Wcms - 644684 Cooperative Management MS Word
Wcms - 644684 Cooperative Management MS Word
Wcms - 644684 Cooperative Management MS Word
Managing your Agriculture Cooperative
Cooperative Marketing
Managing your Agricultural Cooperative, My.COOP, is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
List of abbreviations................................................................................xi
About Module 4: Cooperative Marketing....................................................5
Marketing Services.................................................................7
Introduction to the topic..........................................................................9
Collective marketing................................................................................9
Market information................................................................................13
Strategic Marketing...............................................................19
Introduction to the topic........................................................................21
Targeting markets through upgrading.....................................................21
Marketing mix.......................................................................................26
Strategic marketing...............................................................................31
iv My.COOP
Carlien van Empel ILO Cooperative Facility for Africa
Technical editing
Anna Laven The Royal Tropical Institute
Anna Laven The Royal Tropical Institute
Caren Akomo Ouma Cooperative College of Kenya/United
States International University
Pedagogical support
Tom Wambeke ILO/ITC DELTA programme
Language editing
Editing Group Juliet Haydock Translations Ltd
ILO/M. Crozet: pages 5, 7
Fotolia: pages 11, 13, 19, 34, 39
ITCILO/G. Palazzo: page 16
ILO/R. Lord: page 22
ILO/P. Deloche: page 49
Comments, suggestions and other input provided by Emma Allen, Susanne Boetekees, Sifa
Chiyoge, Alejandro Guarin, Marek Harsdorff, Ann Herbert, Audrey Kawuki, Nargiz Kishiyeva, Eva
Majurin, Ellen Mangnus, Albert Mruma, Sam Mshiu, Roldan Muradian, Julius Mutio, Hezron
Njuguna, Huseyn Polat, Merrilee Robson, Constanze Schimmel, Linda Shaw, Andrew Shepherd,
Monika Sopov, Giel Ton and Carlien van Empel are gratefully acknowledged.
vi My.COOP
Cooperative Facility for Africa (COOPAFRICA) is a regional technical cooperation
programme of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in support of
cooperative development. It promotes favourable policy and legal
environments, strong vertical structures (such as cooperative unions and
federations) and improved cooperative governance, efficiency and
performance. The programme covers nine countries in East and Southern
Africa (Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, Swaziland, Tanzania
mainland and Isles, Uganda and Zambia) from the ILO Office in Tanzania with
technical support from the ILO Cooperative Programme (EMP/COOP) in
Geneva. It was launched in October 2007 with
core funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
COOPAFRICA is a partnership initiative involving a range of international and
national organizations.
viii My.COOP
Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
(MUCCoBS) is the oldest cooperative training institution in Tanzania,
accumulating the experience of 48 years in the fields of cooperative
accounting, cooperative management and rural development. MUCCoBS
came into being as a result of upgrading the former Cooperative College
into a Constituent College of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in
May 2004. It offers cooperative and business education at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It provides opportunities for
acquisition, development, promotion, dissemination
and preservation of knowledge and skills in cooperative, community, business,
organizational and entrepreneurship and any other area as may be
determined by the University College through training, research and
consultancy activities. http://www.muccobs.ac.tz
Formal procedure by which an accredited or authorized
person or agency assesses and verifies (and attests in writing
by issuing a certificate) the attributes, characteristics, quality,
qualification, or status of individuals or organizations, goods
or services, procedures or processes, events or situations, in
accordance with established requirements or standards.
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/certification.html
(accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
Chain operator
A cooperative providing services to enhance the efficiency,
effectiveness and quality of the activities and products of its
members (and possibly non-members), buying their products
and adding value to them before selling.
Chain supporter
A cooperative providing services to enhance the efficiency,
effectiveness and quality of the activities and products of its
members (and possibly non-members) without buying or
owning the product.
The consumer consumes the product. His/her satisfaction is
the objective of all other customers.
Regrouping various marketing services a cooperative can provide,
i.e. collective marketing as well as marketing services that
support the individual marketing of its members.
The cooperative’s customer is the individual or organization
that actually pays for and takes delivery of the goods from
the cooperative. This can be, but is often not, the final
consumer, whose satisfaction is the objective of all other
A trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and
respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It
contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading
conditions for, and securing the rights of, marginalized
producers and workers – especially in developing countries.
Source: Fair Trade Glossary, http://www.fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_
upload/content/2009/about_fairtrade/Fair_Trade_Glossary.pdf (accessed
xii My.COOP
19 Oct. 2011).
Marketing is everything related to selling the product:
assessing needs, defining markets, storing, certifying,
promotion, and so on.
Market development is the expansion of the total market for a
product or company. This can be achieved by (1) entering new
segments of the market, (2) converting non-users into users,
and/ or (3) increasing usage per user.
Any information used or required to support marketing decisions
Newly identified trend in terms of needs, wants, or demands a
firm can exploit because it is not being addressed by
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/market-opportunity.
html (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
Market penetration occurs when a company
enters/penetrates a market with current products.
Source: http://www.encyclo.co.uk/define/Market-penetration (accessed 19
Oct. 2011).
Market segmentation is about understanding the needs of
customers and how they decide between one offer and
A percentage of total sales volume in a market captured by a
brand, product, or company.
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/market-share.html
(accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
A strategy that integrates an organization’s marketing goals
into a cohesive whole.
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/marketing-strategy.
html (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
A market in which current trade and quote information is
readily available to the public.
