The documents had been returned to him, with no
package, which gives more information about it covering letter or word of explanation.
The finished manuscript was sent to the publisher on
a book or piece of writing before it is printed 5 January.
to buy something immediately or take an
opportunity to get something At that price, they'll be snapped up in no time.
These skills were passed on to subsequent
happening or coming after something else generations.
ordinary, and not very interesting or exciting The whole ceremony was rather pedestrian.
the first time that a performer or sports player
performs in public He made his debut for Wales in 98.
the business of producing goods in factories Thousands of jobs had been lost in manufacturing.
New gas supplies have cut the cost of fuel
to a considerable degree considerably.
History and economics only became separate
a particular subject of study academic disciplines in the 20th century.
relating to, or teaching, the skills needed to do a After that students go off to vocational and on-the-
job job training.
if you do something at someone’s expense, they
pay for you to do it His mansion was refurnished at taxpayers' expense.
a place that provides protection from danger We can take refuge in this hut until the storm passes.
A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be
used to add something to what you have said offered a bonus scheme.
considering everything All in all, the evening went well.
when an institution, building, or road is closed Further factory closures have been announced.
working, happening, or being used with someone The worksheets should be used in conjunction with
or something else the video.
in a way that makes people like or approve of I believe history will look favourably on your
someone or something economic and financial skills.
very much He enjoyed it immensely.
relating to the supervision of people or activities The mayor has a supervisory role.
We should be grateful if you would reply at your
as soon as possible – used in letters earliest convenience.
ill I felt poorly.
Inland there are attractive narrow rivers for gentle
the activity of rowing a canoe canoeing.
an act of climbing or something you have to climb It was a long but steady climb to the top.
the desire to know about something I opened the box to satisfy my curiosity.
the usual polite way of ending a formal letter
which begins Dear Sir or Dear Madam Yours faithfully, Miss V. Neil
far away from other places Not many people visit this isolated spot.
Her engaging personality helped her make many
pleasant and attracting your interest friends in school.
We had a highly entertaining evening at the opera
interesting and enjoyable house.
exciting or unusual things that happen Maggie's life is always full of drama.
when you stop working or have stopped working Her coworkers threw a party to celebrate her
because you are old retirement and thank her for her work.
a sudden change in a story or situation that you
did not expect Her disappearance added a new twist to the story.
Wakehurst Place is a beautiful Elizabethan mansion
a very large house known primarily for its exotic gardens.
if someone comes across in a particular way, they
seem to have particular qualities He comes across as a nice guy.
to do two different activities at the same time He manages to combine family life with a career.
a feeling of liking or loving someone or something Barry felt a great affection for her.
a descriptive word or piece of writing describes When you write your paragraph, include as many
something descriptive details as possible.
showing your feelings in a way that makes other
people notice you Tony threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture.
to laugh loudly and continuously By this time, Michael was roaring with laughter.
making you feel very excited or frightened, in an The festival opened with the famous director's latest
enjoyable way spine-tingling film.
using jokes to make a person or political party The evening performance includes a comedy group
seem silly so that people will see their faults that does political satire.
the quality of being absurd, or something that
seems absurd Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
said or written at the beginning of a book or
speech in order to explain what it is about Write a short introductory paragraph for your essay.
something that is authentic really is what it seems
to be They play music on authentic medieval instruments.
the way that a computer game is designed and
the skills that you need to play it This is packed with brilliant graphics and gameplay.
They had to drive very slowly over the difficult
a particular type of land terrain.
things you say to praise someone or something Most parents are full of praise for the school.
the quality of being new, different, and unusual It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off.
She's a vet, of course she's knowledgeable about
knowing a lot animals!
not good, or not as good as someone or
something else Iron is greatly inferior to steel in many ways.
ordinary and boring Initially, the work was pretty mundane.
old and in bad condition Hugh's jacket was old and shabby.
shining brightly with points of flashing light We sat and stared at the sparkling blue lake.
very good The staff are doing a splendid job.
very boring I'm done with this tedious discussion.
