Formula C1 ExamTrainer Wordlist

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Exam Trainer vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation

precise adj prɪˈsaɪs

collocation n ˌkɒləʊˈkeɪʃən

fixed phrase n fɪkst freɪz

linking word phrase ˈlɪŋkɪŋ wɜːd

octopus n ˈɒktəpəs

extraordinarily adv ɪksˈtrɔːdnrɪli

one-hit wonder n wʌn-hɪt ˈwʌndə

astonishing adj əsˈtɒnɪʃɪŋ

blend in phr v blɛnd ɪn

surroundings n səˈraʊndɪŋz

squeeze v skwiːz

predatory adj ˈprɛdətəri

shellfish n ˈʃɛlfɪʃ

reside v rɪˈzaɪd

dwell v dwɛl

immense adj ɪˈmɛns

gigantic adj ʤaɪˈgæntɪk

lone adj ləʊn

solitary adj ˈsɒlɪtəri

unsociable adj ʌnˈsəʊʃəbl

measure n ˈmɛʒə

a measure of sth phrase ə ˈmɛʒər əv sth

typically adv ˈtɪpɪk(ə)li

the vast majority collocation ðə vɑːst məˈʤɒrɪti

overnight adj/adv ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt

necessitate v nɪˈsɛsɪteɪt

nəʊ əˈmaʊnt əv
no amount of something ˈsʌmθɪŋ kæn/wɪl ɪt
can/will etc do something collocation ˈsɛtrə dʊ ˈsʌmθɪŋ

persuasion n pəˈsweɪʒən

your (fair) share phrase jɔː (feə) ʃeə

have a part to play (in həv ə pɑːt tə pleɪ (ɪn
something) collocation ˈsʌmθɪŋ)

all things considered phrase ɔːl θɪŋz kənˈsɪdəd

fitting adj ˈfɪtɪŋ

at short notice phrase ət ʃɔːt ˈnəʊtɪs

strike a balance phrase straɪk ə ˈbæləns

adj + n
burning desire collocation ˈbɜːnɪŋ dɪˈzaɪə
there’s room for ðəz ruːm fər ɪm
improvement phrase ˈpruːvmənt

hesitation n ˌhɛzɪˈteɪʃən

expand your horizons phrase ɪksˈpænd jə həˈraɪznz

grasp v grɑːsp

complexity n kəmˈplɛksɪti
teɪk ɪts təʊl (ɒn
take its toll (on sb/sth) phrase sb/sth)

smash v smæʃ

crack a joke phrase kræk ə ʤəʊk

drive v draɪv

send v sɛnd

press v prɛs

steer v stɪə

maintain v meɪnˈteɪn

motivate v ˈməʊtɪveɪt

flaw n flɔː

cause n kɔːz

pose a threat phrase pəʊz ə θrɛt

fame n feɪm

take note (of sth) phrase teɪk nəʊt (əv sth)

masterpiece n ˈmɑːstəpiːs

fake n feɪk
fʊlˈfɪl ˈlaɪflɒŋ æm
fulfill lifelong ambition adj ˈbɪʃ(ə)n

fulfil v fʊlˈfɪl

conclude v kənˈkluːd

finalise v ˈfaɪnəlaɪz

on site adv ɒn saɪt

set n sɛt
reef n riːf

labour market n ˈleɪbə ˈmɑːkɪt

nowhere near phrase ˈnəʊweə nɪə

close adj/adv kləʊs

like adv laɪk

approach v əˈprəʊʧ

ecotourism n ˈiːkəʊˌtʊərɪz(ə)m

trade n treɪd

growth industry n grəʊθ ˈɪndəstri

corporation n ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən

broken adj ˈbrəʊkən

spoiled adj spɔːɪld

bounce v baʊns

knock over phr v nɒk ˈəʊvə

bump into phr v bʌmp ˈɪntuː

collide v kəˈlaɪd

red meat n rɛd miːt

cut out phr v kʌt aʊt

try your hand at sth phrase traɪ jə hænd ət sth

be getting at something phr v bi ˈgɛtɪŋ ət ˈsʌmθɪŋ

kick in phr v kɪk ɪn

jump in phr v ʤʌmp ɪn

management n ˈmænɪʤmənt

put forward phr v pʊt ˈfɔːwəd

put out phr v pʊt aʊt

put through phr v pʊt θruː

uncertainty n ʌnˈsɜːtnti

stem from phr v stɛm frɒm

condemn v kənˈdɛm

aggression n əˈgrɛʃ(ə)n

acclaimed adj əˈkleɪmd

commend v kəˈmɛnd

applaud v əˈplɔːd

violinist n ˈvaɪəlɪnɪst

favourite n ˈfeɪvərɪt

systematically adv ˌsɪstɪˈmætɪkəli

comprehensive / ˈhɛnsɪv / ˌkɒmprɪ
comprehensively adj / adv ˈhɛnsɪvli

broadly adv ˈbrɔːdli

exhaustively adv ɪgˈzɔːstɪvli

alarmed adj əˈlɑːmd

subtract v səbˈtrækt
detach v dɪˈtæʧ

extract v ɪkˈstrækt

assumption n əˈsʌmpʃ(ə)n

speculation n ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃən

deduction n dɪˈdʌkʃən

supposition n ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃən

plunge v plʌnʤ

crash v kræʃ

collapse v kəˈlæps

consistent adj kənˈsɪstənt

matching adj ˈmæʧɪŋ

comparable adj ˈkɒmpərəbl

alike adj əˈlaɪk

contrary to popular ˈkɒntrəri tə ˈpɒpjʊlər

opinion/belief phrase əˈpɪnjən/bɪˈliːf

opposing adj əˈpəʊzɪŋ

contrasting adj kənˈtrɑːstɪŋ

distinctive adj dɪsˈtɪŋktɪv

in accordance with sth phrase ɪn əˈkɔːdəns wɪð sth

assurance n əˈʃʊərəns

in connection with sth phrase ɪn kəˈnɛkʃən wɪð sth

in respect of something phrase ɪn rɪsˈpɛkt əv ˈsʌmθɪŋ

direct v dɪˈrɛkt

trouble v ˈtrʌbl

dedicate v ˈdɛdɪkeɪt
ðəz nəʊ hɑːm ɪn
there's no harm in doing sth phrase ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ sth

be in two minds (about bi ɪn tuː maɪndz (ə

something) idiom ˈbaʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ)

keep pace (with sb/sth) phrase kiːp peɪs (wɪð sb/sth)

anticipate v ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt

beware v bɪˈweə

beyond adv bɪˈjɒnd

complicate v ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt

envision v ɪnˈvɪʒən

instruct v ɪnˈstrʌkt

consequently adv ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli

interestingly adv ˈɪntrɪstɪŋli

nonetheless adv ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs

owing to phr ˈəʊɪŋ tuː

dramatically adv drəˈmætɪk(ə)li

life expectancy n laɪf ɪksˈpɛktənsi

outward adj ˈaʊtwəd

announce v əˈnaʊns
world-class adj wɜːld-klɑːs

unsurprisingly adv ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzɪŋli

sufficiently adv səˈfɪʃəntli

psychology n saɪˈkɒləʤi

outlier n ˈaʊtˌlaɪə

stipulation n ˌstɪpjʊˈleɪʃən

concept n ˈkɒnsɛpt

deliberate adj dɪˈlɪbərɪt

casual adj ˈkæʒjʊəl

strum v strʌm

intriguing adj ɪnˈtriːgɪŋ

tangible adj ˈtænʤəbl

proportion n prəˈpɔːʃən

disciplined adj ˈdɪsɪplɪnd

controlled adj kənˈtrəʊld

restricted adj rɪsˈtrɪktɪd

principle n ˈprɪnsəpl

in question phrase ɪn ˈkwɛsʧən

uncover v ʌnˈkʌvə

expose v ɪksˈpəʊz

release v rɪˈliːs
amount to phr v əˈmaʊnt tʊ

account for phr v əˈkaʊnt fɔː

generate v ˈʤɛnəreɪt

justify v ˈʤʌstɪfaɪ

cautiously adv ˈkɔːʃəsli

uncertainly adv ʌnˈsɜːtnli

doubtfully adv ˈdaʊtfʊli

arguably adv ˈɑːgjʊəbli

monitor v ˈmɒnɪtə

differentiate v ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃɪeɪt

means n miːnz

encounter v ɪnˈkaʊntə

contribute v kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t

migratory adj ˈmaɪgrətəri

calve v kɑːv

extent n ɪksˈtɛnt

alter v ˈɔːltə

upload v ʌpˈləʊd

service charge n ˈsɜːvɪs ʧɑːʤ

kite surfing n kaɪt ˈsɜːfɪŋ

determined adj dɪˈtɜːmɪnd

participant n pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt

rectify v ˈrɛktɪfaɪ

hold down a job phr v həʊld daʊn ə ʤɒb

demanding adj dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ

beforehand adv bɪˈfɔːhænd

considering prep kənˈsɪdərɪŋ

provided (that) prep prəˈvaɪdɪd (ðæt)

imitate v ˈɪmɪteɪt

solar eclipse n ˈsəʊlər ɪˈklɪps

thankfully adv ˈθæŋkfʊli

breeding ground n ˈbriːdɪŋ graʊnd

sustainability n səsˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti

climber n ˈklaɪmə

comparatively adv kəmˈpærətɪvli

respected adj rɪsˈpɛktɪd

speed limit n spiːd ˈlɪmɪt

by far phrase baɪ fɑː

wrestling n ˈrɛslɪŋ

adjacent adj əˈʤeɪsənt

decline n dɪˈklaɪn
unexpectedly adv ˌʌnɪksˈpɛktɪdli

launch v lɔːnʧ

modernise v ˈmɒdənaɪz
environmentally-friendly adj ˈfrɛndli

adj + n
waste product collocation weɪst ˈprɒdʌkt

supplier n səˈplaɪə

put yourself in sb's shoes phrase pʊt jɔːˈsɛlf ɪn sb's ʃuːz

həv nəʊ ʧɔɪs bət tə dʊ

have no choice but to do sth phrase sth

suspend v səsˈpɛnd

in excess of sth phrase ɪn ɪkˈsɛs əv sth

sparsely adv ˈspɑːsli

be no easy task phrase bi nəʊ ˈiːzi tɑːsk

oblige v əˈblaɪʤ

picturesque adj ˌpɪkʧəˈrɛsk

light aircraft n laɪt ˈeəkrɑːft

equip v ɪˈkwɪp

floats n fləʊts

noise pollution n nɔɪz pəˈluːʃən

dogsledding n dɒg ˈslɛdɪŋ

yoga n ˈjəʊgə

co-owner n kəʊ-ˈəʊnə

Cordon Bleu adj ˈkɔːdn ˈblɜː

speciality store n ˌspɛʃɪˈælɪti stɔː

undoubtedly adv ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli

considerable adj kənˈsɪdərəbl

satisfied adj ˈsætɪsfaɪd

dissatisfied adj dɪˈsætəsfaɪd

unintentional adj ˌʌnɪnˈtɛnʃənl

rainfall n ˈreɪnfɔːl

straightforward adj streɪtˈfɔːwəd

retrieve v rɪˈtriːv

capacity n kəˈpæsɪti

short-term adj ʃɔːt-tɜːm

processing n ˈprəʊsɛsɪŋ

cortex n ˈkɔːtɛks

conversion n kənˈvɜːʃən

normality n nɔːˈmælɪti

abnormal adj æbˈnɔːməl

illogical adj ɪˈlɒʤɪkəl

maturity n məˈtjʊərɪti

immature adj ˌɪməˈtjʊə

relevant adj ˈrɛlɪvənt

irrelevant adj ɪˈreləvənt

relevance n ˈrɛlɪvəns

misbehave v ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv

overconfident adj ˌəʊvəˈkɒnfɪdənt

autobiographical adj ˌɔːtəʊˌbaɪəʊˈgræfɪkəl

interactive adj ˌɪntərˈæktɪv

reconsider v ˌriːkənˈsɪdə

vivid adj ˈvɪvɪd

assign v əˈsaɪn

capable adj ˈkeɪpəbl

consume v kənˈsjuːm

deficient adj dɪˈfɪʃənt

disapprove v ˌdɪsəˈpruːv

capability n ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪti

sensitivity n ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪti

leadership n ˈliːdəʃɪp

competence n ˈkɒmpɪtəns

innocence n ˈɪnəsəns
jealousy n ˈʤɛləsi

disapproval n ˌdɪsəˈpruːvəl

nervousness n ˈnɜːvəsnəs

rudeness n ˈruːdnɪs

selfishness n ˈsɛlfɪʃnɪs

willingness n ˈwɪlɪŋnɪs

cancellation n ˌkænsəˈleɪʃən

consumption n kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən

reception n rɪˈsɛpʃən

allowance n əˈlaʊəns

annoyance n əˈnɔɪəns

deficiency n dɪˈfɪʃənsi

competency n ˈkɒmpɪtənsi

archaeology n ˌɑːkɪˈɒləʤi

archaeologist n ˌɑːkɪˈɒləʤɪst

consultant n kənˈsʌltənt

civil service n ˈsɪvl ˈsɜːvɪs

exhaust v ɪgˈzɔːst

reputable adj ˈrɛpjʊtəbl

administrative adj ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv

changeable adj ˈʧeɪnʤəbl

diplomatic adj ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk

edible adj ˈɛdɪbl

exhaustive adj ɪgˈzɔːstɪv

idealistic adj aɪˌdɪəˈlɪstɪk

persuasive adj pəˈsweɪsɪv

accidentally adv ˌæksɪˈdɛntəli

insult v ˈɪnsʌlt

appetising adj ˈæpətaɪzɪŋ

assure v əˈʃʊə

perfectly adv ˈpɜːfɪktli

dismiss v dɪsˈmɪs

sales representative n seɪlz ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv

aggression n əˈgrɛʃ(ə)n

confidence n ˈkɒnfɪdəns

substance n ˈsʌbstəns

constructive adj kənˈstrʌktɪv

responsive adj rɪsˈpɒnsɪv

substantive adj ˈsʌbstəntɪv

courageous adj kəˈreɪʤəs

convincing adj kənˈvɪnsɪŋ

refreshing adj rɪˈfrɛʃɪŋ

confidential adj ˌkɒnfɪˈdɛnʃəl

spatial adj ˈspeɪʃəl

substantial adj səbˈstænʃəl

newsworthy adj ˈnjuːzˌwɜːði

trustworthy adj ˈtrʌstˌwɜːði

variable adj ˈveərɪəbl

statistical adj stəˈtɪstɪkəl

satisfactorily adv ˌsætɪsˈfæktərɪli

dishonestly adv dɪsˈɒnɪstli

jointly adv ˈʤɔɪntli

noticeably adv ˈnəʊtɪsəbli

technologically adv ˌtɛknəˈlɒʤɪk(ə)li

receipt n rɪˈsiːt

effectiveness n ɪˈfɛktɪvnəs

acknowledge v əkˈnɒlɪʤ

imprison v ɪmˈprɪzn

lengthen v ˈlɛŋθən

simplify v ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ

content n ˈkɒntɛnt

ray n reɪ

position n pəˈzɪʃən
challenge v ˈʧælɪnʤ

conventional adj kənˈvɛnʃənl

it is advisable to... phrase ɪt s ədˈvaɪzəbl tʊ...

clarify v ˈklærɪfaɪ

decisive adj dɪˈsaɪsɪv

wisdom n ˈwɪzdəm

believable adj bɪˈliːvəbl

controlling adj kənˈtrəʊlɪŋ

luxurious adj lʌgˈzjʊərɪəs

pleasurable adj ˈplɛʒərəbl

disastrous adj dɪˈzɑːstrəs

suitability n ˌsjuːtəˈbɪlɪti

suitably adv ˈsjuːtəbli

unsuitable adj ʌnˈsjuːtəbl

eye-catching adj aɪ-ˈkæʧɪŋ

alongside adv/prep əˈlɒŋˈsaɪd

waterproof adj ˈwɔːtəpruːf

supernatural adj ˌsjuːpəˈnæʧrəl

unreliable adj ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl

rational adj ˈræʃənl

deputy n ˈdɛpjʊti

drone n drəʊn

device n dɪˈvaɪs

roll sth out phr v rəʊl sth aʊt

groundbreaking adj ˈgraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ

setback n ˈsɛtbæk

time-saving adj ˈtaɪmˌseɪvɪŋ

undergo v ˌʌndəˈgəʊ

meantime n ˈmiːnˈtaɪm

whatsoever adv ˌwɒtsəʊˈɛvə

shrimp n ʃrɪmp

relatively adv ˈrɛlətɪvli

insignificant adj ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt

food chain n fuːd ʧeɪn

organism n ˈɔːgənɪzm

adj + n
marine ecosystem collocation məˈriːn ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm

amongst adv əˈmʌŋst

intriguingly adv ɪnˈtriːgɪŋli

congregate v ˈkɒŋgrɪgeɪt

visible adj ˈvɪzəbl

diet n ˈdaɪət

herbivorous adj hɜːˈbɪvərəs

microscopic adj ˌmaɪkrəsˈkɒpɪk

algae n ˈælʤiː

cycling n ˈsaɪklɪŋ

transform v trænsˈfɔːm

idiomatic phrase / idiom adj freɪz / ˈɪdɪəm

stuck adj stʌk

offensive adj əˈfɛnsɪv

apparatus n ˌæpəˈreɪtəs

ridiculous adj rɪˈdɪkjələs

speedily adv ˈspiːdɪli

truly adv ˈtruːli

teɪk sth ˈɪntə kənˌsɪdə
take sth into consideration phrase ˈreɪʃən

assume v əˈsjuːm

alternative medicine n ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈmɛdsɪn

acceptance n əkˈsɛptəns

virtually adv ˈvɜːtjʊəli

emit v ɪˈmɪt

accustomed adj əˈkʌstəmd

compel v kəmˈpɛl

directly adv dɪˈrɛktli

related adj rɪˈleɪtɪd

reopen v ˌriːˈəʊpən

object v ˈɒbʤɪkt

regardless of sth phrase rɪˈgɑːdlɪs əv sth

not have a clue phrase nɒt həv ə kluː

out of the blue idiom aʊt əv ðə bluː

incline v ɪnˈklaɪn

imply v ɪmˈplaɪ

contrast v ˈkɒntrɑːst

scope n skəʊp

outline v ˈaʊtlaɪn

powerless adj ˈpaʊəlɪs

tackle v ˈtækl

awareness n əˈweənəs

denial n dɪˈnaɪəl

worsen v ˈwɜːsn
adj + n
solo voyage collocation ˈsəʊləʊ ˈvɔɪɪʤ

awfully adv ˈɔːfʊli

civilisation n ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən

inevitably adv ɪnˈɛvɪtəbli

pollinator n ˈpɒlɪneɪtə

disperse v dɪsˈpɜːs

predator n ˈprɛdətə

flee v fliː

thus adv ðʌs

remarkably adv rɪˈmɑːkəbli

adept adj ˈædɛpt

consciously adv ˈkɒnʃəsli

filter sth out phr v ˈfɪltə sth aʊt

excess adj ɪkˈsɛs

loom v luːm

disrupt v dɪsˈrʌpt

conveniently adv kənˈviːniəntli

truth of the matter phrase truːθ əv ðə ˈmætə

dilemma n dɪˈlɛmə

reluctant adj rɪˈlʌktənt

inference n ˈɪnfərəns

implication n ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən

overspend v ˌəʊvəˈspɛnd

unusually adv ʌnˈjuːʒʊəli

sequel n ˈsiːkwəl

ground-breaking adj graʊnd-ˈbreɪkɪŋ

tour guide n tʊə gaɪd

repeated adj rɪˈpiːtɪd

insistence n ɪnˈsɪstəns

paramount adj ˈpærəmaʊnt

singularly adv ˈsɪŋgjʊləli

aspect n ˈæspɛkt

genuinely adv ˈʤɛnjʊɪnli

solo adj ˈsəʊləʊ

directly adj dɪˈrɛktli

extract n ˈɛkstrækt

anecdote n ˈænɪkdəʊt

virtual reality n ˈvɜːtjʊəl ri(ː)ˈælɪti

be thin on the ground phrase bi θɪn ɒn ðə graʊnd

diagnose v ˈdaɪəgnəʊz

drawback n ˈdrɔːbæk

reviewer n rɪˈvju(ː)ə

impressed adj ɪmˈprɛst

fellow adj ˈfɛləʊ

settlement n ˈsɛtlmənt

developer n dɪˈvɛləpə

methodology n ˌmɛθəˈdɒləʤi
assertion n əˈsɜːʃ(ə)n

apparently adv əˈpærəntli

revolutionary adj ˌrɛvəˈluːʃnəri

dismissive adj dɪˈsmɪsɪv

emerge v ɪˈmɜːʤ

contrary adj ˈkɒntrəri

composer n kəmˈpəʊzə

discern v dɪˈsɜːn

richness n ˈrɪʧnɪs

composition n ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən

conversational adj ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃənl

appeal v əˈpiːl

exasperating adj ɪgˈzɑːspəreɪtɪŋ

irritated adj ˈɪrəteɪtəd

impression n ɪmˈprɛʃən

come to pass phrase kʌm tə pɑːs

trusting adj ˈtrʌstɪŋ

politely adv pəˈlaɪtli

affiliation n əˌfɪlɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n

hyper-vigilance n ˈhaɪpə-ˈvɪʤɪləns
outdated adj aʊtˈdeɪtɪd

ensure v ɪnˈʃʊə

dog-eat-dog world phrase dɒg-iːt-dɒg wɜːld

unprecedented adj ʌnˈprɛsɪdəntɪd

cautious adj ˈkɔːʃəs

comfort n ˈkʌmfət

inconclusive adj ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv

sympathetic adj ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk

discouraged adj dɪsˈkʌrɪʤd

prioritise v praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪz

instantly adv ˈɪnstəntli

exposed adj ɪksˈpəʊzd

cabin n ˈkæbɪn

hummingbird n ˈhʌmɪŋbɜːd

astonished adj əsˈtɒnɪʃt

resilient adj rɪˈzɪlɪənt

reunion n riːˈjuːnjən

radiate v ˈreɪdɪɪt

utter v ˈʌtə

convey v kənˈveɪ
hub n hʌb

flood the market phrase flʌd ðə ˈmɑːkɪt

devise v dɪˈvaɪz

insufficient adj ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt

carry out phr v ˈkæri aʊt

following n ˈfɒləʊɪŋ

inspiration n ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən

dwelling n ˈdwɛlɪŋ

subterranean adj ˌsʌbtəˈreɪniən

dynamic n daɪˈnæmɪk

increasing adj ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ

commission n kəˈmɪʃən

subject matter n ˈsʌbʤɪkt ˈmætə

vessel n ˈvɛsl

collision n kəˈlɪʒən

ironic adj aɪˈrɒnɪk

breakdown n ˈbreɪkˌdaʊn

offend v əˈfɛnd

craft n krɑːft

instance n ˈɪnstəns
ironically, phrase aɪˈrɒnɪkəli,

yacht n jɒt

naval adj ˈneɪvəl

distort v dɪsˈtɔːt

roughly adv ˈrʌfli

frail adj freɪl

washed out adj wɒʃt aʊt

blunt adj blʌnt

casually adv ˈkæʒjʊəli

anxiously adv ˈæŋkʃəsli

flick through phr v flɪk θruː

festivities n fɛsˈtɪvɪtiz

indefinitely adv ɪnˈdɛfɪnɪtli

regime n reɪˈʒiːm
cut/give somebody some kʌt/gɪv ˈsʌmbədi səm
slack phrase slæk

the last straw phrase ðə lɑːst strɔː

moodiness n ˈmuːdɪnəs

isolate v ˈaɪsəleɪt

portray v pɔːˈtreɪ

exhibit v ɪgˈzɪbɪt
adj + n
fleeting glimpse collocation ˈfliːtɪŋ glɪmps

draw v drɔː

sympathy n ˈsɪmpəθi

conduct n ˈkɒndʌkt

first-hand adj ˈfɜːstˈhænd

stereotypical adj ˌstɛrɪəˈtɪpɪk(ə)l

helpline n hɛlp laɪn

dispatch v dɪsˈpæʧ

admission n ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n

faultless adj ˈfɔːltlɪs

seasoned adj ˈsiːznd

compelling adj kəmˈpɛlɪŋ

superficial adj ˌsjuːpəˈfɪʃəl

trend n trɛnd

nurture v ˈnɜːʧə

brand v brænd

tender adj ˈtɛndə

sensibility n ˌsɛnsɪˈbɪlɪti

loudspeaker n ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə

glory n ˈglɔːri
exemplify v ɪgˈzɛmplɪfaɪ

retailer n riːˈteɪlə

broaden v ˈbrɔːdn

revisit v ˌriːˈvɪsɪt

striking adj ˈstraɪkɪŋ

entrenched adj ɪnˈtrɛnʧt

atop prep əˈtɒp

hierarchy n ˈhaɪərɑːki

heap n hiːp

social media n ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə

solitary adj ˈsɒlɪtəri

antisocial adj ˌæntɪˈsəʊʃ(ə)l

projection n prəˈʤɛkʃən

convinced adj kənˈvɪnst

greenhouse effect n ˈgriːnhaʊs ɪˈfɛkt

theoretical adj θɪəˈrɛtɪkəl

ardent adj ˈɑːdənt

sceptic n ˈskɛptɪk
adj + n
worst-case scenario collocation wɜːst-keɪs sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ

characteristic n ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk

gratitude n ˈgrætɪtjuːd
spin (cotton) v spɪn (ˈkɒtn)

crunch (the) numbers phrase krʌnʧ (ðiː) ˈnʌmbəz

excel v ɪkˈsɛl

intimately adv ˈɪntɪmɪtli

partial adj ˈpɑːʃəl

weave v wiːv

domestic adj dəʊˈmɛstɪk

aspire v əsˈpaɪə

sabbatical n səˈbætɪkəl

film-maker n fɪlm-ˈmeɪkə

integral adj ˈɪntɪgrəl

profound adj prəˈfaʊnd

distinctly adv dɪsˈtɪŋktli

unsettled adj ʌnˈsɛtld

indignantly adv ɪnˈdɪgnəntli

forsake v fəˈseɪk

condition v kənˈdɪʃən

commodity n kəˈmɒdɪti

scarce adj skeəs

wildly adv ˈwaɪldli

press-up n prɛs-ʌp
uniform adj ˈjuːnɪfɔːm

raw adj rɔː

linear adj ˈlɪnɪə

objective adj əbˈʤɛktɪv

elastic adj ɪˈlæstɪk

yeast n jiːst

vital adj ˈvaɪtl

observation n ˌɒbzə(ː)ˈveɪʃən

efficiency n ɪˈfɪʃənsi

impact v ɪmˈpækt

motivation n ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃən

shift v ʃɪft

perception n pəˈsɛpʃən

agreeable adj əˈgrɪəbl

temptation n tɛmpˈteɪʃən

endeavour v ɪnˈdɛvə

skim v skɪm

geopolitical adj ˌʤiːəʊpəˈlɪtɪk(ə)l

hotspot n hɒt spɒt

instability n ˌɪnstəˈbɪlɪti
unfold n ʌnˈfəʊld

superpower n ˈsjuːpəˌpaʊə

impressively adv ɪmˈprɛsɪvli

revelation n ˌrɛvɪˈleɪʃən

exploration n ˌɛksplɔːˈreɪʃən

unrest n ʌnˈrɛst

tension n ˈtɛnʃən

blurb n blɜːb

extravagant adj ɪksˈtrævɪgənt

comprehensively adv ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪvli

spectacularly adv spɛkˈtækjʊləli

adventurous adj ədˈvɛnʧərəs

be taken aback phrase bi ˈteɪkən əˈbæk

comprehend v ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnd

contradict v ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt

commentator n ˈkɒmɛnteɪtə

regulation n ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃən

quarter n ˈkwɔːtə

impose v ɪmˈpəʊz
ultimately adv ˈʌltɪmɪtli

counterproductive adj ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv

replacement n rɪˈpleɪsmənt

pollute v pəˈluːt

implement v ˈɪmpləment

consensus n kənˈsɛnsəs

subjective adj səbˈʤɛktɪv

would-be adj ˈwʊdbiː

mistakenly adv mɪsˈteɪkənli

stage v steɪʤ

amenity n əˈmiːnɪti

accessible adj əkˈsɛsəbl

inspection n ɪnˈspɛkʃən

relaxation n ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən

framework n ˈfreɪmwɜːk

misguided adj ˌmɪsˈgaɪdɪd

vocal adj ˈvəʊkəl

continually adv kənˈtɪnjʊəli

abolition n ˌæbəʊˈlɪʃ(ə)n

extreme sports n ɪksˈtriːm spɔːts

fundamental adj ˌfʌndəˈmɛntl

sustain v səsˈteɪn

base jumping n beɪs ˈʤʌmpɪŋ

sceptical adj ˈskɛptɪkəl

prototype n ˈprəʊtəʊtaɪp

revert to phr v rɪˈvɜːt tʊ

illegally adv ɪˈliːgəli

hazardous adj ˈhæzədəs

oversee v ˌəʊvəˈsiː

inherently adv ɪnˈhɪərəntli

utterly adv ˈʌtəli

pointless adj ˈpɒntlɪs

disproportionate adj ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃnɪt

partake v pɑːˈteɪk

incentive n ɪnˈsɛntɪv

thrive v θraɪv

latter adj ˈlætə

parachute v ˈpærəʃuːt

simulation n ˌsɪmjʊˈleɪʃən

cancel out phr v ˈkænsəl aʊt

regulatory adj ˈrɛgjʊleɪt(ə)ri

vastly adj ˈvɑːstli

unpick v ʌnˈpɪk

intimate adj ˈɪntɪmɪt

eloquently adv ˈɛləʊkwəntli

broadsheet n ˈbrɔːdʃiːt

tabloid n ˈtæblɔɪd

manipulate v məˈnɪpjʊleɪt

conviction n conviction

algorithm n ˈælgərɪðm

division n dɪˈvɪʒən

plausible adj ˈplɔːzəbəl

assert v əˈsɜːt

sane adj seɪn

insight n ˈɪnsaɪt

bleak adj bliːk

integrity n ɪnˈtɛgrɪti

perceptively adv pəˈsɛptɪvli

contentious adj kənˈtɛnʃəs

unease n ˌʌnˈiːz
persuasively adv pəˈsweɪsɪvli

irritation n ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃən

hence adv hɛns

interference n ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns

sheer adj ʃɪə

etiquette n ˈɛtɪkɛt

realm n rɛlm

allocate v ˈæləʊkeɪt

resent v rɪˈzɛnt

deterrent n dɪˈtɛrənt

no-show n nəʊ-ʃəʊ

machinations n ˌmækɪˈneɪʃənz

scandal n ˈskændl

allot v əˈlɒt

disingenuously adv ˌdɪsɪnˈʤɛnjʊəsli

admirable adj ˈædmərəbl

courtesy n ˈkɜːtɪsi

prospective adj prəsˈpɛktɪv

torrential (rain) adj tɒˈrɛnʃəl (reɪn)

vigilance n ˈvɪʤɪləns

consideration n kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən

reciprocate v rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt

harsh adj hɑːʃ

dustpan n ˈdʌstpæn

instinctively adv ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli

compass n ˈkʌmpəs

modernist adj ˈmɒdənɪst

futuristic adj ˌfjuːʧəˈrɪstɪk

boost v buːst

multinational n ˌmʌltɪˈnæʃənl

cynical adj ˈsɪnɪkəl

ebb and flow phrase ɛb ənd fləʊ

rigid adj ˈrɪʤɪd

yawn v jɔːn

promptly adj ˈprɒmptli

doctorate n ˈdɒktərɪt

unbothered adj ˌʌnˈbɒðəd

rebellious adj rɪˈbɛljəs

the performing arts n ðə pəˈfɔːmɪŋ ɑːts

curriculum n kəˈrɪkjʊləm

knock v nɒk

slim adj slɪm

renowned adj rɪˈnaʊnd

fetch v fɛʧ

obligation n ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃən

absurd adj əbˈsɜːd

merit n ˈmɛrɪt

sparks v spɑːks

gifted adj ˈgɪftɪd

artistically adv ɑːˈtɪstɪk(ə)li

attain v əˈteɪn

tʊ ɔːl ɪnˈtɛnts ənd

to all intents and purposes phrase ˈpɜːpəsɪz

scenario n sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ

automation n ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n

accelerate v əkˈsɛləreɪt

foresee v fɔːˈsiː

continuation n kənˌtɪnjʊˈeɪʃən

earner n ˈɜːnə
resentment n rɪˈzɛntmənt

adolescence n ˌædəʊˈlɛsns

consumerism n kənˈsjuːmərɪz(ə)m

sentiment n ˈsɛntɪmənt

encapsulate v ɪnˈkæpsjʊleɪt

congestion n kənˈʤɛsʧən

fervent adj ˈfɜːvənt

inventory n ˈɪnvəntri
adj + n
cultural heritage collocation ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈhɛrɪtɪʤ

conurbation n ˌkɒnɜːˈbeɪʃən

unveil v ʌnˈveɪl

multi-storey adj ˈmʌltɪ-ˈstɔːri

gleam v gliːm

double-decker adj ˈdʌblˈdɛkə

rack n ræk

embed v ɪmˈbɛd

strive v straɪv

paradise n ˈpærədaɪs

infrastructure n ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌkʧə

be at the forefront (of bi ət ðə ˈfɔːfrʌnt (əv

something) phrase ˈsʌmθɪŋ)
confiscate v ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt

liveliness n ˈlaɪvlɪnɪs

surfing n ˈsɜːfɪŋ

unpredictable adj ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl

chunk n ʧʌŋk

flock v flɒk

ally n ˈælaɪ

phenomenon n fɪˈnɒmɪnən

novice n ˈnɒvɪs

tame v teɪm

crave v kreɪv

glide v glaɪd

alteration n ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃ(ə)n

tempt v tɛmpt

speculate v ˈspɛkjʊleɪt

contention n kənˈtɛnʃən

bias n ˈbaɪəs

factual adj ˈfækʧʊəl

resemblance n rɪˈzɛmbləns

venture n ˈvɛnʧə
bear in mind sth phrase beər ɪn maɪnd sth

learning curve n ˈlɜːnɪŋ kɜːv

flourish v ˈflʌrɪʃ

start-up n ˈstɑːtʌp

profitability n ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪlɪti

inevitable adj ɪnˈɛvɪtəbl

overwhelm v ˌəʊvəˈwɛlm

donor n ˈdəʊnə

be liable to do sth phrase bi ˈlaɪəbl tə dʊ sth

bear fruit phrase beə fruːt

introvert n ˈɪntrəʊˌvɜːt

paradox n ˈpærədɒks

over the moon phrase ˈəʊvə ðə muːn

nagging adj ˈnægɪŋ

elect to do sth phrase ɪˈlɛkt tə dʊ sth

justification n ˌʤʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən

incorporate v ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt

tendency n ˈtɛndənsi

fundraising n ˈfʌndˌreɪzɪŋ

combat v ˈkɒmbæt

chair n ʧeə
panel n ˈpænl

collate v kɒˈleɪt

descend v dɪˈsɛnd

roots n ruːts

come of age phrase kʌm əv eɪʤ

contemplate v ˈkɒntɛmpleɪt

recollection n ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən

wheat n wiːt

hide-and-seek n ˈhaɪdəndˈsiːk

ascent n əˈsɛnt

stuff v stʌf

resemble v rɪˈzɛmbl

spirits n ˈspɪrɪts

surge n sɜːʤ

thereafter adv ðeərˈɑːftə

miraculously adv mɪˈrækjʊləsli

viral adj ˈvaɪərəl

pay cheque n peɪ ʧɛk

inspector n ɪnˈspɛktə

spare v speə

staggering adj ˈstægərɪŋ

stick in sb's mind phrase stɪk ɪn sb's maɪnd

formulaic adj ˌfɔːmjəˈleɪ-ɪk

perplexed adj pəˈplɛkst

covering letter n ˈkʌvərɪŋ ˈlɛtə

manuscript n ˈmænjʊskrɪpt

snap up phr v snæp ʌp

subsequent adj ˈsʌbsɪkwənt

pedestrian adj pɪˈdɛstrɪən

debut n ˈdeɪbuː

put off phr v pʊt ɒf

refusal n rɪˈfjuːzəl

destiny n ˈdɛstɪni

dependence n dɪˈpɛndəns

undesirable adj ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl

large-scale adj lɑːʤ-skeɪl

sector n ˈsɛktə

hardship n ˈhɑːdʃɪp

manufacturing n ˌmænjʊˈfækʧərɪŋ

considerably adv kənˈsɪdərəbli

discipline n ˈdɪsɪplɪn
vocational adj vəʊˈkeɪʃənl

at sb's expense phrase ət sb's ɪksˈpɛns

refuge n ˈrɛfjuːʤ

additionally adv əˈdɪʃənli

all in all phrase ɔːl ɪn ɔːl

last but not least phrase lɑːst bət nɒt liːst

lastly adv ˈlɑːstli

to sum up phr v tə sʌm ʌp

cart n kɑːt
storyline n ˈstɔːrɪlaɪn

expertise v ˌɛkspɜːˈtiːz

beneficial adj ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl

impersonal adj ɪmˈpɜːsnl

ownership n ˈəʊnəʃɪp

emotive adj ɪˈməʊtɪv

closure n ˈkləʊʒə
ɪn kənˈʤʌŋkʃən wɪð
in conjunction with sb/sth phrase sb/sth

favourably adv ˈfeɪvərəbli

immensely adv ɪˈmɛnsli

disrepair n ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə

lucrative adj ˈluːkrətɪv

appealing adj əˈpiːlɪŋ

exaggerate v ɪgˈzæʤəreɪt

rhetorical question adj + n coll rɪˈtɒrɪkəl ˈkwɛsʧən

repetition n ˌrɛpɪˈtɪʃən

joyful adj ˈʤɔɪfʊl

appalling adj əˈpɔːlɪŋ

canteen n kænˈtiːn
enhance v ɪnˈhɑːns

wholeheartedly adv ˈhəʊlˈhɑːtɪdli

constitute v ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt
uphill adj/adv ˌʌpˈhɪl

determination n dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən

racer n ˈreɪsə

register n ˈrɛʤɪstə

supervisory adj ˌsjuːpəˈvaɪzəri

ət jər ˈɜːlɪɪst kən
at your earliest convenience phrase ˈviːniəns
poorly adj ˈpʊəli

canoeing n kəˈnuːɪŋ

extensive adj ɪksˈtɛnsɪv

ascend v əˈsɛnd

climb n klaɪm
curiosity n ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪti

Yours faithfully phrase jɔːz ˈfeɪθfʊli

isolated adj ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd
engaging adj ɪnˈgeɪʤɪŋ

entertaining adj ˌɛntəˈteɪnɪŋ

drama n ˈdrɑːmə

retirement n rɪˈtaɪəmənt

twist n twɪst

mansion n ˈmænʃən

come across phr v kʌm əˈkrɒs

quality adj ˈkwɒlɪti

combine v kəmˈbaɪn

affection n əˈfɛkʃ(ə)n

descriptive adj dɪsˈkrɪptɪv

dramatic adj drəˈmætɪk

roar v rɔː

spine-tingling adj spaɪn-ˈtɪŋglɪŋ

absorb v əbˈsɔːb

moving adj ˈmuːvɪŋ

tragic adj ˈtræʤɪk

monotonous adj məˈnɒtnəs

absent-minded adj ˈæbsəntˈmaɪndɪd

mean-spirited adj miːn-ˈspɪrɪtɪd

tearjerker n ˈtɪəˌdʒɜːkə

kind-hearted adj ˈkaɪndˈhɑːtɪd

sun-baked adj ˈsʌnbeɪkt

time-saver adj taɪm-ˈseɪvə

thought-provoking adj θɔːt-prəˈvəʊkɪŋ

record-breaker n ˈrɛkɔːd-ˈbreɪkə

memorably adv ˈmɛmərəbli

non-fiction n nɒn-ˈfɪkʃən

villain n ˈvɪlən

controversial adj ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl

brilliantly adv ˈbrɪljəntli

satire n ˈsætaɪə

absurdity n əbˈsɜːdɪti

introductory adj ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri

authentic adj ɔːˈθɛntɪk

gameplay n geɪm pleɪ

terrain n təˈreɪn

praise v preɪz

novelty n ˈnɒvəlti

knowledgeable adj ˈnɒlɪʤəbl

inferior adj ɪnˈfɪərɪə

mundane adj ˈmʌndeɪn
shabby adj ˈʃæbi
sparkling adj ˈspɑːklɪŋ
splendid adj ˈsplɛndɪd
tedious adj ˈtiːdiəs
soundtrack n ˈsaʊndtræk
exceptionally adv ɪkˈsɛpʃənli

constructively adv kənˈstrʌktɪvli

badminton n ˈbædmɪntən

five-a-side adj faɪv-ə-saɪd

comprise v kəmˈpraɪz

simultaneously adv ˌsɪməlˈteɪniəsli

distinct adj dɪsˈtɪŋkt

minority n maɪˈnɒrɪti

make the most of sth phrase meɪk ðə məʊst əv sth

questionnaire n ˌkwɛstɪəˈneə

usage n ˈjuːzɪʤ

respondent n rɪsˈpɒndənt

dissatisfaction n dɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃən

fortunate adj ˈfɔːʧnɪt

in sb's favour phrase ɪn sb's ˈfeɪvə

sponsor v ˈspɒnsə

validity n vəˈlɪdɪti

withdraw v wɪðˈdrɔː

advocate n ˈædvəkət
fəˈmɪliəraɪz jɔːˈsɛlf wɪð
familiarise yourself with sth phrase sth
glossy adj ˈglɒsi

lack v læk

schooldays n ˈskuːldeɪz

in-joke n ɪn-ʤəʊk

formula n ˈfɔːmjʊlə
moral n ˈmɒrəl
corporate adj ˈkɔːpərɪt

introductory adj ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri

input n ˈɪnpʊt

hospitality n ˌhɒspɪˈtælɪti

gɛt ɒn ðə ˈbænd
get on the bandwagon idiom ˌwægən

altruistic adj ˌæltrʊˈɪstɪk

environmentally adv ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛntli

devote v dɪˈvəʊt
(right) up your street phrase (raɪt) ʌp jə striːt

black ice n blæk aɪs

privilege n ˈprɪvɪlɪʤ

insecure adj ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊə

frustrated adj frʌsˈtreɪtɪd

protective adj prəˈtɛktɪv
respectful adj rɪsˈpɛktfʊl

impatient adj ɪmˈpeɪʃənt

content adj kənˈtent

bitter adj ˈbɪtə

self-conscious adj sɛlf-ˈkɒnʃəs

desperate adj ˈdɛspərɪt

eager adj ˈiːgə

realistic adj rɪəˈlɪstɪk

stubborn adj ˈstʌbən

arrogant adj ˈærəʊgənt

doubtful adj ˈdaʊtfʊl

productive adj prəˈdʌktɪv

tic n tɪk

drive sb mad phrase draɪv sb mæd

compassion n kəmˈpæʃən

generosity n ˌʤɛnəˈrɒsɪti
solely adv ˈsəʊlli

appreciate v əˈpriːʃɪeɪt

prize v praɪz
agony n ˈægəni

unsettle v ʌnˈsɛtl

genuine adj ˈʤɛnjʊɪn

unhelpfully adv ʌnˈhɛlpfəli

veterinary adj ˈvɛtərɪnəri 

sticker n ˈstɪkə

establishment n ɪsˈtæblɪʃmənt

limitation n ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃən
expectation n ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən
steer clear of sb/sth phrase stɪə klɪər əv sb/sth

philosophy n fɪˈlɒsəfi

volatile adj ˈvɒlətaɪl

mandatory adj ˈmændətəri

universally adv ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəli

cosmetic adj kɒzˈmɛtɪk

primarily adv ˈpraɪmərɪli

misconception n ˌmɪskənˈsɛpʃən
cater for ˈkeɪtə fə
somebody/something phr v ˈsʌmbədi/ˈsʌmθɪŋ

biodegrade v ˈbaɪəʊ dɪˈgreɪd

ingest v ɪnˈʤɛst

stem v stɛm

minimise v ˈmɪnɪmaɪz

forthcoming adj fɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ

flake n fleɪk

discard v dɪsˈkɑːd

devastating adj ˈdɛvəsteɪtɪŋ

recall v rɪˈkɔːl
diminish v dɪˈmɪnɪʃ

recapture v ˌriːˈkæpʧə

caution n ˈkɔːʃən

food poisoning n fuːd ˈpɔɪznɪŋ

loophole n ˈluːphəʊl

proprietor n prəˈpraɪətə
ignorance n ˈɪgnərəns
advisory adj ədˈvaɪzəri

eye-opener n ˈaɪˌəʊpnə

associate v əˈsəʊʃieɪt
abundant adj əˈbʌndənt

aluminum n ˌæləˈmɪniəm

exploit v ɪkˈsplɔɪt

electronics n ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪks

dentistry n ˈdɛntɪstri

confine v kənˈfaɪn

reproduction n ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃən

endemic adj ɛnˈdɛmɪk

adj + n
invasive species collocation ɪnˈveɪsɪv ˈspiːʃiːz

vulnerable adj ˈvʌlnərəbl

endangered adj ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd

subtle adj ˈsʌtl

colouration n ˌkʌləˈreɪʃən

advancement n ədˈvɑːnsmənt

competitiveness n kəmˈpɛtɪtɪvnəs
trait n treɪt

houseboat n ˈhaʊsbəʊt

restless adj ˈrɛstlɪs

well-balanced adj wɛl-ˈbælənst

optimism n ˈɒptɪmɪzm

exclusively adv ɪksˈkluːsɪvli

further afield phrase ˈfɜːðər əˈfiːld

weatherman n ˈwɛðəmæn

comfort zone n ˈkʌmfət zəʊn

waddle v ˈwɒdl

meteorology n ˌmiːtiəˈrɒləʤi
whereabouts n ˈweərəbaʊts

fascination n ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃən

curator n kjʊəˈreɪtə
ˈbrɔːdn ˈsʌmbədiz hə
broaden somebody’s horizons phrase ˈraɪznz
aerial adj ˈeərɪəl
bulky adj ˈbʌlki
beam n biːm

reservoir n ˈrɛzəvwɑː

metropolis n mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs

hypothesis n haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs
recollect v ˌrekəˈlekt

unwind v ʌnˈwaɪnd

pick somebody’s brain phr v pɪk ˈsʌmbədiz breɪn

premises n ˈprɛmɪsɪz

favourable adj ˈfeɪvərəbl

perfectionist n pəˈfɛkʃənɪst
at random phrase ət ˈrændəm

thrilling adj ˈθrɪlɪŋ

exhilarating adj ɪgˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ

fraction n ˈfrækʃən

lasting adj ˈlɑːstɪŋ

hazy adj ˈheɪzi

reserve n rɪˈzɜːv

entitle v ɪnˈtaɪtl

rigorous adj ˈrɪgərəs

upbeat adj ʌpˈbiːt

rousing adj ˈraʊzɪŋ

sombre adj ˈsɒmbə

nutritional adj nju(ː)ˈtrɪʃən(ə)l

handout n ˈhændaʊt

well-off adj wɛl-ɒf

heartening adj ˈhɑːtnɪŋ

moan v məʊn

homeschooling n ˈhəʊmskuːlɪŋ

credibility n ˌkrədɪˈbɪlɪti

unwilling adj ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ

deteriorate v dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt

flexibility n ˌflɛksɪˈbɪlɪti
creep v kriːp
wholly adv ˈhəʊli

isolated adj ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd

thereby adv ˈðeəˈbaɪ

tiresome adj ˈtaɪəsəm

money-grabbing adj ˈmʌni-ˈgræbɪŋ

elite n eɪˈliːt

emulate v ˈɛmjʊleɪt
predominantly adv prɪˈdɒmɪnəntli

outburst n ˈaʊtbɜːst
recount v rɪˈkaʊnt
commute n kəˈmjuːt

occurrence n əˈkʌrəns
prior to sth phrase ˈpraɪə tə sth

materialise v məˈtɪərɪəlaɪz

compromise n ˈkɒmprəmaɪz
adj + n
sugary (foods) collocation ˈʃʊgəri (fuːdz)

reassure v ˌriːəˈʃʊə

prospect n ˈprɒspɛkt

cutting edge n ˈkʌtɪŋ ɛʤ

influential adj ˌɪnflʊˈɛnʃəl

notable adj ˈnəʊtəbl

spaceship n ˈspeɪsʃɪp

grant n grɑːnt

eminent adj ˈɛmɪnənt

intervention n ˌɪntə(ː)ˈvɛnʃən

wɒt pəˈzɛst
what possessed somebody ˈsʌmbədi (tə dʊ
(to do something)? phrase ˈsʌmθɪŋ)?

change your tune phrase ʧeɪnʤ jə tjuːn

best man n bɛst mæn

payroll n ˈpeɪrəʊl

augmented reality n ɔːgˈmɛntɪd ri(ː)ˈælɪti

hindsight n ˈhaɪndsaɪt
ladder n ˈlædə

top dog n tɒp dɒg

direction n dɪˈrɛkʃən

spring to (sb's) mind phrase sprɪŋ tʊ (sb's) maɪnd

takeaway n ˈteɪkəweɪ

flurry n ˈflʌri

acclaim n əˈkleɪm
nerve-racking adj ˈnɜːvˌrækɪŋ

anticipation n ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n

on-screen adj ɒn-skriːn

peer v pɪə

underrated adj ˌʌndəˈreɪtɪd

gap year n gæp jɪə

distant adj ˈdɪstənt
stretch v strɛʧ

momentum n məʊˈmɛntəm

recharge your batteries phrase riːˈʧɑːʤ jə ˈbætəriz

desperation n ˌdɛspəˈreɪʃən

red tape n rɛd teɪp

the weak/weakest link phrase ðə wiːk/ˈwiːkɪst lɪŋk

partway adv ˈpɑːtweɪ

bizarre adj bɪˈzɑː

downturn n ˈdaʊntɜːn
inherit v ɪnˈhɛrɪt

dawn on phr v dɔːn ɒn

stamina n ˈstæmɪnə

climbing n ˈklaɪmɪŋ

transferable skill n trænsˈfɜːrəbl skɪl

effortless adj ˈɛfətlɪs

exertion n ɪgˈzɜːʃən

extended family n ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪli

diving board n ˈdaɪvɪŋ bɔːd

bat v bæt

induction n ɪnˈdʌkʃən

innovative adj ɪnˈnɒvətɪv

adj + n
(heavy) workload collocation (ˈhɛvi) ˈwɜːkˌləʊd

smoothly adv ˈsmuːðli

for the sake of it phrase fə ðə seɪk əv ɪt

specialise v ˈspɛʃ(ə)laɪz

scuba diving n ˈskuːbə ˈdaɪvɪŋ

unfit adj ʌnˈfɪt

rehearse v rɪˈhɜːs

accomplish v əˈkɒmplɪʃ
hysterical adj hɪsˈtɛrɪkəl

substantially adv səbˈstænʃəli

high-pressure adj haɪ-ˈprɛʃə

presumably adv prɪˈzjuːməbli

spectacular adj spɛkˈtækjʊlə

amateur adj ˈæmətə(ː)

businesslike adj ˈbɪznɪslaɪk

principally adv ˈprɪnsəpəli

robotic adj rəʊˈbɒtɪk

go blank phrase gəʊ blæŋk

screwdriver n ˈskruːˌdraɪvə

collaborative adj kəˈlæb(ə)rətɪv

necessity n nɪˈsɛsɪti
əz fɑːr əz sth z kən
as far as sth is concerned phrase ˈsɜːnd

wind down phr v waɪnd daʊn

rank v ræŋk

primary adj ˈpraɪməri

genetics n ʤɪˈnɛtɪks

distraction n dɪsˈtrækʃən

revenue n ˈrɛvɪnjuː

on top of that phrase ɒn tɒp əv ðæt

reverse v rɪˈvɜːs

motor vehicle n ˈməʊtə ˈviːɪkl

Definition Example
precise information, details etc are exact, clear,
and correct We don't yet have precise details of the agreement.

the way in which some words are often used

together, or a particular combination of words 'Give someone advice' is a typical collocation in
used in this way English.
a fixed phrase cannot be changed without losing 'Out of the blue' is a fixed phrase meaning something
its meaning happening unexpectedly.
a word such as ‘but’, ‘and’, or ‘while’ that You can improve your writing by using linking words
connects phrases or parts of sentences such as "but" or "and".
a sea creature with a soft body and eight The rubbery-looking creature was obviously related
tentacles to an octopus.

extremely We were extraordinarily lucky.

something or someone that becomes very

popular for a single piece of work (often used for
bands or singers who are known for a single song I don't know any other songs by this group. I guess
and their other work is not as popular) they were a one-hit wonder.

very surprising Their album has sold an astonishing 11 million copies.

if something blends in, it looks suitably similar to The old house blends in perfectly with the
everything around it countryside.

the place where you are and all the things in it I soon got used to my new surroundings.
to try to make yourself or a thing fit into a small
space Can you squeeze in next to Rick?

predatory animals kill and eat other animals Owls and falcons are examples of predatory birds.
an animal that lives in water, has a shell, and is
eaten as food Specialities are fresh fish and shellfish.
Miss Badu grew up in Dallas but now resides in
to live or be somewhere Brooklyn.
A woodsman and his family dwelt in the middle of the
to live in a particular place forest.

extremely large or great They do an immense amount of work.

They built a gigantic skyscraper, which towered over
extremely big the rest of the city.

used to talk about the only person in a place, or

the only person that does something A lone figure was standing at the bus stop.
solitary people and animals spend a lot of time
alone Ed enjoys the solitary life of a rancher.
not wanting to be with people or to go to social He was considered stubborn, selfish and unsociable
events as a child.
Car sales are often seen as a measure of consumer
a way of measuring or calculating something confidence.

a reasonable amount of something He achieved a measure of success with his first book.

used to say what usually happens Prices typically start at around $600.

almost all of a group of people or things The vast majority of students work very hard.
if something happens overnight, it happens
quickly Reputations are not changed overnight.

to make it necessary for you to do something Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.

No amount of money could replace the vase he

used to say that something has no effect accidentally broke.
After a little gentle persuasion, Debbie agreed to
when you persuade someone to do something come.

if you have had your share of something, for

example problems, success, or adventure, a lot of
it has happened to you She'd had more than her fair share of adventure.
to have a particular job or be responsible for Everyone on the team has a part to play in
something completing this project.

when you think about all parts of a situation All things considered, I think the day went well.

suitable The statue is a fitting tribute to the President.

with very little warning or time to prepare for
something The party was arranged at short notice.
to give the right amount of importance to two It's never easy to strike a balance between work and
different things family.
You see, she had this burning desire to succeed on
a burning ambition, desire, need etc is very strong the stage.
used to say that something is not perfect and The report shows that there is room for
needs to be improved improvement.

when you hesitate He agreed without hesitation.

expand the limits of your ideas, knowledge, and Living with people from different countries can
experience expand your horizons.

to understand something completely At the time, I didn't fully grasp what he meant.
how complex something is, or a complex part of
something They don't realise the complexity of the problem.
to have a bad effect on someone or something
over a long period of time Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.
to break into a lot of small pieces, or to make
something break in this way The plates smashed on the floor.

to tell a joke He kept cracking jokes about my new haircut.

to force someone or something into a particular Recent events have driven the stock market to lows
state, often an unpleasant one not seen in ten years.
to cause someone or something to be in a
particular state His lectures send me to sleep.
to try very hard to persuade someone to do
something Nurses are pressing for a pay rise.
to influence someone’s behaviour or the way a
situation develops She steered me towards a medical career.

to say that you are sure that something is true She always maintained that her son was innocent.
The tennis player's early success motivated him to
to be the reason why someone does something work harder.
a mistake, mark, or weakness that stops
something from being perfect A design flaw caused the engine to explode.
a reason for doing something or having a
particular feeling The birth of a baby is a cause for celebration.
The rebels do not pose a serious threat to the armed
to be a threat to something forces.
the state of being known about by a lot of people
because of your achievements He first won fame as a singer.

to pay careful attention to something We must always take note of our customers' views.

a very good work of art or piece of writing Jones' performance was a masterpiece.
a copy of a valuable object that is intended to
deceive people The painting was a fake.
to achieve something you wanted to achieve all She fulfilled her lifelong ambition to have her books
through your life published.
to make you feel satisfied because you are using
all your skills and qualities Motherhood alone did not fulfil her.

to complete something that you have been doing The study was concluded last month.
to decide firmly on the details of a plan or
arrangement Can we finalise the details of the deal?

at the place where people work, study, or stay There's a bar, restaurant, and gym on site.

a place where a film or programme is filmed He met her on the set of his latest movie.
a line of sharp rocks or a raised area near the They presented a proposal to protect several miles of
surface of the sea, often made of coral thousand-year-old coral reef.
used to talk about all the people looking for work After years of being a stay-at-home dad, he decided
and the jobs that are available to re-enter the labour market.

not at all The building's nowhere near finished.

near to a number Inflation is now close to 6%.

used when you are describing something in a
vague or general way Their house is, like, massive.

if an event or particular time is approaching, or if

you are approaching it, it will happen soon It was approaching 4.15 p.m.

the business of organising holidays to natural The boom in ecotourism has certainly seen a
areas where people can visit and learn about the welcome expansion of special interest holiday
area in a way that will not hurt the environment options.

a particular kind of business My first job was in the motor trade.