Source: http://financial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Transparent+Market
(accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
Organic An ecological production management system that promotes
agriculture and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological
Source: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/ofp/ofp.shtml (accessed 19
Oct. 2011).
The quality levels relating to production.
Specialized markets refer to those markets which require that
the cooperative products meet certain quality standards
before they can be sold.
Mainly, costs of the preparation and execution of business
transactions, costs of collecting and processing relevant
information (in order to indentify the best offer, business
opportunities and risks). Costs of drawing up agreements
and controlling their implementation.
Source: H.H. Münkner and J. Txapartegi Zendoia: Annotiertes
Genossenschaftsglossar, Annotated Co-operative Glossary, Glosario
cooperativo anotado (Geneva, International Labour Organization, 2011).
The concept of upgrading highlights options available to
farmers and cooperatives for obtaining better returns from
their activities.
Source: http://www.kit.nl/net/KIT_Publicaties_output/ShowFile2. aspx?
e=1687 (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
Value chain
A value
to the
ng and
ng of a
, from
n to the
xiv My.COOP
Managing your agricultural cooperative
Why this training package on the management of
agricultural cooperatives?
Agriculture is a crucial democracy, for a
sector for global better distribution
development as of income and for
“farmers feed the the economic d
world”. Agriculture is evelopment of a
also the second country.”2
greatest source of Evidence shows
employment that
Historically speaking,
agriculture has been
key in the
development paths of
many countries.
Within the diversity of
worldwide – one finds
for instance
cooperatives amongst
news agencies, schools
and green energy
suppliers – agriculture
a sector where
cooperatives are a
prominent form of
enterprise. This
package is
motivated by the
conviction that
“strong and
organizations are
indispensable for the
promotion of
m a , Ethiopia, France, India, the cooperative usually have
a l Netherlands, New Zealand, as to do with governance
n well as the United States of and management issues.
y s America, also have strong Cooperatives are
e agricultural cooperatives.3 enterprises for which the
c c However, agricultural primary aim is not making
o t cooperatives face numerous profit but responding to
u o external and internal members’ needs and
n r challenges. External challenges aspirations. Cooperative
t , may be linked to markets, members own their
r regulations, infrastructure or enterprise through
i s climate change. Challenges cooperative shares, they
e u that are internal to the control their enterprise
s c
h 1 The service sector is the most important source of employment in the
world. See: http://www.ilo.org/
w public/english/dialogue/sector/sectors/agri/emp.htm (accessed 7 Oct.
i a 2011).
2 4 Cooperative Marketing
For whom is My.COOP?
My.COOP has been designed for and individuals that train
existing and potential managers of agricultural cooperatives. These
agricultural cooperatives as well as can include:
for members involved in managerial
● leaders and managers of
tasks of the cooperative. The
cooperative structures, such
material presumes that these
as unions, federations and
women and men already possess
some practical experience as active
members in ● cooperative trainers working
agricultural cooperatives. The material in cooperative colleges,
is not developed for people who are non- governmental
starting an agricultural cooperative organizations (NGOs) and
for the first time. other (including private)
training providers;
In addition, the My.COOP package
can be a helpful tool for ● cooperative officers and
organizations extension staff of
government departments
and agencies.
c d
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s a
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’ d
s i
m g
a r
n a
u m
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Service Provision
Module 4
Basics of Agricultural Supply of
Farm Inputs 3
4 1
Each module consists of several and concepts as well as self-
learning topics. A learning topic assignments that help the self-
consists of brief content learner to apply the contents to his
descriptions that are or her own cooperative or situation.
complemented with real Modules and topics can be used
life cases from various parts of independently from each other, in
the world that present solution any given order, in line with the
solving approaches to common training needs.
challenges in the management of
agricultural cooperatives.
Besides, each topic My.COOP
offers explanatory boxes on online
definitions also
My.COOP is related
more than a services
training and tools
package. online,
My.COOP is such as a
also a website distance
(www.agricultu learning
re-my.coop) platform
where you can for training
find not only of trainers
the package and a
but mobile
About Module 4:
Cooperative Marketing4
4 This module builds partly on M. Harper: Marketing of agricultural production, Material for
management training in agricultural cooperatives, MATCOM (Geneva, International Labour Office,
1991) and J.F. Hein: Export marketing, Material for management training in agricultural cooperatives,
MATCOM (Geneva, International Labour Office, 1992).
5 A customer is often not the same as the final consumer of a product. A direct buyer is the customer that
actually receives and pays for the sold goods or services. The customer, for example a supermarket, then
sells the product to its final consumer. The consumer is the one that consumes the product.
Module 4 · Cooperative Marketing 5
transport or storage of the products or, for example, sending information
from the production area to the market (e.g. on products available,
volumes) and from the market back to the production areas (e.g. on prices
and supply levels, consumer preferences and changes in taste). If marketing
services are improved, this will contribute to better performance by the
Learning objectives
After studying this module, you will be able to:
explain how a cooperative can get to know its customers;
identify ways in which a cooperative and its members can improve their
marketing performance;
distinguish different methods of “upgrading”;
target markets more efficiently;
explain the 5 Ps of a marketing mix;
explain the importance of knowing the (changing) context in which customers are
propose how a cooperative can adequately respond to changes in this context;
propose relevant certification schemes and explain the pros and cons.
