Modbus RS485 RTU Communication Protocol of PV Grid-Connected String Inverters SUNGROW

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Communication Protocol of PV Grid-Connected String Inverters

Version number Date Note
V1.1.0 2016-4-11 initial version.
Unofficial version(V1.0.13) is no longer used.
V1.1.1 2016-5-13 modify the register address and some related content:
5039--Power limitation adjustment
5040--Reactive power adjustment
V1.1.2 2017-5-13 Increase Inverter model : SG36KTL-M 、

Valid for device types:


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1. Introduction
This communication protocol,adopting Modbus RTUprotocol, applies to the communication between Sungrow PV
grid-connected string inverters and the upper computer (PC) monitoring software. This protocol can read the
real-time operating data and fault states of inverters.

2. Communication Interface
1) RS485
Default setting
Address Inverter: 1 – 247 settable
PC: 1 – 247 settable
Broadcast Yes
Baud rate 9600bit/s
Check bit Null or settable
Data bit 8
Stop bit 1
Mode RTU
Appliance interface RS485-2W cable connection

2) Ethernet (optional)
- IP:;
- Sub-Net:
- Port: 502

3. Definition of Address
- Read-only register type supports the cmdcode of 0x04

- - Holding register type supports the cmdcode of 0x03, 0x10 and 0x06
- -Cmdcodes 0x10 and 0x06 support the broadcast address 0
Communication address = protocol address – 1. If data of address 5000 is to be inquired, the corresponding sending
address data is 4999 (0x1387);
U16: 16-bit unsigned integer, big-endian;
U32: 32-bit unsigned integer; little-endian for double-word data. Big-endian for byte data;
S16: 16-bit signed integer, big-endian;
S32: 32-bit signed integer; little-endian for double-word data. Big-endian for byte data
Power factor: + means leading; - means lagging, 1000 means power factor 1.000, 950 means power factor 0.95.

3.1 Running information variable address definition (read-only register)

No. Name Address Data type Data range Unit Note

Device attributes
Protocol No. 4950 - 4951 U32
Protocol ver. 4952 - 4953 U32

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ARM 4954~4968 U16*15 Data type :UTF-8
software Valid for inverters:
version SG8KTL-M
DSP software 4969~4983 U16*15 Data type :UTF-8
version Valid for inverters:
Reserved 4984 - 4989 U16*6
SN 4990 - 4999 U16*10 Data type :UTF-8
Device type 5000 U16 SG60KTL 0x010F
code SG60KU 0x0136
SG33KTL-M 0x0134
SG36KTL-M 0x74
SG40KTL-M 0x0135
SG50KTL-M 0x011B
SG60KTL-M 0x0131
SG60KU-M 0x0132
SG49K5J 0x0137
SG8KTL-M 0x013F
SG10KTL-M 0x013E
SG12KTL-M 0x013C
SG80KTL 0x0138
SG80KTL-M 0x0139
SG80HV 0x013A
SG125HV 0x013B
Nominal 5001 U16 0.1kW
output power
5002 U16 0: only voltage of address
5019 and current of address
5022 are valid;
0-two phase;
1: address 5019-5021 are
Output type 1-3P4L;
“Phase x voltage”;
2: address 5019-5021 are “x-x
line voltage”

Daily power 5003 U16 0.1 kWh

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Total power 5004~5005 U32 kWh
Total running 5006~5007 U32 h
Internal 5008 S16 0.1℃
Reserved 5009 S16 0.1℃
Reserved 5010 S16 0.1℃
DC Voltage1 5011 U16 0.1V
DC current1 5012 U16 0.1A
DC Voltage 2 5013 U16 0.1V Valid for inverters:
DC current 2 5014 U16 0.1A SG33KTL-M 0x0134
SG40KTL-M 0x0135
SG50KTL-M 0x011B
SG60KTL-M 0x0131
SG60KU-M 0x0132
SG49K5J 0x0137
SG80KTL-M 0x0139
SG36KTL-M 0x74
DC Voltage 3 5015 U16 0.1V Valid for inverters:
DC current 3 5016 U16 0.1A SG33KTL-M 0x0134
SG40KTL-M 0x0135
SG50KTL-M 0x011B
SG60KTL-M 0x0131
SG60KU-M 0x0132
SG49K5J 0x0137
SG80KTL-M 0x0139
SG36KTL-M 0x74
Total DC 5017~5018 U32 W
A-B line 5019 U16 0.1 V Output type (address: 5002) is
voltage/phase 1: upload phase voltage; 2:
A voltage upload line voltage
B-C line 5020 U16 0.1 V Output type (address: 5002) is
Voltage/phase 1: upload phase voltage; 2:
B Voltage upload line voltage
C-A line 5021 U16 0.1 V Output type (address: 5002) is
Voltage/phase 1: upload phase voltage; 2:
C Voltage upload line voltage
Phase A 5022 U16 0.1 A
Phase B 5023 U16 0.1 A
Phase C 5024 U16 0.1 A