Every time I listen to the soundtrack from 'Top Gun', I
the recorded music from a film or game want to watch the film again.
extremely Gloria is an exceptionally gifted singer.
a small part of a larger group of people or things Only a minority of students get a first-class degree.
to get the greatest advantage you can from a
situation Go out and make the most of the sunshine.
the time in your life when you go to school They shared the memories from their schooldays.
a joke that is only understood by a particular I didn't understand any of their in-jokes but they
group of people seemed to be having fun.
a method used to make something successful There's no magic formula for success.
something you learn from a story The moral of the story is that crime doesn't pay.
relating to a corporation or the people in it Our corporate headquarters are in Houston.
intended for people who have never done
something before They attended an introductory course in French.
services such as food and drink that an There was a reception in the hospitality suite before
organisation provides for guests at a special event the game.
to start doing or saying something that a lot of After a couple of politicians won elections by
people are already doing or saying – used to show promising to cut taxes, most of the others got on the
disapproval bandwagon.
caring more about other people’s needs and
happiness than about your own You can't expect a large corporation to be altruistic.
The company uses chemicals that are
in a way that relates to the environment environmentally safe.
to use most of your time, effort etc doing
something She devoted most of her spare time to tennis.
exactly right for you This sort of thing should be right up your street.
Driving conditions are dangerous, with black ice in
an area of ice that is very difficult to see many areas.
something that you are lucky to have the chance
to do It's been a privilege to meet you, ma'am.
if you are insecure, you do not feel confident
about yourself He felt lonely and insecure away from his family.
feeling impatient or angry because you are unable
to do what you want I get really frustrated with my computer sometimes.
wanting to protect someone from harm He is very protective towards his children.
showing respect for someone or something The interviewer was very respectful.
annoyed because of delays or mistakes that make
you wait The passengers were becoming impatient.
satisfied and happy I don't need anything else. I'm content with my life.
angry and upset because you feel you have been
treated unfairly I feel very bitter about what happened.
willing to do anything to change a bad situation, Joe had been unemployed for over a year and was
even if it is dangerous or unpleasant getting desperate.
someone who is genuine is honest and sincere She's a charming girl, and as genuine as her sister.
in a way that does not help in a situation and He was unhelpfully commenting on everything we
sometimes makes it worse were doing.
relating to the medical care and treatment of sick
animals All of the rescued dogs need veterinary attention.
a small piece of paper or plastic with a picture or I know what his car looks like – it's yellow, and he's
writing on it, that you can put onto something got this sticker on the back window.
It's a large educational establishment with over 2,000
an institution, organisation, or business pupils.
when something is kept below a particular They put a limitation on how many books you can
amount take from the library at a time.
something good that you think will happen The trip didn't live up to our expectations.
to try to avoid someone or something I steer clear of talking about politics.
the study of ideas about life, thought, and
behaviour She's studying philosophy at university.
a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly The political situation in the region is still extremely
and become worse volatile.
something that is mandatory must be done
because of a rule or law Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
to eat or drink something This poison had been ingested by our two patients.
The company is making an attempt to stem the
to stop something from spreading or growing decline in profits.
to make the amount of something dangerous or To minimise the risk of getting heart disease, exercise
unpleasant as small as possible daily.
Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming
happening soon events.
a small flat thin piece of something The paint was coming off the door in flakes.
People who discard their litter in the streets should
to get rid of something have to pay heavy fines.
Chemical pollution has had a devastating effect on
causing a lot of damage the environment.
a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to The president is eager to close tax loopholes for
legally avoid doing what the law says foreign companies.
the belief that good things will happen Recent results must give some cause for optimism.
a person on the television or radio whose job is to And now let's hear from our weatherman, Jack, on
say what the weather will be like what we can expect from the weather this weekend.
the scientific study of weather His work was largely within the field of meteorology.
the place where someone or something is His whereabouts are a mystery.
the state of being very interested in something She had a fascination with science.
The curator was able to find several ancient statues
someone who is in charge of a museum and acquire them for the museum.
to expand the limit of your ideas, knowledge, and
experience Travelling abroad can broaden your horizons.
from a plane or happening in the air They used a plane to take the aerial pictures.
big and difficult to move The package was too bulky to fit into the car.
Maggie stumbled across the field with only a narrow
a line of light or energy beam of light from her flashlight to help her.
an artificial lake where water is stored before it is Every available stretch of water – be it river, sea or
supplied to people’s houses reservoir – is likely to harbour a sailing club.
a very large city, or the most important city of a
country After 1850 Paris grew quickly into a busy metropolis.
a suggested explanation for something which has The results of our experiment confirmed this
not yet been proved hypothesis.
to remember something I know her but I don't recollect her name.
to relax and stop thinking about your work or
problems Swimming helps me unwind after a stressful day.