Introduction to the topic
In the other training modules, we have seen that
Marketing is everything
cooperatives are involved in a number of services, related to selling a
including input supply services, financial services and product: assessing
value added services. All these services support farmers needs, defining markets,
in their activities. In this module we focus on one storing, promotion, and
so on. Marketing is based
specific set of services: marketing services, including on thinking about the
collective marketing. business from the point
of view of the customer,
Originally, the term “marketing” referred to going to and considering customer
the marketplace to buy or sell goods. The producer needs and satisfaction.
would sell his or her goods directly to the consumer.
Today, the producer and consumer do not usually
meet face-to-face.
Farmers do not deliver
products directly to consumers, but they still
The cooperative’s need to get their goods to the consumer in some
customer way. Farmers sell products to a trader or
The cooperative’s customer processor.
is the individual or Cooperatives can assist in this, by providing
organization that actually
marketing services, and linking farmers to
pays for and takes delivery
of the goods from the these customers.
cooperative. This can be,
Marketing services encompass a range of
but is often not, the final
consumer, whose satisfaction activities. Examples of marketing services are:
is the objective of all other informing the market about products available,
customers. The needs of your and the other way round, informing members
customer, however, depend
on the demands of his or her
about customer preferences, price information
customers, etc. services and branding. We also consider
collective marketing to be a service that a
cooperative can provide to its members.
Collective marketing
Cooperatives can either support their members’ individual marketing by
providing them with marketing services, or they can buy their members’
produce and market it themselves. The latter is called collective marketing
and is a feature of many cooperatives.
Collective marketing therefore refers to “selling together”. In collective
marketing, the cooperative buys the members’ produce and becomes the
owner of the produce (i.e. a chain operator). The premise of collective
Price instability in rural Africa
Prices fluctuate widely between areas,
within a season, and between seasons. individually. Individually, these farmers
This is related to the dominance produce low volumes of products and
of rain-fed agriculture, frequent often fetch low prices. By jointly selling
harvest failures, limited storage
farm products, farmers can negotiate
facilities, and the limited integration
of markets due to poor roads. During better prices and services. Collective
“normal” years, producers’ prices for marketing can empower farmers in
staple food crops can be expected to markets.
double or increase even more, from
immediately after the harvest to the Collective marketing also helps to meet
“lean season” before the next harvest. market requirements, especially for
Source: Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, and accessing markets outside the local area
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction,
Nairobi: Trading up: Building cooperation
(e.g. urban markets or export markets)
between farmers and traders in Africa or for delivery to a processing industry.
(Amsterdam, KIT Publishers, 2008).
These markets often demand higher
volumes, which requires bulking.
A cooperative can take various
collective marketing measures. As a
first step, a
cooperative can help farmers to bulk their produce. Bulking can be done
in different ways, using different methods (e.g. temporary collecting
hubs, local storage, etc.). Another step in collective marketing that a
cooperative can take is to add value to the produce it now owns. For
example, if it is a maize cooperative it can add value to the maize by
drying and packaging it. As a
result of this service, the cooperative can negotiate a higher price. But
providing extra services also involves a cost. Whether or not adding value is
the investment depends on the costs and benefits, and also on the market
Collective marketing of agricultural produce has some particularities. One is
that collective marketing implies that there are two different groups that
have to be satisfied: the suppliers/producers and the buyers of the produce.
The suppliers are often the members of the cooperative. Consequently, as a
cooperative, you are restricted in the selection of markets and types of
products. A cooperative has less freedom: because the cooperative is set up
by its members, it is expected to buy what the members supply and pay a
fair price for the produce. This situation can affect the cooperative’s ability
to compete with, for example, traders, who have more freedom to choose
the farmers and supply markets they source from. This poses a number of
challenges to managers of cooperatives involved in marketing, especially in a
market where uniform product quality is required.
How can a cooperative align the activities of the different farmers to
ensure the delivery of required quantities of uniform products at a
specific time?
Sanctioning is an option, but not always appreciated. There are also more
positive incentives that can stimulate farmers to meet production
standards, for example, paying premium prices for high-quality products.
The case of Rukaka Dairy Cooperative in Uganda illustrates this.
Self-assignment 1.1
Paying a premium for quality products is not always feasible. What could be
other incentives for the Rukaka Dairy cooperative to improve the quality and
uniformity of its produce?
Now, think about your cooperative. What does it do to stimulate supply that
meets market standards?
Market information
A cooperative needs market information for
collective marketing, but it can also collect and
disseminate market information as a service to its
Market information
Market information is the generation,
processing and dissemination of all facts
regarding the marketing
of different commodities.
What market information do cooperatives and their
members need?
Some examples of information that is important for marketing are:
● actual price of agricultural and livestock commodities;
● insights into price trends;
● competitors and their marketing strategies;
● requirements of consumers;
● required arrival timings of commodities;
● quality specifications by various buyers;
● grades and standards;
● packaging specifications preferred by buyers;
● terms and conditions of different commodity traders;
● transport costs;
● market fee/levy/charges, taxes, among other things;
● international standards for commodities;
● world market price trends.
Access to market information is not always possible and is often unequal.
For example, large buyers of agricultural products often have better access to
market information than smallholders. Unequal access to market information
or shortages of reliable market information could be one of the reasons for
farmers’ low bargaining power and ultimately, the low prices they derive from
marketing agricultural commodities.
Providing market information is a valuable service that a cooperative can
offer to its members. Cooperatives first of all need to gather market
Then, the information needs to be disseminated to members.
In Module 1 we described the cooperative pyramid. It might be easier to
get access to information at union level than at primary cooperative level.
Unions operate on a larger scale and are often closer to national
government bodies, partners and information networks. A union could
support the availability of market information to its cooperatives by, for
example, keeping track of market trends and publishing the information on
a website.