4/ 22
Reserved 5025~5026 U32 W
Reserved 5027~5028 U32 W
Reserved 5029~5030 U32 W
Total active 5031~5032 U32 W
Reactive 5033 - 5034 S32 var
Power factor 5035 S16 0.001
Grid 5036 U16 0.1 Hz
Reserved 5037 U16
5038 U16 See Appendix Data of address 5039 – 5045
Work state
1 are additional
Fault/Alarm 5039 U16 Fault/Alarm time and
time: Year Fault/Alarm code (5039 –
Fault/Alarm 5040 U16 5045) are valid only when the
time: Month device work state is fault
Fault/Alarm 5041 U16 (0x5500) or alarm (0x9100).
time: Day
Fault/Alarm 5042 U16
time: Hour
Fault/Alarm 5043 U16
time: Minute
Fault/Alarm 5044 U16
time: Second
Fault/Alarm 5045 U16 See Appendix
code 1 3
Reserved 5046 - 5048 U16
Nominal 5049 U16 0.1kvar
output power
Reserved 5050~5070 U32
Impedance to 5071 U16 1- 1kΩ
the ground in 20000(0xFFF
parallel F: invalid)
Reserved 5072 U16
Reserved 5073 - 5080
Work state 5081 - 5082 U32 See Appendix 2
Reserved 5083 - 5112
Daily running 5113 U16 1min
Present 5114 U16 See Appendix 4
5/ 22
DC Voltage 4 5115 U16 0.1V Valid for inverters:
DC current 4 5116 U16 0.1V
Reserved 5117 - 5127 U16
Monthly 5128 - 5129 U32 0.1kWh
power yields
Reserved 5130 - 5145 U16
Negative 5146 S16 -10000 - 0.1V
voltage to the 10000
Bus voltage 5147 U16 0 - 15000 0.1V
Grid 5148 U16 0.01Hz Valid for inverters:
frequency SG8KTL-M
Reserved 5149 - 7012
Combiner board information
7013 U16 0.01A Before checking the current
Current of 1st
information of one input,
input please make sure the hardware
7014 U16 0.01A supports this function.
Current of 2nd
ifparameter can be viewed in
the LCD panel (default
7015 U16 0.01A menu-running information),
Current of 3rd
the corresponding address is
7016 U16 0.01A
Current of 1. SG33KTL-M
9-input (7013 - 7021)
7017 U16 0.01A
Current of 5th 2. SG50KTL-M,
input SG60KTL-M,
7018 U16 0.01A SG49K5J,
Current of 6th
input 12- input(7013 - 7024)
7019 U16 0.01A 3. SG60KU-M
Current of 7th
16 input(7013 - 7028)
input 4. SG60KTL (include 12-input
7020 U16 0.01A version and 14-input version)
Current of 8th

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12-input (7013 - 7024)
14-input (7013 - 7026)
7021 U16 0.01A
Current of 9th 5. SG80KTL
input 18-input (7013 - 7030)
7022 U16 0.01A 6. SG80KTL-M
Current of 16 input(7013 - 7028)
10th input 7. SG36KTL-M
Current of 7023 U16 0.01A 8-input (7013 - 7020)
Current of 7024 U16 0.01A
Current of 7025 U16 0.01A
Current of 7026 U16 0.01A
Current of 7027 U16 0.01A
Current of 7028 U16 0.01A
Current of 7029 U16 0.01A
Current of 7030 U16 0.01A