Can I pick your brain about what to buy for Claire for
ask someone for ideas her birthday?
the buildings and land that a shop, company etc We would prefer if you didn't eat your lunch on the
uses premises.
teaching children at home instead of sending The nearest school was many kilometres away so the
them to school parents decided for homeschooling their children.
when someone or something can be trusted and There's enough evidence to give credibility to this
believed by people theory.
an amount of money given to someone by an She received a research grant of $50,000 to study the
organisation for a particular purpose effect of pollution on the environment.
She's an eminent psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical
famous and respected School.
the act of becoming involved with something bad They voted against the government's intervention to
in order to change what happens regulate prices.
used to say that you cannot understand why I don't know what possessed me to buy such an ugly
someone did something stupid dress.
to start expressing a different opinion about You've changed your tune all of a sudden! Now you
something like the idea?
a friend of a bridegroom, who helps him to get He asked his brother to be the best man at his
ready and stands next to him during the wedding wedding.
a list of all the people who are employed by a The company has over a thousand people on its
company payroll.
a lot of public praise for someone or something His first novel received widespread acclaim.
very worrying or frightening Giving a speech is a nerve-racking experience.
happy feelings when you think something good is Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as the concert
going to happen started.
shown on a computer screen, or on a television or
cinema screen Click 'Yes', then follow the on-screen instructions.
to look very carefully, especially because it is
difficult for you to see something clearly Someone was peering through the window.
better than people think or say I can't believe this book is so underrated! I loved it.
a year between leaving school and starting After he graduated, he decided to take a gap year and
university, in which someone travels or works travel around the world.
not friendly or not interested She seemed cold and distant.
to continue for a long period of time The project will probably stretch into next year.
when something continues to increase, develop, The campaign continued to gather momentum as
or become more successful more and more people became interested in it.
A week in the mountains should recharge my
to rest or relax in order to get back your energy batteries.
when you feel desperate, or when a situation is
very bad They looked in desperation for a way out.
official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent The new rules should help cut the red tape for
things from being done quickly farmers.
the sport of climbing mountains or rocks Dan taught me the basic techniques of rock climbing.
someone with transferable skills is able to use By identifying your transferable skills, you will be able
their skills to do a job for which they have not to see a wider range of career possibilities that you
been formally trained are capable of undertaking.
if something is effortless, you can do it very easily His running looks effortless.
The afternoon's exertions had left us feeling
when you make a great effort exhausted.
a family group that consists of parents, children, We are making a big party and all of our extended
and also of grandparents, aunts, uncles etc family is invited!
a board above a swimming pool that people can The children had a lot of fun jumping from the diving
jump from board into the pool.
to hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball She batted the ball and sent it flying though the air.
the process of officially introducing someone into Her induction as councillor took place in the town
a group or organisation hall.
We need to come up with an innovative solution to a
new, different and good common problem.
I had to deal with the heavy workload caused by my
the amount of work you must do coworker's absence.
The event ran smoothly, with no problems
with no problems whatsoever.
the sport of swimming under water using a I always enjoyed swimming so when we were in
container of air on your back to help you breathe Hawaii, I decided to try scuba diving.
not in a good physical condition He's still unfit after his injury.
to succeed in doing something As you accomplish each task, cross it off your list.
The new movie was hysterical. I laughed so hard my
extremely funny stomach hurt!
Prices have increased substantially and now many
very much people can't afford to pay rent.
a high-pressure job or situation is one in which She decided to give up her high-pressure job on Wall
you must work very hard to succeed Street, as it was too stressful for her.
used to say that you think something is probably One of the players is sick, so presumably, the tennis
true match will be cancelled.
We were stunned by the spectacular view of the
very impressive Grand Canyon.
doing something because you enjoy it, not She's an amateur tennis player but with her skills I'm
because it is your job sure she could play professionally.
Sometimes wearing a suit makes me feel more
sensible and practical in the way you do things businesslike.
It's principally a language college, but they do teach
mainly some other subjects.
The surgeons used a robotic arm to perform the
using robots, or relating to robots operation.