If market information is not available, it may be necessary to perform
market research. A cooperative can carry out market research for its own
sale strategies; it can also perform market research as a service to its
members that sell individually. The results of research should direct the
cooperative or the producer to trade what their customers need and want.
It is important to note that access to information does not always
improve the bargaining position of farmers, especially in more remote
areas with poor coverage by traders.6
Market research
Market research is used to identify and analyse
the requirements and needs of the different Market research
markets. Separating the many customers into Market research involves the
specific groups is referred to as market process of systematically
segmentation. Market segmentation is about gathering data related to
cooperative marketing, and
understanding the needs of
the recording, interpreting
customers and how they decide between one offer and reporting of the
and another. findings to the cooperative
management in order to
Often, a cooperative will not do market research make informed decisions.
itself, but will hire a firm or consultant to get the Market research is also about
required information. Before hiring a consultant to understanding competition
and the success of the current
do any type of market research, the cooperative marketing strategy in place.
should define what markets it wants to research
and what it wants to achieve from the market
research. This will differ from cooperative to
cooperative. A recently established
cooperative may want to identify potential products or markets. Others may
want to understand how their cooperative relates to competitors in the
market. And others might be more concerned with understanding their
members’ potential in terms of delivering to a selected preferred marketing
Other criteria include, for example, the availability of financial resources for
conducting market research.
A decisive factor in choosing a method to
gather your market information is the location
of the markets that are of interest to your
cooperative and its members. If you sell on
the domestic market, getting data on
consumer needs is both important and
feasible. This is different if the produce is
exported. In this case, it makes more sense to
question direct buyers of the products, instead
of the consumers, who are far away from your
After identifying the objective and the
location of the market, the process of
gathering data can
start. Market research should take place
regularly. Customers’ needs change over time
and the economic context is continuously
If a cooperative has access to the desired
information, the next step is to disseminate
this information to members.
Self-assignment 1.3
What is the role of your cooperative in generating and providing market
information to your members? Try to list the benefits and the costs of this
activity. What are the constraints?
Introduction to the topic
In planning for marketing, the organization basically has to decide what it is
going to sell, to which target market and with what marketing mix.7
Markets differ in their needs and requirements. They are different in terms
of geographic location, economic class, social-cultural aspects, etc.
Differences between domestic and international markets can be large.
These differences lie almost entirely in the differences in national
contexts.8 Other examples of very different markets are specialized
markets, such as fair trade and organic markets. Accessing these markets
requires meeting standards and obtaining a certificate (Topic 3 elaborates
on certification).
If you have sufficient information on the different markets you can decide
what market a cooperative can best target. But sometimes a cooperative has
little choice. Their farmers’ products, for example, only comply with the
requirements of the local market. In other cases, a cooperative can target
various markets.
Everything depends on the products the members are able to supply. A
cooperative can play a role in “upgrading” the products, helping them to
meet specific market requirements and access new markets.
Targeting markets through upgrading The concept
of “upgrading”
Cooperatives involved in collective marketing have two main
clients: their members, who supply the produce and their options
business partners, to whom they sell. When members and/or the available to
cooperative are able to improve their performance, buyers might farmers and
be more willing to buy the improved product, pay a higher price, for obtaining
or to buy more. better returns
from their
There are different ways for cooperatives and their members to activities.
improve their performance, and to enter into more favourable
contracts. For example, the cooperative can support farmers to
move into more sophisticated product lines (niche markets),
which is also known as “product upgrading”.9
Product upgrading means improvement of the product marketed. Farmers can
7 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Introduction to Global Marketing (Rome,
FAO, 1997), http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5973E/w5973e02.htm (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
8 ibid.
9 It can be helpful to distinguish different upgrading strategies: product upgrading, process upgrading,
improve their product in various ways. For example, they may plant a
new variety that has more desirable characteristics; or they may invest
more time in post-harvesting (e.g. drying and fermentation), which
increases the quality
and the price of the product. The cooperative can support farmers in doing
this. It can also support farmers in accessing alternative certified markets.
Certified products receive higher prices.
A cooperative can also support farmers in improving the way products are
being produced; this is known as “process upgrading”.
Process upgrading means producing the same product more efficiently, for
example by using new technologies or management methods. For example,
farmers may grow more by applying fertilizer; they may reduce pest attacks
and save costs through integrated pest management rather than spraying.
Process upgrading can also take place at the level of the cooperative. The
cooperative may husk maize more quickly using a machine rather than by
hand; or it may invest in building new grain bins to improve storage.
Process upgrading can also refer
to better working conditions and
lessen health and safety risks.
This is also known as “social
upgrading”. What can
agricultural cooperatives do to
achieve this? Cooperatives can
take action at the cooperative
site (for instance around
warehouses, sorting
and grading areas) and at their
members’ farms. They can raise
awareness of dangers (for
instance, through posters and
signs) and train members on
handling machinery, equipment
and agro- chemicals. They can
also develop user instructions and
distribute protective clothing and
equipment in order to reduce
risks. Modelling good practice at
the cooperative site may inspire
replication at members’ farms.
The box below refers to a practical
tool that cooperatives can easily
use for this purpose.
Box 2.1: Action list on health, safety and working conditions in agriculture
To assess health, safety and working conditions, cooperatives can use the action list
developed by the ILO. It provides examples of practical and low-cost actions for
improvement, and is illustrated with drawings and pictures. The checklist can be adapted
easily to the context of the cooperative for six working areas:
Material storage and handling;
Machine safety;
Welfare facilities (such as toilets, drinking water or a shaded and furnished place to rest and eat);
Work organization.
