Plane Geometry Activity
Plane Geometry Activity
Plane Geometry Activity
assigned for certain groups. It will be up to you how you are going to
2. You will be gathering data from all of your classmates in Math 138.
3. You are going to submit a written article by group following the format
given below. There are questions provided to guide your writing, however
I. Introduction
II. Objective/s
What is the context of previous work that has been done on this
To what else does the topic relate? What are the areas of research and
What is the specific context in which the study was conducted (e.g.
Research design
experimental, case study etc.). How and why did I choose this
For each method - What did you do? What did the data look like?
How did you collect it? When? How often? What did you do with it?
How did you analyze the data? What did you do to organize and
What was your research time line? Specify the activities you made
from the start and indicate the duration for each activity. You can use
In this section you are reporting the findings of the study and so must
What are the possible implications of these findings for your own
VII. Conclusion
thoughts you want to leave the reader with - the major insights or
VIII. References