3.2 Parameter setting address definition (holding register)

No. Name Address Data range Unit Note
Setting data
System 5000 U16 Receive time synchronization setting
clock: Year of the monitoring system or GPS
System 5001 U16
clock: Month
System 5002 U16
clock: Day
System 5003 U16
clock: Hour
System 5004 U16
System 5005 U16
Start/Stop 5006 U16 0xCF (Start)
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0xCE (Stop)
0xBB(Emergency stop)
Power 5007 U16 0xAA: Enable;0x55:
limitation Disable
Power 5008 U16 SG50KTL-M 0.1% Available when the power limitation
limitation SG60KTL-M switch (5007) is enabled
setting SG60KU-M
0 - 1100

0 -1000
Reserved 5009 - U16
Power factor 5019 S16 -1000 - -800 0.001 Available when the reactive power
setting 800 - 1000 adjustment switch (5036) is set to
power factor setting valid (0xA1)

Reserved 5020 - U16

Reactive 5036 U16 0x55: OFF, power
power factor returns to 1,
adjustment reactive power
switch percentage returns to 0;
0xA1: power factor
setting valid, Reactive
power percentage
returns to 0;
0xA2: Reactive power
percentage setting
valid, power factor
returns to 1;
0xA3: Enable Q(P)
curve configuration;
0xA4: Enable Q(U)

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curve configuration
Reactive 5037 S16 0 - 1000 0.1% Available when the reactive power
power 0 - -1000 adjustment switch (5036) is set to
percentage Reactive power percentage setting
setting valid (0xA2)
Reserved 5038

Power 5039 U16 Parameter range for 0.1k Available when the power limitation
limitation different devices: W switch (5007) is enabled
adjustment SG50KTL-M
0 ~ 550
0 ~ 660
0 ~ 660
0 ~ 495
0 ~ 363
0 ~ 440
0 ~ 660
0 ~ 660
0 -880

0 - 360
0 - 100
0 - 120
0 -800
0 - 1250
Reactive 5040 S16 Parameter range for 0.1K Available when the reactive power
power different devices: var adjustment switch (5036) is set to
adjustment SG50KTL-M Reactive power percentage setting
0 ~ 250 valid (0xA2)
0 ~ -250

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0 ~ 300
0 ~ -300
0 ~ 300
0 ~ -300
0 ~ 247
0 ~ -247
0 ~ 165
0 ~ -165
0 ~ 200
0 ~ -200
0 ~ 300
0 ~ -300
0 ~ 300
0 ~ -300

0 ~ 180
0 ~ -180
0 ~ 50
0 ~ -50
0 ~ 60
0 ~ -60
0 ~ 400
0 ~ -400
0 - 400
0 - -400
0 ~ 620
0 ~ -620
Reserved 5041 - U16
18-29 are available when the reactive power adjustment switch (5036) is set to Enable Q(P) curve (0xA3)
Not Italy
Lower Power 5051 U16 0 - 500; default: 500 0.1% Lower Power< Upper Power

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Upper Power 5052 U16 500 - 1000; default: 0.1%
Upper 5053 U16 900 - 1000; default: 0.001
limit-PF 1000
Lower 5054 U16 900 - 1000; default: 0.001
limit-PF 900
Reserved 5055 - U16*10
Addresses 5065 – 5080 are for Italy
powerA 5065 U16 200 - 1000; default: 0.1% powerA<=powerB<powerC
(Italy) 200
powerB 5066 U16 200 - 1000; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 500
powerC 5067 U16 200 - 1000; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 1000
pf_max 5068 U16 900 - 1000; default: 0.001
(Italy) 900
Uin 5069 U16 1000 - 1100; default: 0.1% Uin>Uout
(Italy) 1050
Uout 5070 U16 900 - 1000; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 1000
Reserved 5071 - U16*10
30-46 are available when the reactive power adjustment switch (5036) is set to Enable Q(U) curve configuration
Not Italy
Lower U 5081 U16 800 - 1000; default: 0.1%
Limit 800
Upper U 5082 U16 1000 - 1200; default: 0.1%
Limit 1150
U1 Limit 5083 U16 900 - 1100; default: 0.1% U1 Limit+Hysteresis
800 <
U2 Limit 5084 U16 1000 - 1100; default: 0.1% U2 Limit-Hysteresis
Hysteresis 5085 U16 0 - 50; default:0 0.1%