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- Writing Part 2
83 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
73 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
74 Writing Part 2
74 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
69 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
70 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2
70 Writing Part 2
80 Writing Part 2
83 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
85 Writing Part 2
83 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
80 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
82 Writing Part 2
74 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2
69 Writing Part 2
68 Writing Part 2
80 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2
70 Writing Part 2
74 Writing Part 2
78 Writing Part 2
76 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
75 Writing Part 2
74 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2
76 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
75 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
76 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2
73 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
70 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
69 Writing Part 2
76 Writing Part 2
67 Writing Part 2
68 Writing Part 2
69 Writing Part 2
- Listening Part 1
67 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
82 Listening Part 1
75 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
82 Listening Part 1
82 Listening Part 1
70 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
60 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
83 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
69 Listening Part 1
74 Listening Part 1
70 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
74 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
67 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
79 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
67 Listening Part 1
72 Listening Part 1
75 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
70 Listening Part 1
81 Listening Part 1
69 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
72 Listening Part 1
70 Listening Part 1
77 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
72 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
69 Listening Part 1
70 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
67 Listening Part 1
77 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
80 Listening Part 1
81 Listening Part 1
79 Listening Part 1
72 Listening Part 1
75 Listening Part 1
78 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
- Listening Part 1
79 Listening Part 1
68 Listening Part 1
69 Listening Part 1
78 Listening Part 1
77 Listening Part 1
72 Listening Part 1
71 Listening Part 1
82 Listening Part 1
69 Listening Part 2
77 Listening Part 2
68 Listening Part 2
69 Listening Part 2
68 Listening Part 2
77 Listening Part 2
78 Listening Part 2
69 Listening Part 2
80 Listening Part 2
81 Listening Part 2
72 Listening Part 2
74 Listening Part 2
70 Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 2
77 Listening Part 2
75 Listening Part 2
76 Listening Part 2
81 Listening Part 2
75 Listening Part 2
81 Listening Part 2
73 Listening Part 2
71 Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 2
81 Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 2
81 Listening Part 2
73 Listening Part 2
75 Listening Part 2
74 Listening Part 2
- Listening Part 2
74 Listening Part 2
77 Listening Part 2
74 Listening Part 2
67 Listening Part 2
80 Listening Part 2
72 Listening Part 2
80 Listening Part 3
79 Listening Part 3
- Listening Part 3
69 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
81 Listening Part 3
70 Listening Part 3
73 Listening Part 3
79 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
72 Listening Part 3
78 Listening Part 3
67 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
76 Listening Part 3
77 Listening Part 3
82 Listening Part 3
82 Listening Part 3
78 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
67 Listening Part 3
82 Listening Part 3
76 Listening Part 3
- Listening Part 3
77 Listening Part 3
69 Listening Part 3
68 Listening Part 3
67 Listening Part 3
71 Listening Part 3
77 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
72 Listening Part 3
79 Listening Part 3
- Listening Part 3
70 Listening Part 3
81 Listening Part 3
75 Listening Part 3
77 Listening Part 3
75 Listening Part 3
76 Listening Part 3
74 Listening Part 3
68 Listening Part 3
78 Listening Part 3
68 Listening Part 3
79 Listening Part 3
72 Listening Part 3
71 Listening Part 3
73 Listening Part 3
72 Listening Part 3
75 Listening Part 3
71 Listening Part 3
71 Listening Part 3
81 Listening Part 3
73 Listening Part 3
- Listening Part 4
74 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
72 Listening Part 4
- Listening Part 4
80 Listening Part 4
76 Listening Part 4
83 Listening Part 4
70 Listening Part 4
76 Listening Part 4
74 Listening Part 4
82 Listening Part 4
81 Listening Part 4
83 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
72 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
79 Listening Part 4
81 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
71 Listening Part 4
74 Listening Part 4
- Listening Part 4
75 Listening Part 4
75 Listening Part 4
- Listening Part 4
- Listening Part 4
69 Listening Part 4
76 Listening Part 4
67 Listening Part 4
79 Listening Part 4
74 Listening Part 4
77 Listening Part 4
- Listening Part 4
77 Listening Part 4
81 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
83 Listening Part 4
78 Listening Part 4
75 Listening Part 4
72 Listening Part 4
69 Listening Part 4
74 Listening Part 4
- Speaking Part 1
67 Speaking Part 1
80 Speaking Part 1
75 Speaking Part 1
73 Speaking Part 1
70 Speaking Part 1
76 Speaking Part 1
73 Speaking Part 1
75 Speaking Part 2
70 Speaking Part 2
70 Speaking Part 2
68 Speaking Part 2
80 Speaking Part 2
76 Speaking Part 2
79 Speaking Part 2
72 Speaking Part 2
75 Speaking Part 2
76 Speaking Part 3
70 Speaking Part 3
71 Speaking Part 3
71 Speaking Part 3
72 Speaking Part 3
68 Speaking Part 3
72 Speaking Part 4
74 Speaking Part 4
71 Speaking Part 4
70 Speaking Part 4
69 Speaking Part 4
70 Speaking Part 4