Types of Semantic Roles

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Types of Semantic Roles

• AGENT: animate and volitional initiator of any action/event.

The butler killed the maid

• CAUSER: inanimate or non-volitional entity which is directly

involved in the causation of an event.
The rain ruined the crop
Types of Semantic Roles

• PATIENT: entity which is acted upon, affected, or

created; or of which a change of state is

The ice melted / Peter melted the ice

He prepared a paella
Types of Semantic Roles

▪ entity which undergoes a change of location or
possession, or whose location is being specified (i.e.
Something or someone located in a place or seen as
moving from one place to another)
The ball is in the park / We put the box on
the shelf
▪ entity about which something is being predicated
The key is mine / She was happy
Types of Semantic Roles

She was happy
They felt exhausted
This topic seems interesting
Kevin is my brother
She is in pain
Types of Semantic Roles

• EXPERIENCER: animate entity which perceives a stimulus or

registers a particular mental or emotional process or state.
It appears with psychological verbs or verbs of perception
(e.g. see, understand, hear, taste, frighten, etc.)

John understood the problem

Types of Semantic Roles

• Stimulus: object of perception, cognition, or emotion; entity which

is seen, heard, known, remembered, loved, hated, etc. (i.e., what
arouses the feeling or is perceived);
The situation scares me.
The jury heard his testimony.
Types of Semantic Roles

• INSTRUMENT: inanimate entity used by an agent to perform some

The key opened the lock
We employ a PC for our calculations
Types of Semantic Roles

• RECIPIENT: animate entity which receives or acquires something.

John gave Mary a book

• BENEFICIARY: usually animate entity that something is obtained for

or done for.I baked a cake for my daughter
You poured me a drink laced with arsenic
Types of Semantic Roles

• LOCATION: spatial (and temporal) reference point of the

They stayed at the village
The meeting is at noon
• Subtypes: SOURCE, GOAL, PATH
Types of Semantic Roles

• She ran [from the post-office]SOURCE [via the railway

station]PATH [to the bus-stop.]GOAL

• Jenny walked [from school]source

• Walter drove [home]GOAL

• The coin rolled [across the floor]PATH

Types of Semantic Roles

• STATE OF AFFAIRS (SOA): We use it with Non-finite VPs (X-

Complements). It refers to situations, events, etc.

John saw Liz take the chocolate cookie

Types of Semantic Roles

• PROPOSITIONS (Props): propositional content of


John thinks that Mary is coming to dinner.

Verb-specific Semantic Roles & θ Roles

Giver Believer
Runner Knower
Killer Agent Presumer
Speaker Hearer Experiencer
Dancer Smeller

Van Valin Jr, R., 2001. An Introduction to Syntax. CUP

Verb-specific Semantic Roles & θ Roles

Given to Located
Sent to Recipient Moved Theme
Handed to Given

Seen Broken
Heard Destroyed Patient
Liked Stimulus Killed

Adapted from Van Valin Jr, R., 2001. An Introduction to Syntax. CUP
Semantic Roles

1. [John] gave [Mary] [a bouquet of roses]
Agent Recipient Theme

2. [John] baked [Mary] [a chocolate cake]

Agent Beneficiary Patient

3. [The key] opened [the lock]

Instrument Patient
Semantic Roles

• S. Holmes heard a piercing scream.

• John enjoyed the novel.
• We put the box on the shelf.
• Mike drove to Jackie’s house.
• The burglar entered through the window.
-Semantic Roles
-Semantic Roles
-Identify the
Semantic Role

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