Lower Q/Sn 5086 U16 (Ind) 0 - 500; 0.1%

default: 250
Upper Q/Sn 5087 U16 (Cap) 0 – 500; 0.1%
default: 250
Reserved 5088 - U16*10
Addresses 5098 - 5115 are for Italy
11/ 22
V1i 5098 U16 900 - 1100; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 920
V2i 5099 U16 900 - 1100; default: 0.1% V2i < V1i < V1s < V2s
(Italy) 900
V1s 5100 U16 900 - 1100; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 1080
V2s 5101 U16 900 - 1100; default: 0.1%
(Italy) 1100
Qmax 5102 U16 500 - 1000; default: 0.001
(Italy) 900
Pin 5103 U16 200 - 1000; default: 0.1% Pin > Pout
(Italy) 200
Pout 5104 U16 10 - 200; default: 90 0.1%
Curve 5105 U16 Curve selection: 0 or 0: Curve A
selection 1 1: Curve B
Reserved 5106 -

Appendix 1 Device Work State 1

Device state (register 5038)

State Value read by register 5038

Run 0x0
Stop 0x8000
Key stop 0x1300
Emergency Stop 0x1500
Standby 0x1400
Initial standby 0x1200
Starting 0x1600
Alarm run 0x9100
Derating run 0x8100
Dispatch run 0x8200
Fault run 0x5500
Communicate fault 0x2500

Appendix 2 Device Work State2

Work State (5081 – 5082) Note

State Corresponding BIT in address

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Run 0 Total run state bit BIT17
Stop 1 1
Key stop 3 3
Emergency Stop 5 5
Standby 4 4
Initial standby 2 2
Starting 6 6
Alarm run 10 Total run state bit BIT17
Derating run 11 Total run state bit BIT17
Dispatch run 12 Total run state bit BIT17
Fault run 9 Total fault state bit BIT18
Communicate fault 13 Total fault state bit BIT18
Total run bit (device is 17
grid-connected running)
Total fault bit (device is 18
in fault stop state)

Appendix 3 Device Fault Code

LCD display Communicatio Description Note

(decimal) n send data
Fault is occurred because the grid voltage
exceeds the permissible range. Inverter can
operate normally when the grid recovers.
1. Check the grid voltage; If the grid voltage
exceeds the permissible range, ask utility grid
002 0x0002 Grid overvoltage
company for solution.
2. Check if the protection parameter setting of
the LCD meets requirements.
3. If the fault still exists, please contact
This is a short-term fault because the grid
transient voltage exceeds the permissible range.
003 0x0003 Grid overvoltage Inverter can operate normally when the grid
recovers. Please refer to troubleshooting of fault
002 if this fault repeats.

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Fault is occurred because the grid voltage is
lower than the permissible range. Inverter can
operate normally when the grid recovers.
1. Check the grid voltage; If the grid voltage is
lower than the permissible range, ask utility grid
company for solution.
004 0x0004 Grid undervoltage
2. Check if the protection parameter setting of
the LCD meets requirements.
3. If the grid voltage is normal, check if the AC
cables are secure.
4. If the fault still exists, please contact
This fault occurs because the grid voltage is
lower than the set overvoltage protection value
005 0x0005 Grid undervoltage II. Inverter can operate normally when the grid
recovers. Please refer to troubleshooting of fault
004 if this fault repeats.
006 0x0006 Hardware fault Please contact Sungrow.
Check the grid frequency.
If the grid voltage exceeds the
008 0x0008 Grid over-frequency
inverterpermissible range, ask utility grid
companyfor solution.
Check the grid frequency.
If the grid voltage exceeds the inverter
009 0x0009 Grid under-frequency
permissible range, ask utility grid company for
Inverter can operate normally when the grid
recovers.If this fault occurs repeatedly:
1. Check if the grid power supply is normal;
2.Check if AC cables are all firmlyconnected.
010 0x000A Islanding
3.Check if AC cables are connected to the
correct terminals (no reverse connection).
4. If the fault still exists, please contact
The DC Wait for inverter recovery.
011 0x000B
currentexceedslimit If the fault still occurs, contact Sungrow.
1. Check if the PV cells are in poor environment
Leakage conditions, i.e. bad rainy or damp weather.
012 0x000C
currentexceedslimit 2. Check the PV strings for poor contact.
3.If the fault occurs repeatedly, contactSungrow
Wait for inverter recovery.
If the grid voltage exceeds the
013 0x000D Grid abnormal
inverterpermissible range, ask utility grid
companyfor solution.
014 0x000E Grid overvoltage ①Wait for inverter recovery.