Example of improving the work station design: arranging and sorting potato seeds usually
requires a continuous standing posture. Place a stool near to the work area and occasionally
lean on the stool to rest during work.
Instead of focusing on “doing better” it can also be strategic for a
cooperative to explore how higher returns can be obtained by doing
different things. It may, for example, be strategic to diversify products and
services. For example, farmers may start growing a new crop, keeping a
new species of livestock, or beginning a new enterprise such as dairying or
agrotourism. For farmers, diversification can be an important strategy for
dealing with risks. If farmers transfer their skills and experience from their
existing enterprises to a new activity in another value chain this is referred
to as “chain upgrading” or “inter-chain upgrading”. A cooperative can use
the same strategy. The case of Central Lanera Uruguaya (CLU, Uruguayan
Wool Central) gives an example of a cooperative that responded to changes
in demand for (lambs)wool by converting slowly to
10 Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Nairobi:
Trading up: Building cooperation between farmers and traders in Africa (Amsterdam, KIT Publishers,
(lamb) meat production. Because the cooperative continued to build upon
core activities in its market reorientation, it was able to face challenges and
still exists now.
Marketing mix
Marketing is about building lasting relationships that satisfy the needs of
the supplier and the buyer. The key elements of marketing are “customer
value”, “competitive advantage” and “focus”. This means that organizations
involved in marketing have to study the market, develop products or
services that satisfy customer needs and wants, develop the “correct”
marketing mix (product, place, promotion, price and people) and satisfy its
own objectives as well as giving customer satisfaction on a continuing basis.
Although farmers want to receive the best price for their products,
customers want to buy products at the lowest possible price. But they also
want good quality products and may be willing to pay more for higher
quality products. Customers also want the products to be available when
they need them.
A cooperative’s strategy must take these needs, also referred to as QQF
(Quantity, Quality and Frequency), into consideration:
● Quantity refers to the volume of the agricultural produce taken to the
marketplace for the intended target market. The right quantity is
necessary for both the seller and the buyer.
● Quality is the perceived benefit/value of the produce. From the
perspective of the buyer, quality is linked to meeting changing tastes
and preferences of consumers. From the cooperative’s perspective, it is
the cost of producing the agricultural produce plus the desired surplus.
● Frequency refers to the number of times/the period when the
cooperative’s produce is expected to reach the intended customers and
consumers. Frequency affects transport costs and storage needs.
The 5 Ps
An agricultural cooperative could enhance its marketing in different ways
by influencing the following elements: product, price, promotion,
packaging and place. These elements can be referred to as “the 5 Ps”
and are known as the “marketing mix”.
1. Product
This refers to the commodity that a cooperative produces and has to
present to the market for the intended customers. The product should be
the right one
for the customers based on their needs and wants. To meet the demands of
the customers, a cooperative could:
● enhance the quality of the products to
meet customers’ quality standards;
● ensure that the right quantities
are available at the time they are
requested by customers;
● enhance packaging and
labelling, ensuring the right
packaging size, materials and
● Cooperatives can enhance the
quality of products in order to
meet market demands. This is
very much related to Quality in
the QQF.
2. Price
From the seller’s perspective, this is the value of the product which
incorporates the cost of producing the product plus the desired surplus. From
the customer’s point of view, this is the amount of money which the customer
will have to part with in order to obtain the product from the cooperative.
Cooperatives need to set a competitive price that provides surplus. The right
price determines the marketing of the product.
3. Promotion
This is considered to be the activities which the cooperative can use to
create awareness about the existence and quality of the product amongst
the intended consumers. This may include advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing. For example, in its
and marketing, a cooperative can shift from product awareness to low
price awareness, to attract the next layer of price-sensitive consumers.
This is especially important if the cooperative is targeting price-sensitive
4. Place
It is important that a product
is available and accessible at
the right place and the right
time. Good distribution
ensures that the cooperative
is available and accessible
to consumers. Cooperatives
should place emphasis on
the convenience of
accessibility of their produce
to the intended consumers.
A channel of distribution is a
mechanism through which
goods and services are
moved from the cooperative
to the customers. Adequate
distribution systems enhance
the marketing of the
5. People
“People” refers both to the
customer and to staff. For
customers, it is important
know: what kind of customers are they? Who are they? What are their
needs? Can they be broken down into groups with common characteristics,
needs, etc.? What are the customer strategies?
People refers also to people working within a cooperative. You could call
this “internal marketing”, which can be defined as “the task of successfully
hiring, training, and motivating able employees who want to serve the
customers well”.11
By using the 5 Ps in an appropriate manner, a cooperative can achieve its
marketing objectives. For example, it could aim for market modification. In
Self-assignment 2.2
List the activities for each of the Ps for your cooperative. What could be a
good marketing mix for your cooperative?
Strategic marketing
Marketing requires knowing everything about the customer, but even more
important is knowledge of the customer in context, which includes the
competition, government policy and regulations, and the broader economic,
social and political macro forces that shape the evolution of markets. When
marketing also takes into account these contextual factors, we talk about
“strategic marketing”. In strategic marketing, generating benefits for different
stakeholders is crucial.12
So, if a cooperative is involved in providing marketing services it has to
know its main customers and the context of which the customer is part. In
module 1, we already discussed the changing context of the agricultural
market. In this module we also refer to the value chain in which
cooperatives and other chain operators and supporters are embedded. Let
us first take a closer look at the value chain, and see how it helps us in
strategic marketing.
