Oracle E-Business Tax: Regime To Rate Flow in Oracle R12
Oracle E-Business Tax: Regime To Rate Flow in Oracle R12
Oracle E-Business Tax: Regime To Rate Flow in Oracle R12
In Oracle Release12, there has been some very significant changes, one among them being
how we define tax. E-Business Tax is now a single point where we define our taxes for all the
sub-ledger modules. In this article I will try to do a sample Tax setup using the Regime to
Rate Flow of Oracle E-Business Tax in the Tax Manager responsibility.
Creating a Tax Regime
In Oracle E-Business Tax, a Tax Regime is the system of regulations for the determination
and administration of one or more taxes.
1. Navigate to the Create Tax Regime:
Party Name: Vision Operations (Note: Select the Operating Unit owning Tax
Content party type)
Configuration for Taxes and Rules: Common Configuration with Party
7. You will get the message “The tax regime was successfully created”
Creating a Tax
1. Navigate: Tax Configuration Tax Regimes
2. Search for the Tax Regime you created above using the filter criteria of Country as
“United States” and Tax Regime Code as “TESTREGIME1”
10. You will get the message “The Tax has been successfully created”
3. Click on icon “Create Tax Rate”. Enter the Tax Rates based on information
mentioned below:
Percentage Rate: 10
4. Click on icon “Rate Details”. Enter the Tax Rate Details based on information
mentioned below:
6. Click on the button “Apply” to return to the Regime to Rate Flow page
7. You will get the message “The Tax Rate has been successfully created.”
2. Click on button “Create”. Enter the Tax Jurisdiction details based on information
mentioned below:
Geography Name: CA
4. You will get the message “The tax jurisdiction was successfully created.”
2. Search for the Taxes that we created just now using the following filter criteria:
11. You will get the message “The tax was successfully updated”.
3. Click on button “Go”. Then click on icon “Update” on the “TESTTAX1” row.
6. You will get the message “This tax does not have an exchange rate type. Are you sure
you want to enable this tax?” having options “Yes” and “No”. Click on “Yes”
7. You will get the message “The tax was successfully updated.”
Test your Tax Setup by creating an Invoice in Payables /Receivables or creating a Purchase