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②Check the grid voltage.
③ If the fault still exists, please contact
Fault is occurred because the grid voltage
exceeds the permissible range. Inverter can
operate normally when the grid recovers.
1. Check the grid voltage; If the grid voltage
exceeds the permissible range, ask utility grid
015 0x000F Grid overvoltage
company for solution.
2. Check if the protection parameter setting of
the LCD meets requirements.
3. If the fault still exists, please contact
PVpower module
016 0x0010 Contact SUNGROW.
Wait for inverter recovery.
1. If the grid voltageunbalance exceeds the
inverterpermissible range, ask utility grid
Grid voltage
017 0x0011 companyfor solution.
2. Chand the unbalancedegree from the LCD.
3. If the fault still exists, please contact
Wait for inverter recovery.
1. Check the LCD display to make sure if the PV
voltage is normal. If the PV voltage exceeds the
019 0x0013 max. voltage, the PV cells configuration is too
voltage is high
high. Please optimize the PV cell configuration.
2. If the fault still exists, please contact
020 0x0014 Ditto
voltage is high
021 0x0015 Overcurrentprotection Contact SUNGROW.
022 0x0016 Overcurrent protection Contact SUNGROW.
PV input setting
Check the PV input settings;
023 0x0017 changes during
Restart the inverter.
inverter operation
Wait for inverter recovery.
024 0x0018 Bus voltage unbalance
If the fault still exists, please contact Sungrow.
025 0x0019 Bus voltage unbalance Ditto
Bus voltage fluctuation. Please contact
026 0x001A Bus voltage unbalance
Wait for inverter recovery.If this fault reoccurs,
Power power module 1. Check the LCD to make sure if the ambient
036 0x0024
over-temperature temperature is too high;
2. Check if the device is placed in

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well-ventilated place;
3. Check if the device is in direct sunlight. If so,
please shield it.
4. Check if the fans are normal. Replace the fan
if otherwise.
5. If the fault still exists, please contact
037 0x0025 Ditto
038 0x0026 Relay fault Contact Sungrow.
Wait for inverter recovery.If this fault occurs
repeatedly and device cannot operate normally,
1. Check if the ISO protection value is set too
high from the LCD.
System low insulation 2. Check if the low insulation situation occurs in
039 0x0027
resistance rainy days or damp weather. Measure if the
positive and PV cell negative polarities to the
ground is too low.
3. If the fault still exists, please contact
Wait for inverter recovery.If the fault occurs
040 0x0028 Overcurrent protection
repeatedly, please contact Sungrow.
Wait for inverter recovery.If the fault occurs
041 0x0029 Hardware fault
repeatedly, please contact Sungrow.
Wait for inverter recovery.If the fault occurs
042 0x002A Hardware fault
repeatedly, please contact Sungrow.
Stop and disconnect the inverter. Restart the
inverter when temperature increases to the
043 0x002B Temperature low
allowable range. If the fault still exists, please
contact Sungrow.
Ac & DC inversion Wait for inverter recovery.If the fault occurs
044 0x002C
circuit fault repeatedly, please contact Sungrow.
PV input setting does
Stop and disconnect the inverter.
047 0x002F not match the actual
Reset the PV array input.
Wait for inverter recovery.If the fault occurs
048 0x0030 Hardware fault
repeatedly, please contact Sungrow.
049 0x0031 Hardware fault Ditto
050 0x0032 Hardware fault Ditto
051 0x0033 overvoltage/overcurre Ditto
nt protection
Check the inverter fans. Stop and disconnect the
070 0x0046 Fan fault inverter to remove foreign objects. Replace the
fan if it is broken.