They moved away from steel to tourism, which is a
an industry that is growing fast growth industry.

a large company or organisation He works for a large American corporation.

if you speak in broken English, French etc, you

speak the language slowly and not very well She spoken in broken Spanish.

someone who is spoiled behaves badly because

they have always been allowed to have or do She would feel like a spoiled child insisting that she
whatever they want wanted to go home.

to walk quickly and with a lot of energy The children came bouncing into the room.
to hit someone with a moving vehicle and hurt or The elderly man was knocked over while crossing the
kill them road.
to meet someone when you were not expecting
to Guess who I bumped into this morning?

to crash violently into something or someone The two trains collided in a tunnel.
My doctor warned me that eating red meat increases
dark-coloured meat such as beef the risk of heart disease.

to stop doing or eating something, especially The current advice to pregnant women is to cut out
because it might be bad for your health spicy food.

to try a new activity He was keen to try his hand at painting.

to be trying to say something in a way that is
difficult for other people to understand What are you getting at, Helen?

to start or to begin to have an effect The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.
to interrupt someone or suddenly join a
conversation Lena quickly jumped in with a diverting remark.
the people who are in charge of controlling and
organising a company or organisation Management will discuss this issue next week.
to suggest a plan or idea, or suggest someone for Milne has put his name forward as a candidate at the
a job or position next election.

to produce a book, record, film etc They're putting out a new album in the fall.
to make someone experience something
unpleasant I'm sorry to have to put you through this.
the feeling that you have when you are not sure There is a great deal of uncertainty about the future
about something of the company.

to develop as a result of something His headaches stemmed from vision problems.

to say very strongly that you do not approve of
someone or something Politicians were quick to condemn the protests.
the act of attacking a country, especially when It will inevitably be harder to prevent similar acts of
that country has not attacked first aggression in future.
They discussed the band's highly acclaimed debut
praised by a lot of people album.
to praise someone or something publicly or She was commended for her years of service to the
formally community.

to praise something that someone does She should be applauded for her honesty.
We had four violinists from the Philharmonic
someone who plays a violin Orchestra.
the team, player etc that is expected to win a race
or competition Brazil were the favourites to win the World Cup.
Analysis of the data should have been done more
carefully and thoroughly systematically.
You'll need to have a comprehensive guide to
including everything university courses.

in a general way We reached broadly similar conclusions.

extremely thoroughly and completely The rescue team searched the area exhaustively.

worried that something bad will happen He was rather alarmed to find her there.

to take one number away from another number If you subtract 15 from 25 you get 10.
to remove part of something that has been made
so that you can remove it The control unit can be detached from the base.

to remove something from a place or thing Precious gems are extracted from the mine.
something that you think is true although you
have no proof We're working on the assumption that prices will rise.
things that people say or think when they
speculate There has been a lot of speculation about her future.

when you decide that something is likely to be Children will soon make deductions about the
true, using the information that you have meaning of a word.
something that someone believes is true even
though they cannot prove it The report will be based on fact, not supposition.

to suddenly decrease by a large amount Oil prices have plunged to a new low.
if a stock market crashes, prices suddenly fall by a The cost of the project has soared, causing the shares
large amount to crash 11p to 329p.

to fall down suddenly Many buildings collapsed during the earthquake.

always happening or doing something in the same
way She's always been the team's most consistent player.
in the same colour, style, pattern etc as
something else She wore a necklace with matching earrings.

similar to something else in size, number, quality

etc, so that you can make a comparison His poetry is hardly comparable to Shakespeare's.

very similar All small cars look alike to me.

used when saying that something is the opposite

of what most people think Contrary to popular belief, a desert can be very cold.

opposing ideas, opinions etc are completely Brad was prepared to accept that opposing beliefs
different from each other could be held equally strongly and passionately.
Wear the jacket and skirt with contrasting pieces for a
very different from each other different look.
different from other things and very easy to
recognise The band have a distinctive sound.
Safety checks were made in accordance with the
according to a system or rule rules.
He gave me an assurance that the work would be
a promise that something is true or will happen complete by now.
Police are questioning a man in connection with the
concerning something crime.
concerning or in relation to something This is especially true in respect of the UK.
to aim something at a particular person or
situation His anger is mainly directed at his father.

to say something or ask someone to do

something which may use or waste their time or
upset them I won't trouble you with the details.
to give all your attention and effort to one The actress now dedicates herself to children's
particular thing charity work.
used to suggest that it might be useful to do
something There's no harm in asking.

to be unable to decide what to do, or what you

think about something I was in two minds about whether to go with him.
to change as fast as something else, or to move as
fast as someone else Supply has to keep pace with increasing demand.
to expect something to happen and to prepare
for it We don't anticipate any problems.

used to warn someone to be careful Beware of the dog!

outside the limits of what someone or something Such tasks are far beyond the abilities of the average
can do student.
Don't tell Michael about this. It'll only complicate
to make a problem or situation more difficult matters.
to think that something will be possible in the
future I can't envision moving from here.

to officially tell someone what to do The doctor instructed me to change my diet.

as a result He did no work and consequently failed the exam.

used to introduce a fact that you think is Interestingly, none of their three children ever
interesting married.
The information was complicated but nonetheless
in spite of what has just been mentioned helpful.
Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue
because of something next year.

in a sudden and extreme way Output has increased dramatically.

The average life expectancy of many people has risen

the length of time that someone is likely to live because they have access to better health care.

going away from a place or towards the outside The outward flight was very uncomfortable.
to officially tell people about something so that The winner of the competition will be announced
everyone knows shortly.
among the best in the world She's a world-class tennis player.

not making you feel surprised Unsurprisingly, the project failed.

to a sufficient degree He is not sufficiently experienced to apply for the job.

She has become an expert in the field of
the study of the way people’s minds work developmental psychology.

a number that is a lot higher or lower than all the

other numbers in a set of numbers that represent
facts or measurements In the set {3,5, 4,6, 2,25,5, 6}, 25 is an outlier.

The union is pressing for higher pay but has made no

something which must be done, stated as part of stipulations about the numbers of workers to be
a rule, law or agreement employed.
The children are taught the basic concepts of
a general idea or principle mathematics.
He definitely meant to be rude – it was quite
intended or planned deliberate.
relaxed and not worried, or seeming not to care She's always been pretty casual about her
about something appearance.
to play an instrument such as a guitar by moving
your fingers across the strings The guitar player strummed along respectfully.
something that is intriguing is interesting because She wrote a strong story, with intriguing, realistic
it is unusual or mysterious characters.

definite and able to be seen or touched He has no tangible evidence of John's guilt.

a part of an amount or group The proportion of adults who smoke is decreasing.

a disciplined person obeys rules and controls their
behaviour We're very disciplined when it comes to money.
calm and not showing emotion, even if you feel
angry, afraid etc She spoke in a controlled authoritative voice.

limited or controlled He has a very restricted diet.

a basic rule or idea that controls or explains the One important principle is that you should give
way something works or is organised yourself plenty of reward for your success.
the person or thing in question is the person or
thing that is being discussed Where were you on the evening in question?
to find out about something that has been kept The detective uncovered vital clues which led to a
secret break in the case.
to tell people the truth about something bad or
dishonest The report exposed corruption among officials.
to give news or information to people after it has The reported refused to release the name of his
been secret source.
to add up to a particular total Jenny's debts amount to $1,000.

to be a particular part of an amount Oil and gas account for 60% of our exports.

to make something happen or start to exist Our discussion generated a lot of ideas.
to give a good reason for doing something that How can you justify spending so much money on a
other people think is unreasonable coat?

carefully avoiding any danger or risk I drove home cautiously.

in a way that lacks confidence He answered the questions uncertainly.

in an uncertain way 'Are you telling me the truth?' he asked doubtfully.

used when giving your opinion to say that there Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all
are good reasons why something might be true time.

to carefully watch and check a situation in order

to see how it changes over a period of time The temperature is carefully monitored.
to recognise or express the difference between It's important to differentiate between fact and
things or people opinion.

a way of doing something The window is the only means of escape.

to meet someone when you did not plan to I first encountered him at Oxford.
Several hundred people contributed articles,
to write for a newspaper or magazine photographs, and cartoons.
There are lots of birds, both resident and migratory,
involved in or relating to migration and other wildlife.

Nobody knew more about lambing and calving than a

to give birth to a calf veterinary surgeon so he was invited to instruct.

how big, important, or serious something is What is the full extent of his injuries?
to change, or to make something or someone
change Her face hadn't altered much over the years.

to move information, a program etc from a

computer to a computer network so that other Take great care when uploading personal information
people can see it or use it such as your address or credit card number.
an amount that is added to a bill as a charge for
the waiters that serve you Is there a service charge on top of the labor charge?

the activity of moving across water on a surfboard

while holding a large kite which is attached to
strong strings I would like to try kite surfing when I'm in Hawaii.
wanting to do something very much, so that you
will not let anything stop you She was determined to start her own business.
This summer's children's art program had 14
someone who takes part in an activity or event participants.
I did my best to rectify the situation, but the damage
to correct something that is wrong was already done.
He's never held down a job for more than a few
to manage to remain in a job for a period of time months.

needing a lot of time, ability, and effort Climbing is physically demanding.

When you give a speech, it's natural to feel nervous
before something happens beforehand.
used to say that you are thinking about a
particular fact when giving your opinion She did very well considering it was her first attempt.
used to say that something will happen only if I'll make a cake, provided we have some flour and
another thing happens eggs.

to copy the way that someone does something Children often imitate their parents' behaviour.

when the Sun seems to disappear, because the The only safe way to watch a solar eclipse is with
Moon is passing between it and the Earth special protective eye gear.
used to say that you are glad that something
good has happened Thankfully, they all got home safely.
The whales' breeding grounds are off the west coast
a place where animals or birds go to breed of Mexico.
when something can be used without causing The government should do more to promote
future harm to the environment sustainability in agriculture.
someone who climbs rocks or mountains as a Wanda Rutkiewicz was the first female climber to
sport reach the summit of K2.

compared with something else Videos are still comparatively expensive.

admired by many people because of things you
have achieved The author is a highly respected historian.
the fastest speed that you are legally allowed to
drive at Slow down! There is a 40 mph speed limit in this area!

used to emphasise a comparison She was by far the best candidate.

a sport in which two people fight and try to push
each other to the ground She won six high-school wrestling matches in a row.

next to something We stayed in adjacent rooms.

a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance There has been a decline in the number of
of something unemployed.
if something happens unexpectedly, it surprises
you because you were not expecting it He lost his job unexpectedly.

to start something big or important We have launched a campaign to raise $50,000.

to make something more modern, or to become They need more funds to modernise the country's
more modern telephone system.
Adding plastic glitter to soaps and lotions is not
not harmful to the environment environmentally-friendly.

a useless material or substance that is produced Kidneys separate water and waste products from the
during the process of making something else blood.
a company that provides goods for shops and The company is now the main supplier of educational
businesses software to schools.
imagine what it would feel like to be in their Don't be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their
situation shoes.

used when you have to do something because

there is nothing else that you can do We had no choice but to wait.

to officially make someone leave their school or

job for a short time, after something bad has Bob was suspended for a week because he attacked
happened another student.

more than an amount or level Our profits were in excess of $5 million.

used when there are very few people or things in
a place The flowers in the garden grew sparsely.

used for saying that something is difficult Bringing up a child on your own is no easy task.

if you are obliged to do something, you have to

do it because the situation, the law, a duty etc The minister was obliged to report at least once every
makes it necessary six months.
a picturesque place is pretty in an old-fashioned Conwy Town is a picturesque and richly historic
way touring centre.
a small plane suitable for carrying only a small I remembered that they had never flown in a light
number of passengers aircraft before today.
to provide someone with the tools or equipment
they need The researchers equipped themselves with cameras.

a construction attached to a plane which allows it There's no space for an airport on the island, so
to stay on the surface of the water rather than on planes are equipped with floats so that they can land
ground on the lake.
loud or continuous noise that is unpleasant and Our survey revealed the impact of noise pollution on
annoying the community.

travelling on a small vehicle used for sliding over Dogsledding is practiced for many different purposes,
snow, called a sled, which is pulled by dogs e.g. sport, delivering mail or hunting.
a system of exercises which helps you to relax They argue that yoga can contribute to a healthy and
your body and mind more successful life.

one of the owners of a business or an asset when My brother and I have become the co-owners of our
there is more than one owner family business, after our mother retired.

relating to cooking of very high quality The restaurant hired a Cordon Bleu chef.
a shop that sells unusual products or food that I bought this French cheese at the local speciality
are special in some way store.
used to emphasize your opinion or emphasize Amis is undoubtedly one of the best writers of his
that something is definitely true generation.
He borrowed a considerable amount of money to buy
large enough to be important or have an effect a house.

feeling that something is as good as it should be,

or that something has happened in the way that
you want They have plenty of satisfied customers.

not satisfied because something is not as good as We have to do something about our quality control
you had expected because we have more and more dissatisfied clients.
I know she upset you, but I'm sure it was
not done deliberately unintentional.
the amount of rain that falls on an area in a
particular period of time The annual rainfall is about 70 cm.

simple to do or easy to understand The questions seemed straightforward.

to find something and bring it back I retrieved my suitcase from the hall cupboard.
the amount that can fit inside a container, space,
building etc The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres.

continuing for only a short time Most of the staff are on short-term contracts.
the use of information, figures etc to produce a
particular result We use the computer for processing the information.
the outer layer of an organ in your body, Fortunately, his cerebral cortex was not affected by
especially your brain the shock.
when you change something from one system or The warehouse was undergoing conversion into
purpose to another apartments.
a situation in which everything happens in the We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as
usual way possible.

different from what is normal, especially in a way Some people suffer an abnormal fear of being in open
that is strange, worrying, or dangerous places.

not sensible or reasonable I found some of his arguments totally illogical.

when someone behaves sensibly and like an adult He showed a lack of maturity for his age.

behaving like a younger person He's very immature.

important and useful I have relevant information that she will want to hear.
not useful or not relating to a particular situation,
and therefore not important We're focussing too much on irrelevant details.
the degree to which something is relevant, or the
fact that it is relevant He didn't realise the relevance of what he had seen.

to behave badly We never dared to misbehave in Mr. Dill's classes.

an overconfident person has too much They were overconfident in their skills and that's why
confidence they failed.
a book in which someone writes about their own She wrote an autobiographical novel with elements
life, or books of this type of fantasy.

involving communication between a computer,

television etc and the person using it The museum features interactive exhibits.

to think again about something in order to decide

whether you should change your opinion Please reconsider your decision.
vivid descriptions, memories, dreams etc are so
clear that they seem real I've got vivid memories of that summer.

to give something to someone We assigned a different task to each student.

having the qualities or ability needed to do I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank
something you!
For example, how many calories a day do you
to eat or drink something consume?

not good enough People who are dieting can become iron deficient.
to think that someone or something is bad or
wrong Her parents strongly disapprove of her lifestyle.
the ability to do something, especially something The capability of this device has made it useful in
difficult several areas of research.
the ability to understand other people’s feelings
and problems His comments show a lack of sensitivity.
the quality of being good at leading a team,
organisation, country etc She has great faith in her own leadership qualities.

the ability to do something well Players are judged by their competence on the field.

the fact that someone is not guilty of a crime Can you prove your innocence?
the feeling you have when you are jealous She felt a stab of jealousy.
the feeling when you do not like or agree with
someone or something She looked at our clothes with obvious disapproval.

a sense of worry about something Mike's nervousness showed in his voice.

the quality of being rude, or an instance of being
rude I was surprised by his rudeness.
I think it was unfair to accuse her of selfishness after
when you act in a selfish way she refused his last-minute request.

the feeling of being willing He has shown no willingness to compromise.

a decision not to carry out an activity that had
been planned Passengers are fed up with cancellations and delays.

the amount of electricity, gas, oil etc that is used Fuel consumption is predicted to rise.
the quality of radio, television, or other electronic There have been complaints of poor reception from
signals mobile phone users.

an amount of money that you are given His father gives him a small monthly allowance.

the feeling of being annoyed Mia's annoyance never showed.

a fault that makes something or someone not
good enough There are deep deficiencies in this law.
The engineer's competency was questioned when a
the ability to do something well flaw was discovered in the machinery.

the study of ancient societies by examining what

remains of their buildings, tools, places they were They contacted Newcastle University's archaeology
buried etc department which sent a team down to investigate.
someone who studies, works, or is interested in
archaeology The site is being studied by archaeologists.
someone whose job is to give advice about a An educational programme was planned by outside
particular subject consultants.
all the government departments and the people Almost 40 percent of the country's budget goes on
who work in them the 57,000-strong civil service.

to make someone very tired The trip totally exhausted us.

respected for being honest or for doing good If you have a burglar alarm fitted, make sure it is done
work by a reputable company.
relating to the work of managing a company or
organisation The job is mainly administrative.
The weather in this region is changeable and it's hard
likely to change or changing often to depend on the weather forecast.
good at dealing with people without upsetting
them She's usually very diplomatic.
if something is edible, you can eat it Are these mushrooms edible?
The list shown here is by no means exhaustive. There
extremely thorough and complete are some points missing.

believing that you should live according to high She's young and idealistic but I wouldn't call her
standards or principles, even if it is difficult naive.
I didn't want to work overtime today but my boss can
able to make people do or believe something be very persuasive.

in a way that was not planned or intended I accidentally set off the alarm.

to say or do something that offends someone You should apologise for insulting her.
The soup didn't look very appetising but it tasted
food that is appetising looks or smells very good delicious.

to tell someone that something is definitely true

or will happen, to try to stop them worrying She kept assuring me that she felt quite well.

used to emphasise what you are saying The sale was perfectly legal.

to refuse to consider someone’s idea or opinion

because you think it is not serious, true, or
important He dismissed the idea as impossible.
someone who travels around an area selling their He worked as a sales representative and she stayed
company’s products home to have a family.
Our dogs have never shown aggression towards other
angry or violent behaviour or feelings dogs.
We spent the evening talking and sharing
a secret or some personal and secret information confidences.
the most important ideas in a speech or piece of The news report said little about the substance of the
writing peace talks.

Constructive criticism should help people improve,

useful and helpful not make them feel bad about themselves.
someone who is responsive does what people We must be responsive to the needs of our
want or need, or replies to them customers.
In the end there were no substantive changes to the
dealing with things that are important or real company's policy.

brave He was wrong, and courageous enough to admit it.

making you believe that something is true or right It was a convincing excuse.

making you feel less tired or less hot The ocean breeze was refreshing.
secret and not intended to be shown or told to Doctors are required to keep patients' records
other people completely confidential.

She showed great spacial abilities like easily

relating to the position, size, or shape of things interpreting charts and diagrams, and solving puzzles.
We have the support of a substantial number of
large in amount or number parents.

important or interesting enough to be reported in Nothing he said during the interview was really
newspapers, on the radio, or on television newsworthy.
if someone is trustworthy, you can trust them
completely We got the information from a trustworthy source.

likely to change often or to be different Expect variable cloudiness and fog tomorrow.
relating to information that has been collected There is no statistical evidence to confirm your
and counted or given a value theory.
in a way that is satisfactory, or good enough for a
particular purpose The question has not been satisfactorily answered.
in a dishonest way, by deceiving people, for I feel he's been acting dishonestly. Do you think he's
example by lying, stealing, or cheating hiding anything from us?
in collaboration with two or more other people or
groups Sam and I are jointly responsible for the project.

in a way that is easy to notice She has become noticeably more confident.
They founded the most technologically advanced
relating to technology factory in Europe.

when someone receives something Please acknowledge receipt of the letter.

How can we improve the effectiveness of this
how effective something is program?
to write to someone telling them that you have
received something they sent you They still haven't acknowledged my email.
to put someone in prison or keep them in a place
they cannot escape from He was imprisoned for 18 months.
Shadows began to lengthen as the sun sank in the
to become longer, or to make something longer sky.

to make something easier to do or understand There was an attempt to simplify the tax system.
the amount of a substance that something
contains Dark chocolate has a high content of cocoa.
a narrow beam of light or energy from the sun, a
lamp etc The room darkened as a cloud hid the sun's rays.

the opinion that someone has, especially the The principal took the position that the students
opinion of a government or organisation didn't need music classes.
to refuse to accept that something is right, fair, or
legal She is challenging the court's decision.
thinking and behaving in the normal and
traditional way Tom is conventional in his approach to life.
used to say that something should be done in
order to avoid problems or risks It is advisable to stay away from frozen lakes.

to make something easier to understand I need you to clarify a few points.

She proved to be a decisive and reasonable leader for
good at making decisions quickly and firmly her company.

whether something is sensible Some people doubted the wisdom of his decision.
We will be able to judge which candidate is more
able to be believed believable.
always trying to make someone do what you
want – used to show disapproval She wanted to get away from her controlling parents.

very comfortable, beautiful, and expensive The hotel we stayed in was really luxurious.

enjoyable Swimming in the pool was a pleasurable experience.

