USED TO and WOULD (Exercises) : Leave Run Insist Spend
USED TO and WOULD (Exercises) : Leave Run Insist Spend
USED TO and WOULD (Exercises) : Leave Run Insist Spend
We use used to or We don’t use used to We don’t use never used to and If we stress the word
would to talk about or would when we say would with would never are would, it means that
habits or situations in how long a situation or state verbs. We common negative we found the habit
the past that are now habit in the past use used to. forms annoying.
finished. continued; we use the My mother Sam never used to Ted would go out
She used to like ice past simple. used to be a go to the rather than do his
cream, but she doesn’t Ann wore the same teacher./not kindergarten. homework.
now. black coat for 3 years. would be
3) Correct sentences, where necessary. 4) Complete the sentences to suggest criticism using
WOULD and a verb given below.
1. Did Sam used to work in a factory?
_________________________________ leave run insist spend
2. He’s not used to wear suits, but he does 1. Sam spent days trying to train his dog, but it ________
now. _______________________________ ______ off whenever they went out.
3. Ted would have a nice big house. 2. The man __________his suitcases in the middle of the
____________________________________ hall where people would trip over them.
4. Jill used to be a doctor for 20 years. 3. It’s obvious that Sally failed her end of year tests – she
____________________________________ ________so much time doing nothing.
5. She would never return my phone calls. 4. Dad warned Nick not to go to the forest alone, but he
____________________________________ ____________ on doing it.