16/ 22
Check if the SPD is loose or broken. Replace the
071 0x0047 AC SPD alarm
SPD if necessary.
072 0x0048 DC SPD alarm Ditto
Check the communication cable between the
074 0x004A Communication fault
LCD display and the DSP
Wait for sufficient sunlight;
075 0x004B Insufficient sunlight If this fault occurs repeatedly in sufficient
sunlight, check and change the PV input setting.
Wait for inverter recovery.
1. Check if the PV cell setting are reasonable;
076 0x004C PV overload
2If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact
Caused because the PV1 is not connected.
Ignore this alarm if PV1 is not connected at
beginning. If PV1 is connected,
078 0x004E PV1 abnormal alarm 1. Check if the PV1 cables are loose.
2. Check if the PV1 DC fuse is broken.
3. If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact
Caused because the PV2 is not connected.
Ignore this alarm if PV2 is not connected at
beginning. If PV2 is connected,
079 0x004F PV2 abnormal alarm 1. Check if the PV2 cables are loose.
2. Check if the PV2 DC fuse is broken.
3. If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact
Caused because the PV3 is not connected.
Ignore this alarm if PV3 is not connected at
beginning. If PV3 is connected,
080 0x0050 PV3 abnormal alarm 1. Check if the PV3 cables are loose.
2. Check if the PV3 DC fuse is broken.
3. If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact
Caused because the PV4 is not connected.
Ignore this alarm if PV4 is not connected at
beginning. If PV4 is connected,
081 0x0051 PV4 abnormal alarm 1. Check if the PV4 cables are loose.
2. Check if the PV4 DC fuse is broken.
3. If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact
AFDpower module
087 0x0057 Contact SUNGROW.
abnormal alarm
1. Check the PV cell cable connection and fuse
088 0x0058 Arc fault for arc.
2. If the fault occurs repeatedly, please contact

17/ 22
Restart the AFD function through the LCD
089 0x0059 AFD stop alarm
1. Check the completeness of the string settings.
String 1 reverse 2. Check the polarity of the PV input side.
532 0x0214
connection alarm Reconnect the input if the polarities are
String 2 reverse
533 0x0215 Ditto
connection alarm
String 3 reverse
534 0x0216 Ditto
connection alarm
String 4 reverse
535 0x0217 Ditto
connection alarm
String 5 reverse
536 0x0218 Ditto
connection alarm
String 6 reverse
537 0x0219 Ditto
connection alarm
String 7 reverse
538 0x021A Ditto
connection alarm
String 8 reverse
539 0x021B Ditto
connection alarm
String 9 reverse
540 0x021C Ditto
connection alarm
String 10 reverse
541 0x021D Ditto
connection alarm
String 11 reverse
542 0x021E Ditto
connection alarm
String 12 reverse
543 0x021F Ditto
connection alarm
String 13 reverse
544 0x0220 Ditto
connection alarm
String 14 reverse
545 0x0221 Ditto
connection alarm
String 15 reverse
546 0x0222 Ditto
connection alarm
String 16 reverse
547 0x0223 Ditto
connection alarm
Caused by short-circuit, open circuit or low
current of one input. Check if the voltage or
current is abnormal through the LCD.
String 1 power module 1. Check if the strings are broken.
548 0x0224
abnormal alarm 2. Check if the PV cell cables are loose.
3. Check if the DC fuse is broken.
4. If the fault still exists, please contact
18/ 22
String 2power module
549 0x0225 Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 3power module
550 0x0226 Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 4power module
551 0x0227 Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 5power module
552 0x0228 Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 6power module
553 0x0229 Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 7power module
554 0x022A Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 8power module
555 0x022B Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 9power module
556 0x022C Ditto
abnormal alarm
String 10power
557 0x022D module abnormal Ditto
String 11power
558 0x022E module abnormal Ditto
String 12power
559 0x022F module abnormal Ditto
String 13power
560 0x0230 module abnormal Ditto
String 14power
561 0x0231 module abnormal Ditto
String 15power
562 0x0232 module abnormal Ditto
String 16power
563 0x0233 module abnormal Ditto