Climate change could have disastrous effects on
very bad, or ending in failure Earth.

the degree to which something or someone has There's no doubt about Christine's suitability for the
the right qualities for a particular purpose job.

wearing the right clothes, having the right

information, equipment etc for a particular The sales team were suitably dressed except for Barry
situation who wore casual clothes to the meeting.
not having the right qualities for a particular
person, purpose, or situation The movie is unsuitable for young children.

unusual, attractive, or noticeable The posters come in several eye-catching designs.

working or doing something with someone else Charles spent a week working alongside the miners.
Wear your waterproof boots when you go out today.
not allowing water to enter It's raining.

impossible to explain by natural causes, and

therefore seeming to involve the powers of gods This character has supernatural powers, she can
or magic control fire with her mind.
if someone or something is unreliable, you cannot
trust or depend on them The buses here are often unreliable.

able to make decisions based on the facts of a

situation, and not influenced too much by feelings Let's try to discuss this like rational human beings.
someone in an organisation who is directly below
another person in rank, and who is officially in He became the deputy head of the FBI at the age of
charge when that person is not there only 36.
an aircraft with no pilot controlled from the The photographer used a drone to film the wedding
ground, especially a military aircraft from high up.
The company makes devices to detect carbon
a machine or tool used for a particular purpose monoxide.
to make a new product available for people to The company expects to roll out the new software in
buy or use September.
involving the use of new discoveries, new Her team worked on a groundbreaking medical
methods, or new ideas research.

a problem that stops you from making progress Today's result was a major setback for the team.
designed to reduce the time usually needed to do
something The dishwasher is such a time-saving device.

if you undergo a change, an unpleasant

experience etc, it happens to you or is done to
you He had to undergo major heart surgery.
until something happens, or in the time between Dinner's nearly ready. Would you like something to
two events drink in the meantime?

used to emphasise a negative statement He's had no luck whatsoever.

a small sea animal that you can eat, that is pink Include shrimp for a special treat or add chicken or
when cooked ham for a really substantial meal.

quite, when compared with other things Food is relatively cheap in the US.
The difference between these two products is
small and unimportant insignificant.

animals and plants considered as a group, in

which a plant is eaten by an insect or animal
which is then eaten by another animal etc The fox is needed in the food chain.
All living organisms have to adapt to changes in
a living thing, usually a very small one environmental conditions.

all the animals and plants in an area living in the

sea or ocean, and their relationship to each other
and their environment The coral reef is an example of a marine ecosystem.

in a particular group of people or things Relax, you're amongst friends here.

in an interesting way because it is unusual or
mysterious; fascinatingly Intriguingly, the man seemed to have just vanished.

to come together in a group A group of protesters had congregated outside.

something that is visible can be seen or noticed The lights of the city were clearly visible below them.
the kind of food that you eat each day It is important to eat a healthy diet.

relating to animals that eat only plants Sheep are herbivorous animals. They don't eat meat.
Scientists observed microscopic organisms in the
extremely small water sample.

a very simple plant without stems or leaves that Swimming in the lake is currently forbidden due to
grows in or near water the presence of harmful algae in the water.
Cycling to work instead of taking a bus can be good
the activity of riding a bicycle for your health.

to change something or someone completely, The movie transformed Amy from an unknown
especially in a way that improves them schoolgirl into a star.

a group of words that have a different meaning

from the usual meaning of the separate words.
For example, ‘under the weather’ is an idiom 'Full of beans' is an idiom which means lively and
meaning ‘ill’. energetic.
if you are stuck, you cannot get away from a
boring or unpleasant situation I was stuck at home with a cold.

likely to upset or offend people Some people found the song offensive.
a set of equipment that is used for a particular The firefighters had to wear breathing apparatus to
purpose protect them from smoke.

very silly or unreasonable I'd look ridiculous in this hat.

doing something in a short time, or moving
somewhere quickly We will speedily proceed with the reforms.
used to emphasise that the way you are
describing something is really true She gave a truly great lecture on medieval literature.
We'll take into consideration the fact that you were
to think about something when making a decision ill.
to think that something is true, although you have
no proof Your light wasn't on, so I assumed you were out.
alternative medicine uses treatments that are not Acupuncture and homeotherapy are sometimes
part of traditional Western medicine described as alternative medicine.
There is widespread acceptance of the need for
when people agree that something is right or true economic reform.

almost The town was virtually destroyed.

Sounds emitted by the dolphins were recorded with
to send out gas, heat, a sound etc into the air an underwater microphone.

used to something and accepting it as normal He was accustomed to a life of luxury.

to force someone to do something He felt compelled to resign because of the scandal.

with no other person, process etc between You can order the book directly from the publisher.

things that are related are connected Police believe the crimes are related.
if a place reopens, it opens again after a period
when it was closed The restaurant will reopen in two weeks.
to say that you do not like or approve of
something If no one objects, I would like to be present.
He'll sign that contract regardless of what anyone
in spite of something says!

to definitely not know or understand something 'Where's Karen?' 'I haven't got a clue.'
if something happens out of the blue, it is very Out of the blue, he asked me to come with him to
unexpected Europe.
to think that a particular belief or opinion is I incline to the view that the child was telling the
probably right truth.
to suggest that something is true without saying
or showing it directly He implied that the money had been stolen.

to compare two people, ideas, objects etc and The speaker contrasted this approach with earlier
show how they are different from each other methods.
the range of things that a subject, book, activity
etc deals with Such questions are beyond the scope of this book.
to describe the main ideas or facts about The new president outlined plans to deal with the
something economic slump.

unable to stop or control something I was powerless to stop the leak when the pipe burst.

to deal with a difficult problem There is more than one way to tackle the problem.
knowledge or understanding of a particular She was active raising awareness and money to
subject or situation combat serious diseases.
The government issued an official denial of the
a statement saying that something is not true reports.

to become worse or make something worse His condition is worsening.

a voyage that is done alone without anyone else
helping you She set out on a solo voyage across the Atlantic.

very I'm awfully sorry – I didn't mean to disturb you.

when people live in a well-organised society and Technology is one of the benefits of modern
have a comfortable way of life civilisation.

in a way that cannot be avoided Inevitably, his sleeping problems affected his work.
an animal that makes a flower produce seeds by
moving pollen from other flowers Insects such as bees are pollinators.
to scatter in different directions, or to make
something do this Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

an animal that kills and eats other animals Wolves, foxes and bears are predator animals.
to leave a place very quickly in order to escape
from danger She fled the country.
as a result of something that you have just
mentioned Traffic will become heavier, thus increasing pollution.

in a way that is surprising Jane and her cousin look remarkably similar.

good at doing something that needs care or skill He became adept at cooking her favourite dishes.
He was probably not consciously aware of her true
in a conscious and deliberate way feelings.
to remove words, information etc that you do not Net users can filter out unwanted emails with
need or want software.
He wanted to lose some excess weight from his
more than is wanted or allowed backpack, which was far too heavy to carry.
if a problem or difficulty looms, it is likely to
happen very soon An economic crisis is looming on the horizon.
to prevent something from continuing normally
by causing problems Road works are seriously disrupting traffic.
At that time, ice cream couldn't be conveniently
in a way that is useful or suitable bought in a store.
used when saying what you think is really true The truth of the matter is that we don't know exactly
concerning a situation how the gossip has spread.
a situation in which you must make a difficult
choice between two things He now finds himself in a terrible dilemma.

unwilling to do something Maddox was reluctant to talk about it.

a fact that you think is true, based on information

that you already know, or the process of deciding
this What inferences have you drawn from this evidence?
something that you suggest is true, without
saying it directly I dislike your implication that I was lying.

to spend more money than you can afford The hospital has overspent its budget.

hotter, bigger etc than is usual That winter was unusually cold.
a film, book etc that continues the story of an
earlier one She's writing a sequel to her first novel.
involving the use of new discoveries, new She received an award for her ground-breaking work
methods, or new ideas in physics.
The group listened as the tour guide spoke about the
someone whose job is to show a place to tourists history of the palace.
He made repeated attempts to buy the house, even
done or happening several times though the family refused every time.

The manager's insistence on high standards helped to

tranform the restaurant into the most popular place
when you demand that something should happen in town.

more important than anything else Safety is paramount.

very New England has some singularly beautiful towns.

one part of a situation, plan, or subject What's the most interesting aspect of your work?

in a genuine way He was genuinely sorry.

done alone without anyone else helping you It was her second solo travel across the Atlantic.
done in a clear way that shows what you honestly
feel He didn't answer my question directly.

a small part taken from a story, poem etc They showed us only an extract from the film.
a short interesting story about a particular person The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in
or event Japan.

when a computer makes you feel as though you

are in a real situation by showing images and Video game makers were the first mainstream users
sounds of virtual reality.

to be very few Good restaurants are very thin on the ground here.

to find out what illness a person has, or what the

cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations Jo struggled in school before she was diagnosed as
etc dyslexic.
The only drawback to a holiday in Scotland is the
a disadvantage weather.
The book was disliked by many reviewers but I really
someone who writes about new books, films etc enjoyed it.
feeling admiration and respect for someone or
something When I saw what they'd done I was really impressed.
people that you work with, study with, or who are
in the same situation as you I asked my fellow students how they were doing.
a group of buildings or houses where people live
or lived The railway stations created new settlements.
a person or an organisation that works on a new The company was an early developer of personal
idea, product etc to make it successful computers.
the set of methods used to do a job or study We've been developing a new methodology for
something assessing new products.
something that you say or write that you strongly He makes very general assertions about marriage in
believe the poem.

according to the way someone looks or a

situation appears, although you cannot be sure She turned to face him, her anger apparently gone.
Her research in chemistry turned out to be
completely new and different revolutionary.

if you are dismissive of someone or something,

you refuse to consider them seriously He tends to be dismissive of anyone who complains.

to appear or come out from somewhere He emerged from his hiding place.
completely different from each other, or opposed The government's actions are contrary to the public
to something interest.

someone who writes music Amelia likes German composers, particularly Wagner.
I could just discern the outline of the bridge in the
to see, notice, or understand something fog.
the richness of a colour, taste, or smell is its She captured the richness of the autumn colours in
quality of being strong and pleasant her painting.
We listened to one of Beethoven's early
a piece of music that someone has written compositions.

in the informal style of a conversation McGovern lectures in a conversational style.

if something appeals to you, you think it is
attractive or interesting That idea doesn't appeal to me at all.
Thomas has this exasperating way of talking to me
very annoying like a child.

feeling annoyed and impatient about something John was getting irritated by all her questions.

the opinion or feeling you have about someone or

something because of the way they seem I had the impression that she wasn't very happy.
Should more difficulties come to pass, we might have
to happen after a period of time to consider cancelling the project.

believing that other people are good and honest He's so trusting of people.

in a polite way 'It's very nice,' he said politely.

a relationship or close connection with another Many people were arrested for their political
larger organisation or group affiliations.

more than usual, especially too much of careful

attention that you give to what is happening, so He insisted on hyper-vigilance because he was afraid
that you will notice any danger or illegal activity someone would try and rob him.
no longer useful or modern The old factory is full of outdated machinery.
to make certain that something happens or is
done Ensure that the fire doors are kept clear.
when people compete against each other and will
do anything to get what they want It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
something that is unprecedented has never
happened before Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale.

careful to avoid problems or danger She is a very cautious driver.

The stray cat visiting me every morning has been a

someone or something that helps you feel great comfort to me since I moved to the the new
happier or less worried town, where I didn't really know anyone.

not leading to a clear decision or result The evidence was inconclusive.

showing that you understand and care about
someone’s problems Jim was a very sympathetic listener.
no longer having the confidence you need to
continue doing something Some players get discouraged and quit.

to put several things in order of importance, so

that you can do the most important first Try to prioritise your work.

immediately They realised instantly something was wrong.

All exposed skin should be covered with protective
not covered cream.
We spent the summer in a log cabin deep in the
a small house made of wood woods.
a very small brightly coloured tropical bird whose Tiny hummingbirds were circling the flowers in the
wings move very quickly garden.

very surprised We were astonished at his ignorance.

strong enough to get better quickly after
problems, illness, damage etc Small babies can be remarkably resilient.
a meeting of people who have not met for a long
time I met my childhood friend at the school reunion.

if someone radiates a feeling, or if it radiates from

them, it is very easy to see that this is how they
feel She radiated calm confidence.

to say something No one uttered a word.

to express ideas, feelings etc What does this poem convey?

the central and most important part of an area,
system etc The local school was the hub of the community.
to sell something in very large quantities, so that Manufacturers have been accused of flooding the
the price goes down market with cheap cars.

to think of a new way of doing something He's devised a game to help kids learn English.

not enough His salary was insufficient for their needs.

to do something that has been planned or The students carried out a survey on attitudes to
discussed, or that someone has told you to do politicians.
a group of people who support or admire
someone The band has a huge following in the US.

a good idea about what you should say, do, write

etc, or the person or thing which gives you this The artist draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.

a house, apartment etc where people live Most of the buildings are single-family dwellings.
A subterranean river is believed to flow underneath
under the surface of the earth the castle.
She regards class conflict as a central dynamic of
something that causes action or change historical change.
used when saying that something happens more There has been an increasing difficulty in finding
and more affordable housing.
an official group whose job is to find out about or The Government set up a commission to investigate
control an activity pollution.

The subject matter was much too technical for him,

the subject that is being discussed many of the words almost incomprehensible.
The fishing vessel was last seen yesterday evening, as
a ship or large boat it was leaving the bay.

a violent crash in which one vehicle hits another Two people were injured in a head-on collision.

an ironic situation is strange or amusing because It's ironic that your car was stolen outside the police
it is completely different from what you expect station.

a statement explaining the details of something I'd like a breakdown of these figures, please.

to commit a crime What can be done to stop criminals offending again?

A small fishing craft got caught out in the storm and

a boat the coast guard was sent to rescue the crew.

an example of a particular kind of situation They came across many instances of discrimination.
used when you are mentioning a situation in
which the opposite of what you expect happens Ironically, a lot of crimes are committed quite close to
or is true police stations.
a boat with sails used for races or sailing for The yachts picked up a freshening breeze and sped
pleasure through the sea.

relating to the navy His orders were to protect the port from naval attack.
to change the shape or sound of something so it
is strange or unclear Tall buildings can distort radio signals.

not exactly Roughly 100 people took part in the event.

thin and weak His great-grandfather was a frail elderly man.

tired and pale You look washed-out. Didn't you sleep well last night?
saying exactly what you think, even if it upsets
people Julian's blunt words hurt them.
in a relaxed manner, without showing signs of 'Your boss seemed rather upset,' she remarked
being worried or upset casually.

in a way that shows you are nervous or worried Mom and dad waited anxiously by the phone.
She was flicking through a magazine, not really
to look at a book, magazine etc quickly reading anything.
things such as eating, drinking, or dancing that We spent the day preparing for the Christmas
people do to celebrate something festivities.
until a time in the future that has not yet been
arranged The meeting has been postponed indefinitely.
a special plan of food, exercise etc that is In order to prepare for the marathon, she introduced
intended to improve your health a new dietary and training regime.
to allow someone to do something without Let's cut them some slack, they are clearly doing their
criticising them or making it more difficult best.
the last problem in a series of problems that
finally makes you give up, get angry etc Making me work late on Friday was the last straw.

They knew Tom was under a lot of stress but they

when someone is often angry or unhappy found it dfficult to deal with his moodiness.
to separate one person or thing from other
people or things Presley's success isolated him from his friends.

to describe or show someone or something in a Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and
particular way, according to your opinion of them powerful.
She exhibited great intelligence and kindness ever
to show a quality or feeling since she was a child.
a quick look at someone or something that does
not allow you to see them clearly, lasting for only I caught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove
a short time past.
to get a reaction or support from someone or
something His comments drew an angry response.

the feeling you have when you understand why

someone is unhappy and want to help them feel
better I have a lot of sympathy for him.
the way someone behaves, especially in public or He swore at the referee, and was penalised for
in their job unsportsmanlike conduct.

experience etc that has been learned or gained by

doing something yourself or by talking to You should listen to her, she has a first-hand
someone yourself experience on how to deal with such issues.

a belief or idea of what a particular type of person

or thing is like. Stereotypes are often unfair or You can't judge a person based on stereotypical
untrue ideas.
a telephone number you can call for advice or The company set up a helpline you can call if you
information have trouble with their product.

to send someone or something somewhere The packages were dispatched yesterday.

when you admit that something is true or that
you have done something wrong If he resigns, it will be an admission of guilt.

having no mistakes Yasmin spoke faultless French.

Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six
with a lot of experience of doing something albums to his credit.

very interesting or exciting Her life makes a compelling story.

seeming to have a particular quality, although this The two animals have a superficial resemblance but
is not true or real they are actually different breeds.
a fashion or something that is fashionable, such
as a type of clothing He's always dressed in the latest trends.

to help a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop Reading aloud nurtures a love of books in children.
to describe someone or something as a very bad
type of person Ryan was branded a liar by the media.

gentle in a way that shows love His voice was tender and soft.
the way that someone reacts to particular Avoid using words that might offend someone's racial
subjects or types of behaviour or moral sensibilities.
Broadcasting of the concert was via a system of street
a piece of equipment that makes sounds louder loudspeakers.
the things about a place or way of life which are The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its
beautiful or make people feel proud glory.
Stuart exemplifies the kind of student we like at our
to be a typical example of something school.
a person or company that sells things to people in Retailers face their slowest business period in January
shops and February.
to include more people, ideas, activities etc, or to
make something do this The social world of the child slowly broadens.
We need to revisit this proposal as soon as the
to consider or discuss something again budget is clearer.

unusual and noticeable There's a striking similarity between the two girls.
entrenched ideas have existed for a long time and In the small towns racial prejudice was deeply
are not likely to change entrenched.
He placed his gift atop the mountain of other
on top of something presents.

a system of organising people or things according The school district reorganised the administrative
to their importance hierarchy, which helped to save money.
There was a heap of stones where the building used
a large untidy pile of things to be.

ways of sharing information, opinions, images,

videos etc using the Internet, especially social I use social media to keep in touch with my friends
networking sites who live in different countries.

a solitary activity is something that you do alone She likes to take long solitary walks along the beach.
someone who is antisocial does not enjoy If I don't go tonight, everyone will accuse me of being
meeting or being with other people antisocial.
a statement about what is likely to happen, using
information you have now They presented the next year's sales projections.

completely certain that something is true You don't sound convinced.

the warming of the air around the Earth as a

result of the Sun’s heat being trapped by The gas is responsible for around six percent of the
pollution current greenhouse effect.
relating to scientific ideas rather than practical
situations She has a good theoretical understanding of physics.
Even his most ardent supporters disagreed with this
supporting or wanting something very strongly move.
someone who doubts whether something is true
or right Sceptics argued that the rise in prices was temporary.
Let's imagine the worst-case scenario and prepare for
the worst situation that could possibly happen that.

typical of a particular person or thing These problems are characteristic of modern life.

the feeling of being grateful Tears of gratitude filled his eyes.

The village has a reputation for spinning fine cotton
to make cotton into thread by twisting it together yarn.
to do a lot of calculations in order to find an The computer will crunch all the numbers to
answer determine the final score.

to do something very well I never excelled at sport.

in a way that involves a very close personal
relationship The two aspects are intimately connected.

not complete The exhibition was only a partial success.

to join different ideas or subjects together in a
clever way The plot weaves together fact and fiction.

relating to family relationships and life at home We share the domestic chores.
There are lots of students who aspire to a career in
to have a strong desire to achieve something law.

a period when someone, especially a university

teacher, stops doing their usual work to travel or
study Professor Burton is on sabbatical for two months.
someone who makes films for the cinema or Cinema was her passion so she studied to become a
television film-maker.
forming part of something, especially a very
important part Training is an integral part of any team's preparation.
a profound effect, feeling etc is very great or
serious The story had a profound effect on me.

clearly heard, seen, remembered etc I distinctly remember his words.

worried, upset, or nervous Children often feel unsettled by moving home.

in an indignant way, angry because you feel
insulted or unfairly treated He agreed to the terms indignantly.
to stop doing, using, or having something that you
enjoy She will never forsake her vegetarian principles.

to make a person or animal behave in a particular

way by training or influencing them over a period The horses are conditioned to expect food from
of time people.

a product that is bought and sold Land is an extremely valuable commodity.

if something is scarce, there is not enough of it
available Food was often scarce in the winter.

extremely The band is wildly popular in Cuba.

a type of exercise in which you lie facing the She started each morning with 50 press-ups and a
ground, and push your body up with your arms quick jog around the neighbourhood.
things that are uniform are all the same size, The temperature must be uniform in every area of
shape etc the reactor.
raw emotion, power etc is very strong or
powerful The film is full of raw emotion.

involving a series of connected events, ideas etc, Let's try some creative exercises to break away from
that move or progress from one stage to the next our linear thinking.
It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own
not influenced by your own feelings or opinions children.
a system or plan that is elastic can change or be Demand for this type of holiday will probably be fairly
changed easily elastic.

a substance used to make bread rise Bread is made from flour, yeast, and water.

extremely important or necessary His evidence was vital to the defence case.

a spoken or written remark I would like to make an observation.

the fact of doing something well/effectively, Better fuel efficiency can be achieved by driving more
without wasting time, money, or energy slowly.

to have an effect on someone or something How will the changes impact on us?

when you are keen and willing to do something Jack is smart, but he lacks motivation.

if your opinions or beliefs shift, they change He refused to shift his opinion.
the way you think about something and your idea Can you compare a child's perception of the world
of what it is like with an adult's?
The main objective is to find a solution that is
acceptable agreeable to the company in terms of cost.

a strong feeling that you want to have or do

something, although you know you should not I had to resist the temptation to snap at him.

to try to do something new or difficult I endeavoured to reassure him.

to read something quickly to find the main facts
or ideas in it She skimmed through that morning's headlines.

relating to the way that a country’s position,

population etc affect its political development
and its relationship with other countries, or the The complex geopolitical situation in the region made
study of this it difficult to find an agreement.
a place where there is likely to be a lot of activity
or fighting The report identified eight pollution hotspots.
when a situation or someone’s behaviour is likely
to change suddenly There is a lot of political instability in this region.
if a story or event unfolds, it becomes clearer and
you understand it The case began to slowly unfold in court.
a country that has a lot of military and political The book traces the emergence of the country as a
power superpower in the 21st century.
in a way that seems surprisingly big, good, skilful
etc Production standards are impressively high.
a surprising fact that was secret and has now
been told to people He resigned after revelations about his affair.

