Concept of Fitness and Wellness: Objectives
Concept of Fitness and Wellness: Objectives
Concept of Fitness and Wellness: Objectives
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
We walk in this world for a reason, those reasons are anchored with our
desires, our goals in life. As a college student we have set goals and according to
Jonathan Howard, your goals differ from those of your classmates, but everyone
goals shares one common attribute which is to improve individual wellbeing.
This lesson focuses on the importance of overall wellness, which is more than
being physically and mentally healthy, free from illness and disease. In fact, the
study of wellness incorporates all aspect of life. Achieving overall wellness means
living your life positively to the fullest.
What is wellness?
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Emotional Wellness
An emotionally well person successfully expresses and
manages an entire range of feelings, maintain a high level of self-
esteem. They have positive body-image and ability to regulate their
feelings. They know where to seek support and help.
Intellectual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness
Social Wellness
A s o c i a l l y
and respect. They have awareness of the feelings of others. They
develop network of friends, co-worker who shares common
purpose and provide support and validation.
Environmental Wellness
A n e n v i r o n m
environment can provide. Recognizes the limits to controlling an
environment and seek to understand the role an individual plays in
the environment.
Occupational Wellness
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Financial Wellness
P e o p l e w h o a r
goals regarding the finances that will allow them to reach their
personal goals and achieve self-defined financial success.
Cultural Wellness
C u l t u r a l l y w e
diversity and richness present in other cultural backgrounds.
Cultural wellness implies understanding, awareness and intrinsic
respect for aspects of diversity. Those who accepts impact diversity
on sexual orientation, religion, gender, racial and ethnic backgrounds, age groups
and disabilities.
Changing your lifestyle is never easy, you have to plan for it, work on it, and to
always stay on track of your plans. On the book Howard, to make your lifestyle
changes more attainable the American Psychological Association (APA) suggested
the following lifestyle behavioral changes:
Start small
You have set your goals. It is time to breakdown each short term goals to
smaller manageable steps. This time, you have to start with specific actions or
activities like in developing cardiovascular endurance begin with long distance
walking for 2-3 hours in a day.
Involve a buddy
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Feeling exhausted with the mental workout? Let’s have a break and use a little of your physical energy. Stand
and stretch that muscles, finish 30 steps around your house. Then get some air, slowly inhale and exhale for 3
times. And we’re done.
Your Wellness Intelligence. Rate the activities that you do by marking check on it.
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Physical activities and exercises are proven to have a huge impact to physical
fitness and health. The benefits that we can get in doing physical activities are
undeniably necessary to our daily existence.
Physical fitness is the ability of your body to carry out task without undue
fatigue. With physically fit body, one can perform aspects in sports, occupations and
daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition,
moderate to vigorous physical exercises and sufficient rest.
daily activities and only requires a minimal level of fitness while skill related
components will help develop optimal fitness. It do not directly affect a person’s
health but most often associated in sports performance and skill development.
Table 1.
The table 2 highlights Corbin and Lindsey’s definition of skill related components of
physical fitness.
Table 2.
Skill Related Components of Physical Fitness
Agility It relates to the ability to rapidly change the position of
the entire body in space with speed and accuracy.
Balance It is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or
Coordination The ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing,
together with body parts in performing motor task
smoothly and accurately.
Power The ability of to the rate at which one can perform work.
It is a combination of speed and strength.
Speed It relates to the ability to perform movement within a short
period of time.
Reaction Time This relates to the elapsed between stimulation and the
beginning of the reaction to it.
Aiming for a physically fit body requires guiding principles. This physical
fitness principles will guide you in selecting the best way to plan and approach
training exercises that are related in developing your body and gaining skills that will
better your performance in more complex activities.
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
The human body adapt well when exposed to stress. The term stress, within
the context of exercise, is defined as an exertion above the normal, everyday
functioning. The specific activities that result in stress vary each individual and
depend on a person’s level of fitness. For example, an avid runner resistance
training may expose the runner’s muscles to muscular contractions that the athlete is
not accustomed to feeling.
Overload Principle
Stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. This principle is outlined by
the American College of Sports Medicine. Frequency relates to how often exercises
are performed over a period of time. Time or Duration of exercise this relates to the
stress experienced during exercise. Certainly, the shorter the time the less stressful
the activity is. Intensity is the degree of difficulty at which the exercise is carried out.
It is the most important variable of FITT for it is imperative for those starting a fitness
program. Type relates to the type or kind of exercise that you can manipulate to
avoid overuse injuries or weight loss plateaus.
Is also called Principle of Recuperation. It suggest that rest and recovery from
the stress of exercise must take place in proportionate amounts to avoid too much
stress. Periodization suggest that training plans incorporate phase of stress followed
by phases of rest. It can be organized on a daily, weekly, monthly and even in multi
annual cycles.
Chronic adaptations are not permanent. As the saying goes, “Use it or lose it”.
This principles suggests that activity must continue at the same level to keep the
same level of adaptation. As the activity declines, adaptations will recede.
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Individual Differences
Let’s know more about your fitness and health history. Try to remember things as you answer each question.
You may need an assistance from a family member to measure and record data about your health. Let’s begin!
Body Check
1. What is your resting heart rate? _____ bpm
-try to rest and measure your heart rate. Locate your pulse and count the
number of beats in 1 minute time.
2. What is your blood pressure? _____ mmHg ____________ remarks
- this time you may ask assistance from your local health center. You can also
use automatic arm digital blood pressure monitor.
3. What is your weight in kilogram? _____ kg
4. What is your height in centimeter? _____ m
5. What is your body mass index? _____ ____________ remarks
-to compute, use the BMI calculator or use this formula BMI= Weight(kg)
- put a remark on your BMI. Refer to the table on World Health Organization
International BMI Categories below.
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)
Concept of Fitness and Wellness | Module 1
Job well done! You’ve just finished the first module of this course. It was an amazing experience knowing your
health and wellness status. I hope that you will continue your good performance because the next module will
be more intense. A lot of physical activities will excite you. In the end, you will reap the benefits of doing all
these physical activities. But before we go to the next module, let’s wrap things up.
Physical fitness and wellness are two important things that we have to
consider in order to live a healthy and productive life. With proper physical activities
and exercises guided with fitness principles suited to our goals, it will reduce the risk
of injuries and become more health resilient as we get older. Enable to optimize our
health and carry out daily activities without undue fatigue, we must develop more on
to the health related component of physical fitness. For student athletes, activities on
skill related components are highly recommended for it will result to a better
performance during sports competition. Achieving our goals and living life to the
fullest is never easy, but we can start small steps, change our behavior at a time,
involve a buddy and ask for support. With this everything is possible.
UEP- PE Department | PE 1 (Fitness and Wellness)