Appendix 4 Country Information

Country Note
Code Country (English)
0 GB Great Britain

19/ 22
1 DE Germany
2 FR France
3 IT Italy
4 ES Spain
5 AT Austria
6 AU Australia
7 CZ Czech
8 BE Belgium
9 DK Denmark
10 GR_L Greece Land
11 GR_IS Greece Island
12 NL Netherlands
13 PT Portugal
14 CHN China
15 SE Sweden
16 Other 50Hz
17 RO Romania
18 TH Thailand
19 TK Turkey
20 AU-WEST Australia
21 Reserved
25 Vorarlberg (Austria) Vorarlberg District
26~59 Reserved
60 CA Canada
61 US America
62 Other 60Hz
70 JP 50Hz
71 JP 60Hz

4. Examples
Take ComTest for example.
4.1 Acquire one piece of running information
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to acquiredatafrom address 5000 of 3x address type.
The PC sends (HEX):
01 04 13 87 00 01 85 67
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 04 02 01 32 39 75
Note: The type code of inverter SG60KU-M is 0x0132.
4.2 Acquire multiple running information
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to acquire10 data from address starting from 5000 of 3x
address type
The PC sends (HEX):
01 04 13 87 00 0A C4 A0

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The inverter replies (HEX):
01 04 14 01 32 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 56 EA
Note: The type code of inverter SG60KU-M is 0x0132. The nominal output power is 4.0kW, two-phase.
Daily power generation is 0. The total power generation is 5kWh. The total running time is 38h.The internal
temperature is 0℃. The internal transformer temperature is 0℃.
4.3 Acquire SN
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to acquire 10 data from address starting from 4990 of 3x
address type
The PC sends (HEX):
01 04 13 7D 00 0A E4 91
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 04 14 31 32 31 32 31 32 30 30 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9B 56
1. SN data type is UTF-8;
2. Serial number is: 121212001
4.4 Read one setting datum
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to read data from address 5000 of 4x address type.
The PC sends (HEX):
01 03 13 87 00 01 30 A7
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 03 02 07 D8 BA 2E
Note: the data read out is year 2008.
4.5 Read multiple setting data
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to read 10 data from address starting from 5000 of 4x address
The PC sends (HEX):
01 03 13 87 00 0A 71 60
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 03 14 07 DA 00 0A 00 1E 00 09 00 28 00 25 00 CE 00 AA 01 F4 00 00 80 53
Note: The data are October, 10, 2010, 09:40:37; Stop; power limitation on, power limitation value is 50 %.
4.6 Set one datum
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to set data from address 5000 of 4x address type.
The PC sends (HEX):
01 10 13 87 00 01 02 07 DA 19 4D
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 10 13 87 00 01 B5 64
The PC sends (HEX):
01 06 13 87 07 DA BE CC
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 06 13 87 07 DA BE CC
Note: The setting data is year 2010
4.7 Set multiple data
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to set 10 data to address starting from 5000 of 4x address
The PC sends (HEX):
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01 10 13 87 00 0A 14 07 D9 00 0A 00 1E 00 09 00 10 00 00 00 CE 00 AA 01 F4 00 00 3E 65
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 10 13 87 00 0A F4 A3
Note: The data are October, 30, 2009, 09:16:00, stop, power limitation on, power limitation value is 50 %.
4.8 Read device running information
Supposed that the inverter address is 1, it needs to set 8 data to address starting from 5038 of 3x address type.
The PC sends (HEX):
01 04 13 AD 00 0864 A9
The inverter replies (HEX):
01 04 10 55 00 07 DF 00 0C 00 15 00 04 00 0C 00 3B 00 0A EE D1
1) Device running state is Fault run (0x5500); the fault/alarm time and code are valid in this state;
2) Fault time: 4 (0x0004):12(0x000C): 59(0x003B), Dec. (0x000C), 21(0x0015), 2015(0x07DF); the fault is
island (0x000A).

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