The book is an exploration into how a loved and

when you try to find out more about something supported child becomes a happy and competent
by discussing it, thinking about it etc adult.

when the people in a country feel angry about

something and protest about it, often violently There is growing unrest throughout the country.

the feeling that exists when people do not trust The obvious tension between Warren and Anne made
each other and may suddenly attack each other everyone else uncomfortable.
a short description giving information about a The blurb for her latest book describes her as 'one of
book or new product Britain’s best-loved art critics'.

extravagant claims, promises etc are not likely to Extravagant claims have been made for some herbal
be true remedies including the curing of baldness.
I think you explained your work comprehensively
in a way that includes everything enough.
It was sad to see how spectacularly his business
very impressively failed.

wanting to do new, exciting, or dangerous things Andy is a very adventurous rock-climber.

to be very surprised or shocked I was taken aback by Linda's rudeness.

to understand something They don't seem to comprehend how serious this is.

if one statement, story etc contradicts another,

they are different, and both cannot be true The witnesses' accounts contradict each other.

someone who knows a lot about a subject, and

who writes about it or discusses it on the The sports commentator was overcome with emotion
television or radio when the player scored the goal.
There seem to be so many rules and regulations these
when a system or process is controlled days.
an area of a town where a particular group of
people live I found a small flat in the student quarter.

to force people to accept something The government imposed a ban on all imports.
finally, after everything else has been done or Their efforts ultimately resulted in his release from
considered prison.
achieving the opposite result to the one that you
want Being too available can be counterproductive.
someone or something that replaces another
person or thing We're waiting for Mr Dunley's replacement.
The island has been seriously polluted by a copper
to make air, water, soil etc dirty or dangerous mine.
if you implement a plan or process, you begin to Airlines were required to implement new safety
make it happen recommendations.

agreement between everyone in a group Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the issue.
influenced by your own opinions and feelings Try not to be too subjective when you write about the
rather than facts film.
someone who hopes to have a particular job or The city is full of young would-be actors hoping to get
intends to do a particular thing a role in the latest movie.
He mistakenly believed that he had packed his
incorrectly toothbrush.

to organise an event or performance They're staging a rock concert in the park.

something that makes a place comfortable and
easy to live in The hotel's amenities include a pool and two bars.

easy to reach, find, or use The park is not accessible by road.

an official visit to a building or organization in

order to make sure everything is satisfactory and
that rules are being obeyed An inspection was carried out at the school.
We can expect a relaxation of government
when rules, laws etc are made less strict regulations soon.
the main structure that supports something such
as a building or vehicle A rigid metal framework supported the sculpture.
He had a misguided belief that it would be easier to
based on an idea or opinion that is wrong find work in London.

expressing strong opinions publicly Mary was a vocal opponent of the plan.
repeated many times, often in a way that is
harmful or annoying The phone rang continually.
The abolition of certain regulations made the country
the act of officially ending a law, system etc much more business-friendly.

sports are that are dangerous, or are done in a

way that is more dangerous than the usual form She has always been into extreme sports such as free
of that sport climbing and base jumping.

The fundamental cause of the problem is that they

relating to the most basic and important parts of didn't listen to the experts before they started the
something project.
to suffer injury, damage, or loss Two people sustained minor injuries.

a sport in which people jump off tall objects such

as buildings, bridges, or cliffs, using a parachute With my fear of heights, I'd say no to base jumping.

doubting whether something is true or right I'm highly sceptical about what I read in the press.

the first form of a new car, machine etc, which is

used to test the design before it is made in large Pilots have begun testing a prototype of the new
numbers aircraft.

to change back to a previous thing or situation The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.

thereby breaking the law The items had been brought into the country illegally.
Wear protective clothing when handling chemicals
dangerous or likely to cause accidents which may be hazardous to health.
to be in charge of a group of workers and check Schultz oversees 61 workers and a $5.9 million
that work is done correctly budget.

a quality that is inherent in something is a natural

part of it and cannot be separated from it Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.

completely; thoroughly They were utterly defeated.

It's pointless telling him to clean his room – he'll
without any useful purpose or effect never do it.

too much or too little in relation to something He gets a disproportionate amount of publicity.

to take part, to participate It was seen as an honour to partake in this.

something that encourages you to work harder or The promise of going outside once they finish was an
to start a new activity incentive for children to work hard.
to become very successful or very strong and Let's find a plant that is able to thrive in dry
healthy conditions.
the latter part of a period of time is nearest to the
end of it We'll be travelling in the latter part of November.

to jump from a plane using a parachute (a piece

of equipment worn by people who jump out of
planes, to make them fall slowly and safely to the The plane was damaged so the pilot needed to
ground) parachute to safety.

something you do or produce in order to study or The training included a computer simulation of an
test what happens in a real situation emergency landing.
if two things cancel each other out, each stops
the other from having any effect The gains and losses will cancel each other out.
a regulatory authority has the official power to
control an activity and to make sure that it is New products have been approved by the regulatory
done in a satisfactory way authority.

very much The two books are vastly different.

to examine the different parts of a subject, deal
etc, especially in order to find faults I didn't want to unpick the past.

having a very close relationship They became intimate friends.

Maybe I was able to express my thoughts more
in a way that expresses ideas and opinions well eloquently than I feared.
a serious newspaper printed on large sheets of I haven't seen someone reading a broadsheet at the
paper cafe in years.

a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of He had brought a national tabloid printed in London,
photographs, and not very much serious news to read while he waited.
to make someone do what you want by skilfully The salesman tried to manipulate the boss into
influencing them buying more printers than he needed.

a very strong belief or opinion She spoke with great conviction.

a set of instructions that are followed in a fixed Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a few
order and used for solving a mathematical alternative words which are in some sense similar to
problem, making a computer program etc the detected misspelled word.

disagreement among the members of a group There are deep divisions within the party.

reasonable and likely to be true or successful His story certainly sounds plausible.
The company has vigorously asserted that it is not
to say firmly that something is true breaking the law.

not mentally ill He seems perfectly sane to me.

a clear understanding of a complicated situation,
idea etc The article gives us an insight into Chinese culture.
without anything to make you feel happy or
hopeful Without a job, the future seemed bleak.
the quality of being honest and having high moral
standards She brought dignity and integrity to the profession.

in a way that suggests an ability to notice things

quickly and understand situations, people’s She commented on the plan perceptively and helped
feelings etc well us improve it.
Animal welfare did not become a contentious issue
likely to cause an argument until the late 1970s.
There is a growing sense of unease in the financial
a feeling of worry or slight fear world about the industry's future.
They spoke of the trip so persuasively that I finally
convincingly agreed to join them.
Bailey expressed irritation with the inaccurate reports
impatient and annoyed feelings in the media.

for this reason Her family are Welsh – hence the accent.

when someone interferes in something I resented his interference in my work.

used to emphasize the amount, size, or degree of
something The sheer size of some files caused problems.
Etiquette is especially important on occasions such as
the rules of polite behaviour weddings and funerals.
In the realm of oceanography he can tell you anything
an area of knowledge, interest, or thought you need to know.

to use something for a particular purpose, give

something to a particular person etc, especially You should allocate the same amount of time to each
after an official decision has been made question.

to feel angry and upset about a situation or action He resents having to explain his work to other people.
something that makes people less likely to do Window locks are an effective deterrent against
something burglars.

someone who does not arrive or appear

somewhere they were expected to be, for The bad weather meant there were a lot of no-shows
example at a restaurant or a meeting at the game.

secret, clever, and often unfair methods used to She complained about the machinations political
achieve something – used to show disapproval candidates employed to win.

talk about dishonest or immoral things that

famous or important people are believed to have
done The magazine is full of gossip and scandal.

to use a particular amount of time for something,

or give a particular share of money, space etc to
someone or something Try and allot two or three hours a day to revision.

in a not sincere and slightly dishonest way I never expected her to act so disingenuously.
having many good qualities that you respect and It is an admirable book, the first to tell the whole
admire truth about the war.

polite behaviour He didn't even have the courtesy to apologise.

someone who is likely to do a particular thing or Once you have a list of prospective candidates, you
achieve a particular position need to do a bit of research.

very heavy (rain) I woke to the sound of torrential rain.

careful attention that you give to what is
happening, so that you will notice any danger or The increasing use of child-proof containers for
illegal activity medicines is helpful, but vigilance is still necessary.
when you think about other people’s feelings and
needs He shows no consideration for others.

to do or give something, because something When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with
similar has been done or given to you some remark of my own.

unkind, cruel, or strict We need harsher laws to deal with dangerous drivers.

a flat container with a handle that you use with a

brush to remove dust and waste from the floor I carried the mess in the dustpan into the garden.

using your instincts, without needing to think

carefully about what you are going to do The cat instinctively knew she could trust us.

an instrument that shows the direction you are

travelling in, with a needle that always points After we took the wrong path, we had to use a
north compass to find our way back to camp.

relating to using styles that are very different

from traditional styles of art, music, literature etc. He studied modernist architecture at university.

something which is futuristic looks unusual and

modern, as if it belongs in the future instead of
the present The futuristic sports stadium is the pride of the city.

to increase or improve something The publicity boosted sales by 30%.

a large company that has offices in many different They worked in a Connecticut-based multinational
countries that produces chemicals.

unwilling to believe that people have good,

honest, or sincere reasons for doing something The public is cynical about election promises.
a situation or state in which something increases In the harbour you got a secondary ebb and flow
and decreases in a kind of pattern between the main tides.
Our manager was so rigid, he'd never listen to our
very unwilling to change your ideas ideas.
to open your mouth wide and breathe deeply
because you are tired or bored He looked at his watch and yawned.

without delay She replied promptly.

She then earned a doctorate in political sociology at
a university degree at the highest level City University of New York.
He seems completely unbothered about what she
worried or upset said.
opposing someone in authority or the rules of
society He's always had a rebellious attitude.
He loved taking part in the performing arts after
arts such as dance, music, or drama school.
the subjects that students learn at a school, Are politicians the best people to be developing the
college etc educational curriculum?
to criticise someone or something, especially
unfairly 'I hate this job.' 'Don't knock it – it could be worse!'

very small in amount or degree Doctors say she has only a slim chance of recovery.

known and admired by a lot of people, especially

for a special skill, achievement, or quality She's renowned as a brilliant speaker.

to be sold for a particular amount of money The painting fetched $1.2 million.
Employers have an obligation to provide a safe
a moral or legal duty to do something working environment.
It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3
completely unreasonable or silly hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

a good quality or feature The new scheme has several merits.

to make something start happening The speech sparked off riots.

having a natural ability to do one or more things
extremely well She is a gifted poet.
with a lot of artistic skill, or in a way that is
related to an artist's skills He arranged the flowers artistically.
More women are now attaining high positions in
to achieve something after trying for a long time business.

used to say that a situation is not exactly as you

describe it, but the effect is the same as if it were The war was, to all intents and purposes, over.

a situation that could possibly happen I might get the job, but it is an unlikely scenario.

changing the way something is produced or done,

so that computers or robots are used instead of
workers Automation of some processes can help us save time.
if a process accelerates or if you accelerate it, it Economic growth should accelerate as the year goes
starts to happen more quickly on.
to expect that something will happen in the
future No one could have foreseen such a disaster.
The present economic policy is a continuation of the
when something continues to exist or happen earlier one.

someone who earns money for the job they do She is the only wage earner in the family.
He was filled with deep resentment at being passed
when you feel angry or upset about a situation over for promotion.

the period when a young person is developing

into an adult, usually between the ages of 12 and During adolescence, boys and girls are sometimes
18 very shy and lacking in self-confidence.
We have seen the growth of consumerism over the
the buying and selling of goods and services last years.
Similar sentiments were expressed by many
an opinion or feeling you have about something politicians.
The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood
to express or show something in a short way of the country at that time.
a large amount of traffic that makes it difficult for Councillors are looking at ways to reduce traffic
vehicles to move around congestion in the town centre.

believing or feeling something very strongly She is a fervent supporter of human rights.

a list of all the things in a place They made an inventory of the museum.
the traditional customs, buildings, arts etc that We cannot deny the importance of preserving the
are important to a country cultural heritage.
a group of towns that have spread and become They lived in the densely populated conurbations of
joined together Britain.

to show the public something for the first time, or

tell them about a new plan, product etc He unveiled a painting of the princess in a pink gown.
She left her car in a multi-storey car park near the
a multi-storey building has many levels shopping centre.

to shine softly and pleasantly The table was gleaming with wax polish.
They got on the red double-decker bus in the centre
something with two levels, especially a bus of London.
a frame or shelf with bars, where you can put or
keep things Put the suitcase on the luggage rack.
to put something firmly and deeply into
something else A piece of glass was embedded in her hand.
Don't always strive for perfection. Done is better than
to try very hard to do something perfect.
a place or situation that you like very much or
that is very beautiful Hawaii is a paradise for wind surfers.

the basic systems and structures that a country or

organisation needs in order to work properly, for Where existing infrastructure is poor, development is
example roads, railways, banks etc slow.

to be in a leading position in an important activity

that is trying to achieve something or develop The company has always been at the forefront of
new ideas science and technology.
to officially take something away from someone Customs officers confiscated his passport.

the quality of being lively and full of energy She missed the liveliness of the city.
the activity of riding on ocean waves standing on He felt he had only come alive when he started
a board surfing.
changing so much that you do not know what to Be careful during your hike, the weather is
expect unpredictable today.

a large part or amount of something Hospital bills took a big chunk out of her savings.

if people flock to a place, a lot of them go there People have been flocking to see the play.

a person who supports you in a difficult situation She knew she had found an ally in Ted.

something that happens or exists, especially

something that is unusual or difficult to
understand The phenomenon of laughter is unknown in animals.
someone who has just begun learning a skill or
activity I'm still a complete novice at the sport.

to reduce the power or strength of something

and prevent it from causing trouble Is there a product to tame my hair?

to want something very much The child was bored and craved attention.

to move smoothly and quietly, as if without effort A swan glided across the surface of the lake.
a change in something, or the process of changing I have just made a couple of minor alterations to the
it drawings.

to make someone want to do something I was tempted to eat the whole cake.

to guess why something happened or what will

happen next without knowing all the facts He refused to speculate on the cause of the accident.
Your contention in this discussion doesn't make any
a strong opinion that someone expresses sense.

an opinion about a person, group, or idea which

makes you treat them unfairly or differently He has accused his employers of racial bias.

based on or relating to facts Your report is full of factual errors.

a similarity between two people or things, There's a slight resemblance between Mike and his
especially in the way they look cousin.
a new activity that involves taking risks, especially
in business The new venture was not a success.
used to tell someone they should not forget a fact
or idea Here are a few things to bear in mind.
Everyone in the centre has been through a steep
the rate at which you learn a new skill learning curve.
The economy is booming and small businesses are
to develop or grow and be successful flourishing.

a new small company Together they established an Internet start-up.

So the level of investment depends on expectations
the amount of profit that a business makes about future profitability.
if something is inevitable, it will definitely happen A further escalation of the crisis now seems
and you cannot avoid it inevitable.
if a feeling overwhelms you, you feel it so strongly
that you cannot think clearly Josh was overwhelmed with guilt.

someone who gives something, especially money, The Museum received $10,000 from an anonymous
to an organisation in order to help people donor.

very likely to do something He's liable to say anything that comes into his head.
The boys remained optimistic that their musical
if a plan or decision bears fruit, it is successful career might bear fruit.
someone who is quiet and shy, and does not As an introvert, I need to recharge my mental
enjoy being with other people batteries after spending time with people.

a situation or statement that seems strange

because it involves two ideas or qualities that are It's a paradox that so many poor people are living in
very different such a rich country.

very happy She's over the moon about her new job.
There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her
making you worry or feel pain all the time mind.

to choose to do something He elected to stay at home.

a good reason for doing something There's no justification for upsetting her like that.
to include something as part of a group, system, These exercises can easily be incorporated into your
plan etc daily routine.
if someone or something has a tendency to do
something, they are likely to do it He has a tendency to talk too much.

the activity of collecting money for a specific

purpose, especially in order to help people who The school organised a fundraising to collect money
are ill, old etc for new equipment.
to try to stop something bad from happening or To combat inflation, the government raised interest
getting worse rates.
someone who is in charge of a meeting or She is the chair of the board of governors at a local
committee school.
a group of people who are chosen to discuss
something or answer questions A panel of experts has looked at the proposal.
Please collate and staple ten copies of the report for
to arrange sheets of paper in the correct order the meeting.

to go down He slowly descended the steps.

your relation to a place because you were born Alex Haley's story about his search for his roots
there, or your family used to live there became a bestseller.
When they come of age, we'll have a special
to reach the age when you are legally an adult celebration.

to think about something in a serious way Have you contemplated resigning?

when you remember something from the past, or
something you remember He had no recollection of the accident.
a plant that produces grain used for making flour,
or this grain The farmer grows wheat here.
a game in which a child tries to find other children
who are hiding He suggested a game of hide-and-seek.
when someone or something moves to a higher
position They attempted an ascent of Mount Everest.

to push things into a small space She stuffed some clothes into a bag and left.

to be similar to someone or something She resembles her mother in many ways.

the way you are feeling, for example whether you
are happy or sad The children were all in high spirits.

a sudden increase There's been a surge in food costs.

He got a job offer abroad and moved shortly
after a particular event or time thereafter.
We were saved from the storm when we miraculously
extremely luckily and completely unexpectedly discovered a cave on the island.

shared by a lot of people on the internet The clip soon went viral.
a cheque that you get each week or each month She got her first pay cheque today and decided to get
for doing your job herself a nice dinner.

someone whose job is to check that something is

satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed I showed my ticket to the ticket inspector.
These trees were spared because they offered shade
to not damage or harm someone or something on the pavement.

very surprising or shocking She spent a staggering £2,000 on a new dress.

if something sticks in your mind, you remember it
well because it was surprising, interesting etc It's the kind of name that sticks in your mind.

containing or made from ideas or expressions

that have been used many times before and are Children love jokes and riddles that are heavily
therefore not very new or interesting formulaic.
confused by something that you do not
understand The child looked totally perplexed.

a letter that you send with a document or The documents had been returned to him, with no
package, which gives more information about it covering letter or word of explanation.
The finished manuscript was sent to the publisher on
a book or piece of writing before it is printed 5 January.
to buy something immediately or take an
opportunity to get something At that price, they'll be snapped up in no time.
These skills were passed on to subsequent
happening or coming after something else generations.

ordinary, and not very interesting or exciting The whole ceremony was rather pedestrian.
the first time that a performer or sports player
performs in public He made his debut for Wales in 98.

to make it difficult for someone to do something

by preventing them from thinking clearly about
what they are doing Stop laughing – you're putting me off!
when someone refuses to do, accept, or allow
something His refusal to pay the fine means he may go to prison.
the things that will happen to someone in the Nancy wondered whether it was her destiny to live in
future England and become a scientist.
the fact of needing someone or something in
order to exist, be successful, healthy etc We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
something that is undesirable is not wanted
because it may have a bad effect The treatment has no undesirable side-effects.
using or involving a lot of people or things They conducted a large-scale rescue operation.