12 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Introduction to Global Marketing (Rome,
FAO, 1997), http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5973E/w5973e02.htm (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
bulks its members’ maize and packages the produce, before it sells it to
the miller, who is the new owner, etc. At each stage of the chain the value
of the product goes up. The activities needed to increase the value of the
product result in a certain cost. As long as the value increase is larger
than the cost involved in obtaining the higher value, a positive margin
results for the chain operator. The flow of products, money, services and
information between farmers, cooperatives and other value chain
operators varies for each product.
In addition to direct chain operators, such as farmers, cooperatives,
traders, wholesalers, retailers and consumers, there are often other
organizations involved, supporting the smooth operation of the value chain.
These chain supporters may provide financial and non-financial services to
the individual farmers or to the cooperative. Such services include technical
assistance, support in business management, certification support, financial
management, and organizational strengthening. In the example of the rice
chain in Rwanda (see Module 1), a credit provider helped the cooperative to
increase its working capital. If an agricultural cooperative is only involved in
providing inputs to
its members, we do not consider it a chain operator (as the chain starts
with production on the farm), but we do consider it a chain supporter (as
the availability of proper inputs can significantly influence the quantity and
quality of on-farm production).
Chain operators and chain supporters operate within a context that includes
the larger social, political and economic environment. This external
environment affects not only farming activities, but also has an impact on
the whole value chain. Currency exchange rates, government policies, rules
and regulations
as well as infrastructures (water and energy supply, roads, information
and communication technology) may all have an impact on the efficiency
of value chain transactions. Trends in the international environment may
also affect the choices and decisions of value chain operators. For
example, international
advocacy organizations may influence market demand by encouraging consumers
to buy products that are produced in a socially- and environmentally-friendly
way. At national level, tax regimes might make it difficult for formal
organizations to compete with private traders. At local level, traditional
relations within a community might favour certain groups in accessing
services and decision- making processes. It is obvious that developments in
the wider context provide both risks and opportunities for chain operators,
including cooperatives and their members. The embedding of the value chain
in a wider social, political and economic context is shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: A value chain and its wider context
€/$ %
Self-assignment 2.4
Map the value chain in which your cooperative and your customers are
involved. Indicate the flow of products, money, services and information. Who
are the chain operators and who are the chain supporters? What particular
developments in
the wider context affect the chain and thereby influence the performance of
your cooperative?
Self-assignment 2.5
Identify for your cooperative the different types of customers of your
produce. What do you know about their needs? What kind of relationship do
you have with your customers?
Changes in prices
In the case of changes in prices, other steps help cooperatives to cope
with or take advantage of this. For example, in the case of a decline in
agricultural commodity prices the cooperative could invest in storing their
products in a warehouse until market prices have stabilized.
Changes in technology
Technological advances can bring new opportunities for cooperatives to
market products and disseminate information, for example by using mobile
phone services or the internet. Examples exist of multi-stakeholder
platforms that own a website on which cooperatives can post when and
how much they have to sell and buyers what they are looking for.
Introduction to the topic
Increasingly, standards are put in place to guarantee Specialized Markets
food safety, product quality and reliability of
Specialized markets refer
sourcing. Some of these standards are voluntary, to those markets which
such as fair trade, organic production, responsible require cooperatives’
trade and sustainable trade. These standards all products to meet certain
quality standards before
have their they can be sold. These
own certification schemes. There are also company can either be production
standards (such as the C.A.F.E. practices of standards (e.g. moisture
Starbucks) or sector-wide standards, like the level) or production
process standards (e.g.
Common Code for the Coffee Community (4C). labour conditions).
Private standards are becoming increasingly
important for international trade, and are used as
strategies to differentiate products and firms.14
Certification is a popular way of organizing market requirements. In theory,
certification is not an obligation, but in practice it can be if you want to
remain in the market. GlobalGap certification, for example, is to some
extent compulsory for suppliers of supermarkets in Europe. Although
certification is
currently mainly attached to export products, it is clear that certification is
likely to become an increasingly important prerequisite for the local market as
Maybe, if your cooperative sells to a local supermarket, there might already
be quality or packaging requirements in place.
There is also a tendency for certification to become increasingly important for
agricultural cooperatives. Cooperatives therefore need to prepare themselves for
certified markets.
But how do you know when to invest in certification, and what type? The
different certification schemes all have their advantages and disadvantages.
There are also different costs and benefits involved in getting certified.
What are the direct costs involved, for example, in compliance? What are
the indirect costs of monitoring, for example? What will certification
contribute in terms of added value? This topic will elaborate on certification
and its dynamics.
42 My.COOP
14 R. Ruben and S. Verkaart: “Comparing fair and responsible coffee standards in East Africa”, in A.H.J.
Helmsing and S. Vellema (eds.): Value chains, social inclusion and economic development: Contrasting
theories and realities (Abingdon, UK, Routledge, 2011) pp. 61–81.
Topic 3 · Certification 41
Certification can be a way to improve farmers’ circumstances, by providing
them with additional (or at least stable) incomes and other privileges,
conditional on their compliance with certain requirements. Such
requirements are outlined in documents called standards or codes of
conduct, which are used by auditing committees to randomly check farms or
companies. The certified product, which eventually finds its way onto the
market, informs the consumer of the product’s origin by means of a labelling
system. As well as providing consumers with information on the quality of
the product, and producers with premium prices, certificates also provide
marketing opportunities for companies involved in the branding of certified
Examples of certification schemes are the Rainforest Alliance for nature
conservation, Organic for organically produced products, and Fairtrade for
social issues. These schemes deliver certified products to highly specialized
markets, for which there is relatively little demand. Recently also,
conventional markets increased their sustainably-produced goods segments;
UTZ is a well-known mainstream certifier, currently of three products
(coffee, cocoa and tea), which offers certification programmes for farmer
support to large industrial players.