The country is making efforts to expand such

economic sectors as tourism and information
one part of a country’s economy technology.
something that makes your life difficult, especially
not having enough money Many families were suffering hardship.

the business of producing goods in factories Thousands of jobs had been lost in manufacturing.
New gas supplies have cut the cost of fuel
to a considerable degree considerably.
History and economics only became separate
a particular subject of study academic disciplines in the 20th century.
relating to, or teaching, the skills needed to do a After that students go off to vocational and on-the-
job job training.
if you do something at someone’s expense, they
pay for you to do it His mansion was refurnished at taxpayers' expense.

a place that provides protection from danger We can take refuge in this hut until the storm passes.
A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be
used to add something to what you have said offered a bonus scheme.
considering everything All in all, the evening went well.

used before mentioning the last person or thing

in a list, to emphasise that they are still important Last but not least, I'd like to thank my mother.
used to say that the next thing you mention will
be the last thing And lastly, I'd like to thank my producer.

used at the end of a piece of speech or writing

before repeating the main information in a few To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular
words exercise and stop smoking.
a vehicle pulled by a horse and used to carry
things A cart drove very loudly into the yard below.
the main set of related events in a story The play had a strong storyline.
special skills or knowledge that you learn by Each scientist had expertise in either mammals,
experience or training insects, birds, or plants.

helpful or useful The agreement will be beneficial to both groups.

Business letters do not have to be impersonal and
not showing any sympathy, friendliness etc formal.
the state of owning something, or the fact that a
particular person owns something The price of home ownership is increasing.
Let's try to avoid emotive subjects during this
causing strong feelings of anger, sadness etc meeting.

when an institution, building, or road is closed Further factory closures have been announced.
working, happening, or being used with someone The worksheets should be used in conjunction with
or something else the video.
in a way that makes people like or approve of I believe history will look favourably on your
someone or something economic and financial skills.
very much He enjoyed it immensely.

buildings that are in disrepair are in bad condition

because they have not been cared for The old house had fallen into disrepair.
a lucrative job or activity is one that you earn a lot
of money from He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
Both cities have a wealth of attractions that make
attractive or interesting them appealing.
to make something seem better, larger, worse etc
than it really is I couldn't sleep for three days – I'm not exaggerating.

a rhetorical question is one that you ask as a way

of making a statement, without expecting an That was not a rhetorical question. I'm expecting an
answer answer from you.
when something happens again or is done again
many times We don't want a repetition of this disaster.
After their election victory, party members seemed
very happy, or making people very happy positively joyful.
very bad The weather was appalling.

Often an informal group will eat lunch near a machine

a place in a factory, school etc where people can or other work station, even though a canteen is
get meals, usually cheaply available.
to improve something Salt enhances flavour.

used when saying that someone completely

agrees with or supports someone or something I agree wholeheartedly with the mayor on this issue.

This rule change constitutes a completely different

to be considered to be something approach to how the referee can penalise the team.
towards the top of a hill I don't like cycling uphill.
the desire to continue trying to do something I admire her determination to work her way through
even when it is difficult law school.
She trained hard to become one of the best
someone who competes in a race motorcycle racers in the country.

a way of speaking or writing that is formal,

informal, humorous etc that you use when you
are in a particular situation Business letters should be written in a formal register.

relating to the supervision of people or activities The mayor has a supervisory role.
We should be grateful if you would reply at your
as soon as possible – used in letters earliest convenience.
ill I felt poorly.
Inland there are attractive narrow rivers for gentle
the activity of rowing a canoe canoeing.

large in amount or area The exhibition received extensive media coverage.

to move to a higher position The plane ascended rapidly.

an act of climbing or something you have to climb It was a long but steady climb to the top.
the desire to know about something I opened the box to satisfy my curiosity.
the usual polite way of ending a formal letter
which begins Dear Sir or Dear Madam Yours faithfully, Miss V. Neil
far away from other places Not many people visit this isolated spot.
Her engaging personality helped her make many
pleasant and attracting your interest friends in school.
We had a highly entertaining evening at the opera
interesting and enjoyable house.
exciting or unusual things that happen Maggie's life is always full of drama.
when you stop working or have stopped working Her coworkers threw a party to celebrate her
because you are old retirement and thank her for her work.
a sudden change in a story or situation that you
did not expect Her disappearance added a new twist to the story.
Wakehurst Place is a beautiful Elizabethan mansion
a very large house known primarily for its exotic gardens.
if someone comes across in a particular way, they
seem to have particular qualities He comes across as a nice guy.

very good We sell quality clothing at a price you can afford.

to do two different activities at the same time He manages to combine family life with a career.

a feeling of liking or loving someone or something Barry felt a great affection for her.
a descriptive word or piece of writing describes When you write your paragraph, include as many
something descriptive details as possible.
showing your feelings in a way that makes other
people notice you Tony threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture.
to laugh loudly and continuously By this time, Michael was roaring with laughter.
making you feel very excited or frightened, in an The festival opened with the famous director's latest
enjoyable way spine-tingling film.

if someone is absorbed in something, they are

very interested in something that they are doing,
watching etc I was completely absorbed in the book.
making you feel strong emotions, especially Attending the memorial service was a moving
sadness or sympathy experience.
a tragic event, situation, or story is very sad, This trend has already had plenty of tragic
especially because it involves death consequences.
boring and always the same Life on the farm was slow and monotonous.

someone who is absent-minded often forgets or

does not notice things because they are thinking She's a brilliant scientist but hopelessly absent-
of something else minded.
What you said was very mean-spirited. You should
not generous or sympathetic apologise.
a film, book, or story that is very sad and makes
you cry His latest movie is a typical Hollywood tearjerker.
Being a kind-hearted woman, she felt sorry for the
kind and generous poor child.
Their travels took them to the sun-baked Moroccan
made very hard and dry by the sun desert.
something designed to reduce the time usually I never knew how much of a time-saver a dishwasher
needed to do something is.

a thought-provoking film, book etc makes you

think deeply about the subject of the film, book
etc It is readable, informative and thought-provoking.

a number, level, performance, or person that is

the highest, lowest, biggest, best etc of its type
that has ever happened or existed She's a national record-breaker in swimming.
The character was memorably introduced as sailing
in a memorable way on a sinking ship.
The books in the library are divided into fiction and
books about real facts or events non-fiction.
At the end of the story, the villain is caught and
the main bad character in a story, film etc punished.
The site of the new road has been a controversial
causing a lot of disagreement among people issue.
extremely well The sun was shining brilliantly.

using jokes to make a person or political party The evening performance includes a comedy group
seem silly so that people will see their faults that does political satire.
the quality of being absurd, or something that
seems absurd Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
said or written at the beginning of a book or
speech in order to explain what it is about Write a short introductory paragraph for your essay.
something that is authentic really is what it seems
to be They play music on authentic medieval instruments.
the way that a computer game is designed and
the skills that you need to play it This is packed with brilliant graphics and gameplay.
They had to drive very slowly over the difficult
a particular type of land terrain.

things you say to praise someone or something Most parents are full of praise for the school.

the quality of being new, different, and unusual It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off.
She's a vet, of course she's knowledgeable about
knowing a lot animals!
not good, or not as good as someone or
something else Iron is greatly inferior to steel in many ways.
ordinary and boring Initially, the work was pretty mundane.
old and in bad condition Hugh's jacket was old and shabby.
shining brightly with points of flashing light We sat and stared at the sparkling blue lake.
very good The staff are doing a splendid job.
very boring I'm done with this tedious discussion.
Every time I listen to the soundtrack from 'Top Gun', I
the recorded music from a film or game want to watch the film again.
extremely Gloria is an exceptionally gifted singer.

You can't just criticise their work, you need to do it

in a helpful way constructively, so that they know how to improve.

At its best, badminton has been proven to be more

a game in which you hit a small object with demanding, faster and requiring more agility than
feathers on it over a net tennis.
five-a-side football is played with five players on
each side, usually indoors He also plays five-a-side soccer three times a week.
The course comprises a class book, a practice book,
to consist of particular parts, groups, or people and a CD.
if two things happen simultaneously, they happen The opera will be broadcast simultaneously on
at the same time television and radio.
Spanish and Catalan are two entirely distinct
clearly different or separate languages.

a small part of a larger group of people or things Only a minority of students get a first-class degree.
to get the greatest advantage you can from a
situation Go out and make the most of the sunshine.

a set of written questions that you answer in

order to give information about something Students were asked to fill out a questionnaire.
the way in which something is used, or the
amount of it that is used Water usage is increasing.

About 30% of respondents were under twenty-one,

36% were 21-30, and 34% over thirty; 52% were
someone who answers questions in a survey female.
Thirty percent of customers expressed dissatisfaction
a feeling of not being satisfied with the service.
We were fortunate enough to get tickets for the last
lucky show.
to someone’s advantage, or so that someone
wins The new rules should actually work in your favour.

to agree to give someone money for a charity if

they do something difficult, for example walk a Eva said she was doing a ten-mile walk for charity and
long way asked if I'd sponsor her.
a reason, argument etc that is based on what is
reasonable or sensible I'm not sure about the validity of this argument.
to stop taking part in a race, competition etc, or
to leave an organisation Injury forced her to withdraw from the race.
someone who publicly supports someone or
something She's a passionate advocate of body positivity.
to learn about something so that you know it well Familiarise yourself with the office routine.
shiny and smooth She stroked the horse's long glossy neck.
to not have something or not have enough of
something The only thing she lacks is experience.

the time in your life when you go to school They shared the memories from their schooldays.
a joke that is only understood by a particular I didn't understand any of their in-jokes but they
group of people seemed to be having fun.

a method used to make something successful There's no magic formula for success.
something you learn from a story The moral of the story is that crime doesn't pay.
relating to a corporation or the people in it Our corporate headquarters are in Houston.
intended for people who have never done
something before They attended an introductory course in French.

ideas, advice, money, or effort that you put into a

job or activity in order to help it succeed We'll need input from community nurses.

services such as food and drink that an There was a reception in the hospitality suite before
organisation provides for guests at a special event the game.

to start doing or saying something that a lot of After a couple of politicians won elections by
people are already doing or saying – used to show promising to cut taxes, most of the others got on the
disapproval bandwagon.
caring more about other people’s needs and
happiness than about your own You can't expect a large corporation to be altruistic.
The company uses chemicals that are
in a way that relates to the environment environmentally safe.
to use most of your time, effort etc doing
something She devoted most of her spare time to tennis.
exactly right for you This sort of thing should be right up your street.
Driving conditions are dangerous, with black ice in
an area of ice that is very difficult to see many areas.
something that you are lucky to have the chance
to do It's been a privilege to meet you, ma'am.
if you are insecure, you do not feel confident
about yourself He felt lonely and insecure away from his family.
feeling impatient or angry because you are unable
to do what you want I get really frustrated with my computer sometimes.
wanting to protect someone from harm He is very protective towards his children.
showing respect for someone or something The interviewer was very respectful.
annoyed because of delays or mistakes that make
you wait The passengers were becoming impatient.

satisfied and happy I don't need anything else. I'm content with my life.
angry and upset because you feel you have been
treated unfairly I feel very bitter about what happened.

uncomfortable and worried about what other

people think about you or your appearance He felt self-conscious in his new suit.

willing to do anything to change a bad situation, Joe had been unemployed for over a year and was
even if it is dangerous or unpleasant getting desperate.

wanting to do something very much, or waiting

with excitement for something to happen Rosie was eager to leave.

someone who is realistic accepts the facts about a

situation and realises what is possible and what is You need to be realistic about your chances of
not possible winning.

refusing to change your mind even when other

people criticise you or try to persuade you Steve can be very stubborn sometimes.

behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because

you think you are more important than other
people What an arrogant, selfish person!
not certain about something I'm still doubtful if I should take the job.

producing or achieving a lot Some of us are more productive in the morning.

a sudden uncontrolled movement of a muscle in
your face Tension prodded a tic under her eye.
if something or someone drives you mad, you find
them very annoying The flies are driving me mad.
sympathy for someone who is suffering I was shocked by their lack of compassion.
I never forgot the generosity he showed to my
a generous attitude, or generous behaviour parents.
only Grants are awarded solely on the basis of need.

to understand how serious or important a

situation or problem is or what someone’s He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing
feelings are the contract.
to think that something is very important or
valuable These coins are prized by collectors.
very severe pain, sadness, or worry He was lying on the floor in agony.
to make someone feel slightly nervous, worried,
or upset The sudden changes unsettled Judy.

someone who is genuine is honest and sincere She's a charming girl, and as genuine as her sister.
in a way that does not help in a situation and He was unhelpfully commenting on everything we
sometimes makes it worse were doing.
relating to the medical care and treatment of sick
animals All of the rescued dogs need veterinary attention.
a small piece of paper or plastic with a picture or I know what his car looks like – it's yellow, and he's
writing on it, that you can put onto something got this sticker on the back window.
It's a large educational establishment with over 2,000
an institution, organisation, or business pupils.
when something is kept below a particular They put a limitation on how many books you can
amount take from the library at a time.
something good that you think will happen The trip didn't live up to our expectations.
to try to avoid someone or something I steer clear of talking about politics.
the study of ideas about life, thought, and
behaviour She's studying philosophy at university.
a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly The political situation in the region is still extremely
and become worse volatile.
something that is mandatory must be done
because of a rule or law Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.

by everyone The practice is by no means universally accepted.

involving only small unimportant changes, instead We're making a few cosmetic changes to the house
of more important ones before we sell it.

mainly Toy advertisements are aimed primarily at children.

an idea which is wrong or untrue, but which

people believe because they do not understand
the subject properly There is a lot of misconceptions about video games.
to provide a particular group of people with the Vegetarians are well catered for at the local
things they need or want restaurants.
to be destroyed by natural processes, in a way Let's get paper straws for our drinks, they'll
that does not harm the environment biodegrade much faster than plastic ones.

to eat or drink something This poison had been ingested by our two patients.
The company is making an attempt to stem the
to stop something from spreading or growing decline in profits.

to make the amount of something dangerous or To minimise the risk of getting heart disease, exercise
unpleasant as small as possible daily.
Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming
happening soon events.
a small flat thin piece of something The paint was coming off the door in flakes.
People who discard their litter in the streets should
to get rid of something have to pay heavy fines.
Chemical pollution has had a devastating effect on
causing a lot of damage the environment.

to remember something I seem to recall we had problems finding the place.

to become or make something become smaller or
less He tried to diminish their achievements.
to make someone experience or feel something The movie tried to recapture the innocence of
again childhood.

an official warning that a police officer or judge

gives to someone who has done something wrong He was let off with a caution.
a stomach illness caused by eating food that Poor hygiene and handling are also to blame for food
contains harmful bacteria poisoning.

a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to The president is eager to close tax loopholes for
legally avoid doing what the law says foreign companies.

As proprietors of the general store, Mr and Mrs

the owner of a business Stacey knew everything that went on in the town.
lack of knowledge or information Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
having the purpose of giving advice He was employed in a purely advisory role.
an experience from which you learn something
new or surprising A visit to a farm is an eye-opener to a city child.

if you associate two people or things, or if they

are associated, you see that they are connected
in some way You don't normally associate sunshine with England.
existing in large quantities The food was abundant and delicious.
This new type of aluminum is much stronger than the
a silver-white metal that is light and easy to bend one we were using previously.
to use something effectively so that you get as
much advantage as possible from it We must exploit the country's mineral resources.

the science of making electronic equipment, such

as computers or televisions She's got a degree in electronics.
the medical study of the mouth and teeth, or the He still needed to choose between studying dentistry
work of a dentist or medicine.

if you confine yourself or your activities to one

thing, you do only that thing, or you do
something, using only that thing We confined our research to young people.
Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health
the process of producing babies, eggs etc of the dolphins.

an endemic disease or problem is always present

in a particular place, or among a particular group
of people This pest is endemic to corn fields in Europe.
an invasive species spreads quickly in an area, so The population of local birds has decreased due to
that it becomes a problem the arrival of the invasive species.
We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable
easily harmed, hurt, or attacked groups.
an endangered animal, bird etc is one that may
soon no longer exist because there are so few of
them The lizards are classed as an endangered species.
a subtle taste, smell, sound, or colour is pleasant
and delicate There was a subtle scent of mint in the air.
the colours or pattern of colours on a plant or I was amazed at the beautiful colouration of the
animal parrots.
She was hoping for career advancement after she
development finished the course.
Her enthusiasm and competitiveness rubbed off on
the fact or quality of wanting to win everyone.
a quality that is part of someone’s character Does Bryce have any bad traits?
His houseboat was anchored overnight in a cove at
a river boat that you can live in Lake Shasta.
not satisfied with your situation and wanting new
experiences After three years at college, I started to get restless.
a well-balanced person is sensible and does not I enjoyed working with her, she's an incredibly well-
suddenly become angry, upset etc balanced person.

the belief that good things will happen Recent results must give some cause for optimism.

only This offer is available exclusively to club members.

Some students were born in this city, while some
far away, especially from home came from further afield.

a person on the television or radio whose job is to And now let's hear from our weatherman, Jack, on
say what the weather will be like what we can expect from the weather this weekend.

Most people, when faced with doing something that

your comfort zone is the range of activities or lies outside their comfort zone, will get nervous and
situations that you feel happy and confident in panic.

to walk with short steps, with your body moving

from one side to the other – used especially
about people or birds with fat bodies and short
legs Half a dozen ducks waddled up the bank.

the scientific study of weather His work was largely within the field of meteorology.
the place where someone or something is His whereabouts are a mystery.

the state of being very interested in something She had a fascination with science.
The curator was able to find several ancient statues
someone who is in charge of a museum and acquire them for the museum.
to expand the limit of your ideas, knowledge, and
experience Travelling abroad can broaden your horizons.
from a plane or happening in the air They used a plane to take the aerial pictures.
big and difficult to move The package was too bulky to fit into the car.
Maggie stumbled across the field with only a narrow
a line of light or energy beam of light from her flashlight to help her.

an artificial lake where water is stored before it is Every available stretch of water – be it river, sea or
supplied to people’s houses reservoir – is likely to harbour a sailing club.
a very large city, or the most important city of a
country After 1850 Paris grew quickly into a busy metropolis.
a suggested explanation for something which has The results of our experiment confirmed this
not yet been proved hypothesis.
to remember something I know her but I don't recollect her name.
to relax and stop thinking about your work or
problems Swimming helps me unwind after a stressful day.
Can I pick your brain about what to buy for Claire for
ask someone for ideas her birthday?
the buildings and land that a shop, company etc We would prefer if you didn't eat your lunch on the
uses premises.

if a loan, agreement, rate etc is favourable, the

conditions of it are reasonable and not too They offered us a great interest rate, more favourable
expensive or difficult than the other bank.

As a perfectionist, I want to do everything perfectly

someone who is not satisfied with anything unless but sometimes I need to remind myself that good is
it is completely perfect fine too.
without any definite plan, aim, or pattern Participants were chosen at random.
The helicopter trip over the mountains was a thrilling
interesting and exciting end to a fantastic holiday.
Sky-diving is a scary but at the same time exhilarating
making you feel extremely happy and excited experience.
a very small amount of something She paused for a fraction of a second.
The incident made a lasting impression on me. It was
continuing for a long time hard for me to stop thinking about it.
My memories of that day are a little hazy. I remember
not clear or exact only some bits of it.
a supply of something that is kept to be used at a
time when it is needed Water reserves are dangerously low.
to give someone the right to have or do
something Employees are entitled to free health insurance.
The car is put through rigorous road performance
careful and thorough tests.
cheerful and making you feel that good things will I prefer movies with more upbeat endings, so that I'm
happen not sad after watching them.
His rousing speeches helped gather volunteers for the
making people excited and eager to do something beach clean-up.
We were all in a sombre mood after our team was
sad and serious defeated.
Cooking vegetables for too long lessens their
relating to the way food affects your health nutritional value.
money or food that is given to someone because After they lost their jobs, they relied on food
they are poor handouts from the state.
Her family are quite well-off, so she could afford to
fairly rich rent a bigger apartment.
I have some heartening news! My sister is feeling
making you feel happier and more hopeful much better now.
to complain in a sad annoying voice about
something A lot of people moaned about the parking problems.

teaching children at home instead of sending The nearest school was many kilometres away so the
them to school parents decided for homeschooling their children.
when someone or something can be trusted and There's enough evidence to give credibility to this
believed by people theory.

not wanting to do something, or refusing to do it He's unwilling to admit he was wrong.

My eyesight seems to have deteriorated. I will need
to become worse stronger glasses.

Employees expect flexibility in the workplace so that

the ability to change and suit new conditions they can adjust their schedules to their private lives.
to gradually start to happen A note of panic had crept into his voice.
completely The rumours are wholly untrue.
The argument was an isolated incident. We usually
happening only once, or existing in only one place get along fine.
He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right
with the result that something happens to vote.

annoying or boring It has been a tiresome day. I just want to go to sleep.

determined to get money, even by unfair or He turned out to be a money-grabbing person who
illegal methods would do anything to get rich.

a group of people who have a lot of power

because they have money, knowledge, or special Some goods once reserved for the elite are now
skills available to everyone.
if you emulate someone, you try to be like them
because you admire them Children emulate their heroes.
mostly or mainly The city's population is predominantly Irish.
when someone suddenly shows a strong emotion,
especially anger He later apologised for his outburst.
to tell a story or describe events Alan recounted how he and Joyce had met.
a regular journey to work My morning commute takes 45 minutes.
The teacher was very strict and therefore laughter
something that happens was a rare occurrence in his classroom.
All the arrangements should be completed prior to
before your departure.

if a possible event or plan materialises, it happens His dream failed to materialise.

when people or groups accept less than they

really want, especially in order to make an
agreement To stop the argument they decided on a compromise.
Eat fruit between meals, and try to avoid sugary
(food) containing sugar or tasting like sugar snacks.
to make someone feel less worried about Police have reassured the public that the area is now
something perfectly safe.

an event which will probably or definitely happen

in the future – used when you say how you feel
about it The prospect of selling the house terrified Alice.
the newest and most exciting stage in the Their research is at the cutting edge of science. No
development of something one has tried this method before.
able to influence what happens or what people Jacobson's one of the most influential people in New
think York.
important, interesting, or unusual enough to be A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell
noticed tower.
a vehicle that can travel in space You need a spaceship to travel to other planets.

an amount of money given to someone by an She received a research grant of $50,000 to study the
organisation for a particular purpose effect of pollution on the environment.
She's an eminent psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical
famous and respected School.

the act of becoming involved with something bad They voted against the government's intervention to
in order to change what happens regulate prices.

used to say that you cannot understand why I don't know what possessed me to buy such an ugly
someone did something stupid dress.
to start expressing a different opinion about You've changed your tune all of a sudden! Now you
something like the idea?

a friend of a bridegroom, who helps him to get He asked his brother to be the best man at his
ready and stands next to him during the wedding wedding.
a list of all the people who are employed by a The company has over a thousand people on its
company payroll.

a situation in which computer-generated

information, images etc are combined with things This app uses augmented reality to show 3D models
in the real world or images of real things of animals in your room!
the ability to understand a situation only after it With hindsight, I should have warned you to expect
has happened trouble.
a series of levels within an organisation, She managed to climb the career ladder and became
profession, or society the new CEO.
She's the top dog now, and doesn't have to prove
the most powerful or important person in a group herself any more.
I feel that there is a lack of direction in my life. I don't
a purpose or aim really know what I want from life.
if something springs to mind, you immediately I looked at the costumes they were wearing and
think of it many questions sprung to my mind.
a meal that you buy from a restaurant to eat at
home, or a restaurant that sells this food I don't feel like cooking tonight, let's have a takeaway.
a time when there is suddenly a lot of activity and After a quiet spell there was a sudden flurry of phone
people are very busy calls.

a lot of public praise for someone or something His first novel received widespread acclaim.
very worrying or frightening Giving a speech is a nerve-racking experience.
happy feelings when you think something good is Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as the concert
going to happen started.
shown on a computer screen, or on a television or
cinema screen Click 'Yes', then follow the on-screen instructions.
to look very carefully, especially because it is
difficult for you to see something clearly Someone was peering through the window.

better than people think or say I can't believe this book is so underrated! I loved it.

a year between leaving school and starting After he graduated, he decided to take a gap year and
university, in which someone travels or works travel around the world.
not friendly or not interested She seemed cold and distant.
to continue for a long period of time The project will probably stretch into next year.

when something continues to increase, develop, The campaign continued to gather momentum as
or become more successful more and more people became interested in it.
A week in the mountains should recharge my
to rest or relax in order to get back your energy batteries.
when you feel desperate, or when a situation is
very bad They looked in desperation for a way out.
official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent The new rules should help cut the red tape for
things from being done quickly farmers.

The goalkeeper proved to be the weakest link in the

the person or thing in a situation that is less match. His performance cost the team the
strong, skilful etc than the others championship.
for some of the distance or after some of the time
has passed, halfway She left partway through the two-year contract.
very unusual and strange They tell the most bizarre stories about him.
a time when there is less business activity and There is evidence of a downturn in the housing
conditions become worse market.
to receive money or property from someone
when they die He inherited £10,000 from his aunt.
if a fact dawns on you, you realise it for the first
time It dawned on me that Jo had been right all along.
physical or mental strength that lets you continue You should try exercises that improve speed and
doing something for a long time stamina.

the sport of climbing mountains or rocks Dan taught me the basic techniques of rock climbing.

someone with transferable skills is able to use By identifying your transferable skills, you will be able
their skills to do a job for which they have not to see a wider range of career possibilities that you
been formally trained are capable of undertaking.

if something is effortless, you can do it very easily His running looks effortless.
The afternoon's exertions had left us feeling
when you make a great effort exhausted.

a family group that consists of parents, children, We are making a big party and all of our extended
and also of grandparents, aunts, uncles etc family is invited!
a board above a swimming pool that people can The children had a lot of fun jumping from the diving
jump from board into the pool.

to hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball She batted the ball and sent it flying though the air.
the process of officially introducing someone into Her induction as councillor took place in the town
a group or organisation hall.
We need to come up with an innovative solution to a
new, different and good common problem.
I had to deal with the heavy workload caused by my
the amount of work you must do coworker's absence.
The event ran smoothly, with no problems
with no problems whatsoever.

if you do something for the sake of it, you do it

because you want to and not for any particular
reason He likes spending money just for the sake of it.
to study mainly one subject or do mainly one
activity She's a lawyer who specialises in tax law.

the sport of swimming under water using a I always enjoyed swimming so when we were in
container of air on your back to help you breathe Hawaii, I decided to try scuba diving.
not in a good physical condition He's still unfit after his injury.

to practise, or make people practise, something

such as a play or concert before giving a public
performance The band has been rehearsing at the studio all day.

to succeed in doing something As you accomplish each task, cross it off your list.
The new movie was hysterical. I laughed so hard my
extremely funny stomach hurt!
Prices have increased substantially and now many
very much people can't afford to pay rent.
a high-pressure job or situation is one in which She decided to give up her high-pressure job on Wall
you must work very hard to succeed Street, as it was too stressful for her.
used to say that you think something is probably One of the players is sick, so presumably, the tennis
true match will be cancelled.
We were stunned by the spectacular view of the
very impressive Grand Canyon.
doing something because you enjoy it, not She's an amateur tennis player but with her skills I'm
because it is your job sure she could play professionally.
Sometimes wearing a suit makes me feel more
sensible and practical in the way you do things businesslike.
It's principally a language college, but they do teach
mainly some other subjects.
The surgeons used a robotic arm to perform the
using robots, or relating to robots operation.

When she saw the exam questions, her mind went

if your mind goes blank, you are suddenly unable blank and she couldn't remember anything she had
to remember something learnt.
I need my screwdriver to fix the shelf but it's not in
a tool that you use for turning screws my toolbox.
involving two or more people collaborating in a The project was a collaborative work of the entire
task group.
The report stresses the necessity of eating plenty of
when you must do something fresh fruit and vegetables.
used to show which subject or thing you are As far as money is concerned, the club is doing fairly
talking about well.
to rest and relax after a lot of hard work or This week was very stressful so I'll try to wind down
excitement by taking a walk in the park.

to have a particular position on a list that shows

how good or important people or things are, or to
decide someone’s or something’s position in a list The lake must rank as one of the most beautiful in
like this Europe.
Our primary concern is the safety of the children.
most important Nothing is more important.
the study of how genes affect the development of During their genetics course they learned how people
living things inherit their eye colour.
something that takes your attention away from I can't study at home – there are too many
what you are doing distractions.
money that a business or the government Most of the theatre's revenue comes from ticket
receives sales.
He arrived late, and on top of that, he hadn't brought
used to add something to what you have said any equipment.
to change something completely so that it is the
opposite of what it was before We cannot reverse the ageing process.
This road is closed to motor vehicles. Only bikes can
a car, bus etc use this road.
GSE Exam part Notes & Queries
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 1

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- Part 3
Reading and Use of English
- Part 3
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

67 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 3
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74 Part 3
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75 Part 3
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67 Part 3
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73 Part 3
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78 Part 3
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74 Part 3
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73 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 3
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79 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

73 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

73 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
81 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

73 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

73 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
77 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
- Part 3
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
- Part 3

Reading and Use of English

70 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

75 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

70 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
- Part 3
Reading and Use of English
81 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
67 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
84 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
80 Part 3

Reading and Use of English

81 Part 3
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 4

Reading and Use of English

67 Part 4

Reading and Use of English

71 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
77 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
- Part 4
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80 Part 4
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70 Part 4
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69 Part 4
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69 Part 4
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82 Part 4
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70 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 4
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75 Part 4
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79 Part 4
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- Part 4
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70 Part 4
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70 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
67 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
- Part 4
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 4
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

72 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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71 Part 5
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71 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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- Part 5
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75 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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71 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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- Part 5
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70 Part 5
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- Part 5
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69 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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- Part 5
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71 Part 5
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70 Part 5

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80 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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74 Part 5
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78 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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71 Part 5

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77 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 5
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83 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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- Part 5
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68 Part 5
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71 Part 5
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77 Part 5

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78 Part 5
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79 Part 5

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71 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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75 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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- Part 5
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73 Part 5
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72 Part 5

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70 Part 5
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72 Part 5

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80 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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82 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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74 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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83 Part 5
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80 Part 5

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69 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
- Part 5
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81 Part 5
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67 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

- Part 5
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
67 Part 5
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- Part 5
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71 Part 5
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70 Part 5

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68 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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81 Part 5

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80 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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80 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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- Part 5
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71 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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69 Part 5

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79 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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73 Part 5

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67 Part 5
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71 Part 5

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71 Part 5
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80 Part 5
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80 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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76 Part 5

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71 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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73 Part 5

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72 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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71 Part 5

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74 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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77 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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- Part 5
Reading and Use of English
- Part 5
Reading and Use of English
- Part 5

Reading and Use of English

85 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 5

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72 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

70 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
67 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

- Part 5

Reading and Use of English

78 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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74 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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76 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

78 Part 5
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67 Part 5
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- Part 5
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75 Part 5
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79 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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76 Part 5
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72 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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82 Part 5
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82 Part 5

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73 Part 5
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71 Part 5

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81 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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- Part 5
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76 Part 5
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68 Part 5

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69 Part 5
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82 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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- Part 5
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69 Part 5
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81 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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76 Part 5

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84 Part 5
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69 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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71 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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80 Part 5
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80 Part 5
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- Part 5

Reading and Use of English

74 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 5
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75 Part 5
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78 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

- Part 5
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

69 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
- Part 5
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76 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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70 Part 5

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70 Part 5
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73 Part 5
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70 Part 5
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68 Part 5
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70 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 5

Reading and Use of English

74 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
80 Part 5
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

- Part 6
Reading and Use of English
80 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 6
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70 Part 6
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80 Part 6
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74 Part 6

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68 Part 6

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72 Part 6

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68 Part 6
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81 Part 6

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75 Part 6
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72 Part 6
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70 Part 6
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71 Part 6
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79 Part 6
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73 Part 6

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73 Part 6

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69 Part 6
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68 Part 6
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69 Part 6
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67 Part 6
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71 Part 6
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- Part 6
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69 Part 6
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67 Part 6
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71 Part 6
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74 Part 6
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72 Part 6
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- Part 6
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75 Part 6
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71 Part 6
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76 Part 6
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71 Part 6

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68 Part 6
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70 Part 6
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69 Part 6
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78 Part 6
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73 Part 6
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70 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

82 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

71 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 6

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- Part 6
Reading and Use of English
77 Part 6

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75 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 6
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67 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 6
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77 Part 6

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- Part 6
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78 Part 6
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73 Part 6
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78 Part 6
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- Part 6
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72 Part 6
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73 Part 6
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74 Part 6

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80 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

71 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 6
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77 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
81 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
- Part 6
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73 Part 6
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79 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
81 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

72 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 6
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71 Part 6

Reading and Use of English

80 Part 6
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68 Part 6
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78 Part 6
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71 Part 6
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74 Part 6
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68 Part 6
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78 Part 6
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74 Part 6

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85 Part 6
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78 Part 6
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77 Part 6
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81 Part 6
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75 Part 6
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71 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 6
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78 Part 6
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7

Reading and Use of English

69 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
- Part 7
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80 Part 7
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- Part 7
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70 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

84 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

78 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

71 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

77 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 7
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77 Part 7

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75 Part 7
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83 Part 7
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77 Part 7
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70 Part 7
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67 Part 7
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75 Part 7
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69 Part 7
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77 Part 7
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78 Part 7
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67 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 7
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67 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
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77 Part 7
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70 Part 7
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71 Part 7
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70 Part 7
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77 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
73 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
71 Part 7

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80 Part 7
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73 Part 7
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72 Part 7
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73 Part 7
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74 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
74 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

75 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 7
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75 Part 7
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- Part 7
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73 Part 7
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82 Part 7
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77 Part 7
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71 Part 7
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83 Part 7

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75 Part 7
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82 Part 7
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77 Part 7
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79 Part 7
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74 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

68 Part 7

Reading and Use of English

- Part 7
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
83 Part 7
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
75 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
80 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
69 Part 8

Reading and Use of English

72 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
76 Part 8

Reading and Use of English

- Part 8
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
- Part 8
Reading and Use of English
68 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 8

Reading and Use of English

74 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 8

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73 Part 8
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71 Part 8
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73 Part 8
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73 Part 8
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70 Part 8
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78 Part 8
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74 Part 8
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77 Part 8
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71 Part 8
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72 Part 8

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75 Part 8
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75 Part 8
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82 Part 8

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76 Part 8
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71 Part 8
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79 Part 8
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77 Part 8
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74 Part 8
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72 Part 8
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68 Part 8

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69 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 8
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67 Part 8
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69 Part 8
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80 Part 8
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70 Part 8
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73 Part 8
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72 Part 8
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74 Part 8
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77 Part 8
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69 Part 8
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82 Part 8
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68 Part 8
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67 Part 8
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70 Part 8
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74 Part 8
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77 Part 8
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78 Part 8
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75 Part 8
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82 Part 8

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68 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 8
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75 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 8

Reading and Use of English

- Part 8
Reading and Use of English
79 Part 8

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80 Part 8
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73 Part 8
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77 Part 8
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73 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
78 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 8

Reading and Use of English

69 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
70 Part 8
Reading and Use of English
72 Part 8

76 Writing Part 1

75 Writing Part 1
72 Writing Part 1

70 Writing Part 1

74 Writing Part 1

70 Writing Part 1

67 Writing Part 1

72 Writing Part 1
73 Writing Part 1

71 Writing Part 1

71 Writing Part 1

72 Writing Part 1
68 Writing Part 1

72 Writing Part 1

67 Writing Part 1

67 Writing Part 1

73 Writing Part 1
73 Writing Part 1

68 Writing Part 1

70 Writing Part 1

78 Writing Part 1

71 Writing Part 1

82 Writing Part 2

71 Writing Part 2

70 Writing Part 2

79 Writing Part 2
76 Writing Part 2

83 Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

77 Writing Part 2
75 Writing Part 2

71 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2

79 Writing Part 2

71 Writing Part 2
72 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2

71 Writing Part 2

77 Writing Part 2

- Writing Part 2
83 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2
73 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2
79 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2
71 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

74 Writing Part 2

74 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

69 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2

- Writing Part 2

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79 Writing Part 2

70 Writing Part 2
80 Writing Part 2

83 Writing Part 2

- Writing Part 2

85 Writing Part 2

83 Writing Part 2

- Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2

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- Writing Part 2

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74 Writing Part 2

71 Writing Part 2

69 Writing Part 2
68 Writing Part 2

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79 Writing Part 2

70 Writing Part 2

74 Writing Part 2

78 Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

75 Writing Part 2

74 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2
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- Writing Part 2
- Writing Part 2
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76 Writing Part 2

79 Writing Part 2

73 Writing Part 2

- Writing Part 2

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70 Writing Part 2

72 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

69 Writing Part 2

76 Writing Part 2

67 Writing Part 2

68 Writing Part 2

69 Writing Part 2

- Listening Part 1

67 Listening Part 1

71 Listening Part 1
82 Listening Part 1
75 Listening Part 1

68 Listening Part 1

82 Listening Part 1

82 Listening Part 1

70 Listening Part 1
76 Listening Part 1
73 Listening Part 1

60 Listening Part 1

- Listening Part 1

- Listening Part 1

- Listening Part 1

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- Listening Part 1

- Listening Part 1

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- Listening Part 1

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- Listening Part 1

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- Listening Part 1

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- Listening Part 1

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69 Listening Part 2
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81 Listening Part 2

72 Listening Part 2
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- Listening Part 2

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73 Listening Part 2

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- Listening Part 2

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- Listening Part 2

- Listening Part 2

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73 Listening Part 2

75 Listening Part 2

74 Listening Part 2

- Listening Part 2
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77 Listening Part 2
74 Listening Part 2

67 Listening Part 2

80 Listening Part 2

72 Listening Part 2
80 Listening Part 3

79 Listening Part 3

- Listening Part 3

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81 Listening Part 3
70 Listening Part 3

73 Listening Part 3

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82 Listening Part 3
78 Listening Part 3

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- Listening Part 3

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71 Listening Part 3
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72 Listening Part 3

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- Listening Part 3

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75 Listening Part 3
76 Listening Part 3

74 Listening Part 3
68 Listening Part 3

78 Listening Part 3

68 Listening Part 3

79 Listening Part 3

72 Listening Part 3

71 Listening Part 3

73 Listening Part 3

72 Listening Part 3

75 Listening Part 3
71 Listening Part 3

71 Listening Part 3

81 Listening Part 3

73 Listening Part 3

- Listening Part 4

74 Listening Part 4

73 Listening Part 4

72 Listening Part 4

- Listening Part 4

80 Listening Part 4
76 Listening Part 4

83 Listening Part 4

70 Listening Part 4

76 Listening Part 4

74 Listening Part 4

82 Listening Part 4

81 Listening Part 4
83 Listening Part 4

73 Listening Part 4

72 Listening Part 4

73 Listening Part 4

79 Listening Part 4

81 Listening Part 4
73 Listening Part 4
71 Listening Part 4

74 Listening Part 4

- Listening Part 4

75 Listening Part 4

75 Listening Part 4

- Listening Part 4

- Listening Part 4
69 Listening Part 4

76 Listening Part 4
67 Listening Part 4

79 Listening Part 4

74 Listening Part 4

77 Listening Part 4

- Listening Part 4

77 Listening Part 4

81 Listening Part 4

73 Listening Part 4

83 Listening Part 4

78 Listening Part 4

75 Listening Part 4

72 Listening Part 4

69 Listening Part 4

74 Listening Part 4

- Speaking Part 1

67 Speaking Part 1

80 Speaking Part 1
75 Speaking Part 1

73 Speaking Part 1

70 Speaking Part 1
76 Speaking Part 1

73 Speaking Part 1

75 Speaking Part 2

70 Speaking Part 2

70 Speaking Part 2

68 Speaking Part 2

80 Speaking Part 2

76 Speaking Part 2

79 Speaking Part 2

72 Speaking Part 2

75 Speaking Part 2

76 Speaking Part 3

70 Speaking Part 3

71 Speaking Part 3

71 Speaking Part 3

72 Speaking Part 3

68 Speaking Part 3

72 Speaking Part 4

74 Speaking Part 4

71 Speaking Part 4

70 Speaking Part 4
69 Speaking Part 4

70 Speaking Part 4

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