Each of the four abovementioned certifiers focuses on different aspects of
sustainability and has its own unique standards and approaches to rewarding
farmers. Different labels have a lot in common; for example, for the cocoa
sector these four different labels have an 80 per cent overlap in their social
and environmental criteria.16
Certification provides opportunities mainly for formally organized farmers,
and not to such an extent for individual farmers. By forming a partnership
with a certifier, a cooperative can gain access to a more beneficial market,
in terms of price and arrangements. But access to these markets also
implies costs for a cooperative: they bear at least part of the costs
involved in, for example, internal control of the standard and meeting the
quality requirements.
Sometimes certification is presented as the way forward. This is a risky idea,
as certification does not always work. Moreover, certification is not a goal in
itself, but a means to improve a situation: for example, increasing
smallholders’ income or protecting the environment.
15 A. Laven and P. Pelders: Chocolate forever. The Dutch contribution to knowledge on sustainable cocoa
(Amsterdam, Dutch Ministry of EL&I, KIT Publishers, 2010).
16 ibid.
Whether to engage or not in certification?
What are the main differences between the different certification
schemes? Does one scheme exclude another? In practice, certified
producers can sell their products via multiple markets. Multi-certification
represents a strategy for diversifying sales to various buyers with
different quality and delivery
Fair trade
requirements.17 A cooperative can also
decide to sell all “Fair trade is about better prices,
decent working conditions, local
its products to one buyer; in this case sustainability, and fair terms of
the benefits should outweigh the risks trade for farmers and workers in
involved in depending on a single buyer. the developing world. By requiring
companies to pay sustainable prices,
Let us first look at some of the
fair trade addresses the injustices
certification schemes. We will have a of conventional trade, which
closer look at fair trade and organic traditionally discriminates against
markets (both niches), and make some the poorest, weakest producers.
Fair trade enables them to improve
comparisons between Fairtrade and the
their position and have more control
UTZ CERTIFIED scheme (mainstream). over their lives. Furthermore it
makes it possible for farmers to
invest in education, healthcare and
Fair trade a better environment.”
Source: http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/what_
Fair trade was established in the 1960s
is_fairtrade/faqs.aspx (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
as an alternative market system. It
challenged existing trade relations
dominated by large international buyers
by offering better trading conditions and
securing the rights of marginalized
producers and workers – especially in
the South.18 Selling products
to the fair trade market offers different opportunies to cooperatives and
its members. They can sell their product at predefined and guaranteed
minimum floor prices.19 Generally there is a price premium, paid directly to
farmers and a percentage of the profit that goes into a fund for
community development projects. An important benefit of access to this
market is that it provides
a stable market relationship, as it guarantees the cooperative an outlet
at a secured price. Stability is an important asset, both for farmers and
for a
17 R. Ruben and S. Verkaart: “Comparing fair and responsible coffee standards in East Africa”, in A.H.J.
Helmsing and S. Vellema (eds.): Value chains, social inclusion and economic development: Contrasting
Topic 3 · Certification 4
theories and realities (Abingdon, UK, Routledge, 2011) pp. 61–81.
18 P. Develtere and I. Pollet: Cooperatives and fair-trade, Background paper for the COPAC Open Forum on
Fairtrade and Cooperatives, Berlin (Leuven, Higher Institute for Labour Studies, and Geneva, Committee
for the Promotion and Advancement of Co-operatives, 2005),
http://www.copac.coop/about/2005/cooperatives-and- fair-trade-final.pdf (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
cooperative, so as to be sure of income support investments. In return for
these benefits the Fairtrade organization that assigns the Fairtrade label
requires the cooperative to meet certain criteria, both on a cooperative level
as well as at the level of their indiviual members.
There are two key requirements for producers to access fair trade markets:
● producers should be smallholders mainly dependent on family labour;
● producers should be organized in cooperatives operating along
democratic lines.
For workers:
● decent wages, good housing, health and safety standards and the
right to join trade unions;
● no child or forced labour;
● programmes for environmental sustainability.
For small farmers’ cooperatives:
● a democratic structure that allows members to participate in
the cooperative’s decision-making processes.
Moreover, the trading terms must include:
● a price that covers the cost of production;
● a social premium to improve living and working conditions;
● partial advance payment to prevent small producer organizations falling
into debt;
● contracts that allow long-term production planning.
21 The Independent: Fairtrade market experiencing explosive growth in UK and US (9 Mar. 2011),
http://www. independent.co.uk/life-style/fairtrade-market-experiencing-explosive-growth-in-uk-and-us-
2236449.html (accessed 19 Oct. 2011).
Table 3.1: Advantages and disadvantages for a cooperative of
selling to the fair trade market
Advantages Disadvantages
● cooperatives meet the two ● very specific and often high
basic requirements; quality standards for production
and processing;
● fair trade products fetch a
minimum price and advanced ● requires investment to meet quality
payment; standards and to cover costs
involved in paperwork, certification
● fair trade products fetch a
fees, etc.;
premium price for community
development; ● relatively small market: normally
it cannot absorb all production.
● the demand for fair trade products
is growing;
● NGOs can support cooperatives in
the start-up phase (reducing costs
and risks);
● fair trade contributes to more stable
trading relations between a
cooperative and its buyer, and
increases income stability for
● a wide range of products can
be certified.
Organic Agriculture
In many African countries and elsewhere, large areas under cultivation are
not treated with any chemicals. This indicates that there are major
opportunities for organic agriculture. But organic agriculture is not about
“doing nothing”.
Organic agriculture requires active on-farm (pest) management and post-harvest
practices, which require relatively more time and labour. Its farm practices
are based on the general principles of organic agriculture (Box 3.2). In the
case of many pests and diseases, organic agriculture requires alternative and
affordable measures and organic inputs. In order to make farmers receptive
to organic farming practices, it may be necessary to work on a change in
mindset and invest in training and awareness raising.
Organic agriculture creates opportunities, as certified organic products
receive a premium on the market. It is especially interesting for farmers
who have not been using chemicals on their farm for at least three years
(producing “organic by default”). But the high costs of certification can be
problematic, especially when volumes of production are low.
Conversion from conventional farming (with the use of chemicals) to certified
24 http://www.utzcertified.org (accessed 19 Oct 2011).
organic production entails a cost; before you can access organic
marketing channels your farm has to be chemical-free for at least
three years. During this transition process you are not allowed to
use chemicals, or to sell your product on the
organic markets. So, organic agriculture
Higher prices for
has its costs and conversion to organic organic?
production takes time. Before you obtain
In contrast to fair trade, not
certification, an internal control system all organic products qualify
assesses whether or not the product meets for higher prices than non-
the requirements. organic products. Organic
premiums vary with the crop
and may differ according
to whether you are dealing
with a processor, wholesaler,
retailer or directly with
the consumer. The size of
the premium also depends
on price fluctuations of
conventional products.
Topic 3 · Certification 47
Box 3.2: What is organic agriculture?25
Organic agriculture
● Environmentally, socially and economically sound and sustainable, a
holistic approach;
● Based on natural and local conditions, situation-specific.
Basic principles
● Soil, water and nature conservation;
● Reduced external inputs;
● Use of locally-available organic materials;
● Nutrient recycling – shade trees;
● Diversity, natural surroundings;
● Natural pest- and disease-management.
So, why would a cooperative opt for organic agriculture? The table below
lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of selling to the organic
25 Common Fund for Commodities and International Cocoa Organization: “Agro Eco”, in Agro Eco and
Tradin: Feasibility study on organic cocoa production in West Africa (Amsterdam, KIT Publishers,
Topic 3 · Certification 4
Table 3.3: Advantages and disadvantages for a cooperative of
selling to the organic market
Advantages Disadvantages
● organic agriculture has an intrinsic ● premium is not fixed but negotiable;
environmental value and contributes
● organic agriculture can
to better health of farmers and
lower production;
their workers;
● conversion to organic production
● organic agriculture can lower your
requires innovation in the whole
costs (not using inputs);
farming system and the value
● organic agriculture fetches a chain. This requires coordination
premium on the market; this and investments;
● certification process takes a long time;
should cover both costs for
meeting requirements and fees ● conversion to organic takes time
paid to certification bodies; and only pays off after several
(more than
● the demand for organically
3) years;
produced products is growing;
● the market for organic products
● NGOs can support cooperatives in
is small;
the start-up phase (reducing costs
and risks); ● requires sound coordination and
● these alternative marketing channels
can create more stable trading
relationships between a
cooperative and its buyer.
Self-assignment 3.1
What are the different marketing channels for your product? List the differences
and requirements. Is the cooperative targeting the most optimal market for its
Key Learning Points
Collective marketing can be a service that a cooperative provides to its
members. A cooperative can also limit its role to providing collective
marketing services. One of these services is providing market information.
Before a cooperative can market its produce, it needs to know its
customers, and how to address their needs. Access to market information
helps a cooperative in strategic decision-making. More than information on
customers’ needs, it is important to understand the (changing) environment
in which customers (and the cooperative) are embedded. Knowing the
context helps cooperatives in strategic marketing.
The changes in context require constant adaptation of the cooperative’s
strategies and their members’ performance. However, these adaptations are
not always favourable for members. For example, it may be that the costs
involved are so high that they do not outweigh the benefits.
A constant challenge in collective marketing is to balance the needs of
customers and those of members.
List of works consulted
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Agro Eco and Tradin: Feasibility study on organic cocoa production in West Africa (Amsterdam,
KIT Publishers).
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developing countries.
Develtere, P.; Pollet, I. 2005. Cooperatives and fair-trade, Background paper for the COPAC
Open Forum on Fairtrade and Cooperatives, Berlin (Leuven, Higher Institute for Labour
Studies, and Geneva, Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Co-operatives).
Available at http://www.copac.coop/about/2005/cooperatives-and-fair-trade-final.pdf [19 Oct. 2011].
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1997. Introduction to Global Marketing
(Rome, FAO). Available at http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5973E/w5973e02.htm [19 Oct. 2011].
Harper, M. 1991. Trainer’s manual: Marketing of agricultural produce, Material for management
training in agricultural cooperatives, MATCOM Project (Material and Techniques for Cooperative
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International Fund for Agricultural Development. 2010. Rural poverty report 2011 (Rome)
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Kindness, H.; Gordon, A. 2001. Agricultural marketing in developing countries: The role of
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A.H.J. Helmsing; S. Vellema (eds.): Value chains, social inclusion and economic development:
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